Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush * Peter Gilbert Nilanjan Banerjee Brian Neil Levine * Mark Corner * Landon Cox *Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, {hamed,brian,mcorner}@cs.umass.edu Dept. of Computer Science, Duke Univ., {gilbert,lpcox}@cs.duke.edu University of Arkansas, Fayetteville [email protected] ABSTRACT Achieving ubiquitous connectivity or high aggregate through- put using a series of Wi-Fi access points can cause se- rious performance problems for highly mobile clients. While data transfer using a single access point at a time is insufficient for supporting delay- and throughput- sensitive applications, leveraging concurrent data trans- fers through multiple access points offers a plausible alternative. To this end, we design, implement, and eval- uate a system that establishes and maintains concurrent connections to 802.11 APs in a mobile environment. We demonstrate that existing multi-AP solutions do not per- form well in mobile settings due to limitations imposed by the association and dhcp processes and propose an alternative design. We have implemented and evaluated our system on a vehicular testbed. Our results show that our system provides manifold improvements in through- put and connectivity over stock WiFi implementations. We compare our results against measurements of real user needs in mobile settings in terms of application use and desired session length. 1. INTRODUCTION Cellular infrastructure provides the most common method of mobile access today because it offers high bandwidth and long-range coverage. Unfortunately, in areas where cellular demand is high, the deployed capac- ity cannot keep up. Carriers are now imposing caps on bandwidth and differentiated plans. In response, users and networks wish to supplement their connections with Wi-Fi networks. And recent measurement work [2] has demonstrated 3G data can be offloaded successfully. Unfortunately, these same measurements show Wi-Fi bandwidth is often a fraction of 3G. Wi-Fi has other disadvantages compared to 3G infrastructure. Wi-Fi is short range. It is in an unlicensed band that is often crowded. It can be deployed as a mesh, but to do so over large areas is expensive. Moreover, its deployment is often ad-hoc, offered by independent homes and apart- ments. On the other hand, Wi-Fi is a cheap and common interface in mobile devices, and when it is available, it is often free and available on several different channels at once [21]. Additionally, many people choose to use Wi-Fi intermittently rather than pay 3G fees. Whether used as the best choice for an auxiliary channel for 3G, or used as a stand-alone option for access, a critical question is how can we improve Wi-Fi throughput for mobile clients? An effective approach for improving Wi-Fi perfor- mance is to split a single physical wireless interface into several virtual interfaces that each connect to a different AP. This idea was first proposed by Chandra et al. [19]. Kandula et al. [10] proposed FatVAP, which includes a scheduler that distributes the client’s time across APs so as to maximize throughput; they improve throughput by 3x. Similarly, Nicholson et al. [17] demonstrated sig- nificant bandwidth gains with Juggler for mobile Wi-Fi clients. These gains are possible because these systems rely on a driver that can switch between APs by telling one AP that it is in power save mode and then moon- lighting on another AP. These drivers attempt to keep the switching delay small, making sure the deadline for retrieving stored packets at the first AP is met so that TCP flows are not disrupted. It seems straightforward to directly apply virtualized Wi-Fi drivers to mobile 3G and Wi-Fi users. Unfortu- nately, these past works have based their designs and evaluations on stationary wireless clients. In this paper, we evaluate virtualized Wi-Fi for highly mobile clients, and we demonstrate that it is not a straightforward win. When Wi-Fi is aggregated across multiple chan- nels, scheduling is an NP-hard problem for mobile clients, which must consider association joins and dhcp requests that cannot be delayed by the power-save maneuver. As we show, the best application of virtualized Wi-Fi is in areas where the density of APs is so high that all the benefits of bandwidth aggregation can be had from APs on a single Wi-Fi channel. Our measurements show that, otherwise, the benefits of standard drivers that have agile serial switching between APs (and are simpler to optimize from a coding standpoint) can be the better choice.

Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

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Page 1: Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

Improving Mobile Networking withConcurrent Wi-Fi Connections

Hamed Soroush! Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"Brian Neil Levine! Mark Corner! Landon Cox †

!Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, {hamed,brian,mcorner}@cs.umass.edu

† Dept. of Computer Science, Duke Univ., {gilbert,lpcox}@cs.duke.edu

" University of Arkansas, Fayetteville [email protected]

ABSTRACTAchieving ubiquitous connectivity or high aggregate through-put using a series of Wi-Fi access points can cause se-rious performance problems for highly mobile clients.While data transfer using a single access point at atime is insu!cient for supporting delay- and throughput-sensitive applications, leveraging concurrent data trans-fers through multiple access points o"ers a plausiblealternative. To this end, we design, implement, and eval-uate a system that establishes and maintains concurrentconnections to 802.11 APs in a mobile environment. Wedemonstrate that existing multi-AP solutions do not per-form well in mobile settings due to limitations imposedby the association and dhcp processes and propose analternative design. We have implemented and evaluatedour system on a vehicular testbed. Our results show thatour system provides manifold improvements in through-put and connectivity over stock WiFi implementations.We compare our results against measurements of realuser needs in mobile settings in terms of application useand desired session length.

1. INTRODUCTIONCellular infrastructure provides the most common

method of mobile access today because it o!ers highbandwidth and long-range coverage. Unfortunately, inareas where cellular demand is high, the deployed capac-ity cannot keep up. Carriers are now imposing caps onbandwidth and di!erentiated plans. In response, usersand networks wish to supplement their connections withWi-Fi networks. And recent measurement work [2] hasdemonstrated 3G data can be o"oaded successfully.

Unfortunately, these same measurements show Wi-Fibandwidth is often a fraction of 3G. Wi-Fi has otherdisadvantages compared to 3G infrastructure. Wi-Fi isshort range. It is in an unlicensed band that is oftencrowded. It can be deployed as a mesh, but to do soover large areas is expensive. Moreover, its deploymentis often ad-hoc, o!ered by independent homes and apart-ments. On the other hand, Wi-Fi is a cheap and commoninterface in mobile devices, and when it is available, it

is often free and available on several di!erent channelsat once [21]. Additionally, many people choose to useWi-Fi intermittently rather than pay 3G fees. Whetherused as the best choice for an auxiliary channel for 3G,or used as a stand-alone option for access, a criticalquestion is how can we improve Wi-Fi throughput formobile clients?

