Asian Institute of Technology P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang Pathumthani 12120, THAILAND http://ipm.ait.asia Inception & Planning Workshop Report Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management of Fruit Flies in South and Southeast Asia

Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

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Page 1: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Asian Institute of Technology

P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang

Pathumthani 12120, THAILAND


Inception & Planning Workshop Report Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management of Fruit Flies

in South and Southeast Asia

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Inception & Planning Workshop Report: Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project


01-03 September 2010 AIT Conference Center AIT, Bangkok, Thailand

Inception and Planning Workshop

Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management of Fruit flies

in South and Southeast Asian Countries

Participating Agencies from Mekong River Basin Countries:

Project Partners:

Supported by:

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Inception & Planning Workshop Report: Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project


About the project

“Area-wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management in South and Southeast Asia” is a regional

project funded by Taiwan ICDF and supported by Global Horticulture Initiative

(http://www.globalhort.org/) with a focus on adaptation and adoption of fruit fly IPM

practices among vegetable and fruit smallholder using Farmer’s Field School (FFS) in the

Mekong river basin countries. While the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT; www.ait.asia);

Bio-Control Research Laboratory (BCRL; http://www.pcilindia.com/bcrl.html), Bangalore,

India, and the FAO Regional IPM Programme (http://www.vegetableipmasia.org/) are the

collaborating project partners, the project is implemented by the National IPM Programme in

Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam; Department of Agriculture Extension (DoAE) Thailand, and

ministry of agriculture and irrigation (MAI) in Myanmar. The project is intended to test,

promote and socialize among smallholder farmers a range of novel IPM options for fruit fly

management within the context of ongoing IPM farmer training and action research

programmes in the Mekong basin countries.


The regional office of the project is housed in its host institute Room # 207, AFE Bld. AIT,

Bangkok, Thailand. Further information on project could be obtained from the following


Prabhat Kumar, Dr.rer.hort.

Project Coordinator / IPM Expert

Agriculture Systems and Engineering

School of Environment, Resources and Development

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang

Pathumthani 12120, THAILAND

Phone : + 66-2-524-5477 Fax : +66-2-524-6200 Email : [email protected] or [email protected] Project website : http://ipm.ait.asia

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Inception & Planning Workshop Report: Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project


Table of Contents

About the project ............................................................................................................. 3

Contact ............................................................................................................................ 3

Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 6

Summary .......................................................................................................................... 7

1. Background ............................................................................................................... 8

2. Aims and objectives ................................................................................................... 9

3. Workshop Schedule ................................................................................................. 10

4. Opening Session ...................................................................................................... 11

5. Session 1: Fruit flies in Asia ...................................................................................... 13

6. Session 2: Status of fruit fly management in MRBC .................................................. 18

6.1 Fruit flies in Thailand ............................................................................................................. 19

6.2 Fruit flies in Cambodia .......................................................................................................... 20

6.3 Fruit flies in Lao PDR ............................................................................................................. 21

6.4 Fruit flies in Myanmar ........................................................................................................... 22

6.5 Fruit flies in Vietnam ............................................................................................................. 23

6.6. Novel options for fruit fly management (BCRL, India) ......................................................... 24

6.7 Fruit flies in Mekong river basin countries (summary of session 2) ..................................... 25

7. Session 3: Fruit flies management strategies in MRBC .............................................. 26

7.1. Work Plan for FF IPM in Thailand.......................................................................................... 28

7.2. Work plan for FF IPM in Cambodia ....................................................................................... 29

7.3. Work plan for FF IPM in Lao PDR .......................................................................................... 30

7.4. Work Plan for FF IPM in Myanmar ........................................................................................ 31

7.5. Work plan for FF IPM in Vietnam .......................................................................................... 32

7.6. Summary of regional FF IPM project planning...................................................................... 34

7.6.1. Planning Process ................................................................................................................. 34

7.6.2. Follow-up trainings needs ................................................................................................... 35

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8. Field Trip Report ...................................................................................................... 36

8.1. Feedback session on field trip from participants ....................................................................... 37

8.1.1. Site I: Fruit Fly suppressions programme Samut Sakhon Province ..................................... 37

8.1.2. Site II: SWIFT’s Export Packing House, Nakhon Pathom ..................................................... 40

8.1.3. Site III: Screening for Chili-pepper germplasm against Malaysian Fruit fly (B. latifrons) ... 42

Annexes ......................................................................................................................... 43

Annex 1: List of Participants ......................................................................................................... 44

Annex 2: Inception Workshop Schedule ...................................................................................... 48

Annex 3: Work Plan for FF IPM in Thailand .................................................................................. 50

Annex 4: Work Plan for FF IPM in Cambodia ............................................................................... 52

Annex 5: Work Plan for FF IPM in Lao PDR .................................................................................. 54

Annex 6: Work Plan for FF IPM in Myanmar ................................................................................ 56

Annex 7: Log-frame (draft) of the Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project ..................................................... 57

Workshop information on internet:

Further information on the inception workshop including presentations could be

downloaded from the project’s website:


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ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

AIT Asian Institute of Technology

ASE Agricultural Systems and Engineering

AW-IPM Area-wide Integrated Pest Management

BAT Bait Application Technique

BCRL Bio-Control Research Laboratory, Bangalore India

CABI Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FFS Farmer’s Field School

FoS Field of study

GHI Global Horticulture Initiative

GMS Greater Mekong Sub region

IPM Integrated Pest Management

IS Invasive Species

MAT Male Annihilation Technique

ME Methyl Eugenol (4-allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene)

MRBC Mekong River Basin Countries

PB Protein Bait

TOT Training of Trainers

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An inception & planning workshop of the project “Area-wide Fruit fly Integrated Pest

Management in South and Southeast Asia” was organized at the Asian Institute of Technology in

Bangkok from 31 August – 4 September 2010, culminating a first 3-months inception & planning

period. Attendees included resource persons, country representatives from project implementation

countries, representatives from partner institutes (FAO, BCRL India) and personnel from the host

institute AIT, Bangkok.

Background information on fruit flies in Asia, emerging issues of invasive pests along with

the management experiences from other parts of the world was presented and discussed in plenary

sessions. In follow-up sessions, country presentations were made and status and experiences on

fruit flies were discussed and exchanged. Using this information and that derived from an

illuminating presentation on the development of an area-wide fruit fly IPM programme in Hawaii, a

draft work plan for each of the participating countries was developed, presented and critiqued on

during the 2ND day of the workshop. It is expected that the each country team would further refine

the work plans and formulate log-frames and include a short country strategy paper outlining the

proposed fruit fly IPM intervention in each of the project countries.

From various presentations and discussions, it was evident that fruit fly management has

not been adequately addressed in the Mekong River Basin countries so far. This project provides a

good opportunity to begin working on assembling simple and effective management tools into a

comprehensive and area-wide fruit fly IPM strategy. As part of action research programme such

location specific IPM strategies will be developed which could be later used to educate farmers using

existing and further to be developed FFS platforms by the respective national IPM programmes

network. Inclusion of Myanmar in this regional project would strengthen their capacity to work on

ongoing mango fruit fly management and further help to strengthen regional collaboration on fruit

fly management. In addition, the lack of technical expertise on various aspects of fruit flies in some

countries and lack of familiarity with the latest trapping technologies was identified as important

development and capacity building areas to be addressed by this project. This would partly be done

through a regional training in coming months prior to in-country project implementation.

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1. Background

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), in collaboration with the Bio-Control Research

Laboratory (BCRL), Bangalore, India, the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nation’s (FAO)

Regional IPM Programme and associated National IPM Programme in Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam

and Thailand, was awarded a regional Mekong river basin project “Area-wide Fruit Fly Integrated

Pest Management in South and Southeast Asia” funded by ICDF (International Cooperation and

Development Fund) and supported by the Global Horticulture Initiative (GHI). The project is

intended to test, promote and socialize among smallholder farmers a range of novel IPM options for

fruit fly management within the context of ongoing IPM farmer training and action research

programmes in the Mekong basin countries.

The inception workshop culminated the planned inception and planning period (May-August

2010) and set the direction for project implementation. Attendees were the participants nominated

by the respective ministries from the project implementation countries. In addition, upon request,

Myanmar also attended this inception workshop to share and learn from this regional initiative.

Further, a number of resource persons from various institutions engaged in the past and present

fruit fly management efforts in Asia i.e. the ACIAR, University of Hawaii, CABI-SEA and

representatives from the partners along with staff, faculties and students of the AIT also attended

this workshop (see Annex 1 for list of participants). In close collaboration with the project partners,

the workshop was organized at the AIT Conference Center, AIT in Bangkok, Thailand from 01-03

September 2010.

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2. Aims and objectives

The regional inception and planning workshop served the purpose of providing a platform for

planning for this project and also a regional forum to learn and exchange information on fruit flies

that are seriously undermining production and livelihood sustainability at smallholder farms in Asia

with an emphasis on Mekong River Basin countries.

The specific objectives of this workshop were:

1. To share highlights of accomplishments and challenges of previous and ongoing research

and development projects related to fruit fly management in the implementing countries

and in the region;

2. To share experiences of innovative and latest management options for effective and safe

fruit fly management and its adoption at farmers’ level;

3. To share the countries strategies highlighting area, season, crop, fruit fly species, plans for

action research, TOTs, FFS and other trainings as per the agreed project work plans along

with monitoring and evaluation plans and budget requirements;

4. To strengthen regional networking on matters concerning Fruit Fly IPM research and

development as well as farmer/community education among nationals and partner

organization representatives.

