InfoCom’s market intelligence portal Market Intelligence On-line solution Access to experts Yearly service with bi-weekly updates See our website for details www.infocom-de.com

InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

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Page 1: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

InfoCom’s market intelligence portal

Market Intelligence

On-line solutionAccess to experts

Yearly service with bi-weekly updates

See our website for details www.infocom-de.com

Page 2: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

Teleseeq is a decision-making tool developed by InfoCom over a long history of datacollection and analysis, providing comparable data at your fingertips to help youwith strategic research and planning- ensures your competitive edge in thetelecommunications industry.

Developed through a unique interactive process of

market analyses and modelling by InfoCom´s

consultants, TELESEEQ provides a comprehensive

database on telecom markets, characterised by a

high level of consistency and reliability. Inputs are

based on extensive, permanent research and

collection of information, which include company

structures and financial reports, questionnaires,

press information, international commercial

statistics, interviews, etc..

Our Customers

OperatorsAT&T Communications,

Belgacom, B2 Bredband, Cegetel,

Cesky Telecom,

Deutsche Telekom,

France Telecom, Ghana Telecom,

KDD Research Institute, KPN,

Mobilkom, SBC Communications,

Swisscom, Telekom Austria,


TP S.A., Uni2, UtaTele2,

Vodafone Group, ...

Regulators & OthersAnacom, Citigroup Global

Markets, Detecon, The Boston

Consulting Group,

Mc Kinsey & Co,

National Communications

Authority Hungary, ...

Market Intelligence Portal

Available on-line allowing a wide range of

queries, based on company, country, service

and year. The results can be exported into

other formats, enabling further customisation

of the data according to individual modelling


Teleseeq provides a flexible platform serving as an information system based on InfoCom’s competencies inmarket data research, analysis, and management combined with our activities in software development. Aglobal comprehensive database comprises the core of a multi-functional system of data retrieval, reporting,and exporting for further analysis.


DatabaseThe Teleseeq Database was first developed in 1986 as an in-house systemof cross-checking and modelling market data in order to have realisticreliable data results for our client’s studies. Since then Teleseeq hasadvanced significantly. Today, our clients can access a cost-effective systemof comprehensive, reliable data to make profitable market decisions.

Unlike other databases the Teleseeq Database is ONE system comprised ofthe entire telecommunications and related markets with data brokendown into smaller and smaller product categories, into region andcountry values, and according to consolidated group and company values.

WHY would any analyst work with several databases, wherein marketvalues can not be cross-checked for consistency? HOW else to understandsuch vast and interrelating markets?This holistic approach provides a cross-check as well as consistent results –i.e. market shares. The core system is comprised of market shares andforecasts on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individualsegments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into accountcompany and country values is the only way to evaluate marketdimensions accurately as companies increasingly expand their operationsacross country and product markets.

Page 3: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

Over 1000 Companies Included:Market shares & market values are available for companies & groups with historical company/grouprelationships.

Geographical Coverage

11 Regions:

Africa, Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Rest of Europe,

North America, Latin America, Rest of Asia, Oceania, Rest of World,



Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK & USA

Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia &

Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland,

India, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta,

Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,

Russia, Serbia & Montenegro, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South

Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine

Other countries available on demand

Operators Include: Accenture, Aliant Inc., Alltel, America Movil, AOL

Germany, Arcor, AT&T Communications, AT&T

Wireless, Atos Origin, BCE, BCI, Bearingpoint Inc.,

Belgacom, Bellsouth, Bouygues Group, Bouygues

Telecom, Broadwing, BT Germany, BT Global Service,

BT Group, Cable& Wireless, Cableuropa, Call-Net, Cap

Gemini Ernst & Young, Cesky Mobil, Cesky Telecom,

Chunghwa Telecom, Cingular Wireless, Colt, Cosmote,

CSC, Deutsche Telekom, Earthlink, E-Bay, Elisa,

Embratel, France Telecom, Freenet, Hansenet, IBM,

Jazztel, KDDI, KPN Mobile, Liberty Global Inc.,

Maltacom, Microsoft, mmO2, Netcom ASA, NTL UK,

NTT, Optus, Orange S.A., OTE, Portugal Telecom,

Radiolinja, Rostelecom, Sonofon, Sprint PCS, Stet

Hellas, TDS, Tele2, Telecom Italia, Telenor, Telewest,

Time Warner, Tiscali, TIW, T-Mobile AT, Turkcell, UGC

Europe, Verizon Communication, Vipnet, Vodafone,

Yahoo and many others.

