impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media

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Note : Definitions of Literary terms and Psychological terms listed here are adapted

from standard dictionaries and glossaries of literary terms and Psychology text books

and these sources are acknowledged by the researcher at the end of this glossary

under Reference Books.


Archetype: Refers to ‘primordial images’, the ‘psychic residue of repeated types of

experience in the lives of our ancestors which are inherited in the

‘collective unconsciousness’ of the human race and which are

expressed in myths, religious dreams, private fantasies as well as

works of literature. In literary criticism ‘archetype’ is applied to

narrative designs, character types or images, myths and dreams.

Allegory: An extended narrative in prose or verse in which characters, events and

settings represent abstract qualities and in which the writer intends a

second meaning to be read beneath the surface story. The underlying

meaning may be moral, religious, political, social or satiric. The

characters are often personifications of such abstractions as greed,

envy, hope, clarity or fortitude.

Aesthetics: In philosophy of art, the study of the nature of beauty in literature and

the arts, and the development of criteria for judging beauty.

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Antithesis : A figure of speech in which opposing or contrasting ideas are balanced

against each other in grammatically parallel syntax.

Ballad: A short poem that tells a simple story and has repeated refrain. Ballads

were originally intended to be sung. Early ballads, known as folk ballads,

were passed down through generations, so their authors are often

unknown. Later ballads composed by known authors are called literary


Characterization: The method by which an author creates the appearance and

personality of imaginary persons and reveals their character. It is the

ability to bring the people in the imagination of the author to life for the

reader. Successful characterization is also crucial to the development of

a narrative, since the events that move the story forward are often

strongly influenced by the nature of the persons involved.

Comedy: Any literary work that aims to amuse by dealing with humorous, familiar

situations involving ordinary people speaking everyday language. The

term comedy is customarily applied to only to dramas, but the comic

form also occurs in prose and poetry. Comedy is a play written primarily

to amuse or entertain and usually having a happy ending and its

characters are realistic.

Connotation: The associations, images or impressions carried by a word as

opposed to the word’s literal meaning. Connotation brings a potential

range of secondary meanings.

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Catharsis: Aristotle defines ‘catharsis’ as the power of Tragedy to purge the

emotions of pity and fear through various incidents in the play. Catharsis

is a kind of emotional release for the audience.

Carnivalization/Carnivalesque: Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) coined the word

carnivalization to describe the penetration of carnival in to everyday life

and it’s shaping effect on language and literature. A carnivalesque

element is also characteristic of burlesque, parody and personal satire.

Discourse: Spoken or written language, including literary works. A treatise or other

learned formal written work or lecture. Recently the term has been used

with increasing frequency and with new kinds of meanings, reflecting in

part the effect of critical vocabulary of works done within and across the

boundaries of various disciplines : linguistics, philosophy, literary

criticism, history, psycho-linguistics and sociology.

Deconstruction: A mode of analytical reading based on the radically skeptical

assumption that the language of written discourse is inherently

unreliable. Deconstruction probes the contradictions within the text and

attempts an in depth analysis of its possible meanings. It asserts that

there can be no final interpretation of the texts’ meaning. The term is

associated with Derrida. Although, it is primarily applied to written texts,

it can as well be used to analyse concepts, systems and institutions.

Dramaturgy: The study of the composition and performance of drama.

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Empathy: Signifies an experience in which one identifies himself with an object of

perception and seems to participate in its physical sensation. This

experience is an involuntary projection of ourselves into an object. The

contemplation of a work of art might give us a physical sensation similar

to that suggested by the work.

Epic: Long narrative poem in lofty style set in a remote time and place and

dealing with heroic characters and deeds, important in the legends and

history of a nation or race. The epic hero is larger than life having,

various superhuman strength, character or intellect. The style is

objective, elevated and dignified.

Figurative Language: Language that contains ‘figures of speech’, such as

Metaphor, Simile, Personification and Hyperbole, expressions that make

comparisons or associations meant to be interpreted imaginatively rather

than literally. In Sanskrit ‘alamkara’ is the science and art of rhetoric.

Form: The organizing principles that shapes a work of literature. It is often used

to refer literary types or genres. When we refer to the forms of literary

work, we refer to its shape and structure and to the manner in which it

is made as opposed to its substance or what it is about. Form and

substance are inseparable, but they are to be analyzed and discussed


Folklore: The traditional songs, legends, beliefs, crafts and customs of a people

that are passed from one generation to the next by word of mouth and

usually not written down until they are collected by scholars. Folklore is

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often pre literature, in the sense that written literature absorbs the forms

of folklore- ballad, work song, fable, riddle and so on and makes

continuing use of its situations, characters and themes.

Figures of Rhetoric: Expressions, such as metaphors, similies, personifications,

that make comparisons or associations meant to be taken imaginatively

rather than literally.

