BHOPAL Sunday March 8 2015 By Arun Kumar THERE are number of welfare schemes to improve the lives of women. The Government of India and State Government spends crores of rupees for welfare schemes. The State and Central Government offices, especially those are supposed to be made to implement the welfare schemes for women, are these days engaged in finalising many programmes on International Women’s Day on March 8. Even, the State Government has made a separate department as Women Empowerment exclu- sively to run welfare schemes about two years ago. But still the condition of women has not changed. They may be seen beg- ging to eke out living of their fam- ily but the Government does not make any scheme of projects to such women so that they might leave begging and live a respectable life. According to sources, there are about 10,000 such women in Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Ujjain and about all the districts who are forced to live on foot- path and begging. Not only Women Empowerment Department, but there is also one more Government department as Social Justice Department, but it has also failed to do justice with hapless women. It has also many schemes but only on papers. The Government sanctioned crores of rupees budget but the officers do ever think to improve the liv- ing condition of those women and girls who are far from the benefit of the welfare schemes started for them. The women and girls at all age groups might be seen begging the whole day in front of temples, at market places, bus stands, near the railway stations etc. Every year, both the Women Empowerment and Social Justice departments celebrate International Women’s Day by organising various programmes, inviting top ranking women in all the fields art and culture, busi- ness, sports, politics and social works, they deliver lengthy speeches in the AC rooms. Govt of India did not sanction shelter homes: It is learnt that the Government of India was to sanction shelter homes for the state but it has not yet done so under the Nirbhaya project to provide protection to the women. The State Women’s Empowerment Department is still waiting. The aim of the shel- ter homes under Nirbhaya was to give shelter to hapless and helpless women, making all arrangements of their lodging and boarding and make them self- dependent. The little girls at all age groups picking waste: Those little girls who should have in schools are may be seen picking waste door to door. The school education department, that claims of ensur- ing registration of every child in school, might does not count them or do not consider them to educate under the Sarva Saksharta Abhiyan. When contacted, Kalpana Shrivastava, Commissioner, Women Empowerment, said some shelter homes’ scheme for women in the state is yet to be approved by the Government of India under its Nirbhaya project. The work of improving status of those women and girls begging before temples or in market is under the Social Justice Department, she said. The Social Justice Department officers said they have no such scheme to improve living condi- tions of women begging before temples or elsewhere. INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION AFFECTING BIODIVERSITY OF BHIMBETKA WORLD HERITAGE SITE! By Tara Chettur THE rich biodiversity of rock terrain area of Bhimbetka world heritage site which were one of the chief reasons for attracting early man to make their abode is under gradual declination. Now a days even to spot the regular rocky terrain bird species like larks one has to struggle. The world heritage site is located at about 45 km south east of Bhopal on the road to Hoshangabad. The site is known for rock shelters of Palaeolithic period. Dr Subash C Pandey, Environmentalist, claims that the Mandideep Industrial area is hardly 10-15 km from this world heritage site, the impact on flora and fauna is inevitable but there is no comprehen- sive environmental study undertaken yet to study the impact. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) all ecosensitive areas must be developed 25 km away from the industrial set up and world heritage sites come sunder eco sensitive area which needs to be given special attention. Shomy Gupta, bird lover, says occasionally lesser gold- en back wood pecker are seen in the premises, the number of birds visible have been reduced to larks. For reduc- tion in number of beehives, changes in floral morphology could be reason. This has also affected the sighting of green bee eater. Suraj Singh, one of the locals deployed in site, says that there are total seven guards to look after and whenever the wild animals like bear and leopard are seen forest guards are called. The paint- ings of rock shelter at number 8 are exclusive, earlier Indian fruit bats were seen in good number in these areas but not now. Syed Akhthat Hussain, 75, historian who also claims to done research on Bhimbetka says that exclusive varieties of spiders, snakes, honey bees, bats, were available in the rock terrain some 15 years back as well. The wild bear, jack- als, tigers and leopards from nearby Ratapani Sanctuary were also common sighting. The entire food chain ecosys- tem was available in the region. Untimely rains in March affected the ecology of rocky terrain food and nest sites for insectivorous birds. Pandey has also filed petition chal- lenging the compilation of environ- mental norms and regulations by Mandideep Industrial Area at National Green Tribunal. As per the petition more than 375 companies in the region are violating environment norms. Green panel has also directed the State Government to inform about installa- tion of continuous monitoring system for monitoring ambient air quality at Mandideep Industrial Area (MIA) which is discharging effluents to Betwa river. But the environment assessment study to look at the impact on biodiversity is a subject which no department is ready to undertake. The Archaeology Department has made their point of view clear that it would be vague to co relate effects industrial pollution on world heritage site unless study is being done. Narayan Vyas, Retd Superintending Archaeologist from Archaeological Survey of India says that the impact on the structure can be studied only after detail analysis of sampling of rock shel- ters. Like the work carried out for Taj Mahal conservation; the technical method can only be a solution to under- stand the impact on rock paints and rock shelters .However for environ- mental impact on Biodiversity a detail study can bring in some aspects about the problem. Earlier, Green panel had also ordered the State that to not to lease grant for establishment of any further industries until the master plan is finalised. Experts says that any development of city plan should be done after environment assessment of that area as effect on single species of food chain brings in entropy in entire ecosystem . A local employee pointing to reduction in bee hive sightings in one of the shelters. Untimely rains in March affected the ecology of rocky terrain Lesser golden back Woodpecker spotted in rock shelter WELFARE SCHEMES FOR WOMEN, HUGE BUDGET FAIL TO TRANSFORM THEIR LIVES In State, more than 10,000 women live in misery, begging to feed their family Women Empowerment Department not doing anything Under the Nirbhaya project, shelter homes yet to be approved by the Government of India Office of Women’s Empowerment Department. Beggars near a temple.

