Ily Good Eyes - Chronicling America

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Published Every Friday bythe Stauntonspectator

corporationHaroldE. West, President.


SSSu :*\u25a0£{ In AdvanceBBSs, w?ll ssa \u25a0 \u25a0ii i ssi I ' -? -

In order to avoiet delays, on accountof personal absence,lettersanel all com-munications for the Spectatorshouldnot be addressed to any individual con-nected with the office, but simply toTHE SPECTATOR.

Hnterad at the Postofliee at StauntonVa., as second class mail matter.

With so many monkeys all overthe country hankering for a littlePresidential attention, we don'tunderstand 'why Taft singled outthat one in the NewYork zoo.

Some Congressmen are actuallygetting so finicky that they objectto one man's drawing two govern-ment salaries. What's the goodof having a strong official drag, Ifyou can't cash in on it?

Since Colonel Bryan dined withGovernor Dix there's been revivalof talk about the governor's Presi-dential chances. Is it a case ofcause and effect?

Over in "Dear ol' Lunnun,"when the banquet wine getsabovethe wisdom line, they prattle ofannexingthe United States. Overhere?oh, we just laugh, knowinga good joke when we meet it inthe road.

Rainbow chasers may notgatherthe substantials, but as a classtheyget more fun out of their ex-pectations than rich men doout oftheir coin. The real rainbowchaser is born, not made.

About a year ago the republicanstate convention of South Dakotaprotested against putting railroadlawyerson the Federal bench. AS. D. railroad lawyer, backed byboth Senators, has just been nom-inated to be a U. S. district judge.What's the answer?


In the minds of many personswho applaud the recent Anti-Trust decisions, there lurks a flyin the ointment in the fact that nocriminal proceedingseither accom-panied or followed the civil suitsand that the "malefactors of greatwealth" have not been sentencedto terms in prison for havingtakenpart in illegal proceedings.

It is so rarely that we have oc-casion to agree with Mr. Roose-velt that we are happy to quotecommendation from his specialmessage of January31, 1908 in re-gard to the enforcement of theSherman law, in which he declar-ed that advocates of criminal pros-ecution are reallyopponentsof thelaw and advocates of the Trusts.The reason for this apparent para-dox is obvious to any one whoknows the very basis of our crim-inal procedure.

In the first place the personsforminga corporation differ wide-ly from the company itself. Nomatter how deeply the corporationmay be indebted, each stockholderis only liable to the extent of hisholdings, and no suit can bebrought against him for the wholeof the'debt.

Ifwejcould imagine a railroadtrain "wilfully and maliciously"running'over a man and killinghim, the engineer may be heldcriminally liable, but no merestockholder can be tried for mur-der. The corporation has an ex-istence utterly distinct from thatof its several stockholders. If astockholder commits a personalcrime, the company is not respon-sible on his account, nor is thestockholder punishablefor a viola-

Ition of law on the part of the com-pany, except as loss of dividends. ...may be consideredpunishment.

Now, topunish a member of acorporation it must be shown thathe personally was responsible forthe illegal acts. A specific crimemust be clearly defined, and itmust be proven beyond reasonabledoubt that the special person ac-cused committed or was accessoryto the commission of the crime.

For example, if a man be accus-ed of murder, it must first beshown that a murder was com-mitted; the dead body must beproduced?the corpus delicti, as itis called in law?then the fact thata certain specified person com-mitted the crime must be proven,with all doubtful points in favor ofthe prisoner. As a result a ma-jorityof ordinary trials for com-mon crimes result in acquittal,and if this be true, the difficultyof

Broving individual guilt in viola->ns of such laws as the Sherman

law may be seen.To prosecute individuals in the

cases arising under this law,wouldbe an interminable process, and it,should be postponed until a differ-ent statue is enacted.

AT EVENINGThe lonely lake lies sad and pale

Beneath a shadowed moon,No ripple laughs along the shale,

No mating bird gives tune.The trees in garb of black, on me

Cast mournful, pitying glance;Kven the youngest aspen tree

Forbids its leaves to dance.We kisseel at morning 'ncalli their

boughs,We and kissed today?

They sigh, the tree's that heard ourvows;

"Today is dead,' they say. IU'oruelia Kane Kalhtxmc, in llano's| We.kl,

MISCtLLANEOUS MARKETSBaltimore,June 7.?Special?Wheat

eloseel tinner: Spot and June9l4, July911,; Augusta 90 34.

Corn closed tirm; Spot and Juneoil*,; July 59^.

Oats quiet; No. 2 white 41:>4a42;standard white 41,Iti'a41 34; No. 3 whiteilaiVi.

Eggs; market steady; Md., Va.,Western, W. Va., 16; Southern 15a15)£.

Live poultry; market firm. Fowls,old hens, chickens spring \yzlbs. and over 30; ditto lj£ lbs. 27a28;1 lb. and under 25.

