8 FACTS AND FANCIES. Furlong's, Eighth ami Ja?*Uson. Our prices are lower than any house in tlie city. .-. \u25a0 It Is (oYonr Interest , To read carel'uHy ? George 11. -Lams Furnishing Company's ad on St. Paul page. ?_ j ' \u25a0 .. Orchid Cream Beautifies the skin. "Paul Morpliy" Home-Made Cigars. Smokers of Domestic Cigars will be pleased to find them sold by all. ? Compare Our Prices ; > With others Minneapolis) on Furniture, and you. will find us from 5 to 40 per cent lower. 11. 11. Schroeder, 10 East Sixth street. The Most Stj li*H ami Beautiful Effects In line Millinery are to be found at Vose's. 522 Nicollet avenue, Minneapo- lis. Leave orders early. KTOyiMMly Loves Flowers and .Husk-. The Michaud Carpet Company will Rive a beautiful souvenir of natural flowers to each lady on Tuesday next at their grand second animal Dower opening of Carpets, Draperies and Paper Hangings. Seibert's orchestra all" day. 417 Wabasha street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. Furlong's, Eighth ami Jackson. Willow Twig Apples. t>Oc per peck. .Lovers of French And English Millinery will be pleased with Miss A. I). Walker's choice selec- tions at 18 Mannheituer block. All Kinds ol Wire Work. St. Paul Wire Works. 21 West Third. 15 1-3 Pounds Granulated Sn- gar, $1, At the Great A, & P. Tea Company, 418 Wabasha. Werners hhow Velvet Roses and Crushed Roses in sixty-two shades. Vose's Artistic Millinery. 522 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis. The choicest and most carefully selected stock of imported goods and novelties, and particular attention paid to the in- dividual wants of each customer. Carpenters. Machinists, Look at our fine line of Tool.-!. Call for our illustrated ? catalogue. St. Paul Hardware Company. '? ?.. A. 31. Toftley, Fine Dress Shirts, 51.50, made to order. Perfect fit and good work guaranteed. 27 East Seventh. Room 3. Table d'Hote Breakfasts and dinners, 50 cents and 75 cents respectively at Hotel liyaii Cafe. Catarrh Cured. A clergyman, after years of suffering from that loathsome disease Catarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prescription which com- pletely cured anil saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease sending a self-add stamped en- velope to Prof. J. A. Lawrence, 88 War- ren street, New York, will receive the recipe free of charge. Furlong's. Eighth aud Jackson. Three 3-1 cans Cal. Peaches, Plums and rapes, 50c. Choice Cooking Ranges. Pruden Stove Company, 409 Sibley. Tuberose Bulbs. North Star Seed Store, 91 West Third. The Latest Out. For handsome designs and styles, as well as new ideas on Wall Ornamenta- tion, you should call on St. Paul's ex- clusive Interior Decorator, G. W. Smith, 61 East Third street, where the choicest that money and experience can secure is displayed for your inspection. Mr. Smith has secured numberless new styles in English. American and Fiencli Papers for his spring trade, and no mat- ter how fastidious the customer may be. ho can surely tiinl something to please him in this vast collection. 1 Well Worth Reading 19 the Ad of Lams Furnishing Com- pany on St. Paul page. t Compare Our Prices With otheis (especially Minneapolis) on Furniture, and you will find us from 5 to 40 per cent lower. 11. H. Schroeder, 16 East Sixth street. Rats, Rats! This is no joke. The Marty Rat Trap catches them every time. Forty-seven caught in one trap in one night. St. Paul Hardware Company, 78 and 80 East Seventh. Table d'llotc Breakfasts and dinners, 50 cents and 75 cents respectively at Hotel Ryan Cafe. Kent's Storage and Forwarding Company Again to the front. The only reliable house in this line in the North- w c 8 t. What is Kent do- ing, his card will ex plain. We do Fire-proof W a r e- hou sine:, Pa c k i n g and Shipins: of Furniture, Carpet Clean- ing ami I .nyiner. Upholstering and Re- pair r :pianomovingaspec-ialty;Tiunks Removed lor '2sc. Excursion Busses fur- nished; none but competent help em- ployed. 189 and 191 West Seventh street, now Mooro Block, Seven Cor- ners: telephone 40-2. Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson* ?-?\u25a0 If) 1>,.n,l cvi'hnsrp. lie PftOti, POWDER Absolutely Pure* This Dowder never .varies. A marvel o purity, Birength and wholesoi(i9jjMs. . More economical than the ordinary klno?. and cannot be sold incojn petition with tue multi tu<lc of lrtwtesVsJion-weic?t alum or iilios- pbato pdwderE. Sold drily Incans. lioi'Ai, ItAJiJLNO i?OWJ>KH Co., 100 Wall 61,, N. Y. 7^[email protected] MUSEU|Uj-77Tf Ilia ram KOHL MIDDLETON & CO, IV I llf ra Ivg \%B ? 