treet, »'t« at* **« a : l tf CJM KD feOO., 8br •SkMk Mdatprvt* RUB ANT 8s NTia TO 11 M«Mt v Martkaa ^•*>8, .' .kktt :•' s too, •i «iwUr all laaptr*..' I- * S«JM , PI'PUNS, "O.H, <tt. IAQIIIUS n DAY, ik« |,l for a a*** set, | «rHVR« •k *.ry coe* «old! iy.*Alh**r *-> RM*Hk JL' SON* Be., ***. r m **, an J E. « lUT NA1JUS, ihsad C10*8 •ben SEL W( PAXf T*CO if their •*• asv~ -•*$ aa4**aieA ••ML, a x titile oee» iMeia'a the* eoied, «« *»es shio*." Wt^Aetehea Uneela, don't 70* know, M M «MIT ikHH MMW w* e»w, Whtetpatosrtwtwti.il WeH, he I* n k | M A w yee Ml, tdMktr«i»kiM|Tu4: AX r«»'iTk> eviail m i k •»• giM, Uk* the rTMflM la Ik* tead Agl!d*d.*..»*hjdl«nrjae Wk*r*'*r TO" with t* rld*j And, • • • a y , til »o*t work shsll he Forever I*i4 wide. . Tk* •M." ep«*k»r P*e*e f<» briath, AM th«n Ik* *M nuri* said, Wkil* closer w k*r swarthy cheek Hbt preead th* geld** head: —•* *"- lo f ' Mr liul* NIHUI ale*, and re* Yea' laltleg selgkly fai'l Jea look up dars, aud 10U ase wssl Y o * S*4 a ITHKH fl*MT " You MO old Mammy's wrinkled fact, At btlok M »nr oo*l; And undiriiiitk nor hindterokitf Wbol* leapt of kauity wool. « Mr d.i ling 'a fke* la rad and wkjlta, H*r skin is toft and la*, UhM* - — . . v"?** And oa her pr*uy Hill* Mad - 1>* yillti ringlets akin*. >( My chile, wko aad* dia diSereao* T w i n Mammy aad Iwixl youT Yo* r*M d* dear Lord'a Nested book, And yo* can loll a* III). " 0* desr l.«J raid H B H I M ••>; And, booty, I lor on*, Wilh l«.ikiul heart well alwaye •ay, Hia koly will bo den>. «11.uk. Mat. Mcikura all «• .am., Hal »h;n 1 wain, for fro*, I'll aak d* Lord of glory, Not poor lluokra man UM M. My Haaaa'a ooMk wkal aarnaa kla i% .'. in- ' I KM. » l M i i' " And aafor(HdVd oarnag*., Uay'anolln 'tall *»l •;MH la |0*d *no««hfora*'. " And, Maty, wke* yoar a a a a y wanla T* obaugo kor Mwe.aiin dr.M *ha'il pray Ilk* d**t old Mw.o. To okaiif • Mr MaMSpon draaa, ih. 'ii pray Ilk* <lrn old ,Mi«u. To b* elolbcd wilk rigbl*o*an*s« " Mr work'a been Jouo dit many * day, And now 1 larai my «*•«, A wamaford* Hwtar'a ball Ja. wkan do Ma.ier plaaa*. o Aad whan *| lai do tlao'a doao eoae, And poor old Maraay diot, Yoar own doar Mother', loff, wklta kanda Mkall rloaa tnaia tlrad old tyst. '• Da doar U»d i*aua i m i will call Old Mammy M a * l o k i a , And a* can waab my gailty aoal Froa abary apot of aja. •< And at bra f**t I .hall liaulnwu, Wko dlad and rooo for me; And dan, and not till dan, ay oliile, Yoar M . a a y will M frea. "Coaa, lull* Mmm, .ay yoar prayar., Let old Ma.. Liukai* 'lona, D* Datn! kuawa who b'lonaa to bla, And ha'll lak* car* of kia«wa " '."111 .»*—»»»•» jfocal gkffaivs rtc. JOB CRINTIN«. •> ,1 all MIMA*. •XwdMCwdl at till* Office wlih ««*«• and! •!••»• .oh. >t , a a » M r kiahany'l CoDdtrt, TkU Rr*nla(, al Twaddl* «•!•• T * | uoato." •< WmdmUd*, "* Troy, kaa rwcdrtd adail aogro pup.' 1 ' <° 'bo Hi|k rokool In ikatolty. ThaBrawatT of til"**- aWon, ut Had.oa, waa OaairwyM kyar* laat FrJday nigbl. Loa* t30C»| Ma tk< i>«Ml tar. tbal "rW«»aot Ku»p'.ou," Iks tfeat of UMHioki, left tbat oCo* " a UlUo lokonof r«- meabrauco la Ik* ahap* of an uncaneallad Prlntcr'a bill." 1 . i n At A mtttiof of tba Albany County HiBa Aaoel* tion, li.:d Marak dtb, tbe followiag oAcari war* eleeiad .01 tbe anaaln( yaar:—Pra.ldeni, laiak I'alje; Vlca Cie.denl, William U Warren; Hcoralary, It. A. Rcoll; T Id n ut 1- W. Hutdaa. An Inqimd waa kold day bafora yaalarday, by tN.ro. • tar HarrifU, aa) as unknown child, about aaraa moathi old, faaod la Ibe ooraoiAlion yard, and iM jury foaad a vardMt 1M1 it waa tkraaa x>»*r tb* faneo by*oaep*r- torn or paraon. anknown 10 tka.i. H. A. arlwham, » wall-known lawyer u d polilloian of Waat i'roy, (aaya Ika Troy 7i«*»,) kaa reoaircd tba appointment of r*aya«ei*r al the WaKrrliet Aiaaaal— a poaUiea worib $3*01 a year. Hajidere Lanaiog, Ik* let* lacddtMnt, kaa held tho omc* lor thirty year*. Bnflalooat pf PlMe).—!*• Fclore, a* eminent a«. iroaeaer, kae baeu we king a aarreyforthe Ka|aataof tk. UaWerally of ibw mate, ekowlnf tbat Buf.lo kae k.ralofer* b**u calculated aofne two and thru quarter rule* t*o Atraotilk. and four anjjae loo far wo.t It 1. nnir aearar aanriee tbta IU litktbiteme euppoaed. Ov'Od Motto.-A puncnal nan it rery raroly a poor aaa, aad nni.inu ofdoabtfal crMil. Hi. •mall weoaauare frrqaeutlyiettled, and be never meet, wlih 1 Mi .ity a raialnf money 10 pay larger demand*.— daall debt, aeglecied, rain credit; end wken a men baa i-.ttkaih* will **on and hiaaalf al tM Mttoa *f IM mil. Ik* TAX OA 6 U . - T M F«d*r*l revenue from f a«, aoeerdiaf to Ike ptopottd tax la tM Hon** MU, wtU M ueuly $1,000,000 Tke laleet return* of «... oouaaaap 110a aMw mat New York will pay a lax of about t*W,- SIS, Pkiladelplila ilOe.OOo, Boaton, WO.COe), Brooklyn, dIO.JM, Cmcinnati, I*4,0v0, AIMay and rarioaa otker eiliaa from 8d,7M 10 • 18,0*1 Uclnrt at IwedtJt* Hall. Her Mr. Stinwea, wM h.« juit ratarned from a riait to Ik* Camp* oa tM F*t«- aiM, will deliver l*eiare la Twaddle Hall, Thntaday aveamr, |lvia( a detailed account of the o*nditioa of oer Iroon* and the evidancei of Ik* aacoeaeful aoiay of oar |onraa*nt la rolail.iu to tk* war. Adniiueuce oa* akillmf. W« doabl not tha leoture will provo inlaraat- af. i -• _ "Honor to whom Honor." I" oar *b*lract of • iau*4l*a •oooernlnf tk* *• Poor," raport*d from Id* one* of Ik* Secretary of Slate, the nam* of Hiadley a oiiwoouily labatitatad for that of Senator BrMford.— Tk* laiiar |**tl*man took n deep Inleraal In Ika nbjeal, aad did aor* IM* perkapa any MM el to to direct publlu and omeal aitoauoa to it. S«llld(f lltMr On iooday. At Ik* Police Court, yaaterday, Joka Kinaay'e eae*,foraellina lienor on Han. d*r, wn* partially examined. Tk* complainant waa Aaa Mahun, who toitiSaJ thai tho eaw Mr kaaband tanking flam of .trotia boer, «t Holandant'a ber, Sun. def maramg. Tk* examinalian will M re.umed to-day. MM* « tk* MAn«g«r* of tki* tnalli.Uon I* eatne.ily t*. oaMledM TOBSDAY, tlili inaiaat, at It o'cloek, aa Maa*«* of iaaorukaa ma.t M diMMied. mhtt *t»; a*aklM M M tla*T."TMeltl<M*of Alkany.wM regard demagogaalam, North aad Soatb, a* tM caaa* of tM KeMlliou now wealing car b.lorad noanlry, and wM an In fa»or of making polltka anproltabl* aaa puraatt, ara reo.ae.ied to meal at the dty Hall, oa WB0NE8DAT KVGNINO next, at Mlf.naat 70V0O*, to mile witk IM *nd*r*lgned tad otkara, freehold.r. aad prlrat* oltlaara, wM Mr* algned a petlllon lo tM Lajf- Ulelure, r<o.*cetlng •* amendment of oar Bat* Concilia- tloe, In relation low* t*nar*ofomoe, ami to remedy exlati**; aba*** JoinS. VanRetuielaer, Howard rting, £ ( ^ b 2 n l, w - »• BI«*A«r, H.B.Mebalt, JoMJ.Otaolt, W a . MeRlmy, Wm. Protklngkam, Jeaee B Bandera, fleorge Downing, and otkere. Ataaat, March 10, lr»» aMl *t i kl'fPU. IO BOIKNOE tf yon vrnh 10 bo .urn of obtaining a perfect Hair Dye. wiihout on* delctonoui element. CnnTtsoio'* Bx- otxaioa H»t» Ot« I* tM aafy otu arar *abmltl*d to Ika of deal: It kaa Vet* ANALYBSD BY 0H1L-TON, Ik* lnt cheuiial lo Ika coaairy, and akoarUBctto tailing fortk lie hariiile.aiiea. i. within iho reach of oreiy buycr THK KKtllllHITK IIKAIITY of tk* lu.iroua black. and browm, wkwb it produoa* with unerring aartaaty la an mlnataa, ha* fairly won f..r it the appellation «/ika mail naiaraf Mfr ttfi over In - ve uted Sold everywker* and appl led by all Hair Dra**> •r*. CaieMDono, No. Aator Hour*, Now York-. aktddtwlat ^<__ , ..• IM ,-, ' " • "•" • • -I Ontwal, Hldncy Affaallaaa, a n d a l l Diaauat or rax itr.ini.xe, ar« aoon tellaved tnd cared by BRANOBKTH'H PIl.I.s, wh>oh are nlio the bail aadleia* for favor, and eolda. at/an or saavax ta two wttxa. '.*«, Oncid* Co., N. Y., Jan. «7, lboil. Or. B. Brmiutrtlk : Mr Data 81a:—I received yoar letter acknowledging diait on M«uonolittn Bank, for thirty dolltr*, for Brtn- drath'a Pilla, whleh have bean largely aokl in tblt town for lb* mat thirty year., and their aalt and aaaftlnaM conllnaa to attend. Wilbln a faw waaka 0110 of the moat rMpactabl* ofourciUxetu w*a aor«lyaflicl*d wlih gravel; no lata tbtn eight medical men ware called In with a view to giving rahol lo Ika tarere pain, which eaaeed tbo patient to aler piercing oriea, a htoh worn Mtrd a block. The doctor, exerted their akill In vain. At alaatretorl, Brtadrolk't Pilla wer* purchased from a*. TM Ira doe* of alx gava eaae, tnd two boxea ef- fected a perfect euro within two weak*. I ahull be platted lo refer to tha panont, If you deem tho eta* worthy of lavoattgtlion farther. In our town tlioro are peraoni who bare been cared of tlmoet ovefy illteaie by the oa* of tlitte Pilla alone, which oaatad IMIr repu- tation to M rery great. Be euro and aee my "new.up. ply are fiaak pilla, my cuttoiner. do not like altle pill." Your iriond tnd tgenl of many yttrt .landing, ASA I'll.I.MUK 1-:. larotTixT TO ruxcitiatti. To be aeoura agtintt coutilerfella, aak lor Brimlreth'a Pilla In NKW H tvl.i; And tbo drat Mx pnrohue, if pomiblo, tt DM CAN Al. 8TRBBT, or No. 4 UNION SQUARE, N. V. You can never be ebeatad by apurioua Pilla, after you have teen tk* N*w Styl* of pulling up. B. BRANDRBTH, M. D. NBW STY1.B For Salt by N. GOODWIN, 134 Upper Spring eireet; WM. J. HUM, No. lit BroMwty, tnd by 11. S. M. MUBOY, corner Broadway and Mtldan lane, Albany N. V , ami by all re.iKOtal.lo mhldlnfcwla. JftU WtbMAM OOVIJ), l a w BiaaaaJIti, <• State atteet, Aibarty. i, ,;,t r.iii jtA'iiii <a Ui T*BiM8 AJM) CIRCCiXS X , tlW 8VPBBMB OOUBT and OOVBTB Or OYKB AND T8RM1NBR OF TUB 8TATH OF NBW YORK from tat Jtnatry 1801 total Jaaaaty, 1841. Jett Pabllahcd by WILLIAM OOUI-O, aaMtf l a w Bookeellor.dO State atroel. £)AYTON»S SURROCrAtJb? Third Kdition. m*im r»l-.»e,o Tke Office of Surrogate, t.roY N ; 1 v .'• .*«>*li 1 VNfi *| # i.!»*V 8irrega.es, « 1 ••; , »;i! i»f.»* - • / " ^ n !'-. •>•• aNJk, .Surrogates ..ourl*, ANO Kxrjcutoia, AdmiuUeTHtora mid ItiiartHrtin IN tut-: ftTATR OF NEW YOltK.V^ A OOMPILAT10N OK TUB STATU .'MM, And a Baauaary of The Judicial Mooialons of the Stato of Hew York. Helming 10 IM 0HI00 of Surrrgtte, tM Proving of Will.; tM Miauling of Probate, ol taller* Taataaenttry, ol Admlnlttration and of Gnardttnikip, aad tho Powort, Dutica, and l.mhilitic.of Kxooalore, Adminutratort and fJaardiaa*. Arranged la tM fora of a Treatla*, BT I8AA0 DAYTON. THIRD EDITION. Comalulag alio, ChtpKit on Publio Admtnlatrttora, Ih* Ailmcaaureinont of Dowar in Surrogttoa Oourla tnd Appeal* frxa lb* Oidara and Decree* of Surrogatea, WITH AN APPENDIX OF FORMS, And precedent* for Practice In tne Surrogate'. Count, tnd for Ike uae of Bxeouton, AdraltiUlrttor* and Outr .Hon-.. U / - fun Publlahcd tnd for Stle by BANKS dk iiitiiiiiniis, 173 Broadway, Albany, ami i'iv-10 144 Ntutu aireei, New York Loeklng-Ulaw, Plelai'e «•- Portrait ^^^WB.V^^^ dPA-V* UAvaaaay. .. Nan. Sta Meuta P u r l Street. •"." ":* CABTB DB VlrJlT, ARTISTS' MATSBIALaV-KNORAVINOS AND 1.ITHOUBAPHM. N. B —Partlooltr nltcntidn given to Oltaning and Va nLhlng Oil Painting., Re-Glttling and Repairing. Loot Ina.pitM and Ptolure Frame*, Batting Looking-GltM t'lllc.,**. . " iaBidlf Jjt'IHU BIT REIT T. an M EMBERS OF THE LATURK, and their frleitda, will pleat* noliee that HKNJ. I.. HOOD, nf the old firm of HoodftTobey, i. now ft No. 3 TWBDD1.K HALL, corner of Noith Pearl and Sale atreeta, where he keep* a bcnullfttl atoekof IT- r r . BABE WATCHES, • liilabU for I.adiea, Gentlemen and Boya. Alto, a Sao auorlnieut of COIN 81I.VKK-WARE, of hit own a t n - iifacturo, logelber with n large variety of Pitted Ware, HKAl. I'Klil.F. Sl'Ktl fAOI.F.H, Rctding Glaaao*, choice 10. id Gold Jewelry, clo., and te hai been hit cuatont for • Ixteou Wiulera pa.l, will ««!]_ off In order to get ready for Spring buanieet. tt about Wbolettl* price., even by the MNOI.i'. AllTdll.!•:, and much below the u.ual Rftalljtat* in Ihla vioiuity, Referoiicea lo all the Mem* bar* of the Sixteen prevlbu* yett*. Bign of the LARGF. WATCH AND GILT BAGLB. new the o.'d Blin Tree, No. 3 Tweddle Hall, Albany (im Im B. I. HOOD. -JJJAYELlVSj WAlvNUT CANDY. WALNUT OAMDT la a I'.IHIMIII cure for COUGHS »»n COLDS. The low price for which II a told will enable every one to W il. For **le by all Druggial. and Medicine Dealer* thro'- 0111 the Country, tt 4 tnd 10 oenn ptr cake, aral In Al. FROTH1NUHAM A CO .... No. 449 Broadway. LINTON A WBNDK1.1 Tweddle Hall. MaOOMBHR 34 and 31 W*ahlnglon A« ANDRBW8 175 do do SMITH. do f W,J.RUMPHRBY8eiCO.,.3»WathlnglooAv*nuc. WM. TAYLOR i-or. Hudton and Pearl. J. H. IIULLOCK corner Lydiua and Pcn:l. II. TIlllNllft eor.Sohuyler and Purl. It B. OLBMRNT eor. Broadway and Clinton 1. ve. M. L. W.ANi:i1Ai<D...»ini Broadway. WIl.l.Klt'S Drugstore, Greenbuah. !»•./*• T HE NEW BOUKS!- WIGB, <JUH«,S, BRAIDS. T. YAUMtN'H Hair JTevgrelrr raaaafactenr. TUB ONLY ONB IN ALBANY. ladle, willfindevery article In II AIR ORNAMKNTS atak a* Wig*, Carl*, Braid*, Swltohta, Pull., etc., In au. parlor make, tad warranted. For atle, mtde to order tnd repaired al No. KX) BROADWAY, oppoaile the Daltvan Hotae. fillltat A VnaOtleal «ll«.—one of Gaoraa * Bixaa'* Sxwta* Maoam**—tke neat In autrkat. Every on* warraaied. luairuotion. free. I'ric*, including fir* Hammer., ftoa 848 to 8100. el* K V. R. LAN8INOH, Agenl, 038 Broadway. The BM MearlntT Plachlne l a t b e World, at AO DOLLABDI I.ADD, WBBSTBB ft t:.>.'. FAisnr.r MAcaiNa*.- Far Dtawlplivo Oiroulara and aamploa of work, call tt tM OCKM, No. BROADWAY. W. J. wAldtKlt, Agenl. •J!".,l,. ,'il,' ,••'.' .'••a. 1 -'.i .'"JMUU MEN'S ASSOCIATION. itt;«iiii,*it NOMINATIONS. For I'rr.iilenl, GK0BG8 L. STEDklAN. For lit Vie* Pretidenk J. MKKKUITH HKAI1, ;. For «i Vioo-Pre*id*at, taiAltl.KS D. RATBBONB. For 3d Vi.-c I're.i.loul, WILLIAM H. DAVIS. Par Troa.urer, SAMUEL MOFFAT. Y. "l^ntttSaar"- i « 1 For Recording Secretary, OKOROK V. ALLEN NUataaa*. J*ha 8. Dtokotatt, K-J.Oondoa, J.J. Aaatin, Jr , W. J. Frv*r, Jt., Walter N. tlteon, Charlt* K Banh, Thot Simon*, Arch. M Gibaon, George A. Lawrenot, Frederick P Grant, Inapaatoraof KUallon—B. L- Jtdton, 0. W. Pari*. Y. MEN'S ASSOCIATION. •/. Sea*, 'h* a*a arruled tome dty* ago by oaa**r Claaoa, on auepioion of having alolen a hor**'* li.rne.i which v>«« found in hi. po.iei.ian, I. likely lo •oral hia puai.hiu.nt aoon. Tka SkeriaT *f Wltdham if, Vi, M* MlegrapMd tk* odlcer thai he n coming aAer Rice, with a reqaldtoa. Moel *f Ih* propaity •tolea ky Rio* ha* b**a r*oov*r*d. A Olaonterly Womtn. Carolnt* Paul*, wM lire* in Owaa'a Alley, 901 Broad atr*«t, and who., huiband 11 oa* I* ih* wara, we* trrailad on oomplalnl of Mr neigh- boa, at tdwordarly womtn. M»n wore be.rj vl.iting kar at tattaaonabl* koar*, and altkoagk q*i*to*<* alvray* raigaad In her apartmoal*, a Mr*. Sla*u, of the » a a Mate, aaw wmathlag one*, through tho koy-kola, wkiek ika ooold aot rttlly approv* of, and which eh* fait boaad lo all tk* Court. Tha Oe*r| agreed wnh k.r, that what ek* *aw wa* oal of *k**a*i*r in IMI nelgkborMoa, and *o It committed Mr*. Fail* lo jail, 10 raand Mr habit.. * * aUrily.- -The Glcn'a Fall* M<n»,<r h.. found, ut.a I* that jaunty, «p wtrda of Ifty year* old, wko never a a * can.I boat, *leaaMat or raUear) aarar rod* in a •tag* **aeh, aarar waa bet aialean mile, from borne, owaa a targe wall eteeked form, aarar tick but once In hut Ha, na ar aved tobtcoo, t*v*r owned bal two bo*M a tubl* aad aa alaanao; aerer look a now.papar, never .ett or received t letter through the poet oa**, M.t hi* aril vote for Andrew Jajk.- n m lttM, aad ha* votad tke Jaakeou ticket ev»r eince. Not mm* ihaoono or two plate* ever adoru kl* labia. Conform* to the cat. waa thai prevailed wMa M wa* bora, uaver (at* hi J.bt, ui aa hoaeat aaa, aad aiad* hta ewa ka*in*aa. attaaJaatajrls*; U*.—Tk* or*«p«t of a *kort aup olv t( ice lble.ea.on kaa put daalara and olhere l» Ike •lereha at iMtr wia t* aa*t th* eaig*ney. - A lumber J«v!.riafbfa*d**(t*y* an exchaage) lhai ha had told baa/da M g**U*t*a* wM akoadad ma aitg kwawa lo*. He plan a taballd wat.r light caap*rta*nt alxi*ea '«utaart, axpoaad 10 the air, hooding theboltoaMlf •a laah daaja, aad wkM ika! I* from by lb* au*meH«», fuodlag aad fr***i*g alltrnalaly, aaitl aaamcieal qaan- I'ty a) otnauad. W* prea»a* boarda will b* placed a< tl l.ilerval. of eight or twelve inekea, a* ika fiaetieg K"nag*a«e,a Mearta Ik* la* Ma cake, of Mat TM Annual Meeting of Ik* Aatocitlian will M keld oa WBDNBBDAY BVBN1NU, Muek ia,*IS o'elock t. M , la tb* Hall of th* Anoo.allon, for the purpoae of receiving Ike Reporu of Ih* 1're.ideut, Trewtuer, and a*v*ral Staaduig Ooamtinea. Th* Annual Elecllon for Omcera of tke Ataoolttlon for tM enatuig yeer will take place THUR8DAY, Marak lftk lattant, at the Room, of lb* AwoeUllon.— Poll* will be opened at P a a, and olo.e at 4 r. a., by order of tM Execatlr* Comnnitae All i.ifu and Regular M*ab*r* of tbe Aaoelttion who *MU not M In arrear* for their dee* at It o'elock, noon, the Tu**dty pteecding the Kleoilort, or who .hall hara renewed Ikelr Meaberabipfortke current year at or before I* o'clock noon of the Tuotdty preceding inch Klection, ahtll be entitled to rol* at auch elecllon. But no Meaber having Book, oat of the I.ibrtry Imger than three mouth., .hall M entitled to rote at audi election, ahltd LBVI CQBN, Becordlng geoteUry. T EATHER XJ Proa 1 I ahlllf BELTING 10 40 Inchea Wide. HARTFORD MANUFACTURE, For •*!* by BRASTUB CORN1NOftCO. TINEN SHEETINGS, at XJ CHAPO'S, M Sltle atrcel. LBI8URK HOURS IN TOWN—By the author of Be- oreatlona of a Country Paraon. 1 vol., limo. I.IBKKTV BKI.L—By William Row Wallace. Illua. titled, uniform with Star Spangled Banner, Ae. SPIRIT OF THE HBBRBW POETRY—By l*a«o Taylor, anther of Htetory of Knihu.i..in ; " ft*.', ko , will Saturday H von lug," •'Natural • ii-noi y v, r,« mi"ft*.,A.o , wilk a ' * ical Iniroduclion by Wm. Adama, D.D. II« a large number of the moat ihiil. s Language, Including nearly Three ml W*r Im-ui.. By Cliarlo* Not- blogr*ph I' It" IIU.'HIIII'Hull O/ ..III. ml.,111-., I. 11. VOL. 8-Carter Edition of Btytrd Ttylor't Work*. VOL. 3—Aldiue Edlilon of Thoinae Hood'a Work., MARORET HOWTH—ABloryof To-Day. I vol, Unto CUMMING—T*aoh ua to Pray, being Eipcrimeiital, Doctrinal, aid Praoiietl Obaervatioua on tbe I»ord'e Prayer. By Rev John Cumming, DD., author of " Ureal Tribultllon," "Orctl Prepartllon," Ac. YOUNG HTEPMOIIIKR, Or a Chronicle of Ml*. tike*. By the tuthor of "The Heir of Hedclyffe," " Haaruewe." tc. 8TRN0K STORY—A Novel. By Sir K Bulwcr Lyl. ion, author of '< What Will Ho Do With It," A c. UNDERCURRENTS OF WALL STREET—A Ro- mancc of Builnaaa. By Richard 11. Kimball, author of " St. I.eger," fte. 1 vol, lDnio. OBJECT LE8HONS-Prepared for Teacher, of l'ri. mtry Sch< ola and Primary Cltaea. By A, H, Welch. METHOD OF TEAUIIERS INSTITUTE and Ihe Theory of Education. By Samuel P. Btlee, A. M. EXERCISES OP DICTATION AND PRONUNCIA TION—comtlnlDj cull wordt In tho Hundred Mllltry trend, A. M TWENTY YEARS AROUND THE WORLD-By John Ouy Vtaitr. 1 vol., 8ro. PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY—A Traamo ipeoially ile.lguedforYoung Men. By John S. 0. Abbott. HKATH—PiveLav Mormon. 10 Wdrking People. Uy John Brown, M. D. THE MAGAZINES For March. For itle by S. B. SBAYi 88 Stale at., feto Y**ng M«a'« Aaeeiaiton Bonding. jijEW BOQKS t NewlBt^ksM The following I* a lilt of Ihe NBW BOOKS to be ton.i.l at 1:. H. BBNDBR8 Booh and Siatlonery Empo- rium, 73 Slat* .lrc.it. Undercurrent, of Wall alrael. Two volumea of the " Rebellion Rcoord" bound in four different aylea. S lgriaa of Kaaetau. By.Kinnhan Cornwtllii. emoir *ud Remain, of Do Tocguevillc. Author of Democracy in America, in two volumea. Spare Hour*. By John Brown, M. D. Sutherland* By Iheenihorof Rulledgo. tore lo tho Young, "fj. Seven Son* of Man l.l)l(e.,I.a*f. Lamp-Llthlera Story, Le**on* In Life. By Timothy Tltcorub,author of Let- re lo the Young, "Hold F«i 1.'' A ,1. • mmoii. By Oeorgo A- 8tla. Br the author of "Margaret Maltltud." , oth*r Novoletlea. By Chatlea DickoW. ' Hiokory llall| or, The OuWaat- By » r K- Emmt i>. K N. hoitihwoiili. Sybil Lenntrd, a Record of Woman'a Ufa. By Mra. Grey, author of tbe "Oambler'e Wife," fto. Fort laftyetle ; or, Love tnd Seoaetlon By Benja- min Wttod. Ctailo Wafer, or tM i/lnln Oolil Ring. By the author of "E**t Lynue." The Wtrdea. By Anthony Trolloppe, aathor 01 Fan). ily Ptraonag*. John Braul. By Major Theodore Wlnlhrop, anlhor of "Cecil "•••no," "Treuure Trove," Or. AacounU of lri.lt Heir*. 1. I..II. All iM Mggtxinct for Mtroh received. felt) J^ITHOGRAP HIC, COPPBB J»i*aH"«, WOOD KNOHAV1NU and h?RINKlNO, Excouwd in the beal uanucr, AND AT LESS THAN NEW YORK PRICE'S. Card*, Note*. Check*, Drawing* of Machinery, Circu- lar*, Map* end Chart*, Bill Hoada, Show Card*, View* of Building., Portrait*, Ao. noun' LEWIS ft GOODWIN. 