to be paid at a f'air uniform rate. Schedule of wages to be drawn J. Q:tiantities and quality of' f' ooc[ to be placed on Sched'1llle . 3.' Arrangements to be made f' or retur n of' natives to, neares1:- lta ilway Station to their homes on eXp'irat,.ion , theIr of "I •• All natives maimed or killed in Mines to be provided tA) In case of maiming to be assisted in getting to their - , homes and given a small sum on arrival there to assist them in etc . (B ). In case of their families to receive a small to enable them to buy g raih for j) ' lough" i ng The above (3) be made up by all na:t-ives subscribing a small sum monthly to a b enefit fund . 5. All killed in M ines or dyi ng fro m disease, their to be informed Ag ent 'of' , their demise g all monies due to deceased to be sent to their nearest relatives. In case of wishing to near the M ines, of land could be g ive n on condition that they engage to work at least months in the year for the Company g ranting such land o

In - Historical Papers, Wits University · ltailway Station to their homes on eXp'irat,.ion ~f ,theIr ~erm of service~ "I •• All natives maimed or killed in Mines to be provided

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:1~ ' ~a.t.ives to be paid at a f'air uniform rate. Schedule of

wages to be drawn '\lp' ~

J. Q:tiantities and quality of' f' ooc[ to be placed on Sched'1llle .

3 . ' Arrangements to be made f' or return of' natives to, neares1:­

ltailway Station to their homes on eXp'irat,.ion ~f ,theIr ~erm

of service ~ "I

•• All natives maimed or killed in Mines to be provided fo~ ~~eo

t A) In case of maiming to be assisted in getting to their - ,

homes and given a small sum on arrival there to assist them

in P'l ~uglilng etc .

( B). In case of dea~h their families to receive a small s~

to enable them to buy graih for j)'lough"i ng etc~

The above ( 3 ) ~o be made up by all na:t-ives subscribing a

small sum monthly to a benefit fund .

5 . All -nativ~s killed in Mines or dying from disease, their

'fami~ie6 to be informed thr.~gh Agent 'of' ,their demise g all

monies du e to deceased t o be sent to their nearest relatives.

~; In case of na~ives wishing to se~tle near the Mines, a ~~

of land could be given on condition that they enga ge to work

at least • months i n the year for the Company granting such

land o

7. .Any complaint,s natives may wish to make against any Mine I

employe .to be sUbmi.tted to the Registrarbof Natives through

_their Headman. (A Headma.n will always be with each gang

bro~7h~ from the different Villages.)

.S!; A. cer:tain number of natives to be properly ins'tMil.cted in the

use of expJ.'os"1ves so as to allow them to give theirma~es an

idea of the danger of neglecting all proper precautions in

handling same.

9. All na~ives rerusihg to work to be sent immediately to the

nearest Magistrate or J.P. :too be dealt with .•


. l~, Ahy W'h~re employe maltreating natives to be fined or dismissed

according to the na:toure of the offence.

110 All natives engaged by an Agent to he informed as t.o

destination, i.e. The Mine they are pToceeding to, amoUnt of

wages, food etc.;

13 - Should any bative wish to send for his family after he has . .

served the company for at least three monthS, the Company

could assist him in do so, deducting the amount from hiS

wages ~ '

130 All natives so enga ged to be carried to Mines at the expense

of the Company enga ging their services-, i ·oe. Natives ·not to

rerYhd ~ilway fares, etc o

:i~~ ' Railway Authorities to be approached. re granting reduced !

Ra~lway fares for -na~ives homeward. bound after their

oontracts have exp\ired.

l~; No natives to be kept at t he Mines a gainst their wills after

"their contrac~ has expired.

lee Natives engaged \lnder contract to be informed. as to nature of

work ~hey are engaged for. (i.e o Underground or surface.)


t • • •


Collection Number: A979 Silas T MOLEMA and Solomon T PLAATJE Papers PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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This document is part of a collection owned by the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and deposited at Historical Papers at The University of the Witwatersrand.