Fantasy: In literature, a work that is set in an imaginary unreal or utopian world

that involves fantastic characters or that employs principles of science

and physics as yet unknown as in science fiction. Fantasy may be written

for pure enjoyment or as serious or satirical commentary on human

affairs and institutions.

Genre: A type of literary work. The novel, the short story and the lyric poem are

all genres with their own sets of characteristics or conventions. Genre

signifies a literary species or a ‘literary form.’

Humour: The capacity to make something seem funny, amusing etc especially in

literature, the expression of this in speech or action.

Hyperbole: Obvious, extravagant, exaggeration or overstatement not intended to

be taken literally, but used figuratively to create Humour or emphasis.

Ideology : The conscious or unconscious beliefs, habits and social practices of a

particular society.

Impressionism : The theory and practice of emphasizing the subjective impression

a writer or character has of reality; rather than attempting to recreate

reality objectively. In literature, the term impressionism has been applied

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to the technique used by modern novelists such as James Joyce, Virginia

Wolf and others of focusing on the inner life of the main character and

on the impression that character has of reality.

Imagination: The image making and synthesizing power of the Human mind, the

source of creative thinking, valued in artists and poets.

Imagery: The making of ‘picture in words”, the pictorial quality of literary work

achieved through a collection of images. Imagery appeals to the senses

of taste, smell, hearing and touch and to internal feelings, as well as to

the sense of sight. It evokes a complex of emotional suggestions and

communicates mood, tone and meaning.

Irony: In its broadest sense, the recognition of the incongruity or difference

between reality (what is) and appearance (what seems to be).

Legend: A story, part fact and part fiction, about the life and deeds of a saint, folk

hero or historical figure that is handed down from generation to

generation and is popularly accepted as true. A legend differs from a

myth in concerning itself less with the supernatural. Epics and other

literary works have often been based on legends.

Lyric: A short personal poem expressing the poet’s emotions and thoughts rather

than telling a story. It includes different forms like Elegy, Ode, Ballad

and Sonnet. The distinguishing characteristics of a lyric are emotion,

subjectivity, melody,imagination, description and sometimes meditation.

Literary tradition: A literary tradition is an amalgam of ideas, forms and stylistic

traits common to a large number of works over a long period of time.

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According to T.S. Eliot, imbibing tradition involves a historical sense of

literature in different cultures.

Melodrama: A type of Drama, popular since the nineteenth century, that pits

unbelievably good characters ( the Hero and Heroine) against a

despicably, incorrigibly evil character ( the villain) . The plot moves in

a thrilling downward spiral of dire events and later resolved in to an

ending in which good is rewarded and evil is punished. The adjective

melodramatic is now applied to any literary work containing,

sensational, unmotivated and improbable action.

Motif: In literature, motif is a recurring image, word, phrase, action, idea,

object or situation that appears in various works or throughout the

same work. When applied to several different works, motifs refer to a

recurrent ‘Theme’ such as the idea that life is short, time is fleeting

and one must make the most of the present moment. When applied

to a single work, motif refers to any repetition that tends to unify the

work by bringing to mind its earlier occurrence and the impressions

that surround them.

Myth: An anonymous narrative, originating in the primitive folklore of a race

or a nation that explains the origin of life, religious beliefs and the forces

of nature as some kind of supernatural occurrence or that recounts the

deeds of traditional superheroes. Every culture and literature has its

collection of myths, its mythology.

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Literary critics value myths for their universality and timelessness.

Numerous studies have revealed a surprising recurrence of motifs,

stock characters and incidents in the mythologies of widely separated

and racially diverse peoples. Jungian criticism, based on the psychology

of Carl Jung, posits a “collective unconscious”, a repressed racial

memory, which explains the evocative power that myth exerts on the


Metaphor: Metaphor is a figure of speech, an implied analogy in which one thing is

imaginatively compared to or identified with another dissimilar thing. In

a metaphor the qualities of something are ascribed to something

Narratology : Theory, discourse or critique of narrative/narration.

Pathetic fallacy : A term coined by John Ruskin to identify writing that falsely

endows non human things with human intentions and feelings, such as

‘angry clouds’ and ‘sad trees’. Pathetic fallacy is a required convention in

the classical poetic form of the pastoral elegy and it is used in the poetry

of Imagists.

Pathos: The quality in a work of art or literature that arouses feelings of

sympathy, pity or sorrow in the viewer or reader. Although pathos and

Tragedy both evoke such feelings a distinction is commonly made

between the pathetic and the tragic.

Plot: The plot in a dramatic or narrative is the structure of its actions, as these

are ordered and rendered toward achieving particular emotional and

artistic effects. Plot is more than simply the series of happenings in a

literary work.

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Pun: A play on words that is either identical in sound (“homonyms”) or similar

in sound, but are sharply diverse in meaning. A form of wit, not

necessarily funny, involving a play on a word with two or more


Personification: A figure of speech in which human characteristics and sensibilities

are attributed to animals, plants, intimate objects, natural forces or

abstract ideas.

