PROCEEDINGS OF THE YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 273 INDEX TO VOLUME 56 General index Boreholes Chronostratigraphy Lithostratigraphy Localities Minerals New Taxa GENERAL Abrachiocrinus clausus 103 Acetabulastoma 268 acritarchs 209,211,212, 213 Acrocrinus alvestonensis 99,101 Actinocrinites spp. 89, 91, 93,101 Aexithrophocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 algae 209-214,245 Alligaticeras (A.) rotifer 165 Alston Block 151-154, 223, 226, 230 amber, black 264 ammonites assemblages from Peak District buildups 111-150 Cambridgeshire 65-75 and jet 261,262-263 John William Neale's studies 271 South Cave Quarry 159-176 Ammonites spp. 168-169 Amphoracrinus spp. 91, 99,101-102 Anemetocrinus spp. 104 Aphelecrinus 93, 99,104 aquifers, sandstone, sediment-filled fractures in 41-53 Arctica islandica 179,188 argillites, Rb-Sr isochron ages, Ingleton Group 81-85 Armathwaite dyke 1 Arthington Moraine 195 Arvicola terrestris 196 Aryballocrinus awthornsensis 102 Askern-Spital Fault 21,28 Astarte borealis 188 Barycrinites 89 Barycrinus spp. 99,103 beach sediments, interglacial, Morston, Norfolk 245-246, 249 beetle assemblage, Dimlington Silts and Sands 186 belemnites, South Cave Quarry 160,170, 172 Beyrichoceras spp. Ill, 112,113,114,115, 133-137 Bison sp. 196 bivalves 160, 210 Blothrocrinus longidactylus 104 Bollandites spp. Ill, 112,113,114,115-125 Bollandoceras spp. Ill, 113,114,115-119, 125-133 Bollandocrinus spp. 104 Borucrinus spp. 99,104 Brahmacrinus ponderosus 102 British-Irish Ice Sheet (BUS) 221-234 buildups, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 Candona harmsworthi 268 Carboniferous System new official names 57-58 Cardioceras spp. 65-75,168,170 Carreg Cennen Disturbance 21 Castleton Reef Belt 111-150 Celtia 267 Cervus elaphus 197 charcoal analysis, Pasture Beck valley debris cone 237,238-240 Cheshire Basin 43 Chlamys (Radulospecten) drewtonensis 271 Cinderhill Fault 21 Clackmannan Syncline 20,27 classification, new official names for Carboniferous System 57-58 'clastic dykes' 42 cleats (joints) in British Carboniferous coals 15-30 cleavage, and new isochron ages, Ingleton Group 81-85 Cleveland Basin 77-80,173,174 Cleveland Dyke \-A cliffs, landscape geomorphology at Cayton Bay 5-14 climate change, and slope destabilization 12, 235-236, 241 Cluthia 267 coals, joints (cleats) in British Carboniferous 15-30 coastal cliffs, landscape geomorphology at Cayton Bay 5-14 colluvial fan, Pasture Beck valley, Lake District 235-243 Corbicula fluminalis 190-191 Cosmetocrinus [Aphelecrinus] dunlopi 93, 104 Craven Basin 98-99,100 Cribanocrinus spp. 93, 99,100 crinoids 87-90, 91-109 Crocuta crocuta 196 crystallinity, Ingleton argillites 82-83 Cyathocrinites spp. 91,93,94,103-104 Cydonocrinus parvulus 104 Cylindroteuthis puzosiana 172 dating Pleistocene and Holocene deposits 178-179 see also radiocarbon dating DE PAOLA, Dr Nicola, Fearnsides prizewinner 62 debris cone development, Pasture Beck valley 235-243 Decadocrinus 93 Derbiocrinus spp. 93, 99,104 Dialutocrinus spp. 102 diamictons, Garret Hill, Norfolk 32, 35-39 Diatorocrinus 93 Dibunophyllum sp. 88 Dichocrinus spp. 102 Dieuryocrinus duplex 105 Dimorphoceras spp. Ill, 112,114 dinoflagellate cysts 182, 200, 212, 213, 245 dinosaur tracks, Burniston Bay 77-80 Don Monocline 21 drainage, and landslide activity at Cayton Bay 9,11,13 drumlin field, upper Tees 221-234 dykes, Palaeogene Hebridean swarm 1-4 East Fife Coalfield 20 East Lothian Syncline 19 East Midlands Shelf 254,259 Ectocrinus spp. 102 Edapocrinus rugosus 104 Enascocrinus redesdalensis 105 Equus ferus 197 Erymoceras 168 Escrick Moraine 194, 201, 202 estuarine silts, interglacial, Kirmington, Lines. 246-249 Eubrontes 79 Eumorphocrinus spp. 99,102 Euryocrinus spp. 94,105 FAULKNER, Michael, Moore medallist 61-62 Fearnsides Prize 62 Ferriby-Winterton Moraine 202 Flamborough Moraine 186-187, 202 flint artefacts, Kirmington, Lines. 200,248 flint in chalk-rich diamictons, Garret Hill, Norfolk 32, 35-39 flint-rich sand and gravel, Garret Hill, Norfolk 32-35 foraminifera 170,182,184, 200 fractures, sediment-filled, in UK redbed sandstones 41-53 Gaelicrinus 93,104 Gagates 262-263 Genicularia vertebralis 170 geomorphological mapping, upper Tees 221-234 geomorphology, landscape 5-14 Gigantoproductus sp. 88 Gilbertsocrinus spp. 87-90, 91,100-101 GIS database, landscape geomorphology, Cayton Bay 5-14 glacial lakes Humber 194,195 Pickering 7 Sparks 32,187 Stiffkey 32,37 glacial landforms, upper Tees 221-234 glacial lithofacies, Garret Hill, Norfolk 31-39 glacial origin of sediment-filled fractures 42-43 glacial stratigraphy, lowland southern and eastern England 245-251 glacial tills see tills Goniatites spp. Ill, 112,113,114-115, 139-145 GPS 2, 4 gravels see sands and gravels Halysiocrinusl 99,103 'Hessle Clay' 189,195 Hibolites jaculum 188 Hibolithes hastata 170 Hippopotamus amphibius 196 Hogsthorpe Moraine 187 Holcocrinus smythi 105 Humber Gap 187,196

