IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

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!acillus rhuringiensis Serotype H-14 . . . deetinns . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 3: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988
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yang ditunjukkan oleh 3 daripada 15 jernis lemak dan minyak itu adalah seperti berikut: minyak sawit, + 1 7 f 2.2%, mentega, + 41.5 f 5.3%, dan minyak kelapa, + 52.0f 13.0%. Jelas menunjuk- kan, walaupun minyak sawit didapati lebih kolesterolemik daripada minyak jagung, tahap kolesterolemiknya lebih rendah daripada rnen- tega dan minyak kelapa. Apa yang tidak didedahkan oleh keputusan-keputusan ini ialah kenyataan mengenai tahap kolesterol selepas tempoh pemberian rninyak sawit adalah 19% - 37% lebih rendah daripada tahap permulaan. Cerayan yang sarria ela ah dibuat di dalarn empat kajian yang lair^.^-^ Keputusw ini menyarankan minyak sawit sebenarnya adalah l~ipokoleslerole~~iik di dalam tindak balasnya, walaupun lebih rendah daripada minyak jagung.

Lim et al, daripada kajian yang dijalankan di Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan, telah memban- dingkan kesan-kesar~ diel yang kaya dengan minyak sawit, minyak jagung dan minyak kelapa ke atas kolesterolemia pada individu muda ber- lipid normal: Subjek telah diperi diel kaya den- gan minyak kelapa selama lebih lima minggu sebelum diberi diet kaya dengan minyak sawit atau minyak jagung. Kunlpularl konlrol Lerus diberi diet kaya dengan rninyak kelapa. Pada penghujung tempoh lima minggu yang kedua, tahap koleslerol turun dari 191 f 50 mg/gl ke 155 f 34 wgldl bagi kumpulan yang diberi diet kaya dengan minyak sawit, dan dari 190 f 38 mg/dl ke 122 f 23 mg/dl bagi kurnpulih yang menerima diet kaya dengan minyak jagung. Tidak ada perubahan yang bererti di dalam tahap kolesterol bagi kumpulan konlrol selarna dua tempoh ujikaji ini. Perhatian hams ditumpukan kepada tahap kolesterol selepas tempoh pem- berian minyak sawit atau niir~yak jagung yang lebih rendah daripada tahap permulaan yang ber- purata 170 f 32 mgldl dan 171 f 26 rngfdl masing-masing bagi kun~pulan rninyak sawit dan minyak jagung. Justeru itu menguatkan lagi cerapan awal yang menyatakan minyak sawit mempunyai kesan hipokolesterolemik.

Qureshi dan rakan sejawat baru-baru ini telah menunjukkan pemberian pecahan kaya tokotrienol daripada minyak sawit didapati ber- hubur~g kaii dengar1 penurunarl dalarn aklivili 'hepatic B-hydroxy-B-methylglutaryl CoA (HMGCoA) reductase pada ayam. HMGCoA reductase ialah enzim penghad kadar dalam biosintesis kolesterol dan kebanyakan juzuk yang mempengaruhi sintesis kolesterol bertindak pada peringkat enurunan HMGCvA kepada mevalonat. lgI l 1 Dalam kajian yang terdahulu, l2 Qureshi et a1 telah mendapati alfa-tokotrienol yar~g diasingkan dariyada barli sebagai perencat penting dalam sintesis kolesterol pada hati ayam. Kandungan tokotrienol yang agak tinggi dalam r~lir~yak sawil h l e h , sekurang-kurangnya, men- jelaskan kesan hipokolesterolemik minyak ini. Walaupun begitu, sama ada ini sebagai satu- salunya faktor yang berlanggungjawab ke atas perendahan tahap kolesterol oleh minyak sawit perlu dibuktikan.

Mat tson d a n ~ r u n d ~ ' ~ baru-baru in i menyarankan asid oleik, berkemungkinan mem- beri kesan sebaik asid linoleik di dalam meren- dahkan tahap kolesterol plasma. Asid oleik telah sekian lama disangka tidak nlempunyai kesan ke atas tahap kolestrol plasma. Cerapan ini memer- lukan kepastian. Minyak sawit dan olein sawit; masing-masing ~rxmgar~du~igi 29% dan 44% asid oleik, rnerupakan substrat yang baik untuk tujuan ini.

Di dalam pencegahan penyakit jantung iskemik, rawatan yang disarankan termasuk pe~nberian prostasiklin (PGT2). iaitu hasil prostaglandin daripada asid arakidonik, atau pengunaan ubat- ubalan yang xrierer~calkan periukaran asid arakidonik ke tromboksan A2 (TXA2), iaitu hasil yang mendorong agregasi platelet. Akan tetapi, masalah besar yang timbul dengan pernberian ubat-ubatan ialah kesan sampingan toksik ubat- ubatan tersebut. PG12, walaupun satu sebatian semula jadi, kurang sesuai untuk profilaksis

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jangka panjang disebabkan separuh hayat in vivo yang pendek.

Hornstra et a1,15 dengan menggunakan model tikus untuk trombogenesis arteri in vivo, menun- jukkan minyak sawit kurang trombogenik daripada yang dijangka berdasarkan komposisi asid lemaknya. Mereka membandingkan kesan 12 jenis lemak dan minyak yang berlainan ke atas kecenderungan trombosis arteri. Secara umurn, minyak yang mengandungi asid lemak poli tak tepu tinggi berkecenderungan merencatkan pem- bentukan trombus arteri, manakala yang kaya dengan asid lemak tepu berkecenderungan meninggikannya. Minyak sawit, bagaimanapun, terkecuali. Minyak ini jelas mempamerkan kesan antitrombotik. Cerapan ini telah dipas- tikan dalam kajian yang berasingan di mana kesan antitrombotik minyak sawit didapati ber- hubung kait dengan kepekatan pecahan 'unsaponifiable' dan dengan pengurangan nisbah TXA2JPG12 dalam darah berkolagen-tercabar.

Sugano l7 memberikan tikus diet yang mengan- dungi kolesterol tinggi dan 50 tenaga% minyak sawit atau @yak zaitun. Nisbah TXA2/PG12 dalam tikus yang diberi diet minyak sawit didapati 3 kali lebih rendah daripada kumpulan minyak zaitun. Di dalam kajian yang lain, 16

Hornstra et a1 menunjukkan pemberian diet yang mengandungi 8 tenaga% minyak bunga matahari dengan 32 tenaga% minyak sawit untuk 18 bulan didapati tidak aterogenik untuk arnab berbanding dengan diet yang mengandungi 8 tenaga% minyak bunga matahari bercampur den- gan 32 tenaga% minyak ikan, minyak linsid, minyak zaitun dan minyak bunga matahari. Dalam kajian ini, minyak sawit telah dihubung kai t l ag i dengan pengurangan nisbah TXA2JPG12 bila dibandingkan dengan kum- pulan yang diberi minyak zaitun dan minyak bunga matahari. Trombogenisiti rendah yang dihasilkan oleh minyak sawit mungkin ber- dasarkan kepada kebolehannya mengubah nis- bah TXA2JPG12 in vivo. Sarna ada ini hanya

disebabkan oleh kandungan antioksidan iaitu tokoferol dan tokotrienol sahaja atau berhubung kait dengan faktor-faktor lain perlu dipastikan.

