Laws of !iew Iork-By lithority. | Every Uw.'unltaa a. itu5cr.orit lt>no shall ba prescrib (Uv 01 i ? fiiMppfr&ujte, as certified by this Secrwtarjr ol Side Sec. -1.2, tiilo 4, cliup. 7. pari 1, Revised Slat (.lisery la ^ o published in iliaIstatc Paper, may he read in cviditicc Trom t:ir>pnpcr inHwhich It atiafl be contained, In all courid ofjusiiee InUhls State, and. In all iirocec-lmas before any officer, (io.ly or Board, In umil ihree monllis alter Hie cloio of the session in wb'eh ii hceuia..- a law. Sec. 8,u!le 7, cliap. 8, parti, Revised S.atuiea.aad laws oyW»*eap. ^80 J CHAPTER 103., AN ACT to prevent frauds in the sale of linked upon steamboats, stenmships and other vessels, Passed March 23, IBt». ilircehTilia being present. Tne People ofthe Slate of New York,reureten ted in Senate and Amemblij do enact rtsfuUom : >>i : i' Ii coiupniiv or line ; and nn person nrinJi sell iji' issue, -.-• iihin ihis state itny ticket ur iiiHirninen 1 in ntion'ed in section uvo of this «el, for or upon nnv \i\ic,i/up or steamship, mentioned in said signers'of such line, "ship, or st«trmship ; and nn person shall be deemed an «g/nt.of ai.y such coinpinv, orof ihe owners or Consignees of «u\ thetirapector ol gas meters bjr chapter thnae ho a dred and eleven of the lnw« of eighteen hundred and fiftvnine and "hull be suoject to Ihn provisions afraid act; such denude* lo be paid |th" In - siector out of his salary, hereinafter mentioned at Ifcer rate of two dollars per day while actually en' ... L_ ^ u , _.._.. .,„..„ __j , 0 ^ o| j shall receive an annual saiary of twenty nvehun" dre<l dollarsto be paid in the manner (a* P^otMed by said act of Aprilfourteenlh eghteau hhndred, and fifty nine. . j « 3. All acts and parts of aef, «0 fares «K v ,f re incon«iflient with this act, are hureby repealed. ihull take effect immediately. i^SiSl 1 JM. &IGE^ Co.* K- 'pManufacturera and Wly.lesale Dealers In REAM MADE OLOTfllNG, ram & 33usiiuis (Earis. Lewis Couniy.official i>Ireclory. COUNTY .11 IKM'.-^ AW£2 ;|;fif^;;; i!l *"• ::;gsi?. Tlimi.i, K.-trer^ Port Leyden. l!:J:tt.»v:r.V::. N. B. SYLVESTER', iTTOKNF.V AM)C(M:,\SKI,(ll! AT l.AW. Lowville S. V. !!)-! S. W. HAZEN." " ~ ~ 'iKirnrj and Cuunsdur at Law L. C. KILHAM. Adornry and Coiinsc lor at. Law, Martuishiirgb. L e u i s C , N Y. N. B—All busings enlru-U-d to linear. vill be iitlen.lei! lo uiih |)ioi> plt.tss. January 1, Infill. EDWARD A. BROWN, John M, Miiseon. Attorney & Counselor at Law, ri nix, A. r. 'j- AID ili'i -Piece- Goods and Talfor's TrJmmiflg*,- No, 63 Geneves dtnet, Btica. /*" J. M. RICE, U. NEWLETON, U.K. HEATH. JUIIICA, March I860. fZI ENTLEMEN,.—Wo would respectfully in- vX vim your atienlimi to. our expensive and well we lee led Mock of tho obovo goods, manufac- tuied b.v* us, and especially adojiled lo lite wanli »' the ir^ude lor the coming aeanoo, nhich for taa- ty demc'ti and aupeiior workiiiiinBhi|). can not he HurpnuBod, Our lonp rxperitsnon in ihia biioinesa. toRflhi-r with unusual Tacilltiea for purclmair)^ mid uiuimlactrtrlng our,Good«, enoble« u« looflhi idem lit piioea that » ill do(v com|iciili«n. N. II.