*#* Mirror of The Adirondack* VOL. XLH—HO. 27 * LAKE PLACID N E ffllUSHED AT LAKE PLACID, NEW fOKK, IN THE HEART OF THE AMRONDACKS, FRIDAY, OCTORER 24, 1162 LAKE PLACID CLUB In the Adirondacks Please Do Not Remove From Club Library -;*#' 30C EASTERN S H A S S * CONVENES AT LP. CUJBTuTC WEEKEND no Mackenzie Propesea As bcr BMrd ef Dfaacten. Season's Plans rs Be Day Sessioa. TUPPER LAKE RECTOR TO PREACB HERE SUNDAY The Bev. William Love, rector of St. Thomas church in Tupptr Lake, wilt preach Sunday atoming at St. Eustace Episcopal church in the aaaence of the E«T. Sidney T. Buck. Tie service will be held at Ll:16 a. as, instead of at the usual hoar ef 11 a. an. There will be no early eaanuannaon service. Sunday school wtt he at 9*0 a. m. By Prank Elkins Ski Editor {Beprinted from- the N. Y. Times) Pre-season ski activity will move late high gear this Friday, Satur- day and Sunday when the United States Eaetera Amateur Ski Asso- ciation holds its thirty-first an- nual iuu—si— at the Lake Placid Oeub. Bcpiaamtatives from the SO clubs that comprise the ruling* body of the sport along the Atlan- tic Osast will fia« a heavy agenda fined up far the three days. The aa action mg af some 200 or mora toaraaaaents far the 1962-58 sea- son will be a highlight. Saturday will find 15 panels in aossien from It a. m. to 6 p-m. •very phase of the ski spon, com- petitive ami recreational, amateur and commercial, junior and senior, children and aduH, men and wo- men, will be discussed. George Earle, director of the ski school at Syracuse and a cap- tain in the Tenth Mountain Divi- sion Troops, will handle the panel on intercollegiate competition. It is expected that the Eastern In- ter-collegiate S. A., formed two years ago to replace the Intercol- legiate Ski Union, will define the ^rational Collegiate A. A. rules as they pertain to skiing and come to an agreement oa the huge list of college tounsaments and winter carnivals on tab for the coming AS.U. NAMES DATES FOR MAM SKATE EVENTS GotNJL Hare far > *> T AT SCHOOL SAT. NIGHT SECTIONAL CLIMAX Students F, Orchestra, •y tenta* Usury an the site tor the North ; American indoor champioaahipa on j February IS and 16 at the annual meeting 8uamay of the k n i tear Skating Union of the United States at Hotel Marcy. Appruaimataiy •SO nipmouuiatiom of speed skat- ing- groaps came here for their sessions at the invitation of' the } Lake Placid Speed Skatiag Oak. Richard P. Shearman of James- town was elected president of the j national organisation. Manager of 'the 1962 speed skatiag team at Oslo, he —rceedu Earl Selem of 'Chicago who in turn was named a new delegate to the ASU and Morning Agenda Heavy »r and interscholastic com- petition, amatrni instructor's plans for women's eompetttioa, move activities for the recreational fatten, 1964 oraeo- country pmnsj aki patrol uctaaaptiihuMnts ami S fc|an** downhill and slalom caosifieation of ski ami fourth-class skiers will make ah the Booming half of the agenda. lite interlude for lunch wfll be fol- lowed by panels on ski lamping and aki jumping judges' activities, plans for the ltoo world cham- pionships in Sweden and the 1966 Cfympks in Italy, the aki conndPs help to orgaamed skiing and pre- uaninary sanctions for the 1962- at season. On Sunday, the delegates will he occupied during the regular with problems dues ought to bo increased, how much of a quota should be arranged for the East for the world championships, the election of officers and the of ski toBrnameata for r. Long Island S. O, J* L. L, first As a fitting climax to the New Teak State School Music Associa- tion's all-state sectional being bell here this Friday and Saturday a .„...- ,«« ~. . concert will he held at the Lake r WI " ^***J*?J** m * COm - Pmeid Cent«l School at 8 pan-l"**" *"* * i ^ ****??* Saturday eouuing. Three W^\?J*TKJZ5 S^™**' Carter, president of the Illinois Skatiag Association, was re-elect- ed secretary-treasurer of ASU. Other officers named Sunday were: Lamar Ottsen, St. Louu, let vice- president; Herbe Knudten, Cedar Eaptds, 2nd vice-president, and Hariand Gallagher, Amsterdam, 3rd vice-president. Other nuashrra of the Olympic committee are: Shearman, George D. Eggers, Now York; Del Lamb, Milwaukee; Bon Begdale, Detroit and Ottsea, coach of the 1962 team. Herb Schwai, St. Paul, Henry Kemper, St. Louis, and Frank M. Karteany, Chicago, were -named life members for outstanding com- mittee work. The national outdoor spend skat- ing championships wore set for 31 and Fab. 1 at S t Paul. The 1 indoor chanapeenships, Feb. 13 and 14, will be at Chaxn- uuagn, ELL Alpena, Mich, was named as the tentative site for the .Worth American outdoor Feb. € ami 