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3. Workshop Schedule

The workshop was organized in three (3) parts:

Part 1: The demonstration booth

The partner BCRL set-up a demonstration booth to display and share the latest range of fruit

fly management products on 31ST. August 2010. The booth was set-up right inside the AIT

Conference Center, where most of the participants were staying so as to allow them to visit it at

any given point of time during their stay.

Part 2: The field visit

On 1ST. September, a field visit/study tour to pre-selected locations was organized to provide

first-hand opportunity to the participants to learn from the various ongoing fruit fly

management related work in host country Thailand. These included:

Local government fruit fly Suppression Programme, Samut Sakhon province;

Visit to a fresh product export company (SWIFT) and its vapor heat treatment plant in

Nakhon Pathom province;

Research center at Kassetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen campus, to learn about the

hot-pepper germplasm screening programme for tolerance/resistance to Malaysian fruit


Part 3: Plenary and planning sessions

On 2ND and 3RD September, the following 3 sessions were organized (see Annex 2 for

schedule of the workshop) leading to the development of draft work plans:

Opening session

Session 1: Plenary Session

Session 2: Country Presentation

Session 3: Work plan development

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4. Opening Session

The second day of the Inception Workshop on “Area-wide Integrated Pest Management of

Fruit Flies in South and South East Asian Countries” was held at the Asian Institute of Technology

(AIT) in collaboration with FAO Asia-IPM Programme (FAO-IPM) and Biological Control Research

Laboratory (BCRL), India, on 2nd September 2010.

The inaugural function was held between 9 am and 10.15 am in which, Prof. Joydeep Dutta,

VPAA AIT made the opening remarks. Dr. Weerakorn Ongsukal, Dean of SERD AIT briefed

participants about AIT’s long-standing research and action oriented programmes in the field of

agriculture in general and plant protection in particular. The action oriented research initiatives

undertaken by ASE field of study (FoS) were well appreciated. This was followed by a presentation

on the project expectations from the donor’s perspective by Dr. Po-Pi Lee, Deputy Secretary

General, ICDF and an overview from the Global Horticulture Initiative presented by Ms. Claudia

Fichtner, GHI. The VPAA Prof. Joydeep Dutta also inaugurated a Beta version of project’s website

(http://ipm.ait.asia), which is now available for comments and suggestions from the partners and

collaborators before it will be made available to the public domain.

Dr. Po-Pi Lee first provided an overview of ICDF’s work, wherein he informed that his

organization primarily supports international development in four core areas, i.e. technical

cooperation, humanitarian assistance, lending and investment, and international education &

training. He further added that many of ICDF’s development projects involve agricultural issues such

as food security, agricultural information systems and the use of GIS/ RS technologies, production

and marketing for agricultural enterprises and agribusiness, and improving the quality of produce to

the point where farmers can access export markets (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). Providing

opportunities to Asian smallholder farmers to develop effective and environmentally sustainable

strategies for management of fruit flies in order to produce profitable and healthy fruits and

vegetables crops are important reasons for ICDF to support this project.

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He also stressed the need of regional integration and the role that regional projects can play

in meeting such broad objectives in Asia. In his concluding remarks indicated and interest to ensure

funding continuity for this effort beyond the current 2-year phase of the project to meaningfully

address the complex issue of fruit fly management and to better link farm produce to the local and

international markets.

Ms. Claudia Fichtner of GHI began her presentation by providing an overview of GHI and its

work in various parts of the world (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). Ms. Fichtner added that GHI is

promoting efforts to link various actors in the horticulture value chain through research, grants,

networking, etc. Later during her presentation, she provided suggestions for this project on

developing verifiable objectives, reporting, etc. Another area that she emphasized was gender

equality and participation of women at all levels of the project implementation.

Dr. Prabhat Kumar, Coordinator of the project made a presentation introducing the project

(see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception) in which he provided a brief sketch of the research programme,

its rationale, opportunities, activities, expected outcomes and the achievements since the inception

of the project in March 2010. Further he also shared the remaining schedule of the workshop with


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5. Session 1: Fruit flies in Asia

The purpose of the plenary session was to provide an overview and experiences on key

components of the project i.e. past and present status of FFS and action research in MRBC (Mekong

River Basin Countries); invasive pest species; background knowledge on life cycle ecology, biology

and management experiences in Asian countries and to assist country teams in developing informed

project plans for country interventions. The session was chaired by Dr. Banpot Napompeth and Dr.

P. K. Viswanathan acted as reporteur. In total, there were 5 presentations scheduled for the session,

of which, three were presented in the pre-lunch session and two were presented in the post-lunch


The first presentation of the session was made by Mr. Jan W. Ketelaar, Team Leader of the

FAO-IPM Programme in Asia on the topic of ‘Community Education for Pesticide Risk Reduction in

Greater Mekong Sub-region: An overview’ (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception) to set the scene and

highlighting the importance of pesticide risk reduction education for Asian smallholder farmers using

farmer’s field school, which is the main farmer education/extension tool envisioned in this project.

The presentation was interesting in other respects as well, as it gave an overview of the

long-term engagement of the FAO in the area of IPM action research and farmer education during

the last 3 decades. Drawing attention to the rapidly changing global agriculture scenario as induced

by changes in demographic profiles, rapid urbanization and emergence of newer consumer

demands, the presentation underscored the need to intensify food production and the challenge for

countries to do so sustainably. Intensification of agricultural production involves major risks in terms

of overuse of agro-chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) causing environmental pollution and growing

food safety concerns in the GMS context in particular. The IPM interventions by FAO in this context

assist the Asian/GMS countries to achieve sustainable intensification of agriculture through pesticide

risk reduction strategies. Major thrust of these programmes remains to strengthen national IPM

Farmer Field School programmes to enable farmers to adopt IPM, reduce pesticide use and grow

better yielding, safer and more profitable rice, fruits and vegetables.

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The second paper presented by Dr. Wai-Hong Loke, CABI SE Asia Office, Malaysia, was quite

interrogative as it provided a detailed assessment of the CABI’s long engagement in research on

some of Asia’s worst invasive species (IS) and their management challenges (see

http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). The presentation traversed from the global and regional dimensions

of emergence and growth of IS, economic and health related impacts, cost of control, management

challenges in the specific context of climate change, and the need for evolving international

cooperation in resolving the IS issues through the international trade and biodiversity conventions.

The management challenges posed by IS cut across various sectors needing concerted

actions as the growth and spread of IS in the world has been spontaneous and rapid through

pathways, aptly described by the author as ‘4 Ts’, viz., Trade, Travel, Transport and Tourism. The

effect of climate change is the greatest challenge affecting the growth of IS, as climate change

related problems will alter pest/ crop/ soil dynamics. It is also feared that more extreme climatic

events will create opportunities for pest colonization and establishment. The paper also dealt in

some detail about the economic and environmental consequences emerging from some detrimental

IS, such as water hyacinth and golden apple snail. Addressing the problems caused by IS call for

setting up of various goals and processes involving multi-agency/ stakeholder cooperation,

collaboration and capacity building.

The discussion on the paper was pointed to a question (raised by Rui Pereira) regarding the

legitimacy of preventive action: whether action towards addressing IS problems be taken by the

country in which the IS originate or be taken by a country which imports a product infested by IS?

The author remarked this to be a tricky issue as countries as a group have a collective responsibility

to contain the IS. A clear example was cited by the author to this, which is the threat of South

American Leaf Blight (SALB) which is a potential threat for natural rubber producing countries in the

South and South East Asian region.

The third presentation by Dr. Paul Ferrar provided a clear and concise overview of the

various economically important Fruit Fly species in Asia with special reference to their taxonomy,

species, biology, life cycle and current management challenges (seehttp://ipm.ait.asia/inception).

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It also discussed the attractants and trapping methods and the damage caused by fruit flies

mainly in terms of crop losses of significant proportions. Among the different management and

control measures discussed, the prominent methods were: cover spraying, bagging of fruits, cultural

control, protein bait spraying, etc. However, from the perspective of control of fruit fly menace, the

cover spraying method has been reported to be inappropriate as it has several disadvantages in

terms of: a) cost-ineffectiveness, b) labor and time intensity; c) damage caused to beneficial

organisms and the environment; d) health impacts on the farmer/ worker who undertake spraying;

and e) appearance of chemical residues in fruits.

The paper dealt at some length with the protein bait spraying method being propagated as

an appropriate control method for fruit flies. This method has several advantages, which mainly

include: cost effectiveness, health safety for the operator, negligible environmental impacts,

protection of non-target organisms and no risk of pesticide residues. Compared to cover spraying

and fruit bagging methods, the protein bait spraying has only two disadvantages: its labor intensity

and repetition during the entire fruit cycle. The paper also discussed a case study conducted in

Northern Vietnam where bait spraying was administered to control Bactrocera pyrifoliae in peaches.

It has been reported that bait spraying was effective in reducing the crop losses to tolerable limits of

below 5%. Surprisingly, it was also reported that, due to the effective control of the fruit flies, the

children in the region had the benefit of seeing full-grown peaches for the first time! While

concluding the presentation, Dr Ferrar underlined the importance of giving more attention to

understand how the small farmer tries to grapple with the issue in his small plot of land which has

several other problems as well.

During discussion, a point raised was: whether the bait spraying method is quite a feasible

method for large orchards or not. The response to this question was in the affirmative. However, as

a generalization, it may be observed that though bait spraying has several advantages, it requires

further enquiry as regards to the comparative economics (benefits vs costs) of bait spraying method

over or in combination with several other management methods.

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The paper did not have convincing evidences on this other aspect than some descriptions of

the reduction in labour use, pesticide use, protection of beneficial organisms, etc. This could be an

area of research as well. Further, a compiled paper on fruit flies in Asia providing details on major

fruit fly IPM aspects was provided by Dr. Ferrar that can be seen/downloaded from the project’s

website too (http://ipm.ait.asia/inception).

