Topic: 2.1 - Electromagnetic Spectrum Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 8.6. Describe the types of electromagnetic waves that are located on the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma Rays, X-Rays, Ultraviolet, Visible, Infrared, Microwaves, Radio Compare the wavelengths, frequency, and energy of the different types of electromagnetic waves. What is an electromagnetic wave? An electromagnetic wave is a wave of energy produced when an electric charge accelerates (Figure 8.9). How are all electromagnetic waves the same? How do they differ? In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves move at the same speed—the speed of light, c. How they differ from one another is in terms of their frequency. Use the websites and chapter sections listed to research applications of the electromagnetic spectrum. Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 10.2 "DNA Technology and Genomics" (Biology E-text located in Course Compass) http://science.hq.nasa.gov/kids/imagers/ems/index.html http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/ems2.html http://www.comet.ucar.edu/nsflab/web/satellite/224.htm Applications to research: Gamma Rays X-rays Ultraviolet Radiation Infrared Microwaves Radio Waves (AM and FM) Review Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 8.

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Topic: 2.1 - Electromagnetic Spectrum

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 8.6.

Describe the types of electromagnetic waves that are located on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Gamma Rays, X-Rays, Ultraviolet, Visible, Infrared, Microwaves, Radio

Compare the wavelengths, frequency, and energy of the different types of electromagnetic waves.

What is an electromagnetic wave?

An electromagnetic wave is a wave of energy produced when an electric charge accelerates (Figure 8.9).

How are all electromagnetic waves the same? How do they differ?

In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves move at the same speed—the speed of light, c. How they differ from one another is in terms of their frequency.

Use the websites and chapter sections listed to research applications of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 10.2 "DNA Technology and Genomics" (Biology E-text located in Course Compass) http://science.hq.nasa.gov/kids/imagers/ems/index.html   http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/ems2.html http://www.comet.ucar.edu/nsflab/web/satellite/224.htm

Applications to research: 

Gamma Rays X-rays Ultraviolet Radiation Infrared Microwaves Radio Waves (AM and FM)

Review Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 8.

Contrast the types of electromagnetic waves found in the electromagnetic spectrum. Why do submerged objects appear to be nearer the surface than they actually are?

Because of refraction, submerged objects appear to be magnified.

Define reflection, refraction, and diffraction of sound and light.

Reflection The returning of a wave to the medium from which it came when it hits a barrier.Refraction The bending of waves due to a change in the medium.Diffraction Any bending of light by means other than reflection and refraction.

How does light act as both a wave and a particle?

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Light behaves as a stream of photons when it interacts with a sheet of metal or other detector and it behaves as a wave in traveling from a source to the place where it is detected. Light travels as a wave and hits as a stream of photons.

Topic: 2.1 - Forces and Energy

Go to "Week 2" of Integrated Natural Science and watch the video "The Inverse-Square Law."Reading: Chapter 5, Conceptual Integrated Science

What is gravitational force? The attractive force between objects due to mass.Explain what happens to the gravitational force when there is a change in mass and/or distance. As mass decreases so does gravitational force, and as distance increases gravitational force decreases.Use an example to explain the inverse-square law. If a person weighs 100 lbs at a distance d from earth’s surface, then that person would weigh 1/(2d) 2 when at a distance of 2d from earth’s center.What is projectile motion? Any object that is projected by some means and continues in motion by its own inertia.How does an object become a satellite? A projectile moving horizontally at 8 kilometers in 1 second.What happens to a satellite when its speed exceeds 8 km/s? It overshoots a circular orbit and instead follows an elliptical path.

Reading: Chapters 27.1, 27.2, 27.6, 28.4, and 28.6, Conceptual Integrated ScienceExplain the role of gravity in the formation of solar systems and galaxies. With the help of gravity, nebula, which is made up of gas and dust, compacts, heats up and finally forms solar system and galaxies.List the ways that gravity affects the objects in the solar system. Gravity keeps them “in place” and in orbit, it controls their movement.Why does the same side of the Moon always face the Earth? The earth’s moon spins at the same time it rotates, and it does at a rate such that the same side of the moon faces the same part on earth, as if the sections were matched.Explain the relationship between thermal energy and gravitational force in a star's life cycle. Thermal energy exerts a force from the center of the star outwards, whereas gravitational force exerts it from the outside inwards towards the center, when these two forces balance out, the star has reached it size and mass.How does gravity affect light in a black hole? Gravitation near the surfaces of these shrunken stars is so enormousthat light cannot escape from them.How does gravitational field affect light (refer to the footnote on p. 658)? light does curve in a gravitational field.

Reading: Chapters 4.5-4.10, 6.1, and 7.4, Conceptual Integrated ScienceWhat is potential energy? An object can store energy because of its position, shape, or state. Such storedenergy is called potential energy (PE), because, in the stored state, it has the potential to do work.