Keadaan menunjukkan kesan minyak dan lemak yang digunakan ini ke atas lipid plasma dan pem- bentukan trombus masih belum dapat diramalkan sepenuhnya. Masih banyak lagi yang perlu dipelaj ari mengenai kesan-kesan metabolik lemak dan minyak yang spesifik dan perhubun- gan di antara spektrum asid lemak, struktur trigliserid dan komponen-komponen tak trigliserid lemak dan minyak tersebut dengan penggunaan lemak. Kesan minyak sawit ke atas kolesterolemia dan aterosklerosis eksperimen adalah luar biasa. Di samping tokotrienol dan kemungkinan asid oleik, kelakuan yang tidak diduga ini berkemungkinan disebabkan oleh kandungan spesies trigliseridnya yang luar biasa. Kebanyakan trigliserid asli mengandungi asid lemak tepu pada posisi 1 dan 3 dan asik lemak tak tepu pada posisi 2. Minyak sawit, walau bagaimanapun, mengandungi sebahagian spesies trigliserid yang sepenuhnya tepu. Data diper- lukan untuk menerangkan kesan-kesan spesies trigliserid yang luar biasa ini ke atas penyerapan, pembuangan dan penggunaan asid lemak dan lipid-lipid lain.

Pecahan 'unsaponifiable' minyak sawit kaya den- gan tokoferol, tokotrienol dan karotenoid. Bahan-bahan ini berfungsi sebagai antioknidan pemecah tindak balas berantai radikal bebas dalam sistem biologi. Apabila bahan ini diserap oleh membran platelet, ia berkemungkinan mem- beri pengaruh yang baik ke atas pengaliran dan fungsi membran. Langkah-langkah tertentu perlu diambil semasa pemprosesan minyak sawit untuk memastikan komponen-komponen penting ini tidak hilang pada hasil akhirnya.

Penggunaan minyak yang kaya dengan tokotrienol menawarkan subst ra t untuk penyelidikan dan pemahaman mengenai aspek-

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. . . .

. . Kisah mcngenai agen kawalan a

lasi. Inklusi ini bersifat pleomorf dan &lab melaporkan mcngcnai pengasingan bak- punyai pelbagai bentuk dan saiz. Setiap bakteria teria k y s W f m u s daripada jwldk- jentik ulat biasanya mempunyai 1 hingga 3 hablur k P Y n ini. Bila endotoksin ini dimakan ole Thuringia, Jermm. Beliau menamakan bakteria jentik- jentik nyamuk, inklusi itu diaktifkan itu sebol8ai Bacihs thudngCensis (var thurin- dalam sekitaran beralkali usus tengah jentik-jen- %fanr@, pat tik. PB nyrr oil penemuann ya. Strain jenis in1 merupakan proteolisis mengakibatkan pembebasan pecahan patogen mikm serangga yang pertama sekali polipeptid y m g bertpngpngjawab bagi aktiviti

tik berlaku dengan cepat dahm masa 6 hingga 30 W a a bagaimmapun, aslngan Bacflfus thurin- minit pada dos-dos Bacilius thuringieusis H-14

melaporkan pengasingan satu strain Bacillus sebagai pembunuh jentik- jentik (larvisidal) ter- thurfngiensis daripada contoh tan& dad habitat hadap semua spesies nyamuk, 'blackfly' d m jen-

tik- jenfik chironomid, Penilaian makmal visidal yang tinggi terhadap jentik-jentik menunjukkan bahawa Bti adalah lebih berkesan nyamuk ban penemuannya tehh membawa ke atas jentik-jentik Aedes dan Culex berbanding

lo@ ke atas nyamuk Anopheles dan Mansonia. Di yang berkcsan dm praktis dalam kaedah pen- Malaysia, jentik-jentik bagi kebanyakan nyamuk gawafan vulrtor. SemrZp bam M telah dtkenali vektor didapati rentan terhadap Bacillus thurin-

giensis H-14 pada tahap-tahap yang berbeza. Vektor-vektor demam den@ d m demarn dengg berdarah Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictw,

an nyamuk pengganggu Culex quinqu@asc3arus aerobik, gram positif yang membentuk en- sangat rentan terhadap agen ini, manakala dospbm dadR;nriur drrtlurl Rumpulan Ba5llaceae. Anopheles maculatw dan Anopheles balabacen-

is sis, kedua-duanya' add

Page 8: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

tik- jentik nyamuk Toxorhynchites splendens Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 yang berpotensi yang merupakan agen kawalan biologi yang ber- untuk seterusnya diuji di lapangan. Strain- strain potensi ini, kurang rentan terhadap Bacillus begini sangat diperlukan disebabkan kebolehan- thuringiensis H-14 pada dos-dos operasi yang nya untuk menyesuaikan diri dalam ekosistern biasa. Jadi agen ini seterusnya boIeh digunakan tempatan yang kompleks. Kajian ke atas bersama dengan Toxorhynchites splendens teknologi fermentasi penggunaan hasil buangan

mpatan untuk pengeluaran Bti juga sedang

Percubaan di lapangan juga menunjukkan Bacil- Hari ini, Racillus thuringienris H-14 digunakan lus thuringiensis H- 14 mempunyai aktiviti lar- secara rutin dan dalam bentuk percubaan sebagai visidal yang tinggi terhadap beberapa spesies racun jentik-jentik di beberapa buah negara ter- jentik-jentik nyamuk dalam taliair. sawah padi masuk Malaysia. Penghasilan dan penggunaan dan tasik percubaan di luar. Ujian di Malaysia selanjutnya agen ini adalah dipertingkatkan oleh menunjukkan agen ini mempunyai keupayaan keberkesanan, kespesifikan, kebolehan diubah yang amat baik dalam pengawalan Aedes al- secara biologi dan ketiadaan pembentukan bopictus, Anopheles dan dalam keadaan tertentu, keresistanan vektor dan masa hayatnya yang Munsonia uniformis. Setakat ini masih belum panjang. Adalah cukup jelas dengan formulasi terdapat bukti y ang menunjukkan Bacillus yang lebih baik, penggunaan teknik-teknik ber- thuringiensis ini toksik terhadap organisma serta dengan kemajuan kejuruteraan genetik dan

bioteknologi seperti fermentasi, agen biolagi ini akan digunakan dengan lebih meluas dan

program saringan untuk berkesan dalam pengawalan r acillus thuringiensis tem- penyakit manusia yang tertentu.

Gas Chromato raph - Pengesan Mass elective (GC-M H D) : Satu Perkembangan Baru

di dalam Pengesanan Dadah


Di dalam peng keputusan positif boleh memberi kesan yang serius dari segi u~idang-undang dan sosial. Oleh itu proses ujian dadah mestilah memberikan keputusan yang jitu. Sesuatu contoh yang mem- berikan keputusan

m e m a i n k a

gas chromatograph dan kromatografi cecair tekanan tinggi (HPLC). Beberapa alat pengesan menunjukkan potensi yang baik untuk mengesan paras yang amat dah di dalam cecair badan. baru di dalam teknologi pengesan ialah Pe gesan Mass Selective (MWm Selective Detecto

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yang te lah digunakan bersama gas chromatograph (GC-MSD).