An e!ective approach for improving Wi-Fi perfor-mance is to split a single physical wireless interface intoseveral virtual interfaces that each connect to a di!erentAP. This idea was first proposed by Chandra et al. [19].Kandula et al. [10] proposed FatVAP, which includes ascheduler that distributes the client’s time across APsso as to maximize throughput; they improve throughputby 3x. Similarly, Nicholson et al. [17] demonstrated sig-nificant bandwidth gains with Juggler for mobile Wi-Ficlients. These gains are possible because these systemsrely on a driver that can switch between APs by tellingone AP that it is in power save mode and then moon-lighting on another AP. These drivers attempt to keepthe switching delay small, making sure the deadline forretrieving stored packets at the first AP is met so thatTCP flows are not disrupted.

It seems straightforward to directly apply virtualizedWi-Fi drivers to mobile 3G and Wi-Fi users. Unfortu-nately, these past works have based their designs andevaluations on stationary wireless clients. In this paper,we evaluate virtualized Wi-Fi for highly mobile clients,and we demonstrate that it is not a straightforwardwin. When Wi-Fi is aggregated across multiple chan-nels, scheduling is an NP-hard problem for mobile clients,which must consider association joins and dhcp requeststhat cannot be delayed by the power-save maneuver. Aswe show, the best application of virtualized Wi-Fi isin areas where the density of APs is so high that allthe benefits of bandwidth aggregation can be had fromAPs on a single Wi-Fi channel. Our measurements showthat, otherwise, the benefits of standard drivers thathave agile serial switching between APs (and are simplerto optimize from a coding standpoint) can be the betterchoice.

Page 2: Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

Specifically, we o!er the following contributions inthis paper:

• We present the design and implementation of Spi-der, a system that aims at improving the perfor-mance of highly mobile networks by providing con-current 802.11 connections to open access points.Spider achieves this goal by virtualizing a wirelesscard and e#ciently managing connections to APsthrough each virtual interface. In contrast to pastworks which use a per-connected-AP granularityto schedule concurrent connections, Spider sched-ules 802.11 channels. We argue that this design ismore suitable for highly mobile scenarios where itis critical to quickly join to nearby access points.

• We quantify the costs of link-layer association anddhcp on virtualized Wi-Fi, demonstrating thatscheduling on multiple channels can thwart suc-cessful joins to APs and limit TCP performance.We also demonstrate that reducing timeouts [7]lowers join success rates when virtualized Wi-Fi isused.

• We experiment with numerous link managementpolicies in Spider using vehicles driven in two citiesthat o!er intermittent Wi-Fi access. The resultsshow that mobile virtualized Wi-Fi does not maxi-mize both throughput and connectivity simultane-ously. We show that if connectivity is a priority,then joining to multiple APs on multiple channelsis best: 44% connectivity, 28KBps. However, ifthroughput is a priority, then joining to multipleAPs on only one channel is best at the cost ofconnectivity: 35% connectivity, 122KBps. In themiddle is a non-virtualized policy of one AP at atime from any channel available: 40% connectivity,77KBps.

We begin with experiments that demonstrate the ef-fects of virtualized Wi-Fi scheduling on link-layer asso-ciation and dhcp, motivating the problems we addressin this paper. We then provide the details of Spider’sdesign and implementation. Next, we present the resultsof extensive experimentation with several virtualizationpolicies. Finally, we o!er a review of related work andour conclusions.


Concurrent connections between a client and multipleAPs [10,17,19] are possible for Wi-Fi because the APscan be instructed by the client to bu!er packets. Theclient falsely claims it is entering the power-save mode(PSM) and then communicates with another AP. Whatpast works overlook is that clients in a mobile Wi-Fienvironment must continuously associate and obtaindhcp leases from APs as they become available. These

AP on Channel 1


auth req

auth res

assoc req

auth res

30 msChannel 6

30 msChannel 1

30 msChannel 11


Channel 1

Figure 1: The Wi-Fi card spends 30ms each on Chan-nels 1, 6, and 11. During an association phase the cardloses “association response” from the AP due to channelswitching.

packets cannot be bu!ered by the PSM request. As weshow, a schedule that maximizes aggregate bandwidthfor already-joined APs can prevent successful associa-tion and dhcp requests, which are critical componentsof these AP hand-o!s. Accordingly, past works on vir-tualized Wi-Fi all experiment with their mechanismsin stationary contexts. In particular, these past exper-iments consider throughput and other characteristicsonly after permanent connections to APs have beenformed.

In this section, we quantify the performance penaltiesvirtualized Wi-Fi imposes on association and dhcp re-quests in an outdoor mobile setting. We also experimentwith reduced link layer and dhcp timeout values [7],showing that they increase the number of failed connec-tion attempts.

2.1 Association and DHCPFigure 1 illustrates one of the major problems that

makes virtualized Wi-Fi di#cult in a mobile scenario.Suppose that according to the driver’s schedule, theWi-Fi card divides a fixed interval among three APseach on one of the three non-overlapping Wi-Fi channels(1, 6, and 11). The association process involves a four-way handshake: authentication request, authenticationresponse, association request, and association response.A failure will occur if the client switches channels beforereceiving the final response.

After a client associates, the AP can be asked tobu!er non-broadcast packets. Unfortunately, the fourmessages to complete a dhcp request (discover, o!er,request, and ack) are broadcast messages, and delaysin the AP’s response can be relatively long and di#cultto predict. Hence, if a client switches channels beforeobtaining a dhcp lease, the process must restart. Atimeout during association or dhcp triggers a seconds-long back-o!, which is catastrophic given the typicalduration of mobile Wi-Fi access (typically 10–20 seconds

Page 3: Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

0 200 400 600 800 10000






time to associate (ms)






l asso








Figure 2: The rate of successful link-layer associations ona channel as a function of the amount of time the Wi-Fidriver spends on a single channel (out of 400ms for allchannels).

