7 25 25 2 STATISTICAL METHODOLOGY SERIES STATISTICS Department of Statistics ILO LFS PILOT STUDIES EXPERIMENTAL FIELD TESTS: Methodology, process and outcomes Elisa M. Benes, Kieran Walsh May 2018


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StatiStical methodology SerieS

STATISTICSDepartmentof Statistics


Methodology, process and outcomes

Elisa M. Benes, Kieran Walsh

May 2018



ILO LFS pilot studies - experimental

field tests:

Methodology, process and outcomes

ILO Department of Statistics –Geneva, Switzerland


Copyright © International Labour Organization 2018 First published 2018 Publications of the International Labour Office enjoy copyright under Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. Nevertheless, short excerpts from them may be reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated. For rights of reproduction or translation, application should be made to ILO Publications (Rights and Licensing), International Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland, or by email: [email protected]. The International Labour Office welcomes such applications.

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ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 3


I. Background ................................................................................................................................... 7

II. Field test methodology .................................................................................................................. 8

III. Implementation of the field tests ............................................................................................... 10

A. Timeline of main stages of the field tests ................................................................................. 10

B. Achieved sample - overall......................................................................................................... 12

C. Achieved sample – weighting and characteristics .................................................................... 15

1. Weighting of data .................................................................................................................. 15

2. Sample characteristics - demographics ................................................................................. 16

3. Sample characteristics – household livelihood ..................................................................... 19

4. Sample characteristics - household resources ....................................................................... 22

D. Interview characteristics – proxy response and duration of interview ...................................... 24

IV. Reflections on the field tests process ......................................................................................... 27

V. Overall conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 30

VI. References .................................................................................................................................... 32


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 4


Figure 1. Sample households by place of residence (%)...................................................................... 13

Figure 2. Sample distribution by country and sex (% of working age population) ............................. 17

Figure 3. Sample distribution by country and age group (% of working age population) ................... 17

Figure 4. Sample distribution by country, sex and age group (% of working age population) ............ 18

Figure 5. Sample distribution by country and highest level of education attained (% of working age

population) ............................................................................................................................................ 18

Figure 6. Sources of household livelihood by country ........................................................................ 20

Figure 7. Main source of household livelihood of sampled households by country ............................ 21

Figure 8. Sample households by country and main source of energy .................................................. 22

Figure 9. Main sources of household water by country ....................................................................... 23

Figure 10. Access to agricultural land by country ............................................................................... 24

Figure 11. Ownership of farm or work animals in sample households by country ............................. 24

Figure 12. Proxy respondents as % of working age population (WAP) by country ............................ 25

Figure 13. Average duration of personal interview by model .............................................................. 25

Figure 14. Average duration of personal interview by model and country .......................................... 26


Table 1. Illustration of proposed sample design for LFS field tests (per questionnaire) ....................... 8

Table 2. Field test implementation dates .............................................................................................. 11

Table 3. Characteristics of field teams for ILO pilot studies .............................................................. 11

Table 4. Languages used by country and location of field testing ...................................................... 12

Table 5. Sample characteristics by country and model questionnaire, wave 1 of field tests................ 14

Table 6. Impact of weighting on sample distribution by age and area ................................................ 16

Table 7. Type of source of livelihood by country (% of sample households) ...................................... 20


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 5


ICLS International Conference of Labour Statisticians

LFS Labour Force Survey

CI Cognitive interview

NSO National Statistical Office

PSU Primary Sampling Unit

CSPro Census and Survey Processing System


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 6



The completion of the pilot studies and the preparation of the publications has been supported

by many colleagues both within and outside the ILO.

Numerous staff in each of the 10 pilot study countries provided technical expertise and

logistical support over a period of years to ensure the studies proceeded as planned. The authors would

like to express their gratitude for the dedication and expertise they offered at all stages of the process.

In addition to the in-kind contribution of staff time and expertise, the National Statistical Offices of

Namibia, Peru and Vietnam provided financial support for some or all of the field activities in those


The Pilot Study Programme was organised with the technical leadership of ILO Department of

Statistics supported by the ILO’s network of regional statisticians including: Africa: Yacouba Diallo,

Coffi Agossou and Honoré Djerma; Asia Pacific: Tite Habiyakare; Latin America and the Caribbean:

David Glejberman. In the case of the pilot study in Kyrgyzstan, additional technical support was

provided by Vladimir Ganta and Igor Chernyshev.

Within the ILO Department of Statistics, a small dedicated team of professional staff and interns

were responsible for processing and analysing the pilot study data and providing ongoing support for

documentation, planning and implementation of the studies. The authors would like to acknowledge the

contributions of Molka Abassi, Estefania Alaminos Aguilera, Anna Belianska, Umberto Cattaneo,

Francisco Guerreiro, Jacob Inganas, Carlos de Porres Ortiz de Urbina and Alina Rodríguez de Vuille,

all of whom were involved in different phases of the work. Many thanks are also due to Yves Perardel,

who provided substantial technical support during the implementation phase of the studies.

Logistical support was provided by a number of colleagues within the Management Support

Unit of ILO Department of Statistics, including Ritash Sarna, Catherine Jensen, Michelle de Chaumont,

Agnes Kalinga and Virginie Woest.

Funding for the pilot studies and related activities was provided by ILO, Data2x and African

Development Bank.

Without the support, expertise and commitment of all those listed above this work would not have been



ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 7

I. BACKGROUND _______________

1. The latest international recommendations on how to measure some of the key headline labour

market indicators, including the labour force participation rate, employment-to-population ratio and

unemployment rate, are contained in the Resolution I concerning statistics of work, employment

and labour underutilization adopted in 2013 by the 19th International Conference of Labour

Statisticians (ICLS). These standards introduced a number of important advances that will impact

the way work and labour force statistics are collected and disseminated by countries around the

world in the years to come. To support their wide implementation, the 19th ICLS called on the ILO

to “conduct further conceptual and methodological work including testing” and develop “technical

manuals and model data collection instruments” aligned with the latest standards (ILO, 2013).

2. As follow-up, in 2015, the ILO launched a global project of labour force survey (LFS) pilot studies.

The Project had as main aim to develop and test alternative survey questionnaires to collect statistics

on high priority topics such as employment, labour underutilization (comprising time-related

underemployment, unemployment and the potential labour force), and own-use production work,

in line with the 19th ICLS standards. The ultimate objective is to develop evidence-based guidance

to support countries in adopting the new standards.

