to BUFFALO COUBIER. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1914: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IS A MESSAGE-SERVICE—FINDING, AUTOMATICALLY, THE PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN YOUR MES-noc ~~YoVcAN'T HIDE ANYTHING AROUND CHRISTMAS BUT YOUR FEELINGS-By BItf WAJITstP^Alj*^. f^ i ^5?^ QH a T Hoi?* TI co' °CH£M: CHOOSE _ % M vftrAKA DOTTBLK 9EAR M H^T D W&W' SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL, 1»*_-™2f C?AL-THIS WEEK, ME1JT3 ».»_OJIL GRAIN WORK BH6BS. «•*- JSA«A DRESS SHOES, $2«. N l A ^5 OLES- ., ' .AOTIME playing ~**£* m *\"*2?? write f«r booklet 5* *•—tf%f_ W ~ANTifiD - Railway~^na» ^fLTSS clerk.: examination 9™n: over tw° thousand apiwtntments yearly; pi*P*£** MM cottage. ci»u Service vfruE™? deiphle. Pa. dec6tjan4_ Copftiffbt, 1014, by R. L. Goldberg. ; R L EARN btrtxr trade; tuition' *»; tool" riven: wares paid: hydraulic «)X_3.* •lectHc m u n g e . TH-Clty Barber *noo«. 150 Main St.. Buffalo- V T. ...Lai_ lipiLINO Clerk for large mantt- » factoring concern, only thoee wltl experience and managerial ca- pacity need apply. Good salary for right man wita ability, apply g*v Ja ft' Age, Experience, Beference and •al- ary expected, to FUe Clerk, care of Buffalo Courier.^ WM our Mi begins soon." "EngiishT business, short- hand, electrical, drafting courses Tuition one dollar per week. Send for particulars. Mention coarse. Bryant & mrat ^cl7tf AILROAD firemen, brakeroen; good waxes; experience unne<essary; senu postage. Railway. Buffalo Cuaitar d*cl:A><rxfria*aata VOO can prepare for promotion In ot, -»• evening school. Civil service ciaj R T F you want kelp of any kind or seeking •a. employment call at Murphy's Employ- ment Bureau. 12 South Division St. - A RE your creditors bothering you? •"•me help you. Expert advice 1 Let expert advice free. Artdrsaa Aid. Buffalo Courier__decl8tJan7 TXHJR young men to travel toward the P south, carfare advanced. No. 445 El- licott Square. •***__ SALESMAN and shipping clerk with *5 knowledge of whips and gloves; sten- ographer, $50; as teaman collector. $L; teamster, $13; tenant farmer, must know grapes, $35; bartender, II.* tenant farmer. $S5, everything furnished l-abor Clearing House. 37S EUlcott Sq.. Employment Bu- reau^ i _ B ECOME an expert moving picture op- erator: course based »n actual ex- perience; HO cover* all. Moving Picture Operating School. Curtt*>a Bldg., Huron ami Franklin Sts. --HMe^'-rTAVe ( tern VKervc I haws ~ro»s wo.. ) r\* MUCH f \ S I T HURT* Me, 1 CHR.\STMf\S \1'ANTED—Men to learn barber trade; " electric massage; tools Riven; wages f dd, tuition 125; oldest ami brat In city, nlted Tri-dty School. IT Exchange St., Buff alo. N. Y. EARN barber trade: toots oven; wages L electric massage: we guarantee to teach you. Call or write Miller Barber School, 207 Main .St.. Buffalo, X. V _____ X. messenger boy, 16 o r over. alet, 37* Maiti Bt 24t2S W'A.VTKI »» My Va Want Ad Agencies Courier Classified "Want Ada" will be received by any of the Agencies named below at 1c per word. Claeaifisd advortisementa for Sunday Courier must be at office of publication before 4 P. M. Saturdays. AUCTION. A UCTION", Thursday. PERSONAL. Deer. 24. at I tun- ford's rooms, beautiful fumed mission oak diatng room suite, handsome tapestry parior suite, solid leather chairs, couch J uachiuo cherry ice cream, caramel ke and davenport-sofa, solid mahogany chif-j crsam, fruit icecream and Dutch nud- TCE cream for the holidays; Santa 1- Clams molds, $1.50 dozen; special brick ice cream. Roman punch ice cream, mar- Classified Advertising Rates HKIP WANTED— FEUALB. \V T oMEN—Become government clerks; *™ $f*0 month; Buffalo examinations soon: sample questions free. Franklin Institute. I>spt. #73-W. Rochester. N. T. ___ dsrJtlysl _ 1X7ANTED Learn liairdresalng. facial A ik.us, Mia. Geo.. 1173 Jefferson; MULO pbunes. - _ AJban, C, lis Broadway; Howard 2a8-W. Federal 2976. Aldernuui. W . . 171 W . Ferry: North «M- Armstrong. J „ 21» Hudson; Federal U*u- Briggs. 3. If. tH W. Dels van; both phones Brown, L. H.. 429 Grant; both phones. Brown St Co., Elmwood Ave. and W UUcs, St.; both phones. __ Bauer, Mrs. L... Niagara and Carolina , Sts.; both phones, and scalp treatment and manicuring Bargar, Si. N . , 315 Pennsylvania; pnone*. at Mile. Jewell», 515 Main St.; open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. 22t:?4 ll'A.VTED—Oo«Kt honest widow to work ,w in Jewelry store. «*ail South Park Av« \\ v ANTEI> : ^~Youi»- honest glrl~to work * * in Jewelry store. 428 South Part Ave. t •yrrjATioN i WAyran^rwiajjL^ AyE do your family •*. ,^hlng for 75 ww cants; our long experience enables :ogu wst us toguarantee satisfa<ti od. wst Wash Laundry, i.e. Niagara St. New Meth- Bell phone North 1571-J; Kederal «711 its NKLP WANTED. |iHIRO-FRAtTIC Lean, Chiropractic, v- the wonderful aciei e of removing the cause of disease; bec< ,• inilependeat: ex- cellent profession: make bix money day and night courses; get enrolled for Janu- ary first term: write or call. Syracuse. School of Chiropractic. «c x iK 8a!ina Ht , Syracuse, N. Y. 21t' , 7 Midweek Comment ON THE Passing Shows. i-hea'a theater— AdeU.lt* and Hughes in classic dances, and Tom Lewis, comedian, head vaudeville bill. Shea's Hippodrome-T-wluy, William ramum in **Tbe Sign of the Cross; Christmas day, Saturday and Sunday, Dustin Farnum in 'Cameo Kirby." Frontier—Feature pictures, always; Christmas day, "Zudora." ., St ar—Julian Eltinge in 'The Crino- line Otaf: next week. Mrs. Patrick Campbell in "Pygmalion." Majestic—"Damaged Goods"; next week "September Morn " Lyric—Lyric Stock company in *The Fatal Wedding." Next week, ' T h e T w o Orphans," with Julian Xoa. Oayety—"Girls of the M.ulln Rouge"- next week, "Follies of the Day " Strand—"From the Manger to the CTosw. Teck—Spectacular photo play. "Da- mon and Pythias." Academy Tonight, Christmas eve cabaret, ten acta of vaudeville Olympic—Lillian Mortimer and com- pany, In "Irish Mollv-c*," heading vaudeville bill. Regent—Photo plays. Oarden—Auto Girls." AIT $450 A FOOT 1UFJNIMDS Other Witnesses Say Land Off Main Street Is Worth $500 and $600. Breckon. S. H.. Jefferson, cor Utica; ^phones. Brooks, T. J., Grant and Delavan; Phones. Collins, A. Forest and Grant; North Mi*. Collins, Jas., 82 Maryland; both phones. Covey, A., 360 Prospect; both phones. Cltne, M. D., iO Grant; both phones. Currier. Mrs. A., 368 Seneca; How. 1079-R- Campbell, A. £., 524 N i a g a r a ; T u p p e r 1124. Federal 857. Dohse. Mrs. F. C 171 W . Chippewa St.: F e d e r a l 13173. Elliott. Edward. 330 E l k S t ; Bell phone. Lrckman, P., 1534 Main; both phonea Fox, F . D . , 1262 Genesee; both phones. Fox. Mrs. L. A., S» Wast Ave.; phones. Freel, F. P., Suspension Bridge. N . T . Clever, G. H., 776 T o n a w a n d a St.; phonea North 713. F e d e r a l 71051. Griffin, C. T.. aS7 Niagara; both phones. Grimmer. F . . 417 Walden; Fed. phone. Gould. L. H., 412 Auburn, corner Bayoes: both phones. Heath. W. D.. S47 Connecticut; phones. Hersog, P. H. 3S1-33 Niagara: both phones Hlillgas, J. H„ 968 Elmwood; both phones. Hoehn Bros.. 911 Main St.; both phones. Harrington. D. J., William and Fillmore. H. Hambridge. 515 Broadway. Hathaway, 1SS8 Clinton; Frontier & Bell Lapp & Shoemaker. 2163 Main St; phone* Crescent 87, F e d e r a l 23SS2. Keater. Perry, 1467 Main: Bell phone. Kingston. E. A.. 1880 M»«n St.; phones B r y a n t 1096; F e d e r a l 2X11. Kloten. C. W.. Main and Utlea; phones. Kennedy, W. J„ 113 E . Ferry; both phones Kennedy, W., S5» B r o a d w a y ; H o w a r d 1249 Krummel. D. V„ 69 Grant St; F«d«rml XS992. N o r t h 2S84. Martin, Mrs*J. A.. 9B8 Clinton; phones. McElroy. 859 Niagara St.; both phones. McGarrtty. E.. 1514 Gene|e«; both phonea McLaren, E- J., 1846 Niagara St. phones North S43-W. Federal SXm. McMullen, J. W., U» Niagara; Fed. 14881. MeJJInger, H . 61 Niagara; both phones. Mills, w. J., Trinity and Morgan; phonea Nassel. E.. 827 Vlrginis' hoth phones. Ordway. F . C . 13 wadsworth; phonea Oshant drug store. 1513 Fillmore: phonea Penny. H. F., 689 Walden; both phones. Palmer, D. A.. 149 W. Mohawk: Fed. 15861. Patton. L. H.. 225 Allen; both phonea. Rah! Bros.. 560-G52 William: both phonea Rubenstein. S.. 160 Clinton; Seneca 44S1-J. Rice, Aden, 485 Porter Aee.: both phonea Root G A.. 248 High street. Ryan. M. T.. Lackawanna. N . T . SehefBer. Chas.. 1821 Genesee: Fed. phone. Slater, Thos.. 709 Michigan; Fed. phone. Standard. W. Z.. 1055 Main; Bell phone. Trometer, A.. Sycamore and Johnson Sts. Tusch, J. H.. «B W. Tupper street. Vnndewater. J. J.. 1» Mllltsry; phones. Wasmuth, C. W., 782 Elmwood; Fed. 12151. Werner, A. J.. Delavan and Elmwood: phones. Federal MR; Bell. North ltt Wild. A. A., 199 Allen street. WflMam. Mr*. A . «H P#»*rl; Federal 156SI Wolbert. Mrs. ff East Utlca: Fed. 89684. Zlmmermsn. E f* W VTj»mr«hlre. STTBURBAN. C. C. KERR, Young and Delaware, Tona- wanda. N. T. Both phonea Want ads received at office rates. EDWARD THOMPSON, Fort Erie. Ont E A. 'BUCK, Crystal Beach. Ont WALLPAPER. fonicr, ma-hogany and birdseye dressers, grand mahogany and mission library ta- ble; the finest mahogany bedroom suite in town with beautiful French plate mirrors; this outfit Is suitable for a palace; unusu- allv fine brass bed, empire box springs and mattress, parlor cabinet, book case. fine range, upright piano, sewing ma- chine, etc.. at auction if not sold before. ir?t24_ pay highest price for used furnl- re; drop postal. H. Eckhaus, 217 23t24 Ice Cream Co. Both 98e »* tu Seneca St. Al'TOMOBILKS. I r^ORD delivery touring and runabout bodies for sale or exchange. Geo. Sehmits & Co. touring and le or excha 666 Geneaee St. 15t28 \TEW batteries, $7; recharging, 26c. El- U senhans Machine Works, 500 Wash- ington St. decltSl jiANEL top. Ford delivery bodies; all trade Meyer s t y l e s , $66.00 and up; trade in tour- ing or runabout bodies. Works, 216 E l m street Wagon 13t31 I RENDERS, hoods, gaaolene tanks made and repaired. Connelly Auto Sheet Metal Works. 862 Broadway. Bell phone, tues. thur. sun. deel t31 ding. Culliton phones^ , For men's and women's $1.50 holl- - day slippers. W m . fit. Oppenhelm, 564 Main St. 22t24 C YLINDERS rebored, new piston" and rings: rings refit, carbon removed; ex- pert auto work. National Welding & Mfg. Co.. 1418 N i a g a r a St. dec3t31 S AFETY razor blades sharpened better than new. O'Brien's Pharmacy, Eagle aov25SJan8 QO For men's and women's $2 holl- * M day slippers. Wm. H. Oppen- helm, 564_Main_ St. 22t24 «2{1 A Down and $5 monthly buys the HPJ.U best lot, 40x115, in South Buffalo, for a home or an investment; will double In value in two years; water, sewer and sidewalk laid; two blocks from school and only 25 minutes from business center. John Dahlman, 366 South Park avenue. nov4tf and Pearl. Advertisement sc In six-point typ- ln regular classi- fied styla Gno cent s word JO^li-AND ROOM*. n Niagara street, near Main.—Furnish- ed single and double rooms !*)X Johnson Park Front parlor; gas ettM ^JShZmSSitZ ""O. U—*'grate, running water; hov.st keeping : each insertion Light ft play type In d dlt>- ined. Black fated type or cuts classified 1 r»OR s a l e ut half price, finest flve-pas- senger electric coupe in Buffalo; al- most new; first class shape; fine Christ- mas present. 80s Richmond Ave. 17t23 T.1ACTORY seconds, blemished, and re- -T paired tires; all sizes; cheap. Your old tires taken In exchange. Acme, 296 Broadway. . «****., C3IX-CYLINDKR seven-passenger Peer- >5> l e s s t o u r i n g car; exchange for corner building lot: must be location for gro- cery. Grelner. Walden Ave., Cor. Pine Ridge Mt24_ A UTOMOBILE wanted to overhaul. Walden Garage. Walden Ave., Cor. Pine Ridge If**.. TTtOR SALE—Limousine bodies, some as Jr low as $250. Pierce-Arrow Sales Co., Main St. store. 21t27 A UTOMOBILE parts for many make cars for sale. 666 Genesee St. 15t2S S AFETY First—Welding and brazing on all metals done right; automobile lamps repaired. Champion Welding & Mfg.. 898 Washington St. CABPKNTKBS AND CONTRACTORS. J W. SLATTERY, general contractor— I make a specialty of Jobbing, office and store work, single houses remodeled into flats; carpenters furnished by the hour. 455 Pearl St.; both phones. dec22tjan21 FOR SALE. WATCH advice you get of me is uner- vV ring because it was gained by over 33 years* practical experience under ex- ceptionally advantageous conditions, Blxby, the Watch Doctor, 485 Main St.; take elevator. 