Influencing the collection: small-scale patron‐driven acquisitions at DUT Library Kusturie Moodley Acquisitions & E-Resources Librarian

Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

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Page 1: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

Influencing the collection:

small-scale patron‐driven acquisitions at DUT Library

Kusturie Moodley

Acquisitions & E-Resources Librarian

Page 2: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,


Page 3: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

DUT Library’s MaterialBudget

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Aligning professionaldevelopment needs withorganizational goals


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The journey andchallenges

• Publishers/Vendorshave severaldifferent styles tothe PDA model

• Required someform of downpayment upfront

• Down payment wasnon-refundable

• Forcing DUT Libraryto pay for unknowncontent

• Contravention ofDUT’s key financialcontrol


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Purchases triggered by Holdsplaced on a book

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Most holds placed for 2017 BMP

TitleNumbers ofholds placed Number of copies in Library Availability of ebook Subject Librarian

Introduction to systems analysis and design:|ban agile, iterative approach /|cJohn W.Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D.Burd. 6th edi 6 5 copies No ebook Patrick/Information technology

Database principles :|bfundamentals ofdesign, implementation, and management/|cby Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, PeterRob. 10th edi. 5 3 copies BM Patel No ebook Patrick/Information technology

Analyzing computer security a threatvulnerability counter measure approachCharles P. Pfleeger, Shari LawrencePfleeger. 5 2 copies BM Patel No ebook Patrick/Information technology

The management of public finance :|bapractical guide /|cC. B. Visser and P. W.Erasmus. 8

7 copies available at BM Patel Library(ML Sultan Campus), Indumiso CampusLibrary, and Riverside Campus Library. No ebook Calire/Bongi/Finance/Governance

Management for engineers, technologists andscientists /|cWilhelm P. Nel, editor. 3rd edi. 4

3 copies available at Alan PittendrighLibrary (Steve Biko Campus).

ebook available 1User - $51 3 Users -$64 Mousin - Electronic engineering

Fundamental mechanics for engineeringstudents :|btheory, examples and interestingproblems /|cJerry K. Nwamba. 2nd edi 12 1 copy No ebook Mousin/Mech Eng

Strategic management :|bSouthern Africanconcepts and cases /|ceditors, Tienie Ehlersand Kobus Lazenby ; contributors, ShaniCronjé, Rachel Maritz. 3rd. Edi 8

7 copies available at BM Patel Library(ML Sultan Campus) and RiversideCampus Library. No ebook

Management/HospitalityManagement/ Office Management

Page 9: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,
Page 10: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

Purchases triggered byinterlibrary loan (ILL) requests

Page 11: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

Purchases triggered by usageof withdrawn ebook titlesfrom subscription collections:

TitleTotal Number ofsection downloads (2016-2017) User License Price (Incl. VAT)

Questionnaire Design : How to Plan,Structure and Write Survey Material forEffective Market Research (2) 706 3

Essential Guide to Employee Engagement: Better Business Performance ThroughStaff Satisfaction 255 3

Social Media Marketing : The NextGeneration of Business Engagement (1) 201 3

The Industrial Diet : The Degradation ofFood and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1

Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies, Toolsand Techniques for Marketing Success (2) 93 3

Physiology of the Skin (3) 87 1

Expert PHP and MySQL (1) 71 3

Page 12: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

Purchases triggered byturnaways of limited user-licenses

Page 13: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

Purchases triggered byturnaways of unsubscribedtitles

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Why PDA?

















Jan - Dec 2017 Jan - Dec 2018 Jan - Jun 2019














E-Book Usage Trend from 2017 - June 2019


PDA Purchases

Page 15: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

Why PDA?

PDA presents libraries with several opportunities

• Library users become active partners in thepurchasing information resources

• An opportunity to move away from theconventional, traditional approach to collectiondevelopment

• Demonstrates awareness to the users needs

• Creates a diverse and evolving collection

Page 16: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

• PDA landscape has changed a lot in the lastcouple of years

• Revisit Patron Driven Acquisitions/DemandDriven Acquisitions models

• Currently in the early stages of talking with apublisher

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Page 18: Influencing the collection - SANLiC · 2019. 7. 14. · The Industrial Diet : The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating 157 1 Key Marketing Skills 2 : Strategies,

References• Belvadi, M. (2016). DDA and traditional monograph acquisition – the experience of a small university library.

Insights, 29(1), 64–69. Retreived from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1629/uksg.285

• Buck, T.H. & Hills, S.K. (2017). Notes on operations diminishing short-term loan returns: A four-year view ofthe impact of demand-driven acquisitions on collection development at a small academic library. LibraryResources & Technical Services, 61 (1), 51-56. Retrieved from:https://journals.ala.org/index.php/lrts/article/download/6216/8083

• Egan, N., Yearwood, S. & Kendrick, C. (2016). Patron-driven acquisitions at the City University of New York: Acase study. Technical Services Quarterly, 33(2), 131-144. Retrieved from:https://doi.org/10.1080/07317131.2016.1134997

• Longley, D.H. (2016). Demand driven acquisition of e-books in a small online academic library: Growing painsand assessing gains. Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning, 10 (3–4), 320-331.Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1080/1533290X.2016.1221616

• Proctor, J. (2015). Demand-driven acquisition and the sunk cost model. Collection Building, 34(1), 2-5.Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1108/CB-06-2014-0033

• Schroeder, R. (2012). When patrons call the shots: patron‐driven acquisition at Brigham Young University. Collection Building, 31(1), 11-14. Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1108/01604951211199128

• Tyler, D.C., Melvin, J.C., Epp, M. & Kreps, A.M. (2014). Patron-driven Acquisition and Monopolistic Use: ArePatron at Academic Libraries Using Library Funds to Effectively Build Private Collections?. Library Philosophyand Practice, 1149.Retrieved from: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/1149

• Walker, K.W. & Arthurb, M.A. (2018). Judging the need for and value of DDA in an academic research librarysetting. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(5), 650-662. Retrieved fromhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2018.07.011