Give some examples of different types of potential energy, electrical potential energy,chemical potential energy, and gravitational potential energy. The chemical energy in fuels is potential energy, The potential energy due to elevated positions is called gravitational potential energy, electric batteries give electrical PE, this energy is available when atoms are /rearranged—that is, when a chemical change occurs.What factors affect the amount of gravitational potential energy? How much of a “fall”, or travel towards the center of the earth

Explain what happens to kinetic energy when the mass and speed of an object changes. KE also changesList examples of different types of kinetic energy. Explain the law of conservation of energy. Whenever energy is transformed or transferred, none is lost and none is gained, just changed.Define thermal energy. It’s energy in the form of heat, for example the sun radiates energy to earth in the form of light and heat.

Reading: Chapters 7.3-7.15, Conceptual Integrated ScienceWhat happens when a charged particle enters an electric field? If you place a charged particle in an electric field, it will experience a force.

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How can electric potential energy increase? the work done in pushing a positively charged particle closer to the positively charged sphere in Figure 7.9b increases the potential energy of the charged particle.Explain what volt means when referring to a nine-volt battery. The unit of measurement for electric potential is the volt, so electric potential is often called voltage. A potential of 1 volt (V) equals 1 joule (J) of energy per coulomb (C) of charge.Explain why glass is an insulator whereas silver is a conductor. Electrical conductors are materials that allow charged particles (usually electrons) to pass through them easily. Copper, silver, and other metals are good electrical conductors for the same reason they are good heat conductors: atoms of metals have one or more outer electrons that are loosely bound to their nuclei.These are called free electrons. It is these free electrons that conduct through a metallic conductor when an electric force is applied to it, making up a current. The electrons in other materials—rubber and glass, for example—are tightly bound and belong to particular atoms. Consequently, it isn’t easy to make them flow. These materials are poor electrical conductors for the same reason they are generally poor heat conductors. Such a material is called a good insulator.Why is a potential difference needed for an electric current? When the ends of an electrical conductor are at different electric potentials—when there is a potential difference—charges in the conductor flow from the higher potential to the lower potential. The flow of charges persists until both ends reach the same potential. Without a potential difference, no flow of chargewill occur.What is an ampere? The rate of electrical flow is measured in amperes. An ampere is the rate of flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second.Explain the difference between direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). By DC, we mean direct current, which refers to charges flowing in one direction. Alternating current (AC) acts as the name implies. Electrons in the circuit are moved first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, alternating to and fro about relatively fixed positions (Figure 7.16).

Explain the relationship between current, resistance, and voltage in Ohm's law. ERROR PG 127 PRB #1 Current equals voltage divided by resistance.

What is a resistor? The current inside these and all other electrical devices is regulated by circuit elements called resistors (Figure 7.18), whose resistance may be a few ohms or millions of ohms.How does a parallel circuit differ from a series circuit? A simple series circuit is shown in Figure 7.21. Three lamps are connected in series with a battery. A simple parallel circuit is shown in Figure 7.22. Three lamps are connected to the same two points, A and B. Electrical devices connected to the same two points of an electrical circuit are said to be connected in parallel.How does magnetic force differ from electric force? Whereas electric charges produce electrical forces, regions called magnetic poles give rise to magnetic forces.Explain what makes an object magnetic. A magnetic field is produced by moving electric charges. Where, then, is thismotion in a common bar magnet? The answer is, in the electrons of the atoms that make up the magnet.How does a compass work? If you suspend a bar magnet at its center by a piece of string, you’ve got a compass. One end, called the north-seeking pole, points northward. The opposite end, called the south-seeking pole, points southward.What is an electromagnet? If a piece of iron is placed in a current-carrying coil of wire, the alignment of magnetic domains in the iron produces a particularly strong magnet known as an electromagnet.Describe how moving charges interact with a magnetic field. A charged particle has to be moving to interact with a magnetic field. Charges at rest don’t respond to magnets. But, when they are moving, charged particles experience a deflecting force.Why does a magnet deflect a current-carrying wire? But magnetic force acts at right angles to the magnetic field and the velocity of the charged particle.Explain electromagnetic induction. Faraday and Henry both discovered that electric current could be produced in a wire simply by moving a magnet into or out of a coil of wire (Figure 7.44). No battery or other voltage source was needed—only the motion of a magnet in a coil or a wire loop. They discovered that voltage is caused, or induced, by the relative motion between a wire and a magnetic field.

Watch the "Magnetic Forces on Current Carrying Wires" VideoGo to "Week 2" of Integrated Natural Science, watch the video "Magnetic Forces on CurrentCarrying Wires," and answer the following question:How do electric motors work?

Reading: Chapters 7.1 and 7.2, Conceptual Integrated Science

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What is the electrical force? The terms positive and negative refer to electric charge, the fundamental quantity that underlies all electric phenomena.Explain the conservation of charge. Another basic fact of electricity is that, whenever something is charged, no electronsare created or destroyed. Electrons are simply transferred from one material to another. Charge is conserved.How is Coulomb's law regarding electrical force similar to Newton's law of universal gravitation? The electrical force, like gravitational force, changes inversely as the square of the distance between the charges.How does Coulomb's law differ from Newton's law of universal gravitation? The proportionality constant k in Coulomb’s law is similar to G in Newton’s law of gravity. Instead of being a very small number, like G, k is a very large numberDescribe the inverse-square law. Force ~ (mass1 * mass2 ) / distance2

Topic: 2.1 - Nuclear ReactionsResourcesTopic ExplorationRead the article "Nuclear Fission Reactors" on p. 206 of the Conceptual Integrated Sciencetextbook.

