I’m Lovin’ It By J. R. Simons © 2004 Characters: 1. Li’l Bobby Grogan – CEO of Grogan Ranches now that Pappy has bought the farm; once narrowly escaped a scandal when the crazed wife of an employee killed another employee during a similar function 2. Lauren DePalma – independent entertainment producer, working with Grogan Ranches to capitalize on a lucrative deal with McDonald’s Corporation, has a reputation for bad luck on her productions: the stars always seem to Die on her 3. Patricia Villanova – an investigative reporter for local television, formerly a wine and food critic for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a recovering alcoholic and Bobby Grogan’s former lover, once implicated in the murder of a German winemaker 4. Peter Jonaszewski – her television news cameraman, spent 4 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter for killing his sister with an overdose during a taping of her popular TV talk show Victim: Li’l Bobby Grogan Murderer: Patricia Villanova Place of Crime: An open space in the banquet room Weapon Used: Gun How: Shot during a scuffle with Peter, Patricia and Lauren Motives: This is a crime of passion. Patricia Discovered that Bobby Grogan, her former lover, has signed a lucrative deal with McDonald’s Corporation to supply beef to all their 1

Im Lovin It

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An example of a Jovialities Entertainment Co., Ltd. improvisational murder mystery script.

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Im Lovin It

Im Lovin It


J. R. Simons



1. Lil Bobby Grogan CEO of Grogan Ranches now that Pappy has bought the farm; once narrowly escaped a scandal when the crazed wife of an employee killed another employee during a similar function

2. Lauren DePalma independent entertainment producer, working with Grogan Ranches to capitalize on a lucrative deal with McDonalds Corporation, has a reputation for bad luck on her productions: the stars always seem to Die on her

3. Patricia Villanova an investigative reporter for local television, formerly a wine and food critic for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a recovering alcoholic and Bobby Grogans former lover, once implicated in the murder of a German winemaker

4. Peter Jonaszewski her television news cameraman, spent 4 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter for killing his sister with an overdose during a taping of her popular TV talk show

Victim: Lil Bobby Grogan

Murderer: Patricia Villanova

Place of Crime: An open space in the banquet room

Weapon Used: Gun

How: Shot during a scuffle with Peter, Patricia and Lauren

Motives: This is a crime of passion. Patricia Discovered that Bobby Grogan, her former lover, has signed a lucrative deal with McDonalds Corporation to supply beef to all their locations. She heard that he would be in Cleveland to promote this relationship and decided to use her job as an investigative reporter to put pressure on him and publicly embarrass him in front of influential people. Initially, her intent is to put the kibosh on his deal with McDonalds. As the evening progresses, however, Patricia becomes angrier and more hurt by Bobbys attitudes and delight in embarrassing her publicly. She challenges him to a duel. As they get back-to-back, Peter and Lauren attempt to intervene, eventually turning it into a struggle to Disarm the combatants that turns into an accidental shooting.

Synopsis: Lil Bobby Grogan, who once tried to silence the activist wife of a former employee through nefarious means, has inherited the Grogan Ranches from his Pappy who has bought the farm, as Bobby is fond of saying. Since Divorcing his former wife, Kay, and seeing his companys stocks drop, Lil Bobby has pulled off the coup of all coups, a lucrative beef supply deal with McDonalds Corporation. He has purchased a large cattle ranch in Hawaii and will be supplying a large amount of beef to McDonalds from his Hawaiian herd. He has enlisted the professional aid of independent entertainment producer, Lauren DePalma, to help him travel the country spreading the word of his deal and promoting the McDonalds Corporation and their mission. McDonalds, however, might not want to be associated with Lil Bobby, though.

