'i- 'i- 'i- ~ ~"!!i!Ii!Ji!l~ ~ ROSSE POINTE I IfG CO. pUbh.he"l IE LENOX 1162 i!Ji!l_~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, Kc 19 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'I> '" 'i- '" 'i- IF IF 'i- 'i- 'i- :{. 'i- 'i- >{o 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- ¥ *. *' * * * HAS NO RELAliON TO i OUR POLICY 'ftIE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICf 1"w.l.n'r. JilJi!J!lJOffi! L B OLDHAM, Pubhsher (,ROSSE POll>. j 1, ~1TCH!G"l>. \VI DNLSlJAY DECLMBER 29 1937 By Mall $200 per year, Smgle Caples 5 Cent. I~ ALFRED J G~RS1"A Village Pre,ldent ARCHIL DA,n! \\ LOUIS A DeHAYI:S, C. A PFEFF ER, JOHN B REN"UD, WILLIAM P SHOE\IAKER JOHN P v'LRLI\DEN Village ComnusslOllels Sll1cercly, The first "11eettn~ of the \ 11l<3g'eCOmlll::,;,1011111the new vear ,,,11 l;e held on Fll(lav evening Tanuary 7 1938 at the "\'IU111ClpalBUIld! l,g' at eIght 0 dock p IT at \\h1ch lreet111g +he VIllage C0ll1r'1b51O'1 \\ auld lIke to flH"f't reslderts of our com~ mU11lh and 0' t:J:lll from t 1 le 11 e ...... plCSSlOllS as to ho\\ sel VIce can be 'J.)ettered tl1rOJ~hout the ensUlng j ear \" (, hope that as man, reslde-nt'5 as pOSSIble WIll attend thIS meetInO" as well " as semi-monthly wetting' held on the first and thlld Fridays of each m011th and offer constructIve suggestlO11s for the mutual benefit of all Through the CO~Ol)erl~1Onof all tmue to thm e and pi ospel The \ 11IdgP CommiSSIOnof the Village of Gro'5e Pomte Park through toe colutT'0' of th" paper eAtends to the reSI- dents of Gro~'5(" POlfltp Park their Slncere whhe<.:. for a pI OS~ perDue; and sucre'5s{nl New Year Notice to Residents of Richard School Mothers Grosse Pointe Farms Witness Demonstration Lesson Las t Tuesday Plans h"e heen completed lor the 1\'e" Year s Eve parties to be held on Fnda, evemng at the Grosse POlOte High School Both gymnas111ms of the school Will be ut>hud for tcese parlles One gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse Pomte commumt1C< and the other Will be u,ed b) the adults The Dartv for the youn~ people was ongmated last year and lt "as '50 sttcCLS'5ful that lt v, as dPC"Hledto make lt a yeal1y event The ldea m the mmd;, of t 1 1e LOmnllttep 1<:'to J<eep the )oung people of our commumt\ at home dUllll'" New Year's :eve so reducmg as much as posslhle, an, Ch1.11C"eof accl<lrnt f01 the boys and glrls of Grosse Pomte on th It mght TI11S) ea' It "as belle led that many adults "auld prefer to spend ~e\V Year s Lve m theIr o\"n com ... mU111tvand;;o the COJ11mttee decldec1 to ha\e a dance £01 the parents Two good OIchestra~ have heen eng-a15ed the gymna:,lUms have been decorated and Judgl11" b, the hc1<et 'ales good crowd, Wlll be In attendance at both pal hes Every effort 18 he1l1g made to afford good dean New Year's entertamment \'vlth the u<:iual nOIse nrtkers and othel favors can .. nected WIth ~ew Year s r, e fhe rommittee WIshes to agaIn a lvlse that these PlrtlCS are open to ~ll ,eSldents of Gro,se Pomte and the young people of the com mum tv ale urbed to attend thIS pal ty These dances are sponsOled b, the Men S Club of the Grosse Pomte I-I1gh school ,,,th Mr F R Little as chairman m charge. Mt Little has SUtiounded hm"elf '\lth actl\ e c,tlzens at the com- mumt\ and so a~sure6 e\ eryone of a good dance wlth clean enter- tamment and fun Tickets for t'1e young people 5 dance Will be $1 00 per couple for the adults, $200 ptr conple Plans Completed for New Year's Eve Party on Friday Begmnll1g January 3 the \{unt"lpal Calces of Grosse Pomte l.<al"m,:,.\IJl l1elve new telerphone num")ers CrtLL:em of the Farms who mIght have OCCISlOn to call these numbers \;"'111pled.se note the new numbers are as follows PobctJ Department Niagara 2100 FIre Depal tment Niagara 1000 AU Other Depts NIagara 6600 Do not ask operator for Grosse Pomte Farms FIre Department except ll1g case of an emergency, use the aJbove number \fothers of the 3B grade of RIchard "i,hool under the direction ot MISS (lertrude Hunt Vyltnes;,ecl a dcmonstra- hon lesson of teachmg techl1lques In arithmetic and ot41er typ cal school ac- ttv1tles la,t TL.esua) afternoon MISS Hunt s demon,trat on less01 ",as one of sevlral , hlCh ha\ e been arranged 1ecentJy by 'R.lchard teachers The les .. on IS follo\"'ed by a d scu,slOn penod \\ 1th the mother:. -durmg WhiCh 51g.. Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co" l11ficant aspects of the t(,achmg are Lenox 1162, for Job Printing. ll1terpreted ~_.JilJiilj;lJi>1Jii!Iii!J;l"'mJ,Jji1Ji1lffil"'f'lJiilf'lr"J01"ft'Jji1lii!mrlillO!_r"!J;1Jl'ffi!li",.IO!Ii'JiilJii1JO!fii1J'JO!JilJ1OIi!lJiSlilIillf~ '" <J Grosse Pointe Park Officials Wish I The Season's Greetings I To Everybody i ~ ~ ~ i 'i!1 ~ 'i!1 I jJ I I our communlt) '''licon-I Nursing Classes to Resume in January The Home "N"urs111gand FIrst Al<l d':!ss COIducted by MISS 7vIargdret All n R 1\ wtll meet MonGay Jdn uar} 3 1938 at 7 4" 1) 111 at the Grosse Pomte Board of Health, Rivard and J effer.son avenues. Bllrto~ holmes veteran travel lec iurer h~s been chosen to open the \I,l11ter season ot lectures for the \Voxld Ad'Vf'nture Serres of the DetrOIt 111Stl tutt; of Arts on January 9 VvltJhan 111US <'lted lecture at 3 30 on Down to RIO and Over the Andes and at 8 30 p In on '\ Motor Tour Through Bnght est SO.ltlh AfrIca' \Ir Holmes has been tounng tht; ~or d d.nd taKl11g n otlOn pICtrues ot the most 1l1terestmg and most sceli1C spots for the past forty eIght years He was one of the first lecturers to do mo~ lOl pIcture travelog~ Other wo"ld celebrIttes l11cluded on the \\ orld A<..venture Senes wmter sched lIe their dates and suhJects are as follows Erhng Strom Januarv 16 The CO!1quest of 1ft ",,1cKmley W1 ham L FlOlev January 23 'Voods Waters and \VIldlde Howald B 1\facDonald Jan arv'" 30 H.omantlc IndIa Alan Vrlhcrs FebIuary 6 Bv \Vav of Cat e Horn Grev 0...... 1 I eb ruary 13 M} FrIel ds of he Deep \\ llderness Clal ence W Sorenson Februan. 20 f Caravan Trails 111 ArabIa Er c \fann Feb 22 Roman llC Austna and VIenna the GlamM ous Gordon B .enders ':!arah 6 The Ster) of flbet and Vv end ell Ch~pman ~,lTarch 13 My WIld Ant mdl Fnerds In aadltton tc the 1bove lectures all but 01 e of WhICh are Illustrated and .111of VhlCh are lOc1l1dea 11 the sea~on tIcket the \\ arId A..dve11tureSenes WIll spon'lor speCial appearances of Dr VIctor G Helser Januqry 16 'Irs \fart1l1 Johnson on '\-!arch 5 Ton. Sarg on 'faICI 27 a ld others Burton Holmes Here on January 9th Wayne County Has Been Allocated $34,327 Book Reviews to Be Resumed in Alger Museum January 4 C<.cyl Wrlcox Yfartm WIll resum'" the ~erIes of beok revIews whIch she has been presentll1g at Alger \1useum on fuesday afternoon, January 4, at 2 p m After a summary of cutrent events Mrs 7vfartln ~II1 diSCUSSa number of the ne\\ er books bnefly and \HIl tl e 1 tell the story of LoUl~ Bromfield s new novel The Ra1l1s Came The boo 1 " a novel of modul1 IndIa and has re celvecl WIde acclaIm from cnhcs Edna Ferber sumrrar zes It briefly as the bes" that the author las done and per haps the bf-st anyone has done 111 20 years' '\s In the past the pubitc IS 1l1vItcd ~ ngle admbslons are 50 cents Hoyt E \fOlm, manager 01 Secre tary of State offIces 111 the southeastern chstr1<'t of MIchIgan annat nced toddY that the mdln DetrOIt offIce a 4105 Cass dvel1ue <IId bra lche~ at 1-lIglland Park PontIac and Port Huron 'hIll close at 1100nFnday for the 1 ew Year s holiday. The U S ~Canadlan Boundary The Umted States CanadIan boun- dary goes ~,100 mlles over land, ~. 400 over watw. Case Warns Against Currency in Mails Motorists who send currency through the malls to the Department of State do so at theIr own nsk Leon D Case Seaetary ot State has cautIoned The warnmg ""as sounded on the heels. of the recent statement by Case that mvestlgators from h)i department and from the UnIted States postal se"v Ice are atterrptmg to solve the mystery of cash stolen somewhere between pomts of mal1lrJg m the g.t .... te and the capItol Thousands of dollar bills are received annually m pa}ment of fees fOI oper ators hcenses If currency IS lost apph~ cants have no receipt fo their pay~ ments Case stresses Mone\ orders should be made pa} ~ able to the Secretary of State at Lan s ng Orders made Dayable at the of~ fee of Issuance reqUIre payment of an add tlOnal fee for \",hlch the Depart ment of "tate has no funds Such money orders are -eturned to theIr senders Secretary of State Leon D Cast- aunoUi ces that \Vayne county has been cillo\\-ecl $34327 of the mone) alreadY St. Paul's Alumnae collected thIS year for operators and Dance December 30 ,haufleurs heenses I ThIS Hone; Lllder a ne\\ s .te law The annual Ohnstmas season da lee WIll be de".orted to the. fi lancmg of etmg the alumni of St Paul High e),.amllat on of apphcallb for this t )e <:rhool ""Ill be held on TI:ursday De of lIcense cember 3{, It has been for many years ';tatl. pollce ancl Departmrllt of "late the custom to hold basketbali games OfflC ale; are arrang ng for exam1l11i1011S followed by d d"\l1ce vhlcl It 15 behe"ed ','>Illweed out many Both the boy" anJ golds dluml1l teilInS unfit dn"er:, w111contest WIth the boys and girls ------- ,ar'ty Much ",air) eXISts and It IS Secretary of State's promISed that two good games are In Offices to Close at Noon 'ltore for those who attend Follow ng the games there wII he a Friday for New Year's dance '\Vmter wIll be earlled out 111 the scheme of decoration Refresh~ ments WIll ne sel vej and the admIS slon ""Ill be 35 cents ,\Vasn t rt a gala affaIr? What? Why the Elall1e Mane Arndt Dan<:mg ';chool Chnstmas party of course! Both the aftern00l1 party for the .... hl1dren an<l. the rvenll1g part) for the JUniors were \ ery cclorh I and JO)ful The ballroom was very festIve and beautiful bemg entirely transforIt'ed to a Christmas wonderland oy scores at "l1very Chnstmas trees and the many ma lY colorful balloons WhICh 1l1clden tallv were d-cpped on the dancers from 100ve at t mes througrrout the evel1lng Of cour'le all of MISS Arndt s b1.11~ room pupIls do the Big Aople Merr) ~ go Round and Thc Shag and these were among the most popular requests of the young dQt1cers who seerrred to thoroughly enjoy every m11lute Su"eI) a '\e\\ Yeal sEve spmt prevailed I The mam attractIons of the chlldJren's party wet e the huge trImmed ChrIstmas tree left for them by Santa the games the candv Ice cream and COOkIC",and the entettamment whIch was prOVIded 'Jy \fISS Arndt s pupIls for both the afternoon and eveUl1g partles Ah I Yes these", ere Just t",o more ox Dame Mane Arndt s sm:cessful affaIrs Ni~ht School Hobby Rider$ Ready for a Fresh 1938 Start WIth the nrst Term of mgot >-ollchoof over and the next terrr Ju<:taround the ChrIstmas vacahon corner l1Jght school PUPil<.are lookmg WIth renewed mter~ est at the program for next setrester at C;outheastern Night Sohool Among the courses offered both for credit and for leIsure tIme actIVIty those In bIology and phY~IOlogy are most hkely to cittract the hobby rIder's attentIon For those mtel estecl In the great outdoors In fbug') bears, bees and butterfbes the course m ,Jlolog'v offers an adventure In f.:k t and fun Through the use of mOVIes, fresh speCl~ mens of plant hfe, Itve a"uu'lls ch<lrt<l:, and many other matenals the class has a chance to acqutre a nev Ie sure tll1e mteres{ or to e"tend knO\.vledge al reaoy gamed Fo" girls W110mtend to becorre n..l1"Ses the work n phySIOlogy wdl be emiPhas4zed In fad, the work In every case WIll be adapted to the present needs of the mdlvldual CredIt IS given to those who dC:.lre It provldmg ,,"ork and class attendance are sahsfadory Many hIgh school pupils are forced to leave before grad. uahon and they WIll find In these COl.lrSe'land many other hke them, a pleasal1t road to the hIgh school dl ploma The classes 111 bIology and phYSiology Will be tauglht b) Ruth Hegener, a '11ember of "he 'ioutheaster'l day school faculty Ml~S Hegener IS preSident of tne MIchIgan Herpetollg1cal SOCIety former secretary of the DetrOIt BIOlogy Club, dnd popular lecturer on bl010g1cal '>llJ))ects She has taught 111 Huron ':ollege and 111the University of Col oraclo .as a~slstant 111 the department of bIology S\le employs the summer hme 111 domg research work m the west Those members of the commul1lty nterested In a new way to use leIsure tune WIth profit ana enjoyment are urged to enroll January 3 4 and 5 at the Sout 1 1eastern HIgh School Classes meet every Tuesday and Thursday for a semester of twelve weeks Elaine Marie Arndt Entertains Pupils n kers 111 Kan~as City a great deal of drffl mg the plant some of C!1asedat the pomt of from the plant d seventy five guests went Blvd ,:,ul1chy\ 0 attend lld Marty Clt~C\\... open to 7 p m wl1l 1 e !..oU1<:e llv Kalb hall a S ""lletr af- Wash~ngtoll roarJ-. for .!lame guests Intlnl of the BJter Kiad lew, Lenos 1162. m b investIgatmg the orlvately owned Tap- t wave radlO statlOn~ )aclfic ~ea coast \IS trave1mg nOIth far0 1 f'1 ea<;h year sand busmessmen of area are mllked of 00 ann Jally by worth- rtlsts ,e of Da vld although tv\. 0 sectIons and con two mdlvl duals con--- osper ane! IS really a ~ enterpll e ek we were startled of two conVIcts escap- Ieatracz I< edel a1 men 'pmlOn that they were ~mmm~1 • II l~m!.l!J.!~!l!lm!lll1!lJU!1!!.I!.I!!l!l!U!1!!.l'.lU.lIl.!'..l~.l.m.~!.l ~~~~~I.II.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n iii NEW YEAR'S EVE I By FLO(RENCE POWELL ;d 1 v{. good peoplr~ JOl11us no\, to celebrate III Tunc tl1.n' on the che l , to ~meteen tlurty-elght iii \\ atch 'hlm C'1os~ Iv you WIlt hear us cheer, Hear' HedT ill "" fear l The 0e,1>-are r.ngmg m a gladl\ew Year ;. III .- r;e along Old -r~ther TIme, you are never late ~ Illr mfant ve" IS ,Itch a rosy httle fate. ~ ~ 011hear de1fcnmg nOIse and bells rmgmo' good cheer iti h ~ e art" \\ lsh~ng one 'lud all a Happy Ne~:v\ ear. ;t; m 1U!l!!l!l!ll!1!!!!1!!l!l!U!l.!!W!!1!1.!!l!l.!!1.!L!!l!l!!l!!!!!!l!!l!l!!l!.L!!I.!.l!U!1!!l!l!!l.!I.!ll!l!!W!L!.t liJiIi{ljIiifiTiiIiIiiJiJilJ'iljiJirJiliIitllljililillirHIJIiiliJiililiililiililiiJlljililiililiiJiliillliifil \Val clouds hangmg odd We wonder what "ar has m store for U~ portIOn of the Brlhsh soon be statIOned at f, tQ preserve and prow 'rests there vs Digest Ii s who plan on wel- New Yeal wIth 111- hould leave theIr cars 1uhhze pubhc velllc1es tlOnalY measure It's ,Ian the factory workers a Christmas ptesent eeks' V1.CatlOll wIthout promt<::e of work re- hout January 4 1Stbecome acquamted ct that 6S per cent of pm chased are pur- {Omen 1 hat accounts orful array that men )avlds wIth their shng runmng afoul of the )oy~an .. 1an::;:J,fe is full of dl- oblem.s, even to mv<'s- elles ,uch as the aban- the canary near md Underwood Igan bookIes follow ,ets WIllbe placed next rh these agency dIrect at track odds, merely bookIe a commISSIOn 19 In Cahfor11la It'S nt and IS consIdered

