Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for Convex Optimization Dimitri P. Bertsekas Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 2014 Bertsekas (M.I.T.) Incremental Gradient 1 / 24

Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

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Page 1: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for ConvexOptimization

Dimitri P. Bertsekas

Laboratory for Information and Decision SystemsMassachusetts Institute of Technology

February 2014

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Page 2: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Problems with Many Additive Cost and Constraint Components



fi (x) subject to x ∈ X = ∩q`=1X`,

where fi : <n 7→ < are convex, and the sets X` are closed and convex.

Incremental algorithm: Typical iteration

Choose indexes ik ∈ {1, . . . ,m} and `k ∈ {1, . . . , q}.Perform a subgradient iteration or a proximal iteration

xk+1 = PX`k

(xk − αk∇̃fik (xk )

)or xk+1 = arg min


{fik (x) +

12αk‖x − xk‖2

}where αk is a positive stepsize and ∇̃ denotes (any) subgradient.

MotivationAvoid processing all the cost components at each iteration

Use a simpler constraint to simplify the projection or the proximal minimization

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References for this Overview Talk

Joint and individual works with A. Nedic and M. Wang.

Focus on convergence, rate of convergence, component formation, andcomponent selection.

Work on incremental gradient methods and extended Kalman filter for leastsquares, 1994-1997 (DPB).

Work on incremental subgradient methods with A. Nedic, 2000-2010.

Work on incremental proximal methods, 2010-2012 (DPB).

Work on incremental constraint projection methods with M. Wang 2012-2014(following work by A. Nedic in 2011).

See our websites.

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Page 4: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for


1 Incremental Algorithms

2 Two Methods for Incremental Treatment of Constraints

3 Convergence Analysis

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Incremental Subgradient Methods

Problem: minx∈X∑m

i=1 fi (x), where fi and X are convex

Long history: LMS (Widrow-Hoff, 1960, for linear least squares w/out projection),former Soviet Union literature 1960s, stochastic approximation literature 1960s,neural network literature 1970s

Basic incremental subgradient method

xk+1 = PX(xk − αk∇̃fik (xk )

)Stepsize selection possibilities:


k=0 αk = ∞ and∑∞

k=0 α2k <∞

I αk : ConstantI Dynamically chosen (based on estimate of optimal cost)

Index ik selection possibilities:I CyclicallyI Fully randomized/equal probability 1/mI Reshuffling/randomization within a cycle (frequent practical choice)

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Convergence Mechanism

Quadratic One-Dimensional Example: minx∈<∑m

i=1(cix − bi )2

(a ix - bi)2




b i




Conceptually, the idea generalizes to higher dimensions, but is hard totreat/quantify analytically

Adapting the stepsize αk to the farout and confusion regions is an important issue

Shaping the confusion region is an important issue

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Page 7: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Variants of Incremental Subgradient Methods

Method with momentum/extrapolation/heavy ball: βk ∈ [0,1)

xk+1 = PX(xk − αk∇̃fik (xk ) + βk (xk − xk−1)

)Accelerates in the farout region, decelerates in the confusion region.

Aggregated incremental gradient method

xk+1 = PX

xk − αk


∇̃fik−j (xk−j )

Proposed for differentiable fi , no constraints, cyclic index selection, and constantstepsize, by Blatt, Hero, and Gauchman (2008).

Recent work by Schmidt, Le Roux, and Bach (2013), randomized index selection,and constant stepsize.

A fundamentally different convergence mechanism (relies on differentiability andaims at cost function descent). Works even with a constant stepsize (no region ofconfusion).