Shortly after divorcing his wife, Bobby became involved with a reporter for a Stockton, California paper, Patricia Villanova. Their affair was torrid, even volatile, but they both liked it that way, for a while. Patricia had the unfortunate history of heavy drinking and having once been implicated in the murder of a German winemaker. The charges, of course, were dropped once it was discovered that the winemaker was done in by his own wife. Bobby eventually tired of Patricia, wanting a more elite woman by his side and asked her not to call him and refused to see her anymore. Patricia was devastated. Bobby was the wealthiest and most influential man she had ever known. Losing him hurt her both emotionally and professionally.

Patricia soon returned to Cleveland where she started a career in investigative reporting. She cracked open the Dog Warden case in Parma just recently, which landed her a spot on the PAX TV23 news as an investigative reporter. Normally she and her cameraman, Peter Jonaszewski, a convicted felon who spent four years in prison for the on-air manslaughter of his sister while taping an episode of her TV talk show, cover issues closer to her home area of Akron/Canton. But tonight is a special night. She found out through a friend in the McDonalds organization, about the deal struck between McDonalds and Grogan Ranches and decided to drag Peter with her tonight in an attempt to publicly embarrass Lil Bobby and Lauren DePalma, neither of whom has a very good track record. Patricia will use any means necessary to bring down Bobby Grogan and his beef empire tonight.

Initially, her intent is simply to put the kibosh on his deal with McDonalds. As the evening progresses, however, Patricia becomes angrier and more hurt by Bobbys attitudes and delight in embarrassing her publicly. She challenges him to a duel. As they get back-to-back, Peter and Lauren attempt to intervene, eventually turning it into a struggle to Disarm the combatants that turns into an accidental shooting.

Guessing forms and pencils are passed around so the crime can be solved. The solution is read and the winner is announced.


Bobby Grogan Bobby is the son of Big Bobby Grogan, a Stockton, CA rancher. As the son of Bib Bobby Grogan, Lil Bobby, learned every aspect of cattle ranching sitting on the same saddle with his daddy and then later on a horse of his own next to his daddy. Lil Bobby also learned how to be ruthless, cruel and manipulative from his overbearing and domineering father. Theres no problem that Lil Bobby cant solve by throwing money at it. Or so he thinks.

Some years ago, Lil Bobby found himself hounded by the wife of one of his ranchers about some supposed animal cruelties. As head of the PR department at the time, Lil Bobby tried to persuade the woman to hush up. She wouldnt listen and so he spent a fortune to discredit her by paying another employee to have an affair with her. The plan backfired and that employee ended up dead at the hands of the jealous and enraged husband. The whole affair destroyed a lucrative commercial deal brokered by his then wife, Kay, who subsequently divorced him. The media firestorm nearly bankrupted Grogan Ranches.

Lil Bobby became involved with Patricia Villanova, a newspaper reporter covering the trials, shortly after his divorce from Kay, but he soon tired of the reporters clinginess and told her to leave him alone. Well, she didnt and spent a great deal of time drinking and dialing and variously harassing him until he got a restraining order against her. Two years ago the harassment stopped and Lil Bobby went on to rebuild Grogan Ranches, recently buying a corporate ranch in Hawaii and landing a lucrative deal with McDonalds, which he is here tonight to promote.

Lauren DePalma Lauren grew up in an average family, with average friends, going to average schools. She went to a local business college and got a job with an accounting firm. She lived in a simple apartment and never thought she had a very bright future. That was until she was the sole winner in the state lottery, which had reached the outrageous sum of $60,000,000.00.

She took the lump sum and got a finance expert to help her put it into various accounts, stocks and bonds. She then bought a big house, a fancy car, and a new wardrobe. Never again, she thought, would she be an average person.

Lauren bought into a few small businesses and soon had money coming in from many different sources. It was then that she decided to try something crazy: producing a movie. She started her own company, Depalma Productions, and started to look for a director. This is when she met George Brooks and agreed to produce his film. To sum things up, the lead actor was killed while filming the movies final scene, and Lauren was a suspect until it was proven that it was the director who had killed him. Needless to say, the film was never completed and released.