i!Ji!l ~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, 1w.l.n'r. j 1, vs Digestdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse

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Page 1: i!Ji!l ~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, 1w.l.n'r. j 1, vs Digestdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse

'i- 'i- 'i- ~




Kc 19

'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'I> • '" • 'i- '" 'i- IF IF 'i- 'i- 'i- :{. 'i- 'i- >{o 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- 'i- • 'i- 'i- ¥ *. *' * * *



L B OLDHAM, Pubhsher (,ROSSE POll>. j 1, ~1TCH!G"l>. \VI DNLSlJAY DECLMBER 29 1937 By Mall $200 per year, Smgle Caples 5 Cent.



Village ComnusslOllels


The first "11eettn~ of the \ 11l<3g'eCOmlll::,;,1011 111the newvear ,,,11 l;e held on Fll(lav evening Tanuary 7 1938 at the"\'IU111ClpalBUIld! l,g' at eIght 0 dock p IT at \\h1ch lreet111g +heVIllage C0ll1r'1b51O'1 \\ auld lIke to flH"f't reslderts of our com~mU11lh and 0' t:J:lll from t1le 11 e ......plCSSlOllS as to ho\\ sel VIce

can be 'J.)ettered tl1rOJ~hout the ensUlng j ear \" (, hope thatas man, reslde-nt'5 as pOSSIble WIll attend thIS meetInO" as well

"as semi-monthly wetting' held on the first and thlld Fridaysof each m011th and offer constructIve suggestlO11s for themutual benefit of all

Through the CO~Ol)erl~1Onof alltmue to thm e and pi ospel

The \ 11IdgP CommiSSIOnof the Village of Gro'5e PomtePark through toe colutT'0' of th" paper eAtends to the reSI-dents of Gro~'5(" POlfltp Park their Slncere whhe<.:. for a pI OS~perDue; and sucre'5s{nl New Year

Notice to Residents of Richard School MothersGrosse Pointe Farms Witness Demonstration

Lesson Las t Tuesday

Plans h"e heen completed lor the 1\'e" Year s Eve parties tobe held on Fnda, evemng at the Grosse POlOte High School Bothgymnas111ms of the school Will be ut>hud for tcese parlles OnegymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the GrossePomte commumt1C< and the other Will be u,ed b) the adults

The Dartv for the youn~ people was ongmated last year and lt"as '50 sttcCLS'5ful that lt v, as dPC"Hledto make lt a yeal1y event Theldea m the mmd;, of t11e LOmnllttep 1<:'to J<eep the )oung people ofour commumt\ at home dUllll'" New Year's :eve so reducmg asmuch as posslhle, an, Ch1.11C"eof accl<lrnt f01 the boys and glrls ofGrosse Pomte on th It mght TI11S) ea' It "as belle led that manyadults "auld prefer to spend ~e\V Year s Lve m theIr o\"n com ...mU111tvand;;o the COJ11mttee decldec1 to ha\e a dance £01 the parentsTwo good OIchestra~ have heen eng-a15ed the gymna:,lUms have beendecorated and Judgl11" b, the hc1<et 'ales good crowd, Wlll be Inattendance at both pal hes

Every effort 18 he1l1g made to afford good dean New Year'sentertamment \'vlth the u<:iual nOIse nrtkers and othel favors can ..nected WIth ~ew Year s r, e fhe rommittee WIshes to agaIn a lvlsethat these PlrtlCS are open to ~ll ,eSldents of Gro,se Pomte and theyoung people of the com mum tv ale urbed to attend thIS pal ty

These dances are sponsOled b, the Men S Club of the GrossePomte I-I1gh school ,,,th Mr F R Little as chairman m charge.Mt Little has SUtiounded hm"elf '\lth actl\ e c,tlzens at the com-mumt\ and so a~sure6 e\ eryone of a good dance wlth clean enter-tamment and fun Tickets for t'1e young people 5 dance Will be $1 00per couple for the adults, $200 ptr conple

Plans Completed for NewYear's Eve Party on Friday

Begmnll1g January 3 the \{unt"lpalCalces of Grosse Pomte l.<al"m,:,.\IJll1elve new telerphone num")ers CrtLL:emof the Farms who mIght have OCCISlOnto call these numbers \;"'111pled.se notethe new numbers are as follows

PobctJ Department Niagara 2100FIre Depal tment Niagara 1000AU Other Depts NIagara 6600Do not ask operator for Grosse

Pomte Farms FIre Department exceptll1g case of an emergency, use theaJbove number

\fothers of the 3B grade of RIchard"i,hool under the direction ot MISS(lertrude Hunt Vyltnes;,ecl a dcmonstra-hon lesson of teachmg techl1lques Inarithmetic and ot41er typ cal school ac-ttv1tles la,t TL.esua) afternoon MISSHunt s demon,trat on less01 ",as oneof sevlral , hlCh ha\ e been arranged1ecentJy by 'R.lchard teachers The les ..on IS follo\"'ed by a d scu,slOn penod

\\ 1th the mother:. -durmg WhiCh 51g..

Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co" l11ficant aspects of the t(,achmg areLenox 1162, for Job Printing. ll1terpreted


'" <JGrosse Pointe Park Officials Wish IThe Season's Greetings I

To Everybody i~~~





our communlt) '''licon-I

Nursing Classes toResume in January

The Home "N"urs111gand FIrst Al<ld':!ss COIducted by MISS 7vIargdretAll n R 1\ wtll meet MonGay Jdnuar} 3 1938 at 7 4" 1) 111 at the GrossePomte Board of Health, Rivard andJeffer.son avenues.

Bllrto~ holmes veteran travel leciurer h~s been chosen to open the\I,l11ter season ot lectures for the \VoxldAd'Vf'nture Serres of the DetrOIt 111Stltutt; of Arts on January 9 VvltJhan 111US<'lted lecture at 3 30 on Down to RIO

and Over the Andes and at 8 30 p Inon '\ Motor Tour Through Bnghtest SO.ltlh AfrIca'

\Ir Holmes has been tounng tht;~or d d.nd taKl11g n otlOn pICtrues otthe most 1l1terestmg and most sceli1Cspots for the past forty eIght years Hewas one of the first lecturers to do mo~lOl pIcture travelog~

Other wo"ld celebrIttes l11cluded onthe \\ orld A<..venture Senes wmtersched lIe their dates and suhJects areas follows Erhng Strom Januarv 16The CO!1quest of 1ft ",,1cKmley W 1

ham L FlOlev January 23 'VoodsWaters and \VIldlde Howald B1\facDonald Jan arv'" 30 H.omantlcIndIa Alan Vrlhcrs FebIuary 6 Bv\Vav of Cat e Horn Grev 0......1 I ebruary 13 M} FrIel ds of he Deep\\ llderness Clal ence W SorensonFebruan. 20 f Caravan Trails 111

ArabIa Er c \fann Feb 22 RomanllC Austna and VIenna the GlamMous Gordon B .enders ':!arah 6The Ster) of flbet and Vv end ell

Ch~pman ~,lTarch 13 My WIld Antmdl Fnerds

In aadltton tc the 1bove lectures allbut 01 e of WhICh are Illustrated and.111of VhlCh are lOc1l1dea 11 the sea~ontIcket the \\ arId A..dve11tureSenes WIllspon'lor speCial appearances of DrVIctor G Helser Januqry 16 'Irs\fart1l1 Johnson on '\-!arch 5 Ton.Sarg on 'faICI 27 a ld others

Burton Holmes Hereon January 9th

Wayne County HasBeen Allocated $34,327

Book Reviews to BeResumed in Alger

Museum January 4

C<.cyl Wrlcox Yfartm WIll resum'" the~erIes of beok revIews whIch she hasbeen presentll1g at Alger \1useum onfuesday afternoon, January 4, at 2p m

After a summary of cutrent eventsMrs 7vfartln ~II1 diSCUSSa number ofthe ne\\ er books bnefly and \HIl tl e 1

tell the story of LoUl~ Bromfield s newnovel The Ra1l1s Came The boo 1" a novel of modul1 IndIa and has re

celvecl WIde acclaIm from cnhcs EdnaFerber sumrrar zes It briefly as the bes"that the author las done and perhaps the bf-st anyone has done 111 20years'

'\s In the past the pubitc IS 1l1vItcd~ ngle admbslons are 50 cents

Hoyt E \fOlm, manager 01 Secretary of State offIces 111 the southeasternchstr1<'t of MIchIgan annat nced toddYthat the mdln DetrOIt offIce a 4105Cass dvel1ue <IId bra lche~ at 1-lIgllandPark PontIac and Port Huron 'hIllclose at 1100nFnday for the 1ew Year sholiday.

The U S ~Canadlan BoundaryThe Umted States CanadIan boun-

dary goes ~,100mlles over land, ~.400 over watw.