What are the risks and benefits of nuclear power? Most of these elements have very short half-lives, but some have half-lives of thousands of years. Safely disposing of these waste products (as well as materials made radioactive in the production of nuclear fuels) requires special storage casks and procedures. Although fission has been successfully producing electricity for a half century, the search for satisfactory ways of disposing of radioactive wastes in the United States has remained unsuccessful. Risks attend nuclear power, but so do benefits. The potential benefits of fission power are: plentiful electricity; conservation of the many billions of tons of fossil fuels that every year are literally turned to heat and smoke (which fuels, in the long run, may be far more precious as sources of organic molecules than as sources of heat); reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions that occur with the combustion of fossil fuels and are linked to global warming; and the elimination of the megatons of sulfur oxides and other poisons that are put into the air each year by the burning of fossil fuels.

Reading: Chapters 27.3 and 28.4, Conceptual Integrated ScienceWhat happens during the thermonuclear fusion reaction in the Sun? Each thermonuclear fusion reaction in the Sun causes four hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to form one helium nucleus. The resulting helium has 99.3 percent of the original hydrogen mass. The difference in mass is converted to energy, which transfers away from the core in the form of X rays and gamma rays. At the surface, much is emitted as light, a tiny bit of which nicely reaches Planet Earth.When does the thermonuclear fusion reaction start? Fusion brought about by high temperaturesDescribe the difference between hydrogen-burning and helium-burning in stars.A star starts out and lasts most of its lifetime hydrogen burning. In the old age of an average-mass star like our Sun, the supply of hydrogen fuel is diminished so gravity overwhelms thermal pressure and the star pulls inward. As the burned-out hydrogen core contracts due to gravity, its temperature rises. At a certain point, the temperature becomes high enough in the core to launch helium burning—the fusion of helium to carbon. The star then has a structure consisting of concentric shells. Helium fuses to carbon at the star’s center while hydrogen fuses to helium in a surrounding shell.

Reading: Chapters 10 and 26.2, Conceptual Integrated ScienceList and describe how radioactive atoms are used in daily life (e.g.,. radioactive tracers,isotopic dating and radiometric dating, Geiger counters, radiation therapy, etc.).Reading: Chapter 10, Conceptual Integrated Science

Describe the general structure of an atom. atoms are made up of electrons, neutrons, and protons. The neutrons and protons lie at the heart of the atom—in the nucleus, the electrons occupy the outer space around the nucleusWhat makes an atom radioactive? Other atoms don’t have the right mix of protons and neutrons or have the wrong amountof energy. The nuclei of these atoms are unstable. Atoms with unstable nuclei are said to be radioactive.Explain the difference between an alpha particle, a beta particle, and a gamma ray. An alpha particle is the combination of two protons and two neutrons (in other words, it is the nucleus of the helium atom, atomic number 2). A beta particle is an electron ejected from a nucleus, the difference is that a beta particle

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originates inside the nucleus—from a neutron. As we shall soon see, the neutron becomes a proton once it loses the electron that has become a beta particle. A beta particle is normally faster than an alpha particle, and it carries only a single negative charge ( -1). Gamma rays are the high-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by radioactive elements. Like photons of visible light, a gamma ray is pure energy.List sources of radiation. The leading source of naturally occurring radiation is radon-222, an inert gas arising from uranium deposits. About 20 percent of our annual exposure to radiation comes from sources outside of nature, primarily medical procedures. Televisions, computer monitors, cell phones, fallout from nuclear testing, and the coal and nuclear power industries are also contributors. The coal industry far outranks the nuclear power industry as a source of radiation. The global combustion of coal annually releases about 13,000 tons of radioactive thorium and uranium into the atmosphere (in addition to other environmentally damaging molecules). Both of these elements are found naturally in coal deposits, so their release is a natural consequence of burning coal. Worldwide, the nuclear power industries generate about 10,000 tons of radioactive waste each year. Most of this waste, however, is contained and not released into the environment.