! " # $ % & ' ( ) * "! "" "# "$ "% "&!


















Figure 3: The rate of successful dhcp requests on achannel as a function of the amount of time the Wi-Fidriver spends on that channel as well as the dhcp timeout.

for a vehicle). If there were no delays for association ordhcp, then virtualized Wi-Fi would be an obvious winfor any number of channels. Erikson et al. [7] have shownthat these delays can be minimized in non-virtualizedWi-Fi by reducing the timeouts used in these protocols.We evaluate these reduced timer settings below; we findthat reduced timeouts can increase dhcp failure ratesand overall time to get a lease when the driver spends aportion of its time on other channels.

We performed a series of experiments to quantify howchannel scheduling settings can severely degrade theprobability of successfully associating and obtaining adhcp lease. Each experiment was performed on fivedi!erent vehicles moving around Amherst, MA for 6hours each. The wireless card of each mobile nodewas set to spend a fraction x of a 400ms round-robinscheduling interval on channel 6, and (1! x)/2 of theinterval on each of channels 1 and 11. Also, we changedthe link layer association timeout value from a defaultof 5 seconds to 100ms for these experiments.

Whether evaluating association or dhcp, we find thatthe success is strongly positively correlated with theamount of time scheduled on the primary channel. Fig-ure 2 shows empirical CDFs of these experiments. Whena single channel receives 100% of the interval, the medianassociation time is 200ms, and all associations completewithin 400ms. With a small drop to 75% of the 400msschedule, we see a sharp decrease in performance: themedian association time drops to 300ms and only 75%of associations completing within 400ms. Note that inall cases, it is possible to connect in under 200ms, butthe success rate is below 20%.dhcp performance is more sensitive to the schedule,

as shown in Figure 3. Of course, dhcp requests are de-pendent on successful association during the experiment,and we call a join success in both cases. When 100%of the schedule is spent on a single channel, the medianjoin time decreases from 2.5s for the default dhcp packettimeout of 1 sec, to a median join time of 1.3s for 100msdhcp timeouts. Unfortunately, the situation is morecomplicated for values above the median. At the 90th

percentile, the default dhcp packet timeout achieves 2.6sjoins; but the 90th percentile is worse at 4.1s for 600mstime outs, and then shorter again at 1.6s for 100ms time-outs. These swings can be explained by a sharp increasein completely failed dhcp requests. Moreover, the samegraph shows the e!ects of using a reduced schedule onthe channel. With only 50% of the schedule, the 90th

perc. join times drop to 2.2s, and then down to 6.6s at25%. Hence, reduced timeouts increase failure rates andoverall join time when the driver spends a portion of itstime on other channels.

We further evaluate the e!ects of reduced timeoutson the performance of our driver in conjunction withthe overheads of managing multiple virtual interfaces inSection 4.

2.2 TCP and UDP performanceIn a multi-AP setting, the throughput of a UDP

stream is proportional to the amount of time spent by thecard communicating with an AP. For TCP streams, thisrelationship is not straightforward due to non-deterministice!ects of TCP timeouts and slow start. The experimentsin this subsection took place on a desktop to prevent mo-bile factors from a!ecting performance; in Section 4 wereport TCP throughput for vehicular experiments. Notethat previous works on virtualized Wi-Fi do not quantifyhow scheduling a!ects transport performance since theydo not consider schedules that might be su#cient toallow joining new APs on other channels.

Figure 4 shows the e!ects of channel scheduling onTCP. We vary the percentage of time out of 400msthat the card spends on a primary channel just as inSection 2.1. In other words, the card spends between 0and 400ms on the primary channel. As expected, varying

Page 4: Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

Figure 4: Average TCP throughput as a function of thepercentage of time spent by the Wi-Fi driver on the pri-mary channel. Since the cumulative time spent on all thechannels is 400 ms (which is less than two RTTs) thethroughput is proportional to the percentage of time spenton the primary channel.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 4000









time spent on each channel (ms)





ut (K


Figure 5: Average TCP throughput as a function of theabsolute time spent on each channel. The throughput isvery sensitive to the amount of time spent by the driver oneach channel due to TCP timeouts and TCP slow start.

the percentage of time spent on the primary channelleads to a monotonic improvement in throughput. Sincethe cumulative time spent on all the channels is 400msthe throughput is proportional to the percentage oftime spent on the primary channel; 400ms is less timethan two RTTs (in this experiment), which would havetriggered a TCP timeout and slow start.

In a second experiment, we vary the absolute amountof time the card spends on a primary channel, shownin Figure 5. In other words, a point on the x-axiscorresponds to a schedule where the card spends x mson each of channels 1, 6, and 11; hence the total timespent away from the TCP channel is 2x, ranging from 0to 800ms.

As we vary the amount of time the Wi-Fi card spendson each channel, the throughput varies more wildly. Dueto the interaction between the RTT of TCP packets andthe card schedule, packets from the AP to the client canget lost. Hence, TCP times out or gets stuck in slowstart, strangling throughput.

TCP/UDP sensitivity to the percentage of time spenton a channel presents a tension between throughput and

connectivity. For example, suppose the Wi-Fi card istransferring data with two AP on channel 1 and startsto associate with two other APs on channel 6. For theassociations to be successful, the card must spend morethan 80% of the time on channel 6. However, this im-plies that TCP/UDP throughput on channel 1 woulddegrade substantially. Addressing this tension betweenthroughput of ongoing TCP/UDP streams with success-ful associations and dhcp attempts is the fundamentalproblem of applying multi-AP solutions to the mobileenvironment.

3. SpiderSpider is designed to leverage concurrent 802.11 con-

nections to improve performance in highly mobile net-works. To this end, we have made several design choicesthat distinguish Spider from solutions that either targetstationary wireless settings [10,17,19] or enhance stockWi-Fi networks [7].

Design Choice 1: In contrast to previous work thatslices time across individual APs [10,17,19], Spider sched-ules a physical Wi-Fi card among 802.11 channels. Per-channel queues incur no switching overhead for interfaceson the same channel. Staying on one channel also miti-gates the problem of failed associations discussed in theprevious section since broadcast packets (which are notbu!ered in power-save mode) can still be received if thevirtual interface is on the right channel. Moreover, itallows Spider to opportunistically scan for new APs with-out losing connectivity to the old ones. Communicatingwith multiple APs on the same channel can amplify thehidden terminal problem, but as we show in Section 4aggregate throughput still increases.