Lauren did not want to lose hope, though. She saw a future in developing DePalma Productions. She turned her attention to producing local entertainment: rock shows, fairground gigs, jazz club bands, even rodeos. This is where she met Kevin Black, a stunt performer and thought to hook him up with a rodeo she was promoting. This also turned out to be a disaster when Kevin Black was shot by the rodeos manager and star attraction before the ink could dry on the contracts.

Never to be discouraged, Lauren continued to promote her clients and eventually met Lil Bobby Grogan and set out to promote Grogan Ranches and their new affiliation with McDonalds.

Patricia Villanova - Born the second daughter of a Shaker Heights businessman Don Villanova and his wife Wendy in 1965, Patricia grew up in yuppie splendor her entire life and attended Notre Dame where she earned a B.A. in journalism. Soon after college, in 1986, Patricia found herself back in Cleveland writing theatre, restaurant and hotel reviews for the Plain Dealer. Patricia reviewed foods and wines as well as theatre, restaurants and hotels and is somewhat of an amateur wine taster as well. Patricia, however, does not know when to quit.

Patricia has not been herself since the night she witnessed the public poisoning of a prominent German winemaker. Although she was drunk at the time, the police held her in high suspicion. She tried to escape by relocating to Stockton, CA where she wrote for a small paper. She covered an odd murder trial of a ranch employee. This is when she met Lil Bobby Grogan, the Divorced owner of Grogan Ranches. They had a torrid affair that made a lot of other headlines in the local papers. But their candle burned hot and fast at both ends and the affair was over almost before it began. Lil Bobby dumped her and she began stalking him relentlessly. Lil Bobby finally had to get a restraining order against her.

She eventually tired of stalking Lil Bobby and moved back to Cleveland where she tried desperately to get back into the local business, but nobody would take her because of her reputation for heavy drinking. After months of searching and actually being fired by independent film producer, Lauren Depalma, she was forced to take on a job as investigative reporter for PAX TV23. She spends her days stalking people abusing power in Akron and Canton. She couldnt be more bored with her job, her life, anything. Tonight, however, she is very excited to be here. Her California restraining order means nothing in Ohio and she means to take advantage of it by torturing Lil Bobby as much as she can. It will be a doubly delicious coup for her tonight as one of her former employers, Lauren, will also be here tonight.

Peter Jonaszewski Peter is a quiet man who would prefer a nice quiet job programming computers rather than the show business circus he works for now. However, his technical skills are what have made him invaluable to the show. Peter works as cameraman, editor and broadcast engineer at the studio for Patricia and her investigative reports.Peter has an unfortunate history. Under the influence of far too many pills, Peter attempted to kill his former boss, a multimillionaire cable TV executive, only fail miserably by killing his own sister, a talk show host, while taping an episode of her show. Distraught over his sisters death, Peter cracked even before questioning began and confessed to killing her while trying to kill his boss. For his honesty and because it was his first offense, Peter was given 4 years in prison. He was released six months ago and has been fired from every job he has had since then, including one as a cameraman for a Lauren DePalma film. Originally from Chicago, Peter had to relocate and begin lying about his past in order to get work. He got his job at PAX by simply omitting any reference to his felony conviction. He lives in constant fear that he will be found out. Only Lauren knows that he is a convicted felon. Patricia doesnt even know. Peters recovery will be put to the test tonight.

SCENES FOR IM LOVIN IT:30/00 - Arrival time. Check out the acting area. Meet with the Host and make sure everything is okay. Check for prize. Make sure everyone has their carried on props and other planted props are secured. (The prop bag containing the guessing forms, pencils, and corpse sheet should be placed somewhere accessible but not where guests can get at it.) Check with bartender for fake drinks.

:50/20 - All Actors in place. All the characters will arrive later, so they should now be in their cars, or somewhere out of sight.