43t Broadway. T ITHOGRAPHY.—The un- - L i dertlgned have thi* dty formed t Copartnership deralgned hkre thi* under the name and firm day formed a Coparlnarahlp of MURRAY ft CO, for tho a Ol I.IIOIIMII f- IO... O'l III* nurjpoite ofetrrylng on Ihe l.ITHOUKAPIIItl ttllHI. N EMM in til ut hrtnchc*. Ohecka, Notoa, Lablea, Mapa, Card, end Cotnmereltl Work., exeouted in tbe be.lpo. HIIIIO i.iiomoi, 1*1 price* to unit the Time*. Room No. 1, B..... I I.l.|"> |/.IV. Tntrd floor, ExcltauKO lluiliiillg. Albany, Nov. 18, Inn. nolo 3m JAMES MURRAY T. J. 00WELL, THE FRONTIER CAMP JL TRUNK,- -Invented by llev. E. P. ST1MSON. •nd Mknufactured exclusively by LYMAN J. I.f.OTk*, 340 and 344 Brcadwty, Albany, N. Y. PATENT RIGHT SECURED. Thla Trunk campriaea t Trunk, Bed, Bedding tnd Tablet tlao t Camp Stave .wi lb Cooking Apparaiua. which oaa bei 1 ojkided with itiagd' rueta when deaircd. Pri*a* of the TriiieV, Bed and Beddkr «,89*0 lo SIM. Stove and Cook. ag App*rtlui, 83 txlra ii.rtutl I.BAB1IBD UXA0K81IIXH. ^JMtasr.. LKOTUBE AT Tail MERCAHT1I.B COLLEGE, AS Noall* Fearl etreet, On IkturstUr Evening jf«zt, Maroh 18th, at eight e'clook. SUBJEOTi Tke Higher Law and Uoaumercc. Th* rVblio ar* r*ap*olfally Invited to atttad. • a l l at /iAYKTY MUSIO HALL. ^ (LATS OAYETY THEATRE.) Grata Sraaar, axrwaxa Bxtvaa tao Hooaoa. m2P ^0R".bH' A OWAR1, * | ^ « « - OBARLEC LBW18 Stage Mtntger. ONLY PLACE OF AMUSEMENT IN THE CITY. 8T1LL TRIUMPHANT! t:OMPETITION OUTDONE! ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY! Firat Wash of IM Orttl Spectacle, wlih new Scene- ry, new Machinery, new Coatume*, new Fropenlea, new Mu.in, aew d*ne*i,fto.,Ae., entitled, FADSTVSI OR THB HERMAN MAGICIAN. In wbieh the greet eoene of the MBRRY CARNIVAL, conalalia*r of over Fifty Character., will be introduced. Firat Week of FRANK RANDlNOT, The Celebrated Bawo, late of th* Cooper and Lucy Eicon Opera Troup**. Flrtt Wank of MISS BELLA CLIFTON, Tb* pleating Vncall.t and Daiaeute. Ml** Marion, Mia Lannier. Mia Ward, Mi** Slanton, Ml*. Loohwood, MIH Powell, Mewr*. Lewi*, Brimmer. Crook, Lay, lannier, Pike, Langriih, llu.l.y, and a hoat of other*. POSITIVELY NO BOY8 ADMITTED! FRIDAY EVENING, MAROH lllh, llonelit of MISS KATB STANTON, Tk* Attiaie Jig Duueaie. ADMISSION HI mid !H CENTS. Privet* Box** 83 tnd 84; Single Scale In Private Boxes SU Centa. Door* open tt X to T o'clock. Comatanolug at H to 8. noil •M..M.WBMX. !—'. '»••• 1.',.'. '..'." I, .} .... mtlhwm, pOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE V ^ —The underaigned have ibi* d«r formed t Coptrl- nerahlp under the linn name of ORANDELLftWll ITE, for tke purpoae of Manufacturing and actllng Hot Air Furnneee, Parlor Grnle*fto.,at 000 Broadway, Albany. Said Copartner.hip ooininonoing on the v.tili dny of Sop- lembor, ISM. Albtny,JanuaryMd.trJOS. HENRY CRANIIEI.L, lot aw nil,AM A. WHITE. G^ AS FIXTURES AND GAS FITTING.— -'tCHEr. CRAWFORD ft HE. TOR, Dealers in GAS FIXTURES,.ulyrjo variety, I'c gevarlety l selalri and Paper Shade*, Glass, eiid'Rioh Painted Shrult* Patent Gas Burners. Ac. Prnlcular attention pan the Introduot.oii of Gas .itlo Stores, Omoes, CounUiir Rooms,and Buiidingao nvt-iy iloicu'i lb../.. Ordere ct at 410 and Im Broadway. ''PIIE CANARY BIRD FAN- -A- C1ER, (Improved,) efnttlnlng a variety of useiul informtilon, Iiy which the admirer* of those bonutlful bird* may bo h:slruc|oil in their ounhgeraenl while breeding, tnd Ihtii Ireniiuoiii when dileascd. Price low. For ."In by fca* WM. 'I'llOHilllllN.-liiU Hint 4im Broadway, j^OTIOE OF_^EMOVAL.- DAVIS, GRAFT & WILSON, DBALBR8IN Fashionable Clothing, Will RBMOVE on Ihe FIRST OF APRIL NEXT te their Splendid New Store In Mtrble lit", ftos. 472 & 474 Broadway, Opposite their pretcnt looation, with their Largo and Elegant Stock of FOBSION and 90HB&TIC FABRICS, which are now being received and made into Stylish Clothing for City Trade. They will open with the largeal tnd best STOCK OF CLOTHING AND GOODS adapted to Men'e Wear for Clly Custom Business, ever onerred in IM City. None but Talented end Stylish CUTTERS will be employed. Citizen* of Albany and vicinity will hare no occaaion to go to New York to End good Oloihiog, u|lher Ready Made or nude to Order, it being their Arm intention to conduct il. ir busiuea* upon Iho ONE PRICE principal, with fairtiew and punctuality. R. O. DAVIS, CHA8. II. GRAFT, feM laplis Q. P. WILSON 'p O LET. SECOND FJL.OOR OF 463 BROADWAY. RUBBER GOODS. DOLL 1 1 ) Heed*, Toy*, Combe, Buttoaa, Napkin Ring*, fto, wheueale and retell, at SPBI.MAN'8 Faaay Ooode Store, atra Bratdway. and TWELVE OZ. Stlrer Plat** SPOONS and FORKS warraaied far aaperiur and mere durable than Ih* Mat *r*r before old ta this oily, for ealo ouly by H STRICKLAND, U4 Broadway, Manufacturer of An* Silv*r Plated Spoon* tnd Fork* !, UM -U»- _^ «U*r» Aiartdrgw; •a alaoal all paru *f IM c«**lry *w«a* raor*a«nt Ml Mat aude for tke relief of tke peer of 'reload. K**S the aahtler iku kaa left hia hoat* I* kg hi agalatt iM ReMUof tMSo*ia,is oaarlng hi* aalt* for th* relief .f kt* br*tkr*a. Wky, ih*s, da not tM IrlAhaea »t Ika i-.pialaf tM Betalr* aaa awahea t*ih**ry of dl«- " • a that ****** to u* item Ireland f Itieka**, art**. •a J perioral oa* ef th* aobiett dssd* that WM »**r writ. t.n i* tM page* of hlsiory.-ateediMi Ut ItwtW wad aMaaiareieeaJretof yoa N* *a* a«ed aU yea «MI y*a .aaVed a laW aad '7, whsa alagra followed M th* ftaiaifaeflajaiaa.aarl which did tot , M y i u progr*** ttul a kkaaaa at Ike Say* ef New York, Yung atm q.«M«, where Ihoraaad* ef oa/ eeaairyaea dad, far ''•«uWafriaad*,t*MMrl«diaaa exile's grave. 8*1. '«, fax b*U*r> weakt it M f*r Ikeae Uouttad ef Iriahaaa. '•'ih*,wak Iketr sword, m Ikeir kwd*, oa tk* aim *r r "*, eatUeg tk*aaalv** kae* f>*a tke akalta ef tM <»aau wM hare Mead th*** uk* il*v«* for tM laat "•a kaadred yaar*. Irelaikd k*» AIM tk* aral** *f "•apewlth kar tatier* bat, akw, Ma » * » wield *** *w*M* te ft** tMli owa Mtatty-^Utai eeaeMy *"!•»• htrih te a Beyle, Swift, Bkirieea aad Seht. *^«aaaaaOaMla < ,OwrM,#raa)tak*m»l»a; .**> •******."» eraaWef IM riek aeaa'a leMei a •"ary Ua* w*eM eeepen tareety aHiae* of fWeal* a u __*^ayi*yta^seat a the werht bat thai or *a« "^V*Mg*faer.U(kveatbread,aelaMlie*iaM r^raefkar aeaal krwa, *M -Area a**" aad aVa ^»la^.,aia.W.de*«a«M^aoe.akJek "^•aauiag lea aaaaketa ptager'agrtteaaa *T*h*aa. la tM aaa* ef Bed, then, aftee, aad U« Ir. ****** kaev that alihaagh yo* t/t agatiag r»r nJ^r*- -*T"+ 1— •^ar'taaase* rMMaaef "•"•». AM IRUHMANV f OST.—On Sunday morning, JLA ky a Lady going from lb* Oathedial to HadSn •tract a WAl.I.ET. coataiaing a small .mount of mon- ey. TM Under will la suitably rewarded by leaving th* **a* at 81 Qaay etreei. athll Iw T OST.—Los¥ Thursday forT- - L a noon, by a Lady going Iroa tke Raitroad Biatlen to Congrats Hall, A PORTS MONNAIB, containing Fifty S.vait Hollar., all bill* of tke United Btateo, a t . eeM Two Dollar*. A.uital.l. reward will be paid Ibe (nder on leaving IM atme with th* Proprietor of Coa- gvae«Batl. «ah83f OEAD-QUARTERS Super- 1. liiieud.int General Rcorulling Servica New York S.tle Vol*nl**ra tod MuaKrlag aad Disburalng Offloer, No. MS Broadway. Albany, N Y, March Sth, fees. I The following a n of Contra.., "Section t. approv- ed February Idih, 180V," it publi.heil for the Informaiion and government of OAcera ractmling in tha S u a of "SET M It farther eaacied, Thai Ihe riflh aecilon of lha act of twenty eighth of September, eighteen bait. died and ally, pro.idnig for Ih* dlscktrg* from Ih* ser- vice of aiaor* *nllal*d wiihout the ooasentof ibelr UH- reau or guardiani, bo. and the **a* hereby la. rapealed; proridM, Thai k*r**ll*r no person aadtr tka ag* of oigkwen akall be autsisd uto the United 8l*i*s ser- vice, tnd Ihe oath of enllslmeul taken by tM recruit shall be eeaoiaaire aa to ha i t s . i II. Oaeertarmth*irHe«roTaiJuj(P«rllei will draw pay I apse Maaur tnd P»y Roll* eretv two aontbs, ftoa tho [ l/nlteeState.Paymaster lathee^M^towferk. THE LA f.k KITCHEN, FOUR DINING ROOMS, aad the Broadway Entrenee to Wxtoon'* Reslau- reel. —AUSO— TUB LARGE PQUARB ROOM In Ihe Rear of our Store, adjoining those Room*. Th* tbove ar* Desirably Located, and admirably adapttd for a PIR8T OLA88 BROADWAY RESTAURANT. Apply at TELLER fc PAGE'S (rent's Furiiishiii# Store, JYba. 462 » 464 Broadway,, ALBANY. IDantei.: jam N«Jor let inftnty, U. 8_ Army, vy, y. a. arnj. 8*porlnl*nd*nt, *taMdata^aaAsmaW4iia*We*aa**> F INE SILVER PLATED Oeaarei Oak* Baakali, Tea Sat*. Spoon*, Foaka, Ivory Te**odT*kl*Kaiv*s,ft*.,for **le laaaaaUta* a **at pateMtare, at tM oaa arae Sure, No. eel Broad. R. STaUOtlLAND, of n.a SUvar PUtad War*. . w*y. athT WANTED. —FURNISHED ". HOUSE.—A Gentleman and Wtf* Iwlth no f*rally,) wl.kt* lo Loo a furnished House, in a uesltablu location. ThO Houa* must b* comfortably furnished, and containing gaa and water. Address, staling location tnd arm*, Box 380, Albany t.J). mhll If W ANTED.-Copies of th< RED BOOK, (Legislittve Manual,) for yours 1SW, 1841, IMS. Also, copies previous to 18tl», for wbloh t liberal price will be pvld. Addrea Box No. 17, Albtny P.O. r matdftiwlwwtt i l l •—v. =! ESgEfflStim iMwiTlsKartk HOC? i m •IIM-I'I# Aa the sea- wiber ^m wi«iiitiT. r |?ARLY 9EBD8-Aathe»< X U •0A*fM*t.ked *»»vWa_aik*a*,tM*aMii. **ll* ttwauoa te toaaoaeeleai aetorlakaaiera^Pjadt, ooe»aUHef*UlMa*»tM»lr*%r«rail*.o^f<ibb»g*, latttSirVat^TaalBoirer. Temaue*, OaaaaMrt, "'"'HI m fofiklatttMIe - i ' IIHST , TT "A M LIGHT COLD," B ROWN'S 0 »"I 1 >> HovU»*B***. or 8or« AV V ll« O Throat, which a-ht M . . . s e a l bain! cheek** with a eiaple icmc dy, Ifiiegleoted.ofteiiterinlu. RRONdH I A I. awaiMloaaly. Few arcaw*re BILV/i.1 UX11 A.JU of jh, tmpouana. of ttopplug -• •:. I a Cough or alljat Cold la in mnt-t/1111,111 Iraaliigoi that which in tM TROCHES. bMlnntng'would yield to a mild remedy, if not Mlende.l to, soon attacks the lunga. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES ware Bret in- troduced eleven year* ago. It hat been proved that they ere Ihe best article before th* publio for Coughs, Oolda, Drooohllia, Asthma, Otttrrh, the Hacking Oohgh 1* Consumption, *nd numerous anaoilon* of the Throat giving Immediate relief. Public Speakera and Hingtr$, wlH fad them efeelual for clearing and itrenglheiiin* Iho vole*. S*M by all DratfttUi«M^Dealete In Medicine, at M AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, l\ FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, And for lha speedy cure of tbe subjoined varieties ol Disease i hWofiila «njl Serafulaua Affection*, aiiota ae Tnfflorl, •lltiera, Borea. Bruiv- tlona, Vlraplee. Vaatalea. Bletolie*. Balls, Hlalna. a n d a l l Skin Mlaeaaea. ti»«i.»nn. tnd., tub June, 1809. 1. C. Ara*ftCo.—Gents: I feel ilfnydniy to acknowl- edge wjoit yonr riarsapnrilta hat done for me. Baring inherited a Hotbfulou. iiifeoiiOK, I have aufhred from It In vgrlou* way* for yeaf*. Buiaeiiine* It buret mil In Ulcere on my hands mil trms) lomeUrrei It turned in- ward and distressed me al the stomnak. Two yetr* ago 11 broke out on my head and covered my soelp and ears with nun sote, which wta painful tnd loathsome beyond description. I tried many mouloinet « l j Zi":£ JiTii. oitnt,hut wiihout muoh relief from any tung. In fact, tho ditoiii.or grpty worse. At length I wke rejoiced to (fad in tho Gospel Metienger lh*t you hall prepared an alterative !"uswra.U»), ft? 1 knew front your reputa- tion that any thing you made must he good. 1 teat to Cinoutnatu and got It, mid used it nil u cured me. I took it, M. y.nt advise, in small doses of a toacpoonfu! over a month, tad used almost three bottle*. New and healthy ikin soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off. My akin Is now oletr, and 1 know by my feeling* that iho diaetee ha* gone from my ay.lcni. You tieu wen believe that I feel what I am aaying when I tell you, that I hold you lo be one of the apotifee of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Your*, ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Aiithouy'e Fire. Heae or Bryelpelae, Vettar Met Balk Alieuiu. Itttnf.I ff.iu.l, ixli.at wiik••«, Bart) I'lyo*. Sroaey. Dr. Robert M. Preble write* from Salem N. V-, IStb September. 1S»P, that he bat cured en inveterate case ol Dropsy, which threatened lo terminate fhUlly, by the pcraeveriug uae o our Sarsaptnlln, tnd tlso a danger- oue tlttek of Malignant Erysipelas by large doses ol the saraei laya he caret the eommon Eruption! by It con- stantly Uroucbocele, Uoltre or Swelled Neck. Zi-lniloii Sloan, of Prospect, Tex**, writes: "Three bottles of your Saruptrilla cored me from a Goiire,—t hideout swelling on iho neck, which 1 had •uHered from over two year*. 1 ' i.uiiiturrlium or Wbttee. Ovarian Tumor Vlerlue Ulceration. Female Dleenaee. it.. J li. 8. Channlng, of New York City, write* i " moel cheerfully comply wlih the renucst ofyour agenl in saying 1 Mve found your Banaparilla a moat excellent tlterttlvo in the numerou* ooraplabu* for which we em- ploy audi a remeoy. but eapeeially lit Female Duetset of the Sorofulout dlaUtetlt. I have oared meny invet- ertte eaaet of Leuohorrhoea by it, and *ome where tho coniplalitt ww caused by uloeretlon of iho mem*. The ulceration iualf wa* toou oured. Nothing within my knowledge canal* it for these female dertngemena." Edwtrd M Murrow, of Newbury, Ala, writ**: "Aden- geroua Ovarian Tumor on one of tbe femtlee in my fin.nly, which btd dotted all the remedies we conld em. ploy, net al length been completely oured by your Ex* tract of Barsapardla. Our puyvioiau thought nothing bui osiirnatioii oould afford relief, but he advised the trial ol your Sarsapariila aa the last retort before cutting, and 11 proved efeelual. After taking your remedy eight week* no symptom of the disease remain*." •rjelklUe and Meronrlal JDleeaee. Naw Oiir.usNS,p:i|li Augrul, H'Ml Da. J. 0. Area: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply with the re- ? ue*l of your agent, and report to you some of the effects have realized with your Sarsapariila, I have oured with it, in my praotice, meet of the coin, ptalnta for whleh It Is recommended, and have found IU effects truly wonderful in the oure of Venereal and Mer- loni.d Mi.oii-c. One of my paifenu htd Syphilitio ulcea In hU tbroal, whioh were oonsuming hit palat* mid tho top of bis mouth. Your Sarsapariila, steadily taken, oured him in five weeks. Another wts atttcked by sec- ondary aymploma In hi* nose, and Ihe ulceration had eaten away a consumable part of it, so thai I believe the dis- order would aoon retoh his brain and kill him But it yielded to my tdmlnislration of your Baraapartll* i the ulcere headed, and be It well again, noi of course with- out some disfiguration to his face. A womtn who had been treated lor Ih* same disorder by roerouiy wts suf- fering iVoni this poison in her bones. They htd become so seusitive to the wotthor that on a damn day *ho «uf. feted exorutiatlng pain In her Johns tnd bones. She, too, waa oured entirely by your Sartaparllla in a fow week*. 1 know from l u formula, whioh your agent gnve me, that tlili Preparation from your Laboratory must be a great rontedyj oonsoq,uentiy, these truly remarkable re suits with It have not surprised me. t'-.iitc.n.illy youis, 0. V. LARIMER, Al D. ItaeuatatMna, Gout, I.lTer Complaint 1 mpartHDraoa, Preitort Co.. Va.. 8th July, 1W9. Da.J.G. Araa: Sir, I have betn tiHloicd with aptin- ful cdronic Rheumatism for a long time, which baffled mo skill of physicians, and sluok to me in spite of all the remedies I could and, utilll I tried your Sarsapariila. One bottle oured me lit two weeks, mid restored my general hoalth.Bo Much that I am far better than before I wts atuoked. I think II a wonderful medicine. 1. FaatH. Jute. Y. I.'eichcll, of St. I.mils, writes: «1 have been amicfed for yean with to afeclloit of the Liver, which destroyed my lietlth- I tried cverylhlnr, tnd everylhlng failed to rohov*. m„- t and 1 have been a brokendowuaaa tin- some years from uo other oause than drrrmgsmsnl */ lit. I.ivtt. My beloved l'aator, tha Rev. Mr. Eapy, ad. vi**d inn in try your Sat**p*rill*, because he said he "'-' von iiiuilo wo. woiih iiyiii«. Mi cured a e , and bus to purl inowmanofme. Ifeclyoung again. The beat that can be ttid of you it not half good enough. . Sebirraa, Chancer 'a'liuioia, Mnlaraxmeat, i;ti:vs-MtlMii, tlnrt.iM issitl « * f . i l l a t i o n ol IBto fiosree. A treat varlely of oaie* hare been reported lo u where cure* of these formidable complilntt havo result- ed from the use of tba remedy, but our apace here wil not admit them. Somo of them may be found in ou Amoticnii Almanac, which the agent, below named a pleased lo lurntsn irtn.is to all who call for them. pATENT UNFERMENTED Abiolutely Pure, MADE WITHOUT YEAST, A Mill.IKS OR BAKING POWDERS OF ANY KIND. Il Is iiorfeoily cleanly, as no human h*ndi aver touoh it till it 1* liakcil. By this new process of raising Bread, all tM nutritious ami palatable qualittce of thaflourare preserved unimpaired. IT 18 ALWAYS LIGHT AND SWEET. It never SOURS, and will noi DRY UP UM Y«**t Bread, mid contain! nothing but Flour, Water, and Sail. By thi* process we produce a more healthy mid nutritious—a tweeter *ktd cheaper Bread than oan be made by any other pro****. We have a greet number of Tesliinoiiuls ol ill superior quail lies, from eminent Chemists tnd Fhy- slotim, both In Ibis Country tnd Europe, but ihe best proof of the article it "eiiing il." pleasettyil. Ladle* aad olhere intere.lad.ro invited lo ctll and ice the process of making Iho UNFERMENTED AERATED BREAD, 1TB N o r t h P e a r l atreot. Albany. BELCHER ft LARRABEB, Agtnu. Mtnuftcturcrt for Albtny tnd Rensselaer Ooamies. N. B. This Bresd will soon be for 8*1* by our Agouti, tnd all respectable dealers in Ihe cities of AlbanyjTroy and other '/'-.WUH In tbe two counties. "as 3nl A LBANY CITX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ALBANY, N. Yv Otoe*k?«e>*r*»c** 4.000. Vath Capital. .9100«OOO. Office in Union Bank. Mo. 448 Broadwitv. DIRECTORS i Baal. Payn, C. Vibbard, Wm. TUIInghtii, D. I. Boyd, Wm. N. Strong, J. Van Gttsbeet, Alfi.nl Willi. C. Vtn Beutnnysen T.Vlut Hentoii, G. 0. Davidson, Wm. I Coot, A. A. Il.oilop, Wm L. learned, J a me* Roy, A. P. Palmer, E. Coming, Jr., B. noo-i m Geo.) A. E. 8Hra.cn, Alanson A. Sumner, A. Bleeker Banks, Rob'l L. Johnson, " " B. Dtrldaon, Badriay, no. B. Steele, Jtraee Wilton, John F. Rathbone, T. O. Younglove, Tho*. Ketrney, Jamet C. Kennedy, P. Learned. WIS. T H r M r f O U A S T . Preiidenl. H. HHiH Beoietary. *ed PATENT AGENTS and JL ATTOBNKYS. MA80W, FKNWICKftLAWEKNCB. CHARLES MASON, LATB COMMIS8IONBR OF PATENTS. ROB'BT W. FENWI0K,| late Maaager of the Sulenliflo American, Washington Br*aeh, PATENT AGENCY. FIFTEBN YEARS experience In the PATENT AGENCY Business. DE WITT a LAW RRNOE, lute member of the U. 8. Patent owco Appeal Board. JT.W.KLVB YEAR mi Offloer lathe PATBNT OFFICE. »l ooured. NOTE-PATENTS ar, pessary to obtain a Patent tent Ire* of oharg* All IMormatlon ne- J*17lf knew you, and tny ihmg vnu made wa* worth, irykrar.— By tha blealiig of God it Ma cured a e , and hat ao purl led my blood a* to make a aew man of me. I feel yonn QRANDELL tk WHITE (•aooKMoa* ro i. o. Haaoaaaoa.) MM Broadway, Albany, J*. V; OPPOSITE THE DBLAVAN HOU8R, MmtuAujtaror* and Dealen in HOT AIR FVRNACIaff, Flva Sire* of Portable!, and four Sixes tobewt In briok. Parlor and Chamber Grates, PORTABLE GRATES, B1TOHEN RANGES, OOOK AND HBATINO STOVES, REGUTBRS Attn VENTILATORS, At prleaaaa low a* at «ny Establishment tit the United States. feteak j^INOS TON CEMENT. l'HKNix AND OOMBINBD GUANO, NOVA SCOTIA and WKMTKHN PLANTER, tor sale at SUNLOP'S Plaster Mill, toMtf f)T tnd OS «uny street. t'.l'Ui.l. TO ECONOMtZE IN BOOTH ->. aM8l*tHaa,lMMvMM*rearaat prs 1™ a^aaW aTwPaTW CSTRAYED OR STOLEN- r O HORSE A^D SUSIGH froa in front of the Dan. lop HouaeTh-lween dandT last evening. Bay horse, about afteeoMi.d. high; sliver moantea haru.ss, Inter S. onbliixli; * sq*ar*boxbaslneasleigh,ptlatedgreen, ilnpod wilk y*lluw i iwo buAle tab** oaa well worn, -JET. -gjkVlittWe, ia»U teuere,I.M a.* - ~ » w—' M* .ta v e.viof t^BroMrray.AJhairy aarkod*i»fli»*^i\ ..'»^J*, l iII^ih?' %&£** W " karei wTVlNOKR * co, •jT-rvi-T t- —warwill II lead te tka reeerery of said I* Many remarkable cure* of their erection* Mra beta made by iMalteralire power ol thi* inedlgine. It sum. ulate* the vital luueliona Into vigorous action, and thus overeomee disorders whioh would M luppoted beyond II* reaoh. Suoli a remedy ha* long Men reqalred by the necessities of the people, tndwetre conOdenl lhai this will do for lhorn»ll that medicine can do. Ayer'p Oherry Feotoral, ro* tea aario ocaa or %IJitl pjtsttlJ. ^TAtJllION MARINE' INSU'RANOB OQMttadr.