iifti miriii duck up rCopoco rT»«i.r. Wy 20, 1926 " SANTA re NEW MEXICAN ««*«*PHH>M*ft»kli«««IHI*fttt*«**««*' [lyfkmirTMwirnI -Page Pive- ADOW OITiANS POOR SPORTS J N - P R O T E S T I N G G A M E - A L A R I O . B«M|er S«yi Ui Ve|ii "fiU Cmtafi to UK , t( Malba |K£S VKST ALSO USED M E U C r a U HEN TifU BO Brouiid* BH whtoh •rnit him- AbtrU'a htliT follow*: Mr. BtMHam-nl UDd«»Ui>d - It—rtflb, III ie1t>n:r tiarrntt that Molina wan loo |0iiJ,a l>layer I</"»lt on IIIM twni-h. Qarrelt airood with Orlla aii'l (old bim (t woQld he hll rlsht, •nd ha (Oar- red (Old OrlU thai Ve«aa had uaed Donovan, on« of the Oamerco flayera In Albnqueniua to laelp lham out. tia roll told ma after the Ka>ne that lhai would bo no protest and not to pi any atlaatloa It anybody said Ihei uuld be t DrOlaat. Mr. Conway'a proieat ia not valid I ha dtaa't Dnttly the uranlra 1i*r»>« •pSiW PlTchw Jnltololina on l^or -ahort-. - I - . t year Ihoy .•"'.'r?. .— -to-.-. .. Played aialoft Sapla Fe pla; w«r* not etiirtilf. OH luhtwr Dny Ibey had no ellclhl* pltcbei* aa they ncty bad DM twlTler «od they uaed him Sunday actlhit our team here and oa .ijieufoUowtiit ilaV. .Uoiiitay.-lwbDr My, they ailted permUnioti to u n a boy In (be bok who MKhth—Don't fr>.yl on Ihfl rourl; oncmtrMe on -aUoi«-yoiiy bwL Ninth—Relax couiplotely l«fureand Tundi—and moat Importaiil—Never "How 30 you (are champlor h it< pmldant. VT. D. A. C<m^ 'SmrBt\'Tlro*'*Jv*'r'D> th*y (La» Voaaal •MkllBtJLJtoff. ^QBllgf^'.uj''i3 ^ K e t ellAiaU - to iJay And .wnntAd 'HNulilL' IWraXeBloB. Srooki tnld .^•^Hit,there were no objecdon* and jUi^U.b*d ao ablertlona that H«hia Hd A tew) ptaynr In JuTIo Molina. .^^^Huy^WUted-m uaa K Vafaa H^^^FperAUaetofi. aarrell. aa mau- V t e l i T pfMhe W t o Bhend and nee l^kd^lbere VMM be no proUaia •pttlw'wldB «y-player. In ' Ottrrett and Mr. Daniel My.of lb" OM'ral Ma- »-t» Mdtpt eerrwtan' of pedl AaaetaU otMW lial. n talk l .tte^pmnta* •Vawa-f BASEBALL^ .a ikey wontd like to aa I re team bad been golna • icb a font time AIM xokMbai i a (ood flub would "like to ov,n._»-A »»»» ihelr-iftoney-i worlh by U I j i l i ^ l tojjbeil uiaterMl al. hand, Or-|- whan (hey played h*TJ llia (Imt time WAinrtl. thay tiad w-T*"y»r wlm -waw BDt Allalble end Ihey beet iia and we Id It they had Wat «» we would _ .ye tffc^n ni.| medlMnp and not "cried like llllle bablaa." • The Santa ra 'taam hai been loMm tame* hyj Boaton at PHtibttrgh .iiy of them by clove icoroi to " lewM«. *to had unallklble player*, aod » * never "klcknt).