GOING GREEN Change the world step by step We are running out of time act now before it’s too late” April 2014

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The aim of this project is to let people know what is happening with our world and try to convince them to make something in order to change! Ana Branco, Carolina Carola, Jéssica Félix, Tânia Costa 11º CTA Maria Lamas

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GOING GREEN Change the world step by step

“We are running out of

time act now before

it’s too late”


ril 2




Natural Resources

Every tree counts

Should you plant a tree?

Art and Nature

Water management

Climate Change Calamites

Fun Page


Dear reader,

The aim of this magazine is to make you aware of

the problems which affect our world. If you´re looking

for something worth fighting, this magazine might give

you some ideas. There are too many things in risk. Our

home is in great danger and if we don’t start doing

something, it is very likely that the Earth won’t resist to

our abuses. Why do we keep doing this? We are

harming ourselves. After all it’s our species which will

become homeless.

So even if you don’t care with the environment,

care with you! Do you want to die due to pure

stupidity? You know what to do!

Get started!

David Brown

The Director of Going Green

Natural Resources

The water in rivers and streams can be captured and turned into

hydropower (or hydroelectric power). The common form of using

hydropower is cheap and it does not produce air pollution. The

problem is that damming rivers can change the ecology of the


Another way to use water energy is by using the ways of the

ocean. This is a new and very exciting development for many



Energy from the sun is used to warm and light our homes, heat our

water, and provide electricity to power our lights, cookers,

refrigerators and other appliances. This energy comes from a

process called solar heating.


For centuries, wind has been used to sail ships, grind grain, and pump

water. Now, people use the wind to generate electricity. Today’s

wind turbines usually have just two or three blades that turn when the

wind blows. The blades drive a generator that produces electricity.

Large groups of wind turbines, called wind farms or wind plants, are

connected to electric power lines and provide electricity to many

people. In Portugal, there are wind farms.


We can also get energy directly from the heat in the earth.

Geothermal energy comes from hot, melted rock (called magma)

which is in the earth’s surface. The heat warms underground pools.

Sometimes the water can even boil to produce steam.

For thousands of years, people have been using hot springs for

bathing and for cooking. Geothermal energy is also used to produce



Trees protect people from ultra-

violet rays

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the

United States. Trees reduce UV-B exposure by about 50


Trees conserve energy

Three trees placed strategically around a single-family

home can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to

50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for

cooling our houses, we reduce carbon dioxide


Trees provide oxygen

In one year an acre of mature trees can

provide enough oxygen for 18 people.

Every tree counts


Trees reduce violence

Neighborhoods and homes which are barren have

shown to have a greater incidence of violence in

and out of the home than their greener

counterparts. Trees and landscape help to reduce

the level of fear.

Trees are teachers and


Whether as houses for children or creative and

spiritual inspiration for adults, trees have provided

the space for human retreat throughout the ages.

Trees add unity

Trees as landmarks can give a neighborhood a

new identity and encourage civic pride.

Art and Nature

Scientists have been warning us about the problems of

global warming and other environmental issues for years.

However, the environment still hasn’t become the top priority

of many politicians around the world. As a result, a group of

people have decided to show their concern in quite a

different way.

The Artists for Conservation Foundation (AFC) has been

supporting environmental issues such as wild life and habitat

conservation since its foundation. The group which started

more than ten years ago, is a non-profit, international

organisation based in Vancouver, Canada. Over the years, it

has attracted a membership in about 500 of the world’s most

talented nature artists from thirty different countries.

Hundreds of pieces of artwork have been sold through its

website and the artists have already contributed with over

than $13 million to over 100 conservation organizations around

the world.

The pictures show the beauty of nature, but they show

the problems of climate change and the threat to

endangered species too. Through their art, the artists are

helping to communicate what scientist have been saying for

decades that we must stop harming nature if we want to keep

our planet.

Water management

1. Check faucets, pipes and

toilets for leaks.

2. Put bricks in your toilet tank.

This can save more than 10

gallons of water per day. Be

sure that at least 3 gallons of

water remain in the tank.

4. Take shorter showers. A 4

minutes shower uses

approximately 20 to 40

gallons of water.

3. Don’t leave the hose

running while you are

washing your car.

5. Do not use the toilet as an

ashtray or a wastebasket – Every

time you flush a cigarette butt,

facial tissue or other small bit of

trash, 5 to 7 gallons of water are


6. Add a layer of mulch around

your trees and plants, this will

help slow the evaporation

process and you will need to

water them less.

7. Do not run the dishwasher or

washing-machine until the load

is full.

Climate Change

What are the effects of climate


It is very important to predict exactly

what will happen as the Earth’s

temperature rise. However, scientists

believe that the glaciers will melt into

the ocean, causing sea levels to rise

drastically. Most people are terrified of

the terrible effects this could have on

the world we live in.

Higher sea levels could cause flooding

of coastal lands. Warmer ocean water

can increase storm activity on the

coasts, and areas away from the coasts

may experience droughts.

What causes climate change?

Scientists are not completely sure about the causes of climate change.

Most scientists interested in the subject believe that human activity is

speeding up climate change.

When sunlight enters the Earth’s

atmosphere, it passes through a layer of

greenhouse gases which are created

naturally. However, humans also create

them by burning fossil fuels. When they

are in excess, they cause the

temperature to rise.


Floods and Droughts

The basic cause of all droughts is not enough rain. The land can

become starved of nourishment which makes it impossible to grow


Hurricanes, cyclones and


Tropical storms are called

hurricanes over the North Atlantic

Ocean, cyclones over the Indian

Ocean and typhoons over the

north-west Pacific.

A hurricane is one of the most

powerful weather systems. Coastal

regions can also get hit by huge

waves. Plus there can be serious

floods in other areas because of

the rain that these storms bring.

Farmers are terrified of droughts because they

can be disastrous for their livelihood. Floods can

be just as bad, too.

Fun Page

Find the differences

Let’s laugh….


Who needs a house?

I don’t know about you, but I am so sick of hearing others saying

what has to be done about the environmental problems. They are

always saying the same things and we are supposed to do whatever

they say! And I’m not even sure there’s a problem.

Pollution and sea levels aren’t increasing dramatically and the

climate changes aren’t noticeable at all! Plus, the temperature isn’t

even rising!

Why do we need to care? If the earth is dying why does

everybody keep acting as if nothing is off? If there was something

wrong, I’m sure people would care! After all, Earth is our home and is

our duty to look after it... No! There’s nothing wrong! Mankind wouldn’t

be selfish to the point of putting future generations at risk just because

the wastepaper basket is too far away and it’s easier to leave the

rubbish on the floor or because the people who rule us are so greedy

they don´t even care if their country is making too much pollution.

No, everything is fine and if it’s not.... well, who needs a planet to

leave in? At least we saved ourselves from walking a meter to put the

rubbish in the trash!


Next month

Human cloning

First being to be


GMO’S Factsheet:

Ana Rosa Branco

Carolina Carola

Jéssica Félix

Tânia Costa

11º CTA