Industrial Pollution affecting biodiversity of Bhimbetka World

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BHOPAL � Sunday � March 8 � 2015

■ By Arun Kumar

THERE are number of welfareschemes to improve the lives ofwomen. The Government of Indiaand State Government spendscrores of rupees for welfareschemes. The State and CentralGovernment offices, especiallythose are supposed to be madeto implement the welfareschemes for women, are thesedays engaged in finalising manyprogrammes on InternationalWomen’s Day on March 8.

Even, the State Governmenthas made a separate departmentas Women Empowerment exclu-sively to run welfare schemes

about two years ago. But still thecondition of women has notchanged. They may be seen beg-ging to eke out living of their fam-ily but the Government does notmake any scheme of projects tosuch women so that they mightleave begging and live arespectable life.

According to sources, there areabout 10,000 such women inBhopal, Indore, Gwalior, Jabalpur,Ujjain and about all the districtswho are forced to live on foot-path and begging.

Not only WomenEmpowerment Department, butthere is also one moreGovernment department as

Social Justice Department, but ithas also failed to do justice withhapless women. It has also manyschemes but only on papers. TheGovernment sanctioned croresof rupees budget but the officersdo ever think to improve the liv-ing condition of those womenand girls who are far from thebenefit of the welfare schemesstarted for them.

The women and girls at all agegroups might be seen beggingthe whole day in front of temples,at market places, bus stands, nearthe railway stations etc. Everyyear, both the WomenEmpowerment and Social Justicedepartments celebrateInternational Women’s Day byorganising various programmes,inviting top ranking women in allthe fields art and culture, busi-ness, sports, politics and socialworks, they deliver lengthyspeeches in the AC rooms.

Govt of India did not sanctionshelter homes: It is learnt thatthe Government of India was tosanction shelter homes for the

state but it has not yet done sounder the Nirbhaya project toprovide protection to the women.The State Women’sEmpowerment Department isstill waiting. The aim of the shel-ter homes under Nirbhaya wasto give shelter to hapless andhelpless women, making allarrangements of their lodging and

boarding and make them self-dependent.

The little girls at all age groupspicking waste: Those little girlswho should have in schools aremay be seen picking waste doorto door. The school educationdepartment, that claims of ensur-ing registration of every child inschool, might does not count

them or do not consider them toeducate under the SarvaSaksharta Abhiyan.

