First Presbyterian Church 4511 Sixth Avenue, Kearney, NE 68845 www.fpckearney.org (308) 234-4543 INFORMATION FOR VISITORS Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We want you to feel comfortable and at ease in your surroundings. The following services are available to aid your comfort in worship. Please inform the ushers of your particular needs. Nursery Staff will welcome your infants and toddlers. Wireless hearing aids, large-print bulletins, and large-print Bibles are available from the ushers. Children’s bulletins, activity backpacks, and Bibles are available from the ushers. Please turn all cell phones and pagers to vibrate during the worship service! Visitors -- Please take a sticker from the inside cover of the pew pad so that we may properly greet you after worship. Visitors and members are urged to record your presence at worship on the friendship pads which are in the pews. Please include your address, phone number and any other information you wish to share with us and acquaint yourself with those sharing the pew. We cordially invite you to join us for refreshments and fellowship every Sunday morning following the Worship Service in the Family Life Center. Anyone wishing to unite with the church, please let the Rev. Price-Gibson know. THANK YOU FOR JOINING US! WORSHIP SCHEDULE OFFICE HOURS 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Monday through Thursday: Coffee Fellowship following Worship 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Minister: Every Member of This Church Rev. Dr. Stephen Price-Gibson, Pastor Sandy McKirahan, Music Director Rose Miller, Office Administrator Sharon Rees, Accompanist Angela Wright, Bell Choir Director Kelsey Cobb, Nursery Coordinator Dennis Shultz, Custodian Madison Cobb, Nursery Attendant Connie Moon, Organist Susan Wallace, Organist Clayton Moyer, Chancel Choir Director Rona Newby, Website Coordinator Web-site: www.fpckearney.org Presbyterian Church USA www.pcusa.org Presbytery of Central Nebraska 236-6996 www.centralnepresby.org Should you have a need for pastoral care, please contact Rev. Stephen Price-Gibson at 308-380-0908 or email [email protected].

INFORMATION FOR VISITORS - fpckearney.orgfpckearney.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Bulletin-11-15-15.pdf · *HYMN “O Worship the King, All Glorious Above!” No. 41 *CONFESSION

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First Presbyterian Church 4511 Sixth Avenue, Kearney, NE 68845

www.fpckearney.org (308) 234-4543


Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We want you to feel comfortable

and at ease in your surroundings. The following services are available to aid your

comfort in worship. Please inform the ushers of your particular needs.

Nursery Staff will welcome your infants and toddlers.

Wireless hearing aids, large-print bulletins, and large-print Bibles are available

from the ushers.

Children’s bulletins, activity backpacks, and Bibles are available from the ushers.

Please turn all cell phones and pagers to vibrate during the worship service!

Visitors -- Please take a sticker from the inside cover of the pew pad so that we may

properly greet you after worship.

Visitors and members are urged to record your presence at worship on the friendship pads

which are in the pews. Please include your address, phone number and any other

information you wish to share with us and acquaint yourself with those sharing the pew.

We cordially invite you to join us for refreshments and fellowship every Sunday

morning following the Worship Service in the Family Life Center.

Anyone wishing to unite with the church, please let the Rev. Price-Gibson know.


10:30 a.m. Worship Service Monday through Thursday:

Coffee Fellowship following Worship 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Minister: Every Member of This Church

Rev. Dr. Stephen Price-Gibson, Pastor Sandy McKirahan, Music Director

Rose Miller, Office Administrator Sharon Rees, Accompanist

Angela Wright, Bell Choir Director Kelsey Cobb, Nursery Coordinator

Dennis Shultz, Custodian Madison Cobb, Nursery Attendant

Connie Moon, Organist Susan Wallace, Organist

Clayton Moyer, Chancel Choir Director Rona Newby, Website Coordinator

Web-site: www.fpckearney.org

Presbyterian Church USA www.pcusa.org

Presbytery of Central Nebraska 236-6996 www.centralnepresby.org

Should you have a need for pastoral care, please contact

Rev. Stephen Price-Gibson at 308-380-0908 or email [email protected].

November 15, 2015 WORSHIP FOR THE LORD’S DAY 10:30 A.M.


Sunday after Pentecost

*Please rise in body or spirit.

Preparation for Worship O God, you pour out the Spirit of grace and love.