23t24 D ESKS, office furniture of all kinds bought, sold and exchanged. Buffalo Office Furniture Exchange, 86-88 Pearl 8C itai L ADIES' and gents' felt, beaver and velour hats cleaned and reblocked. William C. Dressel, successor to Vlckers, 338 W a s h i n g t o n St. dec9t29 women's $2.50 Wm. H. Op- 22t24 361 A.5Z For rnen " s and | qPX.tO holiday slippers, penheim, 564 Main St. C ORNS removed absolutely In one piece; positively painless. Goldberg. Chiropodist. Main and Chippewa. Open •vjenjnga JuaJgtf H OLIDAY Gifts—Why not a trunk, traveling bag, suit case, ladies' hand- bag, also music rolls, bill folders: you will find largest selection at lowest prices at J. Stumm, 48 Seneca St. IZtSl S4c an inch Dally Courier. $1.25 an Inch In Sunday Courier. $1.40 an inch In Daily Courier. $2.00 an inch In Sunday Courier. ABOVE ABE Ft«!T BATES, CASH WITH OBDES. Each figure and initial letter counts a word. In ordering by the line estimate about six words to the line. In ordering dirplay state how many Inches you wish advertisement to occupy. Copy for JBunday Courier ahouh* be at office of publication Friday evening to in- sure proper classification. Display rates given above apply only to classified oolumna. Regular display rats card furnlsSd on application. The Courisr has the greatest momma and Sunday circulation between New York and Chicago. It has more classified advertising and produces better results than any other "»Mlum In this territory. T CIRCULATIONi Sunday Coagier O v e r 100.0«J Dally CourBr O v e r SB.0S0 if desired. 2W7 IF THIS IS YOUR BIRTHDAY DECEMBER 24. HOI s i s FOB SALS. 4 ^ West Chippewa St. — Furnished for light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. _22.23.i'4,26_ hoard and single room,-$4.50 week; lunches pre- pared. dec7tJanll<>X8uns Ol Seneca; upstairs; good 1 S H\ W ' CtdlB»wm St. AJSU rooms.. v -Nicely furnished 23t25 1 ftsfl Mariner St.—Rooms to let; every- thing new; reasonable. 22.24,27 1410 Nia * apa St - — Beautiful furnished • L W front parlor; suitable for couple; also other rooms, town. $2 up; phone; down- 2ft24 St.—Housekeeping rooms very convenience. 23t2f! m Niagara with evi "I (I 4 Delaware Ave. — Large and small jj_* steam-heated sleeping rooms. 24t28 1 Q i ^ Delaware Ave. — Housekeeping -i-i/O rooms: single or ensulte. 24t28 201 E. Genesee St.—Housekeeping rooms; every Convenience. 23t25 iyOA Delaware, the Gables—Rooms with *J&£ running water, furnace heat. 22t31 The person born on this date will be successful in business. The nature i:; K UNZIE— See him before purchasing east side property. 382 William St. mayi'tf JJ..UW), Down, balance like rent; will buf 0P»A/U modern single house; full cellar, furnace, laundrx, electric lights; large lot. Address owner, Buffalo Courier. lfctSl rpWo hundred down, balance to suit, for A KB or 170 Schuehle Ave., near North- land; furnace and gas; open for inapec- seoretlve. conservative and careful in | tlon every day. Schorb, Brisbane Bide. money matters. latal The weak point in the nature is love of doing for others and generosity and good nature is often imposed upon by unscrupulous friends. The mental traits of honesty, con- centration, reliability and energy aro strong. The small enterprise has no attrac- tion for this personality. He must gee the big undertaking and he will plunge Into it heart and soul in order to make It pay. The woman of this birthdate is fond of show and seldom looks beneath the surface of things. She is extravagant and proud, and fond of social position The birthstone is a moonstone. The Want Ads offer many opportuni- ties this week for good rooms to bn rented, apartments to let and homes for sale. TJ»ST AND FOtlftP. L OST—Lady's gold watch. Main am Chippewa; please return t o 1034 W a l Zimmer. 1 EYEGLASSES—Appreciative and appro- J priate for Christmas; best grip; can't fall off; fit guaranteed; popular prices. Best * Co.. Opticians and Jewelers, Eleven Genesee St., near Main. 16t24 A CUTE and chronic - cases \aken at Frontier hospital; reasonable. Tele- phons. auglStf Fix's. 806 Jun28tf AZOR blades Main St. sharpened. (2*> <1Q For men's anu women's $4 hand qpw. i/O sewed shoes, in 30 different styles, at Wan. H. Oppenheim's, 564 Main street. 22t24_ E YEGLASSES expertly fitted by licensed optometrist of twenty years' experi- ence. Comerford's Jewelry Store, 14 South Division St. dec!7tjenl4 C HAS. H. NETSCH. 342 Genesee St.— Special display of Christmas novel- ties in great variety; also blooming plants and others, cut flowers and wax rosea, holly wreaths and greens. 18t24 YTTE do your family washing for 75 ™" c e n t s ; our long experience enables us to guarantee satisfaction; New Meth- od Wet Wash Laundry. 1245 Niagara St Bell phone North 1571-J; Federal 46716. It31 D R. BROWN of William and Jefferson St. {over drug store), has the only wonder for painless extraction of teeth, Bronozone. Open evenings- 20t26 F ALSE teeth, bridgework, old gold bought. Wiediger. 342 Ellicott Square. 20t26 Y\ T ATCHES advertised as thlrteen-dollar » » value for ten-fifty I duplicate for $9; bring in any advertisement and I will save you money. The Watch Doctor, over 4S5 Main St.; take elevator. 23t24__ "V"EW and rebuilt motion picture ma- -*-' chines: entertainments furnished. Dion, 24 Chapin block. 22t28 07ATCHES never get Inflated values here. If I say $9, it's worth It and there 1% none just as good for less or none rjetter till you go more than four- teen; ask me. Blxby, the Watch Doctor, 486_Mal£ St.; take^ elevator, 23t24 7ATCHES with 17 Jewels will not keep X(\s* Neckwear In holiday boxes for 25c OUL Blake Bros.. 300 Broadway. 20t24 den Ave. L OST AM Utica and Elmwood, small black purse containing $8, small bills, change; rewaSd for return. Miss Messlnger, 628 W. Delavan. upper west apartment. F IRST-CLASH agents wanted; salary and commission. Apply My Valet, 379 Main St. 22t28 A. P. F.; n change; rew. 1898 L OST—In sweet, stores or cars Wednes- day, lady's gold watch, monogram rn to 37 Coal & Iron Ex- 1. 24t25 BrSINSAS OPPORTUNITIES. LEWIS 1114 The leading and Oldest Established Business Brokers. Over 18,000 Satisfied Clients. Offices 578-58C A-B-C-D Ellicott Square. ^ "C^LEGANT frest side rooming house to •f-^ b e sold fop $650 c a s h . See Lewis early, 580 Ellicott ST iled on main street in one cities in New York state itition; under present man- Is run $S0-$60 week; you pach you the business free; offer around $2,000. Lewis, M OVIE-Lc of the bei no near com) agement prof can do same; any reasonabl SSO^Ellicott^ G ENERAL 30 miles western New per annum; $10,000; nothini 580 Ellicott S< lardware Business—Within luffalo; liveliest town In f o r k ; b u s i n e s s $30,000-$45,000 11 sell at inventory, about for the good will. Lewis. O J Q Niagara St.—Beautiful large front sVSO room; kitchen with gas range; also single rooms; very reasonable; all con- venlences. 22t2 l. OQ1 Porter Ave.—Beautifully furnished *J*J L rooms; running water, steam heat; first-class table; No. 5 car to Porter. 80t26 Delaware Ave.—Elegant three- roomed housekeeping apartment. 23t25 314 ATt*X Franklin, the Arno Excellent *x*0 board; large and single well heated rooms with running water; hot water al- ways. Bell phone decJtjanl AQ£t Prospect Ave. — Two connecting ^y^f rooms suitable for two gentlemen or ladies. 22t27 766 Elmwood—Room bath. on floor with 20,22,24,36 7VT£J Elmwood i t P board Rooms with first-class reasonable. 19t25 EATING IS A HABIT, A bad habit if you do not eat properly cooked food; a good habit If you eat wholesome, satisfying and nourishing, well cooked meals; try our kosher dinner; a full course, fifty-cent meal that is un- surpassed anywhere at any price (also a la* carte). PLAZA RESTAURANT, Ellfcott and North Division Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. Both phones. OFFICES TO I.ET. L OCATION for dentist; new office cheap. Grelner, Walden Ave., Sycamore car passes door. Pine Ridge; 1SL24 STORES BOB BENT. F OR RENT—Corner store. Falls and Third Sts.. Niagara Falls. N. Y.; one of the finest business locations In city; main floor 27x84; connecting store on Third St., 25x46; cellar, 45x114.Enquire Crick Realty Co.. 12 and 14 Crick Block, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Telephones 85. 20t2fi VEW plumbing store for rent; Pine ridge and Walden Ave. IttM \\'ILL sacrifice new home near Main » » St., eight rooms and bath; hardwood throughout; hot water heating system; large lot; room for driveway. Address Modern. Box 75. Buffalo Courier. »t26 O PEN for inspection today, two modern homes Just completed; hardwood trim and floors; eight and nine rooms;hot water heat; lot 46x135; easy terms. Apply Sum- mlt Park office. Main St., Cor. Minnesota Ave 1*C I jVMi Sale or Rent—Modern fiats, houses and apartmsnts. 8ee Rice Realty Co, 220 E l i . c o u Boj. Omce open evenings. , , MtM j \\ T EST side dwelling with garage; ten* " rooms; large bath; modern Improve-* ments; newly decorated and painted; price $4,500; temji to ault. J. Walter Gage Realty Co., 300 Main St. 22tJa' ^ A h all parts ot city, many atiractivs homes In Parkaide, list, with dstaiuj, and photographs on enquiry. Henry W. Fox. Erie Bank Bldg. novlttf the F INE store; good location; suitable for ladles' and gent's restaurant. Apply John Pfrang, 965 Main St. 23t29 L ARGE More on Broadway, near Mad- ison Street. Apply John Pfrang, 965 Main Street. 23t29 T HE RALEIGH, 354 Franklin St.—Fur- nished apartments; immediate posses-j slon; steam heat, electric light, etc.; alsojl one or two desirable rooms; hotel and " elevator service; downtown. MONEY TO LOAN. O PPORTUNITY for young man who k nows the grocery line and can In- v^t. $2T.0, to sdeure half Interest in busi- ness and a chance to buy the owner's A NY heir having interests in estates anywhere, desiring settlements ef- fected; money realized: realty loans. Ed- win W. Montgomery, Erie Bank Bldg. !St28 TJiUFFALO SECURITY CO.. 737 Ellicott .. »,i (\,f.i!r,r.n!M<" ti. i,,-vi,. ",'-,i huT-.ii- '"•'""> '•-""' •'• »»««ni<-«- t" nu> m e u« u*r & ~* Square, for Buffalo people; quick %\ .O0 kerchief'set" includTng a beau- I L' al? i n s A a!,me » t » !u " th 'y new stock. Ad- cans in amounts up to $200. as author- 5Z**L *& n \u k.%! w I d . res - Opportlnity. 484 Massachusetts ized by the tiful tie rack, t o r 98c. Broadway. Blake Bros., 300 20t24 Q>~t (iQ For men's, women's, boys' and # A . i 7 0 misses' $3 shoes, in 20 different styles, at Wm. H. Oppenheim's, 664 Main St., the shoe store that saves you money. 22t'l±_ $ 61 AQ For men's and women's $2.50 ^•*xO shoes, in 40 different styles, at Wm. H. Oppenheim's. 564 Main St. 22t24 C LOTHING sale; forced to sell; men's and young men's nifty winter suits, Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. f j^OR S A L E eries. g lisle & Malsc KING, 20126 loons, hotels, confectlon- es, rooming houses. Car- 747 Ellicott Sq. 22t28 IEN & MURPHY. Division St. C LASH quickly raised on your business ' or pronert] rpiIREE cents per roll, with or without * border. Comstock. 43 E. Seneca St its l,, - i • , . —J- "-J— , ,-\—^J FCBNITCBE BEFAIRING. U PHOLSTERING, reflulshing and gen- eral repairing; latest coverings on hand. Reliable Furniture Works. Main, near Utica St Both phones. declttl There were four witnesses before the river islands appraisal commission yes- terday afternoon to tell of their ideas of the value of the two islands off Main street which the city proposes to take for the purpose of enlarging- the wner harbor. The commissioners are <*oaeph V. Seaver. Elmer E, Harris and Jacob Lang. The witnesses yesterday ware Reuben a, Coataworth, Fenton M. Parke. U. W. Ooode and Charles L. Oumoy. Mr. Coatsworth valued the property at not leas than $500 a foot front He was asked many questions by Thomas . Burke and Henry W. Kllleen, rep- resenting the Seaboard Elevator com- pany and the Buffalo Creek Realty f/wnpaay. in which he rotated general xsr^ the B!ackweu aad <*• IJSL I '* rt, «^**«> »•* questioned at ^*2, r * r ?f? B * w * t0rtr<mt vah,es - He haie tasttBad tbm property as lt , tood was worth in the neighborhood of $600 a foot. Mr. Goode's figure was $450. "The river islands off Main street," said Mr. Gurney. "are worth at least $450 a foot. With railroad or street connections the property would have a mark t value of at least 11,000 a foot. I do not believe the fact the parcels of land it proposed to take are islands would make any material difference In their valuation." Mr. Gurney's connection with the condemnation proceedinga brought by the Lackawanna railroad against the Wells elevator property on the river front almost opposite t!»e islands caused him to be croaa-examined at considerable length regarding river property values. "Have you made any estimate of the value of the land which the city pro- poses to taker* was asked by Assist- ant City Attorney Hurley. "I have not," replied Mr. Gnrney. The commission will resume the hear- ing next Wednesday a t 2 o'clock. unless it is adjusted |o position. Ask I $9.90; wonderful values; hundreds to choose,1 cation in city; as good time as one with 7 jewels [ overcoats, balmacaans and rancoalts. QALOON bar W oldest and the Watch Doctor, over 485 take elevator. Main St.; 23t24 from; came and convince yourself: openj' n at y°ur o evenings. Sands, 55 Seneca street. 