Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric Headache Asha Sarma, MD a, *, Tina Young Poussaint, MD b INTRODUCTION Pediatric headache is common and is associated with significant morbidity and economic cost. 1 Despite the increasing use of neuroimaging, findings that change clinical or surgical manage- ment are unusual in the absence of neurologic abnormalities. 2–5 A variety of benign and emergent conditions can cause pediatric headache. This review aims to help guide when to image a child with headache and how to select the appropriate examination. Optimization of CT and MR imaging evaluation with tailored, indication-based protocoling is considered in detail, along with approaches to im- aging in a range of specific clinical conditions. EPIDEMIOLOGY The reported prevalence of pediatric headache ranges from approximately 17% to 91%. 6,7 Preva- lence increases with age throughout childhood and adolescence but headaches are still common in young children—for instance, 29% of children under age 5 have reported a headache within the previous year. 6,8 Headaches are more prevalent in boys before puberty. This trend reverses after puberty, with the female-to-male ratio increasing into adulthood. 9 PEDIATRIC HEADACHE CLASSIFICATION Generally, uncomplicated primary headache dis- orders without an underlying cause (eg, migraine, tension, cluster, and daily headaches) do not require neuroimaging. 10 Causes of secondary headache are numerous and varied. Headaches can also be classified as acute, acute recurrent (episodic), chronic nonprogres- sive, chronic progressive, or new persistent (Fig. 1). 9 Acute recurrent (episodic) and chronic nonprogressive headaches tend to represent benign causes of headache (ie, primary headache disorders), whereas new persistent and chronic progressive headaches are more concerning for significant intracranial pathology and, therefore, Disclosures: None. a Department of Radiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital, 2200 Children’s Way, Suite 1421, Nashville, TN 37232-9700, USA; b Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02130, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] KEYWORDS Pediatrics Headache Neuroimaging Magnetic resonance imaging Decision support KEY POINTS Neuroimaging is generally not indicated for primary pediatric headache (tension, migraine, and cluster headaches). Practice parameters, including the 2017 American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria, are available to guide neuroimaging in pediatric headache. CT and MR imaging are first-line modalities for pediatric headache evaluation. Optimization of CT and MR imaging may decrease ionizing radiation exposure and need for procedural anesthesia. Neuroimag Clin N Am 29 (2019) 271–289 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nic.2019.01.007 1052-5149/19/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. neuroimaging.theclinics.com Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at MOH Consortium -Tehran University of Medical Sciences from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on April 13, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

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Page 1: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Indications and ImagingModality of Choice in

Pediatric Headache Asha Sarma, MDa,*, Tina Young Poussaint, MDb


� Pediatrics � Headache � Neuroimaging � Magnetic resonance imaging � Decision support


� Neuroimaging is generally not indicated for primary pediatric headache (tension, migraine, andcluster headaches).

� Practice parameters, including the 2017 American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria,are available to guide neuroimaging in pediatric headache.

� CT and MR imaging are first-line modalities for pediatric headache evaluation. Optimization of CTand MR imaging may decrease ionizing radiation exposure and need for procedural anesthesia.


Pediatric headache is common and is associatedwith significant morbidity and economic cost.1

Despite the increasing use of neuroimaging,findings that change clinical or surgical manage-ment are unusual in the absence of neurologicabnormalities.2–5

A variety of benign and emergent conditions cancause pediatric headache. This review aims tohelp guide when to image a child with headacheand how to select the appropriate examination.Optimization of CT and MR imaging evaluationwith tailored, indication-based protocoling isconsidered in detail, along with approaches to im-aging in a range of specific clinical conditions.



The reported prevalence of pediatric headacheranges from approximately 17% to 91%.6,7 Preva-lence increases with age throughout childhoodand adolescence but headaches are still common

Disclosures: None.a Department of Radiology, Vanderbilt University MedicChildren’s Way, Suite 1421, Nashville, TN 37232-9700,School, Boston Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Aven* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected]

Neuroimag Clin N Am 29 (2019) 271–289https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nic.2019.01.0071052-5149/19/� 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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in young children—for instance, 29% of childrenunder age 5 have reported a headache within theprevious year.6,8 Headaches are more prevalentin boys before puberty. This trend reverses afterpuberty, with the female-to-male ratio increasinginto adulthood.9


Generally, uncomplicated primary headache dis-orders without an underlying cause (eg, migraine,tension, cluster, and daily headaches) do notrequire neuroimaging.10 Causes of secondaryheadache are numerous and varied.

Headaches can also be classified as acute,acute recurrent (episodic), chronic nonprogres-sive, chronic progressive, or new persistent(Fig. 1).9 Acute recurrent (episodic) and chronicnonprogressive headaches tend to representbenign causes of headache (ie, primary headachedisorders), whereas new persistent and chronicprogressive headaches are more concerning forsignificant intracranial pathology and, therefore,

al Center, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital, 2200USA; b Department of Radiology, Harvard Medicalue, Boston, MA 02130, USA


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Page 2: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Fig. 1. Patterns of headache. (From Blume HK. Pediatric headache: a review. Pediatr Rev 2012;33(12):563; withpermission.)

