Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? Author(s): Jakob Munk Højte Source: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bd. 133 (2000), pp. 221-235 Published by: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn (Germany) Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20190767 . Accessed: 19/04/2013 11:00 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn (Germany) is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 11:00:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Imperial Statues

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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues?Author(s): Jakob Munk HjteSource: Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bd. 133 (2000), pp. 221-235Published by: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn (Germany)Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20190767 .Accessed: 19/04/2013 11:00

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  • 221

    Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues?

    In studies of portraits of Roman emperors, little attention is generally paid to the question of when and

    why portrait statues were erected. Rather, the main objective is to determine the date of the original or "Urbild" for each portrait type from which subsequent images were reproduced and distributed through out the empire. Whenever the practical aspects concerning the erection of imperial statues are discussed

    occasions directly related to the emperor, accession to the throne, military victories, jubilees, the holding of magistracies, marriage and important events in the life of a designated heir, figure among the most

    frequently cited.1 In addition, imperial visits in cities around the empire have been seen as the most

    obvious moment for a city to show its loyalty towards the emperor by setting up his image. Imperial statues were sometimes erected when emperors visited a city, but the extent to which this practice was

    followed has never been fully investigated. Nevertheless the assumption has influenced the interpreta tion of imperial portraits, most notably those of Hadrian, who shared his time almost equally between

    Rome and the provinces. Hadrian's travelling activities have been thought to have had an effect on the general output of

    portrait statues as stated in a recent handbook on Roman sculpture: "There are more surviving portraits of Hadrian than of any other emperor besides Augustus. This was owing to two factors: because

    Hadrian was emperor for twenty-one years and because statues of him were erected in cities throughout the empire in anticipation of or in appreciation of his visits."2 Hadrian's visits to provincial towns have also influenced the established chronology of the portrait types: "Das besonders zahlreiche Vorkommen von Bildnissen des Hadrian aus den Provinzen wird durch diese Reisen erkl?rt, und es liegt nun nahe, zu

    erw?gen, welche provinzialen Bildnisse sich mit dem jeweiligen Aufenthalt des Herrschers in einer bestimmten Provinz in Verbindung bringen lassen, und ferner zu pr?fen, ob sich daraus nennenswerte

    zeitliche Anhaltspunkte f?r eine Datierung der Bildnisse ergeben."3 None of the portrait types of Hadrian have been dated exclusively on the basis of provincial portraits thought to have been dedicated at the time of Hadrian's visit, but Wegner used these to support his chronological sequence of the

    portrait types.4 Thus it is of importance both to the chronology of imperial portraits as well as to our

    understanding of the general principles governing the erection of imperial statues to establish the extent to which statues of the emperor were erected as a consequence of his travels through the empire.

    One overlooked and often misinterpreted source does in fact offer a reliable answer to this question. That is the statue bases or the "non-extant portraits". By comparing the dated statue bases with the itineraries of emperors we can determine whether visits correlate with dedications of statues. Three

    emperors, Trajan, Hadrian and Antoninus Pius, have been chosen for this case study. This succession of emperors is ideal for two reasons. First, because there are minimal differences in time and in the length of their reigns, factors which could affect the pattern of distribution and chronology of the dedications.

    Secondly, because the number, destination, and duration of their journeys and their reasons for under

    1 The to date most encompassing study of the subject, T. Pek?ry, Das r?mische Kaiserbildnis in Staat, Kult und Gesellschaft. Das r?mische Herrscherbild. III. Abteilung, Band 5 (1985), 22-28, draws on a selection of both litterary and epigraphic evidence. Pek?ry sees dedication of statues primarily as an expression of loyalty towards the emperor that needs no specific occasion. Nevertheless all his examples of occasions except one relate to the emperor's person or to his acts.

    2 D. E. E. Kleiner, Roman Sculpture (1992), 238. 3 M. Wegner, Hadrian. Das r?mische Herrscherbild II. Abteilung Band 3 (1956), 54. 4 Ibid., 57-62. Wegner cites the portraits in Virunum (Klagenfurt, Landesmuseum), the Bronze head found in the

    Thames (Brit. Mus.), the nude statue in Vaison-la-Romaine (Mus?e Municipal), the cuirassed statue from Hierapetra (Istanbul Arch. Mus. 585), the nude statue with base in Pergamon (Bergama Mus.), the portrait from Ephesos now in Vienna (Antikensammlung Inv. Nr. 1857), in Athens (Nat. Mus. 249) and from Diktynnaion (Chania Mus. Inv. 77).

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  • 222 J. M. Hojte

    taking them were widely different. If imperial visits ever served as occasion for erecting imperial statues, it should be clearly reflected in the surviving evidence for these three emperors.

    The statue bases

    Statue bases constitute the most numerous source concerning the erection of imperial portrait statues.5

    Furthermore, owing to the emperor's name formula appearing in the dedicatory inscription they can,

    contrary to the portraits, often be dated quite accurately. The term statue base here signifies any monu ment designed to carry a three-dimensional representation of the emperor. Regular statue bases, arches, columns and consoles fall within this definition; temples dedicated to the emperor containing his image and decrees mentioning statues do not. The primary criterion for identifying statue bases is the dedica

    tory inscription mentioning the emperors name in the dative case in Latin and in the accusative case in Greek. If a reliable description of the monument on which the inscription is cut is not available, the formulation and design of the inscription is usually adequate to determine the character of the monu

    ment involved.6 One should keep in mind that the preserved statue bases only represent a fraction of the statues

    originally set up, and in some respects they do not constitute a random selection. Ancient and modern factors such as durability of the materials used, level of re-use, and level of excavation and publication have had a considerable effect on the composition of the preserved material, especially with regard to

    the geographical distribution. For the present purpose these discrepancies are less significant since the main concern is chronological.

    Regarding the chronological representativeness of the material, I will presume the following: 1) Portrait statues of the emperor of the type under discussion, which could be termed "honorific statues", were as a rule accompanied by an inscription on the base. Furthermore, there is no chronologi cal discrepancy between statues set up with and without accompanying inscription.7 2) Cities, officials or private individuals setting up a statue of the emperor while he was present would not be less inclined to record the date of the event in the accompanying inscription.8 3) Chronology is not a determining factor for the preservation of each individual statue base. Within the

    material as a whole inconsistencies in the level of preservation may have resulted in a chronological bias

    but locally the statue bases constitute a chronologically random sample.