Post modernism: Post modernism is a term applied to changes, developments and

tendencies which have taken place in literature, art, music, architecture,

philosophy etc in the second half of the twentieth century. A postmodern

scenario brings before us far reaching changes that happened in the

economic, cultural, demographic spheres of the post-industrial society.

The phenomenon of post-modernism is viewed with different

perspectives. For Lyotard Post-modernism is characterized by an

“incredulity toward meta narratives”. Jameson related it to late

capitalism. Baudrilliard views post modernism as ‘hyper-reality’ of the

virtual world.

Post-Structuralism : An umbrella term covering several approaches to literary

criticism including Deconstruction, Reader-Response Criticism and some

varieties of Psycho-Analytic Criticism and Feminist Criticism. It

concentrates on important elements of literary studies, neglected by

structuralism such as roles of the reader and the author and the function

of ideology.

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Poetics : Traditionally, the technique, art and theory of poetic composition; the

study of the nature of poetry. In modern usage, however the term has

broadened to refer to the general theory of literature, the identification

of universal properties that constitute literature and make it possible.

Rhyme: The similarity of sound between two words. When the sounds of their

accented syllables and all succeeding sounds are identical, words rhyme.

The most common form of rhyme, rhyme coming at the ends of lines of

poetry is called ‘end rhyme’

Rhetoric: The art of persuasion, in speaking or writing. Rhetoric originated in

ancient Greece as principles for orators (rhetors) to follow in ‘discovering

all the possible means of persuading in any given case of situation’. The

rhetorical process included five stages-‘Invention’ (discovering the

logical, ethical and emotional arguments), ‘Arrangement’ (organizing the

arguments), ‘Style’ ( choosing words and figures in which to express the

arguments), ‘Memory and Delivery’. Aristotle in his ‘Rhetoric”

emphasized that rhetors should have through knowledge of Human

emotion and possess reasoning skills and that clarity and propriety are

important in persuasion. As a result of misuse of ‘rhetoric’ in later years

‘rhetoric’ came to be associated with negative connotations. However,

the second half of the twentieth century witnessed renewed interest in

the principles of Aristotelian rhetoric.

Reader Response Theory: Theory concerned with the relationship between text

and reader and reader and text, with the emphasis on the different

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ways in which a reader participates in the course of reading a text and

the different perspectives which arise in the relationship.

Resonance : The quality of richness or variety of sounds in poetic texture.

Sympathy: Denotes fellow-feelings – not a feeling in to, but a feeling along with

the state of mind and motions of another human being or of non human

beings to whom we attribute Human emotions.

Structure: The sum of the relationships of the parts to each other; thus the whole.

The design or arrangement of the parts of work of LITERATURE to form

a unified whole, the planned framework or ‘architecture’ of a literary

work. For example in Narrative Fiction, the arrangement of events from

first to last-beginning, middle and ending is a matter of structure.

Satire: A term used to describe any form of ‘literature’ that blends ironic Humour

and wit with criticism for the purpose of ridiculing folly, vice, stupidity –

the whole range of human foibles and frailties of individuals and

institutions. Satire differs from comedy in that satire seeks to correct,

improve or reform through ridicule while comedy aims simply to amuse.

Symbol: A symbol is usually something concrete an object, a place, a character

an action that stands for or suggests something abstract.

Semiotics The study of signs or signals of communication, including words, music,

traffic signals, gestures, facial expressions, clothing or anything that can

be said to communicate meaning. The most important developments in

semiotics have taken place in linguistics, cultural anthropology and

psychoanalysis. In literary criticism, semiotics is the study of the ways

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literary conventions and the conventions of human discourse affect

meaning in a literary work.

Tone : The reflection in a work of the author’s attitude toward his or her subject,

characters and readers.

Tropes: The intentional use of a word or expression figuratively, i.e; used in

different sense from its original significance in order to give vividness or

emphasis to an idea.

Theme: In literature, theme means a central or dominating idea, the message

implicit in a work. The theme of a work is seldom stated directly. It is an

abstract concept indirectly expressed through recurrent images, actions,

characters and symbols and must be informed by the reader or

spectator. Theme differs from subject (the topic or thing described in a

work) in that theme is a comment, observation or insight about the

subject. For example, the subject of a poem may be a flower; it’s theme,

a comment on the fleeting of the nature of existence. Not all works have

a theme, especially those like detective stories that are written primarily

for entertainment.

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1. Affect: Relatively mild feelings and moods.

2. Analogy: A strategy for solving problems based on applying solutions that were

previously successful with other problems similar in underlying


3. Archetypes: According to Jung, inherited images in the collective unconscious

that shape out perceptions of the external world.

4. Cognition: The mental activities associated with thought, decision-making,

language and other higher mental processes.

5. Collective unconscious: In Jung’s theory, a portion of unconscious shared by

all human beings.

