INFLUENCE OF THE PREPARATION TECHNIQUE OF A STRESS RAISER ON THE MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SPECIMENS IN HIGH-SPEED TENSILE TESTS UNDER LOW-TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS S. Ya. Yarema, Z. G. Dutsyak, Z. M. Manyuk, and Yu. I. Babei UDC 620.172.25:669.14 An analysis of the fracture of parts of machines and equipment at low temperatures has shown that, as a rule, the fracture starts at places of various forms of stress raisers [1]. There is not merely a local increase in stresses around these stress raisers but a complex stressed state is also produced, which sup- presses plastic deformation and embrittles the metal. Under normal conditions (ordinary temperatures, static loads), the reserve of plasticity in the material is usually sufficient to level out the stress peaks. The strength of specimens with stress raisers is not only not reduced but is even increased since owing to the absence of necking, the strength reserves of the cross section can be more fully utilized [2, 3]. A reduction in the test temperature leads to an increase intheyield stress and a reduction in the cross-sec- tional contradiction. Thus, the plasticity reserve of the material, in neutralizing the influence of stress raisers, is exhausted and the strength of the material is reduced. At the present time, for many construc- tional materials, the temperature dependence of the strength of specimens with stress raisers has been established experimentally [4]. However, little attention has been devoted to the technique of preparing the stress raisers, although it is just this that determines the physicomechanical state of the surface layers which play a leading part under stress-concentration conditions. The influence of the rate of stressing in the presence of stress concentration has also been inadequately investigated, although it is known that an increase in this rate, like a reduction in temperature, leads to an increase in the yield stress. The work described in this article dealt with these problems. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Cylindrical specimens in batches of five (d = 9.8 mm) were made from normalized rods (D = 22 mm) of steel 35. An annular groove having a cross section corresponding to the cross section of a screw thread M10 • 1.5 (radius of curvature at the bottom 0.25 mm, depth 0.9, aperture angle 60 ~ was applied by two methods, i.e., grinding and rolling [5]. The theoretical tensile stress concentration coefficient according to Neuber [6] for such a groove is 3.5. The specimens were tested to rupture on a machine [7] with a con- stant rate of movement of the active grip which was adjustable in the range of 10-~-103 mm/sec in a tem- perature interval of 20 to -196~ [8]. During the application of tensile stress stress-time and active grip movement-time recordings weremade on a type 8SO-4 high-speed loop oscillograph, and were subsequently converted to stress - strain diagrams. The tensile strength ~B, the upper yield stress aTU and lower yield stress CrTL were determined from the diagrams. The relative reduction in area r was calculated from the results of measurements of the specimen diameter at the bottom of the groove. The values of the mechan- ical properties givenbelow are the mean values of tests on not less than three specimens. RESULTS The tensile stress diagrams of specimens with ground-in grooves (GG specimens) and rolled grooves (RG specimens) differ from the diagrams of plain specimens [8] in that yield stress "tooth" inflection in Physicomechanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, L'vov. Translated from I>roblemy Prochnosti, No. 10, pp. 84-87, October, 1970. Original article submitted February 26, 1970. 1971 Consultants Bureau, a division o[ Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced [or any purpose whatsoever without permission o[ the publisher. A copy o[ this article is available [rom the publisher for $15.00. 1051

Influence of the preparation technique of a stress raiser on the mechanical characteristics of specimens in high-speed tensile tests under low-temperature conditions

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Page 1: Influence of the preparation technique of a stress raiser on the mechanical characteristics of specimens in high-speed tensile tests under low-temperature conditions



O F S P E C I M E N S IN H I G H - S P E E D T E N S I L E T E S T S U N D E R

L O W - T E M P E R A T U R E C O N D I T I O N S

S. Y a . Y a r e m a , Z . G. D u t s y a k , Z. M. M a n y u k , a n d Yu . I . B a b e i

UDC 620.172.25:669.14

An analysis of the f rac tu re of par ts of machines and equipment at low tempera tures has shown that, as a rule, the f rac tu re s ta r t s at places of various fo rms of s t r e s s r a i s e r s [1]. There is not mere ly a local inc rease in s t r e s s e s around these s t r e s s r a i s e r s but a complex s t r e s sed state is also produced, which sup- p re s se s plastic deformation and embri t t les the metal. Under normal conditions (ordinary tempera tures , static loads), the r e s e r v e of plast ici ty in the mater ia l is usually sufficient to level out the s t r e ss peaks. The strength of specimens with s t r e s s r a i s e r s is not only not reduced but is even increased since owing to the absence of necking, the strength r e s e r v e s of the c ros s section can be more fully utilized [2, 3]. A reduction in the test t empera tu re leads to an inc rease in they ie ld s t r e ss and a reduction in the c r o s s - s e c - tional contradiction. Thus, the plast ici ty r e s e r v e of the mater ia l , in neutral izing the influence of s t r e ss r a i s e r s , is exhausted and the s trength of the mater ia l is reduced. At the present time, for many cons t ruc- tional mater ia l s , the t empera tu re dependence of the s trength of specimens with s t r e ss r a i s e r s has been established experimental ly [4]. However, little attention has been devoted to the technique of preparing the s t r e s s r a i s e r s , although it is just this that determines the physicomechanical state of the surface layers which play a leading par t under s t r e s s -concen t ra t ion conditions. The influence of the ra te of s t ress ing in the p resence of s t r e s s concentrat ion has also been inadequately investigated, although it is known that an inc rease in this rate , like a reduct ion in tempera ture , leads to an increase in the yield s t ress . The work descr ibed in this ar t ic le dealt with these problems.