111 8 BEGINNING MONDAY, MARCH 31, The Greatest of All LivingWonders, \u25a0 MISS MYRTLE CORBIN I The Living Four-Legged Girl. 6ho Can Dance. She Can Walk. She Can She Can Whirl, This Twenty-Toed, Four- Footed. Fou.-Leggea Girl." SHE TRIPS ON TWENTY GUp'S A 1 IVG1 VG SHE A |bSt ? N '* TWINKLING TOES. One S ftllV? ? f ~; ? FAIRY FEET. She Is M Only Lining Human Quadruped in the World. ISHEwkar?4 BIG STAGE SHOWS ! ISHEw'r A & R J THEATER NO. I, g THEATER NO. 2. World's Fair Comedy Co, [Dan McEvoy's Hibernians. 10 Cents I The Banner Show of the Season. 1 10 Cents .\u25a0AaniBE.IIEi?TS. NEWMARKET THEATER. THIS (SUNDAY) WIGHT, - THE GREAT AND ONLY PAT EOONEY ! The Witching Elfin Star, MISS KATIE ROONEY -":.The Quaker City Quartette- '\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Laird. Ernest, Pieri and Graham? New York Star Comedy Co., Josie Rooney, ; Emma Howard. James Vinceut, W.H. Hatter, William Eunice and Per- tect Cast, in PAT'S NEW WARDROBE. O'HOOLIAN ...... PAT BOOS EY. NEWMARKET THEATER. One Week, with Saturday Matinee, Com- . mencing Monday, March 31, AMERICA'S MOST EMINENT ACTOB, MR. HAWORTH '[\u25a0 InSteele Mackaye's Masterpiece, -\u25a0 PAUL KAUVAR, Supported by ; MISS LIZZIE RECHELLE and Sir. Haworth's players, under the man- agement ofE. G. Stone. : . Secure Seats early Monday. < NEW OLYMPIC THEATER Seventh Street, Near Jackson. Pat Comjst, Prop. 1. W. J. Wells, Man. March 31and Nightly All the Week, and Sat- urday and Sunday Matinees at 2:30 p. m. 'i \u25a0 } y A ROYAL TREAT. ' '0- Graham's Big Specialty Company 1 . A coterie of star novelty artists, terminating with the most laughable comedy ever written, entitled "' MARRIED MASHERS. PAUL SLOWMAN-BILLY WELLS ; . And a great cast of characters, . Price5..; ....... .15c. 25c, 35c, 50c and $1.00 .*% \u25a0 .. _ remits, largest circulation and tj +% *%??? most advantageous | rates I are DBS I given by me Globs, the great a " ** ? R Want" medlunii ; :, ATWUSEMESTS. HARRIS'-:-THEATER ! Week commencing to-morrow night. The distinguished Irish Comedian ; .,vV>-^' and Vocalist, MR. JOHN S. MURPHY In the Great IrishDrama KERRY qOW. SEIBERT CONCERT; . 3 P. M. Day. 'f -:\u25a0:.--: The last at New Turner Hall. . . A sood entertainment at 25 cents. . ' \u25a0' IS*"" Next Sunday -i testimonial and posi- tively last concert this season at Newmarket Theater, with ' V SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. PEOPLE'S CHURCH. Thursday evening, April 3. \u25a0 Only appearance of ] MLLE. AUGUSTA OHRSTROM, One ofthe world's greatest dramatic sopranos, favorite singer and pupil of the Great Gou- nod, assisted by a numner of eminent artists. Seats at Dyer Bros.. 150 East Third street. Price 50, 75 cents, $1. ? \u25a0 . . ? J. KING & SON, MERCHANT- i-TAILORS 1 Good fit, style and reasonable prices. A splendid selection of English and Scotch Imported Woolens. . 37 E. FIFTH ST., ST. PAUL. MINN. NO TEETH NEED BE EXTRACTED ! THE NEW PORCELAIN PROCESS. Dr. B. C. Cornwell,(: Dentist. Seventh St, N. E. Cor. Jackson, St. Paul. .- Send for Descriptive Circular. . ~ \u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0 M p?> T ESS CURED by I I%m IXI- peck's : Pat. Invisible L*' t-" *? \u25a0 TUBULAR EAR CUSH- IONS. Whispers heard distinctly. Comfort- Bble Successful where all remedies fail. Ills book and proofs free. .. Address or call on P. HISCOX, 853 Broadway, N. ?. _ . ' BUSH NELL -<& BUSH NELL, Real Estate and Fi. a Aerents, Pioneer Press Building;. Valuable Real Estate, improved and unimproved, in all parts of the city. We have an exclusive iistonalaree amount of the best located property in the city. If you want to purchase, to improve or for an investment, call or address us. Mortgage Ixmns Negotiated promptly. We want good loans for 1600, $800, $1,000. $2,000, $2,500, $3.1100. $5,000, $15,000. *25,000y. at lowest rates, if " you have first-class security; money can be furnished in three flays from date of application. j' For Rent -Large house, partly fur- , nished, corner Western and Laurel av- enues, near cable. For Rent ? Fifteen-room house on i Eighth street; ; ; well located; . low rent to good party. , ?If you wish to do any business in our line, call on or address BUSHNELL &BUSHNELL -A.3STD- The Standard Investment Company ST. PAUL, MINN. fi \u25a0'"': OTOPB all I Adopted by the : w unnatural German Govern. JMJ 24 hours - P-S.C'..|i"ut,ipft? * I^|T|OU RE S Gleet American trade in <**m|| I v '& Gonorrhea patent bottlo hold W"W I in 3 days. ">g evrince (see t J { No Stricture ?>*/? 4laH <lrng- JlllNo Mn:...?|?!"'... ?t.OO, <?\u25a0 orspnt. eealed, for ?|.|O. Mi ilfSlVon MohlCo^oleAni.AQtafclnclnnatl.o 30 DAYS' TRIAL <-::. ,^\ir* I)R.!II)KXK'SKLECTKO HAQ -^egt^SSSil^riin^'^^ SlTl<; BKLTcoatalns23 to 100 \u25a0^?QgyaaEgJyllr^degrei;sol Electricity.poritlro- H^e?