Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies

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  • 8/6/2019 Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies


    M.Sc in Computing and Networking Security

    Research Project Report

    Increasing privacy and security issues of Internet

    Usage by dealing with cookies

    Submitted to:




    Student No: R00051394

  • 8/6/2019 Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies


    Increasing privacy and security issues of Internet Usage by dealing

    with cookies

    Now a days, privacy is a challenging issue for Internet users. Most web servers use

    cookies to collect personal data from users, which are used without the consent of the

    user for various purposes. Many users are unaware of what cookies are. The objective

    of this research was to study the familiarity with cookies among Internet users and the

    measures they adopt to maintain their privacy. A survey was going to done and

    responses collected from various students of both genders and of different educational


    Detail description of the Project

    Internet plays an important role in day-to-day life, users to chat with friends, perform

    online shopping, send e-mails, and browse information. With the increased use of the

    Internet and the emergence of the newest technology, many users are concerned about

    their privacy. For example, while browsing the Internet, users may be concerned

    about whether the website collects information about their shopping habits and

    interests and markets the data to a third party. Third parties use information to

    personalize the website, according to the users taste when users revisit the website.

  • 8/6/2019 Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies


    Privacy was defined as the right to be let alone. The right to privacy includes

    personally identifiable information linked to a specific individual, such as their name,

    address, and user id. The information privacy is the right of individuals to control the

    disclosure and use of the personal information without their consent.

    Through Internet use, cookies are used to track users and collect information such as

    an IP address or email address. A cookie is a normal text file stored on the users hard

    drive by the web server to recognize the users when they revisit the website.

    Browsing habits are collected by websites to personalize their web pages according to

    the users interests. With cookies, the information is gathered and sold to third party

    advertising agencies.

    To come across this the privacy of users, technological tools have been developed,

    such as privacy preferences project, anonymous e-mailers, and proxy servers. Using

    this technology, users can browse the Internet without letting others know their

    personal information.

  • 8/6/2019 Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies


    In the world of the Internet, the most frequently discussed topic is privacy. People are

    attracted by the services available through the Internet; thus, the number of users

    increases daily. Although people are using the Internet for various purposes, most of

    them are unaware of Internet cookies and their uses. Cookies make web browsing

    much easier to navigate, almost all website developers use cookies because they

    provide better user experience and make it easier to gather information about website



    Cookies are small text files sent from web servers to users hard drives. They have a

    string of characters, letters and numbers that store certain pieces of information about


    Websites use cookie technology to know the details of the users

    who visit their website. Netscape first introduced cookies to Internet browsing. The

    initial purpose of cookies was to maintain the sessions on the website because the http

    protocol is a stateless protocol, it means that it does not hold any information about

    the users between requests. Later, they gathered personal information. Without the use

    of cookies, the identity of the user could not be maintained.

  • 8/6/2019 Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies


    The primary issue with cookies was in revealing personal identity, which many users

    considered an invasion of privacy (Krupansky, 2005). The results of a study

    conducted by the AT&T privacy bird showed their respondents were more

    knowledgeable about cookies than other Internet users (AT&T, 2002).

    For example if a user opens a webpage on a online shopping website like,

    the text and images regarding the item are downloaded and assembled into the web

    browser. If the users want to examine the cookie set by the website, the code appears


    Set cookie: ID= 37678; Expires=Tues, 26-Dec-

    07 12:00:00 GMT;

    Domain =

    The code above is a cookie. Each time the Web Browser returns to that particular

    webpage, the information in the cookie would be accessed by the web server.

    Cookies download automatically into the users

    system without the users consent. Cookies come from the web server of the website,

    which the user has browsed. Even though the user may browse only one website, it

    creates more than one cookie on the users hard drive. Even if the user does not visit a

    particular page in a website, the web server creates cookies related to that page on the

    users hard drive. Cookies contain the IP address of the user system. Most cookies are

    lost when the user closes the web browser. The contents of the cookie are simple and

    easily read

  • 8/6/2019 Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies


    There are two types of cookies. They are session cookies and persistent cookies.

    Session cookies are lost when the user exits the browser. Persistent cookies are lost

    after the expiration date of the cookie.

