IMC Plan 0428_2pm

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  • 8/4/2019 IMC Plan 0428_2pm


    Building the Buffalo Wings and Rings Brand

    Integrated Marketing Communication PlanPrepared by:

    Stuart LenigTiffni McNeeseAmanda MorrisDalila Thomas

  • 8/4/2019 IMC Plan 0428_2pm


    Table of Contents

    ExecutiveSummary..2CompanyBackground...... .3SWOT Analysis .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 4 Target Market/Consumer Behavior Analysis .. . . . . . . .. . . 6 Competitor Product Analysis .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 7 Marketing Objectives ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 8 Communications Plan Timel ine ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 9Marketing Budget ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 10Marketing Strategies... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 11MarketingTactics17Evaluation of Performance....23References...25

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    Executive Summary

    The Buffalo Wings and Rings location (hereafter referred to as BWR for the

    corporate entity and BWRH for the franchise entity in Hopkinsville, Kentucky) is typicalof many franchise operations. Moderate business generated by name, reputation of the

    product. However, the brand is not universally established like McDonalds or Pizza Hut

    and does not have the brand identity of larger chains. Naturally, this leaves the franchise

    in a vulnerable position needing to increase brand recognition, generate business already

    attracted by competing chains and building brand loyalty. Naturally resources restrain

    the franchises competitiveness, and the local affiliate must make careful use of media

    buys and must economize when creating media campaigns. The franchise has benefited

    from the use of low cost or free publicity such as press releases featuring

    groundbreakings or special events, social media sites and a website that discusses the

    BWRH menu and other up coming promotions. Clow and Baack discussed the importance

    of social media to current consumers saying that, 47 percent go to a social network site

    to download coupons or to search for information about a product. (254) The fact that

    the web is beginning to dominate marketing and advertising efforts should be a factor in

    current strategies.

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    Company Background

    Buffalo Wings and Rings was initiated in 1984. The first restaurant debuted in 1988

    in Cincinnati, Ohio. The chain moved from Midwestern roots to establish a presence withfranchises in 14 states with 44 locations. The restaurants are heavily concentrated in the

    Midwestern region with locations in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana.

    There are also locations in California, Texas, and North Carolina, and Florida suggesting

    the company is seeking to extend its reach nationally and embrace all coasts. The

    company wishes to be a family restaurant destination for casual dining for people to

    catch-up and connect. The emphasis is on spicy chicken wings, sandwiches, and salad.

    A press release describes their mission to be related to having a fun, family

    atmosphere. To this end, the corporate image stresses a family restaurant. Alcohol is

    not featured in the online menus although the use of televisions and sports suggests a

    menu is libations is available. In fact, Margarita pitchers are a promotional item as part

    of current restaurant initiatives, alhough BWRH observes that market their emphasis is

    on a family business. Franchising info articulates that The inside of our restaurants are

    designed to be fun and engaging. We provide a family friendly place to come for great

    food, to watch the game or to catch up with friends.

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    SWOT Analysis

    The strategic planning tool of the SWOT analysis explores the Strengths,

    Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to a corporate entity.


    BWR has a strong element of simplicity, commonality, and genialness. Its brand

    reaches a broad and sweeping demographic, and the negatives expressed by its brand

    identity are few. Its values include fun, sports, relaxation, and family values and its

    encompassing values reach a wide cross section of probable consumers.


    A weakness is that brand identity is easily overwhelmed. There are countless wing

    restaurants and chains that have sprung up in recent years. Distinguishing the

    corporation from the pack at this juncture is difficult. Further, sports themed

    restaurants seem exceedingly common and it might be more difficult to market another

    that is similar to other establishments. Further brand identity is neither very distinct or

    very well known. Also corporate seems to have a loose grasp of the franchises. This is not

    to say that it is a danger but it could be one, if the franchises do not have uniform levels

    of service, efficiency and value.


    Opportunities may be available by either spreading out and making the name

    brand better known or by growing stronger through current locations. The fragile

    economy also makes consumers wary of costly expenditures, and the efforts to entice

    the consumer through online promotions and advertising are likely winning strategies forthis economic cycle.


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    Threats are the various wing restaurants already entrenched throughout the

    nation. These establishments provide roadblocks to the establishment to competitors.

    More broadly based competitors could make new expansions risky or unsuccessful.

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    Target Market/Consumer Behavior Analysis

    BWR attracts the family crowd through the colorful interiors and large screen

    displays that feature action sports while people are dining.


    Wings and sandwiches are attractive products to the entire family but mostlytargeted to male consumers who consume larger quantities of beef.