The fourth paper presented by Mr. Jothisiteganesh Shanmugasundaram, GIS Expert

(engaged by the Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project) was a preliminary report of the GIS mapping of fruit flies

in the four Mekong countries, viz. Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam based on preliminary

data provided (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). The paper was quite important for the

intervention planning for the entire project as it tries to use the GIS tools to understand the spatial

and temporal distribution and magnitude of fruit fly infestations in the MRBC. In this regard, the

presentation was entirely focused on presenting the provincial level data concerning the spatial

spread of fruit flies in these countries and the severity of their occurrence classified in terms of: a)

whether fruit fly problems are present or absent; b) if present whether the intensity is high, medium

or low across the several provinces where IPM programmes have been implemented; c) crop area of

individual fruits and vegetable; and d) estimated crop losses.

The discussions on the paper confined to the precautions to be taken while using the GIS

mapping tool for the purpose. For instance, a delegate from Laos has raised some concerns as

regards the exactness of the data being used in the preliminary assessment, which needs further

verification before arriving at the conclusions. Some suggestions came from the floor to make the

GIS mapping more convincing in terms of broadening the information coverage to include the

scenarios of fruit fly infestation before and after IPM programmes. Similarly, it was pointed out to go

further into the details of the extent and severity of fruit fly infestations beyond just identifying

them as high/ medium or low. Additional suggestions came from Mr. Jan W. Ketelaar, FAO, who

suggested including an additional layer i.e. whether the crop in question is grown for local

consumption or for export to make these maps a good tool for area selection as planned in the

project. This could be addressed to an extent if GIS mapping is done further down the provincial

level, to understand the varying intensities at the district and sub-district levels.

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Finally, Prabhat Kumar added that the purpose of GIS mapping for this project is primarily

for the purpose of area identification for project interventions. However, in future, with more

interest from partners and collaborators follow-up work could be undertaken. He further informed

the workshop that the completed maps will be available at the project’s website for general public


The final presentation of the plenary session was delivered by Dr. Rui Pereira of FAO/IAEA

(see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). The information shared by him was quite useful as it helped

participants understand the efforts made by the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency in the

area of fruit fly management in collaboration with the FAO. It discussed the importance of an area-

wide concept to be used for IPM for control of fruit flies. Accordingly, the approach gives thrust on

entire population/ farm plot level instead of controlling it on a field by field basis, which results in

continuous pest reinvasion. The advantage of this approach is that it uses a phased conditional

approach involving four phases of action. These four phases include: a) Phase I: Baseline data

collection and programme planning; b) Phase II: Improved monitoring and control; c) Phase III:

Preparation of AW-IPM according to objectives; and d) Phase IV: Implementation of operational AW-

IPM. The paper also highlighted the importance of clearly identifying the AW-IPM control options

with respect to the market potential of fruit crops/ vegetables, which will result in better

management outcomes in the current context of changing global trade scenario. As an important

step in the integrated IPM approach, the paper considers the critical aspect of involvement of

grower organizations as well as community participation.

Note: FAO/IAEA has been on the forefront of Sterile Male Technique (SIT) approach of fruit fly

management through active collaboration with many countries worldwide including Thailand (see

http://www-naweb.iaea.org/nafa/ipc/tephritid-fruit-flies.html for more information).

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6. Session 2: Status of fruit fly management in MRBC

The aim of the second session was first to allow the country implementation agency to

collect, compile, analyze and present the range of information on the fruit flies as baseline

information for the project.

The second session was chaired by Mr. Jan Willem Ketelaar and Dr. S. K. Ghosh acted as

reporteur. Out of six papers in the session, five (Thailand, Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar and Vietnam)

shared the past experiences, current status and plans for the fruit fly IPM for smallholders vegetable

and fruit growers. The sixth paper presented by BCRL reviewed the constraint faced in the current

practice and how research done in the past ten years can be translated into commercial products of


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6.1 Fruit flies in Thailand

Ms. Watchreeporn Orankanok and Mr. Tharmnoon Boonkraisorn from Department of

Agriculture Extension (DoAE) presented the country paper (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception).

Thailand has a long-history of fruit fly management especially the use of Sterile Insect Technique

(SIT). First such effort began in 1982 by the Office of Atoms for Peace against the Oriental fruit fly (B.

dorsalis) in Chiangmai province in Northern part of Thailand at pilot scale. Ms. Orankanok further

reported that the level of infestation has reduced dramatically from the level of 54.7% in 1987 to

mere 4% in the year 1997. In 2001, Thailand adopted the area-wide IPM concept for fruit fly

management and in two provinces i.e. Pichit and Ratchaburi provinces. Area wide IPM activities was

initiated in 2001 at Ratchaburi and Phichit to suppress mainly two species of fruit fly – B. dorsalis and

B. cucurbitae and successfully extended the technology by training and motivating the stake holders.

Further, she informed that a number of training for the extension workers and fruit growers

have been organized using SIT in combination with the other methods of fruit fly control i.e. removal

of secondary host, sanitation practices, MAT (male annihilation technique) , BAT (bait application

technique) etc. On another note she informed that five species of fruit flies are common in Thailand

and they include, B. correcta (Guava fruit fly); B. carambolae; B. curcubitae (Melon fly); B.

umbrosa; and B. latifrons (Malaysian fruit fly).

The thrust for the future is to establish community plant

pest management centers to enhance participation of the

community in the IPM project which will support the scaling up of

the project from pilot scale to national level by incorporating new

technologies. A question was raised on the cost of SIT and also

possibilities o fusing this technique for different species of fruit


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6.2 Fruit flies in Cambodia

Mr. Chou Cheythyrith and Mr. Heng Chhun Hy of National IPM Programme of Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry presented the country paper of Cambodia (see

http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). Fruit fly management to date has not been addressed adequately.

Only in recent years through FAO and CARE funded projects, Cambodia started working on fruit flies.

A year-long FAO project, which concluded in 2009, some basic trainings on surveillance, quarantine,

documenting host-species etc. has been addressed. The CARE-funded project is working on fruit flies

management on mango production.

Fruit fly infestation in two provinces has been recorded at 80-100% by melon fly and 30% by

oriental fly. Pesticides are currently the main stay of fruit fly management and some farmers use fruit

bagging as means to protect

fruits and vegetables. Some

farmers reported to use the

protein bait, bait station as well

as spot application. Two fruit fly

species, oriental fruit fly (B.

dorsalis) and melon fly (B.

cucurbitae) are the commonly

known species. Apart from

these species 6 more species have been recorded i.e. B. correcta, B.tau, B. caudate, Dacus logicornis,

B. dorsalis complect, and B. tubercolata. Future activities were discussed which included conducting

base line survey, development of curricula for the FFS etc. to sustain IPM on fruit flies. Need of

guidance from fruit fly taxonomist was expressed.

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6.3 Fruit flies in Lao PDR

Mr. Tiangkham Vongsabouth, acting National IPM project Plant Protection Center, DOA, MAF

Lao PDR and Mr. Thongsavanh Taipangnavong IPM expert, FAO-Lao PDR presented the country

paper (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). Until now only very limited work focusing on the species

identification of the fruit flies has been carried out leaving significant task ahead to develop

management strategies and capacity building. Most of the locally produced fruits and vegetable are

primarily meant for the local market and some for export to the neighboring countries. Up to

present, there is no information on the occurrence of fruit flies and estimates on yield losses due to

fruit fly damage in the country. The Plant Protection Centre conducted surveys on the prevalence of

fruit fly in some locality in Vientiane capital and till date 13 species were reported from different

crops. B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae are common species reported from fruit crops and melons,

respectively. Other reported species are, B. correcta. B. carambolas, B. scutellaris, B. caudta, B. tau,

B. apicalis, B. verbascifoliae, B. albistrigata, B. nigrotibialis, B. cilifera, Dacus dorsalis and D.

longicornis. Sanitization and wrapping of fruits with paper are the main management practices in

addition to pesticide usage. Extension of bait technology, farmer's training through field schools and

technical documentation was emphasized as future planning of the programme.

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6.4 Fruit flies in Myanmar

Dr. Khin Nyunt Yee and Mr. Soe Than from Myanmar Agriculture Service and Myanmar Mango

Group respectively attended the workshop and made the country presentation (see

http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). The core theme of presentation was focused on the increased

production and export potential of mango from Myanmar to China. The mango production is facing

threats from different fruit flies, mainly B. dorsalis and B. correcta. Some of the notable

management practices for fruit fly are mulching, foliar spray with EM-5 and bagging of fruits. Efforts

are made to demonstrate IPM by conducting training and a workshop on production and post -

harvest handling of mango. Whereas fruit flies can be effectively managed with the above

mentioned methods, the major present constraints in mango production include a lack of lucrative

markets, good transport and packaging technologies.

Generation of baseline data, extension of BAIT trap and human resource training requires

attention as future planning of the programme. The Myanmar delegation, which is involved in an

IFAD/FAO funded project, is joining this regional initiative with support from other FAO extra

budgetary project resources.