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Incremental Proximal Methods (DPB, 2010)

Select index ik and set

xk+1 = arg minx∈X

{fik (x) +

12αk‖x − xk‖2


Many similarities with incremental subgradientSimilar stepsize choices

Similar index selection schemes

Can be written asxk+1 = PX

(xk − αk∇̃fik (xk+1)

)where ∇̃fik (xk+1) is a special subgradient at xk+1 (index advanced by 1)

Compared to incremental subgradientLikely more stable

May be harder to implement

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Aggregated Incremental Proximal Method

Select index ik and set

xk+1 = arg minx∈X

fik (x) +m−1∑j=1

∇̃fik−j (xk−j+1)′(x − xk ) +1

2αk‖x − xk‖2

where ∇̃fik−j (xk−j+1) is special subgradient at xk−m+1 (index advanced by 1)

Can be written as

xk+1 = PX

xk − αk


∇̃fik−j (xk−j+1)

More stable (?) than incremental subgradient or proximal

May be harder to implement

Convergence can be shown if∑∞

k=0 αk =∞ and∑∞

k=0 α2k <∞

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Incremental Subgradient-Proximal Methods

Typical iterationChoose ik ∈ {1, . . . ,m} and do a subgradient or a proximal iteration

xk+1 = PX(xk − αk∇̃fik (xk )

)or xk+1 = arg min


{fik (x) +

12αk‖x − xk‖2

}where αk is a positive stepsize and ∇̃ denotes (any) subgradient.

Idea: Use proximal when easy to implement; use subgradient otherwise

A very flexible implementation

The proximal iterations still require diminishing αk for convergence

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Convergence Analysis

Under Lipschitz continuity-type assumptions:Convergence to the optimum for diminishing stepsize.

Convergence to a neighborhood of the optimum for constant stepsize.

Faster convergence for randomized index selection (relative to a worst-case cyclicchoice).

Notes:Fundamentally different from the proximal gradient method, which applies whenm = 2,


{f1(x) + f2(x)


and f1 is differentiable. This is a cost descent method and can use a constantstepsize.

Aggregated version possible

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Page 12: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Incremental Treatment of Many Constraints by Exact Penalties




fi (x) subject to x ∈ ∩q`=1X`,

where fi : <n 7→ < are convex, and the sets X` are closed and convex.

Equivalent Problem (Assuming fi are Lipschitz Continuous)



fi (x) + γ


dist(x ,X`) subject to x ∈ <n,

where γ is sufficiently large (the two problems have the same set of minima).

Proximal iteration on the dist(x ,X`) function is easyProject on X` and interpolate:

xk+1 = (1− βk )xk + βk PXik(xk ), βk = min

{1, (αkγ)/dist(xk ; Xik )

}(since γ is large, usually βk = 1).

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Page 13: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Constraint Projection Methods (Thesis by M. Wang and Joint Papers)



fi (x) subject to x ∈ ∩q`=1X`,

where fi : <n 7→ < are convex, and the sets X` are closed and convex.

Incremental constraint projection algorithm

Choose indexes ik ∈ {1, . . . ,m} and `k ∈ {1, . . . , q}.Perform a subgradient iteration or a proximal iteration

xk+1 = PX`k

(xk − αk∇̃fik (xk )

)or xk+1 = arg min


{fik (x) +

12αk‖x − xk‖2

}where αk is a positive stepsize and ∇̃ denotes (any) subgradient.

First proposal and analysis of the case where m = 1 and some of the constraints areexplicit

X` ={

x | g`(x) ≤ 0}

was by A. Nedic (2011). Connection to feasibility/alternating projection methods.

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Comparison of the two methods

Second method does not require a penalty parameter γ, but needs a linear regularityassumption: For some η > 0,∥∥∥x − P∩q

`=1X`(x)∥∥∥ ≤ η max

`=1,...,q‖x − PX`

(x)‖ , ∀ x ∈ <n

Linear Regularity Satisfied

y! = Ay! + b !x! = "(A!x! + b) A!x! + b x X1 X2

"T (!x!) = !x! T (!x!)

!x = "T (!)(!x) y! "y!

Subspace spanned by basis functionsSolution of multistep projected equationLP CONVEX NLP




Subgradient Cutting plane Interior point Subgradient

Polyhedral approximation

LPs are solved by simplex method

NLPs are solved by gradient/Newton methods.

Convex programs are special cases of NLPs.

Modern view: Post 1990s

LPs are often best solved by nonsimplex/convex methods.

Convex problems are often solved by the same methods as LPs.

Nondi#erentiability and piecewise linearity are common features.

