Improved Self-Control: The Benefits of a Regular Program of Academic Study IMPROVED SELF-CONTROL OATEN AND CHENG Megan Oaten and Ken Cheng Macquarie University, Sydney Academic examination stress impairs regulatory behavior by consuming self-control strength (Oaten & Cheng, 2005). In this study, we tested whether a study intervention program, a form of repeated practice of self-control, could improve regulatory strength and dampen the debili- tating effects of exam stress. We assessed 2 cohorts at baseline and again at the commencement of exams. Without any intervention, we replicated our previous findings of deteriorations in regulatory behaviors at exam time. Students receiving the study program, however, showed sig- nificant improvement in self-regulatory capacity as shown by an enhanced performance on a visual tracking task following a thought-suppression task. During examinations, these partici- pants also reported significant decreases in smoking, alcohol, and caffeine consumption and an increase in healthy eating, emotional control, maintenance of household chores, attendance to commitments, monitoring of spending, and an improvement in study habits. Hence, the study program not only overcame deficits caused by exam stress but actually led to improvements in self-control even during exam time. Self-regulation or self-control (terms used interchangeably here) can be defined as the capacity to enact control over one’s behavior. Self-control is needed to override dominant behaviors that may be self-destructive, irrational, or undesir- able in the long term. Examples of typical self-control prob- lems include not exercising enough, engaging in unsafe sex- ual practices, abusing drugs and alcohol, overspending, and not sticking to study schedules. Our goals in this study were to (a) replicate the finding that real world stress, specifically academic examinations, consume self-control strength and consequently produce im- pairments in a number of unrelated regulatory behaviors (Oaten & Cheng, 2005a), and (b) test whether the repeated practice of self-control (a study intervention program) could improve regulatory strength and make students less vulnera- ble to the debilitating effects of periods of high academic demand. RESOURCE MODEL OF SELF-CONTROL A recent model suggests a lack of self-regulatory resources as one reason why self-regulation might fail (Baumeister, Heatherton, & Tice, 1994; Muraven, Tice, & Baumeister, 1998). The resource model considers self-control to operate like a muscle. Any act of self-control tires this muscle, leav- ing less available strength for subsequent self-control tasks. This muscle is considered to fatigue easily, as all acts of self-control have been argued to draw on a common resource or regulatory strength that is of limited capacity and is there- fore readily depleted. This aspect of the model is well estab- lished, with evidence to suggest that in the short term, peo- ple’s capacity for self-control diminishes following exertion much like muscular action. For example, when individuals were asked to engage in tasks involving self-regulation, the ability to self-regulate in subsequent activities significantly declined (Muraven et al., 1998; Vohs & Heatherton, 2000; Vohs & Schmeichel, 2003). This effect of depletion has been reported across a variety of tasks in physical, intellectual, and emotional domains. ACADEMIC STRESS AND SELF-CONTROL FAILURE Failures of self-control may be related to experienced stress. A disturbing trend in student health is the reported increase in student stress internationally (Sax, 1997; Cotton, Dollard, & de Jonge, 2002). Students report experiencing academic stress at predictable times each semester, with the greatest BASIC AND APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 28(1), 1–16 Copyright © 2006, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Correspondence should be addressed to Megan Oaten, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Austra- lia 2109. E-mail: [email protected]

Improved Self-Control: The Benefits of a Regular€¦ · IMPROVED SELF-CONTROLOATEN AND CHENG Program of Academic Study Megan Oaten and Ken Cheng Macquarie University, Sydney Academic

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  • Improved Self-Control: The Benefits of a RegularProgram of Academic StudyIMPROVED SELF-CONTROLOATEN AND CHENG

    Megan Oaten and Ken ChengMacquarie University, Sydney

    Academic examination stress impairs regulatory behavior by consuming self-control strength(Oaten & Cheng, 2005). In this study, we tested whether a study intervention program, a formof repeated practice of self-control, could improve regulatory strength and dampen the debili-tating effects of exam stress. We assessed 2 cohorts at baseline and again at the commencementof exams. Without any intervention, we replicated our previous findings of deteriorations inregulatory behaviors at exam time. Students receiving the study program, however, showed sig-nificant improvement in self-regulatory capacity as shown by an enhanced performance on avisual tracking task following a thought-suppression task. During examinations, these partici-pants also reported significant decreases in smoking, alcohol, and caffeine consumption and anincrease in healthy eating, emotional control, maintenance of household chores, attendance tocommitments, monitoring of spending, and an improvement in study habits. Hence, the studyprogram not only overcame deficits caused by exam stress but actually led to improvements inself-control even during exam time.

    Self-regulation or self-control (terms used interchangeablyhere) can be defined as the capacity to enact control overone’s behavior. Self-control is needed to override dominantbehaviors that may be self-destructive, irrational, or undesir-able in the long term. Examples of typical self-control prob-lems include not exercising enough, engaging in unsafe sex-ual practices, abusing drugs and alcohol, overspending, andnot sticking to study schedules.

    Our goals in this study were to (a) replicate the findingthat real world stress, specifically academic examinations,consume self-control strength and consequently produce im-pairments in a number of unrelated regulatory behaviors(Oaten & Cheng, 2005a), and (b) test whether the repeatedpractice of self-control (a study intervention program) couldimprove regulatory strength and make students less vulnera-ble to the debilitating effects of periods of high academicdemand.


    A recent model suggests a lack of self-regulatory resourcesas one reason why self-regulation might fail (Baumeister,

    Heatherton, & Tice, 1994; Muraven, Tice, & Baumeister,1998). The resource model considers self-control to operatelike a muscle. Any act of self-control tires this muscle, leav-ing less available strength for subsequent self-control tasks.This muscle is considered to fatigue easily, as all acts ofself-control have been argued to draw on a common resourceor regulatory strength that is of limited capacity and is there-fore readily depleted. This aspect of the model is well estab-lished, with evidence to suggest that in the short term, peo-ple’s capacity for self-control diminishes following exertionmuch like muscular action. For example, when individualswere asked to engage in tasks involving self-regulation, theability to self-regulate in subsequent activities significantlydeclined (Muraven et al., 1998; Vohs & Heatherton, 2000;Vohs & Schmeichel, 2003). This effect of depletion has beenreported across a variety of tasks in physical, intellectual, andemotional domains.


    Failures of self-control may be related to experienced stress.A disturbing trend in student health is the reported increase instudent stress internationally (Sax, 1997; Cotton, Dollard, &de Jonge, 2002). Students report experiencing academicstress at predictable times each semester, with the greatest

    BASIC AND APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 28(1), 1–16Copyright © 2006, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

    Correspondence should be addressed to Megan Oaten, Department ofPsychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Austra-lia 2109. E-mail: [email protected]

  • sources of academic stress resulting from studying for andtaking exams, grade competition, and the large amount ofcourse content to master in a small amount of time (Archer &Lamnin, 1985; Britton & Tesser, 1991; Kohen & Fraser,1986). Examination periods have been used to investigate anumber of stress responses. A finding that surfaces in thesestudies is that many forms of self-regulation break downwhen people are managing stress. For example, West andLennox (1992) reported that smoking level among studentswas higher immediately preceding exams than at a more neu-tral period. Cartwright et al. (2003) revealed that greater aca-demic stress was associated with more fatty food intake, lessfruit and vegetable intake, more snacking, and a reduced like-lihood of daily breakfast consumption. Recent longitudinalresearch has found that academic examination stress was as-sociated with increases in cigarette smoking and decreases inphysical activity (Steptoe, Wardle, Pollard, Canaan, &Davies, 1996).