7. gaf areas for the will he: Bod Hoadhus, St. Louis; Al mamSton, Cleveland; Elmer WALK4NS POSSIBLE AT RL00D nUBILE TOaUY PLACffiEDOSTl 7^T0REMAWW DEFEATlDfwR^ f BILL PORTER TO STEAK AT REPUtUCAJI RALLIES CRANT JOHNSON ACTIVE IN cmc AFFAIRS OF AREA took to the air km the third period for tally to down a eleven 7-4) last the local field. f the six pointer on 'toss •«iy r- on PRICE SEVEN CENTS COFCttOUPTO SIUDY TRAFFIC PROntMHEXE victory for Grant Johnson of Tii----iif»v$ra, from Dashnaw to Fowler af- u r the Bombers bad advanced to jthe ten following a Mochad kick pin midfield. Edgiey collected the! •»' extra point on another teas by Bed ! Dashnaw. PlaekTs advance to pay' dirt came on a series P TA AND f.F.W ARE IN CHARGE OF HALLOWFENPARTY atroetwiUbeeaoof the ects of the Cfauaaber of to a of di night. by the for After Parade. at pointed Bohmd Urfirer to hand a studies of the is roaam- mendiaoT that a traffle !urvoy bo aathorityaad away»from a track rente to Republican candidate tJon a? rt?mb*"- jf " b?en active in v-u::-';. . civic duties for -f^--^ fo- -e-e'.ec- The Parent Teachers Association - ^ . _ of r W n g ! ^ 'J* T S em ^5 *"**? W *" VP*» the **^ TlmKling doek lays by Edgiey, Bobhy Soars and; and T^f 1 . , "¥**?* *?* •*• ««»«' •••* »chodnles far Porter, plas an aerial f r o . Dana- - " ^ ^ ^ " L ^ L * * J^ ttw* mnjl. tw hps«st the viBj««, to fullback Porter. ^ ^ ^ ti ^f D ~f B1,m 5 on Fn ~ * » « * « aoak and regolar day evening, Oct. SI, at the arena, scaedales far track deli with cooperation from town and w91 be featured in the program embracing orchestra, caornH and band selections. Charles Bodestteim, Director of Music at Clinton, N. Y„ will con- duct the orchestra gwest number and the chorus foatare will be led by Gifford J. Mitchell. Director of the MeGiU University Choral So- ciety and Director of Mask in the Westanount city schools, Montreal. Dr. Harwood Simmons, .Director, Syracuse University Bands, Col- lege of Fine Arts, Syracuse, will be guest band conductor. The concert program will be: Orchestra— Overtare Boionwendr Sehabert ^Weaver A Kiss in the Dark Herbert-Campbell Procession of Master- singers Wagner-Reibold Bonaaanian Gypsy Dances Wilson Chorns— Gloria from Twetfta Mass Lock Malaguena — Lecuona-Warnik Emperor Walks Straoss-Gibb March: The American Bed Cross Panella The Enehantei Pranae Overture lohnson Oriental Suite 1 Gibbs March: Colossus of Columbia Alexander General chairman for the event which will attract approximately 310 students from 96 schools is Mrs. Gladys at. Otis, assisted by Myies Lawtar, instrumental music director at the local school. The urogram is sponsored by the New York State School Music Association, Mrs. Betty S. Farley, Goavernesr High School, N.Y.S. &MJL Born in TSceomesnga, Mr. John- son has always lived there. He was graduated from Middlebury College in 1926 and is manager and treasurer of An9aas and Scott, Jlmu, wholesale food dealers. H*[ to 1941 and mayor of Tkonderoga 1M1 to 1M7. He is a past IX. Comdr. George A. OX3onaell, JTiconderoga, a Jr., Clucago, now stationed in,board of direeb EASTESHPIOORE SRATE Greenwood, Saratoga Springs, and president of the Kiwanis elah in ember of the aiooara or atreetors of Mwes Lud- Washingtoa, D'.C. Starters are:jagtoa hospital; a trustee of the McCarter, Leo Hoebcher, Minne-; Union" Free School district; trus- spolis, GUbert Van Wfflegaa, MB- tee of the Methodist church, men- waukee and Roger Place, New her of the Tksonderoga Elks iouge; ^ OI *- | vice-president of the Ticonderoga "Trophies which a c u mfi Ltitor re-1 Nationoi IHn* la the legislature last year, Mr. Jehnoon was assigned to cosamit- night, 4 tees oa aviation, labor and indus- tries, pahSe institutions and vil- lages. He sccamL aa assembly- man representing Essex county after a special assembly election in November 1M1 when he suc- ceeded Judson Morehouse, re- ceives dont always stay with him in importance," Mr. Solent stated at the bansmet Saturday "hot the habits a serious skater forms while training remains with him always. They influence his achievements and create loyalty within his family and to those with whom he is associated." Mr. Solem conthnaed, "Youth needs •owething to prepare him with a balance in these years ef war-like tWMlilin,F Coached hi ath- letics be teomg to stand up to his job, whatever it may he. He learns to aaake deeisiens between the good and bad and between natural tikes and djafikos and to judge is ' ~ Dr. Godfrey Dewey told of the beginning of winter sports at Lake in 1904, own rink and the first skiers need the aral slopes. The ergaarixatiou of the Sno Birds in MB helped hols- ter the popularity af winter i'a, id fumbled at the end of the •: ouarter and It took over oa >»n 26, asarchiag straight the field an flashy running at back Sad Denao, aided by Young, loft half. Ti went over .