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Reference Books used for preparation of Glossary of Terms

1. Morner, Kathleen and Ralph, Rausch “Dictionary of Literary Terms”, Viva

books private limited, New Delhi, 2005

2. Cuddon J.A “The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory”

(Revised by Preston C.E), Penguin Books, England, 1998.

3. Abrams, M.H. “A Glossary of Literary Terms” Macmillan India Limited, 2003.

4. Fowler Roger (Ed) “A Dictionary of modern critical terms”, Routledge, London,


5. Baron, A Robert, “Psychology”, Prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Limited, New


6. Richardson, Jack, “Illustrated Dictionary of Literature”, Lotus Press, New

Delhi, 2004.

7. Edgar, Andrew and Sedgwick, Peter (Ed.) “Key Concepts in Cultural Theory”,

Routledge, London, 2004.

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N V SREEDHARAN , MA, MBA Assistant Registrar IGNOU, Regional Centre Kaloor, Cochin. Dear Sir/Madam,

First of al l let me extend my heartfelt thanks to you for cooperat ing in my research work. This survey is conducted as part of my Ph. D. Programme in Management. I assure you that the data supplied by you wil l be used only for research purpose. This research is an attempt to study some of the components of l iterature and it ’s effect on advertis ing.

Kindly fol low the instruct ions carefully and give your opinions/ choices so as to fi l l up the questionnaire.


The quest ionnaire is being used for measuring ‘Advertis ing Effectiveness’. Most of the questions are relat ing to your viewing habits, your exposure to advert isements and about advertisements and brands of various products

and services. You are requested to give your answer to the quest ions in serial order. The quest ionnaire contains 3 sect ions – A, B and C and these wil l be taken up one section after the other. Separate Response sheets are attached with questionnaire for recording the answers.

Yours sincerely, Date : June 1, 2006 Place : Cochin


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This part relates to furnishing personal particulars. Please put a t ick ()

mark in the relevant column.

A. Sex : Male Female

B .Age :

18-28 Years

28-38 Years

38-48 Years

48-58 Years

C. Occupation

Student :

House-wife :

Employed(Service : Govt/Private ) :

Business or Professional :

Self-Employed :

D. Marital Status :

Single :

Married with no children :

Married with smal l children :

Married with grown up children :

Page 18: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


E. Educational Qualifications :

Up to SSLC :

Plus Two or it ’s equivalent :

Graduate or Diploma :

Post-Graduate Degree :

Professional Degree :

F. Total Annual Family Income :

Up to Rs.1,00,000/- :

Between Rs.1,00,001 to Rs.1,50,000/ - :

Between Rs.1,50,001 to Rs.2,50,000/ - :

Between Rs.2,50,001 to Rs.10,00,000/ - :

Above Rs.10,00,000/- :

** In this section, you are requested to give certain facts relating to your

leisure t ime act ivit ies, reading/viewing habits in respect of different media

and your preference for brands and their select ion. Please put a t ick mark in

the appropriate column in the response sheet.

1. In your leisure t ime, which act ivity gets f irst preference? (please tick only

one item.)

a) Reading :

b) Watching Television :

c) Listening to Music :

d) Other recreational activ it ies :

2. How much time do you spent daily for reading Newspapers, Magazines,

watching Televis ion and for other media?

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Sl.No Media Type Time Spent

a) Print Media

(News Papers and


Up to 30 Minutes

Between 30minutes

and 1 Hour

More than 1 Hour

b) Television (Cable


Less than 1 Hour

Between 1-2 Hours

More than 2 Hours

c) Other Media

(Internet, Fi lms

and Radio etc.,)

Less than 1 Hour

Between 1-2 Hours

More than 2 Hours

3. To which item do you usually give maximum preference whi le reading

Newspapers and Magazines? (please t ick only one item).

a) Polit ical, social and cultural events

b) Sports, action and adventure news

c) Cartoons and other humorous items

d) Human stories/tragedies

e) Other items l ike business news,

editor ials and other miscel laneous


4. Which is your preferred time-slot in watching television ?


Time Slot

From To




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5.Which is your most preferred Television channel out of the channel l ist

given below.(Please tick the respect ive column).

Asianet Star

Surya ESPN

Kairal i Manorama

Jeevan Pogo/ Cartoon


DD (Malayalam) Indiavis ion

Zee Business Channels

NDTV Ten Sports

Amrutha Other Channels

6. What are the types of Television programmes that you normally watch and

l ike most on the cable television network in al l the channels that you watch?

Rank them in order of your preference (by giving rank numbers 1,2,3,4 & 5).

Sl.No Type of Television Programmes


Rank Number

a) Movies and Serials

b) Musical Programmes

c) Comedy Programmes

d) Current affairs Programmes

e) Other Programmes.