3. The background to the studies, measurement objectives and overall methodological approach are

described in a separate report in this series. The cognitive testing phase, along with findings on

various specific topics are also the subject of dedicated reports in this series. The focus of this report

is to provide a more detailed description of the field testing stage of the process including the design,

implementation and lessons learned. All reports can be found on a dedicated page on the ILO


1 See: http://www.ilo.org/stat/Areasofwork/Standards/lfs/WCMS_484981/lang--en/index.htm


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 8


4. As described in the report covering the cognitive testing phase the five initially developed model

questionnaires were updated based on the findings from the cognitive interviews (CI). Field tests

were then completed using the updated questionnaires applying the methodology described below.

5. A purposive sample design was used for the field tests. The target design involved a relative

oversample of rural versus urban households in a ratio of 60:40. Furthermore countries were

advised, where possible, to use four strata (rural without market, rural with market, peri-urban and

other urban) reflecting degree of urbanisation in their sample selection. This sample design reflected

the desire to ensure questions were adequately tested with populations where the greatest impact of

the changes in concepts was expected, e.g. those in rural areas with limited access to markets as

well as those where mixed agricultural production (for sale and for own final use) could be

prevalent. This created an additional challenge for the design of the test questionnaires given the

expectation of relatively lower education levels in those settings. This purposive approach had the

main objective of yielding sufficient number of respondents in situations that posed the greatest

challenges for the implementation of the new standards. It was not meant to yield results that would

be generalizable to the wider population, but rather inform the design of questionnaires to enable

their use in such contexts. At the same time, to assess the adequacy of the questionnaires to more

urban contexts, a reasonable proportion of urban sample (40%) was envisaged in the design.

6. With regards to target areas, countries were advised to focus on a limited number of districts or

regions where the proposed sample design could be achieved and taking into account the prevalence

of small-scale farming and/or fishing activities.

7. A total target sample size of 400 households per questionnaire was set. It was proposed to use a

split sample design whereby each questionnaire was administered to a set of households with the

same sample features. This was chosen to minimise incomparability arising from differences in the

achieved samples. The proposed sample design is illustrated in Table 1. However, countries had

some flexibility in implementing the design to reflect differences in information available on

sampling frames across countries, size of PSUs etc.

Table 1. Illustration of proposed sample design for LFS field tests (per questionnaire)

8. Field tests were organised over two waves, with each sampled household being visited twice at

different times is the year. This was designed to allow some comparison of outcomes at different

periods of activity. Specifically, countries were asked, to the extent possible, to pick two different

points of the agricultural cycle to assess stability of measurement (e.g. first interview during the

planting season and second interview during the harvesting season).

Strata name

Urban (40%) Rural (60%)















PSU 6 10 12 12 40

Total # of hh 60 100 120 120 400


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 9

9. Bearing in mind likely non-response and attrition between wave 1 and wave 2 of field collection,

countries were asked to oversample in wave 1 so that at least 400 households per questionnaire

would be achieved in wave 2. In deciding on the appropriate number of wave 1 households countries

took into account typical national non-response rates in similar household surveys. Substitution of

households within the same PSU was allowed in wave 1 but not wave 2.

10. In addition to the assigned model questionnaires and proposed sample design, countries were given

guidance on a variety of related implementation issues. For example, countries were advised to plan

for multiple visits to selected households to minimise the level of proxy response. In addition,

countries were advised to assign separate teams to each of the questionnaires. This strategy was

meant to support the training of interviewers and supervisors so that they would become closely

familiar with a single model approach and to limit possible contamination between the model

questionnaires due to interviewer practices. Beyond these specific instructions, much of the survey

implementation followed national practices for the LFS or other similar household surveys.

11. To assure the methodology was applied as intended a substantial technical support programme was

implemented as part of the pilot study process. This was provided through a mix of documentation,

remote support and missions to provide technical assistance and training.

12. In advance of the first wave of the field test in each country a mission was organised to provide

training and support for the field implementation process. Typically, this involved providing

training and support for final preparations during the week before the field tests commenced and

some supervision and support during the early days of the interviews. As considered necessary,

missions were also organised in advance of or during wave 2 field tests, but in all cases ongoing

support was provided remotely. The observation of interviews in the field provided an invaluable

source of insight to the ILO and offered the opportunity for intensive interaction between the ILO

and the implementing NSOs. The missions and ongoing interactions have added to the quantitative

evidence yielded by the field tests in generating the conclusions presented in the other reports of

the pilot study project.

13. In addition to providing support through missions and remote technical assistance, the ILO provided

documentation and tools to assist countries. In particular, interviewer manuals were provided,

which were nationally adapted as needed. The ILO also provided a data entry tool developed in

CSPro for countries who did not have the facility to develop their own dedicated data entry tool in

the project timelines.

14. The remainder of this report is dedicated to discussing the actual implementation of the field tests

and reflections of the ILO on the process.


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 10


15. The ILO gathered information on field tests through a metadata template which was completed by

the countries. This metadata template covered a variety of aspects of the implementation of the field

tests including:

a. Study description – covering basic information such as sample districts selected, period of

the agricultural cycle covered by each wave;

b. Basic concepts – such as the definition of household applied, definition of household

member used etc.;

c. Sample design – description of strata used and achieved sampled;

d. Field operations – size and number of teams used etc.;

e. Data collection – dates, mode, languages used etc. ;

f. Data entry and processing – description of system and process involved;

g. Summary assessment – a summary comment by the NSO on the quality of the data collected

indicating any issues of concern etc.

16. In addition to the metadata template, supplementary information on the implementation of the field

tests was collected in a variety of ways. Countries were asked to collect information from

interviewers on their experience of using the questionnaires, e.g. noting any areas of difficulty for

respondents or interviewers. This information was shared with the ILO and further supplemented

by observation of ILO staff through technical assistance missions and regular ongoing contact

between ILO and the partner countries. The full set of information was an invaluable resource in

assessing the implementation of the field tests but also provided excellent qualitative information

during the analysis phase.

17. The information on implementation, along with initial conclusions from the pilot studies, were

shared with the countries at a validation workshop which was held in Geneva during November

2016. Detailed discussions were held to inform subsequent analysis on the different topics covered

by the pilot study and provide further feedback as needed. As regards the implementation process,

it can be noted that countries were satisfied overall with the process and the quality of the

information collected. They also reported positive feedback from interviewers on the experience of

using the questionnaires in the field.