—' O Noticetohereby ghran, porauapt to tM provliloni of an ordtr entered herein in the eupreme ooutt of Hue •late, on the 61I1 day of March, 18H, thai a Inal dividend will be paid to lha atockkolders of tk* JaektoB Mam* iMbraac* Oompauv of oneflfth per cent, on tMpar vkluoof tbesiockof lhaeald Company, on th*td,9d mat 4th dtyt of April, 18**, at Ihe otAco of th* under- algned, aambar *f Fin* tireet, in tM Oily of New York. Dated Mew York, March eth, 18«t. JEREMIAH P. TAPPAN, mhll Sir Receiver of the Jaokson Marina In*. Co. T inrPBoTCTBi' fiife STATE 01' NEWYolli; by tbe grace of God, fVee and Indepeiideiii, lo Jama* M. Pendleton, Susan Id. Bowler, Uuwrgo H Ptndlftoii. ICIIIoulI. Ptnd.eioii.MflrihaDandrlilgc, N»ihAiii«lP»5n- iHeion. Chiirlotto 1'omJlf ion and Kdmuiid PendJAtpn and Anna y. Hcltonok, and a)l other belra at law of Kdmuod II. Pendleton, deceived. areoUng: Whereas. l-Minund H. PeiedUion, lateot* ihe city of New York* deceased, ae ia alleged, has lately died. leaving H last will ana testament relating to real and personal estate; and Nathaniel P. Rogera, executor Miereln named, has applied to the earrogato of said county for iho proof thereof] you are hereby cited to appear at A lurrogate'e court to bo hold before Our inr jtt;Shb t'&Jtt. mTSt* iBjiiltlll • ! all •»delfa.y>eWlliJM.i.aei..l.kteaM8i*ahd,.. -• .niaaiii -• T O LET. TkeLewerpart ef tk* taer* brtoa HeraeNo. lv7Flr*t«raet. Tha Iowa part of tM frame H**s* N*. let Firm M. low*r m upi The low*r*ruppw pari *f a <Xla*> BaatMiaeSt ear laoisik Th* ipealoaa and eleaaat Stor* oce****d 1 Oreaaaa a Co., ta tk* "JauWkl* Baek," N*. 4M way. Po*sa*»aa«*n M hadeaor MlWe tka I* ceeaewd hflsWi. MkVotd- fVR5 Atop, tM »v>a«»ry *tl«*Dwalrlai» t*m.*H\it Hamdtoa atraet,fromtk* ta May. Atoo, tM three amy brisk Dwelling No. T* Ragle si Also, th* upper or lower part of th* aUeaaat eotta**. No. 7» Seoend street j Apply to W 1. FRYBH steal E*lal* aad * - — 818( laaaraMe Aaeot "SALE—The first ttt.-.tl..! i^JllHII rogale in said county, al hi* otSoe In Pouahkee]isle, on ihe Slid day of April, A. D. IMS, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, than and there lo attend Iho probate of tbe last will end testament of said deceased In testimony whereof, wo Mve caused the see! of of. flee of our said surrogate to be hereunto etllxed- Wilness, Peter Dorland, aurrogato of said coon* ll. S.J iy, thi* Hth day of Msrch in the year of our Iiord one thousand eight hundred and alxiy-two. mhlldw PETER DOIII.AND, Surrogate. rjrtHa PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW TORE, Jt. to Jacob N. Coon, of CouJcbetter, MeDotough county, Illinois; Calvin Coon, of llunniiinl, Missouri j John Dygert and Susan Dygart hia wife j William H. .mining and Alinlra Launiug hia wife, all of Verona in ihe county of Oneida, N. V , heirt at law tnd next of kin or Jacob Coon, deceased. Whereat, 8lephen Coon, has this day offered the last will and testament of the said Jacob Coon, l*te of the town of Verona, iu the eounly of Oneida, deceased, for probate as a will of real and peraonal et. talo, before Henry M. Hurchard, *urrogate of Ihe eounly of Oneida; you are therefore hereby oiled to appear be- fore the hiuil surrogate, *t hit office in Rome In the county of Onold*, on the eixth dty of Mty, 169*, *t 10 o'oloek In Ihe forenoon of that day, to attend to the pro. bale of laid will. Given under the hand and official seal of Ihe laid sur (L. 8.] rogale, al Rome, In laid county, Ihli Bflh dty ofMarch, A. D. icti'j. mhll Ow HENRY M. HURCHARD, Surrogate. riVllE PEOPLE OF THB HTATEOF NEW YORK; M. to Ellen M Tryon, rending in WiUon, Niagara eounly, N V.; George Tryoil, residing at For tor, Ni- agara eounly, N. Y-i Hannah Hamblin wife of Smith Iiin.iliiiii, residing at Wilson.aforesaid; Harriet Tumi. l.l.i wife of Richard Trumble, and Ella* D. Trumble wife of Stewart Trumble, all of whom realde at Hadley, l.«l-cer county ill the atate of Michigan: Thome* Try. oii, residing at Porter In said oounly of Niagara: aad to Mortimer M. Soulhworlh. residing at Lockuort, Niagara county, N. Y.tbe apecinl guardian of Elvira M. Tryon, who reaidoa al Wilton in said county of Nivgara, heir* and next of kin of Thorns* S. Tryon. late ol Wilson in the county of Niagara, deceased, greelinj mhll VOB JL Coittg* Brick DwaUlng. No. S80 HaraatM a. Lot SUby ISOfrel.iiiliiiliig ihroiigli to J«y slrsel, with car. rlage house and cable on Jay al. A Ine garden with frail tree*, «rsp* vinss, A*. Mu kltek*a sad wood house In rear of koa**, aad cellar aader Ike wkole, wlih gaa, waier, ke*ter, A*. Terms aceoaaodaiing. En. quire of WILES, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, aakll KeelBiln* Ageeto, 08 Slat* it. A LET.—Prom thefirstof rpO B~ May next, the three itory brick Dwelling House No ta Chapel aireei, corner Saaben. 1. STERNBERGH, i..bin oetee Kxekaag* Baildiag. T O LET—Prom the 1st of May next ihe large three story and high basement brick Dwelling; wilhsub.collar, et 140 LVdius street, two doors tM poet*/ k«*»lSt^ ajaayof tM Medical tad Utaltoa* of the Old World, aad r«tara* arte of alltMlrlal**tlaipfor»a*»tt. wkUkw togiv*Uo**inn»»d,prolM*loi *r*ap*a*reeaaB7j ci"« Bawaaa or Iarosirioa.-r raotiea with aay oth*r odU* ia I ^ m^-»i&^\Tke** wke e*H at his once need aot f**r laaoataautS his Diploma, Gold Medal, and E*rop**n TMilsaanlaUaa tkeroaghand tniantlBc kuowledgeof kls pri faaaiovs, a J . satisfy all applloanlaof his snr«erii* skill ar.djudgatat. >Tis no as* talking--if yo* want a ceritlnspetdy *sae t*d Dr. Cooke—he never falls—is •verlastilgaera. ty Hi* O mmiulonoaa Major Genertl aawillatkldl Appolnlaaut «t Surgeon General ia tki Uarud Sit.** ArlD CONFIDENTIAL *-jr wesi of Grand s.re.ei, now ocoapled by Antrim While, Esq. The houia may M seen from a term! enquire at 113 Lydiuiit,next door below, or < WILES, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, In 4 For of mlOlf Reel Esiato Agent., 6,1 8late'it. T O LET—Prom the 1st of May The two alory and bs.emeiit Hon**, No. 141 Clin- ton avenue, baa gat tnd water. Rent, 88*0 Also, part of Hoat* No, 111 Clinton tv. Rant, 8130 Also, store, No. 35Q Broadway. Also, House No. 43 Broad iireel. Also, House No. 34 PriukHn HreM. Also, House No 3d JerTersoa an eel Also, liou-o No. 10 William ttreet. Apply to nil.lO 0. FOSTBR, A3 State tireet. University, aad cer ilneatea of til hit Colltg* Beau MazaalMd by kla F*tron» at all timet OLD DR. COOKE ol Albany. N. Y—Fellow ef tl« Roy*l College of Physicians and 8»rgeous, Lraaam Jtsa ft>r raanyyeera Surgoon General In Ike Jlrilisk tadf it. algd Medieal Service-CP'haa recently retarrted frta, Eerope, and ataio retimed hit OFFICE PRACTICE kg Ihe bene*t oT Ike unfortunate. Tk* OLD DOOTOk professes lob* tmuiontlytklllful in garag OoaarrMu illee-l, Hlrielurea, Syphilis In all Us slagea eriaaaiv, •eoondary, ternary and ker*dltaryj Beminal W*akr*ta Nooiuratl Balaton*, Generel Debility, Impottray.M*) all dlseatea of Ike Urinary Oigins. TM Benertl aefiei> aaall frea all wh* may h* •aided with lay ra*hdhw ease, feeling confident ia a«oee**, and a grtal wvlugo j Hat* aad money to his patienu Sea* ef th* moel learned and fsmoas mra oflMeeea try kar* been aad*r ha ebarge—men of genlaa, intellee and power—and In no Instance Iss the tlrlsinea. of pnl vaaf been Tits tied. DR. COOKE NOT RETIRED FROM BUSINESS, Old J»r ;<!o*kt, wk* kta not retired from buainesa, hie no boys, aisdanis, tertnirt, roi.ntii, noi blielinga, Ml t'J t.l.lts atisonslly to I.l. palls nla. ''•lis thai wklakso maeh canlltan**Implr**, Pi aaf , Mill va ae f.ilk.r utoof r*t air**." »E8TIMONLAL8 ''l^adeeior «f *o*t*n, wiijfilki aavaib* noi let." fhereas, l.usk'llraca, of the town cling: of Wi 'ilson, in the county of Niagara, hath lately made application lo our surrogate of tho county of Niagara, to have a certain iu.ltiiiiii.nl in writing relating lo hold real and penonti estate, duly proved at Ibe laat will and testament of aald Thomas S. Tryon, deceased ; you and each of you are hereby cited and required peraoually to appear before the surrogate of oureouiity of Niagara, at the surrogate's office ill i<ockport t on Monday the 'Jdlh e*y of April. IHIW, at 10 o'clock ill the forauoon of thai day, lo mend the probate of lite sad instrument at the laat will tnd testament of the snal deceased. In witness whereof, we have caused the teal of office of our surrogate lo be hereunto affixed. Wil- li-. 8.] ness, George W. ftowen, surrogate of onr stld county, at liockport, the seventh day of Maroh, A. D lbW ttitttl Ow O^V. BOWJSN, Surrogtle. A T a genertl term of Ihe lunreme court ef the title of New York, held lu aid for the third judicial dn- n id, al Ihe city of Albany, on the 8th dty of March, l-'ic-l l'i o v ui, Justices Hogeboom, 1'eckhain, and Miller. Ordered, Thai In notion, where there is reaion to be- lieve thai the trial will not occupy mora than one hour and a half, cither parly may apply by motion at the olr- .• nit ou the first day thereof, on a notice of four days lo hate the Issues therein plaood upon a opeoial calendar fot trial, (aorving with suuh nonce any efhdaviu or p*< nors he may wish to use on tho motion, whioh Mve noi iisen already served); and iho same may be so ordered, in the discretion of Iho justices before whom the motion shall bo made- If such motion be granlod, the cam will be entered on a special calendar lo be made by tho clerk of the clr inn, on receiving a note of the iwue speolfving ihe nii..il'i-i of the oause on the general trial ctlondar. such nolle of inuo to befiledwith the clerk without delay, after the granting of said motion. The special otlendar will he called on the teoond day of the cirouit, and the tiial of causes thereon, continue as long aa the piealdtng Justice shall deem expedient; every cause so placed ihcroou, If not Itn-d at the Arsl circuit, and noticed for a succeeding oirctnt. shall be enlltled, without a renewal of ihe motion, to be plnced on ihe tpeciul calendar for every succeeding circuit for which said cause shall be noticed for Inal. If ihe trial of tbo cause Shall occupy more than one hour and* half, tho trial may, in the discretion of the presiding IUI- lioe, be suspended, and the oause M placed at the foot of the goner*! trill ctlendir. Ordered, 'Mint the clerk ol Ibucourl cause ihe forego- iug "idi-i- to be forthwith published in Ibe State paper for four successive weeks infill d4w 8. A. WATERMAN, Clerk. rrsHB PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK. X ' b y the graco of God fren end independent, to ell lo whom these presents shall come, or may coneern, •ltd especially to Magdelina Johnson, widow of Peter Johnson, deceased, residing in tbe town of Gallatin. fol county, N v.; Silas P. Johnson, of Jaspei Ihe atate of Ohio ; Holsey wife of Jeremiah feet deep, communicating with Montgomery *t., with fine harden, abounding in fruit. The house is In perfeet repair, and if not sold, will be rented lo a good tenant. A part of tbe purchase money may remain on tho place. For parllcalara, enquire of WILES, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, HcHiEsiaio Agents, M Htkteti., or Dr. HERMAN WENDELL. inhlb 'PO LET orPOR SALE.-The •L new Brick Stable, oorner of Columbia and Lodgt eireet*, wlih twenty feet in rear, suitable for I.iveiy pur- poses Possession immediately. OLCOTT A KINO, tt Bute meet, i.ihi if over 8l*le Bank. THO LET—The Briok Store, No. 400 Broadway, al pretett occupied by Mean. E. S. Derrick A Son, Haiteri and Furrier*. b*nig « most desirable stand fbr any kind of business Enquire of WILES HOFFMAN A ROWLAND. f*t7 Rill Battle Ageuli, oo State street. JL bii LET.—The three story brick Dwelling No. IM u.lliu. street. It Is in good repair, and furnished throughout with gas and wa- ter. Possession glvon May tit. Apply to fn'.'/if It SMITH, III Howtrd Href. T O LET—Stores No'sT 93 and 0} Green street, wilh Dwelling! above them, in good ordor. with gti and water. Alao, to Let m I* , Dwelling No. 71 Lydlos sum t. new occupied by William II. Taylor, containing all modern improvements, range, healers, gsi lud watar cloiets. Also, No. 77 l.ydiui street; will ilr, with gas, wi.|cr, Ac. Knqii fell] if 'uWi8..,.-X . - ..„ Mpm in perfect re- pair, with gas, water, Ac. Enquire of ' u ' 40HN TAYLOR A 80N8, Brewery. LET-- Prom thefirst"of May next, ihe " Dunlop lioase Hotel,*' m Uro*d. way, au cxoellcni busineas tlaad P^nquire of A A. HI IN I.OP. i. /1 Ion MI. 11, or by letter lo ROUT. HHI\ l.i«l\ felhl if Jtineivilio, l!.i(oiil»K», *'•<• i N. V TO LET—Prom 1st of May, JL Houie and Lot No. 30t South Pearl sireet. Also, No.niillHniiili l'carlalr*et. Eui,ulre nfCLARK. SON T1BIIITS, 7tl Hawk it., or of Mrs. WM. HILL No.JJPO South pearl St., |rsl door north. fait If r Mills in . Koioker. hooker, residlnr al or near Scranton In Ih* sinto ol Penhiyivmi*; Suiannah wife of William II. Finger, residing in the lown of Gallatin, Columbia oounty, N. Y.| Maria wife of l.tionard J Mmiti., residing in tin town of Yates, Orleans county, N. V.; Peter P. John. ion,j*iid Helen wife of John F. Snyder, residing in the town of Gallatin, Columbia county, N- V ; Herman V. Ess^lslyn, of Hie oily of Hudson, N. Y , the sno;;^ § ui.nl.i.u of William Johnson, Irviellt wife of Henry A. 0*1,1, Harmon Johnson »:;•.'. .'.'itrgKrel Johnson, four mi^ Hon i"..i.': «; years of age. and who all reside In the Iowa of Gallatin. Columbia county, N. Y.: Susannah wife' of George A I Minn, residing at Cambridge in the state of Wisconsin; Peter 1'. Johnson, whoee residence is unknown and cannot be ascertained; Betsey wife of Nclsjon Suydcr, residing in the town of Gallatin, Colon, bia tjnuiily, N. Y., who are the widow und only heirs at law and next of kin of Peter Johnson, late of Columbia oouijiy, deceit icd, send greeting: Whereat, Mtgdallna Jnliipiiui, who ia named at *ol« cxequlrix in a cermln iutiruraeni in wnlini to ta, Ihe laat will and testament of the i iiiit.purporting u ^ . , . . aid poier John- ion, dtoeaied, and rolallng to both real and personal es- l*,te,j ha* applied for uroonhereof, before our surrogate of oju coioi'ty !d for n of Colt inuliiii; oiti.it and required personally lo be and *ppe»r (if you shall soe hijbelore Ihe said surrogate, at his offioe in . . . oaa day of April next, at ten . you are Iherefor* he'reby d thai ity of liu'dson, on the vi.l day or* April nexi, o^look in the forenoon of that day, then end there lo in tend lite probate of said will. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. flee of stld surrogtle to be hereunto Affixed.— Wluiets. <-I.-ulna Euelsiyn, esq , surrogate of [L. I.) our said eounly at the oily of Hudson, Ibis 8th day of Mtroh, in the year of our Lord one 1 thousand eight hundred tnd sixty-two. 1 Hw *HAS ESSELS'fYNjSurrogtto. p iFBREB'S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. XV Supremo Oourl —Thomti Doren, ex'r, Ac, agaliut KHz. Wooiey, Jtue B. Wooley, Mary Ann Wooley, Will am T. Wooley, and Suian R. Wooley, end other*. Br virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure and wle enter- ed nil In tbi* action on Ihe 4th day of February, 190'J, lu thii Court, 1, the undersigned Referee duly appointed for that purpoae in and by said Judgment, will Mil tt publilo auction, at the Hetuuda of the Merehant'a Ex- change, in the clly of Albtny, on Ihe Sth dty of Mtroh, ooley, J»ae B. Wooley, Wooley, '" .. Judgment of foreclosure and *a!o enter- on the 4th d * ~ *" ourl, 1, the undersigned tt nurpoae in and by is w , auction, at the Rotunda of the Merehant'a Ex- i, in the clly of Albany, on the Dili day of March, li:in>!ni 18o'clock at noon, of that day. the premises de- scribed la the mortgage thereof given by the defendant!, Ellxi, Jesse D., Mary Ann and Susan R. Wooley, and ote William T. Wooley, now deceased, .to Andrew A. Corrjsiou, now deceased, as follows: --All their and each of their right, title and interest in tnd to thtt ceritin lot, pice* or parcel of lend wltb ibe building! ibereon. mu- *ie. lying, mid being In Ihe oity of Albtny, ou the smith side M Washington avenue, In said city, and bounded and detoribed as follows: "On ihe north by Washington avenue: on Ihe etit by a house and lot lately owned by " * i by his Holy be- oupiod by hia pronerly lately he- , and ou the well by iiowiocoupied b Febijutry 8th, II 'ivni. ||.. wii mo ii.-nv or o nvmg mi., ua our Sami iel S. Peck, deoessed, and uow oco wide w and family; on Ihe south by proper lougmg to Fenlou Lawlor, deceased, and oi propirty belonging lo Samuel C. Harrii, being aboa't iblrly-threo feet front and rear, by about one hundred and auUy.tr* feel deep, anil being the unit premises whlrj|i wereeonveyed to Collins R. Wooley. deceased, by two deeda, one bearing data October SSih, 1840, exe. culel by Corneliua Ten Broeck and wife, aud the other bear leg date September Stst, 1835, exeouted by Teunis Van Vechten, Jacob H Ten Eyok andJelli* Wiim*,iun- lor, ejxoeutors, A c , of John llriiikerhofl, deceased, and " sud ptrtiei of the first pert." Albany, CLINTON CA88IDY, Referee. P. jCegfar, Att'y fbr l'l'ii. foio SawSwatd Th* sale of Ihe premiiea in Ibe above nolicc described, Is pofipoued iiniil the laih day of April next, at ihe urn* hour and place mentioned in aald nonce. Albany, Mare> Sth, HMJ. OUNTON OASSIDT, mldtawtd Refetea, tic RB0LO8URE BALE—SUPREME COURT—The I iniiiiiini iinl Bank of Albany, agsi Leonard Kip, ad- mini trator of Gilbert L. Wilson, deceased, and olhere. In pursuance ami by virtue of a Judgment of the Sa. pre* * Court, entered In the above entitled action oa tba (oh i *y of March. 1809, f, Ibe subscriber, referee for that impose in said order or Judgaeat ntmed, will sell al p tblic auction, in the Rotunda of Ihe Albany Ex- chan (•-, In Ihe city of Albany, on the 3lil dty of Mtroh in.lv HI, al 18 o'clock at noon on that day. the pi ionises in I I id order or judgment directed lo M sold tnd thtreia deio Ibed ei followi, to wit:—All tint eorttiu house tnd . . . . . _ reaaa-ev T O LET from the 1st of May. The How mod era built, flnl rlasi throe llory Mild basement briok Dwelling No. 93 Clinton avenue, Vae houie Is In im-ni perfeot order, and furmab^d with all the moal modern Improvement*, ii^vntiing dnmb wtltar, bntler'i pantry, waih lubi M Also, the two Hti.iy «inll.asoment brick Dwelling, No. i*W 8(a.te street, fWnished with sjas, water, Ao. Also, the now rnsstio froat briok two story and high basement dwelling No. fOLydlus street. The housels furnished with gM, heatc-r, siib.collni, wstei, Aw Hent reasonable. Also, Iho desirable Store No Green,'on* of the bosl loca'loni m tke oily, fcwsossion 01) State street, near ' e guy. possession aifred. A lesse i>r (isii bo bad on the 1st; of Mwifch, two years o«n be given. Also, Oi" no** Two story and basement new briok dwelling, 37 Uovt street, near State, to let from the first of May neat, furnished with gas, water, «V<- Also, the two story and basement briok dwotliiiu, 36 Dove street, adjoining the above, from the 1st of May nexL Kaqalreof III!'* WJMSS, HOFFMAN h ROW-VANi), Heal Ksiato A**-i""- M<Stat« *>>>rt*. ^^^^^"^o.^jyr^r'^r ^O LET,- X From the Aril of Me room* ever iitd Htoro, No. IL, w ..,.,, ....... .«» ...., • iter oi Steuben aireei, now ooeupied by 8. Lowea*t*in, lu Ike Fancy mid Dry Ooodi Irade Also, the 8hoe store aad cellar, No. 0 South I'earl, tear toe corner ol Hiale alrael, occupied by T. A J. Feary. Alto, Ui* Store and oell*r No. 80 Ntale etrett, occupied by II. I. Ilowe A Oo, a* a Furniture Store. Alto, tlte two story basement and title brick dwelling Houie No. 47 High, between Hudton and Hamilton alt, w/lh gas an* water. Alio, the Room and ofkea altaohed fronting on Broad wU>, No. 019, occupied by W. J. Walker for ihe tale of lijunt'i SowingMaehinr. Apply to T. NOONAN. Agent, 1*14 If corner of Chtpel tnd Bleuben in .... . . . - . _ . ...H.V .... v .... , BJIU |.M IHUWI WI «1 U t a aboot. la Old Dr. Cooke, of Albany, N. Y. VltJ literal » apeakiag, yoa're *nly t* knock at hi* d**i andyoa'iij ,,iid." Madleal and H.igloal Jasinal.; Ua. Oeea* or A1 a.m tlsi* Ii n* doabt thai tl a **l*br*tid pruliliMtr a highly aadkatplliked in hlsff. fawlen ; a feet whl*k hi* ktlng a m*mb«r o. the Reya <l»ll*l« Of FhyalaUm and Hargeonsiu l,on.'or sufrlf ice'J ly ataiM. R*ni* k* aay k* stfkly ecuiilicd in reaper | t* the larg*r elati *f a*l*dl*a. t* which la (!*»• his sysclsl attention. -«oeh**l*r Bsllr Unl*n. A Boot ro* rat Mu.iioa. -.Ililptgss. tlitaeMpeav. irltr wtrk *r*r nabllsaid an ths disasisinf Ike Ucnnil .Usui. N*. 3 Nnluii str.si, Albany, N. V. Frlce A inns. OS** ejMB *ii Hn.Jsy, a«w*ll*l«reryd*yi tt* week, threagk**t tk* year.