Design Choice 2: Spider addresses both selection ofmultiple APs and Wi-Fi card scheduling. Both problemsare NP-Hard (see Appendix A and [10]). It is possibleto design optimal dynamic programming solutions forthem. However, we found that using heuristics is moree!ective in practice given that short encounters makesit di#cult to solve the related equations in real-time.Spider can use pre-defined static channel schedules ordynamic schedules that adapt based on ongoing associa-tions and data transfers. The AP selection heuristic ofSpider is discussed later in this section.

Design Choice 3: Unlike Juggler [17], Spider doesnot hide the existence of multiple virtual interfaces fromapplications. Spider exposes a separate Linux networkdevice interface for each connection, allowing maximalflexibility in the way that applications may use concur-rent Wi-Fi connections. Spider does not require a cus-tomized kernel or modification to the kernel socket datastructure [17]. Finally, Spider is a completely standaloneloadable module that is compatible with o!-the-shelfwireless utilities such as iwconfig, iwlist, iwspy andiptables, making link management and network debug-

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ch1 ch6 ch11 ch6

ath2 ath3 ath4

Wi-Fi Card


Transport Layer

Network Layer

Wireless Driver

Q6Q1 Q11

Figure 6: An illustration of Spider’s components.

ging easier.Spider works in both ad-hoc and infrastructure modes,

though our focus is the latter. The overall design ofSpider is illustrated in Figure 6. Spider has two majorcomponents: a customized wireless device driver andthe link management module (LMM).

3.1 Wireless DriverLike FatVAP [10], Spider customizes the popular Mad-

Wifi driver to present multiple “virtual” network inter-faces. Similar to Juggler [17], Spider’s driver exposes a/proc file-system interface through which parameterssuch as the channel-switching schedule and various time-out values can be configured by a link management mod-ule running in user space. The key di!erences betweenSpider’s driver are 1) Spider’s capability to schedulemultiple APs on a channel concurrently rather thanindividual APs, and 2) Spider’s support for opportunis-tic scanning, which allows new APs to be discoveredwithout sacrificing data-transfer opportunities.

3.1.1 Switching Among ChannelsSpider’s design is intended to maximize connectivity

opportunities in mobile environments without sacrific-ing throughput: Spider can attempt to associate andobtain dhcp leases from many APs on a channel in par-allel, without dedicating the wireless card and givingup opportunities to transfer data through other APson that channel. In this way, Spider can overlap thelong and unpredictable delays experienced while waitingfor responses from the AP during the association and

dhcp phases. Accordingly, the procedure for switchingchannels is slightly di!erent than in other multi-APsolutions.

• First, the client starts bu!ering outgoing packetson the virtual interfaces communicating on thecurrent channel.

• Next, the client sends to each AP that it is as-sociated with on the current channel an 802.11management frame with the PSM bit set, indi-cating that it is entering power-save mode. Thiscauses the APs to bu!er all frames destined for theclient until it returns to the channel.

• After deactivating the virtual interfaces on theprevious channel, the client changes the state ofthe wireless card to the new channel. A hardwarereset is required to apply the change.

• Finally, the set of interfaces which are associatedor attempting to associate with APs on the newchannel are activated. A management frame withthe PSM bit cleared is sent out over each virtualinterface associated on the new channel, and theoutgoing packets stored in the PSM queues of thenewly activated virtual interfaces are submitted tothe card’s transmit queue.

3.1.2 Opportunistic ScanningTo maintain connectivity, mobile clients must be able

to discover new APs as they move. Typically, clientsscan for new APs continuously when not associatedby cycling through the available channels, transmittingprobe requests and listening for responses. Even aftersuccessfully associating with an AP, a traditional wirelessdriver may periodically switch away from the AP fortens or hundreds of ms to scan on other channels. Themulti-AP solution Juggler [17] allows “scanning slots”to be added to the switching schedule, during which thecard rotates among channels 1, 6, and 11 and listens forbeacons. Unfortunately, these approaches sacrifice timewhich could be spent transferring data or associatingwith an AP.

To maximize the time available for useful work, Spiderscans opportunistically in the background without dis-rupting ongoing connections. While associated with anAP, a client often receives beacons and probe responsestransmitted by other APs on the same channel—wirelessdrivers typically drop these frames early in the receiveprocess to avoid additional processing overhead. Spi-der instead accepts these frames and maintains a listof APs which it has heard from recently. To maximizethe probability that we receive a response from each AP,Spider can be configured to periodically broadcast proberequests.

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3.2 Link Management ModuleSpider’s link management module implements con-

nection establishment and management policies. Thismodule is responsible for applying AP selection policies,managing concurrent connections, detecting lost con-nections and establishing new ones, as well as notifyingapplications of the availability of a link.

The link management module creates a configurablenumber of virtual interfaces on boot-up and sets anappropriate channel schedule given a specific operationmode. Each operation mode is defined by the totalamount of time to be scheduled among channels, aswell as the fraction of time which is to be spent oneach channel. The link management module providessupport for dynamically changing the schedule; however,static schedules configured before boot-up are used asdefault. We present results from experiments usingdi!erent operation modes in Sections 2 and Section 4.

After the initial setup phase, a thread is created foreach interface to perform link discovery and managementoperations for that interface. Software locks are used toensure that no two threads select and attempt to connectto the same AP. Furthermore, threads safely share theirconnection history and estimated rank of the APs. Assoon as an interface joins a network and obtains an IPaddress, corresponding iptables rules are set to allowrouting tra#c to and from that specific interface. If thesame IP address is assigned to di!erent virtual interfacesby di!erent APs, we only use the most recently assignedinterface with that IP address, bring down those otherinterfaces, and then attempt to connect them to di!erentAPs. However, we observed that such events were rare.