18. The field test process and the profile of the achieved samples are discussed in the following sections.

The purpose of presenting this information is to provide context for the analysis presented in other

reports in the series by giving a sense of the sample of households and individuals upon which the

analysis is built.

A. Timeline of main stages of the field tests

19. The cognitive testing phase was completed in October 2015. The field tests commenced in countries

from November 2015 and continued until October 2016. Timing of field work varied across

countries reflecting various issues such as timing of the agricultural cycle, timelines needed to

complete contracting processes and receive funding, etc. The period of field collection for waves 1

and 2 in each country are presented in Table 2 in broad order of the dates when wave 1 interviews


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 11

were conducted. The duration of fieldwork was typically 3 to 4 weeks but was shorter or longer in

a limited number of cases due to national circumstances. As can be seen on Table 2, only wave 1

could be completed in 3 of the pilot countries due to unexpected difficulties with availability of

funding to support implementation.

Table 2. Field test implementation dates

20. Through the metadata template completed by countries it was possible to observe differences in

implementation in practices across countries (see Table 3). For example, countries used different

size teams, had different ratios of supervisors to interviewers and there were differences in duration

of training, etc. These differences depended on country resources and context and would not be

expected to influence analysis in any meaningful way. Nevertheless, in all cases, all interviewers

had prior survey experience and tended to have worked directly with the national LFS. For the most

part, the low supervisor-interviewer ratios allowed for close follow-up and quality assurance of the

completed interviews. Likewise, except for in Moldova, where experienced LFS interviewers -

permanent staff of the NSO - were used, all pilot countries organized a multi-day training to cover

the pilot survey contents, question-by-question, and highlight key operational guidance.

Table 3. Characteristics of field teams for ILO pilot studies

Country Wave 1 Wave 2

Vietnam Nov 2015 Mar – Apr 2016

Kyrgyzstan Nov 2015 Apr 2016

Moldova Nov – Dec 2015 Mar – Apr 2016

Philippines Nov – Dec 2015 May 2016

Peru Nov – Dec 2015 Jun 2016

Namibia Feb – Mar 2016 May – Jun 2016

Tunisia Feb – Mar 2016 N/A

Ivory Coast Apr – May 2016 N/A

Ecuador May 2016 Jul 2016

Cameroon Sep - Oct 2016 N/A


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 12

21. The difference of greatest practical importance was the requirement to use different languages

across countries (see Table 4). The ILO provided materials in English, French, Russian and Spanish.

For many countries these materials had to then be translated to their national language or, depending

on the region of the fieldwork, another local language. In some cases, it was necessary to translate

to multiple national languages (Philippines, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan) and in further cases some live

translation to local languages was also required (Namibia and Ecuador). Live translation in

particular required additional training and practice for interviewers as they were required to work

with a paper version in one language but interact with the respondent in the local language. This

created risks of inconsistency which were mitigated to the extent possible through the training


22. Table 4 also shows the regions where the testing took place. All countries except Moldova selected

between 1 and 3 regions or districts for interviewing. The limited number of regions covered in

combination with the purposive samples of limited size highlights that the samples could not be

used to generate representative estimates, either at region or state level.

Table 4. Languages used by country and location of field testing

B. Achieved sample - overall

23. The analysis presented in this section is based on achieved samples in wave 1. The size and profile

of the achieved samples inevitably varied by country. Given that the proposed sample design

focussed on degree of urbanisation as a key stratification variable that is a useful starting point to

assess how achieved samples corresponded to the proposal.

24. Figure 1 shows how the achieved samples were actually distributed across strata. As a first point

we can note that not all countries had the information necessary to use all 4 strata for sample

selection. In Ivory Coast, Namibia and Tunisia it was not possible to subdivide PSUs between Rural

with market and Rural without market. Additionally, in Kyrgyzstan it was not possible to stratify

beyond urban and rural.

Country Language(s) of questionnaire Live translation Region of testing

Cameroon French

N/A Yaoundé, Mkometou

and Nkolmekok

Ecuador Spanish

Kichwa Imbabura and


Ivory Coast French

N/A Abengourou,

Agnibilékro and Béttié

Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz, Russian

N/A Oshskaya and


Moldova Romanian, Russian

N/A Chisinau + 19 other


Namibia English Oshiwambo Ohangwena

Peru Spanish N/A Departamento de Lima

Philippines English, Cebuano, Tagalog N/A Cebu

Tunisia Arabic N/A Sidi bouzid and Beja

Vietnam Vietnamese

N/A Thai Binh and Bac



ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 13

Figure 1. Sample households by place of residence (%)

*The percentages presented are the average across the two model questionnaires in the country during the wave 1

fieldwork. The variation across model questionnaires within each country was minimal. Percentages may not add to

100 due to rounding.

25. The sample distributions by and large broadly aligned with the proposed sample design with relative

oversampling in rural areas. The most notable exception was Tunisia where 48% of the sample was

in rural areas but a further 38% was in peri-urban areas. As discussed further below, given that

Tunisia had the highest achieved sample of any country (over 500 households for both

questionnaires) this divergence from the proposed design is not expected to have any impact on

analysis as sufficient rural households were still covered.

26. The total number of households and number of survey respondents varied across country and model

questionnaire as shown in Table 5. We can note that overall 8,703 households were visited across

the 10 pilot countries. The total number of respondents was 33,789 of which 23,187 were of

working age.

27. Looking at number of households per questionnaire it can be observed that, at least for wave 1, the

target sample of 400 households was achieved in almost all cases. The only case with substantially

less than 400 was model 4 in Namibia (368 households for model questionnaire 4). A number of

countries achieved samples at least 10% larger than the target (Ecuador, Peru, Philippines, Tunisia

and Vietnam).

28. The sample size of 400 household per country had been chosen with the broad target of achieving

samples of 1000 individuals of working age per model tested with the aim of having sufficient

numbers of persons employed, not employed and own-use producers to allow for basic analysis

regarding how well the alternative model questionnaires worked to capture them. This was for the

most part achieved. Only Moldova achieved a slightly lower number of respondents in both models

tested, whereas Ivory Coast and Namibia achieved slightly lower numbers in one of the models

tested. Overall, the number of individuals of working age varied from 880 in Moldova (model 3) to

1,628 in Tunisia (model 2). Within countries the samples were typically very similar in size with


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 14

the greatest difference between models seen in Namibia where the sample of households for model

4 being approximately 10% smaller than the sample for model 1.