What is the difference between a rad (radiation absorbed dose) and a rem (roentgenequivalent mass)? Radiation dosage is commonly measured in rads (radiation absorbed dose), a unit of absorbed energy. One rad is equal to 0.01 joule of radiant energy absorbed per kilogram of tissue. The unit of measure for radiation dosage based on potential damage is the rem (roentgen equivalent man).* In calculating the dosage in rems, we multiply the number of rads by a factor that corresponds to different health effects of different types of radiation as determined by clinical studies.Explain the strong nuclear force and the electric force in an atom. We know that electrical charges of like signs repel one another. The strong nuclear force, which acts between all nucleons is very strong, but only over extremely short distances. Repulsive electrical interactions, on the other hand, have a relatively long range. For protons that are close together, as in small nuclei, the attractive strong nuclear force easily overcomes the repulsive electrical force. But for protons that are far apart, such as those on opposite edges of a large nucleus, the attractive strong nuclear force may be weaker than the repulsive electrical force. We see that there is a limit to the size of the atomic nucleus. It is for this reason that all nuclei having more than 82 protons are radioactiveERROR PG 196, DIAMETER OF A NUCLEUS Why must the strong nuclear force be present in the nucleus of an atom?Otherwise the protons would repell each otherHow does the size of an atom affect the strength of the strong nuclear force and the electricforce?What happens during nuclear fission? A nucleus splits and energy is releasedWhy is a critical mass of radioactive material necessary for a large explosion? In a small piece of U-235, neutrons leak through the surface before an explosion can occur. In a bigger piece, the chain reaction builds up to enormous energies before the neutrons reach the surface and escape (Figure 10.21). For masses greater than a certain amount, called the critical mass, an explosion of enormous magnitude may occur.Explain the meaning of the equation E=mc2. In this equation, E stands for the energy that any mass has at rest, m stands for mass, and c is the speed of light.What happens to the mass per nucleon in uranium when it is split into smaller nuclei. From Figure 10.26, we can see how energy is released when a uranium nucleus splits into two nuclei of lower atomic number.Describe the process of nuclear fusion. Energy is gained as light nuclei combine. This combining of nuclei is nuclear fusion—the opposite of nuclear fission.How does the mass per nucleon change in nuclear fusion? We can see from Figure 10.28 that as we move along the list of elements from hydrogen to iron, the average mass per nucleon decreases. Thus, when two small nuclei fuse—say, a pair of hydrogen isotopes—the mass of the resulting helium nucleus is less than the mass of the two small nuclei before fusion. Energy is released assmaller nuclei fuse.

Topic: 2.1 - Solar SystemResourcesReading: Chapter 27, Conceptual Integrated Science

What components make up our solar system? In addition to the Sun itself, the solar system contains at least nine planets, their approximately 150 moons, a large number of asteroids (small, rocky bodies), and comets (small, icy bodies). These objects exist in the interplanetary medium, a sparse blend of dust and gas particles.

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Describe how the solar system is organized. The Sun is at the center of the solar system and contains most of its mass—a whopping 99.86 percent. Moving outward from the Sun are, in order, the inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Next is the main asteroid belt, which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Then, there are the outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and, as we shall see, controversial Pluto. Beyond Neptune, containing Pluto, lies the disk-shaped Kuiper Belt (pronounced “koy-per”) of comets and assorted objects. Far beyond the Kuiper Belt is the Oort Cloud (rhymes with short), a giant cometary sphere completely surrounding the solar system.

Draw a diagram that shows the location of the various components that make up the solarsystem.

Describe the structure of the sun. The Sun, Earth’s nearest star, is the solar system’s power supply. Solar energy is generated deep within the core of the Sun. The solar core comprises about 10 percent of the Sun’s total volume. It is very hot—over 15,000,000 degrees Celsius. The core is also very dense, with over 12 times the density of solid lead. Pressure in the core is 340 billion times Earth’s atmospheric pressure! Despite this, the hydrogen, helium, and minute quantities of other elements exist in the plasma state. (Plasma, recall, is a state of matter similar to a gas except that it consists of ions and electrons rather than atoms, because highenergies have stripped atoms of their electrons.) The most important thing about the core is that this is where energy is liberatedthrough nuclear fusion. Recall from Chapter 10 that nuclear fusion is a kind of nuclear reaction in which lighter atomic nuclei combine to form heavier nuclei. Fusion brought about by high temperatures, as occurs in the Sun, is called thermonuclear fusion. All fusion reactions release energy because the total mass of reactants is greater than the total mass of the products. The mass “lost” in the reaction is converted to energy in accordance with Einstein’s famous equation, the mass-energy equivalence: .

Explain the orbits and rotations of the planets. Today we know that planets are relatively large and cool bodies that orbit a star.

How are the terrestrial planets different than the Jovian planets? Compared with the outer planets, the four planets nearest the Sun are close together. These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These small and dense inner planets all have atmospheres (though Mercury barely has one). They are also rocky planets, each with a solid, mineral-containing crust and an earthlike composition. This is why they are sometimes called the terrestrial planets. The more widely spaced outer planets beyond Mars are much different from the inner planets. They’re different in size, in composition, and in the way they were formed. The outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are gigantic, gaseous, low-density worlds. Because Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are similar to Jupiter, the nearest and largest of the outer planets, all four of them are called Jovian planets. All have ring systems, Saturn’s being the most prominent. Beyond these giants is outermost Pluto, much dissimilar to the other planets. So if Pluto isn’t a planet, then what is it? Consider three clues: • Pluto spends most of its time well beyond Neptune, in the region where the comets of the Kuiper Belt are located. Though Pluto is most often located in the Kuiper Belt region, its very elliptical orbit brings it closer to the Sun than Neptune at rare intervals. • Pluto’s orbit is highly elliptical, like the orbits of comets, and is steeply inclined (17 degrees) to the planetary plane, like the brim of a hat tipped to one side (Figure 27.20).• Pluto’s composition does not match any of the other planets but is a nearperfect match to the many Kuiper Belt objects.So, Pluto is now regarded as one of the many Kuiper Belt objects—much like a comet.