—Beaton Tt ireler. l-ait.iili trrattd by letter ihrtaghtai tke Ulete. »^-Address OLD l»JK.OfK>Kst,Fky»ltliiili'iF*rg*0 No 3 Norton etreet, Albany. Albany Mirek aoih. )Mo *,,» D ~¥TLA CEOIX'S PRIVATE MEUIOAI, TRKAT18K e a -. II » pnysiOLOGioAL v i s w MARHIAOB, Two Hundied and Fifty I'tges and I'M Kagranae*. 1'rioe only rwaarr-nra utrin. 8cnl free of Collage to all uirts of th* Ual >.. On tha inflrmllie* ol youth and suturlty, discloslna lha teorel follies of bolb**xe*of all age*, eaurlng dakll- Ity, ucrrousness, deprestiou of iplrits, palpiutlon of lha heart, lulcldti iuaglnliigs, Uroltnisry Inngmtiwua, blushiiirov dofrctive raeitoiy. iiidigi-silon tr.d attiia**. wiiartiV'jilonxi/rAiiW.agiMUriji o/oBoaiJinf *VI*a Mi>», e CeUVgs StvUnl, <md a Yexni MarvriW IMf, t*m l i n t truthful adrlser to the married and Iho** *eat**v pitting marrisg. ohyeloal eoiidillorii, who entertal* secret doaots of ihelr , s, and who are conscious of bavlaar Itatardcd the health, happiness, and pri.llegra to width every huuitu: <»lng Ii aiiiitled. YflUNtl MKNV trtllvctuted by a bad hebllin youth,the eSeeiof whleh di/.nicss, nsiiiii, Ibrgelfulneti, sninetlme. * rliigina In the eats, w»at eyei, wetkueu lit the keek tt d lower T O LET—The three story and bailment brioh Dwelling House No. 704 Broad- way, with all tlte modern improvements. Also, Dwelling House, No. 7*8 Brotdwty. Also, Dwelling Hours, No. 78) Broadway. Enquire of WII.KH, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, aha Seal Kslate Agenu, M Slit* tt. r PO LET—Jrom the 1st day of J- May neat, the Store end Building on Brotdwty, between Sltnwlt Hall and the Dcltvan House, occupied by W. C. Initio A Co., as * Bookstore Apply lo FK. TKH OANdBVOORTer ABRAHAM LANHiNe, No 13 Douw'a Betldlag*. f*8 tf T O LET.—Possession given Immediately—The first floor and basement ol House No 30-1 Nouih l*e»rl streoi. lli.u.o lu gocd la- pair, and ha* both aaa and water Kmiinie nf OI.AIt, . BON TlllillTfi, 7iTH*wk ilrcei, or of Mn WM. Ill II , No. 900 Sooth Petri it., lecond door north- *td> U rpO EENT.—A Farm in town JL of Datnetbargh, Schenecltdy onuitty, containing nearly 100 teres. Poaosslon given 1st Aorll. Kiiqulre of W. 1. FKVF.H, Reel Etttie fed «nd Iratranee Agent, 01 State st. |?0R SALE OR TO LET-The JL three alory briok Dwelling No. Kim street. F.n- " JAMBS F. CROSBY, niiini of felll Insurance Agent. lj"OR SALE—Two good build- 1- ing Lou, IA Hamilton sireet, norm aide, between Swan and Dove etreeU, 88 feel six niches by IM feet, each lot Enquire of WII.F.M, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, ath8 Real Beat* Agenu, M Sate itroet. F )R SALE or TO LET—The three itory brick building, pared cellar, wlih tt*- Met, and wagon ihedt in tho rear, fronting on Morion, Kitabeth «nd Catharine ilreelt The premise! tre suit- able for a Orooery or Manufacturing buiinen. Enquire of JAMES TRAVER8, No. 104 Arob street, or of feWtf^ 10UN TAYLOR, Awlgneo. i SALE—Valuable build ektrealuot, euufusion of Ideal, ioti of memo, r, with inolancholy, may Ii* cured by the imhor'i NE W PARIS AND IrONJXIN XKHATMENT. Wt have, for lie rreder psrl of tha east yesr. dare, ted our time luVldlTINU THE KliHtll'BAN Hii.->11. TAI.H, trailing ourielvei of the kaowlodte tnd re. setrehes of the most skilled l'liysloitni and Surgtoaeat Europe and on the Continent. Thou wke plate ihtat- selres under our otre will now hare the full brnett «f th* many Nl-;\v AND EFFICACIOUS) MKMKDIkS which we are^ntbled to u-lroduoe tato oar practice, and the nubile mty rat tssurrd of the lira* aetl, asiMulty, ISKCRlit Y ind aucnllgn oelngpaid to iheiroaaes, v.Hah sssaof •••fully ili»|.iisus.ied us liar«lofore, a. a Fkraaiea tit oat FKtlUI.I AH diparlHieiii ef profissiouai praeaVi*, for th* pail nvsiiir-flv. vaais. Fa»N«a FiMtk* I'ILM.- -Ladiet whewah ferNee> •in*, Ik* *ao*oy of which h*a ***a tested a akoaetatw ufusies, and has fsilid lo cSaol sp*edy euretwiibua tad bad results, will at* *ou* but l)r. BeJLaaty's Ksaali I'tnrdictl Pills., Tk* only prtcattiou aeotaaary to be •bitrrtd. it, Ladlti ihould net its* tkeai If they bate reason to believe thiy tr* In osriabi liitatlonsiu * par llctlata of which will (a foaud ou Ih* wraapar aeious panylng each be*,) Ibourh always saf* and ksaliky. •* genaVh ytl •* tollr* ar* lk*y. Pra* SI p*t box. '*>•) i i u b i m i u t d li aayptrl » ihe United Btatti. TO THE I.AU1ICM Whonted t*oi,fJdt«Utlaedi*a adviser wilh rtgtnt to tny of tho** Itltrttting ctmpltuii* to whioh Ihelr delicate organisation r*ad*ra thtm litbte, ire Kiluiulirly In.iUi) to conaall a*. Vi* " Ei.to»ao-9*>-VAnio 1'aoracrira."—For mar. ried ladle* who** lieallh will aol admit,or wh* hive ae dealr* to ucrcua their ftuiill**, way be obuined at tbora, ;i|sperfoolly tsfi,andhttbeenexiensirtly used ,'urlng (he lasi right yean, l'rlco rtdnoed to 810. \rr Altendano* daily, from 8 la Ihe morning till 8 al night, tnd on Huiidayi from 3 lilt tf r. a. Medicine*, wilh fall direolloni, sent to any pari of :'i t Uniied Siatei or Canada*, by patlanu eommanastingj Ihelr ivmptomi by letter. tnuIaaa«oir*savudeiio*tuicr. ly cnnlldentl*!. rrr- Dr. L.'« Ome* is sitll loe.led aa eaiablisbed, un- der th* mm* of DR. LA CH01X, at No. 31 Muden I«.it, Albany, N. Y. rnr To inaure lafety o all leiats, simply eddvsi* "T1IE LA CIIOIX MSDICAL INHTITUT*V> Nf. M Mald«n Lane Albany. N._Y. ' ii* IVfRS. MARY BiNTWISTLJ. i V J L the Ureal Natural CLAIRVOYANT Pll YIH CI AN, hai during her iwtlr* year*' ptto'iee. aem il the meat ilgnit iicceii In alseai*i whlen k*re*f-3 bshled Ihe profession. She hat taken hold of C*ai*a n tion and mattered It; iho hat met the raiklBg IMk i> HII i.iuln and driven It liaok wilh kerolo nkeility | tk* kae attacked the formidable race of Heart. Idver, Lang, ar d Kidney disotsu, and Ikty hare been dissipated Ills dk w before th* sun. And so of other diseases. Go aad see her, ye who ara diseased. Her medicines ar* partly re- tettble, composed of the best ingredient! whit* tki* a.al far-Ian landa oan produce. Retidtace and otlce No. ell KJnrr* .Tr»y. N. Y d.lBly ff A N I) 8 0"M J T WOMEK. IIIIN I ii "ni.tiiiAi OF n«».-ii: t •' rick aaa elegant color for thi ohecka or lias. IT WILL {KrY WAHH OK KUH OFF, and when one* applied r*aaiaa durublo for yoar*. Tim tint It to rich *td aataral, that lb* «lo*e*t icrutlny faila to deieol iu ua*. Oaa ae r*« moved by lemon Juice, aad will na injure Ibe atle.— Tha u a naw preparation, need by the celebrated Coart Ileaatlea of London and Farts. Mailed free, la hettl**, with dirootions for use, for SI. HUNT'tt "COURT TOILET POWDER,"imparlsa daiullng whiteness lo the complexion, soil, oeiieete, aad natural- ia unlike anything also used for this pa pose, •nd WILL NOT RUB OFF. Mailed free fortoe*aU In tioaitgt stamps. 00, Perfumen, Ageau Wauled. ««• Can b* obtained only of HUNT t— 707 rjansom atretl, nuha(eWua.-~ nion OOR SALE.-The three story J- and basement Houie, No. 88 Clinton Avon**, haa holalrlarnace,yat, oookmg rtnge, bub, Ae. Tbekow* will b* *old tl Ike very low price of 84*00 Knqtlr* «f ret O. F<|MTKR. «3 Slate »UKsL F UT^AXl—H3 shares Bank nock. Alio, otbor Bank and Insurance alock Apply te WILKN, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, fe80 Real Estate Agent., SO Mala aire*!, F OR SALE CHEAP.—Pour Building Lou, corner ol Hudton and Will*! it*., being t>8 by W feet deep. AIM, House *nd Harden No. 88 Lark Uriel, belaf 88 feel on Lark ilteet by 188 fact deep Th* gareea *ea. tain* fruit trees, vinet, Ao. lor parilculan, eaqult* tf W1LE8, HOFFMAN A ROvVLAND, feto Real Estate Agent*. H 81*1* *tr**4. 12! In laid order or judgment directed lo be sold i described •• followi, to wil:—All Hut oertaii lot nil the can nde of Lodge street, belween Columtl tnd Steuben itreets, in the ollv of Albtny, bounded o the tjvest by Lodge sireet j on the north by properly be- •nd tieuben ••reels, in the city of Alb*ny, bounded on the went by Lodge iireel; on the north by properly hi longfig to the parly of the Crel partj on the e**t hyCb< Thi* I* * remedy *o universally known to aurptu any -*• ' —-— ~y . V - . _ * aadluna 'llmslsll • . * . _ . othoTforithe oure of throat andluna complaint*, ihat ft I* uselost here ly publish ihe evkten|e of It* virtuei. Iu anritaU^ eltoo'ileno*^L*""i^ , *^l^ l< ^f. *' l4 '' u wonierfui cute* of pulmonary diseutt, havo known throughout tho civJllred ntliotuof the - --"- -' -^*oommuiilllo*,oroverifamil|i' Fevr'aiethel i truly ado it "thVciVlilae'd nation* <jf the earth ,»„„-_ _ ilhlUe*. or even faa M lr^jioa?th*a who b»v* nonome perwnat oxberlejioe of lUeaaot*— Maellritif trophy In their audit or ltt viotory over the •ubt|**nd d*ugerou* disorders of the throat and tungi. "" ^ W d t e a d f u l fatality of Iheie iitotitnr&i iJCloo, the e«*ot« of tbU remedy, we need re than to *isare thorn thtt il hat now all the I did hare when making ihe cure* which uoigly apon th* cooadeaoo of msokind. *t. -drSfSk'-m oo., ••-^AkkWaiwiR^^ RMS; I ^o*re»1}7w!?T8. ^a^to**W»w" j^ARBLE HALL, 408 aaa ATO I l r a a e T w a y , A l b a n y . TO MEROHANTS AND OTHER In calling your attention to our nock>f CHINAt WiAHil, KAIl'niKNWAHKp VAMV 600D8, M.RBOSBNK I.ARIPS, Oil,, Ac.Atl., nermlt *• I* aa«ur* you that It 1* complete In all depart! m*nls. and we belfeve LARGER AND MORS OtiN- BRAL tbaa any other In the market. We solicit your p*lronag* with much confidence, be. oause we feel perfect assurance that no houie in oar trade can eltord to aell good* on belter termi than eur. wives. laHtorlltig, n we do, all Foreign Good* under tho meat favorable olreaaulanee*, with the additional advanaaeof having OUR OWN AGENTS at ikedlf- fereniminaftclurlngpolnii, itwlll he app«r*al to your hat WB CANNO'fBK Ut&aaUOUK' Wawlsh It understood diilinotly, lh*lw* will, at all times, dupliette th* Current Price* of Naw York end Feeling it to he Important that Good* should be packed with cere, *"d the selections precisely tueh aalfiouur- ehater ha* aad*, and also that order, ahould be filled promptly, we bare atada woyltlon that will secure tlieie aetlrabl* r**ulu. lliankfulforformerpatronage, we "Sg; VW|, ^OHB..SBN A OHARLF.. jjUmiOFSfinePALE ALES- XX ALES and PORTER. IN CASK OS IN BOTtLB. A full Aeeorlmetu always art han«. DBPOT IH N S W YORK, 88 LIBERTY STRSaT. •. .$''-''*• A miVQi,n<i**T*u*A. K l street i on the south by properly belonging t John Hpynolds, the premise! referred lo being the houie and lot occupied by Franklin Kdson. Deled March <lk, 1888| - CLINTON CA8MIDY, Referee. P. pagger, Planum 'a Allorney. mho tawtd _ JcTATsTniB^ALTJ.—HOTSEMe COORT— I.uoy R. Cauidy agil Cornellui Ten Bri eck. Geor. glana Ten Broeok and other. Notice Ja hereby given Ihat In puriuance of a Judg- ment of foreclosure tnd sale entered up In Ibis action 80th day of February. 1888, I, Ihe u.tderslgned nuiy appointed a referee for that nurpoae, in tnd by ittd Judg. aent, will loll al publio motion, it Ibe Rotunda of ihe 1 lerehant'a Exchange, in the city of Albany, on the fifteenth day of Mtroh, I8»9, at 111 at. of Ihaldiy, all tbt I illowing deicribed premises, to wll:—All thtt e'er iniii < r --• "— '* ' in Ihh ou pleoe or psreel of land situate, lying and being I life Third, now_Fifth (now Hi.ih) Wtu.l of the oily |if Albany, bounded II followi, rlc: tin the touth by allejf fifteen feet In width running from North I'aarl IToiutnbja iireel: on the weit by a lot formerly belong* • " i«ph Huaell! ' "' - ' width iiiiii.li ing tp ITiomai o'nd Joseph Hussoll; on the north by an pAPKR. SHELL, Soft shsll. fsW IS Lot on the north side of Btata street, between Hawk and PJwan street, tha location being unequalled in the oily, Oan be purchased on liberal tetrae. Kit* quire of W. J FAYEHe Real Keuu and fl>lj ItMtya^eejIgaat*ftiHtate street. F OR SALE—A Country rssi- dance, consisting of about 4 aerei of ground undai lhahlgheil slate of oulnvaiion andfilledwilh Ik* choicest fruit, fruit tretl, ihruhbery, eld. The dwelling ll com plete In ill lu parti. The outbuilding! are or the meat convenient description. This properly is aot excelled in thi* vicinity, end heme withinfifteenminute* carriage rid* from the Capitol. Terms low and accommodating. For farther particulars, enquire Of W. jr. FlfYKIt, R«al Est*l* and aht iaiuranc* Agent, 01 Sale Uriel. XjK)R SALE—The newmastis JL front brick tw> itory »nd high haaeaent Irwelllr* House, No. 843 Lydios lueel. The house Is famished with gas, heater, sub-cellar, wear, Ao, and will b* sold cheap. Half of th* purehaae money aay remain on build anil mortgage. For parilealua, eaaaire of WILES, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, fo8 K*el Batau Ag»na, 88 S u a onoel. F " 5K SALE.—An excellent Farm iltuate about 4 miles froa the elty, eoutam- ng 84 toret of lied, tha Improvements ar* of a tuperlor iifcr and in food condition. Will be told on rhvorable " ' ' or JL tal, OR SALE—Columbian Ho ratoga Hpriogs- Owing lo lha continued lll-healih of ike proprietor, tbi* well known eeteblisk- ment is offend for sale, wilh iu furniture, Ae. ll aa* brteet t briok building a iioriei klgk, with baieas*nt e* by OS, Including Piaixt. The lot htt tn tailr* front ef ISO feet, end on th* resr is a frame building whleh rails f..r 8193. Connected wlih ll, is another lot 80 by 188, *a which la a barn. The properly a insured for 887,808, and the lot alone I* worth 818,000. Tk* ".oust a w*ll furaish*d and la good oandilion. A large per cenuge at* thiparchuo money miy reraim ou the properly, *" parilcultn eraulre of fel Ti'i.l ,M, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND. H«»l H*aa Agatu, 88 Sate et. pOR^SALE OR TO LET,-,- JL Th* 3-story brick ilore, No J"5 B /n *dw*r arlA be sold on accommodating terms Knauiret. WILES, HOFFMAN a l|litVI.»,Ml, Ret) Kslate Areata, Sitto atrttl strei I lo the west line of property now or late belonging to Ih i heiri of John B. vlscber. deceased, (which alley is bounded on tbe north by the Ninth Methodist Eplsco. pal {. lurch,) tnd on Ihe eait by a lot formerly belonging to M Sdomom, being In front oa Columbia ilrcei 90 feel, In depth on tbe weit line 90 feet, in width in the rear along tild alley 80 feet, and iu depth on Ibe eaii Iin* A feet, togther with the free and convenient leeve •ud Iberly to p m and raptii iuloand through said alley or pi oporly, via: It feet wide, to aad from North Pearl strei t. Dated February 91st, 18051 .... », -, ""NI'-'N OA881DY, RenrM. B. pland, Plaiollfi 'a Attorney. seSSSawlw JtaOTICE.-Sai* of N e w Y o r t . Iniurance Depart ll m«nt—Albany, January 80, 1888.—The Colonial Ll/e|A**urance Company of Kdiuburgh, Hcoiltnd, In iht KlngMom of Great Brlialn and Ireland, deiirlng lo re. limn ish the transection of the buainea of Life Aesu- ratio • in Ih* Slate of New York, aud an applloatton da- ted ] Mccmner 10th, 1881, having been duly made tor this purpoae, lo the Superintendent of th* Iiiiurauee Im- parl tent of laid Stale, by the iitd Company, under tbe ealkief Harry M«xwell Inglls, Writer to tho Signet, Cha raan of the Board of Director!, and William Tho- Bia* Thoiuion, Eso,., Actuary of Ihe laid Company, a* real ired by th* nineteenth notion of ch«p. 403 of the actinliued "An aot for the inoorportilon of Id ft aud Hea th Iniurance Coupaul*!. aud iu r*tall*a to Agen- oies of auch Oompaniea," passed June 84th, 188S, a* are* ided by thefirataection of chap. 803 of th* law* of 1888 -Now, therefore, notice 1* hereby given, iu coa- forn ity wnh ihe provisions ol said section 10, chap. 483 oftk i lawt of 18*3, at arhioded by chap. 888 of tha law* el li M, that the laid Colonial Life Asiurtnie Comptny ofElmburgh, Hcollaud, Intend lo relinquishthtlr buat- 3 ess la the Slate of New York, and to obtain a lurrtn- er i nd delivery to laid Company of the atocki, raort- gag and leeuriil**. or a portion of them, now on de- Sosi e with tha aald superinanaantforth* eeeanty of Ihe ] «H*y holder* of*»id ° » * S M M ^ „ i»|H»aw8m JT Kara Bh.U ALMONDS, ara PKOAN NUTA fot JsasaartLaaeara tibaaeltl. arae, or wilT be exchanged for property in thit city, for rn*reh*ndixe. Apply lo ja*T vv. J. l-HYKIi. , Rati Relate and liuerence Agtnl, 81 State iireel. *P0R SALE.-The two story X and bwtraenl brick Hoaset No*. 47 tad 48 Valoa itr*ei. Tke above property I* oa**r*d at a vary low price a oloe* an eslsta Apply to mnt 0. FOSTER/ 88 Sate street POR SALE.-An old estab- JL lablUhed nanuftetaring businea. Any person with a cash capital of on* or Iwo thousand dolltr* oia pure**** th* maohinery, flxtare* and ordara nowoa hand, for al lean three raoulha work. In a good paying buainea In Ihla oily. Enoalre or JaW d FOBTEK, M Blale slrset. F°JL SALE.—The house and , kM on tha north-eat oorner of Nacelle and Yen Voehten Mrttta, will be sold si a low price. Also, a vacant Lot on the south aid* of Hudson sireet •bov* Swaa «., will b**eid on aeeommodatiat; terra* (Janeiro of W. J. FRTSR, Real Kiltie f*IO aad laearaaee Agenl, 81 Saw afreet. I • I • . ~ i,i i i nil, I , „ |?OR 8ALEOREXCHANOE. JL A valuable Farm eonlaiuiig 84 acre* of lead at under a high stale of eultlvstion except lOaim in limb*.. Alio, a Farm of 40 tcret, all ttltivtlod aaoeat akeaa 8 acres of timber. Alio, a Farm of 184 atres, * aafordy of welsh kr heavy timber. Also, two Houses and Lots. The above properly is located in tad near a tierlak. ing village on the Central RR, and will he exiaaaggg} on fhvortbte terma for inirobandUt or property n. lira clly. Kntjuirt of W. J. FRYER, Reel K.i.tc and fad lasaranea Agent. 81 Sate «tregaV. P O R SALEr-LanoTs ih Penn- JL tylvanls, in the Great Oil Region.—On* Farm of mi ear**. 8 alios from Franklin, Fa., 40 aer«* of wkleh are implored, with Tavern Stand and barn en th* are. KIM. Alto, one F*n* of 140 acres on Ihe Taller of Ku.ar %ti£,HXr>" rt4 > ),a " ^ 8 AVbornooS Alto, 190 teres of valuable Oil land, oa th* Alliranv ~r"'AT»'£'j£h , 2- l ? x,tu,m t W ^lialeraWJX rer Art undivided half loteteet m these Oil Itndi will kl ,old *nd th. owner will Join In developing ihVpre«tfV Also: 1100 acreii of unimproved lind, W w «ei Jf Seal aniat* AeMa*7*vK*?*i /OFFICES TO LET.-Conve- KS rd.n.Rooeafer^^ ii ^ l ,.e^ Fteeeieae B»-Sia*%Br»ejhray, Albany. SALE.- delO „, w Xhe Cottage •. ..••"•JS d ^^'" w » w * 8 u a aireei. Teehowe hat at th* atodira Iraproviaaw. Tka let extend."ftoa "OOiU" X Hot. haa all the t Hudson to Jay « . The above will kVaold'ar'ahl^Vir Eaqalre of or F O c f f S l C e ^ a i e *?. ifia" h'OH S A l E ^ h e valuaoie BARNES, 8up*rai;*jsl*kt, AOREAT DISCOVERT!! VJ TkatCoiioa eaa he rtited In lllinoa, Ohio tad to a one up to Cape Codl The labterlbtr fMoaaand* the i eniaaatloa •? adellaailiw the seed ** aa to ralaiit In 0 eenland, labrador aad Nova Eeahlal Th*n. wiik *l*i ly of OfARI). JAMAICA, lee., aad t r t * vaTwTr ^asaf^ r *^**i 8*rw»Jftu^aLMia7dCa*i.M f v » oda.wiii.—xne vaiuaoie .P>2t**rjl****r*mvti»i by 0*VM l. Boyd, Fa*,> No.AvSoatkFary.Uett. Tkt lo. W «ieet oW FerVy running Uueua Vo John street, asaklag a death ef 188 feet. UntherotlitlseUrat atorybrUhaeeat,**.**, wiik all the modtra laatiraaaialt, with eethaiamg*, •teble, carriagehoa*e, A*.,whwh raay eta*aa|l*x- E be eearrerte* lata a dwtllmg. Oa tha war, as rtreet, are two taag hrlah balltliiga, wlih a>a aad tre*ttndart*vsry. «* wkaae wUl be *oM !»*, i *ad . a*MOJULtSaaaSjSabawV UsTSaaSa. jTaSI US^lSaHatSt SJaMSWlt tf ' j»«_ ,_ TJ»OR S A L E CHlAT-^Prioe X oaly SJ000—Te* tar** itory and ' l l a a i l l hnek dwelllajr Hosme aad lot No. IB Bread atraet. The let ia ahead 88 by 100 feel deep, ranniag a a* alley. Tke hoe** a Saoryead b*s*a*ni,•ak.aelag aedaala- •ritiaatu, aaa real he told low, leekae aaeeate— Onlya pert of the aerehe** money will be veaarred | a* balance aay remain o i head aad mortgage. Also, ike deniable and well belli two story aad beer. ment brick Dwelllag, No. ISM Lydiua a., near Breaks* Park, wilk btiok wood iked. Hat gat, water, *eel<a*d piaaxa with altaa, Ac. Aralylo W1LKH, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, fe!8 Rtsd atalala Aganu, 88 Sua dkT.eM^ | t?OR SALE or to Let, tnatde- JaJ »ir*bl* properly, No- *n ainton arena*. . It *a>. biaee* abeal Oj aero* of Und, oo which Is afa*b, M k MMkWI *lto, aYrtme Ho***, with good titbit etc Oa Ih* prealse* I* a a » e variety of (tan treei, shiakbtrr, "^.r ._..- Tk*rs^eano«eui*pinlolv'u»*tli G KSTOB^a r- anl'barrlei. fSkartaMAMwi 888 M***T8*/i ft *as4lrd«r«el,a*4jrroni*imth«ar*a«*10Tfc*L Gota watsr «a lb* aearjte*. tnd no w*t*r tax t h e proper, ty will oe iold)ow, and termi made eaty, er rtated tt 8 —•—••- -»nt lo *jmod tt-Mani. Kiiqulre of ^OR^Sja^TOwbie™ Th* Lot b*in« aboil )80f**i ea Wlllaihll* a y e t aad Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Albany NY Argus... · treet, »'t« at* • **« a 3» :l tf CJM KD feOO., 8br •SkMk Mdatprvt* RUB ANT

