In an emergency the first priority is to: A)Trouble shoot the problem B)Make a mayday call C)Fly the aircraft D)Choose a landing site

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In an emergency the first priority is to:

A) Trouble shoot the problemA) Trouble shoot the problem B) Make a mayday callB) Make a mayday call

C) Fly the aircraftC) Fly the aircraft D) Choose a landing siteD) Choose a landing site

An English language proficiency assessment will be mandatory for licence issue from;

A) August 2007A) August 2007 B) December 2007B) December 2007

C) March 2008C) March 2008 D) Not mandatory but optional

D) Not mandatory but optional

The transponder code to be selected in the event of communications failure is;

A) 7500A) 7500 B) 7600B) 7600

C) 7700C) 7700 D) 2200D) 2200

The best flight path near terrain affected by wind can be readily predicted in conditions


A) Less than 25 ktsA) Less than 25 kts B) Less than 15 ktsB) Less than 15 kts

C) Greater than 15 ktsC) Greater than 15 kts D) Greater than 25 kts D) Greater than 25 kts

When approaching an uncontrolled aerodrome below 3000’ AGL you should

broadcast your intentions;

A) Within 10 nm ofthe aerodrome

A) Within 10 nm ofthe aerodrome

B) Only if intending to landB) Only if intending to land

C) If other traffic is aboutC) If other traffic is about D) Between 5 & 10 nm from the aerodrome

D) Between 5 & 10 nm from the aerodrome

The take-off distance data to be used for a Cessna 172 operating at night is:

A) 1:20A) 1:20 B) 1:30B) 1:30

C) 1:40C) 1:40 D) 1:50D) 1:50

During a PPL BFR, which manoeuvres are not compulsory?

A) Crosswind take-offA) Crosswind take-off B) All manoeuvres are compulsoryB) All manoeuvres are compulsory

C) Personal preparationC) Personal preparation D) Flight orientationD) Flight orientation

In signing KDR’s a Flight Instructor is certifying:

A) Knowledge improvementhas taken place

A) Knowledge improvementhas taken place

B) That KDR’s have been sightedB) That KDR’s have been sighted

C) 100% has been achievedin the subject

C) 100% has been achievedin the subject

D) The candidate is ready for flight test D) The candidate is ready for flight test

In a steady climb, lift is

A) IncreasedA) Increased B) DecreasedB) Decreased

C) UnchangedC) Unchanged D) The same as S&L D) The same as S&L

L = CL ½ρ V² S where CL is

A) A number derived fromwind tunnel testing

A) A number derived fromwind tunnel testing

B) ShapeB) Shape

C) LiftC) Lift D) CamberD) Camber

A Fit and Proper questionnaire is required to be completed when applying for;

A) A prime ratingA) A prime rating B) An aircraft type ratingB) An aircraft type rating

C) A licence or prime rating

C) A licence or prime rating

D) A licence onlyD) A licence only

A flight instructor needs a BFR if;

A) Their instructor rating expiresA) Their instructor rating expires B) They want to fly as a PPLB) They want to fly as a PPL

C) They want to fly as a CPLC) They want to fly as a CPL D) Their medical expires D) Their medical expires

In normal (domestic) circumstances, you are required to complete logbook entries within;

A) 7 DaysA) 7 Days B) 14 DaysB) 14 Days

C) 24 HoursC) 24 Hours D) 48 hoursD) 48 hours

When using speechless transmissions, how many times should the transmitter be

activated for “NO”

A) OnceA) Once B) TwiceB) Twice

C) Three timesC) Three times D) Four timesD) Four times

Maximum Manouvering Speed(Va);

A) Increases with aweight decrease

A) Increases with aweight decrease

B) Decreases with aweight increase

B) Decreases with aweight increase

C) Is not affected bythe weight

C) Is not affected bythe weight

D) Decreases with aweight decrease

D) Decreases with aweight decrease