    5 The importance of a systematic investigation of the epigraphical evidence for the understanding of imperial portrait statues was first shown by M. Stuart, The Portraiture of Claudius (1938) and How Were Imperial Portraits Distributed throughout the Empire?, AJA 43 (1939), 601-617. In recent years several studies on imperial portraiture have included the

    epighraphical evidence from the statue bases, among these: R. H. W. Stichel, Die r?mische Kaiserstatue am Ausgang der

    Antike. Untersuchungen zu plastischen Kaiserportr?ts seit Valentinian I. (365-374 n. Chr.) (1982). J. Fejfer, The Portraits of the Severan Empress Julia Domna. A New Approach, AnalRom 14 (1985), 129-138. D. B?schung, Die Bildnisse des

    Caligula. Das r?mische Herrscherbild. I. Abteilung, Band 4 (1989). C Evers, Les portraits d'Hadrien. Typologie et ateliers

    (1994). 6 For identification of portrait inscriptions, see the criteria set up by M. Stuart, The Portraiture of Claudius (1938), 13


    7 Since the ratio between preserved portraits and statue bases is constant for most emperors during the first and second

    century A.D. regardless of their length of reign, it follows that portraits with accompanying inscriptions had approximately the same chronological distribution as those without, typically statues set up in private contexts where inscriptions were

    superfluous, see J. M. Hojte, The Epigraphic Evidence Concerning Portrait Statues of Hadrian's Heir L. Aelius Caesar, ZPE 127 (1999), 228-229.

    8 Imperial visits were even occasionally used as the basis for reckoning time: Athens (IG II2, 3190) and Epidaurus (IG IV2, 384).

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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? 223

    Dated inscription

    Only inscriptions datable within a time span of approximately one year according to a system of reckon

    ing that is uniform throughout the reign are included in this survey.9 The vast majority of the these are dated on the basis of the number of times the emperor held tribunician power, which was conferred on accession and renewed annually

    - in the second century A.D. usually on 10 December.10 Since the

    system of calculation is relatively simple, we can assume that the information supplied in the inscription is fairly accurate. At least if the monument was intended actually to be seen by the emperor himself or

    was to commemorate an imperial visit, the donor must have taken extra care in getting the imperial titles correct. Thus any inaccuracies in the reckoning would only lead us to find more conjunctions between travels and statue bases.

    In some cities in the eastern provinces, the year of reign was used sporadically as it had been in the Hellenistic period,11 and sometimes local systems of reckoning years appear in the inscriptions. Unfor

    tunately the most common type of calendars - the ones using eponymous magistrates

    - are for the most

    part meaningless to us. Only the date of the inscriptions which use the type of calendar that calculate the

    years from a known event can be determined.12 Finally, the governor of the province can be used to date

    inscriptions if the year of his term of office is known.13 The number of inscriptions which qualify under these conditions vary greatly from emperor to

    emperor. There is, however, a close relation between the number of datable inscriptions and the total number of statue bases known to us (see Fig. I).14 The datable inscriptions for Trajan and Hadrian are listed in appendix 1.

    Emperor Total number of bases Datable bases % of total

    Trajan "

    208 ~

    51 24.5% Hadrian 427


    102 23.9%"" Antoninus Pius 300 80 26.7%

    Fig. 1. Number and percentage of bases datable according to the criteria set up

    The datable statue bases have a very wide geographical distribution with 148 different cities represented among the total of 233 specimens. The samples are too small to allow comparison of the geographical

    9 A small number of inscriptions dated to a specific year according to the number of consulships held are excluded since they would inflate the number of inscriptions in years in which the emperor was not travelling, since the emperor most likely

    would reside in Rome when holding the consulship. 10 Early in his reign Trajan seems to have changed the date of renewal from the dies imperil to the traditional date for

    electing tribunes, 10 December. Hadrian probably started out using his dies imperil but later changed it to 10 December. See H. Mattingly, Tribunicia Potestate, JRS 20 (1930), 78-91. M. Hammond, The Tribunician Day from Domitian through Antoninus: A Reexamination, MAAR 19 (1949), 36-76. D. Kienast, R?mische Kaisertabelle. Grundz?ge einer r?mischen Kaiserchronologie (1990), 122-124 &128-131.

    11 Mopsuestia: IGRR III, 914. Salamis: IGRR III, 987 (these may be the same inscription erroneously listed under two different locations in IGRR). Soli: T. B. Mitford, Opuscula Archaeologica 6 (1950), 32-33. Comana Cappadocia: IGRR III, 121.Hamadi?:rv4MIV,23.

    12 Sebastopolis: SEG 41, 1109 & 1110. Em?rita Augusta: AE 1990, 515. Traianopolis: IGRR IV, 623. Panticapaeum: IGRR I, 877. Amastris: SEG 41, 106.

    13 Trajan: Miletus: A. Rehm, Milet. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899. Band VI, Teil 1. Inschriften von Milet (1997), 41, no. 226 (A.D. 103) & 43, no. 229 (A.D. 117), CIG 2876 (A.D. 106). Ephesus: IGSK 15, 1500. Hadrian: Ephesus: IGSK 17, 2, 4333 (A.D. 118) & IGSK 12, 276 (A.D. 123). Capsa: CIL VIII, 98 (A.D. 135).

    Megara: IG VII, 70-72 & 3491 (A.D. 136). 14 The figures derive from a database under preparation containing all statue bases for emperors in the period from

    Augustus to Commodus. Because of the size of a full catalogue only the dateable inscriptions for Trajan and Hadrian are listed in Appendix 1. Note that the number of inscriptions for Hadrian is somewhat higher than the figure in C Evers, Les

    portraits d'Hadrien. Typologie et ateliers (1994), 35.

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  • 224 J. M. Hojte

    distribution of the datable bases with the undated ones in more than general terms. Under Trajan and Hadrian the datable inscriptions are distributed evenly between the western Latin-speaking and the eastern Greek-speaking provinces; this reflects the distribution of the whole body of statue bases (Fig. 2-3). Relatively few of the inscriptions for Antoninus Pius in the eastern provinces can be dated and the

    North African provinces alone contribute with more than 50%. The same tendency is noticeable among the less well-dated bases but not to the same extent (Fig. 4).

    The itineraries

    Imperial travels have been treated in a thorough study by Helmut Halfmann and the itineraries presented below (appendix 2) generally follow his work.15 Whereas the general outlines of Trajan's journeys are fairly easy to reconstruct because his primary purpose was to move from Rome to a theatre of war in the

    most efficient way,16 the situation for Hadrian is much more complex. The early studies by D?rr17 and Weber18 frequently and uncritically used inscriptions mentioning the emperor's name, including statue

    bases, as evidence for imperial visits. In return, this may to some extent have given rise to the notion that imperial statues were erected on the occasion of imperial visits.19 Halfmann's study does much to redeem this situation. His stated purpose is to present only the places Hadrian definitely visited, even if it results in gaps in the itineraries.20

    The only substantial issue left for discussion is whether Hadrian himself took the field against the Jewish rebellion in A.D. 132. Halfmann leaves the question open, since he can find no proof either way. Syme, on the other hand, argues that Hadrian moved within reach of Palestine for his winter quarters in

    A.D. 132/33 and places his visit to the northeastern frontier, not as Halfmann in A.D. 131 on his way to

    Athens, but in A.D. 133 on his way back to Rome.21 Both options will have to be taken into account

    when comparing the itineraries with the statue bases.