-al stripe from five yards ,-:!>- to have the play enBed on a penalty. The Bombers : held the Purple and White oa a* two and got out of danger with a big-league surprise pass play. Th« half ended with Placid on TTa, _' ' after a S5-yard gala on a heave -'-'.>m Dashnaw to Bay Edgjejr. The CantweDmen staved off a Ti score after they --ore in the third, the v-ancing to the five on three runs by Deano plus a forward Shortly after the fourth opened. Bomber fullback Ken Por- ter galloped some fw yards to near another marker, only to be called hack by an offside. Poa a long one to Tfe fire there oa in ail play was m i mil ai *n torrifcery, with Ti a off a scoraag threat on their villare authoritios, Alfred Cohrell, VJ.W. past com- mander, and the Mer. Cmtr E. Car- penter, representing the P-TA, are co-ehairaaen. Faa^vhaaa SriE be- gin with a parade in caetame at 7 pja. to Joraa at the corner of Kain 3L and Shrauac Ave^ the children aurching to the arena and led by the high school hand. A program of games and movies has been arranged for the enter- ta : nment of the younger ehmlren when prises wffl ho-awarded for the fanciest, speokVet, and most original costumes, two to be given in each class. A t the nannifiialiiu given a candy bar and as he (Tbxradaj) •lacaf tadded fuel Hoary, 20-0 mpjot vie tors over r%Mshurg High School. The Bombers have two gamer re- maining on thaw schedule this sea- eon, one a league fray with Platts- burg and closing with the annual battle against Northwood School. are enjeying^the party on the first floor af una auaua, students of junior saul saanar high schools will af Lee Struck Jr. and his hr their -MJM 3 DAY HARVEST OF VALUES" IN SARANACLAKE Offer North G.O.P. WOMEN HOLD REE11NG AT TOWN Approximately «f tranac Lake are taking part in "Harvest of Values" the last HALL m 'wi AY three days of this remaining open both Friday and Saturday nights until 9 p. as. cial bargains will be pers during the ness WiSmm J. Holleran is of the Ketail Merchants Division Commerce which is aauaisorxox the than $15^00 to in carrying out and and vacation 4GAMECL0B SPONSORS BIG €AME CONTEST Offer f l w t The Lake Placid Fish dc Club has announced that it will jponuor a Big Game contest this year, wrfch nearly flOO worth of prizes offered. There will he a cash prise con- test m u to aaoaahers of the Fish A Gaaae Chah only, with a prase of Sho far she largest buck, HO far t h e aaaaAeet buck, and Saw for the Iszaeat hoar taken. There wiD prizes given by local aseichaats, for game taken in the Adirondack Park, as a fallows: prises for the buck aad largest Some of the are aa <1> Shea's Chah, in Lake Placid, or at Saranac Lake Hardware, and the weig^* ha w e i g h t a wiD he hog-dreasei Beading of traffic counters indi- cate that these should be a more defined control of traffic as a are for asotorists and alike, to protect the of Mala St. merchanta and to relieve the complaint! af visitors to this resort. Carl Thornton, reporting as chairman of the civic improvement eauuaittee, read a few answers to Us requests for suggestions as to what the viDaae needs aaost as guest attractioas. Several ef the letters referred to the sad eondi- 4Wa of the shelter house at Scon's Gobble which they called "disrepu- table, cold and the Unlet facilities primitive and aaaaaitary." It was suggested that transportation be arranged to he leas expensive lo skiers, either by bus or at an es- tablished taxi rate at specified periods. A toboggan slide and T- bar lift was also suggested as an attraction. Mr. Thornton ahw reported that Lake Placid cam hold the Interna- tional Sled Da* daxby ta •*~|ruary IT esenr it to The publicity committee report- ed that 2 6 ^ « travel folders have been ordered from MiBte Beberts, Inc. of California. A sum was voted for the use ef C. W. Goff as the Chaaaher's rep- resentative in Banking a bid at Saratoga for the 1968' or laud State Grange sessions for Lake Placid. James Sheffield was elected as a member of the board of directors to succeed Jack Davis who has re- signed herauar of changing his residence to White Plains. Mr. Avison appointed him to head a committee for office imprawimmat. H was reported that the White- face Ian road wheuc condition mas at the 'lent aseeting re- tap dressing last Base, reporting for the that his also be a contest open to the gen- eral pubfie, with aacichandisef***** laonday_uight had petition- town board for ed the North a sum ef not assist the its i n V i \\ i* £ Wi -.---33 **%&i..