Cylindrical specimens in batches of five (d = 9.8 mm) were made f rom normal ized rods (D = 22 mm) of steel 35. An annular groove having a c ro s s section corresponding to the c ross section of a sc rew thread M10 • 1.5 (radius of curvature at the bottom 0.25 mm, depth 0.9, aper ture angle 60 ~ was applied by two methods, i.e., grinding and roll ing [5]. The theoret ical tensile s t r e ss concentration coefficient according to Neuber [6] for such a groove is 3.5. The specimens were tested to rupture on a machine [7] with a con- stant ra te of movement of the active grip which was adjustable in the range of 10-~-103 m m / s e c in a t e m - pera ture interval of 20 to -196~ [8]. During the application of tensile s t r e s s s t r e s s - t i m e and active grip movement - t ime record ings w e r e m a d e on a type 8SO-4 high-speed loop oscil lograph, and were subsequently converted to s t r e s s - s t ra in d iagrams. The tensile strength ~B, the upper yield s t r e ss aTU and lower yield s t r e s s CrTL were determined f rom the diagrams. The relat ive reduction in a rea r was calculated f rom the resu l t s of measurements of the specimen diameter at the bottom of the groove. The values of the mechan- ical proper t ies givenbelow are the mean values of tests on not less than three specimens.


The tensile s t r e s s d iagrams of specimens with ground-in grooves (GG specimens) and rolled grooves (RG specimens) differ f rom the d iagrams of plain specimens [8] in that yield s t r e ss "tooth" inflection in

Physicomechanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, L'vov. Transla ted f rom I>roblemy Prochnost i , No. 10, pp. 84-87, October, 1970. Original ar t ic le submitted February 26, 1970.

�9 1971 Consultants Bureau, a division o[ Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced [or any purpose whatsoever without permission o[ the publisher. A copy o[ this article is available [rom the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: Influence of the preparation technique of a stress raiser on the mechanical characteristics of specimens in high-speed tensile tests under low-temperature conditions

o, kg/mm z ~176 kg/mm2

.. - /0

12o~\ ,~..,


60 O0 50 ,o/,.A.o 30


, -200 -/50 -100 -50 0 t?C

Fig. 1

o B, kg/mm z

...-a--"'-'�82 __ _..o!

~,% 5O

4O 3O

3O 4,4

_ . - ~ o n o 20

. . . . . - ~ - . . - - - w . . . . . ~ /0

~ I i i I

6 I000 2500 6125 15312 6, kg/mm z. sec

Fig. 2 Fig. 1. Tempera tu re dependence of the mechanical proper t ies of plain specimens and specimens with a ground-in s t r e s s r a i s e r (A) and rol led s t r ess r a i s e r (B): 1, I) ~B (tensile strength); 4,IV) ~b (reduction in area); 5, V) ~ y u - ~ Y L (upper yield s t r e ss - l o w e r yield s t ress) for minimum s t ress ing ra te (6 kg /mm 2. sec) and maximum s t ress ing ra te (1.53.104 k g / m m 2. sec).

Fig. 2. Dependence of mechanical proper t ies of plain specimens and specimens with ground-in s t r e ss concent ra tors (A) and rolled s t r e s s concentra tors (B) on the loading ra te at 20~ 1) cr B (tensile strength); 2) ~YU (upper yield point); 3) cryL (lower yield point); 4) r (reduction in area) (shaded portion shows the size of the yield s t r e s s deflection).

them occurs only at high ra tes of loading or low tempera tures and the yield s t r e s s platform is sloping, the slope being less than the slope of the hardening zone. With decrease in tempera ture , the hardening zone disappears f rom the d iagrams and the lat ter assume a form typical of bri t t le f rac ture . This t ransi t ion is found in GG specimens in the range -120 to -150~ and for RG specimens in the range -100 to -120~ the lower l imit corresponding to the maximum s t ress ing ra te (1.5-104 k g / m m 2. sec), while the upper l imit corresponds to the minimum s t ress ing ra te (6 k g / m m 2. sec). The picture descr ibed is i l lustrated to some extent by the size of the yield point inflection a y u - - ~ y L shown in Figs. 1 and 2 (Cryu , ~YL are the upper and lower yield s t r e s ses , respectively).