Case Warns AgainstCurrency in Mails

Motorists who send currency throughthe malls to the Department of Statedo so at theIr own nsk Leon D CaseSeaetary ot State has cautIoned

The warnmg ""as sounded on theheels. of the recent statement by Casethat mvestlgators from h)i departmentand from the UnIted States postal se"vIce are atterrptmg to solve the mysteryof cash stolen somewhere betweenpomts of mal1lrJg m the g.t....te and thecapItol

Thousands of dollar bills are receivedannually m pa}ment of fees fOI operators hcenses If currency IS lost apph~cants have no receipt fo their pay~ments Case stresses

Mone\ orders should be made pa} ~able to the Secretary of State at Lans ng Orders made Dayable at the of~fee of Issuance reqUIre payment of anadd tlOnal fee for \",hlch the Department of "tate has no funds Suchmoney orders are -eturned to theIrsenders Secretary of State Leon D Cast-

aunoUi ces that \Vayne county has beencillo\\-ecl $34327 of the mone) alreadY

St. Paul's Alumnae collected thIS year for operators andDance December 30 ,haufleurs heenses

I ThIS Hone; Lllder a ne\\ s .te lawThe annual Ohnstmas season da lee WIll be de".orted to the. fi lancmg of

etmg the alumni of St Paul High e),.amllat on of apphcallb for this t )e<:rhool ""Ill be held on TI:ursday De of lIcensecember 3{, It has been for many years ';tatl. pollce ancl Departmrllt of "latethe custom to hold basketbali games OfflC ale; are arrang ng for exam1l11i1011Sfollowed by d d"\l1ce vhlcl It 15 behe"ed ','>Illweed out many

Both the boy" anJ golds dluml1l teilInS unfit dn"er:,w111contest WIth the boys and girls -------,ar'ty Much ",air) eXISts and It IS Secretary of State'spromISed that two good games are In Offices to Close at Noon'ltore for those who attend

Follow ng the games there wII he a Friday for New Year'sdance '\Vmter wIll be earlled out 111the scheme of decoration Refresh~ments WIll ne sel vej and the admISslon ""Ill be 35 cents

,\Vasn t rt a gala affaIr? What? Whythe Elall1e Mane Arndt Dan<:mg ';choolChnstmas party of course! Both theaftern00l1 party for the ....hl1dren an<l.the rvenll1g part) for the JUniors were\ ery cclorh I and JO)ful

The ballroom was very festIve andbeautiful bemg entirely transforIt'ed toa Christmas wonderland oy scores at"l1very Chnstmas trees and the manyma lY colorful balloons WhICh 1l1cldentallv were d-cpped on the dancers from100ve at t mes througrrout the evel1lngOf cour'le all of MISS Arndt s b1.11~room pupIls do the Big Aople Merr) ~go Round and Thc Shag and thesewere among the most popular requestsof the young dQt1cers who seerrred tothoroughly enjoy every m11lute Su"eI)a '\e\\ Yeal sEve spmt prevailed I

The mam attractIons of the chlldJren'sparty wet e the huge trImmed ChrIstmastree left for them by Santa the gamesthe candv Ice cream and COOkIC",andthe entettamment whIch was prOVIded'Jy \fISS Arndt s pupIls for both theafternoon and eveUl1g partles

Ah I Yes these", ere Just t",o more oxDame Mane Arndt s sm:cessful affaIrs

Ni~ht School HobbyRider$ Ready for a

Fresh 1938StartWIth the nrst Term of mgot >-ollchoof

over and the next terrr Ju<:taround theChrIstmas vacahon corner l1Jght schoolPUPil<.are lookmg WIth renewed mter~est at the program for next setresterat C;outheastern Night Sohool

Among the courses offered both forcredit and for leIsure tIme actIVItythose In bIology and phY~IOlogy aremost hkely to cittract the hobby rIder'sattentIon For those mtel estecl In thegreat outdoors In fbug') bears, beesand butterfbes the course m ,Jlolog'voffers an adventure In f.:k t and funThrough the use of mOVIes, fresh speCl~mens of plant hfe, Itve a"uu'lls ch<lrt<l:,and many other matenals the class hasa chance to acqutre a nev Ie sure tll1emteres{ or to e"tend knO\.vledge alreaoy gamed Fo" girls W110mtend tobecorre n..l1"Ses the work n phySIOlogywdl be emiPhas4zed In fad, the workIn every case WIll be adapted to thepresent needs of the mdlvldual

CredIt IS given to those who dC:.lre Itprovldmg ,,"ork and class attendanceare sahsfadory Many hIgh schoolpupils are forced to leave before grad.uahon and they WIll find In theseCOl.lrSe'land many other hke them, apleasal1t road to the hIgh school dlploma

The classes 111 bIology and phYSiologyWill be tauglht b) Ruth Hegener, a'11ember of "he 'ioutheaster'l day schoolfaculty Ml~S Hegener IS preSident oftne MIchIgan Herpetollg1cal SOCIetyformer secretary of the DetrOIt BIOlogyClub, dnd popular lecturer on bl010g1cal'>llJ))ects She has taught 111 Huron':ollege and 111the University of Coloraclo .as a~slstant 111 the departmentof bIology S\le employs the summerhme 111 domg research work m thewest

Those members of the commul1ltynterested In a new way to use leIsure

tune WIth profit ana enjoyment areurged to enroll January 3 4 and 5 atthe Sout11eastern HIgh School Classesmeet every Tuesday and Thursday fora semester of twelve weeks

Elaine Marie ArndtEntertains Pupils

n kers 111 Kan~as Citya great deal of drffl

mg the plant some ofC!1asedat the pomt offrom the plant

d seventy five guests wentBlvd ,:,ul1chy\ 0 attend

lld Marty Clt~C\\... opento 7 p m wl1l1e !..oU1<:e

llv Kalb hall a S ""lletr af-Wash~ngtoll roarJ-. for

.!lame guests

Intlnl of the BJter Kiadlew, Lenos 1162.

m b investIgatmg theorlvately owned Tap-

t wave radlO statlOn~)aclfic ~ea coast

\IS trave1mg nOIthfar01f'1 ea<;h year

sand busmessmen ofarea are mllked of

00 ann Jally by worth-rtlsts

,e of Da vld althoughtv\. 0 sectIons and contwo mdlvl duals con---osper ane! IS really a~ enterpll e

ek we were startledof two conVIcts escap-Ieatracz I< edel a1men'pmlOn that they were

~mmm~1 • II l~m!.l!J.!~!l!lm!lll1!lJU!1!!.I!.I!!l!l!U!1!!.l'.lU.lIl.!'..l~.l.m.~!.l~~~~~I.II.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~niiiNEW YEAR'S EVE I

By FLO(RENCE POWELL ;d1 v{. good peoplr~ JOl11us no\, to celebrate IIITunc tl1.n' on the chel, to ~meteen tlurty-elght iii\\ atch 'hlm C'1os~Iv you WIlt hear us cheer, Hear' HedT ill

""fearl The 0e,1>-are r.ngmg m a gladl\ew Year ;.

III.-r;e along Old -r~ther TIme, you are never late ~Illr mfant ve" IS ,Itch a rosy httle fate. ~

~011hear de1fcnmg nOIse and bells rmgmo' good cheer iti

h ~

e art" \\ lsh~ng one 'lud all a Happy Ne~:v\ ear. ;t;m1U!l!!l!l!ll!1!!!!1!!l!l!U!l.!!W!!1!1.!!l!l.!!1.!L!!l!l!!l!!!!!!l!!l!l!!l!.L!!I.!.l!U!1!!l!l!!l.!I.!ll!l!!W!L!.tliJiIi{ljIiifiTiiIiIiiJiJilJ'iljiJirJiliIitllljililillirHIJIiiliJiililiililiililiiJlljililiililiiJiliillliifil

\Val clouds hangmgodd We wonder what"ar has m store for U~

portIOn of the Brlhshsoon be statIOned atf, tQ preserve and prow'rests there

vs DigestIis who plan on wel-

New Yeal wIth 111-hould leave theIr cars1uhhze pubhc velllc1estlOnalY measure It's,Ian

the factory workersa Christmas ptesent

eeks' V1.CatlOll wIthoutpromt<::e of work re-

hout January 4

1Stbecome acquamtedct that 6S per cent ofpm chased are pur-

{Omen 1hat accountsorful array that men

)avlds wIth their shngrunmng afoul of the)oy~an ..

1an::;:J,fe is full of dl-oblem.s, even to mv<'s-elles ,uch as the aban-)£ the canary nearmd Underwood

Igan bookIes follow,ets WIllbe placed nextrh these agency dIrect

at track odds, merelybookIe a commISSIOn

19 In Cahfor11la It'Snt and IS consIdered

Page 2: i!Ji!l ~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, 1w.l.n'r. j 1, vs Digestdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse

MARKE15225 J{ercheva

at Beacona6e


R•••denee-1305 SuefJ 2-1717


10400 MACK A

Lenox 5

Fre&h HamsHal.E or whole, Ib

Fresh Corned Beef"oUed rlh, Jb 38, Briske

Hmtz Joht' Haag Va'\rt11Ut Holld.r Betsy HoHoyt Edgar Hoyt HelenT efter" Stephen J ohman

Robtrt Kelmm Juha KKaufmann Paul KellerRol ert Kmkead LOl1lseKle1n6....hmldt Clarence1:<..11('1 Kueghoff Madel!Vlrg1l1ta Kneghoff Marner Lawrence Krur-gc.r

Janet Lambert June LLI'Hngston Margaret] yl1ch Harold MtGreMacKenZIe W lhanMacpilerson MaljOrlelfahszewskl E lzabeth J'1\1ar-cr-ro Benlamm MMason Dowthy MaulRIchard Monn Mary J

Dons Phelps GeorgeHelen RaIl James Rlt<Rohrman "'Janey SchClSchaller Henry '3choch,Suzanne Sibley DonalDorothy Stevenson HelT ohn :'tone

Kathenne Taylor '\Thomas Donald Trea<..Truet Johanna Mana Va\Vals Margaret 'NateWatson Ld.rold \Vedder

~--v~v-e-04;l-esrr"av, \c, "1o:n:recC't<e'IT'lUl"';'"---



* * *

•• *

14931 E. Jefferson at City LimitsLe

TUXEDOS AND DRESS SUITSponged and Expertly Pressed - On Short No


Week I:nd~V~CI4L

Your patronage in past years have been greatly appIt is our sincere wish to serve you even better ducoming New Year

Windmill Pointe Tail

StaySl.l,..t 'K.~,~lrWel.l." ,', ,.. - •.. v ..• , ".'

Buy Hollywood Health Bread TJ,, J

," It's FilU,ng but NOT .Fatteni,Jg

•Standmg RibRoast of Beef, II,

o. Mulier'sLE.7786

France Rumney and Henry Gageand Nam.\ G?(J~"hl and John Ashbume Jr announced then engagements Chr1:.tmds Eve at an egg noggparty In the Rumney s home 1\ 0 dateshave been set for either weddmg Bar~bard Rumney \vas heme 111 time fromthe ')ar81l Lawrence school for theart)

Hester Jones and Barbara Baliantyne made thelr bo\'. to society last\>Ionday afternoon at a tea from 4 to 6at the Gros<;e P0ll1t0 Club The twoCOUSIn~\\ere Introdu(ed by thelr mothf'rs \in Lloyd P Jane" of PagetBermudd and Colorado Spnngs Coland Mrs Howd.rd P Ballal tyne

* * *Mr and Mr~ J Schultz entertained

guests at a luncheo 1 December 18 In

thelr 110rne on Ph lip avenue hO'1onngFrane ~ J LeBlond who Will leave fottJ e C;outh early 111 January Amongthose prese!1t were \Ir and Mrs C JBlum and 5011 Jack Ebnor CarothersLorrame Me}er \Ir and Mrs E LeBlond






Leach Drug C

TV. 2-33'3I

Mr and Mrs \rVlls011NIcklin (HelenButler) announce the bl1th of a daul5hter Anne ElIzabeth Decen ber Ib

• • •Margaret Harnet Bawd) daughter

of Mr and V n Samuel Patton Bowdybecame the lnde of Donald MI1e.sKmg~on of Mr and Mr~ Clyae KU1g 01La Grange Ind at.3 p m Dec 18In the home of her parents on Nothrgham road The Rev Russell D HopkH1S of Crnst Methodls EPIW('Pd.1Church performed tne ceremony

•••Peggy 'Sevbnrn left the fint of tnc

weel ... for L.o'g Island to be one of theonclesmalds aJt Josie Cattms weddmg011 New Ye'ir s morn ng to Alex MJ.cFadden

•••Bets} Straln had an egg nogg party

fro n 4 to 7 Sunday In her home onNeft road

•••Jacqllehne Tahaferro daughter of

Mr and \lr~ B D Tallaiert 0 ot Covmgton drive IS spendmg the hol clayse,bon 111New York

• • •

On New Years Eve Ann and hergue:.ts bes1des a few others '\Vl!lattendthe Pnnceton Trtangle Show and latC1'go to the Countr} Club for supper

•••Don 3!ld Sue '3tevenson had thelr

annual egg nag party Chllstmas Eve 10

thetr home on Berkshire road Approx'uateh 50 people sho"'ed IIp

• • •Mr "md Mrs Andrew Drysdale re

turned from Cahforllla to spend thehohda'S With their son Ul Jaw anddauglhter Mr and Mrs Joho Kendall

Mar~ Slbley and Dick Eberl!l1e haveset Janualy 2f) as tnelr weddmg dayThe ceremony wtil t~kc place at t},eGrosse Potrte Memonal Churoh

• • •Mr and Mrs Gea.rge Bailey spent

the holidays III Cleveland With Mrs\falgUerlte Termame and her twodaug'htM's

•••Mr and MIS Greene Fenley a,.'nd

famIly ate Chnstmas dll1net With 1I[rsrentey s mOlther Mrs Rachel Anderson In Cme-moatl, Oh1O

• • •In honor of Joy Lee who made her

bow to Detr01t s ~oclet} on ChnstmasDay Mrs Edwl11 Stroh gave a breakfast for 18 of thlS season ~ debutanteslU her home 0111 Beverly road Tuesdavmornmg

•••Ann Booth IS busy enterta1l1mg two

schoolmates Bd.1bara Blown ~nd Helen 1PaIt both of Pasadena CaM over the IChf'l$tma~ h()hday~ Ann met these Igirls at the Garland School In Boston• • • I

Gloria Koesthn 15 gWUlg B. NewYear s Eve part) n the recreat onroo n of her home 011 Berkslllre roadFCI t} guests have ~o. lar deCIded torome

TY.:r and Mrs Piluy Vv alter \fat sh The follow ng students from Grossed.l1nounced Ule marn~ge of theIr daugn Po IHe and v CJ11tty are all ChnstmasIter I ster Bell to \1ylon Greenfield vacatlOl1 from the III J trslty of \flch~on of Mr and Mrs Charles L Green 11gan ftom December 17 to Tanuary 1field of Wal;r.mgton D C December Joseph Black Einar Almdale Lu.23 11 thetr home OJ MUlrland rOd.d wal d Anderson VI1 ham Armstrong>\fter the eertmony lIr a'1d Mrs Howard Bacon \>farvl11 Baeoll, DorGreenfield ll"ft on a tnp to FlOrida othy Barbell Clement Bd.rnes John

• • • Banett Ehzabeth Baxter \farlanAnn Hebb 1S busy cnteriamll1g Dor Baxter James Black Robert Bogle

othv Cabel of '=t LOUIS '\fadehne Chdrles Bowen iVrargarek BradenChlttenden and Charles Hd! of B111g Margaret Bremer Glenn Bnnk Janethampton N Y '\It ho arrived ~unday to ~Burns Gilbert BurnsJde Ra;mond"pend a week or so m DetrOIt Chamrelt's John Chapman George

Chnstlanc.en Martha Chse CharlesCoe Frank CoolIdge DOlothy CoweSd.bm Crocker Jr

WIlham Delbnc.ge Dehcla DemmgMarguerite Doherty Robert DornMary Gage Jame'l lJrace, Maya GruhZit Robert Haml ton Eh'JaJbeth HarnngtoJ1 lorrame Ha;,km Elleen Hayward Hugh Haywarrd John Hell Rut!