GC-MSD telah diperolehi oleh Bahagian Kimiahayat, IMR pada bulan Disember 1987.

Di samping peralatan kromatografi yang lain yang digunakan untuk mengesan dadah di dalam cecair badan, GC-MSD dapat memberikan keputusan pengesanan yang tepat melalui teknik pengeboman elektron dan percorakan fragmen sesuatu sebatian.

Bagaimanakah alat GC-MSD berfungsi ?

Mass spektrometri berfungsi melalui ionisasi elektron dan seterusnya fragmentasi molekul. Di dalam peralatan GC-MSD, alat Gas Chromatograph memisahkan campuran sampel ke dalam komponen masing-masing. Sebaik saja komponen-komponen sampel mengelusi, komponen-komponen tersebut diionisasikan oleh lagaan elektron. Ion serpihan yang diperolehi diatur mengikut unit mass. Perban- dingan spektra rujukan melalui 'library search' membolehkan identifikasi, positif sesuatu sebatian yang tidak dikenali.

Alat Chemstation yang merupakan sebuah kom- puter teknikal adalah pusat himpunan data yang mengawal peralatan GC-MSD. Ia juga mem- punyai perpustakaan yang mengandungi 42,000 sehatian termasuk jenis alkaloid, dadah, bahan- bahan pencemaran serta bahan-bahan toksik lain. Sebatian yang telah dianalisa okh GC- MSD boleh dibandingkan dengan sebatian di dalam perpustakaan berdasarkan masa retensi dan corak fragmentasi sesuatu sebatian itu.

Di dalam penganalisisan dadah, GC-MSD memainkan peranan penting di dalam pemastian dadah seperti morfin, heroin, kokain dan marijuana (ganja). Walaupun teknik GC-MSD

bukanlah teknik yang pantas, namun teknik ini adalah sensitif dan berupaya mcngcsan dan menkuantitikan sampel dadah dengan jitu.

Pcngcsanan mctabol i t ganja , carboxy- tetrahydrocannabinol di dalam air kencing adalah suatu kejayaan yang mengkagumkan di dalam tcknologi pcngesan dan pcnggunaan GC MSD. Di antara 200 metabolit ganja yang wujud di dalam air kencing penagih ganja, metabolit carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol adalah amat stabil se lama sekurang-kurangnya sebulan. Kepekatannya di dalam air kencing adalah amat rcndah dan adalah sukar mengesahkan kehadirannya menggunakan kromatografi Lapisan Nipis (TLC), GC-FID, dan HPLC-UV, radioimunoassay (RIA) dan EMIT. Dengan menggunakan peralatan GC-MSD, kepekatan carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol dalam air kencing bolch dikuantitikan kepada paras pikogrm.

Sclain daripada rnengesan kehadiran metabolit ganja, semakin banyak metabolit dadah akan dianalisis menggunakan alat GC-MSD ini. Oleh kerana GC MSD adalah amat peka kepada alam sekeliling (habuk dan wap) dan pencemaran bahan kimia, teknik ini memerlukan kakitangan ter la t ih dan mahir menjalankan dan menyelenggara peralatan ini. Pada masa ini alat GC-MSD ini digunakan untuk waktu-waktu kecemasan iaitu sewaktu contoh-contoh yang mengandungi dadah tidak dapat dikesan dengan sempurna dengan cara lain. Alat ini juga digunakan untuk menjalankan kajian mengenai dadah serta metabolit dan bahan-bahan toksik dalam cecair badan. Adalah diharapkan dengan adanya alat GC MSD ini dapat mempertingkat- kan keboleh-harapan dan kejituan analisis dadah dan metabolit-metabolit dadah di makmal ini. Sebagai tambahan, alat ini sayugia menjadi alat penyelidikan yang lengkap.

Page 10: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

Perubatan ~ m w l m t t r l c - ~ - - 3. Menilai, mengemaskini dan mempiawaikan 'hhw HI dm Rdn@ . Y


program latihan Kursus Lanjutan semasa di Wat kg W siap dalam pexkhidrnatan bagi JTMP. : ; d . - i gan-cadangan telah i#ikemdmk+ Wtrit .

Page 11: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

dalam bidanp-hidang seper t i biomedikal..

ini semenjak ditubuhkan dalam tahun 978 dan bagi tempoh 1987188 turut dibin-

WHO di Manila bergilir-gilir sebagai tuan rumah mesyuarat ini. Mesyuarat pertama telah n, pakar perunding dan seminarbngkel telah diadakan di IMR pada 3-4 Mei 1980, dan sekal' lagi pada tahun ini IMR sebagai tuan rumal

Kesembilan. WHO telah diwakili oleh dua orang IMR sebagai sebuah pusat latihan, dan telah pegawai dari Ibu Pejabat Serantau Pasifik Barat diputuskan bahawa usaha-usaha pad3 mass akan

daripada Pengarah, Timbalan Pcngarah d idang penyelidikan dengan institusi-institusi beberapa orang kakitangan lain. Dala mesyuarat ini, aktiviti penyelidikan institut ba

filariasis, kusta, schistosoiniasis dan jug penyakit tropika lain telah dikaji scmula

Sumbangan Karen P.F. Lai & Joseph B. I+ .......................... Bengkel Tekni kal Genetik Populasi Anopheles

Malaria masih merupakan pcnyakit yang utam :pidemiologi dan juga kawalan penyakit malaria di Asia Tenggara. Walaupun rancangan pcr l i Asia Tenggara terutamanya ke atas vektor

gawalan malaria diperkenalkan dan dikua~ nalaria. Maka adalah perlu untuk mcmeriksa

kuasakan di negara-negara ini, namun spesics ;emula dan bcrtukar maklumat tentang kom~lek ~esies Arwplieles di Asia Tenggara. Dalam

syuarat Lembaga SEAMEO-TROPMED ~g telah diadakan di Genting Highland pada

w a n September 1987, Institut Penyelidikan

Anopheles masih menjadi ancaman. Kajia baru &!ah menunjukkan wujudnya komp spesies tersembunyi. Sebahagian daripadanya adalah vektor penyakit malaria dan yanglainny, bukan vektor. Anopheles dirus dan Anopheles maculatus adalah contoh- contoh spesies scpeni ini yang dijumpai di Thailand. Walaupun bcgitu idcntifikasi yang terperinci tentang spcsies sib, ling masih perlu dijalankan bagi menentukar. kedudukannya sebagai vektor. Pengetahuan ten- tang identiti, biologi dan lakuannya adalah di perlukan untuk merancang dan menjalankan genalari vektor yang berkes

'crubatan (IMR) telah dipilih menganjurkan ;atu mesyuarat teknikal untuk membincangkan rrkara tersebut.