—I'nnicnlar ni.oniinn piven lo ordcra- <i'ooda raicriilly oeletited, and forwnrdod with proiuplneHH and dispateb. [M.nfi] J. M.UICK &Co. FOOT & WHITE, Groceries. . F/om: P„rk, Lard and t.^-o-visioiis.ito Alcohol, tfamphenc Sail. Naila, \f.ter Lime, &«., Windo- <Jlaa, at FnrtJrv l'ric«H. Un l iVuilH. I^T and all sold at Lowoal P r i c e N<iw Paint Shop ' ir^ihti^neii:;:;^::^;;^^!;;:;^"; , 11 „ed,o,lo t , 1 |kindV) ,wo,U iiiihoir Hue, SaafeTaA^s ••* ' "-'"" L^to Af/nrnrt/'fi/id Counselor at Law, LOWVILLE. LEWIS COUNTY, N. Y. r.lr- Ofllrr ,:, ./. O'th,,,,,, IIS .\\;r lirirk Store. A15M. I. M.EREi>f£SS. Attorney and Counsi-llorh* Law, .ii \HTi\^l!! ! iit;ir.N. Y\ (!•: H'k ) 0. T. AT WOOD, Attorney & Counsellor at Law CAHTHAGK, N. Y, IT?' Office in Oallager's Block. •Sffilierd &. Sturdevant, Wholfsal- -.'rocers and Commission Mcrclianls, <>0 Vesev Street. fBetween Asfor Flotise nnd J^. '2. SILWA'M'.! nr.vl NFAV-VOKK. COUGHLibr, LANGLEY & CO. Manuf.ittures and Wholesale Dealers ilais, Caps, Straw and Fur Goods, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, inn no .v 5f, MILLINER GOOD S, \C Xo. ;ii ronrilnurt Slicct, iVo« - Vork. Mey,h„„U Hotel. Oppa d". >l) D^ An^;;:!: 1 ^ P^a,"* '• l,ovC\ 1 ile..h.iiiini\ Ul WiH. DOCTOR CONE. ^ii^iv^^A DR. J. A. NICHOLS, sSttSaa JOHN DOIG. Sili^X'^^'rMi^ffiS; ;;f .^S^-^-^-i- lili <;'ian be puni'^'eV l>v " »ot exeeeding t.vc c tliouaaud dol- "i "nUeranv o aa for the'eMo',^ru nr et instrumentcertific ,i« ", or ' .ee-ned bad on theg.ound that nt certificate order or reCei1Jt lutaccord.og to tlm require. K. Collins Kellogg, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ISTOTS AND gHOES, CROCKERY, &K Lowv.ille, N. Y. MANCHESTER, BASS. &C0., . •lOI.KdALK AM) ItliTAlL DEALERS! '), iiu'.-.CIicmk-iils. P dais, Oil:: tad Groceries, \-cnt.-loi- MiMimrd .V Wright'* Sonpn, K1RBY HOUSE, rt street, Watertoirn; N. J WELL KNOWN HOUSE, ;,fc ihe fubsc s£i Irs nord "sbip, ' used j ~./ denomination of »- ••-He-dinauip," shall ii 'is act shall | ? vesaelx uud -... ' Eu ™'ri »iiuu inciuac ssermuosts 1W.I' PeUtf . rs > ai V 1 fvery kmdof vessel propel ed ».« .olcoriiipnrt.byaietttn. ' 4 13. roe term -company" whenever used in the^ law, o UUTH « '' y °\ '"^Nrawd n j er , nation. lus alaU! o r o f »ny othe, state or peUuJ^r t - BWln ° tb « -OcoaMro-J..' o J ^""l^np 0 ^!*"** fo '°'°»&-of Tl <• ' 'tHsuct- BOiUi ftkeeffectiwnwdfate|y CHAPTER 116. ^^ZS^^tJT^^^rr panaofthis Slate. , ? 0 8 , 0 d '8ere»t ^.aK.fflisasjrfiiat3Er'. ^'••^i^'i'prSaS - •'^.lySV.S.'tS u l ' M '"'•"•qniredof *haV,0-,KT. Fire lasnranee Agency. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPA^Y., CAPITAL—500,000. f HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, New York Citv. CAPITAL—|l.0UI)',000. IlAltTFORD INSUIt^NC.E COMPANY,I Hartford, Conn. »t«»™, CAPITAL—$0011.000 MONTGOMERY'COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. C»J«%h^rj^rN. Pluitabtir«.li! V jJ 1 *y ,! ' " ^^mm^^ CAMTAI^fcHHMW).. MORRIS CHASE, Age*, LOWTHU. y A N K E E N O T I O N S - F a n c y 4, T o i l e t a>- ••1 lictes unil IVrfnuiery in grent-supply/— Puckcl Cutlery, Razors, ViJl.n and Gu7ta, rings, nnd 'Poys for the Holidays, in