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6.5 Fruit flies in Vietnam

Dr. Nguyen Van Hoa and Dr. Ho Van Chien from Southern Horticultural Research Institute

(SOFRI), and Southern Plant Protection Center (SPPC) respectively, presented the country paper (see

http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). Fruit fly identification and management has been addressed through past

several projects in Vietnam mainly with funding support from ACIAR. Having 7 different agro-climatic

zone enriched with various fruits and vegetables, the year round cultivation has contributed to the

buildup of fruit fly populations beyond control level. The nine fruit fly species of major economic

importance in Vietnam are: Bactrocera (Bactrocera) carambolae, B. correcta, B. cucurbitae, B. dorsalis,

B. tau, B. verbascifoliae and B. zonata. Host records have been established for 26 species of fruits and 16

species of vegetables of major economic importance and another 11 species of wild or medicinal plants

in Vietnam. Several management options have been tried so far in Vietnam like, using of systemic

insecticides, bagging of fruit at suitable stage, trapping with Methyl Eugenol (allyl-3,4-

dimethyoxybenzene), protein bait (SOFRI Protein 10 DD and sanitation. Among them the spot

application by protein bait laced with insecticides has been under the large scale application, which has

reduced the infestation level from 50% to 4%. Further the presenters emphasized to implement this

technology as team work to make it more effective using FFS. He also shared that Vietnam has in the

past conducted some trainings to the extension officials and farmers too. Future thrust area identified

was to improve the persistence, quality, production process and finally train the farmers using FFS to use

PB in effective manner as a component of IPM.

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6.6. Novel options for fruit fly management (BCRL, India)

Dr. Malvika Chaudhary, BCRL, India presented the last paper of the session providing a

broad overview of available novel products for fruit fly and newer products while emphasizing

recent research done in cover spray, MAT, BAT bio-control, field sanitation, miscellaneous

technologies (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception). Focus was also on the available commercial

products in this context and utilization of these in various fruit fly management programmes (e.g. in

Taiwan, Mauritius, Hawaii and India). The role of Bio-Control Research Laboratories, India to develop

commercial products on identified constraints was emphasized. The validation of research in feeler

trials will lead to development of female biased pheromone technique, one way valve trap, use of

entomofungal pathogen for pupal stages and as ovipositional deterrent and also for post-harvest

man agent use of organic salt formulation will be done under the project. Possibilities of replacing

insecticide by using B.bassiana and also developing fungal infection to the population by auto-

dissemination of B .bassiana along with pheromone and electrostatic powder has been discussed.

Conducting plant clinic as extension tool to disseminate the knowledge of IPM up to grower level will

also lead to generation of large data which can be used for identifying problematic areas and

forecasting pest infestation.

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6.7 Fruit flies in Mekong river basin countries (summary of session 2)

The presentation from various countries in MRB provided in-depth national status on

various important aspects of fruit fly management in this region. As summary following key points

emerged out:

Various species of tephritid fruit flies are affecting a range of important fruit and vegetable

crops in this sub-region;

Through support from past projects many countries were able to establish identification of

some species. However species identification remains a important task at local and regional


Due to extended seasons of fruiting, the level of infestation and resulting damage has

increased many folds in the past decades;

There exists a wide difference in the level of past experiences on fruit fly management in this

region. Some countries like Vietnam and Thailand have good experiences, but others needs

substantial support to achieve a similar level of experiences and knowledge;

Only few management options namely protein baits and ME have been used so far widely in

this region and these too mostly as stand-alone control measures. Until now little has been

done on developing broad based IPM packages in this region;

Through past projects in some countries trainings have been organized but until now there

are no regional or national experiences available where fruit fly management has been

developed for FFS platform;

The existing network and cooperation among NIPM in the region provides a very strong

network that could take lead in developing locally assembled and need based IPM package

for important fruit fly species and also could develop the FFS curricula for farmer’s


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7. Session 3: Fruit flies management strategies in MRBC

Prior to moving to the planning sessions, experiences from the Hawaii IPM Programme’s

planning process and insights into developing area-wide fruit fly IPM was presented by Prof. Ron

Mau, who also chaired this session (see http://ipm.ait.asia/inception).

For planning purposes a simple format was provided to the country teams prior to the

planning session. The country teams along with the various fruit fly experts and resource persons

began to develop work plans before lunch and continued until the late afternoon. The plans

developed and presented during this session were only draft plans, which would have to be further

refined in consultations with the respective ministries after representatives returning to their home

countries. Most countries only presented partial plans for some initial discussion pending the

development of detailed intervention strategies and log-frames as part of country strategy papers to

be developed as a follow-up to this workshop.

Prof. Ron Mau provided the following points as further suggestions for development of the work


“Developing work plans is difficult even for experienced project leaders. It is insufficient to

say that the program will be performed using the Farmer Field School method. I think that it

might have been easier if the teams charted their plans in a manner that is shown in the

attached power point file “Outcomes Plan – Hawaii Fruit Fly IPM” (see

http://ipm.ait.asia/inception ). Once short term, intermediate term and long-term outcomes

are identified, it will be easier for the country teams to plan the lessons and curriculum for

the FFS for each of the targeted fruit fly species. Certainly, development and retention of

knowledge and hands-on experience in learning that the students can easily accomplish the

pest suppression programs are key to success”;

“I think that an outcomes plan for melon fly suppression is a very good starting place for

small holder farmers. Knowledge of the local melon fly roosting hosts can be easily obtained

by field observation by farmers as part of the FFS curriculum”.

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“From this, lessons on how to use cue-lure traps of local population density can be designed

and can be used to chart the impacts of poisoned protein bait spot application on roosting

hosts on the overall population density as well as the reduction of damaged fruit. Bitter

gourd or another common local crop like sponge gourd or squash might be suitable for the

FFS crop system”;

“Knowledge on fruit fly ID, and life cycle, as well as the fly numbers emerging from infested

fruit can be included in lesson plans and using traps in augmentorium cages. I am including

a poster handout titled “123 Melon Fly Suppression” as an example of how the farmers can

chart cuelure fly densities and reduction in crop damage”.

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7.1. Work Plan for FF IPM in Thailand

Thailand has an active fruit fly IPM Programme and considerable experiences of

implementing it in pre-selected locations in the country for past many years. Based on these

experiences they have proposed to work in two provinces in the country (see locations in the map)

Chaiyaphum Province , NE Thailand – Chilli-pepper crop

Ratchabri Province, Central Thailand – Tropical fruits

The major activities proposed by the Thai team include:

Baseline Surveys

Training of trainers / extension officials

Training of Farmers using FFS

Monitoring and Evaluation etc.

Further details on Thailand draft work plan can be seen in the annex 3.

Fig.1. Map showing locations of the FF IPM project implementation sites in Thailand

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7.2. Work plan for FF IPM in Cambodia

Fruit fly management in Cambodia is relatively new area at all level in national IPM

programme. Therefore, Cambodia team has presented a detail draft work plan for further

refinement and comments from the group of experts and resource persons.

Based on the crop acreage and damage information available for bitter gourd crop (B.

cucurbitae) tentatively 3 provinces are selected for the project implementation (see location in the


Kampong Cham



The major activities proposed are:

Completion of GIS mapping

Baseline survey

Develop training module, FFS, TOT etc.

Detailed draft work plan can be seen in the annex 4.

Fig.2. Map showing locations of the FF IPM project implementation sites in Cambodia

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7.3. Work plan for FF IPM in Lao PDR

To date no significant fruit fly management project has been undertaken in Lao PDR baring

some initial work on species identification. Based on the good IPM FFS experiences on rice and

vegetables and the urgent need to undertake the FF IPM the Lao team presented their work plan.

Further they decided to initiate IPM work on both species i.e. B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae of fruit


Based on crop acreage estimates and experiences two provinces were prioritized by the Lao

team to implement the major activities for the project:

Vientiane Capital

Vientiane Province

The major activities proposed are:

Completion of GIS mapping

Baseline survey

Develop training module, TOT & FFS etc

Detailed draft work plan can be seen in the annex 5.

Fig.3. Map showing locations of the FF IPM project implementation sites in Lao PDR

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7.4. Work Plan for FF IPM in Myanmar

Myanmar joined this regional initiative primarily to strengthen an ongoing FAO/IFAD

supported export oriented mango project, where fruit flies are major problem. Apart from all other

project countries Myanmar has limited prior experiences to the FFS approach of extension and also

possibly participatory adaptive research methodologies. It is expected that by interacting and

participating in the various project activities, the country team would get a good exposure on these

methods. Currently, FAO supports some participatory training activities on off-season mango

production and the exploration of innovative fruit fly management options could feature in such

action research activities.

Accordingly, the mango crop was selected as priority crop for developing FF IPM and already

the project has prioritized the production areas of Shan (South) State, Mandalay Division and Yangon

Division for implementation of project activities. The mango fruit fly (B. dorsalis) will be target

species for their work in coming two years.

The Myanmar country team presented the following

activities as a part of their work plan:

Baseline survey

Data collection to learn population dynamics of

fruit flies

Capacity building of the PPD (plant protection

department) staffs

Training to the farmers

Detailed draft work plan can be seen in the annex 6.

Fig.4. Map showing locations of the FF IPM project implementation sites in Myanmar

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7.5. Work plan for FF IPM in Vietnam

Vietnam has one of the most active Non SIT based fruit fly IPM implementation experiences

in the region. Also, it has been recipient of several projects including one of protein bait

commercialization and utilization from ACIAR. Scientific background information on species

identification, life-cycle, biology, ecology and other aspects is available which provides a very good

basis for development of farmer’s education programme using FFS. In addition, the existence of a a

vibrant and nation-wide IPM network with its decade of experiences of developing and

implementing FFS for a range of crops throughout the country provides the needed background to

develop, pilot and expand the FF IPM FFS.

The major activities planned for this project are shown in the following two flow-charts (one

for each year of the project)

The major activities proposed were the followings:

Baseline Survey



Setting-up pilot sites etc

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Three provinces from South Vietnam were selected as the project implementation sites:

Vinh Long

Tien Giang

Long An

Further details on work plan for FF IPM in Vietnam can be seen in the annex 7.