Deliver us from cold hearts and wandering thoughts,

that with steady minds and burning zeal

we may worship you in spirit and truth. Amen.

PRELUDE “My Soul Gives Glory” arr. Connie Moon

WELCOME Stephen Price-Gibson

Greeting and Announcements

Person of the Season Recognition – Germaine Oldfather

Welcoming One Another

CHORAL INTROIT “Make a Joyful Noise” Linda Spevacek

Chancel Choir

*CALL TO WORSHIP Mike Bryson, Liturgist

God is faithful: Christ is coming,

to raise the poor from the dust.

God is faithful: Christ is coming,

to judge and rule the earth.

Let us worship God.

*HYMN “O Worship the King, All Glorious Above!” No. 41


Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

In humility and faith let us confess our sin to God.

Eternal God, we confess

that we have failed to seek your will.

You warn us of what is to come,

but we ignore the signs of the times.

You promise us a new creation,

but we cling to the ruins of this world.

Forgive us, God of grace.

Wash away the stain of our sin

and keep us faithful in love and in deed,

while we await your coming in glory;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sung Response “Lamb of God” No. 603

Declaration of Pardon

Hear the good news!

If you are in Christ, you are a new creation.

Everything old has passed away;

now everything is made new!

In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

Thanks be to God!

Sung Response “We Are Forgiven” No. 447


ANTHEM Psalm 27 Boyd Bacon

Commissioned Anthem in Memory of Bill and Audrey Nelson

Susan Wallace, organ

Rick Mitchell and Kelley Jordan, trumpet

David Brandt and Nathan LeFeber, trombone The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident. The Lord is my light and my salvation; The Lord is the strength of my life; One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. I will offer sacrifices of joy. Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy upon me and answer me. When you said, “Seek my face, My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord I will seek.” I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. I will offer sacrifices of joy. The Lord is my light and my salvation; The Lord is the strength of my life, Amen!


Prayer for Illumination

Let us pray:

God of mercy,

grant that the Word you speak this day

may take root in our hearts,

and bear fruit to your honor and glory,

for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Gospel Reading John 14:8-14

The Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God!


*HYMN “My Soul Gives Glory to My God” No. 99

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH “The Study Catechism”

Q. 127. What is meant by the first petition, "Hallowed be your name"?

A. This petition is placed first, because it comprehends the goal and

purpose of the whole prayer. The glory of God's name is the highest

concern in all that we pray and do. God's "name" stands for God's

being as well as for God's attributes and works. When we pray for this

name to be "hallowed," we ask that we and all others will know and

glorify God as God really is, and that all things will be so ordered that

they serve God truly for God's sake. Jer. 9:23-24; Rom. 11:36; Ps. 115:1

Q. 128. What is meant by the second petition, "Your kingdom come"?

A. We are asking God to come and rule among us through faith, love and

justice — and not through any one of them with out the others. We

pray for both the church and the world, that God will rule in our hearts

through faith, in our personal relationships through love, and in our

institutional affairs through justice. We ask especially that the gospel

will not be withheld from us, but rightly preached and received. We

pray that the church will be upheld and increase, particularly when in

distress; and that all the world will more and more submit to God's

reign, until that day when crying and pain are no more, and we live

forever with God in perfect peace. Ps. 68:1; 2 Thess. 3:1; Rev. 22:20; Rom. 8:22-24;

1 Cor. 15:20, 28

Q. 129. What is meant by the third petition, "Your will be done, on earth as in


A. Of course, God's will is always done, and will surely come to pass,

whether we desire it or not. But the phrase "on earth as in heaven"

means that we ask for the grace to do God's will on earth in the way

that it is done in heaven — gladly and from the heart. We thus ask that

all opposition to God's will might be removed from the earth, and

especially from our own hearts. We ask for the freedom to conform our

desires and deeds more fully to God's, so that we might be completely

delivered from our sin. We yield ourselves, in life and in death, to God's

will. Ps. 119:34-36; Ps. 103:20,22; Luke 22:42; Rom. 12:2 Q.130. What is meant by the fourth petition, "Give us today our daily bread"?

A. We ask God to provide for all our needs, for we know that God, who

cares for us in every area of our life, has promised us temporal as well

as spiritual blessings. God commands us to pray each day for all that

we need and no more, so that we will learn to rely completely on God.