Similar to Cartel [8] and Cabernet [7], we have incorpo-rated specific optimizations in our implementation of thelink management module such as caching dhcp leasesand configuring link-layer and dhcp timeouts. Upona successful link-layer association, the correspondingthread first consults its per-BSSID cache of dhcp leasesbefore issuing dhcp requests. Furthermore, after a con-nection is established, the thread continuously pings aknown host to monitor the availability of the connection.In case an AP does not allow icmp pings to propagatepinging the gateway is used to establish connectivity.If 30 ping attempts fail (sent at a rate of 10 pings persecond), Spider assumes that the connection is dropped,notifies the application, and tries associating with an-other AP. Spider notifies applications of connectivityloss using a shared flag resident on the system’s RAMdisk.

3.2.1 Access Point Selection & SchedulingSpider’s link management module deals with select-

ing a set of available APs and scheduling time of theWi-Fi card. In Appendix A, we show that the multi-APselection problem while maximizing a given system util-

ity function is NP-Hard. Since Spider selects from thepower-set of available APs, the complexity of an optimaldynamic programming solution grows exponentially.

Therefore, to make the problem tractable, Spider usesthe following heuristic to select APs: Each AP, i, ina Wi-Fi, is assigned a utility Ui. Ui is a function ofthe number of successful join attempts the client hasmade with the AP previously. A successful join con-sists of three phases: i) link-layer association, ii) dhcplease acquisition, and iii) end-to-end connectivity testas described in Section 3.2. Spider assigns fixed valuesva, vb, or vc (va < vb < vc) to the each specific joinattempt depending on how far it succeeds in the asso-ciation process. Failed associations are assigned a zerovalue. Utility Ui of each AP i are the weighted averageof previous and recent association attempts made withthe AP—the recent association are given larger weights.Each management thread of the link layer module se-lects the AP with highest utility which has not alreadybeen selected by other threads. It uses signal strengthto break ties when APs have the same utility.

The link management module can be configured touse other criteria such as the amount of time the APis in data-transfer range with the client or the amountof data transferred during a connection as the utilityfunction. However, by default it uses join success asdiscussed above since it is a primary determinant ofAP usefulness in highly mobile scenarios and is stablecompared to bandwidth measures that can vary withdistance, mobility, and environmental factors. The linkmanagement module can be configured to dynamicallychange the channel switching schedule by estimating theamount of time required by each ongoing connectiondepending on its state (association, dhcp, data-transfer).However, pre-defined static channel schedules provedto be more stable and therefore, are used in Spider’sevaluation.

4. EVALUATIONWe envision Spider as a solution that complements

cellular data services by providing for an e!ective useof concurrent 802.11 connections to open APs in highlymobile scenarios. Such a solution targets applicationsthat do not justify the per-month per-device cost ofsubscribing to cellular data plans. Furthermore, evenin cases that cost is not an issue, open Wi-Fi solutionslike Spider are a natural supplement to cellular networksdue to their higher fundamental capacity. Their draw-back, however, is that they do not provide continuousconnectivity.

Spider aims at improving throughput and connectivityfor mobile clients using open Wi-Fi access by synergisti-cally using multi-AP selection, channel switching, oppor-tunistic scanning, and parallel per-channel association.Here, we evaluate the performance of Spider by focusing

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# interfaces 0 1 2 3 4Mean 4.942 4.952 5.266 5.546 5.945STD 0.009 0.009 1.236 0.823 1.121

Table 1: Channel switching latency (ms)

on the following key questions:• What improvement in throughput and connectivity

does Spider provide over stock Wi-Fi access?• What is the e!ect of AP density on Spider’s per-

formance?• Does Spider meet connectivity needs of common

wireless users?While answering these questions, we also present sev-

eral micro-benchmarks and explore trade-o!s availablewhen setting di!erent dhcp and link-layer timeouts.

4.1 Experimental SetupWe have evaluated Spider on UMass DOME [21], an

outdoor vehicular testbed designed for mobile experimen-tation. Most of our experiments take place on DOMEpublic transit buses.We also performed experiments ona passenger car using the same hardware equipments asDOME. This allowed us to focus experiments in down-town area of Amherst, MA which has Wi-Fi coveragethat is more typical of a city. We also conducted experi-ments using the passenger car in Cambridge, MA area,as we detail below. In all cases, the equipment consistedof a Hacom OpenBrick 1GHz Intel Celeron M systemrunning Ubuntu Linux 2.6.18 and Atheros 802.11abgMiniPCI Wireless Card.

The analysis of traces collected from performing initialexperiments verified our conjecture that the majority ofthe APs are on either of the three ”orthogonal” channels1 (28%), 6 (33%), or 11(34%). Cabernet [7] reportscomparable numbers for the Boston area with 83% ofthe APs on either of the three channels and 38.5% usingchannel 6. Due to this non-uniformity in the distributionof the APs over channels, we have configured Spider toonly schedule among these three channels in the followingexperiments.

We test four di!erent configurations of Spider. (1)Single-channel, Multiple-AP: Spider stays on one channel(channel 1, 6, or 11) and associates with as many APs onthe channel as possible. (2) Single-channel, Single-AP:Spider mimics o!-the-shelf Wi-Fi on a single channel. (3)Multiple-channel, Multiple-AP: Spider switches betweenthe three orthogonal channels using static schedules. (4)Multiple-channel, Single-AP: in this mode a Spider nodeswitches channels but is associated with one AP at atime. We also tested the MadWiFi driver as a point ofcomparison to configuration 2.







1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0




ughput (K



Backhaul bandwidth per AP (Mbit/sec)

one card, stocktwo cards, stock

Spider, (100,0,0)Spider, (50,0,50)

Spider, (100,0,100)

Figure 7: Throughput micro-benchmark

4.2 Driver Micro-benchmarksWe present the results of two micro-benchmarks de-

signed to measure (1) the latency overhead incurredwhen switching channels, and (2) the ability of our driverto aggregate bandwidth across connections through mul-tiple APs.

