Ije artferb flqublkan I i Fine Job Work a Specialty IF IT IS NEW YOU WILL FIND IT IN Till REPUBLICAN Subscription 1 a Year VTOL XVII HARTFORD KY FRIDAY iNOVEMBER 25 1901 No 14 n HOW THEY FLOUNDER M Various Reasons Advanced by Democrats Why They Were Defeated Next to the funniest thing In the- worlltthe funniest being a modern Democratic National Camj nist- he effort of the press to tell nn un Inquiring public how It happened They aivocate Democratic prlucl ples Iud make post election expla notion with tqnal felicity and hat y tnony One paper rays It was be cause the Democratic nominee placed too much stress on the foreign policy of the dominant patty and another says It was due to the lack of emphasis on the foreign pc licy An other says too much stress was place on the Tariff question and anothei says the Tariff should hrve been made the irsue We were told before the election tim there never was such an exhibition of manly courage and political wis donor as that post nomination Jold telegram of Mr Porkers All tlu wisdom of Solomon all the general ship of Alexander the Great all the eloquence ol Demosthenes all tlu virtue of the regenerated Paul center d In that telegram Now they tell us the gold telegram defeated Parker II what we have been trying to say needs illustration or confirmation let the reader examine these two editor ols In the Hartford Herald Hear the Herald We wish to mildly cnll the atten- tion ¬ to the fact that every time the Democratic party has made a surren ¬ der of its principles It has lost at the pols This hai occurred in the Greeley Hancock and Parker cam palgns The other edltoral Is as follows Nobody ever retired from a Presi ¬ dential race with greater respect and fhouor than does Judge Parker He tw fought a good fight he kept the faith and to him belongs that rever ¬ ence which is accord to the great and good in history- In these two brief paragraphs we have great and good Parker leading the Democratic host who have so wantonly forsaken the erstwhile prin ¬ ciples ot Democracy and fighting the good fight and keeping the faith It would be very difficult for the editor of the Herald to write two more con ¬ tradictory paragraphs- The Herald Is a Democrat to the trade What makes one party the Republican party and the other par < y the Democratic party if it IB not bifcanie ot certain well defined politi cal principles lor which each party is supposed to stand Why did sot the Herald say before the election the Democrats bad forsaken their princi ¬ pies Had the Herald been less the politician and more the patriotic citi ¬ zen it would have done so Shame on such poilltlcal chicanery The editor of the Herald poses as a 1 Christian gentleman which we have always chosen to consider him and yet during the recent National campaign he abused and misrepre seAted the good President of the United States and used all the in ¬ trigues of a political truckler to in duce the people to vote for n party which he now says had no principles and which he must have known at the time tr have none We think the Herald is somewhat in error about the partys abandoning Its principles however The party baa had but few principles which it seems to care to stand by in recent years and they may be indicated as f Hows est Oppose everything 1didor bad the party in power pro tt4 poles 2nd Maintain at all hazards the principle of yellow dog or Jim McKenzie Democracy 3rd Hate the negro with with all your soul mind and strength and teach your neighbor to do likewise AN OBSERVER The fiction of business has not yet fully ripened But on the way up is Barlow and the Octopus by Ar ¬ thur H Vandenburg It appears in Lippincotts Magazines Christmas jt number and will arrest men of affairs by Its cleverness KILLED BY ACCIDENT Samuel Pattons Head Almost Blown Off By Accidental Discharge of Gun Monday afternoon while out squlr eel hunting Samuel Pnttonn prosper otis farmer ot the West Hartford neighborhood was accidentally kliled by Owtn Taylor tilt seventeenyear old son of Henry Taylor The two had been out hunting nil the morn In g and had about completed theli days sport They had just cited n squirrel and both had been trying ti get n shot at it which Patton fiuallj succeeded In doing He killed the squirrel mind went to pick it up Young Taylor followed closely behind Patton and when Patton reached down to get the game both barrels 01 Taylorn pin were discharged the contents taking tflect just alnve Pat tons tar tearing the whole side and top of his head Young Taylor Oed Irom the ppot and informed the neaiby resident what had occurred For a time the young man was frantic and almcst crazed with grief The body of Patton wan removed to- his home where friends prepared it for Interrment which tcok piece Tues ¬ day at Liberty cemetery FIRE AT LIVERMORE Thought to Have Been the Work of a FlrebugNo Insurance on Building or Stock The large sawmill of Col R K Hackctt at Livermore burned to the ground last Friday morning at 130 The fire is supposed to have been of Incendiary nrgln The fire was first discovered by the watchman at the Geneva mill which Is tat of Hackett mill and the alarm given but the fire was under such headway that It was impossible to save the mill so the peo ¬ pie went to work to keep the other buildings