We pray that we will use what we are given wisely, remembering

especially the poor and the needy. Along with every living creature we

look to God, the source of all generosity, to bless us and nourish us,

according to the divine good pleasure. Prov. 30:8; Ps. 90:17; Ps. 55:22; Ps. 72:4; Ps.



Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the

power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Choral Response “Amen” Per Harling


Offertory Prelude on “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones” Gerald Peterson

*Presentation “We Lift Our Voices” Dwight Lies

*Dedication Prayer

Let us pray:

Bountiful God, you give without measure.

May our lives overflow with your deep love.

Use our lives and the gifts we bring today

to share your blessing throughout the earth. Amen.

*HYMN “My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout” No. 100

*BLESSING Romans 15:13

*CHORAL BENEDICTION “The Trees of the Field” Rubin/Dauermann

*POSTLUDE “Prelude in Bb Major” J. S. Bach

We cordially invite you to join us for refreshments and fellowship every Sunday

morning following the Worship Service in the Family Life Center.

Liturgist: Mike Bryson

Acolytes: Carol and Raygan Wright

Greeters/Ushers: Robin Bowers, Pat Hild, Cynthe Johnson, Ken and Lyn Shaffer,

and Tiffany Tarvestad

Coffee Hosts: Jill Sage and Carol and Cecil Smith

Chancel Choir Director: Clayton Moyer

Organist: Connie Moon

Accompanist: Sharon Rees

Sound System Technician: Josh Hofer

Nursery Attendants: Kelsey Cobb and Madison Cobb

The flower bouquets this morning are given by Steve and Rose Miller in memory of

Bill and Audrey Nelson.

November 8, 2015

Church Attendance: 105 Dimes for Mission: 63

PRIME OF LIFE Sunday, November 15 – 6:00 pm

Prime of Life will be held tonight, Sunday, November 15 at 6:00 pm in the Family Life

Center, hosted by Jill & Dwayne Hibbs and Tom & Mary York. Everyone of the “mature

age” of 55 and older is invited to enjoy a light dessert and a program given by Lorma

Wiebe of Ten Thousand Villages.

Please contact Barb Friskopp at 234-4073 or [email protected] for more


SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER NEEDED! A Sunday School teacher for the PreK and Kindergarten class is being

sought. Position would start at the beginning of 2016 Winter quarter.

2016 STEWARDSHIP DEDICATION SUNDAY November 22, 2015 - 10:30 a.m. worship service


September 23-November 18 (9 weeks) Light meal – 5:45-6:30 p.m.

Adult Bible Study – 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Steve Miller will be presenting the fables from Edwin Friedman’s book, Friedman’s

Fables. A new fable each week to discuss.

Youth Group – 6:30-7:30 p.m.

MARTHA CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY Thanks for your support of The S.A.F.E. Center. The staff and clients of the center

appreciate our contributions to their wellbeing. May we also remember them in our

prayers as they seek to establish healthy relationships.

In November we are supporting the Salvation Army and the individuals they serve. They

request canned vegetables, peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese, baby items such as

shampoo, lotion, wash cloths, and diapers.

During November we will begin thinking about the All Church Christmas Tea. It will be

held December 13 in the Family Life Center during the Coffee Fellowship Time, after the

worship service. It is a time to fix and enjoy special holiday goodies and to have some

good fellowship with others.

Upcoming dates:

November 18 Martha Circle, 2:00 p.m., Church Classroom 3

December 2 Lesson Four Preview, 10:00 a.m., Church Classroom 3

December 13 All Church Christmas Tea

December 16 Martha Circle, 2:00 p.m., Church Classroom 3

HANGING OF THE GREENS Wednesday, December 2, 2015

5:00-7:00 pm The In-Reach Committee will provide pizza and pop for those who “hang the



You often hear us use the phrase “the power of a

simple gift.” That describes Operation Christmas

Child in a nutshell. Beyond the boxes themselves,

these tangible expressions of God’s love open doors

for us to share the greatest gift He offers – the gift

of the Savior, Jesus Christ. We praise God for the

harvest of faith that is already taking place through

our follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest

Journey. Boys and girls in dozens of countries are

becoming faithful followers of Jesus and telling

others the Good News. As we prepare to collect

shoe box gifts this Christmas, please keep in prayer

the children who will be receiving our gifts and learning about God’s Son.