Table 5. Sample characteristics by country and model questionnaire, wave 1 of field tests

29. Notwithstanding the differences in size of the achieved samples, the profiles of the samples

achieved across the two questionnaires within each country were quite similar with regards to the

percentage of working age respondents and average household size. The percentage of working age

respondents was essentially identical for both model questionnaires in all countries, while minor

variations in average household size were found. Not surprisingly, both these features varied

heavily across countries reflecting differences in the socio-economic contexts. For example, the

average household size varied from below 3 in Moldova to close to 5 in Namibia.

30. Taking into consideration the feedback from countries and the overall size and distribution of the

achieved samples, it can be concluded that the samples provide a reasonable basis for the

comparative analysis which the studies needed to support. However, inevitably actual cell sizes

generated could be small in cases, for example breakdowns of unemployment by age group, etc.

This was borne in mind during the analysis phase and is taken into account in the presentation of

results in the other reports in this series.

Country Model Total


Total survey




of working


% Working






Cameroon* M1 432 1865 1171 63% 4.3

M5 398 1657 1040 63% 4.2

Ecuador M3 450 1764 1217 69% 3.9

M5 437 1700 1172 69% 3.9

Ivory Coast* M1 409 1647 989 60% 4.0

M3 397 1774 1060 60% 4.5

Kyrgyzstan M2 390 1642 1108 67% 4.2

M3 406 1722 1161 67% 4.2

Moldova M3 391 1076 880 82% 2.8

M5 418 1130 925 82% 2.7

Namibia* M1 411 1976 1152 58% 4.8

M4 368 1663 970 58% 4.5

Peru* M3 450 1507 1121 74% 3.3

M4 446 1486 1105 74% 3.3

Philippines M2 493 2025 1329 66% 4.1

M3 480 1879 1233 66% 3.9

Tunisia M2 504 2141 1628 76% 4.2

M3 511 1980 1505 76% 3.9

Vietnam M3 448 1527 1178 77% 3.4

M4 465 1628 1243 76% 3.5


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 15

C. Achieved sample – weighting and characteristics

1. Weighting of data

31. While the samples were not designed to be representative, it nonetheless remained important that

within countries differences in the achieved sample across the two questionnaires did not

excessively influence the analytical process. If the distribution of respondents by age and sex varied

substantially between the two model questionnaires used in the same country, this could impact

conclusions, for example about whether one questionnaire was more likely to identify employed

people than another.

32. As already noted at an aggregate level, the percentage of respondents of working age and average

household size was very similar across the two model questionnaires within each country. In

addition to this, the ILO assessed the distributions of the sample by a variety of demographic and

livelihood related characteristics to identify if sufficient differences were noted which could

influence analysis. The outcome of this assessment was that differences across questionnaires

within countries were by and large minor (see description of sample characteristics below).

33. Nonetheless the ILO decided to implement a basic weighting scheme to further reduce any impact

of sample differences. This approach involved taking the average of the achieved samples for the

two questionnaires in each country for key demographic variables and using this average to weight

both questionnaires. Only information from the achieved samples for the pilot studies were used as

the intention was to remove differences in the profiles of the achieved samples, not to weight to an

external known population.

34. The variables chosen as control variables for the weighting were strata (degree of urbanisation), sex

and age. The weights generated by this procedure are described by the equation below:

𝑤𝑚,𝑖𝑐 =


∑ 𝜑𝑚,𝑠,𝑥,𝑎,𝑖𝑐𝑛𝑚




Where 𝑛𝑚,𝑠,𝑥,𝑎𝑐 is the sample size for country “c”, model questionnaire “m” strata “s”, sex “x” and

age group “a” and 𝑛𝑚𝑐 is the sample size for country “c” and model questionnaire “m”; and

𝜑𝑚,𝑠,𝑥,𝑎,𝑖𝑐 =

∑ 𝑛𝑚,𝑠,𝑥,𝑎𝑐


2 𝑛𝑚,𝑠,𝑥,𝑎𝑐

35. Given that the distribution of the samples across the two questionnaires in each country was quite

similar, the weights generated were generally close to 1. The weights were generated in such a way

as they did not alter the total number of respondents, i.e. if there were 1,200 respondents of working

age for model x in country y then the weights would be rescaled to ensure that the post weighting

sample total would remain 1,200. In this way, only the internal distribution of the sample was

altered through the weighting procedure.

36. Table 6 shows the impact of the weights on the distribution of the sample by age and area. With

few exceptions, the impact by age was relatively minor. However, in a few cases relatively large

impacts were seen among the oldest age groups reflecting that these age groups were often relatively

small within the overall sample and thus weighting could have a proportionally large impact. To

illustrate this, we can take the case of respondents aged 65 and over in Ivory Coast. For model 1


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 16

there were 41 respondents in this age group (4.2% of all working age respondents). However, in

model 3 there were 81 respondents in this age group representing 7.5% of working age respondents.

The weighting applied a relatively large positive weight to this group for model 1 and a lower

weight for model 3 to achieve consistency in the distribution.

37. Looking at the distribution by area we can note that, as explained earlier, not every country used all

four strata. For a number of countries, we can see reasonably large weighting impacts representing

some imbalances in the achieved samples, for example 28% for model 4 in Namibia but also above

20% in Ecuador and Ivory Coast.

Table 6. Impact of weighting on sample distribution by age and area

2. Sample characteristics - demographics

38. The data presented in the remainder of this section reflects the average profile across the two model

questionnaires in each country post weighting. Only one set of figures will be presented per country.

This can give an insight into how well the samples supported the type of analysis presented in the

other reports in this series.

39. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the working age respondents in the sample by sex in each country.

We can observe that, as would have been hoped, the samples were quite evenly distributed by sex

in all countries. For all countries except Tunisia and Ecuador (equal representation of men and

women) the percentage of women in the sample was slightly higher than men. Namibia had the

highest percentage of females recorded (58%).