When contacted, KalpanaShrivastava, Commissioner,Women Empowerment, saidsome shelter homes’ scheme forwomen in the state is yet to beapproved by the Government ofIndia under its Nirbhaya project.

The work of improving status ofthose women and girls beggingbefore temples or in market isunder the Social JusticeDepartment, she said.

The Social Justice Departmentofficers said they have no suchscheme to improve living condi-tions of women begging beforetemples or elsewhere.


THE rich biodiversity of rock terrainarea of Bhimbetka world heritage sitewhich were one of the chief reasons forattracting early man to make theirabode is under gradual declination.Now a days even to spot the regularrocky terrain bird species like larks onehas to struggle. The world heritage site is located at about45 km south east of Bhopal on the roadto Hoshangabad. The site is known forrock shelters of Palaeolithic period.

Dr Subash C Pandey,Environmentalist, claims that theMandideep Industrial area is hardly10-15 km from this world heritage site,the impact on flora and fauna isinevitable but there is no comprehen-sive environmental study undertakenyet to study the impact.

As per the guidelines of Ministry ofEnvironment and Forest (MoEF) allecosensitive areas must be developed25 km away from the industrial set up

and world heritage sites come sundereco sensitive area which needs to begiven special attention. Shomy Gupta,bird lover, says occasionally lesser gold-en back wood pecker are seen in thepremises, the number of birds visiblehave been reduced to larks. For reduc-tion in number of beehives, changesin floral morphology could be reason.This has also affected the sighting ofgreen bee eater.

Suraj Singh, one of the locals deployedin site, says that there are total sevenguards to look after and whenever thewild animals like bear and leopard areseen forest guards are called. The paint-ings of rock shelter at number 8 areexclusive, earlier Indian fruit bats wereseen in good number in these areas butnot now.

Syed Akhthat Hussain, 75, historianwho also claims to done research onBhimbetka says that exclusive varietiesof spiders, snakes, honey bees, bats, wereavailable in the rock terrain some 15years back as well. The wild bear, jack-

als, tigers and leopards from nearbyRatapani Sanctuary were also commonsighting. The entire food chain ecosys-tem was available in the region.Untimely rains in March affected theecology of rocky terrain food and nestsites for insectivorous birds.

Pandey has also filed petition chal-lenging the compilation of environ-mental norms and regulations byMandideep Industrial Area at NationalGreen Tribunal. As per the petitionmore than 375 companies in the regionare violating environment norms. Greenpanel has also directed the StateGovernment to inform about installa-tion of continuous monitoring systemfor monitoring ambient air quality atMandideep Industrial Area (MIA) whichis discharging effluents to Betwa river.But the environment assessment studyto look at the impact on biodiversity isa subject which no department is readyto undertake.

The Archaeology Department hasmade their point of view clear that it

would be vague to co relate effectsindustrial pollution on world heritagesite unless study is being done. NarayanVyas, Retd SuperintendingArchaeologist from ArchaeologicalSurvey of India says that the impact onthe structure can be studied only afterdetail analysis of sampling of rock shel-ters. Like the work carried out for TajMahal conservation; the technicalmethod can only be a solution to under-stand the impact on rock paints androck shelters .However for environ-mental impact on Biodiversity a detailstudy can bring in some aspects aboutthe problem.

Earlier, Green panel had also orderedthe State that to not to lease grant forestablishment of any further industriesuntil the master plan is finalised.

Experts says that any developmentof city plan should be done after environment assessment of that areaas effect on single species of food chain brings in entropy in entire ecosystem .

A local employee pointing to reduction in bee hive sightings in one of the shelters.

Untimelyrains inMarch

affected theecology of

rocky terrain

Lessergolden backWoodpeckerspotted in

rock shelter


misery, begging to feed their family■■ Women Empowerment Department

not doing anything■■ Under the Nirbhaya project,

shelter homes yet to be approved by the Government of India

Office of Women’s Empowerment Department. Beggars near a temple.