    In a previous study (Oaten & Cheng, 2005a), we testedwhether at stressful times (during examination periods) peo-ple fail at self-regulation in domains in which control has pre-viously been successful (e.g., diet). We found that students atexam time reported breakdowns in regulatory behavior thatwerenot foundinacontrolgroup.Wefoundthiseffect inbothalaboratory task (Stroop Test; Stroop, 1935) and on a range ofself-reported day-to-day behaviors. Performance on theStroop Test deteriorated following thought suppression, aform of regulatory activity, during the examination period.Outside of the examination period, no such effect due tothought suppression was evident. Exam time also proved det-rimental to a number of other self-control operations. Duringtheexaminationperiod, students reportedan increase insmok-ing and caffeine consumption; a decrease in healthy dietaryhabits, emotional control, frequency and duration of physicalactivity, maintenance of household chores and self-care hab-its, attendance to commitments, and monitoring of spending;and deterioration of sleep patterns and study habits.

    In light of the resource model of self-control, our interpre-tation of the link between exam stress and self-control failureis that managing stress requires self-regulation and thus de-pletes limited regulatory resources. An important part of thebody’s defenses for coping with stress is the “fight-or-flight”response. The fight-or-flight response prepares people forphysical, emotional, and mental action and is considered es-sential for survival (Selye, 1956). These fight-or-flight re-sponses, however, can be counterproductive when dealingwith the stresses of modern life such as academic examina-tions (Zillman,1983).People therefore require self-regulationto override these natural responses to substitute other, quiteunnatural responses (such as studying harder) in their place.

    Stress regulation may also involve processes that demandinhibition, such as ignoring sensations, overriding negativethoughts, and suppressing emotions (Wegner & Pennebaker,1993) as well as regulating attention (Hockey, 1984). Glass,Singer, and Friedman (1969) found that there is a “psychic

    cost” of controlling stress such that this cost is reflected in a re-duced capacity to regulate task performance following anexternal stressor (unpleasant electric shock or unpredictablenoise). Glass et al.’s (1969) findings that performance is im-pairedfollowingstressorshavebeenreplicatedmanytimesus-ing measures of frustration tolerance (Glass & Singer, 1972),proofreading (Gardner, 1978; Glass & Singer, 1972), and theStroop Task (Glass & Singer, 1972). These tasks all requiredthe individual to override a dominant response, thus requiringself-control (Muraven & Baumeister, 2000). It seems that theworkrequired tocontrol stress leaves the individual lessable toregulate behavior successfully. Poorer self-control is a conse-quence of previous attempts to regulate stress.


    Thus, artificial laboratory tasks of self-regulation and havingto deal with the stress of examination both lead to poorerself-control. These findings support one important aspect ofthe resource model: depletion. In addition, the resourcemodel makes a second prediction: Self-control should alsobecome stronger with repeated practice, and such strengthen-ing may provide a strategy to counter regulatory failure.

    Previous research has found that the repeated practice ofself-control was followed by increments in self-control per-formance (Muraven, Baumeister, & Tice, 1999; Oaten &Cheng, 2005b; Oaten, Cheng, & Baumeister, 2003). In thestudy with the longest duration, the uptake and maintenanceof an exercise program over a 2-month period produced sig-nificant improvements in a wide range of regulatory behav-iors (Oaten & Cheng, 2005b). Improvements were found in alaboratory task (visual tracking under distraction, which isused in this study as well) and on many self-reported every-day behaviors. The laboratory measure and the self-reportedbehaviors bore no resemblance to the exercise program otherthan that they all involved self-regulation. In particular, indi-viduals who participated in the exercise program demon-strated better self-regulation in other spheres: related (e.g.,they engaged in more healthy behaviors), unrelated (e.g.,missed fewer appointments), and laboratory based (visualtracking task [VTT]).

    There are two ways in which self-control strength couldbe improved. These are consistent with the ways in whichmuscular strength can be increased: power (an increase in thesimple baseline capacity) and stamina (a reduction in vulner-ability to fatigue). Muraven et al. (1999), Oaten et al. (2003),and Oaten and Cheng (2005b) found evidence for increasedstamina. The self-regulatory training appears to make peopleless vulnerable to the effects of resource depletion.


    In this study, we examined how students fared in the exami-nation period after they had been partaking in a regular study


  • program. In the experimental design, two cohorts partici-pated in the study intervention program (Table 1) at differenttimes of the academic year. Cohort 1 entered the study inter-vention program directly; they were tested twice across Se-mester 1 (baseline, exams). Cohort 2 was tested across a timespan that included parallel testing sessions to Cohort 1 duringSemester 1 (waiting-list control). Cohort 2 then entered acontrol phase that included two assessments of self-regula-tory behavior (baseline, follow-up) during the semesterbreak, which provided a neutral period of academic demand.The control phase tests whether any obtained findings werethe result of repeated testing and provides measures of retestreliability. Finally, Cohort 2 entered the study interventionprogram in Semester 2.

    Cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and caffeineconsumption are some of the behaviors included in thisstudy. Cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine are the most widelyused psychoactive substances in the world (Nehlig, 1999).Despite differing levels of social acceptability, these behav-iors are all considered addictive (Stepney, 1996) and there-fore require some level of regulatory management(Mumford, Neill, & Holtzman, 1988). The other regulatorybehaviors of interest are diet, physical activity, self-care hab-its such as household chores, emotional control, study habits,spending habits, and time management. If managing thestress of examinations does deplete regulatory resources, andthe repeated practice of self-control does improve regulatorycapacity, then we would expect (a) maintenance or even im-provement in regulatory behavior at exam time for those peo-ple participating in the intervention phase (study program),(b) impairment in regulatory behavior for those people in theno-intervention phase (waiting-list control) during examtime, and (c) no change in regulatory behavior across thecontrol phase (nonstressful testing sessions).

    We were also interested in finding out whether academicstress affects self-control performance on a standard labora-tory task. We used visual tracking under distraction, whichrequires participants to perform a computerized VTT whilea distracter video is played simultaneously at a loud vol-ume. The VTT requires participants to track the movementof multiple independent targets displayed on a computermonitor (Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988; Scholl, Pylyshyn, &Feldman, 2001). The participant must ignore the distractervideo content and attend only to the VTT. In a recent set ofstudies, VTT performance deteriorated only when follow-

    ing tasks that required some form of regulatory exertion—in particular, a thought-regulation task (Oaten & Cheng,2005b) or emotion regulation (Oaten, Chau, & Cheng,2005)—but was unaffected when following tasks that didnot require self-control (watching humorous videos; Oatenet al., 2005). Thus, this task is sensitive to depletion manip-ulations but not to nondepleting intervening tasks. In thisstudy, we administered the VTT twice at each session, andin between VTT testings, participants were told to controltheir thoughts by not thinking about a white bear. This is astandard manipulation of regulatory depletion used in pastresearch (Muraven et al., 1998). Our (Oaten & Cheng,2005b) previous research has found that performance onthe VTT is highly sensitive to an intervening thought-sup-pression task, performance being worse after 5 min ofthought suppression. A program of regular physical exer-cise, however, alleviated the adverse effect of thethought-suppression task on the VTT. We were thereforeinterested in finding out whether a study intervention pro-gram would have similar effects. We predicted similar per-formance on the VTT before thought suppression in allconditions. After thought suppression, however, perfor-mance on the VTT should be most impaired in participantstested at exam time without intervention (waiting-list con-trol), next most impaired in participants tested duringnonstressful times (control), and least impaired in partici-pants who had partaken the study intervention program(study program).



    A total of 45 Macquarie University undergraduates (7 menand 38 women) recruited from introductory psychologycourses participated in return for partial fulfillment of acourse requirement. The age of participants ranged from 18to 51 years, with a mean age of 23 years.