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Albany NY Argus... · treet, »'t« at* • **« a 3» :l tf CJM KD feOO., 8br •SkMk Mdatprvt* RUB ANT

treet, » ' t «


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8br •SkMk Mdatprvt* RUB ANT 8s N T i a TO

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if their • * •

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••ML, a x titile oee»

iMeia'a the* eoied, «« *»es shio*."

Wt^Aetehea Uneela, don't 70* know,

M M «MIT i k H H MMW w* e»w, W h t e t p a t o s r t w t w t i . i l

WeH, he I* n k | M Aw yee Ml, t d M k t r « i » k i M | T u 4 :

AX r«»'iTk> eviail m i k •»• giM, Uk* the rTMflM la Ik* tead

Agl!d*d.*. .»*hjdl«nrjae Wk*r*'*r TO" with t* rld*j

And, • • • a y , til »o*t work shsll he Forever I*i4 wide. .

Tk* •M." ep«*k»r P*e*e f<» briath, AM th«n Ik* *M nuri* said,

Wkil* closer w k*r swarthy cheek Hbt preead th* geld** head:

—•* *"- lo f ' Mr liul* N I H U I ale*, and re* • Yea' laltleg selgkly fai'l

Jea look up dars, aud 10U ase wssl Yo* S*4 a ITHKH fl*MT

" You MO old Mammy's wrinkled fact, At btlok M »nr oo*l;

And undiriiiitk nor hindterokitf Wbol* leapt of kauity wool.

« Mr d.i ling 'a fke* la rad and wkjlta, H*r skin is toft and la*,


- — . . • v"?** And oa her pr*uy Hill* Mad

-1>* yillti ringlets akin*.

>( My chile, wko aad* dia diSereao* Twin Mammy aad Iwixl youT

Yo* r*M d* dear Lord'a Nested book, And yo* can loll a* III).

" 0 * desr l . « J raid H B H I M ••>; And, booty, I lor on*,

Wilh l«.ikiul heart well alwaye •ay, Hia koly will bo den>.

«11.uk. Mat. Mcikura all «• .am., Hal »h;n 1 wain, for fro*,

I'll aak d* Lord of glory, Not poor lluokra man UM M.

My Haaaa'a ooMk wkal aarnaa kla

i% .'. in-' I

KM. »l M i

i '

" And aa for (HdVd oarnag*., Uay'anolln 'tall *»l

• ; M H la |0*d *no««h for a*'.

" And, Maty, wke* yoar a a a a y wanla T* obaugo kor Mwe.aiin dr.M

*ha'il pray Ilk* d**t old Mw.o. To okaiif • Mr MaMSpon draaa,

ih. 'ii pray Ilk* <lrn old ,Mi«u. To b* elolbcd wilk rigbl*o*an*s«

" Mr work'a been Jouo dit many * day, And now 1 larai my «*•«,

A wama for d* Hwtar'a ball Ja. wkan do Ma.ier plaaa*.

o Aad whan *| lai do tlao'a doao eoae, And poor old Maraay diot,

Yoar own doar Mother', loff, wklta kanda Mkall rloaa tnaia tlrad old tyst.

'• Da doar U»d i*aua i m i will call Old Mammy Ma* lokia,

And a* can waab my gailty aoal Froa abary apot of aja.

•< And at bra f**t I .hall liaulnwu, Wko dlad and rooo for me;

And dan, and not till dan, ay oliile, Yoar M . a a y will M frea.

"Coaa, lull* Mmm, .ay yoar prayar., Let old Ma.. Liukai* 'lona,

D* Datn! kuawa who b'lonaa to bla, And ha'll lak* car* of kia«wa "

'."111 .»*—»»»•»

jfocal gkffaivs rtc. J O B C R I N T I N « . •>

,1 a l l MIMA*. •XwdMCwdl a t t i l l * O f f i c e w l i h ««*«• and! • ! • • » • . o h .

> t , a a » M r kiahany'l CoDdtrt, TkU Rr*nla(, al Twaddl* «•!••

T* | uoato." •< WmdmUd*, "* Troy, kaa rwcdrtd t» adail aogro pup.'1' <° 'bo Hi|k rokool In ikatolty.

ThaBrawatT of til"**- aWon, ut Had.oa, waa OaairwyM kyar* laat FrJday nigbl. Loa* t30C»| Ma

tk< i>«Ml tar. tbal "rW«»aot Ku»p'.ou," Iks tfeat of UMHioki, left tbat oCo* " a UlUo lokonof r«-meabrauco la Ik* ahap* of an uncaneallad Prlntcr'a bill."

• 1 . i n

At A mttt iof of tba Albany County HiBa Aaoel* tion, li.:d Marak dtb, tbe followiag oAcari war* eleeiad .01 tbe anaaln( yaar:—Pra.ldeni, laiak I'alje; Vlca Cie.denl, William U Warren; Hcoralary, It. A. Rcoll; T Id n u t 1- W. Hutdaa.

An Inqimd waa kold day bafora yaalarday, by tN.ro. • tar HarrifU, aa) as unknown child, about aaraa moathi old, faaod la Ibe ooraoiAlion yard, and iM jury foaad a vardMt 1M1 it waa tkraaa x>»*r tb* faneo by*oaep*r-torn or paraon. anknown 10 tka.i.

H. A. arlwham, » wall-known lawyer u d polilloian of Waat i'roy, (aaya Ika Troy 7i«*»,) kaa reoaircd tba appointment of r*aya«ei*r al the WaKrrliet Aiaaaal— a poaUiea worib $3*01 a year. Hajidere Lanaiog, Ik* let* lacddtMnt, kaa held tho omc* lor thirty year*.

Bnflalooat pf PlMe).—!*• Fclore, a* eminent a«. iroaeaer, kae baeu we king a aarrey for the Ka|aataof tk. UaWerally of ibw mate, ekowlnf tbat Buf.lo kae k.ralofer* b**u calculated aofne two and thru quarter rule* t*o Atraotilk. and four anjjae loo far wo.t It 1. nnir aearar aanriee tbta IU litktbiteme euppoaed.

Ov'Od Motto.-A puncnal nan it rery raroly a poor aaa, aad n n i . i n u ofdoabtfal crMil. Hi. •mall weoaauare frrqaeutlyiettled, and be never meet, wlih 1 Mi .ity a raialnf money 10 pay larger demand*.— daall debt, aeglecied, rain credit; end wken a men baa i-.ttkaih* will **on and hiaaalf al tM Mttoa *f IM mil.

Ik* TAX OA 6 U . - T M F«d*r*l revenue from f a«, aoeerdiaf to Ike ptopottd tax la tM Hon** MU, wtU M ueuly $1,000,000 Tke laleet return* of «... oouaaaap 110a aMw mat New York will pay a lax of about t*W,-SIS, Pkiladelplila ilOe.OOo, Boaton, WO.COe), Brooklyn, dIO.JM, Cmcinnati, I*4,0v0, AIMay and rarioaa otker eiliaa from 8d,7M 10 • 18,0*1

Uclnrt at IwedtJt* Hall. Her Mr. Stinwea, wM h.« juit ratarned from a riait to Ik* Camp* oa tM F*t«-aiM, will deliver • l*eiare la Twaddle Hall, Thntaday aveamr, |lvia( a detailed account of the o*nditioa of oer Iroon* and the evidancei of Ik* aacoeaeful aoiay of oar |onraa*nt la rolail.iu to tk* war. Adniiueuce oa* akillmf. W« doabl not tha leoture will provo inlaraat-af. i -• _

"Honor to whom Honor." I" oar *b*lract of • iau*4l*a •oooernlnf tk* *• Poor," raport*d from Id* one* of Ik* Secretary of Slate, the nam* of Hiadley a oiiwoouily labatitatad for that of Senator BrMford.— Tk* laiiar |**tl*man took n deep Inleraal In Ika nbjeal, aad did aor* IM* perkapa any MM el to to direct publlu and omeal aitoauoa to it.

S«llld(f l l t M r On i o o d a y . At Ik* Police Court, yaaterday, Joka Kinaay'e eae*, for aellina lienor on Han. d*r, wn* partially examined. Tk* complainant waa Aaa Mahun, who toitiSaJ thai tho eaw Mr kaaband tanking • flam of .trotia boer, «t Holandant'a ber, Sun. def maramg. Tk* examinalian will M re.umed to-day.

MM* « tk* MAn«g«r* of tki* tnalli.Uon I* eatne.ily t*. oaMledM TOBSDAY, tlili inaiaat, at It o'cloek, aa Maa*«* of iaaorukaa ma.t M diMMied. mhtt *t»;

a*aklM MMtla*T."TMeltl<M*of Alkany.wM regard demagogaalam, North aad Soatb, a* tM caaa* of tM KeMlliou now wealing car b.lorad noanlry, and wM a n In fa»or of making polltka anproltabl* aaa puraatt, ara reo.ae.ied to meal at the dty Hall, oa WB0NE8DAT KVGNINO next, at Mlf.naat 70V0O*, to mile witk IM *nd*r*lgned tad otkara, freehold.r. aad prlrat* oltlaara, wM Mr* algned a petlllon lo tM Lajf-Ulelure, r<o.*cetlng •* amendment of oar Bat* Concilia-tloe, In relation low* t*nar*ofomoe, ami to remedy exlati**; aba***

JoinS. VanRetuielaer, Howard rting, £ ( ^ b 2 n l , w - »• BI«*A«r, H.B.Mebalt, JoMJ.Otaolt, Wa. MeRlmy, Wm. Protklngkam, Jeaee B Bandera, fleorge Downing,

and otkere. Ataaat, March 10, lr»» aMl *t


k l ' f P U . I O BOIKNOE tf yon vrnh 10 bo .urn of obtaining a perfect Hair Dye. wiihout on* delctonoui element. CnnTtsoio'* Bx-otxaioa H»t» Ot« I* tM aafy otu arar *abmltl*d to Ika of deal: It kaa Vet*

ANALYBSD BY 0H1L-TON, Ik* ln t cheuiial lo Ika coaairy, and akoarUBctto tailing fortk lie hariiile.aiiea. i. within iho reach of oreiy buycr

THK KKtllllHITK IIKAIITY of tk* lu.iroua black. and browm, wkwb it produoa* with unerring aartaaty la an mlnataa, ha* fairly won f..r it the appellation «/ika mail naiaraf Mf r ttfi over In -ve uted Sold everywker* and appl led by all Hair Dra**> •r*. CaieMDono, No. • Aator Hour*, Now York-.

aktddtwlat <__ , . . • I M , - , • ' " • • " • " • • - I

O n t w a l , H l d n c y A f f a a l l a a a , a n d a l l Diaauat or rax itr.ini.xe, ar« aoon tellaved tnd cared by BRANOBKTH'H PIl.I.s, wh>oh are nlio the bail aadleia* for favor, and eolda.

at/an or saavax ta two wttxa. '.*«, Oncid* Co., N. Y., Jan. «7, lboil.

Or. B. Brmiutrtlk : Mr Data 81a:—I received yoar letter acknowledging

diait on M«uonolittn Bank, for thirty dolltr*, for Brtn-drath'a Pilla, whleh have bean largely aokl in tblt town for lb* mat thirty year., and their aalt and aaaftlnaM conllnaa to attend. Wilbln a faw waaka 0110 of the moat rMpactabl* ofourciUxetu w*a aor«lyaflicl*d wlih gravel; no lata tbtn eight medical men ware called In with a view to giving rahol lo Ika tarere pain, which eaaeed tbo patient to aler piercing oriea, a htoh worn Mtrd a block. The doctor, exerted their akill In vain. At alaatretorl, Brtadrolk't Pilla wer* purchased from a*. TM Ira doe* of alx gava eaae, tnd two boxea ef­fected a perfect euro within two weak*. I ahull be platted lo refer to tha panont, If you deem tho eta* worthy of lavoattgtlion farther. In our town tlioro are peraoni who bare been cared of tlmoet ovefy illteaie by the oa* of tlitte Pilla alone, which oaatad IMIr repu­tation to M rery great. Be euro and aee my "new.up. ply are fiaak pilla, my cuttoiner. do not like altle pill." Your iriond tnd tgenl of many yttrt .landing,

ASA I'll.I.MUK 1-:. larotTixT TO ruxcitiatti.

To be aeoura agtintt coutilerfella, aak lor Brimlreth'a Pilla In

NKW H tvl.i; And tbo drat Mx pnrohue, if pomiblo, tt DM CAN Al. 8TRBBT, or No. 4 UNION SQUARE, N. V. You can never be ebeatad by apurioua Pilla, after you have teen tk* N*w Styl* of pulling up.


For Salt by N. GOODWIN, 134 Upper Spring eireet; WM. J. HUM, No. l i t BroMwty, tnd by 11. S. M. MUBOY, corner Broadway and Mtldan lane, Albany N. V , ami by all re.iKOtal.lo mhldlnfcwla.

JftU WtbMAM OOVIJ), l a w BiaaaaJIti,

<• State atteet, Aibarty. i, ,;,t r.iii jtA'iiii <a U i


OYKB AND T8RM1NBR OF TUB 8TATH OF NBW YORK from tat Jtnatry 1801 total Jaaaaty, 1841. Jett Pabllahcd by

WILLIAM OOUI-O, aaMtf l a w Bookeellor.dO State atroel.

£)AYTON»S SURROCrAtJb? Third Kdition.

m*im r»l-.»e,o Tke Office of Surrogate,

t.roY N

• ; •

1 v • • .'• •

.*«>*li 1 VNfi *|

# i.!»*V 8irrega.es, « 1 • • ; , » ; i ! i » f . » * - • / " ^ n

! ' - . •>•• aNJk,

.Surrogates ..ourl*, ANO

Kxrjcutoia, AdmiuUeTHtora mid ItiiartHrtin IN tut-:


A OOMPILAT10N OK TUB STATU .'MM, And a Baauaary of

The Judicial Mooialons of the Stato of Hew York.

Helming 10 IM 0HI00 of Surrrgtte, tM Proving of Will.; tM Miauling of Probate, ol taller* Taataaenttry, ol Admlnlttration and of Gnardttnikip, aad tho Powort, Dutica, and l.mhilitic.of Kxooalore, Adminutratort and fJaardiaa*. Arranged la tM fora of a Treatla*,


Comalulag alio, ChtpKit on Publio Admtnlatrttora, Ih* Ailmcaaureinont of Dowar in Surrogttoa Oourla tnd Appeal* frxa lb* Oidara and Decree* of Surrogatea,


And precedent* for Practice In tne Surrogate'. Count, tnd for Ike uae of Bxeouton, AdraltiUlrttor* and Outr .Hon-..

U / - fun Publlahcd tnd for Stle by B A N K S dk i i i t i i i i i n i i s ,

173 Broadway, Albany, ami i'iv-10 144 Ntutu aireei, New York

Loeklng-Ulaw, Plelai'e «•- Portrait ^ ^ ^ W B . V ^ ^ ^ dPA-V* UAvaaaay. ..

Nan. Sta M e u t a P u r l S t r e e t . •"." ":* CABTB DB VlrJlT, ARTISTS' MATSBIALaV-KNORAVINOS AND

1.ITHOUBAPHM. N. B — Partlooltr nltcntidn given to Oltaning and Va

nLhlng Oil Painting., Re-Glttling and Repairing. Loot Ina.pitM and Ptolure Frame*, Batting Looking-GltM t'lllc.,**. . " iaBidlf

J j t ' I H U BIT R E I T T.


MEMBERS OF THE LATURK, and their frleitda, will pleat* noliee

that HKNJ. I.. HOOD, nf the old firm of Hood ft Tobey, i. now ft No. 3 TWBDD1.K HALL, corner of Noith Pearl and Sale atreeta, where he keep* a bcnullfttl atoekof IT- r r .

B A B E W A T C H E S , • liilabU for I.adiea, Gentlemen and Boya. Alto, a Sao auorlnieut of COIN 81I.VKK-WARE, of hit own atn-iifacturo, logelber with n large variety of Pitted Ware, HKAl. I'Klil.F. Sl'Ktl fAOI.F.H, Rctding Glaaao*, choice 10. id Gold Jewelry, clo., and te hai been hit cuatont for • Ixteou Wiulera pa.l, will ««!]_ off In order to get ready for Spring buanieet. tt about Wbolettl* price., even by the MNOI.i'. AllTdll.!•:, and much below the u.ual Rftalljtat* in Ihla vioiuity, Referoiicea lo all the Mem* bar* of the Sixteen prevlbu* yett*.


new the o.'d Blin Tree, No. 3 Tweddle Hall, Albany (im Im B. I. HOOD.




The low price for which II a told will enable every one to W il.

For **le by all Druggial. and Medicine Dealer* thro'-0111 the Country, tt 4 tnd 10 oenn ptr cake, aral In Al.

FROTH1NUHAM A CO . . . . No. 449 Broadway. LINTON A WBNDK1.1 Tweddle Hall. MaOOMBHR 34 and 31 W*ahlnglon A« ANDRBW8 175 do do SMITH. do f W,J.RUMPHRBY8eiCO.,.3»WathlnglooAv*nuc. WM. TAYLOR i-or. Hudton and Pearl. J. H. IIULLOCK corner Lydiua and Pcn:l. II. TIlllNllft eor.Sohuyler and Purl. It B. OLBMRNT eor. Broadway and Clinton 1. ve. M. L. W.ANi:i1Ai<D...»ini Broadway. WIl.l.Klt'S Drugstore, Greenbuah. !»•./*•


W I G B , <JUH«,S, B R A I D S . T . Y A U M t N ' H

H a i r JTevgrelrr r a a a a f a c t e n r . TUB ONLY ONB IN ALBANY.

ladle, will find every article In II AIR ORNAMKNTS atak a* Wig*, Carl*, Braid*, Swltohta, Pull., etc., In au. parlor make, tad warranted. For atle, mtde to order tnd repaired al No. KX) BROADWAY, oppoaile the Daltvan Hotae. fillltat

A VnaOt lea l «l l«.—one of Gaoraa * Bixaa'* Sxwta* Maoam**—tke neat In autrkat. Every on* warraaied. luairuotion. free. I'ric*, including fir* Hammer., ftoa 848 to 8100. e l* K V. R. LAN8INOH, Agenl, 038 Broadway.

T h e B M MearlntT P l a c h l n e l a t b e World, at

AO D O L L A B D I I.ADD, WBBSTBB ft t:.>.'. FAisnr.r MAcaiNa*.-

Far Dtawlplivo Oiroulara and aamploa of work, call tt tM OCKM, No. H» BROADWAY.

W. J. wAldtKlt, Agenl. •J!".,l,. , ' i l , ' ,••'.' .'••a.1 -'.i .'"JMUU

MEN'S ASSOCIATION. i t t ; « i i i i , * i t N O M I N A T I O N S .

For I'rr.iilenl, GK0BG8 L. STEDklAN.

For lit Vie* Pretidenk J. MKKKUITH HKAI1, ; .

For «i Vioo-Pre*id*at, taiAltl.KS D. RATBBONB.

For 3d Vi.-c I're.i.loul, WILLIAM H. DAVIS.

Par Troa.urer, SAMUEL MOFFAT.


"l^ntttSaar"-i « 1 For Recording Secretary,


J*ha 8. Dtokotatt, K-J.Oondoa, J.J. Aaatin, Jr , W. J. Frv*r, Jt., Walter N. tlteon, Charlt* K Banh, Thot Simon*, Arch. M Gibaon, George A. Lawrenot, Frederick P Grant,

Inapaatoraof KUallon—B. L- Jtdton, 0. W. Pari*.


• / . Sea*, 'h* a*a arruled tome dty* ago by oaa**r Claaoa, on auepioion of having alolen a hor**'* li.rne.i which v>«« found in hi. po.iei.ian, I. likely lo •oral hia puai.hiu.nt aoon. Tka SkeriaT *f Wltdham • if, Vi, M* MlegrapMd tk* odlcer thai he n coming aAer Rice, with a reqaldtoa. Moel *f Ih* propaity •tolea ky Rio* ha* b**a r*oov*r*d.

A Olaonterly Womtn. Carolnt* Paul*, wM lire* in Owaa'a Alley, 901 Broad atr*«t, and who., huiband 11 oa* I* ih* wara, we* trrailad on oomplalnl of Mr neigh-boa, at tdwordarly womtn. M»n wore be.rj vl.iting kar at tattaaonabl* koar*, and altkoagk q*i*to*<* alvray* raigaad In her apartmoal*, a Mr*. Sla*u, of the »aa Mate, aaw wmathlag one*, through tho koy-kola, wkiek ika ooold aot rttlly approv* of, and which eh* fait boaad lo all tk* Court. Tha Oe*r| agreed wnh k.r, that what ek* *aw wa* oal of *k**a*i*r in IMI nelgkborMoa, and *o It committed Mr*. Fail* lo jail, 10 raand Mr habit..

* * aUrily.- -The Glcn'a Fall* M<n»,<r h.. found, ut.a I* that jaunty, «p wtrda of Ifty year* old, wko never a a * can.I boat, *leaaMat or raUear) aarar rod* in a •tag* **aeh, aarar waa bet aialean mile, from borne, owaa a targe wall eteeked form, aarar tick but once In hut Ha, na ar aved tobtcoo, t*v*r owned bal two bo*M

a tubl* aad aa alaanao; aerer look a now.papar, never .ett or received t letter through the poet oa**, M.t hi* aril vote for Andrew Jajk.- n m lttM, aad ha* votad tke Jaakeou ticket ev»r eince. Not mm* ihaoono or two plate* ever adoru kl* labia. Conform* to the cat. waa thai prevailed wMa M wa* bora, uaver (at* hi J.bt, ui aa hoaeat aaa, aad aiad* hta ewa ka*in*aa.

attaaJaatajrls*; U*.—Tk* or*«p«t of a *kort aup olv t( ice lble.ea.on kaa put daalara and olhere l» Ike •lereha at iMtr wia t* aa*t th* eaig*ney. - A lumber J«v!.riafbfa*d**(t*y* an exchaage) lhai ha had told baa/da M • g**U*t*a* wM akoadad ma ait g kwawa lo*. He plan a taballd • wat.r light caap*rta*nt alxi*ea '«utaart, axpoaad 10 the air, hooding theboltoaMlf •a laah daaja, aad wkM ika! I* from by lb* au*meH«», fuodlag aad fr***i*g alltrnalaly, aaitl aaamcieal qaan-I'ty a) otnauad. W* prea»a* boarda will b* placed a< tl l.ilerval. of eight or twelve inekea, a* ika fiaetieg K " n a g * a « e , a Mearta Ik* la* Ma cake, of Mat

TM Annual Meeting of Ik* Aatocitlian will M keld oa WBDNBBDAY BVBN1NU, Muek ia,*IS o'elock t. M , la tb* Hall of th* Anoo.allon, for the purpoae of receiving Ike Reporu of Ih* 1're.ideut, Trewtuer, and a*v*ral Staaduig Ooamtinea.

Th* Annual Elecllon for Omcera of tke Ataoolttlon for tM enatuig yeer will take place THUR8DAY, Marak lftk lattant, at the Room, of lb* AwoeUllon.— Poll* will be opened at P a a , and olo.e at 4 r. a., by order of tM Execatlr* Comnnitae

All i.ifu and Regular M*ab*r* of tbe Aaoelttion who *MU not M In arrear* for their dee* at It o'elock, noon, the Tu**dty pteecding the Kleoilort, or who .hall hara renewed Ikelr Meaberabip for tke current year at or before I* o'clock noon of the Tuotdty preceding inch Klection, ahtll be entitled to rol* at auch elecllon. But no Meaber having Book, oat of the I.ibrtry Imger than three mouth., .hall M entitled to rote at audi election,

ahltd LBVI CQBN, Becordlng geoteUry.


a h l l l f

BELTING 10 40 Inchea Wide.



T I N E N SHEETINGS, at XJ CHAPO'S, M Sltle atrcel.

LBI8URK HOURS IN TOWN—By the author of Be-oreatlona of a Country Paraon. 1 vol., limo.

I.IBKKTV BKI.L—By William Row Wallace. Illua. titled, uniform with Star Spangled Banner, Ae.

SPIRIT OF THE HBBRBW POETRY—By l*a«o Taylor, anther of Htetory of Knihu.i..in;" ft*.', ko , will

Saturday H von lug," •'Natural • ii-noi y v, r,« mi" ft*., A.o , wilk a' * ical Iniroduclion by Wm. Adama, D.D.

II« a large number of the moat ihiil. s Language, Including nearly Three

ml W*r Im -ui.. By Cliarlo* Not-

blogr*ph I' It" I I U . ' H I I I I ' H u l l O / . . I I I . ml . ,111- . , I . 11.

VOL. 8-Carter Edition of Btytrd Ttylor't Work*. VOL. 3—Aldiue Edlilon of Thoinae Hood'a Work., MARORET HOWTH—ABloryof To-Day. I vol, Unto CUMMING— T*aoh ua to Pray, being Eipcrimeiital,

Doctrinal, aid Praoiietl Obaervatioua on tbe I»ord'e Prayer. By Rev John Cumming, DD., author of " Ureal Tribultllon," "Orctl Prepartllon," Ac.

YOUNG HTEPMOIIIKR, Or a Chronicle of Ml*. tike*. By the tuthor of "The Heir of Hedclyffe," " Haaruewe." t c .

8TRN0K STORY—A Novel. By Sir K Bulwcr Lyl. ion, author of '< What Will Ho Do With It," A c.

UNDERCURRENTS OF WALL STREET—A Ro-mancc of Builnaaa. By Richard 11. Kimball, author of " St. I.eger," fte. 1 vol, lDnio.

OBJECT LE8HONS-Prepared for Teacher, of l'ri. mtry Sch< ola and Primary Cltaea. By A, H, Welch.

METHOD OF TEAUIIERS INSTITUTE and Ihe Theory of Education. By Samuel P. Btlee, A. M.