In the Adirondacks LAKE PLACID NE Please Do Not Remove ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86033359/1952-10-24/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · 1M1 to 1M7. He is a past IX. Comdr. George A. OX3onaell,

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Page 1: In the Adirondacks LAKE PLACID NE Please Do Not Remove ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86033359/1952-10-24/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · 1M1 to 1M7. He is a past IX. Comdr. George A. OX3onaell,

* # *

Mirror of

T h e Adirondack*




LAKE P L A C I D C L U B In the Adi rondacks

Please Do Not Remove From Club Library


3 0 C


no Mackenzie Propesea As bcr BMrd ef Dfaacten. Season's Plans rs Be Day Sessioa.


The Bev. William Love, rector of St. Thomas church in Tupptr Lake, wilt preach Sunday atoming at St. Eustace Episcopal church in the aaaence of the E«T. Sidney T. Buck. T i e service will be held at Ll:16 a. as, instead of at the usual hoar ef 11 a. an. There will be no early eaanuannaon service. Sunday school wtt he at 9*0 a. m.

By Prank Elkins Ski Editor

{Beprinted from- the N. Y. Times) Pre-season ski activity will move

late high gear this Friday, Satur­day and Sunday when the United States Eaetera Amateur Ski Asso­ciation holds its thirty-first an­nual iuu—si— at the Lake Placid Oeub. Bcpiaamtatives from the S O clubs that comprise the ruling* body of the sport along the Atlan­tic Osast will fia« a heavy agenda fined up far the three days. The aa action mg af some 200 or mora toaraaaaents far the 1962-58 sea­son will be a highlight.

Saturday will find 15 panels in aossien from I t a. m. to 6 p-m. •very phase of the ski spon, com­petitive ami recreational, amateur and commercial, junior and senior, children and aduH, men and wo­men, will be discussed.