:00/30 - Mystery begins. Lil Bobby enters alone. He is bold, outgoing, and gregarious. He greets all the guests warmly and asks about their association with McDonalds. He freely discusses his deal to supply beef to McDonalds nationwide. He freely uses the catch phrase, Im Lovin It, all night long. He circulates around the room, mingling.:05/35 Peter and Patricia enter. They try to be low-key and not bring too much attention to themselves. They keep their reporters tools (a video camera for Peter, notepad and microphone for Patricia) hidden. Peter is nervous and edgy. Patricia is calm, cool and calculating. Peter wants to get the interview/confrontation with Lil Bobby over with quickly. Patricia wants to wait and let him squirm a little before they spring the camera and questions on him. They question the audience about Lil Bobby and his behavior so far.

:10/40 Lauren enters hurriedly. She is upset that Lil Bobby is already here pressing the flesh. She tells people that she is the publicity agent for Grogan Ranches and everything that is said about the Ranches should come from her. She has been having a difficult time corralling Lil Bobby on this tour. She asks guests to ignore most of what Lil Bobby says because its all full self-indulgent, bloated claims. She will issue an official statement to everyone later on in the evening. She begins searching the crowd to find Lil Bobby.

:12/42 On her way to find Lil Bobby, Lauren runs into Patricia. Lauren rudely excuses herself. She doesnt recognize Patricia. However, Patricia recognizes Lauren and calls her by name. She asks what brings her here to the gathering. Lauren, still not recognizing her, tries to blow her off by simply stating that she is here on business. Patricia presses her asking what kind of business. Lauren is now perturbed by this obnoxiously persistent woman and asks her why she needs to know. Patricia then introduces herself and reminds her how rudely she once fired her from one of her productions. Lauren claims not to remember and excuses herself to continue on her way to find Lil Bobby. Patricia tells guests around her that Lauren will not be able to forget her after tonight and moves on.

:15/45 Lauren catches up with Lil Bobby. She finds him chatting with guests and laying out elaborate plans about how he is going to supply beef to every McDonalds in every part of the world. Lauren interrupts and corrects him. Grogan Ranches in Hawaii is only going to supply a portion of the US McDonalds, this region being one of those regions. She then pulls Lil Bobby away from the guests and admonishes him for making up promotional information that isnt true. Lil Bobby tells her not to worry, by the time they find out that it isnt true, it will be. Thats the way his business always works. He tells her that he comes up with an idea, tells people that the idea is being implemented and then shortly afterwards it is implemented. Lauren reminds him that his ideas have often backfired in the past. Now is the time to let her talk. Lil Bobby tells her thats okay with him, but hes going to continue talking himself. Lauren throws up her hands in disgust and defeat and heads to the bar for a drink.:20/50 On her way to the bar, Lauren runs into Peter Jonaszewski. Peter is nervously trying to hide his video camera. Not an easy task, considering that its in a bag by his side. They recognize each other immediately. Peter tries to escape, but Lauren pursues him. She asks what he thinks he is doing here. He replies that he is working here tonight. Working on what, Lauren asks. He tells her that he is working on a news story with his boss. She demands to know who his boss is. Peter does not want to tell her. Lauren asks if his new boss knows about his felony conviction and prison time. Peter tells her that she doesnt know about that and wont find out. Lauren tells him that if he doesnt tell her, she will find out and will tell his new boss everything about him. Peter still refuses to tell and insists that she not say anything to anyone else about his prison time. Lauren glares at him and tells him that she has no obligation to agree to anything with him. She warns him to stay clear of her for the rest of the night and she might consider keeping her mouth shut. Lauren continues to the bar.