7. Which is the programme most l iked by you in the cable television


Please state the t it le of the programme :

8. Do you watch advertisements that come in the Newspapers, Magazines

and Television? Yes No

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9. While watching the advert isements in these media, do you:

a) Observe it casually :

b) Observe it completely :

c) Observe it ser iously :

10. a) Do you stick to any brand consistently in any Product or Service


Yes No

b) If yes, Please mention the Product or Service category and the


______________ _______________ _______________

(Product category) (Service category) (Brand)

11. State the reason for sticking to the same brand in the above Product or

Service category?

a) Influenced by the Advert isements/Promotional

efforts of the Company

b) Brand Image of the Product/Service.

c) On the basis of personal preferences.

d) On the basis of the reputat ion of the Company.

e) Perceived Qual ity of the Brand.

f) Other reasons

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12. What are the factors that influence you and their relative importance in

your purchasing decision with respect to products and services that you use?

Rank these factors in the order of their relat ive importance. (1,2,3,4,5,6 &


S.No. Factors relating to purchasing Decision Rank


a) Price of the brand

b) Perceived quality of the brand

c) Ready avai labi l ity of the brand at the nearest po int to my house

d) Awareness about the brand through Advertisements and Promotional efforts of the Company

e) Brand Image

f) Personal factors

g) Other factors

** In the following section, you may express your opinions and att itudes

unaided. A table containing a l ist of various products and service categories

is given below. You may answer the following questions by referr ing the


Sl. No

Product/ Service Category

1 Life Insurance

2 Ice Cream

3 Mobile Telephone Services

4 Toilet Soap

5 Star Hotels

6 Footwear

7 Noodles

8 Tablet for Cold and Headache

9 Exterior Wall Paint

10 Baby Shampoo

13. Have you heard or are you aware of the Product and Service Categories

as given in the table given above ?

Yes No

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14. Do you remember having seen or heard any advertisement in Print or Television in the last six months for any Product or Service in the table given above?

Yes No

15. Can you mention any brand names which you have seen or heard

advert ised in the print or on the television during the last six months in

the following product / service categories? Please mention the brand

names in the column provided in the response sheet. (mention only any

two brand names against each category)

Sl. No Product/ Service Category Brands(give brand


1 Life Insurance

2 Ice Cream

3 Mobile Telephone Services

4 Toilet soap

5 Star Hotels

6 Foot Wear

7 Noodles

8 Tablet for Cold and Headache

9 Exterior Wall Paint

10 Baby Shampoo

16. Are you able to recall the message in the above advertisements for the

respect ive brands you have ident if ied?

Yes No

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17. Certain capt ions with images (pictures) from some advertisements (both

Print & Television) are given below. Please go through these warm up

advert isements and give your comments on them. These advertisements are

also shown to you on a laptop. Copies of these warm up advertisements

are attached with the questionnaire numbered from 1 to 4.

Parameters of Advertising

Effectiveness and Brand

Purchase Intention


Ad.No. (1)


Ad.No. (2)


Ad.No. (3)



Ad.No. (4)

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

A. Does it have attention value

B. Do you l ike these captions?

C. Does it create feelings in your


D. Are the advert isements giving

you any pleasure

E. Are you able to memorize the

messages of these

advert isements?

F. Do the text of the

advert isements In any way

enhance the brand image?

G. Are you wil l ing to purchase

these brands , if needed





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18. What type of l iterary forms, are you interested in ? (Please Rank them in

order of your preference)

Sl.No Type of Literary form liked Rank No

a) Short Stories

b) Novel

c) Drama (Comedy)

d) Drama (Tragedy)

e) Poetry

f) Other l iterary forms

A brief explanatory note along with meanings of some of the

l iterary devices and elements that are noticed in our advertising is given to

you in a chart in both English and in the local language. Sample Ads are also

shown to you against each of the l iterary device/element mentioned in the

chart to have a better understanding of how these l iterary devices and

elements are used in advert ising. These l iterary devices and elements are

grouped under four l iterary groupings. Please see these careful ly and

respond to the following quest ions.

19. Describe your att itude towards the following type of advertisements as

grouped under four l iterary groupings and as shown in the table g iven


Five responses are given against each l iterary group. You may

select one response each as given in the box that best describes your

att itude towards these type of advertisements under different l iterary

groupings as given in the table by t icking the relevant column in the

Response Sheet against each l iterary group.

VML Very much liked

L Liked

N Neither liked nor disliked

D Disliked

VMD Very much disliked

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S.No Literary Groupings of


Attitude towards Literary

Groupings of



a) Advert isements using Figures of

Speech l ike Metaphor, Personificat ion,

Pun and Hyperbole.

b) Advert isements using Poetic elements

l ike Imagery, Rhyme and Musicality.

c) Advert isements using Dramatic

elements l ike Plot, Characterisat ion

and Humour.

d) Advert isements using Archetypal

Symbols l ike Good Mother

20. a) Are you able to recollect any such advert isements?

Yes No

b) If yes, please describe the Advertisement?