Sarma & Poussaint272


more often warrant neuroimaging.9,11 Causesof acute single-event headaches range fromself-limited viral upper respiratory infections tolife-threatening hemorrhage from a vascular mal-formation—thus, these headaches must be care-fully triaged.9


Important components of the clinical evaluation forpediatric headache are included in Table 1.9,12

Knowledge of intracranial and head and neckpain–sensitive structures may help in lesion local-ization (Table 2).13 Migraine-like pain is believedcaused by cortical spreading depression, definedas sequential waves of neuronal depolarizationand depressed neuronal activity, leading torelease of chemicals that irritate trigeminal nerveafferents.14

Red Flags in Pediatric Patients with Headache

Research has been focused on determining clin-ical signs and symptoms predictive of seriousintracranial pathology (red flags) in patients withheadache.1 Brain tumors are a common concern(although tumor is uncommon without neurologicsigns).4,15–17

Dodick18 established a set of red flags in pediat-ric patients with headache that fit the memorablemnemonic, SNOOPPPPY (Box 1). These red flagshave not been rigorously validated in pediatric pa-tients, and there is some disagreement in the

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literature about whether patients should beimaged on the basis of age at presentation,change in headache type, and occipital head-ache.1 In a study of pediatric patients in the emer-gency setting, preschool age, recent onset of pain,occipital location, inability to describe the qualityof pain, and objective neurologic signs predictedserious pathology.19

Summary of Current Clinical Guidelines forNeuroimaging Pediatric Patients withHeadache

Relevant clinical guidelines for neuroimaging pedi-atric patients with headache are summarized inTable 3.11,20,21


Noncontrast CT and MR imaging are themost commonly used modalities in the initial eval-uation of pediatric headache. Clinical evaluation,resource availability (including anesthesia ser-vices), and risk-benefit analyses addressing radia-tion exposure and sedation influence choice ofmodality.CT is generally more widely available than MR

imaging in the pediatric emergency setting; how-ever, efforts have been made to increase the avail-ability of MR imaging due to concerns aboutcarcinogenesis from ionizing radiation.22,23 Anadvantage of CT over MR imaging is more rapidexamination speed that reduces the need forsedation. CT is also more useful in clinically

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Page 3: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Table 1Salient components of the clinical evaluation of pediatric patients with headache

Headache Features Past Medical History Family History Drugs and MedicationsSocialHistory

Physical and NeurologicExamination Findings Ancillary Testing

Temporal pattern Tumor predispositionsyndromes

Migraine Stimulants (eg, forattention-deficithyperactivitydisorder)


Significantly abnormalheight and weight

Blood tests

Location Sinus disease Familial tumorsyndromes

Bronchodilators Sleeppatterns

Abnormal vital signs(eg, fever,hypertension)

CSF opening pressureand analysis

Character Cerebrovascular disease(eg, moyamoya, sicklecell disease)

Polycystic kidneydisease, berryaneurysms

Drugs of abuse,including alcohol

Signs of externalbleeding


Triggers andwarning signs

Bleeding disorder Minocycline (can causeintracranialhypertension)

Altered mental status

Red flag signs Caffeine Dysphasia

Altered motor orsensory function

Cranial nerve palsy

Abnormal vision

Abnormal gait

Papilledema, opticatrophy, intraocularhemorrhage

Data from Refs.10–12








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Page 4: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Table 2Pain-sensitive structures of the brain, head,and neck

Intracranial Pain–sensitive Structures

Head and Neck Pain–sensitive Structures

Dural venous sinusesAnterior and middle

meningeal arteries,portions of theinternal carotidartery, and arterialbranches near thecircle of Willis

Skull base duraCranial nerves V, IX,

and XPeriaqueductal gray

matterSensory nuclei of the


Skin, pericranium,subcutaneous tissues,muscles, extracranialarteries

C2 and C3 nervesEyes, ears, teeth,sinuses

OropharynxNasal cavity mucosa

Data from Headache & facial pain. In: Aminoff MJ, Green-berg DA, Simon RP, editors. Clinical neurology, 9thedition. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2015.

Sarma & Poussaint274


unstable patients and in those with certainimplanted devices (eg, pacemaker and cochlearimplant devices).MR imaging is generally more expensive, less

available, and more time consuming than CT. Itis the modality of choice, however, for the initialevaluation of most types of pediatric headache(excluding sudden-onset thunderclap headaches,which usually are first evaluated with CT) due toits superior tissue contrast resolution, which en-ables more optimal tissue characterization and

Box 1SNOOPPPPY mnemonic for red flags inpediatric headache

S: systemic symptoms or illness

N: neurologic signs or symptoms

O: onset recent or sudden (ie, thunderclapheadache)

O: occipital localization of pain

P: pattern—precipitated by Valsalva maneuver

P: pattern—positional

P: pattern—progressive

P: parents—no family history

Y: years—age less than 6

From Dodick D. Headache as a symptom of ominousdisease. What are the warning signals? PostgradMed 1997;101(5):46–50, 55-46, 62-44.

