Immune Cells and Processes Steven Gia, Talles Rezende, João Francisco & Bernardo Penido

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Immune Cells and Processes

Immune Cells and ProcessesSteven Gia, Talles Rezende, Joo Francisco & Bernardo Penido

Basophils( Bernardo Penido)Are the the least common of granulocytesRepresenting about 0.01% to 0.03 %Mediates hypersensitivity reactions on the immune systemAlso produced in the bone marrowCan be found in many tissues of the body

BasophilsReleases histaminesSource of common allergies

Memory Cells(Talles Rezende)Do not respond when it first encounters an antigenFacilitates a more rapid secondary response when the antigen is encountered in another occasionT cell: rapidly initiates the immune responseB cell: proliferates and produces a large amount of a specific antibodyOriginated in the bone marrow

T-Cells(Joo Francisco) Produced in the bone marrow, but mature in the thymus Coordinate immune process by communicating with other cells. T-Cells help the immune defences in two ways: some directly attack infected cells and other direct and regulate immune system.

B-Cells (Steven Gia)Produced in the bone marrowSecrete bodys fluids with antibodiesAmbush foreign antigens in the bloodstreamsEach B-cell has the role to produce one specific type of antibodyEx: One for cold, another one for pneumonia

PhagocytosisProcess of Cell eatingCell censes the bacteria/virus - chemicals around itPredator hunts the preyWraps its cell membrane around the bacteriaFood is broken down and nutrients are absorved

Bibliography"Immune System."B Cells. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015."Phagocytosis - Time to Eat!"Biology4Kids.com: Cell Function: Phagocytosis. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015. "Memory Cell."- Definition from Biology-Online.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.