    We randomly assigned participants to one of two cohorts(Cohorts 1 and 2). Cohort 1 (n = 28; 4 men and 24 women)entered the study intervention phase directly and was indi-vidually tested in 2- to 30-min sessions separated by 8-weekinterim periods. Cohort 2 (n = 17; 3 men and 14 women) firstentered the no-intervention phase (wait-list control) and then


    TABLE 1Timeline for Study Program

    Semester 1 Semester Break Semester 2

    Time Baseline Exams Control Baseline Control Follow-up Baseline Exams

    Cohort SP SPCohort 2 WL WL C C SP SP

    Note. SP = intervention phase (study program); WL = no-intervention phase (waiting list control); C = control phase (non-stressful testing sessions.

  • provided general controls (control phase) before proceedingto the study intervention phase and were individually testedin 6- to 30-min sessions separated by 8-week interim periods.


    Table 1 shows the schedule of testing for the two cohorts. Co-hort 1 entered the intervention phase (study program) di-rectly. We obtained baseline measures for Cohort 1 in Week 5of Semester 1, the commencement of the study program, andthen again during the exam period for that semester. Cohort 2entered the no-intervention phase (waiting-list control) in Se-mester 1 with no study program. Parallel to Cohort 1, we ob-tained baseline measures for Cohort 2 in Week 5 and thenagain during the exam period. Cohort 2 entered the interven-tion phase (study program) in Semester 2. We again obtainedbaseline measures in Week 5, at the commencement of thestudy program, and then during the exam period. Cohort 2also provided general controls by participating in two testingsessions (baseline, follow-up) occurring during nonstressfultimes. This served as within-subjects and between-subjectcontrol for the effects of the study program. All testing ses-sions were uniform. Experimental sessions were separatedby 8-week periods.

    We tailored study programs to suit each participant’s stu-dent workload and included the provision of a study register(log of hours spent studying, which was submitted to us intesting sessions), study diary (which was also submitted inexperimental sessions), artificial early deadlines, and a studyschedule for the examination period. We give more detailsfollowing.

    We analyzed each experimental phase (intervention,no-intervention, and control) separately using a more conser-vative alpha value of .01 for all statistical tests due to re-peated analysis of the same participants.

    Study Program

    Participants were instructed to bring both their student time-table (i.e., a schedule of class contact hours) and assessmenttimetable (due dates for coursework assessments) to the ini-tial testing session. We discussed with the participants anywork commitments that needed to be incorporated into thestudy program.

    Artificial early deadlines. Self-imposed deadlines area popular strategy used by many in attempts to curb procrasti-nation (Tice & Baumeister, 1997). In fact, recent researchsuggested that external deadlines are more effective thanself-imposed deadlines in boosting task performance (Ariely& Wertenbroch, 2002). We therefore imposed early artificialdeadlines on participants’ assessment schedules. The artifi-cial deadlines required the breaking down of the distant goalinto several proximal, specific, clear, achievable goals, thus

    making participants aware of their own concrete progress,which was required to maintain their long-term engagementwith the program (Schunk, 1995; Zimmerman, 1989).

    Study schedule. The study schedule provided a tem-poral plan for studying in the lead up to examinations. Thestudy schedule specified all of the available dates and timesduring that specific semester (taking into consideration uni-versity contact hours and any specified work commitments),along with a “suggested” study task designated to a specificdate(s). We administered the study schedule so as to enableparticipants to detect and react to any discrepancies resultingfrom the comparison of their current level of study and finalstudy goal state over the course of the semester. Studentswere expected to (a) gradually increase awareness to thesesuggested versus enacted discrepancies and (b) learn to mod-ify their behaviors so as to reduce incongruities, thus enhanc-ing self-regulation and improving performance.

    Study register and study diary. These tools providedopportunities for students to monitor themselves and to gen-erate the feedback necessary for self-regulation. Self-moni-toring refers to the activities involved in observing and re-cording one’s own behavior (Mace, Belfiore, & Shea, 1989).Feedback is generated by a perceived discrepancy betweenthe outcome state (in this case, the study goal) and the currentstate regarding the task. This feedback fosters attempts to re-duce any disparity by changing plans, tactics, or strategies;modifying aspects of their goals; or even abandoning the task(Butler & Winne, 1995). Participants’ utilization of thesetools was expected to reveal their planning process and theirawareness of various cues while monitoring.

    Manipulation Checks

    We employed the study register and study diaries as manipu-lation checks to ensure that participants were adhering to thestudy program.

    Study register. Average study time was assessed byhaving participants complete a study register (a log of thetime spent studying) throughout the no-intervention (wait-ing-list control) and intervention (study program) phases. Foranalyses, study time was defined as the total number of hours,on average, that participants studied per week.

    Study diaries. To assess ease of uptake and mainte-nance of the study program, we employed the use of study di-aries. As part of their diary logs, participants were asked thefollowing questions: “What level of difficulty, if any, haveyou experienced complying with the program?”; “Do youfeel your study habits are improving with the program?”; and“Do you wish to comment on the program generally?”. Par-ticipants were instructed to record their progress in the dia-


  • ries provided and to return them to the experimenter at eachexperimental session.

    Psychosocial Self-Reports

    The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ; Goldberg,1972). We assessed emotional distress in all sessions usingthe 28-item version of the GHQ. This measure assessessymptoms of emotional distress in four areas: anxiety/insom-nia, somatic symptoms, social and cognitive dysfunction,and depression. The questionnaire referred to respondents’experiences over the past week and was coded using amethod that assigns weights of 0, 1, 2 and 3 to each answeroption. The GHQ has a high degree of internal consistency,with a reported Cronbach alpha of .87, and retest reliabilitywas reported as .88 (Goldberg, 1972).

    Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarck, &Mermelstein, 1983). We measured perceived stress in allsessions using the 10-item version of the PSS. We used thePSS to assess the degree to which situations in life are ap-praised as stressful. Each item (e.g., “In the last week, howoften have you felt that things were going your way?”) wasassessed on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (never) to 4 (veryoften), with higher scores indicating greater stress. The PSShas been shown to be very useful to assess perceived stress,with an overall Cronbach alpha of .87, and retest reliabilitywas reported as .85 (Cohen et al., 1983). This measure hasalso been used in studies of academic examination stress(Steptoe et al., 1996; Oaten & Cheng, 2005a).

    General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES; Jerusalem &Schwarzer, 1992). We measured self-efficacy in all ses-sions using the 10-item version of the GSES. Each item (e.g.,“It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish mygoals”) was assessed on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (not atall true) to 4 (very true), with higher scores indicating higherperceived self-efficacy. The scale has been used in numerousresearch projects in which it has typically yielded internalconsistencies between α = .76 and .91. Its stability is satisfac-tory, with retest reliability reported as .75 (Jerusalem &Schwarzer, 1992).

    Behavioral Self-Reports

    We designed a questionnaire to assess cigarette smoking, al-cohol and caffeine consumption, physical activity, dietaryhabits, and other regulatory behavior. We administered thequestionnaire in both sessions. The test–retest reliability ofthe questionnaire is reported in the Results.

    Chemical consumption. We assessed cigarette smok-ing, caffeine consumption, and alcohol consumption by theuse of open-ended questions presented in a questionnaire for-

    mat. We estimated current cigarette smoking as the numberof cigarettes smoked over the past 24 hr. We assessed currentalcohol consumption using a 7-day recall procedure in whichquantity of alcoholic beverage was recorded. We also as-sessed caffeine consumption using a 7-day recall procedure,with quantity being the measure of interest.

    Dietary habits. We assessed dietary habits by ques-tioning participants about food choice (e.g., “In the lastweek, how successfully did you maintain a healthy diet?”)and dietary restraint (e.g., “In the last week, how often didyou eat junk food?”) over the past week. Response sets wererecorded on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (never) to 4 (morethan once per day). We derived 2 measures for analysis: junkfood and healthy eating.