Table 1 shows the mean latency of a channel switchoperation and the standard deviation. The channelswitching latency is the time required to send a PSMframe to each associated AP on the old channel, performa hardware reset to apply the channel change, and thensend a PSM poll frame to each associated AP on the newchannel. The latency is typically in the range of 5-6ms,increasing proportional to the number of APs,becausea separate PSM frame must be sent to each AP. Thelargest contributor to the latency is the hardware resetstep, which can vary depending on the model of card.The latency is within a few ms of that achieved by othermulti-AP drivers [10,17].

Fig. 7 shows the ability of the driver to utilize thebandwidth o!ered by multiple APs. We measured meanaggregate throughput achieved while downloading largefiles over HTTP for a number of configurations: a hostwith a single card running stock MadWiFi, for compari-son; a host with two physical cards running stock drivers;Spider connected to two APs on the same channel; andSpider connected to one AP on channel 1 and one onchannel 11, with a schedule of 50ms on each channel;and the previous configuration spending 100ms on eachchannel. The APs and servers were connected via LANsin our lab, and a tra#c shaper was used to adjust thebackhaul bandwidth available through each AP.

The host with two physical interfaces and the hostwith Spider running on a single channel both achievedaggregate throughput equal to twice that achieved bythe host with a single card and stock driver—this is ex-pected, as Spider incurs no channel-switching overheadsand does not run the risk of causing TCP timeouts by

Page 8: Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

(Config) Parameters Throughput Connectivity

(1) Channel 1, Multi-AP 121.5 KB/s 35.5%(2) Channel 1, Single-AP 28.0 KB/s 22.3%(3) Multi-channel, Multi-AP 28.8 KB/s 44.6%(4) Multi-channel, Single-AP 77.9 KB/s 40.2%(2) Channel 6, single-AP! 90.7 KB/s 36.4%MadWiFi driver ! 35.9 KB/s 18.0%

Figure 8: Avg. throughput and connectivity for Spiderconfigurations. Staying on a single channel and leveragingmultiple AP connections provides best avg. throughput.The multi-channel, multi-AP approach provides the bestconnectivity. (Multi-channel scenarios use a static scheduleof 200 ms on ch. 1, 6, and 11. ! denotes experimentsperformed in Cambridge, where channel 6 was the best.)

going o!-channel. The results for the multi-channel Spi-der configurations show the trade-o! between exploitingnew connectivity opportunities and extracting through-put from connected APs. When high-bandwidth linksare available, a schedule which switches more rapidlybetween channels is able to achieve greater throughputby reducing the risk of TCP timeouts.

4.3 Connectivity and ThroughputWe analyze throughput and connectivity of Spider

using four key metrics. (1) Average throughput: amountof data transferred to a sink per unit time over anexperiment. (2) Average connectivity: percentage of timethat a non-zero amount of data was transferred to a sink.The average throughput and connectivity are bounds onopen Wi-Fi performance using multi-AP solutions. (3)Disruption length: contiguous period of time when thereis no connectivity. This distribution indicates whetherWi-Fi can support interactive applications such as VoIPor web search. (4) Instantaneous bandwidth: amount ofdata per second transferred by a Spider node when thereis connectivity. The instantaneous bandwidth indicateswhether multi-AP solutions can support applicationsthat require bursts of high throughput connectivity.

We present the average throughput and average con-nectivity for a Spider node in its four configurations inFig. 8. These experiments were performed using a pas-senger car around downtown Amherst. From the tablewe draw two conclusions. First, the single-channel multi-AP configuration performs best in terms of throughput.It has an average throughput of more than 4 timesthat of the single-AP counterpart. The use of multiplechannels incurs an additional overhead of switching andassociating on orthogonal channels, strangling through-put. Second, the single-channel multi-AP solution hasthe best performance in terms of connectivity. Althoughthe average throughput is lower, multiple channels hosta larger pool of APs for Spider to choose from.

Figs. 10 and 9 are the CDFs of the disruption and

0 50 100 150 200 2500






Connection duration (seconds)




single AP (ch1)multiple AP (ch1)single AP (multi−channel)multiple AP (multi−channel)

Figure 9: CDF of the Internet connectivity duration forSpider configurations.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500











Disruption length (seconds)




single AP (ch1)multiple AP (ch1)single AP (multi−channel)multiple AP (multi−channel)

Figure 10: CDF of disconnectivity for Spider configura-tions.

connection lengths for di!erent configurations of Spiderrespectively. The results demonstrate several interestingtrade-o!s. The longest periods of Internet connectivityare obtained by staying on one channel and maintainingconcurrent connections to several APs. However, thatstrategy also experiences the longest disruptions due toareas where there is no Wi-Fi coverage on the chosenchannel. In contrast, the multiple-channel multi-APsolution experiences shortest connections due to disrup-tions caused by the time it takes to join APs on separatechannels. The single-AP configurations provide trade-o!s between the two extremes. We compare these resultswith the needs of wireless users in Section 4.7.

Fig. 11 shows the instantaneous bandwidth that Spiderprovides when actively transferring data. The single-channel, multi-AP configuration performs best in termsof per-connection throughput. The 60th percentile isaround 300 KBps and the 90th percentile is around 1000KBps — comparable to the throughput provided by Fat-VAP in a static environment (see Figure 13 in [10]). Spi-der’s multi-channel, multi-AP solution performs poorlyin terms of instantaneous bandwidth due to the overheadof association and dhcp on separate channels, clearlyillustrating the importance of staying on a single channelif high throughput is the design goal.

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0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000






Bandwidth (KB/second)




single AP (ch1)multiple AP (ch1)single AP (multi−channel)multiple AP (multi−channel)

Figure 11: CDF of KB/s transferred (during connectiv-ity) for Spider configurations. Single-channel configs. pro-vide the best instantaneous throughput. Multi-AP, multi-channel reduce throughput due to the overhead of joining.

4.4 Effect of AP DensityWe evaluated the e!ect of AP density on the perfor-

mance of Spider using the same set of experiments listedin Table 8. Here, we compare the case in which Spideris allowed to associate with one AP with the case whereit maintains connection with multiple APs. During ourexperiments, Spider associated with a maximum of threeAPs 5% of the time, 2 APs 10% of the time, and is asso-ciated with one AP around 85% of the time. It is notablethat, even with such a meager open Wi-Fi density inAmherst, multi-AP Spider has a average throughputthat is four times that of a single AP case.