Ducks, white Pekings 12; Muscovyand Mongrel 11; Puddle 11; spring,3 lbs. and over 20.



The U. S. Department of Agricul-ture, in connection with its potatowork throughout the country, iscarrying on a fertilizer and varietytest with potatoeson the farm of Mr.W. N. Sproul, at Middiebrook.

The fertilizer experiment consist of aseries of 21 flats of one twentiethof anacre each. The object of this experi-ment is to determine, if possible, whatplant foods need to be added to the soilof this vicinity, and in what quantity,to produce the largest field of potatoes.

On two of the flats there has beenapplied a complete fertilizer at therate of one ton per acre, on two othersimilar mixtures at the rate of one-half ton per acre. As is very generallyknown fertilizer containsnitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash.In order to determine whether all ofthese arejnecessary Tor the soil in thisMiity, oneof tlu plats has received

pplication of nitrogen and phos-phoric aciel only; the potash havingbeen emitted another plat has nitroge>nand potash only the phosphoric acidhavingjbeen omitted anel still anotherha? received phosphoric acid only,oth-er plats have been treated with butoneof these threeplant foods, that is,one has nitrogen only, another phosjphoric aciel only and another potashonly. It is not expecteel that very re-liable results can be obtained in a sin-gle season but in two or three yearssomething of coniderable value shouldbe learnd.

The experiment with the differentvarieties of potatoes is to {determinethe best and most economical sourceof seed supply for southern and east-ern truckers who grow potatoesfor theearly market. Several of the mostpromising varities are being grown in«ach the i important seed potatoeproducing centers of the north. Au-gusta county is included in this exper-iment. The potatoes are grown inthese localities and then taken to thetiucking regions and grown side byside todetermine their respective val-ues for the truckers use. If seed potatoes from Augusta county are as goodfor the growersof eastern Virginia asthose from much farther north andwest, then the growers of potatoes inthis county and early potatoe produc-ers of the south and east will be mut-ually benefited. Results already ob-

«d would seemto inelieate that thist improbable.

The writer wiil be glad to meet anyand all of the people interesteel.in theseexperiment a little later in the seasonat Mr. Sproul's and explain more indetailthe nature of these experiments.Notice of this meeting will be madelatter.

W. V. Shear

Work Will Start Soonafter you take Dr. King's New LifePills, and you'll ejuiekly enjoy theirfine results. Constipation and indi-gestion vanish and fine appetite re-turns. They regulate stomach, liverand bowels anel impart new strengthanil energy to tbe whole system. Trythem. Only 20c at B. F. Hughes'.


OBITUARYDied May 30th, at Buffalo Gap,Mrs.

OatherineIngram after a short illness,aged 82 years,widow of Hugh Ingram;was a devoted wife anel mother, agood Christian from her early life up,number of Methodist Church. Sheleaves several sons and daughters tomourn her loss. Services wereheld atBuffalo Gap Chapel conducted byRev. Dr. White of Churchville. Herremains werelaid to rest at BuffaloCemetery.

Miss Lily Baker of Winchester washere yesterday on her way to New


A Pair ofGood Eyesmay growconstantly strong-er in hard and continuouswork and retain their vigoras long as any other organof the body. But when onediscerns a hint of dimness, atired feeling, an ache in theeye balls or repeated headaches, then glasses may beof great service in arrestingthe failures that if neglectedmay cause deep anxiety andinconvenience

H. L. Lang,Optometrist

Masonic TempleStaunton, Virginia


Laurel Hill, June 7.?The muchtalked ofpower plant which is to beestablisheel in this section by Northerncapitalists is soon to be in operation,so the Dispatch-News correspondentis informed by representatives of thecompany that is backing the enter-bjise. This'concern has held optionshere for a long time and last weeka party of surveyors was here goingover the ground with a view to fixingthe location of the big clam anel thesite for thepower house, which, it isunderstood, will be eighty by a hun-elred feet. It will require a structurethis large, [it is said, to house theequipment, which will be of the mostup-to-date^type.

The work will be startedby tunnel-ing through the great hill. Fromthe beginning of the hole to its out-let is a distance of about 800 yarels,anelit is just'six miles around the river.With thefall available an immensepower can;be derived.

When "in conversation representa-tives of,the cornpany'stated that prop-erty owners;will be greatly benefitted.

looking through thisvillage* b ith a view to acquiring a

j : ightjof «ay for the electric car line.As the road is not wide enough to ac-commodate both cars and vehiclesthis will have to go throughproperty.

T. N. Haun has moved into hisnew and up-to-date home whichis" on a genilj slope overlookingthe great 20 foot dam that will holdthe water for the great power.

The family of Frank Sprouse werevisiting the family of M. C. Defi'en-baugh at Buresford on Sunday last.