Make up your own shoebox. Shoeboxes and brochures are available in the Narthex.

Items you can include in your shoebox are: School Supplies, Hygiene Items, Toys,

Hard Candy, T-shirts, Small Stuffed Animals, etc.

For more information, go to www.samaritanspurse.org/occ

COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE Wednesday, November 25, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.

First Lutheran Church, 3315 Avenue G

VOLUNTEER COURT VISITORS NEEDED! The Nebraska Supreme Court’s Office of Public Guardian is seeking individuals willing

to serve as volunteer court visitors.

Volunteer Court Visitors will gather information to assist County Courts in determining

whether a guardian or a conservator is necessary for a potentially incapacitated person,

conduct an assessment of the potentially incapacitated person or ward, and complete and

submit a report to County, Court with the findings and recommendations.

Do you want to learn more about becoming a court visitor? Contact Michelle Moore,

Associate Public Guardian, with questions or for more information at 308-627-9768 or

[email protected].

“SPREAD THE WARMTH” PROJECT It is that time of year again to think about “Spread the Warmth” project for those in need

of warm clothing or other needed supplies for the cold season rapidly approaching.

There will be an area in the Narthex to bring your donations, and monetary gifts can be

left with Rose in the church office. We will be donating everything to The S.A.F.E.

Center again this year.

The S.A.F.E. Center Wish List: Items for Winter–mittens, scarves, hats, blankets

any paper products old cell phones

canned goods new infant car seats

underwear/socks – child or adult laundry soap

dryer sheets dish soap

Clorox wipes towels/wash cloths

diapers – size 4/5/6 training pants and pull ups

HANDBELL CHRISTMAS CONCERT December 6, 2015 -- 7:00 p.m.

Merryman Performing Arts Center The handbell choirs from First Lutheran, First United Methodist, First Presbyterian,

and Holy Cross Lutheran Churches will participate. There will also be handbell solos

and small ensembles. A freewill offering will be collected to help support the

handbell ministries at the four churches.

A cookie reception and fellowship will follow the concert.

“CHRISTMAS TEA” Sunday, December 13, 2015

Following the Worship Service

Everyone is welcome!! Hosted by the Women’s Bible Study Groups



If you wish to order poinsettias

for the sanctuary during the Advent

and Christmas season,

you may do so using the form below.

Poinsettias for shut-ins

will be delivered throughout the season.

YES! I would like to order a poinsettia for the Christmas Season.

How many? __________ (Cost is $14.00 each – Payable to the church in advance)



ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________

PHONE ______________________________________

Given in Honor of ________________________________________________________


Given in Memory of _______________________________________________________


______ Please deliver my poinsettia to a shut-in _______________________________________


______ I will deliver my poinsettia to someone

If member of the church, please give name_______________________________


______ I wish to use my poinsettia at home.

Please place orders for poinsettias by Tuesday, December 1st.

Orders received after December 1st will not be guaranteed due to the high demand for poinsettias.

For Our Prayers

Our Members:

Marlene and Lloyd Andrews Owen Johnson

Jo Beam Marcia and Andrew Lowe

Heidi Cobb Gordon & Mary Jo Morrow

Ruth Davis Tommy & Relena Myers and Family

Elmer and Margaret Holzrichter Alan Oldfather

Susan Ingram Ken and Marilyn Whittaker

Our Friends of the Church:

Jeanette Bowers (daughter of Ruth Davis) Barbara Ollenburg (sister of John Gustafson)

Chris Brancroft (friend of McCammonds) Brad Schacht (brother-in-law of Jill Koch)

Jesse Florez (grandson of Suzzi Hankins) Gail Stover (cousin of Lynn Shaffer)

Darci Kuhnel (niece of Suzzi Hankins) Ellen Sunnes (sister of Scott Matteson)

Cindy Malone (daughter of Vi Pimper) Rich Vohland (son of Bob & Evelyn Vohland)

Tammy May (friend of Pat Hild)

Cycelie Gustafson and children (granddaughter of Suzzi Hankins)

Jimmy and Lorraine O’Quinn (brother & sister-in-law of Ann Young)