The variat ion in static tensile strength ~B of specimens with decrease in tempera ture may be ex- plained by the usual relationship: the strength at f i rs t inc reases , attaining a maximum, and then falls (see Fig. 1). However, for this it is neces sa ry to suppose that the maximum for RG specimens is lower than -200~ since only GG specimens have a maximum in the investigated range. With maximum s t ress ing rate , the intensity of the inc rease in s trength increases and then the reduct ion in s trength increases .

The reduction in area r charac ter iz ing the capacity of the mater ia l for plastic deformation at the bottom of the s t r e ss r a i se r , diminishes smoothly with reduction in temperature . With inc rease in the s t ress ing rate , the value of ~. var ies insignificantly, except in the case of GG specimens, for which below -50~ ~b clear ly decreases . The value of r for specimens with rol led s t r ess r a i s e r s is always lower than for the specimens with ground-in s t r e s s r a i se r s .

The dependence of the mechanical proper t ies of specimens with s t r e s s r a i s e r s at a t empera tu re of 20~ on the s t ress ing ra te (see Fig. 2) is g rea te r than for plain specimens. The values of the tensile s trength and yield s t r e s ses increase in proport ion to the logari thm of the s t ress ing rate. The upper field s t r e ss aYU is the more sensit ive to s t ress ing rate. The relat ive reduction in area var ies little while for RG specimens it falls somewhat w i t h i n c r e a s e in s t r e ss ing rate. With dec rease in test tempera ture , the sens i - tivity of the specimens to s t ress ing ra te increases , attaining a maximum in the range -100 to -120~ (see Fig. 1).


Page 3: Influence of the preparation technique of a stress raiser on the mechanical characteristics of specimens in high-speed tensile tests under low-temperature conditions

K, K d, Ktech



-2oo -]50 -1oo. -5o Q t?c Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Fig. 3. F r ac tu r e s of specimens with ground-in s t r e ss r a i s e r after testing at 20~ with a s t ress ing ra te of 2.5.103 k g / m m 2 �9 see (a) and at a t empera - ture of -40~ with a s t r e s s ing ra te of 1.53.104 k g / m m 2 �9 sec (b).

Fig. 4. Tempera tu re dependence of re lat ive strength k (1, I) dynamic s t r ess ing coefficient 1%l (2) and the coefficient of the influence of prepa- rat ion technique ktech (3, III) of specimens with ground-in (A) and rol led (B) s t r e s s concent ra tors (arabic numera ls - static stressi~ig, roman numera ls - h igh- ra te s t ress ing) .

�9 In flat f r ac tu res of specimens with s t r e ss r a i s e r s , two zones are to be seen (Fig. 3); an outer fibrous zone, evidence of tough f rac ture , and an inner crysta l l ine zone, corresponding to brit t le f racture . With increase in the s t r e ss ing ra te and especial ly with decrease in temperature , the crysta l l ine zone increases . The intensity of its increase is g rea te r in RG specimens, in the f rac tures of which only one zone is ob- served at t empera tu res below -40~ while for GG specimens, the disappearance of the fibrous zone com- mences at a t empera tu re o f - 7 0 ~


The influence of s t r e s s r a i s e r s on the strength proper t ies at different s t ress ing ra tes may be char - ac ter ized by its re la t ive s t rength k, determined as the ra t io of the tensile strength of the specimen with a s t r e s s r a i s e r CrBR and the plain specimen aB (k = aBR/ORB), tested under identical conditions. This value (Fig. 4) var ies insignificantly (in static tests it inc reases , and in dynamic tests it decreases) ; with fur ther dec rease in the tempera ture , however, it rapidly increases , reaching a maximum at -70~ Com- mencing with a t empera tu re of -120~ the variat ion of k depends substantially on the technique of s t r e s s r a i s e r preparat ion. For GG specimens it continues to decrease rapidly (curves 1A, IA); for RG concen- t r a to r s for the maximum s t r e s s ing rate (curve IB) this decrease is smoother , for static s t ress ing ra tes (curve 1B), on the contrary , an increase in strength is found. The strength of RG specimens throughout the entire t empera tu re range investigated and the s t rength of GG specimens in the range - 2 0 to -160~ is higher than the strength of plain specimens (k > 1).