- .Now that we have built ua OHT M " ! " . "^ flnanolai axpnnie . i i t rifk. we w l n > , aame and the loiloa team waAta to lorn arotuid and ha** the leafin dlr- eotor* and prMldenl throw the aame out. I den'i Ihlok the (an* wmtM- aland for It. Itavlna used Molina with, the rfppoalna manaier'a permli wtoa ihe-lame etanda, • -' due dlrectnra "I never plan ahead for •ml I never remember tl.em after- wanU, I never maktf a (etieh of IrainltMt, I merely no to bed early, durliiy tmirnament weeKe, eat el in pie fmm and take care not to latcti cold —ihal'a alHiut all, "Im y.m think/ Dial a rhaniploB' womi^n player ever will bw prixluned- alroiktf etioiiKli and Roud ennuah. 10 beat thu Champion tnnnT" aba waa • eked. 'No, I d<in't think the belt wtnnnr win ever beat the beet man" Bbo re- plied prnmpily, "Rut T don't aoe any 1 why women thooldn't cun- . to lie heller and beltnr playnra BM mara of (ham . heeome reaHf chauploaahlp k the lea- __iw H dlfforanl there wmild have to be a hooch of tamea thrown-oMt aa-.aeeeral-ofOha- ' Slacaraly, . AUTIIUH M. AI.ARID. .DtiBlnria Uinaaar. Sanu Do DaaebaU Club, UanU kX N. U. m » ' ^ C « « StMl it F«t ' . - •i*aa, .T*U J*ly-»-''-'«'rt"'<«'<' tiwB^f *• 9*rfm trf tanU ra r ff thn ,(Hlwa' mnunted lu riwtrui e-M W". «))» lei •*» " " " " " " IIBUTHiimpS)«W|i m«tin<r,-Hiw-wh« impe wmm may a* meg glrin (nay ti*a ap th# MiW*. • • . . -* . k . tope for twnwolBf htmwat ••aswii-jx."/' iRNESiALANDtMERStN ?-MOUNTED HURDLES EVENTS r-tolVM • t r t p . / • i t t o u i U T e " ' - ' toafiiK *,mi, . 1 « « « . I. flr.1 In lh« nnruud nwn-i hur.!... ... t.r^.f IIU WU., oMfM tURn r, atan tn-k IhrM Mk.r pkto- In tiu «nnl lie. .«•»" JI.iS;i\ WILLS TELLS STORY OF HER h ON THE TENNIS COURTS, SAYS L GIRLS SHpULP LEARN TO PLAY. I'AmWiwH »r*o«i In fhd W M M vtarvlidr o. ». KaWmrMiptwf* ffA York. It: Y, . wurrMat tor iU fthns to Uk» np teanla- -1 -a kn • Ik -1 Til 1 ka I -a •. 2 I'O* en, Mt>d{ -M iniT^lliai Bori la flwa ot nncQuratenikTit to hUyam who fcaU the dledpflM, i'Uuttlon for, Ilka Topay, ahe be- - she "luat^^rowedMmp n tonnia _ _ k e * a r hmineed l « * bAU'-nrtlnirt - ^ P r w a r t . , dooN-.. I -»lWML.agralMt ~" who could .how me tbn .imiiJt "'pl* of poalthm ahd-iuvhn &4 -Iff imtint (enhfa HK^- anlckly .aai Into towMmmt playlo*. Iter how Modeet the tuuma- Uf t\n\r Ik tie BmWrtW thMU ihnt flret toumaaiaiM « kva me. of the *ould-b4 e»«rt M-feUewi; FlraU rM plenty of practice., Seoond, choeae a variety of op- potioBta. Thla meana a pmd rartiMt. wejl alrunk. rood balla. a decent court and, Domfortahle clotbea. . . FUH^Walflh -n-coad—Playei I pwrlWd (Mt tnj iiifl out that « y larva waa about tw*lUBM^fer.iMan«.I,workr , V tfflnt tn-parfoet UtoJBut. 'hot do thla by Mrvtnat-n lot- •J^^dT^lha W t M « M t ; I ditf! .Tiaw t (JBilcaao. i AMBRICAN LEAGUE fSilcaao at Umilon. St.