from burning and confined the fire to the mill The loss consist of the mill dry house and storage room In the dry house 2000 worth ol rims and spokes burned making totalloss ol 7000 or Sooo with no insurance Col Hackett Is oneof the oldest mill men having been engaged in busi ¬ ness at Livermore for over forty five years He bas been rather unfortu nate in the way of fire this being the fourth mill to barn and one ex ¬ plosion of the bailer making five heavy losses for him Mr Hackett it is said is confident that this was the act of an incendiary AS they examined the mill closely for fire that night before going to their home and the fire originated in a part jf the mill where there was no chance for fire There have been some belts cut and other damage done around the mill lately which confirms Mr Hackett in the belief of its having been set on fire They had no night watchman but a colored maa who is their engineer slept in his office and tad to be awaken to get him out of Unbuilding Mr Hackett and his son Edgar say they will rebuild the mill at once Financially Embarrassed- It Is reported says an exchange that John D Rockefellers income luring the last year has dropped to 37000000 This is terrible If itils true that Uncle Jack cleared only 35000000 last year there is nothing for him to do but cut down expenses We are willing however to do our share and get up a popular subscrip ¬ tion for his relief and we would sug- gest ¬ that little Jock Rockefeller pass round the plate to his Bible class for the benefit of his financially embar fatherCASTORIA For Infants and Children Till Kind You Hari Always Bought > Bears the- SIynatvre of h COL BRECKENRIDGE DEAD Many Friends Pay Last Tribute to The DistinguishedDead Lexington Ky Nrv 2rAll that was mortnl of Col William Campbell Preston Brtckenenridge was lowered to earth this afternoon surrounded by his comrades who fought with him in the struggles of the North and the South by the friends who have known and loved him and who have been associated with him during ninny years The busy life of the city was hushed while the oldest citizen cannot remember when such homage was paid to live or dead as market the burial ol Lexingtons most dls anguished citizen Those who loved him most came laden with their trib ¬ utes Those who knew him best in earlier days have passed the great beyondnearly all but those re ¬ maining today gently carried the re ¬ mains oi their old comnnnder to the ca < th he lived so well The funeral procession formed al the home at 130 oclock and proceed- ed ¬ to the church The procession was led by muffled drum corps draped In black Then came the Knights Templar In lull regalia each witha red fi iwer nnd a tern pinned on the breuut Following the Templars came the Masons they too being in Suit regalia with a green fern pinned on the breast of each Behind them came the mem hers of the Fayette county Bar Association and following these were the city officials and Con federate Veterans KILLED BY A TRAIN Herbert Miller Lost His Life While on His Way to Linton Ind Herbert Miller son of Rev Joshua Miller ol Hopewell neighborhood was run down and killed by a train near Kvansvllle last Friday Young Miller and Harry Woodbarnof Rock port were on their way to Linton Ind and were riding on a freight train between two boxcars The coupling where they were standing broke This let the cars come apart Miller drop- ping to the track below The cars released by the broken coupling caught him cutting and mangling his body almost beyond recognition both legs both arms and his head were severed from his body His re- mains ¬ were brought home and inter ¬ red Saturday ROOSEVELTS CABINET Hay Taft Metcalt Wilson Cor telyou Shaw and Morton Will Remain In Office Washington Nov 2tIt is an nounced at the White House that At ¬ torney General Moody has decided to remain in Roosevelts new cabinet The decision of Moody renders it reasonably certain that the heads of the six great executive department of the government have been determined on by the President for his next ad ¬ ministrationHay continue at the head of the State Department Taft atthe War Department Metcalf at the Depart- ment ¬ of Commerce and Labor Wil ¬ son in the Agricultural Department Cortelyou as Postmaster General af- ter the fourth of next March It is expected Shaw will continue asSecie tary of the Treasury Morton as Sec retary of the Navy A change is ex ¬ pected in the Department of the In ¬ terior Firsthand reports on the condi ¬ inns in the Philippines are rare be- cause ¬ so few observers know how to write vividly In Lippincotts Maga- zine ¬ for December there ia a signifi- cant ¬ and picturesque paper by a Unit- ed ¬ States Army Lieutenant which tens In some powerful sentences the whole story of The Regular and the Savageand a remarkable story it Is CIRCUIT COURT November Term Began Monday Few Criminal Cases Being TriedNone Important The regular November term ol Ohio Circuit Court convened at Court Hall Monday The criminal docket has been at previous terms of the court greatly reduced in number and importance of cases until at present there are but few cases being tried and none of very much Importance have come up for hearing at the pres- ent ¬ term There are however some very im ¬ portant cases