The dependence of the s t rength of specimens with a s t r e ss r a i s e r on s t ress ing ra te was determined by the variat ion in the dynamic coefficient kd, i.e., the rat io of the yield s t r e s se s of identical specimens tested at the maximum s t r e s s ing ra te (1.53.104 k g / m m 2 �9 sec) and minimum s t ress ing ra te (6 kg /mm 2. sec). As can be seen (see Fig. 4, curves 2A, 2B), with increase in the s t ress ing rate , the s trength increases (k d > 1), and only at very low tempera tu res (t < -190~ does it fall. The s t ress ing ra te has its maximum influence in the range --100 to -130~ in which kd(t ) reaches a maximum. RG specimens are more .sen- sit ive to a variat ion in s t r e s s ing ra te than GG specimens.

The influence of the technique of prepar ing the s t r e s s r a i s e r was a s sessed by means of the coefficient ktech, the ra t io of the yield s t r e s s e s of specimens having a ground-in groove and those having a rolled groove for identical test conditions. The static s trength of the specimens (see Fig. 4, curve 3) down to a t empera tu re o f - 1 2 0 ~ is pract ical ly independent of the preparat ion technique of the s t r e s s ra i se r , after which there is a sharp decrease in the strength of GG specimens compared with the s trength of RG speci- mens (ktech < 1). At high s t r e s s ing ra tes (curve III), the super ior i ty of RG specimens is apparent even


Page 4: Influence of the preparation technique of a stress raiser on the mechanical characteristics of specimens in high-speed tensile tests under low-temperature conditions

at 20~ and the rapid fall in ktech begins ear l ie r (at -100~ At a tempera ture o f -196~ rol l ing the groove increases the strength of the specimens almost twice compared with grinding the groove.

The considerable difference in the values and charac te r of the variat ion in the tensile strength of specimens having ground-in and rolled s t ress r a i s e r s at low tempera tures is evidently due to the dif fer- ence in the s t ruc ture and mechanical condition of the metal. The metal on the bottom of the groove was investigated by means of microhardness measurements and also by x - r a y s t ruc ture analysis (using the URS-55 apparatus and back reflection method) for determining residual s t r e s s e s and dislocation density.

After t reatment by grinding, no variation in mic rohardness was found, and residual tensile s t r e s se s appeared in a very thin layer on the groove bottom. The bottom of the rol led groove showed quite a different picture. At a distance of 0.04 mm f rom the surface, the microhardness was higher by a factor of 1.8; residual compress ive s t r e s ses were found; the level of s t r e s se s of the second kind increased by a factor of 2.5, the dislocation density increased by a factor of 5, and the dimensions of the c rys ta l blocks de- creased considerably compared with the ground-in groove. In addition, the metal in the rol led groove was compacted, the grains were elongated along the profile of the bottom, and small sc ra tches caused by ab ra - sive were absent f rom the surfaces . All this occur red in a thin surface layer of a thickness of less than 0.5 ram.

The changes enumerated above led to an improvement in the strength proper t ies of the mater ia l in the surface layer of the rolled groove. It still remains obscure, however, why this improvement should appear only at t empera tures below -100~ An analysis made by G. V. Uzhik [1, 9] of the s t r e s sed condition in the elastoplastic deformation stage in the c ross section of a specimen weakened by a s t r e s s r a i s e r shows that the maximum tensile s t r e s ses occur at some distance f rom the tip of the s t r e s s ra i se r . This distance is greater , the more plastic is the mater ia l , other conditions being the same. Consequently, under normal testing conditions, the s t r e s s peaks are located in the region of the metal which has not been subjected to the t reatment technique; only with a reduction in the capacity of the mater ia l for plastic deformation down to some value, to which there corresponds a definite low tempera ture , do the s t r e s s peaks move into the s u r - face layer. If we assume that f rac ture (starting of a crack) commences where the s t r e s ses are a maximum, it becomes clear why, down to a certain tempera ture (in our case to -100~ the s trength of the specimens depends little on the t rea tment technique, and only below this tempera ture does the influence of that tech- nique become vital. Special investigations are essential for fully disclosing the mechanism of the influence of the technique employed for prepar ing the s t ress r a i se r .


2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


G. V. Uzhik, The Strength and Plast ici ty of Metals at Low Tempera tu res [in Russian], Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1957). Ya. B. Fridman, Mechanical Proper t ies of Metals [in Russian], Oborongiz, Moscow (1952). A. Nadai, Plast ici ty and the F rac tu re of Solids [Russian translation], IL, Moscow (1954). P. F. Koshelev and S. E. Belyaev, Strength and Plast ici ty of Constructional Materials at Low T e m - pera tures [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow (1967). Yu. I. Babei and Z. G. Dutsyak, FKhMM, No. 4 (1967). G. Neuber, Stress Concentration [Russian translation], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1957). V. V. Panasyuk, S. Ya. Yarema, et al., FKhMM, No. 4 (1967). S. Ya. Yarema and M. Z. Manyuk, FKhMM, No. 2 (1970). G. V. Uzhik, Resis tance to Rupture and the Strength of Metals [in Russian], Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Mos c o w - Leningrad ( 1950).