    Only journeys in the provinces come into consideration. Naturally, the emperors travelled within Italy, much more so than in the provinces, but our sources for imperial travels in Italy are not always sufficient to produce the consistent itineraries necessary for this type of investigation.22 Whenever the

    emperor went abroad vows were made for his safe return and the event was most likely to find its way into the annals. Going to an imperial villa in Tibur or by the bay of Naples for example, which some

    emperors frequently did, was not necessarily recorded anywhere. In addition, imperial visits were, at

    least in western central Italy, not unusual and therefore less likely to have been an event worth

    commemorating with a statue. Hadrian's tour of Italy in A.D. 127, the nature of which was more like his

    inspection tours of the provinces, may be seen as an exception to the general purpose of imperial travels in Italy.

    15 H. Halfmann, hi?era principum. Geschichte und Typologie der Kaiserreisen im r?mischen Reich (1986). Note the comments in the reviews by R. Syme, Journeys of Hadrian, ZPE 13 (1988), 165-169 and T. D. Barnes, The Emperor on the

    Move, JRA 2 (1989), 247-261. See also, U. Schachinger, Die Reisen des Kaisers Hadrian nach Aussagen der M?nzbilder, NumZ 104-105 (1997) 83-108.

    16 Difficulties arise when trying to follow the emperor's movements during campaigns, see K. Strobel, Untersuchungen zu den Dakerkrigen Trojans (1984) and C S. Lightfoot, Trajan's Parthian War and the Fourth-century Perspective, JRS 80 (1990), 115-126.

    17 J. D?rrr, Die Reisen des Kaisers Hadrian (1881). 18 \$j Weber, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Kaisers Hadrian (1907). !9 For example, D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the End of the Third Century after Christ (1950), 611-629.

    20 H. Halfmann, op. cit. (n. 15), 189. An exception is his use of the arches set up in the province of Lycia et Pamphylia to establish his voyage back from Egypt in A.D. 131 (pp. 130-131, 194 & 208).

    21 R. Syme, Journeys of Hadrian, ZPE 73 (1988), 165-169. 22 The evidence of Hadrian's travels in Italy has been collected by M. T. Boatwright, Hadrian and Italian Cities, Chiron

    19 (1989), 250-271. His presence at specific locations is almost entirely deduced from dedications of buildings thought to have been initiated by him.

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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? 225

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  • 226 J. M. H0jte



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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? 227



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  • 228 J. M. Hejte

    The itineraries compared with the chronology and distribution of the statue bases

    Trajan's journeys went mostly to regions where little evidence of imperial statue bases has been found. Whether this is a consequence of our lack of knowledge or whether there were originally few portrait

    statues in existence, we must expect to find relatively few connections between imperial visits and

    statue bases. Two inscriptions dated to A.D. 98 have been found in the north-eastern provinces: one in Nevio

    dunum in Pannonia Superior, the other in Doclea in Dalmatia. Trajan could have visited Neviodunum if he did not follow the Danube on his way east to Moesia. He was certainly in the near vicinity of the city around the time of the dedication.23 Doclea, on the other hand, is not likely to have received the emper or, although Trajan probably passed through Dalmatia some time before his return to Rome in A.D. 99.

    Trajan's two Dacian campaigns seem to have left no trace in the form of dedications of statues in the area. The inscriptions are either earlier than A.D. 102 or significantly later than A.D. 107 and the

    number of statue bases for Trajan in the area is lower than for both Hadrian and Antoninus Pius.24 The tropaeum at Adamclissi was erected fairly close to the time when Trajan was present in A.D. 109, but the monument probably did not include a statue of Trajan.25 The statue base found there was not set up until seven years later in A.D. 116.

    In the fall of A.D. 113 Trajan left Rome and arrived at Antiochia two months later.26 None of the statue bases dated that year or the following are close to any of the possible routes Trajan could have followed. His sojourn in the East seems to have had at least some influence on dedicatory practices.

    Only seven portrait inscriptions for Trajan have been found in Syria, Judaea and Arabia compared to

    eight for both Hadrian and Antoninus Pius but three of these belong to arches, two of which can be

    dated to A.D. 114 and 115 respectively.27 We do not know if or when Trajan visited Petra, Gerasa and Dura Europos, where the arches were set up, and it is difficult therefore to determine whether they were

    a direct consequence of an imperial visit or whether they were inspired by the military advances in

    general.28 Of the total of 51 dated inscriptions for Trajan, only one statue base and two arches were dedicated

    when the emperor was in the vicinity. In addition, there are fewer bases for statues of Trajan than for his two successors in the two regions where Trajan spent considerable time. Although Trajan travelled in

    regions with relatively little evidence for imperial statues this is not what we would expect if cities

    showed their loyalty to the emperor by dedicating a statue at the time of his visit.

    The number of datable inscriptions for Hadrian in the provinces is fairly stable throughout his reign.

    Apart from the years A.D. 127 and 137 (the years of the tenth and twentieth anniversary!) with only one statue base each, between three and eight inscriptions are known each year.29 There are no apparent differences in the number of inscriptions between years in which Hadrian was travelling and years in

    which he stayed in Rome and Italy (see Appendix 1).

    23 Unless otherwise noted the inscriptions referred to in the text are listed in Appendix 1 under the year in question. 24 Trajan 13; Hadrian 23 and Antoninus Pius 16. 25 F. B. Florescu, Das Siegesdenkmal von Adamklissi. Tropaeum Traiani (1965), 61-67. 26 See H. Halfmann, op. cit. (n. 15), 184-185. 27 Petra: SEG 32, 1550. Gerasa: SEG 7, 844. The arch in Dura Europos (AE 1933, 225), although not dated precisely,

    was probably set up in A.D. 114 or 115 as well.

    28 C. S. Lightfoot, Trajan's Parthian War and the Fourt-Century Perspective, JRS 80 (1990), 115-126. 29 In A.D. 117 and 138 Hadrian was only emperor approximately half a year and the number of dated inscriptions is

    accordingly lower.