^-i;Jt ncOl^l1 / cares RHEUXITIBM. HEC- Brfij?|Pr ?lC Jia?^B|SAl-fi'A, UTKK.KID.NKY and dlieatei of tothKici.yoiuigcrold.ricaoT pwr. Bt?pst^4r?(?glng, care vonrnlf. GIARASTSED ' ttel*te?t lm^<iN?prt)Ted,cheif?ft ?i?ntifle. powerful, dor- and UDICaL ELECTRIC BEIT inthe WORM). : Beetrio Suspensories free wltnMale Belt?. Electricity instant- lyfell, - Call ?nd examine, cr (end (tuip for lUvutnted pamphlet art ?.'-'\u25a0 ..' '' - '-\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 x H.W.J HO?iI.IEMOYEOtoIBOWABASHAVf.OHICACO? TTHiln \u25a0\u25a0 ii tn \u25a0\u25a0in 1 <**?wMfra^^.^UHUBMMBm^MMISiCQi^Q. ? gustave? ? Seventh and Jackson Sts., St. Paul. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Lace Curtains by the Pair ! Lace Curtains by liie Pair ! Lace Curtains by ths Pair ! We show certainly the largest . and best line of LACE CURTAINS! In the City of St. Paul. See Our Lacs Curtains at 45c per Pair! Sea Our Lace Curtains at 65c per Pair! See Our Lace Curtains at 75c per Pair! See Cur Lace Curtains at $1.03 per Pair! See Our Lace Curtains at $1.25, $1.50. \u25a0\u25a0. $2, $2.40, $3 per Pair! See Our Lace Curtains at $4.35, $5, $6.50, $7.50, $8 per Pair! See Our Lace Curtains at $9.50. $11.50. $12, $15, $18 pc (Pair! See Our Lace Curtails at $20, $22.50, $25 per Pair! We show some Rare Novel- ties and New Designs in Curtains. TO-MORROW! TO-MORROW! TO-MORROW! 200 PIECES SATEENS! OMBRE EFFECT. (But not Cashmere Ombres, as claimed by some merchants) AT 15 Cents ! PER YARD. jot Ira New Unas of Corsets. New Lines of Muslin Underwear. New Lines of -Spring and Summer Underwear. New Lines of Hosiery. New Lines of Laces. New Lines of Embroideries. New Lines of Collars. DRESSJJOODS We Have Just Opened Largre Quantities or Mew Ira- ported Dress Goods New Mohairs, New Slciliennes, New Briiiantines, New Henriettas, New Cashmeres. The Sale of Our 46-Inch HENRIETTAS Has Been an Enormous One, and We WillPlace on SaJe Monday Two More cases at 59c Per Yard FULLY WORTH 75c Black Henriettas, Black Cashmeres, Black Cordovas, Black Armures, Black Mohairs, Elsck Silk Warp Mohairs, Black Drap d'Ete IN LARGE ASSORTMENTS. Slack Silks, Black Gros Grain Silks, Black Silks in New Weaves, lovelts in Colored Silks, Jew Lines of Surahs. JUST~OPENED! DRESSMAKING AND liies'Tailoiing DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fit and Superior Workman- ship Guaranteed. LADIES' Tailor-Made SUITS A SPECIALTY. Our Dressmaking De- partment is under the personal supervision of Mr. A. Neumann. New Connemaras ! New Jackets ! New Gapes! New Jerseys ! New Parasols CUSTAVEHEINEHANN SEVENTH AND JACKSON ST3., ST. PAUL. THE PAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MOBNING. MARCH 80, 1890-? SIXTEEN PAGES. Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson. Tlio very best Irish Potatoes, 30c per bushel.. Ladies take Angostura Bitters gener- ally when they feel low spirited. - It ; brightens them up. Dr. Siegert &Sons, ' sole manufacturers.. At all druggists. \u25a0\u25a0" Have -You Seen Our new Special Railroad Watch, open- 'face, beautiful engraved filled case, with full-jeweled Elgin stem-wind movement, for the very low price of SIN? "'.Every one warranted. A. .11. Simon, Jeweler and Loan Office, 314 Jackson street. To the Ladies of the Twin Cities. Our annual spring opening of Milli- ?! nery willtake place Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 3, 4 and 5. Mrs. i A E. Devitt, corner Seventh and Broad- way. Artistic Millinery Will be displayed April 8. 4 and 5 at E. Thompson A;(Vs., 18 Mannheimer. Lnoii at the Bargains Offered by George 11. Lams Furnishing Company, in their ad on St. Paul page. To the Public. The undersigned respectfully states that he is no longer connected with .the Kleist & Tillemaii band. Petkr G. Bkahx. Orchid Cream The great beautifier. Notice to Depositors. fS The quarterly interest term begins April 1. Money deposited on or before Apri: 10 earns" three months' interest" July 1, 1890. at 5 per cent per annum. The Savings Bank of St. Paul, south- west coiner of Jackson and Fifth streets. John S. Prince, President; Edward J. Meier, Cashier. Your Lawn Grass Now. De Cou & Co., 21 West Third. ' Beautiful Furniture. When yon want an elegant design in Furniture that is exclusiveatid original, you should call at the exclusive up- holstering establishment of P. J. Eis- wirih. Si West Seventh. Furniture re- paired and overhauled. Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson. Strictly Fresh Eggs, 14c dozen. Adam Fetsch's Fine Box Trade Famous Principe de Gales Cigars. %[; Orchid Cream Clears the face from blackheads. The Reed Portrait Company Have opened a studio in Room 4, Mc- Quillan Block, corner Third and Waba- sha. Panel and Crayon Portraits at very reasonable prices for first-class work. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0" ' i y 4 ; Storage Household Goods A specialty. Lewis &Anderson, 371 to 389 East Third. a rf:viarkabi,e painting. "Christ in i lie Temple" oh Free Exhibition at The Bazaar. Mr. Julius Segal], an eminent Ameri- can artist who has been residing in Venice for some years, but who is now livingin St. Paul, has placed on free exhibition at "The Bazaar," 163 East Seventh street, his justly celebrated painting entitled "Christ in the Temple," for which he received a spe- cial diploma of merit from Prof. Gugl- leimo Botti, inspector of the Royal Pic- ture Gallery of Venice. This remark- able painting is valued at $10,000. It represents St. Joseph with the little Jesus, St. Antomusand St. Anna, with Petrus of Alcantara holding a cross in the rear. The figures are life size, and the drawing, coloring, as well as the harmony of the whole ensemble, shows the genius of the artist to perfection. The clergy and the general public are cordially invited to view this beautiful work. Very respectfully. The Bazaar, 163 East Seventh street, next to corner Jackson. : Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson. Fifteen poumls Granulated Sugar. $1. ANNOUNCEraE%T. UK Annual. MKcTist; OF thi stockholders of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance company, for the election of a board of directois for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the company on Wednesday, the 2d day or April next, at 11 o'clock a. m. Charles R. Gilbert. Sfcretary. \u25a0__ i>;ed. ' M'PHERSON? IuRochester. Minn., on 29th, John Mr.Pherson, use thirty-five years. Funeral notice hereafter. MANNING? In St. Paul, Friday, March 29. at 9:45 p.m.. Mrs. James Manning. as?ed fifty-eight years. Funeral from family residence, No. '276 Gates street, Sunday. March 3-), at 1:3 >. Remains will be taken to Inver Grove for interment. FUNEBAI, ANNOUNCEMENT. WILLOUtJHBV-The fuueral of Kate E. Wilioiighby will take place from the Bates Avenue M. B. church to-day at 2:30 p. m. Friends are invited. ? FIVE-GLASS CARRIAGES for funerals, $3. ?0. 475 Rosabel, between Eighth and Ninth streets $20,001.00 I) RfirHFR H, I $20,000.00 WORTH UU IUU L IVX If LUULL WORTH Pure Brilfiantine Corner Seventh and Cedar Sts. PU r 6 Brl 111 aiiti n c HiRS! a sterling 'MOHAIRS! Ib? \s&. li 11SI B I \m I .';\u25a0 Aks& \u25a0. B . j" p \u25a0 '_ 'BT^L - B^___ B B ''^^^^B - ' ~~ AT isHEBW A&rA Hff ? AT? . We Shall Inaugurate on Monday, March 31, a Sale of All Dill' ft B" &^h /1a?}? PORE -:- BRILLIANTIME -:\u25a0 MOHAIRS! SMes , , j, X Q ? k S| l ? AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURER'S COST. Ml IIII U II II H j?S KjJJ All Mfih/iirQ rl l b I Never before have we offered such values, and the public 111 UII QUO Mil BVnvi/1 ". \u25a0\u25a0?/;:-? will attest their belief by visiting: our fNj , . \u25a0? ill IU I H 111 '-? Styles! At w luiui Dress Goods Department I:? ACT value $1.25 per yard. We are in possession of the most desirable styles of these goods that have ever been manufactured, and you cannot buy a single yard of them outside of our establishment. Upwards of 9,800 yards are on exhibition, and you should not fail to see them. A display in our corner window will tell you more about the facts. We have consummated what we should think the Greatest and Choicest Purchase ever made in Silk Umbrellas. T ?- mori ZnH y r r oppor " in silk Warp, I Don't Miss Them A - A - T SUN Mohair Filling, genuine %A I Q UPIBRELLIIS PARAGON _ frame $2.50 JJIbTu ??AT A _ nominal price! Handles of Silver Plate! Plate i Umbrellas Eaeh o NOMINAL PRICE! Handles of Gold Plate ! UlMeliaS Ea<MjJLl. Remember that some are better than others. We have over one thousand to select from. Come early, as there will be a throng at our counters. 200 Dozen sale 00 Cents min^TWW Yards 3,500 Yards LINEN BUCK TOWELS .KH Coph is the Time to Buy iupnQT}:n Will be on sale to- *"V M ' EMBROIDERIES \u0084, '?? mOFFOWat - : rSSnnmrnS VMM fl flVrl" \u25a0 Ift I wipw, * -.. EMBROIDERIES c?*olT IT AC 191 ft EaCh, IUrKBy EMBROIDERIES Embroidery Sfl M- \WS | IL2UEaCII, Red ALL FEflo?ii The win l-viiu b IE.ZU XdUlf Kea all fedoras Finest stylos and / i ? or ? rcuunna, niidii style 3 and m| s 8 for n^llai- Table ORIENTALS, Assortment CoSs FaSt j|| Cent O CHE Dollar VAN dyke in the \u25a0 trr;,,, ?0 per Don ' tN e m. Seelne Covers at SIZES. EFFECTS. City. \u25a0%&#??&?% | y Yard. &t Mm V^L^f | I QK hLA uLJb I B? am WKL jjf/Sr9k raY Bff Imk A^ i^^ii' Ba?a ? sz3"veitth: OEiD-A.pt sts.