on the civil docket which are being tried as fast as they are reachedThe following named gentlemen have been empaneled grand jurors for the present November term D E Ward J M Bishop Thomas F Johnson R H McDowell John W Pate W B AddlngtonJames Lyons Wesley Stevens Dudley Ford Fore- man ¬ Joe Fester Clerk and J E Bran Sherlfi The following nioiil gsntlen n have been empaneled as petit jurors for the present term of Ohio Circuit Court A R Pirtle E G Stewart W H French Red Black C R Car son L C Brown W T Brown 0 P Rains Sam Morton Saulord Ashbj B R Kelly L W Truman A L Knott T C Bean W J Bean C B Shaver W T Taylor Sam L Stevens Will A Cole J A Ambros Will Stevens W M Awtry J R Murry and Will Himes The Comth cases set on first days docket were disposed of as follows Comth vs Rudy Jan 2 cases Dock Porter 2 cases Verman Cooper c T Schroatler and Will Englar The above cases were filed away with leave to reinstate on Commonwealth or ponnty Attorneys motion Comth vs Willie Walker Sip Rhoads James Shultz P E Toll and Charlas Robin ¬ son The above 5 cases continued Comth vs Payton Sullenger charged with gaming default judge ment 20 and 08t- SRCOND DAY Comth vs Alex Nichelson con tin ¬ ned Orbry House 2 cases continu ¬ continuedI Comth vs Cassa Wilcox 2 cases Mary Nabors Bridge Duncan Frank Tichenor Henry Blackburn Buzz Hammons 2 cases S B Gentry The forging nine cases on motion ol Common wealths Attorney were filed away with leave to reinstate on mo ¬ tion of Commonwealth Courty At ¬ torneysComtb vs Guinn Daugherty charged with furnishing liquor to a minor verdict of the jury guilty and fined Iso and cost Comth vs R L Boyd charged with disposing of mortgaged proper ¬ ty 3 cases compromised by paying 50 and cost THIRD DAY Commonwealth vs Garfield Malden same vs James Burden same vs Wm Reddish same vs Cicero Ridonssame vs Thomas Grant same vs John Fos ¬ ter same vs Mattie Adkins continued until the next term of court Com- monwealth vs Ben Butram filed away Commonwealth vs Cicero Smith de ¬ fault judgment of 50 in each of three cases Commonwealth vs Annie Bryant dismissed JURY TRIALS FRIDAY NOV 25 G M Maddox vs U S Casualty Co Mary J Hardla vs Deanfield Coal Co W M Watde vs W A Rone Comth of Ky vs Stark Bros Nur ¬ series Orchard Co SATURDAY NOV 26 Lillie May Austin vs J W Taylor Geo W Maddox vs Mary E Hobei mer MONDAY NOV 28 W P Drake vs Rowan Holbrook W C Knot vs C H Tichenor Williams Co vs J S Arbuckle Hartford Evansvllle Packet Co vs Frank Keller TUESDAY Nov 29 Geo Neighbors vs C F Boswell Albert Millers Admr vs I C R RCo J P Collins vs O B Bosket Anthony Maiden vs Leonard Leach UAPPY AND HEALTHY A Beautiful Canadian Girl Saved From Catarrh of the Lungs by Peruiia L jMISS Miss Florenco E Kenuh 41 Maria street Ottawa Ont writes II A few months ago I caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and remained there so persistently that I became alarmed 1 took medicine without benefit until my digestive organsbecamo upset and my head and back began to ache severely and frequently cl was advised to try Peruna and although I had little faith 1 felt so sick that I was ready to try anything It brought me blessed relief at once and I felt that I had the right medicine at last Within three weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect health since II I now have the greatest faith In Peruna F E KENAH should beware of contract ¬ WOMEN Tho cold wind and rain slush and mud of winter aro espe ¬ cially conducive to catarrhal derange ¬ ments Pow women escape Upon the first symptoms ofcatching cold Peruna should bo taken It forti- fies ¬ tho system against colds and ca ¬ tarrhTho following letter Rives one young womans experience with Poruna Miss Roso Gerblng Is a popular society woman of Crown Point Ind and she writes the following Recently I took a long drive In the country and being too thinly clad I caught a bad cold which settled on my lungs and which I could not seem to hake off I had heard a great deal of Peruna tor colds and catarrh and II i bought a bottlo to try loased that I did for It brought speedy relief It only took about two bottles and I considered this money well spent U You have a firm friend In me and I not only advise Its use to my friends but have purchased several bottles to give to those without tho means to buy and havo noticed without exception that it has brought about a speedy euro whom over it has been usedMiss RoM Gerblng i If you do not derive prompt and satto factory results from the use of Poruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your caso and ho wilt be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice ¬ gratis Address Dr Hartman President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium Columbus 0 THE REPUBLICANSI in Advance I a B E3 3 E Ab BEBS bBAB BEJ mRemember Us Please When you are ready for your Furs and Wraps Furs at from 100 to 500 Wraps at from 150 to 1400 Our immense stock of Blankets and Comforts are second to noneta Blankets at from 100 to 550 Comforts at from 90c to 200 Rubber Boots in all styles and sizes We can sell you the Snag less Rubber Boots with solid leath ¬ m er bottoms at 500 Try a pair fi- r r- and you 11 have no other The Brown Mercantile Com INCORPORATED McHENRY KENTUCKY t 11 TUQgqgqDDgQUQgQ r r- r roe v d