22t27 ! I S TORE fixtures, office furniture, house- hold goods bought and sold. berg, 510 Washington St. Wein- declt31 TRI'MSR* \.Vt> ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. A RTIFIC'IAL limbs, deformity appli- <** ances. arch supporters, leather Jack- ets and extension shoes. A. F. Upper. 566 Michigan Ave, 20.22.34 4 RTIFICIAL limbs, deformity appli- •*A. ances. arch supporters! leather jack- ets and extension shoes. A\ F. Upper. 566 Michigan Ave. 20t26 lin—Must sell this week; est downtown corner lo- lance of your life to get price. Call Seneca 912. 23t24 state law and under super- vision of the state banking department; If you have Interest, taxes or small debts pressing for payment we will let you have the money and you can return it to us In small monthly payments; cost of tsn months on $50. $6.50; $100, $13: larger amounts In proportion; no other chare»s. 2otas_ "VfONEY loaned on diamonds, watches •***• and Jewelry. Moses Cohen, 519 Main •treat, licensed pawnbroker. Strictly con- fidential, deeltfl ;J TRY THE i Greatest FURNITURE POLISH IN THE WORLD VAslIfOUSIK DUSTS, CLEANS, POIISHES AHDRENEW\J in one operation rORSALEEYfRYVHCRt Price 25*« M ONEY loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; Louis Meyers. established 271 Main St. 26 years. declt31 Deducted off the usual prtce'for T" H rKKOod renovating your hat this month. 13 PATBIfTS. 10c N. Division. dec2t31 B IG clearance sale on trunks, suitcases, bags, all leather goods and acces- sories; don't fall to see us before buying; everything marked down. Acme Trunk Store. 83 Seneca St^ 22t2S WASH Motor Washer; celebrated in economy: uses les« water, less soap, less time: only all-metal power washer. Phone or write Joseph R. fBaldwin, 100 E. Genesee St. 20,22,24 s 1 B PATENTS' promptly secured; moderate i 5iJ?' EDUCE your coal bill; great heat; no cinders: no clinkers; ask us. United Coal Savers association, X., Washington, dec22.24.27,31jan3 A charges. Emll Neuhart patent attor ney, 9-lt Blrge Bldg.. Cor. Main and Seneea Sts. suns.tues*thursdeclt31 PIANOS. E XPERT tuning, repairing, player ac- tions placed in any style uiano. Cremona Piano Co.. 806 Main St —w—• I J dec22t31 WOMAN SEEKS SON. In a letter to Inspector Martin, received yesterday. Mrs. A. M. Metter ot N o , 61S East Second street. Duluth. requests the police to aid ha seeking her son who, she said, started for Buffalo last Friday. PtAWO TEjriKfS. $1 Piano tuning; guaranteed. Address Rfwri T»«er 6*6 Main St ftJM STOVES AND BANGES. 4B D. H. PO.NAUilio.N repair ai. kinds of stovss and rangea 50 South Division St ectlt.Oftf o.° MVSICAL IKSTBDMENTS. G OOD Stelnway A 8on square piano, baby grand in beautiful shape, play- er upright, Rambrant and Schubert, all good second-hand pianos and genuine bargain at Panford's Auction House, 61« Washington St. 23t24 8 AFETY razors sharpened "right"; bar- yonr hair cutting. Shrimpton's Cigar Store. Chippewa and Franklin. 34&2S R AZOR blades sharpened for shaving. 20 W. Chippewa St. decffl jjanl__ M ORPHINE or liquor habits; no cure no pay; positive cure, painless and harmless. Information, write Keystone Sanitarium, Conneautville, Pa. 24t30 SOLID STERLING SILVERWARE Diamonds, jewelry, watches, first-class goods; prices lowest consistent with quality. Wm. Luts Co.. A. M. Davles, Prop., 71 Seneca St. Bell phone. TjRIVATE loans on furniture, pianos at loons; terms reasonable. I 6 ',' u V q ,e if r a ' .L a A e r^n^^V" o£\ one A Apply Johl Pfrang. 965 Main Street. ffiSJe^WP » r •• » , tu, i»r, Lu- ©Q/1A And services secures half inter- IP*-"-'" est in old established office busi- ness; references'requlred. Mr. Sharp. 43C Ellicott Sq._ /^ONFECTIOJ ^-•' eery, on ace for two hundre tng rooms. 47 will call immediately. 23t29 STOBAOB. H IGH-GRADE storage; one should be as particular in storing their valuable household goods as in selecting a suitable bank to deposit their money; they should select the best; we have the finest ware- house between New York and Chicago; fine, large vans, careful, experienced fur- niture backers, come in and see for your- self; estimates cheerfully given; both § hones. Our Own Delivery A Storage Co., ront Ave. and Georgia St. ItSI TNVESTORS-We are offering A equity In a four-family flat (Elmwood district) for $3,600; rental value $1^60; e*- penaw, including interest, taxes. etc., about $*I0. It. W. Goode & Co., 49 Nl- agara St. 23t2* SfeTi T ( i 4 r k~ Motlern two-family house on- <K*r, t\ru St Jamfs Place; hardwood floors, electric light, etc.: rent $636; fore- closure bargain. It. \V. Goods A Co., 49 Niagara St. att$ 4N especially attractive home on Sev- f **• enth St., near Connecticut; first floor contains hall, large parlor, library, din- ing room, kitchen, etc ; 2d floor, 6 bed- rooms, 2 bath rooms <on* tiled;; oak fin- ish; hardwood floors throughout; beam- ed ceiling in dining room; automatic hot water heater; house is In perfect condi- tion and is a great bargain; must be seen to he appreciated;?lot 55xl* J 2; price $10,000- terms. It. W. Goode & Co.. 49 Niagara Street. &x3& $ 5 frOO -000 * 1 two-«tory house~"and 't t \r\J\J garage. Massachusetts Avo„ near Richmond: low price to close estate, R. W. Goode & Co.. 49 Niagara Street. nm «I|7 L ** ,n * t °n Ave.-High-grade modem •*• house; latest Improvements; 2 bath rooms, electric light; large living room across the front; lot 50x161; special price for quick sale R. W. Goode A Co., 49 Niagara St. 23tS6 <jfe*> . % A A - B a r g a i n In two-story house T«T Vttr °R S . wa ?' ^ ear 8 ? rin «: rant $300. It. W. Goode A Co., 49 Niagara St. mm T>ARE bargain; 14-room brick house; JJ-* improvements; deep lot. 1J6 Cottage st -j_f / OTt Johnson Park—Front parlor; gas £*» grate, running water; housekeeping if desired, 2_t2l FARMS FOR SALE. SRY, cigars, shelf gro- int of sickness; will sell dollars: good corner; liv- falden Ave. I\"ANTED—Coipfectionery stores, room- » » ing houses and business proiwsltlons of all kinds and all sections of the cltv we have cleaned tip on practically all list- ed in tb° past year and we want a new list to start the New Year with; list now as we havo a laMte waiting list of clients. Foxton, 615 Brisbane Bldg. FURNITURE FOB 8ALE. O N account of moving away wflYsacri- fice five rooms of beautiful high-grade furniture like new for forty cents on the dollar; brass beds, leather chairs, rugs, buffet, etc.; also one new high-grade pi- ano for half price. Apply M. K. Lefler, 268 East Delavan Ave., upstairs over store. 24t27 CLAIRVOYANTS. AND MOvTNO. ors can be turned Into j . i ploy ing us to do the work: both phones. 580. Our Own De- livery & Storage Co.. Front Ave. and Georgia St u_ a#OVING day pleasure by OLD COLD AND SfLTER, ptASH paid for false teeth, bridgework. v^ old gold, silver, olatlnum. W m . W e - diger. Jr., 342 Ellicott Sq. 20126 MONEY WANTED. \Y"ANTED—$3,0C0 on new two-family * T house. Bell telephone Oxford 28**- L ARGEST eq moving, pa nlture and plan O. J. Glenn & ertt In Buffalo for ing and storing fur- estimates given. Phone 47 West Swan St. 23t24,26t27 J** euro. K NICKERBOCKER. Main ad Ferry- Dancing Christmas afternoon, even- ing: beginners Monday. Wednesday, Fri- day; advanced Saturday; private lesson*, one dollar; six for five; daily, nightly; rhlldren Saturday. 2©t26 PECTcrrvEa. YNTERNATl-»i\AJ. Detective Service. Mutual Life Bldg.; both phonos; con- fidential, dec-ftjanl MRS. BROUCK, The noted psycho-palmist. Is permanently located In her new private home, 2G07 Broadway. If you desire a real good, comprehensive, reliable reading, this is the place for you to come. ALWAYS S E E T H E BEST. Mrs. Brouck does not have you write a word, but simply taking your hand and looking Into your face will tell vou all that you desire. Consult her on business changes, love, marriage, domestic affairs etc. You have only to see this noted psychic to know that you have at least found the one to help you. Take Broad- way car to Wagner Ave. Hours 10 a in till 8 p . m . 2067 B R O A D W A Y . -—__-_______ M RS. BRUCE, the old famous spiritual adviser, will give you reliable advice on all affairs of life, business change. love, marriages; come and let me explain my work to you; it will cost you nothing and the readings are the righ* price Hours 10 to 8. Sycamore cars stops at door; best of references, 1042 Walden Ave No readings given on Sunday, tltM M RS. KING, 167 Niagara St (first flight up), palmist and clairvoyant, tells re- garding business, positions, sickness, love affairs, marriage and divorce. I7t21 T HERE are several ways to paca fur- niture for shipment, but only on* right way; if you are Interested In a first-class job call us up. Our Own De- livery & Storage Co., Front Ave. and Georgia St. Both phones. declttl SECOND HAND OWJTHINO WANTED. H IGHEST prices paid for gentlemen's cast-off clothing; send phone Seneca 2025-R. way. a postal or Miller's, 49 Broad- m24 "LXARMS For Sale—Write for our list of A fall farm bargains. A. B. Martin's Sons, Geneva. Ashtabula county, Ohio. au«17tf DMALL farms in and near Akron; 6 t o SO •^ acres; small down payment and easy terms. Murphy-Loftus Realty Co,. Akron, New York. 20.22,24 *>?C A c r e s . Genesee county; good road ~*r and near railway station; J 1-2 acres strawberries and raspberries, apples and large variety of small fruit; garden soli- nice house and good barn; $2,600; terms arranged. Murphy-Loftus Realty Co Akron. N. Y. 2Q.iB,_4" *VJ Acres, one mile from Akron; IS min- *r* utes' walk to New York Central and West Shore railway stations; barn but no dwelling house: $1,200; easy terms Murphy-Loftus Realty Co., Akron N Y g__Uj * m Acres on main traveled road near Akron; Very best of soil; good or- chard and large variety of small fmii good duelling, three ^ barna^chSin bouses, etc.; $61 per acre; terms to mutt !CTJ- Murpby-Loftus Realty Co.. : w.22.24 MEDICAL. D EWEY'S stomach capsules; wonderful little capsules for stomach ills; twen- ty-rive cents: all drug stores or mailed to any address; send 2c for a trial box. Frank T. Dewey. Druggist and Chemist. 97 Niagara St.. Buffalo. N. T. decStSl L ~ADlES~~TAsk your d r u g g i s t Vor Chichesters pills, the Diamond brand, for 2a yeurs known as best, safest, alway* reliable; buy ot your druggist; take no other. Chichesters Diamond brand pills are sold by druggist? everywhere. maySLtu. thur. sun. taprS I AERO WE. 87 W. Huron-Vapor bathsT J ek-c^c_vJbi^tory_treatments._ __ta PECIALIST in rheumatism; vibratory treatments, Walton. 124 S, Division 8t dec_0tjan23_ S PECIAL In cabinet bath. 6C W . CYtiD- __ D JI W ___-?!__-_— . i*t34 S PECIALIST In rheumatism, nerve" and stomach troubles; electric baths and vibrating treatments. Murray, 60 Niagara. ' dec2StJan22 H PECIALIST Electro vibratory treaT ment. 3H Oak St.. Ct*r ri*.--___ Flat 3. 8 VACANT PBOPEBTT WOm_mAtm Tl Mo ri hl _ 1 _- Jy0 lh « b «* t forty-foot lot * . '£ It?* nlSfcest part of South Buffalo, Just off the avenue and near the new high school; all[improvements paid and money loaned to build; open all day. Sunday and * evenlnr-. by appointment until 9 o'clock. John Dahlman, SS6 South Park Ave octJStf T>UILDERS—Lot corner Richmond and «_U r u$HT nrt . d f? a J ,na . p prlc * tor 1 ul <* sale, wm divide to advantage. R W C Acres. Military Road, extending to w SLJL C m. 5f* ck _i' „** "PechU price R. W. Goode. A Co.. 49 Niagara St 23t» FOB SALE OEElCMAHfll \ f AIN St. building, near Seneca strfeT -WA c o n t a i n i n g about 20,000 s q u a r e fest ° ' "oor "Pace, for sale cheap; would con- siderother ^property In part payment. R, V>. Goode A Co., 49 Niagara St. »t28 Oak St, Cor. Genesee, C3IX dollars; four-room flat U32 E l k S t ' FLATS A*D APABTMKNTS 90JJ£T. 1 ?Qli Rent or Sale-Modern apaitmentaT , ^"i 1 * S nd bouses, furnished or ur.fur- nish**d; all prices, all locatio Realty Co.. 2» Ellicott Sq. ings, S e n e c a S9S1. T EN dollars; lower fiat; 41_ Call Tupper 41U-J unfur- i. See Rl; Open % -•so* HSSSSJ ~ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Buffalo NY...to buffalo coubier. thursday. december 24, 1914: • classified advertising is a message-service—finding, automatically,