in Warp, JJIbTu · 2017-12-14 · Beautifies the skin. "Paul Morpliy" Home-Made Cigars. Smokers of Domestic Cigars willbe pleased to findthem sold by all.? Compare OurPrices;> With

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Page 1: in Warp, JJIbTu · 2017-12-14 · Beautifies the skin. "Paul Morpliy" Home-Made Cigars. Smokers of Domestic Cigars willbe pleased to findthem sold by all.? Compare OurPrices;> With


FACTS AND FANCIES.Furlong's, Eighth ami Ja?*Uson.

Our prices are lower than any houseintlie city. .-. \u25a0

ItIs (oYonr Interest ,

To read carel'uHy ? George 11. -LamsFurnishing Company's ad on St. Paulpage. ?_ j

'\u25a0 ..

Orchid CreamBeautifies the skin.

"Paul Morpliy" Home-MadeCigars. Smokers of Domestic Cigars

willbe pleased to find them sold by all.

? Compare Our Prices ;>With others Minneapolis) onFurniture, and you. will find us from 5to 40 per cent lower. 11. 11. Schroeder,10 East Sixth street.

The Most Stj li*Hami BeautifulEffects

In line Millinery are to be found atVose's. 522 Nicollet avenue, Minneapo-lis. Leave orders early.

KTOyiMMly Loves Flowers and.Husk-.

The Michaud Carpet Company will

Rive a beautiful souvenir of naturalflowers to each lady on Tuesday next

at their grand second animal Doweropening of Carpets, Draperies andPaper Hangings. Seibert's orchestraall" day. 417 Wabasha street, betweenSixth and Seventh streets.

Furlong's, Eighth ami Jackson.

Willow TwigApples. t>Oc per peck.

.Lovers ofFrenchAnd English Millinerywillbe pleased

withMiss A.I).Walker's choice selec-tions at 18 Mannheituer block.

AllKinds olWire Work.St. Paul Wire Works. 21 West Third.

15 1-3 Pounds Granulated Sn-gar, $1,

Atthe Great A,&P. Tea Company, 418Wabasha.

Werners hhowVelvet Roses and Crushed Roses insixty-two shades.

Vose's Artistic Millinery.

522Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis. Thechoicest and most carefully selectedstock of imported goods and novelties,and particular attention paid to the in-dividual wants of each customer.

Carpenters. Machinists,Look at our fine line of Tool.-!. Call forour illustrated ? catalogue. St. PaulHardware Company.

'? ?.. A. 31.Toftley,

Fine Dress Shirts, 51.50, made to order.Perfect fit and good work guaranteed.

27 East Seventh. Room 3.

Table d'HoteBreakfasts and dinners, 50 cents and 75cents respectively at Hotel liyaiiCafe.

Catarrh Cured.A clergyman, after years of suffering

from that loathsome disease Catarrh,

and vainly tryingevery known remedy,at last found a prescription which com-pletely cured anil saved him from death.Any sufferer from this dreadful diseasesending a self-add stamped en-velope to Prof. J. A. Lawrence, 88 War-ren street, New York, willreceive therecipe free of charge.

Furlong's. Eighth aud Jackson.Three 3-1 cans Cal. Peaches, Plums

and rapes, 50c.

Choice Cooking Ranges.

Pruden Stove Company, 409 Sibley.

Tuberose Bulbs.North Star Seed Store, 91 West Third.

The Latest Out.For handsome designs and styles, as

well as new ideas on Wall Ornamenta-tion, you should call on St. Paul's ex-clusive Interior Decorator, G. W. Smith,61 East Third street, where the choicestthat money and experience can secureis displayed for your inspection. Mr.Smith has secured numberless newstyles inEnglish. American and FiencliPapers for his spring trade, and no mat-ter how fastidious the customer may be.ho can surely tiinl something to pleasehim in this vast collection.1

Well Worth Reading

19 the Ad of Lams Furnishing Com-pany on St. Paul page. t

Compare Our PricesWith otheis (especially Minneapolis) onFurniture, and you will find us from 5to 40 per cent lower. 11. H. Schroeder,

16 East Sixth street.

Rats, Rats!This is no joke. The Marty Rat Trap

catches them every time. Forty-sevencaught in one trap in one night. St.Paul Hardware Company, 78 and 80East Seventh.

Table d'llotcBreakfasts and dinners, 50 cents and 75cents respectively at Hotel Ryan Cafe.

Kent's Storage and ForwardingCompany

Again tothe front.The onlyreliablehouse inthis line inthe North-w c 8 t.What isKent do-ing, hiscard willex plain.We doFire-proofW a r e-hou sine:,Pa cking

and Shipins: of Furniture, Carpet Clean-ing ami I.nyiner. Upholstering and Re-pair r:pianomovingaspec-ialty;TiunksRemoved lor '2sc. Excursion Busses fur-nished; none but competent help em-ployed. 189 and 191 West Seventhstreet, now Mooro Block, Seven Cor-ners: telephone 40-2.

Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson*?-?\u25a0 If) 1>,.n,l cvi'hnsrp. lie PftOti,

POWDERAbsolutely Pure*

This Dowder never .varies. A marvel opurity,Birength and wholesoi(i9jjMs. .Moreeconomical than the ordinary klno?. andcannot be sold incojnpetition with tue multitu<lc of lrtwtesVsJion-weic?t alum or iilios-pbato pdwderE. Sold drily Incans. lioi'Ai,

ItAJiJLNO i?OWJ>KH Co., 100 Wall 61,, N. Y.

7^[email protected] MUSEU|Uj-77TfIlia ram KOHL MIDDLETON & CO, IVIllfraIvg \%B ? 111 8

BEGINNING MONDAY,MARCH 31,The Greatest of AllLivingWonders, \u25a0

MISS MYRTLE CORBIN IThe LivingFour-Legged Girl.

6ho Can Dance. She Can Walk. She Can She Can Whirl, This Twenty-Toed, Four-Footed. Fou.-Leggea Girl."



She IsMOnly Lining Human Quadruped in the World.ISHEwkar?4 BIG STAGE SHOWS ! ISHEw'rA&


World's Fair Comedy Co, [Dan McEvoy's Hibernians.10 Cents I The Banner Show of the Season. 110 Cents




PAT EOONEY! The Witching ElfinStar,

MISS KATIEROONEY-":.The Quaker CityQuartette- '\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

Laird. Ernest, Pieri and Graham? NewYork Star Comedy Co., Josie Rooney, ;

Emma Howard. James Vinceut, W.H.Hatter, William Eunice and Per-

tect Cast, in


NEWMARKET THEATER.One Week, with Saturday Matinee, Com-. mencing


MR. HAWORTH '[\u25a0InSteele Mackaye's Masterpiece, -\u25a0

PAUL KAUVAR,Supported by;MISS LIZZIE RECHELLEand Sir.Haworth's players, under the man-agement ofE. G. Stone. : .

Secure Seats early Monday.<

NEW OLYMPIC THEATERSeventh Street, Near Jackson.

Pat Comjst, Prop. 1. W. J. Wells, Man.

March 31and NightlyAllthe Week, and Sat-urday and Sunday Matinees at 2:30 p. m.

'i \u25a0 } y A ROYAL TREAT.'

'0-Graham's Big Specialty Company 1.

Acoterie ofstar novelty artists, terminating

with themost laughable comedy ever written,


MARRIED MASHERS.PAUL SLOWMAN-BILLY WELLS; . Anda great cast ofcharacters, .

Price5..;....... .15c. 25c, 35c, 50c and $1.00

.*% \u25a0 .. _remits, largest circulation and

tj+% *%??? most advantageous |rates IareDBSIgiven byme Globs, the greata"**? RWant" medlunii ; :,


HARRIS'-:-THEATER !Week commencing to-morrow night. The

distinguished Irish Comedian;.,vV>-^' and Vocalist,

MR. JOHN S. MURPHYInthe Great IrishDrama



-:\u25a0:.--: The last at New Turner Hall. . .Asood entertainment at 25 cents. .


\u25a0' IS*""Next Sunday -itestimonial and posi-tivelylast concert this season at NewmarketTheater, with '


PEOPLE'S CHURCH.Thursday evening, April3.

\u25a0 Only appearance of ]MLLE.AUGUSTA OHRSTROM,

One ofthe world's greatest dramatic sopranos,favorite singer and pupil of the Great Gou-nod, assisted by a numner of eminent artists.

Seats at Dyer Bros.. 150 East Third street.Price 50,75 cents, $1. ? \u25a0 . . ?


MERCHANT-i-TAILORS1Good fit,style and reasonable prices. A

splendid selection of English andScotch Imported Woolens. .



Dr. B. C. Cornwell,(:Dentist.Seventh St, N. E. Cor. Jackson, St. Paul. .-

Send for Descriptive Circular. . ~

\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0 M p?>TESS CURED byII%m IXI-peck's :Pat. InvisibleL*'t-"*? \u25a0 TUBULAR EARCUSH-IONS. Whispers heard distinctly. Comfort-Bble Successful where all remedies fail. Ills

book and proofs free. ..Address or call onP.HISCOX, 853 Broadway, N.?. _ . '


BUSHNELL,Real Estate and Fi. a Aerents,

Pioneer Press Building;.

Valuable Real Estate, improved andunimproved, in all parts of the city.We have an exclusive iistonalareeamount of the best located property inthe city. If you want to purchase, toimprove or for an investment, call oraddress us.

Mortgage IxmnsNegotiated promptly. We want goodloans for 1600, $800, $1,000. $2,000, $2,500,$3.1100. $5,000, $15,000. *25,000y. at lowestrates, if

"you have first-class security;

money can be furnished inthree flaysfrom date of application.

j' For Rent -Large house, partly fur-,nished, corner Western and Laurel av-enues, near cable.

For Rent ? Fifteen-room house oniEighth street;;;well located; .low rentto good party. ,?If you wish to do any business in our

line, call on or address


The Standard Investment CompanyST. PAUL, MINN.

fi\u25a0'"': OTOPB allIAdopted by the :w unnatural German Govern.