:25/55 Patricia spots Peter nervously talking to guests. She goes over to him and asks if he is all right. He tells her that he is not all right and that he wants to get this over with. She tells him that she is not quite ready yet. But in a few moments they will do what they cam here for. He tells her that maybe she should do this some other time. Maybe with another cameraman. She asks him why. He explains that there is somebody here who might be able to discredit him and undermine the integrity of their investigation. Patricia asks who that is. He tells her that its Lauren DePalma and that she once fired him for lying on a job application. Patricia laughs at him and tells him not to worry. Lauren once fired her from a job, too. In fact Lauren doesnt even recognize her. So, not only will they be able to blow the lid off of Lil Bobbys Grogan Ranches and its cover ups, etc., but theyll both be able to get back at Lauren DePalma. Peter brightens at this, but warns her that Lauren is ruthless and cruel and Patricia might not want to work with him after Lauren tells her about his past. Patricia blows this off and tells him not to worry. Theyre going to bring Grogan Ranches to their knees tonight and when the Ranches fall, theyll fall right on top of Lauren DePalma.

:25/55 At the bar, Lauren orders a drink and takes a pill.

:30/00 Lil Bobby calls for everyones attention. He welcomes everyone and thanks them for coming to tonights wonderful event sponsored by McDonalds Corporation. He tells everyone that he is pleased to be becoming McDonalds biggest supplier of beef now that he has opened up his Hawaiian cattle ranches. He promises that the world will now be privileged to eat the finest beef that the people of California have been eating for years from his ranches. Lauren hears all of this and gets to Lil Bobbys side as quickly as she can. She begins to take over and tell the room that Lil Bobby is a bit excited and that the Grogan Ranches will only be supplying a small portion of McDonalds beef, specifically to the midwestern regions. Lil Bobby introduces Lauren DePalma as his publicist and acknowledges that what she is saying is true, but the rest of his statements will certainly come true in the near future. Meanwhile, Patricia and Peter are readying their equipment in order to swoop in and start their investigative report on Lil Bobby.:35/05 Patricia rushes the area where Lil Bobby and Lauren continue to debate the size of the contribution that Grogan Ranches will be making to McDonalds and begins asking her probing questions: Is it true that Grogan Ranches is guilty of extreme cruelty to its herd? Is Grogan Ranches doing enough to protect its herd from mad cow disease? Is it true that Grogan Ranches has resorted to murdering its employees to keep these questions from being answered honestly? And on and on in an endless series of questions regardless of what Lil Bobby says to the contrary. Patricia goes on to tell him that someone who used to know him forwarded her some tapes that he might find interesting. Finally Lauren interrupts and tells Patricia and Peter to leave quietly or she will call the police to escort them out kicking and screaming if necessary. Lil Bobby takes charge again by pulling out his pistol and firing a warning shot in the air and tells everyone to hold on and calm down. He tells everyone that its necessary to handle this in a nice civilized manner. He asks to speak with Patricia alone. Patricia consents.

:38/08 Lil Bobby takes Patricia off to the side of the room and asks what she thinks she is doing. She tells him professionally that she heard some stories about conditions on his ranch and saw his arrival here in Cleveland as an opportunity to do an expose for her job in Akron. She tells him that she is an investigative reporter. Lil Bobby laughs and asks if she is simply trying to get back at him for dumping her two years ago. Patricia lies and tells him thats the farthest thing from her mind. She is so over him that obviously only his ego makes him think something stupid like that. Lil Bobby reminds her that he has a restraining order against her. She reminds him that the restraining order is only valid in California, not Ohio. Well, he says, remind me to get a restraining order for Ohio, too. Finally he asks what it will take to get her to leave and not to file her report. She tells him that theres not enough money in the world to keep her from filing her report. She would have to be dead not to file it. Lil Bobby mumbles that that can be arranged. Patricia shakes her head and walks away.:38/08 Lauren has taken Peter aside to another part of the room and demands that he give her the tape of what theyve just done. Peter guards the tape refusing to give in to her demands. She threatens to tell everyone in the room about his past if he doesnt give her the tape. Not in a million years, he says, will he give up the tape. Lauren promises him a lot of money if he gives her the tape. He tells her that he has learned to resist all kinds of bribery offers since becoming an investigative reporter and will have none of her money. She threatens again to expose him for the murdering felon and ex-convict that he is. He stands his ground and insists that he will not give up the tape. She lunges at him and tries to take the video camera away from him. He guards it carefully and then pulls out a knife, which he holds out to hold her at bay. He tells her that hes been in some tough situations in prison and since getting out and hes not afraid to use the knife to protect himself and his property. She backs off but warns him that hell regret threatening her. He tells her its not a threat, its a promise.