Ije artferb flqublkan - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069313/1904-11-25/ed-1/seq-1.pdfM Various Reasons Advanced by Democrats Why They ... virtue of

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Ije artferb flqublkanI

i Fine Job Work a Specialty IF IT IS NEW YOU WILL FIND IT IN Till REPUBLICAN Subscription 1 a Year



M Various Reasons Advanced by

Democrats Why They

Were Defeated

Next to the funniest thing In the-

worlltthe funniest being a modern

Democratic National Camj nist-he effort of the press to tell nn unInquiring public how It happenedThey aivocate Democratic prluclples Iud make post election expla

notion with tqnal felicity and haty tnony One paper rays It was be

cause the Democratic nominee placed

too much stress on the foreign policy

of the dominant patty and anothersays It was due to the lack of

emphasis on the foreign pc licy An

other says too much stress was placeon the Tariff question and anotheisays the Tariff should hrve been made

the irsueWe were told before the election tim

there never was such an exhibitionof manly courage and political wis

donor as that post nomination Joldtelegram of Mr Porkers All tluwisdom of Solomon all the general

ship of Alexander the Great all

the eloquence ol Demosthenes all tluvirtue of the regenerated Paul centerd In that telegram Now they tell

us the gold telegram defeated ParkerII what we have been trying to say

needs illustration or confirmation let

the reader examine these two editor

ols In the Hartford Herald Hear the

HeraldWe wish to mildly cnll the atten-



to the fact that every time the

Democratic party has made a surren ¬

der of its principles It has lost at the

pols This hai occurred in theGreeley Hancock and Parker cam

palgnsThe other edltoral Is as follows

Nobody ever retired from a Presi ¬

dential race with greater respect and

fhouor than does Judge Parker He

tw fought a good fight he kept the

faith and to him belongs that rever ¬

ence which is accord to the great andgood in history-

In these two brief paragraphs we

have great and good Parker leading

the Democratic host who have so

wantonly forsaken the erstwhile prin ¬

ciples ot Democracy and fighting thegood fight and keeping the faith Itwould be very difficult for the editorof the Herald to write two more con ¬

tradictory paragraphs-The Herald Is a Democrat to the

trade What makes one party theRepublican party and the other par

< y the Democratic party if it IB notbifcanie ot certain well defined political principles lor which each party issupposed to stand Why did sot theHerald say before the election theDemocrats bad forsaken their princi ¬

pies Had the Herald been less thepolitician and more the patriotic citi ¬

zen it would have done so Shameon such poilltlcal chicanery Theeditor of the Herald poses as a