- UiUa at New Yort~~ Mtrolt at Philadelphia (3). Cleveland^.t Waaliln^on. lYANKEES HOLD LEAD OF SEVEN GAMES IN AMERICAN FLAG RACE TESTEHBAyS RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati b, Brooklyn 1. Pltlebursb HI. Boaton 1. Chicaeo », New York 5. PhlUdolphla i. fit. Loul. 3 (10 loo- hiEB). -AMfhlCAN LEAGUE;:: Chlca«o B, UoMoa i. WB.hloBion L aeveland 1. New York I, iH. 1»»U li ... Detroit B, Philadelphia 3. -WEaTERN LEAGUE ™r 17. (M.I Jo.rp<v 8. M'llne* t, ffitlah'wna CtijfJI, _ V "AMERICAN ABSOCtATION Nu lamea acbedulAu. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION No camea aehedahM. Hack M>klM>n Mrf -lbe -CAibe ni^liiad tlea.llttvke-1 -Willi -ikat-i^uhir boine run liom.ra when he ranU- id • clrcdlt dilva dudoa—a—kit fw«t that i«ve Iho Cube • • m S jlu liver hie old leamtBalel. it-J UlunUi. Stepbnoaoa.of the Cub* ti"d 'TEXAS LEAGUE BwaatnOQl T, Dallaa I . &ta Anloolo S, Wichita 'PBII. 6. , Honaton E Yt. Worth 4. Waco 1, Shrevopoit E. WT«IW*ATtO#aAl. tlAOUE TorMto 44, Newark M. • aoohoaaarii. neadinr s.——_ Bortelo 11. Baiumora 8. MAJOR L£AGU£ LEADEKS (Ify Th(i,j NATIONAL. LEAGUE Battint—Breeiler, Jtede, .171. KUhe—Siladea. Cardlnala. M. Hlia—MrowH. Dravea. tlO. Whm Trlplae—Wrlahl. Plratmr aiul Waa< •r. Klratae !<. Homer*—wuaos.' Cuba, and flob. temley. Verdlnal*. H. K-awolew-baeee—Yonnt. Otanta Cuylur. PIratea IS. Plichlna-Jonda. Cub*.'won G; loat 'AMERICAN LEAGUE Battlna—yiDtUerHlU. TUtJi'*, .40>. ' Huns—GehriK, Tank«e«, 83. "Hlfa—rwik. White Sos. JM. -^ThTOMmPr-lhime. IndUna 38. • .TjJnlntTTijcbrls^" "' Mom nmh, v., . 8,toJon-^B8M —Hunnefeld.. AMilie AT THE rA/m Tpil |(|iitr. IMPORTANT NOTICE! WJ7/ be announced in. just a. few days. It will pay you to save your money lor the Great Bargains we are^of-— feting at our Opening Saii. ' look tcffl'ine Bcii on Our Sign l i f e the ^ i q i r o T ^ Carl Maya. vMcran of toer world'* lertca. I * NtvmK Clncluoatl hope [or '11* (lr*( thU upportunlty alimo 1313. Yetlerday the BuUmarlno aervor ma»- t*red Brooklyn. C to . I . Only (be veteran. Zick Wheat) penetrated hi* deceptive dollvery to auy extHBt. Wheat recordnJ^y" doulil.-. ap-t •insle for a perfect day "at but. 'rto , I'lrataa BIUHR t» aecoiid poulUim - m1 he Nntloiml le*«ue race, wllh'iu, iilburnl o[ hlitlMK (bat humbled the iruvv*. 10 to L • - Only after 10' Innlnsii of heated Btlle did the Cardlnala. Ihtrd pUc* gam. i>uw to i'hiladclphin, 4 to 3. killiimlay. first twaeiiian of thu ritliiala, niadu bla fourleelilb iKniie trlH" plate, with (oui a perfect day hit*. . •" TDe .. Tankaei _batterBd. ti LtMila pitchera Into aubrntiBlt QiiierBoI with a 10 10 a Bight runa were acurud la Ih r of the ynar. alonx With 1 t a •luBlu. "ilowh'before ihe^'riBi'n Bred'Marherry. (dant relief burler: Btarled lila »ecoii(l Rame of the see- •on for the fisiialuri and allowed (ribveUDd ouly three hit*, to win by 4 to 1. Chlcato, afler loilng two NtralKhl •• the IHxt Boa. •.