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detection of small or subtle lesions. Furthermore,unlike CT, MR imaging uses electromagnetic radi-ation, which confers no carcinogenic risk.Optimization of use of gadolinium-based

contrast agents is essential for MR imaging.Recent studies have shown that gadoliniumdeposition occurs in the brain, bone, andother organs in children with normal renal func-tion.24–29 The physiologic and clinical significanceof brain gadolinium deposition (if any) has notyet been determined; however, judicious useof gadolinium-based contrast agents isrecommended.For MR imaging, procedural sedation to

minimize patient motion is often necessary toachieve diagnostic quality imaging. Although short(<3 hour), single sessions of sedation in otherwisehealthy infants or children likely has no lasting neu-rodevelopmental consequences, studies of ani-mals, including nonhuman primates, have raisedconcern about the safety of anesthetic agents inchildren.30 Awareness of this issue increasedafter the US Food and Drug Administration issuedwarnings that anesthesia administered to childrenunder age 3 for sessions longer than 3 hoursor on a repeated basis might affect braindevelopment.31

At Boston Children’s Hospital, strategiesfor minimizing the need for anesthesia in children(Box 2) have substantially decreased theproportion of cases requiring anesthesia.Importantly, it may be unsafe to defer indicatedneuroimaging studies in many instances, andsedation and general anesthesia remain vitaltools.30

Specific CT and MR Imaging ProtocolConsiderations

Noncontrast MR imaging is the study of choicefor most pediatric patients with headache(Box 3). Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI);MR arteriography or MR venography; perfusionsequences, such as arterial spin labeling (ASL);isotropic 3-D fast turbo spin-echo sequences;postcontrast sequences; and MR spectroscopymay be added for evaluation of specificdisorders.Using conventional acquisition parameters,

headache evaluation currently requires approxi-mately 45 minutes to an hour to complete atBoston Children’s Hospital. Fast brain, or rapidlyacquired, sequences can be performed on 3TMR imaging units to decrease acquisition timeand reduce the need for anesthesia.32 Generally,these are commercially available sequences thatare modified using parallel imaging with higher

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Page 5: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Table 3Summary of relevant clinical guidelines for neuroimaging in pediatric headache

2002 American Academy of Neurology and Child Neurology Society

No neuroimaging in children with recurrent headaches and a normal neurologic examination

Imaging should be considered with abnormal neurologic examination, recent onset of severeheadache, change in headache type, evidence of neurologic dysfunction

2013 ChoosingWisely campaign (American Board of Internal Medicine and American Headache Society)

Neuroimaging not recommended with stable migraine headaches

MR imaging (when available) preferred over CT in the nonemergent evaluation of headache

2017 American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria for Headache–Child11

Type of headache (initial imaging) Appropriate imaging modality or modalities (usuallyappropriate in italics)

Primary headache Imaging usually not appropriate

Secondary headache MR imaging without or without and with contrastMR imaging with MR arteriography or MR venographyCT without or with contrast

Headache due to remote trauma MR imaging without contrast

Headache attributed to infection MR imaging without and with contrastMR imaging without contrastMR imaging with MR arteriography or MR venographyCT without or with contrast

Thunderclap headache CT without contrastMR arteriography without contrastMR imaging without contrastCTA

Data from Refs.11,20,21

Indications and Imaging in Pediatric Headache 275

acceleration factors, gradient echo T1-weightedimaging, and elimination of manual intersequenceadjustments.32 At Boston Children’s Hospital,typical fast brain MR imaging studies are currentlyapproximately 11 minutes in duration. Fast brainsequences are often useful in headache patientswho are approximately 4 years to 7 years of ageand in many older children and adolescents,including those with developmental delay. Diag-nostic quality can be comparable to standard ac-quisitions.32 On 1.5T MR imaging units,

Box 2Strategies for minimizing anesthesia inneuroimaging

Real-time case monitoring with close communi-cation between radiologists and technologists

Feed and swaddle technique (infants)

Dual-source CT

Fast brain MR imaging sequences on 3T units

Distraction techniques (eg, video goggles)

Patient selection and real-time intervention bychild life specialists

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periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines withenhanced reconstruction imaging is sometimesused to decrease scan times. At Boston Children’sHospital, rapid axial T2-weighted echo-planar fastspin-echo imaging is often used to rapidly evaluateventricular size in hydrocephalus patients withheadache.33

CT may be used instead of MR imaging in emer-gency and critical care settings, in patients withcontraindications to MR imaging, and for evalua-tion of new focal neurologic deficits when MR im-aging is less available. Strategies to reduce

Box 3Basic MR imaging protocol for imaging ofpediatric patients with headache

Sagittal T1-weighted 3D T1-weighted gradientecho sequence, reformatted into axial and cor-onal planes

Axial T2-weighted sequence

Axial fat-suppressed FLAIR sequence

Axial DTI

Coronal T2-weighted sequence

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Page 6: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Sarma & Poussaint276


radiation dose in pediatric CT include patientweight/size–based parameter adjustments andselection of lower-dose parameters when higherimage noise can be tolerated (eg, sinus disease,known hydrocephalus, and bone lesions). Dual-source CT can both decrease dose and decreasescan time to less than 1 second and, hence,decrease the need for sedation.