JMJ 24 hours-

P-S.C'..|i"ut,ipft?*I^|T|OURES Gleet American trade in<**m|| Iv'&Gonorrhea patent bottlo holdW"W I in3days. ">g evrince (see

t J { NoStricture ?>*/? 4laH <lrng-

JlllNoMn:...?|?!"'... ?t.OO, <?\u25a0

orspnt. eealed, for?|.|O.Mi ilfSlVonMohlCo^oleAni.AQtafclnclnnatl.o

30 DAYS'TRIAL<-::.,^\ir* I)R.!II)KXK'SKLECTKO HAQ-^egt^SSSil^riin^'^^ SlTl<;BKLTcoatalns23 to 100

\u25a0^?QgyaaEgJyllr^degrei;sol Electricity.poritlro-H^e?^-i;Jt ncOl^l1/cares RHEUXITIBM.HEC-Brfij?|Pr ?lCJia?^B|SAl-fi'A, UTKK.KID.NKYand

dlieatei oftothKici.yoiuigcrold.ricaoT

pwr. Bt?pst^4r?(?glng, care vonrnlf. GIARASTSED'ttel*te?t lm^<iN?prt)Ted,cheif?ft ?i?ntifle. powerful, dor-

and UDICaLELECTRIC BEIT inthe WORM).:Beetrio Suspensories free wltnMaleBelt?.Electricity instant-lyfell,

-Call ?nd examine, cr (end (tuip for lUvutnted

pamphlet art ?.'-'\u25a0 ..'' ' - '-\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 x


tn \u25a0\u25a0in 1 <**?wMfra^^.^UHUBMMBm^MMISiCQi^Q.

? gustave? ?

Seventh and Jackson Sts., St. Paul.


Lace Curtains by the Pair !Lace Curtains by liie Pair !Lace Curtains by ths Pair !

We show certainly the largest. and best line of


In the City of St. Paul.

See Our Lacs Curtains at 45c per Pair!Sea Our Lace Curtains at 65c per Pair!See Our Lace Curtains at 75c per Pair!See Cur Lace Curtains at $1.03 perPair!See Our Lace Curtains at $1.25, $1.50.

\u25a0\u25a0. $2, $2.40, $3 per Pair!See Our Lace Curtains at $4.35, $5,

$6.50, $7.50, $8 per Pair!See Our Lace Curtains at $9.50. $11.50.

$12, $15, $18 pc (Pair!

See Our Lace Curtails at $20, $22.50,$25 per Pair!

We show some Rare Novel-ties and New Designs

in Curtains.





(But not Cashmere Ombres,as claimed by some



15 Cents !PER YARD.

jotIraNew Unas of Corsets.New Lines of Muslin Underwear.New Lines of-Spring and

Summer Underwear.New Lines of Hosiery.New Lines of Laces.New Lines of Embroideries.New Lines of Collars.

DRESSJJOODSWe Have Just Opened Largre

Quantities or Mew Ira-ported

Dress GoodsNew Mohairs,

New Slciliennes,New Briiiantines,

New Henriettas,New Cashmeres.

The Sale of Our 46-Inch

HENRIETTASHas Been an Enormous One,

and We WillPlace on SaJeMonday Two More

cases at

59c Per YardFULLY WORTH 75c

Black Henriettas,Black Cashmeres,

Black Cordovas,

Black Armures,

Black Mohairs,

Elsck Silk Warp Mohairs,


Slack Silks,

Black Gros Grain Silks,

Black Silks in New Weaves,

lovelts in Colored Silks,

Jew Lines of Surahs.




Perfect Fit and Superior Workman-ship Guaranteed.




Our Dressmaking De-partment is under thepersonal supervision ofMr. A. Neumann.

New Connemaras !New Jackets !

New Gapes!New Jerseys !

New Parasols



Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson.Tlio very best Irish Potatoes, 30c

per bushel..

Ladies take Angostura Bitters gener-ally when they feel low spirited. -

It;brightens them up. Dr. Siegert &Sons, '

sole manufacturers.. Atall druggists. \u25a0\u25a0"

Have -You SeenOur new Special Railroad Watch, open-

'face, beautiful engraved filled case,with full-jeweled Elgin stem-windmovement, for the very low price ofSIN? "'.Every one warranted. A. .11.Simon, Jeweler and Loan Office, 314Jackson street.

To the Ladies ofthe TwinCities.Our annual spring opening of Milli-?!

nery willtake place Thursday, Fridayand Saturday, April 3, 4 and 5. Mrs. iA E. Devitt, corner Seventh and Broad-way.

Artistic Millinery

Willbe displayed April8. 4 and 5 at E.Thompson A;(Vs., 18 Mannheimer.

Lnoiiat the BargainsOffered by George 11. Lams Furnishing

Company, in their ad on St. Paul page.

To the Public.The undersigned respectfully states

that he is no longer connected with.theKleist &Tillemaiiband.

Petkr G. Bkahx.Orchid Cream

The great beautifier.

Notice to Depositors. fSThe quarterly interest term begins

April1. Money deposited on or beforeApri: 10 earns" three months' interest"July 1, 1890. at 5 per cent per annum.The Savings Bank of St. Paul, south-west coiner ofJackson and Fifth streets.John S. Prince, President; Edward J.Meier, Cashier.

Your Lawn Grass Now.De Cou & Co., 21 West Third.


Beautiful Furniture.When yon want an elegant design in

Furniture that is exclusiveatid original,you should call at the exclusive up-holstering establishment of P. J. Eis-wirih. Si West Seventh. Furniture re-paired and overhauled.

Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson.Strictly Fresh Eggs, 14c dozen.

Adam Fetsch's Fine Box TradeFamous Principe de Gales Cigars. %[;

Orchid CreamClears the face from blackheads.

The Reed Portrait CompanyHave opened a studio in Room 4, Mc-QuillanBlock, corner Third and Waba-sha. Panel and Crayon Portraits atvery reasonable prices for first-classwork. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0" 'iy4;

Storage Household GoodsA specialty. Lewis &Anderson, 371 to389 East Third.

a rf:viarkabi,e painting.

