Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion

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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. BSPIN Founders Perspective 20 years and beyond - By Indradeb P. Pal, at the 6 th Annual BSPIN conference, celebrating 20 years of IMPACT of BSPIN Views expressed are entirely from the Founders perspective
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Evolution of BSPIN Relevant History Birth of the idea of SPINs in India May90 to Dec90 What it took to get SIG-SQA started? Jan91 to May92 The Launch of SIG-SQA (then name of BSPIN) 15Jun1992 The First (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Jun92 to Mar95 The Second (Education, Awareness) Phase of SPIN 1994 to 1998 The Third (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Benchmarking Initiation 1999 - 2002 The Fourth (Growth) of BSPIN Scaling up the IMPACT 2002 till date Social Impact of BSPIN Contribution to the Industry Impact on and by the BSPINNERS Imagine for a moment if there was no BSPIN Future Vision for BSPIN Founders Inputs Current Challenges and Scenario How can BSPIN further contribute Further institutionalization of BSPIN
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. History Birth of the idea of SPINs in India May90 Dec90 1950s to 1990s - Japan did the manufacturing & economic revolution India missed the Manufacturing opportunity to Grow its economy Saw functioning of SPINs in the US and realized such mobilization could help The Analogy between JUSE and 1950s to 1980s to what SPINs could do to Software Industry Inputs from Roger Bate (close colleague of Watts S Humphrey) and realization that S/w Process Improvement is impossible to do in a single company (Dec90) Development of Core Concepts and Ethos of SPIN Must be Neutral, Must be Learning, Sharing, Collaboration, Must be driven selflessly by selfless professionals Preferably a Non-Profit body Participation, participation, participation .
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. What it took to get SIG-SQA started? Jan91 to May92 The message of advances in S/w Engg was taken to multiple forums: IISc CSA dept Presentations to several companies at Bangalore Some of the IITs Dept. of Electronics organized events Professional Bodies CSI, IEEE, IETE It took Indradeb in all SEVEN attempts before a proper `Neutral host was found. The search ended in May 1992 with DoEs STQC. S. Haridas of DoEs STQC helped out by providing a platform for getting SIG- SQA started. Very difficult to find a body which would meet all the requirements for a successful replication of JUSE for Indias S/w Industry. It took great patience and perseverance to `Even Agree to Get Started.
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. The Launch of SIG-SQA (then name of BSPIN) 15Jun1992 Why SIG-SQA? - Because the SQA community which was very new did not have any identity -Most of them were largely given almost no importance within their company -Mobilizing this group would help `Penetrate into more organizations for a common cause -Sharing amongst this group would help making each of them competent and would eventually earn respect which was so much missing for SQAs at that time -In India no one would have understood the term SPIN at that time. 15 th June 1992 History was made at DoE STQC office on Peenya Road near Yeshwanthpura, where 9 people met and the 1 st SIG-SQA meeting was held. The topic of the presentation was CMM and its Impact. The presentation was done by me. It was titled Software Crisis is Dead.
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. The First (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Jun92 to Mar95 Get visibility to the Senior Management of various companies about Software Quality Issues How to get attention of the PMs which is so fundamental to make improvements happen? Like the JUSE got Deming to Japan WE SHALL GET WATTS S HUMPHREY to India in the next 3 years. I made this statement in the 1 st SIG-SQA meeting when one attendee in this meeting pressed me for a purpose or a goal to shoot for. In Jun1994 We rebranded SIG-SQA as SEI SPIN Bangalore. Work on getting SPINs started in other cities of India was taken up. We truly arrived as an INFLUENTIAL FORCE when in Jan 1995, Watts S Humphrey addressed SPIN Bangalore and 200 people attended it at Hotel Holiday Inn (as it was called then). Watts S Humphreys impression about SEI SPIN Bangalore
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. The Second (Education, Awareness) Phase of SPIN 1994 to 1998 Sponsorship in the form of Technical Literature, SEI design of BS CS and MS CS course curriculum, advances in Software Engineering, provided by Texas Instruments. Indradeb worked closely with SEIs SPIN coordinator and got about a dozen SPINs started all over India. As of today, about half of these SPINs are active and functional. (e.g., SPINs at Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai) Big push led by C Rama Rao and Sreeshaila to educate more than 1000 people on CMM L2 and L3 practices Roping in `Whos who of S/w Engg across the world to present at SEI SPIN Bangalore Companies at Bangalore queuing up to Sponsor the monthly SPIN talk Bangalore SPINNERs getting opportunity to present at other SPINs in India as well as abroad Recognition from various quarters of the world that Bangalore SPIN is the most active SPIN and one of the best run SPINs. More PMs were SPINNERS than QA people + CXOs learnt about Bangalore SPIN.