Primal Problem Description

Dual Problem Description

Vertical Distances

Crossing Point Di#erentials

Values f(x) Crossing points f!(y)

!f!1 (y) f!

1 (y) + f!2 (!y) f!

2 (!y)

Slope y! Slope y


y! = Ay! + b !x! = "(A!x! + b) A!x! + b x X1 X2

"T (!x!) = !x! T (!x!)

!x = "T (!)(!x) y! "y!

Subspace spanned by basis functionsSolution of multistep projected equationLP CONVEX NLP




Subgradient Cutting plane Interior point Subgradient

Polyhedral approximation

LPs are solved by simplex method

NLPs are solved by gradient/Newton methods.

Convex programs are special cases of NLPs.

Modern view: Post 1990s

LPs are often best solved by nonsimplex/convex methods.

Convex problems are often solved by the same methods as LPs.

Nondi#erentiability and piecewise linearity are common features.

Primal Problem Description

Dual Problem Description

Vertical Distances

Crossing Point Di#erentials

Values f(x) Crossing points f!(y)

!f!1 (y) f!

1 (y) + f!2 (!y) f!

2 (!y)

Slope y! Slope y


y! = Ay! + b !x! = "(A!x! + b) A!x! + b x X1 X2

"T (!x!) = !x! T (!x!)

!x = "T (!)(!x) y! "y!

Subspace spanned by basis functionsSolution of multistep projected equationLP CONVEX NLP




Subgradient Cutting plane Interior point Subgradient

Polyhedral approximation

LPs are solved by simplex method

NLPs are solved by gradient/Newton methods.

Convex programs are special cases of NLPs.

Modern view: Post 1990s

LPs are often best solved by nonsimplex/convex methods.

Convex problems are often solved by the same methods as LPs.

Nondi#erentiability and piecewise linearity are common features.

Primal Problem Description

Dual Problem Description

Vertical Distances

Crossing Point Di#erentials

Values f(x) Crossing points f!(y)

!f!1 (y) f!

1 (y) + f!2 (!y) f!

2 (!y)

Slope y! Slope y


Linear Regularity Violatedy! = Ay! + b !x! = "(A!x! + b) A!x! + b x X1 X2

"T (!x!) = !x! T (!x!)

!x = "T (!)(!x) y! "y!

Subspace spanned by basis functionsSolution of multistep projected equationLP CONVEX NLP




Subgradient Cutting plane Interior point Subgradient

Polyhedral approximation

LPs are solved by simplex method

NLPs are solved by gradient/Newton methods.

Convex programs are special cases of NLPs.

Modern view: Post 1990s

LPs are often best solved by nonsimplex/convex methods.

Convex problems are often solved by the same methods as LPs.

Nondi#erentiability and piecewise linearity are common features.

Primal Problem Description

Dual Problem Description

Vertical Distances

Crossing Point Di#erentials

Values f(x) Crossing points f!(y)

!f!1 (y) f!

1 (y) + f!2 (!y) f!

2 (!y)

Slope y! Slope y


y! = Ay! + b !x! = "(A!x! + b) A!x! + b x X1 X2

"T (!x!) = !x! T (!x!)

!x = "T (!)(!x) y! "y!

Subspace spanned by basis functionsSolution of multistep projected equationLP CONVEX NLP




Subgradient Cutting plane Interior point Subgradient

Polyhedral approximation

LPs are solved by simplex method

NLPs are solved by gradient/Newton methods.

Convex programs are special cases of NLPs.

Modern view: Post 1990s

LPs are often best solved by nonsimplex/convex methods.

Convex problems are often solved by the same methods as LPs.

Nondi#erentiability and piecewise linearity are common features.

Primal Problem Description

Dual Problem Description

Vertical Distances

Crossing Point Di#erentials

Values f(x) Crossing points f!(y)

!f!1 (y) f!

1 (y) + f!2 (!y) f!

2 (!y)

Slope y! Slope y


y! = Ay! + b !x! = "(A!x! + b) A!x! + b x X1 X2

"T (!x!) = !x! T (!x!)

!x = "T (!)(!x) y! "y!