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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? 229

    Hadrian was in Antiochia when Trajan died at Selinus, and although the succession apparently had adversaries in Rome,30 the new emperor decided (like Trajan had done twenty years before) to inspect the north-eastern frontier himself before going to Rome. According to Historia Augusta he came to

    Rome per Illyricum.31 This may have taken him to or near Burnum in Dalmatia, where a statue base was dedicated in A.D. 118. The other six inscriptions that year were set up far from regions Hadrian

    passed through. The first half of Hadrian's first grand tour A.D. 121-125 went to the north-western provinces where

    a total of only five statue bases have been found. None of these were set up in A.D. 121/22, and the situation is similar in Tarraconensis where Hadrian had winter quarters in A.D. 122/23. Here, only three bases have been found compared to nine for Antoninus Pius. The cities of Baetica could reasonably have expected that after his stay in Tarraco, Hadrian had plans to visit It?lica where he grew up. Two bases set up there in A.D. 122 and 123 could possibly have been inspired by the prospect of an imperial visit. Hadrian was, however, not going to Baetica, which must have been clear at the time of the dedica tion of the second base. Ironically, Baetica is one of the few provinces Hadrian did not visit as emperor. Instead he went to Syria to inspect the eastern frontier from Syria to Trapezus.32 From there he went

    along the coast of the Black Sea to winter quarters in Bithynia, possibly at Nicomedea. The following year he went through Asia to Ephesus, where he set sail to Athens.33 Over this long stretch the only possible connection between visit and the dedication of a statue is at Ephesus. Bases were dedicated here in both A.D. 123 and 124 - the second probably at the time of his visit. In Miletus a base was set

    up in A.D. 124 as well; though Hadrian was nearby, he only visited the city five years later in A.D. 129. Hadrian participated in the Eleusinian mysteries in October A.D. 124 and he probably also visited the

    Peloponnesus that year.34 In Epidaurus, which seems a likely destination for the religiously interested

    emperor, a base was dedicated in A.D. 124. Hadrian's visit to Epidaurus is further implied from an

    inscription on an altar in the sanctuary set up ten years after his sojourn;35 the location of the sojourn must be Epidaurus, not just the province of Achaea. Hadrian spent the winter of A.D. 124/25 in Athens, where the bases in the Theatre of Dionysus dedicated by the twelve fylai, four of which are preserved, are generally assumed to have been dedicated at the time of his second visit to the city.36 The inscrip tions, however, contain no information as to their date, and a similar arrangement of statues set up in honour of Antoninus Pius in the theatre in Ephesus shows that imperial presence was not a prerequisite for this type of dedication.37 It seems fairly certain that Hadrian travelled through central Greece to a harbour on the Adriatic in the spring of A.D. 125. An inscription from a base in Elatea in Locris mentions Hadrian having tribunician power for the eighth time. Hadrian almost certainly was in Coro nea in A.D. 125 and possibly in nearby Abea and Hyampolis as well,38 and the base in Elatea was thus dedicated shortly before his arrival to the area, possibly in anticipation of an imperial visit. With regard to the base set up in the sanctuary in Delphi in A.D. 125, there can be little doubt that it was a conse

    quence of Hadrian's visit; perhaps it was even dedicated when Hadrian was present.

    30 R. Syme, Hadrian and the Senate, Athenaeum 62 (1984), 32-35. E. Mertens, Die Adoption Hadrians, in Bonner Fest gabe Johannes Straub zum 65. Geburtstag am 18. Oktober 1977 (1977), 247-260.

    3l?A,Hadr. 5. 10.

    32 The statue of Hadrian of poor quality on the water front in Trapezus mentioned by Arrian, Periplus 1.3 may have commemorated Hadrian's visit to the city but was evidently never seen by Hadrian himself. How long this disgrace had gone unnoticed is impossible to say; perhaps not all imperial legates had the refined taste of Arrian.

    33 H. Halfrnann, op. cit. (n. 15), 197-202. 34 H. Halfmann, op. cit. (n. 15), 202-203. 35 IG IV2, 842. 36 IG II2, 3287 A-D. P. Grun?or, Ath?nes sous Hadrien (Cairo 1934), 18-20. 37/G5A:16,2050. 38 H. Halfrnann, op. cit. (n. 15), 192. Paus. 10. 35. 4-6.

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  • 230 J. M. H0jte

    Before setting out on his second grand tour in A.D. 128, Hadrian went for a short visit to Sicily and

    North Africa. This was the first and only imperial visit to the North African provinces during the first two centuries A.D. Nineteen datable bases for Hadrian have been found in Western North Africa, but

    only one of them, the one found in Tipasa, was set up in the year of his visit. Whether that city was on

    his itinerary remains unknown. If there was no correlation between imperial visits and dedication of

    statues, 1 out of 21 (the length of Hadrian's reign in years) bases would statistically have been set up in the year of his visit. The actual figure is remarkably close to this. Furthermore, far more statue bases for

    Antoninus Pius who did not visit the area have been found in North Africa (Fig. 3-4). The first stop on the second grand tour was Athens, where Hadrian spent the winter of A.D. 128/29.

    Even though Hadrian probably went on excursions from Athens (we only know of visits to Sparta and

    Eleusis), no bases dated to either year have been found in the province of Achaea. In Ephesus, which Hadrian visited next, a base was dedicated in A.D. 129 reading: "because of his unsurpassed gifts to

    Artemis: he granted the goddess rights over inheritances and deposits and her own laws, he provided

    shipments of grain from Egypt, he made the harbors navigable and diverted the river Kaystros which

    silts up the harbors . . ."39 This illustrates the type of problems a city could attract the emperor's atten

    tion to during a personal visit and the value of the benefits in this instance clearly outweighed the cost of

    entertaining the emperor and his train. Two further bases were set up in Asia Minor in A.D. 129, both in

    cities that Hadrian did not visit.40 In Gerasa in the province of Arabia, which Hadrian visited on his way to Egypt, there can be no

    doubt that Hadrian's visit had an effect on the number of dedications. Seven inscriptions from Gerasa

    record the erection of imperial statues during the second century A.D., four of them belong to statues of

    Hadrian set up in A.D. 130. In connection with Hadrian's visit to Gerasa an enlargement of the city took

    place, quite similar to the extension of the Olympieion district in Athens from where he had just come.41 This ambitious building programme was surely a contributing factor to the sudden eagerness to erect

    statues of Hadrian. Even with the inclusion of the four bases from Gerasa the total number of statue

    bases for Hadrian in the East is not higher than for Antoninus Pius. In Egypt, where Hadrian spent the

    winter of A.D. 130/31, only three bases have been found compared to four and three for Trajan and Antoninus Pius respectively; none of them can be dated with any precision.42 After leaving Egypt in