• • •\irs George LInton and Mrs Her

bert Earle mot01ed to Santa Alllta ICallf 10 spend the hohdays MrsLInton IS the guest of her son n lawand daughter Mr and Mrs rredenckRIebel III of Los Angeles and 1frsEarle IS WIth her husband

• • •Mrs Charles Bredm has JOllled her

"Ister Mrs John \J Dallleis and MISSNaomi Damels at the Casa de Manana!at La Jolla


III!Ii~~~~~ I11

1!Jl!lll!!I!l!!III!!I!ll!lll!!I!ll!l!ll!lll!!III!!I!ll!l!l!!III!!l!l!!I!l!!l!l!!l!I!!l!I!!III!!l!I!!l!I!!1!JI!l!l!!lJI.J!!l!I!!1!JI!l!I!!l!I!!l!I!!I!: '!l!I!!l!I!!l!I!!l!I!!l!I!!1!JI'JfililTi"ii1iTifll1lli1i1iTilTifiiliIU1JIilliliflfIUllliililiiTilliTiliiliTii1iIii1iTiiTiJiiTiTiiTilifliTii1i'limiTiliiTiIIiTiJiiliTiiTiilITiniTiIilTirmifiiTiIU1Illilili.


1!I!!1!JI!1!JI!1!JI!III!!I!l!!l!I!!l!l!!1!JI!I!J!!l!I!!I!Jl!1!Jl!1!Jl!1!Jl!1!Jl!1!Jl!1!Jl!1!Jl!l!l!!1!JI!III!!III!!1!JI!I!l!!I!l!!l!I!!l!l!!I!l!~1 .oJ'1 • 'llilll-"l'!I!l!!l!I!'f!T,!.!.liTimmililiijjijJliJiiTi'ifliTiiliTiifiliiJiTimiOOiiTiliiTifiiJiIiililiiTiliiTiliiTiTiililiiIiTiiTiJiiJiJilliliiTiIiiliTiiIiTiifili~ iTii'titli'iTiilliiiTiiTiiTifi'






• • •

• • •


Christian ScienceChurche.

Grolle Pointe LutheranChurch

God WIll be the subject of the LesSOil Serwon m all Chnsrtlan S lenceChurches througthout the world onSur day January 2

The Golden Text from Ps.alm 77 13IS Thy wa v 0 God IS 111 the sanctuary VI ho b so great a God .as ourGod'

Among the Btble clt<lJtlons IS thISpassage (IsalaJh 45 22) Look unto mednd be 3' e saved all the ends of theearth for I am God and there 1Snone else

Correlative pa ssages to be read fromthe Chrl!>t1an Sctence textbook SC1~ence and Health \l;1th Key to the S{:rtpture;s by Mary Baker Eddy mcludethe followmg (p ~75) 'The startmg-p01nt of dlYme Sctenee IS that GodSpmt IS All m all dud that there IS

no other mIght nor Mind --tihat God ISlove and t~erefore He IS dlYme Prmclple

Courage from the Past and 1 alill lUthe Future' Will be the subJect of thesermon at the Gfiosse POinte Lurt:herf 11ClwrclJ. W-Ofsthlpmg In the RIchardSChOOl auditoriUm Kel cheval a {eOUeo.l1dMcKmley road next Sunday January 2 at 11 a m pI eached by the'R.ev M Luther C..nup D D pastor

Special Sei,S10n o£~Sunday School 'it945anr

NeN Year r"':>olurtlons from the entlre sc~ool ~ 111be wntten

\few scholars are bell g enrolledevery Sunday BrIng your famll} andLome and JOin us

For Job Pl1at!nl' of th. Better KIDdcan Th. Rev.ew. Lenbx 116Z.

By MARY JANE STOETZFL1v[IS EmolY FOI d IS leav ng after the

first of the year for ~ewtekley Pa\vhere s 1e will De a br}desmald fatMary l'l zaheth 1 lo}d at her weddmgJanulry 8 to Walter Nathal1lel Brown• • •

\1r and \1rs John Blalr have Justr('turned from theIr we Idll1g tnp to""Jew York and Wash~ngtton \ d11lnerparty wa& given by Mr .and 1'y[r" rrarryt-Iowenstem In theIr home on Vendom ...roar! 111 honor of the newly narrtedcoruple

Vlrgll11a Hoetzle of 66b UrlHr"ltv1--lace \\111 entertaIn membels ot the(h1 0 Mega SorO~lty WIth a tea n hl:;thome l< nday afternoon A few of tile~1r1Sg01t'g ,re Mar) Kay Ebner h.ayKmg Helen Hendtrson and Gall Huher• • •

Mlle Col"mbe de Pons came fromPans 0 spend the hohdays w~tih her"lster Madame Germame Takken of'raylor a\~nue Las week a tea WasglVt>/1 by ~faoame Takkel1 to honor "erslster and to announce the engagementof her daugllter Joan Takken

* ••'IV Ith the fnends around them the

.... D Wllkmsons w1l1 walch the lY37j ear g.o out and the year 1938 enterIn their home on Umver"lty place• • •

Mary Gage entertamed a few of hercronIes not so long ago at a dmner111 her home and a dance 1.t the C011n~try Club The guests present wereElIzabeth 11tus Ehzabeth t\l1en ofSa'gmaw Bob St oub Doc Blall EabMl1ltgan and Jake Beers of TraverseCIty

Rutl1 M \f ohrohoff s engagementto Marcus \1: Somm r-c111eldof Schen~ectady N' Y son of Mr and MrsMarc SomIrer~<:hleld wa., announcedChrlstma<; afternoon by l-ter parentsMr and Mrs William r MO'h~ohoff, ofNothng1ham load

•••\Ir a'1d i\{1., Frank Qual! Jr ct..le

brate.d their twent} fifth weddmg auntversary Sunday night 111 theIr home onBalfour road


~cWd;~~~f:f 1 )~W cr lea;!';fl'-.../Jil ~1jI' y/~

WELCOME to you, New Year, entel'newbornkIng-

Can you tell us something of the tIding8that you bdng? ~ r1

Do you carry happIness ...'1!7j.,.,I'1Enough to last the year )..~ -

Do you SlOg a song of JOY f _~~To cast out doubt and {ear)~

Perhapsa halrnfor h~arta{,h~You brIng along w1th you ~. ~. . I

Perhaps a ley to frwndsJups, ~To buoy us all year throu&h

,"Ve bId you welcome New Year-ourdreams we trust with you

I orf,ettmg llls of all the past, we 8tmthe hook anew

\V P R,in Kansas CJtyTlmeSI

Union Services to Be \Held Next Week

The folloVl ng churd es are umt ng In

a week of pra\ el serV1CC J anuar} 3to 9 19,8 Kercheval Avenue r:val~gelIcal Churcl Jeffersol Avenue Methodlst CI ur-ch Glace Evangelical Church1.nd Eastmlflc.ter Presbyter an Church

Tl e ..en ces v 1 b'" held at 7 30 p m'll1d tr.c c.Chld Ie s as follows

MOl1aay eVC1111g January.3-I\..enheval Avenue Evangehcal Chllch

TueS'dav eyen ng January 4-Jeffelfson Avenue \Iethodlst Church

\\ ednesda) eve 11 19 January 5-Fa'>t mnster PIlsb} tend 1 Church

Thursday even1l1g January 6-Grace~val gel1ca! Chllrc1

rnday e\ e 11l1g January 7- J effett"sol1Ave11ue '\fethoOlst Church

Sunday evullng J al lIary 9-Eastmll1"ter Presnyienan Church

1~1-}epaC.tolc. of the var ous churchesIre Re\ Vlar ler H Siebert Rev AC Bauman Re\ Carl E Kl1cher DD and Rev C L Call ...us

January Was for Janus,God of New Adventures

THE month of January bears Itsname because Janus was the

god of the openmg year He pre~SIded over the undertakmg of anyhew adventure, and was a godknown only to the Romans TheRomans adopted J anua.ry as thefirst of the year from the reIgn oftheir second kmg Numa Pompl1lUS,who ruled untIl 672 B C

Not untl1 the Eighteenth centurywas January unIversally adopted asthe hegmnmgof the year Englandtook the step III 1752 and Sweden In1753 but other European countrJesadopted thIS New Year s da~ at anearher date Fi'ance In 1561 Halland, Protestant Germany and Rus-SIa lD 1700~~*:~

New Year's at White HouseSmce the WhIte House was not

completed dUring our first Presldent s hfetIme the John Addmseswere the first pres dentIal famIly tooccupy It The first drawmg roomor New Year s receptlOn was heldIn the PreSIdent s palace as Itwas then referred to, on New Year sday, 1801



Drapes CleanedIndividual, Exclusive Wor!.


RUSSELLCURTAIN CLEANERS14727 Kercheva! at Ashland

Lenox 8275

Electric Motor RepairDUNCAN & McNICOL

14927 CharleVOIX at Wayburn

Nights Sun &:Tu. 2.1150 T~oh~~6

Many " ~1TowerIn Its first 50 y("ars the Elffel

Tower In ParIS was VIsIted by 170,~000,000 people

WIth tue '1 ly WeaversTapestry weavers of BeauvaIs,

France, use 745 hues In theIrthreads, wIth 25 gradatIons to mosthues

1\'1:UJle m U ;:, (.ourt Bu gThe extenor marble for the U S

Supreme Court bUlldmg came fromVermont, whl1e Itahan and Spamshmarbles are used In the court room

The CaterpillarCaterpIllars, commonly called

cankerworms, Inchworms or measurmg worms, are characterIzedchIeflyby the fact that they crawlIn a loopmg mohon and when dl8-turbed, may drop from the fohageand hang 10 mId air suspended by afine sIlken thread They feed uponmost of the common broad-leavedshade and forest trees and amongtheIr favorIte hosts are ash, elm,hIckory Imden, maple and oak andalso apple trees By eatIng small'irregular holes m the leaf tIssuecankerworms sometImes consume~he entJre leaf except the largervems

NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL$500 Cd Pelmanent $32~Shampoo and Flngerwave 50"


14714E Jefferson Lenox 1414

2~19Conner Ave

LENOX 3467,


Made lust (,ommg }-ressel;England made the first commg

lJresses used In the Umted Statesmmt buIldmg estabhsh~d In PhIla-delphIa m 1792

bd,,,,,ohne Once WasteIn the old days, gasolme was

towed out to sea and dumped as awastp by uradv' rrf kerosene

HMan WIth the Moeu::E..dwmMarkhalfl's I Ma~l WIth tha

Hoelt has been translated mto morethan 40 la'1guages WIthIn a yearafter Its publlcatlon, more than6,000 Hanswers' had been wrItte.:"'~ it

Modern EqUIpped


Eitah.1shed In Grosse POInte Smce 1931






SERVICE AND REPAIRS14739 Ma~k at Ashland Nt 9709

THESE "BEFORE AND AFTER" FIGURESshow the results achieved by

1Jei:ttu .!~! I



tooi;mg Slcppng tnckng Stopp ng loSlllgll/ll!jllay ~IIIDlS)!ay

Shoe Sture 304 128 553 199 nwg Sm" 100 470W.. on, Sp""I~ Shop ~10 123 480 179 Mon' H,~ 160/ 300IJep,rtm,nt St." 537 162 W3 218 Worn,n, Sp,,,,1Iy S1" 199 249Mens ,umIShIOIl 332 124 439 149 M", Tlu 301 402H"mY,re Store 396 87 556 154 n,p,rtmont Smre 188 307W.. on , lias, Shop 275 96 395 148 Hard'''' St.. 68 89

H ERE ISan Interestmg table of figures It IS mte,.estmg because It apphes to YOU It shows how

tYPlCalstores-both large and small-have used bet., ter hghtmg to attract more customers and mcrease,

sales What these stores have done, YOU can doThe ligures above are not guesswork They are

the resnIt of an accurate check in a number of rep-resentative retall stores, And they show that hgbtwlll work effectIvely no matter what the type ofmerchandIse sold L1ghtmg has boosted the salesof gasolme, women's hats, groceries and meats ,shoes, hardware, men's furmshmgs and a hundredother dIfferent Items Improved hghtmg pays Itsown way .. There IS no charge for the expert adVIce andserVlCesof a DetrOlt EdIson hghtmg engmeer HeISskllled 10 every phase of makmg LIGHT do a good Iselhng lob We shall be glad to send one of ourengmeers to look over your store hghtIng. He maybe able to g~,e you helpful suggestlOns. CalI Ran-dolph 2100and ask for the L1ghtmgSerVIceDlVIslOn# •







COIFFURE DESICNERSPunc:h & Judy Theatre Bldg NI 3753OydvJt" Sl.aters Grosse POinte Representabves ~


Page 3: i!Ji!l ~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, 1w.l.n'r. j 1, vs Digestdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse







and enjoy





Bohemian BEER



Storm Windows$1.19 and up

The Harper Method ShopPhon. TU, 2.3778 E.I 188S'hampooJng, acalp treatment.mal'cel, water and fingerw.:n...,

faCial maual'e. manlcurln.,Scalp treatments for men

15319 E. Jefferson at Notbnaham

Dyed Bait 4,000 Years AleThe cu.tom of tinting the hair

date. back some 4,000 year. I ftEgypt, a. ,. eVldenced by plctureein anCIent monuments and bY' mum-mle.