|>m-uml out u i , ( vlulury, ItulUtoR a oluti. luulua dly atlur (wo run* !>•<! IH-UU •oorud. GIRL ARRESTED . ^ - AS RUMRUNNER DhlUlpe la W aatoaWDtrilm ,Il «*»--My -UieT-ftraiut-ie-pliitr DtnTer Mud Affcfcd la B< Ejwhirtrr la the for *>4«Pthir N Uw bwMBeea at rw*. - DIDR^ DHUUT. aad thew Mat back Is..' Denrtc. aa a recBjariy eodaoiala*^ aRsnt of the DBB*erA;kMaso rlBR. ": l^ck_I.alea8^^ af, HiM fry mUlew . , To be an "tdd haad" la the boMle*. RIUR - bualueaa. waa errauled wkk-r or- : Gr&daatE of Booif Scbool is w«dr cap UB Three moBtha a«o, eccordlBR t»- police, HUa DhJDlpa waa a tetephoee operator here. They aaaert aba hAa " -frocn 880. to 8100 a— week aluce tier retara from CUc««o. . ,.Km ""J-iCOVIRNOR H A N H E T T T O - :f^'r:t::i.:;it"c!:ri."R.^t , ; COVEIWORS' CONFAB ^ Chlcayo, who w». arreted, last hUht 'h*riiv of IMeRal poaueuilon and j' 111 ' g it-i j»r». !• plek«l ^ kerw .ent to (TACMO Wyo. rbuntdey (or Ctieyei le will make the trip by auLo aad itll tm aucomeaaWd by Mn. llaa- lett.- arm - Tinir and Wrw," anrtJ* - TMilalJ. « r » . ItaaBtoU'B owtbar. RADIO OPERATOR FLATLY. REFUSES TO BE WITNESS Onniiton Ujt W$ Refan to l U Cok^ Wssto Bs srfy • , W a r t U m F m u J . Ixw Angela". t^Hf-, Jaly » Ketuielh f l . DrwHstOB wboa* wbeVe- .Ini'lHf .hai W V' nffVUeJa iBYeStl-j :.:. mtiBE, the dleapiMaraBce of HempIO McPberaoB mnrJi few we.*.. fiadMr refpaeOi to Loa .AaRelee aad apiamf twiore 4ka «ra<ut Mry. lo • Ifltar tm* to that body by iJtMrtct AUorwey KeynaL aTha leUer. wrttlea by Ormlw ton and mailed from New Tork a i y . WW* handed to the mfTtitmni Of tJtd Jiij y at Ibp Hon thla Diontlaff public hy tlm dlatriatBtwnMty,. , . IB faia mlaalva OrifiMlr* Mafod tWf hh waa traveltw uador BB auumied jitrjkjjr-MEaHOHiJttrBnsn panrlnjr twronir - The—ETtoM "GoithleBB erraroL" U»t Night a New* Federal ooiirt to Kaaaa* OKy BlralnH JaOaraon City. Me., mul from-meaopelUlBH -wave lengtba •Uned to knothi-r; ' •; " ' NEW Low PRICES TIRES ; Y' -''M j'YjcL - . - iMe tu buy tire nUleige ar lO low A toat per iniie»<^ ttey CEO buy Hrestone Gum-Dipped Tire* today. And n«vcr be&>re have they bMn aidt co-buy tlrtt -*o comfoytablcr fStcftikdtrouble free. jofthe hicfily (killed '~'f«4«N!he«M|*iiemtofiGliiu>ed«imlopMl(p^ - tyarhinerr .and'procejia« for maimfacturina • Ottm-Dippfd TtoUf txjmbloed with economi- ._ <fl ttadotud dUtrlfautlon throuEh cfiicieRf ScrYice Pdalera, maay equipped with the latMt Flmrotie methoda of rcpHtrlni HiRh .Pgj4t», jUl -Sirt BBlioon, Bus «id Truck ^^Plreitont'i'loog fight BgntturfK^Brlf] ; Tiiti^.^mtfkfioa Act h » »«<>d We Abo Sell dOtDFIESJ} TIRES : ., At-TW Kedoced PrfceE ,