George Earle, director of the ski school at Syracuse and a cap­tain in the Tenth Mountain Divi­sion Troops, will handle the panel on intercollegiate competition. It is expected that the Eastern In­ter-collegiate S. A., formed two years ago to replace the Intercol­legiate Ski Union, will define the ^rational Collegiate A. A. rules as they pertain to skiing and come to an agreement oa the huge list of college tounsaments and winter carnivals on tab for the coming



Hare far


Students F,

Orchestra, •y

tenta* Usury an the site tor the North

; American indoor champioaahipa on j February IS and 16 at the annual meeting 8uamay of the k n i tear Skating Union of the United States at Hotel Marcy. Appruaimataiy •SO nipmouuiatiom of speed skat­ing- groaps came here for their sessions at the invitation of' the

} Lake Placid Speed Skatiag Oak. • Richard P. Shearman of James­town was elected president of the

j national organisation. Manager of 'the 1962 speed skatiag team at Oslo, he —rceedu Earl Selem of

'Chicago who in turn was named a new delegate to the ASU and

Morning Agenda Heavy »r and interscholastic com­

petition, amatrni instructor's plans for women's eompetttioa, move activities for the recreational fatten, 1964 oraeo- country pmnsj aki patrol uctaaaptiihuMnts ami

Sfc|an** downhill and slalom caosifieation of ski

ami fourth-class skiers will make ah the Booming half of the agenda. l i t e interlude for lunch wfll be fol­lowed by panels on ski lamping and aki jumping judges' activities, plans for the l too world cham­pionships in Sweden and the 1966 Cfympks in Italy, the aki conndPs help to orgaamed skiing and pre-uaninary sanctions for the 1962-at season.

On Sunday, the delegates will he occupied during the regular

with problems dues ought to

bo increased, how much of a quota should be arranged for the East for the world championships, the election of officers and the

of ski toBrnameata for

r. Long Island S. O, J* L. L, first

As a fitting climax to the New Teak State School Music Associa­tion's all-state sectional being bell here this Friday and Saturday a . „ . . . - , « « ~ . . concert will he held at the Lake rWI" ^***J*?J**m*COm-Pmeid Cent«l School at 8 p a n - l " * * " * " * * i ^ ****??* Saturday eouuing. Three W^\?J*TKJZ5 S ^ ™ * * '

Carter, president of the Illinois Skatiag Association, was re-elect­ed secretary-treasurer of ASU. Other officers named Sunday were: Lamar Ottsen, St. Louu, let vice-president; Herbe Knudten, Cedar Eaptds, 2nd vice-president, and Hariand Gallagher, Amsterdam, 3rd vice-president.

Other nuashrra of the Olympic committee are: Shearman, George D. Eggers, Now York; Del Lamb, Milwaukee; Bon Begdale, Detroit and Ottsea, coach of the 1962 team.

Herb Schwai, St. Paul, Henry Kemper, St. Louis, and Frank M. Karteany, Chicago, were -named life members for outstanding com­mittee work.

The national outdoor spend skat­ing championships wore set for

31 and Fab. 1 at S t Paul. The 1 indoor chanapeenships,

Feb. 13 and 14, will be at Chaxn-uuagn, ELL Alpena, Mich, was named as the tentative site for the .Worth American outdoor Feb. € ami 7.

gaf areas for the will he: Bod Hoadhus, St. Louis; Al mamSton, Cleveland; Elmer


7 ^ T 0 R E M A W W DEFEATlDfwR^




took to the air km the third period for tally to down a

eleven 7-4) last the local field. f t h e six pointer on 'toss

•«iy r-





victory for

Grant Johnson of Tii----iif»v$ra,

from Dashnaw to Fowler af-u r the Bombers bad advanced to

jthe ten following a Mochad kick pin midfield. Edgiey collected the!