Age groups Area

Country 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+













% difference (unweighted minus weighted)

Cameroon M1 0 -1 -5 -5 10 13 6 -9 13 -9

M5 0 2 5 6 -12 -15 -7 11 -15 10

Ecuador M3 1 3 -1 -1 -5 -3 -26 21 -1 -6

M5 -2 -2 1 1 5 3 27 -22 1 7

Ivory Coast M1 -2 -4 0 -2 8 -31 24 -21 -1

M3 2 4 0 1 -7 29 -22 19 1

Kyrgyzstan M2 3 2 -2 -2 8 0 13 -7

M3 -5 0 2 3 -8 0 -12 7

Moldova M3 -6 -6 -7 -4 14 14 9 2 -4 4

M5 6 5 5 5 -13 -13 -8 -2 4 -4

Namibia M1 -2 -2 -1 6 5 -5 -23 4 6

M4 2 5 0 -6 -5 5 28 -4 -7

Peru M3 1 -2 -3 -2 6 -2 -3 5 1 -7

M4 0 1 3 2 -6 2 3 -5 -1 7

Philippines M2 -2 -1 0 -1 1 5 0 3 2 -5

M3 2 1 0 0 -1 -5 0 -3 -2 6

Tunisia M2 2 2 2 2 -1 -6 -6 -2 6

M3 -2 -2 -2 -2 2 6 6 2 -6

Vietnam M3 6 3 0 0 -4 1 2 12 -13 5

M4 -6 -2 0 0 4 -1 -2 -11 12 -5


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 17

Figure 2. Sample distribution by country and sex (% of working age population)

40. The sample distribution by age broadly matched the population pyramid of the countries in question

(see Figure 3). In all countries respondents were spread widely across all age groups in the working

age population. The highest percentages of youth (15 to 24 years old) respondents were recorded

in Namibia (35%) and Ivory Coast (31%) while the lowest percentages were found in Vietnam and

Moldova (both 15%). By contrast Moldova had the highest percentage of respondents aged 55 or

above (38%).

Figure 3. Sample distribution by country and age group (% of working age population)

41. When looking at both sex and age together we see similar age profiles for men and women of

working age in each country. Taking Peru as an example we see an almost identical distribution of

men and women across age groups with minor differences in youngest and oldest age groups but

identical percentages of respondents aged 30 to 64. This pattern was very consistent across countries

(see Figure 4).


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 18

Figure 4. Sample distribution by country, sex and age group (% of working age population)

42. Another demographic characteristic of interest for the studies was the level of education of

respondents. This is particularly true given its inevitable link with questionnaire comprehension.

Given the intention to target rural areas most heavily, there was an expectation of relatively lower

levels of education on average than may have been seen with a broad representative sample. Figure

5 shows that the situation varied across countries, again as would be expected. The largest group of

respondents had primary or less as their highest level of education attained in 5 of the countries

with the highest percentage found in Ivory Coast (75% of respondents of working age). At the

opposite end of the scale a very small number of respondents in Moldova or Kyrgyzstan had

achieved only primary education or less, with the large majority of respondents having achieved a

secondary education, and a sizeable group having post-secondary education. Given the focus on

rural areas and the different country contexts (i.e. access to formal education) these distributions

are not surprising.

Figure 5. Sample distribution by country and highest level of education attained (% of

working age population)


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 19

43. One conclusion which can be highlighted is that the distribution of respondents on key demographic

variables (age, sex, educational attainment) shows sufficient spread to enable a wide range of

analysis. Where differences are seen across countries they are not surprising given the areas targeted

for the conduct of the pilot studies. Notwithstanding this, care was still needed in analysis given

potentially small cell sizes generated when the sample was disaggregated by multiple


3. Sample characteristics – household livelihood

44. The household level questionnaire used for the pilot studies included questions on household’s

resources and sources of livelihood. As with demographics, this information is useful to assess the

types of households ultimately covered by the sample in different countries. As one example,

bearing in mind some of the key measurement objectives, it was important to cover a reasonable

number of households which reported foodstuff produced by members as one of the sources of

livelihood. Only in this way could a reasonable assessment be undertaken of how different questions

on the boundary between employment and own use production of goods worked.

45. Questions on individual and household livelihood had been covered by the cognitive tests. This

had shown some comprehension difficulties among respondents regarding the term ‘livelihood’ (as

translated to different languages) and in particular showed difficulty for respondents in reporting to

a question of this type without predefined read-out response categories. Based on this experience

the questions on household livelihood used for the field tests were developed. Respondents were

initially asked the following question:

“In the last 12 months, which of the following sources of support did the household have?”

a. Income or other pay from a household business, including from farming or fishing

b. Income or other pay from employment of household members including yourself

c. Foodstuff produced by the household from farming or fishing

d. Remittances from abroad

e. Support from other households in the country

f. Income from properties, investments or savings

g. Private or state pension or other Government support

h. Charity from NGOs or other charitable organisations

i. OTHER (SPECIFY):____________

46. For those indicating more than one source of household support a follow up question was asked to

identify which of the sources was considered (subjectively) to be the main source of support.

47. This combination of questions enabled a range of analysis. As a starting point the number of sources

of support available to households can be analysed. Figure 6 shows that mixed sources of livelihood

were most common in Moldova (85% of sampled households) followed by Ecuador (67%). At the

opposite end of the scale 87% of sampled households in Tunisia reported only one source of

livelihood. Among the remaining pilot countries, the distribution between mixed and single sources

households was relatively more balanced.


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 20

Figure 6. Sources of household livelihood by country

48. Expanding on this we see that the average number of sources of livelihood ranged from 1.11 in

Tunisia to 2.47 in Moldova (see Table 7). Other than these two countries the averages all lay in the

range 1.41 to 1.94.

49. Table 7 also presents the prevalence of different types of source of livelihood. Given that

households can have multiple sources of livelihood the columns for each country do not sum to

100%. As with many other issues covered by the pilots the pattern of livelihood sources varied

significantly across countries. For example, the proportion of households reporting income from a

household business (category A in Table 7) as a source of livelihood ranged from 15% in Tunisia

to 60% in Ivory Coast. When income from employment of household members (category B in Table

7) is also taken into account then it becomes clear that the majority of sample households in most

countries relied on some form of employment income.