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Buffalo NY...to buffalo coubier. thursday. december 24, 1914: • classified advertising is a message-service—finding, automatically,




f^ i ^5?^ Q H a T Hoi?* T I co ' ° C H £ M :

CHOOSE _ % M v f t r A K A DOTTBLK

9EAR M H ^ T D W&W'

S A T U R D A Y N I G H T UNTIL, 1 » * _ - ™ 2 f C ? A L - T H I S W E E K , ME1JT3 » . » _ O J I L G R A I N W O R K B H 6 B S . « • * - J S A « A S » D R E S S S H O E S , $ 2 « . N l A ^ 5

OLES- ., — ' .AOTIME play ing ~**£*m*\"*2??

write f«r b o o k l e t 5 * * • — t f % f _

W~ A N T i f i D - Rai lway~^na» ^ f L T S S c l erk . : examinat ion 9™n: over t w °

thousand apiwtntments yearly; p i * P * £ * *

MM cottage. ci»u Service vfruE™? deiphle. Pa . dec6tjan4_

Copftiffbt, 1014, by R. L. Goldberg. ;


LE A R N b t r t x r trade; tuition' * » ; tool" r i v e n : w a r e s paid: hydraulic «)X_3.*

• lectHc m u n g e . TH-Clty Barber * n o o « . 150 Main St.. Buffalo- V T. . . . L a i _

l i p i L I N O Clerk for large mantt-» factoring concern, only thoee

wlt l experience and managerial ca­pacity need apply. Good salary for right man wita ability, apply g*vJaft' Age, Experience, Beference and •al­ary expected, to FUe Clerk, care of Buffalo Courier.^ WM

our Mi

begins soon." "EngiishT business, short­hand, electrical, draft ing courses Tuition one dollar per week. Send for particulars. Mention coarse . Bryant & m r a t ^ c l 7 t f

A I L R O A D firemen, brakeroen; good w a x e s ; experience unne<essary; senu

postage . Ra i lway . Buffalo Cuaitar d*cl:A><rxfria*aata

V O O can prepare for promotion In ot, -»• even ing school . Civil service ciaj


T F you want ke lp of any kind or seeking •a. employment call a t Murphy's Employ­ment Bureau. 12 South Division St. -

A R E your creditors bothering you? • " • m e he lp you. Expert advice 1

Let expert advice free.

Artdrsaa Aid. Buffalo Courier__decl8tJan7 T X H J R y o u n g men to travel toward the P south , carfare advanced. No. 445 El-l icott Square. •***__ S A L E S M A N and shipping clerk with * 5 knowledge of whips and gloves; s ten­ographer, $50; as teaman collector. $L; teamster , $13; tenant farmer, must know grapes , $35; bartender, II.* tenant farmer. $S5, everything furnished l-abor Clearing House. 37S EUlcott Sq.. Employment Bu­reau^ i _

BECOME an expert moving picture op­erator: course based »n actual ex ­

perience; HO cover* all. Moving Picture Operating School. Curtt*>a Bldg., Huron ami Franklin Sts.