INDEX TO VOLUME 56 - Lyell Collection · reefs, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260 Rhabdocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 Rhaxella 5 rhinoceros remains

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Page 1: INDEX TO VOLUME 56 - Lyell Collection · reefs, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260 Rhabdocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 Rhaxella 5 rhinoceros remains

P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H E Y O R K S H I R E G E O L O G I C A L S O C I E T Y 273


General index Boreholes Chronostrat igraphy Lithostratigraphy Localities Minerals New Taxa


Abrachiocrinus clausus 103 Acetabulastoma 268 acritarchs 209,211,212, 213 Acrocrinus alvestonensis 99,101 Actinocrinites spp. 89, 91, 93,101 Aexithrophocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 algae 209-214,245 Alligaticeras (A.) rotifer 165 Alston Block 151-154, 223, 226, 230 amber, black 264


assemblages from Peak District buildups 111-150

Cambridgeshire 65-75 and jet 261,262-263 John William Neale 's studies 271 South Cave Quar ry 159-176

Ammonites spp. 168-169 Amphoracrinus spp. 91 , 99 ,101-102 Anemetocrinus spp. 104 Aphelecrinus 93, 99,104 aquifers, sandstone, sediment-filled fractures

in 41-53 Arctica islandica 179,188 argillites, Rb-Sr isochron ages, Ingleton

G r o u p 81-85 Armathwai te dyke 1 Arthington Mora ine 195 Arvicola terrestris 196 Aryballocrinus awthornsensis 102 Askern-Spital Fault 21 ,28 Astarte borealis 188

Barycrinites 89 Barycrinus spp. 99,103 beach sediments, interglacial, Mors ton,

Norfolk 245-246, 249 beetle assemblage, Dimlington Silts and

Sands 186 belemnites, South Cave Quar ry 160,170,

172 Beyrichoceras spp. I l l , 112 ,113 ,114 ,115 ,

133-137 Bison sp. 196 bivalves 160, 210 Blothrocrinus longidactylus 104 Bollandites spp. I l l , 112 ,113 ,114 ,115-125 Bollandoceras spp. I l l , 113,114,115-119,

125-133 Bollandocrinus spp. 104 Borucrinus spp. 99,104 Brahmacrinus ponderosus 102 British-Irish Ice Sheet (BUS) 221-234 buildups, ammonoid assemblages 111-150

Candona harmsworthi 268

Carboniferous System new official names 57-58

Cardioceras spp. 65 -75 ,168 ,170 Carreg Cennen Dis turbance 21 Cast leton Reef Belt 111-150 Celtia 267 Cervus elaphus 197 charcoal analysis, Pas ture Beck valley debris

cone 237,238-240 Cheshire Basin 43 Chlamys (Radulospecten) drewtonensis 271 Cinderhill Fault 21 Clackmannan Syncline 20 ,27 classification, new official names for

Carboniferous System 57-58 'clastic dykes ' 42 cleats (joints) in British Carboniferous coals

15-30 cleavage, and new isochron ages, Ingleton

G r o u p 81-85 Cleveland Basin 77 -80 ,173 ,174 Cleveland D y k e \-A cliffs, landscape geomorphology at Cayton

Bay 5-14 climate change, and slope destabilization 12,

235-236, 241 Cluthia 267 coals, joints (cleats) in British Carboniferous

15-30 coastal cliffs, landscape geomorphology at

Cayton Bay 5-14 colluvial fan, Pasture Beck valley, Lake

District 235-243 Corbicula fluminalis 190-191 Cosmetocrinus [Aphelecrinus] dunlopi 93, 104 Craven Basin 98-99 ,100 Cribanocrinus spp. 93, 99,100 crinoids 87-90, 91-109 Crocuta crocuta 196 crystallinity, Ingleton argillites 82-83 Cyathocrinites spp. 9 1 , 9 3 , 9 4 , 1 0 3 - 1 0 4 Cydonocrinus parvulus 104 Cylindroteuthis puzosiana 172

dat ing Pleistocene and Holocene deposits 178-179 see also radiocarbon dating

D E P A O L A , D r Nicola, Fearnsides pr izewinner 62

debris cone deve lopment , Pas ture Beck valley 235-243

Decadocrinus 93 Derbiocrinus spp. 93, 99 ,104 Dialutocrinus spp. 102 diamictons, Gar re t Hill, Norfolk 32, 35-39 Diatorocrinus 93 Dibunophyllum sp. 88 Dichocrinus spp. 102 Dieuryocrinus duplex 105 Dimorphoceras spp. I l l , 112,114 dinoflagellate cysts 182, 200, 212, 213, 245 dinosaur tracks, Burnis ton Bay 77-80 D o n Monocl ine 21 drainage, and landslide activity at Cayton Bay

9 , 1 1 , 1 3 drumlin field, upper Tees 221-234

dykes, Pa laeogene Hebr idean swarm 1-4

Eas t Fife Coalfield 20 Eas t Loth ian Syncline 19 Eas t Midlands Shelf 254,259 Ectocrinus spp. 102 Edapocrinus rugosus 104 Enascocrinus redesdalensis 105 Equus ferus 197 Erymoceras 168 Escrick Mora ine 194, 201, 202 es tuar ine silts, interglacial, Kirmington, Lines.