Fig. 5. Map showing locations of the FF IPM project implementation sites in Vietnam

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7.6. Summary of regional FF IPM project planning

7.6.1. Planning Process

The planning process which started before this inception & planning workshop would

continue in the coming weeks to enable each participating countries to consult their ministries and

to develop following documents before project activities are implemented:

Completion of the GIS mapping based on agreed 5 layers mapping to use as a planning

tool to select the area of project implementation , the fig.6 shows the initial agreed

project implementation sites on a regional basis;

Development of a short and concise country strategy paper for the proposed fruit fly

IPM project intervention. A template, complete with log frame table, was developed

and sent to the country teams for this purpose. A log-frame of project (draft) can be

seen in annex 7.

Fig.6. Regional map of MRB showing project implementation sites in 5 countries

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7.6.2. Follow-up trainings needs

Most country teams and external experts invited to the workshop suggested to organize a

regional level workshop for the key trainers from the NIPM and/or implementing agencies in order

to provide hands-on experiences and background knowledge on the various aspects of the fruit fly


The suggested learning objectives include:

Life cycle, biology and ecology of the fruit flies selected or prioritized for the project (mostly

B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae; in case of Thailand B. correcta);

Host range, roosting plants species, non-host, spatial and temporal distribution;

Male Annihilation Techniques (MAT)

Baits and cuelures (Protein baits etc.)

Traps designs, seasonality and its uses in various crops

Sanitation and augmentorium

Other management methods e.g. bagging

Other country specific issue (will come up while discussing the content of training)

Curriculum and training materials development

Accordingly, plans are underway to organize a hands-on training (possibly at southern Vietnam)

covering these issues by November this year involving the project partners and external experts.

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8. Field Trip Report

In conjunction with the organization of the inception workshop, a field trip was organized on

1 September 2010 with the purpose of providing first-hand information to the participants on

the various fruit fly management related work in host-country Thailand.

The following three locations were visited by the country teams and resource persons:

Site I: Fruit Fly suppressions programme: A local government initiated fruit fly suppression

programme in Samut Sakhon Province

Site II: SWIFT’s Export Packing House, Nakhon Pathom to learn about the Vapor Heat

Treatment facility for export of mangoes to Japan

Site III: Varietal screening programme against Malaysian fruit fly on Chili-pepper at Dept.

Horticulture, Fac. of Agriculture at Kampheng Saen, Kasersart University, Nakhon Pathom

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8.1. Feedback session on field trip from participants

A feedback session was organized to summarize the key findings and issues related to each

visited site. In the feedback session, the participants along with the resource persons sat together to

share experiences. This group work was followed by plenary presentations, which are summarized


8.1.1. Site I: Fruit Fly suppressions programme Samut Sakhon Province

The field trip at Samut Sakhon begins with visiting the provincial administrative office, where

a short presentation on the fruit fly suppression programme was provided prior to the field visit.

The fruit fly suppressions programmes includes the following important features:

The local government supplied free Methyl

Eugenol ( ME) to farmers to break-down the

large scale population as the area currently

grow guava and rose apple for export and

domestic markets

Exchange of captured FF with Fertilizer: 2

liters of dead fruit fly body was exchanged for

1 bag of 16-16-8 (NPK) fertilizer

In one year collected 846 liters of FF bodies were collected

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Observations from the field:

Crop: Guava and Rose Apple (B. correcta and B. dorsalis); Ridge gourd (B. cucurbitae)

The bagging of guava begins 3 months after


A layer of extra paper is attached on the top

of plastic to protect it from sunlight induced

deterioration (to enhance the life of plastic


The growers maintains only one fruit per small

branch to be able to achieve a marketable size

Normally the crop is pruned to maintain the canopy that facilities easier harvest The programme is not based on training farmers

and their capacity building

Trap density was observed too be too high. Not

that many traps are needed as per


Farmers were unable to differentiate the species

of the fruit flies trapped

ME only able to attracts B. dorsalis not B.


Sanitation (disposal of infested fruits) were not

apparent from the observation

From discussion with the farmers, it was not clear

that at what intervals the lures are changed

The method of using ME on cotton bolls is very

expensive. Therefore, other methods especially

those which prolongs the life of ME are advised

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Free fertilizers in exchange may not be a sustainable method for long-term management of

this pest. The idea is good to break the initial large population, but the planners needs to

take note of farmer’s training in combination with other methods for instance, the female

removal method as well to ensure sustainability.

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8.1.2. Site II: SWIFT’s Export Packing House, Nakhon Pathom

SWIFT is one of the leading private sector fruits and vegetable exporting company in the Thai

kingdom engaged in export of fresh and processed fruit and vegetable. The company manages

various fruit and vegetable pack houses (3 stations pack houses: Kampaengsaen, Chiangmai and

Petchaboon and one new pack house in

Eastern part of the country) to process and

export their products. In addition, the

contracted growers of this company received

GlobalGAP, QGAP and Organic certificates for

over 250 ha of land to enable the company to

export organic produce as well. Currently the

products are exported to the Japan, Korea,

Taiwan, Middle East (M-E), Europe (EU), USA,

Australia and New Zeeland.

The purpose of the visit was to expose participants to the VHT (vapor heat treatment) unit, a

requirement for exporting mangoes to countries like Japan. Since fruit flies are important quarantine

pests, other than China, many countries including Taiwan impose strict regulatory measures for

importing fresh fruits from the region.


The organization of the pack house was very good for both fruit and vegetable products

VPT treatment is suitable for export to the Japan, Korea, Aus and NZ. How can they export

to USA?

The participants were interested to learn how the company is able to pay the fund needed

for various certifications every year?

How is the pricing policy to the contracted growers?

How do the importers accept the agro-chemical free farming products? For what price?


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In Vietnam: for mango the VPH treatment can work well at 46.5oC for 20 min and wind

speed: 2 m/second)

VHT is expensive for the small farmers, if they wish to export on their own. Moreover, some

countries in Asia like China do not require products to be treated using VHT

Participants were also interested to learn the process of risk assessment for soil and water

and others suggested including the pest risk assessment into the planning process for

producing fruits and vegetables

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8.1.3. Site III: Screening for Chili-pepper germplasm against Malaysian Fruit fly (B.


The final destination for the field trip was the visit to a chili-pepper germplasm screening

programme at Kassetsart University.

The hosts provided an overview of their programme:

A research plan with the aim to develop chili-pepper varieties having tolerance against

B. latifrons

Some accessions are showing various degree of tolerance so far

The total acid content o the fruit is positively correlated to the fruit fly damage

More work is planned in the future for testing against various population pressure levels

in greenhouses


The breeding programme does not take into account other commonly occurring diseases like

viruses and anthracnose

If successful, it could provide a good relevance to many chili growing areas in MRBC

It was suggested that the DNA sequences of susceptible and resistant varieties could be

searched and then checked for different sequence

Further DNA markers assisted breeding could be searched for faster screening of both the

germplasm and hybridization

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Annex 1: List of Participants


1. Rui Cardoso Pereira, Entomologist (PhD) Insect Pest Control Section Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +43.1.2600.26077; Fax: +43.1.26007


2. Dr Paul Ferrar Chief, AICAR-IPM (former) 8 Gregson Plcae, Curtin PO Box 216, Curtin, ACT 2605, Australia Tel/Fax: +61-26161 4853 Email: [email protected]


3. Mr. Chou, Cheythyrith Vegetable IPM Project Coordinator FAO ICP for IPM in vegetables Country Office-Cambodia House 54B, St. 656 Sangkat Teuk Laak, Khan Toul Kork Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel/Fax: +855-23-880465

4. Mr. Heng Chhun Hy

Deputy Director, The Department of the Plant Protection, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Phnom Penh, Cambodia


5. Dr. Malvika Chaudhary Bio-Control Research Laboratories A division of Pest Control (India) Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India Mobile: +91 9343942214; Email: [email protected]

6. Dr.S.K.Ghosh Head and Asst. General Manager, (Bio-pesticide) Bio-Control Research Laboratories A division of Pest Control (India) Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India


7. Mr. Thongsavanh Taipangnavong National IPM Expert FAO ICP for IPM in Vegetables – Country office Lao PDR P.O. Box 1640, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (856-21) 812142, Fax: (856-21) 812130 Email: [email protected] , [email protected]

8. Mr. Tiangkham Vongsabouth National IPM Coordinator (acting) FAO ICP for IPM in Vegetables – Country office Lao PDR P.O. Box 1640, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (856-21) 812142, Fax: (856-21) 812130


9. Dr. Wai-Hong Loke Regional Director, CABI Southeast & East Asia Glasshouse Complex MARDI, 43400 Serdang Selangor, Malaysia Telephone: +60 (3) 8943 2921 Fax: +60 (3) 8942 6490 Email: [email protected]


10. Mr. Soe Than Director of Myat Yadanar Agriculture Co.Ltd. 24/3 Bogyoke Aung San Road, Yae Aye Kwin Qr., Taunggyi, Souther Shan State, Myanmar Phone: +95-81-21153 Mobile: +95-9521-5718 Email: [email protected]

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11. Dr. Khin Nyunt Yee

Deputy Supervisor Plant Protection Division Myanmar Agriculture Service Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Tel: 095-1-644214 Fax.095-1-644019 Email [email protected]


12. Dr. Pai-Po Lee Deputy Secretary General Taiwan ICDF 14F, No. 9, Lane 62, Tien Mou West Rd. Taipei 11157, Taiwan Tel: 886-2- 22873-2323- Ext. 102 Fax: 886-2-2876-6485 Email: [email protected]


13. Ms. Claudia Fichtner Interim Project Manager Global Horticulture Initiative c/o AVRDC – RCA; P.O.Box 10, Duluti, Arusha, Tanzania Tel: +255-(27)-255-3093; Mobile: +255-(76)-4473610 Fax: +255-(27)-255-3125 Email: [email protected]


14. Mrs. Watchreporn Orankanok

Director; Irradiation for Agricultural


Department of Agriculture Extension

2043/1 Department of Agricultural Extension,

Paholyothin Road, Chatujak, Bangkok

10900. THAILAND.

Phone: 662 940 6187;

Fax: 662 940 6188

Email : [email protected] ;

[email protected]

15. Mr. Tharmanoon Boonkraisorn Director of Production Promotion and Development Group Office of Agricultural Extension and Development Region 4 Khon kaen Provice Tel: 04326 1336 Fax: 04326 1337 Email: [email protected]

16. Mr. Aroonpol Payakapanta Directorate of Promotion of Crop Production and Protection Group Bureau of Agricultural production and Quality Control Department of Agriculture Extension, Royal Government of Thailand, Telefax: +66 2 561 4663 Email [email protected]

17. Ms. Sukosm Chinvinijkul

c/o Director, Bureau of Agricultural Product Quality Development Department of Agricultural Extension. 2148/1 Paholyothin Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 THAILAND.