A picked team composedof RollersFishersville anel Laurel Hill playerswent down to Bridgewater on Satur-elay last|anel crossed bats with thatnine'and got warmed up to the tuneofBto 2, the jßridgewater boys outclassing them at'every turn., The littlechild of Mr. Ernest Alleywho broke its arm several days ago, isgetting alonprnicely under the carefulattention ofDr. T. C. Miller ot NewHope.

A Dreadful Woundfrom a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nai',fireworks, or of any other nature, de-mands prompt treatment with Buck-len's Arnica Salve to prevent bloodpoison or gangrene. It's the quickest,surest healer for all such wounds asalso for burns, boils, sores, skin erup-tions, eczema, chapped hands, corns orpiles. 25c at B. F. Hughes'.

« m \u2666

A Bird That Is Feared.The elster iPlca candafa) is a bird

that % respected and feared throughout south Germany. It belongs to the

Ren tribe :ind*is about the size of \u25a0c; with black and white feathers

long, pointed tall. It builds itst In orchards, and its life is sacred

If it is seen three times in successionon the same housetop in a place remote from Its home it Is believed to bea sure sign of death in that hause. IfIt flies over a house where any one is111 and gives its peculiar cry the sickperson is sure to die, but if it does noiscream the paitient may recover. It.isbetter for the sick person if the birddoes not come near. No one could behired to bother these birds for feaithey might seek revenge, and if bjchance one of them should die it is s.sign of bad luck to the owner of tinproperty where it is found. Th-bird is a valuable insect destroyer ant'

Bhis way probably more than comsates for the fear it occasionsing the farmers.

Cursing In Korea.A strange way of cursing Is that ol

the Korean. His ordinary swear wore!Is "Oenuma," or "You 'brute." TheJapanese have the same partiality foithis term of endearment But according to the Oriental Economic Reviewthe Korean considers himself especially abusive when he calls a person b>»child or grandchild. When he wantsto call somebody down the Koreandemands hotly, "Are* you not mychild?" And 'the angry retort is:"What! I your child? You are mygrandchild." Then the flrst goes nstep further and cries, "You are agrandchild of my grandchildX towhich the rejoinder is: "You conceited fellow! Have you forgotten thatyou are a grandchild of a grandchild

I of*my grandchild?" When their vltuperation reaches its climax the peopie of Chosen at last come to the occidental standard of exclaiming, "Yougrandchild of a dog!"- .» - -~^~*???? ?

Duncan Smoked In Church.Sir Walter Scott in his "Heart of

Midlothian" refers to one Duncan ofKnbckduuder, an important personage,who smoked during the whole of tbesermon from an iron pipe tobacco bor-rowed from other worshipers. We aretold that at the end of the discoursehe knocked the ashes out of his pipe,replaced it In his sporran, returned thetobacco pouch to'its owner and Joinedin the prayer with decency and atten-tiassv

FOOTBALL IS DANGEROUS.If You Don't Think So Try to Start a

Game In Turkey.It is., or was until recently, a difficult

matter to be a sportsman in Turkey.One Rechad Bey tried it, with a re-sult weird enough to serve as a basisfor a detective story or a comic opera.

The young Turk had organized afootball team among his friends, to-gether with some Greeks and Arme-nians, and began practicing. Not verylong after, in the middle of the night,police came to his bouse and earnedhim off to Scutari. There he was sub-mitted to a long interrogation as tothe club and the game of football.

The authorities were convinced thatthey had found a great plot and thatthe club must tie a secret society. Aspecial messenger was sent for theball, and that was duly examined andfound to be an infernal machine. Theruleslof the game were considered tobe another piece of damning evidence,and still worse were the sweaters andcolors of the club.

After loug deliberation the culpritwas sent to the higher police authori-ties In Stamboul, who went through asecond long examination and came tothe conclusion that the empire hadbeen saved from disintegration by theearly discovery of a great plot. Theydispatched the whole matter to be In-quired into at the sultau's palace atYlldiz, and a special commission tookthe matter in hand.

After much careful thought and ex-amination of the evidenceof the crimeit was decided that there might notbe nothing in it, but that it must notbe committedagain.?Harper's Weekly.

UNWRITTEN BOOKS.Stories Planned and Promised That

Never Saw the Light.The Bookman republishesa paperby

Professor Brander Matthews entitled"Unwritten Books" that was firstprinted many years a;:o. TrofessorMatthews speaks of the projectedbooks and plays that never saw thelight and have been read, like bills Incosgress, by title only.

Moliere planned a comedy under thetitle "L'Homme de Cour," which wasto be his masterpiece. Nothing isknown of it today. Richard BrinsleySheridan intended to write a followerto "The School For Scandal" and "TheRivals." The subject was "Affecta-tion." It never went beyond a fewrandom notes.