246-249 Eubrontes 79 Eumorphocrinus spp. 99 ,102 Euryocrinus spp. 94 ,105

F A U L K N E R , Michael , M o o r e medallist 61-62

Fearnsides Prize 62 Ferr iby-Winter ton Mora ine 202 F lamborough Mora ine 186-187, 202 flint artefacts, Kirmington, Lines. 200,248 flint in chalk-rich diamictons, Gar re t Hill,

Norfolk 32, 35-39 flint-rich sand and gravel, Gar re t Hill,

Norfolk 32-35 foraminifera 170,182,184, 200 fractures, sediment-filled, in U K redbed

sandstones 41-53

Gaelicrinus 93 ,104 Gagates 262-263 Genicularia vertebralis 170 geomorphological mapping, upper Tees

221-234 geomorphology, landscape 5-14 Gigantoproductus sp. 88 Gilbertsocrinus spp. 87-90, 91 ,100-101 GIS database , landscape geomorphology,

Cayton Bay 5-14 glacial lakes

H u m b e r 194,195 Pickering 7 Sparks 32 ,187 Stiffkey 32 ,37

glacial landforms, upper Tees 221-234 glacial lithofacies, Gar re t Hill, Norfolk 31-39 glacial origin of sediment-filled fractures

42-43 glacial stratigraphy, lowland southern and

eastern England 245-251 glacial tills see tills Goniatites spp. I l l , 112 ,113 ,114-115 ,

139-145 G P S 2, 4 gravels see sands and gravels

Halysiocrinusl 99 ,103 'Hessle Clay' 189,195 Hibolites jaculum 188 Hibolithes hastata 170 Hippopotamus amphibius 196 Hogs thorpe Mora ine 187 Holcocrinus smythi 105 H u m b e r G a p 187,196

Page 2: INDEX TO VOLUME 56 - Lyell Collection · reefs, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260 Rhabdocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 Rhaxella 5 rhinoceros remains

274 I N D E X T O V O L U M E 56

Hydreionocrinus spp. 93, 94, 99, 105 hydrofracturing 43 hydrogeology, sediment-filled fractures in

sandstones 41-53 Hypselocrinus monensis 105

Ichthyosaurus spp. 254-256, 257-259 /. communis 256, 259

Inoceramus lingua 196 Intermediacrinus [Hydreionocrinus?] nitidus

93, 99, 105 lotacrinus spp. 93.102 isochron ages, Ingleton G r o u p 81-85

jet 261-265 joints (cleats) in British Carboniferous coals


K-Ar dates, Ingleton argillites 82, 84 K-Ar dates, slates from SW England 82 Kent Coalfield 16-17 ,18 ,19 , 29 Killingholme Moraine 187 Kosmoceras spp. 161, 164-165, 168-171

lacustrine deposits, Dimlington Silts and Sands 186

Lageniocrinus jacksoni 104 Lancashire Coalfield 20 land use history, Pasture Beck valley debris

cone 240-241 landscape geomorphology, Cayton Bay 5-14 Lanecrinus spp. 93, 105 Leptonectes tenuirostris 255-256, 259 Leven Syncline 20 Linton-Stut ton gravel mounds 195 lithofacies analysis. Gar re t Hill, Norfolk

31-39 Lithostrotion sp. 88 Little Ice Age 235,240, 241 Littorina littorea 196, 198 Lockeia 19 London Platform 259 Longaeviceras cf. placenta 165

Macoma balthica 179. 184, 187-188, 200 magnet ic anomalies. Cleveland Dyke 1-4 m a m m o t h remains 191 mapping

landscape geomorphology at Cayton Bay 5-14

Tees drumlin field 221-234 Marke t Weighton Structure 174 Megaceros giganteus 196 Megalosauropus 79 Megalosaurus 80 Mespilocrinus spp. 105 metamorphism, and new isochron ages,

Ingleton G r o u p 81-85 microplankton, Penar th Group , N W

Lincolnshire 209. 210, 211, 212, 213 Mid Craven Fault 156,157 Midlothian Coalfield 18 ,19-20 , 22-23 , 27-28 mineralization, cleats in British

Carboniferous coals 17-18 mineralogy. East Yorkshire tills 186,192 miospores, Penarth Group , NW Lincolnshire

209, 210 ,211 ,212-213 Moel Gilau Fault 21 , 27 Moor House National Na tu re Reserve 223 Moore Medal 59, 61-62

moraines Cayton Bay 7 Gar re t Hill, Norfolk 31-39 Lincolnshire and Norfolk 187 see also drumlins; tills

Morley-Campsall Fault 19, 21, 28 moss, fossil 185-186 mudslides, Cayton Bay 9 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 My a truncata 182 Mytilus edulis 196, 198

Naiadita 212 Neale, John William, scientific contr ibution of

267-269 Nea th Dis turbance 21 , 27 'Neptunian dykes ' 42 nomencla ture , Carboniferous System 57-58 Normanicythere 267 Nor th East England coalfields 18.19, 21 ,

28-29 North Pennine Orefield 151-154 North Pennines A O N B 223 North Sea Basin 37, 39 Nor th Staffordshire Coalfield 19 Nor th Wales Coalfield 18, 20 Nor thumber land Basin 18,19, 28-29 Nucella lapillus 196 Numismoceras spp. I l l , 112,113,114,


obituaries Neale, John William 271-272 Ramsbo t tom, W. H. C. (Bill) 55-56

obsidian 264 Ophiurocrinus spp. 93, 104

O. hebdenensis 105 ostracods 170,182, 184,186, 267-269, 271 Ostrea edulis 196

Palaeolithic artefacts, Kirmington 248 Palaeoloxodon antiquus 196 palaeomagnet ism 1-4 palaeontology

ammonoid assemblages 111-150 cardioceratid ammoni tes 65-75 crinoids 87-90, 91-109 East Yorkshire tills 179,182, 184,185-186,

190-191, 196-197,200 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260

pa lynomorphs 209-214, 245 Paracraspedites 271 Parazeacrinites spp. 105 Patella vulgata 185 peat

Pasture Beck valley debris cone, Lake District 237, 238, 240-241

strength 249 Peltoceras sp. 165,168, 169-170, 171 Pennine Basin 17-18,19, 20-21 , 22 ,28 Pent land Fault 19,20 Peregrinoceras 271 Perisphinctes spp. 168, 170 Phacelocrinus 93 Phanocrinus spp. 99,105 Phillips Medal 59, 217-218, 271 Pholas 196 Phragmites 200 Pimlicocrinus spp. 102 Platycrinites spp. 91 , 93, 99 ,102-103 Platycrinus 93

plesiosaur remains 254, 256-259 Pleurocrinus spp. 93,102 Pliny the Elder, on jet 262-264 Pohlia wahlenbergii var. glacialis 185-186 pollen analysis