--HMe^'-rTAVe ( tern VKervc I haws ~ro»s wo. . ) r \ * MUCH f \ S I T

HURT* M e , 1


\ 1 ' A N T E D — M e n to learn barber trade; " electric massage; tools Riven; w a g e s

f dd, tuit ion 125; oldest ami brat In city, nlted T r i - d t y School. IT Exchange St.,

Buff a lo . N. Y.

E A R N barber trade: toots o v e n ; w a g e s L electric m a s s a g e : we guarantee to teach you. Call or write Miller Barber School, 207 Main .St.. Buffalo, X. V _____

X. messenger boy, 16 or over. alet, 37* Maiti Bt 24t2S

W ' A . V T K I » » My Va

Want Ad Agencies Cour ier C las s i f i ed " W a n t A d a "

wil l be r e c e i v e d by a n y of t h e

A g e n c i e s n a m e d b e l o w a t 1c per

word . Claea i f i sd a d v o r t i s e m e n t a

for S u n d a y C o u r i e r m u s t b e a t

of f ice of p u b l i c a t i o n before 4

P . M. S a t u r d a y s .


A UCTION", Thursday.

PERSONAL. Deer. 24. at I tun-

ford's rooms, beautiful fumed mission oak diatng room suite, handsome tapestry parior suite, solid leather chairs, couch J uachiuo cherry ice cream, caramel k e and davenport-sofa, solid mahogany c h i f - j crsam, fruit i c e c r e a m and Dutch nud-

T C E cream for the hol idays; Santa 1- Clams molds, $1.50 dozen; special brick ice cream. Roman punch ice cream, mar-

Classified Advertising Rates


\ V T o M E N — B e c o m e government clerks; *™ $f*0 month; Buffalo examinations soon: sample questions free. Franklin Inst itute. I>spt. #73-W. Rochester. N. T.

___ dsrJ t ly s l _

1 X 7 A N T E D — Learn liairdresalng. facial

A ik.us, Mia. Geo.. 1173 Jefferson; MULO pbunes. - _

AJban, C , l i s B r o a d w a y ; Howard 2a8-W. Federal 2976.

Aldernuui. W.. 171 W . F e r r y : North «M-Armstrong. J „ 21» H u d s o n ; Federal U*u-Briggs . 3. I f . t H W . D e l s van; both

phones Brown, L. H. . 429 Grant; both phones. Brown St Co., Elmwood Ave . and W

UUcs, S t . ; both phones . __ „ Bauer, Mrs. L... N i a g a r a and Carolina

, S t s . ; both phones , and scalp treatment and manicuring Bargar, Si. N. , 315 Pennsy lvan ia ; pnone*.

at Mile. Jewel l» , 515 Main St . ; open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. 22t:?4

ll'A.VTED—Oo«Kt honest widow to work , w in Jewelry store. «*ail *» South Park

A v « \ \vANTEI> :^~Youi»- honest g lr l~to work * * in Jewelry store. 428 South P a r t Ave.


•yrrjATioN i WAyran^rwiajjL^ A y E do your family •*. ,^hlng for 75

ww cants ; our long experience enables : o g u w s t

u s t o g u a r a n t e e satisfa<ti od. w s t W a s h Laundry, i.e. Niagara St.

New Meth-

Bel l phone North 1571-J; Kederal «711 i t s


| i H I R O - F R A t T I C Lean, Chiropractic, v - the wonderful aciei e of removing the c a u s e of d i sease ; bec< ,• inilependeat: ex ­cel lent profession: make bix m o n e y d a y and night courses ; get enrolled for Janu­ary first t erm: write or call. Syracuse. School of Chiropractic. « c xiK 8a!ina Ht , Syracuse , N . Y. 21t',7

Midweek Comment ON THE

Passing Shows.

i -hea'a theater— AdeU.lt* and H u g h e s in c l a s s i c d a n c e s , and Tom L e w i s , c o m e d i a n , h e a d vaudevi l le bill.

S h e a ' s H i p p o d r o m e - T - w l u y , W i l l i a m r a m u m in **Tbe Sign of the C r o s s ; C h r i s t m a s d a y , Saturday and S u n d a y , D u s t i n F a r n u m in ' C a m e o Kirby."

F r o n t i e r — F e a t u r e pictures, a l w a y s ; C h r i s t m a s d a y , "Zudora." . , S t a r — J u l i a n E l t i n g e in ' T h e C r i n o ­l i n e O t a f : n e x t week. Mrs. P a t r i c k C a m p b e l l in "Pygmalion."

M a j e s t i c — " D a m a g e d Goods"; n e x t w e e k " S e p t e m b e r Morn "

Lyr ic—Lyr ic S tock company in * T h e F a t a l W e d d i n g . " N e x t week, ' T h e T w o Orphans ," w i t h Ju l ian Xoa.

O a y e t y — " G i r l s o f the M.ul ln R o u g e " -n e x t week , " F o l l i e s of the D a y "

S t r a n d — " F r o m the Manger t o t h e CTosw.

T e c k — S p e c t a c u l a r photo p lay . " D a ­m o n and P y t h i a s . "

A c a d e m y — T o n i g h t , Chr i s tmas e v e cabaret , ten a c t a o f vaudevil le

Olympic—Li l l ian Mortimer a n d c o m ­pany , In "Ir ish Mollv-c*," h e a d i n g vaudev i l l e bill.

R e g e n t — P h o t o p lays . O a r d e n — A u t o Girls ."


Other Witnesses Say Land Off Main Street Is Worth

$500 and $600.

Breckon. S . H.. Jefferson, cor Ut ica ; ^ p h o n e s . Brooks, T. J., Grant and Delavan; Phones. Collins, A . Forest and Grant; N o r t h Mi*. Collins, Jas . , 82 Maryland; both phones. Covey, A. , 360 Prospec t ; both phones . Cltne, M. D., i O Grant; both phones . Currier. Mrs. A. , 368 Seneca; How. 1079-R-Campbell, A. £ . , 524 N i a g a r a ; Tupper 1124.

Federal 857. Dohse . Mrs. F . C 171 W . Chippewa St . :

Federal 13173. Elliott. Edward. 330 Elk S t ; Bell phone. Lrckman, P., 1534 Main; both p h o n e a F o x , F . D. , 1262 Genesee; both phones . Fox . Mrs. L . A. , S » W a s t A v e . ; phones . Freel , F . P . , Suspension Bridge. N . T . Clever, G. H., 776 T o n a w a n d a St . ; p h o n e a

North 713. Federal 71051. Griffin, C. T.. aS7 N i a g a r a ; both phones . Grimmer. F . . 417 W a l d e n ; Fed . phone. Gould. L. H., 412 Auburn, corner B a y o e s :

both phones. Heath. W. D.. S47 Connect icut; phones. Hersog, P. H. 3S1-33 N i a g a r a : both phones Hli l lgas , J. H „ 968 E lmwood; both phones. Hoehn Bros. . 911 Main St . ; both phones. Harrington. D. J., Wi l l iam and Fi l lmore. H. Hambridge. 515 Broadway . Hathaway , 1SS8 Clinton; Frontier & Bell Lapp & Shoemaker. 2163 Main S t ; phone*

Crescent 87, Federal 23SS2. Keater. Perry, 1467 Main: Bel l phone. Kingston. E. A.. 1880 M»«n St . ; phones

Bryant 1096; Federal 2X11. Kloten. C. W.. Main and U t l e a ; phones . Kennedy, W . J„ 113 E . F e r r y ; both

phones Kennedy, W. , S5» B r o a d w a y ; H o w a r d 1249 Krummel . D. V„ 69 Grant S t ; F«d«rml

XS992. North 2S84. Martin, Mrs*J . A. . 9B8 Clinton; phones . McElroy. 859 N i a g a r a St.; both phones . McGarrtty. E. . 1514 Gene | e« ; both phonea McLaren, E- J., 1846 N i a g a r a S t . phones

North S43-W. Federal SXm. McMullen, J. W., U» N i a g a r a ; Fed . 14881. MeJJInger, H . 61 N i a g a r a ; both phones . Mills, w . J., Trini ty and Morgan; phonea Nasse l . E. . 827 V l r g i n i s ' hoth phones . Ordway. F . C . 13 w a d s w o r t h ; p h o n e a Oshant drug store. 1513 Fi l lmore: phonea Penny. H. F . , 689 W a l d e n ; both phones . Palmer, D. A.. 149 W . Mohawk: Fed . 15861. Patton. L. H.. 225 Allen; both phonea. Rah! Bros.. 560-G52 Wi l l iam: both p h o n e a Rubenstein. S.. 160 Clinton; Seneca 44S1-J. Rice, Aden, 485 Porter A e e . : both phonea R o o t G A.. 248 High street . Ryan. M. T.. L a c k a w a n n a . N . T . SehefBer. Chas.. 1821 Genesee: Fed. phone. Slater, Thos. . 709 Michigan; F e d . phone. Standard. W. Z.. 1055 Main; Bell phone. Trometer, A.. Sycamore and Johnson Sts. Tusch, J. H.. «B W. Tupper street . Vnndewater. J. J.. 1 » Mll l t sry; phones. Wasmuth , C. W., 782 E lmwood; Fed. 12151. Werner, A. J.. D e l a v a n and Elmwood:

phones. Federal MR; Bell. North l t t Wild. A. A., 199 Allen street . WflMam. Mr*. A . «H P#»*rl; Federal 156SI Wolbert . M r s . ff E a s t Ut l ca : F e d . 89684. Zlmmermsn. E f* W VTj»mr«hlre.

STTBURBAN. C. C. K E R R , Young and Delaware , Tona­

wanda. N . T. Both phonea W a n t a d s received a t office rates .

E D W A R D THOMPSON, Fort Erie. O n t E A. 'BUCK, Crystal Beach. O n t


fonicr, ma-hogany and birdseye dressers, grand mahogany and mission library ta­ble; the finest mahogany bedroom suite in town with beautiful French plate mirrors; this outfit Is suitable for a palace; unusu-allv fine brass bed, empire box springs and mattress , parlor cabinet, book case. fine range, upright piano, s ewing ma­chine, etc.. a t auction if not sold before.


pay highest price for used furnl-re; drop postal. H. Eckhaus , 217


Ice Cream Co. Both


» * tu Seneca St.


Ir^ORD delivery touring and runabout bodies for sale or exchange . Geo.

Sehmits & Co.

touring and le or excha

666 Geneaee St. 15t28

\ T E W batteries, $7; recharging, 26c. El -U s e n h a n s Machine Works, 500 Wash­ington St. decltSl

j iANEL top. Ford delivery bodies; al l trade Meyer

styles, $66.00 and up; trade in tour­ing or runabout bodies. Works , 216 E l m s t r e e t

Wagon 13t31

IRENDERS, hoods, gaaolene t a n k s made and repaired. Connelly Auto Sheet

Metal Works. 862 Broadway. Bell phone, tues. thur. sun. deel t31

ding. Culliton phones^

, For men's and women's $1.50 holl-- day slippers. W m . fit. Oppenhelm,

564 Main St. 22t24

CY L I N D E R S rebored, new piston" and rings: rings refit, carbon removed; ex­

pert auto work. National Welding & Mfg. Co.. 1418 N iagara St. dec3t31

SA F E T Y razor blades sharpened better than new. O'Brien's Pharmacy, Eag le

• aov25SJan8

Q O For men's and women's $2 holl-* M day slippers. Wm. H. Oppen-

helm, 564_Main_ St. 22t24

«2{1 A Down and $5 monthly buys the HPJ.U best lot, 40x115, in South Buffalo, for a home or an investment; will double In value in two years; water, s ewer and sidewalk laid; two blocks from school and only 25 minutes from business center. John Dahlman, 366 South Park avenue.


and Pearl.