For years the paper covers of everynewbook that Victor Hugo issued con-tinued to announce as soon to be pub-lished a romance entitled "La Quan-quengrogne." Many posthumous vol-umes of the French poet's writing Inprose and verse have been sent forthby his literary executors, but of thisoddly entitled fiction nothing has beenheard. In 1862 Alphonse Daudet an-nounced as In press a volume of shortstories to be called "La Pentameron."The book remained unpublished andapparently unwritten. The youngerDumas has left on record more thanone reference to a comedy to be called"La Route de Thebes," planned before"Francillon," but never given to the

Roasting an Egg.Every boy and girl down on the farm

in times gone by used to roast eggs,pieces of meat and potatoes in embersin the old wood cook stove or in thebig open fireplace. Barns weresearch-ed for hens' nests, and the fine, fresheggs were wrapped in heavy paper.Thev paper was dampened, and severalthicknesses of it protected the eggsfrom scorching. You know, wet pa-per in a ball is hard to burn. Well,the wrapped up eggs were put on thelive coals and partially covered bythem. In from five to fifteen minutesthe egg was roasting hot and ready toeat with salt, pepper and butter. Apin hole was made in the big end ofthe egg so as to let the steam escapeto keep it from bursting the shell andthe meats from running out If youhave neveras a small boy roasted sucheggs you have missed one,of child-

\u25a0hood's greatest Joys.?New York Press.

How It Got There.A gamekeeper was going over his

master's estate one morning, when heencountered a gentleman of the poach-ing class. The gamekeeper noticedthat tbe other's hat was bulging in acurious manner. After subjecting thehat to an examination he found a flueyoung pheasant.

"How did*this get here?" the game-keeper asked, glaring at the culprit.

"Blowed if I know," growled thepoacher, gazing at the pheasant withan apparent look of great perplexity."The blooming thing must have crawl-ed up my trousers leg."?London Tit-Bits.

Love Letter of a Kaffir.Here is a Kaffir love letter:Dear Miss E. Naabenl?l have greatcon-

fidence In thundering the width ot myopinion that I shall thank for kindness Ifyou will give me the privilege of letteringwith you concerning love as your mostwinning face has drawn my serious at-tention to you, and that I shall appreciateynu in anticipation of an early reply andalso terminating this with suereme ofir.-,ii s^tfs^r,,,!rum BAAIBO.

Servants In Turkey.Turkey Is not nearly so benighted as

we imagine, for there is no servantquestion there. is stillrecognized, the kadun (mistress of thehouse) is a mother to her servants,whom she treats as children, and nocftildrenfln the" world are better treatedthan Turkish children. The.most pain-ful thing the kadun can do to a maidis to say: "The master has found sgood husband for thee. bemarried at such and such a time."

"Oh, mistress,, what have 1 done tobe thus abandoned?" is the usual sor-rowful response.

Evenafter the servant's marriage thekindly relations between mistress andmaid continue. There are no fixedservant wages in-Turkey. Faithfulservants are rewarded from time totime in accordance with th*ir master*'or mistresses' good pleasure or circum-stances.?Chicago Journal.

Tha Worm Turned.Hot Dad?No, sir; I won't have my

daughter tied for life to a stupid fool.Her Suitor?Then don't you think youbad better let me take her off yourhands?? Boston Transcript.

The Ruling Passion.Reporter (at front door)?There Is a

rumor that Mr. Greatman has justdied. Is this true? Butler-Yes, butbe has nothing to say for publication.-Life.

The Woman Question.Tommy-Pa! Pa-Well, what is it

now? Tommy ? What's "the womanquestion?" Pa?Did you mail that lettor? .Toledo Blade.


A quiet aud veiy pretty wedding aidone in which much interest centered,owing to thepopularity of the bride,was that last night when Miss Ana*B;ll became the bride of Mr. HoraoeAdam Soper'the ceremony being per-forated at the bridj's home, Rev.'5'.Q.Hullihsrj, rector of Iriuity Episco-pal church, ofrisiating. Mis, PeytonUoahran played ihe wedding marchas the bridal part.*; enisrad the froutparlor and mart had ta an inprovisadaltai'the bride being attended by hermaid of honor M'ss Sue Bali, whileIh? groom had as his best man hisbrother Dr. Wiilard Sopar of NewYork.

For some years the "Bail girls"heen noted for their baanty

and popularity and Staunton regretsto give up ous of her daughters whoby her charming and gracious mannerhas endeared herself to so manyhearts. Sha looked unusually lovelyin her wedding gown of white satiutrimaied with Dyioliass Ins and pearlpapsesientre &nd a tnlleveil. Her eistar Miss Sua wore whitechiffon, built on white sitin.