    Uses of cookies

    Cookies are based on a two-stage process. First, the cookie is stored in the users

    computer without their consent. During the second stage, the cookie is automatically

    transferred from the user's hard drive to the web server, whenever a user directs the

    web browser to display a certain web page from the server. With the use of cookies,

    the web servers can know the users interests and the profile of the user.

    Websites and their servers have no memory. A cookie is

    a key, which enables swift passage from one place to the next. Without a cookie, web

    is stateless. It is just like a vending machine, it is only concerned with the product

    requested and how many. If the web is stateless, every time a new web page is

    opened, the server where that page is stored will treat the user as a new visitor. Users

    are recognized when they move from page to page within one website, information

    entered by the user, such as username and password, are remembered by using


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    Deliverables related to Research

    The main objective of the research is to discover Internet user familiarity with cookies

    and their privacy concerns among IT experience, Computing students and genders.

    People with this IT experience are more familiar with cookies.

    The most Internet users have some idea about cookies and believe about cookies. To

    determine whether Internet users in this study were familiar with cookies and their

    behaviour. A variety of surveys noted that people with IT experience were more

    familiar with privacy issues

    Gender has no effect on cookie familiarity.

    Initially, the Internet was characterized as male-dominant but showed the number of

    female Internet users was increasing daily.Many researchers conducted studies on

    privacy and cookies, however few considered gender, the most women Internet users

    from Internet shopping because they are concerned about their privacy.

  • 8/6/2019 Increasing Privacy and Security Issues of Internet Usage by Dealing With Cookies


    This Research focuses on the survey methodology adopted for this research. Research

    is the process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of

    the situational factors. The main objective of this research was to discover Internet

    user familiarity with cookies and their privacy concerns about cookies when they

    were browsing the Internet.

    Survey Research

    A survey is a system for collecting information from people to describe, compare, or

    explain their knowledge, attitude, and behaviour. Surveys included the systematic

    gathering of information from respondents for the purpose of understanding or

    predicting some aspect of the behaviour of the population of interest. Surveys are

    used to describe attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of a group.Survey approach were a

    good method to carry out exploratory, descriptive, and analytic investigations.

    Survey methods are further classified according to their mode of administration, such

    as postal, telephone, personal, or web. There are many advantages in using survey

    methods. These survey methods provide a wide range of coverage of people or events,

    thus the results are likely to be representative of the wider population. The data can do

    by short time and at a reasonable cost.

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    Web Survey

    The Internet offered researchers a good platform to conduct web-based surveys to

    collect data. Web-based surveys had a thoughtful influence on the survey process.

    Respondents faced a new challenge in completing the web survey. The web link was

    sent to various respondents. Once the questionnaire was answered, it was instantly

    submitted to a database and prepared for analysis. The main advantages of this survey

    were low cost and high speed.

    Postal Survey

    This method involved preparing a questionnaire and posting the questionnaire to

    respondents. This method was time consuming while waiting until the responses were

    returned. The main drawback of this technique was that it was still and did not give a

    clarification from the respondents. Moreover, there was no guarantee that respondents

    would reflect on the questionnaire. With this, low factors of data will be return with

    this method.

    Face-to-Face Survey

    This method involved preparing a questionnaire with a researcher personally

    administering the questionnaire to respondents. In this method, the researcher was

    present at all times to clarify the doubts of the respondents while answering the

    questionnaire. With this method, there was a great deal of flexibility but it was time


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    This research method is a face-to-face survey. The research was concerned with the

    Internet browsing habits and privacy concerns with cookies when the users browse the

    Internet. In order to have a clear understanding about the use of the Internet and

    privacy issues, it was important to have respondents who frequently used the Internet.

    Educational institutions provided the best place to conduct surveys to locate different

    users from different backgrounds. As I want to do this face-to-face survey was at CIT

    to acquire more information regarding Internet privacy from users with IT and non-IT

    backgrounds. A face-to-face survey clarifies the questionnaire to the respondents.

    The data for this research were collected though a questionnaire

    with a series of questions designed to discover Internet users familiarity with cookies

    and privacy issues.