In the quiet Quotes you might like to know and questions Drama group members: Geraldine, Dolly, Chen Chung, Gracelin, Kian Kiat and Clara.

In The Quiet

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Page 1: In The Quiet

In the quietQuotes you might like to know

and questionsDrama group members: Geraldine, Dolly,

Chen Chung, Gracelin, Kian Kiat and Clara.

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• You might or might not think the same as us so… :3

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A few questions to think about…

• This story was written in a first-person view. Do you think there is a meaning behind it?

• Does it perhaps make the story more interesting?

• Does it make it more heart-wrenching at the end?

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“They couldn’t get free, but they struggled all the same. Then we emptied the bags into the toilet. The flies were too wet to fly and we pulled the flush immediately. There was no escape.”

• This is a reflection on what life is to the protagonist. Humans struggle every single day to survive and cannot run away from life, but death always find them.

• Life is also full of unexpected events to the protagonist.

• In the case of the flies getting flushed into the toilet, humans also experience something similar all the time.

• Unexpected things can happen any moment and end the life of humans.

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“Anyone hurt? Not sure. Yes, I think. Was it one of the fruit-sellers by the street? Or a pedestrian?”

The protagonist knows that an accident has occurred and is curious, but isn’t curious enough to want to know the full story.

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• “We went about our recess, and I didn’t think much about the accident – it was nearby, but didn’t invade our world.”

• The protagonist is an innocent, carefree person who minds her own business. She is also innocent enough to think that the accident had no inclination towards her.

• Do you think the protagonist has a ‘I don’t care what happens as long its not someone I know’ attitude?

• In today’s context, do you think that we are being taught to mind our own business?

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• “Two worlds collided and merged, and it was a new old world, born in a silence I had never heard.”

The first world: A brighter world with Audrey.

The second world: A dull, mundane world without Audrey. The world is also not innocent, and is very serious.

By silence, it means that the protagonist is in much shock, and it is the first time she has ever felt it.

• When the worlds ‘merge’, do you think that somehow the protagonist is forced to ‘grow up’ suddenly?

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“It was a new world, and I expected different rules. I wanted different rules, maybe how it should change our lives, how we shouldn’t be walking around doing the same old things like studying Maths and History, eating, drinking, taking the bus home.”

• After the death of Audrey, the protagonist ‘grew up’ suddenly. She is no longer the innocent and carefree girl at the start of the story, because she experienced the death of a person dear to her. She thinks that doing the normal things she used to do are boring and redundant.

• Does she think this way because of the death of her friend?

• A sudden death; an abrupt end to someone with much potential and a bright future ahead.

• In the story, the protagonist might be thinking “Is there really any meaning to me doing all these things? To get a good future? What is good about that? To meet our deaths?”. What do you think?

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• “But I just cut out the picture. I didn’t have any picture of Audrey, and I wanted one, even if it wasn’t the Audrey I knew.”

• The protagonist wanted to keep a relic of Audrey, and it didn’t matter what it was. She wanted a relic because she was afraid of forgetting Audrey.

• This shows that the protagonist is quite sentimental, and that Audrey is someone extremely dear to her.

Family heirlooms. Keeping something that is passed down from generation to generation in remembrance of someone dear.

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• “Even now, I was the tough girl, I was tougher than most of them. I didn’t want to break that image.”

• Even though the protagonist is experiencing great grief, she still refuses to give in. She has a great sense of pride. She is actually hiding her true feelings even though she is feeling horrible.

• Crying is the norm when someone dies. Do you think the protagonist wanted to go against the norm by acting strong?

• Do you think that the protagonist thinks that she has to uphold her reputation of being a ‘tough girl’?

• How far does one go to retain and keep up with one’s IDENTITY. Identity is essentially a performance of sorts.

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• “I couldn’t look at you because I didn’t want life to be just like that. A face in a box.”

• The protagonist is frustrated at why all life is simply like this. You live a little while, and then you die. When you die, you become ‘a face in a box’, a thing of the past. The protagonist doesn’t want to be forgotten. The question arises of how one can live a legacy behind.

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