IMPORTANT NOTICE!nmjhs.org/bell-family/photos/BellStoresOpening001.pdf · :f^'r:t::i.:;it"c!:ri."R.^t, ; COVEIWORS' CONFAB ^ Chlcayo, who w». arreted, last hUht 'h*riiv of IMeRal

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Page 1: IMPORTANT NOTICE!nmjhs.org/bell-family/photos/BellStoresOpening001.pdf · :f^'r:t::i.:;it"c!:ri."R.^t, ; COVEIWORS' CONFAB ^ Chlcayo, who w». arreted, last hUht 'h*riiv of IMeRal

iifti miriii

d u c k up rCopoco

r T » « i . r . W y 20, 1926 " SANTA re NEW MEXICAN

« « * « * P H H > M * f t » k l i « « « I H I * f t t t * « * * « « * '

[ l y f k m i r T M w i r n I

-Page Pive-


. B«M|er S«yi U i Ve|ii "fiU Cmtafi to U K

, t( Malba


T i f U BO Brouiid* BH whtoh

• r n i t him-

AbtrU'a h t l i T follow*: Mr. BtMHam-nl UDd«»Ui>d

- It—rtflb,

I I I ie1t>n:r tiarrntt that Molina wan loo |0iiJ,a l>layer I</"»lt on IIIM twni-h. Qarrelt airood with Orlla aii'l (old bim (t woQld he hll rlsht, •nd ha (Oar-red (Old OrlU thai Ve«aa had uaed Donovan, on« of the Oamerco flayera In Albnqueniua to laelp lham out. tia rol l told ma after the Ka>ne that lhai would bo no protest and not to pi any atlaatloa It anybody said Ihei

uuld be t DrOlaat. Mr. Conway'a proieat ia not valid

I ha dtaa't Dnttly the uranlra 1i*r»>«

•pSiW PlTchw Jnltololina on l^or -ahort-. - I - . t year Ihoy .•"'.'r?. .— -to-.-. .. Played aialoft Sapla Fe pla;

w«r* not et i irt i l f . OH luhtwr Dny Ibey had no ellclhl* pltcbei* aa they ncty bad DM twlTler «od they uaed him Sunday ac t lh i t our team here and oa .ijieufoUowtiit ilaV. .Uoiiitay.-lwbDr M y , they ailted permUnioti to u n a boy In (be bok who

MKhth—Don't fr>.yl on Ihfl rour l ; oncmtrMe on -aUoi«-yoiiy bwL Ninth—Relax couiplotely l«fureand

Tundi—and moat Importaiil—Never

"How 30 you (are champlor

h it< pmldant. VT. D. A. C<m̂


th*y (La» Voaaal •MkllBtJL Jtof f . ̂ QBllgf^'.uj' ' i3 ^ K e t ellAiaU - to iJay And .wnntAd 'HNul i l L ' IWraXeBloB. Srooki tnld

. ^ •^H i t , t h e r e were no objecdon* and j U i ^ U . b * d ao ablertlona that H«hia • H d A tew) ptaynr In JuTIo Molina.

. ^ ^ ^ H u y ^ W U t e d - m uaa K Vafaa H^^^FperAUaetofi. aarrel l . aa mau-

V t e l i T pfMhe W t o Bhend and nee l^kd^lbere V M M be no proUaia

•pttlw'wldB o » «y-player . In ' Ottrrett and Mr. Daniel My.of l b " OM'ral Ma-»-t» Mdtpt eerrwtan' of

pedl AaaetaU otMW l i a l . n talk l.tte^pmnta* •Vawa-f


. a ikey wontd like to aa I re team bad been golna • icb a font time AIM xokMbai

i a (ood flub would "l ike to o v ,n . _ » -A »»»» ihelr-iftoney-i worlh by U I j i l i ^ l tojjbeil uiaterMl al. hand, Or-|-

whan (hey played h*TJ llia (Imt time W A i n r t l . thay tiad w-T*"y»r wlm -waw BDt Allalble end Ihey beet iia and we

Id It they had Wat « » we would _ .ye tffc^n ni.| medlMnp and not "cried like l l l l le bablaa." • The Santa ra 'taam hai been loMm tame* hyj Boaton at PHtibttrgh