Mary Phelps and Family (sister of Suzzi Hankins)

The Family of Shawn Reiber (friend of Phil Feese)

Dave Repsher (son of Marilyn Repsher & Dave Raymond; friends of McCammonds)

Our Loved Ones In Service To Our Country:

Brian Adams—Army Jason Keen—USAF

Danelle Nelson—ANG Kristin Lindenstein-Shnell—USAF

Thomas Gibson—USAF Ryan Rowher—Army

Gary Haines—USAF Greg Stevens—USMC

David Hild—Guard Linda Youberg—Navy

Amy Jacobson—Guard

Our Presbytery and the Wider Church:

Marcine Farmer, serving Benkelman Stephen Price-Gibson, serving Kearney

Please help our Church office keep our prayer list current.

Unless otherwise requested we will keep names on the prayer list for four weeks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS We welcome all visitors to worship this morning. We would like you to learn more

about our church and give us a chance to make you feel at home.

If anyone needs a ride to church on Sundays, please call the church office at 234-4543

so that we may arrange transportation for you.

If you would like a CD recorded copy of the Sunday Worship Service, please call the

church office at 234-4543. You may also listen to the sermon on the church’s website,


Person of the Fall selected by the Worship and Music Committee is Germaine

Oldfather. Germaine was nominated for her many years of service in the Chancel Choir.

Dimes for Mission. Please keep donating your dimes. Dimes collected September-

November will be given to Sharon Rees to help her with her Seminary books.

Equal Exchange Products. Check out the Equal Exchange Products available in the

church office – Coffee (Regular, Decaf, and Flavored), Tea (Breakfast, Green, Chai,

Decaf Vanilla Rooibos), and Hot Cocoa. Why not consider giving a gift of Fair Trade

coffee, tea or hot cocoa?

Save Best Choice Barcode UPC Labels For Cash. Please save your Best Choice

barcodes (UPC symbol) and bring them to the church where a shoebox is located in the

church office. Best Choice products are available at Grand Central Apple Market.

Save General Mills Box Tops For Education And Campbell’s Labels For Education.

The Mission Committee would like you to know that the Menaul School in Albuquerque,

New Mexico, is collecting General Mills Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Labels

for Education (UPC product code and Labels for Education coupons). This program

helps them "buy" classroom supplies. Please put your Box Tops and Campbell’s labels

in the Best Choice collection box in the church office.

2015 Coffee Hosts Chart. The In-Reach Committee Needs YOUR Help! Wanted:

Coffee Hosts for 2015. If you are one of the many who enjoy the coffee fellowship time

after church, then WE WANT YOU! Please sign up on the chart in the narthex. The

2015 Coffee Host chart is up by the Family Life Center entry.

Weather Cancellation Policy. Winter weather is around the corner and the church is

getting prepared. In the event of a weather cancellation of church services or activities,

you will receive a phone call with specific information. If Kearney Public School events

are cancelled due to inclement weather, church events will also be cancelled. Please

notify the church office if your phone number is incorrect in the church directory or if

you would like to specify the phone number at which you will receive notifications.


Sunday, November 15 Nelson Anthem Dedication

9:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School Classrooms

9:30 a.m. Youth Sunday School Classrooms

10:30 a.m. Worship Service Sanctuary

Following Service Coffee Fellowship Family Life Center

6:00 p.m. Prime of Life Group Family Life Center

Monday, November 16- Monday, November 23 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection

Monday, November 16 The Chimes Newsletter Article Deadline

6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Troop #897 Classroom

7:00 p.m. SIS Study Group Classroom

Tuesday, November 17 7:00 p.m. SESSION MEETING Library

Wednesday, November 18 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Family Life Center

2:00 p.m. Martha Circle Bible Study Classroom

5:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Live All Church

7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Practice Sanctuary

8:00 p.m. Gloria Dei Bell Choir Practice Sanctuary

Thursday, November 19 6:00 p.m. Girl Scout Troop #873 Classroom

7:00 p.m. Kearney Women of Today Library

Sunday, November 15 Stewardship Sunday

9:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School Classrooms

9:30 a.m. Youth Sunday School Classrooms

10:30 a.m. Worship Service Sanctuary

Following Service Coffee Fellowship Family Life Center