East Yorkshire tills 182,184,186, 200 interglacial deposits, Morston, Norfolk 245,

249 Kirmington interglacial deposits 200 Pasture Beck valley debris cone 237,

238-241 Penar th Group, NW Lincolnshire 209,212 Speeton Shell Bed 184

pore water pressure, Cayton Bay 7 ,11 ,13 porosity, sediment-filled fractures 42, 47^18 Poteriocrinites spp. 91, 93,105 Prolecanitesspp. I l l , 112,114,147-148 Pronorites 111 Pupa marginata 196 Papilla muscorum 197

radiocarbon dating Dimlington Silts and Sands 185 Huns tan ton and Skipsea Tills 245 Lake H u m b e r 194 organic deposits over Holderness tills 193 Pasture Beck valley debris cone 236-237,

238,240-241 Sourlie and Balglass Burn, central Scotland

201 tills south of Holderness 187

rainfall change, impact on landslide activity 11 ,12 ,13

Rangifer tarandus 197 Rb-Sr isochron ages, Ingleton Group 81-85 reefs, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260 Rhabdocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 Rhaxella 5 rhinoceros remains 197 Rhodocrinites 89, 91, 93, 94. 101 Rhodocrinus 93 Rhomaleosaurus megacephalus 259 R O M A N O , Dr Mike, Phillips medallist

217-218 Rounstonia 267

Saeptodinium sp. 245 sands and gravels

Garre t Hill terminal moraine, Norfolk 32, 35-39

Morston and Kirmington interglacial 245-249

Pasture Beck valley debris cone. Lake District 237-238, 240, 241

sandstones, sediment-filled fractures in 41-53 Saxicava 196 Scotiacrinus yoredalensis 105 Scottish coalfields 18 ,19-20 ,22-23 , 27-28 screwstones 87-90 S C R U T T O N , D r Colin T , Sorby medallist

62-63 sea-level change, impact on landslide activity

12-13 Seamer Moraine 202 sediment-filled fractures in sandstones 41-53 serpulid worm 170 Sigloceras planicerculus 160 Site of Special Scientific Interest, Cayton Bay


Page 3: INDEX TO VOLUME 56 - Lyell Collection · reefs, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260 Rhabdocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 Rhaxella 5 rhinoceros remains

P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H E Y O R K S H I R E G E O L O G I C A L S O C I E T Y 275

slates, Rb-Sr isochron ages, Ingleton G r o u p 81-85

slope destabilization 5-14, 235-236, 241 snakestones 262-263 Society Proceedings

2005 59-64 2006 215-220

Sorby Medal 62-63 'sorted dykes ' 42 South Wales Coalfield 16 ,18-19, 21 , 23, 27, 29 Spirogyra 245 Springericrinus [Poteriocrinites] robustus 93,

105 Stainmore G a p 192 ,193 ,194 ,223 Stephanorhinus hermitoechus 196 Stickney Moraine 31,187 storm events, and hillslope destabilization

235-236, 241 stratigraphy, Carboniferous System new

official names 57-58 Subcommission on Carboniferous

Stratigraphy (SCCS) 57-58, 92 Subcraspedites 271 Sycocrinites anapeptamenus 104 Sygambrites spp. 114,145-147 Synbathocrinus spp. 103

Taxocrinus spp. 105 Tees drumlin field 221-234 terminal moraine, Garre t Hill, Norfolk 31-39 Thallasinoides 5 Thinocrinus spp. 103 'till dykes ' 42 tills

at Cayton Bay 5-14 at Garre t Hill, Norfolk 31-39 in fractures in U K redbed sandstones

42-43 ,48 and interglacial deposits, Mors ton and

Kirmington 245-249 in nor thern England 223-226, 231 strength 249

toadstones 87 Tollia 271 Trichia hispida 196 Trimsaran Disturbance 21 ' tunnel valleys' 194 Turkey, and naming of jet 262-264 Tyne Gap 223 Tyreiocrinus laxus 105

Ureocrinus bocksschii 99,105 Ursus sp. 196 Usk Anticline 21 , 27

Vallonia pulchella 196 Variscan Deformat ion Front 18, 23-29 vegetation change, Pasture Beck valley debris

cone 240-241

Wales-Brabant High 18, 28 Warwickshire Coalfield 19 water table, perched, at Cayton Bay 7 Welsh Basin 84 West Cumber land Coalfield 18 West Ochil Fault 20, 27 Woodocrinus spp. 105

W. macrodactylus 99,105 Woodocrinus? longidactylus 94, 105 Worcester Basin 254

X-ray diffraction ( X R D ) 45, 50 -51 , 82, 151-152,153,155

X-ray spectrometry ( E D S ) 151,153, 155 York Mora ine 194 Yorkshire Basin 37

Zua subcylindrica 196


Alandale 168,172 Beckermonds Scar 81 Blyborough 209, 212 Bridlington 179,198 Brown Moor 171,172 Cayton Cliff 6 Cockle Pits 209 Cot t ingham 200 Easington 179 East Clough 170,171 Har land Rise 200 Kilnsea 179

Kirmington 200, 246-247 Low Field Lane 168 N W Lincolnshire 209 Scotter Wood Farm 209-210 South Cave 168,170 Tetney Lock 209 T h a m e 171 Thirsk 261 Warham 37 Welton 171 Worlaby E 171,172


Acadian Stage 81 Acheul ian 200 Alpine Orogeny 29 Anglian 202, 245-251 Arenig Stage 81-85 Bathonian 77-80 Berriasian 268, 271 Carboniferous 15-30, 57-58

Arund ian 99 ,100 Asbian 99 ,111-150 Autunian 57-58 Bashkir ian 57-58 Bolsovian 19, 58 Brigantian 87-90, 99 Chadian 94-99 Dinant ian 19-20, 57-58 ,156-157 Gzhel ian 57-58 Has tar ian 94 Holker ian 99 ,100 Ivorian 94,100 Kasimovian 57-58 Mississippian (gen.) 57-58, 87-90 ,151 Moscovian 57-58 Namur ian 20, 57-58 Pendleian 99 Pennsylvanian (gen.) 57-58 Serpukhovian 57-58 Silesian 57-58 S t e p h a n i a n 2 1 , 2 8 , 57-58 Tournaisian 57-58 Visean 57-58, 87-90 Westphalian 18,19, 20, 28, 57-58

