Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings experimental investigation experimental investigation Tamara S. Bajc, M.Sc.Mech.Eng. a Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, [email protected] Tempus ENERESE Training Programme December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki 1

Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

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Page 1: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

Tamara S. Bajc, M.Sc.Mech.Eng.

a Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade,

[email protected]

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki1

Page 2: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation



2.Standards regarding IEQ

3.Building and equipment description

4.Measurement results and discussion


Page 3: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

1. Introduction

• Common problems: the correlation of IAQ and health

problems, the required number of air changes regarding

mechanical ventilation and the possible energy savings and

natural ventilation direction.

• Americans spend 90% of their time indoors [1].

• Natural ventilation contributes to energy savings, with about

40% lower energy costs comparing to an air-conditioned

building [2].

• Multi-criteria analysis that could lead to the optimal solution

between lower ventilation rates and desirable IAQ.

[1] United States Environmental Protection Agency, Healthy buildings, healthy people: A vision for the 21st century, Report No. EPA 402-K-01-003, 2001, US

[2] Allocca, C., Chen, Q., and Glicksman, L. R., Design analysis of single-sided natural ventilation, Energy and Buildings, 35 (2003), 8, pp. 785–795

Page 4: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

2. Standards regarding IEQ

• SRPS EN 15251:2010

• ISO 7730

• ASHRAE Standard 55

• ASHRAE Standard 62.1

• Etc.

Page 5: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

2.1. SRPS EN 15251:2010 – Indoor environmental input

parameters for design and assessment of energy

performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality,

thermal environment, lighting and acoustics

• Method based on person and building component, Method based on

ventilation rate per person or per m2 floor area, and Recommended values

of CO2 for energy calculation.

• The ventilation rates for given occupants and building’s emissions are

given in the standard as a function of the building category. For category

II, temperature range for heating is between 20 and 25°C, and

recommended airflow per person is 7 l/s/pers and 0,7 l/s/m2 for low

polluting building. Expected percentage of dissatisfied is 20.

Corresponding CO2 above outdoors for energy calculation is 500 ppm for

category II.

Page 6: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

2.2. ISO 7730 – Moderate thermal environments –

Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and

specification of the conditions for thermal comfort

• Determines the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted

Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) as a function of the activity

and clothing.

• The limits for the light, mainly sedentary activity during the

winter period:

a) The operative temperature shall be between 20°C and 24°C.

The vertical air temperature difference between head and

ankle level shall be less than 3°C.

b) The relative humidity shall be between 30 and 70%

Page 7: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

2.3. ASHRAE Standard 55 – Thermal Environmental

Conditions for Human Occupancy

• Defines the thermal environmental conditions for human


• Describes the metabolic rate, clothing insulation, air

temperature, radiant temperature, air speed, humidity and

position of the measuring equipment.

• Operative temperature or PPD, PMV shall be measured or

calculated at a height of 0,6 m level above the floor for

seated occupants and at the 1,1 m level for standing

occupants .

Page 8: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

2.4. ASHRAE Standard 62.1 – Ventilation for Acceptable


• Gives ventilation criteria for acceptable IAQ when the

mechanical ventilation system is designed.

• Maximal allowed CO2 concentration for offices, according to

ASHRAE 62.1:2013 is 700ppm higher than outdoor air level.

Typical CO2 concentration level in outdoor air is between

300 and 500 ppm, so maximal recommended CO2

concentration for offices is from 1000 to 1200 ppm.

• The CO2 concentration level is not the only and the most

representative criteria for IAQ.

• The allowed concentration should always be determined as

the difference between indoor and outdoor concentration.

Page 9: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

3. Building and equipment description

• The measurements were done in Process Equipment Design

Laboratory at Aristotle University Thessaloniki, during

March 2015.

• IEQ, regarding air temperature, relative humidity and CO2

concentration were measured in two representative offices.

Figure 1. Process Equipment Design Laboratory at Aristotle University Thessaloniki

Page 10: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

3. Building and equipment description

• HOBO UX100-03 data loggers are used in both offices for

temperature and relative humidity measurement and logging.

• In the office 2, the CO2 concentration is measured, using

Telaire 7001 manual CO2 sensor.

• The HOBO data logger records temperature with ±0,21%

accuracy and humidity within ±3,5% accuracy.

• The Telaire 7001 manual CO2 sensor has a measurement

range from 0 to 10000 ppm, with ±5% accuracy.