EXERCISES OP DICTATION AND PRONUNCIA TION—comtlnlDj cull wordt In tho Hundred Mllltry trend, A. M

TWENTY YEARS AROUND THE WORLD-By John Ouy Vtaitr. 1 vol., 8ro.

PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY—A Traamo ipeoially ile.lgued for Young Men. By John S. 0. Abbott.

HKATH—PiveLav Mormon. 10 Wdrking People. Uy John Brown, M. D.

THE MAGAZINES For March. For itle by

S. B . S B A Y i 8 8 S t a l e a t . , feto Y**ng M«a'« Aaeeiaiton Bonding.

j i j E W BOQKS t NewlBt^ksM The following I* a lilt of Ihe NBW BOOKS to be

ton.i.l at 1:. H. BBNDBR8 Booh and Siatlonery Empo­rium, 73 Slat* .lrc.it.

Undercurrent, of Wall alrael. Two volumea of the " Rebellion Rcoord" bound in

four different aylea.

Slgriaa of Kaaetau. By.Kinnhan Cornwtllii. emoir *ud Remain, of Do Tocguevillc. Author of

Democracy in America, in two volumea. Spare Hour*. By John Brown, M. D. Sutherland* By Iheenihorof Rulledgo.

tore lo tho Young, "fj. Seven Son* of Man l.l)l(e.,I.a*f. Lamp-Llthlera Story,

Le**on* In Life. By Timothy Tltcorub,author of Let-re lo the Young, "Hold F«i 1.'' A ,1.

• mmoii. By Oeorgo A- 8tla. Br the author of "Margaret Maltltud." , oth*r Novoletlea. By

Chatlea DickoW. ' Hiokory llall| or, The OuWaat- By »rK- Emmt i>.

K N. hoitihwoiili. Sybil Lenntrd, a Record of Woman'a Ufa. By Mra.

Grey, author of tbe "Oambler'e Wife," fto. Fort laftyetle ; or, Love tnd Seoaetlon By Benja­

min Wttod. Ctailo Wafer, or tM i/lnln Oolil Ring. By the author

of "E**t Lynue." The Wtrdea. By Anthony Trolloppe, aathor 01 Fan).

ily Ptraonag*. John Braul. By Major Theodore Wlnlhrop, anlhor of

"Cecil "•••no," "Treuure Trove," Or. AacounU of lri.lt Heir*. 1. I..II.

All iM Mggtxinct for Mtroh received. felt)

J ^ I T H O G R A P H I C , COPPBB J»i*aH"«,

W O O D K N O H A V 1 N U a n d h ? R I N K l N O , Excouwd in the beal uanucr,

AND AT LESS THAN NEW YORK PRICE'S. Card*, Note*. Check*, Drawing* of Machinery, Circu­

lar*, Map* end Chart*, Bill Hoada, Show Card*, View* of Building., Portrait*, Ao.

noun' LEWIS ft GOODWIN. 43t Broadway.

T ITHOGRAPHY.—The un-- L i dertlgned have thi* dty formed t Copartnership deralgned hkre thi* under the name and firm

day formed a Coparlnarahlp of MURRAY ft CO, for tho a Ol I . I I O I I M I I f- I O . . . O'l I I I *

nurjpoite ofetrrylng on Ihe l.ITHOUKAPIIItl ttllHI. N EMM in til ut hrtnchc*. Ohecka, Notoa, Lablea, Mapa, Card, end Cotnmereltl Work., exeouted in tbe be.lpo. HIIIIO i.iiomoi, 1*1 price* to unit the Time*. Room No. 1, B.. . . .I I . l . | " > | / . I V .

Tntrd floor, ExcltauKO lluiliiillg. Albany, Nov. 18, Inn. nolo 3m


T H E FRONTIER CAMP JL TRUNK,- -Invented by llev. E. P. ST1MSON.

•nd Mknufactured exclusively by L Y M A N J. I.f.OTk*,

340 and 344 Brcadwty, Albany, N. Y. PATENT RIGHT SECURED.

Thla Trunk campriaea t Trunk, Bed, Bedding tnd Tablet tlao t Camp Stave .wi lb Cooking Apparaiua. which oaa bei 1 ojkided with itiagd' rueta when deaircd. Pri*a* of the TriiieV, Bed and Beddkr «,89*0 lo SIM. Stove and Cook. ag App*rtlui, 83 txlra ii.rtutl

I.BAB1IBD UXA0K81IIXH. ^ J M t a s r . .


MERCAHT1I.B COLLEGE, AS Noal l* F e a r l e t r e e t ,

On IkturstUr Evening jf«zt, Maroh 18th, a t e i g h t e ' c l o o k .

SUBJEOTi Tke Higher Law and

Uoaumercc. Th* rVblio ar* r*ap*olfally Invited to atttad. • a l l at


Grata Sraaar, axrwaxa Bxtvaa tao Hooaoa.

m 2 P ^ 0 R " . b H ' AO W A R 1 , * | ^ « « -

OBARLEC LBW18 Stage Mtntger.



Firat Wash of IM Orttl Spectacle, wlih new Scene­ry, new Machinery, new Coatume*, new Fropenlea, new

Mu.in, aew d*ne*i, fto., Ae., entitled, F A D S T V S I

OR THB HERMAN MAGICIAN. In wbieh the greet eoene of the MBRRY CARNIVAL, conalalia*r of over Fifty Character., will be introduced.

Firat Week of FRANK RANDlNOT,

The Celebrated Bawo, late of th* Cooper and Lucy Eicon Opera Troup**.


Tb* pleating Vncall.t and Daiaeute. Ml** Marion, Mia Lannier. Mia Ward, Mi** Slanton,

Ml*. Loohwood, MIH Powell, Mewr*. Lewi*, Brimmer. Crook, Lay, lannier, Pike, Langriih, llu.l.y, and a hoat of other*.


llonelit of MISS KATB STANTON,

Tk* Attiaie Jig Duueaie. ADMISSION HI mid !H CENTS. Privet* Box** 83

tnd 84; Single Scale In Private Boxes SU Centa. Door* open tt X to T o'clock. Comatanolug at H to 8. noil

— •M..M.WBMX. !—'. ' » • • • 1 . ' , . ' . '..'." I, . } . . . .


p O P A R T N E R S H I P NOTICE V ^ —The underaigned have ibi* d«r formed t Coptrl-nerahlp under the linn name of ORANDELL ft Wll ITE, for tke purpoae of Manufacturing and actllng Hot Air Furnneee, Parlor Grnle* fto., at 000 Broadway, Albany. Said Copartner.hip ooininonoing on the v.tili dny of Sop-lembor, ISM. Albtny,JanuaryMd.trJOS.



TOR, Dealers in GAS FIXTURES,.ulyrjo variety, I'c gevarletyl selalri and Paper Shade*, Glass, eiid'Rioh Painted Shrult* Patent Gas Burners. Ac. Prnlcular attention pan the Introduot.oii of Gas .itlo Stores, Omoes, CounUiir Rooms,and Buiidingao nvt-iy iloicu'i lb../.. Ordere ct at 410 and Im Broadway.

''PIIE CANARY BIRD FAN--A- C1ER, (Improved,) efnttlnlng a variety of useiul

informtilon, Iiy which the admirer* of those bonutlful bird* may bo h:slruc|oil in their ounhgeraenl while breeding, tnd Ihtii Ireniiuoiii when dileascd. Price low. For ."In by

fca* WM. 'I'llOHilllllN.-liiU Hint 4im Broadway,

j ^ O T I O E O F _ ^ E M O V A L . -


Fashionable Clothing, Will RBMOVE on Ihe FIRST OF APRIL NEXT te

their Splendid New Store In Mtrble lit",

ftos. 472 & 474 Broadway, Opposite their pretcnt looation, with their Largo and

Elegant Stock of

FOBSION and 90HB&TIC FABRICS, which are now being received and made into Stylish Clothing for City Trade.

They will open with the largeal tnd best STOCK OF CLOTHING AND GOODS adapted to Men'e Wear for Clly Custom Business, ever onerred in IM City. None but Talented end Stylish CUTTERS will be employed.

Citizen* of Albany and vicinity will hare no occaaion to go to New York to End good Oloihiog, u|lher Ready Made or nude to Order, it being their Arm intention to conduct il. ir busiuea* upon Iho ONE PRICE principal, with fairtiew and punctuality.

R. O. DAVIS, CHA8. II. GRAFT, feM laplis Q. P. WILSON

' p O L E T .


4 6 3 B R O A D W A Y .

RUBBER GOODS. DOLL 1 1 ) Heed*, Toy*, Combe, Buttoaa, Napkin Ring*, fto, wheueale and retell, at

SPBI.MAN'8 Faaay Ooode Store, atra Bratdway.

and TWELVE OZ. Stlrer Plat** SPOONS and FORKS warraaied far

aaperiur and mere durable than Ih* Mat *r*r before old ta this oily, for ealo ouly by

H STRICKLAND, U4 Broadway, Manufacturer of An* Silv*r Plated Spoon* tnd Fork*

! ,UM -U»- _^ «U*r» A i a r t d r g w ;

•a alaoal all paru *f IM c«**lry *w«a* raor*a«nt Ml Mat aude for tke relief of tke peer of 'reload. K**S the aahtler iku kaa left hia hoat* I* kg hi agalatt iM ReMUof tMSo*ia,is oaarlng hi* aalt* for th* relief .f kt* br*tkr*a. Wky, ih*s, da not tM IrlAhaea »t Ika i-.pialaf tM Betalr* a a a awahea t*ih**ry of dl«-"•a that ****** to u* item Ireland f Itieka**, art**. •a J perioral oa* ef th* aobiett dssd* that WM »**r writ. t.n i* tM page* of hlsiory.-ateediMi Ut ItwtW wad aMaaiareieeaJretof yoa N* *a* a«ed aU yea «MI y*a .aaVed a laW aad '7, whsa alagra followed M th* ftaiaifaeflajaiaa.aarl which did tot , M y iu progr*** ttul a kkaaaa at Ike Say* ef New York, Yung atm q.«M«, where Ihoraaad* ef oa/ eeaairyaea dad, far ''•«uWafriaad*,t*MMrl«diaaa exile's grave. 8*1. '«, fax b*U*r> weakt it M f*r Ikeae Uouttad ef Iriahaaa. '•'ih*,wak Iketr sword, m Ikeir kwd*, oa tk* aim *r r"*, eatUeg tk*aaalv** kae* f>*a tke akalta ef tM <»aau wM hare Mead th*** uk* il*v«* for tM laat "•a kaadred yaar*. Irelaikd k*» AIM tk* aral** *f "•apewlth kar tatier* bat, akw, M a » * » wield *** *w*M* te ft** tMli owa Mtatty-^Utai eeaeMy *"!•»• htrih te a Beyle, Swift, Bkirieea aad Seht. *^«aaaaaOaMla < ,OwrM,#raa ) tak*m»l»a ;

.**> •******."» eraaWef IM riek aeaa'a leMei a •"ary Ua* w*eM eeepen tareety aHiae* of fWeal*

au__*^ayi*yta^seat a the werht bat thai or *a« "^V*Mg*faer.U(kveatbread,aelaMlie*iaM r^raefkar aeaal krwa, *M -Area a**" aad aVa ^ » l a ^ . , a i a . W . d e * « a « M ^ a o e . a k J e k " ^ • a a u i a g lea aaaaketa ptager'agrtteaaa *T*h*aa. la tM aaa* ef Bed, then, aftee, aad U« Ir. ****** kaev that alihaagh yo* t / t agatiag r»r nJ^r*- -*T"+ 1— •^ar'taaase* rMMaaef " • " • » . AM I R U H M A N V

f OST.—On Sunday morning, JLA ky a Lady going from lb* Oathedial to HadSn •tract a WAl.I.ET. coataiaing a small .mount of mon­ey. TM Under will l a suitably rewarded by leaving th* **a* at 81 Qaay etreei. athll Iw

T OST.—Los¥ Thursday forT--La noon, by a Lady going Iroa tke Raitroad Biatlen to Congrats Hall, A PORTS MONNAIB, containing Fifty S.vait Hollar., all t» bill* of tke United Btateo, at. eeM Two Dollar*. A.uital.l. reward will be paid Ibe (nder on leaving IM atme with th* Proprietor of Coa-gvae«Batl. «ah83f

O E A D - Q U A R T E R S Super-• 1. liiieud.int General Rcorulling Servica New York

S.tle Vol*nl**ra tod MuaKrlag aad Disburalng Offloer, No. MS Broadway. Albany, N Y, March Sth, fees.

I The following an of Contra.., "Section t. approv­ed February Idih, 180V," it publi.heil for the Informaiion and government of OAcera ractmling in tha S u a of

"SET M It farther eaacied, Thai Ihe riflh aecilon of lha act of twenty eighth of September, eighteen bait. died and ally, pro.idnig for Ih* dlscktrg* from Ih* ser-vice of aiaor* *nllal*d wiihout the ooasentof ibelr UH-reau or guardiani, bo. and the **a* hereby la. rapealed; proridM, Thai k*r**ll*r no person aadtr tka ag* of oigkwen akall be auts i sd uto the United 8l*i*s ser­vice, tnd Ihe oath of enllslmeul taken by tM recruit shall be eeaoiaaire aa to ha i t s . i

II. Oaeertarmth*irHe«roTaiJuj(P«rllei will draw pay I apse Maaur tnd P»y Roll* eretv two aontbs, ftoa tho [ l/nlteeState.Paymaster la thee^M^towferk.

THE LA f.k KITCHEN, FOUR DINING ROOMS, aad the Broadway Entrenee to Wxtoon'* Reslau-reel.


TUB LARGE PQUARB ROOM In Ihe Rear of our Store, adjoining those Room*.

Th* tbove ar* Desirably Located, and admirably adapttd for a


Apply at

T E L L E R fc P A G E ' S

(rent's Furiiishiii# Store, JYba. 462 » 464 Broadway,,



jam N«Jor let inftnty, U. 8_ Army, vy, y . a. a r n j .

8*porlnl*nd*nt, *taMdata^aaAsmaW4iia*We*aa**>

FINE SILVER PLATED Oeaarei Oak* Baakali, Tea Sat*. Spoon*, Foaka,

Ivory Te**odT*kl*Kaiv*s, ft*., for **le laaaaaUta* a **at pateMtare, at tM oaa arae Sure, No. eel Broad.

R. STaUOtlLAND, of n . a SUvar PUtad War*. . w*y.


W A N T E D . — F U R N I S H E D " . HOUSE.—A Gentleman and Wtf* Iwlth no

f*rally,) wl.kt* lo Loo a furnished House, in a uesltablu location. ThO Houa* must b* comfortably furnished, and containing gaa and water. Address, staling location tnd arm*, Box 380, Albany t.J). mhll If

WANTED.-Copies of th< RED BOOK, (Legislittve Manual,) for yours

1SW, 1841, IMS. Also, copies previous to 18tl», for wbloh t liberal price will be pvld. Addrea Box No. 17, Albtny P.O. r matdftiwlwwtt

i l l • — v . =!

ESgEfflStim iMwiTlsKartk

HOC? i "» m •IIM-I'I#

Aa the sea-wiber

^m wi«iiitiT.r

| ? A R L Y 9 E B D 8 - A a t h e » < X U •0A*fM*t.ked *»»vWa_aik*a*,tM*aMii. **ll* ttwauoa te toaaoaeeleai aetorlakaaiera^Pjadt, ooe»aUHef*UlMa*»tM»lr*%r«rail*.o^f<ibb»g*, latttSirVat^TaalBoirer. Temaue*, OaaaaMrt,

" ' " ' H I • m fofiklatttMIe

- i ' I I H S T , T T


B R O W N ' S 0»"I1>> HovU»*B***. or 8or« AV V l l « O Throat, which a - h t M

. . . s e a l bain! cheek** with a eiaple icmc dy, Ifiiegleoted.ofteiiterinlu.

R R O N d H I A I . awaiMloaaly. Few arcaw*re BILV/i .1 U X 1 1 A.JU o f jh, tmpouana. of ttopplug

-• •:. I • a Cough or alljat Cold la in mnt-t /1111,111 Iraaliigoi that which in tM T R O C H E S . bMlnntng'would yield to a

mild remedy, if not Mlende.l to, soon attacks the lunga.

BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES ware Bret in­troduced eleven year* ago. It hat been proved that they ere Ihe best article before th* publio for Coughs, Oolda, Drooohllia, Asthma, Otttrrh, the Hacking Oohgh 1* Consumption, *nd numerous anaoilon* of the Throat giving Immediate relief.

Public Speakera and Hingtr$, wlH fad them efeelual for clearing and itrenglheiiin* Iho vole*.

S*M by all DratfttUi«M^Dealete In Medicine, at M


And for lha speedy cure of tbe subjoined varieties ol Disease i h W o f i i l a « n j l S e r a f u l a u a A f f e c t i o n * ,

aiiota a e T n f f l o r l , • l l t iera, Borea. Bru iv -t l o n a , V l r a p l e e . V a a t a l e a . B l e t o l i e * . B a l l s , H l a l n a . a n d a l l S k i n Mlaeaaea.

ti»«i.»nn. tnd., tub June, 1809. 1. C. Ara* ft Co.—Gents: I feel ilfnydniy to acknowl­

edge wjoit yonr riarsapnrilta hat done for me. Baring inherited a Hotbfulou. iiifeoiiOK, I have aufhred from It In vgrlou* way* for yeaf*. Buiaeiiine* It buret mil In Ulcere on my hands mil trms) lomeUrrei It turned in­ward and distressed me al the stomnak. Two yetr* ago 11 broke out on my head and covered my soelp and ears with nun sote, which wta painful tnd loathsome beyond description. I tried many mouloinet « l j Zi":£ JiTii. oitnt,hut wiihout muoh relief from any tung. In fact, tho ditoiii.or grpty worse. At length I wke rejoiced to (fad in tho Gospel Metienger lh*t you hall prepared an alterative !"uswra.U»), ft? 1 knew front your reputa­tion that any thing you made must he good. 1 teat to Cinoutnatu and got It, mid used it nil u cured me. I took it, M. y.nt advise, in small doses of a toacpoonfu! over a month, tad used almost three bottle*. New and healthy ikin soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off. My akin Is now oletr, and 1 know by my feeling* that iho diaetee ha* gone from my ay.lcni. You tieu wen believe that I feel what I am aaying when I tell you, that I hold you lo be one of the apotifee of the age, and remain ever gratefully.

Your*, ALFRED B. TALLEY. St . A i i t h o u y ' e F i r e . H e a e o r B r y e l p e l a e ,

V e t t a r M e t B a l k A l i e u i u . I t t tnf . I f f . i u . l , ix l i .at w i i k • •« , Bart) I ' l y o * . S r o a e y . Dr. Robert M. Preble write* from Salem N. V-, IStb

September. 1S»P, that he bat cured en inveterate case ol Dropsy, which threatened lo terminate fhUlly, by the pcraeveriug uae o our Sarsaptnlln, tnd tlso a danger-oue tlttek of Malignant Erysipelas by large doses ol the saraei laya he caret the eommon Eruption! by It con­stantly U r o u c b o c e l e , U o l t r e o r S w e l l e d N e c k .

Zi-lniloii Sloan, of Prospect, Tex**, writes: "Three bottles of your Saruptrilla cored me from a Goiire,—t hideout swelling on iho neck, which 1 had •uHered from over two year*.1' i .uii iturrlium o r W b t t e e . O v a r i a n T u m o r

V l e r l u e U l c e r a t i o n . F e m a l e D l e e n a e e . it.. J li. 8. Channlng, of New York City, write* i "

moel cheerfully comply wlih the renucst ofyour agenl in saying 1 Mve found your Banaparilla a moat excellent tlterttlvo in the numerou* ooraplabu* for which we em­ploy audi a remeoy. but eapeeially lit Female Duetset of the Sorofulout dlaUtetlt. I have oared meny invet-ertte eaaet of Leuohorrhoea by it, and *ome where tho coniplalitt ww caused by uloeretlon of iho mem*. The ulceration iualf wa* toou oured. Nothing within my knowledge canal* it for these female dertngemena."

Edwtrd M Murrow, of Newbury, Ala, writ**: "Aden-geroua Ovarian Tumor on one of tbe femtlee in my fin.nly, which btd dotted all the remedies we conld em. ploy, net al length been completely oured by your Ex* tract of Barsapardla. Our puyvioiau thought nothing bui osiirnatioii oould afford relief, but he advised the trial ol your Sarsapariila aa the last retort before cutting, and 11 proved efeelual. After taking your remedy eight week* no symptom of the disease remain*."

•rje lklUe a n d M e r o n r l a l JDleeaee. N a w Oiir.usNS,p:i|li Augrul, H'Ml

Da. J. 0. Area: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply with the re-

?ue*l of your agent, and report to you some of the effects have realized with your Sarsapariila, I have oured with it, in my praotice, meet of the coin,

ptalnta for whleh It Is recommended, and have found IU effects truly wonderful in the oure of Venereal and Mer­loni.d Mi.oii-c. One of my paifenu htd Syphilitio ulcea In hU tbroal, whioh were oonsuming hit palat* mid tho top of bis mouth. Your Sarsapariila, steadily taken, oured him in five weeks. Another wts atttcked by sec­ondary aymploma In hi* nose, and Ihe ulceration had eaten away a consumable part of it, so thai I believe the dis­order would aoon retoh his brain and kill him But it yielded to my tdmlnislration of your Baraapartll* i the ulcere headed, and be It well again, noi of course with­out some disfiguration to his face. A womtn who had been treated lor Ih* same disorder by roerouiy wts suf­fering iVoni this poison in her bones. They htd become so seusitive to the wotthor that on a damn day *ho «uf. feted exorutiatlng pain In her Johns tnd bones. She, too, waa oured entirely by your Sartaparllla in a fow week*. 1 know from lu formula, whioh your agent gnve me, that tlili Preparation from your Laboratory must be a great rontedyj oonsoq,uentiy, these truly remarkable re suits with It have not surprised me.

t'-.iitc.n.illy youis, 0. V. LARIMER, Al D. I t a e u a t a t M n a , G o u t , I . lTer C o m p l a i n t

1 mpartHDraoa, Preitort Co.. Va.. 8th July, 1W9. Da.J.G. Araa: Sir, I have betn tiHloicd with aptin-

ful cdronic Rheumatism for a long time, which baffled mo skill of physicians, and sluok to me in spite of all the remedies I could and, utilll I tried your Sarsapariila. One bottle oured me lit two weeks, mid restored my general hoalth.Bo Much that I am far better than before I wts atuoked. I think II a wonderful medicine. 1. FaatH.

Jute. Y. I.'eichcll, of St. I.mils, writes: «1 have been amicfed for yean with to afeclloit of the Liver, which destroyed my lietlth- I tried cverylhlnr, tnd everylhlng failed to rohov*. m„-t and 1 have been a brokendowuaaa tin- some years from uo other oause than drrrmgsmsnl */ lit. I.ivtt. My beloved l'aator, tha Rev. Mr. Eapy, ad. vi**d inn in try your Sat**p*rill*, because he said he

"'-' von iiiuilo wo. woiih iiyiii«. Mi cured ae , and bus to purl inowmanofme. Ifeclyoung

again. The beat that can be ttid of you it not half good enough. . S e b i r r a a , Chancer 'a' l iuioia, Mnlaraxmeat ,

i;ti:vs-MtlMii, tlnrt.iM issitl « * f . i l l a t i o n o l IBto f iosree. A treat varlely of oaie* hare been reported lo u

where cure* of these formidable complilntt havo result­ed from the use of tba remedy, but our apace here wil not admit them. Somo of them may be found in ou Amoticnii Almanac, which the agent, below named a pleased lo lurntsn irtn.is to all who call for them.



POWDERS OF ANY KIND. Il Is iiorfeoily cleanly, as no human h*ndi aver touoh

it till it 1* liakcil. By this new process of raising Bread, all tM nutritious ami palatable qualittce of tha flour are preserved unimpaired.

IT 18 ALWAYS LIGHT AND SWEET. It never SOURS, and will noi DRY UP UM Y«**t Bread, mid contain! nothing but Flour, Water, and Sail. By thi* process we produce a more healthy mid nutritious—a tweeter *ktd cheaper Bread than oan be made by any other pro****. We have a greet number of Tesliinoiiuls ol ill superior quail lies, from eminent Chemists tnd Fhy-slotim, both In Ibis Country tnd Europe, but ihe best proof of the article it "eiiing il." pleasettyil.

Ladle* aad olhere intere.lad.ro invited lo ctll and ice the process of making Iho

UNFERMENTED AERATED BREAD, 1TB N o r t h P e a r l a treot . A l b a n y .

BELCHER ft LARRABEB, Agtnu. Mtnuftcturcrt for Albtny tnd Rensselaer Ooamies. N. B. This Bresd will soon be for 8*1* by our Agouti,

tnd all respectable dealers in Ihe cities of AlbanyjTroy and other '/'-.WUH In tbe two counties. "as 3nl



Otoe*k?«e>* r *»c* * 4 . 0 0 0 .

Vath Capital. .9100«OOO.

Office in Union Bank. Mo. 448 Broadwitv. DIRECTORS i

Baal. Payn, C. Vibbard,

Wm. TUIInghtii, D. I. Boyd, Wm. N. Strong, J. Van Gttsbeet, Alfi.nl Willi. C. Vtn Beutnnysen T.Vlut Hentoii, G. 0. Davidson, Wm. I Coot, A. A. Il.oilop, Wm L. learned, J a me* Roy, A. P. Palmer, E. Coming, Jr.,


noo-i m Geo.)

A. E. 8Hra.cn, Alanson A. Sumner, A. Bleeker Banks, Rob'l L. Johnson, " " B. Dtrldaon,

Badriay, no. B. Steele,

Jtraee Wilton, John F. Rathbone, T. O. Younglove, Tho*. Ketrney, Jamet C. Kennedy,

P. Learned. W I S . T H r M r f O U A S T . Preiidenl.

H. HHiH Beoietary. *ed

P A T E N T A G E N T S and JL A T T O B N K Y S .




late Maaager of the

Sulenliflo American,

Washington Br*aeh,



experience In the





lute member of the

U. 8. Patent owco

Appeal Board.


mi Offloer



»l ooured. NOTE-PATENTS ar,

pessary to obtain a Patent tent Ire* of oharg* All IMormatlon ne-


knew you, and tny ihmg vnu made wa* worth, irykrar.— By tha blealiig of God it Ma cured ae , and hat ao purl led my blood a* to make a aew man of me. I feel yonn

Q R A N D E L L tk W H I T E (•aooKMoa* ro i. o. Haaoaaaoa.)