Clacktonian 200 Cre taceous 16, 267, 268, 271

Devensian 44 Devensian, La te 31 -39 ,178 ,184 ,187 ,193 ,

194-195, 201, 245-251 Devonian 44, 46, 47, 50, 81 Dimlington Stadial 7 ,179 ,186-187 ,193 ,

194-195 ,201 ,221-234 Ear ly Main Dales Stage 194-195, 201 Holocene 9, 235-243 Hoxn ian 200, 202, 248 Ipswichian Interglacial 178 ,185 ,187 ,196-200 Jurassic 5 -13 ,65 -75 , 77-80 ,159-176 Jurassic, Ear ly 253-260 Loch L o m o n d Stade 236, 240 Mar ine Isotope Stages (MIS) 178-179 Ordovician 81-85, 236 Oxfordian 65-75 ,159 Pa laeogene 1-4 Permian 16,19, 20 ,46 Permo-Triassic 41-53 Pleistocene 31 , 32, 37 ,177-207 Qua te rna ry 5-13, 44 Silurian 83 Triassic 46, 253 Triassic, La te 209-214 Variscan Orogeny 16 ,18 ,19 , 20, 21 , 23-29


A n n a n Sandstone 47 App leby G r o u p 46 Basement Till 178 ,179-185 ,196 ,197-202 Bee Low Limes tone Format ion 99,111-150 Birdsall Calcareous Gri t 168 ,172,173 Birker Fell Format ion 156 Black Rock Limestone 94 Blackhall Till 189,193, 201 Blue Ancho r Format ion 209, 210 Blue Lias Format ion 253-260 Bolders Bank Format ion 192, 202 Borrowdale Volcanic G r o u p 36,156 Botney Cut Format ion 202 Bran t ingham Format ion 162,163,164,

168-174 Brassington Format ion 42 Bridl ington Crag 182,183,184 Bri ton 's Lane Format ion 36, 37 Brockram 47 Bromsgrove Sandstone Format ion 46 Brownstones Format ion 46 Budleigh Sal ter ton Pebble Beds 46, 50 Burl ington Limestone 99 'Burnis ton footprint bed ' 77 But te rby Till 189 Calce thorpe Till 183, 201, 202 Calder Sandstone 47 'Cannon-shot gravels ' 32 Carboniferous Limestone 42 Cave Rock M e m b e r 162,163,172 Cayton Clay Format ion 7 Chalk 183 ,184 ,187 ,247 Chalky Boulder Clay 200 Chester Pebble Beds 46, 47, 49 Clifton D o w n Limestone 99 Cl i theroe Limestone Format ion 99 Cloughton Format ion 5 Coal Measures 15-30 Collyhurst Sandstone 47 Comptoni Bed 172 Cornbrash Format ion 5, 6 Crinoid Bed 65-75

Page 4: INDEX TO VOLUME 56 - Lyell Collection · reefs, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260 Rhabdocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 Rhaxella 5 rhinoceros remains

276 I N D E X T O V O L U M E 56

Dimlington Silts and Sands 182,185-186,199 Dimmock ' s Cote Marl Member 65-75 Dun tu lm Format ion 79 D u r h a m Complex 189 Durness Limestone 151 E d e n Shale 47 Egmond G r o u n d Format ion 202 Elsworth Rock 71 ,73 , 74 Filey Format ion 7 ,188 F lamborough M e m b e r 191 Friar 's Point Limestone 94 Gayle Limestone 157 Gorda le Limestone 157 Grea t Limestone 99 ,152 ,153 Gris thorpe M e m b e r 5, 6 Hackness Rock M e m b e r 165,170 Hangman Sandstone Format ion 46 Hawes Limestone 156, 157 Hea th Till 200, 201 Helsby Sandstone Format ion 46 Holderness Formation 31-39 ,177-207 Holkham Till 31-32, 36-37, 39 ,245 H o o k H e a d Formation 94 Hopeda le Limestone Format ion 111-150 H o r d e n Till 189 Hornsea Member 191-192,193 Hor ton Formation 82 Huns tan ton Till 31 ,187 ,201 ,245 ,246 , 249 Ilfracombe Format ion 82 Ingleton G r o u p 81-85 Jet Rock Format ion 261 Kellaways Format ion 159 ,162 ,163 ,168 ,170 ,


Kelsey Hill Gravels 190-191,192,195 Kimmeridge Clay 184 Kinner ton Sandstone 47 Kirklington Sandstone 47 Kirmington interglacial deposi ts 200-201 ,

246-249 Lilstock Format ion 209, 210-212 Locharbriggs Sandstone 46 ,47 Long N a b M e m b e r 77-80 Lower Calcareous Gri t(s) 5-13 Lower Drift see Older & Newer Drifts

{below) Lowestoft Format ion 32 Lubbers ton M e m b e r 5, 6 Magnesium Beds 94 Malham 155.156-157 Marly Drift 32 ,245 Marsh Tills 187, 200, 201,247, 248 Mercia Muds tones 209, 210-212 'Middle Sands ' 189 Midland Valley Sill 20 Monsal Dale Limestone Format ion 87-90 Mors ton interglacial beach deposits 245-251 Mounta in Limestone 94, 98 Mulgrave Shale M e m b e r 261 Older & Newer Drifts 178 ,183 ,186 ,187 ,189 ,

194-195, 202 Ormski rk Sandstone 47 Osgodby Format ion 6 , 7 , 1 5 9 , 1 7 0 Oxford Clay 5, 6, 9 ,159-176 Pelaw Till 189 Penar th G r o u p 209-214 Penr i th Sands tone Format ion 46, 47 Pe te rborough M e m b e r 159 ,162 ,163 ,168 ,169 ,