Subspace spanned by basis functionsSolution of multistep projected equationLP CONVEX NLP




Subgradient Cutting plane Interior point Subgradient

Polyhedral approximation

LPs are solved by simplex method

NLPs are solved by gradient/Newton methods.

Convex programs are special cases of NLPs.

Modern view: Post 1990s

LPs are often best solved by nonsimplex/convex methods.

Convex problems are often solved by the same methods as LPs.

Nondi#erentiability and piecewise linearity are common features.

Primal Problem Description

Dual Problem Description

Vertical Distances

Crossing Point Di#erentials

Values f(x) Crossing points f!(y)

!f!1 (y) f!

1 (y) + f!2 (!y) f!

2 (!y)

Slope y! Slope y


Both methods require diminishing stepsize αk . Unclear how to construct an aggregatedversion, or any version that is convergent with a constant stepsize.

The second method involves an interesting two-time scale convergence analysis (thesubject of the remainder of this talk).

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Incremental Random Projection Method




fi (x) subject to x ∈ X = ∩q`=1X`,

Typical iterationChoose randomly indexes ik ∈ {1, . . . ,m} and `k ∈ {1, . . . , q}.Set

xk+1 = PX`k

(xk − αk∇̃fik (x̄k )

)x̄k = xk or x̄ = xk+1.∑∞

k=0 αk =∞ and∑∞

k=0 α2k <∞ (diminishing stepsize is essential).

Two-way progressProgress to feasibility: The projection PX`k


Progress to optimality: The “subgradient" iteration xk − αk∇̃fik (x̄k ).

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Page 16: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Visualization of Convergence

) x∗


k xk+1

Incremental Projection MethodLarge Stepsize

Incremental Projection MethodSmall Stepsize

Gradient Projection Method Alternating Projection Methodfor Feasibility

k xk+1

) x∗xk = xk+2


k xk+1

) x∗= xk+2

Progress to feasibility should be faster than progress to optimality. Gradient stepsizesαk should be << than the feasibility stepsize of 1.

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Page 17: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Sampling Schemes for Constraint Index `k

Nearly independent sampling


Prob(`k = X` | Fk ) > 0, ` = 1, . . . , q,

where Fk is the history of the algorithm up to time k .

Cyclic samplingDeterministic or random reshuffling every q iterations.

Most distant constraint sampling

`k = arg max`=1,...,q

∥∥xk − PX`(xk )

∥∥Markov samplingGenerate `k as the state of an ergodic Markov chain with states 1, . . . , q.

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Sampling Schemes for Cost Component Index ik

Random independent uniform sampling

Each index i ∈ {1, . . . ,m} is chosen with equal probability 1/m, independently ofearlier choices.

Cyclic samplingDeterministic or random reshuffling every m iterations.

Markov samplingGenerate ik as the state of a Markov chain with states 1, . . . ,m, and steady statedistribution {1/m, . . . , 1/m}.

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Page 19: Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for …dimitrib/Incremental_Survey_Slides.pdf · 2015-06-20 · Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for

Convergence Theorem

Assuming Lipschitz continuity of the cost, linear regularity of the constraint, andnonemptiness of the optimal solution set, {xk} converges to some optimal solution x∗

w.p. 1, under any combination of the preceding sampling schemes.

Idea of the convergence proofThere are two convergence processes taking place:

Progress towards feasibility, which is fast (geometric thanks to the linear regularityassumption).

Progress towards optimality, which is slower (because of the diminishing stepsizeαk ).

This two-time scale convergence analysis idea is encoded in a coupledsupermartingale convergence theorem, which governs the evolution of twomeasures of progress

E[dist2(xk ,X )] : Distance to the constraint set, which is fast

E[dist2(xk ,X∗)] : Distance to the optimal solution set, which is slow

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Concluding Remarks

Incremental methods exhibit interesting and complicated convergence behavior

Proximal variants enhance reliability

Constraint projection variants provide flexibility and enlarge the range of potentialapplications

Issues not discussed:I Distributed asynchronous implementation

I Incremental Gauss-Newton methods (Extended Kalman Filter)

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Thank you!

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