INFORMATICS Spring semester Prof. János Fodor Dept. of Biomath. and Informatics

INFORMATICS Spring semester Prof. János Fodor Dept. of Biomath. and Informatics

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Spring semester

Prof. János FodorDept. of Biomath. and Informatics

Lecture 1

Introduction, basics, history

The purpose of this course

To help students become competent in computer-related skills;

use computers for work and personal tasks;

be ready for the job market.

Computer Literate vs. Competent

Computer literacy: understanding what a computer is and

what it can do. Computer competency:

using skills to meet information needs and improve productivity.

Competency improves productivity and value.

Why is learning about the computer important?

Computers are common tools in all areas of life.

New forms of learning and working have developed because of computers, like distance learning, on-line course instruction, home business opportunities.

Why is learning about the computer important? (cont.)

New ways to communicate, to find people with similar interest, and to buy goods are available because of computers, like: the Internet, e-mail, newsgroups, chat lines, e-commerce.

Structure and assessment

Lectures (1 hour/week) Practicals (2 hours/week) Grades are based on

2 practical tests (35-35 points) 1 test (on topics from the lecture) (30

points) Maximum 100 points

0-50: 1; 51-63: 2; 64-76: 3; 77-90: 4; 91-100:5


Regular attendance (including punctual arrival in time for the scheduled beginning) of

LECTURES and PRACTICALS, according to the

actual group assignment, is an absolute requirement.


Introduction, basics Hardware Software Operating systems Windows Word processing Spreadsheets Databases

Presentation Graphics Utilities Networks Internet E-mails Viruses Multimedia


Timothy J. O'Leary and Linda I. O'Leary: Computing Today - International Edition (McGraw Hill, 2004). ISBN 0-07-119998-5

tutorials of the programs taught on-line tutorials on the Internet VISIT THE COURSE HOME PAGE

REGULARLY! http://www.univet.hu/users/jfodor/informatics.htm

What is a computer?

Ask people - different descriptions depending on the particular usage

What is a dog?

to most people: it provides companionship and affection;

to the blind: it is an indispensable tool for flagging oncoming cars and other obstructions;

to a rancher: it herds cattle and other livestock;

What is a dog?

to the police: it sniffs out drugs and helps capture criminals;

to a biologist: a dog is a mammal belonging to the canine genus

a geneticist might study the genetic characteristics of doggie DNA.

So, what is a computer?

Similarly, from the users’ point of view, a computer means different things to different people:

a word processor a drawing program control of robots in an automobile assembly

plant a multimedia center a playstation etc.

What can computers do?

Cannot think! execute programs

which are written by PEOPLE which are interchangable

Cannot replace people!

The process of writing programs Formulating the problem Finding the solution method (algorithm) Getting the program ready Put it into the computer Operate (use) the program.

Why is a computer useful?

solves problems very quickly the solution method can be applied to

arbitrary data It’s reliable and works properly (?!) If the problem has ever been solved by

someone somewhere ...

The computer and the user

The computer solves any problem, IF we tell how

Are we more intelligent than a computer?

YES! if we do not write programs, if we do not

operate it, then what can a computer do? … There you are!

Do not be afraid of computers!

“What if I put it out of order?” “What if I damage it?” “What if I make something wrong?”


at most you lose some data...

Communicating with it

A computer differs from a washing machine, a videorecorder, etc

You have to communicate with it -- just like with your friend


Command (Error) message ...

How can it help us?

message line, menu keys attached with permanent tasks sound ...

Error messages

The computer ridicules us...

It is not harmful (to the computer...) (Everyone has been a beginner…)

The computer cannot remember how many times we made a mistake...

Error messages

Notice it!!! Understand it! Find the reason! Correct the error!

A little bit of history...

Computers -- computing Caveman - fingers Roman Empire - calculus (clay table with

parallel lines); calculator; digitus - finger; computare - to cut on a type of wood

Europe, XII. century: even the basic arithmetic operations in university courses only! (Roman numerals...)

A little bit of history...

1642: Pascal - the arithmetic machine (basic operations)

XVI-XVII century: textile industry - new mechanical tools (e.g. cogwheel) application of the same tools in computing

1805: punch card for storing data (by Jacquard)

Punch card

A little bit of history...

How to exploit the new mechanical tools in computing?

1828, Babbage: Difference Engine (for constructing mathematical tables)

the idea of programmable machine - that’s why he is considered as one of the fathers realization only in 1944: Mark I.

A little bit of history...

1880, USA: census data of 55 million people processing: 500 people, 7 years when processing data were published those

were already invalid!

1890, USA: census (63 million data) processing: 4 weeks, with the machine of

Hollerith (punch card + electromagnetic counter)

A little bit of history...

~1930: binary number system; simplifies storing data, logical operations are possible

until Mark I.: Generation 0.

1st generation (~ till 1958)

Vacuum tubes punch cards, punched papers ENIAC: 1000 operations / sec John von Neumann, 1944 - basic

principles of computers


John von Neumann - principles

Serial operation, fully electronic one operation at a time, very quickly

The use of the binary number system electronically easier to realize

Internal memory no human intervention is needed after each

step, partial results can be stored in it

John von Neumann - principles

Storing programs in the memory commands can also be expressed as

NUMBERS; can be stored in the internal memory - like any other data

the machine is able to work by its own (program)

Universal machine no need for different machines for special tasks

2nd generation (~till 1965)

transistor more reliable, much smaller size and energy

consumption than in case of vacuum tubes

1955: the first transistorized computer operating systems appear easier programming breakthrough in research, industry, etc. 1 million operation / sec

3rd generation (~till 1972)

Integrated circuit (IC) collection of resistors, capacitors, switches and

transistors on a printed circuit board serious decrease in size, increase in storage

capacity winchester (hard disk), monitor compatible computer families software becomes more important

10-15 million operations / sec

4th generation (~till 1990)

LSI (large scale integration) 70’s: 2000 resistors, capacitors,

transistors in a 3 X 3 mm package Microsoft IBM PC (1981) 100 million operation / sec

5th generation (from 1990)

VLSI (very large scale integration) Artificial Intelligence 1000 million operations / sec ??????????????????????????????? Wireless computing Heating –current chips hotter than a

cooker Smaller = cooler overall but hotter per


Visions (attributed):

“The world will need at most five computers” –

Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943

“There is no reason why anyone would want a

computer in their home” –

Ken Olsen, Chairman of Digital, 1977

All times: Rapid exponential increase in speed

and capacity (Moore’s Law) plus decrease in cost

Moore’s Law

(Gordon Moore, Chairman of Intel, 1965): No. of transistors on a chip double every 1.5

years Extended to apply to processor speed, disk and

memory capacity. Equates to a factor of 10 every 5 years By 2050 computers will have between

1,000,000 and 10,000,000,000 times the capacity of today

By 2020/2050 they ‘will be smarter than we are’

Moore’s Law

Moore’s law in practice

Moore’s law for cars

1965 Mini – 60 mph, £300

2002 Mini – 600 miles/second, 12p

(37 years = factor of 10,000,000)

Cost of colour TV has not changed for 30 years