170,172, 174 Pilton Format ion 94 Port an Righ I rons tone 73

Port an Righ Siltstone 73 Port ree Shales 261 Prismatic Clay 189 Ravenscar G r o u p 77-80 Ringstead Sand and Gravel 31 ,37 Rugby Limestone M e m b e r 254,259 St Bees Evapor i tes 47 St Bees Sandstone Format ion 46 ,47 St Bees Shale 47 St Maughan ' s Format ion 46, 50 Salt Hill C a p Beds 98-99 Saltford Shale Member , 253-260 Scalby Format ion 77-80 Scandinavian Drift 184-185,201 Scunthorpe Muds tone Formation 209 Sewerby Gravels 191-192,197 Sewerby M e m b e r 197 Sherwood Sandstone G r o u p 41 , 43, 47, 194 Skipsea Till 178 ,179 ,182 ,183 ,186-189 ,193 ,

195-196, 197,200-202,245, 248 Speeton Clay 183 ,184 ,188 ,267 , 268 ,269 ,271 Speeton Shell Bed 183-184,188 Spilsby Sandstone Format ion 271 Sponge Bed 65-75 Stewartby M e m b e r 159,162,163, 169,170,

171,172,174 'Stonesfield Slate ' 80 Tampen Formation 186 Taynton Limestone M e m b e r 80 Teesside Till 193 Tuft Sandstone 152 Upware Limestone M e m b e r 65-75 Warren House Till 184-185,202 Wear Till 189,193 Welton Gravels 183 Welton Till 183,201, 202 West Walton Format ion 65-75 ,172 Westbury Format ion 209-212 Weybourne Town Till 36, 37 Weymouth M e m b e r 159,170,174 Whin Sill 19,223 Whitby Muds tone Formation 261 Wilmcote Limestone Format ion 254,259 Wiimslow Sandstone Format ion 46 ,47 Windermere Supergroup 8 1 , 8 2 , 8 3 , 84 Withernsea Till 178 ,179 ,183 ,190 ,192-196 ,

201-202 WragbyTi l l 200, 201,247 Ystrad Einion Mine 155


Alderley Edge 4 5 , 4 7 , 4 8 , 50,155 Allerron Park 194 Alpor t 106 Alps Quar ry (Wenvoe) 106 Amplefor th 194 Ancho lme Valley 200 Appalachians 16 A r m t h o r p e 196 Ar th ington Hall 194 Ash Hol t 187 Ashgill H e a d 229 Avon River Gorge 106 Avon Valley 254,259 Avonside (Bristol) 94 ,106 Awthorns 107 Bakewell 106 Balby 194 Balglass Burn 201

Balladoole (Isle of Man) 99,106 Ballintore 73 Bantycock Gypsum Mine (Newark) 212 Barde ron Mere 229 Barmston 191 Barney Crag Mine 152 Barnsley 19,194 Barrow-upon-Soar 259 Barry Island 94,106 Beacon Hill (Co. Durham) 184 Beacon Hill (Speeton) 183,187 Beacon Hill Quarry (Runcorn) 43 ,45 ,46 ,48 ,

50 Beazley Falls 82 Bedford 171 Bellbeaver Rigg 223,229,230 Bellman Park Quarry 98,106 Berrygate Hill 191 Bidston Court Gardens 46 Bilton 192 Birkhams Quarry 4 5 , 4 6 , 4 8 , 4 9 , 5 1 Blackrock (Bristol) 106 Blea Hill (North Yorks.) 1-4 Bletchley 171 Blind Tarn Moss 236,241 Boreas Hill 191 Bosherston 106 Bowen Basin (Queensland) 16 Bowland (i.e. Bolland) 98 ,106 ,125 ,138 ,241 Bowscar 46 Brandesbur ton 191 Bray ton Barff 194 Bridge Pit South (Upware) 65 Bridlington 179-182,185,191,196,197-199 Brigham 191 Brownley Hill Mine 151,152,155 Buck's Pool 106 Bullman Hills 226,231 Burnham Overy 37 Burnhope Seat 230 Burniston Bay (Wyke) 77-80 Burnsall 121 Burr ington Combe 94,106 Burstwick 191 Bur ton Agnes 192 But te r Haw Hill 125,146 But te rmere-Crummock Water valley 236 Caldy Island 106 Callow 46 Calvert End 223 Cam Beck 106 Capton Quar ry 4 6 , 4 8 , 5 0 Cass-ny-hawin H e a d (Isle of Man) 106 Castleton 111-150 Catwick 191 Cauldron Snout 223 Cavedale 114 Cayton Bay 5-14,188 Cayton Cliff 5-14 Chapel- le-Dale 82 Cheshire Plain 42 Chipping 106 Chrome Hill 114,125 Clattering Syke (Sike) 106 Claxton 194 Clevedon Bay 94,106 Clifton (Avon Gorge) 107 Cli theroe 96-98 ,106 Cobble Hill 194 Cockle Sike 229

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P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H E Y O R K S H I R E G E O L O G I C A L S O C I E T Y 277

Cold Fell 226, 231 Coldberry E n d 229 Commissioner 's Pit (Upware South) 6 5 , 7 2 , 7 3 Coniston (Yorks.) 191 Coplow Knoll 98 ,106 Corncockle 46 Cornelian Bay 193 Corsehill Quar ry 45, 46 ,48 , 49, 51 Cove Quarry 45, 46, 48 Cow Green 223,229 Cowbridge 107 Cowdale Clough 143 Cowden 192 Cowlow Nick 111, 113 ,114 ,120 ,121 ,125 ,133 ,

136,139,144 Cracoe 119 ,120 ,125 ,129 ,133 ,135 ,139 ,144 ,

146 Crockley Hill 194 Cromer 36 Crook Burn 229 Crook Hill Brick-pit 171 Cross Fell 223, 226,230, 231 ,232 ,233 Crowdecote 113 ,115 ,123 ,127 ,131 ,135 ,139 ,