MmtuAujtaror* and Dealen in

H O T A I R FVRNACIaff, Flva Sire* of Portable!, and four Sixes tobewt In briok.

Parlor and Chamber Grates, PORTABLE GRATES, B1TOHEN RANGES,


At prleaaaa low a* at «ny Establishment tit the United States. feteak


NOVA SCOTIA and WKMTKHN PLANTER, tor sale at SUNLOP'S Plaster Mill,

toMtf f)T tnd OS «uny street.

t ' . l ' U i . l .

TO ECONOMtZE I N BOOTH -> . aM8l* tHaa, lMMvMM*rearaat

prs 1 ™ a^aaW aTwPaTW

CSTRAYED OR S T O L E N -r O HORSE A^D SUSIGH froa in front of the Dan. lop HouaeTh-lween dandT last evening. Bay horse, about afteeoMi.d. high; sliver moantea haru.ss, Inter S. onbliixli; * sq*ar*boxbaslneasleigh,ptlatedgreen, ilnpod wilk y*lluw i iwo buAle tab** oaa well worn, -JET. -gjkVlittWe, ia»U teuere,I.M a.* - ~ » w—'

M* .ta v e.viof t^BroMrray.AJhairy

aarkod*i»fli»*^i\ . . '»^J*, l iII^ih?' %&£** W " karei

wTVlNOKR * c o ,

•jT-rvi-T t - —warwill II lead te tka reeerery of said I *

Many remarkable cure* of their erection* Mra beta made by iMalteralire power ol thi* inedlgine. It sum. ulate* the vital luueliona Into vigorous action, and thus overeomee disorders whioh would M luppoted beyond II* reaoh. Suoli a remedy ha* long Men reqalred by the necessities of the people, tndwetre conOdenl lhai this will do for lhorn»ll that medicine can do.

Ayer'p Oherry Feotoral, ro* tea aario ocaa or

%IJitl pjtst t lJ . ^TAtJllION MARINE' INSU'RANOB OQMttadr.—' O Notice to hereby ghran, porauapt to tM provliloni of an ordtr entered herein in the eupreme ooutt of Hue •late, on the 61I1 day of March, 18H, thai a Inal dividend will be paid to lha atockkolders of tk* JaektoB Mam* iMbraac* Oompauv of oneflfth per cent, on tMpar vkluoof tbesiockof lhaeald Company, on th*td,9d mat 4th dtyt of April, 18**, at Ihe otAco of th* under-algned, aambar *f Fin* tireet, in tM Oily of New York. Dated Mew York, March eth, 18«t. „

JEREMIAH P. TAPPAN, mhll Sir Receiver of the Jaokson Marina In*. Co.

TinrPBoTCTBi' fiife S T A T E 01' NEWYol l i ; by tbe grace of God, fVee and Indepeiideiii, lo Jama*

M. Pendleton, Susan Id. Bowler, Uuwrgo H Ptndlftoii. ICIIIoulI. Ptnd.eioii.MflrihaDandrlilgc, N»ihAiii«lP»5n-iHeion. Chiirlotto 1'omJlf ion and Kdmuiid PendJAtpn and Anna y. Hcltonok, and a)l other belra at law of Kdmuod II. Pendleton, deceived. areoUng:

Whereas. l-Minund H. PeiedUion, lateot* ihe city of New York* deceased, ae ia alleged, has lately died. leaving H last will ana testament relating to real and personal estate; and Nathaniel P. Rogera, executor Miereln named, has applied to the earrogato of said county for iho proof thereof] you are hereby cited to appear at A lurrogate'e court to bo hold before Our inr

jtt;Shb t'&Jtt. mTSt* iBjiiltlll • ! all •»delfa.y>eWlliJM.i.aei . . l .kteaM8i*ahd,. . - • .niaaiii - •

TO LET. TkeLewerpart ef tk* taer* brtoa HeraeNo.

lv7Flr*t«raet. Tha Iowa part of tM frame H**s* N*. let Firm M.

low*r m upi The low*r*ruppw pari *f a <Xla*> BaatMiaeSt ear laoisik

Th* ipealoaa and eleaaat Stor* oce****d 1 Oreaaaa a Co., ta tk* "JauWkl* Baek," N*. 4M way. Po*sa*»aa«*n M hadeaor MlWe tka I*

ceeaewd hflsWi. — MkVotd-

fVR5 Atop, tM »v>a«»ry *tl«*Dwalrlai» t*m.*H\it Hamdtoa atraet, from tk* t a May.

Atoo, tM three amy brisk Dwelling No. T* Ragle si Also, th* upper or lower part of th* aUeaaat eotta**.

No. 7» Seoend street j Apply to W 1. FRYBH steal E*lal* aad

* - — 818( laaaraMe Aaeot

"SALE—The first t t t . - . t l . . !


rogale in said county, al hi* otSoe In Pouahkee]isle, on ihe Slid day of April, A. D. IMS, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, than and there lo attend Iho probate of tbe last will end testament of said deceased

In testimony whereof, wo Mve caused the see! of of. • flee of our said surrogate to be hereunto etllxed-

Wilness, Peter Dorland, aurrogato of said coon* ll. S.J iy, thi* Hth day of Msrch in the year of our

Iiord one thousand eight hundred and alxiy-two. mhlldw PETER DOIII.AND, Surrogate.

rjrtHa PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW TORE, Jt. to Jacob N. Coon, of CouJcbetter, MeDotough

county, Illinois; Calvin Coon, of llunniiinl, Missouri j John Dygert and Susan Dygart hia wife j William H. • .mining and Alinlra Launiug hia wife, all of Verona in ihe county of Oneida, N. V , heirt at law tnd next of kin or Jacob Coon, deceased.

Whereat, 8lephen Coon, has this day offered the last will and testament of the said Jacob Coon, l*te of the town of Verona, iu the eounly of Oneida, deceased, for probate as a will of real and peraonal et. talo, before Henry M. Hurchard, *urrogate of Ihe eounly of Oneida; you are therefore hereby oiled to appear be­fore the hiuil surrogate, *t hit office in Rome In the county of Onold*, on the eixth dty of Mty, 169*, *t 10 o'oloek In Ihe forenoon of that day, to attend to the pro. bale of laid will.

Given under the hand and official seal of Ihe laid sur (L. 8.] rogale, al Rome, In laid county, Ihli Bflh dty

ofMarch, A. D. icti'j. mhll Ow HENRY M. HURCHARD, Surrogate.

riVllE PEOPLE OF THB HTATEOF NEW YORK; M. to Ellen M Tryon, rending in WiUon, Niagara

eounly, N V.; George Tryoil, residing at For tor, Ni­agara eounly, N. Y-i Hannah Hamblin wife of Smith Iiin.iliiiii, residing at Wilson.aforesaid; Harriet Tumi. l.l.i wife of Richard Trumble, and Ella* D. Trumble wife of Stewart Trumble, all of whom realde at Hadley, l.«l-cer county ill the atate of Michigan: Thome* Try. oii, residing at Porter In said oounly of Niagara: aad to Mortimer M. Soulhworlh. residing at Lockuort, Niagara county, N. Y.tbe apecinl guardian of Elvira M. Tryon, who reaidoa al Wilton in said county of Nivgara, heir* and next of kin of Thorns* S. Tryon. late ol Wilson in the county of Niagara, deceased, greelinj


VOB JL Coittg* Brick DwaUlng. No. S80 HaraatM a. Lot SUby ISOfrel.iiiliiiliig ihroiigli to J«y slrsel, with car. rlage house and cable on Jay al. A Ine garden with frail tree*, «rsp* vinss, A*. Mu kltek*a sad wood house In rear of koa**, aad cellar aader Ike wkole, wlih gaa, waier, ke*ter, A*. Terms aceoaaodaiing. En. quire of WILES, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND,

aakll KeelBiln* Ageeto, 08 Slat* it.


LET.—Prom the first of rpO B~ May next, the three itory brick Dwelling House

No ta Chapel aireei, corner Saaben. 1. STERNBERGH,

i..bin oetee Kxekaag* Baildiag.

TO LET—Prom the 1st of May next ihe large three story and high basement brick

Dwelling; wilhsub.collar, et 140 LVdius street, two doors

tM poet*/ k«*»lSt^ ajaayof tM Medical tad Utaltoa* of the Old World, aad r«tara* arte • of alltMlrlal**tlaipfor»a*»tt. wkUkw togiv*Uo**inn»»d,prolM*loi *r*ap*a*reeaaB7j c i " «

Bawaaa or Iarosirioa.-r raotiea with aay oth*r odU* ia I

^ m^-»i&^\— — Tke** wke e*H at his once need aot f**r laaoataautS

his Diploma, Gold Medal, and E*rop**n TMilsaanlaUaa tkeroaghand tniantlBc kuowledgeof kls pri faaaiovs, a J . satisfy all applloanlaof his snr«erii* skill ar.djudgatat. >Tis no as* talking--if yo* want a ceritlnspetdy *sae t*d Dr. Cooke—he never falls—is •verlastilgaera.

ty Hi* O mmiulonoaa Major Genertl aawillatkldl Appolnlaaut «t Surgeon General ia tki Uarud Sit.**


* - j r

wesi of Grand s.re.ei, now ocoapled by Antrim While, Esq. The houia may M seen from a term! enquire at 113 Lydiuiit,next door below, or <


In 4 For of

mlOlf Reel Esiato Agent., 6,1 8late'it.

TO LET—Prom the 1st of May The two alory and bs.emeiit Hon**, No. 141 Clin­

ton avenue, baa gat tnd water. Rent, 88*0 Also, part of Hoat* No, 111 Clinton tv. Rant, 8130 Also, store, No. 35Q Broadway. Also, House No. 43 Broad iireel. Also, House No. 34 PriukHn HreM. Also, House No 3d JerTersoa an eel Also, liou-o No. 10 William ttreet. Apply to nil.lO 0. FOSTBR, A3 State tireet.

University, aad cer ilneatea of til hit Colltg* Beau MazaalMd by kla F*tron» at all timet

OLD DR. COOKE ol Albany. N. Y—Fellow ef tl« Roy*l College of Physicians and 8»rgeous, Lraaam Jtsa ft>r raanyyeera Surgoon General In Ike Jlrilisk tadf i t . algd Medieal Service-CP'haa recently retarrted frta, Eerope, and ataio retimed hit OFFICE PRACTICE kg Ihe bene*t oT Ike unfortunate. Tk* OLD DOOTOk professes lob* tmuiontlytklllful in garag OoaarrMu illee-l, Hlrielurea, Syphilis In all Us slagea eriaaaiv, •eoondary, ternary and ker*dltaryj Beminal W*akr*ta Nooiuratl Balaton*, Generel Debility, Impottray.M*) all dlseatea of Ike Urinary Oigins. TM Benertl aefiei> aaall frea all wh* may h* •aided with lay ra*hdhw ease, feeling confident ia a«oee**, and a grtal wvlugo j Hat* aad money to his patienu

Sea* ef th* moel learned and fsmoas mra oflMeeea try kar* been aad*r ha ebarge—men of genlaa, intellee and power—and In no Instance Iss the tlrlsinea. of pnl vaaf been Tits tied.

DR. COOKE NOT RETIRED FROM BUSINESS, Old J»r ;<!o*kt, wk* kta not retired from buainesa, hie

no boys, aisdanis, tertnirt, roi.ntii, noi blielinga, Ml t'J t.l.lts atisonslly to I.l. palls nla.

''•lis thai wklakso maeh canlltan**Implr**, Pi aaf , Mill va ae f.ilk.r utoof r*t air**."

»E8TIMONLAL8 ''l^adeeior «f *o*t*n, wiijfilki aavaib* noi let."

fhereas, l.usk'llraca, of the town cling: of Wi 'ilson, in the

county of Niagara, hath lately made application lo our surrogate of tho county of Niagara, to have a certain iu.ltiiiiii.nl in writing relating lo hold real and penonti estate, duly proved at Ibe laat will and testament of aald Thomas S. Tryon, deceased ; you and each of you are hereby cited and required peraoually to appear before the surrogate of oureouiity of Niagara, at the surrogate's office ill i<ockportt on Monday the 'Jdlh e*y of April. IHIW, at 10 o'clock ill the forauoon of thai day, lo mend the probate of lite sad instrument at the laat will tnd testament of the snal deceased.

In witness whereof, we have caused the teal of office of our surrogate lo be hereunto affixed. Wil­

li-. 8.] ness, George W. ftowen, surrogate of onr stld county, at liockport, the seventh day of Maroh, A. D lbW

ttitttl Ow O^V. BOWJSN, Surrogtle.

AT a genertl term of Ihe lunreme court ef the title of New York, held lu aid for the third judicial dn-

n id, al Ihe city of Albany, on the 8th dty of March, l-'ic-l l'i o v ui, Justices Hogeboom, 1'eckhain, and Miller.

Ordered, Thai In notion, where there is reaion to be­lieve thai the trial will not occupy mora than one hour and a half, cither parly may apply by motion at the olr-.• nit ou the first day thereof, on a notice of four days lo hate the Issues therein plaood upon a opeoial calendar fot trial, (aorving with suuh nonce any efhdaviu or p*< nors he may wish to use on tho motion, whioh Mve noi iisen already served); and iho same may be so ordered, in the discretion of Iho justices before whom the motion shall bo made-

If such motion be granlod, the cam will be entered on a special calendar lo be made by tho clerk of the clr inn, on receiving a note of the iwue speolfving ihe nii..il'i-i of the oause on the general trial ctlondar. such nolle of inuo to be filed with the clerk without delay, after the granting of said motion.

The special otlendar will he called on the teoond day of the cirouit, and the tiial of causes thereon, continue as long aa the piealdtng Justice shall deem expedient; every cause so placed ihcroou, If not Itn-d at the Arsl circuit, and noticed for a succeeding oirctnt. shall be enlltled, without a renewal of ihe motion, to be plnced on ihe tpeciul calendar for every succeeding circuit for which said cause shall be noticed for Inal. If ihe trial of tbo cause Shall occupy more than one hour and* half, tho trial may, in the discretion of the presiding IUI-lioe, be suspended, and the oause M placed at the foot of the goner*! trill ctlendir.

Ordered, 'Mint the clerk ol Ibucourl cause ihe forego-iug "idi-i- to be forthwith published in Ibe State paper for four successive weeks

infill d4w 8. A. WATERMAN, Clerk. rrsHB PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK. X'by the graco of God fren end independent, to ell lo whom these presents shall come, or may coneern, •ltd especially to Magdelina Johnson, widow of Peter Johnson, deceased, residing in tbe town of Gallatin. fol county, N v.; Silas P. Johnson, of Jaspei Ihe atate of Ohio ; Holsey wife of Jeremiah

feet deep, communicating with Montgomery *t., with fine harden, abounding in fruit. The house is In perfeet repair, and if not sold, will be rented lo a good tenant. A part of tbe purchase money may remain on tho place. For parllcalara, enquire of WILES, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, HcHiEsiaio Agents, M Htkteti., or Dr. HERMAN WENDELL. inhlb

' P O LET orPOR S A L E . - T h e •L new Brick Stable, oorner of Columbia and Lodgt

eireet*, wlih twenty feet in rear, suitable for I.iveiy pur­poses Possession immediately.

OLCOTT A KINO, tt Bute meet, i.ihi if over 8l*le Bank.

THO LET—The Briok Store, • • • No. 400 Broadway, al pretett occupied by Mean.

E. S. Derrick A Son, Haiteri and Furrier*. b*nig « most desirable stand fbr any kind of business Enquire of

WILES HOFFMAN A ROWLAND. f*t7 Rill Battle Ageuli, oo State street.

JL bii LET.—The three story

brick Dwelling No. IM u.lliu. street. It Is in good repair, and furnished throughout with gas and wa­ter. Possession glvon May tit. Apply to

fn'.'/if It SMITH, III Howtrd Href.

TO LET—Stores No'sT 93 and 0} Green street, wilh Dwelling! above them, in

good ordor. with gti and water. Alao, to Let m I* , Dwelling No. 71 Lydlos sum t.

new occupied by William II. Taylor, containing all modern improvements, range, healers, gsi lud watar cloiets.

Also, No. 77 l.ydiui street; will ilr, with gas, wi.|cr, Ac. Knqii fell] if ' u W i 8 . . , . - X

. - . . „ Mpm in perfect re-pair, with gas, water, Ac. Enquire of

' u ' 40HN TAYLOR A 80N8, Brewery.

L E T - - Prom the first "of May next, ihe " Dunlop lioase Hotel,*' m Uro*d.

way, au cxoellcni busineas tlaad P nquire of A A. HI IN I.OP. i. /1 Ion MI. 11,

or by letter lo ROUT. HHI\ l.i«l\ felhl if Jtineivilio, l!.i(oiil»K», *'•<• i N. V

T O LET—Prom 1st of May, JL Houie and Lot No. 30t South Pearl sireet. Also, No.niillHniiili l'carlalr*et. Eui,ulre nfCLARK.

SON T1BIIITS, 7tl Hawk it., or of Mrs. WM. HILL No.JJPO South pearl St., |rsl door north. fait If

r Mills in . Koioker.

hooker, residlnr al or near Scranton In Ih* sinto ol Penhiyivmi*; Suiannah wife of William II. Finger, residing in the lown of Gallatin, Columbia oounty, N. Y.| Maria wife of l.tionard J Mmiti., residing in tin town of Yates, Orleans county, N. V.; Peter P. John. ion,j*iid Helen wife of John F. Snyder, residing in the town of Gallatin, Columbia county, N- V ; Herman V. Ess^lslyn, of Hie oily of Hudson, N. Y , the sno;;^ §ui.nl.i.u of William Johnson, Irviellt wife of Henry A.

0*1,1, Harmon Johnson »:;•.'. .'.'itrgKrel Johnson, four mi Hon i"..i.': «; years of age. and who all reside In the Iowa of Gallatin. Columbia county, N. Y.: Susannah wife' of George A I Minn, residing at Cambridge in the state of Wisconsin; Peter 1'. Johnson, whoee residence is unknown and cannot be ascertained; Betsey wife of Nclsjon Suydcr, residing in the town of Gallatin, Colon, bia tjnuiily, N. Y., who are the widow und only heirs at law and next of kin of Peter Johnson, late of Columbia oouijiy, deceit icd, send greeting:

Whereat, Mtgdallna Jnliipiiui, who ia named at *ol« cxequlrix in a cermln iutiruraeni in wnlini to ta, Ihe laat will and testament of the i

iiiit.purporting u ^ . , . . aid poier John-

ion, dtoeaied, and rolallng to both real and personal es-l*,te,j ha* applied for uroonhereof, before our surrogate of oju coioi'ty

!d for n of Colt inuliiii;

oiti.it and required personally lo be and *ppe»r (if you shall soe hijbelore Ihe said surrogate, at his offioe in

. . . oaa day of April next, at ten

. you are Iherefor* he'reby d

thai ity of liu'dson, on the vi.l day or* April nexi, o^look in the forenoon of that day, then end there lo in tend lite probate of said will.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. flee of stld surrogtle to be hereunto Affixed.— Wluiets. <-I.-ulna Euelsiyn, esq , surrogate of

[L. I.) our said eounly at the oily of Hudson, Ibis 8th day of Mtroh, in the year of our Lord one 1 thousand eight hundred tnd sixty-two.

1 Hw *HAS ESSELS'fYNjSurrogtto.

p iFBREB'S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. XV Supremo Oourl —Thomti Doren, ex'r, Ac, agaliut KHz. Wooiey, Jtue B. Wooley, Mary Ann Wooley, Will am T. Wooley, and Suian R. Wooley, end other*.

Br virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure and wle enter­ed nil In tbi* action on Ihe 4th day of February, 190'J, lu thii Court, 1, the undersigned Referee duly appointed for that purpoae in and by said Judgment, will Mil tt publilo auction, at the Hetuuda of the Merehant'a Ex­change, in the clly of Albtny, on Ihe Sth dty of Mtroh,

ooley, J»ae B. Wooley, Wooley, '" . .

Judgment of foreclosure and *a!o enter-on the 4th d * ~ *"

ourl, 1, the undersigned tt nurpoae in and by is w , auction, at the Rotunda of the Merehant'a Ex-i, in the clly of Albany, on the Dili day of March,

li:in>!ni 18o'clock at noon, of that day. the premises de­scribed la the mortgage thereof given by the defendant!, Ellxi, Jesse D., Mary Ann and Susan R. Wooley, and ote William T. Wooley, now deceased, .to Andrew A. Corrjsiou, now deceased, as follows: --All their and each of their right, title and interest in tnd to thtt ceritin lot, pice* or parcel of lend wltb ibe building! ibereon. mu-*ie. lying, mid being In Ihe oity of Albtny, ou the smith side M Washington avenue, In said city, and bounded and detoribed as follows: "On ihe north by Washington avenue: on Ihe etit by a house and lot lately owned by " ™ * i by his

Holy be-oupiod by hia

pronerly lately he-, and ou the well by

iiowiocoupied b Febijutry 8th, II

'ivni. ||.. wii mo ii.-nv or o nvmg mi., ua our Sami iel S. Peck, deoessed, and uow oco wide w and family; on Ihe south by proper lougmg to Fenlou Lawlor, deceased, and oi propirty belonging lo Samuel C. Harrii, being aboa't iblrly-threo feet front and rear, by about one hundred and auUy.tr* feel deep, anil being the unit premises whlrj|i wereeonveyed to Collins R. Wooley. deceased, by two deeda, one bearing data October SSih, 1840, exe. culel by Corneliua Ten Broeck and wife, aud the other bear leg date September Stst, 1835, exeouted by Teunis Van Vechten, Jacob H Ten Eyok andJelli* Wiim*,iun-lor, ejxoeutors, Ac , of John llriiikerhofl, deceased, and

" sud ptrtiei of the first pert." Albany, CLINTON CA88IDY, Referee.

P. jCegfar, Att'y fbr l'l'ii. foio SawSwatd Th* sale of Ihe premiiea in Ibe above nolicc described,

Is pofipoued iiniil the laih day of April next, at ihe urn* hour and place mentioned in aald nonce. Albany, Mare> Sth, HMJ. OUNTON OASSIDT,

mldtawtd Refetea, tic RB0LO8URE BALE—SUPREME COURT—The I iniiiiiini iinl Bank of Albany, agsi Leonard Kip, ad-mini trator of Gilbert L. Wilson, deceased, and olhere.

In pursuance ami by virtue of a Judgment of the Sa. pre* * Court, entered In the above entitled action oa tba (oh i *y of March. 1809, f, Ibe subscriber, referee for that impose in said order or Judgaeat ntmed, will sell al p tblic auction, in the Rotunda of Ihe Albany Ex-chan (•-, In Ihe city of Albany, on the 3lil dty of Mtroh in.lv HI, al 18 o'clock at noon on that day. the pi ionises in II id order or judgment directed lo M sold tnd thtreia deio Ibed ei followi, to wit:—All tint eorttiu house tnd . . . . . _ reaaa-ev

TO LET from the 1st of May. The How mod era built, flnl rlasi throe llory Mild

basement briok Dwelling No. 93 Clinton avenue, Vae houie Is In im-ni perfeot order, and furmab d with all the moal modern Improvement*, ii vntiing dnmb wtltar, bntler'i pantry, waih lubi M

Also, the two Hti.iy «inll.asoment brick Dwelling, No. i*W 8(a.te street, fWnished with sjas, water, Ao.

Also, the now rnsstio froat briok two story and high basement dwelling No. fOLydlus street. The housels furnished with gM, heatc-r, siib.collni, wstei, Aw Hent reasonable.

Also, Iho desirable Store No Green,'on* of the bosl loca'loni m tke oily, fcwsossion

01) State street, near ' e guy. possession

aifred. A lesse i>r (isii bo bad on the 1st; of Mwifch, two years o«n be given.

Also, Oi" no** Two story and basement new briok dwelling, 37 Uovt street, near State, to let from the first of May neat, furnished with gas, water, «V<-

Also, the two story and basement briok dwotliiiu, 36 Dove street, adjoining the above, from the 1st of May nexL Kaqalreof


Heal Ksiato A**-i""- M<Stat« *>>>rt*.

^^^^^"^o.^jyr^r'^r ^ O L E T , -X From the Aril of Me

room* ever iitd Htoro, No. IL, „ w . . , . , , ....... .«» ...., • iter oi Steuben aireei, now ooeupied by 8. Lowea*t*in, lu Ike Fancy mid Dry Ooodi Irade

Also, the 8hoe store aad cellar, No. 0 South I'earl, tear toe corner ol Hiale alrael, occupied by T. A J. Feary.

Alto, Ui* Store and oell*r No. 80 Ntale etrett, occupied by II. I. Ilowe A Oo, a* a Furniture Store.

Alto, tlte two story basement and title brick dwelling Houie No. 47 High, between Hudton and Hamilton alt, w/lh gas an* water.

Alio, the Room and ofkea altaohed fronting on Broad wU>, No. 019, occupied by W. J. Walker for ihe tale of lijunt'i SowingMaehinr.

Apply to T. NOONAN. Agent, 1*14 If corner of Chtpel tnd Bleuben in

. . . . . . . - . _ . . . . H . V . . . . v . . . . , BJIU | . M IHUWI WI «1 U t a

aboot. la Old Dr. Cooke, of Albany, N. Y. VltJ literal » apeakiag, yoa're *nly t* knock at hi* d**i andyoa'iij , , i id ." Madleal and H.igloal Jasinal.;

Ua. Oeea* or A1 a.m t l s i* Ii n* doabt thai tl a **l*br*tid pruliliMtr a highly aadkatplliked in hlsff. • fawlen ; a feet whl*k hi* ktlng a m*mb«r o. the Reya <l»ll*l« Of FhyalaUm and Hargeonsiu l,on.'or sufrlf ice'J ly ataiM. R*ni* k* aay k* stfkly ecuiilicd in reaper | t* the larg*r elati *f a*l*dl*a. t* which la (!*»• his sysclsl attention. -«oeh**l*r Bsllr Unl*n.