Advert isement s c In six-point typ-ln regular classi­f ied s t y l a

Gno cent s word

J O ^ l i - A N D ROOM*.

n Niagara street, near Main.—Furnish­ed single and double rooms

!*)X Johnson Park — Front parlor; g a s ettM

^JShZmSSitZ ""O. U—*'grate , running water ; hov.st keeping : each insertion

Light ft play type

In d dlt>-


Black fated type or cu t s classified

1r»OR sale ut half price, finest flve-pas-senger electric coupe in Buffalo; al­

most new; first c lass shape; fine Christ­mas present. 80s Richmond Ave. 17t23

T.1ACTORY seconds, blemished, and re--T paired tires; all s izes ; cheap. Your old tires taken In exchange . Acme, 296 Broadway. . «****., C3IX-CYLINDKR seven-passenger Peer->5> less touring car; exchange for corner building lot: must be location for gro­cery. Grelner. Walden Ave. , Cor. Pine R i d g e Mt24_

AUTOMOBILE wanted to overhaul. Walden Garage. Walden Ave. , Cor.

Pine R i d g e If**.. TTtOR SALE—Limousine bodies, some a s Jr low a s $250. Pierce-Arrow Sales Co., Main St. store. 21t27

AUTOMOBILE parts for m a n y m a k e cars for sale. 666 Genesee St. 15t2S

SA F E T Y First—Welding and brazing on all m e t a l s done r ight; automobile

lamps repaired. Champion Welding & Mfg.. 898 Washington St.


J W. S L A T T E R Y , general contractor— • I make a special ty of Jobbing, office

and store work, s ingle houses remodeled into flats; carpenters furnished by the hour. 455 Pearl St . ; both phones.



W A T C H advice you get of me i s uner-vV ring because it w a s gained by over

33 years* practical experience under ex ­ceptional ly advantageous conditions, Blxby, the Watch Doctor, 485 Main St.; take elevator. 23t24

DE S K S , office furniture of al l kinds bought, sold and exchanged. Buffalo

Office Furniture Exchange , 86-88 Pearl 8C itai

LA D I E S ' and gents ' felt, beaver and velour hats cleaned and reblocked.

Wil l iam C. Dressel , successor to Vlckers, 338 Washington St. dec9t29

women's $2.50 W m . H. Op-


361 A.5Z F o r rnen"s and | q P X . t O holiday slippers,

penheim, 564 Main St.

CO R N S removed absolutely In one piece; posit ively painless. Goldberg.

Chiropodist. Main and Chippewa. Open •vjenjnga JuaJgtf

HOLIDAY Gifts—Why not a trunk, travel ing bag, suit case, ladies' hand­

bag, a lso music rolls, bill folders: you will find largest se lect ion at lowest prices at J. Stumm, 48 Seneca St. IZtSl

S4c an inch Dal ly Courier.

$1.25 an Inch In Sunday Courier.

$1.40 an inch In Daily Courier.

$2.00 a n inch In Sunday Courier.


Each figure and initial letter counts a word.

In ordering by the l ine es t imate about six words to the line.

In ordering dirplay s tate how many Inches you w i s h advert isement to occupy.

Copy for JBunday Courier ahouh* be at office of publication Friday evening to in­sure proper classification.

Display rates g iven above apply only to classified oolumna. Regular display ra t s card f u r n l s S d on application.

The Courisr h a s the greatest m o m m a and Sunday circulation between N e w York and Chicago. It h a s more classified advert is ing and produces better resul ts than any other "»Mlum In this territory.

T CIRCULATIONi Sunday Coagier Over 100.0«J Dal ly CourBr Over SB.0S0

if desired. 2W7


HOI s i s F O B S A L S .

4^ W e s t Chippewa St. — Furnished for • l ight housekeeping and sleeping

rooms. _22.23.i'4,26_ hoard and

single room,-$4.50 week; lunches pre­pared. dec7tJanll<>X8uns

O l Seneca; upstairs; good

1 SH\ W' CtdlB»wm St. AJSU r o o m s . . v

-Nicely furnished 23t25

1 ftsfl M a r i n e r St.—Rooms to let; every­thing new; reasonable. 22.24,27

1 4 1 0 N i a * a p a S t - — Beautiful furnished • L W front parlor; suitable for couple; a l so other rooms, town.

$2 up; phone; down-2ft24

St .—Housekeeping rooms very convenience. 23t2f! m Niagara

with evi

"I ( I 4 De laware Ave . — Large and smal l j j _ * s team-heated sleeping rooms. 24t28

1 Q i ^ Delaware Ave. — Housekeeping - i - i /O rooms: s ingle or ensulte. 24t28

201 E. Genesee St.—Housekeeping rooms; every Convenience. 23t25

iyOA Delaware , the Gables—Rooms with *J&£ running water , furnace heat . 22t31

T h e person born on t h i s d a t e w i l l be s u c c e s s f u l in b u s i n e s s . T h e n a t u r e i:;

KUNZIE— See h im before purchas ing east side property. 382 Wil l iam St.

m a y i ' t f

JJ..UW), Down, balance l ike rent; wil l b u f 0P»A/U modern s ingle house ; full cel lar, furnace, laundrx, electric l i ght s ; large lot . Address o w n e r , Buffalo Courier. lfctSl

r p W o hundred down, balance to suit , for A KB or 170 Schuehle Ave. , near North­land; furnace and g a s ; open for inapec-

s e o r e t l v e . c o n s e r v a t i v e a n d care fu l in | tlon every day. Schorb, Br isbane B ide . m o n e y m a t t e r s . • latal

T h e w e a k p o i n t in t h e n a t u r e i s l o v e o f d o i n g for o t h e r s a n d g e n e r o s i t y a n d g o o d n a t u r e i s o f t e n i m p o s e d u p o n b y u n s c r u p u l o u s f r i e n d s .

T h e m e n t a l t r a i t s of h o n e s t y , c o n ­c e n t r a t i o n , r e l i ab i l i t y a n d e n e r g y a r o s t r o n g .

T h e s m a l l e n t e r p r i s e h a s n o a t t r a c ­t i on for t h i s p e r s o n a l i t y . H e m u s t gee the b i g u n d e r t a k i n g a n d h e wi l l p l u n g e Into it hear t a n d s o u l in order to m a k e It pay .

T h e w o m a n of t h i s b i r t h d a t e i s fond of s h o w a n d s e l d o m l o o k s b e n e a t h t h e s u r f a c e o f t h i n g s . S h e i s e x t r a v a g a n t and proud, a n d fond of soc ia l p o s i t i o n T h e b i r t h s t o n e is a m o o n s t o n e .

T h e W a n t A d s offer m a n y o p p o r t u n i ­t i e s t h i s w e e k for g o o d r o o m s to bn rented , a p a r t m e n t s t o let a n d h o m e s for sa le .

TJ»ST A N D FOtlf tP.

LOST—Lady's gold watch . Main am Chippewa; please return to 1034 Wal


1EYEGLASSES—Appreciat ive and appro-J priate for Christmas; best grip; can't

fal l off; fit guaranteed; popular prices. Bes t * Co.. Opticians and Jewelers , Eleven Genesee St., near Main. 16t24

ACUTE and c h r o n i c - c a s e s \ a k e n at Frontier hospital; reasonable. Tele-

phons. auglStf

F ix ' s . 806 Jun28tf

AZOR blades Main St.


(2*> <1Q For men's anu women's $4 hand qpw. i / O sewed shoes , in 30 different styles , a t Wan. H. Oppenheim's, 564 Main street. 22t24_

EYEGLASSES expertly fitted by licensed optometrist of twenty years' experi­

ence. Comerford's Jewelry Store, 14 South Division St. dec!7tjenl4

CHAS. H. NETSCH. 342 Genesee St.— Special display of Christmas novel­

ties in great variety; also blooming plants and others, cut flowers and w a x rosea, holly wreaths and greens. 18t24

Y T T E do your family wash ing for 75 ™" cents ; our long experience enables

us to guarantee sat is fact ion; N e w Meth­od W e t W a s h Laundry. 1245 Niagara S t Bell phone North 1571-J; Federal 46716.


DR. B R O W N of William and Jefferson

St. {over drug store), has the only wonder for painless extraction of teeth, Bronozone. Open evenings- 20t26

FA L S E teeth, bridgework, old gold bought. Wiediger. 342 Ell icott Square.


Y \ T A T C H E S advertised as thlrteen-dollar » » value for ten-fifty I duplicate for $9;

bring in any advert i sement and I will save you money. The W a t c h Doctor, over 4S5 Main St . ; take elevator. 23t24__

"V"EW and rebuilt motion picture ma--*-' ch ines : enterta inments furnished. Dion, 24 Chapin block. 22t28

0 7 A T C H E S never get Inflated va lues here. If I say $9, it 's worth It and

there 1% none just a s good for less or none rjetter till you go more than four­teen; ask me. Blxby, the Watch Doctor, 486_Mal£ St . ; take^ elevator, 23t24

7ATCHES wi th 17 Jewels will not keep

X(\s* N e c k w e a r In holiday boxes for 25c OUL Blake Bros. . 300 Broadway. 20t24

den Ave.

LOST — AM Utica and Elmwood, smal l black purse containing $8, small bills,

change ; rewaSd for return. Miss Messlnger, 628 W. Delavan. upper wes t apartment.

FIRST-CLASH agents wanted; sa lary and commission. Apply My Valet, 379

Main St. 22t28

A. P. F . ; n change; rew.


LOST—In sweet , s tores or cars Wednes­day, lady's gold watch , monogram

rn to 37 Coal & Iron E x -1. 24t25


LEWIS 1114 The l e a d i n g and Oldest Establ ished

Bus iness Brokers. Over 18,000 Satisfied Clients.

Offices 578-58C A-B-C-D Ell icott Square.

^ "C^LEGANT frest side rooming house to •f-̂ be sold fop $650 cash. See L e w i s early, 580 Ell icott ST

i led on main street in one cit ies in N e w York s tate

i t i t ion; under present man-Is run $S0-$60 week; you pach you the business free;

offer around $2,000. Lewis ,

MO V I E - L c of the bei

no near com) agement prof can do s a m e ; any reasonabl SSO^Ellicott^

GE N E R A L 30 miles

western N e w per annum; $10,000; nothini 580 Ell icott S<

lardware Business—Within luffalo; l iveliest town In fork; business $30,000-$45,000 11 sell at inventory, about for the good will. Lewis .

O J Q N i a g a r a St.—Beautiful large front s V S O room; kitchen with g a s range; a lso s ingle rooms; very reasonable; all con-venlences. 2 2 t 2 l .

O Q 1 Porter Ave.—Beautiful ly furnished *J*J L rooms; running water, s t e a m heat ; first-class table; No . 5 car to Porter.