Mr. Sopar is a proninsat businessman of Bloomington, 111., and hasmade aany friends during his recantvisits here. After a biidal trip theywill go to New York and from thereto Bloominetan. The presents werebeautiful and very ruaaaroas. Theont cf town gnests were Mr. and Mrs.Clinton T. Brpmc of Bloomngton.parents of tha groom ; Misi Lnty Su-per, Vr. and Mrs Carter Lagg,Mr. ai;Mrs. Harry brazier, Messis. Eberly,Estav William and Harry Fzazier.


Roanoke Florist, Old StauntonMan, Loses Boquet and $4 as AResult of Too Much Confidence

victim of a cheat flas'iai yeataroar.Tha stracgsr is a boaqast of fliwsrs

sud $i in os'h batter off and Mr. Fai-iin nas tha exp?ri6iijs ia ratnro.

About six thirty o'clook yastataajevening, as Mr. Fallon was beginningto think of closing his place for tinday, a well dressed Strang 2r enteredand after soma inquiry purchased abosquet of flowers,the price of whichwas 12.75. He offered Mr. Failon acheck for ffi.7s, signed "? ? Thon-as.and when the florist showed tomehesitation abont accepting it, he as-sured him that it was all right, that

massif was Mr. Thomas, a Newiusjranco man, Mt. Failou «va-

patting hungry and it waslat?; S3 '.3 put his doubts asida andisceatsd ihe check., giving "Mr.riiomis" ?>4 >n ehanga.the differnno?iiatween the ohecs and the price ofthe floaers. He later found that tkt:'iack was worthless and notified Mm

Ir leconnting his experience thisuorning lie said it was not so innobthe four dollars he minded as thefact that he was "sting."


Kidney Disases Cause Half the

Emmon Aches and Illsof Staunton People; weak link weakens a chain,kidneys weaken the wholed hasten the final breaking-

dawn.Overwork, strains, colds anel other

causes injure the kidneys, and whentheir activity is lessened the wholeb dy suffers from the excess of uricpoison circulated in the blood.

Aches anel pains anel languor smdurinary ills come, and "here is an everincreasing tendency towarels dropsyand falal Bright's disease. There isno real help for the sufferer exceptkidney help.

Doan's Kidney Pill s act elirectly onIhe kidneys and strike at the root ofthe trouble. Staunton cures are theproof.

Mrs. George \V. Kubank, :MU H.Washington St, Staunton, Va., says:"For six mouths I was troubled bybackache anel coulel not attenei to lmhousework. My kidneys were als<weak and I was annoyed by a diffi-culty with the kielney secretions. Thecontents of one box of Doan's KielneyBills, procured at Thomas Hogshead'sDrug Store, entirely relieved me and1 have not bad a return attack of kiel-nev trouble."

For sale by all elealers. Price 50 cenlsFoster Jlillburn Co., Buffalo, N. V..sole agents for the Uniteel States.

Remember the name?Doan's -aneltake no other.

Miss Elizabeth James is v isiting athe home of Rev. F. W. Neve at Ivy.

OLD TIME SCHOOLS.Methods In Days When "No Lickln', No

Larnin'," Was the Rule.The schoolroom practices of a half

century ago are incredible to a modernpupil. It is well that they have notbeen continued, but an account ofthem by an eyewitness is often amus-ing. One incident from A. H. Hall's"Old Bradford Schooldays" brings up

Ia teacher who clung to the old prin-ciple, "No lickin', no larnin'."

Horace Walton, at recess, climbedto the top of the highest nut tree and,losing his hold, feU to the ground. Hestruck on many of the .#.ibs in hisdescent The boys were terriblyfrightened as he struck the ground.Just as we crowded about him to see Ifhe still lived, our/faces as white ashis, the bell rang for the resumption

The last boy in was Walton, andJust as he fell rather than sat down inhis seat the master shouted, "Comeout here instanter!" He gave him aflogging that made the fall from thetree seem the lesser of the two evils.

A few years ago, meeting Walton forthe first time for many years, he re-marked that he well remembered howthat master at last succeeded in bring-ing things into routine order in theschool. Each morning as the schoolassembled this order was observed:"First bell, come to order; second bell,attention; third bell, lick Walton."

WOMEN IN WALL STREET.They Are Gsad Winners, but Drown

Their Losses In Tears.To many brokers women are hoo-

doos, and some stock exchange housesrefuse absolutely to have anything todo with the fair sex. The majority cfbrokerage firms try their best to keepwomen's speculative accounts out oftheir offices. Some houses are obligedto take women's accounts as a matterof personal friendship, but they willnot open accounts for other women, nomatter how well they may be intro-duced.

Wall street men do not have a highopinion of the average woman's busi-ness sense. Most women have an ideathat one needs only to get a "tip"from some "insider" in Wall street tobe sure of making "barrels of money"?for new gowns, hats and Jewelry.

The dictum of Wall street is thatwomen are good winners, but badlosers. It Is difficult to reason aboutmoney and business with an angry orweeping woman. Her view of Wallstreet and all its works suddenly be-comes entirely emotional, and only obroker with infinite patience can calmher. Many a time a stock exchangehouse has taken a woman customer'sloss rather than face her tears.?StrandMagazine.