Make a table and compare the characteristics of the eight planets.Topic ExplorationGo to "Week 3" of Integrated Natural Science and watch the video "History of the Solar System."

Topic: 2.1 - StarsResourcesReading: Chapter 28, Conceptual Integrated Science

What is the general chemical composition of stars? All stars have much in common with the Sun. All are born from clouds of interstellar dust having roughly the same chemical composition as the Sun (Chapter 27). About three-fourths of the interstellar material from which any star forms is hydrogen; one-fourth is helium; and no more than 2 percent of the material from which a star forms consists of heavier chemical elements. Explain how stars can differ in brightness and color. Stars shine brilliantly for millions or billions of years because of the nuclear fusion reactions that occur in their cores. And all stars, the Sun included, ultimately exhaust their nuclear fuel and die. If you look into the night sky, you will see that stars differ in two very

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visible ways: brightness and color. Brightness relates to how much energy a star is producing, while its color indicates its surface temperature.What is the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram? The H–R diagram is a plot of the luminosity versus surface temperature of stars. Luminous stars are near the top of the diagram, and dim stars toward the bottom. Hot bluish stars are toward the left side of the diagram and cool reddish stars are toward the right side.

Explain the difference in the following types of stars: main sequence stars, red giants, andwhite dwarfs.MAIN SEQUENCE-most of a star’s lifetime, on the main sequence, with thermal pressure keeping gravity at bay. Speaking more generally, a star’s hydrogen-burning lifetime. RED GIANTS At a certain point, the temperature becomes high enough in the core to launch helium burning—the fusion of helium to carbon WHITE DWARFS the star becomes (or is becoming) planetary nebula, shedding away its outer layers into space. The nebula will disperse within a million years, leaving the Sun’s cooling carbon core behind as a white dwarf. Describe each of the possible stages in the life cycle of a star: protostar, hydrogen burning, helium burning, red giant, gravitational collapse, white dwarf, nova/supernova, neutron stars, and black holes.PROTOSTAR The hot central bulge of a nebula is called a protostar.GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE While low- and medium-mass stars become white dwarfs, the fate of stars more than about 10Msun is quite different. Such a star does not shrink to become a white dwarf. Instead, carbon nuclei in its core fuse and liberate energy while synthesizing heavier elements, such as neon and magnesium. The fusion cycles repeat until the element iron is formed. With no possibility of energy coming from fusion in an iron core, the center of the star collapses without rekindling. The entire star begins its final collapse. Then it explodes violently, hurling into space the elements previously manufactured over billions of years. It is during this brief time that heavy elements like silver, gold, uranium. Such a stellar explosion is a supernova. NEUTRON STAR The inner part of a supernova star implodes to form a core compressed to neutron density. Incredibly, protons and electrons compress together to form a core of neutrons just a few kilometers wide. This superdense, central remnant of a supernova survives as a neutron star. BLACK HOLE Dying stars with their enormous gravitational field about the imploding concentration of mass makes explosion impossible. Collapse continues and the star disappears from the observable universe. What is left is a black hole.NOVA If a white dwarf is a binary and if its partner is close enough, the white dwarf may gravitationally pull hydrogen from its companion star. It then deposits this material on its own surface as a very dense hydrogen layer. Continued compacting increases the temperature of this layer, which ignites to embroil the white dwarf’s surface in a thermonuclear blast that we see as a nova. A nova is an event, not a stellar object.

Topic: 2.1 - Studying the UniverseResourcesTopic ExplorationBefore starting your notes on studying the universe, answer the following pre-reading questions.Make a list of tools that are used in to study the universe.Why is technology an important aspect of astronomy?Reading: Chapters 28.7 and 28.8, Conceptual Integrated ScienceExplain the big bang theory.Explain how the following evidence supports the big bang theory: Hubble's law, cosmic background radiation, Doppler red shift, and element abundance.Take the Universe QuizGo to the Integrated Natural Science course and click on "Week 4". Access the "Universe Quiz."Answer the quiz questions, submit for grading, and then check your answers.Research Techniques Used by AstronomersAstronomy builds on the knowledge from other disciplines. Use these resources to research howastronomers use chemistry, biology, earth science, and technology to study the universe:Conceptual Integrated Science, Chapter 28.4 and 28.6 (PDF pp. 681 and 686)Integrated Natural Science, Week 4http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/astro-e2/astronomy/index.htmlResearch TopicsSpectroscopeSpectral linesAstrogeology