.iiy of them by clove icoroi to " lewM«. * t o had unallklble player*, aod » * never "klcknt).- .Now that we have built ua OHT M " ! " . "^ flnanolai axpnnie . i i t r i f k . we w l n > , aame and the loiloa team waAta to lorn arotuid and ha** the leaf in dlr-eotor* and prMldenl throw the aame out. I den'i Ihlok the (an* wmtM-aland for It. Itavlna used Molina with, the rfppoalna manaier'a permli

wtoa ihe-lame etanda, • -' due dlrectnra

" I never plan ahead for •ml I never remember tl.em after-wanU, I never maktf a (etieh of IrainltMt, I merely no to bed early, durliiy tmirnament weeKe, eat el in pie fmm and take care not to latcti cold —ihal'a alHiut all,

" Im y.m think/ Dial a rhaniploB' womi^n player ever will bw prixluned-alroiktf etioiiKli and Roud ennuah. 10 beat thu Champion tnnnT" aba waa • eked.

'No, I d<in't think the belt wtnnnr win ever beat the beet man" Bbo re­plied prnmpily, "Rut T don't aoe any

1 why women thooldn't cun-. to lie heller and beltnr playnra

BM mara of (ham . heeome reaHf chauploaahlp

k the lea-__iw H dlfforanl there

wmild have to be a hooch of tamea thrown-oMt aa-.aeeeral-ofOha- '

Slacaraly, . A U T I I U H M . AI.ARID.

.DtiBlnria Uinaaar. Sanu Do DaaebaU Club, UanU kX N. U.

m »

' ^ C « « StMl it F«t '

. - • i * a a , .T*U J*ly-»- ' ' - ' « 'rt" '<« '< ' t i w B ^ f *• 9*rfm trf tanU ra

r ff thn , (H lwa ' mnunted

l u r iwt ru i e-M W " . « ) ) » l e i •*» " " " " " "

IIBUTHiimpS)«W|i m«tin<r,-Hiw-wh« impe wmm may a* meg glrin (nay t i * a ap th# MiW*. • • . • . -* . k .

tope for a» twnwolBf htmwat


i R N E S i A L A N D t M E R S t N ? - M O U N T E D HURDLES EVENTS

r-tolVM • trtp./ • i t t o u i U T e " ' -

' toafiiK * , m i , . 1 « « « . I . flr.1 In lh« nnruud nwn-i h u r . ! . . . ... t.r^.f I IU WU., oMfM tURn r , atan tn-k IhrM Mk.r pkto-In tiu «nnl l i e . . « • » "


I ' A m W i w H » r * o « i In fhd W M M vtarvlidr o. » . KaWmrMiptwf* f f A

York. It: Y,

. wurrMat tor iU fthns to Uk» np teanla--1 -a kn • • Ik -1 T i l 1 ka I -a •. 2

I'O* en, Mt>d{ -M in iT^ l l ia i Bori la flwa ot nncQuratenikTit to hUyam who fcaU the dledpflM,

i'Uuttlon for, Ilka Topay, ahe be-- she "luat^^rowedMmp n tonnia

_ _ k e * a r hmineed l « * bAU'-nrtlnirt - ^ P r w a r t . , dooN-.. I -»lWML.agralMt

~ " who could .how me tbn .imiiJt " 'pl* of poalthm a h d - i u v h n &4

- I f f imtint (enhfa H K ^ -anlckly .aai Into t o w M m m t playlo*.

Iter how Modeet the tuuma-Uf t\n\r Ik t i e BmWrtW

thMU ihnt flret toumaaiaiM «kva me.

of the *ould-b4 e» «rt M-feUewi;

FlraU rM plenty of practice., Seoond, choeae a variety of op-


Thla meana a pmd rart iMt. wejl alrunk. rood balla. a decent court and, Domfortahle clotbea. . . FUH^Walf lh -n-coad—Playei

I pwrlWd (Mt tnj iiifl out that « y larva waa about

tw*lUBM^fer.iMan«.I,workr , V t f f l n t tn-parfoet UtoJBut. ' h o t do thla by Mrvtnat-n lot-•J^^dT^lha Wt M « M t ; I ditf!