1 Christian gentleman which we

have always chosen to consider himand yet during the recent Nationalcampaign he abused and misrepreseAted the good President of theUnited States and used all the in ¬

trigues of a political truckler to induce the people to vote for n partywhich he now says had no principlesand which he must have known atthe time tr have none

We think the Herald is somewhatin error about the partys abandoningIts principles however The partybaa had but few principles which itseems to care to stand by in recentyears and they may be indicated asf Hows est Oppose everything1didor bad the party in power pro

tt4 poles 2nd Maintain at all hazardsthe principle of yellow dog or

Jim McKenzie Democracy

3rd Hate the negro with with allyour soul mind and strength andteach your neighbor to do likewise


The fiction of business has not yetfully ripened But on the way up is

Barlow and the Octopus by Ar¬

thur H Vandenburg It appears inLippincotts Magazines Christmas

jt number and will arrest men of affairsby Its cleverness


Samuel Pattons Head Almost

Blown Off By Accidental

Discharge of Gun

Monday afternoon while out squlreel hunting Samuel Pnttonn prosperotis farmer ot the West Hartfordneighborhood was accidentally kliledby Owtn Taylor tilt seventeenyearold son of Henry Taylor The two

had been out hunting nil the mornIn g and had about completed thelidays sport They had just cited n

squirrel and both had been trying ti

get n shot at it which Patton fiualljsucceeded In doing He killed thesquirrel mind went to pick it upYoung Taylor followed closely behindPatton and when Patton reached

down to get the game both barrels 01

Taylorn pin were discharged thecontents taking tflect just alnve Pattons tar tearing the whole side and

top of his headYoung Taylor Oed Irom the ppot

and informed the neaiby residentwhat had occurred For a time the

young man was frantic and almcstcrazed with grief

The body of Patton wan removed to-

his home where friends prepared itfor Interrment which tcok piece Tues ¬

day at Liberty cemetery


Thought to Have Been the Work

of a FlrebugNo Insurance

on Building or Stock

The large sawmill of Col R K

Hackctt at Livermore burned to theground last Friday morning at 130The fire is supposed to have been of

Incendiary nrgln The fire was first

discovered by the watchman at theGeneva mill which Is tat of Hackettmill and the alarm given but the fire

was under such headway that It was

impossible to save the mill so the peo ¬

pie went to work to keep the otherbuildings from burning and confined

the fire to the millThe loss consist of the mill dry

house and storage room In the dryhouse 2000 worth ol rims and spokesburned making totalloss ol 7000 or

Sooo with no insuranceCol Hackett Is oneof the oldest mill

men having been engaged in busi ¬

ness at Livermore for over forty five

years He bas been rather unfortunate in the way of fire this beingthe fourth mill to barn and one ex ¬

plosion of the bailer making five

heavy losses for himMr Hackett it is said is confident

that this was the act of an incendiaryAS they examined the mill closely for

fire that night before going to theirhome and the fire originated in a partjf the mill where there was no chancefor fire There have been some beltscut and other damage done aroundthe mill lately which confirms MrHackett in the belief of its havingbeen set on fire They had no nightwatchman but a colored maa who istheir engineer slept in his office andtad to be awaken to get him out of

Unbuilding Mr Hackett and hisson Edgar say they will rebuild themill at once

Financially Embarrassed-It Is reported says an exchange

that John D Rockefellers incomeluring the last year has dropped to

37000000This is terrible If itils true that

Uncle Jack cleared only 35000000last year there is nothing for himto do but cut down expenses