18. Mr. Jan Willem Ketelaar Chief Technical Advisor/Team Leader FAO Asia-IPM Programme FAO Regional Office for the Asia Pacific No. 39 Maliwan Mansion, Phra Athit Road Bangkok 10200, Thailand Tel: +66-2-697-4274 Fax: +66-2-697-4422 Email: [email protected]

19. Ms. Abubakar Alma Linda

Programme Development Officer FAO ICP for IPM in Vegetables, Regional office FAO Regional Office for the Asia Pacific No. 39 Maliwan Mansion, Phra Athit Road Bangkok 10200, Thailand Phone: +66-2-697-4180 Fax: +66-2-697-4422 Email: [email protected]

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20. Mr. Lakchai Menakanit IPM Consultant 10/5 Soi Prachachuen 38 Bangsue District Bangkok, Thailand Tel: +66-81 8173596 Fax: +66-2 589 5780 Email: [email protected]

21. Ms. PatchreeMenakanit

10/5 Soi Prachachuen 38 Bangsue District Bangkok, Thailand Tel: +66-81 8173596 Fax: +66-2 589 5780

22. Mr. Paichayon Uathaveekul

Chairman, Swift Co. Ltd. 65/2 Moo 6 Tambon Donkhoi Kampaengsan, Nakornpathom 73140, Thailand Tel: (66-34) 351 025-6, 352 576 Fax: (66-34) 352 639 Email: [email protected]

23. Mr. Thitipong Telavanich

Samut Sakhon Provincial Administration Samut sakohn Province Thailand

24. Prof. Joydeep Dutta Vice President Academic Affairs Asian Institute of Technology Po Box 4, Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand Email: [email protected]

25. Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul

Dean, SERD Asian Institute of Technology PO Box 4, Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand Email: [email protected]

26. Dr. Abha Mishra Affiliated Faculty-cum-Senior Research Specialist ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand Tel: +66-2-524-5459; Fax: +66-2-524-6200 Email: [email protected]

27. Dr. Prabhat Kumar Coordinator (Asian FF Fly IPM Project) Affiliated Faculty-cum-Senior Research Specialist ASE/SERD ; AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand Tel: +66-2-524-5477; Fax: +66-2-524-6200 Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

28. Dr. Narinder Dhillon

Vegetable Breeder-Cucurbit Asian Regional Center AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center; 4/F, Research & Development Bldg. Kassetsart University; Bangkhen, Bangkok 10900; THAILAND Tel: +66-2-9428686 or 66-2-9428687 Fax: +66-2-9428688 Email: [email protected]

29. Dr. Banpot Napompeth

Founder and Adviser National Biological Control Research Center Kassetsart University PO Box 9-52, Chatuchak, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand Tel:+66-2579-3649, Fax +66-2-942-8355 Email: [email protected]

30. Ms. Sopana Yule

Entomologist Asian Regional Center AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center; 4/F, Research & Development Bldg. Kassetsart University; Bangkhen, Bangkok 10900; THAILAND Tel: +66-2-9428686 or 66-2-9428687 Fax: +66-2-9428688

31. Mr. Pornchai Chanprasit

Seed production research manager Eastwest Seeds (Thailand) Email: [email protected]

32. Dr. Peeyush Soni

Adjunct Faculty (ASE) ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand Email: [email protected]

Page 47: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Inception & Planning Workshop Report: Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project


33. Dr. P.K. Viswanathan Research Scientist "Agricultural Transition in Asia" (Rockefeller Foundation project) School of Environment Resources and Development (SERD) Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand NRM/SERD

34. Ms. Suthamma Maneepitas Doctoral Student Natural Resource Management FOS SERD, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand

35. Dr. Parish Nalavade

Research Scientist (ASE) School of Environment, Resources and Development AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand

36. Ms. Ancy Robinson

Research Associate ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand

37. Mr. Jothiganesh Shanmugasundaram GIS Expert, RIMES AIT, Pathumthani Email: [email protected]

38. Ms. Mayuree Yasueb

Master Student ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

39. Mr. Patarapol Sumreddee

Master Student ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand (ASE)

40. Mr. Khagendra

Master Student ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

41. Ms. Jeerajit Dissana Master Student ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

42. Mr. Suraporn Onputtha Master Student ASE/SERD AIT, PO Box 4; Klong Lunag, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

United States of America

43. Prof. Ronald F. L. Mau

Professor Emeritus Dept of Plant and Enviro. Protection Sci University of Hawaii at Manoa 3050 Maile Way; Honolulu, HI 96822 USA Cell Phone: 808-220-0214; Fax: 808-808-956-7063 Email: [email protected]


44. Dr. Nguyen Van Hoa

Deputy Director General (Plant Pathologist) Sothern Horticulture Research Institute Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences Box 203 My Tho-Tien Giang- Vietnam Phone: 0084 73. 3893125 Mobile: 091.8582261 Fax: 0084. 73. 3893122 Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

45. Mr. Ho van Chien Director of Southern Plant Protection Center Long Dinh, Chau Thanh Tien Giang, Vietnam Email: [email protected] cellphone: 0913962736

Page 48: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Annex 2: Inception Workshop Schedule

31 August 2010 (Tuesday) Arrival of the participants Arrival of the participants and check-in (AIT Conference Center) Setting-up Demonstration stalls (seed companies, BCRL, India)*

Day 1: 1ST September 2010 (Wednesday): Field Trip Field Trip (AM): Samut Sakhon Fruit fly management campaign Field Trip (PM): SWIFT’s Processing House &

Kassetsart University, Nakhon Pathom

Day 2: 2ND September 2010 (Thursday) Venue: Room B 108 AIT Conference Center

800 – 850 am : Registration & Introduction to AIT (VDO Show) Time Activity Who

0900 0915 Opening Speech

(Opening of IPM AIT Website; Beta version)

Prof. Joydeep Dutta VPAA, AIT

0915 0925 Introduction -School of Environment, Resources and Development Prof. Weerakorn

Ongsakul, Dean SERD

0925 0935 Expectations from the donor- the ICDF Dr. Po-Pi Lee, ICDF

0935 0945 Overview from Global Horticulture Initiative Ms. Claudia Fichtner, GHI

0945 1000 Introduction of the Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project Prabhat Kumar, AIT

1000 1030 Tea / Coffee Break

Session I: Fruit Flies in Asia Chair: Banpot Napompeth ; Reporteur: P. K. Vishwanathan

1045 1115 Overview of FAO’s Integrated Pest Management Programme in

Asia Jan Willem Ketelaar


1115 1145 Invasive Pest Species in Asia – a management challenge to

sustainable crop production Loke Wai Hong CABI SE Center

1145 1215 General overview of Fruit Flies in Asia – species, life cycle, biology, crop losses and current management strategies

Paul Ferrar ACIAR-IPM

1215 1315 Lunch Break

1315 1345 Distribution of fruit flies in Mekong countries: Preliminary findings

using GIS mapping Jothiganesh


1345 1415 SIT & non-SIT based Area-Wide IPM of Fruit Flies: experiences and

lessons learned Rui Cardoso Pereira


Session II: Fruit Fly Management experiences from Mekong River Basin Countries Chair: Jan Willem Ketalaar; Reporteur: S. K. Ghosh

1415 1445 Past experiences, current status and plans for the Fruit Fly IPM for smallholder vegetable and fruit growers in Thailand

Dept.of Agril. Extension Thailand

1445 1500 Tea / Coffee Break 1500 1530 Past experiences, current status and plans for the Fruit Fly IPM for

smallholder vegetable and fruit growers in Cambodia National IPM Programme


1530 1600 Past experiences, current status and plans for the Fruit Fly IPM for smallholder vegetable and fruit growers in Lao PDR

National IPM Programme Lao PDR

1600 1630 Past experiences, current Status and plans for the Fruit Fly IPM for smallholder vegetable and fruit growers in Myanmar

Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation, Myanmar

1630 1700 Past experiences, current Status and plans for the Fruit Fly IPM for smallholder vegetable and fruit growers in Vietnam

National IPM Programme Vietnam

1700 1730 Current range of novel products for Fruit flies and plans for the newer IPM fruit flies products

BCRL, India

Welcome Dinner (hosted by Asian Institute of Technology) Venue: Korea House, AIT

Time: 1830 pm

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Inception & Planning Workshop Report: Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project


Day 3: 3RD. September 2010 (Friday) Chair: Ronald Mau; Reporteur: AlmaLinda Abubakar

Session III: Planning for the Area Wide Fruit Fly IPM Project Time Activity Who

0830 0930

Recapitulation & summary of Session II Sharing of experiences from the field trip of 1


September 2010 by each group Work Plan Development:

GIS mapping Country Work Plans

Dada/ Kumar

0930 1000 Fruit Fly Management Experiences from Hawaii IPM Programme Prof. Mau

1000 1015 Tea / Coffee Break


1215 Group work – work plan development All national IPM Progarrme

1215 1330 Lunch Break 1330 13350 Work Plan Presentation, Thailand DoAE, Thailand

1350 1410 Cambodia NIPM, Cambodia

1410 1430 Lao PDR NIPM, Lao PDR

1430 1450 Myanmar MA Myanmar

1450 1510 Vietnam NIPM, Vietnam

1510 1530 BCRL BCRl, India

1530 1540 LOGO selection and follow-up Kumar/Dada

Workshop Closing Dinner (hosted by FAO Regional IPM Programme)

Venue: Ploen Restaurant Time: 1800 hrs


Demonstration stall will remain until the end of the workshop and participants are encouraged to visit and learn the various IPM products for their possible use in the action research programme. Logo Selection: Potential logos for this project have been developed with assistance from FAO IPM staff and would be displayed on a board for voting. Please vote for the logo that you think represents this project best before the evening of 2

ND September 2010. Final vote count will take place towards the end of the workshop

on 3RD

September 2010 to choose a logo for this project.

