Imagine Theatre

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Resource pack - Globalfest theatre workshops www.globalfestcork.com

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Page 2: Imagine Theatre

The process

With the theatre workshops we aimed to give the participants a brief introduction to drama, physical theatre, contact improvisation, devising and storytelling. This was all done in collaboration with the participants' ideas about the theme 'Imagine' in order to create their final devised performance piece.

Initially our aim was to create a comfortable atmosphere within the workshop in order to get the young people used to being around each other, being looked at, working as a group and taking risks in terms of creating theatre. We did this through a series of facilitated games and exercises throughout the first workshops.

Once the young people reached a level where they were relaxed and contented with risk-taking we introduced some story-telling devises using still images. This was in order to promote the participants to use their bodies to create stories. We engaged the participants in various focus exercises that generated a level of concentration and focused participation that would be necessary throughout.

Secondly in the process we introduced elements of physical theatre in an attempt to impart some skills in using the body to tell stories and to promote a sense of fluidity in timing. Through an isolated physical warm up that culminated in a common yoga sequence we attempted to raise their awareness of timing and pace in physical theatre, (e.g., carrying out Sun Salutation at a steady and sustained pace to a count of 20, then to a count of 10, then to a count of 30, etc, etc). Exercises included getting the young people to mirror each other and balancing and moving physical actions across the work-space.

We introduced mask work. Each participant had their own plain white theatre mask to wear during various exercises in the workshops. This style allows a workshop participant to act freely and openly.

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The third facet to this process was the introduction of contact improvisation. This is a theatre/dance technique that enables exploration through movement at points of physical contact. After the contact improvisation we facilitated a discussion with the young people in receiving their feedback about the process. Through this discussion we then introduced the theme and values that we had been discussing all week with the other group leaders and facilitated their decisions about how they would like to create a theatre piece that related to the theme. 

Once a story had been devised we set about staging and directing the scenes, incorporating all the skills the young people had learned throughout the workshops.

Warm ups and exercises

Each rehearsal session began with an isolated physical warm-up. Props were designed and created and each young person was in charge of their own particular props and their positioning. This fortified the sense of responsibility and reliance on each other that we felt was important for an ensemble performance. 

Where possible, throughout the entire process we used music in the background. This was in attempt to habituate the young people to the sounds and rhythm of the music. This facilitates a stronger communication with the piece and fluidity of movement once adapted from workshop to the stage. 

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The outcomes

The theatre piece created during the week was performed to the public during the Globalfest Main Event, at Bishop Lucey Park, in the heart of Cork City.

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