> e ~ a k u Pusat TROPMED Kebangsaan di bfalaysia, IMR dengan kerjasama SEAMEO- rROPMED telah menganjurkan mesyuarat

nikal mengenai Peranan Genetik Populasi ialam kajian dan kawalzn Anopheles yang mcn- adi vcktor penyakit malaria di Asia Tengga~ ~ a d a 28 - 30 Jun 1988.

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Beliau be jawatan Kapten di Bahagian Perubatan Tentera Diraja semasa penglibatan Malaya dalam kempen Peperangan Pasifik. Dengan kekalahan Singapura dalam bulan Febmari 1942, beliau menjadi tawanan perang. Bersarna-sama rakan sepe rjuangan, Major John Reid, beliau dihantar oleh pihak Jepun untuk bekerja membina lan- damn 'keretapi maut' Siam-Burma dengan men- ghadapi ancaman penyakit yang mengerikan d m maut . Beliau menyertai Angkatan 'F' sebagai penasihat antimalaria dan pemakanan.

Setelah pepemngan berakhi, beliau menyertai IMR di Kuala Lumpur sebagai Pegawai Penyelidik Kana1 Malaria pada tahun 1949 d m kemudian dilantik sebagai Pengarah kesebelas pada tahun 1956. Beliau juga menyumbangkan tcnaga scbagai ahli Jawatankuasa-Jawatankuasa Pakar Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) dalam malaria dan filariasis. Beliau bersara dari IMFt pada tahun 1959 d m menyertai Sekolah Perubatan Tropika Liverpool dan seterusnya memegang jawatan Profesor %ddlemass Hunt dalam Perubatan Tropika dari tahun 1962 ke tahun 1971. Beliau juga penyunting Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology dari tahun 1966 ke tahun 1971.

Beliau telah dijemput semula oleh IMR sebagai perunding jangka pendek WHO mengenai filariasis pada tahun 1968. Pada bulan Oktober 1986, dalam perjalanan ke New Zeland, Australia dm Hong Kong beliau telah menziarahi buat kali yang terakhir rakan-rakan lamanya di IMR.

Rahsia beliau untuk panjang usia ialah a) ber- sederhana makan b) senaman yang tetap dan c) minuman wiski Irish sebagai penutup malam. Prof. Wilson boleh dikatakan seorang yang pen- diam, bersopan santun dan pemalu. Beliau seoraG pemain golf yang rajin dan selalu men- ghabiskan pagi Ahadnya di padang golf, namun demikian, sebaik-baik tamat permainan beliau terus ke wad untuk merawat pesakit-pesakit.

Beliau akan diingati oleh rakan-rakan sejawat- nya sebagai pentadbir yang jujur dan bertimbang rasa, doktor yang pengasih dan gigih dalam tugasnya dan seorang saintis yang cermat d m bijaksana serta beragama. Beliau tidak akan menerima sebarang keputusan atau laporan mak- ma1 sebelum rnemeriksa kesahihannya.

Pada tahun 1950 beliaulah yang mula-mula sekali berjaya menjalankan kajian diethycar- bamazine citrate (Hetrazan) ke atas pesakit- pesakil yang menghidapi jarlgkitarl Brugiu rnuluyi di Sungai Petani, Kedah. Sumbangan pentingnya dalam kajian-kajian malaria dan filariasis telah merintis jalan ke arah penjelasan maklumat epidemiologi, kemoterapi daya tahanan ubat dan parasitologi kedua-dua penynkit tersebut serta implementasi ujian kawalan secara besar-besaran ke atas penduduk- penduduk luar bandar di negara ini.

Selepas lawatannya ke IMR pada tahun 1986, kesihatannya mula merosot kemudian sembuh sebentar, bagaimanapun terus terganggu dengan serangan strok pada tahun 1988 dan tidak sedarkan din sehingga kematiannya beberapa hari kemudian. Beliau meninggal dunia di tem- pat kesayangannya Poststewart, Ireland Utara semasa berumur 83 tahun dan meninggalkan seorang anak perempuan d m dua orang anak lelaki.

Prof. Wilson akan dikenang sebagai seorang saintis yang baik dan pentadbir yang gigih yang ingin melihat IMR dimalayakan agar orang Malaysia sendiri dapat menguruskan Institut ter- sebut. Kematian Prof. Wilson menandakan berakhimya episod yang melihat peralihan saat- saat penjajahan ke kemerdekaan. Prof. Thomas Wilson ialah seorang yang bersopan santun, pen- diam, saintis dan doktor, malahan beliau ialah seorang yang baik pekerti dan berbudi bahasa. Semoga roh beliau berada dalam keadaan tenteram.

(bekas Pen arah IMR & 2 - h m 0%

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iesterifikasikan dengan mengunakan p-bromo-

- r . * .

ique for the detection of BacUlus thuring 1. Komponen-komponen asidik darlpada is &exotoxin (thuringiensin) using Mu han biopsi manusia boleh diekstrak dan

lacillus thuringiensi

(NMR). Oleh kerana berar rnoleuul lat lebih tinggi daripada komponen-

wala omponen lain, ia dapat ditentukan secara 3fi telapan gel menggunakan turus

solusi tinggi. Contoh-contoh daripada pesakit usta jenis lepromatous didapati mengandungi omponen- komponen yang berat molekd lebih aripada 1,000. Teknik-teW yang dijelaaan

atang Berjuntai, Selangor, didapati bahawa

ilipina dan ada kern&&$dn;uipenlyakit ini b l e h

iterangkan dalam laporan ini. &eksotok laya) poicillius (Theobald, 1903) in Penin- ada dos. yang berbeza dimasukkan ke dal edia larva yang mengandungi pelet "gro onkey." Larva lalat pada instar kedua dimas

ke dalam media. Hasill ujian ini menunj an eksotoksin,memberi t e s a n k

bih tinggi iaitu 8.0, 9.0 d

ras serendah 0.25mg/5g didalam media la erehak ke- Malaysia? ~emahdmain, yang lebih pat dikesan. Teknik ini jug endalam ke atas tabiat nyamuk ini adalah pent-

I -

ing untuk merancangkan langkah-langkah . -. .. -, kawalan sekiranya Aedes poicilius dapat wujud

eiiminary results on the det ebagai vektor di sini. Kajian-kajian di lapangan ycolic acids from Mycobacterium enunjukkan bahawa spesies ini banyak 1 permeation chrom idapati pada bulan Januari, April dan Septem- sonance spectrosc

sian J Path01 1987; 9

r selepas musim hujan. Banyak spesies ini nggigit antara jam 7- 8 pagi d m 11 malam. amuk ini amat tertarik kepada manusia and ngigitnya. Tiga ratus enam puluh dua Aedes icilius dibedhh dan jentik-jentik untut

Page 16: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988
Page 17: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

cotrienols (= 738 ppm; not in other vegetable fats s) and carotenoids (=

00 ppm). These non- 'glyceride components d/or the high content of

leic acid in combination evated blood lipids, platelet aggregation y be the factors that render rombus formation are recognised as key fa different from other naturally occuring h e development of m wardial infarcts an oils which are rich in saturated fatty