Extensive coverage of information


The content of TELESEEQ is provided either on an annually or quarterly basis.

Anual DataService markets (Total revenues and market shares) - Fixed telephony, mobile telephony, datacom,Internet, CATV.

Indicators - ARPU, subscribers, minutes, calls, penetration, SAC, churn rate, etc. Business and residential splitoften available.

Company key figures - revenues, EBITDA, net income employees market capitalisation, credit ratingexpenses for R&D, free cash flow, shareholder return, share holder equity, ...

Socio-Economic Data - population, workers, GDP, price indexes, exchange rates, surface.

Quarterly DataULL, broadband subscribers, xDSL, cable modem, mobile market share, number of mobile subscribers, Internetusers, Internet narrow & broadband access. Installed base for cable modems, mobile telephone sets, xDSLadapters. Business and residential split is often available.

New mobile indicators: Mobile turnover - mobile services, subscription and connection, airtime, inter-connection, roaming, mobile equipment and other.


COVERAGEPeriod Coverage

2005 - 2010: market forecasts

1994 - 2004: market data & operators breakdown

Page 4: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

One year subscription - with bi-weekly updatesWith frequent data updates delivered throughout your 12-month subscription, you have the latestmarket information as soon as it becomes available. The following services are included within theTeleseeq subscription free of charge:

Frequent UpdatesFrequent updates include interface upgrades

as well as updates to the data.

Expert AccessAs a Teleseeq client you have year-round access

to our experts to address your inquiries

regarding data, definitions, modelling, etc. –

the only way to guarantee that you don’t just

have numbers; you have information you


Custom Study IntegrationThe integration of InfoCom custom studies

(quantitative figures) into the database allows data

analysis using all of the functionalities of the


Chart CustomisationDepending on the subscription, some amount of

chart customisation is included.

Online TrainingAlthough Teleseeq is very easy to use, an

introductory online training is provided to users. If

on-site training is required please ask for details.

TSQ Chart 2: Market Analysis Report

Page 5: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

TSQ ChartsSeveral standardised, printable database cross-views allowing multi-country or multi-product analysis:


Displays the data however you need it; select different categories of groups to be shown, change the product listing, theformat, etc. DEPENDING ON SUBSCRIPTION SOME CUSTOM REPORTS ARE INCLUDED.

MARKET ANALYSISSeveral graphs and tables display geo-marketperspectives including company and group marketshares, market volume and forecasts for thecountry values of the selected product/service.

PRODUCT EVOLUTIONPresents a single product’s 7-year evolutionworldwide, eg. ‘Mobile telephony - ave. monthlyrevenues per subscriber’ .

COUNTRY COMPARISON A bar chart represents country comparisons for asingle product within one region, eg. 200Xtelephony revenues for Western Europe and thusAustria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, etc.

COUNTRY EVOLUTIONPresents a 7-year evolution of revenues or inst./subs.base of a selected country and product family.

SERVICE MARKET SEGMENTSProvides analysis of the five major market segmentsin telecommunications for the major world regionsand countires. This information along with the topmarket players and cumulative market value.

QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT Overview of the quarterly financial results of themain market players.

TOP TEN PLAYERS Provides the revenues and market share in agraph and a table of the Top-10 market playersfor a requested product, country and year.

COMPANY POSITIONINGProduces a graph of a companies marketpositioning for a certain telecommunicationproduct or service. The position is based on themain world regions.