endles- ari^ty for sale by HOLDEN &• DEWEY. Turin, Dec; 13. Iti50. Jewelry, Clocks iind Watches, HGAUflFUI. JEWELRY," f And alco a complele assortment ol" LADIES'PINS and EAR-RINGS, CHAINS, BRACELETS, , NECK-LACES, HAIR-PINS, RINGS, CAMEO-PINS. While, Blue ami Brown pe o. most Fashionable Siy'cs, and ut prices to dr G. V ROM AN' JEWELRY GIVEN AWAY ! The MHropoIilan Gift-Book Store Perfect Success, and a Permanent Inslitulion, nl ' CASH DRUG STORE of L. B. Richardson, WHKRK ftl.iy at all times be found a full an.! com plete assortment of'Schooi, Mi sceliaueoiis lieligious and Standard work*. Together with a large asi-orlm ent of slo n.ry. All of which will be sold as cheap the cheapest. Persons not forgetting they receive a gift wild every book at the " 1111 of sale, worth from 5(lcts tc 860. P. S.-Satisfaction guaranteed in e inWction. L B. RICHARDSON Age S, 1 i' CheapVor Cash, at the New Cu^li L. B. RICHARDSON. 64 66 To Housekeepers. 8 0METAING NEW—R. T. BABltITT BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS. IP inanufacliii'pd from conimon sni!.& ,is prepared entirely diflcrent from other gTSaterulus. All the" deleterious matter, f.xlracted iu such a manner as lo liroduce I ii rend, Biscuit, and all kinds of Cake. [without containing a particle of Salerutus j when the Bread or Cake is baked : there J by produCfing w holesome results. Every o«j particle of Salerutus is turned togaR.nnd OCTpasses through the Bread and biscuit 'while "baking, caiigeqiidiilv, nothing re- ! mains but common Salt,W„ter,and Flour, il'ou will readily perceive bv Hie lasle. ol ;ihis Saleniius. that it is emm.lv different ilrom oilier Saleratus. /JO; It is |i;icked'in one pound papers, each ""Iwiappci branded " B . T . Babbitt's BBOI AledicfnalSnlernltis :"also, pi •wre,twis- ed loaf of bread, ivitli attbias ofeflervese iin» water on the top.—When you pur- chase one paper you should preserve the _ wrapper, amlbe particular lo get the nexl 70'axacily l>Ueiberi.st.-brarid,1s..bove , I Full directions for making Bread with lilifs fiulerat-is and Sour Milk or Cream I'aitnr. will accompany each |>iickag'e; alsoT direcvions forranking, nil kind* of PUKII-V ; also, lor making Soda Water - 0'iind Seidlitz Powders. I_, IV MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, with . 7 Z ill. T. BABBITT'S PURE CONCEN- TRATED POTASH. I Warranted double the. s:rehgtli of 01- p |iUnaiy Potash :' put up in cans—1 II,. 2 & 111,.=.., 3 lbs., C lbs., and 12 lbs :—withfull 'directions lor making Hard and Soft j.Siiip. Consumers will find ihis the rticle in market. 70 B.T. BABBITT, ,u),GG, G8. 70. 72 & 74 Washington s I New York, and No3a Indk Bt., Bo*to V HOOFLAHD'S If THE ^ Q-REA.T STANDARD of the present age, have acquired then; great popnlarHy only through years of trial. UnboujjdBd catiaSwUoa is rendered by then ia all ewe* CE RM AN BiTTE R3 Infill fMlftUBY'S AlptBlAN HEAVE REMEDY, or Ihe'eur* ^|leB«ea, Tbjlck *9& 8fWi«B. Wind, Cold^C«i^r», and .11 dMawirWch affect ( THE WIN© IN HOKSEJJ. ™ » tireparallon i« in com radio. „se With the ratrt, who bed it to their* horeei two or thVee * bout_• week nt urtroe,mhichno uot ihdr iema|kab!e speed, and nfailiug. It was introduced remarkable s'p iced inlo Bngla; Arabian^liieV e recipe from an Jin he purchased 1 r 1 Syria And which he ailtdrwai orwarila infnorl-LH0I Epglnnil and known as the DARLBYTSBV ingland " wlidppa. orcthir; "wiioVhe Jiurehated h o w ; dnrfn';"!, 1 ;-r 0 !