144 Croxton 191 Cumberland 18 Danes Dyke 183 Derbyshire 42 ,106 Dimlington 178-179 ,182 ,183 ,184 ,185-186 ,

189-190,192, 199-202 Dimmock ' s Cote Quar ry 65-75 Dixon Opencast Mine 21 Dodgen Pot 229 Doeford Bridge 106 Doncas te r 21 Douk Ghyll 82 Dowel Dale 114,146 Dowel Farm 114,125,144 D o w n h a m Bridge 106 D o w n h a m Mill 106 Dufton Fell 226,230 Durham, Co. 184-185 Ear l S t e r n d a l e l l 3 Easington 192 East Cowick 194 East Fife 20 Elbol ton Hill 125 Epplewor th Quar ry 197 Eskdale (Yorks.) 189 Eye Green 169,171 Fallowfield Mine 151,152 Filey Bay 183-184 ,188 ,190 ,192-193 ,195 Flamborough Head 183 ,186-187 ,188 ,190 ,

191,268 Force Burn 229 Frances Mine (East Fife) 20 Fremington 107 Freshwater West 107 Frome 94,107 Fylingdales M o o r 1-4 Gambling 191 Garre t Hill 31-39 Ga teham Hill 114,125,139,144 Gautr ies Hill 112 Giant ' s Hole 112 Gilderdale 231 Gladstone Hall 106 Goath land Moor 1-4 Goldsborough 261 Goosehill 114

Grampian Highlands 241 G r a n g e m o o r Quar ry 45, 46, 48, 49, 51 G r a n s m o o r 191,193 Gra t ton Hill 114 G r e a t D u n Fell 226 ,228 Grea t Hatfield 191 G r e e n Burn 229 G r e e n H u r t h Mine 228 Greenhil l (Alveston) 99 ,106 G r e t a Qua r ry 82 Gr imston Hal l 195 Grinshill 46 Hackness Quar ry 170 Hamble ton Hough 194 H a m m e r t o n Hall Knoll 106 Hanging Tar M u d m o u n d 98 ,106 Harbury 254. 259 H a r e w o o d 194 Har tenda le G u t t e r 183 Har ts ide 231 Har t sop 236, 241 Harwood Beck 226, 229,230, 232 Hatfield Quar ry 43 Hayeswater Gill 236 Heacham 31 Henleaze 107 Herdsh ip Hill 229,230 Herr ington 189 Hessle 196, 201 High Paull 191 High R e d Cliff 6 High Stacks 183 Hi lder thorpe 191 Holbeck Hall Hote l 7 Holl ington Quar ry 46, 4 8 , 5 0 , 5 2 Holme-on-Spald ing-Moor 194 Ho lmp ton 179, 200 Hor ton 81-85 H o r t o n Qua r ry 82 Howgill Fells 241 H u n m a n b y 192 Huntcliff 261 Hun te r ' s Post Quar ry 46 ,48 , 50 Immingham 200 Ingleton 19, 81-85 Ings End 106 Irby Hill Quar ry 4 5 , 4 6 , 4 8 , 50 I ron Crag 236,241 Keelby Grange 191 Kelsey Hill 190-191 Kett le Hill 31-39 Ket t le thorpe 160 ,209 ,210-213 ,271 Keyingham 190-191,192 Kilnsea Beacon 179 Kirkby Lonsdale 106 Kirmington 200-201, 202 ,245 ,246-249 Knipe Point 11 Knock Fell 223,230 Knollwood 98,106 Langer ton Hill 143 Leeds 194,195 Leigh Downs 107 Leigh Woods 107 Leven 191 Limekiln Wood (Doeford Bridge) 106 Lincolnshire 172,183, 187-188,196, 200-201,

202, 209-214, 245-251 Linney H e a d 98 ,106 Linton 194 Lissett 191

Little Dodgen Pot Sike 228 Liverpool , Williamson's Tunnels 41 ,47 Llanberis , Alexandra Qua r ry 84 Loch Quoich 43 Locharbriggs Quar ry 45, 46, 47-49, 51 Lodgegill Sike 229 Long I tchington 254 Long Knots 106 Long Nab 77-80 L o n g n o r 1 1 3 Low Plantat ion 114 Malham Calamine Mine 156 Mal ton 73 M a m Tor 106 Manches te r 41 Manches te r Pot 106 Marke t Weighton 267, 271 Meaux 191 Meldon Hill 229 Mel ton 171 Mel ton Gallows Farm 200 Mend ip Hills 4 1 , 9 4 , 1 0 7 Meta lband Hill 229 Mickle Fell 226,231 Midd lehope 107 Middlesborough 1923 Midge Hole 106 Mill Hill 191 Milton Keynes 170,171 Mitcheldean 107 Mon tagne Noi re 82 M o o r H o u s e 223 ,229 ,230 Mors ton 31 , 32, 37, 39, 245-249 Moseda le (Skiddaw) 236,241 Mulgrave 262 Nar rowda le 114 ,120 ,121 Nen thead 151 ,152 ,153 ,155 Nentsber ry Haggs Mine 153 Nes ton Railway Cut t ing 4 6 , 4 8 , 4 9 Newark 212 Newlands valley 241 Newton Longville Pit 171 Newton Mulgrave 189 Newton- in-Bol land 98 ,106 Norfolk 31-39 ,187 , 245-251,271 Nor th Frodingham 191 Nor thumber l and 189 Not t ingham 2 1 , 4 5 , 4 7 , 4 8 , 5 0 Odin Mine 113 ,125 ,138 ,139 O g m o r e 106 O s g o d b y 1 1 O t t e rbu rn 106 Papwor th Everard 7 3 , 7 4 Parkhouse Hill 113 ,114 ,121 ,125 ,129 ,130 ,

133 ,139,144 Pas ture Beck valley 235-243 Patr ington 192 Peak ' s Hill 112 Pecca Qua r ry 82 Peckonda le Hill 170-171,174 Pe te rborough 171 Pigeon Hole 183 Pikedaw Mine 156-157 Pimlieo Quar ry 106 P lumpton Quar ry 4 5 , 4 6 , 4 8 , 49 Poolvash Bay 106 Press 's Quar ry 107 Pres ton (Lanes.) 106 Preston (Yorks.) 191 Prince of Wales Colliery (Co. D u r h a m ) 21

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I N D E X T O V O L U M E 56