TSQ Chart 1: Service Market Segments

Page 6: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

One year subscription - with bi-weekly updatesWith frequent data updates delivered throughout your 12-month subscription, you have the latestmarket information as soon as it becomes available. The following services are included within theTeleseeq subscription free of charge:

Frequent UpdatesFrequent updates include interface upgrades

as well as updates to the data.

Expert AccessAs a Teleseeq client you have year-round access

to our experts to address your inquiries

regarding data, definitions, modelling, etc. –

the only way to guarantee that you don’t just

have numbers; you have information you


Custom Study IntegrationThe integration of InfoCom custom studies

(quantitative figures) into the database allows data

analysis using all of the functionalities of the


Chart CustomisationDepending on the subscription, some amount of

chart customisation is included.

Online TrainingAlthough Teleseeq is very easy to use, an

introductory online training is provided to users. If

on-site training is required please ask for details.

TSQ Chart 2: Market Analysis Report

Page 7: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

Additional ServicesTeleseeq is a subscription for market intelligence that is completely expandable with additionalservices available such as on-site training and workshops, advanced system customisation (tailorednomenclature, interactive input models, market approach models, layout change, etc.) customiseddata content, and integration of other complimentary services and products – all within theTeleseeq Portal. The data found in all of the following products and services are consistent withTeleseeq. figures unless at the request of the client different data definitions would be applied.

TrainingFor large numbers of users or intensivetraining on-site training is available, whichfocus on content and the interface.

Workshop with AnalystTo further understand the marketsrepresented by data in Teleseeq or theresults of a study, clients can arrange aworkshop for an in-depth discussion on aparticular topic.

System Customisation The following examples represent thedifferent types of customisation possible:advanced custom reports, tailorednomenclature, interactive input models,market approach models, layout change...

Customised DataTeleseeq is a system comprised of standardcore data from which you can selectsegments of data or add new products orcountries according to your specificstrategic direction. In addition to annualfigures you can get quarterly or semi-annual results.

SIS/TS&T/YearbookOther products and services from InfoComcan be accessed directly from within theTeleseeq portal. Some of these such asTS&T and the Yearbook are in part basedon Teleseeq data, providing consistentinformation in different formats and invarying depths of analysis.

Analytical ReportsStudies carried out by InfoCom regarding fixedservices, datacom, Internet and mobileservices.

These reports cover current topics whichinclude: Fixed line services, IP-TV, Datacom,VoIP, WLAN, Internet and Mobile services. Anin-depth overview on the latest developmentsand market strategy followed by the involvedtelecom operators is in the majority of thecases included.

Company ProfilesThese profiles provide both qualitative andquantitative information in a textual andgraphical format. The standard profile layoutconsists of 7-14 pages and can be tailored. Theactual standard coverage comprises over 100companies.

Global Telecom M&A ActivitiesA very useful market intelligence tool foranalysts to follow the development of M&Aactivities (e.g. possible sale, intention toacquire, pending IPO, etc.) based on officialannouncements, rumours and speculations ona worldwide level. This Dynamic database isupdated bi-weekly: including search, sort andfilter functions to locate M&A transactions bycountry, sector, date or company.

Product and ServiceInnovations DatabaseThis service provide an overview of the latestinnovative products and services developed bymajor market players in thetelecommunications and IT industry. A veryuseful market intelligence tool for productmanagers who are involved in productdevelopment and identification of businessopportunities.

Page 8: InfoCom’s market intelligence portal on the entire telecoms and multimedia markets, the individual segments and its players. This cross segment approach taking into account company

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TS&T is a highly analytical e-journal that provides in

depth articles on a variety of topics covering companies,

markets & trends. Each bi-weekly issue contains up-to-

date rigorous analysis benefiting from the InfoCom

Group’s with almost 20 years of telecoms consulting.

consultancy company with almost 20 years

experience providing strategic analyses and planning

assistance stakeholders in the telecommunications,

IT and multimedia industries. InfoCom’s independent

and fact-based analyses highlight trends and

opportunities, supporting decision makers to

understand market dynamics in order to maintain

TelecomsStrategies& Trends

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is a market research and

their competitive advantage.