The Queer Carabao.The carabao is said to be slower than

a camel and more obstinate than amule. Every one seems agreed thatthe chief ambition in life of a cara-bao, if he has any at alt, is to lie down

Ipuddle of water with just his nossihorns sticking out Consequentlyiderable commotion rules the wag-rain when it approaches a stream

must be forded. The soldierswho are walking behind the carts asguards lay aside their rifles and beginto belabor each animal. In the mid-dle of the stream tbe excitementreaches its highest pitch. The cara-bao will begin to stretch his neck andbend, his knees and grunt?infallibleindications of his intention to lie down.Everybody works like a beaver to pre-

thim from accomplishing this fellse, but their labors are not al-suceessful. They may get him

the stream, but this is unusualfortune.?Harper's Weekly.

Siren In Skirts.Which is the most recent siren (of

the animal variety) in history? JacobusNoieras relates that in 1403 a siren wascaptured in the Zuider Zee. tShe was(says Mr. Norman Douglas in "SirenLand") brought to Haarlem and, beingnaked, allowed herself to be clothed;she learned to eat like a Dutchman;she could spin thread and take pleas-ure in other maidenly occupations; shewas gentle and lived to a great age,But she neverspoke. The honest bur-ghers had no knowledge of the langunge of tbe sea folk to enable themto teach her their own tongue, soshe remained mute to the end of herI Making Use of It.

lere is no use giving you a check,lear. My bank account is over-

ell, give it to me anyway, George,say, make it for $500. 1 want to

pun It out of my shopping bag withmy handkerchief at the bridge gamethis afternoon."?Cleveland Plain Deal-

Origin of Dukes.The word duke comesfrom the Latin

"dux," a leader. In early Saxon timesthe commanders of armies were calleddukes?l. c., the leaders of the soldiery.In other words, the first duke was thefirst best fighting man. No regard washad to ancestry or present attainmentsor any other sort of thing beyond thesimple matter of warlike efficiency.

INaturally the leader of the fighting!would wSen the fighting was overcome! In for the lion's share of the spoils and"honors," and naturally again"the restof the folks would "look up", to him,and by degrees his superiority wouldbe imparted to his family, and a "no-bility" would spring into being. It al,rested, tostart with, on brute force andanimal courage combined with cunning

and thrusting.?New YorkAmerican.

Colored Hailstones.Red hail is not unknown, even It

GreatBritain, for in May of 1885 therewas quite a heavy fall of it at Castle-wellan, in County Down. Red andwhite fell together, and the red bu>was not merely ou the surface of thepellets, but went through and throughWhen one was squeezed between thefingers it stainenl them.

At Minsk, in Russia, an even stranger hail shower had fallen five yearsbefore. Some of the pell ts were ring

\u25a0i, and. while someweredistinctlyh. others ivere a bright blue,scientists declare that the color-due to various mineral salts.

A Feeling Allusion."I heard TJncle Joe talking about

something he said he saw at the horseraces, but 1 know better," confided therecently chastised small boy to hischum. "He saw 'em right here, andthey're my ma and pa."

\u25a0it did he say?" asked the chum,said he saw a spanking team."more American.

Virtue is not lefl to stand alone. Hawho practices It will have neighbors.

Psychology of Store Planning.The basement of a store w;;s former-

Ily regarded merely as a cellar, fit forjstorage, packing boxes, etc. Then

' came a merchant of tlie present day,jgifted with an imagination to an un-I usual degree, who recognized?though,jperhaps, not In these terms-that theI customer was guided by subconscious

' control and argued that the lack ofjeffort in going downstairs would ap-peal to the subconsciousness and thatthe glimpse ot displays se>en at the

I foot of the stairs would lend customersto the basement, notwithstanding the

' low ceiling, the imperfect ventilationand the absence of daylight Thismerchant has lived to see not only a

i dally attendance on a basement floorI ten or a dozen times greater than that

on the average floor above the first,but also to see his discovery copied bypnactically every store in the land.The real gist of his discovery was

'that subconscious control leads us todo the easy thing first?namely, godownstairs?without reckoning withthe next problem, ywhich was, ofcourse, getting out of the basement?

I Cassier's Magazine.

The Kangaroo's Defense.In the kangaroo hunts of Australia

cap'ire is sufiicienriy easy, but some-times the kangaroo makes an original

If possible the kangaroo dlrectß hisflight toward a river. If he reachesit he enters, and, thanks to his greatheight, he is able to go on foot to adepth where the dogs are obliged toswim. There he plants.himself on histwo hind legs and his tail and, up tohis shoulders in the water, awaits thearrival of the pack. With his fore-paws he seizes by the head the firstdog that approaches, and as he is moresolidly balanced than his assailant heholds the dog's nose beneath the wa-ter as long as he can. Unless a seconddog speedily comes to the rescue the

lfirst one is inevitably drowned. If acompanion arrives and sets him freehe is glad to regain the bank as quick-ly as possible. A strong and cour-ageous old kangaroo will hold his own

f twenty or thirty dogs, drowu-e and frightening others, and:er is oblige/1 to intervene with?New York Press.