Numerous underlying conditions can cause head-aches in pediatric patients. This discussion brieflydescribes each entity, summarizing the epidemi-ology, clinical presentation, optimal imagingstudy and protocol selection, and imaging find-ings. Table 4 lists adjunct sequences that maybe added to routine MR imaging protocols for spe-cific conditions.

Emergent Causes of Pediatric Headache

HydrocephalusHydrocephalus is due to imbalance betweenproduction and absorption of cerebrospinalfluid (CSF) (Fig. 2) and is a rare cause of pediat-ric headache (<1%).19,34 Early morning head-ache with nausea and vomiting, sometimeswith changes in personality and behavior, istypical and may be accompanied by signs ofelevated intracranial pressure.35 Intracranialhemorrhage (ICH) or infection, aqueductal steno-sis, Chiari malformations, and tumors are com-mon causes.Either CT or MR imaging may be appropriate for

imaging evaluation. Radiographic shunt series arean important adjunct study.

InfectionInfection causing pediatric headaches can bebroadly divided into systemic infection (eg, upperrespiratory infection and febrile illnesses), headand neck infection (Fig. 3) (eg, sinusitis, otomastoi-ditis, and orbital infection), and primary centralnervous system (CNS) infection (eg, meningitis,encephalitis, and abscess). Immunocompromisedpatients are at increased risk.Head and neck and systemic infections are

common, and sinus, mastoid, and middle earmucosal disease and effusion are often inciden-tally detected even in asymptomatic pediatric pa-tients.36 Upper respiratory infection has beenfound to represent the most common cause ofheadache, in approximately 31% of patients.19

It can be difficult to determine whether non-CNS systemic or head and neck infection is

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causal or merely concurrent with primary or othercauses of secondary headache.36 These infec-tions are generally determined to be causal ifheadache symptoms parallel the course of theinfection, headaches are typical for the type ofinfection, and infection has been clinicallydiagnosed.10

Primary CNS infections are much more rare(approximately 2% of cases presenting to the pe-diatric emergency department) and tend to pre-sent with systemic symptoms and laboratoryabnormalities, meningismus, and neurologic signsor altered mental status.10,19

In suspected primary CNS infection, clinical andlaboratory evaluations are essential. Headache,high fever, altered mental status, focal neurologicsigns, and seizures may be indications for neuroi-maging.11 Noncontrast CT may be obtained priorto lumbar puncture when there is concern for intra-cranial mass effect or herniation.11 MR imagingwithout and with contrast is the neuroimagingstudy of choice. MR imaging may help to distin-guish infection from other clinical entities, detectcomplications (eg, meningitis, encephalitis, andintracranial abscess or empyema), and identifythe causal pathogen.Imaging is usually not indicated in acute uncom-

plicated sinusitis. Noncontrast CT is indicated forpersistent sinusitis. Noncontrast CT or MR imag-ing without and with contrast are indicatedwhen there is concern for orbital or intracranialcomplications.11

TumorBrain tumors are a do-not-miss diagnosis and acommon cause of concern among patients, par-ents, and referring providers (Fig. 4). Headacheis a common early symptom and presentingcomplaint (particularly for posterior fossa tumors),found in 62% to 88% of cases.16 Tumors are usu-ally accompanied, however, by neurologic signsand are found in fewer than 1% of children withisolated headaches.16,34

CT is often performed in the emergent setting,especially for assessment of significant masseffect, hemorrhage, acute hydrocephalus, orherniation. MR imaging performed withoutand with contrast is superior for presurgical evalu-ation, including assessment of disease extent.Advanced imaging techniques, such as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), perfusion imaging, andMR spectroscopy, can provide physiologic evalu-ation of tumors.