80t26 De laware Ave.—Elegant three-

roomed housekeeping apartment . 23t25

314 ATt*X Franklin, the Arno — Exce l lent *x*0 board; large and s ingle well heated rooms with running water; hot water al­ways . Bell phone decJtjanl

AQ£t Prospect Ave. — T w o connect ing ^y^f rooms suitable for two gent lemen or ladies. 22t27

766 Elmwood—Room bath.

on floor with 20,22,24,36

7VT£J Elmwood i t P board

Rooms wi th first-class reasonable. 19t25

E A T I N G IS A H A B I T ,

A bad habit if you do not eat properly cooked food; a good habit If you eat wholesome, sat i s fy ing and nourishing, well cooked mea l s ; try our kosher dinner; a full course, fifty-cent meal that is un­surpassed anywhere at any price (also a la* carte) .


Ellfcott and North Division Sts. , Buffalo, N. Y. Both phones.


LOCATION for dent ist ; new office cheap. Grelner, Walden Ave. ,

Sycamore car passes door. P ine Ridge;



FOR RENT—Corner store. Fa l l s and Third Sts . . N i a g a r a Fal l s . N. Y.;

one of the finest business locat ions In ci ty; main floor 27x84; connect ing store on Third St., 25x46; cellar, 45x114.Enquire Crick Realty Co.. 12 and 14 Crick Block, Niagara Fal ls , N. Y. Telephones 85.


V E W plumbing store for rent; Pine ridge and Walden Ave. IttM

\ \ ' I L L sacrifice new h o m e near Main » » S t . , e ight rooms and bath; hardwood

throughout; hot water heat ing s y s t e m ; large lot; room for dr iveway. Address Modern. Box 75. Buffalo Courier. »t26

OP E N for inspection today, t w o modern homes Just completed; hardwood tr im

and floors; eight and nine rooms;hot water heat; lot 46x135; easy terms. Apply Sum-mlt Park office. Main St., Cor. Minnesota A v e 1 * C

IjVMi Sale or Rent—Modern fiats, h o u s e s and apartmsnts . 8ee Rice R e a l t y C o ,

220 E l i . cou Boj. Omce open evenings . , , MtM j \ \ T E S T side dwel l ing wi th g a r a g e ; t e n * " rooms; large bath; modern I m p r o v e - *

ments ; newly decorated and painted; price $4,500; t e m j i to ault. J. Wa l t er Gage Rea l ty Co., 300 Main St. 22tJa'


A h all parts ot c i t y , m a n y a t i r a c t i v s

homes In Parkaide , list, with dstaiuj, and photographs on enquiry. Henry W. Fox . Erie Bank Bldg. nov l t t f

t h e

FI N E store; good location; suitable for ladles' and gent 's restaurant. Apply

John Pfrang, 965 Main St. 23t29

LA R G E More on Broadway, near Mad­ison Street. Apply John Pfrang,

965 Main Street. 23t29

TH E R A L E I G H , 354 Franklin St.—Fur­nished apartments; immediate p o s s e s - j

s lon; s t eam heat, electric light, e tc . ; a l s o j l one or two desirable rooms; hotel and " elevator service; downtown.


OP P O R T U N I T Y for y o u n g man w h o k nows the grocery line and can In-

v^t. $2T.0, to sdeure half Interest in busi­ness and a chance to buy the owner's

ANY heir having interests in es ta tes anywhere, desiring se t t lements ef­

fected; money realized: realty loans. Ed­win W. Montgomery, Erie Bank Bldg.

!St28 TJiUFFALO SECURITY CO.. 737 Ell icott

. . » , i (\,f.i!r,r.n!M<" ti. i,,-vi,. ",'-,i huT-.ii- '"•'""> '•-""' •'• »»««ni<-«- t" nu> m e u« u*r & ~* Square, for Buffalo people; quick %\ . O 0 kerchief 'set" includTng a beau- I L'a l? i n s A a ! , m e » t » ! u " t h ' y new stock. A d - cans in amounts up to $200. a s author-

5 Z * * L *& n \u k . % ! w I d.res- Opport lni ty . 484 Massachuset t s ized by the tiful tie rack, tor 98c. Broadway.

B lake Bros. , 300 20t24

Q>~t (iQ For men's, women's , boys' and # A . i 7 0 misses' $3 shoes, in 20 different styles , at W m . H. Oppenheim's, 664 Main St., the shoe store that s a v e s you money.


$61 A Q For men's and women's $2.50 ^ • * x O shoes, in 40 different styles , at

W m . H. Oppenheim's. 564 Main St. 22t24

CLOTHING sa le ; forced to sel l; men's and young men's nifty winter suits,

Ave. , Buffalo, N . Y.

f j^OR S A L E eries . g

lisle & Malsc


20126 loons, hotels, confect lon-es, rooming houses . Car-747 Ell icott Sq. 22t28

I E N & M U R P H Y .

Divis ion St.

CLASH quickly raised on your business ' or pronert]

r p i I R E E cents per roll, w i th or without * border. Comstock. 43 E . Seneca S t

i t s l , , - i • , . — J - " - J — , ,-\—^J


UP H O L S T E R I N G , reflulshing and gen­eral repairing; latest coverings on

hand. Reliable Furniture Works. Main, near Ut ica St Both phones. decl t t l

T h e r e w e r e four w i t n e s s e s b e f o r e t h e river i s l a n d s a p p r a i s a l c o m m i s s i o n y e s ­t e r d a y a f t e r n o o n t o te l l o f the ir i d e a s of t h e v a l u e o f t h e t w o i s l a n d s off Main s t ree t w h i c h t h e c i t y p r o p o s e s to t a k e for t h e p u r p o s e o f enlarging- t h e w n e r harbor . T h e c o m m i s s i o n e r s a r e <*oaeph V. S e a v e r . E l m e r E , H a r r i s a n d J a c o b L a n g . T h e w i t n e s s e s y e s t e r d a y ware R e u b e n a , C o a t a w o r t h , F e n t o n M. P a r k e . U. W . O o o d e a n d Char les L . O u m o y .

Mr. C o a t s w o r t h v a l u e d t h e p r o p e r t y a t n o t leas t h a n $500 a foot front H e w a s a s k e d m a n y q u e s t i o n s b y T h o m a s

. Burke a n d H e n r y W . Kl l l een , r e p ­resent ing t h e S e a b o a r d E l e v a t o r c o m ­pany a n d t h e Buf fa lo Creek R e a l t y f/wnpaay. in w h i c h h e rotated g e n e r a l xsr^the B!ackweu aad <*• I J S L I '* r t , «^**«> » • * ques t ioned a t ^*2 , r * r ?f? B * w*t0rtr<mt vah,es- He

h a i e tasttBad tbm p r o p e r t y a s l t , t o o d

w a s w o r t h i n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d o f $600 a foot .

Mr. G o o d e ' s figure w a s $450. " T h e r i v e r i s l a n d s off M a i n s t r e e t , "

s a i d Mr. G u r n e y . "are w o r t h a t l e a s t $450 a foo t . W i t h ra i l road or s t r e e t c o n n e c t i o n s t h e p r o p e r t y w o u l d h a v e a m a r k t v a l u e o f a t l e a s t 11,000 a foot . I d o not b e l i e v e t h e f a c t t h e p a r c e l s of land it p r o p o s e d t o t a k e a r e i s l a n d s w o u l d m a k e a n y m a t e r i a l d i f ference In t h e i r v a l u a t i o n . "

Mr. G u r n e y ' s c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e c o n d e m n a t i o n p r o c e e d i n g a b r o u g h t b y t h e L a c k a w a n n a ra i l road a g a i n s t t h e W e l l s e l e v a t o r p r o p e r t y o n t h e r iver f r o n t a l m o s t o p p o s i t e t!»e i s l a n d s c a u s e d h i m t o b e c r o a a - e x a m i n e d a t c o n s i d e r a b l e l e n g t h r e g a r d i n g r i v e r p r o p e r t y v a l u e s .

" H a v e y o u m a d e a n y e s t i m a t e o f t h e v a l u e o f t h e l a n d w h i c h t h e c i t y p r o ­p o s e s t o t a k e r * w a s a s k e d b y A s s i s t ­a n t C i t y A t t o r n e y H u r l e y .

"I h a v e n o t , " rep l i ed Mr. G n r n e y . T h e c o m m i s s i o n w i l l r e s u m e t h e h e a r ­

i n g n e x t W e d n e s d a y a t 2 o'clock.

unless it is adjusted | o position. Ask I $9.90; wonderful va lues ; hundreds to choose,1 cation in city; a s good t ime a s one with 7 jewe l s [ overcoats , ba lmacaans and rancoalts.

Q A L O O N bar W oldest and

the W a t c h Doctor, over 485 take elevator.

Main St.; 23t24

from; came and convince yourself: o p e n j ' n a t y ° u r o evenings. Sands, 55 Seneca street. 22t27 ! I

ST O R E fixtures, office furniture, house­hold goods bought and sold.

berg, 510 Washington St. Wein-


TRI'MSR* \.Vt> ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. A RTIFIC'IAL limbs, deformity appli-

<** ances. arch supporters, leather Jack­ets and extension shoes. A. F . Upper. 566 Michigan Ave , 20.22.34

4 R T I F I C I A L limbs, deformity appli-•*A. ances . arch supporters! leather jack­ets and extension shoes. A \ F. Upper. 566 Michigan Ave .

20t26 lin—Must sell this week; est downtown corner lo-lance of your life to get

price. Call Seneca 912. 23t24

s tate law and under super­vision of the state banking department; If you have Interest, t axes or small debts pressing for payment we will let you have the money and you can return it to us In small monthly payments ; cost of tsn months on $50. $6.50; $100, $13: larger amounts In proportion; no other chare»s .

2otas_ "VfONEY loaned on diamonds, watches •***• and Jewelry. Moses Cohen, 519 Main •treat, l icensed pawnbroker. Strictly con­fidential, deeltf l

; J T R Y THE i





in one operation rORSALEEYfRYVHCRt

Pr ice 25*«

MONEY loaned on watches , diamonds. Jewelry, e tc . ;

Louis Meyers. established

271 Main St. 26 years.


Deducted off the usual pr tce ' for T " H r K K O o d

renovat ing your hat this month. 13


10c N. Division. dec2t31

BIG clearance sale on trunks, suitcases , bags , all leather goods and acces­

sories; don't fall to see us before buying; everything marked down. Acme Trunk Store. 83 Seneca St^ 22t2S

W A S H Motor Washer; celebrated in economy: uses les« water, less soap,

less t ime: only al l-metal power washer. Phone or write Joseph R. fBaldwin, 100 E. Genesee St. 20,22,24


B P A T E N T S ' promptly secured; moderate i 5 i J ? '

E D U C E your coal bill; great heat; no cinders: no cl inkers; ask us. United

Coal Savers associat ion, X. , Washington, dec22.24.27,31jan3

A charges. Emll N e u h a r t patent attor ney, 9-lt Blrge Bldg.. Cor. Main and Seneea Sts. suns.tues*thursdeclt31


EX P E R T tuning, repairing, player ac­tions placed in any s ty le uiano.

Cremona P iano Co.. 806 Main St — w — • • I J


WOMAN SEEKS SON. In a le t ter to Inspector Martin, received

yesterday. Mrs. A. M. Metter ot N o , 61S East Second street . Duluth. requests the police to aid ha seeking her son who, she said, s tarted for Buffalo l a s t Fr iday .