Table 7. Type of source of livelihood by country (% of sample households)

Table key: Type of source of livelihood

a. Income or other pay from a household business, including from farming or fishing

b. Income or other pay from employment of household members including yourself

c. Foodstuff produced by the household from farming or fishing

d. Remittances from abroad

e. Support from other households in the country

f. Income from properties, investments or savings

g. Private or state pension or other Government support

h. Other (including charity)

Type of source of livelihood

Country a b c d e f g h



% of sample households

Moldova 16 51 66 24 9 20 61 0 2.47

Ecuador 44 53 38 1 13 1 38 1 1.89

Namibia 23 35 52 3 32 3 44 3 1.94

Cameroon 44 42 62 5 16 4 3 1 1.77

Vietnam 48 63 21 2 10 4 25 1 1.74

Kyrgyzstan 19 50 24 21 7 1 46 2 1.68

Peru 46 59 24 3 13 7 15 1 1.67

Philippines 50 61 10 5 8 1 10 4 1.50

Ivory Coast 60 45 23 2 9 2 1 0 1.41

Tunisia 15 75 2 2 1 1 14 2 1.11


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 21

50. In the case of foodstuff produced by the household (category C) all but two countries had more than

20% of sample households reporting this as a source of livelihood with half or more of households

in Moldova (66%), Cameroon (62%) and Namibia (50%) in this situation. The exceptions were

Philippines (10%) and Tunisia (2%). In the case of Tunisia in particular, this could create some

difficulty in the analysis of outcomes on own-use production of goods and the boundary between

employment and own-use production. This is taken into account in the development of the thematic

reports on those topics.

51. Across the other sources of livelihood, we can see that relatively a large number of households

reported a pension or other Government support in a number of countries with up to 61% in the

case of Moldova. This was at its lowest among sample households in Cameroon (3%) and Ivory

Coast (1%). Remittances were uncommon in all countries except Moldova (24%) and Kyrgyzstan

(21%). Support from other households in the country was highest in Namibia (32% of sample

households) but was reported by less than 10% of households in half of the countries. Very few

households in any pilot country reported ‘other’ sources of support, which included charity.

52. While Table 7 shows the diverse sources of livelihood relied upon by the households, the surveys

also asked for the main source among those with more than one source. As shown in Figure 7,

employment income was the most common main source of livelihood for sample households in all

countries albeit ranging from 41% of sample households in Namibia to 90% in Philippines.

Employment income was particularly predominant in Philippines, Tunisia (85%), Peru (84%),

Ivory Coast (83%) and Ecuador (81%). As such, even where households had multi-faceted

strategies to generate their livelihood, employment income was in most cases considered the main


Figure 7. Main source of household livelihood of sampled households by country

53. Cameroon (36%) and Namibia (25%) had the highest proportions of households reporting foodstuff

produced by the household as a main source of livelihood. Among other sources, pensions or other

Government supports were a relatively common main source in Moldova (30%), Namibia (24%)


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 22

and Kyrgyzstan (22%), while remittances were most common in Moldova (16%) and Kyrgyzstan


54. In summary, we can conclude that it was common for the sample households in the pilot countries

to have multiple sources of livelihood, and substantial numbers of households relying on

employment income or own-produced foodstuff were found in addition to the various other sources.

For the most part, this is expected to provide a good base for analysis across the key topics covered

by the pilots, such as measurement of employment and own-use production.

4. Sample characteristics - household resources

55. In addition to sources of livelihood, the surveys included information on different types of

household resources and characteristics. In all model questionnaires questions were included on the

main sources of energy and water. Additionally, in model questionnaire 1 there were questions on

access to agricultural land and ownership/use of farm or work animals. Household level information

on these resources was also deemed important to support validation of reports of participation in

own-use production of goods, in particular, fetching water, collecting firewood, farm-work and

animal husbandry.

56. Sources of energy, which required labour from household members to collect it (such as wood,

animal dung etc.), were the dominant source of energy for household in Cameroon, Ivory Coast,

Namibia, and the Philippines, (between 74% and 81% of households). For Ecuador, Moldova, Peru,

Tunisia and Vietnam the predominant source of energy for cooking was natural gas, ranging from

68% of sample households in Peru to 97% in the case of Tunisia (see Figure 8). Nevertheless, except

for Tunisia, a small share household (ranging from 9% to 30%) in these pilot countries also

indicated relying on wood or charcoal from wood as their main source of energy. It is worth noting

that the energy mix is dominated by conventional sources such as gas, oil and wood with little usage

of renewable energy such as solar energy.

Figure 8. Sample households by country and main source of energy


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 23

57. For main source of water respondents were able to indicate various sources. For analytical purposes

those have been combined into sources which are inside the dwelling (e.g. piped water or a well

within the dwelling/compound), sources outside the dwelling that require labour for their

acquisition (e.g. a well, lake, river, piped source outside the compound) and others. Whereas in

Vietnam, Peru, Moldova and Tunisia more than half of households had sources of water inside the

dwelling, it was not the case in the remaining countries (see Figure 9). In Cameroon and Ivory Coast

for instance, 78% and 69% respectively of the households’ main source of water for cooking and

drinking was located outside the dwelling. Among other things, this has implications for likely

findings on own-use production activities such as collection of water.

Figure 9. Main sources of household water by country

58. Model questionnaire 1 was designed with a particular focus on capturing work in farming or fishing

early in the questionnaire, whether it was employment or for own-use. This approach was chosen

to contrast with questionnaire designs which focussed more heavily on capturing employment in

early sections of the questionnaire and measuring own-use production activities later. As part of

this approach, additional household level questions were included in model 1 regarding access to

agricultural land of household members and ownership and use of farm or work animals. As model

questionnaire 1 was only used in 3 of the pilot countries (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Namibia) the

analysis of these variables only covers those countries.

59. For access to agricultural land the question asked was “Does any member of this household

currently own, rent or have access to any land that can be used for agriculture?”. This question

reflects an interest in being able to identify households where mixed agriculture (some sold, some

consumed) s part of the livelihood strategy. The question wording was chosen to reflect that the

type of access to land may vary in reality and it was not desired to limit the focus only to households

with specific types of access (e.g. owning their own plots). Figure 10 shows a relatively uniform

situation across the 3 countries with between 77% and 80% of sample households reporting having

access to agricultural land. Notwithstanding this similarity, as shown in other analytical reports in


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 24

this series, the types of activities undertaken, e.g. mix between employment and own-use production

did vary across country.

Figure 10. Access to agricultural land by country

60. Similarly, it was common for the sample households to report ownership of animals as shown by

Figure 11, ranging from 64% in Namibia to 85% in Ivory Coast. The combined conclusion from

questions on land access and animal ownership is that agricultural activity was sufficiently common

in the sample households to achieve the overall intention behind the sampling design of the pilots

in these 3 countries, namely to cover sufficient farming households to assess the operation of

questions on employment and own use production in that context.