Straining the Keg.Blevins, a giant woodchopper,good nature and ready wit

made him a welcome addition to thestore circle, entered the village gro-cery. The loafers moved n little closertogether to make room foi Bufe on asoap box, but he marched past thefriendly circle, plumped an empty mo-lasses keg down on the counter anddrew a stained bill from his pocket,which he held out to the proprietor ofthe store. An expectant grin wentrouDd the circle, for Storekeeper Joneshad the reputation of never wronginghimself by overweighing or under-charging. The merchant adjusted hisglasses and looked expectantly fromthe bill to the woodchopper.

"Notice you charged me for five gal-I lons o' molasses last time I had this' four gallon keg filled," drawled Rufe."I don't mind payin' for the extra gal-lon, Mr. Jones, but 1 do kinder hateto have a good keg strained to pieces."?Youth's Companion.

The Samurai's Servant.Here is an interesting legend about

an ofuda which appears as the badgeof a family at Matsue. The story, asHearn tells it, is that: "Once a serv-ant of the family went to Ise, in de-spite of his master's orders to remainin the house. When he came backthe samurai flew into a rage and kill-ed him. Then the murdererfelt sorryand buried the body in the garden orbamboo patch. The day after thoservant came back again and apolo-gized for his absence at Ise. Youcan guess the rest of the legend

IWhen tbe grave opened therewas no dead body there?only an ofida cut in two, as if by a sword slash."

Never Suffered From Bath.There are quarters in London In

which the uselessness of the bath isno novel proposition, A district nursecalled at a house where there was acase of infectious disease.

"Have you a bath In the house?"asked the practical visitor.

"Yes, mum," was the reply; "but,thank God, we've never *ad to use It"?London Chronicle. ,

Atmospheric Resistance.The resistance of our atmosphere ma-

terially retards raindrops, hailstones,aerolites and all other bodies whichfall through it and were it not for theresistance it presents every rainstormwould be disastrous to tbe humanrace, as each drop would fall with aTelocity great enough to penetrate thefull length of a full grown man's body.

Ambiguous.'^When Bilkins was away from home

on a long business tripihe got a letterfrom his wife that still puzzles him.It ended thus:

"Baby is well and lots brighter thanshe used to be. Hoping that you arethe same, I remain, your loving wife."?Everybody's Magazine.

Applied Science. "When James Russell Lowell wasminister to England he was guest ata banquet at which one of the speak-ers was Sir Frederick Bramwell. SirFrederick was to respond to the toast"Applied Science." It was long aftermidnight when the toast was pro-posed, and several speakers were stillto be called. Rising in his place, thescientist said:

"At this hour of the night, or, rath-er, of the morning, my only interest inapplied science is to apply the tip ofthe match to the side of the box uponwhich alone it ignites and to applythe flame so obtained to the wick of abedroom candle."

A moment later Lowell tossed a pa-

K3S the table to him bearingj lines:Sir Frederick, would that allcatchy talent and supplyyour match!

Easy Enough,fore the capture of SavannahLogan, with two or three ofentered the depot at Chicago

to take the cars east on his way to re-join his command. The general, beinga short distance in advauce of the oth-ers, stepped on the steps of a car,-butwas stopped by an Irishman with:

"Ye can't go in there.""Why not?" asked the general."Because them's a 1eddies' caer, and

no gentleman '11 be goin' in therewith-out a leddy. There's wan sate in that

I caer over there if yees want it.""Yes," rephed the general, "I see

there is,on. seat, but what shall I doIwith my siaff?""Oh, yer staff!" was the reply. "Go

take the sate and stick yerstaff out ofthe windy."

TRUE TO CARDINAL GIBBONSBaltimore, June 7 How firm he is

in the esteem anel affectionof an entirenation is today realized as never be-Jfore by James Cardinal Gibbons, an"American prince of the CatholicChurch for a generation.

In the most significant tribute everpaid to a churchman in the WesternHemisphere, by distinguished men ofall creeds anil faiths, Cardinal Gibbonswas euologized yesterelay afternoon incelebrationof his fiftieth anniversaryas a priest anel twenty-fifth annivers-aryof his elevation as a cardinal.

Wheels of tre Government were al-mest stopped to pay homage to thedistinguished prelate. Statesmen,ohni-ohmen of ail religions, jurists,diplomats, and thousands of citizensjoiued in a remarkable public testi-monial to the beloved Caidinal, non-.

lian, ami crowning bis life ofian ieadership. Among themPresident Taft. Ex-President

re It, Ambassador Bryce, Speakimp ('lark and others no lessc.