*" B " , * h " "^^^felE^SSi&SSsS io»i splendid fcorsea.«r«r iiupwij. ir prevent but ctfectuiilly cjre the above named oiiijjlaint; itcleanseg, the breathing apnaiatus. j iSmovinc from the air cells the lyinpv or ae- retiin, which'in Iwiitet^c oga them, causing a iffieiilty ofriieiiUiing by its action on the discos- •d part, causes the mtictums meinbrance to re- inii^ita natural iluneniods, thus equalizing the irnolation of the blood, and restores fho vessel? 10 their natural size. Ilihaybeused at al! times with perfect safe v.aiioSniav likewise bo given to Homed Cattle, at ,well ashoraes. •Price i!5 eta. CAUTION.—Every pacaage oC the genuine 'Darloy's Arabian Ileum Remodv," bears the written signature of Hurll ii Co- All other is i>uiiou», and Hbould'bo avoided as so much poi- son. Remember this. D. W. HURI) Sole Proprietor, (>? SlaWeii Lane. New York. Fdiraale by John Doig. L Richardson. Lo^- villet Jnmes Peden,- Miiriinsbnrtr ; Holden A Deyey, Turin; Ruymon & AngleCopenhaeen. ^ •13u>6 What Everybody WanU. THE FAMILY DOCTOR. CONTAINING Simple Remedies, Easily Obtained, for the Cure of Disease in all forms. DY ' Professor HENRY 8. TAYLOR, M. D. It Tells You How to attend upon the sick, and how o'cook tortheni ; how to|ire- piue DriiiKs, Poultices, fee, and now to guard aeuinst inleclioii from Contagious Pisenses. ft Tells You Of tho various diseases of Chil- , dien, and gives ihe heal and aim- ' plosl mode of treatment inline Teeiliiiii', Convulsions, Vaccino- Whooping cough,'Measles, &c. The ympii :st;=£ isofCroup.Cholerii '- "' ' it, Ring- Head, >, Whiilows, Boil- // Tell* you Of lire J^te^ll^^tt:^.-^' $1000 A Y15 \ K S;;,' i '",;rt l iv,' iiS£ What Everybody Wants, EVERYBODY'S LiWYEll It TellS Yo« How t - . T ^ i p P„,-toen-hip Pupe, It Tells Yon; "1 olfSfef* gases, AJSdi SS&«" It Tells You The La ItTeUsYou The legal Powers ol A . ...id Bills of ;E Receipts and fijeierisi for (he ColMiioii it li the S tut tne A>f Lit ud amount uiiaykitid Exeinpi from Bjk*>outii lake 1 It Tells "»u W|, Teuun't"" 1 'Assieiimcnt pror hirms.forCoinjiosiiiotl toiv.and thelusolvi ilior.sexisliiiE between' md Wnrd, Master and 1, and Landlord and iitcsLUie! and Slander Dower. Ihe Wife's Right in F10 pertv. Divorce and Alimony. It Tells You The KUWB for Mechanic' Leins in every Slate, and the Naluraiiza- lion Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. It Tells You 'I he Laws concerning J'ejsiousam how to obtain ore. and the Pre Emplion Laws to Public Lanes It Tells You The Laws for Patents, wiih modi of procedure in obtaining one with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. 