We also used Spider in a set of experiments performedin Cambridge with a twofold goal: First, for external va-lidity, we wanted to test Spider in an environment witha di!erent mobility pattern and AP density. Second,we intended to compare our results with those obtainedby Cabernet in the same area. The last two entries inTable 8 are results for experiments conducted in Cam-bridge. It is of course impossible to set up the exactconditions in which Cabernet was tested: 802.11G isnow widely available and it’s not possible to determine ifmore or less open APs are available. However, it is strik-ing that on Channel 6, Spider has an average throughputthat is 800% greater than the results reported by Caber-net (a throughput of 10.75 KBps [7]). Additionally,when comparing the results with the stock MadWiFidriver, we find that Spider provides 2.5x improvementin throughput and 2x improvement in connectivity.

4.5 Effect of Join TimeoutsOne of the primary challenges in designing multi-

AP solutions for mobile Wi-Fi access is the overheadassociated with dhcp and association. A way to minimizethis overhead is to reduce the timeouts associated withdhcp and link layer retries. Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 show

parameters Failed dhcpchan 1, linklayer: 100ms,dhcp: 600ms, 7 interfaces

23.0% ±6.4%

channel 1, linklayer: 100ms,dhcp: 400ms, 7 interfaces

27.1% ±5.4%

chan 1, linklayer: 100ms,dhcp: 200ms, 7 interfaces

28.2% ±4.0%

3 Chans, static 1/3 schedule,linklayer: 100ms, dhcp: 200ms,7 interfaces

23.6% ±10.7%

Chan 1, default timer,7 interfaces

13.5% ±6.3%

3 Chans, static 1/3 schedule,default timer, 7 interfaces

21.8 % ±6.9%

Figure 12: dhcp failure probabilities for di!erent timeoutconfigurations for Spider. Primary di!erences are bolded.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 150











time to join (association+dhcp) (s)










400ms, channel 1

200ms, channel 1

600ms, channel 1

200ms, 3channels

default, channel 1

default, 3 channels

Figure 13: The rate of successful joins as a function ofdhcp timeout. The cost of switching among channelsovershadows the benefit of quickly establishing connectionswhen timeouts are reduced.

the e!ect of reducing these timeouts on Spider. Fig. 12presents the increase in failure rate of dhcp requestswith reduced timeouts while maintaining concurrentconnections on multiple channels. Compared to thedefault timers, reducing timeouts can lead to a two-fold increase in dhcp failure rates. Similarly, switchingamong multiple channels while trying to associate withmultiple APs leads to high probability of failure (as highas 30–35%).

Although the number of failed dhcp attempts increaseswith timeout reduction, in Fig. 13 we find that the me-dian time to a successful association improves—similarto the observation made in Cabernet [7]. However, theabsolute median time to associate is 2–3 seconds, whichincreases by 2x when using multiple channels. This sug-gests the either a mobile multi-AP solution should stayon one channel or have a scheduling algorithm which

Page 10: Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

Parameters Throughput Connectivity

3-channel (equal schedule) 28.8 KB/s 44.7%2-channel (equal schedule) 25.1 KB/s 35.8%Single-channel 121.5 KB/s 35.5%

Figure 14: Average throughput and average connectivityseen when applying di!erent static schedules for multi-channel configuration for Spider.

accounts for high association overheads.

4.6 Effect of Channel ScheduleTo understand the e!ect of di!erent channel schedules

on throughput, connectivity, and association overhead,we present Fig. 15 and Table 14. The association exper-iments were performed on transit buses that are partof the DOME testbed while the throughput and con-nectivity experiments were performed in a car with thesame hardware and software. We tested two schedules(1) equal schedule (200 ms each) on the three channelsand (2) equal schedule (200 ms each) on two represen-tative channels. Our experiments were performed inareas where there are su#cient APs on all the threechannels. While more complicated dynamic schedulesare possible, we argue that it is di#cult, if not infeasi-ble, to develop an e#cient schedule that considers APsconnections that are in data transfer and associationphases simultaneously.

Fig. 15 shows that the single channel mode with re-duced timeouts performs best in terms of associationtime–however, the reduced timeouts lead to a largenumber of dhcp failures, which is a huge deterrent.Moreover, the three channel schedule performs worsethan the dual channel scheduling. Hence, switching be-tween channels during association is a primary sourceof overhead in multi-AP solutions. Table 14 presentsthroughput and connectivity results for the di!erentschedules—throughput is maximized when Spider usesa single channel and connectivity is maximized when ituses a equal schedule on three channels.

4.7 Matching Usability NeedsA central question that has intrigued researchers is

whether open Wi-Fi access can provide the connectivityneeds of people when in transit. Unfortunately, weare not aware of the availability of any data on theactual connectivity requirements of mobile wireless users.To this end, we performed a study using data froma permanent Wi-Fi mesh we deployed in downtownAmherst. The mesh consists of 25 nodes and coversan area of about 0.50 km2. We collected performancedata on all TCP flows from 161 wireless users for anentire day. Although, all users might not be mobile,the data provides us a plausible baseline. Overall in

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 150











time to join (association+dhcp) (s)





g c





Empirical CDF

7 interfaces, channels 1 (50%) and 6 (50%), default timeouts

7 interfaces, 3 channels, equal schedule, default timeouts

7 interfaces, 3 channels equal schedule, dhcp=200ms, ll=100ms

7 interfaces, channel 1 only, dhcp=200ms, ll=100ms

1 interface, channel 1 only, default

7 interfaces, channel 1 only, default

Figure 15: Delay in obtaining a dhcp lease and link layerassociation for di!erent scheduling policies in Spider. Thefigure also considers reduced timeouts.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000






Connection duration (seconds)




multiple AP (ch1)connection duration (users)multiple AP (multi−channel)

Figure 16: Comparison of connection lengths for wirelessusers and Spider.