Wins Fight For lifeas a long and bloody battle forit was waged by James B. Mer-

suon, of Newark, N. J., of which hewrites: "Ihad lost much blood fromlung hemorrhages, aud was very weakand rundown. For eight months Iwas unable to work. Death seemedclose on my heels, when 1 began three*weeks ago, to use Dr. King's NewDiscovery. But it has helped megreatly. It is eloing all that youclaim." For weak, sore lungs, obsti-nate coughs, stubborn colels, hoarse-ness, la grippe, asthma, hay fever orany throat or lung trouble, it's su-preme. 500 and $1.00. Trial bottlefree. Guaranteed by B. F. Hughes.

WEATHER ACAIN TnTERFERES,Wesiberry,L.l.,Jnne 7?Bad weathertoday again prevented the seoondgame of tha International polo sariee


HAS LONG BEEN WANTEDOther Important Changes And

Improvements Grantedby Com-pany Through ChamberLong desired changes and improve-

ments in tne sohednle on divi-sion of the Baltimore and Ohio rail-road have been secured by the Chamber of Commerce acting in oonjuno-tion with Frank Boiler, who repre-sented the commercial travelers.

\u25a0ly to Mr. Roller and Peytonran, of the Chamber's railroadlittee. is dne the credit for the

better service promised by the rail-road. Both of them worked very hardfor it.

The new sohednle will include anew train as well as several impor-tant changes affeating the old ones.The new train will leave Lexington

at il a. oi.. and will do local work be-tween that station and Stannton, ar-riving hereabout 7:3o,and continuingthrough to Washington as a fast trair,making snob stops as Cave Station,Harrisonburg, Broadway, New Mar-ket, Mt. Jackson, Edinbarg, Woods-tock, strasbnrg and other stops asTrain No. 14 now makes betweenstrasbnrg and Washington. The B.and O. is to oonnect with this trainaud make snch stops as may be deem-ed neoeasary between Strasbnrg,

«r's Ferry and Washington,nrning: The B. and O.will pnt

on a train either at Washington orHarper's Ferry to oonneot with

Bern Train No. 18 at Strasbnrgion for Harrisonburg,oonnectingwith B. and O. fast train for

Stannton and Lexington.Train No. 66 which no«v artives at

Lexington at 6.06 p. tn. will, withthe new sohednle iv effect, return toStaunton the same day. laying overnight here, thereby affording a localtrain for the cnnvenisnce of Stann-ton and Lexington and people livingbetween these stations. LaavingStannton the next morning this trainwill continue through to Washingtonas a hicaltraiu over the tracks of theB. and O. and Santhern.

Jhe other features of the schedulewill remain as at present..., T.,

Miss Clyde Franklin left yesterdaymorning for Franklin.

rVomen as Wen as Men are Made liserabhby Kidney and Bladder Trouble.

Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,discouragesandlessens ambition; beauty,vigor and cheerful-ness soon disappearwhen thekidneys are" out of order or dis-eased.' Kidney troublehas

I become so prevalent' that it is not uncom-? mon for a child tobeborn afflicted with. weakkidneys. If the

Id urinatestoooften,if the urinescaldsflesh, or if, when the childreaches anage when it should be able tocontrol thepassage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-ting, dependuponit, thecause ofthediffi-culty is kidney trouble, and the firststep should be towards the treatmentoftheseimportantorgans. This unpleasanttrouble is due to a diseased condition ofthekidneys and bladder and not to ahabit asmost people suppose.

Women aswell asmenare mademiser-able with kidney and bladder trouble,and both need the same great remedy.The mild and the immediate effect ofSwamp-Root issoonrealized. Itis soldcent and one-dollarsizebottles. You may 'have a sample bottleby mail free, also aIpamphlet telling all iabout Swamp-Ro#t, Horn, .is^,f.sZ^?

including many ofthe thousands oftesti-monial letters received from suffererswho found Swamp-Root to be just theremedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer& Co., BingTiamton, N. V., be sure andmention this paper. Don't make anyI mistake, but remember the name, Dr.Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address,jMlftaitaMl.Y.,onevery bottle.

Staunton SpectatorAND VINDICATOR.

2:30Chesapeake;& Ohio 85*^Central Leather, com 31J4Central Leather, pfd 103%CentralLeather Bonds 5sBaltimore & Ohio 108Virginia-Carolina Chemical, comVirginia-Carolina Chemical, pfdU. 8. Steel, com 77%D. S. Steel, pfd HB>£U.S. Steel Bondsds 105%

Hakes Home Baking Easy

POWDERAbsolutely Purev7"l»o baking powdermadefrom Royal Grape \u25a0Cream of Tartarnoalum.no limephosphate