Review LinersFOR SALE

w. M ........ aD<! 1... I&U

Damman HardwareHayes and Outer Drive


TUXEDO SiZe ~8 like new, $1500;ladles' skates and <:hoes Size 8, h.

ne" rtasonable Tuxedo? 2727

Rooms Jor RentI AKEPOINU 979, south of Jeffer.

son Lan~e room, 2 clothes dosds,1 SIngle room howekeeplng robnU(""II Lenox 68Ji.

Superior Beauty Service"'opuJar Permanents at Popular P"e ..VealurlDI' Famous Machineles. W......Newest Fa.hions FU'Iest Method.Com.hlnlng Quahty With Low Priou

KORTE BEAUTY SHOPPE14.4. MACK al Wa70nrn I'll 7171

";unday SChool at 9 4~ a tt1 Mr.H tlgJ1 H '1\{cNe 11, supermtendent

'N"e\\ Year s services at 11 a m DrCarl E Kucher, pa:,tor WIll speak on

;\ Real ~e"" Year's Motto"You h Grr urps Wilt meet at 6 15 p mAt 7 30 p m we wlll ha' e a 'Candle

J.,Ig'ht Service at wInch tune .DrKIrcher s :,ubJoct ",,111 he I Forward\£arch A SOCIal hour and refresh~ments Will follow

\\~edneosday eve Ing at the mId~weekservtce, Mr VVI1ham Blrnwell WIll leadthe meetmg at which time we \V111 eon~<\lder Tre \!l1tenltlm '

fhuisday e"e111ng the Men s Club'Ii sponsonng a ladles' 111ght at thewurch at "hlCh tIme Dr Merton SRlce of the Mertropol1tan Church W111be the speaker

FrIday evenIng we Will hold our an ..llual 'v\- atch NIS'ht ServIces" Theo;peakeo<rsWill be Mr A J Ford, of theDetTOlt City Rescue \flsslon, and ~evA C Rauma11 The Kercheval Avenuf'Lvangel1cal Church Will be the guestsof our church on that evenmg

Eastmin.ter Pre.by.terian Church

-R P.

led In smgmg ChrIstmas carols Themeeetl11g was adJourned after a snowfill'b< (f'.. for all)

-S S


TROOP 129Last week may not have been "Be

Kmd to Birds" week but Girl Scoutsof Troop 129 were nevertheless At thelatest meetmg', members of the troophrought popcorn cranbernes applesbread bIrd seed chIcken feed andsuet for a bIrds' Chnstmas tree

Some gIrls strung cranbernes, otherspopped and strung corn wIule stIll oth~ers put stnng through a,pples and p1ecesof suet All adJourned outSide and necarMed two small fir trees an<1one largeone

After the gIrls had fimshed the as-'Hsiant leader Mrs M J Sherman

TROOP 140A basket contalUlOg food c10thtng

and to} Sl were taken to a. famIly WithchIldren, on Thunday e\ enlng, by gulsselected from Troop 140

The scouts received a. very nice let-ter frolT the peop.le they gave theThanksgiVing basket to, thanking themtmmensely

J tan Preble was award-ed her cook'sbadge by Vera Cflc!h,ton, the leader atour last neetmg

HOBBIESIhe acqu1S1tlve Instmcts of rodl are

expressed In h1S hobbles 'What manhas not been a collector some time In

h1S hfe?Henry Ford col cetl:>early <\merlcan

antIques and has buIlt Greenfield" 11Jage to house them Dr FrederIck BFIsher of Detr01t former Methodistbishop In India, cohects canes Thecnme of Anatole France s SylvesterBenard ""as collecttng match boxes'

Many men becOffiL phIlatelIsts because they become nterested In theirbo) s stamp coUectlOns One Grossepomtc MichIgan phIlatelist who became mtere~ted In stamps tills waybecame so mterested that he 11lstalleda small prmtmg pi ess 111 hiS own homeIn order to ha\ e prmted explanattonsof hiS stamps on hiS mountmgs Othermen collect COlUS geological speclmens old prmts, rare books all pamtmgs and statuary

A colle.chon may represent an In

vestroen>t of hundreds or thO'usands ofdollars E\en a modest collector 1l"ayhave more mooe) Invested rel-ahve tohiS mcome and means than ms wealth}fellow collector

In event part a all of hiS collecttonbe stolen or damaged by fire or otherpenIs the collector s fun and ha,PPIness for a long time to come W111 beended unless he be able to replace hiScollection With a SImIlar one

Tlus 1S ,",here All RIsk Inst..rancecan step mto the picture to prote'l.t thecollector from stl'ch a fate For an annual chalge of about one or t""o percent most fire msurance oompamesWIll mc:u"e collections not only ror lossby fire but by O'ther penl~ as well atnot only the collector s 1-lomebu~ elsewhere as well A tmly remarkablecoverage ~

The need for such coverage IS veryreal Burt few collectors knOW'that thepihraseology I hOl1seJhold and personaleffects of every description-usual ancImCldental to the occupancy of thepreml"es by the Insured that apopears111 ho 1sehold fur11lture fire InsurancePOhCIM does not apply to rela.tlvelyvalualble stamiP and com collectIons Ibecause "they are not ~usual and InCl~dental' Stamp and com collections arenot covereoQfor more than one hundred l She'll star in aquatic eyeats atdollars by reSidence burglary 111surance Long Beach, Calif. No pun. iDtellClecl,polICIes unless the collectIon 15 speCIally bat Miss Aileen ZulaWDick has heellmentioned therem selected as the "Starlsh Prilleess"

to pre.lde In fan and wiIlter ..,em.All rIsk lnsuran'Ce 15 al~o avaIlable at the famous louthern Ca1iforaia

{or cameras movmg picture machmes, beach resort. She is IhOWll ia herguns, mUSical Instruments and personal starfish costume.effects

Hunters, golfers a.'1d others who en-gages In sports also need aCCIdent msura-nce In event of 111Jury to them-seh es and pwbhc hablhty Insurance toprotect themselves a"ga1l1st finaUclatloss In e, ent they should hurt someoneby a poorly aimed bulle<t 01 golf ball

Whatevel your hobby IS make surefhat It IS properly msured 1

slty Partner of the Arthur J StockJnsurancl. <\gency (es-tabhshed 1903),De rOlt, and Spe-clal Lecturer on m~surance at Wayne Umverslty, Detroit)




If not, 1,et Us Fre.h"" Them for You



The InsuranceCommentator

Tuxedos and Formals


IMPERIALCleaners &DyersMa~k at Nottingham TU.2.3000

ONE.DA Y Service If You Wish

Ann and Phil Attended Farm Sale.Huutlng Old O. gans.

envelope at hIS plate "Just a lIttlegIft and a lIttle lfiterest on thatfour-bIt Investment you financedlast year Let s hunt up a farmsale to celebrate the day, too, PlulWhat say? I

flSure, but It's 82 mIles away sowe'd better get gOIng What's 82miles In the lIves of two organhunters? ' he gIbed back


By H THOMP~ON STOCKEchtor s ~ote 1fr Stock IS a gradu*

ate of the Grdduate School of Bus1ness A.dmullstratlon Harvard Umver

If There sane thmg they won't beable to gIVe away here a neIgh~bor told Ann I That s that paIr

Iof old reed organs over yonder Onebelonged to Mrs Hartman and theother to her Ma before her Noone WIll so much as carry an organhome these days' '

That set Ann wondermg but whenPhIl started the truck homeward,he was the one who was wonder"mg Hyou always know best, hon.ey, but won t you let me In on thesecret? Why the two organs attwo bIts each, please?"

• Just to tease, 1m not teUmg,but you must admIt I got a lot ofmusIc for four bIts, PhIl"

Sprmg displaced the wmter andalong came the summer and With Ita round of county and state faIrs,exhIbits and the hke And when theprize hsts were beIng pubhshed, oneItem stood out llke a sore thumb-"Extra classificatlon-AntIque reedorgans-oldest and finest groupdIsplay FIrst, second and t1u.rdprizes, Mrs PhIl Hudson-$30 00 "That was a sample of the prIzesAnn collected throughout that sum~mer and she and PhIl attendedfarm sales everywhere, huntmgrare old reed organs whIch Anntmkered WIth, pohshed. mended,played and finally exhIbIted, datesand all She had started somethIng.for others were delVIng IDto the or.gan collectmg hobby

New Year's mornmg rolledaround agaIn and PhIl found a tmy

•.. By Phl1ander Johnsonill the Wa6bJllg!oD Star

3wo NewVearsOrgan Hunters

by~ LUEL.t.A. &.I..\"ON$

~ "


ANN HUDSON hadn't recoveredfrom the shock of the firstChrIstmas present her hus

band, PhIl, had gIven her, theIrfirst hohday together Hadn t shealways dreamed of recelvmg a mcecar or a fur coat, or somethmgequally as mce7 But he had laIdJust a ftfty cent pIece at her plateChrIstmas mornmg All he couldafford Just now. he saId

HAnn, dear, get on your wraps,dig out the fifty-cent plece and let sspend New Year's day by attend~mg Hartman's farm sale Just northof Morton CIty, today," he urgedI You know Frank Hartman hadsome grand antiques and maybeyou can make that fifty cents payInterest by mvestmg It ' He lovedto tease her

Everyone In Fletcher and Putnamcounties had had the same Ideaand by the tlme the Hudson.reached the Hartman farm Annhad qUit beIng heartbroken anddIsappomted over her lnslgnl1icantglft,

Be the future what" may,PtonHl's have shown tJut wayHappy New Year corne" to VtElW-I U say "HtJppy Old Year'" too

Old year, 'mtd the shades 0/ gutl.You have offered numy a smtle.Ltke the sulMhtnG,clear and warm.TMt must conquer et<erystorm

HAPPY NEW YEAR comes to vtewIII say' Happy Old Year! • too

SUk:e II shllre 0/ happtneML,~.ln memones we possess

FranC~5 M Neff, 641 Neff' Road, GrouoPOinte

233808STATF OF 11ICHlG;"N County of

\Va, ne lOs-At a session of the ProbateCourt for saId County of Wa)ne, heldat the Probate Court Room m the Clty)f DetroIt, on the fourteenth day ofDecewbel n the year one thousandnme hundred and thIrty seven Pres-en Edwlrd Command, Judge of Pro..late

Old year, we cannot forgetDutles that were bratJely met,Nor the courage that was taughtWhen the hours wuh doubt were /raulht

Mos. PetrifiedA 4O-footcolumn of petrlfied moss

may be seen In WIsconsin's NelsonDewey State park on tlle MISS18S1pplnear Prame du eluen,

In the Matter of the Estate ofLEOlliARD J NEFF, Deceased Fran.ces M 'l\eff AdmlIl1stratIx of Bald<"state h.lvmg rendered to thiS Courther fl1al admmI"trahon account andfiled thereWIth a petitIOn praymg thatthe reSIdue of s,ud estate be assignedto the persons entltled thel eto

It 15 Doldered, That the twenty fifthday of January next at ten oc1ock Inthe forenoon at said Court Room beapoomted fer exammmg and allowmg<;;nd accoun~ and heanng said pebtlOn

And It IS furH'er Ordered That acopy or thiS order be publtshed three..uccesslve weeks prevIOUs to said timeof heanng 111the Grosse Pomte Re~VIe", a newspaper prmted and Clrculatmg m said County of Wayne

EDWARD COMMAlIIDJudge of Probate

(A tl ue copy)RAYMOND HAFELI,Deputy Probate Register




Plus Bot Charge




C. O. D.'sCharge Acct's.


Gumbo, Consomme &: Con.Madrlbne

A rose by any other name-even'chapeau"-is still a beautiful thing• look at. Part.eularly i. thl. true.;hen Its wearer is as chic as Musuey Saunders, society Ilrl of Be]

nont Park, N. Y , who is picturedlere, modelIng something differentn hats, It Is made of robin' .... ".Iue crepe, draped to resemble a~e llerche1 on top of her be~do

Heinz CatsupLARGE BOnus


Case 24 Pint Bot.


Camay or Palmolive

Persian Seedless Limes, Doz. 19cCANADA DRY SALE

Ginger Ale 6 pints 54eor Club Soda for

Plus Bot. Charge



2 for 15c



Compare These Prices


Wafer Sliced BaconJones Sausage


Roast BeefROLLED



Leg O'Lamb Ib.30e


Sound Travels Faster in leeSound travels 11,000 feet per seeM

ond In ice-more than ten timesthe velot"lty {If sound through thea .. --'''' l1a-r 1''' """11('5





December 29, 1937

)f Human Stomachfy of the human stom.

:; upon the SIze of thevarIes m the adult frompmts

Nothing Finer

adelphia Cream Cheese

'JAKlMEC" Coiffure DesIgner

ons of Outstanding Beautyilable for New Year's Eve

~t"clalrze In Ladles' Hall eut.tlngand New COiffure Styles

elieu Coffee, lb. _0 , .\ ...... .w.!..J~ , 29c 2 37elIac Coffee, lb. 2Scfor

.4':L' • "..L t.'~'~'l:i:L"4"'o .,'s Coffee, lb. ..... .- .... . 19c Tomato 3 cans 23c:a or Kaffee Hag, lb. 37c JUICE SSc doz.