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000






Disruption length (seconds)




multiple AP (ch1)multiple AP (multi−channel)user inter−connection

Figure 17: Comparison of disruption lengths for wirelessusers and Spider.

the data collected, there were 128,587 completed TCPconnections and 13,645,161 packets were sent (1.7 GB).Of these, 86,838 connections were made to the http port(68% of the connections). We compare the tra#c needsof wireless users with those provided by Spider based on

Page 11: Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections · Improving Mobile Networking with Concurrent Wi-Fi Connections Hamed Soroush∗ Peter Gilbert† Nilanjan Banerjee"

two key metrics: (1) distribution of the duration of TCPconnections, and (2) distribution of inter-connectiontime.

Fig. 16 compares the TCP flow lengths seen fromactual users using our mesh network and Spider in itsmulti-channel and single-channel modes. It is clear fromthe figure that Spider can support all the TCP connec-tion flows that users require. Additionally, in Fig. 17we compare the time between two connection for themesh users and disruption time for Spider. When Spideruses multiple channels and multiple APs, it experiencesdisruptions comparable to what real users can sustain.While the single channel multiple AP sees large disrup-tion, we believe that with a higher density of APs onone channel, this gap can be bridged.

These results present Spider as a plausible complementto cellular data services. However, more data on mobileuser’s connectivity needs and network usage pattern isrequired in order to find out the degree to which Spidercan align itself with the needs of each individual user.Conducting this study forms part of our future workwith Spider.

5. RELATED WORKSpider builds on previous work on Wi-Fi access from

mobile nodes, fast Wi-Fi and cellular hand-o!s, andusing multiple APs for throughput aggregation. Here,we compare and contrast Spider with the most relevantliterature.

Wi-Fi Access from Moving Vehicles: Severalchallenging problems such as lossy wireless mediums [4,7,8,12], tuning TCP performance for mobility [1], andAP selection [16] are well studied. The feasibility ofusing cached history to reduce association and dhcpoverheads [5] has been demonstrated. Directional an-tennas have also been used to improve throughput [14].However, this body of work concentrates on using astock Wi-Fi model—association and data transfer withone AP at a time. However, as we have demonstrated,using a aggregation of APs can provide high aggregatethroughput and better connectivity in a mobile environ-ment.

Performance through diversity: Using technolog-ical and spatial diversity to improve Wi-Fi connectivityhas also been studied in the past. This class of relatedwork can be broadly classified by either infrastructure-end or client-end modifications. Infrastructure-end mod-ifications includes coordination or selection amongstmultiple open APs [3,11–13,13,23]. In contrast to theseapproaches, Spider is a purely client-side solution thataims at improving a mobile user’s performance in anorganic Wi-Fi setting. Client-side diversity-based so-lutions rely on aggregating bandwidth across multipleAPs [10, 17, 19]. However, these solution are tuned towork e#ciently only in a static, stationary wireless envi-

ronment.An orthogonal approach to aggregating bandwidth

in mobile nodes is using additional hardware—the as-sumption is that each client has more than one Wi-Ficard and data can be striped across concurrent connec-tions to APs. PERM [22] is a multi-homed solutionthat aggregates throughput across multiple residentialISPs, profiles on-going connections, and assigns flows tointerfaces to minimize delay. MAR [20] exploits hetero-geneity of existing wide-area wireless networks by usinga router architecture that aggregates independent cellu-lar links into one fat reliable virtual data transfer pipe.Horde [18] is a middle-ware solution on mobile nodesthat performs network striping over diverse cellular linkstuned to application needs. Most of these data stripingapproaches can be built into Spider to enhance mobileuser performance.

Soft hand-o! and AP selection: Spider also buildson related work on fast cellular hand-o!s and AP selec-tion in mobile Wi-Fi networks. Fast hand-o! is usedto mitigate the adverse e!ects of disruptions in cellularnetworks [6]. While fast soft hand-o! is plausible in acellular network where the cell towers are under the con-trol of one central authority, it is not feasible in Wi-Finetworks laid down by third-party users. The only prac-tical soft hand-o! solution using client side modificationsis Spider that virtualizes the Wi-Fi card and maintainsconcurrent AP connections. Access point selection hasalso been an active area of research in Wi-Fi mobilenetworks. Several techniques including RSSI [9] andhistory-based techniques [15] have been proposed. How-ever, multi-AP selection, solved by Spider is a harderproblem (as we demonstrate in the Appendix) since itinvolves selection of a set of APs.

6. CONCLUSIONWe presented the design, implementation, and evalu-

ation of Spider, a system that can maintain concurrentconnections to multiple WiFi access points in highly mo-bile scenarios. Spider concomitantly uses utility-basedmulti-AP selection, channel-based scheduling, and op-portunistic scanning to maximize throughput and con-nectivity while mitigating the overheads of associationand obtaining dhcp leases. Our evaluation of Spider ona vehicular testbed shows that it can provide manifoldimprovement in throughput and connectivity; allowingit to be a plausible supplement to cellular data services.

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We assume that the mobile node spends T secondson a road segment that has n open WiFi access points.We also assume that the driver has n virtual interfaces,thus, it is possible to establish concurrent connectionsto the n APs. Let Si be the i’th subset of the power-set of n APs. We define a value Vi for each subsetSi. Vi is a function of the access points in the subsetand quantifies connectivity or throughput. For example,if cumulative throughput is our desired metric, andthe wireless bandwidth that Si can provide is Wi thenVi = Ti " Wi, where Ti is the time spent by a Spidernode within the range of the APs in Si. We also definea cost Ci associated with Si. Ci is the sum of the timethat Spider spends within range of the APs in Si, theassociation time, and the switching overhead amongchannels and processing per channel queues. If Di isthis overhead, Ci = Ti + #Ti/T $ "Di.

With these parameters as input, the goal of the multi-AP optimization problem is to select a set of subsets Si,such that the sum of their values is maximized subjectto the following constraints: (1) the total cost shouldnot exceed the total time T and, (2) each Ti must bepositive and less than T . Formally,



such that!i

(Ti + #Ti/T $.Di) % T

&i, 0 % Ti % T

The above problem is equivalent to the 0-1 knapsackproblem, which is known to be NP-hard.