:42/12 Peter meets up with Patricia and asks if they can go now. Theyve gotten what they came for. He wants to leave now. Patricia is enjoying herself and wants to push things a little farther. She wants to ask Lauren a few questions. Peter insists that they leave Lauren alone. Lauren could be bad for them. Lauren knows too much. Patricia asks him what he means. Peter slowly confesses that he spent four years in prison for the involuntary manslaughter of his sister during a taping of one of her talk shows. Lauren knows about it and fired him from one of her productions because he didnt reveal it on his job application. He didnt reveal it on his job application to PAX, either for fear that he wouldnt get the job. He tells her how hard it is to get a job with a felony conviction and prison sentence. She hugs him and tells him not to worry. She will go to bat for him before the PAX executives. Besides, she says, Lauren has more than one skeleton in her own closet and she means to expose those tonight as well. Peter calms and asks if she is angry with him. Patricia smiles and tells him no, she could never be angry with him. He tells her he has one more thing to confess. She asks what it is. He pulls out his knife and shows it to her and tells her that he pulled it on Lauren and thats a violation of his parole. She tells him to give her the knife. She puts it in her purse and tells him that if anyone asks, she pulled it on Lauren. That way it will be her word against Laurens. Peter is elated that Patricia would do this for him and gladly hands her the knife, which she quietly puts in her purse. She tells him to stay calm and heads for the bar.

:45/15 Lil Bobby and Lauren confront Patricia at the bar. They calmly demand that she order Peter to turn over the tape to them. Patricia tells them that they are trying to circumvent the Constitution. She has a right to confront them about their actions and the public has a right to know about Grogan Ranches and their despicable way of treating cattle and people. Lauren warns her that it would be in her best interest if she just give them the tape and leave here as quickly as possible. Patricia asks if that is a threat. Lauren says that it is not a threat, but she might like to know a little something about Peter. Patricia asks what it is. Lauren then tells the tale of Peter, his sisters murder, his prison term, how she had to fire him from a production for lying on his application and how he just pulled a knife on her earlier violating his probation. Patricia tells her that she knows all about Peters past. Lauren tells her that Peter said he lied on his application to PAX to cover these things up. Patricia admits that he did and she had him checked and insisted that PAX hire him anyway. Lauren asks about the knife incident. Patricia pulls the knife out of her purse and holds it out menacingly at Lauren saying that Peter never pulled a knife on her. She backs Lauren up a few steps until Lil Bobby steps in between them and insists that they go to neutral corners and settle this later on in court.

:50/20 Lauren and Lil Bobby go to another part of the room. Lauren is distressed. She tells Lil Bobby that nothing good can happen from this. They need to find a way to get rid of those two meddlesome reporters somehow. Lil Bobby tells her to calm down. Theres bad ways to do this and then theres good ways. He tells her that tomorrow morning they file a brief in court to get an injunction against them airing the footage and they get restraining orders against the two of them. They have to find a way to get Patricia off their backs and send Peter back to jail for parole violations and whatever else they can figure out. Anything else would be dishonorable. Lauren calms down and tells him that she knows hes right, hes always right. She hugs him and he comforts her.