Page 50: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Annex 3: Work Plan for FF IPM in Thailand

Crop: CHILLI Province: Chaiyaphum, NE Thailand

Total area 1143.52 ha

Approach area

218.72 hectare

SI Activities When Where Who (target person)

How Buget(USD) responsible

1 characterize area of interest Apr-11 Kasetsombun, Chaiyaphum

Growers baseline survey

2,200 DoAE

2 Farmer trainer one a week from seeding 'til harvesting

Kasetsombun, Chaiyaphum

Farmers FFS 4,000 DoAE

3 training framer on FFS suppression via FFS

one a week from seeding 'til harvesting

Kasetsombun, Chaiyaphum

Farmers FFS 6,999 DoAE

4 Follow up & monitoring monthly Kasetsombun, Chaiyaphum

DoAE staff focus group interview

2,000 DoAE

5 Evaluation workshop & planning development

after harvest Kasetsombun, Chaiyaphum

DoAE staff + farmer leaders

participatory workshop

4,500 DoAE


Page 51: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Crop: Tropical fruits Province: Samut Sakhon

Area 1400 ha

SI Activities When Where Who(target person)

How Budget (USD) responsible org.

1 characterize area of interest

Kasetpattana, Samut Sakhon

Growers baseline survey

1,000 DoAE

2 Farmer trainer via FFS monthly Kasetpattana, Samut Sakhon

Farmers FFS 2,500 DoAE

3 Demonsatration to farmer on FF suppression

ontime Kasetpattana, Samut Sakhon

Farmers FFS 3,733 DoAE

4 Establish Trapping network

whole year( 52 weeks)

Kasetpattana, Samut Sakhon

Volunteer Farmers(15 persons)

Steiner Trap 2,427

5 Follow up & monitoring monthly Kasetpattana, Samut Sakhon

DoAE staff focus group interview

1,000 DoAE

6 Evaluation workshop & planning development

after harvest Kasetpattana, Samut Sakhon

DoAE staff + farmer leaders

participatory workshop

4,500 DoAE


Page 52: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Annex 4: Work Plan for FF IPM in Cambodia

No. Activities How Location When Budget US$

1 Baseline survey on farmer’s knowledge and practices on - Cultivation - Current status of damages and

crop loss - Pest control methods applied

- Survey using questionnaires, observations

- Farmers Groups discussions - Analysis and report

- Kandal - Kampong Cham - Battambang

- One week preparation - Two week in the field - Two week analysis Late Sep-Oct. 2010


2 Conduct adaptive research at farm level

- Conduct experiment for testing protein bait and Cure lure

- Technical back stopping from Experts (BCRL)

- Kandal - Kampong Cham - Battambang

- Two months from Dec. 2010 to Feb 2011

- May 2011 – Sep 2011


3 Develop training module - Use backstopping from Experts on Fruit Fly from FAO & AIT

- Use existing training models from other countries (FAO / AIT?)

- In the office - Feb to March 2011 700

4 Conduct mini-TOT for IPM trainers - Train IPM trainers on technical aspects of fruit fly management

- Develop FFS module. - Use trainers from national (if

available) and international level (FAO, AIT)

- At provincial level in one pilot area

- Two weeks in fourth week of April 2011


Page 53: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

No. Activities How Location When Budget

5 Conduct 6 FFS on Fruit Fly - Educate on Melon fly management with existing FFS group of IPM farmers or new groups

- in pilot areas - Whole cropping season starting May- August 2011, and Dec. 2011-March. 2012

- 4200

6 Report back to Programme and future planning

- Regional workshop to share experiences In one target country (Vietnam)

On Oct. 2011

7 Evaluation of outcome of activities - Focus group interview - Observation, - Measuring the crop lost on experimental


- Target areas End of season (Sept / Oct 2011) or after season (starting new production season)

- 1500

8 Post FFS activities - Continue activities on Fruit Fly management with farmers

- In pilot areas After ending the first FFS season

- 1200

National IPM Programme of GDA

Provincial Department of Agriculture

Budget = UD$15,700

Page 54: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Annex 5: Work Plan for FF IPM in Lao PDR

Activity when where who How Estimated budget

1. Conduct baseline surveys of Fruit Fly on important fruit and vegetable crops

Nov-Dec 2010 Vientiane capital & province,

NIPM and PPC staff

-Using survey formats -Sampling with traps


2. Conduct participatory research on Fruit Fly management Output: Best-bet Fruit Fly Management strategy identified (1-2-3 )

B. cucurbitae: Oct 2010-Dec 2010) B. dorsalis Jan 2011-June 2011

Vientiane capital & province,

NIPM ,PPC staff and farmers

-Experiment design/layout -Select the target group of of farmers


4. Develop training materials

Oct 2010-Dec 2011

NIPM office NIPM ,PPC staff

-Collection of information on pest (Biology, ecology and management techniques)and Diagnostics (pest identification based on the symptoms), local practices. Review with experts.


5. Organize Training of Trainers (TOT) on Fruit Fly management

Jan 2011 Vientiane capital or Vientiane province

IPM trainers, PAFO and DAFO staff in 2 provinces

-Interactive class room lectures and field exposure


Page 55: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Activity when where who How Estimated budget (US$)

6. Conduct pilot FFS on Fruit Fly management of selected fruit and vegetable crops

Feb-April2011 Vientiane capital, Vientiane prov

Fruit and vegetable farmers

-Selection of farmers -Transfer of knowledge from Master trainers to the farmers


7. Follow-up field training\action research activities to fine-tune best-bet management strategies

April- July 2011

Vientiane capital & province,

NIPM team -Provide technical support to trainers and farmers


8. Organization of farmer forum to present results\promote area-wide fruit fly management

Aug 2011 Vientiane Prov. Trained farmers -Meeting 650.00

9. Awareness raising through posters, leaflets

Aug 2011- onward

Vientiane capital & province,

Extension staff farmers and trader

-Develop posters and leaflet on fruit fly mgt -Distribution


10. Project evaluation

Oct-Nov 2011 NIPM office DOA,PPC, core IPM trainers and key farmers

-Impact Assessment -population monitoring -reduce level of infestation -adoption of technology -increase marketability of produce


Total 15,000.00

Page 56: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Annex 6: Work Plan for FF IPM in Myanmar

Sl. Activities Where When who How Why

1 Baseline Data Collection Once/two wks (off-season) Once/wk (Season)

Shan (South)State, Mandalay Division Yangon Division

September, 2010 to August 2011

Project staffs from PPD

By setting up the traps of Methyl Eugenol (3-4 traps/ac)

Species Identification, study on Population Dynamic, Ecology of Fruit Fly, Study on Biology (Season)

2 Developing of training modules specific of fruit fly biology, symptoms, recommended practices which are eco-friendly.

Shan (South)State, Mandalay Division Yangon Division

September, 2010 to October 2010

Project staffs from PPD

Collection of resources and exploring of locally adapted management practices through collaboration

To disseminate the appropriate knowledge of Pest and Technology

3 Dissemination of knowledge on fruit flies

Shan (South)State, Mandalay Division Yangon Division

October-December , 2010 (Off Season)

PPD Extension Staffs & farmers

Training Farmer’s lack knowledge on fruit flies and its management

4 Distribution of the protein baits to the growers Distribution of the bags, traps and lures to the growers

Shan (South)State, Mandalay Division Yangon Division

Dec. 2010 Mango farmers

Through farmers Myanmar mango group

To help the farmers adapt the technology as preventive measures at the early stage

5 Data Collection- once/two wks (off-season)Once/wk (Season)

Shan (South)State, Mandalay Division Yangon Division

September, 2011 to August 2012

Project Participated Staffs from PPD

By setting up the traps of Methyl Eugenol (3-4 traps/ac), Protein Baits (3-4 trap (minimum).By interviewing the growers

- study on Population Dynamic, -determine the adaptability of the technologies

Page 57: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Annex 7: Log-frame (draft) of the Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project

Intervention Objectively verifiable Sources and means of Assumptions

Time Line


logic indicators of achievement verification



To enhance knowledge on fruit fly

ecology and management among

smallholder women and men

farmers to be able to grow healthy

and safe fruit and vegetable crops

by sustainably practicing integrated

pest management with least

emphasis on toxic synthetic

pesticides leading to food safety

and food security, and improved

income in Asian countries with a

focus on Mekong river basin


a.) Current status of the FF problem

in the region; b.) Availability of the

locally adapted IPM package for FF

IPM in 2 selected locations in Mekong

countries; c.) GIS maps of the

intensive Fruit fly and Melon fly areas

in each of 4 country and on a Mekong

basis; d.) 24 FFS and 720 farmers 1

(equitible participation of women

farmers in FFS) trained, additional

1500 exposed to FF IPM; e.) Govt. &

Plant Protection officials exposed to

FF issues in all 4 countries; f.)