Blue Ribbon



teal Year.End Bargains in U.ed Cars at ~

'lckard Grosse Pointe Branch !11, I~brd Club Coupe J 937 Plymouth T'r'g Sedanflckard Tour'g Sedan 1936 Ford DeLuxe Tudor ~Ids Touring Sedan 1935 Packard Club Sedan @

Iymouth DeL. Coupe 1q33 Packard Std 8 Sedan ;!!'i


Jefferson at Lakepointet!!Jt!!JI!!H!!Ji!!Jt!!Jo!fiI!Iiillillr_rillii!Iiill".I,!Ji!!P'.JlI!J __ I!!rt!!Jr.!'filfiJlJol!!ill!.uIJ .. 8IiI! l!!fuIJQ!fo'J;m;;iIlIol~,




JPel" Suds3pkgs.25e




Y Solitf. 2 for 15cI Lettuce

'e Juicy


.imec Beauty SalonLENOX 9230

Beaf'on,field COt' E Jeffer&on

:y Idaho Baking


Page 4: i!Ji!l ~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, 1w.l.n'r. j 1, vs Digestdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse



ADDTE ROOT anCampbell had ahir ~nds untIl MI

claImed MISS Addle's dher cat and tore up heThe fence was bUIlt and tlry llne of the two placeclose to MISS Addle's gbush that some of the bn

_<::7 "--""'~I-

Wedne,day, Decembet

The Jar Had Held Candledin MISSAddle's Clnldho

the bush hung over tbe fenbush belonged to MISSAddlefrUIt on MISS Mattie's SIdelence MISS Mathe cialmeaAddle pIcked the frUIt onof the fence and MISSMattIehers

Last summer, beIng IIIMISS MattIe was away froMISS Addle went In throrear gate and pIcked theMISSMathe S SIde of the fencJ am In the Jar before her t

she had taken down from tfor her supper that cold Neweve was from that fruit.had held candled gmger IndIe s chIldhood and she recalshe and lIttle Mattie had eagmger from It She recallshe and Mattie had pIckedberrIes from a bush WhICnear the place where thwhIch had caused so muchnow grew She recalled th~happy tImes she and MISShad spent together-the tlmeMISS Mattie had been a realIn need-had helped to eashurt or lIghten some sorrowa Pity It seemed that suchShIP shall ld ever be brokenAddle s dog had been gIvenlong ago, and MISSMathe s cwandered away from hornnever returned WIth the twonal causes of the troublewasn t It too bad for onfrIends to remam eneWouldn't It be better to turnnew leaf thIS New Year's darenew their frIendshIp?

It seemed so to Mias Addlshe resolved not to waste a I

mmute~ but do It rIght awaWIth a Ja:t- of Jam In her hanlove In her heart she went tMISS MattIe a happy New Ye


Wateh NightOn New Year's eve nud

masses and watchmght serVIceheld everywhere, wlule thosemclmed to relIgIOUS observmake the closmg minutes Qtyear an occaSIOn for JOllIty.

O~dest Churcb in AmerIcasThe, oldest church m the Ame

cas, t~e convent of San FraneisIs rep"ted to have been builtCortez) m 1520, while on Ius waythe conquest of the empIre ofAzteros IIe paused at Tlaxcalla ]0long enotJ.gh to convert some of thTlaxcalIJn chIeftams to ChrIStIanitand to n?ake an allIance WIth ther~In hIS w~r agamst Montezuma T,font In ~ hlch fot.r of these chle~1were ba}l)tlzed IS In use m th.church Tlaxcalla lIeb between VerCruz and\ MeXICOClt)", about 1CmIles fror:i thp M",," ('an. apItal. t

Insects' 'nu~ Perfect After Ages IDead 60 ~OO 000years but perfe.t

ly preserve-Jj m every detaIl of cokand form, )iermetically sealed bJnature agaInst dec~~lYta collectlor.of ,nsects it' amber/lII on dulplayHarvard UlQlVerSl'tjj






Harold Stebbins, star ball carrierof the Umverslty of PIttsburgh foot.ball team, who bas been one of themost important factors m PItt'sscofmg record against Its opponentsthIS faIl. StebbIns IS a versatile1unner and possesses all.round foot~ball ablbty that has proved valuableto Ins team.

Myron C Tay]or, chairman of theboard of the Umted States SteelcorporatIOn, who announced that hewould retIre next AprIl, to be suc~eeeded by J::ilward R. StettinlUs, JrMr Taylor, Who startled bUSInesslast sprmg by slgnmg np WIth theCommIttee for IndustrIal Organiza-tion when most other executiveswere tryxng to aVOId It, has beenmentIoned as ambassador to Eng-land. Mr. Taylor announced that hewould remam as a dIrector and amember of the finance committee ofU. S. Steel, after his retirement.

,)<& ,tftr, J

~\ ~!1t' ," ! , ,


Norman H. Davis, who Is Presi-dent Roosevelt's "rovxng ambassa ..dor" and head of the United Statesdelegation to the nIne-power confer ...ence In Brussels, Belgium. For dIS-cussion among the conferees wa,the subJect of Japan's current butundeclared war on China. 11

Oscar Vltt, former DetroIt TIgerInfieh"~r, who piloted the NewarkBears of the Internataonal league tothe mmor league champIonshIp lastseason and who next year WIllman~age the Cleveland Indians. Vitt hasmanaged teams of the Pacdic coastand Salt Lake City for the past 15years.

Pictures•InBirth lof New British Liner

Soviet Diplomat Returns to U. S.

Canine Quints Enter Kennel Show

FIrst photograph of the new 32,000ton Cunard WhIte Star IIDer, as yetknown onl"yas No. 1029, $Ilows a VIew of the hull skeleton, lookmg towardthe stern on the stocks of the shIpyard at Blrkenhead, England. This isthe largest ship ever laid down In England.

l'Jetured after their recent arrival in the United States from Rnssiaare Alexander A. Troyanovsky, SovIet ambassador to the United States,and his We. The envoy returned to Washington to resume his duties.

Reims Cathedral Fully Restored

The eanme qumts owned by Capt. C S Beale of San Diego, Call!,are hung out to dry after a good shampoo ill prepara bon for entry Into achampionshIp kennel show. The two-month old Boston bulls seem to dISapprove of the hlgh.handed methods used to prepare them for the event.

The nave of the Cathedral of Reims, where Joan of Arc saw herking crowned, WhIChhas been completely restored from funds donatedo France by !John D. Rockefeller. Bombardment by German guns in

the World war and severe lires left the cathedral a mass of rums afterthe al:mlsttee.

~'"1r-~~r"A~, ~0 ' "~, : '~~ I T~';rt 0::;P:;~"'~Ra""~,,,,'i,~~~"~~"~~ -W~~-~?--'1~ft-,.-""~-,,,-,-,-,-~",rA

Happenings of the 'Nations )Told

John BuH Cracks Down on Fascists

Chinatown Demonstrates Against Japsl,t

Find 19 Victims of Fatal Plane Crash

PAge Four

J939 ,San Francisco Fair Speeds Construction

Chinese boy scouts marchmg along Mott street in an anti Japanese demonstration 111 WhIChthe inhabItantset New York's ChInatown particIpated, In a drIve for funds to aid war refugees. The boys are carrying allue8 balUler which relates. HJapan IS lIke a monster and a cold blooded murdcnf" Another rallying cryfo.!' donations was "Every penny kIlls a Jap "

Pohce dispersmg a crowd m London, where the recent attempt of Sir Oswald Mosley to lead a parade ofI,IOG FaSCist followers to a mass meeting provoked some of the worst street fightmg mvolVlDgFascists and11llti.Fasclsts SJnce the general strike m 1926. Thirty persons were sent to hospitals suJI'ermg from headwounds and scores of others were treated for mlDor inJUrIeS in theIr homes.

Yd~, ,.. ~ v>~."

$: ~ ~ ~"111:, '~$ "dk.q'~ ~r ~~t~ }~? r ~ ~ ~ A~~,*,~,

Members of the ground Clew at work un the scene of the wrecked airliner in which 19 persons were killedJD a crash near KnIght, Wyo. The horses were used by the rescuers to carry the victIms to EvanstonW',o., where relatives were waItmg to claIm the dea4. j

~eJ:I mllbon dollars' worth o! bnlldmgs for the 1939 Golden Gate international eXposItion are already nndel:cOD.trnction on Treasure IsIan« ~ ranClseo bay site of the fair. Photograph sllows the latest aIr VIew ofthe eXposItion grounds. In the .te foreground are the ferry sUpe and !enT terminal desIgned to hall-";vnk W.!'~!.d'sfa~r e~wds o. II <lall 40,000Pt,Ull!loI 0111lollr.




Page 5: i!Ji!l ~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, 1w.l.n'r. j 1, vs Digestdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse








2 cans 21c% cans 19c

Giant ~an 27c3 ~au~~5~

Gtant ~n Z'c2 cans 1ft:3 tanS 19'3 cans 25c:4 cans 29c

3 ca.ns %3c2 gIant cans 37c3 med cam Z2c

2 giant cans 31e2 gIant cans 45<::

pmt bot 21e2 pts 29('

Z'ic.psg 10.

21b pkg Z!I.pkg 21.

24 oz loaf 11c20 oz loat tOe

Z Ib, 6q.Z dOl: 49c

lb 10e3 lb can 49c

3 tall cans 19~5 lb can 29<

3 I lb pkgs 2~.240 Ih b1g 63.24", Ib hag 93.

5 Ib bag 15.2 Ibs 3ge2 lh~ 43c2 Ibs 53,

Ih 25<Ib 24c

pkg 10c5 lb bag 19c

y, Ib pkg 19•}::l Ib 1'1g 3.,r

5 pkp 1ge4 )hg<; 19c

1 1h can 21c1 l1J call 13c

4 roll:. 19c... lolb ~Se.. I"olh 15c6 bars 2lJc

4 caJ...c:::. 21e.3 take 17c

51b pkg 28.large pkg 21('

3 loll, Z5c3 boxe'i 2.,c2 pkg'<; 13c? pkg, ISc

large roll 15~3 cans ICe

can 4cJar 2"c

2 large can" 31"2 large cans 35c

2: tall cans ZS,.2 for 21~

4 Cd.I1S 25e2 bots 15,

Z flat Ca.t15 J9c

Ib 21c

3 ~:,45e



Gluecklich Neujahr

Otto H. LangeUpholot~rers • Shp Covers

15114 Kercheval Ave.LE.7339

two fisted self sufftcIent AmcrJcan ToWIt for J our own mfol mahon amongthe stahl al t hunters 1:'eturnmg thuYveek ""ere Reglster of Deeds, HaroldE <.;toll Roy H \101 edock CharlesE Adams Charhe Dehoney Wm MacDowell and EddIe Aspmall and Treasurel Jacob P ~l.1merackl Amongtho&e less stal"\-\oartwere the chaps whopaid ten dollars and up for the deerthe\ 1eturned W1th

r;Yage "!1VE

- or-

'ButteoJ::' Fre-sh RonERg.\! Everyone Guaranteed01t'omarg-arll"eCruco, Spry\Vhlte}.oulle Milk1(...ro Syrup, Blue LabelCQl\fecbonol"'a &lIgar101'. FlourPdl~hllry FlourSunnyfteld FlourRf'.d Clrc1p CoffeeRoka.r COlfeeBeN hnut CoffeeMaxw ..lJ House CoffeeDel Manit CoffeE'\VheahesRolled OntsBlllf'k Tea, Our OwnSaJ.dft, T"a, Black, Bl Lfparkle Gelatin DessertJl"'JI.O Royal GeJabnCah~met Bakmq PowderHershey's Cocoa

Lemon JUiceOran,e JUI(:eJ n"apple JUIce4\prlCQt Nt!-ctarApricot NectarGrapefrulL JUIcePrune JUicePPar NactarSauf'rkraut JUiceCkmpbfr.Jllli Tom,to JUIC@

Carnpbl"ll s Tomato JUicelona Tomato JUiceromato JUIf.:e, Sun RayGrapefrUit Juu ..I"Wt-Ich'a Grape JUiceA&P Grape JUiceWiuterock Water pt 17c, qtO~So~Gu<! PretzelsNBC Premium Ctacker ..NBC Rib CrackersSeeded Rye Brea~Phun Rye Bread


Ginger Ale

8 O'CLOCKCoffeeNorthern Tissueck:ot TIssueWaldorf TissueFef3 Nt'-ptha. SoapPalMolive, Camav 'hapI u),. Ld'ebucy Soal3'50'J) ChipsLu"(, I'Vory FlakesPaper TowelsCleanSing Tlssuo 200 sheetsDiamond Crystal Salt'lorton S SaltWax Paper Cut Rite8abbltts CleilD.erSunbrlte CleanserWr'rl-t'$ Silver PolIshlone PeachesJ)el Monte Pt:ac;.hesFrUit Cod •.tallApriCOts tail c;:.IUlApple Sauce"\laruchilio c..herrl(~s, 3~oz'Shcl1d Pineapple


2 large cans 1St:2 phS 17c2 Cling 25c

4 Ih pkg 31<Z pkg" lr;c

) lb pkg 25,I Ib 15<

2 pkgs 15c~ can<; 31c

2 large cans 1St'3. cans 25('4 can" Z9r

2. cans 29c2 cans 23c4 cans 25e3 C<l,ns 25c2 cans Zl)c4 cans 29c3 cans 2'"Z cans 29c3 c-an~ 2Sc2 cans 2Sc

40z ran Z3c

2 bot" 2Jcbot 2'1,.

pt Jar 23c2 Jb Jar 2Sc

1:;8 0/ Jar 2.7e2 Ib Jar J3('

2 1 Ib cans l1c4 gIant cans 25c

3 cans 2502 1 Ib cans llc

2. lalge bots 25c2 large bots 2ge

qt Jar 291,..pt Jar 6e

large Jar 2.1c2 qt Jar Zfk

24,uz ar 19c.2 Jars 19c

Z large bats 35c3 large bots 25..

bot geqt 2Sc

2 Jars 19c

3 for 13c3 for 23c

Z cans HieZ cans ZSc

can 19c.z cans 23c3 cans 2Sc2 cans 27cZ cans ]!t>

12 oz can SIc12 oz can IDe

3 pkJgs ZS"2 Ib loaf 5,.