    A.D. 131 Hadrian travelled along the coast of Syria and the southern shore of Asia Minor; the arch

    erected in Phaselis that year probably reflects one of his stops along the way.43 The next conjunction between Hadrian's presence and dedication of statues belongs to A.D. 131/32

    when Hadrian had winter quarters in Athens and inaugurated the temple of Zeus and founded the

    Panhellenion.44 Pausanias, in his description of the Olympieion, enumerates all the statues of Hadrian in

    stone and bronze dedicated by different Greek cities, perhaps the member cities of the Panhellenion, which filled the precinct.45 The large number of statue bases preserved in the Olympieion and in other

    39 IGSK 12, 274. Translated by N. Lewis, Greek Historical Documents. The Roman Principate: 27 B.C.-285 A.D.

    (1974), 17. 40 Asia, Heraclaea ad Salbacum: L. & J. Robert, La Carie II, no. 151 and Cappadocia, Colonia Archelais: AE 1976, 675. 41 C. H. Kraeling, Gerasa (1938) 50-51. 42 Tentyra: AE 1975, 855 & 856. Siwa: SEG 8, 791. The date given for the inscription from Siwa is a restoration and

    Hadrian probably never visited the oasis, see P. J. Sijpesteijn, A New Document Concerning Hadrian's Visit to Egypt, Histo ria IS (1969), \09~m.

    43 H. Halfrnann, op. cit. (n. 15), 130-131. 44 IG IV2, 842 inform us that the third year after the inauguration equalled the tenth year after Hadrian's visit, which

    can only be the one in A.D. 124/25. See also A. J. Spawforth & S. Walker, The World of the Panhellenion, JRS 75 (1985) 78-104.,

    45 Paus. 1. 18.6.

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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? 231

    parts of Athens dedicated by Greek cities undoubtedly belonged to these statues.46 The majority of the inscriptions are in Greek and follow the normal Greek scheme of recording the emperor's name without

    any mention of offices and titles and thus contain no dating criteria. However, three of them were set up

    by Roman colonies that used Latin for their dedication and included the full imperial name and titles in the inscriptions. All three can be dated to A.D. 131/32 since Hadrian holds tribunician power for the sixteenth time and it is assumed, therefore, that all the bases found in the Olympieion were dedicated

    simultaneously with the inauguration. One inscription calls Hadrian theos, which does not necessarily imply that Hadrian was deified at the time of the dedication, but since it is the only one that deviates

    from the otherwise very standardised formulation of the inscriptions it seems likely that it was dedicated

    after A.D. 138; perhaps the city of Ceramiae which set up the statue only became a member of the

    Panhellenion after the death of Hadrian.47 If Hadrian, as Halfmann assumes, went to the Danube frontier in A.D. 131 before going to Athens

    he probably visited Philippi, where a base was set up that year. If on the other hand he first attended to

    the Jewish rebellion and came to the area in A.D. 133 on his way to Rome, there could be a possible connection with four inscriptions dated to A.D. 133 found in two military camps in Dacia. It is not

    entirely clear, however, whether these inscriptions cut on plaques belong to monuments that carried

    portrait statues of Hadrian, or whether they record dedications of buildings. Of the 102 dated statue bases of Hadrian from the provinces twelve were set up in the same year that

    Hadrian visited the city where the base was found. Three to five further bases, depending on when Hadrian visited the north-eastern frontier for the second time, were set up in cities that Hadrian could

    possibly have visited and four bases were set up in cities that Hadrian did not visit but where he was in

    the vicinity around the time of the dedication (Fig. 3). The number of bases related to visits thus amounts to 20% of the total, which is slightly higher than to be expected if conjunctions between statue bases and visits were merely coincidental. His travels in the west seem to have left no trace at all, but in

    the east, particularly in the provinces of Achaea and Arabia, did his travels exert some influence on the

    decision to erect statues. It is striking, however, that nine of the twelve bases with a definite connection to visits were set up in three cities only: four in Gerasa, three in Athens48, and two in Ephesus. In

    Athens the occasion for setting up the statues of Hadrian in A.D. 131/32 was certainly extraordinary, and in Gerasa and Ephesus the visit was likewise accompanied by substantial largesse from the emperor. It seems therefore that the emperor's benefactions to the city during his stay were an important factor in

    the decision to erect his statue.

    The statue bases show that portraits found in cities Hadrian visited cannot be used in the discussion of the chronology of the portrait types unless there are other reasons for the proposed date of a portrait.

    Hadrian visiting a city is no proof in itself. Too many statues were erected continuously throughout his

    reign in all parts of the empire (Fig. 3). Likewise it is manifestly wrong to postulate imperial visits to a city merely on the ground of the presence of a statue base.

    Antoninus Pius did not leave Italy in the 21 years he reigned nor did he, for all we know, contem

    plate doing so; consequently there can be no connection between travels and erection of statues.

    Italy and the provinces

    As shown above there is little evidence to support the view that statues of the emperor were dedicated when the emperor was actually present. The second question is whether statues were set up in anticipa

    46 IG II2, 3289-3307, 3308-3309?, 3310; AE 1947,17; CIL III, 7282-7283. At least six further bases in the Olympieion were dedicated by individuals or groups (IG II2, 3313, 3315, 3318, 3319, 3320, 3381).

    47 IG II2, 3310. Theos is frequently used in inscriptions on statue bases in an emperor's lifetime, for example: IG II2, 326^65; IG IX, 2, 46; IGSK 36, 1, 39; IGRR I, 875; IGRR III, 719; IGRR III, 721; SEG 14, 557; SEG 41, 143.

    48 With the likely inclusion of approximately another thirty or more undated bases from the Olympieion.

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  • 232 J. M. Hejte

    tion or in appreciation of imperial visits. We do not know how far in advance cities were notified of the

    emperors' arrival, but in most instances there must have been ample time to acquire statues even in the most remote places; other facilities were expected to be provided by the host city.49 In addition, when news arrived that Hadrian had left Rome for the second time in A.D. 128 almost any city around the

    empire could anticipate his arrival at some point and start making preparations well in advance. Since Hadrian visited almost all the provinces at least once he must have been through a large

    proportion of the cities in the empire. If many of these set up a statue of Hadrian in appreciation of his visit the proportion of statues of Hadrian set up outside Italy should be higher than for Antoninus Pius who never left Italy.