Training curricula, extension

brochures and dedicated FF IPM

website established

a.) Inception and Planning report; b.) Three-

monthly reports; c.) Six-monthly reports; d.)

Final report

a.) Smallholder fruits and vegetable

farmers along with implementation

partners remain interested and fruit flies

continue to occur as pest for fruits and

vegetables in the region; b.) Continued

support & understanding from the

donors and GHI on emerging situation

May 2010-June




Which indicators clearly show that the

objective of the action has been


What are the sources of information that

exist or can be collected? What are the

methods required to get this information?

Which factors and conditions outside

the Beneficiary's responsibility are

necessary to achieve that objective?

(external conditions) Which risks

should be taken into consideration?


1.       To assess the current status of

fruit fly occurrences, host-range, past

management efforts;

Inception and Planning workshop Inception and planning report Availability of in-depth quantitative and

quality information in implementing

countries are crucial for compilation of

the information

May-Oct. 2010


2. To develop GIS assisted maps of the

fruit fly infected areas leading to

selection of project implementing sites,

and compilation of basic crop

management practices;

GIS maps showing vulnerable area

(country wise and Mekong wise) - its

use in the site selection

As a part of the Inception & Planning Report

. Also available on planned website of the


Availability quantitative and detail

information on seasonality,

occurrences, host-range and other

needed information

May-Oct. 2010


3. To adapt, integrate and finally

assemble local fruit fly IPM strategies

for countries in Mekong region based on

pre-season, in-season and post-harvest

techniques and capacity building of

IPM trainers;

Summary field study and Training of

trainers reports; name & list of

trainers trained; curricula for the FF


As a part of the six-monthly reports. Also will

be available on the planned website for wider

circulation and comments

Occurrences of Fruit fly & melon fly;

interest of the trainers and farmers for

the program

Nov. 2010 - April

2011 (Adpative

research & TOT)


4. To educate farmers using Farmer’s

Field School (FFS) on locally adapted

fruit fly IPM ;

FFS reports As a part of the six-monthly reports. Also will

be available on the planned website for wider

circulation and comments

Occurrences of Fruit fly & melon fly;

interest of the trainers and farmers for

the program

June - Nov. 2011

(FFS) & Nov. 2011 -

April 2012 (seond

season FFS)


5. To develop extension materials and

share project activities through a

website for better understanding and

awareness and support development of

Asian fruit fly Network.

Extension materials (bilingual) Website and hard copies successful development of IPM

package & its implementation

March - June 2012

(consolidaiton of


development of



Page 58: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project

Expected Results

The results are the outputs envisaged

to achieve the specific objective. What

are the expected results? (enumerate


What are the indicators to measure

whether and to what extent the action

achieves the expected results?

What are the sources of information for

these indicators?

What external conditions must be met

to obtain the expected results on



Status of the Fruit fly management in

Mekong region

Inception and Planning workshop Inception and planning report Interest of the country collaborators &

availability of the quantitative

information from the past projects


GIS maps on occurrences of fruit flies

as per crops, area, season for area


Inception and planning workshop

where each country will use GIS maps

for planning of project implementation


Inception and planning report Availability of in-depth quantitative and

quality information from secondary

sources on fruit flies


Action research conducted at selected

site and 100 IPM trainers trained in

intensive TOT to learn the monitoring

and implementation on fruit fly IPM


Number of action research conducted

using innovative IPM strategies;

curricula for the FFS developed for

each country for fruit fly and/or melon


As a part of the six-monthly reports. Also will

be available on the planned website for wider

circulation and comments

Occurrences of Fruit fly & melon fly;

interest of the trainers and farmers for

the program


Twenty four pilot FFS for training of 720

farmers in Mekong countries trained on

applying fruit fly IPM FFS; 1500 farmers

will be exposed through field days

Number of FFS; crops; area covered;

No. of farmers trained and exposed to

FF IPM FFS; Behaviour changes of

the farmers; cost-benefit analysis of

using FF IPM FFS

Six-monthly and final technical report.

Information will be updated on the website as

and when they area available from the field

Occurrences of the fruit flies and

interest of the trainers and farmers in

managing them


Five hundred copies of locally

appropriate and field tested extension

brochures on FF IPM will be developed

and distributed

Availability of the bi-lingual extension

brochures on the FF IPM in each four


On website and as a part of the final

technical report

Achievement of successes in managing

FF in each countries and interest of

local communities in having more


Page 59: Inception & Planning Workshop Report -Asian FF IPM Project


What are the key activities to be

carried out and in what sequence in

order to produce the expected results?

(group the activities by result)

Means: What are the means required

to implement these activities, e. g.

personnel, equipment, training,

studies, supplies, operational

facilities, etc.

What are the sources of information about

action progress? Costs: What are the

action costs? How are they classified? What

are the action costs? (breakdown in the

Budget for the Action)

What pre-conditions are required before

the action starts? What conditions

outside the Beneficiary's direct control

have to be met for the implementation

of the planned activities?

Sp. Objective 1

Act. 1: Current status of the fruit fly in

collaborating countries and in Mekong

region, crops hosts, losses, seasonality

and past management experiences and

future possibilities

Personnel, operational facilities,

equipments, training, supplies

Source of information: Three-monthly

updates, establishment of the Letter of

Agreement (LOA) and Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) Regional workshop :


Interest of the country collaborators &

availability of the quantitative

information from the past projects;

Government support to the project

May - Oct. 2010

Act.2. Project Planning workshop Personnel, operational facilities,

equipments, training, supplies

Source of information: Project planning

report that will be presented during inception

workshop; Project Planning: 26,000

Interest of the country collaborators and

Government support to the project

May - Oct. 2010

Sp. Objective 2

Act.1. Identification of key fruit fly

endemic areas in collaborating countries

Personnel, operational facilities,

equipments, training, supplies

GIS maps for each country for both melon

and fruit fly available on project website; GIS

mapping 25,000

Availability of the quantitative

information pertaining to the crop,

season, occurrences etc. on fruit flies


Act.2.Site selection for the project


Personnel, supplies Site selected and planned reported in

Inception workshop; Site selection and

survey 2,000

Interest of the country collaborators and

Government support to the project

Oct. 2010

Act.3. Current status of the crop

management practices in relation to the

fruit fly occurrences, seasonality,

losses, farmers knowledge etc

Personnel, supplies Data collected and utilized for the planning

purposes as reported in country paper that

will be presented during inception workshop;

baseline survey 4,000

Interest of the country collaborators and

Government support to the project


Spl. Objective 3

Act. 1. Population monitoring and

establishment of AESA methods for FF


Personnel, supplies, equipments and

operational facilities

Six-monthly reports; Trial development 9,000 Occurrences of the fruit flies and

interest of the farmers and trainers

Nov. 2010

Act.2. Adaptive and basic research on

establishing locally suitable IPM


Personnel, supplies, equipments and

operational facilities

Six-monthly reports; Adaptive research 15,000 Occurrences of the fruit flies and

interest of the farmers and trainers

Nov. 2010-April


Act. 3. Training of trainers course Personnel, supplies, equipments and

operational facilities

Three & six-monthly reports; training of

trainers 21,000

Occurrences of fruit flies, availability of

the proven and working options for fruit

fly IPM and interest of farmers and IPM


Nov. 2010-April


Act. 4. Possible research on FF IPM by

national of Mekong country

Personnel, supplies, equipments and

operational facilities

Six-monthly report and final report Interest of individual to undertake

research on fruit fly IPM

May 2010-June


Spl. Objective 4

Act.1. Twenty-four (24 ) FFS will be

conducted and total 24x30 = 720

farmers will be trained in FF IPM in

Mekong countries

Personnel, supplies, equipments and

operational facilities

Three & six-monthly reports; FFS 32,000 Occurrences of the fruit flies and

interest of the farmers and trainers

June - Nov. 2011

(FFS) & Nov. 2011 -

April 2012 (seond

season FFS)

Act.2. Exposure to 1500 additional

farmers through field-days

Personnel, supplies Three and six-monthly report; Field day


interest of the other farmers from the

communities to learn about FF IPM

Nov. 2010 - April


Act.3. Thirty (30) personnel from plant

protection departments will be exposed

to the project and leanings

Personnel, supplies Three and six-monthly report; Exposure visit


Interest among plant protection

personnel on fruit fly IPM and/or

management issues

Nov. 2010 - April


Sp. Objective 5

Act.1. Development of website on FF


Personnel, equipment and supplies Website; website development, 10,000 May 2010-Nov.2010

Act.2. Conduction of local workshops in

conjunction with FFS & participation in

regional, international workshop

Personnel, equipments Three and six-monthly reports; 0 May 2010-June


Act.3. Production of extension

brochures (500 copies) bi-lingual in each

4 country

Personnel, supplies Brochures; Brochures 6,700 Need to extend FF IPM among others in

the society

March - June 2012

(consolidaiton of


development of



Act.4. Establishment of Asian Fruit Fly

IPM Network

Personnel, supplies, website Website; Network, 7,500 The plant protection communities

remained interested in fruit fly IPM


May 2010-June