:haemic heart disease.'' Thus, dietary s u b cids. Cocoa butter is distinguished by its high

n prevenhon ot ischaemi n which palm oil was included in the investiga- :es are accumulating to indicate that nly one employed it as an experimental me of themost common vegetable oils ariable3. In this study, the subjects, all of whom n the world today, may have bo n diagnosed as hypercholesterolaemic,

ere fed a formula (liquid) diet containing 45 % me observation that satu f calories as carbohydrate, 40 % as fat and 15 % ncrease plasma cholesterol lev s protein. Using corn oil as the standard, the in- aturated fatty acids tend to decrease the estigators rested the effects of 15 different fats lased on studies carried out with various fats nd oils on cholesterolaemia. The effects on ils that rarely include palm oil. '-' Where p holesterol level (extrapolated from a graph) of 41 has been included (usually as a saturated c of them were palm oil, +17 f 2.2 %, butter, rol and not always in its original form) and 5.3 %, and coconut oil, +52.0 f 13,0 8. erved to produce unexpected results, the fac lthough palm oil was slightly more arely noted. Although animal olesterolaemic than corn oil, it was far less y saturated fats have involved analyse mic than butter and coconut oil. ipids and examination not revealed by these results was the therosclerotic lesions, palm oil, cholesterol levels after the palm oil nown reasons, has not been g period were 19 % - 37 % lower than the n animals. Thus, the labelling Similar observations were made in ~ypercholestcrolaemic agent other four studies4-'. This would suggest based on assumption, not scien m oil was actually hypocholesterolaemic

LIUIII , r r ~ g l y w n u e sirucrure or r ~ e a i c a ~esearcn, ~ u s u a umpur, comparea yceride fraction alters their metabolic e effects of diets rich in palm oil, corn oil and

iour. Prominent amon onut oil on cholesterolaemia in nor- lipidaemic individuals. Subjects were fed a

conut oil-rich diet for about five weeks before ey were switched to a diet rich in palm oil or

om oil. The control group continued to receive , oleic (1 8:1), 39 %, and linoleic (18:2), coconut oil-rich diet. At the end of the second

I include five-w lesterol levels fell from

Page 18: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

191 + 50 mgldl to 155 f 34 mg/dl in the group fed the palm oil-rich diet and from 190 f 38 mg/dl to 122 f 23 mg/dl in the group given the corn oil-rich dict. Thcrc was no significant change in cholesterol levels between the two periods in the control group. It is noteworthy that thc cholcstcrol levcls after the palm oil or corn oil feeding period were also lower than the ini- tial levels which averaged 170 f 32 mg/dl and 17 1 f 26 mg/dl respectively in the palm oil and corn oil groups, thus reinforcing previous obser- vations that palm oil is hypocholesterolaemic in its effcct.

9 Qureshi and colleagues recently demonstrated that the fccding of a tocotricnol-rich fraction from palm oil was associated with a reduction in the activity of hepatic B-hydroxy-B- methylglutaryl CoA (HMGCoA) rcductasc in chickens. HMGCoA reductase is a rate-limiting enzyme in cholestcrol biosynthesis and many of the substances that influcncc cholcstcrol syn- thesis do so at the stage of reduction of HMGCo- A to mevalonate. 10*11 In earlier work, 12

Qureshi et a1 had found that alpha-tocotricnol isolated from barley was a i>oten~ inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis in livers from chickens. The relatively high content of tocotrienols in palm oil may, at least in part, explain its hypocholesterolaemic effect. But whether this is the only factor rcsponsiblc for thc cholcstcrol- lowering effect of palm oil remains to be estab- lished.

Mattson and ~ r u n d ~ ' ~ recently suggested that oleic acid, long held to have no effect, may be as effective as linoleic acid in lowcring plasma cholesterol level. This observation needs confir- mation. Palm oil and palm olein, which contain 39 % and 44 % oleic acid rcspcctivcly, offcr good substrates for this purpose.

In prevention of ischacmic hcart discasc, sug- gested treatments include the administration of prostacyclin (PGI2), a prostaglandin product derived from ariichidonic acid, or thc use of drugs that inhibit conversion of arachidonic acid to thromboxane A2 (TXA2), a product that

stimulates platelet aggregation.14 A major dif- ficulty with drug treatments, however, is their potential for toxic side effects. PGI2, although a naturally occuring compound, is not useful for long-term prophylaxis because of its relatively short half-life in vivo.

Hornstra er al,15 using a rat model of arterial thrombogenesis in vivo, demonstrated that palm oil was far less thrombogenic than could be predicted from its fatty acid composition. They compared the effects of 12 different fats and oils on arterial thrombosis tendency. In general, oils that have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids tended to inhibit arterial thrombus forma- tion, whereas those rich in saturatcd fatty acids tended to promote it. Palm oil, however, was the exception. It exhibited a distinct antithrombotic cffcct. This obscrvation has sincc bccn con- firmed in a separate study16 in which the an- tithrombotic effect of palm oil was found to be associatcd with thc conccntration of its un- saponifiable fraction and with a reduced TXA21PGI2 ratio in collagen-challenged whole blood. ~ u g a n o ' ~ fcd rats dicts containing high cholestcrol and 50 energy% palm oil or olive oil. The TXA2PGI2 ratio in rats fed the palm oil diet was about 3 timcs lowcr than that in thc olivc oil group. In another study,16 Hornstra et a1 demonstrated that the administration of a diet containing 8 cncrgy% sunflowcrsccd oil plus 32 energy% palm oil for 18 months was not atherogenic for rabbits in comparison with diets containing 8 energy% sunflowerseed oil plus 32 energy% fish oil, linseed oil, olive oil and sunflowerseed oil. In this study, palm oil feeding was again associatcd with a rcduction in thc TXA2IPGI2 ratio when compared with groups fed olive oil and sunflowerseed oil. The low thrornbogcnicity of palm oil may lie in its ability to favourably alter the TXA2PGI2 ratio in vivo. Whether this is the result of its content of an- tioxidants, vit., tocopherols and tocotrienols, alone or is also associated with some other fac- tor(~) needs to be determined.

The foregoing indicates that the effect of given oils and fats on plasma lipids and thrombus for-

Page 19: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

mation is still not totally predictable. There is still much to learn about the metabolic effects of specific fats and oils, and the relationship ol'their fatty acid spectrum, triglyceride structure and non-triglyceride components to fat utilisation. Palm oil is unusual in i ts effect on cholesterolaemia and experimental atherosclerosis. Besides tocotrienols and possib- ly oleic acid, this unexpected behaviour is though1 lo be due also to the peculiar triglyceride species that it contains.'' Most natural triglycerides contain a saturated fatty acid in Lheir 1- and/or 3- position(s) and an unsaturated fatty acid in the 2-position. Palm oil, however, contains some triglyceride species that are total- ly saturated. Data are rieeded to explain the ef- fects of these peculiar triglyceride species on absorption, excretion and utilisation of fatty acids, and other lipids.

The unsaponifiable fraction of palm oil is very rich in tocopherols, tocolrienols and carotenoids. These substances, which function as free radical chain-breaking antioxidants in biologic systems, when absorbed and taken up in platelet membranes, are likely to exert a favourable in- fluence on membrane fluidity and function. Steps should be taken during palm oil processirig to en- sure that these vital components are retained as much as possible in the final product.