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. The Third (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Benchmarking Initiation 1999 - 2002 Climbing up the Maturity ladder would be aided if there are Metrics Benchmarks which makes sense for the Outsourcing industry. Benchmarks did exists however, none served the way the CMM model looked at as applied to outsourcing and offshoring. We decided to initiate Metrics Benchmarking and SIG-BEN was formed in 1999. The idea was to Help/ Facilitate 100+ High Mature Software Organizations in India in the next 3 to 4 years. NDA was a crucial point to get started. Vishu Hegde was a great pivot to get this going. At least 20+ die hard BSPINNERS worked for about 3 to 4 years to see through the 1 st and the 2 nd round of BSPIN Benchmarking study. IMPACT: Almost all companies in the Asia Pacific region started using the BSPIN Benchmarking reports to get guidance and comparison when targeting L3, L4 and L5. BSPIN decided to continue with rounds of Benchmarking roughly one cycle in a two year period and we did the 6 th one in 2012.
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. The Fourth (Growth) of BSPIN Scaling up the IMPACT 2002 till date Scaling up the BSPIN, how to make a greater impact was seen as key Increased participation in related conferences or events Set up multiple chapters in various parts of the city Reaching out to CXOs and CXOs presenting at BSPIN BSPIN Membership composition: PMs, Delivery people - 70% QA profile - 23%, Senior Mgmt - 7% More institutionalized way of functioning Got registered as a society Initiated the annual BSPIN conference
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Evolution of BSPIN Relevant History Birth of the idea of SPINs in India May90 to Dec90 What it took to get SIG-SQA started? Jan91 to May92 The Launch of SIG-SQA (then name of BSPIN) 15Jun1992 The First (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Jun92 to Mar95 The Second (Education, Awareness) Phase of SPIN 1994 to 1998 The Third (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Benchmarking Initiation 1999 - 2002 The Fourth (Growth) of BSPIN Scaling up the IMPACT 2002 till date Social Impact of BSPIN Contribution to the Industry Impact on and by the BSPINNERS Imagine for a moment if there was no BSPIN Future Vision for BSPIN Founders Inputs Current Challenges and Scenario How can BSPIN further contribute Further institutionalization of BSPIN
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Social Impact of BSPIN - Contribution to the Industry Many more people took to the SPI profession, BSPIN a forum where people got guidance, Fostered and supported Process Maturity development across the Software Industry, Impact tangible and visible in cities where SPINs are not active or weak, Capture of `Sticky knowledge which is so important for Productivity improvements, India seen as a High Quality and Value player while being cost competitive, Provided people opportunity to be leaders by contributing to BSPIN activities, Recognition of BSPIN forums by many other professional bodies including Big4 consulting Other bodies emulating BSPIN PMs network with support from PMI Society of Technical Writers Knowledge Management Forum, and several more .. People (proudly) write about their association with BSPIN in their RESUMEs: E.g., Attends BSPIN meets, was part of Benchmarking SIG, was a presenter at BSPIN, was a panelist at BSPIN, etc., etc.