Brain ischemiaHeadaches are a common presenting featureof ischemic stroke in children, found in

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Page 7: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Table 4Summary of suggested adjunct MR imaging sequences for tailoring imaging assessment in specificconditions

Hydrocephalus T2 echo-planar fast spin-echo (ventricle check MR imaging)Sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequence to determine endoscopic third

ventriculostomy patency

Primary CNSinfection

Postgadolinium T1-weighted sequenceSWI (septic emboli, hemorrhagic infection [eg, herpes encephalitis])MR arteriography, MR venography (vasospasm, CSVT)

Head and neckinfection

Postgadolinium T1-weighted gradient-echo sequencePostgadolinium fat-suppressed T1-weighted sequence (2 planes)Fat-suppressed T2-weighted sequence (2 planes)MR venography

Brain tumor SWIMR spectroscopyASL and/or dynamic contrast-enhanced perfusion imagingPostgadolinium T1-weighted spine imaging (assessment for CSF dissemination)MR arteriography, MR venography

Stroke SWIASLMR arteriographyMR venographyPostgadolinium T1-weighted sequence

ICH due to anunderlying tumoror vascular lesion

SWIMR arteriographyPostgadolinium 3D T1-weighted spin-echo (tumor) and/or gradient echo

(vascular lesion) sequences

Hemiplegic migraine SWIASLMR arteriography

Vasculopathy (eg,PACNS,moyamoya)

SWIMR arteriographyASL, velocity selective-ASLVessel wall imaging

CSVT MR venographyPostgadolinium 3D T1-weighted gradient echo sequence

PRES SWIASLMR arteriography

Chiari Imalformation

T2-weighted sagittal and axial sequences of the cervical spinePhase contrast or cine sequence CSF flow studySpinal cord DTI sequence

Non-neoplastic cysts T2-weighted balanced steady-state gradient echo sequenceT2-weighted echo-planar fast spin-echo sequenceSagittal T2-weighted spin-echo sequence (pineal region lesions causing

aqueductal obstruction)


SWIMR spectroscopy


MR venographyPostgadolinium 3D T1-weighted gradient echo sequence (vascular imaging is to

exclude CSVT)

Indications and Imaging in Pediatric Headache 277

approximately a quarter to half of affectedchildren, usually with accompanying focal neuro-logic deficits.37,38 Headache may be a morecommon stroke symptom in children than in

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adults.37,38 Arterial ischemia-related headachesare more common in children over 5 yearsof age (possibly due to greater ability toverbalize symptoms), with increasing incidence

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Page 8: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Fig. 2. A 12-year-old girl with 2 weeks of headache due to tectal glioma causing obstructive hydrocephalus. (A)Axial FLAIR MR imaging demonstrates mildly dilated lateral ventricles with transependymal edema. Axial T2-weighted (B) and postgadolinium 3D T1-weighted gradient echo images (C) and apparent diffusion coefficientmap (D) demonstrate a nonenhancing small, round tectal tumor with T2 prolongation and facilitated diffusion(arrows). The patient underwent endoscopic third ventriculostomy.

Sarma & Poussaint278


into adolescence. Headaches are morecommon in vascular dissection and transientarteriopathy of childhood (approximately 70%each).37

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CT is often the first study chosen in theemergency setting and is used to evaluate for hem-orrhage or large territorial infarction (contraindica-tions to thrombolysis).39,40 MR imaging is more

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Page 9: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Fig. 3. A 15-year-old boy with 4 days of headache, fever, and eye swelling due to acute, complicated sinusitis.Axial CT with contrast (A) and axial T2-weighted MR imaging (B) demonstrate frontal sinus opacification withair-fluid levels and a small right frontal epidural abscess (arrows). Postgadolinium 3D T1-weighted spin-echosequence (C) shows leptomeningeal enhancement adjacent to the abscess (arrow), concerning for meningitis.

Fig. 4. A 16-year-old girl with 1 month of headache due to a brain tumor. Axial CT (A) and T2-weighted (B), FLAIR(C), postgadolinium 3D T1-weighted spin-echo (D), apparent diffusion coefficient map (E), and post-processed dy-namic contrast-enhanced perfusion (F) MR images show a partially calcified, enhancing intra-axial tumor withlow diffusivity, elevated blood flow, extensive surrounding vasogenic edema, and mild mass effect. The resectedlesion represented anaplastic ganglioglioma.

Indications and Imaging in Pediatric Headache 279

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sensitive for acute ischemia. CT and MR imagingfindings vary with timing relative to the ischemicinsult.

Intracranial hemorrhage due to underlyingvascular lesionsNontraumatic acute ICH in pediatric patients isoften caused by underlying vascular lesions (eg,arteriovenous malformations [AVMs] [Fig. 5], an-eurysms, and cavernous malformations). Noncon-trast CT is usually the initial study for evaluation ofpediatric patients with thunderclap headache andsuspected acute ICH.Headache is relatively common in patients with

AVM even without ICH, with a wide range of re-ported incidence of 9% to 70% of cases at pre-sentation.41 Headaches commonly localize to the

Fig. 5. A 15-year-old girl with headache and visual field cu3D T1-weighted gradient echo (B), and SWI (C) MR imagemild surrounding vasogenic edema. Axial time-of-flight M(D) and postgadolinium 3D T1-weighted gradient echo (Evertebral artery injection image from a conventional angiof the hematoma, demonstrates the nidus (arrow). The nidcompression of the small vessels by the hematoma. The A

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side of the lesion. Occipital location is a risk factorfor headache, which is often associated with visualsymptoms.41