The use of tocotrienol-rich oils offers an interest- ing substrate for investigation and understanding of other aspects of lipid metabolism and may even offer a modality of dietary treatment of lipidaemias and ischaemic heart disease. Being less tumourigenic than many other his arid oils, both saturated and polyunsaturated,19 palm oil may even offer some protection against the developmer~t of cancer. These prospects are worthy of systematic investiga- tions.


1. Ross R and Glomset JA (1976). The pathogenesis of

a l l ~ d e r u s i s . N Engl I Med 295: 369.

2. Lands WEM, Piu B and Culp BR (1980). R m t concepts on

platelet functions and dietary lipids in coronary thmnbosis.

Varcwpasm and Angina. Hen 5: 34.

3. Ahrens EH, Hirsch J, Insull W, Tsaltas TI', Blomstrand R and Peter-

son ML (1957). The influence of dietary fats m serum lipid levels

in man. Lance1 i: 943.

4. Gnmdy SM (1986). Cornparison of monounsatumted fatty acids

and carbohydnues for lowering plasma cholesreroL N Engl J Med

3 14: 745.

5. AnClem JT, Grande P and Keys A (1976). Independence of rhe

effeds of cholesterol and degree of saturation of the fat in the diet

on serum cholesterol in man. Am J Clin Nutr 29: 1184.

6. Laine DC, Snodgrass CM, Dawson EA, Ener MA, Kuba K and

Franz ID (1982). Lghtly hydrogenated soy oil versus other

vcgcubk uilr rw a lipid-lowering djemy uxls~iuren~ Am J Clin

Nutr 35: 683.

7. Baudet MF, Dachet C, Larerrc M, Ebwva 0 arid J a c w B (1984).

Modification in the axnposition and metabolic propexties of

human low- density and highdensity lipoproteins by dicfenmt

didaly fats. J Lipid Res 25.456

8. Lim JB, Ng KW Tony, Khalid H and Lye MS (1988).

IIypocholcstcrolaanic dfccts of a palm oil diet ml11una11 v o l u ~

teers in Malaysia. Paper presented at National Conference on Oil

PoldPalm Oil, 11-15 Octobed988, K d a Lwrtprv.

9. Qureshi AA, Qureshi H, Ong SH Augustine, Gapor A, de Win GF

and k g YH (1988). Suppression of cholesterol biosynthesis

and hypochol~tcmlaemic d f c a uf luwllic~~uls ~ I U I I @II uil UI

the chickenmodeL Paper presented atNattonal Conjerence on Oil

PalmlPalm Oil, 11- 15 October 1988, Kuala Lumpw.

10. Steinberg D (1%5). In: Metabolism of lip& as related to

atherarclerarir; compiled by Kummemw FA. Charles C Thanas,

Spru~gfield, p '207.

11. Whitehouse MW (l%4). In: LipdPhamracology; Padetti R (ed.).

Academic Press,Ncw Yurk, C h p r 4.

12 Qureshi AA, Burger WC, Peterson DM and Elson CE (1986). The

Juuctum. of rul LIhibi~ol u[ d1ulcs1t:~l bimyr101esis iwkdld rm11

barley. J B id Chem 261: 10544.

Page 20: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

uardc add as porauinl antithranbotic rubatlmcor. P m Noll c&ioilsur:harmN.LipidsCEpl.)40:48.

A d Sci USA 76: 591 9.

The story of the microbial control agent Bacillus thuringiensis began as early as 1902 when a Japanese scientist Ishiwata isolated a spore- forming and crystal-bearing (crys- talliferous) bacillus from diseased silkworm larvae. It 'was then named Bacillus sotto (sotto: sudden death) and was later renamed as Bacillus thuringiensis v ar sotto. Subse- quently, Berliner in 1911 reported the isolation of another crystal- liferous ba.sterium from diseased 1 Mediterranean flour moth in Thu many. He named it Bacillus thuringiensis0var mosquitoes. This new serotype was designated thuringiensis in honour of its place of discovery. as Bacillus thuringiensis v ar israelensis This particular strain was the first secticide to be commercialised an control of agricultural, forest and

thuringiensis that are highly larvicidal to positive, endospore and crystal-forming bac- Lepidoptera are only poorly or moderately effec- terium of the Bacillaceae. The toxic component tive against mosquito larvae. In 1977, Goldberg of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 is the thermo- and Margalit reported the isolation of a strain of labile endotoxin located in the parasporal in- Bacillus thuringiensis from soil samples ob- clusions ("crystals") that are produced with the

Page 21: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

spore during sporulation. These inclusions are pleomorphic and they vary in shapes and sizes. Each bacterium usually possesses 1-3 of these proteinacious inclusions. When the inclusions are ingested by the mosquito larvae, they are ac- tivated in the alkaline environment of the larval midgut. Further activation by proteolytic en- zymes results in the release of a polypeptide frac- tion that is responsible for larvicidal activity. This fraction acts rapidly on the midgut cells causing them to swell, lyse and are sloughed into the lumen of the gut. Death of the larva occurs rapidly within 6 -30 minutes with high concentra- tions of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 or over 24 hours at lower concentrations.

Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 has been shown to be larvicidal to all species of mosquito, blackfly and chironomid larvae. Laboratory evaluations have indicated that Bti is generally more effective against Aedes and Culex larvae than against Anopheles and Mansonia larvae. In Malaysia lar- vae of most mosquito vectors are found to be sus- ceptible to BgcilLus thuringiensis £3-14 in varying degree. The vectors of dengde fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever, Aedes aegypti and Aedes al- bopictus, and the nuisance mosquito Culex quin- quefasciatus are highly susceptible to this agent; while Anopheles rnaculatus and Anopheles balabacensis, both principal vectors of malaria and Mansonia uniformis, a vector of Malayan filariasis are moderately susceptible. An interest- ing observation in the laboratory is.that the mosquito larva of Toxorhynchites splendens, which is predacious and a potential biocontrol agent, is only slightly susceptible to Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 at operational dosages. Hence this microbial agent can be used concur- rently with Toxorhynchites splendens in the in- tegrated control of container breeders such as Aedes.

Field trials have also indicated that Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 has high larvicidal activity against several species of mosquito larvae in ir- rigated pastures, rice fields and experimental outdoor ponds. Trials in Malaysia have shown that this agent is highly promising for the con- trol of Aedes albopictw, Anopheles and to a cer- tain extent, Mansonia uniformis. To date, there is no evidence that Bacillus thuringiensis is toxic or harmful to non-target organisms includ- ing human.

Presently, screening programmes for the isola- tion of indigenous strains of Bacillus thuringien- sis supported and financed by Tropical Diseases Research/World Health Organization and the Malaysian Government areaow being actively pursued at the Institute for Medical Research. Surveys carried out in the count5 have resulted in the isolation of several indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 strains which are potential candidates for further field trials. These local strains are undoubtedly desirable as they have the advantage of adapting to the complex ecosystem prevailing locally. Studies on fer- mentation technology using local wastes for production of Bti are also underway.