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Social Impact of BSPIN - Impact on and by the BSPINNERS When the cause is NOT Humanitarian, Hunger Alleviation, Religious, or a Temple trust Very few societies survive actively beyond 2 to 3 years The Ethos of Collaboration, Learning, Sharing, Innovation and serving Selflessly has been key to the Sustenance and Energy of BSPIN. A large number of professionals got the opportunity to perform team work across company, a good number of professionals developed them as leaders, thousands learnt from BSPIN talks, presentations and reports BSPIN helped develop an image of the Indian IT Industry and has been a key facilitator for a large number of companies to achieve High Process Maturity
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Social Impact of BSPIN - Imagine for a moment if there was no BSPIN Perhaps we would not have had any Benchmarking report comparing projects from relatively High Mature companies People from Bangalore/ India would not have got opportunity to learn or share from other SPINs SPINs in other cities may not have formed Many eminent people when visiting Bangalore would not have presented at BSPIN and hence a lot of sharing that they have done would not have been done People from the Big4 who are sometimes panelist at BSPIN discussions would have had to find other forums to do the same Many professionals who developed Leadership while contributing to BSPIN may not have got a similar opportunity The positioning of Indias Software Industry could have been different that what it is today, And this list can go on and on ..
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Future Vision for BSPIN Relevant History Birth of the idea of SPINs in India May90 to Dec90 What it took to get SIG-SQA started? Jan91 to May92 The Launch of SIG-SQA (then name of BSPIN) 15Jun1992 The First (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Jun92 to Mar95 The Second (Education, Awareness) Phase of SPIN 1994 to 1998 The Third (Practical) Vision of BSPIN Benchmarking Initiation 1999 - 2002 The Fourth (Growth) of BSPIN Scaling up the IMPACT 2002 till date Social Impact of BSPIN Contribution to the Industry Impact on and by the BSPINNERS Imagine for a moment if there was no BSPIN Future Vision for BSPIN Founders Inputs Current Challenges and Scenario How can BSPIN further contribute Further institutionalization of BSPIN
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Future Vision for BSPIN - Current Challenges and Scenario Todays scenario very different from that in 1992 time frame as well as 2003 time frame The cost arbitrage advantage is almost gone/ going away Quantitative way to show benefits and value addition is even more important today than ever before Value and Cost Expectations have changed Business models have changed
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Value creation and value realization for the Indian IT industry structure Product Business Model Custom Solution Services Model IT Outsourcing Services Model Already commoditized High Process Maturity contributes to competitiveness Quality Predictability & Cost Business Model - `Value Creation sold only once Companies trying to do the same thing in more niche areas About 5 years away from becoming commoditized High Process Maturity must be leveraged for systematic Re-Use, Architectural & Design services, Innovation Business Model - `Value Creation sold few (2 to 10) times Companies realize this but find it hard to afford or develop skills to get there. Those who are there have challenge sustaining it. Due to specialization, High Process Maturity is relatively less important. Depending on what Product, avoid being commoditized for longer time Needs focus on People, Process, Technology, Domain knowledge, Entrepreneurship, VC funding/ nurturing, Design skills, Innovation Business Model - `Value Creation sold many times There MUST be an institutionalized way to incubate companies to get into this mode Can be Managed with a L3 Process Maturity. Often, High Process Maturity seen as overhead.
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Future Vision for BSPIN - How can BSPIN further contribute Promote proven Best Practices to improve by type of Business Model Utilize the strength of the Quantitative Management knowledge to help organizations Quantify the Benefits which can be input to business case How can we dramatically reduce the cost of Testing? Why cant proven methods like ODC be popularized by BSPIN? Why cant we institute a Prestigious Award for Proven Quantitative Improvement for the industry?
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Future Vision for BSPIN - Further institutionalization of BSPIN Form BSPIN Foundation Augment ways to earn revenue for BSPIN Rich Web Site to increase impact of BSPIN Leverage Presentations at BSPIN to share the same thoughts via Webinar BSPIN collaborates with other organizations to gain further leverage and mindshare License BSPIN developed webinars via effective models Continue to be on the path of Ethics and Integrity which is bedrock of this great organization
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  • Indradeb P. Pal, the Founder of BSPIN presenting at the 6 th Annual BSPIN Conference on 9 th Oct 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore during the occasion of celebration of 20 years of BSPIN. The views are entirely from the Founders perspective. Dedication This presentation is dedicated to the BSPINNERS & their immediate Family for Past, Present and Future BSPINNERs With thanks to all who have presented and supported BSPIN, SEI SPIN Bangalore, or SIG-SQA With thanks for Corporates, association and bodies who have sponsored and/or supported BSPIN at various times.