. T i a w

t (JBilcaao. i

AMBRICAN LEAGUE fSilcaao at Umilon. St.- UiUa at New Y o r t ~ ~ Mt ro l t at Philadelphia (3). Cleveland^.t Waaliln^on. lYANKEES HOLD LEAD OF SEVEN


NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati b, Brooklyn 1. Pltlebursb HI. Boaton 1. Chicaeo », New York 5. PhlUdolphla i. fit. Loul . 3 (10 loo-


- A M f h l C A N LEAGUE;:: Chlca«o B, UoMoa i. WB.hloBion L aeveland 1. New York I , iH. 1» »U li ... Detroit B, Philadelphia 3.

-WEaTERN LEAGUE ™r 17. (M.I Jo.rp<v 8. M'llne* t, ffitlah'wna CtijfJI, _

V "AMERICAN ABSOCtATION Nu lamea acbedulAu.


Hack M>klM>n Mrf-lbe -CAibe ni^liiad tlea.llttvke-1 -Willi -ikat-i^uhir

boine run liom.ra when he ranU-id • clrcdlt dilva dudoa—a—kit

fw«t that i «ve Iho Cube • • m S j l u liver hie old leamtBalel. it-J

UlunUi. Stepbnoaoa.of the Cub* t i"d

'TEXAS LEAGUE BwaatnOQl T, Dallaa I . &ta Anloolo S, Wichita ' P B I I . 6.

, Honaton E Yt. Worth 4. Waco 1, Shrevopoit E.

WT«IW*ATtO#aAl. t l A O U E TorMto 44 , Newark M .

• aoohoaaar i i . neadinr s . — — _ Bortelo 11. Baiumora 8.


NATIONAL. LEAGUE Battint—Breeiler, Jtede, .171. KUhe—Siladea. Cardlnala. M . Hlia—MrowH. Dravea. tlO.

Whm Trlplae—Wrlahl. Plratmr aiul Waa<

•r. Klratae !<. Homer*—wuaos.' Cuba, and flob.

temley. Verdlnal*. H. K-awolew-baeee—Yonnt. Otanta Cuylur. PIratea IS.

Plichlna-Jonda. Cub*.'won G; loat

'AMERICAN LEAGUE Battlna—yiDtUerHlU. TUtJi'*, .40>.

' Huns—GehriK, Tank«e«, 83. "Hlfa—rwik. White Sos. JM.

-^ThTOMmPr-lhime. IndUna 38. • .TjJnlntTTijcbrls^" " '

Mom nmh, v . , . 8,toJon-^B8M —Hunnefe ld. . AMilie

AT THE rA/m Tpil|(|iitr.


WJ7/ be announced in. just a. few days. It will pay you to save your money lor the Great Bargains we are^of-— feting at our Opening Saii. '

look tcffl'ine Bcii on Our Sign

l i fe the ^ i q i r o T ^

Carl Maya. vMcran of toer world'* lertca. I * NtvmK Clncluoatl hope [or

'11* (lr*( t hU upportunlty alimo 1313. Yetlerday the BuUmarlno aervor ma»-t*red Brooklyn. C to . I . Only (be veteran. Zick Wheat) penetrated h i * deceptive dollvery to auy extHBt. Wheat r ecordnJ^y " doulil.-. ap-t •insle for a perfect day "at but. ' r to , I'lrataa BIUHR t » aecoiid poulUim - m 1 he Nntloiml le*«ue race, w l l h ' i u , iilburnl o[ hlitlMK (bat humbled the iruvv*. 10 to L • -Only after 10' Innlnsii of heated

Btlle did the Cardlnala. Ihtrd pUc* gam. i>uw to i'hiladclphin, 4 to 3. killiimlay. first twaeiiian of thu • ritliiala, niadu bla fourleelilb iKniie

t r l H "

plate, with (oui a perfect day hit*. . •" TDe .. Tankaei _batterBd. ti LtMila pitchera Into aubrntiBlt QiiierBoI with a 10 10 a Bight runa were acurud la Ih

r of the ynar. alonx With 1 t a •luBlu.

"ilowh'before ihe^'riBi'n Bred'Marherry. (dant relief burler:

Btarled lila »ecoii(l Rame of the see-•on for the fisiialuri and allowed (ribveUDd ouly three hit*, to win by 4 to 1.