"Christ in ilieTemple" ohFreeExhibition at The Bazaar.

Mr.Julius Segal], an eminent Ameri-can artist who has been residing inVenice for some years, but who is nowlivingin St. Paul, has placed on freeexhibition at "The Bazaar," 163 EastSeventh street, his justly celebratedpainting entitled "Christ in theTemple," for which he received a spe-cial diploma of merit from Prof. Gugl-leimo Botti, inspector of the Royal Pic-ture Gallery of Venice. This remark-able painting is valued at $10,000. Itrepresents St. Joseph with the littleJesus, St. Antomusand St. Anna, withPetrus of Alcantara holding a cross inthe rear. The figures are life size, andthe drawing, coloring, as well as theharmony of the whole ensemble, showsthe genius of the artist to perfection.

The clergy and the general public arecordially invited to view this beautifulwork. Very respectfully. The Bazaar,163 East Seventh street, next to cornerJackson. :Furlong's, Eighth and Jackson.

Fifteen poumls Granulated Sugar. $1.

ANNOUNCEraE%T.UK Annual. MKcTist; OF thi

stockholders of the St. Paul Fire andMarine Insurance company, for the electionof aboard ofdirectois for the ensuing year,willbe held at the office of the company onWednesday, the 2d day or April next, at 11o'clock a. m. Charles R. Gilbert. Sfcretary.



M'PHERSON? IuRochester. Minn., on 29th,John Mr.Pherson, use thirty-five years.Funeral notice hereafter.

MANNING?InSt. Paul, Friday, March 29.at 9:45 p.m.. Mrs.James Manning. as?edfifty-eight years. Funeral from familyresidence, No. '276 Gates street, Sunday.March 3-), at 1:3>. Remains willbe takento Inver Grove for interment.

FUNEBAI,ANNOUNCEMENT.WILLOUtJHBV-The fuueral of Kate E.Wilioiighbywilltake place from the Bates

Avenue M. B. church to-day at 2:30 p. m.Friends are invited.

? FIVE-GLASS CARRIAGES for funerals, $3.?0. 475 Rosabel, between Eighth andNinthstreets

$20,001.00 I) RfirHFR H, I $20,000.00WORTH UU IUU L IVX IfLUULL WORTH

Pure Brilfiantine Corner Seventh and Cedar Sts. PUr6Brl111aiitinc

HiRS! a sterling 'MOHAIRS!Ib? \s&.li11SI BI\m I .';\u25a0 Aks& \u25a0. B . j"p \u25a0 '_ 'BT^L - B^___ B B ''^^^^B- '

~~ATisHEBW A&rA Hff

? AT?

. We Shall Inaugurate on Monday, March 31, a Sale of All Dill'ft B" &^h/1a?}?

PORE -:- BRILLIANTIME -:\u25a0 MOHAIRS! SMes ,, j,XQ? kS|l?

ATLESS THAN MANUFACTURER'S COST. MlIIIIUII II H j?S KjJJAll Mfih/iirQ rll b INever before have we offered such values, and the public 111UIIQUO MilBVnvi/1

".\u25a0\u25a0?/;:-? willattest their belief by visiting: our fNj, . \u25a0? illIUIH111

'-? Styles! At w luiuiDress Goods Department I:? ACT value $1.25 per yard.

We are in possession of the most desirable styles of these goods that have

ever been manufactured, and you cannot buy a single yard of them outside of ourestablishment. Upwards of 9,800 yards are on exhibition, and you should notfailto see them. Adisplay in our corner window willtellyou more about the facts.

We have consummated what we should think the Greatest and Choicest Purchase ever madeinSilk Umbrellas.

T?- moriZnHyrr oppor " in silk Warp, IDon't Miss ThemA


SUN Mohair Filling, genuine %A IQUPIBRELLIIS PARAGON _frame $2.50 JJIbTu

??AT A_

nominal price!Handles of Silver Plate!

Plate i Umbrellas Eaeh oNOMINAL PRICE! Handles of Gold Plate ! UlMeliaS Ea<MjJLl.Remember that some are better than others. We have over one thousand to select from.

Come early, as there willbe a throng at our counters.

200 Dozen sale 00 Cents min^TWW Yards 3,500 YardsLINEN BUCK TOWELS .KHCoph is the Time to Buy iupnQT}:n

Willbe on sale to- *"VM'EMBROIDERIES \u0084,

'??mOFFOWat - : rSSnnmrnS VMM flflVrl"\u25a0 IftI


-..EMBROIDERIES c?*olT ITAC191 ft EaCh, IUrKByEMBROIDERIES Embroidery SflM- \WS |

IL2UEaCII, Red ALL FEflo?ii The win l-viiubIE.ZU XdUlf Kea all fedoras Finest stylos and / i?or? rcuunna, niidii style 3 and m| s

8 for n^llai- Table ORIENTALS, Assortment CoSs FaSt j||CentO CHE Dollar VAN dyke in the \u25a0 trr;,,, ?0 per

Don'tN e

m.Seelne Covers at SIZES. EFFECTS. City. \u25a0%&#??&?% |yYard.

&t Mm V^L^f|IQK hLA uLJb I B? am WKL jjf/Sr9k raY Bff Imk A^ i^^ii'Ba?a ?

sz3"veitth: OEiD-A.pt sts.