    Physical activity. We measured exercise by question-ing participants about the frequency and duration of physicalactivity sessions over the past week. Response sets were re-corded on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (never) to 4 (morethan once per day). We derived 2 measures for analysis: thenumber of episodes of physical activity and the total durationof physical activity sessions.

    General regulatory behavior. We measured variouseveryday behaviors that involve self-control (e.g., “In the lastweek, how often did you go out with friends instead of study-ing?”). We aimed to include those behaviors that do not servea stress-relieving function. We recorded response sets on a5-point scale ranging from 0 (never) to 4 (more than once perday). We derived nine measures for analysis: self-care habits(laundry habits, leaving dishes in the sink), time management(keeping appointments and procrastination), study habits(spending time with friends instead of studying and watchingtelevision instead of studying), spending habits (spendingwithout thinking and overspending), and emotional control(loss of temper).

    Visual Tracking Under Distraction

    We gave a laboratory task of self-control twice in each testsession. Participants performed a VTT while a distractervideo played at the same time in the forefront of the partici-pant. We instructed the participant to ignore the distractervideo content and attend only to the VTT. The VTT requiresparticipants to visually track the movement of multiple tar-gets displayed on a computer monitor (see Figure 1). Thedistracter video included excerpts from a comedy routine byEddie Murphy (Murphy, Tieken, & Wachs, 1983). The use ofthe VTT to assess self-regulatory capacity has been validatedin previous research (Oaten and Cheng, 2005b; Oaten, et al.,2005), and we selected it for that reason.

    Stimuli were displayed on an I-Mac® computer equippedwith a 15-in. monitor set to a resolution of 800 × 600 pixels


  • and a refresh rate of 95 Hz. Participants were seated 54 cmaway from the monitor. We controlled and measured the VTTusing Psyscript (Version 4; Bates & D’Oliviero, 2000). EachVTT consisted of 16 trials. At the beginning of each trial, sixblack squares (20 × 20 mm) were presented in a horizontalline. After 2 sec, three target items were highlighted withsmall blinking probes (disappearing and reappearing for fiveflashes). Then all items moved in random trajectories for 5sec. After all of the objects stopped moving, the participanthad to indicate the three target items using the mouse. The fi-nal mouse click caused the display to disappear, and the par-ticipant initiated the next trial with a key press.

    Forty-eight sets of trajectories (along with target selec-tions) were generated and stored offline. Participants com-pleted a practice trial for which the data were not collectedand then completed the experimental trials in a randomizedorder (different for each participant).

    Thought Suppression Task

    Following the first assessment of self-regulatory perfor-mance, we administered a thought suppression task to ma-nipulate regulatory exertion. The procedure, developed byWegner, Schneider, Carter, and White (1987), requires theparticipant not to think about a white bear. This task has beenused previously to manipulate self-regulatory depletion(Muraven et al., 1999, 1998). We told participants that overthe course of the experiment, they would be asked to performa cognitive task (thought suppression). We instructed partici-pants to write down all their thoughts on a piece of paper for 5min, one thought per line, so that we could “see how you usewords in naturally occurring sentences” (Muraven et al.,1998). We then administered the experimental manipulation.We instructed participants to list any thoughts that came tomind with the caution that they should avoid thinking about awhite bear. We told participants that whenever they thoughtof a white bear, they were to write that thought down. We em-phasized that it was critical to change their thoughts immedi-ately and to try not to think of a white bear again. Followingthe thought suppression task, we recorded a follow-up mea-

    sure of self-regulatory performance by administering a sec-ond VTT.


    Testing procedure was uniform across sessions. Participantsfirst signed experimental consent forms and we then admin-istered in order a VTT, the thought suppression task, and thena second VTT. We then obtained measures of emotional dis-tress, perceived stress, perceived self-efficacy, and generalregulatory behaviors. We conducted data collection betweenTuesday and Friday of each week so that all smoking infor-mation related to a weekday.


    Overall, 9 (24%) women and 2 (28%) men smoked at somepoint throughout the testing session; 17 (45%) women and 4(57%) men consumed caffeine; and 21 (55%) women and 4(57%) men consumed alcohol. The numbers that engaged inregular physical activity included 32 (84%) women and 7(100%) men. There was no significant difference betweengenders in the proportions carrying out these behaviors andno baseline differences between the exam-stress and controlgroups. We restricted analyses of each behavior to those indi-viduals who engaged in these activities rather than the entiresample.

    Manipulation Checks

    Study register. The study register (log of hours spentstudying) indicated that participants did adhere to the studyprogram. Figure 2 summarizes the mean hours spent study-ing. Cohort 2 was the only cohort to participate in the no-in-tervention phase (waiting-list control) and was therefore theonly cohort included in the following analyses. The reportedaverage number of hours spent studying were entered into asession (baseline, exams) repeated measures analysis of vari-ance (ANOVA). The ANOVA showed no effect of session


    FIGURE 1 A representation of a visual tracking task experimental sequence. Participants view items on computer monitor. In the target identificationphase (Step 1), six cubes appear on the screen, and three of them flash briefly to indicate that they are the targets; then all squares move randomly (Step 2).The task of the participant is to select the three targets once they have stopped moving by placing the cursor on them and clicking with the mouse (Step 3).

  • across the no-intervention phase. Both cohorts participatedin the intervention phase (study program) and we includedthem in the analyses. The reported average number of hoursspent studying were entered into a session (baseline, exams)repeated measures ANOVA. The ANOVA found a significantmain effect for session, F(1, 44) = 24.58, p < .001. These re-sults suggest that although on average, participants’ spent 11hr per week studying, study time increased to an average of22 hr per week during the intervention phase (study pro-gram).

    Study diaries. All study diaries were returned to us asinstructed. An inspection of the diaries indicated that all par-ticipants recorded progress on the study program as in-structed. Accordingly, the diary content suggested a roughlyequal expenditure of effort from all participants.

    Entries from the study diaries indicate that the study pro-gram required ongoing regulatory effort. For example, someparticipant comments include the following: “My studying isimproving but it is a constant struggle … especially when ev-eryone is watching TV … I want to join them so bad”; “In or-der to stick to the program I have to get out of bed an hourearlier so I can get the study hours in … some mornings it isso hard to get up … I’d much prefer to lie in”; and “Studyingat uni isn’t so bad as everyone is pretty much doing the samething … but when I get home and my flatmates are headingout to the pub … it is so hard not to go with them … so farI’ve managed to stay strong and stick to the planned study-ing.” The comments suggest that the academic study pro-gram required self-control.

    Study Intervention Phase

    VTT. Figure 3 summarizes (striped bars) performanceon the VTT across the intervention phase (study program).Both cohorts participated in the intervention phase and wereincluded in the analyses. The thought suppression taskcaused deterioration in performance at baseline (depletion).This effect of depletion, however, appeared to attenuate

    across sessions, with less depletion during the examinationperiod following participation in the study program. Theseimpressions were confirmed by a Session (Baseline, Exams)× Time (before thought suppression vs. after thought sup-pression) repeated measures ANOVA. With the ANOVA, wefound significant main effects for time, F(1, 44) = 2395.40, p< .001, indicating a general tendency toward depletion fol-lowing a previous self-regulatory act; a significant main ef-fect for session, F(1, 44) = 79.96, p < .001, suggesting that vi-sual tracking performance improved across sessions; and asignificant Time × Session interaction, F(1, 44) = 359.98, p <.001. The pattern of results indicates that the study programimproved regulatory stamina, increasing resistance to the de-bilitating effects of a manipulation of regulatory depletion (athought suppression task).

    Behavioral self-reports. Figures 4 through 10 (blackand striped bars) show the reported changes in regulatory be-haviors across the intervention phase (study program). Bothcohorts participated in the intervention phase and were in-cluded in the analyses. We entered the data in Figures 4through 10 into a repeated measures ANOVA, with Session(Baseline, Exams) as the within-subjects variable. We re-stricted analyses of each behavior to those individuals whoengaged in these activities rather than the entire sample. Ta-ble 2 summarizes the main effects of session.