    Emperor Total number of bases In Italy Outside Italy % outside Italy Trajan 208 41 167 80.3%

    Hadrian 427 ~

    77 350 82.0% Antoninus Pius 300 62 238 79.3%

    Fig. 5. The percentage of bases set up outside Italy

    As seen in Fig. 5 the differences in the percentage of bases outside Italy for the three emperors are

    minuscule. The slightly higher percentage under Hadrian can be ascribed to the exceptional find of more

    than 50 bases for Hadrian in Athens, 30 of these in the Olympieion alone.50 If the evidence from Athens is excluded, the proportion of bases for Hadrian outside Italy is in fact lower than for Antoninus Pius.

    Provincials were thus not any more eager to set up statues of Hadrian than the Italians even though Hadrian visited almost every part of the empire.


    The epigraphic evidence from the statue bases of Trajan, Hadrian and Antoninus Pius show that impe rial visits generally did not motivate cities or individuals in the provinces to immediately erect statues of the emperor and basing a chronological sequence of portrait types on portraits found at places visited by an emperor is consequently unjustified. These portraits could statistically have been erected at any time during the reign. Neither can travelling alone explain why there are more surviving portraits of one

    emperor than of another. The number of portraits of an emperor was determined by a whole range of

    factors: level of economic activity, the spread of the habit of erecting imperial statues, imperial policy,

    popularity of an emperor etc. In this case we should probably look for characteristics in the policies of

    the three emperors towards the provinces and imperial benefactions to the cities of the empire, particu

    larly in the province of Achaea, in Asia Minor and in North Africa where the largest fluctuations in the number of statue bases occur (Fig. 2-4).51 This, however, falls outside the scope of this investigation of imperial travels as occasion for erecting portrait statues.

    49 Evidence from Egypt shows that preparations started almost a year before Hadrian's arrival in the fall of A.D. 130, P. J. Sijpesteijn, op. cit. (n. 42), 116-118, but this of course depended on the circumstances of the journey. Members of the

    imperial family could arrive unexpectedly (Nie. Dam. FGrHist 90 F 134) but this is not likely to have happened in the case of the emperor. Suitable portraits of a new emperor could be obtained in a matter of months and it is probable that already finished portraits were on store in workshops, see examples in M. Stuart, op. cit. (n. 5, 1939), 607-609.

    5^ A. S. Benjamin, The Altars of Hadrian in Athens and Hadrian's Panhellenic Program, Hesperia 32 (1963), 57-86. 51 M. T. Boatwright, Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire (2000) have collected the evidence concerning

    Hadrian's benefactions to cities. Between donations of buildings whether utilitarian or religious and statue bases no immedi

    ate correlation can be established beyond that of the material from Athens and the horrea in Myra (CIL III, 6738) on which portrait busts of Hadrian and Sabina were set above the central doorway. Change in city status (Boatwright, 39^10), on the other hand, served as occasion for the erection of statues in several cities, particularly in North Africa, as witnessed by the

    epithets conditor municipii (Althiburus: CIL VIII, 27775; Avitta Bibba: CIL VIII, 799; Choba: AE 1949, 55; Hugo: CIL II, 3239; Tunis Tamalleni: CIL VIII, 83), conditor coloniae (Parium: IGSK 25, 7-9; Lysimachea: AE 1938, 140) or just condi tor (Musra: CIL III, 3279). Since, however, the dedications in Choba, Mursa, and Turns Tamalleni are posthumous, it is

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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? 233

    Appendix 1 Dated inscriptions from statue bases for Trajan and Hadrian in the provinces arranged chronologically (the

    number in parentheses indicate the number of inscriptions that year):

    Trajan 98 (6) Aegyptus, Syene: CIL III, 14147, 2. Cappadocia, Sebastopolis: SEG 41, 1109. Dalmatia, Doclea:

    CIL III, 12681. Mauritania Caesariensis, Sitifis: AE 1949, 42. Numidia, Thubursicu Numidarum: S. Gsell, Inscriptions Latines de l'Alg?rie I (Paris 1922) 120, no. 1243. Pannonia Superior,

    Neviodunum: M. Lovenjak, Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae, Neviodunum (Ljubljana 1998) 71 72, no. 24

    = CIL III, 3924. 100 (3) Baetica, lulipa: CIL II2, 7, 903. Cilicia, Mopsuestia: IGRR III, 914. Cyprus, Salamis: IGRR III,

    987. 103 (2) Asia, Miletus: Inschriften von Milet (Berlin 1997) 41, no. 226. Numidia, Calama: CIL VIII, 5325. 104 (1) Lusitania, Pons Alcantara: CIL II, 759 & 760. 105 (2) Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 17. Lusitania, Em?rita Augusta: AE 1990, 515. 106 (2) Asia, Miletus: CIG 2876. Cappadocia, Sebastopolis: SEG 41,1110. 107 (5) Africa Proconsularis, Uzaae?: AE 1938, 43. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 18. Creta, Lyttus: IC I,

    XVIII, 19. Mauritania Caesariensis, Cuicul: CIL VIII, 8315. Numidia, Rusicade: CIL VIII, 7967. 108 (2) Alpes Graiae et Poeninae, Axima: CIL XII, 105. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 21. 109 (2) Baetica, Nescania: CIL II2, 5, 846. Mauritania Caesariensis, Sitifis: CIL VIII, 8464. 110 (2) Aegyptus, Philae: E. Bernard, Les inscriptions greques de Philae II (Paris 1969) 154-155, no.

    163. Africa Proconsularis, Lepcis Magna: CIL VIII, 22670. 112 (3) Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 22. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 23. Moesia Inferior, Troesmis: AE 1991,

    1381. 113 (6) Africa Proconsularis, Mactaris: AE 1963, 96. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 29. Creta, Lyttus: IC I,

    XVIII, 27. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 28. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 30. Dalmatia, Asseria: AE 1908,193.

    114 (4) Arabia, Petra: SEG 32, 1550. Baetica, Cisimbrium: CIL II, 2097. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 33. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 32.

    115 (6) Arabia, Gerasa: SEG 7, 844. Asia, Ephesus: IGSK 15, 1500. Asia, Heraclea ad Salbacum: AE 1937, 85. Baetica, Arsa: CIL II, 5543. Baetica, Municipium Flavium V...: CIL II2, 7, 888. Baetica,

    01vera:,4? 1987, 499. 116 (2) Africa Proconsularis, Mactaris: CIL VIII, 11798. Moesia Inferior, Tropaeum Traiani (Adam

    clissi): CIL III, 12470. 117 (3) Asia, Miletus: Inschriften von Milet (Berlin 1997) 43, no. 229. Cyprus, Soli: T. B. Mitford, New

    Inscriptions from Roman Cyprus, Opuscula Archaeologica 6 (1950) 32-33, no. 16. Numidia, Thamugadi: CIL VIII, 2356.