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General theory of relativityInfraredNuclear physicsMicroscopeMass spectrometersRadio receiverAtmospheric physicsDoppler shiftMathBiologyChemistryHeisenberg's lawDrake's equationGamma raysSpectral linesHubble's lawParallaxHR diagramResearch Tools Used in the Study of AstronomyUse these resources to research tools used in astronomy.Conceptual Integrated Science, Chapters 27 and 28Integrated Natural Science, Week 4Tools to ResearchRadio telescopeHR diagramHubble's lawOptical telescopeRadio telescopeHubble space telescopeVery Large Array telescopeX-ray telescopeInfrared telescopeGamma ray telescope

Competency: 114.2.4 Organisms Overall: 43.1%

Topic: 2.4 ‐ Cells



Topic Exploration

Go to "Week 9" of Integrated Natural Science and watch the video "Comparing Prokaryotic and

Eukaryotic Cells."

Reading: Chapters 12 and 13 - Biology

Read chapter 12 "The Cell Cycle" and chapter 13 "Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles" in the Biology textbooks.

Page 9: INC1 Review

What are the roles of cell division? Cell division allows the reproduction of cells, in turn, the continuity of life.

Look at the diagram on pp. 222 and 223 of "The Cell Cycle" chapter. List the events that occur during mitosis. G2 of Interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis.

Look at the diagram on pp. 244 and 245 of the "Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles" chapter. List the events that occur during meiosis.

Interphase Meiosis 1 separates homologous chromosomesProphase 1 Metaphase 1 Anaphase 1

Meiosis 2 separates sister chromatidsTelophase 1 and cytokinesis

Prophase 2 Metaphase 2 Anaphase 2 Telophase 2 and cytokinesis

Use the Figure 13.9 (p. 246) in the "Meiosis and Life Cycles" chapter to compare the two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis.

What is the end result of meiosis? Four sister chromatids

How does meiosis contribute to variation in offspring? The four sister gametes produced are genetically different to the parent cell and to each other.

Website Visit

URL: http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/bactcell.htm

Visit the Bacterial Cell Structure website at the above link and take notes on the following concepts.

Describe the pili, nucleoid, and capsule found in a prokaryotic cell.

Reading: Chapter 15, Conceptual Integrated Science

Describe the characteristics of organisms. Living things all share a set of characteristics. For one thing, they all use energy. Living things, such as the sunflowers and lions in Figure 15.2, take energy from the environment and convert it to other forms of energy for their own use.Explain the size, structure, and characteristics prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. These are distinguished primarily by the presence or absence of a nucleus, a distinct structure within the cell that contains the cell’s DNA. Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus (pro means “before” and karyote refers to “nut” or “nucleus”). Eukaryotic cells (“true nucleus”) have a nucleus as well as other structures not present in prokaryotic cells. Organisms with prokaryotic cells are called prokaryotes, and organisms with eukaryotic cells are called eukaryotes. Figure 15.7 compares typical prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotes have existed on Earth far longer than eukaryotes. In fact, prokaryotes first evolved 3.5 to 4 billion years ago, and they were the only living things on Earth until about two billion years ago, when the first eukaryotes appeared. Prokaryotes now include two major lineages, the bacteria and the archaea (Chapter 18). Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms and are very small, ranging from about 0.1 to 10 micrometers ( meter) in diameter. Their structure is considerably simpler than that of eukaryotes. The DNA of prokaryotes is found in a single circular structure called a chromosome and is not contained within a nucleus. Most prokaryotes have an outer cell wall that helps protectthe cell. The prokaryote Escherichia coli, an occupant of the human digestive tract and one of the best-studied organisms in the world, is shown in Figure 15.8. Eukaryotes can be single-celled, like prokaryotes, or they can be composed of many cells. The fungus known as baker’s yeast, commonly used in baking and brewing, is a single-celled eukaryote (Figure 15.9). Plants, animals, and most other fungi are multicellular eukaryotes. Eukaryotic cells have their DNA in a distinct nucleus, a feature that distinguishes them from prokaryotes. In addition, the DNA of eukaryotic cells is found in linear, rather than circular, chromosomes.

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Eukaryotic cells also have numerous organelles, structures that perform specific functions for the cell. Finally, eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells—where prokaryotic cells measure 0.1 to 10 micrometers, eukaryotic cells generally measure 10 to 100 micrometers. Some eukaryotic cells are even larger than that, however. Some of the organelles in eukaryotic cells look suspiciously like whole prokaryotes. Mitochondria (Figure 15.10), organelles that obtain energy for the cell’s use, are contained within their own membrane and have their own DNA, just like prokaryotes.Which structures are the same in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Cell membrane, DNA,

How do plant cells differ from animal cells?

Describe the structure of the cell membrane.

Explain the various transport mechanisms the cell uses to transport specific types of materials:

diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport, endocytosis (invagination), and


Describe the stages of mitosis.

What is the end result of mitosis?

Topic: 2.4 ‐ Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

Your study of chemical reactions includes resources from Integrated Natural Science. Be sure to

utilize each of these resources as you work to achieve competency in this topic. In your study of

chemical reactions you will focus on photosynthesis and respiration, two important reactions for all

living things.