•»' extra point on another teas by Bed ! Dashnaw. PlaekTs advance to pay' dirt came on a series


atroetwiUbeeaoof the ects of the Cfauaaber of

to a of di night.

by the

for After Parade.


pointed Bohmd Urfirer to hand a studies of the

is roaam-mendiaoT that a traffle !urvoy bo

aathorityaad away»from

a track rente to

Republican candidate tJon a? rt?mb*"- jf " b?en active in v-u::-';. . civic duties for -f^--^

fo- -e-e'.ec-

The Parent Teachers Association

- ^ . _ of r W n g ! ̂ 'J* T S e m ^ 5 *"**? W * " V P * » the * * ^ TlmKling doek lays by Edgiey, Bobhy Soars a n d ; a n d T^f1. , "¥**?* *?* • * • « « » « ' • • • * »chodnles far

Porter, plas an aerial f r o . Dana- - " ^ ^ ^ " L ^ L * * J ^ t t w * mnjl. tw h p s « s t the viBj««, to fullback Porter. ^ ^ ^ ti^fD~fB1,m5 o n Fn~ * » « * « aoak and regolar

day evening, Oct. SI, at the arena, scaedales far track deli with cooperation from town and

w91 be featured in the p r o g r a m embracing orchestra, caornH and band selections.

Charles Bodestteim, Director of Music at Clinton, N. Y„ will con­duct the orchestra gwest number and the chorus foatare will be led by Gifford J. Mitchell. Director of the MeGiU University Choral So­ciety and Director of Mask in the Westanount city schools, Montreal. Dr. Harwood Simmons, .Director, Syracuse University Bands, Col­lege of Fine Arts, Syracuse, will be guest band conductor.

The concert program will be: Orchestra—

Overtare Boionwendr Sehabert ^Weaver

A Kiss in the Dark Herbert-Campbell

Procession of Master-singers Wagner-Reibold

Bonaaanian Gypsy Dances Wilson

Chorns— Gloria from Twetf ta

Mass Lock Malaguena — Lecuona-Warnik Emperor Walks Straoss-Gibb

March: The American Bed Cross Panella

The Enehantei Pranae Overture lohnson

Oriental Suite 1 Gibbs March: Colossus of

Columbia Alexander General chairman for the event

which will attract approximately 310 students from 96 schools is Mrs. Gladys at. Otis, assisted by Myies Lawtar, instrumental music director at the local school.

The urogram is sponsored by the New York State School Music Association, Mrs. Betty S. Farley, Goavernesr High School, N.Y.S. &MJL

Born in TSceomesnga, Mr. John­son has always lived there. He was graduated from Middlebury College in 1926 and is manager and treasurer of An9aas and Scott,

Jlmu, wholesale food dealers. H*[

to 1941 and mayor of Tkonderoga 1M1 t o 1M7. He is a past

IX. Comdr. George A. OX3onaell, JTiconderoga, a Jr., Clucago, now stationed in,board of direeb


Greenwood, Saratoga Springs, and president of the Kiwanis elah in ember of the

aiooara or atreetors of Mwes Lud-Washingtoa, D'.C. Starters are : jagtoa hospital; a trustee of the McCarter, Leo Hoebcher, Minne-; Union" Free School district; trus-spolis, GUbert Van Wfflegaa, MB- tee of the Methodist church, men-waukee and Roger Place, New her of the Tksonderoga Elks iouge; ^OI*- | vice-president of the Ticonderoga

"Trophies which a c u mfi Ltitor re-1 Nationoi IHn* la the legislature last year, Mr.

Jehnoon was assigned to cosamit-night,4tees oa aviation, labor and indus­

tries, pahSe institutions and vil­lages. He sccamL aa assembly­man representing Essex county after a special assembly election in November 1M1 when he suc­ceeded Judson Morehouse, re­

ceives dont always stay with him in importance," Mr. Solent stated at the bansmet Saturday "hot the habits a serious skater forms while training remains with him always. They influence his achievements and create loyalty within his family and to those with whom he is associated."

Mr. Solem conthnaed, "Youth needs •owething to prepare him with a balance in these years ef war-like tWMlilin,F Coached hi ath­letics be teomg to stand up to his job, whatever it may he. He learns to aaake deeisiens between the good and bad and between natural tikes and djafikos and to judge

is ' ~ Dr. Godfrey Dewey told of the

beginning of winter sports at Lake in 1904,

own rink and the first skiers need the aral slopes. The ergaarixatiou of the Sno Birds in M B helped hols­ter the popularity af winter

i 'a , id fumbled at the end of the •: ouarter and I t took over oa

>»n 26, asarchiag straight the field an flashy running

at back Sad Denao, aided by Young, loft half. Ti went over

.-al stripe from five yards ,-:!>- to have the play enBed on a penalty. The Bombers

: held the Purple and White oa a* two and got out of danger with

a big-league surprise pass play. Th« half ended with Placid on TTa, _' ' after a S5-yard gala on a heave -'-'.>m Dashnaw to Bay Edgjejr.