    As predicted, people seemed better able to control theirbehavior during the exam period following the interventionphase (study program). In fact, all of the behaviors showedchanges in the predicted direction. Figure 4 shows a reporteddecrease in chemical consumption during examinations forthose people in the study program. Smoking decreased by amean of 7 cigarettes per day, caffeine consumption decreasedon average by 2 cups per week, and alcohol decreased on av-erage by 2 drinks per week. Figure 5 shows changes in di-etary trends across sessions. Dietary patterns improved forthose participants in the study program, with decreased junk


    FIGURE 2 Reported average number of hours spent studying perweek (mean ± standard error) across the testing sessions.

    FIGURE 3 Error rate on the visual tracking task (mean ± standarderror) measured before and after the thought suppression task acrosssessions.

  • 8

    FIGURE 4 Number of cigarettes (over 24 hr), cups of caffeine,and standard units of alcohol (over 7 days) across sessions (mean ±standard error). We restricted analyses of each behavior to those indi-viduals who engaged in these activities rather than the entire sample.

    FIGURE 5 Dietary intake across sessions (mean ± standard error).Frequency of behaviors were coded as follows: 0 = never; 1 = onceper week; 2 = 2 to 3 times per week; 3 = daily; 4 = more than once perday.

    FIGURE 6 Frequency and duration of physical activity across ses-sions (mean ± standard error). Frequency of behaviors were coded asfollows: 0 = never; 1 = once per week; 2 = 2 to 3 times per week; 3 =daily; 4 = more than once per day.

    FIGURE 7 Self-care habits across sessions (mean ± standard er-ror). Frequency of behaviors were coded as follows: 0 = never; 1 =once per week; 2 = 2 to 3 times per week; 3 = daily; 4 = more thanonce per day.

    FIGURE 8 Study habits across sessions (mean ± standard error).Frequency of behaviors were coded as follows: 0 = never; 1 = onceper week; 2 = 2 to 3 times per week; 3 = daily; 4 = more than once perday.

    FIGURE 9 Impulse control across sessions (mean ± standard er-ror). Frequency of behaviors were coded as follows: 0 = never; 1 =once per week; 2 = 2 to 3 times per week; 3 = daily; 4 = more thanonce per day.

  • food consumption and an increase in healthy eating habitsduring the examination period. Figure 6 shows the same pat-tern for physical activity. During the exam period, the fre-quency and duration of physical activity increased for thoseparticipants in the study program.

    Figures 7 through 10 show improvements in general regu-latory habits in the lead up to examinations. Following inter-vention, participants reported an increase in attendance tohousehold chores (leaving the dishes in the sink less oftenand doing the laundry more often), emotional control, and adecrease in impulse spending, overspending, watching tele-vision instead of studying, spending time with friends insteadof studying, failures to attend to commitments, and procrasti-nation.

    No-Intervention Phase (Waiting-List Control)

    VTT. Figure 3 (black bars) summarizes performance onthe VTT across the no-intervention phase (waiting-list con-trol). Cohort 2 was the only cohort to participate in the no-in-tervention phase and was therefore the only cohort includedin the following analyses. The thought suppression taskcaused deterioration in performance at baseline (depletion).This effect of depletion, however, appeared to worsen atexam time for those not participating in the study program.These impressions were confirmed by a Session (Baseline,Exams) × Time (before thought suppression vs. after thoughtsuppression) repeated measures ANOVA. With the ANOVA,we found significant main effects for time, F(1, 16) =3136.52, p < .001 and session, F(1, 16) = 155.82, p < .001,this time suggesting that visual tracking performance wors-ened across sessions and importantly, a significant Time ×Session interaction, F(1, 16) = 252.12, p < .001. The patternof results indicates that participants not in the study programwere more vulnerable to the debilitating effects of a manipu-lation of regulatory depletion (a thought suppression task)during the examination period.

    We also compared the no-intervention phase (wait-ing-list control) with the intervention phase (study pro-gram) across cohorts. The two cohorts were compared atthe same time of year; they were randomly assigned to con-ditions (see Table 1). We conducted a mixed analysis withsession and time serving as within-subjects variables andcohort as the between-subject variable. In the ANOVA, wecompared Cohorts 1 and 2, with Session (Baseline, Exams)× Time (before thought suppression vs. after thought sup-pression) × Cohort (Cohort 1 [intervention phase] vs. Co-hort 2 [no-intervention phase]) as factors. The ANOVAfound a significant main effect for time, F(1, 43) =5016.22, p < .001. There was also a significant Time × Co-hort interaction, F(1, 43) = 295.56, p < .001, indicating thatthe rates of depletion differed across the cohorts; a signifi-cant Session × Cohort interaction, F(1, 43) = 110.30, p <.001, indicating that overall visual tracking performancediffered across groups; and a significant Session × Time ×Cohort interaction, F(1, 43) = 406.64, p < .001. These find-ings suggest that during the examination period, partici-pants in the intervention phase (study program) showed apattern of performance consistent with improved stamina,whereas participants not in the study program appearedmore susceptible to the depleting effects of a prior regula-tory exertion (a thought suppression task).

    Behavioral self-reports. Figures 4 through 10 (greyand white bars) show the reported changes in regulatory be-


    FIGURE 10 Time management across sessions (mean ± standarderror). Frequency of behaviors were coded as follows: 0 = never; 1 =once per week; 2 = 2 to 3 times per week; 3 = daily; 4 = more thanonce per day.

    TABLE 2Regulatory Behavior: Intervention Phase

    (Study Program)

    Behavior df F p

    ConsumptionCigarettesa 1, 10 135.87 < .001Alcoholb 1, 24 28.47 < .001Caffeinec 1, 20 43.33 < .001

    Physical activityFrequencyd 1, 38 67.86 < .001Duratione 68.14 < .001


    Junk food 1, 44 103.53 < .001Healthy habits 78.22 < .001

    Self-care habitsf

    Leaving dishes in sink 1, 44 29.75 < .001Leaving laundry 29.33 < .001

    General regulatoryf

    TV instead of study 1, 44 47.43 < .001Friends instead of study 47.42 < .001Impulse spending 45.34 < .001Overspending 70.82 < .001Emotional control 57.00 < .001Procrastination 43.90 < .001Missing appointments 47.42 < .001

    Note. Analyses restricted to participants who engaged in these behav-iors.

    an = 11. bn = 25. cn = 21. dn = 39. en = 39. fN = 45.

  • haviors across the no-intervention phase (waiting-list con-trol). Cohort 2 was the only cohort to participate in the no-in-tervention phase and was therefore the only cohort includedin the following analyses. We entered the data in Figures 4through 10 into a repeated measures ANOVA, with session asthe within-subjects factor. Table 3 summarizes the main ef-fects of session.

    As predicted, people not in the study program (no-inter-vention phase) appeared less able to control their regulatorybehavior during the examination period. In fact, all of the re-ported behaviors show changes in the predicted direction.Figure 4 shows a reported increase in cigarette smoking, caf-feine, and alcohol consumption during the examination pe-riod for those people not participating in the study program.Cigarettes increased at a mean rate of 13 cigarettes per day,caffeine consumption increased at a mean rate of 4 cups perweek, and alcohol increased at a mean rate of 4 drinks perweek.

    Figure 5 shows changes in dietary trends across the no-in-tervention phase, with a reported increase in junk food in-take, and a decrease in healthy eating habits. Figure 6 shows asimilar pattern for physical activity, with the reported fre-quency and duration of physical activity of participants not inthe study program decreasing during the examinations.