Today, Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 is routinely and experimentally used as a larvicide in many countries including Malaysia. The production and further use of this agent is enhanced by its efficacy, specificity, biodegradable nature, ab- sence of resistance development in vectors and long shelf life. With further improvement in for- mulations, application techniques as well as ad- vances in genetic engineering and biotechnology such as fermentation, this potent biological agent can be used much more widely and effectively for controlling susceptible vec- tors of human diseases.

Page 22: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988
Page 23: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

dinating Meeting was held at the IMR on 3rd and 4th May 1988. WHO was represenled by two officials from WPRO while the IMR participants included the Director, Deputy Director and a few officers. At this mccting, the ccntrc's rcscarch activities in malaria, filariasis, leprosy, schis- tosomiasis as well as other tropical diseases for the period 1987/88 were reviewed. The intro- duction of new facilities, staff development, and training provided by the IMR were also reported. The Centre's activities since its establishment in 1978 were discussed with respect to research grants, independent and collaborative research.

The plan of work of the Centre for the period 1989/90 was psscnted and recommendations were made for WHO support in terms of facilities, staff development, consultants, and seminars/workshops .

The meeting discussed the role played by IMR as a training centre, and it was decided that en- deavours should be made to promote collabora- tion in research with other medical rzsearch institutions in the WHO Western Pacific Region.

huibuted by Karen Lai P.F. & Joseph B. Lopez

Technical Meeting on Population Genetics of Anopheles Malaria is still a major disease in Southeast Asian countries. Though malaria control programmes have been introduced and implemented in these countries, the Anopheles species continues to be a threat. Recent studies have identified the presence of morphological cryptic species com- plexes. Some members of these complexes are vectors o f malaria while others are not. Anopheles dirus and Anopheles maculatus are examples of such a species complex recognised in Thailand. Thus, there is a need for precise identification of the sibling species to determine their status as vectors. Knowledge on their iden- tity, biology and behaviour are essential to plan and implement cost effective vector control. This, together with the recent advances in tech- nology, which can be applied to studies on lhc

epidemiology and control of malaria, created a need for the review and exchange of infopation. Thus the SEAMEO-TROPMED at its Board Meeting held at Genting Highlands in September 1987, nominated the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) to organise a technical meeting on this topic.

The meeting entitled The Role of Population

Genetics in the Study and Control of Anopheles Malaria Vectors in Southeast Asia was held at the IMR from 28 to 30 June 1988. The objectives of the meeting were:

malaria vectors and the epi&miological sig- nificance of heterogenetics in vector population in Southeast Asia; to exchange information on genetically defined sibling species and its importance in mdxia con- trol programme in Southeast Asia; to promote field studies and laboratory studics on these sibling species, leading to a better under- standig of malaria transmission dynamics and planning of control suategies; to establish a forum leading to collaborative re- search between ASEAN and other Southeast Asian countries.

There were 26 participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. Ten review papers and four country reports were presented. Group discussions focussed on research and training needs in specific areas, and practical ap- plication of population genetics for control programmes.

Recommendatioris submitted to the SEAMEO- TROPMED Board included the formulation of a guideline for baseline studies to facilitate com- parison of results; provision of funds for con- ducting short-term training courses i n cytogenetics and biochemical genetics for key research personnel and support staff, and the development of rapid diagnostic tools to detect insecticide resistance in field populations.

1. to appraise the past and present situation on sib- ling speciation and intraspecific variation of

Page 24: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

Thomas Wilson was born in Northern Ireland on consultant on filariasis in 1968. In October 1986

Page 25: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988
Page 26: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988
Page 27: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

sed individuals and filariasis patients could -

efficient control measu poecilius establish itself as field studies showed that lar ffect infective larvae of Brunia ~ahanai at species appeared in January, April and reinlia booliati, two very common anim ber and they coincided with periods a ariids. Results show that these infective la rainfall. Large number of this sp ae were affected adversely as evidenced by a mosquitoe bites between 7-8 in the momi erence of leucocytes, precipitate formation ar 11 in the evening. They are attracted to man oss of mortality. Strongest immune reactioi bite man readily. Two out of 362Aedespoecil ere seen with sera from amicrofilaraem dissected were infected with L2 filarial law mptomatic subjects, normal exposed i: Thus it can be a potential vector of bancroft1 ividuals and ~atients with tro~ical ~ulmona fllariasis in Malaysia. In the ak or no reaction was seen with the larvae died during the late la could be due to the rearing tec al subjects. These findings are is a need to improve the rearin stent with cross-reactivity of filarial an- order to provide specimens for ies and/or evidence of previous exposure vector competence.

taminated with bat

st (IFAT). It was found that the e good correlation with ELISA asuaenteritis in children in Palm I

mates. Animals given 20,000 eggs at vario

d classical foreign-body giant ce

at humans can also be susceptible to infecti ith Toxocara pteropodis but are unlikely

Page 28: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988
Page 29: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

Since 1981. the Division of Bacteriology.. "hd the antibiotic sensitivity pattans of clinical bd&

serfediby the w. At the Fist National Meeting of I-L+WE miolog&ts held in September 1987, it was decided that t$%

tion received would be published m this Bulletin. The UlR tt assumad the role of a data bank & o n i t o ~ i n g ~ ~ ~ i n g ~ t r " ~ c in$

tibiotic resistance amongst the common isolates in the country.

Tables I wd 11 show the resistance of isolates b m outpatients -.-v* and s , inpiits respectively. The objective in publishing this informaborf is to assist individual hospitals in formulating a sepible Anbiotic Policy tailored to their o m needs. As a surveillake pmgramme. sensitivity testing is done against most of the antibiotics available at the Government Hospitals though it must be emphasi that of drugs like Amiiscin, '3rd %&eratian~Cep ChlorarnphenEcol (against the organisms tested in programme) is certainly not encouraged.


Page 30: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988


Jadual I1


Acinetobacter sp I-- Entervbactcr sp

Escherichia coti

Klebsiella sp

I Morganelh morganii

N. gonorrhoea

N. meningiti&

Other non-fermmtative gram negative bacilli

Protelcs sp

Pr0videnci.Y sp


Psehmnas sp

Salmonella sp

S. 9phi

Salmonella para A & B

Shigelh sp

Staph. aurelcs

Coag. negative Staph


I Serratia sp

Vibrw cholerae

Nou: No. - % k d s t a n m (No.) - Jumlah strain yang diuji dmgm mftibiotik.


Page 31: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988


Page 32: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

Gas Chromatography - Mass Selective Detector (GC-MSD' ' A New Development in Drug Analysis

In the i Lysis of drugs of abuse, a positive result can have serious legal and social consequences. Therefore the entire testing process must ensure accurate results. Samples tested positive in an initial screen must be confirmed by a more ac- curate, reliable and legally accepted technique.