The CantweDmen staved off a Ti score after they --ore in the third, the v-ancing to the five on three runs by Deano plus a forward

Shortly after the fourth opened. Bomber fullback Ken Por­ter galloped some fw yards to near another marker, only to be called hack by an offside. Poa a long one to Tfe fire there oa in ail play was m i mil ai *n torrifcery, with Ti a off a scoraag threat on their

villare authoritios, Alfred Cohrell, VJ.W. past com­

mander, and the Mer. Cmtr E. Car­penter, representing the P-TA, are co-ehairaaen. Faa^vhaaa SriE be­gin with a parade in caetame at 7 pja. to Joraa at the corner of Kain 3L and Shrauac Ave^ the children aurching to the arena and led by the high school hand.

A program of games and movies has been arranged for the enter-ta:nment of the younger ehmlren when prises wffl ho-awarded for the fanciest, speokVet, and most original costumes, two to be given in each class. At the nannifiialiiu

given a candy bar and as he

(Tbxradaj) •lacaf tadded f u e l Hoary, 20-0 mpjot vie tors over r%Mshurg High School. The Bombers have two gamer re­maining on thaw schedule this sea-eon, one a league fray with Platts-burg and closing with the annual battle against Northwood School.

are enjeying^the party on the first floor af una auaua, students of junior saul saanar high schools will

af Lee Struck Jr. and his

hr their




Offer North


Approximately «f tranac Lake are taking part in

"Harvest of Values" the last

HALL m 'wi AY

three days of this remaining open both Friday and Saturday nights until 9 p. as. cial bargains will be pers during the ness

WiSmm J. Holleran is of the Ketail Merchants Division

Commerce which is aauaisorxox the

than $15^00 to in carrying out

and and vacation


€AME CONTEST Offer f lwt

The Lake Placid Fish dc Club has announced that it will jponuor a Big Game contest this year, wrfch nearly flOO worth of prizes offered.

There will he a cash prise con­test m u to aaoaahers of the Fish A Gaaae Chah only, with a prase of Sho far she largest buck, HO far the aaaaAeet buck, and Saw for the Iszaeat hoar taken. There wiD

prizes given by local aseichaats, for game taken in the Adirondack Park, asa fallows: prises for the

buck aad largest

Some of the are aa

<1> Shea's Chah, in Lake Placid, or at Saranac Lake Hardware, and the weig^*

ha w e i g h t a wiD he hog-dreasei

Beading of traffic counters indi­cate that these should be a more defined control of traffic as a

are for asotorists and alike, to protect the

of Mala St. merchanta and to relieve the complaint! af visitors to this resort.

Carl Thornton, reporting as chairman of the civic improvement eauuaittee, read a few answers to Us requests for suggestions as to what the viDaae needs aaost as guest attractioas. Several ef the letters referred to the sad eondi-4Wa of the shelter house at Scon's Gobble which they called "disrepu­table, cold and the Unlet facilities primitive and aaaaaitary." It was suggested that transportation be arranged to he leas expensive lo skiers, either by bus or at an es­tablished taxi rate at specified periods. A toboggan slide and T-bar lift was also suggested as an attraction.

Mr. Thornton ahw reported that Lake Placid cam hold the Interna­tional Sled Da* daxby

ta •*~|ruary IT esenr

i t to

The publicity committee report­ed that 2 6 ^ « travel folders have been ordered from MiBte Beberts, Inc. of California.

A sum was voted for the use ef C. W. Goff as the Chaaaher's rep­resentative in Banking a bid at Saratoga for the 1968' or laud State Grange sessions for Lake Placid.

James Sheffield was elected as a member of the board of directors to succeed Jack Davis who has re­signed herauar of changing his residence to White Plains. Mr. Avison appointed him to head a committee for office imprawimmat.

H was reported that the White-face Ian road wheuc condition mas

at the 'lent aseeting re-tap dressing last

Base, reporting for the that his also be a contest open to the gen-

eral pubfie, with aacichandisef***** laonday_uight had petition-town board for ed the North

a sum ef not assist the its

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