Figure 11. Ownership of farm or work animals in sample households by country

D. Interview characteristics – proxy response and duration of


61. In this final section we look at the characteristics of the interviews achieved. In the case of proxy

interview countries were advised to adopt strategies, such as multiple visits and setting

appointments, to minimise proxy levels to the extent possible. Nonetheless, proxy response was not

prohibited in order to potentially enable some assessment of proxy effects but also to ensure the


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 25

pilots were completed in a manner relatively similar to typical implementation of household surveys

in the countries. Unsurprisingly, and in line with the typical experience in the countries in question,

the level of proxy response differed. Proxy response was 40% or more in 4 of the pilot countries

and as high as 47% in Vietnam and Namibia. The lowest levels of proxy response were recorded in

Philippines (11%) and Ecuador (8%).

Figure 12. Proxy respondents as % of working age population (WAP) by country

62. Some variation in personal interview duration across model was expected given the different

approaches taken to identify the employed, and to capture own-use production work. The overall

situation across the five models is shown in Figure 13. Some care is needed in interpreting this

information at aggregate level given that different questionnaires were used in different countries

and some variation could be found across countries. Nevertheless, the average durations

documented are in line with expectations, with model 3 and model 4 showing longer duration than

other models. This reflects the fact that models 1, 2 and 5 had some elements of design intended to

shorten the questionnaire sequences for certain groups, whereas this was less so the case for models

3 and 4. Overall, the average durations of the interviews remained below 20 minutes, which is

within the usual average duration of national LFS interviews.

Figure 13. Average duration of personal interview by model

63. The situation in different countries is reflected in Figure 14. For the most part, very similar average

durations were found across models and where differences are not found they are not unidirectional.

For example, in 3 countries model 2 and model 3 were used (Kyrgyzstan, Philippines and Tunisia).

In two of those cases, model 2 had a shorter interview duration which was the generally expected

outcome. However, the opposite was observed in Tunisia where we can also note the shortest

durations were found of any country (4 minutes for model 3 and 6 minutes for model 2). The short


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 26

duration of interview in Tunisia can at least partially be linked to relatively lower proportions of

the working age population reporting own use production of goods as compared with the other pilot


64. The longest interview duration was recorded in Vietnam (in excess of 25 minutes on average for

both models). This can be linked to particularly high levels of employment recorded, as highlighted,

in the thematic report on employment which would increase interview duration. For the large

majority of countries and models, average interview duration was somewhere in the range 10 to 20


Figure 14. Average duration of personal interview by model and country

65. Additional analysis of interview duration by respondent characteristics showed no major patterns

of interest which would influence analysis of the pilot study outcomes. For example, average

duration for males and females was similar. However, predictably longer interviews durations were

recorded for people who reported more activities (e.g. employed and an own use producer) than

others, such as those outside the labour force.

66. In summary, while a simple aggregate level analysis suggests that interview duration is longest for

models 3 and 4, this clearly depends on the respondent profile and other factors. As such, it should

not be presumed that the main differences in design of model 3 and 4 versus others would

automatically raise interview duration – this will depend on the other content of the interview, etc.

As with all things this should be assessed through pre-testing of any questionnaire.


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 27


67. The bulk of this report has been dedicated to describing how the implementation of the field tests

process advanced and to understanding how the sample characteristics could influence the analysis

presented in other reports. It is also useful to reflect on the implementation and draw some lessons

for similar future activities, such as those which might take place at national level.

68. An important point to highlight is that very careful consideration is needed of the appropriate scale

of tests to take place. The selection of 10 partner countries for the pilot studies undoubtedly has

some benefits in ensuring wide coverage of studies and thus as wide as possible applicability of the

results. However, the process of working with 10 countries simultaneously also created substantial

pressures which did impact on the outcomes. These included:

a. Technical and financial support were spread very thinly. On the technical side, this made it

difficult to provide the level of support which would ideally have been targeted leading to

some inconsistencies in implementation which created difficulties during data processing

and analysis. On the financial side, the level of funding anticipated was not ultimately

available. This meant that wave 2 of field collection could only completed in 7 of the 10

countries. Among the 7 countries who completed wave 2, funding had to be sought during

the process in some cases and some NSOs had to make an additional financial contribution

to the process.

b. Timelines were significantly impacted. Planned timelines for the cognitive phase were

broadly maintained. However, the field-testing phase was initially planned to be completed

by mid-2016 for all countries and both waves. As a knock-on effect of the resource issues

mentioned above, timelines were pushed back and wave 1 of field testing was only

completed in the final country in October 2016 with knock on effects on the analytical


c. Substantial time was required to complete data processing. While efforts were made to

standardise the format of the data to be submitted, this was not fully achieved and the

number of countries involved meant the differences became substantial. This resulted in

data processing taking longer than planned. For example, it was intended to create unique

identifiers as a combination of some of the identification variables. These identifiers would,

among other things, allow easy linking of data between wave 1 and wave 2. However, this

did not come about in a number of countries and ongoing contact was required to resolve

this. Another issue was that not all countries ended up having the resources to develop a

data entry system as planned. To fill this gap, the ILO engaged a consultant to develop data

entry applications in CSPro. As this was unplanned, it added time and cost to the process

but did generate benefits with regards to the format of data received. Overall substantially

more time was required than initially planned to process the datasets to the extent needed

to enable analysis.

d. The analytical process was further complicated by the large number of datasets involved.

There are few if any precedents for a pilot study process of such a scale, organised with a

fixed methodology with the purpose of cross country and within country comparison. Even


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 28

on a smaller scale the analytical challenge would have been substantial, but on the scale

completed the process of deriving clear and solid conclusions becomes incredibly difficult

as not all observed patterns will be repeated in the same manner in all countries.

e. The design envisaged the two waves of fieldwork taking place at different peak periods of

agricultural activity. Given the varied situation across countries (different crops, climate

etc.) and the tight overall timelines for the project, it was not possible to achieve this in all

cases. For example, in Kyrgyzstan and Moldova there was serious time pressure to

commence the first wave in November 2015 in order to avoid the very low winter season

which commences in November/December each year. This required very quick turnaround

of preparation of materials following the cognitive testing. As a consequence of issues of

this nature, very different timelines had to be adopted across countries and in some cases

part of the interviewing took place in low seasons. This in particular could influence

longitudinal analysis of the two waves of data.