$1 Piano tuning; guaranteed. Address R f w r i T » « e r 6*6 Main S t ftJM

STOVES A N D BANGES. 4B D . H. PO.NAUil io .N repair ai.

kinds of s t o v s s and rangea 50 South Division S t ectlt.Oftf o.°


GOOD Ste lnway A 8on square piano, baby grand in beautiful shape, play­

er upright, Rambrant and Schubert, all good second-hand pianos and genuine bargain at Panford's Auct ion House, 61« Washington St. 23t24

8 A F E T Y razors sharpened "right"; bar-

yonr hair cutt ing. Shrimpton's Cigar Store. Chippewa and Franklin. 34&2S

RAZOR blades sharpened for shaving. 20 W. Chippewa St. d e c f f l j janl__

MO R P H I N E or liquor habi t s ; no cure no pay; posit ive cure, painless and

harmless . Information, write Keys tone Sanitarium, Conneautvil le, Pa. 24t30


Diamonds , jewelry, watches , first-class goods; prices lowest consistent with quality. Wm. Luts Co.. A. M. Davles , Prop., 71 Seneca St. Bell phone.

T j R I V A T E loans on furniture, pianos at

loons; terms reasonable. I 6 ','uVq,eifr

a' .LaAe r^n^^V" o £ \ o n e

A Apply J o h l Pfrang. 965 Main Street. ffiSJe^WP » r •• » , tu, i»r, Lu-

© Q / 1 A And services secures half inter-IP*-"-'" est in old established office busi­ness ; references'requlred. Mr. Sharp. 43C Ellicott Sq._

/ ^ O N F E C T I O J ^-•' eery, on ace for two hundre tng rooms. 47

will call immediately. 23t29


HI G H - G R A D E storage; one should be as particular in storing their valuable

household goods a s in se lect ing a suitable bank to deposit their money; they should select the best; we have the finest ware­house between N e w York and Chicago; fine, large vans, careful, experienced fur­niture backers , come in and see for your­self; es t imates cheerful ly g iven; both § hones. Our Own Del ivery A Storage Co.,

ront Ave. and Georgia St. ItSI

T N V E S T O R S - W e are offering A equity In a four-family f lat (E lmwood district) for $3,600; rental value $1^60; e * -penaw, including interest, taxes . e t c . , about $*I0. It. W. Goode & Co., 49 Nl -agara St. 23t2*

SfeTi T ( i 4 r k ~ M o t l e r n two- fami ly house on-<K*r, t\ru S t J a m f s P lace ; hardwood floors, electric light, e tc . : rent $636; fore­closure bargain. It. \V. Goods A Co., 49 Niagara St. a t t $

4 N especial ly at tract ive h o m e on S e v - f * * • enth St., near Connect icut ; first f loor contains hall, large parlor, l ibrary, d in ­ing room, kitchen, etc ; 2d floor, 6 bed­rooms, 2 bath rooms <on* t i led;; oak fin­ish; hardwood floors throughout ; b e a m ­ed cei l ing in dining room; automat ic hot water heater; house is In perfect condi­tion and is a great bargain; must be s e e n to he appreciated;?lot 55xl*J2; price $10,000-terms. It. W. Goode & Co.. 49 N i a g a r a Street. &x3&

$5 f r O O - 0 0 0 * 1 two-«tory house~"and 'tt\r\J\J garage. M a s s a c h u s e t t s Avo„

near Richmond: low price to c lose e s ta te , R. W. Goode & Co.. 49 N i a g a r a Street .

nm «I |7 L * * , n * t ° n A v e . - H i g h - g r a d e m o d e m • * • house; latest Improvements ; 2 bath rooms, electric l ight ; large l iv ing room across the front; lot 50x161; specia l pr ice for quick sale R. W. Goode A Co., 49 Niagara St. 23tS6 <jfe*> . % A A - B a r g a i n In t w o - s t o r y h o u s e

T«T V t t r °R S . w a ? ' ^ e a r 8 ? r i n « : rant $300. It. W. Goode A Co., 49 N i a g a r a St .

mm T > A R E barga in; 14-room brick house ; JJ-* improvements ; deep lot. 1J6 C o t t a g e s t - j _ f

/ •

OTt Johnson Park—Front parlor; g a s £ * » grate, running w a t e r ; housekeep ing if desired, 2_t2l


SRY, cigars, shelf gro-int of s i ckness ; will sell

do l lars : good corner; liv-falden Ave.

I \"ANTED—Coipfect ionery stores, room-» » ing houses and business proiwsltlons

of all kinds and all sect ions of the c l t v we have cleaned tip on practically all l ist­ed in tb° past year and we want a new list to start the N e w Year wi th; list now as we havo a laMte wai t ing list of clients. Foxton, 615 Brisbane Bldg.


ON account of moving a w a y wflYsacri-fice five rooms of beautiful h igh-grade

furniture like new for forty cents on the dollar; brass beds, leather chairs, rugs, buffet, e tc . ; a lso one new high-grade pi­ano for half price. Apply M. K. Lefler, 268 East Delavan Ave. , upstairs over store. 24t27


AND MOvTNO. ors can be turned Into j

. i ploy ing us to do the work: both phones. 580. Our Own D e ­livery & Storage Co.. Front Ave. and Georgia S t u _

a # O V I N G day pleasure by

OLD COLD A N D SfLTER, p t A S H paid for fa l se teeth, bridgework. v ^ old gold, silver, olat lnum. W m . W e -diger. Jr., 342 Ellicott Sq. 20126


\Y"ANTED—$3,0C0 on new two-fami ly * T house. Bel l telephone Oxford 28**-

LA R G E S T eq moving, p a

nlture and plan O. J. Glenn &

ertt In Buf fa lo for ing and stor ing fur-es t imates given. Phone

47 W e s t Swan St. 23t24,26t27

J** euro. KN I C K E R B O C K E R . Main ad F e r r y -

Dancing Christmas afternoon, even­ing: beginners Monday. Wednesday, Fri­day; advanced Saturday; private lesson*, one dollar; six for five; daily, n ight ly; rhlldren Saturday. 2©t26

PECTcrrvEa. Y N T E R N A T l - » i \ A J . Detect ive Service.

Mutual Life Bldg.; both phonos; con­fidential, dec-ftjanl

MRS. BROUCK, The noted psycho-palmist . Is permanently located In her new private home, 2G07 Broadway. If you desire a real good, comprehensive, reliable reading, this is the place for you to come.

A L W A Y S S E E T H E BEST. Mrs. Brouck does not have you write

a word, but s imply taking your hand and looking Into your face will tell vou all that you desire. Consult her on bus iness changes , love, marriage, domest ic affairs etc. You h a v e only to see this noted psychic to k n o w that you have at least found t h e one to help you. Take Broad­w a y car to W a g n e r Ave. Hours 10 a in till 8 p . m .

2067 B R O A D W A Y . -—__-_______

MRS. B R U C E , the old famous spiritual adviser, will g ive you reliable advice

on all affairs of life, bus iness c h a n g e . love, marr iages ; come and let m e explain m y work to you; it will cost you nothing and the readings are the righ* price Hours 10 to 8. Sycamore cars s tops at door; best of references, 1042 Walden A v e N o readings given on Sunday, tltM

MR S . KING, 167 Niagara S t (first flight up), palmist and clairvoyant , te l l s re­

garding business, posit ions, s ickness , love affairs, marr iage and divorce. I7t21

TH E R E are several w a y s to p a c a fur­niture for shipment, but only on*

right w a y ; if you are Interested In a first-class job call us up. Our Own De­livery & Storage Co., Front Ave. and Georgia St. Both phones. decl t t l


HI G H E S T prices paid for gent lemen's cast-off c lo th ing; send

phone Seneca 2025-R. way .

a postal or Miller's, 49 Broad-


"LXARMS F o r Sale—Write for our l ist o f A fall farm bargains. A. B. Mart in's Sons , Geneva. A s h t a b u l a county, Ohio.

au«17tf D M A L L farms in and near A k r o n ; 6 t o SO • ^ acres ; smal l down p a y m e n t and e a s y terms. Murphy-Lof tus R e a l t y Co,. Akron, N e w York. 20.22,24

*>?C Acres . Genesee c o u n t y ; good road ~ * r and near ra i lway s ta t ion; J 1-2 a c r e s s trawberries and raspberries, apples a n d large var iety of smal l fruit; garden sol i -nice house and good barn; $2,600; t e r m s arranged. Murphy-Loftus R e a l t y Co Akron. N . Y. 2Q.iB,_4"

*VJ Acres , one mile from A k r o n ; IS m i n -*r* utes' walk to N e w York Central and West Shore ra i lway s t a t i o n s ; barn but no dwel l ing house : $1,200; e a s y t e r m s Murphy-Loftus Rea l ty Co., Akron N Y

g__Uj *

m Acres on m a i n traveled road near Akron; Very best of soi l ; good or ­

chard and large var ie ty of smal l f m i i good due l l ing , three ^ b a r n a ^ c h S i n bouses , e tc . ; $61 per acre; t erms to mutt ! C T J - Murpby-Lof tus Rea l ty Co..

: w.22.24


DE W E Y ' S s tomach capsules ; wonderful little capsules for s tomach ills; twen­

ty-rive cent s : all drug s tores or mailed to any address ; send 2c for a trial box. Frank T. Dewey . Druggist and Chemist. 97 Niagara St.. Buffalo. N. T. decStSl

L~ A D l E S ~ ~ T A s k your d r u g g i s t Vor Chichesters pills, the Diamond brand,

for 2a yeurs known as best, safest , a l w a y * reliable; buy ot your druggist ; take no other. Chichesters Diamond brand pills are sold by druggist? everywhere .

maySLtu. thur. sun. t a p r S

I A E R O WE. 87 W. H u r o n - V a p o r bathsT J e k - c ^ c _ v J b i ^ t o r y _ t r e a t m e n t s . _ __ta

PECIALIST in rheumat ism; vibratory treatments, Walton. 124 S, Divis ion 8t


SPECIAL In cabinet bath. 6C W. CYtiD-__DJIW___-?!__-_— . i*t34

SP E C I A L I S T In rheumat ism, nerve" and s tomach troubles; electric baths and

vibrating treatments . Murray, 60 Niagara. ' dec2StJan22

HP E C I A L I S T — Electro vibratory t reaT ment. 3H Oak St.. Ct*r ri*.--___

F l a t 3.



Tl M o r i h l _ 1 _ - J y 0 l h « b « * t forty-foot lot * . ' £ It?* nlSfcest part of South Buffalo, Just off the avenue and near the new high school; a l l [ improvements paid and m o n e y loaned to build; open all day. Sunday a n d * even lnr- . by appointment until 9 o'clock. John Dah lman , SS6 South Park A v e

• octJStf T > U I L D E R S — L o t corner Richmond and

«_U ru$HTn r t .df? a J , n a . p p r l c * t o r 1 u l < * sale , w m divide to a d v a n t a g e . R W

C Acres . Military Road, e x t e n d i n g to w SLJL Cm. 5f*c k_i' „** "PechU price R. W . Goode. A Co.. 49 N i a g a r a St 23t»

FOB SALE O E E l C M A H f l l

\ f A I N St. building, near S e n e c a strfeT -WA containing about 20,000 square f e s t ° ' " o o r "Pace, for sa le c h e a p ; would con­s i d e r o t h e r ^property In part payment . R, V>. Goode A Co., 49 N i a g a r a St. »t28

Oak S t , Cor. Genesee , C3IX dol lars; four-room flat * » U32 Elk S t '


1?Qli Rent or S a l e - M o d e r n apaitmentaT , ^"i1* S n d b o u s e s , furnished or ur.fur-

nish**d; all prices, all locat io Rea l ty Co.. 2 » El l icot t Sq. ings, Seneca S9S1.

TE N dol lars; lower fiat; 41_ Call Tupper 41U-J

unfur-i. See Rl ; Open


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