Chlcato, afler loilng two NtralKhl •• the IHxt Boa. •.|>m-uml out u i , ( vlulury, ItulUtoR a oluti. luulua dly atlur (wo run* !>•<! IH-UU •oorud.


DhlUlpe la W aatoaWDtrilm , I l « * » - - M y -U i eT - f t r a iu t - i e - p l i i t r

DtnTer Mud Affcfcd la B< Ejwhirtrr la the

for *>4«Pthir N Uw bwMBeea at rw*. -DIDR^ DHUUT. aad thew Mat back Is.. ' Denrtc. aa a recBjariy eodaoiala*^ aRsnt of the DBB*erA;kMaso rlBR. ":

l^ck_ I .a lea8^^ af, HiM fry mUlew . , To be an "tdd haad" la the boMle*. RIUR - bualueaa. waa errauled w k k - r

or- :

Gr&daatE of Booif Scbool i s

w«dr cap


Three moBtha a«o, eccordlBR t » -police, HUa DhJDlpa waa a tetephoee operator here. They aaaert aba hAa "

-frocn 880. to 8100 a— week aluce tier retara from CUc««o. .

,.Km ""J-iCOVIRNOR H A N H E T T T O - —

:f^'r:t::i.:;it"c!:ri."R.^t , ; C O V E I W O R S ' C O N F A B ^ Chlcayo, who w». arreted, last hUht

'h*riiv of IMeRal poaueuilon and j ' • 111' g i t - i j»r». !•

plek«l ^ kerw .ent to (TACMO

Wyo. rbuntdey (or Ctieyei

le will make the trip by auLo aad it l l tm aucomeaaWd by M n . llaa-lett.- arm - Tinir and Wrw," a n r t J * -TMilalJ. « r » . ItaaBtoU'B owtbar.


TO BE W I T N E S S Onniiton Ujt W$ Refan to l U

Cok^ Wssto Bs srfy • , W a r t U m F m u J .

Ixw Angela". t^Hf-, Jaly » Ketuielh f l . DrwHstOB wboa* wbeVe-.Ini'lHf .hai W V ' nffVUeJa iBYeStl-j :.:. mtiBE, the dleapiMaraBce of

HempIO McPberaoB mnrJi few we.*. . fiadMr refpaeOi

to Loa .AaRelee aad apiamf twiore 4ka «ra<ut Mry. lo • I f l tar tm* to that body by iJtMrtct AUorwey KeynaL aTha leUer. wrttlea by Ormlw ton and mailed from New Tork a i y . WW* handed to the mfTtitmni Of tJtd Jiij y at Ibp Hon thla Diontlaff public hy tlm dlatriatBtwnMty,. , .

IB faia mlaalva Orif iMlr* Mafod tWf hh waa traveltw uador BB auumied

jitrjkjjr-MEaHOHiJttrBnsn panrlnjr twronir - The—ETtoM "GoithleBB erraroL"

U» t Night a New* Federal ooiirt to Kaaaa* OKy

BlralnH JaOaraon City. Me., mul from-meaopelUlBH -wave lengtba •Uned to knothi-r; ' •; " '


T I R E S ; Y' -''M j'YjcL

- . - iMe tu buy tire nUleige ar lO low A toat per i n i i e » < ^ ttey CEO buy Hrestone Gum-Dipped Tire* today. And n«vcr be&>re have they bMn aidt co-buy tlrtt -*o comfoytablcr fStc ftikd trouble free. j o f t h e h i c f i l y ( k i l l e d

'~'f«4«N!he«M|*iiemtofiGliiu>ed«imlopMl(p^ - tyarhinerr .and'procejia« for maimfacturina • Ottm-Dippfd TtoUf txjmbloed with economi-

._ <fl ttadotud dUtrlfautlon throuEh cfiicieRf ScrYice Pdalera, m a a y equipped with the latMt Flmrot ie methoda of r cpHtr ln i HiRh .Pgj4t», jUl-Sirt BBlioon, Bus « id Truck

^^Plreitont'i ' loog fight BgntturfK^Brlf] ; Tiiti^.^mtfkfioa Act h » »«<>d

We Abo Sell

dOtDFIESJ} T I R E S : ., A t - T W Kedoced PrfceE ,