69. In addition to the number of countries the range of measurement objectives certainly added

complexity. The questionnaires were quite extensive, covering employment, labour

underutilization, own use production work and various other aspects. This added to the efforts

needed in questionnaire design, development of supporting materials, training, data processing and


70. On reflection it could have been preferable to focus on a smaller number of pilot countries and

questionnaires/issues for comparison. This would still have enabled valuable analysis to have been

completed but would have lowered the level of complexity and burden involved, thus allowing

outputs to be generated more quickly and creating greater room for follow up studies on topics

requiring additional assessment. It would also have eased the planning process to enable closer

adherence to the study design. The process would have remained complicated but certainly easier

to manage.

71. While it was important to standardise elements of the methodologies across countries, it was equally

important to maintain flexibility in implementation to ensure the studies were meaningful for the

country in question. This flexibility extended across a range of issues such as national adaptation

of questionnaires to include appropriate national examples or wording. These adaptations were

necessary but also difficult to manage as it needed to be ensured that any changes didn’t

substantially alter the flow of the questionnaire or meaning behind questions. The slightly different

timing across countries made this all the more complex. The lesson learned from this is that

additional time and resources should be planned to manage adaptations to questionnaires and the

many other processes where national specificities had to be accounted for.

72. Looking at the more positive lessons learned, we can note that the broad methodological approach

provided a very good basis for assessment of questionnaires. Combining qualitative (cognitive) and

quantitative (field tests) methods enabled quite in-depth analysis and both contributed substantially

to the process. The process of cognitive testing in particular requires some familiarisation but was

very positively received by the participant countries with many planning further use in the future.

73. The importance of building in supervision and feedback into the testing process cannot be

overstated. Some of the analytical conclusions drawn have been heavily supported by observations


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 29

in the field, both during cognitive and field interviews. In addition, feedback from the interviewing

teams is a very valuable resource and gathering this feedback should be part of any testing process.

74. When combining the above, possibly the most important overall lesson learned is to carefully plan

the scope of studies from the beginning and match this scope with sufficient resources and time. If

implementing multiple stages of testing (e.g. cognitive and field tests), sufficient time must be

allowed between stages to enable changes to be made. For any agency planning a co-ordinated

cross-country set of studies additional time should be allowed for all the national adaptations and

efforts needed to try and achieve harmonisation of outputs for analytical purposes.

75. Finally, the importance of adequate testing of questionnaires cannot be clearer. While different

testing methods can be implemented, there are serious risks of adopting questionnaires without

national testing on some scale. While ILO and others can produce model questionnaires, it was

evident for all countries that different types of adaptation are necessary which can ultimately only

be confirmed through a robust development and testing process at the national level. Any country

planning to implement new household surveys or update existing ones should plan for tests in

sufficient time to update questionnaires and other materials and processes before live

implementation. As part of a case to build support and gain the resources needed it can be

emphasised that good testing processes generate invaluable information for data users who can

otherwise be left with breaks in series with little if any ability to explain or understand their source.

While testing cannot necessarily explain every source of difference, when properly designed, it

does massively improve the possibilities to understand any changes seen in indicators as well as

generally adding to the quality assurance of the survey process.


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 30

V. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS _______________

76. The purpose of this report is to describe the pilot study project methodology and the implementation

of the field test phase of the studies. This acts both as a record of the objectives, design and process

involved, and provides context for those interested in the types of sample achieved and how that

might impact the outcomes of the studies.

77. The overall scale of the studies was quite large, involving 10 pilot countries and over 23,000

respondents of working age in wave 1 of the field collection. The range of settings involved was

also wide, from heavily urbanised areas in middle income countries to remote rural areas without

access to markets and different types of agricultural and other economic activities. This offers a

substantial base upon which to undertake the analysis required by the measurement objectives. It

also creates challenges of trying to undertake a comparative analysis with so many elements.

78. The proposed sample design was broadly observed in all the countries with any differences

considered unlikely to impact analysis. Furthermore, the differences between achieved samples for

the two model questionnaires in each country were typically minor when assessed against key

demographic variables.

79. To minimise the analytical impact of any differences in achieved sample between the two model

questionnaires covered by each country, a simple stratified weighting scheme was used by the ILO.

The relatively minor nature of differences in the samples meant that the weights were in general

close to 1. The weighting scheme did not attempt to benchmark against any external known

population, rather just corrected for differences across the achieved samples. This reflected the

general approach to the pilot studies whereby it was not attempted to generate representative

estimates, rather undertake comparative study between the model questionnaires.

80. While the proposed sample design was purposive, reflecting the measurement objectives of the pilot

studies, it was nonetheless important to achieve samples which covered a wide cross-section of

different segments of the population, i.e. men and women, different age groups, education levels


81. The samples achieved across countries varied substantially both in terms of size and distribution

across types of households and individuals interviewed. These differences very much reflected

differences in the national context such as population pyramids, access to education and so on.

However, critically for the analysis phase of the studies, all countries selected field sites that

matched the desired profiles for the tests. In addition, the samples in all countries were varied

enough to support a wide range of analysis.

82. Inevitably, there will be cases where achieved samples do not allow detailed disaggregation of

findings by all desired characteristics. For example, as highlighted in the report, the small sample

in Tunisia of households reporting foodstuff produced by household members as a source of

livelihood could impact the ability to undertake a detailed analysis of differences between models

2 and 3 of measurement of own-use production of goods and related issues for that country. The

sample will continue to be adequate for various other measurement objectives. Where considered

of significance, the ILO will highlight specific cases where sample sizes were considered a

limitation for the analysis in the different thematic reports published alongside this report.


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 31

83. Finally, while specific lessons can be learned from the exercise, one key general message which

must be taken is that testing of questionnaires is a critical process which should be planned for when

implementing a new survey or adapting an existing one. The specific plan will depend on available

resources and information demands.


ILO LFS Pilot Studies – Experimental Field Tests: Methodology, Process and Outcomes 32

VI. REFERENCES _______________

ILO. (2013). Resolution I concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization. 19th

International Conference of Labour Statisticians . Geneva: ILO.

ILO. (2018). LFS Pilot Study Programme. (ILO, Producer) Retrieved from ILO:
