The most convincing thing about this article is the sources that they used for their research. The experiment with students playing a round of Mortal Kombat and then giving other students hot sauce was a very impressive work. There is also involved the statistic of students who play violent videogames often find themselves in fights at school. There was also the source that the violent characters often find a way into the gamer’s lives. The argument could be strengthened in many ways. First off, the argument is split between the two points of view: those that videogames are good, and those that they are bad. This argument could be made better by deciding which point to follow. Than, I believe that the article could have played the emotion card, saying that violent videogames are linked with the two shootings referenced in the first paragraph. You could also put up more information about the experiment with the hot sauce, and then play up the emotion on the shootings side.

In Class English Assignment Argument

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The most convincing thing about this article is the sources that they used for their research. The experiment with students playing a round of Mortal Kombat and then giving other students hot sauce was a very impressive work. There is also involved the statistic of students who play violent videogames often find themselves in fights at school. There was also the source that the violent characters often find a way into the gamers lives.The argument could be strengthened in many ways. First off, the argument is split between the two points of view: those that videogames are good, and those that they are bad. This argument could be made better by deciding which point to follow. Than, I believe that the article could have played the emotion card, saying that violent videogames are linked with the two shootings referenced in the first paragraph. You could also put up more information about the experiment with the hot sauce, and then play up the emotion on the shootings side.