Detectors play a very important part in the iden- tification of drugs by gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Several detectors showed great poten- tial in detecting low levels of drug in body fluids.

of the latest in detector technology is the ass Selective Dectector which is interfaced to e gas chromatograph.

lutants and other toxic compounds. C which are analysed by the GC-MSD are m with the compounds in the library based retention time fragmentation patte =,. 4 < ==--=

T,2 c--=

analysis of drugs, the GC-MSD plays a very im-- c"-5g-z =-- -= -- -- a--=

portant part in the confirmation of dmgs such morphine, heroin, cocaine and marijua (ganja). Even though GC-MSD technique is a rapid technique, it is very sensitive and detect tit ples

GC-MSD. Among the 200 marijuana metabo- lites present in the urine, the carboxy- tetrahydrocannabinol is stable for at least one month. Its presence in a low concentration in urine makes it difficult to confirm their presence by Thin Layer Chromatography, GC-FID or HPLC-W, radioimmunoassay (RIA) and EMIT. Using the GC-MSD, the concentration of car- boxy-teuahydmannabinol titated to the picogram leve

Other than detecting marijuana metabolites,

detection of drugs in the body fluids, the GC- D provides a definitive and accurate detec-

re and more drug metabolites will eventuallj analysed by the GC-MSD. Because the GC.

sensitive to the surroundings (dl chemical contamination it requires

components. As the components elute into the trained personnel to run and maintain the equip ss selective detector they are ionised by ment. The GC-MSD is currently used for emer-

se containing drugs which cannot qd (scanned). Comparison with classical be properly identified by other means, and alsc rence spectra, through a library search, can for studies of drugs and their metabolites, a n d

rovide positive ide~ification of unknown com- other toxic compounds in body fluids. It is hoped that with the use of the GC-MSD the reliabilitj and accuracy of the analysis of drugs and theil metabolites will be enhanced in our laboratory

t should serve as a powem research

Page 33: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

Penerbitan IMR Untuk Jualan IMR Publications For Sale

Studv 24 The microscopic diagnosis of human malaria. Part 2: A mor- phological study of the erythrocytic parasites, Field J .W. and Shute, P.G. and Yap, L.F., 1956,251~.

Malaysian Parasites I-XV, Audy, J.R. (editor), 1954,242~. Study 26

Study 27

Study 28

The transmission of malaria in Malaya, Wodgkin, E.P., 1956,98p.

Malaysian Parasites XVI-XXXIV, Audy, J.R. (editor), 1957, 47 1p

Study 29 Malaysian Parasites XXXV-XLIX, MacDonald, W.W. (editor), 1960,251~

Study 30 The microscopicaI diagnosis of human malarja,Part 1: Mor- phological study of the erythrocytic parasites in thick blood films, Field, J.W., Sandosham, A.A. and Yap, L.F., 1963,236~

Study 31 Anopheline mosquitoes of Malaya and Borneo. Reid, J.A., 1968, 250p. (soft cover) (hard cover)

Study 32 Seventy-five years of medical research in Malaysia, Ramanathan, K., Cheah, W.C. and Dondero, T.J. Jr. (editors) 1976,435~.

Bulletin 8

Bulletin 9

Rabies in Malaya, Smith, C.E.G. and Wells, C.W., 1955,26p.

Notes on the treponematoses, with illustrated account of yaws, Turner, L.H., 1959,278~.

Bulletin 11 The biology of Mansonia mosquitoes in relation to the transmis- sion of filariasis in Malaya. Wharton, RH.,Revised edition 1978, 1 l4p

Bulletin 12

Bulletin 13

Bulletin 16

The house and field rats of Malaysia. Harrison J.L. and Quah, S.K., 1962,37p

Laboratory animal production under Malaysian conditions. Lau, K.K., 1966,17p.

A pictorial key to the subfamjlies, genera and subgenera of Southeast Asian chiggers (Acari, Prostigmata, Trombiculidae). Nadchatram, M. and Dohany A.L., 1974,67p.

Bulletin 17 IMR Rural Health Research Study, No. 1: Report on the health status of a group of traditional Malay villages in Ulu Jempol. Kan- diah, N. and Lim, J.B., 1976,32p

IMR Rural Health Research Study, No. 2: Report on the health status of settlers in an S.L.D.A. scheme in Ulu Rening, Kandiah, N., edited by Tan, D., 1977,26p

Bulletin 18

Page 34: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988

Bulletin 19 Filariasis, Mak, J.W. (editor), 1983, 108p.

Bulletin 20 Tropical Diseases research in Sabah: A report of 1981 baseline studies by the IMRIHSS collaborative programme for research and training in Tropical Diseases, Sabah. 1983,119~.

Bulletin 21 Scrub typhus, Oaks, S.C. Jr., Ridgway, R.L., Shirai, A., Twartz, J.C. 1983,98p.

Bulletin 22 Status of community nutrition in poverty kampungs, Chong, Y.H., Tee, E.S., Ng, T.K.W., Kandiah, M., Hanis Hussein. R., Teo, P.H., Siti M. Shahid, 1984.65~.

Bulletin 23 Dengue fever studies in Malaysia, Rudnick, A., Lim, T.W., Ireland. J.L. (editors), 1986,241~.

Annual Reports 1960- 1969 1970-1971 1972-1971 1974-1976 1977- 1987

IMR Quarterly Bulletins NO. 1-22, 1980-1988

Proceedings of the IMR 75th Anniversary Symposium on Dengue, Filariasis, Malaria 8r Scrub Typhus held at the Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur on 6th and 7th February 1976, Jegathesan, M. (editor), 1976,168~.

Poisonous Snakes of Peninsular Malaysia, Lim, B.L., 1979,dlp.

Ular-ular bisa di Semenanjung Malaysia, Lim, B.L., terjemah olih Abdul Rahman Haji Imam Arshad dan Yap, L.F. 1981,57p.

Research in Medical and Health Sciences Malaysia: Publications 1982 & Projects 1983; Ireland, J.L. and Maria, W.A. (compilers), 1985,474~. ISSN 0-0127-502X

Immunology of Tropical Parasitic Infcctions in Asia and Pacific Rcgion: Proceedings of the 25th SEAMEO-TROPMED Seminar, 19th-21st October 1982. Mak, J.W. and Yong, H.S. (editors), 1982. 189p. ISBN 967-99909-0-7

Nutrient Composition of Malaysian Foods - A Preliminary Table (First Update). Tee, E.S. (compiler), 1985,69p. ISBN 967-99909-4-X

Basic Manual in Biostatistics for IMR Research Workers, Patwary, K.M., 1981,81p.

Buku Panduan IMR (IMR Handbook): Panduan umuk pemungutan dan pengirim contoh a n t o h untuk pemeriksaan patologi, 4th edition, Foo, LC. and Lim, T.W. (penyunting & penyusun), 1987,148~. ISBN 967-99909-6-6

An Annotated Bibliography of Nutrition Research in Malaysia (1900-1979). Tee, E.S. (compiler), 1980,179p.

2.50 each 2.00 each 2.50 each 3.50 each 5.00 each

1.00 each

An Annotated Bibliography of Nutrition Research in Malaysia: Supplement (1979- 1984), Tee, E.S. [compiler), 1984,145~. ISBN 967-99909-2-3

Page 35: IMR Bulletin Dec 1988