    117(1): Dacia, Sarmizegethusa: CIL III, 1445. 118 (7): Achaea, Lebadea: J. Jannoray, BCH 64-65 (1940-1941) 57-58. Africa Proconsularis, Thugga:

    CIL VIII, 1479. Asia, Ephesos: IGSK 17, 2, 4333. Cyrene, Cyrene: AE 1946, 177. Cyrene, Cyrene: AE 1974, 678. Dalmatia, Burnum: CIL III, 2828. Lusitania, Civitas Aravorum: AE 1954, 87.

    119 (5): Asia, Miletus: AE 1966, 449. Asia, Traianopolis: C7G3865 b. Macedonia, Stobi: CIL III, 629. Narbonensis, Vienna: CIL XII, 1797. Sicilia, Mazara: CIL X, 7202.

    120 (6): Africa Proconsularis, Lepcis Magna: IRT no. 358a. Africa Proconsularis, Lepcis Magna: IRT no. 358b. Africa Proconsularis, Lepcis Magna: IRT no. 359. Asia, Pergamum: IvP 397. Cappadocia, Comana Cappadociae: IGRR III, 121. Moesia Inferior, Tomis: SEG 27,400.

    121 (6): Asia, Magnesia Maeandri: O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am M?ander (Berlin 1900) 127, no. 174 + 175. Lusitania, Olisipo: CIL II, 186. Lycia et Pamphylia, Perge: IGSK 54, 94 + 95.

    Numidia, Thamugadi: CIL VIII, 17844. Numidia, Thibilis: AE 1907, 7. 122 (4): Baetica, Singilia Barba: CIL II2, 5, 775. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 40. Mauritania Caesariensis,

    Cuicul: G. Zimmer, Locus datus decreto decurionum. Zur Statuenaufstellung zweier Forums

    clear that the honorific statues were not necessarily erected immediately after the new status had been granted. The bulk of the evidence relate to the areas mentioned above but due to the lack of comparative studies for Trajan and Antoninus Pius it is difficult to asses its importance for the erection of imperial statues.

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  • 234 J. M. Hojte

    lagen im r?mischen Afrika, SBM?nchen, Heft 102 (1989) 65, no. C 44. Mauritania Caesariensis, Tubusuctu: ,4? 1967, 641.

    123 (4): Achaea, Heraeum of Argos: J. L. Caskey & P. Amandry, Hesperia 21 (1952) 219-221, no. 7. Asia, Ephesus: IGSK 12, 276. Baetica, Saepo: CIL II, 1339. Numidia, Rusicada: CIL VIII, 10877.

    124 (8): Achaea, Elatea: IG IX, 1, 144. Achaea, Epidaurus: IG IV2, 1, 606. Asia, Ephesus: IGSK 12, 266. Asia, Miletus: Inschriften von Milet (Berlin 1997) 44, no. 230. Creta, Gortyn: IC Uli, 274. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 41. Pannonia Superior, Siscia: CIL III, 3968 a. Thracia, Callipolis: IGSK 19, 12.

    125 (3): Achaea, Delphi: Fouilles de Delphes III, IV, 4, 153, adn. 1. Creta, Lyttus: IC I, XVIII, 42. Creta, Lyttus: SEG Al, 810.

    126 (5): Asia, Miletus: Inschriften von Milet (Berlin 1997) 44-45, no. 231. Bithynia et Pontus, Hamidi?: TAM?V, 23. Creta, Lyttus: SEG 37, 753. Numidia, Gemellae: AE 1950, 58. Thracia, Perinthus: CIG 2020.

    127 (0): 128 (3): Africa Proconsularis, Tipasa: CIL VIII, 17143. Asia, Alexandria Troas: IGSK 53, 20. Baetica,

    Callenses?: II, 1371. 129 (7): Africa Proconsularis, Vicus Haterianus: CIL VIII, 23125. Asia, Ephesus: IGSK 12, 274. Asia,

    Heraclea ad Salbacum: L. &, J. Robert, La Carie II, no. 151. Cappadocia, Colonia Archelais: AE 1976, 675. Creta, Gortyn: IC IIII, 275. Dacia, Inlaceni: AE 1960, 375. Numidia, Lambaesis: CIL

    VIII, 2533. 130 (7): Africa Proconsularis, Tepeltense: CIL VIII, 12248. Arabia, Gerasa: AE 1935, 96. Arabia, Gerasa:

    IGRR III, 1347. Arabia, Gerasa: SEG 7, 813. Arabia, Gerasa: SEG 7, 828. Baetica, Urgavo Alba: CIL II2, 7, 74. Cyprus, Salamis: J. Pouilloux & P. Roesch & J. Marcillet-Jaubert, Salamine de Chypre XIII (Paris 1987) 63, no. 143.

    131 (5): Baetica, Munigua: AE 1966, 182 a. Baetica, Munigua: AE 1966, 182 b. Bithynia et Pontus, Clau diopolis: IGSK 31, 51. Lycia et Pamphylia, Phaselis: JAM II, 1187. Macedonia, Philippi: AE 1935,48.

    132 (6): Achaea, Athenae: CIL III, 7281. Achaea, Athenae: CIL III, 7282. Achaea, Athenae: CIL III, 7283. Baetica, Aratispi: CIL II2, 5, 731. Tarraconensis, Civitas Limicorum: CIL II, 2516. Thracia, Samothrace: IG XII, 8, 243.

    133 (6): Africa Proconsularis, Lepcis Magna: IRT no. 362. Dacia, Bivolari: CIL III, 12601 a. Dacia, Bivolari: CIL III, 12601 b. Dacia, Radacinesti: CIL III, 12604. Dacia, Radacinesti: CIL III, 12605.

    Regnum Bospori, Pantikapaeum: CIRB no. 47. 134 (6): Africa Proconsularis, Thabbora: CIL VIII, 23896. Bithynia et Pontus, Claudiopolis: IGSK 31, 52.

    Bithynia et Pontus, Claudiopolis: IGSK 31, 53. Moesia Inferior, Tomis: CIL III, 765. Numidia, Rusicada: CIL VIII, 7968. Numidia, Thamugadi: AE 1920, 121.

    135 (3): Achaea, Syros: IG XII, suppl., 239. Africa Proconsularis, Capsa: CIL VIII, 98. Asia, Hadriani: IGSK33,4l.

    136 (7): Achaea, Megara: IG VII, 70; IG VII, 71; IG VII, 72 & IG VII, 3491. Asia, Miletus: AE 1909, 89. Cilicia, Anazarbus: AE 1891, 26. Moesia Inferior, Nicopolis ad Istrum: IGBulg II, 601.