We are willing however to do ourshare and get up a popular subscrip ¬

tion for his relief and we would sug-


that little Jock Rockefeller passround the plate to his Bible class forthe benefit of his financially embar

fatherCASTORIAFor Infants and Children

Till Kind You Hari Always Bought>

Bears the-

SIynatvre of



Many Friends Pay Last Tribute

to TheDistinguishedDead

Lexington Ky Nrv 2rAll thatwas mortnl of Col William CampbellPreston Brtckenenridge was loweredto earth this afternoon surrounded by

his comrades who fought with him inthe struggles of the North and theSouth by the friends who haveknown and loved him and who havebeen associated with him duringninny years The busy life of the citywas hushed while the oldest citizencannot remember when such homagewas paid to live or dead as marketthe burial ol Lexingtons most dlsanguished citizen Those who lovedhim most came laden with their trib ¬

utes Those who knew him best inearlier days have passed the greatbeyondnearly all but those re ¬

maining today gently carried the re ¬

mains oi their old comnnnder to theca < th he lived so well

The funeral procession formed althe home at 130 oclock and proceed-ed


to the church The processionwas led by muffled drum corps drapedIn black Then came the KnightsTemplar In lull regalia each withared fi iwer nnd a tern pinned on thebreuut Following the Templars camethe Masons they too being in Suitregalia with a green fern pinned onthe breast of each Behind themcame the mem hers of the Fayettecounty Bar Association and followingthese were the city officials and Confederate Veterans


Herbert Miller Lost His Life

While on His Way to

Linton Ind

Herbert Miller son of Rev JoshuaMiller ol Hopewell neighborhoodwas run down and killed by a trainnear Kvansvllle last Friday YoungMiller and Harry Woodbarnof Rockport were on their way to LintonInd and were riding on a freight trainbetween two boxcars The couplingwhere they were standing broke Thislet the cars come apart Miller drop-ping to the track below The carsreleased by the broken couplingcaught him cutting and manglinghis body almost beyond recognitionboth legs both arms and his headwere severed from his body His re-


were brought home and inter¬

red Saturday


Hay Taft Metcalt Wilson Cor

telyou Shaw and MortonWill Remain In Office

Washington Nov 2tIt is announced at the White House that At ¬

torney General Moody has decided toremain in Roosevelts new cabinetThe decision of Moody renders itreasonably certain that the heads of

the six great executive department ofthe government have been determinedon by the President for his next ad ¬

ministrationHaycontinue at the head of

the State Department Taft atthe WarDepartment Metcalf at the Depart-ment


of Commerce and Labor Wil ¬

son in the Agricultural DepartmentCortelyou as Postmaster General af-

ter the fourth of next March It isexpected Shaw will continue asSecietary of the Treasury Morton as Secretary of the Navy A change is ex ¬

pected in the Department of the In ¬


Firsthand reports on the condi ¬

inns in the Philippines are rare be-


so few observers know how towrite vividly In Lippincotts Maga-


for December there ia a signifi-cant


and picturesque paper by a Unit-



States Army Lieutenant whichtens In some powerful sentences thewhole story of The Regular and theSavageand a remarkable storyit Is


November Term Began Monday

Few Criminal Cases Being

TriedNone Important

The regular November term olOhio Circuit Court convened at CourtHall Monday The criminal dockethas been at previous terms of thecourt greatly reduced in number andimportance of cases until at presentthere are but few cases being triedand none of very much Importancehave come up for hearing at the pres-ent


termThere are however some very im ¬

portant cases on the civil docket whichare being tried as fast as they are

reachedThefollowing named gentlemen

have been empaneled grand jurorsfor the present November term DE Ward J M Bishop Thomas FJohnson R H McDowell John WPate W B AddlngtonJames LyonsWesley Stevens Dudley Ford Fore-


Joe Fester Clerk and J EBran Sherlfi

The following nioiil gsntlen n

have been empaneled as petit jurorsfor the present term of Ohio CircuitCourt A R Pirtle E G StewartW H French Red Black C R Carson L C Brown W T Brown 0P Rains Sam Morton Saulord AshbjB R Kelly L W Truman A LKnott T C Bean W J Bean C B

Shaver W T Taylor Sam LStevens Will A Cole J A AmbrosWill Stevens W M Awtry J R

Murry and Will HimesThe Comth cases set on first days

docket were disposed of as followsComth vs Rudy Jan 2 cases DockPorter 2 cases Verman Cooper c

T Schroatler and Will Englar Theabove cases were filed away withleave to reinstate on Commonwealthor ponnty Attorneys motion Comthvs Willie Walker Sip Rhoads JamesShultz P E Toll and Charlas Robin ¬

son The above 5 cases continuedComth vs Payton Sullenger

charged with gaming default judgement 20 and 08t-


Comth vs Alex Nichelson con tin ¬

ned Orbry House 2 cases continu ¬

continuedIComth vs Cassa Wilcox 2 casesMary Nabors Bridge Duncan FrankTichenor Henry Blackburn Buzz