    Figures 7 through 10 show deficits in general regulatoryhabits for those not in the study program in the lead up to ex-aminations. Participants reported a decrease in householdchores (laundry, leaving the dishes in the sink) and emotionalcontrol and an increase in spending without thinking, over-

    spending, spending time with friends instead of studying,watching television instead of study, failures to attend tocommitments, and procrastination.

    As with the VTT, we conducted mixed ANOVAs to com-pare the no-intervention phase (waiting-list control) with theintervention phase (study program) within a single statisticaltest. Again, the two cohorts were randomly assigned andcompared at the same points in the semester (see Table 1).We entered each dependant variable in Figures 4 through 10into the following analyses: a Session (Baseline, Exams) ×Cohort (Cohort 1 [intervention phase] vs. Cohort 2 [no-inter-vention phase]) repeated measures ANOVA. Table 4 summa-rizes the inferential statistics. Consistent with the within-sub-jects analyses, significant Cohort × Session interactionsindicate that during the examination period, self-regulationin all variables improved for those participants in the inter-


    TABLE 3Regulatory Behavior: No-Intervention Phase

    (Waiting-List Control)

    Behavior df F p

    ConsumptionCigarettesa 1, 5 106.50 < .001Alcoholb 1, 10 19.55 < .001Caffeinec 1, 8 23.10 < .001

    Physical activityd

    Frequency 1, 16 35.86 < .001Duration 12.78 < .001


    Junk food 1, 16 47.80 < .001Healthy habits 27.20 < .001

    Self-care habitsd

    Leaving dishes in sink 1, 16 13.19 < .001Leaving laundry 13.18 < .001

    General regulatory behaviord

    TV instead of study 19.43 < .001Friends instead of study 19.42 < .001Impulse spending 16.10 < .001Overspending 12.24 < .001Emotional control 34.00 < .001Procrastination 19.43 < .001Missing appointments 15.61 < .001

    Note. Analyses restricted to participants who engaged in these behav-iors.

    an= 6. bn = 11. cn = 9. dN = 17.

    TABLE 4Regulatory Behavior: Cohort 1 (Intervention

    Phase) Versus Cohort 2 (No-Intervention Phase)

    Behavior df F p

    ConsumptionCigarettesa 1, 9 16.03 < .001

    × Cohort 145.24 < .001Alcoholb 1, 23 5.95 < .001

    × Cohort 37.97 < .001Caffeinec 1, 19 4.23 < .001

    × Cohort 45.58 < .001Physical activity

    Frequencyd 1, 37 6.46 < .001× Cohort 60.28 < .001

    Durationd 12.04 < .001× Cohort 44.32 < .001


    Junk food 1, 43 7.22 < .001× Cohort 131.65 < .001

    Healthy habits 9.43 < .001× Cohort 131.64 < .001

    Self-care habitse

    Leaving dishes in sink 1, 43 6.29 < .001× Cohort 31.01 < .001

    Doing laundry 6.32 < .001× Cohort < .001

    General regulatory behaviore

    TV instead of study 1, 43 5.12 .010× Cohort 41.55 < .001

    Friends instead of study 11.12 < .001× Cohort 41.55 < .001

    Impulse spending 11.47 < .001× Cohort 47.18 < .001

    Overspending 12.82 < .001× Cohort 41.75 < .001

    Emotional control 4.67 .030× Cohort 46.52 < .001

    Procrastination 15.25 < .001× Cohort 15.25 < .001

    Missing appointments 12.97 < .001× Cohort 15.29 < .001

    Note. Analyses restricted to participants who engaged in these behav-iors.

    an = 11. bn = 25. cn = 21. dn = 39. eN = 45.

  • vention phase (study program), whereas regulatory behaviorworsened for those participants not in the study program(no-intervention phase).

    Control Phase

    Cohort 2 was the only cohort to participate in the controlphase (testing during nonstressful times) and was thereforethe only cohort included in the following analyses. Table 5reports the regulatory behavior (mean ± standard error) dur-ing the control phase. There were no significant effects forany of the regulatory behaviors (laboratory or self-reported)across the control sessions, indicating that regulatory behav-ior remained stable during the control phase (Table 5).

    Test–retest reliability of the general regulatory question-naire was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficientby correlating Session 1 (baseline) scores with Session 2(follow-up) scores from the control phase. Retest reliabilities(Table 5) were generally high, with all but one at .90 or better.

    Relation Between VTTand Behavioral Self-Reports

    We tested whether the degree of change in VTT performanceacross the intervention phase (study program) predicted: (a)

    the reported regulatory behaviors at baseline, (b) the reportedregulatory behaviors during exams, and (c) the degree ofchange in reported regulatory behavior across the interven-tion phase (study program). Both cohorts participated in theexercise phase and we included both in the analyses. Wemeasured the degree of change using differences across ses-sions: intervention Session 2 (exams) score minus interven-tion Session 1 (baseline) score. We correlated the differencescores of VTT performance (Pearson) with the differencesscores of general regulatory behavior (Table 6). There wereno significant correlations between the degree of change inVTT performance and regulatory behavior reported at base-line or during the exams.

    The correlations between degree of change in VTT per-formance and the degree of change in reported regulatory be-havior across the intervention phase (study program), how-ever, were all significant, suggesting that changes in the VTTand in the regulatory behavior questionnaire are measuringsomething in common, which we believe to be changes inself-control.

    We also tested whether the predepletion VTT perfor-mance predicted the degree of change in regulatory behavioracross the intervention phase (study program). There were nosignificant correlations. This suggests that the observed posi-tive changes in regulatory behavior are not related to task per-formance. Thus, VTT performance before any manipulationsdid not predict the improvements in behavior.


    TABLE 5Regulatory Behavior: Control Phase Mean

    and Standard Error

    Baseline Follow-Up

    Behavior M SE M SE R

    Emotional responsesa

    Perceived stress scale 19.1 0.5 19.2 0.8 .98*General health questionnaire 18.8 0.4 18.6 0.3 .94*General self-efficacy scale 19.3 0.7 19.3 0.8 .96*


    Cigarettesb 3.1 1.0 3.0 1.0 .96*Alcoholc 2.1 0.6 2.1 0.6 .94*Caffeined 6.0 0.5 6.2 0.5 .91*

    Physical activitya

    Frequency 2.1 0.3 2.3 0.2 .97*Duration 1.2 0.3 1.2 0.2 .97*


    Junk food 14.2 0.2 14.2 0.2 .97*Healthy habits 3.2 0.3 3.2 0.2 .97*

    Self-care habitsa

    Leaving dishes in sink 2.9 0.3 2.9 0.3 .92*Leaving laundry 2.8 0.3 2.7 0.2 .93*

    General regulatorya

    TV instead of study 2.7 0.3 2.7 0.2 .96*Friends instead of study 2.6 0.3 2.7 0.2 .96*Impulse spending 2.4 0.2 2.5 0.3 .90*Overspending 2.4 0.3 2.5 0.3 .80*Emotional control 2.9 0.2 2.9 0.2 .97*Procrastination 2.6 0.3 2.7 0.2 .98*Missing appointments 2.5 0.3 2.5 0.3 .94*

    aN = 17. bn = 6. cn = 11. dn = 9.*p is significant at the .01 level, two-tailed.

    TABLE 6Relationship Between VTTand Behavioral Self-Reports

    Behavior Difference VTT Difference

    ConsumptionCigarettesa .46*Alcoholb .44*Caffeinec .44*

    Physical activityFrequencyd .49*Durationd .49*


    Junk food .55*Healthy habits .45*

    Self-care habits differencee

    Leaving dishes in sink .47*Doing laundry .48*


    TV instead of study .48*Friends instead of study .58*Impulse spending .49*Overspending .49*Emotional control .56*Procrastination .58*Missing appointments .52*

    Note. Analyses restricted to those participants who engaged in thesebehaviors. VTT = visual tracking task.

    an = 11. bn = 25. cn = 21. dn = 39. eN = 45.*p is significant at the .01 level, two-tailed.