Less than 5% of intracranial arterial aneurysmspresent in children. Most affect children olderthan 5 years of age, and aneurysms are approxi-mately twice as common in boys.42 They aremore commonly found at the internal carotid arterybifurcation and in the posterior circulation than inadults, and mycotic, giant, and posttraumaticaneurysms are more common.42 Headache is acommon presenting symptom, affecting 82% ofpatients, with a median 2-week prodrome.42

Seizure and cranial neuropathies are more com-mon in children than in adults.42

CMs are vascular malformations comprised ofdilated endothelium-lined blood vessels without

t due to an AVM-related hemorrhage. Axial FLAIR (A),s demonstrate a small right occipital hematoma withR arteriography maximum intensity projection image) demonstrate a small vascular nidus (arrows). (F) Leftogram obtained several months later, after resolutionus was angiographically occult at presentation due toVM was resected.

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Page 11: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Indications and Imaging in Pediatric Headache 281

muscular and adventitial layers.43,44 Approxi-mately one-quarter present in pediatric patients.43

In children under 6 years old, lesions tend to belarger and are more likely to bleed than in childrenover 12 years old. At presentation, headaches(approximately 3%) are less common than sei-zures (38%), focal neurologic deficits (42%), andintracranial hypertension (29%).43

For evaluation of underlying vascular lesions, CTarteriography and MR imaging, including precon-trast and postcontrast vascular imaging, may becomplementary. Soft tissue contrast resolution ofCTA is lower than that of MR imaging, but itshigher spatial resolution and decreased sensitivityto motion artifact can be helpful in detectingabnormal vessels. If no underlying lesion is found,conventional angiography and/or delayed follow-up imaging after resolution of any hematoma thatmay be compressing abnormal vessels orobscuring tumor (usually weeks to months after

Fig. 6. A 14-year-old girl with headache due to hemiplegicsided weakness. Axial T2-weighted (A), FLAIR (B), and DWIasymmetric venous prominence in the left cerebral hemisASL (E) shows decreased flow in the left cerebral hemispreconstruction from time-of-flight MR arteriography (F)branches. Imaging abnormalities resolved on 3-week follo

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the acute hemorrhage) is indicated. Conventionalcontrast angiography is also used for image-guided intervention.

Vascular Causes of Headache Without AcuteHemorrhage

Hemiplegic migraineHemiplegic migraine is a rare migraine variant(approximately 4% in 1 large pediatric series)45

that mimics cerebral infarction (Fig. 6).10,45

Migraine with aura is accompanied by fully revers-ible motor, visual, sensory, and/or speech and lan-guage deficits that usually last less than 72 hoursbut may persist for weeks.10 Familial cases areoften caused by membrane channel mutations(eg, CACNA1A, ATP1A2, and SCN1A).46

MR imaging may be normal during an acuteepisode or include findings of unilateral corticalswelling and hyperintensity on fluid-attenuated

migraine, presenting with transient aphasia and right-(C) MR images are normal. Axial SWI (D) demonstratesphere, suggesting increased tissue oxygen extraction.here, and coronal maximum intensity projection 3-Dshows pruning of distal left middle cerebral arteryw-up MR imaging (not pictured).

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inversion recovery (FLAIR) and T2-weightedimaging, decreased perfusion, diminishedcaliber of vessels on MR arteriography, andasymmetric prominence of cortical veins onSWI due to increased tissue oxygen extractionand elevated venous deoxyhemoglobin. NormalDWI excludes ischemic injury. Imaging abnor-malities resolve on follow-up.46–48 Transientneurologic deficits with similar imaging findingscan be seen even without migraine in anentity that has been termed regional cerebralhypoperfusion.49

VasculitisIn childhood primary angiitis of the CNS (PACNS),clinical and imaging features vary by type (nonpro-gressive, progressive, and small-vessel angiog-raphy-negative, biopsy-positive types).50 Seruminflammatory markers are typically elevated.51

Ischemia-induced headache accompanied byfocal neurologic deficits or seizures is common inangiography-positive disease.50

Fig. 7. A 16-year-old girl with headache, ataxia, and papilSagittal and axial 3D T1-weighted gradient echo MR imagewithin the superior sagittal sinus and tributary cortical vei3-D reconstructions from time-of-flight MR venography (within the superior sagittal sinus and right transverse andcontrast sagittal 3D T1-weighted gradient echo (E, F) demimaging showed findings of elevated intracranial pressure

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MR imaging is the imaging modality ofchoice. Time-of-flight MR arteriography mayoverestimate or underestimate abnormalities.50

ICH may affect decisions pertaining to thrombol-ysis. Perfusion imaging is helpful for evaluatingtissue at risk. CTA may be useful to evaluateMR arteriography abnormalities that are sus-pected to represent artifact, whereas conven-tional angiography is the gold standard forevaluation of the vessels.50,51 Using postgadoli-nium T1-weighted spin-echo imaging at 3T,thickening and increased enhancement of thevessel wall may be detected even in nonstenoticarteries.52

Cerebral sinovenous thrombosisCerebral sinovenous thrombosis (CSVT) is rare inchildren (Fig. 7).53 Although seizures are themost common presenting clinical feature overall(a majority of cases are in neonates and infants un-der 6 months), older children typically present withheadaches (32%–68%) and motor symptoms.53,54

ledema due to CSVT 10 days after influenza infection.s (A, B) demonstrate extensive hyperintense thrombusns. Sagittal and coronal maximum intensity projectionC, D) demonstrate loss of flow-related enhancementsigmoid sinuses and upper internal jugular vein. Post-onstrates filling defects in the same distribution. MR(not pictured).

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Complications may include hemorrhagic infarction(40%) and hydrocephalus.54

When CSVT is suspected, CT venography or MRvenography is indicated even if initial CT is normal.On noncontrast CT, involved veins may appearhyperdense (>70 Hounsfield units) and distended.Absent flow-related enhancement on MR venog-raphy may correspond to intravenous fillingdefects on CT venography and postcontrast 3DT1-weighted gradient echo imaging.54 Involve-ment of multiple veins is common (70%).53 MR im-aging can evaluate for edema, ischemia, andhemorrhagic infarction with high sensitivity andspecificity.54

Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndromePosterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome(PRES) results from failed cerebrovascularautoregulation or cytotoxic endothelial injury.Risk factors include renal or autoimmune disease,malignancy, hypertension (85%), and chemo-therapy or immunosuppressive therapy. Seizure(90%), encephalopathy, headache (40%), and vi-sual disturbances are common in pediatricpatients.

CT is often the initial imaging modality for sus-pected PRES; however, MR imaging should beobtained even when CT is normal. Findings onCT and MR can include hemispheric edema. Intypical PRES, this most often presents in the pari-etal and occipital lobes, followed by the frontallobes and cerebellum.55 Atypical PRES is morecommon in children than adults, with relativelygreater involvement of the frontal and temporallobes and deep gray matter.56 More frequentinvolvement of the cerebellum has not been uni-versal across studies.57 Low diffusivity and hemor-rhage are overall less common atypical featuresthat may be more frequent in children.56 Perfusionsequences may show regional hypoperfusion andhyperperfusion, and angiographic imaging mayshow diffuse arterial constriction, narrowing, andbeading.58

Moyamoya vasculopathyMoyamoya vasculopathy is characterized by pro-gressive steno-occlusive disease of the internalcarotid artery and its terminal branches, with resul-tant formation of puff-of-smoke lenticulostriateand leptomeningeal collaterals (Fig. 8). Head-aches are common before and after revasculariza-tion surgery and may resemble migraines,although may be refractory to usual pharmaco-logic therapy. Headaches may be caused byhypoperfusion or redistributed blood flow.59

Although conventional angiography is usuallynecessary to define disease extent, MR imaging

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with MR arteriography plays an important role atdiagnosis and in follow-up for assessment of sul-cal bright signal on FLAIR (ivy sign), infarction,vascular steno-occlusive disease, and collateralvessels. ASL may show regions of decreasedflow due to increased path length of labeled spinsthrough leptomeningeal collateral vessels; velocityselective ASL (vs-ASL) may reflect perfusion moreaccurately.60

Chiari I Malformation

Chiari I malformation is defined by cerebellartonsillar descent to at least 5 mm below the fora-men magnum. Headache is the most commonpresenting symptom, with Chiari I malformationidentified in approximately 6% of childrenimaged for headache and 12% with the malfor-mation presenting with headache (Fig. 9).61,62

Chiari I malformation frequently coexists withprimary headache and many patients meetingimaging criteria are asymptomatic; therefore,clinical correlation is required. Specific clinicalfeatures linking headaches to Chiari I mal-formation include occipital location; precipitationby Valsalva maneuver; short duration; andbulbar, cerebellar, lower cranial nerve, and uppercervical spinal cord signs.10 Greater tonsillardescent is associated with greater headacheseverity.63 Occipital headaches and thosethat are precipitated by Valsalva-like maneuversare more likely to respond to surgicalintervention.10

Advanced MR imaging sequences, such ascardiac-gated phase contrast for CSF flowassessment, pulse-gated cine for cerebellartonsillar motion, quantitative volumetric assess-ment of the posterior fossa and biometry of theskull base, and spinal cord diffusion tensor imag-ing (DTI), have been investigated but are notcurrently in wide clinical use.64

Non-neoplastic Cysts and Their Complications

Arachnoid cystArachnoid cysts form when CSF accumulates be-tween the walls of a duplicated arachnoid mem-brane (Fig. 10). Most are found in children andyoung adults, commonly as an incidentalfinding.61,65 Incidence in pediatric patients withheadache is approximately 1% to 3%.61 Rarecomplications include enlarging cyst (children un-der 4 years of age), intracystic and subdural hem-orrhage (especially after trauma), and obstructivehydrocephalus.65,66