Z 1 lb callS 25(:2 1 1b cans 41)c

2 cans 3Jc2 for 47c

4 can') 19c3 cans 25c4 cans 1Qc2 cans 27c

Z tall cans 35c:


2.an.33c Tomato Juice 2~':t 31c

If you are WIthout a church }(orne 111

Ous V1ClUlty you are UlVlted "to begmthe hew Year With the CmnmUOlonSerVIce at 11 o'clock Our LOl d sTableIS for all who love Hun

County ReflectionsBy JACKSABIN

Advertisements ot razor lladesshavmg creams cind fd.ce lotions lliYstress on the 4 0 clock shadow 011 thetl1a!>cuhne Jaw Contradlctmg thl';blen.llsh on mascu1me S1<:111IS the pallorplamly to be dl~cerned on the faces 01

lounty bUilding executives ""ho havereturned from the nortr \1 oods whf're""or da) s they reveled In the prImitive Ihfe during Wh1Ch they rIg dly refu~edto conform to tl-e convention"

May v.e say th1S thqt a deer huntertoday can be deSignated ImmedIatelyby the pallId expanse of hiS skin whereheretofo!l"e were fOi some penod oftlll1(, only a hirsute adornment wa;:,dfected durmg a SOjourn In an outdODr hfe you can spot 111m now IthIS forehead and neck are tanned andaround the contour of hIS Jawbones andcheek,., you see that bttle streak ofhght he 1S no devotee of 111ghtc1uhs I110 hablture of roadhouses but a regular

ctn $1.15



~ J}tW!tar !\t50(utionW~ at A&l> thank you for your 1937 patronage and prom,se yoU a 1938of food economyas <?;reator greater than the past. 1938 will make our Sqth year as food merchanl; tothe American Houoewife, and we promise to continue, as in the past, to give YQll Jhemost for your food dollar day in and day out. We greet you with the guarantee thatcon.i.tent shopping at your A&P Super-51 ore will mean " big saving on your 1\138Food Budget

ARMOUR'SCorned BeefPotteQ M.at, ;'" canPotted Mf"at, ;-g GaD

Armour'$ Vienna Sausag"Armour's Veal LoafArmour s Lunch TongueDeViled HamArmour'. SandWich Spr~adCorned Beef HathShred Bf'£"f,2~ ozHQrmel SplcEOd HamRoast BeefPhJladelpIua Cream CheeseKraft's CheeseFancy Pink SalmonRf"tf SalmonCrab Meat, Silver Fan]..Qh.,ter, ;'" (llinDomedic SardinesSardlne-s, Imported In CodKlppel ed SnacksTuna FishWet Shrimp

POPUL"'RRRANDSCigaretteslona Plam Obves, o414~oz"tuffeod Oln"es 6~ 0%SanJwll~h SpreadPea.nut Butter<\.pple BullerPllrt" Pre$ervtlsPork & Beans, lonac..ooked Sl3aghettl, lonaFra1Jco Amer Spaghe-thRed Beans, .~)1dtana..k.elchup, Fancy, AnI' Pb,geAnn Pit,lle (.hd. ~auceSalad Dre5s~ng Ann PageVldorla MustardHeInZ Cucumber PicklesDIU PicklesBond's PIl,::klesL"ng'li PicklesHeinZ K etc.hupKetchup ~talldard PackWOl'cestershlre SauceSW""'f't or Swef't MIxed PicklesLang's Rehsh

Af,P~ANDWICHBreadA& P Pumpkin.Mine' Meat, Queen Annt'Cr<tnbprry SauCleR,alSInS

Dromedary Dates1\larvll1,PItted patesCampfire M"l'shmallowsPopcorn, Sure PopT(m~Tmr Ac;paragusA& P "lauE'rkrautWebster \-Irna Beo"nsIona Peas CornGr""en GUUJ.t PE"asDel M-uz(> Nlhle1&Tomatoes, Solid PackCampbeJl's '.)oups, e"cep~ chickenHt'lnz Soups except 3 varietIeslona Strmp BeansLa<..hoy SproutsUP Pancy Pea$:Colden :Bantam ComDEllMonte TomatoesMl.tshroo.ma

Camp Fire Girls

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

Plue BIrds throughout the CIty aremVlted to 1. special Blue BIrd Splaspparty at the Women ~ CIty Club Parkand E Izabeth on Fnday December 31from 3 to 5 p m

Blue BIrd::. n ust bung thEIr own Cd.PSand bathmg SUits and 2.:> cents 1 hecnarge for l,dults WIll be 35 cents

The after.roon s prrogram wdl mcludevanou" water I"OJ:1testsand games ARed Cross hfe e"ammer WIll be 111ch'ugt- of the pool A.1l regIstered BlueBll ds are ll1Ylted to d.ttend

7\,c \ Year s Sunday v. III be observedat the Jefferson Avenue Bapti:ot Church"Ith services at 11 a m and 7 30 pm,\\ Ith he Rev Vv aylo.nd Zwayer mmIster preachmg Offlclatl11g at the ob-sen anCe of the LorQ s Supper 111 themormng the Jefferson Baptist pa"torWill speak on Progress? Yes' The~t1bJec for the evelllng hour Will beTlhe Unkno\\n
















bunch Sedo< 1ge

ea. Se

I... 1ge"alk Sc

,,,..b. 7ehead

lb•• 1ge2 .un.h •• Be2 bunches 9c






2 1••• 2ge1geI.. Se19c

for 1geId~~.19c

2 do< 2ge4e

2 p.ck. 37c6 f.r '1ge5 lb. 2Se














\ lrgtnla Mort6n Malcolm BarnumJoan Clark Mary \falo¥. MadelonJones Helen Satmary Ruth Ann~haeffer Cynthia. Sanford VI"gm1d.r o'?-ler, Jo Ann DeGree Marilyn Cous-1110, Nanc:y Anderson Anna Geor"esLoretta Frato Betty "Vll1ston MaryPetrone Margaret Dorman

Adele GIllette ""as prompterThe stage crew dIrected by lvf r

('u ....ter HOO1eler was Wl1ham Modrack, Gumtram J arre John TandyPhIhp Barnes, Peter Georges h.IchardLauer ]olm Prescott and Robert UVIck

The ushers were Ilene BaldmgerEdIth ~fclhoy Helen Nelson BetsvBachmann Mrs ElOise Schunk "upervued the ushers cl.ud arrangements~or programs and propertIes

Mr WIllnm J WaHons and Mrs IRuth Brogan were In oharge of themusIc

Mts Irene RU5sei and Mr Harvey'5tembrecher were In charge of thescenf"ry

MISS E\Clyn Ste""art was m chatg<>of the costumes

MISS Edna DeBolt was In charge ofthe danCing







"Whole,,hank half •

(Armour's Star SWJft'. Prem)



Pork Loin Roast ~~ "~ (Lorn F:nd, lb.,fcr -- - -

Pork Chops CenterCutBeef Pot RoastRolled Rib RoastBeef Chuck Roast.Ducklings Lan,hland "

Fancy GeeseFrankfurters .k,nl...Boiled HaplBologna ~::::.Sliced BaconSmoked Hams



Specially selected ••• the lineot turkers raioed If you'venever tasted one of our Pilgrim Turkeys you'we a real treatin store for you.


Special New Year's Shipment!


BananasCeleryLettuceGrapes ~~'i!:Radishes.O• Green, Mdclnlons SHALLOTSTomatoes OUTDOORLimes Ph.of 11

CabbageApples JONATHANGrapefruitOranges ~i~'lLTangerinesOnions SPANISHPotatoesLemons extralarge

Apples g5~~Jous,"Carrots CALIFOranges FLORIDACocoanuts

Funeral DirectorOffice and Chapel

958 E. Gr'd Blvd.Tel. PLua 0222


A three act operetta Hansel andGretel was given last 1 uesday Decelt'ber 21, by the fO'1.1rth fifth andSixth grades of \1alre school In theschool auditoriUm

In the cast were LOUIS PaschallCharles Fo!>satl Jane Lmdow MaryTohn&ton Charles Rehmusl RobertBarnes Margalet Gray ElIzabeth Mit-chell \Sary Bracken Luella DalzenNalter Gibbs Howard Htckey \farvl1lSchott Arthur J aye Arthur Habit?l:hLwbeth Pinkston Betty Jane CarterCarolyn Taylor rrances Neff DaVIdPettlt Peckle McMann Jac.k Wtlhams

Operetta Was Given byMaire School Pupils

Fetch On 1938

They Siumbled 011 Togellter, FeelIng Their Way.

and she stramed to make out fhedge of the road Her father aI,was having trouble

IIWe'Il have to turn back, Ruthhe said "There fsn t a chance Itgetting worse, too Better to ffiIS:;:the New Year s party than the NewYear"

HOf course, father If Ruth feltrebeved

The car swung around, the brakesjammed The soft snow settleddown under the two front wheelswhIch hung over the edge of theroad ' We:re stuck, Ruth,' herfather saId "I doubt lf I can getenough trachon to back her" Theygot out, scraped away the snow andtrled to bft the car, but one wheelwas caught Ruth shIvered I Hadn'twe better hIke home before thISstorm gets worse-and we get toocold?" asked Ruth

FoIlowmg the road proved qUItea task They stumbled on together,feelIng theIr way, and at last thewelcome 11ghts of home showedthem the rIght dlrectlOn uThlS lsn tmuch of a New Year seve cele-brahon," Ruth admItted, 'but It Sa lesson I'm makmg my NewYear's resolutIon nght now not tomSlat on my own way"

4lThat's nght, honey," her dad replIed, "and If you remember thatI'm sure we 11 always have muchhappler New Years"


"EVERYONE w,ll be at tbeNew Year s party but me 'walled Ruth, Hand you

promIsed to take me It

, I know, daughter," her father responded, • but not In such a storm "

"There probably won t be anyparty" Ruth s mother consoled her, They 11have lt some other time '

UImagme a New Year s party atany other tIme I Ruth laughed blt-terly "I never get any fun Coopedup here on the farm all wmter, andnow when there 5 somethmg domg,father backs down on hls promIseScared of the storm! Why Iwouldn t be afrald to drlve overalone '

'Well you aren't gomg to' AllrIght, I gt..ess we can make It Goget your thmgs"

Ruth Jumped up and kIssed himHer mother s protests were scarce~Iy heard

Before they had gone far Ruthadmltted the storm was reallyworse than she h-ad reahzed Thesnow was not very deep, but thehowllng WInds had pIled It mstrange drIfts that made even thelrown gate and the famlhar roadseem queer and u"1r~al The wmd-shleld, except whM'e the WIperSW1.mg back and forth, was blurred,

The Review is the Only Adver.ising Medium Covering GrosseoInte Townehip. 1 J

Eating Peas on New Year'sTh.ere lS a popular superstltlon In

s~e sechons that eatmg of peason New Year's wl11 brIng fortunedurmg the yea.



es II

otnd members 01 HannanM r <\ at East Jeffersont avel1ue are r ordlal1y In-

"\ld the annual New Year'sI'" h ch Will open a.t .! p mI~Uar) 1 With a basketballn Ha 1nan a ld Christ

ellion program 16 as follows


Fenc ng exh blt10n (men)-Baskebball game, men's\ s p~cked tbam

t~I~:~;~~,';;~~o~~':;~ij\ olleybclJl glme men'sIt> Turnver 11

Immmg rx 1 bltton by'}up (I1Ma "rlum)amlly dmnef WIll be heldthe ::.e-cOl d floor dub

for tlus gala occaSlon Will beby the Art1<:t 0 Crats a fine

orchec:;1:ro) the da lC1llg man) lob<by andleg \\- a la!:lle wluh roar ..1n the i r ",Leg to add to thepmt

or e 01 ] C C'l i dUfmg thet he :,t 1k 1ts 0 the hIghook fOl J.rd to j promlses\lgger 3"1-d better parh thane

meet1l1g rt the newlyCamera CIJb offIcers

Id plans rrade fo> assureeJllterestmg I>rogram ofIe W1l1ter ~"'a'>Ol1 MIlton

as p"esIde"]t Dr \V Cce presIdent an<1 M1l'O(

\& treaSiUrer It was dewthe flame 1 DetrOit :Casth.Jub to IdentlfY the

rher 110 «:It I.lb In;JJect tbe group JS\ ex! oHIO1 ot photo-\\h ch la, e been lnade

nbet Th ~ '-oo\\mg IS

f Vhe Opel HOU:'L t;:oleibraw\j~ Y ...ars Day PrOUl1l1Pnt

IlelP lctures to be ;:,110\\-11 WIllre4e'la r canal 8Ce'1e snappedtyh4 atl rl ~nlarged by Mdt

~I ~ ~~

!d::Y',irllecember 29 1937

jM. C. A. Notes

tthud (,Ollsecutlle ycaa- the

5 and student orrgamzahons

fuand Southeastern HJgm

ve banded themselves tosponsor their annual Stud

ear s Eve party to be held1 Y M C A

MgecommIttee 1s underplans are bemg J11adeI followsrt Man<:ka Southeast/h11erf :eastern

lnes Chrl:)~le Southea'!tIOharlotte Gnem. South

-benne Roberts Ea~ternrents CIa 1 r e Wllh,.amsIrn

hons Martha Aydelott East,

ornphshrr rts", tr bPs ~',de-hplYby \ up ~\III bf "dISthe pare {nd 1r1end ~ who

le Open 1 Ise pr-ogra JXl onJanuary 1 The semOl boys'

'b lwde! the .eadershlp If Mr01 :o.nd1the JUntOF boys: 'Stampler ~efle Hess, WIll j exhIbIttJhfi:lt" lM:?ed coUe:0t10t\'l A.rt

'1Yared n the sk-etch l;l~ 5 Willhmvn ThiS class; meets WIthel Thor-npson of th~ ColO'Il'craftI tfhe In~tructor \ ~kmg" exf'M.bIJ. ShOWl1 iboys en

metal \V'O~f carvi of woodrour pl~t le.atheret braldtng)hrig wIl! be"\vtaged 1 the be's'~ tn1 der vhe dl echon ofd~,ur f, as~"clate oys' work

, 1ple~ 11O'lrS <01 cr~es a led by

un 1,1 #lS$' ~ 111 th,.':i Its first~pp~a17"e In conn IOn WIth)'bi e:lt19ft 1)1' th~ 1 e a£ter~eC'e1l~ \tifle ~hnIIY1d 11er p ..o

al1l\dt~ohllQlshlP andballlent Al~als III be P yed onear's Day a4 p 111 he folmelt arre f8' part In the