  • Psychosocial Self-Reports

    Table 7 shows the reported changes in self-efficacy, per-ceived stress, and emotional distress across the no-inter-vention phase (waiting-list control) and the interventionphase (study program). Cohort 2 was the only cohort to par-ticipate in both phases (no-intervention and intervention) andwas therefore the only cohort we include in the followinganalyses.

    Self-efficacy. Reports of self-efficacy remained stableacross sessions. The repeated-measures analysis for theGSES showed no effect of session across the intervention,waiting-list control, or control phases.

    Perceived stress. Inspection of Table 7 suggests thatperceived stress increased in anticipation of examinations forthose participants in the waiting-list control (no-interventionphase). The repeated measures analysis of the PSS showed asignificant effect of session, F(1, 16) = 349.370, p < .001, in-dicating that perceived stress increased in anticipation of ex-aminations for those not in the study program. Reports ofperceived stress, however, remained stable across sessionsfor those in the study program (intervention phase). The re-peated measures analysis for the PSS showed no effect ofsession across the intervention phase.

    Emotional distress. The emotional distress data in Ta-ble 7 show a similar pattern to PSS ratings. The repeatedmeasures analysis of the GHQ also showed a significant ef-fect of session, F(1, 16) = 694.63, p < .001, indicating thatemotional distress also increased for those participants not inthe study program during the lead up to examination. Reportsof emotional distress also remained stable across sessions forthose in the study program. The repeated measures analysisfor the GHQ showed no effect of session across the interven-tion phase.

    We also entered VTT performance (see data in Figure 3)and self-reported regulatory behavior (see data in Figures4–10) into a Session (Baseline, Exams) × Time (beforethought suppression vs. after thought suppression) repeatedmeasures analyses of covariance, with self-efficacy, per-ceived stress, and emotional distress as covariates. The ef-fects of these covariates (self-efficacy, perceived stress, or

    emotional distress) were not significant. This suggests thatthe positive improvements observed in regulatory behaviorare due to the effects of the study program.


    The results are consistent with the predictions of a limitedstrength model of self-control. We found that students whowere dealing with academic examination stress reportedbreakdowns in regulatory behavior that were not matchedduring the control phase, replicating our previous findings(Oaten & Cheng, 2005a). The main new finding to emergewas that students who participated in a study program over a2-month period reported no increased stress at exam time andsignificant improvements in a wide range of regulatory be-haviors. We found improvements in both a laboratory task(VTT) and on all self-reported regulatory behaviors. The par-ticipants not only studied more and improved study habitsbut also improved their behavior in many ways outside thecontext of academic habits. We observed a decrease in to-bacco, alcohol, and caffeine consumption and an increase inhealthy dietary habits, emotional control, maintenance ofhousehold chores and self-care habits, attendance to commit-ments, and monitoring of spending. The laboratory measureand the self-reported behaviors bore no direct resemblance tothe study program other than that they all involved self-regu-lation. Participation in the study program improved perfor-mance on all the behaviors of interest.

    As already mentioned, the VTT has been administeredfollowing both regulatory and nonregulatory tasks (Oaten etal., 2005; Oaten & Cheng, 2005b), and performance on thistask is sensitive to depletion manipulations but not tonondepleting tasks. On this laboratory task, we found evi-dence of depletion as indicated by a deterioration in perfor-mance following the thought suppression task in all experi-mental sessions. This effect of depletion, however, wasattenuated significantly after the study program was intro-duced. The study program helped to reduce but not eliminatethe effects of depletion. Although the etiology of the self-re-ported improvements is unclear, the laboratory data suggestthat the adoption of the study program made students lesssusceptible to the debilitating effects of regulatory depletion,an improvement in stamina.


    TABLE 7Emotional Response Means and Standard Errors

    Baseline:No Intervention

    Exams:No Intervention



    Measure M SE M SE M SE M SE

    Perceived Stress Scale 19.47 0.6 29.41 0.5 19.12 0.5 19.29 0.8Emotional Distress (GHQ) 18.76 0.4 30.82 0.3 18.88 0.5 18.65 0.3Self-Efficacy (GSES) 19.41 0.6 19.53 1.0 19.49 0.5 19.27 0.4

    Note. GHQ = General Health Questionnaire; GSES = General Self-Efficacy Scale.

  • We see the improvement in regulatory behaviors at examtime for the intervention condition as having two causes de-rived from the program of regular studying. One is that thestudy program effectively wiped out exam stress as indicatedby similar scores on the PSS and the GHQ during exam timeand during mid-semester. Prevention of stress escalation byitself, however, should have only brought self-regulationback to baseline at a comparable level to mid-semester. Thisresults from eliminating the need to expend regulatory re-sources to deal with stress. To explain improved self-regula-tion, however, requires another ingredient. In addition, we ar-gue that the study program improved regulatory stamina.This, coupled with a lack of increase in stress, led to im-proved self-regulation.

    These findings converge with those of Muraven et al.(1999), Oaten et al. (2003) and Oaten and Cheng (2005b) toshow that the repeated practice of self-control can improvethe strength or capacity for self-regulation. All our proce-dures and measures were different from what the Muraven etal. (1999), Oaten et al. (2003), and Oaten and Cheng (2005b)studies used, which therefore increases confidence in thegenerality of the pattern. The initial studies of Muraven et al.(1999) and Oaten et al. (2003) provide preliminary evidencethat regulatory strength may be improved, but the findingsare limited. The regulatory exercises in these studies were ar-tificial and short (2 weeks) in total duration. Oaten andCheng (2005b) improved on this design by measuring morethan just a single laboratory task and by having participantsliterally exercising, that is, begin and maintain a program ofcardiovascular exercise. This is a form of self-regulatory ex-ercise that many aspire to do in everyday life. It is worth not-ing that a similar pattern of results was found: an improve-ment in both the laboratory VTT and on self-reported,day-to-day regulatory behaviors. In the VTT, it was againstamina that improved.

    Students on the program waiting list, however, did not fareso well during the examination period. They reported an in-crease in smoking, caffeine consumption, and alcohol con-sumption; a decrease in healthy dietary habits, emotionalcontrol, frequency and duration of physical activity, mainte-nance of household chores, attendance to commitments, andmonitoring of spending; as well as deterioration of studyhabits. As we noted previously, we found evidence of deple-tion as indicated by impaired visual tracking performancefollowing the thought suppression task in all testing sessions.This effect of depletion, however, increased significantly at astressful time. During the exam period, performance on thepredepletion VTT was equivalent to baseline performance.The postdepletion VTT performance, however, worsenedmore than it did at a less stressful time, showing that thesestudents became more depleted after engaging in equivalentregulatory effort as during a less stressful time. This greatereffect of depletion supports the claim that students on theprogram waiting list had less regulatory stamina during theexam period.

    The design of this study ensured that the manipulationsand measures were as dissimilar as possible. There was noobvious reason why the study program should alter the effectof trying to suppress thoughts of a white bear on VTT perfor-mance. Nor was there any apparent explanation why thestudy program might benefit, for example, attendance tocommitments. The link between all of these behaviors wasthat they all required self-regulation. It was important todemonstrate depletion and improvement in circumstances asdiverse as possible to rule out the possibility that the resultsare artifacts of a particular method.

