India Newsletter | 1 INDIA NEWSLETTER Published by the Embassy of India,Vienna Year 2 | Issue 21 | September 2012

India Newsletter 09.2012

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INDIA NEWSLETTERPublished by the Embassy of India, Vienna

Year 2 | Issue 21 | September 2012

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QUICK FACTSSnapshot of last month’s Highlights

1With 27 per cent share in the total FDI proposed in 2011-12, Odisha has

emerged as the most favourite invest-ment destination for overseas investors.

2IT spending is to grow at 16.3% to US$ 43.57 billion in 2012

3India’s tyre industry registered a net profit of Rs 178 crore (US$ 32.02 mil-

lion) in April-June 2012.

4The growth in deposits across the banking system in India is expected to

rise by 15.8 per cent in 2012-13.

5The wellness sector in India is ex-pected to touch Rs 950 billion (US$

17.10 billion) by 2014 and will grow at a CAGR of 18-20 per cent.

6With a market capitalisation of Rs 138,469 crore (US$ 24.88 billion),

HDFC Bank is now one of the most valu-able bank in the world valuing more than players like BofA and BNP Paribas

7Indian households hold over US$ 950 billion of gold and a quarter of all the

gold sold globally is imported by India

8Event management industry in India is expected to touch Rs 4,375 crore

(US$ 779.51 million) by 2013-14

9India’s foreign exchange reserves in-creased US$ 1.3 billion to US$ 288

billion for the week ended July 27, 2012

10Indians are most confident about their current level of savings. Over

one-third Indians believe that they are saving enough for their retirement.

11Indian equities have attracted more foreign institutional flows

than any other Asian market so far in 2012. Foreign funds have invested close to US$ 11 billion into Indian equities since January 2012.

12India’s retail market is expected to reach US$ 1.3 trillion by 2020,

growing more than double in size from the current valuation of US$ 500 billion.

13Domestic passenger car sales in-creased 6.7 per cent to 143,496

units in July 2012 as compared to 134,473 units in the same month in 2011.

14Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) have bought a net of US$

10.7 billion of Indian equities till early August - the highest ever on a year to date basis.

15The Ministry of Textiles has re-vised the export target for textile

products to US$ 40.50 billion from US$ 38.31 billion for 2012-13.

16The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Ex-

change (NSE) are among top five bourses across the emerging economies of the world in terms of market capitalisation.

17India’s mobile data consumption to double by June 2013.

18Infrastructure project completion is expected to go up by 39 per

cent during FY 2012-13.

19GoAir, India’s fifth largest airline in terms of market share is planning

to double the number of flights to about 1,400 a week by FY13.

20The domestic probiotic market is expected to grow at a compound

annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11 per cent by 2016.

21Automobile production in India is expected to grow by 9 per cent

in 2012-13.

VIBRANT GUJARAT DELEGATION TO AUSTRIAInterested parties are invited to attend the Networking Seminar/Cocktail

CApExIL DELEGATION TO AUSTRIAInterested parties are invited to pre-register for B2B meetings

The Vibrant Gujarat Delegation will be visiting Vienna from 27-29th September, 2012. The delegation’s

focus is on Innovation & Technology with-in the following industries: Automotives, Chemicals & Biotechnology, Engineering & Infrastructure, Electronic & Machin-ery, IT and Environmental Technology. In

this context, interested companies are welcome to take part on the BUSINESS NETWORKING SEMINAR/COCKTAIL with the delegates. The agenda includes short presentations about the focus sec-tors and on investment/cooperation op-portunities with the Indian state of Gu-jarat.

WhEN: 27th Sep, 2012 at 17:30

WhERE: Indian Embassy Business Cen-tre (1st Floor, Kärntner Ring 2, 1010 Vi-enna)

Shall you be interested in attending the event, please RSVP at [email protected] or 01 505866631.

The Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council of In-dia is visiting Vienna on 8-9th Oc-

tober, 2012. The delegation is comprised by 22 companies.

Besides seeking trade partners, the companies hope to check the possibil-ity of Joint Ventures, Technical Tie Ups, Take overs of Plant & Machineries, pos-sibility to open branch offices in Austria vis-à-vis inviting European firms to have

their representation in India, procure-

ment of quality raw materials, appointing

selling agent, selecting distributors, tie up

with buy back arrangements etc.

The Delegates of Granites, Marble, Natu-

ral Stones, Ceramics & Refractory seg-

ments also have interest in the areas of

procurement of materials, design, R&D in

Structural Engineering etc.

In this regard, those interested in holding

B2B meetings with the delegation are in-

vited to pre-register by sending an email

to [email protected]

or calling 01 505866630. More informa-

tion about the full program for the meet-

ings will be published as soon as they are


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EMBASSY OF INDIA (VIENNA) LAUNChES FACEBOOK pAGEOnline under www.facebook.com/IndianEmbassyVienna

Fascinated by the huge popularity of Fa-cebook among Indians and Friends of India residing in Austria, the Indian Em-bassy, Vienna, announces the launch of its Facebook account. Indian Embassy aims to reach out to the Indian-Austrian com-munity.

The new move came as a part of the ef-forts of our new Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna, ShRI R. SWAMINAThAN (picture right), to reach out to Indians who re-side in various parts of the country and to friends of India, who are interested in India-related news and events in Austria.

The Embassy is happy to announce the launch of the Facebook account. please join the group and also invite other ‘friends of India’ to join!

The government of India has been active-ly using Facebook as a platform to con-nect, converse and promote. Facebook was also used to promote India’s Census 2011 where the community learned and discusseed national matters with officials. The Planning Commission of India also introduced a Facebook Page to educate and communicate India’s expenditure planning for the next 5 Years.


India has been a favoured investment destination in Asia, according to Meck-lai Financial.

“The Indian financial markets have wit-nessed favouritism among the investing Diaspora compared to its Asian coun-terparts such as South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia” said the Mecklai Financial report.

On a year to date basis, India received flows worth $11 billion in equities and $4.7 billion in debt investments.

The second highest flows were received by South Korea to the tune of $6.2 bil-lion.

“In the Jan-March period when the in-flows were registered the USD/INR which was trading at 53.298 levels at the

start of the year gained strength up to 48.56 levels by the beginning of March. That was a close to 7% appreciation in the Indian rupee,” said the Mecklai Finan-cial report, “The USD/ INR pair could be helped to 52.50 levels with the twin defi-cits, stunted GDP growth rate and the economic quandary of Europe refraining the rupee from such levels.

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INDIA IS pARTNER COUNTRY AT BRNO INT’L ENGINEERING FAIRThe India Show at Brno International Engineering Fair

EEPC India is holding The India Show in the Czech Republic - gateway to Central and East European mar-

kets. The Show will coincide with MSV – International Engineering Fair at Brno Exhibition Centre, Brno from 10 - 14 September 2012. Around 150 companies from the small, medium and large sectors will participate. MSV – International En-gineering Fair, Brno is the most impor-tant industrial fair in Central Europe. The fair hosts more than 1,500 exhibitors & brings in about 80,000 visitors. More than 35% of exhibitors & 10% of visitors

come from abroad. Trade Fairs Brno, the 2012 show, organised by BVV, is the 54th edition where India will be present as the Partner Country.

The upcoming MSV-Brno International Engineering Fair at Czech Republic (Sep-tember 10-14, 2012) provides India a per-fect platform to showcase its engineering strength. With India as the Partner Coun-try, SMEs and large size companies will be participating to explore the potential opportunities in the Central and East Eu-ropean market.

For the records, the 2011 Brno Fair at-tracted 78,500 visitors from Central European countries including Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Italy and there were over 1,600 companies from 28 countries exhibiting at the Fair.

Considering the fact that markets like US

and Europe together account for over 60 per cent of India’s total engineering exports, this Fair should further help aug-ment and expand the India engineering presence. The engineering sector is the largest industrial sector in India account-ing for 12 per cent of the GDP. India has set itself a target of increasing the export of Indian engineering goods to US$ 125 billion by 2013-14 at a growth rate of 27.8 per cent.

Providing direct employment to over 5 million people, the engineering sector is the backbone of India’s enterprise. In-dia Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) and EEPC India are organising The India Show in the Czech Republic coinciding with the MSV – Brno International Engineer-ing Fair under the aegis of Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.

INDIA-AUSTRIA BILATERAL NEWSExtracted from our Economic and Commercial Report


In the first five months of 2012, India’s total exports to Austria remained vir-tually unchanged when compared to

the same period last year registering a very low increase by +0.2%. India’s total imports from Austria, on the other hand, marked a significant decrease by -11.6%. The results align with the current Euro-zone economic scenario as instability of the current monetary union creates inse-curities to both local businesses and third parties like India. The results, however, do not indicate any major changes in trade activity between the two countries. The current stand might rather be associated with monthly fluctuations.

India’s Export to Austria. On the exports’ side, there has been very little change. Though registering minor slowdowns, Textiles, Apparels and Footwear still rep-resent the largest slice of exports, ac-counting for more than 37% of India’s total exports to Austria. Machinery and Equipment represent the second most important export group, accounting for 25% of total Indian exports to Austria though marking a decrease in the main subcategories Electrical Machinery and Road Vehicles. General Industry Machin-ery has compensated within the group

with an increase by 23%, accounting for 5.5% of total exports.

As mentioned in earlier reports, there seems to be a trend change in the Chem-icals sector. While experiencing constant decrease since early 2011, the segment started to catch up and now accounts for 13.39% of India’s total exports to Austria, in contrast to 10.54% for the same period in 2011. The boost is mainly pushed by increase in exports of Organic Chemicals, which more than doubled its exports value in comparison to 2011.

India’s Import from Austria. On the im-ports side, virtually every major trade category has registered a decrease. The results reflect the current instability in reference to the Euro currency within the Eurozone. As the decreases affect virtually every trade group, the struc-ture of imports remain the same, being Machinery and Transport Equipment the main import group with 42.68% of total imports, followed by manufactured goods with 34.08% and Chemicals 10.11%.


In Nagarnar (Chhattisgarh), Siemens Austria will build a complete steel plant until 2015, Siemens Austria an-

nounced. The construction of the steel-works will be effected with the Indian subsidiary Siemens VAI Metals Technolo-gies Pvt Ltd, Mukand Engineers Ltd and SEW Infrastructure Ltd. The project of NMDC is a part of the national program to increase the Indian steel production. The annual production capacity reaches about 3 million tons. NMDC is India´s biggest producer and exporter of iron ore. Last year, NMDC extracted about 30 million tons in India. SIEMENS TO SUppLY ELECTRICAL STEEL WORKS TO BMM ISpAT

The Indian steelmaker BMM Ispat Ltd. ordered the core systems for an electrical steel plant from Sie-

mens VAI Metals Technologies, including an electric arc furnace specially designed for combined charging of Hot Metal and direct-reduced iron. The steelmaking plant is part of a new integrated produc-tion complex at Hospet, Karnataka, India, and is planned to go into operation at the end of 2013. The order volume is a double-digit million euro figure. At the beginning of the year, BMM Ispat ordered a flexible bar mill from Siemens for the same production site.


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GOVT TAKES MAJOR INITIATIVES TO IMpROVE pOWER SITUATIONBy the Minister of State for Power, Shri K.C. Venugopal


INDIA FASTEST GROWING MARKET FOR DOMINO’SAnnual growth rate recorded at 50%

The Minister of State for Power, Shri K.C. Venugopal, informed Lok Sabha in a written reply that

major initiatives undertaken to improve power situation in the country include delicensing of thermal generation, intro-duction of Ultra-Mega Power Projects (UMPP), investor friendly New Hydro Policy 2008, initiatives for augmentation of domestic manufacturing capacity of power plant equipment, adoption of su-percritical technologies, liberalization of

mega power policy, enhancing availabil-ity of skilled and trained manpower etc. Government of India also supplements the efforts of the State Governments by establishing power plants in the Cen-tral Sector through Central Public Sec-tor Undertakings. He also informed that supply of power within different areas of States is not centrally monitored. Elec-tricity is a concurrent subject. Responsi-bility for supply of electricity to different categories of consumers and different

areas within a State, including tribal and backward areas, lies with the appropriate State Government/Power Utilities. Fur-ther, the shortage of electricity in tribal and backward areas is generally attribut-able to inadequacy of sub-transmission and distribution network and/or their healthiness. The minister said there is an overall shortage of power in the coun-try, primarily due to growth in demand far outstripping the growth in availability of power.

The multi-product Special Eco-nomic Zone (SEZ) at Dahej has made it to the world’s top-50 ‘free

zones’. The ranking has been granted fol-lowing a survey of over 600 free zones in 120 countries by the prestigious FDI Magazine.

Gujarat’s minister of state for industries Saurabh Patel said that Dahej SEZ stood 26th among the top-50 and is the only SEZ from India to have figured in the list from 24 countries for the year 2012-13.

The selection was made by the jury on various parameters. He said that Dahej SEZ has achieved this for the second consecutive year. Earlier, it had figured in FDI Magazine’s top-25 free zones. The Da-hej SEZ has been jointly developed by Gujarat Industrial Develop-ment Corpo-ration (GIDC) and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.

It is spread over 1,732 hectares and plots have been allotted to 68 units who have invested Rs.35,000-crore. About 26,500

people have been employed at the SEZ. The commercial units have exported goods worth Rs 865 crores. Dahej SEZ Ltd (DSL) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and is promot-ed jointly by Gujarat Industrial Develop-ment Corporation (GIDC) and Oil & Natural Gas Corporation ltd. (ONGC) for development of Special Economic Zone (SEZ). DSL is developing a multi-product SEZ at Dahej in Vagra Taluka of Bharuch district in Gujarat, India.

Despite a palpable slowdown in the eating out industry across the globe, India has emerged as

the fastest growing market for Domino’s, outpacing US, which is the largest market for the pizza chain, across 73 countries where it has presence. India recorded an annual growth rate of nearly 50% for Domino’s for the fifth consecutive year.

“India has been performing fabulously for us. We are seeing some pressure in western Europe especially, where it has been a very tough economic year for us,” Domino’s executive vice president (inter-national) Richard E Allison Jr said. India, which accounts for 5% of Domino’s’ glo-bal sales, is among the top five markets for the US-based company. In terms of store counts too, India has registered the highest growth among all other markets.

The brand added 75 stores in India in calendar year 2011, taking the total number to 500. It is planning to increase the number by 100 in the current finan-

cial year. The company, which currently competes with other food chains such as Pizza Hut and Papa John’s, commands around 55% share of the Rs 1,800 crore pizza industry in the country.

With only 10-15% of the industry, Alli-son is optimistic on increasing its market share by increased accessibility to con-sumers. The company will invest over Rs 150 crore in India this financial year, up from the Rs 111 crore it had invested last year. Like most other companies in the quick service restaurant space, Domino’s too reported a decline in the same store sales growth in the April to June quarter to 22.3% from 36.7% in the correspond-ing period last year.

The company is also focusing on value offerings in a bid to widen its consumer base in the country. “We have to think about the product pricing always. The game is all about value pricing. We are only focusing on increasing our market share in India.”


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INDIA, ChINA pLAN JOINT WORKING GROUp TO BOOST TRADEAimed at giving a boost to bilateral investment


India and China are working to set up a joint working group aimed at giving a boost to bilateral investment and also

to address trade related matters.

The two countries also evinced interest in fostering favourable investment cli-mate including greater market access and speedy visa facilitation.

Commerce and Industry Ministry Anand Sharma and his Chinese counterpart Chen Deming led their business delega-tions at the ninth session of the India-China Joint Group on Economic Rela-tions, Trade, Science and Technology.

Sharma, while briefing reporters, said, “The joint working group will be estab-lished soon and it will give its recommen-dations and assessments in 90 days...We have also agreed to work on a five-year

plan on economic cooperation. These have been proposed by China and we have welcomed and endorsed it”.

While Sharma raised concerns over wid-ening trade deficit in favour of China and restricted market access in areas such as IT, pharmaceutical and agricultural prod-ucts, Chen raised issues pertaining to vi-sas and the recent import duty hike on power equipment by India.

Sharma said, those projects which al-ready have got approval for the 12th Plan period will be continue to enjoy the ex-emption.

Sharma said the two sides had touched upon issues that were hampering trade and investments. India had asked leading Chinese companies to set up manufac-turing bases in India.

“We have invited China to participate and support in the establishment of one or more of the National Investment and Manufacturing Zones,” the Minister said.

The Chinese Trade Minister said both India and China could help in a global economic recovery and it is important to strengthen ties between the two na-tions. He also expressed hope of achiev-ing $100-billion trade target by 2013.

The total bilateral trade between In-dia and China for 2011-12, stood at $75,457.42 million as compared with $59,000.36 million in 2010-11.

During 2011-12, the exports were $17,902.98 million while the imports stood at $57,554.44 million. The pro-visional trade deficit for 2011-12 was $39,651.46 million.

German software major SAP has an-nounced a slew of products for the In-dian Government sector.

The company has launched its Hindi ver-sion of ERP solutions as a part of its lo-calisation initiative. This ERP software will enable the Government to update and manage documents, help users transact various processes and generate reports to deliver better citizen services.

Along with this solution, SAP has also launched its File Lifecycle Management solution to improve the file manage-ment processes for public sectors in Eng-

lish and Hindi. This solution digitises file management encompassing all stages of the conventional file management proc-ess including filing of documents, work-flow management, document uploads, file movement, correspondence, administra-tive and access regulations, alerts and analytics. According to the company, the Lifecycle Management solution was de-veloped by SAP Labs India.

SAP ERP in Hindi will target business are-as such as taxation, accounting, employee data, provident fund, payroll, loans, claims and employee self-services.

This solution was also developed by SAP Labs India, along with government agen-cies, including the Centre for Develop-ment of Advanced Computing (CDAC), and language experts and covered 4.5 million coding lines, according to SAP of-ficials. SAP is not the first to come out with a solution aimed at the Government sector. In May, EMC came out with an au-tomated solution at the launch.

The company said the market size for workflow management solutions in the government sector is pegged at $104 million and growing at 25 per cent/year.

INDIA hAS ESTIMATED pOTENTIAL FOR 19,750 MWIn small hydro-power projects alone

The Minister of New and Renew-able Energy, Dr. Farooq Abdullah informed Rajya Sabha that In-

dia has an estimated potential of about 19,750 MW of Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects. So far, 898 SHP projects with an aggregate capacity of 3411 MW have been set up and 348 projects aggregat-ing to 1309 MW are under implemen-tation. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ensures performance testing of all the plants for their functionality. He said that the Setting up of small hydro projects comes under the purview of

State Governments. Potential sites are either developed by the state or allotted to private developers for setting up of projects. During the 11th Plan, a capacity of 1419 MW was added against 536 MW during the 10th Plan. A capacity addition of 2100 MW from SHP projects has been planned during the 12th Five Year Plan. The minister informed the House that his Ministry is providing Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to set up small / micro hydro projects both in public and private sectors. Financial support is also given to the State Government for identification

of new potential sites including survey and preparation of DPRs, and renovation and modernization of old SHP projects. It also helps the State Governments in formulating their policies for the de-velopment of small hydro projects and exploitation of this potential. India has adequate capabilities of setting up small hydro projects. The Government has not sought assistance from any developed country to set up small hydro projects, he added.


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INDIA IS WORLD LEADER IN CONCENTRATED SOLAR hEATINGFrom the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy


With some 80 different applica-tions of concentrated solar heating (CSH) in practice in

the country, India is the world leader in CSH, the Ministry of New and Renew-able Energy has said.

When you speak of solar energy, you think mainly of solar panels and electric-ity flowing from them. Then you would think of appliances such as solar water heaters and solar lamps.

But the big use of solar energy lies in directly using the sun’s heat for use in industry. Lots of manufacturing units re-quire just low-to-medium temperature heat, up to 250 degrees Celsius, mostly for drying stuff. Today, this heating is done

by burning fuel oil, coal or biomass.

Here is where India scores, both in terms of potential and also applications devel-oped, says the Ministry.

“India is leading the world with around 80 CSH applications,” it has said in a background note to UNDP-GEF spon-sored project for nurturing CSH tech-nologies in India.

Without going into details of the 80 ap-plications, the Ministry has noted that the predominant use of concentrated solar heating is in “institutional cooking”.

In India, the current CSH market is about 2,000-3,000 square metres a year (of the concentrated area), says MNRE. The Glo-

bal Environment Fund project will com-plement MNRE’s efforts of CSH tech-nology, awareness, capacity, market and financial barriers and increase CSH sales to 15,000 square metres by 2016.

Direct emission reductions from the demonstration and replication projects during the 5-year project duration will be 39,200 tonnes of carbon-dioxide equiva-lent.

Over the economic lifetime of 20 years for the project supported by CSH ap-plications, cumulative direct emission re-ductions will be 315,000 tonnes of CO2, the Ministry says.

India is poised to become the world’s second largest steel producer. How-ever, this is subject to finding the right

technology to produce special categories of steel. Currently, India is the fourth larg-est producer, with 74 million tonnes an-nual production in 2011. Per capita steel consumption went up to 59 kg in 2011-

12, from 34 kg in 2004-05. With the mod-ernisation programmes of various public and private companies, the country will soon rise to second place, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in his address to the steel industry, after giving away tro-phies for the best integrated steel plant. However, he noted that despite impres-

sive data, per capita steel production was

much lower than the global average of

215 kg. Also, the country was one of the

importers of special category of steel.

The Prime Minister’s trophy was award-

ed to SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant for 2009-10.

Tata Steel got the trophy for 2008-09.


India will be the fourth biggest market in terms of value for all new aircraft deliveries after China, the US and the

UAE during the next 20 years, according to aircraft maker Airbus.

The Airbus Global Market Forecast iden-tifies a global demand for some 28,200 passenger and freighter aircraft (of 100 seats or more) worth nearly $4 trillion between 2012 and 2031. Of these over 27,350 will be passenger aircraft valued at $ 3.7 trillion.

By 2031, the world’s passenger fleet will have expanded by 110 percent from slightly over 15,550 today to over 32,550.

In the same period, the world’s freighter fleet will almost double from 1,600 to 3,000 aircraft.

The report says Asia Pacific will account for 35 percent of all new aircraft deliv-eries, followed by Europe and North America with 21 percent each. Emerging economic regions will represent more than half of all traffic growth in the next 20 years.

Increasing urbanisation and the doubling of the world’s middle classes to five bil-lion people is also driving growth. By 2031 mega cities will more than double to 92 and over 90 percent of the world’s

traffic will be between or through these points.

“Aside from growth in international traf-fic, by 2031 four of the world’s biggest traffic flows will all be domestic - US, China, Intra Western Europe and India - and these account for a third of world traffic,” says John Leahy, Airbus Chief Op-erating Officer, Customers.

“In 20 years from now, China’s domestic passenger traffic will overtake the US do-mestic traffic to become the number one traffic flow in our forecast. Aviation is not just essential for international commerce, but also for domestic economies too.”

QUOTE OF ThE MONTh“It (India) is a very important market not just for us but any company that wants to be successful”

Erik Johnson, Head-Sales, Asia Pacific, Facebook


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INDIA CAN DOUBLE ExpORTS BY 2015By Commerce Secretary

The Government’s target to double its exports to $500 billion by 2015 is achievable, said S.R. Rao, Com-

merce Secretary.

Speaking on the sidelines of a Confedera-tion of Indian Industry Export summit, he said, “The country can expect some poli-cy announcements in the next 3-4 weeks which would encourage the industry and exporters.”

When asked whether India will be able to achieve the $360-billion export target for this fiscal, he said, “it is difficult.”

Underlining the significance of emerging economies in global trade flows, he said

their share in global trade flows had risen to 42 per cent with South-South trade accounting for a large portion.

“South-South trade has multiplied more than 10 times in the last two decades as compared to global trade which grew four-fold in this period,” said Rao.

Adi Godrej, President, CII, and Chairman, Godrej Group, said if supply chains cur-rently based in China are relocated, India needs to take advantage of that by finding ways to integrate itself more effectively in the new value chain.

T.C.A. Ranganathan, CMD of Exim Bank of India, said that while the Government

and industry have an equally important role to play in formulating an effective strategy, it is the strategy of individual corporations that will play a bigger role in achieving the export target.

Last year India’s external merchandise trade was close to $780 billion contrib-uting close to 47 per cent of the national GDP.

“Our exports have breached the $300-billion mark though our imports remain a hefty $470 billion generating a large trade deficit, which is a matter of concern,” the Commerce Secretary said.

INDIAN DRUG COMpANIES IN WORLD’S FASTEST GROWING LISTExpected to account for 20% of all construction by 2030

In yet another instance of India Inc occupying a larger seat in the global league tables, three out of the top 10

fastest-growing generic companies glo-bally are now from India. Besides being an indication of the acceptance of do-mestic pharmaceutical companies and their growing clout, this is also a stamp of their command on manufacturing proc-esses, innovation and marketing muscle at a global scale.

On the list is Glenmark Pharmaceuticals which, with a growth of 37%, is the fifth fastest-growing generic company glo-bally, followed by Dr Reddy’s which grew 34% in FY 2011-12, according to global pharmaceutical research firm, EvaluateP-harma. The third domestic company on the list, Sun Pharma witnessed a growth of 29%, occupying the eighth rank, right below its subsidiary Taro which had a 33% growth (Taro reports its own num-bers since it is listed in the US, while the domestic company has started combin-ing the Israel-based company’s financials since September 2010).

The club of the fastest growing generic companies in the world is dominated by US companies, led by US-based Sagent Pharma, which witnessed a huge growth of 106% during the period, according to the research firm’s latest analysis.

Perrigo, another US company, is the world’s second fastest-growing company with an 80% growth. Nichi-Iko Pharma-ceutical of Japan is on the third slot, post-ing a growth of 79%, while Watson Phar-ma of US grew 46% during the period.

Pharma companies have taken advantage of the blockbuster drugs which are losing patent protection, and have already raked in millions of dollars by introducing their generic versions. For instance, Dr Reddy’s launched generic versions of blockbuster drugs Zyprexa and Plavix, while Ranbaxy mopped up huge revenues from sales of generic Lipitor.

Significant product launches, market ex-clusivity of drugs going off-patent, and growth in regulated markets have con-tributed to the development, industry experts say.

According to Sujay Shetty, India leader for pharma and life sciences at PwC India, “This shows the growing signifi-cance of domestic companies in terms of quality, portfolio strategy and certain significant first-to-file (FTF) products. Strong revenues from regulated markets are another factor which contributed to the huge growth. Most of companies business’ around 50% coming from US, which is the largest market for gener-ics globally. Domestic companies like Dr Reddy’s capitalized on key FTF opportu-nities, while others including Sun Pharma posted gains on account of US sales.”

The growth in domestic companies has

also been driven by their robust home businesses. The Indian pharma market is clocking a growth of around 15-20% year-on-year.

Commenting on Glenmark’s strategy, CMD Glenn Saldanha says, “The high growth is due to our focus in building a strong emerging markets business in ad-dition to having a significant presence in India and US. The growth from markets, particularly Russia, Brazil and the US, has been exceptional. We have invested in these markets for the last six-seven years and we are just beginning to make huge inroads in these markets. Glenmark will continue to build its presence in markets like Russia, Brazil and Mexico where it has invested for the last five years and these markets will drive strong growth.”

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India has vast potential to emerge as a regional education hub, but needs inno-vative and challenging opportunities in government policies to bring it to global standards, says David Johnson, dean, St Anthony’s College, Oxford University.

The university and India’s Core Educa-tion and Technologies has introduced a nine-month programme in Kerala on in-novative approach to in-service training or professional development of teachers. In an interview to Rica Bhattacharyya from ET, Johnson speaks on the gaps in professional education in India and what

could be done to bring it to global stand-ards. Excerpts:

Q: Where do you think gap lies in professional education in India and what could be done to bring it to global standards? What are the challenges?

A: In terms of global standards of profes-sional or management education where other countries are moving rapidly is the professionalisation of such courses. In the UK, for instance, professional bodies suggest academic training in domain of higher education that very often universi-ties cannot manage on their own. My im-mediate sense on the gap in India is that there is no immediate emphasis on who manages their professional education. The notion of professionalisation has nothing to do with collection of degrees.

Q: What are India’s prospects as a regional education hub?

A: India, more than any country, has vast potential to be a hub for education. In India, there are huge number of people with huge professional knowledge, in-cluding academics and social scientists, but they not getting the opportunity for collaboration. I have seen Indian teachers in action with fantastic skills and exper-tise. There is huge potential to make the

world recognize this is where they want to be. What I saw in South Africa was the redrawing of higher education plans that requires huge amount of creative think-ing and innovation - thinking that is ethi-cal and the immediate visible result was the camping of number of UK academics in SA universities. India needs innovative and challenging opportunities in govern-ment policies in every sphere, not just in education.

Q: What kind of training needs for teachers at primary level have you identified?

A: What we can see through research is a significant qualitative shift in how teachers approach their thinking about what it is they are doing. We are able to document the reflection of practitioners. The outcome is a growth model that is lacking not only in India and other devel-oping nations but even in a lot of devel-oped countries. There is lack of research on how teachers have grown in profes-sion. We have achieved network learning communities in a concentrated way with guidance from our people or through internet driven technologies. The model we have developed is cutting edge and produces “reflective practitioners”, who can be thoughtful, in a way that they are guided and supported.


INDIA hAS VAST pOTENTIAL TO BE REGIONAL EDUCATION hUBAn Interview with David Johnson, dean, St Anthony’s College, Oxford University

India, more than any country, has vast potential to be a hub for edu-cation. In India, there are huge number of people with huge pro-fessional knowledge, including academics and social scientists, but they not getting the op-portunity for collaboration. (...) There is huge potential to make the world rec-ognize this is where they want to be.

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Business Centre



The Indian Embassy, Vienna, issues, on a monthly basis, the “Economic and Financial Report (ECR)”. Different from this “India Newsletter”, which fo-cuses on India-related information to the Austrian community, the ECR fo-cuses on Austria and India-Austria-related trade and business matters.

The reports are available for download from the Embassy’s Online Busi-ness Centre at http://www.indianembassy.at/?page_id=1215. If you wish to receive the ECR by email as it is issued monthly, please email a request to [email protected]


without appointment. For scheduling an appointment outside the opening hours,please contact the commercial wing under the contacts given below.

Marketing Officer: [email protected] or 01 505 8666 30Marketing Assistant: [email protected] or 01 505 8666 31

The website of the Embassy of India, Vienna, and its ‘Business Centre’ section offer a wide variety of business related infor-mation, carefully selected and updated to meet India-Austria’s business demands.

In our Business Centre, companies not only have the opportu-nity to find relevant information on India-related trade matters, but can also interact with the commercial wing of the Embassy by submitting their online trade inquiries.

Additionally, the Embassy compiles a monthy economic and commercial report for Austria, which is targeted at Indian busi-ness readers and trade corporates. The same can be down-loaded directly from our Website or if you wish to receive it via email, you can register your email by sending a request to [email protected].

Besides its online presence, the Embassy also has a Business Centre Facility, located on the first floor of the Main Chancery building on Kärntner Ring 2, 1010 Vienna. The space is ready to welcome businesspeople and parties interested in requesting, exchanging or providing information on India-related business matters. You can either schedule an appointment with a repre-sentative of our commercial wing at the contacts given below or simply visit us during our opening hours Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11AM to 1PM.

COMMERCIAL WINGThe Embassy of India’s Business Centre

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India is standing on the threshold of a retail revolution and witnessing fast changing retail scenario. India is the

most preferred new destination for glo-bal retailers and it topped the list in a survey, done by property agents CB Ri-chard Ellis, of 323 international retailers about the markets they entered for the first time last year. India ranks 35 with just about one-fourth retailers present in the country and New Delhi was ranked as the fourth most popular city for new retail entrants at city level, according to the CB Richard Ellis study, which covered 75 countries, in terms of international re-tailers present in a country.

The RNCOS’s convenience store market reports present the picture of chang-ing retail industry with the emergence of organised retailing and modern retail formats like convenience stores, super-markets and hypermarkets.

The Indian retail industry has experi-enced high growth over the last decade with a noticeable shift towards organised retailing formats. The industry is moving towards a modern concept of retailing. India’s retail market is expected to grow at 7 per cent over the next 10 years, reaching a size of US$ 850 billion by 2020. Traditional retail is expected to grow at 5 per cent and reach a size of US$ 650 billion (about 76 per cent), while organ-ised retail is expected to grow at 25 per cent and reach a size of US$ 200 billion by 2020.

India has emerged as the fifth most fa-vourable destination for international retailers, outpacing UAE, Russia, Indo-nesia and Saudi Arabia, according to A T Kearney’s Global Retail Development Index (GRDI) 2012. “India remains a high potential market with accelerated retail growth of 15-20% expected over the next five years,” highlighted the report by A T Kearney.

Market Size

• The foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in single-brand retail trad-ing during April 2000 to March 2012 stood at US$ 44.45 million, accord-ing to the latest data released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP)

• Cash and carry represents an op-

portunity worth around Rs 8,250 billion (US$ 148.49 billion) of the Rs 27,500 billion (US$ 494.96 billion) annual retail business in India

• Domestic pharmaceutical retail mar-ket clocked a robust 15 per cent growth during 2011, mainly driven by therapies like anti-diabetic, vita-min, anti-infectives and dermatology. The domestic pharmaceutical retail reached a new milestone by record-ing overall sales of Rs 60,000 crore (US$ 10.80 billion) for the year 2011

• The entire textile and apparel in-dustry in India is expected to grow by 11 per cent to touch Rs 10,320 billion (US$ 185.75 billion) by 2020. Currently, menswear is the major chunk of the market at 43 per cent, according to Technopak Advisors, a retail consultancy

• India’s cosmetic sector has, in fact, emerged as one of the markets hold-ing immense growth potential. The Indian cosmetics market registered impressive sales worth Rs 264.1 bil-lion (US$ 4.75 billion) in 2011, and with rising purchasing power and growing fashion consciousness, the industry is estimated to expand at a compound aggregate growth rate (CAGR) of around 17 per cent dur-ing 2011-2015, according to RNCOS latest research report titled ‘Indian Cosmetic Sector Forecast to 2015’


• Online retail business is another format which has high potential for growth in the near future. India’s e-retail industry is likely to touch Rs 7,000 crore (US$ 1.26 billion) by 2015, up from Rs 2,000 crore (US$ 359.97 million) currently, as per an industry body report

• Banks, along with existing e-retail marts are entering into the discount business on the back of flourishing online purchase of gift items, espe-cially jewellery and flowers. The on-line shopping marts have made gift purchases easy through a number of their retail members. “The estimated Rs 50,000 crore (US$ 8.99 billion) e-commerce business is growing at an overall 40 per cent. Of this, on-

line flower sector has been rising between 70-75 per cent,” as per Kunal Gothivarekar, Director (Sales) of ICICI Merchant Service, an online shopping venture

• Tesco Hindustan Service Centre (Tesco HSC) is helping the world’s third largest and Britian’s leading re-tailer in going global with its e-com-merce roll-out. “The user response has been excellent. It is one of the five most visited retail websites and on average processes 500,000 or-ders a week across its online busi-nesses,” according to Sandeep Dhar, CEO, Tesco HSC

• The gems and jewellery industry has found a way to shine online. Data compiled by eBay India Guide 2011 suggest that a piece of jewellery is being sold every three minutes on eBay India

Retail in Rural India

• Rural chains in India are focussing on hinterlands in a big way. For many companies, a large portion of their revenues comes from rural sales. This fact is further making market-ers focus their strategies according to customers in rural areas.

• Stronger growth prospects, lesser competition, higher yields and prof-itability are making tier-II markets an attractive proposition for financiers, according to a credit rating agency, Crisil. The report expects increasing finance penetration and the entry of more players to drive growth in re-tail loan demand in tier II cities

• India’s franchise market is growing at a healthy pace with tier II and tier III cities gradually getting attracted to the network of retailers and fran-chisers. “Franchising in India has wit-nessed impressive growth of around 30-35 per cent year-after-year over the last 4-5 years with an estimated turnover of US$ 4 billion,” according to Gaurav Marya, President, Fran-chise India

• Philips plans to develop healthcare products for rural India-a shift away from its exports-led strategy of the previous years. Going forward, the quantum of products developed


RETAILIndian Industry Sector Close-Up

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for the Indian markets will go up “exponentially” and the team “will churn out more products for rural India,” as per Srinivas Prasad, Head of Healthcare at Philips Innovation Centre


• International cash and carry chains in the retail sector plans to expand in India. Walmart, the US$ 446 billion American retail giant, which oper-ates cash and carry outlets in India in a 50-50 per cent joint venture (JV) with the Bharti Group, expects to open 12 to 15 wholesale outlets in 2012

• According to a recent trend, retail companies such as Carrefour, IKEA, Tesco and Walmart are regularly sourcing well-priced, high-quality products for customers in Western markets from India. Analysts esti-mate that these four retail majors together source around US$ 3.5 billion-US$ 4 billion from India every year. “India continues to be an im-portant sourcing market,” as per Walmart

• The next generation of India’s retail environment is favourable for the rise of luxury goods. Watches are growing faster than the broader lux-ury market. “In watches, there is per-haps a higher level of innovation than other luxury categories,” as per Jean Christophe Babin, CEO, Tag Heuer

Government Initiative

• The Indian retail sector accounts for 22 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and con-tributes to 8 per cent of the total employment. India continues to be among the most attractive invest-ment propositions for global retail-ers

• The Union Ministry of Finance has provided relief to the Rs 18,000 crore (US$ 3.24 billion) software industry by replacing a multi-level structure of tax deducted at source (TDS) on distributors with a single TDS. This would be deducted by the first distributor-one who directly purchases packaged software from a developer

• Till now FDI up to 100 per cent was allowed for cash and carry wholesale trading and export trading under the automatic route, and FDI up to 51 per cent was allowed in single-brand products, with prior government ap-provals. However, the Government recently passed a cabinet note and permitted FDI upto 51 per cent in multibrand retailing with prior Gov-ernment approval and 100 per cent in single brand retailing thus further liberalising the sector. This policy ini-tiative is expected to provide further fillip to the growth of the sector

• Government is planning to remove the old tax systems to simplify the

tax calculation and avoid double taxation in Indian retail. New Goods and Service Tax (GST) will simplify the tax structure

• To give an impetus to the FDI space in India, the Government is actively contemplating over allowing foreign airlines to pick 49 per cent stake in domestic ones while proposal for allowing 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail is continuously being worked upon

Road Ahead

• With increasing disposable incomes, expansion of stores and supporting economic factors, India’s retail sec-tor is expected to grow to about US$ 900 billion by 2014, according to a report by global consultancy and research firm, Pricewaterhouse-Coopers (PwC).

• Consumer markets in emerging mar-ket economies like India are growing rapidly owing to robust economic growth. The retail industry is highly competitive because of ever chang-ing consumer preferences and the need for marketing differentiation. The retail enterprises need to focus on costs throughout the consumer value chain because of proliferation of new products and categories and ever increasing demands to optimise value chains.

As India’s leading retailer, Pantaloon Re-tail inspires trust through innovative of-ferings, quality products and affordable prices that help customers achieve a bet-ter quality of life every day. They serve customers in 85 cities and 60 rural loca-

tions across the country through over 15 million square feet of retail space.

Pantaloon Retail is the flagship company of Future Group, India’s retail pioneer ca-tering to the entire Indian consumption space. Through multiple retail formats, they connect a diverse and passionate community of Indian buyers, sellers and businesses.

The collective impact on business is staggering: Around 220 million custom-ers walk into their stores each year and choose products and services supplied by over 30,000 small, medium and large entrepreneurs and manufacturers from across India. This number is set to grow.

Pantaloon operates multiple retail for-

mats in both the value and lifestyle seg-

ments of the Indian consumer market. As

modern retail drives fresh demand and

consumption in new categories, their

strategy is based on a deep understanding

of Indian consumers the products they

want, and making these products avail-

able in every city in every store format.

They are in line with a broad objective

of being a catalyst in India’s consumption-

led growth and being a positive agent of

change in the communities they serve.

BIG pLAYERLeading Indian Company in the Industry


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Trade Shows


2 - 7 DECEMBER, 2012, MUMBAI

Hall No 5, Mumbai Exhibition Centre


October 18 - 21, 2012

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Overseas Indians

Indian economy in the 21st century includes all the major factors contributing to rapid all round growth - the strength of intellectual inputs, the unbridled spirit of entrepreneur-ship and above all the quest for knowledge. India’s private sector, characterized by its dynamic and competitive nature has been a key driver for the economic growth witnessed by India in recent times and has been a major driver for at-tracting foreign investments in the country.

India has continually attracted the largest quantum of in-vestments from its Diaspora. India has now become an open potential market in various growth sectors like Infrastruc-ture, Power, Hospitality, Education and other manufacturing and service sectors. NRI and PIO Businessmen are look-ing for business opportunities in their home town and also started exploiting opportunities in other parts of India.

Benefits to the partcipants

- Networking with Local and Global Entrepreneurs and SMEs- Interaction with business tycoons- Identify strategic business partners and associates in India and other countries- Explore new business ideas and models- Understanding best business practices and opportunities in India- Interaction with Policy Makers, MDs and CEOs of reputed Companies- Understanding of various investment options and routes in India- Understanding of various policies, schemes and incentives for NRIs-Identify Indian companies for business promotions

Why This Summit?

To provide a platform to pro-mote Indian Entrepreneurs / SMEs through NRIs and PIOs in various countries to estab-lish and develop contacts for identifying various opportu-nities in Exports, Investment, Joint Ventures, Collaborations, New Technology, Marketing, Distributorship, Promotion, Business Alliances and other services.

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• 2 cups long grained white rice• 1 cup ghee• 25 almonds, blanched, chopped• l/2 cup chironji• coarsely ground• 1 tsp cardamom powder• soaked in 1 tsp milk• 25 pistachios(chopped)• 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder• 4 cups milk• 2 cups sugar• 1/2 tsp saffron

pREpARATION• Add water in rice and rinse it and drain water from

the rice.

• Heat ghee and then add the rice and add some milk in it.

• Put a cover on the disc and low the burner tempera-ture.

• When the rice get cooked then add cardamom and nut-meg powders, dry fruits, sugar and saffron.

• Then mix this items well.

• Put this mixture in a oven for 15 minutes.

• Then serve jaipuri mewa pulao hot as a sweet dish.


• 200 gms mangodi• 2- 3 red chillies whole• 2 tblsp bengal gram flour (besan)• 1/2 tsp cumin seeds• 1/2 cup yogurt• 1 tblsp oil• 200 gms potatoes200 gms.• 1 tblsp red chilli powder• 1 tblsp ginger paste• salt to taste • 2 tblsp coriander powder• 1 tsp garam masala powder• 1 tblsp coriander seeds• 2 tblsp tomato puree• 100 gms coriander leaves• 1 tsp turmeric powder• 1 bay leaf

• pREpARATION• Cream curd, mix in besan and salt, red chilli powder,

coriander powder and turmeric powder to it.

• Peel, wash and cut potatoes into 1 centimeter cubes.

• Keep aside in water.

• Dry roast mangodi on hot tawa until crunchy and slight-ly browned.

• Heat up oil, mix in brown bay leaf, cumin seeds, corian-der seeds, whole red chillies and salt and cook.

• Mix in potatoes and stir fry stirring constantly until golden brown.

• Mix in ginger paste, mangodi, tomato puree and yogurt mixture, mix in 1 cup of water and mix well.

• Mix in garam masala powder and cut coriander leaves.

• Stir fry for a further few minutes and serve hot.


JAIpURI MEWA pULAO RECIpEDry Fruit Pulao - Jaipur Style

ALOO MANGODI RECIpEPotato Lentil Curry - Rajasthani Style

The ancient princely state of Rajas-than gave rise to a royal cuisine. The Rajas who went on hunting

expeditions ate the meat or the fowl that they brought back. Even today, Rajasthani princely feasts flaunt meat cuisines that

are incomparable. In contrast are the vegetarian Rajasthanis. Their food cooked in pure ghee is famous for it’s mouth- wa-tering aroma. Rajasthan’s tastiest curries are based on the use of pulses or gram flour. Dry fruits, spices and yogurt are

used in many delicacies. Rajasthan can also boast of a vast array of savouries and sun-dried snacks. Be it dal baati and chur-ma or missi roti , one always ends up lick-ing his fingers. Your tummy will scream “No more !” But you won’t stop !!!


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Right at the top of north-eastern India, crowning its six clustered sisters like a protective helmet, is Arunachal Pradesh, the `Land of the Dawn-lit- Mountains.’ This is the first Indian soil to greet the morning sun. Arunachal Pradesh is India’s largest north-eastern state, and also its remotest.The fascination grows slowly during the two hour journey from the airport in Lilabari, Assam, to the capital of Naharlagun(Itanagar).The drive from Naharlagun to the new capital in the hills, Itanagar metres, is enchanting.The road winds through that magical coun-try where tropical evergreen rain forests meet temperate Himalayan jungles.In the rich tropical forests of the Tirap dis-trict, clusters of the beautiful blue vanda (Vanda Coerulea) adorn the trees. Their large blue - violet blooms are delicately veined. The bamboo orchid, Arundina Graminifolia, a pretty evergreen species attractive pink - purple flowers is com-mon in open sunny areas near Tipi.The visitor should stop at the far side of the bridge that spans the Pachim River. There is an attractive village below and to the right of the road leading to Itanagar. Most of the houses are built at ground level but at least one is on stilts.

Arunachal has 26 major tribes and many sub-tribes living in 3649 scattered villages. Although a number of tribal groups con-stitue the total population, the density of population is very less. People are Man-goloid stock but each tribe has certain distinct characteristics in language, dress & costume.Their colourful festivals are manifestations of their faith and belief. The people of Arunachal are the greatest attraction of this beautiful land. And even in the capital at Itanagar, the visitor comes across Nishi warriors wearing their ‘bo-piah’ hornbill caps, carrying their ‘chokh’ bearskin bags with their ‘oyjo’ knives in their monkey-skin ‘burkhey’ scabbards. But the visitor should not be misled by their appearance.

local tribes harvesting

rain Forests Meet hiMalaYan JUngles

tawang MonasterY

Festivals celebrations


ARUNAChAL pRADEShIndian State Profile

India Tourism FrankfurtBaseler Str. 48 / D-60329 Frankfurt

Tel: +49 (69) 242949-0Fax: +49 (69) [email protected]

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INDIAN MOVIE EVENING: RANG DE BASANTI - A Generation AwakensFriday, September 28th, 18:00 | Indian Embassy Business Centre (1st Floor, Kärntner Ring 2, 1010 Vienna)

WARZONE - INDIAN CONTEMpO-RARY ART ExhIBITIONEvery Sunday from Sep. 9 to Nov. 25 (10-18h) | Kun-stmuseum Artemons, Hellmonsödt, Linzer Straße 19

MAGIC OF INDIAN MUSICMore Information below

Genre: Drama / History

Directed by: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra

Starring: Aamir Khan, Siddharth Narayan, Sharman Joshi, Soha Ali Khan

Released: January 2006

Duration: 157 Minutes

Language: Hindi/Urdu/English/Punjabi

Subtitles: English

Synopsis: A young woman from England comes to India to make a documentary

about her grandfather’s diary which was written in the 1920s, a time when Indian revolutionaries were fighting for freedom from the British Raj. Owing to a lack of funds, she recruits students from Delhi University to act in her docu-drama. She finds DJ, who passed out five years back but still wants to be a part of the Univer-sity because he doesn’t think there’s too much out there in the real world to look forward to. Karan, the son of Industrial-ist Rajnath Singhania, who shares an un-comfortable relationship with his father, but continues to live off him, albeit very grudgingly. Aslam, is a middle class Mus-lim boy, who lives in the by-lanes near Jama Masjid, poet, philosopher and guide to his friends. Sukhi, the group’s baby, in-nocent, vulnerable and with a weakness for only one thing - girls.

Due to limited capacity, seats will be given on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, you are highly encouraged to reserve your seats online at www.indi-anembassy.at or via phone at +43 1 505 866633 (Ms. Lily John).


EMBASSY’S LIBRARYOpENED MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS FROM 11AM TO 1pMFor visits outside the opening hours, please contact the information assistant

under [email protected] or 01 505 8666 33

More info underTel.: 0043 699 / 16 68 88 81

[email protected]