'lent,.rlo tarbw.Lck'\1'dsWInknt:le.I<'igew).tGhet'1,bb.lick,14v1\'or.rl~CkS'Oll


I -.[HI ",.Jr" JQhn P 'bQ~1'!J andl1lgljl~ Jan. e1l/t.l1:tallWd7S:hrIj!')1aS lllght-J~.l: a dlmnerthe Countr}' C1Jb In lionlvr ot

,e.'1qle,:,lie III • IJ

14 ifrs Graham Lmd~ey a,.r ehel~ annual open house New1< "Me the Ch.rles j.'Tfom.III L"O~dtheir ann~ne New'yt,t~~ ~"rHiiREYJEW) If/i,

Page 6: i!Ji!l ~.j.ffi!fii1lilfo!lilliii, 1w.l.n'r. j 1, vs Digestdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...gymnasIUm has been set ~'lde for the' ounr; people of the Grosse

When FrederlcltFredenck II,

Great" ruledto 17BR

Col. WIIllam J.hean candldate forYork m 1932, whobattery of 46 defthe 011eompamestrade papers on ~court at Madison,






'3rouke's Marl(NOW OFFERS

FREE Delivery ServiQUALITY MEATS and ~OU

IAwrpy's BakerIesCandler's Quahty DaIry Sltoppes


DIAMOND ART GLASSSTU8725 Kercheval Ave at Fischer

Magnes1U.. 1 the SkyOne reason why meteorItes flare

so brllllantly m the sky is becausethey contam magneSIUm the flash ..lIght powder occasIOnally used byphotographers for 11lght 1"J1ct\.lrps

The Clucago and London FiresThe ChIcago fire broke out on

October 8, 1871, m a barn Theexact cause IS undetermmed Theloss was estimated at $195 000 000The great fire of London began ma v.ooden house In Puddmg laneSeptember 2 1666 It contmued forthree days The loss was placed at10,730,500 pounoe:



~;l U~V! ~~~T~LORI:~]014 ('hahners


9 13


Lesson Taught by Viole!'The common vl'Olet, VIola papll ..

ionacea, lover of old fields, brook-SIdes and the dust bes de roadways,has heart shRpeCl, deep green seal ..loped leaves tl-Iat hold up the slgnof contentment of heart for all pass ..ers by to see and be warned, saysa wnter ID the New York Worlda

Telegram Its lesson IS that by hvmgclose to the- ground, makmg un~stmted beauty for all and brmgmg

9 1b the color of heaven down to earth,one may find heartsease Every ..thmg we struggle for, seek after,

1 labor to acqUIre 15, we thmk too gIve us thIS mysbc thmg 'hearts~

ease whIch the vl0let stands forL. Heartsease ease of heart, means2 peace, tranqU111lty of mmd or feel- •2 milo6o







ROY"L 0,,1<.ao11oo3o

No Soda In Soda WaterThere lS no soda m soda water

It 1S water charged wlth carbomcaCId gas

l\1eMco Sent 0 to .b reTomatoes Wf're mtloduced to Eu ..

rope from MeXICO where the Span~is ConquIstador found the nativetnbes usmg the vegetable extenuvelv

\\l' f\ ~ha\, f() del 19 t (l)1\1cRobb e c

a Du" g('0 "ell gE 511"," gGoeckcl g

To All Taxpayers o~Grosse Pointe

Taxes are payable anytime from Dec. lOltowithout penalty at Municipal Bui1di~,Pointe Park, 15115East Jefferson--After 1i:n.llMarch 1st, a penalty of 4 per cent will be ~d

I ~ I

ADOLPH L. DAWJMATownshto Tl"i..

!tThe Township Treasurer w 11\lec~ taxes at the -following 1~January 3, 1938 Lochmoor Village, Muni tsal

\ Mack Ave. Between Vernier and f \ i


ureekS ed Milk~i111 accepted as a etap1e food by

much of the clvlhzed world wasconSIdered by the anClent GreekssUltable fat l)nly barbarlans todrmk


1< d Sha\\ Ro,\ al Oak guard \\d.S high FG I<T PF TrPOl11t man for the even111g WIth .t>1X VVl11~el f 2 0 1 4P0111ts Bob \\ mter and hay fouhey j ou1)C) f 2 0 3 4Blue Dc\ d forwards cd.ch scored lOur Banett c 0 1 1 1pomts a lead the Gro~se Pomte team StOle c 0 1 0 I'1sconn£, r1t111)acly g 1 0 0 2

Gros e POl11tes ne'\,t basketball game \fal ad. gal 0 1::, ]111aly 7 \\l1Cl1 thc) tla,e1 to \it Holahan g (c) 0 1 3 1Sle-nens to play the \H Clemem Bc') er g 1 0 1 2Batlters Il the last mne basketballgam(.s beh\een these two schools t le TotalsI1ue Devils ha\c \.;on ever) one Tl e1]33 ~<l ne was 22 to 19 m favor of thc

lue and Gala III 1934 the G10sse1 0 te team "all tWice 21 to 15 dnd17 to 13 the 103t:; game:> were" on bycore" of 29 to 17 and 38 to 9 two('a s 19O the Blue Dt.\lls ",on 4;) to 17

a ld 31 to 22 at1C1 last year 28 to band 20 to 19 the latter game bellg thedo~est of the 1111C These games have

11 IJecn filled \VI h an 11 tense feehng TotJ.lsof r .alr} a Id t.el1 though GlOS!>C

Po I'te has \"01 S( often tie games. ueal \ dY~ nterest1l1g

A.. re"el ve game \,,111precede the var:.lty ~ame \\inch 1S scheduled for 8o clock


I';==••~~~~.1-;:: =••••~

I~I~I iI~~~~

I iJanuary 4, 1938 Grosse Pointem Hall, Kerby Road.1-==••~~m~~

I:;==••.=••~~~~ ~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~ill~~illWillillillillW~~illillillillill~~~ ~illillillillillll~ill~~illilli11:\ \iliTii1i1ii"iTiiliqii1iT"Ii~~ilIfiiliJiiTiTiililh1iliifiIi.i1ifiiliIiifiTill.lli1iTiiliTii1iliiliJill.lliliTiliiliTiiTiIiiliIii1iliililil\.lljTinll.1I- 'iliiriliiTilii1iJiiiiTiiliiiiliIiililiiliIiililiiliruliTh


I"'~~~"'" @A !!i

i! , [l: Call NT. 0202 16414 E. Warr ..n, n~ .,.=~ p 1

IU~Q!Jl!!1!!!Jl!!.!!!Jl!!I~~l!!J(tlJ[l!jl!!J!!!J!!!J!!!J~t\!Jt!:!J!!!JQ:!j~l:!!!!l!!l !!!Ja!lt!!.J1;I! IlIJ(!lJ!!!J(!.Jn1cJJllJIa

~!.J!l.!!.l!.!~~!m!w!.OO!!l!J.!mW!1!ll~oom!.OO!!.oo:m.!l!!.I!J!!.J!l.!!.l!.l!!l~!J.!1!!J.!J!.J.!I!~m~Iffi!J..!j!1 • ~!.J.!LU.l~!.l!.l!!.J.!.J..!!.OO.m!llmm!l!l!!.l!.mj!llltltl~.11!.l!1!!1!l!~.I.liTiTiiTiTir• liIiTiiTiTiiliTiiTiJiiTiliiliIiiIiIii1iIii1iTiiTiliiIiIiiJiTiiTi1iiTiTIiTiliiTiTIi'iTiililiifjJjiTiIiililiIiTiiTiTiiliTiiTiliifiTiii ..iIiTiiT.1iiTifiiTifaiIiJiiliTii1iTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiil'ili • II al1i1i1iiliTii a I.~ Im 1

1 ~~~~

f1 ~~~~

II ~


lb 33c

lb. 29c

Ib 23c

IZ oz10ccan

16 oz 17cbottle

lb. 27c

• :~Il36c24,oz'10cloaf

lb. 19curton$l.lS

C Q Boneless RoutRolled RibSpringcrestRabbits 1b 29cWilson'sSliced Bacon Ib la) el 35c

Grosse Pointe HighSchool Cagers Winfrom Royal Oak 16.13

In t rouf;h game the Gros~c POll teHigh school bask tbl11 team \\ on Itsfirst Eo"der Clt cs League contest athe seaso 1 de/eall g the Royal OakA..com:. 16 to 13 dt the G os"e POinteg 111laSlUm ruesda) December 21

The entire game \\a~ chse and atlot 11e \\ a" one team more tl an "0basket ahead of the othel [he 10\,

I "COle H clte tl e <;tro g de/en'> ,ep1a, of bo 1 teams GIO se POll C sna 1 to ma 1 hre at defe ~e 10 \e er~cc nce1 to be a tr fie. )cttu tha 1 tl ('J.\corl S 701e defc lse \\ 1 Ie the Blue)ev Is dId not co ltro1 the ball off thebaC'kboards lkc tl eJ had m the t\'\o1re, Ot s games "lth 'Y: ghland Pat ka 1 1 Hetzel Parl thev' ('1e supe1 or 11

hIS aspect of + lC game to tl e A..con ~The Blue De.lls led 7 to 5 at the halfbut" 1 0 11) a fe v 11 utes rema n111g

n the game the Acorns managed topull ahead 1) to 12 The Blue and Goldtcam then scored four pomts and heldthe Vl"ltors careless for the rema nderof the contest mdk1 g the final sc Jre


• • doz• 29c

• doz. 29cStrInglessGreen Beans lb 12cLOUISIana ShallotsGreen Onions bunch 5cMichIgan Cr15pFancy Celery stalk 5cSunklst, JUIcyLemons 3 for 10c




also Carbonated Water, LIme Rickey,Lemon LIme, Strawberry, Orange and RootBeer' They hold their hve, bubblIng sparkleto the Jast dehclOus SIP1




%. lb. printlb 37c




.. ~ YOVr qUIck lunches CANS Cthat eome dunng theYvletlde bohdays'


Bantam Corn ~:nz10cLIBBY S, FANC\

Queen Olives • 1~:~z39cROCKY RIVER, PURE

Grape Juice •TR"FSWEET, PURE


Lemon Juice 2 ~a':.25cALl. POPULAR BRANDS-CANDY

Bars & Gum. 3 lor 10eCH CKEN 0' THE SEA

Tuna Fish • 2 can. 29cGERBER S FAMOUS

Baby Foods 3 Can. 2ScTREESWEET

Orange Juice • I~':10c

ideal for thoseparty aandwiches



The ne);.-t Issue of the 10 vcr Glo<:"ePomte High school ne \spaper ,,111bepub Isl-ed January 11 by t1 C Jounalt<:.mI class

The staff tor th1s 1,,"ue \\111be as follows Roy Fall1amb metnag1l1g ed torCatherine Raupaugh assOCiate eeltor"Zu~sell J.\lle~ busmess managcr Jack"It rph) fir t page editor Jane \Icl\Jat ghton tllrd page edlto Don \lornson !>port ed1tor Harvy Hun) adyhIgh POll1ts George Braund c rcula~tlov manager George \1.~rshall DldYou Knovvs and Beth Brower },orth

and Ralph Bashen ha. e gone sOllth toT)ukc Umversltj and \far~ Bitt lb m"\.e>v England "tudYlUg at Va<::.ar

Twenty elght of last year s ~el or~dore scekl1g otl er tl'umng In busl11essco1kG;es fine al ts schools tl ade schoolsor takmg post graduate work

Sixty SIX Ot the students 01 33 percent are W'11kll1g J ob~ \\ ere see urCQfor 19 through the school placementLurtau J L Hud~on Pad e Da'15U S Rubber and Chrysler each emplo~"e, era I

0":- the rcmal11tng four are marr ed\fadlJn Martin Gertrude fatten Ber11lce Thomas and LUCille \Vatcn \\ a1ter Glcleghem has Jomed tl e na,


Only the JUIce offallcy SUIl rIpened

tomatoes al"e used inCountry Club JUIce'







1522% Eo .JeW.non Ave

I 15229Kerch~at Avenue\

16117 Mack Avenue

Large, JUIcyTangermes doz 15c FANCY BOXEDFancy, Bunch DELICIOUSCarrots bunch 50Amona Fancy, C".p APPLESIceberg Lettuce 2 19 hds 15c SIb. 2ScJUlceful LargeTexas Grapefru,t 5 for 20c '- .1


Florida Oranges 12;;~~0JurCY, SUN.RIPENED

California Oranges


SMOKED Th. h.m what 'amEveryone will enJOY

H A M Sits delICIOUSham flavor!



C. Q. CHUCK ROASTCountry Club .------------.,Thunnlfer 1b 29c A Large Selection ofCountry Club, l;jklllle$sW,eners 1b 27c Finest PoultryCount,y Club Order Now for New YearsMInce Meat lb 17, , ,





Twinkle~~~voRS4pkg.19cCOU"TRY CLUB SMOOT!;'!

Salad Dressing q;::, 33cFO'! A STEAMING HOT REFRESHER-


Asparagus • 2 ~:n:25cDOLE, NATURAL FLAVOR

Pineapple Juice~::z29cEMBA~SY, ZEST"UL, PREPARED

Mustard • • q;:, 10cCOUN1RY CLUB, OLD FASHIONED

Mincemeat • ~;::10cEXTRA FANCY, KOR~AN


Mar.Cherries Jar -10c


Phone CAdillac D4GG1010 LAFAYETTE BLDG.

Fa.;e Si"..-=--Grolse Pointe High

School Notea


Of the 20G graduates of the 1937classes at Gro~sf' P0111te High ~chool8Z students or 41 peL cent are now attlndmg 0 d fferent college"

The Un vcrs t) of \11ch gan cla1ms23, the la1gcst nu!t1ber of £1 e h111e11flom Grosse Po nte \\a)ne Ln \er~lt~15 ~econd \\ th 12 louJ graJuate andAlbIon thIrd With eight

The colleges chosen bJ Grosse POP1teer~ are wldely :.cattered John C0111Ck

£01 e);.Cj.mple ~ attendl g the AnzondSchool of \1 1 es \\hI1e Luc 11e K ng