Brand : _____________ Advert isement description : __________

21. In your opinion, what effect is created in your mind by the above

mentioned type of advertisements using l iterary devices and elements ?

Please tick the approapriate column in the response sheet.

Sl.No Effect Created Yes No

a) It gives me pleasure

b) It entertains me

c) It instructs me about various brands

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** A set of statements are given below. A l ist of 10 brands along with

their respective test advertisements (both print and televis ion) numbered

from 1 to 10 using different l iterary devices and elements and classified

under four l iterary groupings as given in the Brand List are shown to you. In

case of television advertisements 6 snapshots f rom each advertisement are

supplied with corresponding commercial scr ipt under each snapshot.

Please go through the Brand l ist, advertisements and statements in the

quest ionnaire carefully and answer the quest ions that fol low by putting a

t ick mark in the Response Sheet No:1 against each Brand Name.

22.I am aware of the brand shown in this advert isement.

Yes No

23.I can recall this advertisement which I have seen earl ier for this brand:

Yes No

Test advertisements are also shown to you on the laptop. Snapshots may be

used for further reference. Please go through these advert isements carefully

and answer the questions that fol low.

24. I am wil l ing to purchase the brand in the advert isement shown, if


Yes No

Response sheet No.2 classifying the advertisements under various l iterary

groupings and under various l iterary devices may be used to record your

opinion for the quest ions that fol low.

Five responses are given for each statement. You may select one response

each as given below for al l the Advertisements given by putt ing a t ick mark

Page 28: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


in the relevant column in the response sheet (No:2 ) against each

advert isement.

SA Strongly Agree

A Agree

N Neutral

D Disagree

SD Strongly Disagree

25.I can relate this advert isement with the respect ive brand:

26. I can recognise and remember seeing this advert isement in Print or on


27. The advertisement shown to me communicates the required message

about the brand quite clearly:

28. The advertisement shown to me is: -

i) A. Amusing

B. Attractive

C. Interest ing

D. Giving me happiness

E. Pleasing

F. Evoking emotions/emotional

i i) A. Affects my feel ings

B. Touches me emotional ly

C. Is st imulat ing

D. Reaches out to me

i i i) A. The advertisement is funny to watch / l isten to

B. It was entertaining

C. It is a good brand and I would not hesitate recommending it

to others

Page 29: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


D. I know that the advertised brand is a dependable and reliable


E. The advertisement was very realist ic – that is true to l i fe

F. I l ike the advert isement because it was personal and int imate

29. I think the advertisement is : -

A. Evoking pleasurable feelings

B. Relevant

C. Its arguments are strong and convincing

D. It uses gentle persuasion

E. The advert isement is balanced

F. The advert isement is believable

G. The advert isement is l ikable

H. It creates an emotional bonding

30. Based on the advertisements shown to you, how would you rate the

brand in the advertisement on an overal l basis? Please put a t ick mark in the

appropriate column in response sheet against each brand.

Sl.No Brand description Rating

a) Excellent

b) Very Good

c) Good

d) Satisfactory

e) Poor

Page 30: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


** In the quest ions that fol low you may rate the advertisements on certain

dimensions on a seven point scale. Seven blank spaces are given against

each dimension. You may put a t ick mark in the appropriate blank space to

give your opinion about the advertisements against each brand in response

sheet (No: 3 ).

31. The Advertisements shown to me/ are :


a) Provokes imagery Does not provoke


b) Vivid Dull

c) Interesting Boring

d) I had many

thoughts in


I had few thoughts

in response

e) The adv. has

multiple meanings

the ad has one


f) The Adv. has rich

complex meanings

The Adv. has

simple meanings

i i)

a) Liked by me Disl iked by me

b) Pleasant Unpleasant

c) Enjoyed by me I did not enjoy

i i i)

a) Easy to


Difficult to understand

b) Straight Forward Confusing

c) The meaning is


The meaning is ambiguous

Page 31: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


In the quest ions that fol low you may rate your extent of l ik ing for various

l iterary devices/elements classified under various Literary Group s used in

relation to the test advert isements. All test advertisements are once again

shown to you and the details of the test advertisements are also shown to

you on a show card (Advertisement List). Explanatory note on l iterary

devices/elements in advert ising with i l lustrative examples is also once again

provided to you for reference. Please go through these advertisements and

other related materials careful ly.

Five responses are given against each type of l iterary group/element.

You may select one response each as given below that best describes your

att itude towards these type of l iterary groups/elements as used in relation

to the test advert isements.

VML Very much liked

L Liked

N Neither liked nor disliked

D Disliked

VMD Very much disliked

You may put a t ick mark in the appropriate column in the Response

Sheet to express your extent of l ik ing/disl iking for different l iterary

groups/elements in relat ion to the test advertisements.