    137 (1): Pannonia Superior, Arrabona: CIL III, 4366. 138 (2): Cyrene, Cyrene: SEG 9, 136. Moesia Inferior, Nicopolis ad Istrum: SEG 44, 629.

    Appendix 2 The itineraries of Trajan and Hadrian

    Trajan: 98-99: Returning to Rome from Germania by way of the North-eastern frontier 98-99: Germania Sup. & Inf., Raetia, Noricum, Dalmatia, Pannonia Sup. & Inf., Moesia Sup. & Inf.

    101-102: The First Dacian War 101-102: Dalmatia, Pannonia Superior and Inferior, Moesia Superior and Inferior

    105-107: The Second Dacian War 105-107: Dalmatia, Pannonia Superior and Inferior, Moesia Superior and Inferior

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  • Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? 235

    113-117: The Parthian War 113: Achaea, Asia, Lycia et Pamphylia, Cilicia, Syria 114-116: Syria 117: Syria, Cilicia

    Hadrian: 117-118: Returning to Rome from Syria by way of the north-eastern frontier 117: Syria, Cilicia, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia et Pontus 118: Bithynia et Pontus, Thracia, Moesia Superior and Inferior, Pannonia Superior and Inferior, Dalmatia

    121-125:1st grand tour 121: Narbonensis, Lugdunensis 122: Lugdunensis, Germania Superior & Inferior, Raetia, Noricum, Britannia, B?lgica, Aquitania, Tarraconensis 123: Tarraconensis, Syria, Cappadocia, Bithynia et Pontus 124: Bithynia et Pontus, Asia, Achaea 125: Achaea, Macedonia, Epirus, Sicilia

    128-132: 2nd grand tour 128: Sicilia, Africa Proconsularis, Numidia, Mauretania Caesarensis, Achaea 129: Achaea, Asia, Galatia, Cappadocia, Cilicia, Syria 130: Syria, Arabia, Iudaea, Aegyptus 131: Aegyptus, Lycia et Pamphylia, Asia, Thracia, Moesia Inferior, Macedonia, Achaea 132: Achaea

    Aarhus Jakob Munk Ftejte

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    Article Contentsp. 221p. 222p. 223p. 224p. 225p. 226p. 227p. 228p. 229p. 230p. 231p. 232p. 233p. 234p. 235

    Issue Table of ContentsZeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bd. 133 (2000), pp. I-IV, 1-298Front MatterFrammenti di Omero, "Odissea" XI 210-29 (PDuk inv. 60 + PPisaLit 23) [pp. 1-6]Euripides "Telephus" fr. 149 (Austin) and the Folk-Tale Origins of the Teuthranian Expedition [pp. 7-10]A New Fragment of the Theramenes Papyrus (P. Mich. 5796b) [pp. 11-20]The Attic-Chian Alliance ("IG" II 34) and the 'Troubles in Greece' of the Late 380's BC [pp. 21-30]Zur mittellateinischen bersetzung des neuen Fragments aus Aristoteles(?) 'De inundatione Nili' [pp. 31-33]Dem Schauspieler auf den Mund geschaut [p. 34-34]Koritto in Herodas 6 [pp. 35-41]Machon and Philoxenus [p. 42-42]Favorino, Sul 'proprio' esilio [pp. 43-50]Fresh Thoughts on Diogenes of Oinoanda fr. 68 [pp. 51-55]P.Heid. Inv. G 239d: Epica imperiale? [pp. 56-60]Imposition et exemption fiscales des trangers dans le rglement athnien sur Chalcis "IG" I 40 [pp. 61-74]Epigraphic Evidence for Farmstead Residence in Attica [pp. 75-90]Wo lag das Herakleion der Salaminioi [pp. 91-102]Decreto indito de proxena de Ksamos, Creta [pp. 103-108]" ". Encore sur la colonisation rhodienne de Rhod [pp. 109-112]Textual Notes on Epitaphs [pp. 113-116]Note sulle divergenze nel dialetto e nella forma delle lettere tra le iscrizioni del centro-sud della Trifilia e quelle dell'Elide [pp. 117-121]A 'Heroizing' Gravestone from Thera [p. 122-122]Onomastica greca su anelli, pesi da telaio e glandes in Sicilia [pp. 123-134]"Magia" rurale siciliana: Iscrizioni di Noto e Modica [pp. 135-146]Cloud-Drivers and Damage from Hail [pp. 147-148]A Note on a Hematite Falcon in the Louvre [pp. 149-152]P. Oxy. 3239: Roma "Citt di legno", la parola-fantasma e qualche ipotesi [pp. 153-156]Papnouthios in "SB" I 2266: New Man or New Patron? [pp. 157-162]New Papyri from the New York University Collection: I [pp. 163-186]A Poll-Tax Receipt from El-Gedida (Dakhleh Oasis) [pp. 187-189]A Note on P.Oxy. III 475.20 [p. 190-190]Anne pigraphique 1996, 659: Evidence for an Unknown Consul? [pp. 191-192] . Zur Bezeichnung des Errichtungs- bzw. Registrierungsortes in den Notariatsurkunden aus Soknopaiu Nesos [pp. 193-196]Incestuous Twins in the City of Arsinoe [pp. 197-198]Fragment of a Petition to Haterius Nepos [pp. 199-201]Corrigenda [p. 202-202]A Vintage Account [pp. 203-204]Agriculture and the 'Taxes-and-Trade' Model in Roman Egypt [pp. 205-220]Imperial Visits as Occasion for the Erection of Portrait Statues? [pp. 221-235]; Food for Thought [p. 236-236]Una nuova dedica a Maioriano e un probabile corrector Lucaniae et Brittii nel 459 [pp. 237-242]Notizen zu CIL I 1219 [pp. 243-247]Minutiae musivae [pp. 248-250]A Fragment of a Tetrarchic Constitution from Crete [pp. 251-255]L. Tettius Crescens' expeditio Iudaeae [pp. 256-258]Basiliskos: Ein in Rom anerkannter Usurpator [pp. 259-265]Attractio inversa in the Edict of Augustus from El Bierzo [pp. 266-270]A New Egyptian Diploma Fragment [pp. 271-274]Bronzeinschriften von Ehrendenkmlern aus Rom: Zu dem neuen Militrdiplom von der unteren Sava [pp. 275-282]Ein Prtorianerdiplom Severus Alexanders auf einer wiederverwendeten Bronzetafel [pp. 283-285]Euphrata et Romano consulibus auf einem neuen Militrdiplom von der unteren Sava [pp. 286-290]Modern Prejudice and Ancient Praxis: Female Worship of Hercules at Rome [pp. 291-297]Mitteilung: ZPE online [p. 298-298]