    Appropriate controls show that the study program wasnecessary for the improvement. People on the waiting list forthe study program reported an increase in regulatory failuresduring the examination period. Such regulatory impairment,however, was reversed following the adoption of the studyprogram. Therefore, the students had to actually adhere to thestudy program for a period of time before any improvementswere observed. It did not matter what semester the programwas administered in; what was important was that the stu-dents actually undertook the program. The fact that regula-tory behavior was stable during the control phase also indi-cates that any observed improvement was not an outcome ofmultiple testing sessions or practice at the laboratory task butinstead was produced by the adoption of the study program.Furthermore, improvements in both self-reported behaviorsand objective behavioral measures obtained in the laboratorygive converging evidence.

    Longitudinal studies lose some of the control thatnonlongitudinal studies offer. Several aspects of this re-search, however, increase confidence in the findings. First,this research was able to sustain a 100% rate of participa-tion in contrast to the high dropout rate found in many lon-gitudinal designs. This is in part owing to the relativelyshort duration of the study and to the distribution of studydiaries that helped to keep students focused on the studyprogram. The experimental design also required that partic-ipants report regularly to us (experimental sessions, studyregister, study diary, false deadlines, and study schedule).Such interpersonal monitoring gave a good manipulationcheck and might have also influenced participant retention.Second, participants in the no-intervention condition werewilling to report significant degradations in behavior. Thisgives some confidence that participants in the interventioncondition were not merely presenting a good image ofthemselves. Third, the reported behaviors all had high reli-ability (Table 5). Fourth, improvements in the self-reportedbehaviors correlated with the improvement on the labora-tory task (Table 6). This suggests that the reported improve-ments in behavior shared something in common with im-provements in an objective laboratory task, something thatwe interpret to be improvement in self-control. In this way,both types of measures gain some validity, although furtherpsychometric testing is required before firm inferences canbe drawn regarding validity.


  • Alternative Explanations

    The reported breakdowns in self-control at exam time in theno-intervention condition could be considered a function ofstress. For example, managing stress might cause an increasein the desire to smoke, eat, or drink. In fact, this is consistentwith these findings. Students on the program waiting listshowed an impaired ability to regulate these very behaviorsat reported periods of perceived high stress (exam time).These same students, however, also showed an impaired abil-ity to control behaviors that do not necessarily serve astress-relieving function (emotional control, maintenance ofhousehold chores, attendance to commitments, monitoringof spending and study habits) during the exam period. Thissuggests that the negative regulatory effects observed atexam time were not solely in the service of stress reduction.

    We have argued that attempts to regulate stress during theexam period decreased self-control stamina for students onthe program waiting list. Another possible explanation forthe observed regulatory failures involves time managementstrategies. It may be that the breakdowns in regulatory behav-ior for those students in the program waiting list reflect atime-saving tactic adopted to accommodate the higher ordergoal of study in the period preceding examinations. Physicalactivity, the preparation of healthy meals, and householdchores seem like obvious sacrifices during periods of highacademic demand. Students, however, reported increases inunchecked spending, loss of emotional control, procrastina-tion, nonattendance to planned schedules, and spending timewith friends and watching television instead of studying.These behaviors are costly to the individual and seem coun-terproductive in the lead up to examinations. Moreover, stu-dents participating in the study program were not only able tomanage all regulatory behaviors, but we also saw increases inthe frequency of regulatory behavior, this in conjunction withincreased hours of studying. It seems unlikely, then, that thereported changes in regulatory behavior are produced solelyby time-management strategies.

    Perhaps demand characteristics and socially desirable re-sponding produced the reported improvements in generalregulatory behavior. Conway and Ross (1984) randomly se-lected students for a study skills program and a waiting listfor the program. At the initial interview, participants and con-trols did not differ significantly on any measure of skill ortime spent studying. Both groups performed equally well andthe program itself was not found to improve study skills. Theprogram participants, however, reported an improvement in adirection consistent with their beliefs regarding program out-comes (improved study skills). It is possible that participantsin this study also exaggerated their reported improvements tofit with expected program outcomes. We are inclined to be-lieve, however, that exaggeration and self-report bias cannotexplain all the reported improvements. First, the improve-ment obtained in the laboratory task (VTT) cannot be ex-

    plained by such self-report bias. Second, as we already men-tioned, the extent of improvement on the laboratory task pre-dicted the extent of improvement on all self-report measures(Table 6), lending some validity to the self-report measures.

    Past research has found links between success in aca-demic programs of study and improved self-efficacy (Archer& Lamnin, 1985; Britton & Tesser, 1991). We, however,found that students who engaged in the study program didnot differ in perceived self-efficacy from participants in thewaiting-list control (Table 5). In fact, self-efficacy was stableacross all phases. This suggests that the “active ingredient” inthe observed regulatory improvement is something specificto the ongoing participation in the program and cannot be ex-plained by a heightened sense of self-efficacy.

    Improved mood may have generated the positive results.Participants reported an increase in regular physical activityduring the intervention phase. Regular physical activity hasbeen linked to improved mood (Lawlor & Hopker, 2001).Being well prepared in studies might also improve mood.The pattern of performance on the laboratory task, however,suggests an improvement specifically related to self-regula-tion following depletion. If, for example, improved moodwere producing these effects, why would we only observeany improvement in task performance following thoughtsuppression? It seems doubtful then that the reportedchanges in regulatory behaviors would be produced solely byimproved mood. Nevertheless, it will take a number of stud-ies to fully unconfound the effects of various possible factors.Considering together all studies on the exercise of self-con-trol (Muraven et al., 1999; Oaten & Cheng, 2005a; Oaten &Cheng, 2005b; Oaten et al., 2003), the converging evidencepoints to the repeated practice of self-control as the key in-gredient in improving self-control. We therefore consider theresource model as offering the best fit for these findings.


    The results suggest that when life events impose extra de-mands on self-regulatory resources (such as during final ex-aminations), self-regulation may begin to fail in otherspheres (e.g., dieting) where control has normally been suc-cessful. Stress management strategies, however, should ben-efit people to the extent that by coping with life pressures ef-fectively, people may store their regulatory strength foractions of self-change that truly demand the effort(Baumeister & Exline, 2000).

    Even better news is that people may do more than justmanage stress. Our results show that individuals who studiedregularly and systematically enjoyed an increased resistanceto the debilitating effects of the examination period reportedno increase in stress. Stress prevention may work even betterthan stress management. The regular practice of self-controlneeded to prevent stress has the added benefit of improvingself-regulatory stamina (see also Oaten & Cheng, 2005b). In


  • fact, the strength model posits that individuals should im-prove in self-control ability even after failing a self-regula-tory task because the exertion of self-control is more impor-tant than the outcome (Muraven & Baumeister, 2000).Therefore, setting oneself small but frequent challenges forself-improvement may be useful for building up a good ca-pacity for self-discipline.

    Our findings are both theoretically and practically impor-tant. Theoretically, we demonstrated in the study that the re-source of self-control is not fixed and may be augmented bysuitable behaviors. Although the range of routes to improve-ment remains unclear, the data we report clearly demonstrateone route that has wide-ranging consequences. Our study onthe effects of regular physical exercise (Oaten & Cheng,2005b) demonstrated another route with broad benefits forself-control. Therefore, practicing self-regulation in any do-main may have beneficial long-term consequences. Thepractical importance of building self-control strength can bemore fully appreciated when considering that many societalproblems involve breakdowns in self-regulation. For exam-ple, addiction is marked by the inability to control cravingsfor alcohol or drugs. Additionally, many people may incur fi-nancial debt as a result of the inability to limit consumerspending. By improving regulatory strength, people may inturn diminish their vulnerability to such breakdowns and livelonger and healthier lives.


    This research was conducted to meet in part the requirementsof the Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) by M. Oaten underthe direction of K. Cheng. The Department of PsychologyPostgraduate Research Grant, Macquarie University, and anAustralian Postgraduate Award supported M. Oaten’s effort.During the preparation of this article, K. Cheng was a Fellowat the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study whose support isgreatly appreciated. We thank two anonymous reviewers forhelpful suggestions.


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