Page 11: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

4. Measurement results and discussion Date CO2 max [ppm] CO2 min [ppm] Time Window Door People

9.3.2015. 1394 13:47 open open 2

991 12:15 closed open 3

10.3.2015. 1025 13:44 open closed 2

564 10:09 open open 1

11.3.2015. 1089 12:38 closed closed 2

513 9:50 closed closed 0

12.3.2015. 692 14:15 closed open 1

403 10:15 open open 0

13.3.2015 681 13 closed closed 1

480 9:50 closed closed 1

16.3.2015. 1080 13:41 half closed closed 3

440 10 closed closed 0

17.3.2015. 1406 13:17 closed half closed 3

470 10 open closed 0

18.3.2015 433 10 closed open 1

930 14:30 closed half closed 3

19.3.2015. 450 10 open open 0

743 13:44 closed open 2

20.3.2015. 402 9:45 closed closed 0

1023 13:35 closed closed 3

Table 1. Maximal and minimal CO2

concentrations during two weeks in office 2

Page 12: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

4. Measurement results and discussion

• The biggest CO2 concentration is recorded during the day when the window was not

opened and the number of the people in the office was 3. In that period, the lack of

working concentration and productivity was observed, together with some of people

suffering headaches and a bad odor.

• The indoor air temperature was varying from 20,28°C to 25,09°C, depending on the

window opening and the number of the people in the office. During most periods of

time, the CO2 concentration was slightly higher than recommended.

• Also, the relative humidity and the temperature are measured in this office, in a

period from 02.03.2015 until 20.03.2015. with data logging every 15 minutes.

• The heating system in the University building is central, two-pipe system with

radiators and with thermostatic valves.

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Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

4. Measurement results and discussion

Seppänen had investigated the impact of the high temperature on

working performance, and concluded that the working

performance increases with temperature up to 21-22°C, and

decreases with around 23-24°C [3].

[3] Seppänen, O., Scientific basis for design of ventilation for health, productivity and good energy efficiency, Proceedings, 11th Indoor Air Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2008, paper ID: 744

Page 14: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

4. Measurement results and discussion

• From Figure 2. it can be seen that the temperatures are in the desired range for more

than 75% of the time. Only 6,5% of the time, temperature was lower than 20°C, but

still higher than 18°C. Around 18,5% of the time, the temperature was higher than

24°C, but it has never reached 26°C. These results are expected, having in mind the

heating system with the thermostatic valves.

• More than 61% of the time, the relative humidity was lower than recommended 30%,

and only 39% of the time, it stayed within the recommended boundaries. Around 49%

of the time, the relative humidity was between 25% and 30%. This is clearly a result

of overheating and of less ventilation than required. The lowest recorded value was

RH=15%, and it was recorded at 8:15 a.m., in the period when the office was empty.

• During the working hours, from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. the significant number of values,

about 92%, was lower than minimal recommended value. During the only 8% of the

working hours, the relative humidity was higher than 30%, and due to that, in a desired


Page 15: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

4. Measurement results and discussion

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Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

4. Measurement results and discussion

• In office 1, the temperatures are in between the desired range in more than

92% of the time. Minimal recorded value is 20,27°C, and maximal value is

26°C. Du to that, only 8% of the time, the temperature was higher than 24,

and lower than 26°C. The average temperature during the working hours was


• Looking at the relative humidity, the situation in Office 1 is much better than

in the Office 2; the relative humidity was in desired range in 75% of the time.

During the working hours, the average value of relative humidity was

RH=32%, and in the 76% of the time it was equal or higher than RH=30%.

Minimal recorded value was RH=15%, and maximal RH=43%.

Page 17: Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Thessaloniki 2015 …enerese.np.ac.rs/documents/auth/111.pdf · Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings – experimental investigation Tamara

Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

5. Conclusions

• According to the previous results, it could be concluded that the IAQ, during the

most of the working hours was not satisfying. Looking at the negative influence of low

humidity on human’s health, some authors were investigated the symptoms such as:

dryness of the eyes and skin, dryness of the nasal mucous membrane [4]. It is stated

that the low humidity influence increasing of bacterial, viral and other respiratory

infection [4].

• The key problem in offices with natural ventilation in the winter period is low

relative humidity and high CO2 concentration levels, a rather limited ventilation.

• The control of IAQ indicators and appropriate ventilation is crucial for occupants’

health and productivity and naturally also for conserving energy and reducing

operational expenses having in mind the expenses of treatment and workers’ absences.

The decision about the appropriate ventilation rates should always take into account

the anticipated benefits for occupants’ health, rather than choosing the minimal rates

for energy savings.

[4] Sunwoo, Y., Chou, C., Takeshita, J., Murakami, M., and Tochihara, Y., Physiological and subjective responses to low relative humidity, Journal of

physiological anthropology, 25 (2006), 1, pp. 7–14

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Tempus ENERESE Training Programme

December 4-8, 2015, Thessaloniki


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

–– experimental investigation experimental investigation

Thank you for the attention!

Measurement in classroom at the Automatic control Department in Belgrade