Topic Exploration

Go to "Week 9" of Integrated Natural Science and watch the videos "Overview of Photosynthesis"

and "Overview of Respiration."

Reading: Chapters 15.8-15.10, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 15.8-15.10. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify

any confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

Why is ATP (adenosine tripophosphate) important to cells?

How do enzymes speed up chemical reactions in cells?

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What are the reactants and products in photosynthesis?

Why is light needed in photosynthesis?

Explain how the light dependent and light independent reactions produce the products of


What happens during the Calvin cycle?

What are the reactants and products for cellular respiration?

Describe the three stages of cellular respiration: glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron


Why is cellular respiration aerobic?

What happens when oxygen is not present in a cell?

Explain the role of the electron transport chain in photosynthesis and respiration.

Identify the cell organelles needed for photosynthesis and respiration.

Reading: Chapter 13, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 13. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify any

confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

What happens during a chemical reaction?

Why is the law of conservation of energy important in chemical reactions?

Give an example of an acid-base reaction and an oxidation-reduction reaction.

Explain how the following factors affect the reaction rate of chemical reactions: concentration

of reactants, temperature, and the addition of a catalyst.

What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions?

How can the addition of Sunlight affect chemical reactions?

Topic: 2.4 ‐ Genetics


Your study of genetics includes resources from Integrated Natural Science. Be sure to utilize these

resources as they provide a broad range of viewpoints on the topics you will need to master to

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achieve competency in this topic. Your study of genetics will focus specifically on how mutations

occur in the DNA and how traits are passed from parents to offspring.


Topic Exploration

Go to "Week 9" of Integrated Natural Science and complete the "DNA Fingerprinting Tutorial."

Research Genetic Technologies

Use Conceptual Integrated Science pp. 361-364 and Biology chapter 20, "DNA Technology and

Genomics," to identify applications for the following genetic technologies:

DNA fingerprinting

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

Genetic engineering

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Genetic transformation

Recombinant restriction enzymes

Gene therapy

Genetic diagnosis

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs)

Recombinant DNA technology


Stem cells

Reading: Chapters 16.5-16.10, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 16.5-16.10. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify

any confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

Explain how crossing over promotes genetic variation.

Describe the patterns Mendel observed when he experimented with pea plants.

Explain Mendel's two laws: the principle of segregation and the principle of independent

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Define the following terms related to Mendel's laws of inheritance: alleles, homozygotes,

heterozygotes, non-homologous chromosomes, and dominant and recessive alleles.

What causes genetic mutations?

What factors determine the effect of a genetic mutation?

Describe the different types of mutations and how each type affects the production of protein

and traits.

How does ionizing radiation from radioactive materials damage the DNA?

Why are bone marrow cells, hair cells, and cells in the gastrointestinal tract more vulnerable to

radiation damage?

Why do ultraviolet radiation and radon cause cancer?

Topic: 2.4 ‐ Matter


Your study of matter includes resources from Integrated Natural Science and a website visit. Be

sure to utilize each of these resources as they provide a broad range of viewpoints on the topics

you will need to master to achieve competency in this topic. Investigating how matter is organized

helps us understand how elements, inorganic and organic compounds, and materials differ. We can

then apply our knowledge of these properties in crafting tools, building structures, generating

medications, and inventing new applications to improve our lives.


Topic Exploration

Go to "Week 5" of Integrated Natural and complete the "Atoms and Isotopes Tutorial."

Reading: Chapters 9 and 11.7, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapters 9 and 11.7. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify

any confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

What are elements?

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Describe the location and charge of the subatomic particles that make up an atom.

Why are atoms electrically neutral?

Define the following terms associated with the atom: atomic number, mass number, atomic

mass, and atomic mass unit.

How do the three isotopes of hydrogen (hydrogen-1, hydrogen-2, and hydrogen-3) differ?

Compare the mass, atomic number, electrical charge, and neutron number for isotopes of iron

(iron-55 and iron-56).

Explain the shell model of the atom.

What are valence electrons?

How can the number of valence electrons for a given element be determined using the

periodic table?

List and describe the characteristics for the groups of elements contained in the periodic table.

Identify the number of valence electrons for each of these groups.

How does the number of valence electrons affect the properties of each group of elements?

How can you determine the number of neutrons in an isotope if you know the atomic number?

Reading: Pages 202-203, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, pages 202-203 (Chapter 10). Be sure to define any

vocabulary, clarify any confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your

study notebook, seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and

take notes on the following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

How does an atom of carbon-14 differ from an atom of carbon-12?

Does this difference between carbon isotopes affect how carbon behaves in a chemical


Why is this difference important for isotopic dating of organic remains?

Website Visit

URL: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/HBASE/Chemical/waterdens.html

Visit the Expansion of Water Upon Freezing website at the above link and take notes on the

following concepts.

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Why does water expand when it freezes?