:53/23 Lil Bobby finds Peter nervously chatting with guests about the evenings events. Lil Bobby asks Peter if there is any way they can settle this dispute between them like gentlemen. Peter asks what he means. Lil Bobby pours on the smarmy charm and tells him that when you get to be at his level, theres nothing that money cant take care of, including little disputes like the one they had earlier this evening. Lil Bobby pulls out his checkbook and tells Peter that he is prepared to pay him handsomely for the tape. He offers him a round figure of $250,000.00 for the tape telling him that with that much money he can just disappear and never be haunted by any of his past indiscretions ever again. Peter is tempted, but refuses. He says he is too devoted and loyal to Patricia to even think about running away and shirking his responsibilities. Lil Bobby presses him further telling him not to throw his life away on a psycho like Patricia. With this kind of money, he can have whatever woman he wants. Patricia is just bad news and hed be best to get away from her while he can, or shell stalk him relentlessly. He then offers him $500,000.00 to give him the tape and get out of the state and start over again. Peter refuses. Lil Bobby tells him that hell regret that and walks away. Peter shares with guests that Lil Bobby will regret that more since he got every word of it on videotape.:58/28 Peter goes to Patricia and tells her that he has some great footage of Lil Bobby trying to bribe him for the tape. Patricia is excited and is looking forward to seeing it tomorrow before they air it. Peter asks if she is sure she wants to air it. He tells her that Lil Bobby said some awful things about her and called her a psycho stalker. Patricia admits that she was in a relationship with Lil Bobby at one time and that she did try very hard to patch things up when he dumped her. Lil Bobby overreacted and convinced a court that she was stalking him and had a restraining order placed on her. Peter nods that he understands. He asks if they can leave now. Patricia tells him that there is one more thing she needs to do.

:00/30 Patricia leads Peter over to Lauren and has him start taping while she sticks a microphone in her face and starts interrogating her about her past activities. She asks about the actor who was killed by the director on her first feature film. She asks about the rodeo cowboy who got killed on her excursion into rodeo promotions. She asks if either of these were related to each other. What did she know about the killers in those cases? How was she connected to them? Lauren answers calmly and coolly, acknowledging that some unfortunate accidents have happened on her projects, but that none of them were related. Lauren then asks Patricia about her involvement with the Baroness and the murder her husband, the winemaker. Patricia stumbles a little, but quickly recovers. She insists that she had nothing to do with that as well. Then she smiles realizing that Lauren had recognized her all along. Lauren reveals that yes, she has recognized her and tells her that she will not be able to do anything to Grogan Ranches or DePalma Productions after tomorrow morning. She then demands that Patricia and Peter turn over the tape from tonight or they will suffer a fate worse than death. Patricia and Peter refuse. Lauren lunges at Patricia and rips the microphone out of her hand. They struggle. Lil Bobby comes over and intervenes to pull the two of them apart. He sends Lauren off to the bar to cool her heels and tells Peter to turn off the camera and go away somewhere as well. He takes Patricia to another part of the room with him.

:03/33 Lil Bobby tells Patricia that he has had enough of her tonight and demands that she stop hounding the two of them. He tells her that they are going to settle this the old fashioned way, with a gentlemans agreement. He hands her a check for $1,000,000.00 and tells her to give him the tape, disappear into the night somewhere and leave him and Lauren alone forever. Patricia takes the check and looks at it. She smiles and tells him how kind and generous he is being. Then she tears the check up into little pieces. She rages at him and tells him that if he really wants to settle this the old-fashioned way, then she challenges him to a duel: pistols at 10 paces. Lil Bobby laughs and tells her that he remembers taking her to the shooting range once and how she couldnt even hold the gun let alone hit something his size at 10 paces. Patricia tells him that maybe she has been practicing. Lil Bobby says fine, hell duel with her but he reminds her that there are dozens of guests here tonight who will testify that she insisted they do this so he is not responsible for anything that might happen to her.