    Salads and wraps featuring lower calorie faire are favorites amongst femaleaudiences concerned with figures and healthful nutrition for families.

    Childrens meals including mac and cheese, corn dogs and grilled cheese items.Not as healthy as the womens menu, it provides value for family groups.

    Catering can be a valuable commodity for churches and other social groups thatrequire a dining area and a simple menu.

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    Competitor Product Analysis

    A large competitor of BWR is Buffalo Wild Wings. Their menu, sense of fun/sports

    excitement, and even restaurant design is very similar. The only difference is thatBuffalo Wild Wings features beer prominently in the menu and website suggesting more

    adult, and perhaps less family friendly surroundings. This sounds like a smokier, rougher

    and unhealthier crowd. However, the minimization of the family element may attract a

    more strongly male and or singles crowd which might attract a slightly different

    demograohic group. It was judicious for BWRH to not alienate any potential audience

    already captivated by a competitor.

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    Marketing Objectives

    Over a one-year and three year period, the corporation can make adjustments to

    marketing to increase brand recognition, customer buyer behavior, and consumerpromotions.

    The first year goal would be to make a more dynamic web presence for the

    Hopkinsville franchise. Efforts would include:

    (1)Using more media and video to make the Facebook presence more elaborate andattractive.

    (2)More attention to the presence would include constant and continual promotionsin the Facebook presence to encourage return traffic and to keep customer traffic


    (3)Create a regular webpage presence to offer a more controlled and systematicrelease of information than is available by the externally controlled Facebook


    The three year goals are more substantive. During the three-year plan, monies

    should be spent to produce more logo items for children and adults that promote the

    name and brand more effectively. The logo is attractive, but not widely disseminated.

    (1)Logo items would include puzzles, coloring books, napkins, carry out containerssimply to keep the brand before the consumers eye.

    (2)Promotions targeting different groups and demographics should be displayedweekly in the Facebook and web presence. Promotions should be tied to

    community or national events. (Womens month, black history month, Relay for

    life, Earth Day, special civic holidays) Coupons or discount codes should produce

    repeat visits to the web presence and increase the web presence as a destination

    point.(3)The web presence should strongly focus on content (games for kids), nutrition tips

    for moms, sports facts for guys to maintain a connection to core audiences. The

    demographics should be loosely defined and as broad as possible. The idea is to

    maintain as much traffic flow to the site as possible to encourage repeat visits.

    Every time a customer hits the site, they should receive a premium, a coupon, a

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    reduced rate, a discount code, something that encourages return visits both to the

    franchise and to the site. In this sense the Facebook presence could steer traffic

    to the website.

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    Communications Plan Timeline

    June-Dec. 2011: Innovate and revise franchise web presence.

    Nov-Dec. 2011: Start weekly promotions (coupons) via Facebook presence

    January 2012: Debut revised content-enriched website. Maintain linkage to Facebookpresence to draw traffic to the website. Do not offer discounts through Facebook butentice visitors to visit the website for premiums. Make the link simple and obvious.

    January 2012: Roll out logo items for children around the holidays.

    June 2012: Roll out logo items for catering and takeout carryout foods

    December 2012: Promotions should be rolled out on a monthly basis.

    December 2012-Dec. 2013: Tabulate the data on most effective promotions and focuson the ones with the most response during the final year of the initiative.

    January 2014-Dec. 2014: Continue with most successful promotions online through thewebsite. Continue using logo items to build brand identity. Continue development ofcreative content to draw consumers to the franchise website.

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    Marketing Budget

    $10,000 annual budget for 3 consecutive years or $30,000

    Web master to create content and update the website $5,000 per annumLogo items for carryout/childrens coloring books $3,000 per annum

    Marketing person to position logo items at community events $2,000 per annum

    Publicize the brand at town meetings and civic events

    $30,000 TOTAL

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    Marketing Strategies

    BWR finds itself in a position that should be motivated by differentiation and

    innovation. The difficulty in determining where to allocate resources to produce a properbrand image is complicated by a fragmented market place. Many still read newspapers,

    but that is moving to an online industry. Newspaper ads and television ads involve high

    cost and a possible miss of potential markets. Additionally, in a market saturated with

    similar themed and branded restaurants, BWR is tasked with strategically building a

    brand that can distinguish itself as a equally reputable and recognizable while still

    holding true to company values. The new age of technology and advertising calls for

    companies become more innovative and strategic in stretching their marketing dollars to

    a consumer base that is ultimately online-based. By launching highly targeted promotions

    in the form of viral campaigns, marketing engages employees and consumers alike to

    save money and harness an increased interest and revenue for their respective brands. As

    a result, this plan suggests that BWR should approach is media campaign creativelyby

    infusing their traditional and innovative media with more modern technology.

    Proposed Media Strategies

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    Strategy Summary

    BWRH has affirmed itself as a morality-based, family oriented organization and

    might therefore profit from tie-ins to social media that will attract a great number of

    their consumer as well as broaden this reach to draw in, or link, with civic and religious

    groups. A Facebook and Twitter presence integrated with a strengthened website

    presence might be the best low cost manner of stimulating business. For example,

    promotions and specials tied to holiday seasons, (Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, July 4,

    Presidents Day, Labor Day, etc.) would provide a convenient tie in to specific game and

    sports specials. Promoting these events via social media that can ultimately direct and

    draw people to the BWRH website creates a cyclical effect that will not only engage

    potential customers in the promotional process but attract consumers to check back


    Advertising buys could be linked to key sporting events in the seasons. Basketball,

    baseball, and football playoffs, if not the more costly bowl and final games, are likely to

    be key and prime target times. Further, emerging sports such as Nascar and Soccer can

    broaden the family friendly perception of the restaurant and will target an often less

    recognized and underestimated audience populations. Accentuating womens sports,

    emerging sports, and world sports, and the franchise appeals to a broader more diversedemographic as opposed to limiting the sports programming and the messages to merely

    traditional American sports. This can include your typical soccer mom toting a

    recreational league soccer team for an after game celebration to new audiences such as

    South American immigrants who are family-friendly and anxious to involve themselves in

    American sports culture. The key is to diversify the world of sports, define family in the

    broadest way possible, yet focus it through brands mission and environment.

    Implementing this diverse approach to sports in general beyond the traditional will

    contribute greatly to the communications plan of differentiating the BWR brand

    creatively and innovatively.

    The free-market is growing. As consumers choose to exercise their buying power

    through personal research, web-based methods, and designer niche media; designing a

    strategy that works for corporations becomes intensely problematic. Problematic in the

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    sense that this web-based promotions are a new realm for many, yet an important one to

    tackle in order to stay ahead and relevant in the advertising and marketing race.

    Attractive and relatively low cost websites can work in conjunction with social media

    sites, local businesses, churches, and civic groups to drive consumers to the corporation.

    In essence this form of marketing is direct and can be targeted through emails, social

    media and private websites that broadens the reach beyond traditional media to prove in

    some cases more effective. At the same time, servers, database management, and

    webmasters can introduce new costs. Certainly, a key way to control costs is to rent

    space in an established cloud network, and carefully track traffic flow. However this too

    will cost in terms of time and energy management, as well as are not likely to offer the

    professional, extensive, or expansive reach that some other efforts can make. The cost

    of investing in some administrative marketing needs is likely to be offset by the mass

    availability of free options that will not eat up these costs and can be reassigned as

    needed to cover other administrative needs.

    Combined with web sources, free sources such as press releases, community

    events, seasonal and holiday promotions, are low cost ways to attract business. This is

    seen specifically in various world events reflected in our culture, such as September 1tth

    or health observances, where customers become donors to a cause while still buying intoproducts. Some corporations offer a percentage of each sale as a donation to induce

    more people to give to a cause. Not only are these efforts respectable, but also will

    reaffirm and back the brand through association with other causes and brands.

    For BWRH very targeted promotions and public outreach efforts can be targeted

    through special events and public relations. A more prevalent and relevant option might

    include a 5k run or marathon. This correlates to the restaurants sports identity with the

    brand, and would draw favorable media attention at low promotional cost. An eating

    contest, though less healthful in an increasingly health conscious time, might also be a

    possible audience and community builder among the target market. To The contest could

    be repositioned to create prizes for patrons who ate regularly at the restaurant and were

    the most improved in their dietary habits. Less flashy than the traditional eat a large

    quantity of chicken wings, but easily a better campaign for todays market.

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    Collaboratively, each of these strategies will infuse and build upon each other to

    create a well rounded and comprehensive media campaign in the short-term and long-

    term. They also offer a new age media approach, focus on low costs expenses, and fairly

    easy management that will allow the business to focus on its most important mission, as

    well as a critical factor in a successful media strategy, the customers.

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    Marketing Tactics

    Emphasizing an Online Media Presence

    The Internet opens up the doors of BWRH to the surrounding community andbeyond. These technologies can help to make a virtual community that keeps the BWRH

    business at the top of mind for an already established fan and customer base and lets

    BWRH fans help the business engage new prospective customers. Creating this online

    community has the capabilities of driving foot traffic to stores. As a free source of

    publicity, social media options should serve as a primary communication and promotion

    vehicle to drive the BWRH message and attract customers.


    Corporate website: http://www.buffalowingsandrings.comLocation page:

    BWRH will utilize the corporate website as the one-stop source for information

    on products, location, and potentially order. On the specific Hopkinsville location,

    BWRH should look into including links to social media sites that will direct local

    customers to more target and area specific promotions that may be going on in theHopkinsville, KY area. Also, in the future, BWRH should consider implementing online

    ordering as an option.


    Facebook profile:

    BWRH already has an established Facebook presence with approximately 840followers to date. However, the frequency of posts and interactions is minimal and

    does not generate the online buzz that is likely to generate traffic to the website,

    word-of-mouth marketing, or build the relationship with customers that will

    ultimately generate all of the above.

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    Post "daily updates (2-4 daily) re: specials of the day and information aboutspecial events, promotions, or in store happenings. Provide exclusive online

    coupons and promotions promoted through Facebook to followers.

    Do not have all Facebook status updates be entirely about advertising andpromotion. Social networking is a means to create a community and build personal

    relationships with a loyal base. Interact with customers by providing real-life

    stories of events that have happened and commenting on posts made by customers

    on page.

    Solicit information from Facebook via polls, comment monitoring, and analytics togarner valuable information that can be telling of marketing effectiveness. This

    information can be used to appropriately adjust marketing efforts as needed.


    BWRH does not have an established Twitter account. As one of the newest and

    growing tools in online media presence, it is important that BWRH establish this presence

    as well in order to remain relevant and innovative. Once established, BWRH can:

    Build online community and reinforce both Facebook and website messages and asa quick media blast tool.

    Send updates through the week describing If your finished product is linkable,include a link to the website, song, photo, etc. that you just created. However,

    The key to a successful online presence is to ensure that the message is consistent across

    all mediums. All accounts should be linked and direct customers to one another.

    Public Relations and Outreach

    Press Releases

    In addition to social media as a strong public outreach tool, BWRH will strive to

    establish lasting and meaningful relationships in the surrounding are as well. This can be

    accomplished by keeping media outlets informed of particularly large scale or special

    events and sponsorships events. See example.

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    Special Event

    To increase brand awareness of the BWRH location in the Hopkinsville area, BWRH

    will become a local corporate sponsor of the Jennie Stuart 5-K Run & Little River Days, a

    race generally held mid-late May annually in Hopkinsville, KY. As a sports related event,

    this half marathon promotes itself as a family friendly event and is well aligned both in

    purpose and in concept with the BWRH mission and target audience. The race itself

    attracts runners and walkers of all ages for the purpose of raising and donating proceeds

    to purchase athletic training supplies for local area high schools. Sponsorship of a

    marathon will provide product exposure to the target demographic with the additional

    option to promote such as the brand through logo through marathon advertising and

    promotional materials.

    The rationale for sponsoring the Jennie Stuart 5-K Run & Little River Days race is:

    Participation by BWRH in an event specifically targeting the same campaignaudience will allow the company to generate positive publicity and brand


    The marathon will provide a public venue to highlight the local business presencein the community and encourage the similar Family friendly environment.

    In addition, by becoming a local sponsor of the race, BWRH, will receive additional

    publicity attached to the event and supplemental media coverage. As part of a post-

    event celebration, BWRH can offer a special promotion for race participants in store that

    should be publicized prior to, during, and immediately following the race to encourage

    participants to become regular patrons.

    Event Date: Saturday, mid-late May annually. Race begins 8 a.m., ends by 12:30 p.m.

    Location: Start and finish at the intersection of 7th and Bethel Streets, near Founder's

    Square in downtown Hopkinsville.

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    Invitation: Media will be in attendance for the Half Marathon and 5K, and will be

    informed through a press release of the BWRH participation, special promotion


    Parking: Race day parking will be available in the Justice Center lot located between 7th

    and 9th Streets and visible from the start line.

    [See example of press release on next page]

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    Sales and Promotion

    BWRH already has a pretty extensive promotional offering menu that is available

    to customers. BWRH will continue these weekday specials as an effort to draw in

    customers and build patron loyalty. The goals of sales and promotions will be to

    effectively make customers aware of the following promotions:

    Kids Eat Free Mondays .40 cents Wing Tuesdays .99 cents Tenders Wednesdays Karaoke Thursdays /$6 Margarita Pitchers/ Thirsty Thursdays On A Wing & A Prayer Sunday's (10% of meals)

    This can be accomplished in-store by prominently advertising weekly specials at

    tables. As BWRH works to more prominently place its name and brand, these type of

    promotions can be implemented in efforts to effectively disseminate the name and brand

    through the proposed objectives of implementing puzzles, coloring books, napkins, carry-

    out containers. As customers leave in-store with these materials, they are taking with

    them a constant reminder of their time and meal at BWRH, and are likely to return in thefuture.

    Attending to local area needs through the business services will also bring

    significant attention to the BWRH location. Integrating kickback programs that will

    generate business for BWRH as well as benefit local area schools, developmental football

    leagues, and high school baseball leagues plays into the family-oriented concept behind

    the brand. Several private schools that do not have cafeterias and often order out to

    local area businesses to provide food in the absence of this service. These institution

    usually place large orders that can generate a regular source of revenue for the business.

    By getting involved in such programs , BWRH can offer a group discount for larger orders

    and as it currently stands offers a 10% kickback of these funds to the school or worthy

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    cause a worthy cause. This promotion can greatly contribute to building brand awareness

    and directing traffic to in-store. It also aligns with the corporate mission of the business.

    BWRH can also expand this service to include more corporate partnerships, such as the

    one shared with local business, Patriot Chevrolet. One day out of the week, BWRH caters

    lunch for this business, which also serves a frequent and regular source of revenue.

    Simply by providing this service, which ultimately does not require a larger, upfront

    expenditure of money, is a great way to integrate the brand within the community.

    Mass Media Advertising

    Although some form of traditional media will be necessary, it is not the primary

    function of this plan due to the high costs and the sometimes limited reach of this

    medium. As a result, mass advertising via, radio and TV has been limited initially to

    direct funds and focus on more interactive and grassroots efforts. Audiences today are

    aware of the relationship between all media and marketing. Malmelin writes that

    virtually everything that reaches the consumer is aimed at promoting something. (136)

    So radio spots, direct marketing, and web resources today may be equally well-received.

    BWRH should continue to purchase a limited amount of radio advertisement space

    on local radio stations, specifically those that are sports-centric or family-oriented,

    during peak times. Week long ads prior to prime sporting events such as championship

    games, Olympics or other high attention capturing sporting events are prime times to

    utilize such efforts as customers that are on the go are likely to listen to radio as a

    means to keep up with scores or otherwise. This effort is already implemented and

    should be continued. In the future, BWRH can look into expanding this area as revenue

    increases to allow for such.

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    Evaluation of Performance

    Use of media to advertise and build an efficient integrated marketing

    communication plan is tricky. Growth in business can be prompted by length of time in a

    location, growth of desired demographics, a normal rise in population and the economy.

    Many other factors can impact the growth of sales, therefore measuring the success of

    marketing tools requires sophisticated measures.

    Prior to the implementation of the one-year and three-year marketing plans,

    seasonal traffic flow and purchasing behaviors must be charted on a month-to-month

    basis to determine if traffic flow and buying behaviors are impacted by the marketing

    initiatives. If flow and buying behaviors change we can assume some success in the

    strategies of:

    (1) increased web presence(2) enhanced logo items(3) (3) continual online promotions(4) (4) increased web content.

    If these initiatives seem rather small and partial it is simply a reflection of the economic

    realities of a small franchise location, and the realities of revenue flow. Businesses have

    found print ads to be declining in popularity and lately new ads called push-down ad:

    intro ads that viewers click through to get to a homepage. (36) have grown as a

    prominent alternative to print display ads. For a business to remain in profit, large sums

    of necessary capital cannot be invested in costly media buys when such buys could

    produce marginal results. The strategy here is to:

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    (1)Build carefully using tools that already connect to patrons lifestyles: internet, websearches, online coupons. Facebook and social networking sites enhance and provide

    valuable web content data.

    (2)Combine efforts to promote logo items that seek to build patron familiarity with theproduct and increase interest in the product line, and increase traffic flow at the


    These initial steps seem appropriate at this franchises stage of development. If brand

    recognition, and larger traffic flow merits expansion of more extensive media buys in

    the future, than that would be a topic for a future program. However, at present, large

    and expensive media buys either in print or in video/television/cable would seem

    counterproductive and risky with limited capital.

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    Clow, K. E. and Baack, D. (2009). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing

    Communications. (4th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ.

    Malmelin, N. What is Advertising Literacy? Exploring the Dimensions of Advertising

    Literacy.Journal of Visual Literacy. 2010, 29:2, 129-42.

    Schulte, B. Looking Up.American Journalism Review. Summer, 2010.