A Boot ro* rat Mu.iioa. -.Ililptgss. tlitaeMpeav. irltr wtrk *r*r nabllsaid an ths disasisinf Ike Ucnnil .Usui. N*. 3 Nnluii str.si, Albany, N. V. Frlce A inns. OS** ejMB *ii Hn.Jsy, a«w*ll*l«reryd*yi tt* week, threagk**t tk* year.—Beaton Tt ireler.

l-ait.iili trrattd by letter ihrtaghtai tke Ulete. »^-Address OLD l»JK.OfK>Kst,Fky»ltliiili'iF*rg*0

No 3 Norton etreet, Albany. Albany Mirek aoih. )Mo *,,»


e a -. II »

pnysiOLOGioAL visw o» MARHIAOB, Two Hundied and Fifty I'tges and I'M Kagranae*.

1'rioe only rwaarr-nra utrin. 8cnl free of Collage to all uirts of th* Ual >..

On tha inflrmllie* ol youth and suturlty, discloslna lha teorel follies of bolb**xe*of all age*, eaurlng dakll-Ity, ucrrousness, deprestiou of iplrits, palpiutlon of lha heart, lulcldti iuaglnliigs, Uroltnisry Inngmtiwua, blushiiirov dofrctive raeitoiy. iiidigi-silon tr.d attiia**. wiiartiV'jilonxi/rAiiW.agiMUriji o/oBoaiJinf *VI*a Mi>», e CeUVgs StvUnl, <md a Yexni MarvriW IMf, t*m l i n t truthful adrlser to the married and Iho** *eat**v pitting marrisg. ohyeloal eoiidillorii,

who entertal* secret doaots of ihelr , s, and who are conscious of bavlaar Itatardcd the health, happiness, and pri.llegra to width every huuitu: <»lng Ii aiiiitled.

YflUNtl MKNV trtllvctuted by a bad hebllin youth,the eSeeiof whleh

di/.nicss, nsiiiii, Ibrgelfulneti, sninetlme. * rliigina In the eats, w»at eyei, wetkueu lit the keek tt d lower

TO LET—The three story and bailment brioh Dwelling House No. 704 Broad-

way, with all tlte modern improvements. Also, Dwelling House, No. 7*8 Brotdwty. Also, Dwelling Hours, No. 78) Broadway.

Enquire of WII.KH, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, aha Seal Kslate Agenu, M Slit* tt.

r P O LET—Jrom the 1st day of J - May neat, the Store end Building on Brotdwty,

between Sltnwlt Hall and the Dcltvan House, occupied by W. C. Initio A Co., as * Bookstore Apply lo FK. TKH OANdBVOORTer ABRAHAM LANHiNe, No 13 Douw'a Betldlag*. f*8 tf

TO LET.—Possession given Immediately—The first floor and basement ol

House No 30-1 Nouih l*e»rl streoi. lli.u.o lu gocd la-pair, and ha* both aaa and water Kmiinie nf OI.AIt, . BON TlllillTfi, 7iTH*wk ilrcei, or of Mn WM. Ill II , No. 900 Sooth Petri it., lecond door north- *td> U

rpO EENT.—A Farm in town JL of Datnetbargh, Schenecltdy onuitty, containing

nearly 100 teres. Poaosslon given 1st Aorll. Kiiqulre of W. 1. FKVF.H, Reel Etttie

fed «nd Iratranee Agent, 01 State st.

| ? 0 R SALE OR TO L E T - T h e JL three alory briok Dwelling No. *» Kim street. F.n-

• " JAMBS F. CROSBY, niiini of felll Insurance Agent.

lj"OR SALE—Two good build-1- ing Lou, IA Hamilton sireet, norm aide, between Swan and Dove etreeU, 88 feel six niches by IM feet, each lot Enquire of

WII.F.M, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, ath8 Real Beat* Agenu, M Sate itroet.

F)R SALE or TO LET—The three itory brick building, pared cellar, wlih tt*-

Met, and wagon ihedt in tho rear, fronting on Morion, Kitabeth «nd Catharine ilreelt The premise! tre suit­able for a Orooery or Manufacturing buiinen. Enquire of JAMES TRAVER8, No. 104 Arob street, or of

feWtf^ 10UN TAYLOR, Awlgneo.

i SALE—Valuable build

ektrealuot, euufusion of Ideal, ioti of memo, r, with inolancholy, may Ii* cured by the imhor'i NE W PARIS AND IrONJXIN XKHATMENT.

Wt have, for lie rreder psrl of tha east yesr. dare, ted our time luVldlTINU THE KliHtll'BAN Hii.->11. TAI.H, trailing ourielvei of the kaowlodte tnd re. setrehes of the most skilled l'liysloitni and Surgtoaeat Europe and on the Continent. Thou wke plate ihtat-selres under our otre will now hare the full brnett «f th* many Nl-;\v AND EFFICACIOUS) MKMKDIkS which we are^ntbled to u-lroduoe tato oar practice, and the nubile mty rat tssurrd of the lira* aetl, asiMulty, ISKCRlit Y ind aucnllgn oelngpaid to iheiroaaes, v.Hah sssaof •••fully ili»|.iisus.ied us liar«lofore, a. a Fkraaiea tit oat FKtlUI.I AH diparlHieiii ef profissiouai praeaVi*, for th* pail nvsiiir-flv. vaais.

Fa»N«a FiMtk* I'ILM.- -Ladiet whewah ferNee> •in*, Ik* *ao*oy of which h*a ***a tested a akoaetatw ufusies, and has fsilid lo cSaol sp*edy euretwiibua tad bad results, will at* *ou* but l)r. BeJLaaty's Ksaali I'tnrdictl Pills., Tk* only prtcattiou aeotaaary to be •bitrrtd. it, Ladlti ihould net its* tkeai If they bate reason to believe thiy tr* In osriabi liitatlonsiu * par llctlata of which will (a foaud ou Ih* wraapar aeious panylng each be*,) Ibourh always saf* and ksaliky. •* genaVh ytl •* tollr* ar* lk*y.

Pra* SI p*t box. '*>•) i iub imiutd li aayptrl » ihe United Btatti.

TO THE I.AU1ICM Whonted t*oi,fJdt«Utlaedi*a adviser wilh rtgtnt to tny of tho** Itltrttting ctmpltuii* to whioh Ihelr delicate organisation r*ad*ra thtm litbte, ire Kiluiulirly In.iUi) to conaall a*.

Vi* " Ei.to»ao-9*>-VAnio 1'aoracrira."—For mar. ried ladle* who** lieallh will aol admit,or wh* hive ae dealr* to ucrcua their ftuiill**, way be obuined at tbora, ;i|sperfoolly tsfi,andhttbeenexiensirtly used ,'urlng (he lasi right yean, l'rlco rtdnoed to 810.

\rr Altendano* daily, from 8 la Ihe morning till 8 al night, tnd on Huiidayi from 3 lilt tf r. a.

Medicine*, wilh fall direolloni, sent to any pari of :'i t Uniied Siatei or Canada*, by patlanu eommanastingj Ihelr ivmptomi by letter. tnuIaaa«oir*savudeiio*tuicr. ly cnnlldentl*!.

rrr- Dr. L.'« Ome* is sitll loe.led aa eaiablisbed, un­der th* mm* of DR. LA CH01X, at No. 31 Muden I«.it , Albany, N. Y.

rnr To inaure lafety o all leiats, simply eddvsi* "T1IE LA CIIOIX MSDICAL INHTITUT*V> Nf. M Mald«n Lane Albany. N._Y. ' ii*

IVfRS. MARY BiNTWISTLJ. iVJL the Ureal Natural CLAIRVOYANT Pll YIH CI AN, hai during her iwtlr* year*' ptto'iee. a e m il the meat ilgnit i icceii In alseai*i whlen k*re*f-3 bshled Ihe profession. She hat taken hold of C*ai*a n tion and mattered It; iho hat met the raiklBg IMk i> HII i.iuln and driven It liaok wilh kerolo nkeility | tk* kae attacked the formidable race of Heart. Idver, Lang, ar d Kidney disotsu, and Ikty hare been dissipated Ills dk w before th* sun. And so of other diseases. Go aad see her, ye who ara diseased. Her medicines ar* partly re-tettble, composed of the best ingredient! whit* tki* a.al far-Ian landa oan produce. Retidtace and otlce No. e l l KJnrr* .Tr»y. N. Y d.lBly

ff A N I) 8 0"M JT W O M E K . IIIIN I ii "ni.tiiiAi OF n«».-ii: t •' • rick aaa

elegant color for thi ohecka or lias. IT WILL {KrY WAHH OK KUH OFF, and when one* applied r*aaiaa durublo for yoar*. Tim tint It to rich *td aataral, that lb* «lo*e*t icrutlny faila to deieol iu ua*. Oaa ae r*« moved by lemon Juice, aad will na injure Ibe atle.— Tha u a naw preparation, need by the celebrated Coart Ileaatlea of London and Farts. Mailed free, la hettl**, with dirootions for use, for SI.

HUNT'tt "COURT TOILET POWDER,"imparlsa daiullng whiteness lo the complexion, soil, oeiieete, aad natural- ia unlike anything also used for this pa pose, •nd WILL NOT RUB OFF. Mailed free for to e*aU In tioaitgt stamps. 0 0 , Perfumen, Ageau Wauled.

« « • Can b* obtained only of HUNT t—

707 rjansom atretl, nuha(eWua.-~


OOR S A L E . - T h e three story J- and basement Houie, No. 88 Clinton Avon**, haa holalrlarnace,yat, oookmg rtnge, bub, Ae. Tbekow* will b* *old tl Ike very low price of 84*00 Knqtlr* «f

ret O. F<|MTKR. «3 Slate »UKsL

FUT^AXl—H3 shares Bank nock.

Alio, otbor Bank and Insurance alock Apply te WILKN, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND,

fe80 Real Estate Agent., SO Mala aire*!,

FOR SALE CHEAP.—Pour Building Lou, corner ol Hudton and Will*! it*.,

being t>8 by W feet deep. AIM, House *nd Harden No. 88 Lark Uriel, belaf 88

feel on Lark ilteet by 188 fact deep Th* gareea *ea. tain* fruit trees, vinet, Ao. lo r parilculan, eaqult* t f

W1LE8, HOFFMAN A ROvVLAND, feto Real Estate Agent*. H 81*1* *tr**4.


In laid order or judgment directed lo be sold i described •• followi, to wil:—All Hut oertaii lot nil the can nde of Lodge street, belween Columtl tnd Steuben itreets, in the ollv of Albtny, bounded o the tjvest by Lodge sireet j on the north by properly be-•nd tieuben ••reels, in the city of Alb*ny, bounded on the went by Lodge iireel; on the north by properly hi longfig to the parly of the Crel partj on the e**t hyCb<

Thi* I* * remedy *o universally known to aurptu any -*• ' — - — ~ y . V - . _ * a a d l u n a ' l l m s l s l l • . * . _ . othoTforithe oure of throat andluna complaint*, ihat ft

I* uselost here ly publish ihe evkten|e of It* virtuei. Iu anritaU^ eltoo'ileno*^L*""i^,*^l^l<^f. *' l4''u

wonierfui cute* of pulmonary diseutt, havo known throughout tho civJllred ntliotuof the - --"- -' -^*oommuiilllo*,oroverifamil|i' Fevr'aiethel

i truly ado it

"thVciVlilae'd nation* <jf the earth — , » „ „ - _ _ ilhlUe*. or even faaM lr^jioa?th*a who b»v* nonome perwnat oxberlejioe of lUeaaot*— Maellritif trophy In their audit or ltt viotory over the •ubt|**nd d*ugerou* disorders of the throat and tungi.

"" ^ W d t e a d f u l fatality of Iheie iitotitnr&i iJCloo, the e«*ot« of tbU remedy, we need re than to *isare thorn thtt il hat now all the

I did hare when making ihe cure* which uoigly apon th* cooadeaoo of msokind.

*t. -drSfSk'-m oo. , • • - ^ A k k W a i w i R ^ ^ RMS; I o*re»1}7w!?T8. • ^ a ^ t o * * W » w "

j ^ A R B L E H A L L , 4 0 8 a a a ATO I l r a a e T w a y , A l b a n y .

TO MEROHANTS AND OTHER In calling your attention to our nock>f

CHINAt WiAHil, KAIl'niKNWAHKp VAMV 6 0 0 D 8 ,

M.RBOSBNK I .ARIPS, O i l , , A c . A t l . , nermlt *• I* aa«ur* you that It 1* complete In all depart! m*nls. and we belfeve LARGER AND MORS OtiN-BRAL tbaa any other In the market.

We solicit your p*lronag* with much confidence, be. oause we feel perfect assurance that no houie in oar trade can eltord to aell good* on belter termi than eur. wives. laHtorlltig, n we do, all Foreign Good* under tho meat favorable olreaaulanee*, with the additional advanaaeof having OUR OWN AGENTS at ikedlf-fereniminaftclurlngpolnii, itwlll he app«r*al to your hat WB CANNO'fBK Ut&aaUOUK'

Wawlsh It understood diilinotly, lh*lw* will, at all times, dupliette th* Current Price* of Naw York end

Feeling it to he Important that Good* should be packed with cere, *"d the selections precisely tueh aalfiouur-ehater ha* aad*, and also that order, ahould be filled promptly, we bare atada woyltlon that will secure tlieie aetlrabl* r**ulu. lliankful for former patronage, we

"Sg; V W | , ^ O H B . . S B N A OHARLF..

j j U m i O F S fine PALE ALES-XX ALES and PORTER.

IN CASK OS IN BOTtLB. A f u l l A e e o r l m e t u a l w a y s art h a n « .

DBPOT IH NSW YORK, 88 LIBERTY STRSaT. •. .$''-''*• A miVQi,n<i**T*u*A.

Kl street i on the south by properly belonging t • John Hpynolds, the premise! referred lo being the houie

and lot occupied by Franklin Kdson. Deled March <lk, 1888| - CLINTON CA8MIDY, Referee.

P. pagger, Planum 'a Allorney. mho tawtd _ JcTATsTniB^ALTJ.—HOTSEMe C O O R T —

I.uoy R. Cauidy agil Cornellui Ten Bri eck. Geor. glana Ten Broeok and other.

Notice Ja hereby given Ihat In puriuance of a Judg­ment of foreclosure tnd sale entered up In Ibis action

80th day of February. 1888, I, Ihe u.tderslgned nuiy appointed a referee for that nurpoae, in tnd by ittd Judg. aent, will loll al publio motion, it Ibe Rotunda of ihe 1 lerehant'a Exchange, in the city of Albany, on the fifteenth day of Mtroh, I8»9, at 111 at. of Ihaldiy, all tbt I illowing deicribed premises, to wll:—All thtt e'er iniii < r - - • " — ' * ' in Ihh

ou pleoe or psreel of land situate, lying and being I life Third, now_Fifth (now Hi.ih) Wtu.l of the

oily |if Albany, bounded I I followi, rlc: tin the touth by

allejf fifteen feet In width running from North I'aarl

IToiutnbja iireel: on the weit by a lot formerly belong* • " i«ph Huaell! ' "' - '

width iiiiii.li ing tp ITiomai o'nd Joseph Hussoll; on the north by an

p A P K R . SHELL, Soft shsll .



Lot on the north side of Btata street, between Hawk and PJwan street, tha location being unequalled in the oily, Oan be purchased on liberal tetrae. Kit* quire of W. J FAYEHe Real Keuu and

fl>lj • ItMtya^eejIgaat* fti Htate street.

FOR SALE—A Country rssi-dance, consisting of about 4 aerei of ground undai

lhahlgheil slate of oulnvaiion and filled wilh Ik* choicest fruit, fruit tretl, ihruhbery, eld. The dwelling ll com plete In ill lu parti. The outbuilding! are or the meat convenient description. This properly is aot excelled in thi* vicinity, end heme within fifteen minute* carriage rid* from the Capitol. Terms low and accommodating. For farther particulars, enquire Of

W. jr. FlfYKIt, R«al Est*l* and aht iaiuranc* Agent, 01 Sale Uriel.

XjK)R SALE—The newmastis JL front brick tw> itory »nd high haaeaent Irwelllr* House, No. 843 Lydios lueel. The house Is famished with gas, heater, sub-cellar, wear, Ao, and will b* sold cheap. Half of th* purehaae money aay remain on build anil mortgage. For parilealua, eaaaire of

WILES, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, fo8 K*el Batau Ag»na, 88 S u a onoel.

F" 5K S A L E . — A n excellent Farm iltuate about 4 miles froa the elty, eoutam-

ng 84 toret of lied, tha Improvements ar* of a tuperlor iifcr and in food condition. Will be told on rhvorable

" ' ' or

JL tal, OR SALE—Columbian H o

ratoga Hpriogs- Owing lo lha continued lll-healih of ike proprietor, tbi* well known eeteblisk-ment is offend for sale, wilh iu furniture, Ae. l l aa* brteet t briok building a iioriei klgk, with baieas*nt e* by OS, Including Piaixt. The lot htt tn tailr* front ef ISO feet, end on th* resr is a frame building whleh rails f..r 8193. Connected wlih ll, is another lot 80 by 188, *a which la a barn. The properly a insured for 887,808, and the lot alone I* worth 818,000. Tk* ".oust a w*ll furaish*d and la good oandilion. A large per cenuge at* thiparchuo money miy reraim ou the properly, *" parilcultn eraulre of


H«»l H*aa Agatu, 88 Sate et.

p O R ^ S A L E OR TO LET,-,-JL Th* 3-story brick ilore, No J"5 B/n*dw*r arlA be sold on accommodating terms Knauiret.

WILES, HOFFMAN a l|litVI.»,Ml, Ret) Kslate Areata, Sitto atrttl

strei I lo the west line of property now or late belonging to Ih i heiri of John B. vlscber. deceased, (which alley is bounded on tbe north by the Ninth Methodist Eplsco. pal {. lurch,) tnd on Ihe eait by a lot formerly belonging to M • Sdomom, being In front oa Columbia ilrcei 90 feel, In depth on tbe weit line 90 feet, in width in the rear along tild alley 80 feet, and iu depth on Ibe eaii Iin* A feet, togther with the free and convenient leeve •ud Iberly to p m and raptii iuloand through said alley or pi oporly, via: It feet wide, to aad from North Pearl strei t. Dated February 91st, 18051

. . . . » , - , ""NI'-'N OA881DY, RenrM. B. pland, Plaiollfi 'a Attorney. seSSSawlw

JtaOTICE.-Sai* of NewYort. Iniurance Depart l l m«nt—Albany, January 80, 1888.—The Colonial Ll/e|A**urance Company of Kdiuburgh, Hcoiltnd, In iht KlngMom of Great Brlialn and Ireland, deiirlng lo re. limn ish the transection of the buainea of Life Aesu-ratio • in Ih* Slate of New York, aud an applloatton da­ted ] Mccmner 10th, 1881, having been duly made tor this purpoae, lo the Superintendent of th* Iiiiurauee Im­parl tent of laid Stale, by the iitd Company, under tbe ealkief Harry M«xwell Inglls, Writer to tho Signet, Cha raan of the Board of Director!, and William Tho-Bia* Thoiuion, Eso,., Actuary of Ihe laid Company, a* real ired by th* nineteenth notion of ch«p. 403 of the actinliued "An aot for the inoorportilon of Id ft aud Hea th Iniurance Coupaul*!. aud iu r*tall*a to Agen-oies of auch Oompaniea," passed June 84th, 188S, a* are* ided by the firat aection of chap. 803 of th* law* of 1888 -Now, therefore, notice 1* hereby given, iu coa-forn ity wnh ihe provisions ol said section 10, chap. 483 oftk i lawt of 18*3, at arhioded by chap. 888 of tha law* el li M, that the laid Colonial Life Asiurtnie Comptny ofElmburgh, Hcollaud, Intend lo relinquishthtlr buat-

3ess la the Slate of New York, and to obtain a lurrtn-er i nd delivery to laid Company of the atocki, raort-

gag • and leeuriil**. or a portion of them, now on de-Sosi e with tha aald superinanaant for th* eeeanty of Ihe ] «H*y holder* of*»id °»*SMM^ „



JsasaartLaaeara tibaaeltl.

arae, or wilT be exchanged for property in thit city, for rn*reh*ndixe. Apply lo

ja*T vv. J. l-HYKIi. , Rati Relate and liuerence Agtnl, 81 State iireel.

*P0R SALE.-The two story X and bwtraenl brick Hoaset No*. 47 tad 48 Valoa itr*ei. Tke above property I* oa**r*d at a vary low price a oloe* an eslsta Apply to

mnt 0. FOSTER/ 88 Sate street

P O R S A L E . - A n old estab-JL lablUhed nanuftetaring businea. Any person with a cash capital of on* or Iwo thousand dolltr* oia pure**** th* maohinery, flxtare* and ordara nowoa hand, for al lean three raoulha work. In a good paying buainea In Ihla oily. Enoalre or

JaW d FOBTEK, M Blale slrset.

F°JL SALE.—The house and , kM on tha north-eat oorner of Nacelle and Yen Voehten Mrttta, will be sold si a low price.

Also, a vacant Lot on the south aid* of Hudson sireet •bov* Swaa «., will b**eid on aeeommodatiat; terra* (Janeiro of W. J. FRTSR, Real Kiltie

f*IO aad laearaaee Agenl, 81 Saw afreet. I • I • . ~ i,i i i n i l , I , „

| ? O R 8ALEOREXCHANOE. JL A valuable Farm eonlaiuiig 84 acre* of lead at under a high stale of eultlvstion except lOaim in limb*..

Alio, a Farm of 40 tcret, all ttltivtlod aaoeat akeaa 8 acres of timber.

Alio, a Farm of 184 atres, * aafordy of welsh kr heavy timber.

Also, two Houses and Lots. The above properly is located in tad near a tierlak.

ing village on the Central RR, and will he exiaaaggg} on fhvortbte terma for inirobandUt or property n. lira clly. Kntjuirt of

W. J. FRYER, Reel K.i.tc and fad lasaranea Agent. 81 Sate «tregaV.

P O R SALEr-LanoTs ih Penn-JL tylvanls, in the Great Oil Region.—On* Farm of mi ear**. 8 alios from Franklin, Fa., 40 aer«* of wkleh are implored, with Tavern Stand and barn en th* are. K I M .

Alto, one F*n* of 140 acres on Ihe Taller of Ku.ar %ti£,HXr>"rt4>),a " 8 AVbornooS

Alto, 190 teres of valuable Oil land, oa th* Alliranv ~r"'AT»'£'j£h,2-l?

x,tu,mt W ^ l i a l e r a W J X rer Art undivided half loteteet m these Oil Itndi will kl ,old *nd th. owner will Join In developing ihVpre«tfV

Also: 1100 acreii of unimproved lind, W w «ei Jf

Seal aniat* AeMa*7*vK*?*i

/OFFICES TO L E T . - C o n v e -KS r d . n . R o o e a f e r ^ ^ i i ^ l , . e ^

Fteeeieae B»-Sia*%Br»ejhray, Albany.


„, w Xhe Cottage •. . . • • " • J S d ^ ^ ' " w » w * 8 u a aireei. Teehowe hat at th* atodira Iraproviaaw. Tka let extend."ftoa

"OOiU" X Hot . haa all the t Hudson to Jay «. The above will kVaold'ar'ahl^Vir Eaqalre of or F O c f f S l C e ^ a i e *?. ifia"

h'OH SAlE^he valuaoie

BARNES, 8up*rai;*jsl*kt,

A O R E A T DISCOVERT!! VJ TkatCoiioa eaa he rtited In lllinoa, Ohio tad to a one up to Cape Codl The labterlbtr fMoaaand* the i eniaaatloa •? adellaailiw the seed ** aa to ralaiit In 0 eenland, labrador aad Nova Eeahlal Th*n. wiik *l*i ly of OfARI). JAMAICA, lee., aad trt* vaTwTr

^asaf^r*^**i 8*rw»Jftu^aLMia7dCa*i.M

f v » oda.wiii .—xne vaiuaoie .P>2t**rjl****r*mvti»i by 0*VM l. Boyd, Fa*,>

No.AvSoatkFary.Uett. Tkt lo. W « i e e t oW FerVy running Uueua Vo John street, asaklag a death ef 188 feet. Untherotl i t lseUrat atorybrUhaeeat,**.**, wiik all the modtra laatiraaaialt, with eethaiamg*, •teble, carriagehoa*e, A*.,whwh raay eta*aa|l*x-

E be eearrerte* lata a dwtllmg. Oa tha war, as rtreet, are two taag hrlah balltliiga, wlih a>a aad

tre*ttndart*vsry. « * wkaae wUl be *oM !»*, i *ad . a*MOJULtSaaaSjSabawV UsTSaaSa. jTaSI U S ^ l S a H a t S t SJaMSWlt tf '

j»«_ ,_ TJ»OR SALE CHlAT-^Prioe X oaly SJ000—Te* tar** itory and ' l l aa i l l hnek dwelllajr Hosme aad lot No. IB Bread atraet. The let ia ahead 88 by 100 feel deep, ranniag a a* alley. Tke hoe** a Saoryead b*s*a*ni,•ak.aelag a e d a a l a -•r i t iaatu , aaa real he told low, leekae aaeeate— Onlya pert of the aerehe** money will be veaarred | a* balance aay remain o i head aad mortgage.

Also, ike deniable and well belli two story aad beer. ment brick Dwelllag, No. ISM Lydiua a., near Breaks* Park, wilk btiok wood iked. Hat gat, water, *eel<a*d piaaxa with altaa, Ac. Aralylo

W1LKH, HOFFMAN A ROWLAND, fe!8 Rtsd atalala Aganu, 88 S u a dkT.eM |

t ? O R SALE or to Let, tnatde-JaJ »ir*bl* properly, No- *n ainton arena*. . It *a>. biaee* abeal Oj aero* of Und, oo which Is a fa* b,Mk MMkWI *lto, aYrtme Ho***, with good titbit etc Oa Ih* prealse* I* a a » e variety of (tan treei, shiakbtrr, "^.r ._..- Tk*rs^eano«eui*pinlolv'u»*tli




fSkartaMAMwi 888 M***T8*/i ft

*as4lrd«r«el,a*4jrroni*imth«ar*a«*10Tfc*L Gota watsr «a lb* aearjte*. tnd no w*t*r tax the proper, ty will oe iold)ow, and termi made eaty, er rtated tt 8 —•—••- -»nt lo *jmod tt-Mani. Kiiqulre of

^OR^Sja^TOwbie™ Th* Lot b*in« aboil )80f**i ea Wlllaihll* a y e t aad

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