Teesdale 192,193 Tenant 's Cliff 5-14 T h o m e 194 Thorney 209, 210-212 Thorngumbald 191,192,196 Thornley Hall (Chipping) 106 Thornton- in-Craven 106 Three Cliffs Bay 107 Threshthwai te Cove 236 Thurstas ton Hill 46 Tickton 191 Tor Top 112

Treak Cliff 99 ,106 ,111-113 ,114 ,115 , 119-120 ,121 ,133 ,138 ,139 ,144 ,147

Tredomen Quar ry 4 5 , 4 6 , 4 8 , 4 9 Triscombe 46 Twiston Knoll 106 Upgang 188 ,190 ,193 ,201 Upware 65-75 Vale of Eden 223,226 Vale of Glamorgan 94 Vallis (Frome) 107 Waddow Hall 106 Wakefield 194 Warborough Hill 32 Warham 32, 37 Warren House Gill 184-185 Warwickshire 19,253-260 Wearhead 226 Weeton 194

Wells-next-the-Sea 31 , 37 Welton-le-Wold 183,187, 201,202 Wensleydale 223 West Angle Bay 107 West Run ton 245 Westbury-on-Trym 94,107 Wetton Hill 113,114 Whitby 188 ,193 ,261 ,263 ,264 Whitewell in Bolland 106 Whi tmore /Long Knots 106 Widdybank Fell 229 Wind Bay 107 Wolvercote Brick-pit 169,171 Woodham (Bucks.) 164 Woodspring 107 Worksop 21 Worston 106 W r o o t 194 Yad Moss 229 Yons N a b 6 York 261


albite 49 alstonite 152,153 anglesite 155,157 anker i te 151,153 aragoni te 151 aurichalcite 157 azurite 156,157 bar ium 152,153 baryte 152,153,157 barytocalcite 152,153 beaver i te 155-158 biotite 186,192 brucite 151 calcite 151, 254

caledonite 156 carbonates 17 ,152,153 cerussite 156,157 chalcocite 156 chalcopyrite 152,155, 156 chamosite 192 chlorite 45 ,49 , 51 ,156 ,186 ,192 chlorite-muscovite 156 chlorite-smectite 49 ,51 chrysocoila 156 covelline 156 digenite 156 doleri te 49 dolomite 156 dypingite 151-154 epidote 186,192 galena 152,153,155,156 giorgiosite 153 gypsum 155 haemat i te 49 ,50 ,156 hemimorphi te 156 hornblende 186,192 hydromagnesi te 151-154 illite 49, 82 iron oxides 48-49 jarosites 155,157 k-feldspar 49 kaolinite 49, 51 ktenasite 155 leadhillite 156 limonite 156 linarite 156 magnesium 153 malachite 155,156,157 marcasite 152 mica 48 ,49 muscovite 82 namuwite 155 plumbojarosi te 155 proto-magnesi te 153 pyrite 152,155,156,164,165,168,18.6 ,254 quartz 49 ,156 ,157 schulenbergite 155 selenite 161,164 serpentinites 151 serpierite 155 siderite 151,186 silicates 17 smectite 49 smithsonite 156,157 sphaleri te 152,153,155,156,157 strontianite 152 sulphides 17,18 witherite 152. 153 yarrowite 156


advanced cladids, new genera 93,104 Monobathr ids , new genera 93,101 Bollandites rileyi, sp. nov. 123-125 Bollandoceras crowdecotense sp. nov. 131-133 Bollandoceras fordi sp. nov. 127-129 Gilbertsocrinus fionae sp. nov. 87-90 Mespilocrinus new species 93,105 Sygambrites mundyi sp. nov. 146-147

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ARKELL, W.J. 1933. The Jurassic System in Great Britain. Clarendon, Oxford.

BLACK, M. 1934. Sedimentation of the Aalenian rocks of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 22,265-279.

DUNHAM, K.C. 1974. Epigenetic minerals. In: RAYNER, D.H. & HEMINGWAY, I E . (eds) The Geology and Mineral Resources of Yorkshire. Yorkshire Geological Society Occasional Publication, 2,293-308 (or, if the source of the book is quoted more than twice: In: RAYNER D.H. & HEMINGWAY, J.E. (eds) Q.v., 293-308.)

FOX-STRANGWAYS, C. & BARROW, G. 1882. The Geology of the Country between Whitby and Scarborough (2nd edition). Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, England and Wales, Sheets 35,44.

GEORGE, T.N. 1969. British Dinantian stratigraphy. In: Compte Rendu du 6me Congres International de Stratigraphie et de G€ologie du Carbonifere, Sheffield 1967, Volume 1,193-218.

HARRIS, A.L., HOLLAND, C.H. & LEAKE, B.E. (eds) 1979. The Caledonides of the British Isles - Reviewed. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 8.

TROTTER, F.M. & HOLLINGWORTH, S.E. 1928. The Alston Block. Geological Magazine, 65,433-448.

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Page 8: INDEX TO VOLUME 56 - Lyell Collection · reefs, ammonoid assemblages 111-150 reptile remains, Saltford Shale 253-260 Rhabdocrinus swaledalensis 99,105 Rhaxella 5 rhinoceros remains


Yorkshire Geological Society VOLUME 56 PART 4 NOVEMBER 2007


W. A. Mitchell Reconstructions of the Late Devensian (Dimlington Stadial) British-Irish Ice Sheet: the role of the upper Tees drumlin field, nor th Pennines, England

R. Clark, A. G. Parker, D. E. Anderson and P. Wilson Late Holocene debris cone development and vegetation and land-use history in the Pasture Beck valley, Lake District, N W England

S. J. Gale and P. G. Hoare The glacial stratigraphy of lowland southern and eastern Britain: temperate-s tage deposits at Morston and Kirmington

A. S. Smith and J. D. Radley

A marine reptile fauna from the Early Jurassic Saltford Shale (Blue Lias Formation) of central England

W. T. Dean

Yorkshire jet and its links to Pliny the Elder

A. R. Lord and D. J. H o m e

Ostracods, ancient and modern: a review of John Neale 's scientific contribution


John William Neale (1926-2006)


Abstracted and/or indexed in Current Contents, GeoArchive, Geobase, GeoRef, Geological Abstracts, Mineralogical Abstracts, Research Alert and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)

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