32.Which group of l iterary devices/elements that are used i n the test

advert isements, you l ike most? Rate your extent of l ik ing for the four

groups of l iterary devices/elements that are used in the test

advert isements. Please put a t ick mark in the relevant column provided in

the Response Sheet to express your opinion.

Page 32: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


Sl.No. Literary groupings of test advertisements.

Liking for the literary group as used in test advertisements


a) Test advertisements using Rhetorical Devices

b) Test advertisements using Poetic Elements

c) Test advertisements using Dramatic Elements

d) Test advertisements using Archetypal Symbols

33. In the following questions you may rate the various literary elements under different literary groups in order of your liking within the group on a five point scale as followed in the previous question.

i) Figures of Rhetoric : Out of the various figures of rhetoric as used in

the test advertisements rate your extent of l iking for various rhetorical

devices on a five point scale. Please put a t ick mark in t he relevant column in

the response sheet attached.

Sl. No.

Advt. No.

Rhetorical Devices used in Test Advertisements.

Liking for the Rhetorical devices


a) 1 Metaphor

b) 2 Personif ication

c) 3 Pun

d) 4 Hyperbole

Page 33: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


ii) Poetic Elements : Out of the poetic elements as used in the test

advert isements, rate your extent of l iking for various poet ic elements on a

five point scale. Please put a t ick mark in the relevant column in the

response sheet.

Sl. No.

Advt. No.

Poetic Elements used in Test Advertisements.

Liking for the Poetic Elements


a) 5 Imagery

b) 6 Rhyme

c) 7 Musical ity

iii) Dramatic Elements: Out of the various dramatic elements as used in the

test advertisements , rate your extent of l iking for various dramatic elements

on a f ive point scale. Please put a t ick mark in the relevant column in the

response sheet.

Sl. No.

Advt. No.

Dramatic Elements used in Test Advertisements.

Liking for the Dramatic Elements


a) 8 Plot and Characterisation

b) 9 Elements of Comedy-


iv) Archetypal Symbol : Rate your extent of l ik ing for the archetypal symbol

(Good Mother) as used in the test advert isement on a five point scale. Please

put a t ick mark in the relevant column in the response sheet.

Sl. No.

Advt. No.

Archetypal Symbol used in Test Advertisements.

Liking for the Archetypal Symbol


a) 10 Good Mother

Page 34: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


34. Out of the test advertisements please mention the advertisement most l iked by you in the space provided below : __________ 35. Out of the test advert isements given please mention the brand which you l ike most in the space provided below : ____________ Thank You, Name and Address

Page 35: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


SA - Strongly Agree

A - Agree

N - Neutral

D - Disagree



Literary groupings

of Advertisements

Literary devices and

elements in





Figures of Rhetoric

(Rhetorical Figures)

METAPHOR 1 ICICI Prudential Life




HYPERBOLE 4 Santhoor Toilet Soap

Poetic Elements

IMAGERY 5 Taj Hotels

RHYME 6 Rubco Rainbow

MUSICALITY 7 Maggi Noodles





8 Vicks Action 500

HUMOUR 9 Apex Ultima


Symbol GOOD MOTHER 10 Johnson’s Baby Shampoo

Page 36: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media



L - Liked

N - Neither Liked nor


D - Disliked

VMD - Very Much Disliked


Literary groupings of Advertisements

Literary devices and elements in advertisements

Advertisement number


Figures of Rhetoric (Rhetorical Figures)

METAPHOR 1 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance



HYPERBOLE 4 Santhoor Toilet Soap

Poetic Elements

IMAGERY 5 Taj Hotels

RHYME 6 Rubco Rainbow

MUSICALITY 7 Maggi Noodles

Dramatic Elements



8 Vicks Action 500

HUMOUR 9 Apex Ultima

Archetypal Symbol

GOOD MOTHER 10 Johnson’s Baby Shampoo

Page 37: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


Name: Zone: Division: House. No:


A) M






i i i

i i i i i i i v

i i i i i i i v v

i i i i i i i v

i i i i i i i v v

i i i i i i i v v

Q.Nos: 1.






i i i i i i i v

i i i i i i i v v

SlNo.From To







Page 38: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media








5. viii








ii iiii iv v


8. Y N


10. Y N



ii iiii

i i iiii iv v

i i iiii iv v vii vi

(Product/service category) (Brand)

i. Life Insurance

ii. Ice Cream

iii. Basic Telephone Service

iv. Toilet Soap

v. Star Hotels

vi. Footwear

vii. Noodles

viii. Tablet for cold and headache

ix. Exterior wall paint

x. Baby Shampoo

Yes No.13

a) b)

Product / service categorySl.No



Page 39: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media

Yes No.14

SlNo Product/Service Yes No. Brand Names Category

i Life Insurance

ii Ice cream

iii Mobile Telephone services

iv Toilet soap

v Star Hotles

vi Foot wear

vii Noodles

vii Tablet for cold and Headache

ix Exterior wall paint

x Baby Shampoo


Product / service categorySl.No

i. Life Insurance

ii. Ice Cream

iii. Mobile Telephone Services

iv. Toilet Soap

v. Star Hotels

vi. Footwear

vii. Noodles

viii. Tablet for cold and headache

ix. Exterior wall paint

x. Baby Shampoo

Brand-I Brand-II


Page 40: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media

Brand-1 No.




Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No









Parameters of AdvertisingEffectivness and Brand

Purchase Intention

Does it have attention value?

Do you like these captions?

Does it create feeling in yourmind?

Are the advertisementsgiving you any pleasure?

Are you able to memorize themessages of these advertisments?Do the text of the advetisements in

any way enhance the brandimage?

Are you willing to purchase thesebrands, if needed?

YesBrand -2No.YesSl.No.

i. Life Insurance

ii. Ice Cream

iii. Mobile Telephone Services

iv. Toilet Soap

v. Star Hotels

vi. Footwear

vii. Noodles

viii. Tablet for cold and headache

ix. Exterior wall paint

x. Baby Shampoo

Product / service category


Page 41: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media

18 Sl. Literary Rank No. form- type No

a) Short Story

b) Novel

c) Drama(commedy)

d) Drama(tragedy)

e) Poetry

f) Other literary forms


20. a) Yes No.

21.Sl.No. Yes No





Response Sheet No. 1

Q.No. Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N

PLI* Amul BSNL Santoor







ApexUltima JBS*




*PLI - Prudential Life Insurance*JBS- Johnson’s Baby Shampoo



a) Advertisement using figuresof speech like metaphor,personification, pun andhyperbole

b) Advertisement using poeticelements like imagery,rhyme and music

c) Advertisement usingdramatic elements like plot,characterisation and humour

d) Advertisement usingarchetypal symbols like GoodMother

b) Brand: Advertisement description:


Literary Groupings ofAdvertisements

Attitude towards Literary Groupings of Advertisements


Page 42: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media




28) (i) A






(ii) A



D(iii) A






29) A








30) abcde


LiteraryGroupings of


Metaphor Personification Pun HyperboleImagery Rhyme

Musicality Plot andcharacterisation

Archetypal symbol

Good Mother


Brand Names

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CICI PrudentialLife Insurance

Amul IceCream BSNL

SantoorToilet soap




Vicks Action500




Johnson’s BabyShampoo


Rhetorical Devices

Literarydevices and


Poetic elements Dramatic elements


Page 43: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media

Scale ItemCotinnum(7points)

31(i) a) Provokes imagery.......Does not

b) Vivid....... Dull

c) Interesting....... Boring

d) I had many I had few thoughts thoughts in

in Response.... response

e) Advertisment ..... The Adv. has has Multple one meanings meaning

f) Advertisment.... Advertisment has rich,complex has simple meanings meanings

a) Liked by disliked me..... by me

b) Pleasant...... unpleasant

c) enjoyed by me... I did not enjoy


31(iii) a) easy to....... difficult to understand understand

b) Straight ....... Confusing Forward

c) The meaning...... The meaning is is certain ambiguous

LiteraryGroupings of Advertisments

Metaphor Personification Pun Hyperbole Imagery Rhyme Musicality Plot and


Archetypal symbol

Good Mother

Advertise-ment No.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CICI PrudentialLife Insurance

Amul IceCream BSNL

SantoorToilet soap




Vicks Action500




Johnson’s BabyShampoo

Rhetorical Devices

Literarydevices and


Poetic elements Dramatic elements



Page 44: impact of literature for advertising effectiveness in the visual media


33(i) Sl.No Ad.No. Brand Name

a) 1 ICICI Life Insurance Metaphor

b) 2 Amul Ice Cream Personification

c) 3 BSNL Pun

d) 4 Santhoor Toilet soap Hyperbole33(ii)

Sl.No Ad.No. Brand Name

a) 5 Taj Star Hotels Imagery

b) 6 Rubco Rainbow Rhyme

c) 7 Maggi Noodles Musicality

33(iii)Sl.No Ad.No. Brand Name

33(iv)Sl.No Ad.No. Brand Name

a) 10 Johnson’s Baby Shampoo Good Mother



Thank you, Name and Address

Sl.No. Literary groupings of test Advertisments

Liking for the literary group as usedin the test advertisments


a) Test advertisments usingRhetorical devices

b) Test advertisments using Poetic elements

c) Test advertisments using Dramatic elements

d) Test advertisements using Archetypal symbols

Liking for the Rhetoricaldevices

Rhetorical devices as used in testadvertisements VML L




Poeticelements as used intest advertisements

Dramatic elementsas used in testadvertisments

Liking for the Poeticelemetns


Liking for the Dramaticelemetns

VML L DNVicks Action 500 Plot and

Characterisationa) 8

b) 9 Apex Ultima Humour

Archetypalsymbol as used intest advertisements

Liking for the Archetypalsymbol






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