Reading: Chapters 14.1 and 16.2, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapters 14.1 and 16.2. Be sure to define any vocabulary,

clarify any confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study

notebook, seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take

notes on the following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

The introduction for chapter 14 explains the difference between organic and inorganic

compound. What is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?

Classify the following compounds as organic or inorganic: water, RNA, gasoline, table salt,

carbon dioxide, vitamin C, amino acid, hydrochloric acid, fluorine molecule, sodium fluoride,

hydrogen gas, methane, carbohydrate, ethanol, DNA, silver, and oxygen gas.

What is a hydrocarbon?

Describe the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid).

If one strand of DNA is ATCTGCT, what is the order of base pairs on the other strand?

How would the opposing strand differ if it was a strand of RNA instead of DNA?

Reading: Chapters 12.6 and 12.7, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapters 12.6 and 12.7. Be sure to define any vocabulary,

clarify any confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study

notebook, seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take

notes on the following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

Describe the difference between a pure substance and a mixture.

What is the difference between a heterogeneous and homogeneous mixture?

What is a solution?

As you read through the section, make a list of examples or pure substances, homogeneous

mixtures, heterogeneous mixtures, and solutions.

Reading: Chapters 6 and 11, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapters 6 and 11. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify

any confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

Page 16: INC1 Review

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

Describe thermal energy and temperature.

Explain how thermal expansion affects substances.

What happens to the structure of water when it melts and freezes?

How does the freezing and melting of water differ from other substances?

Explain the differences between solids, liquids, and gases.

How does the addition of heat energy affect the motion of molecules?

Describe what happens at the molecular level during the following phase changes: melting,

boiling, evaporation, sublimation, freezing, frost (p. 594) and condensation.

How does a chemical change differ from a physical change?

Explain why some materials are conductors while some are insulators.

Why is it useful to have materials with different properties?

Reading: Chapter 12, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 12. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify any

confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

Explain how the number of valence electrons in an atom affects its ability to bond with other


Why do atoms form chemical bonds?

Compare the bonding behavior of Na (sodium) and Ne (neon).

Explain how elements form an ionic bond.

What is unique about a metallic bond?

How do elements form a covalent bond?

How can you use the periodic table to predict which atoms are likely to bond together?

Draw the structure and label the chemical bonds for the following compounds; NaCl (sodium

chloride), Al2O3 (aluminum oxide), F2 (fluorine molecule), O2 (oxygen molecule), N2 (nitrogen

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molecule), H2O (water molecule), NH3 (ammonium molecule), CH4 (methane molecule), and

CO2 (carbon dioxide), HCl (hydrogen chloride), NaF (sodium fluoride).

What is the difference between polar and nonpolar covalent bonds?

Topic: 2.4 ‐ Nuclear Reactions Topic: 2.4 ‐ Studying Organisms

Studying Organisms

Your investigation on how scientists study organisms includes resources from Integrated Natural

Science, "Medical Imaging: Illuminating the Body" (WGU Library E-reserves), and website visits. Be

sure to utilize each of these resources as they provide a broad range of viewpoints on the topics

you will need to master to achieve competency in this topic. The activities in this topic will help you

understand how scientists study organisms.


Topic Exploration

Make a list of tools that we use to observe organisms. Why are some tools better suited to some

organisms than others?

Reading: Chapter 19, Conceptual Integrated Science

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 19. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify any

confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

Describe how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems work together to perform human body


How does our body maintain homeostasis?

Explain how the neurons, spinal cord, and brain work together to respond to stimuli.

Take the Organisms Quiz

Go to the Integrated Natural Science course and click on "Week 9." Click the "Organisms Quiz."

Answer the quiz questions, submit for grading, and then check your answers.

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Once you have completed the quiz and received your results, compare your lower scoring areas

with your study journal. Does your journal address these questions or are there holes in your notes?

Discuss any questions you may have with a course mentor or in the message board.

Research Tools Used to Study Organisms

Use Conceptual Integrated Science, pp. 325-327 (Chapter 15) and 432 (Chapter 19), Biology

chapter 20: "DNA Technology and Genomics," and "Medical Imaging: Illuminating the Body" (WGU

Library E-reserves) to identify tools that are used to study specific types of organisms.

Optical microscope

Transmission electron microscope

Scanning electron microscope




CAT/CT scans

Unaided eye

Reading: Chapter 20, Conceptual Integrated Scienc

Read Conceptual Integrated Science, chapter 20. Be sure to define any vocabulary, clarify any

confusing topics, and answer all of the listed questions (if applicable) in your study notebook,

seeking assistance in the message board as needed. Pay close attention to and take notes on the

following questions, concepts, and ideas as you read these selections.

Explain the functions of the cells, heart, arteries, and veins of the circulatory system in

transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.

Describe how the cells, tissues, and organs associated with the digestive system break down


Explain how the cells, tissues, and organs in the respiratory and circulatory system function

interdependently to provide cells with oxygen.

Describe how the cells, tissues, and organs in the urinary system aid in eliminating waste from

the body and maintaining water balance.

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Explain the role of cells, tissues, and organs in the acquired immune response.