Hammons 2 cases S B GentryThe forging nine cases on motion olCommon wealths Attorney were filedaway with leave to reinstate on mo ¬

tion of Commonwealth Courty At ¬

torneysComtbvs Guinn Daugherty

charged with furnishing liquor to a

minor verdict of the jury guilty andfined Iso and cost

Comth vs R L Boyd chargedwith disposing of mortgaged proper ¬

ty 3 cases compromised by paying50 and cost


Commonwealth vs Garfield Maldensame vs James Burden same vs WmReddish same vs Cicero Ridonssamevs Thomas Grant same vs John Fos ¬

ter same vs Mattie Adkins continueduntil the next term of court Com-

monwealth vs Ben Butram filed awayCommonwealth vs Cicero Smith de¬

fault judgment of 50 in each of threecases Commonwealth vs AnnieBryant dismissed


G M Maddox vs U S Casualty CoMary J Hardla vs Deanfield Coal Co

W M Watde vs W A RoneComth of Ky vs Stark Bros Nur¬

series Orchard CoSATURDAY NOV 26

Lillie May Austin vs J W TaylorGeo W Maddox vs Mary E Hobei


W P Drake vs Rowan HolbrookW C Knot vs C H TichenorWilliams Co vs J S ArbuckleHartford Evansvllle Packet Co vs

Frank KellerTUESDAY Nov 29

Geo Neighbors vs C F BoswellAlbert Millers Admr vs I C R

RCoJ P Collins vs O B BosketAnthony Maiden vs Leonard Leach

UAPPY AND HEALTHYA Beautiful Canadian Girl Saved From

Catarrh of the Lungs by Peruiia

L jMISSMiss Florenco E Kenuh 41 Maria street Ottawa Ont writesII A few months ago I caught a severe cold which settled on my

lungs and remained there so persistently that I became alarmed 1took medicine without benefit until my digestive organsbecamoupset and my head and back began to ache severely and frequently

cl was advised to try Peruna and although I had little faith 1felt so sick that I was ready to try anything It brought me blessedrelief at once and I felt that I had the right medicine at last Withinthree weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed perfecthealth since

II I now have the greatest faith In Peruna F E KENAHshould beware of contract ¬

WOMEN Tho cold wind andrain slush and mud of winter aro espe ¬

cially conducive to catarrhal derange¬

ments Pow women escapeUpon the first symptoms ofcatching

cold Peruna should bo taken It forti-fies


tho system against colds and ca ¬

tarrhThofollowing letter Rives one young

womans experience with PorunaMiss Roso Gerblng Is a popular society

woman of Crown Point Ind and shewrites the following

Recently I took a long drive In thecountry and being too thinly clad Icaught a bad cold which settled on mylungs and which I could not seem tohake off I had heard a great deal ofPeruna tor colds and catarrh and II

i bought a bottlo to try loasedthat I did for It brought speedy reliefIt only took about two bottles and Iconsidered this money well spent

U You have a firm friend In me and Inot only advise Its use to my friends buthave purchased several bottles to give tothose without tho means to buy andhavo noticed without exception that ithas brought about a speedy euro whomover it has been usedMiss RoMGerblng i

If you do not derive prompt and sattofactory results from the use of Porunawrite at once to Dr Hartman giving afull statement of your caso and ho wiltbe pleased to give you his valuable ad-vice


gratisAddress Dr Hartman President of

Tho Hartman Sanitarium Columbus 0


in Advance Ia B E3 3 E Ab BEBS bBABBEJ

mRememberUs PleaseWhen you are ready for your Fursand Wraps

Furs at from 100 to 500Wraps at from 150 to 1400Our immense stock of Blankets

and Comforts are second to nonetaBlankets at from 100 to 550Comforts at from 90c to 200Rubber Boots in all styles and

sizes We can sell you the Snagless Rubber Boots with solid leath¬ mer bottoms at 500 Try a pair fi-


and you 11 have no other

The Brown Mercantile ComINCORPORATED


r r-

r roe vd