:05/35 They move together to an open area in the room. Patricia pulls her revolver from her purse and hands the purse to Peter who tries to stop her from doing something so foolish. Lil Bobby pulls out his revolver as they get back to back. Peter stands in front of Patricia and Lauren stands in front of Lil Bobby as they start to pace off their ten paces. Patricia ignores Peters pleas and pronouncements of love as she loudly counts off the paces. Lil Bobby likewise ignores Laurens similar pleas as he concentrates on Patricias count. When she gets to ten, Peter and Lauren grab Patricias and Lil Bobbys guns and struggle with them to keep them from turning and firing. They all get turned around and Patricia and Lil Bobby end up facing each other with Lauren and Peter somewhat in between them. Finally, two shots rind out and Lil Bobby falls to the ground, a bullet wound to his stomach.:08/38 After all the screaming and shouting, Peter checks Lil Bobbys pulse and pronounces him dead. He sends Lauren to call the police and asks Patricia to get something to cover the body with.:10/40 - The 3 living actors pass out the guessing forms and pencils, trying to make as many guests as possible look guilty.

:20/50 - Pencils and guessing forms are collected. When they are all collected, Peter says he has "Absolutely all the forms." Lil Bobby rises and reads the solution he has had hidden in some inside pocket. As he reads the solution, the other 4 determine whom the winner is. Ed builds up then announces the winner. (Applause.) The prize is given out. The actors introduce themselves and the troop. (Applause.) Thank them and collect all props.

SOLUTION FOR IM LOVIN ITGood evening, ladies and gentlemen. And now for the solution to tonights mystery, Im Lovin It. There really wasnt much to love about Lil Bobby Grogan. He was a boastful, rough, harsh cowboy who owned a much-maligned cattle ranching operation. However, his boasting and gross Texas overstatements of his companys role in McDonalds future success were far from cause to have him killed. Yet, somebody here did kill him and will spend a great deal of time in jail for it. Let us discover who done it.

Our first suspect is Lauren DePalma. Lauren has a lousy track record when it comes to clients and productions. Her first motion picture was marred by the on-camera death of the leading man. A recent deal with a rodeo and a radio promotion fell through when her new star cowboy was killed before the contracts were signed. And now, tonight her newest client bought the farm as well. While Lauren was cleared in the two previous deaths, the specter of death will always haunt her productions. The only way that Lauren could have killed Lil Bobby tonight would have been by accident. She struggled with him over his gun during the duel. She never would have shot him on purpose. She was genuinely fond of this big talking cowboy. Because of this affection and what the coroner will later prove as the angle of trajectory, Lauren is not our murderer tonight. Hopefully she will not star in another sequel of her legacy death along the promotion trail.

Next we have our cameraman, Peter Jonaszewski. Peter has a long history of drug and alcohol abuse and even spent time in prison for involuntary manslaughter for accidentally serving his own sister a poisoned cocktail on air that was meant for someone else! Prior history generally predicts future performance, so Peter, with his history, will be the first person focused on in the investigation. He pulled a knife on Lauren earlier in the evening. He struggled with Patricia over the gun during the duel and could have pointed it at Lil Bobby and pulled the trigger. Peter quickly confessed to killing his sister, he could be made to break and confess to killing Lil Bobby as well. But that would only be to protect the real murderer, whom Peter loved.

Patricia Villanova willfully and maliciously shot and killed Lil Bobby Grogan here tonight. She came here intending to embarrass and discredit him. She found him hooked up professionally with a woman who once fired her from a job and intended to embarrass and discredit her as well. Then, outraged and insulted by Lil Bobbys insults and attempts to buy her off, Patricia snapped. She challenged Lil Bobby to a duel. She fully intended to kill him from the minute she stepped back to back with him and not even Peters loving attempts to stop her would convince her otherwise. During the struggle she found an opening and fired, not caring whom she hit. In her psychosis, she might even be able to convince herself that Peter actually pulled the trigger and may not think twice about testifying against him. It is difficult to say what will happen to Patricia Villanova after this evening, but Im she wont be lovin it.

Thank you and now the winners.

PROPS FOR IM LOVIN IT1. Guessing Forms

2. Pencils

3. "How To Survive" Forms

4. Business Cards

5. Corpse Sheet

6. Two pill bottles

7. Two Guns

8. Knife

9. Video Camera

10. Video Tapes11. MicrophonePAGE 1