MR imaging assessment may include abalanced steady-state gradient echo sequencefor delineation of the cyst wall. At Boston

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Fig. 8. A 9-year-old girl with headaches and right-sided moyamoya vasculopathy. (A) Axial FLAIR MR imagingdemonstrates ivy sign connoting leptomeningeal collateral flow in the right cerebral hemisphere. Axial T2-weighted image (B), axial time-of-flight MR arteriography image (C), and coronal time-of-flight MR arteriog-raphy maximum intensity projection 3-D reconstruction (D) demonstrate severe narrowing of the right internalcarotid artery terminus and the A1 and M1 segments, with numerous middle cerebral artery (MCA) cistern collat-erals and pruning of distal MCA branches. The patient was treated with pial synangiosis.

Sarma & Poussaint284


Children’s Hospital, echo-planar fast spin-echoimaging often is used to follow arachnoid cystsfor changes in size or fluid reaccumulation aftersurgery.

Colloid cystColloid cysts, believed to arise from endodermalremnants at the roof of the embryonic dienceph-alon, are rare in children, with fewer than 8% pre-senting before 15 years of age.65

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Approximately 50% to 60% of symptomaticpatients have headaches, often with papille-dema. Precipitous frontal headaches andnausea and vomiting that are relieved when thepatient is lying down are characteristic.65

Acute hydrocephalus may result in suddenneurologic deterioration or death. NoncontrastCT and/or MR imaging demonstrate around lesion at the roof of the third ventriclenear the foramen of Monro, which is hyperdense

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Page 15: Indications and Imaging Modality of Choice in Pediatric

Fig. 9. A 13-year-old girl with brief headaches and syncopal episodes due to Chiari I malformation. Axial, sagittal,and coronal T2-weighted MR images (A–C) show cerebellar tonsillar descent below the foramen magnum, withcrowding of the adjacent CSF spaces and dorsal bump at the cervicomedullary junction. The patient underwentposterior fossa decompression.

Indications and Imaging in Pediatric Headache 285

on CT, with variable signal intensity on MRimaging.65

Miscellaneous Conditions

Mitochondrial diseaseMigraine-like headaches that have been attributedto vasculopathy are common in mitochondrialencephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS).10 Both tension-type andmigraine-like headaches, however, are commoneven in mitochondrial disorders without vas-culopathy, suggesting pathogenesis related toabnormal mitochondrial metabolism.67

In MELAS, neuroimaging findings includestroke-like lesions crossing vascular territories;

Fig. 10. A 17-year-old boy with 2 months of headache, prehemorrhage complicating an arachnoid cyst. Axial T2-weinial fossa arachnoid cyst containing hypointense blood proholohemispheric subdural hematoma with mass effect and

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deep gray matter changes including basal gangliamineralization; white matter abnormalities andparenchymal volume loss; and elevated lactate inthe parenchyma and CSF on MR spectroscopy.68

Idiopathic intracranial hypertensionIdiopathic intracranial hypertension is rare in chil-dren, in particular those under 10 years of age,with most cases of intracranial hypertension beingsecondary (Fig. 11). The predilection for femaleand obese patients that has been described inadults has not been observed in pediatric patients.Headache is the most common symptom, occur-ring in greater than 90% of affected patients.69

Hartmann and colleagues70 found no significantdifference between children and adults in MR

senting with worsening headache and vomiting due toghted MR image (A) demonstrates a right middle cra-ducts. Axial FLAIR (B) and SWI (C) demonstrate a rightvenous congestion in the right cerebral hemisphere.

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Fig. 11. A 17-year-old girl with headache, blurry vision, and vomiting due to idiopathic intracranial hypertension.Sagittal 3D T1-weighted gradient echo image (A) demonstrates a partially empty sella. Coronal T2-weighted MRimage (B) demonstrates enlarged Meckel caves (arrows). Axial T2-weighted MR image (C) demonstrates flat-tening of the posterior globes and subtle elevation of the left optic papilla (arrow). Axial postgadolinium T1-weighted 3D T1-weighted gradient echo (D) shows flattening of the transverse sinuses at the sinodural angle (ar-rows). There was no evidence of CSVT.

Sarma & Poussaint286


imaging findings of optic nerve tortuosity and opticnerve head protrusion, increased perioptic CSF,tonsillar herniation, and enlargement of Meckelcave. Optic nerve enhancement was more com-mon in prepubertal patients, and scleral flattening,transverse sinus stenosis, meningoceles, andsellar changes were less common.


Pediatric headache is a common clinical problemand reason for neuroimaging referral. The yield ofimaging is low in patients with primary headachedisorders. There are many secondary causes of

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pediatric headache, for which neuroimaging tendsto be more useful. Multiple published clinicalguidelines are available to guide imaging modalityselection. Tailored CT and MR selection and pro-tocoling are key for optimal use and should includeincorporation of shortened examinations, whichdecrease the need for anesthesia in pediatricneuroimaging.


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