1 your Will and how tcron an Estate, witi ud the requireuietUi It Tells You How ther ItTrflsYou Them, It Tells You axd State Gove ral _ .. keep out of Lai gaily, thus saving a vnstuiuounl of property, and vexatious litiga- tion by its timely consultation. Single copiec will be sent by moil, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Fvery Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody in the State, on rec'~" of 11 00, or in law style of binding for $1 25. ty $1,000 a Year can be made by enterprising men everywhere,in selling the above work^asour inducements are very liberal. , For single copies of the Book, or for teVini A gents, with other iii<ormtilion,npplv to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Sansom St., Philadetph 1 fonts of P RINTING T^PES, AND ALL QTHER priming materia Is, are kept on hand in large quantiuen, and sold at t h e l o w e s t pit i <-es, for six months' notes or cash,at Bruce'1 N. w York Type Foundry.' 1 Roman funts of the modern styles are always > n the shelves ready for immedrate deI1v*ry, from 56 to 1«,WI0 lbs. ISine.cfljtto nf.tU, prepay Jihe postage paui$bteto'r "Priced Specimen* of F^u , and othei sheets, wUlch Witi be mailed to all printing ofiice«s*iidt»s» their address. Any pablisber of a newspaper win, <boo sea to pabliab this advertiaettt*nt» inciudwg th-s wsC*t tbMe.titBM befcee the ifiwt day^of; J Jnly,486tt, and forward me one of tae p a w s *coiiUiniDg it, will be alWwe«l bit bill,at 1: the time of making* pweJraws ftom «ie*if'j **--- own n»nwfa«ttir«t, of five times the )GEOBCffi \$$ffi:*j:] ,j^ Iui|ioir|er dm! Wbolesolc l»e»ler in ,-|^ Teas, Sugar, Molasaes, Coflee, 8fc»ce&> j Oil, Soap, Candles, Etrii&sj-**' '•£• Segars, Tobacco, ' - sfglpUMWW -OTLWWPy," alts?,; '^^MM^*?^* A$**fr W . T Y ^&fr" ALLWAKTIN0FARMSIK ADE-I lightfol cJtn,.^, M^ZSZmn^knmTin^. I see - j-:~2ya»*>5*B*WikPPS)mam»mm> froata, l w e naveniswMtir 01 HkfnTtnoMo* LMMIS m an* 1 other column. --- "* m ™7*. •*??• < n W 1 ^r-wirjt-^^sS^^ r . _ „ ibksb Isaid company,, *ad twelfth dav of September, one thoasnnd eight hundred ahd filly loikr, or tho twenty]fourthday of Januarv, one ihouVand eight hundkd and flftv six, or the eloventhdkyof February], cjne thousand eight hundred nnd filtTlseven, nny right, title, or Interest, legal or e>|(ntnblo, simatjdTin the said County of Lewis, and particularly nil Hndsim- nediutrly adjoining title liue of said road, nnilda. jlgned and intended to be used in operating tho said rai4roaH,orin parrying on the busiiiass of said Company, or landfordepota. eiiirine, cat or freighl-houses, orthejlike and al«o flI buildings ndalructures placed 00 ihe line ol nhid railroad irany such binds, as aforesaid, and all fixtures jpon any of'aid lands; and also the following pieces, loin, parcels, pint tracts of land, ray ely : All the umhVded ilhree filths of two thirds ol those parts of cerlkiin townships 111 "Brown's Tract." so collet , in !tlie county nt IJewis, which said townships are located in the canities of Lew- Is and Herkimer, as designated on a nap and sur- vey, made bv Nathaniel Smith in A il). 1796 us township No. one, containing 22,689 ij^res; town- ship No. two,containing !J5.40O agr4; township No. three, cont«mingJJ5.536 ac.reB; IJwuship No, « Part of the to the said ^"ll6aTOAjO»;»AJt.'T»S." ~ Am%G8&&9 v m, of the towjT of CrvdlaK , ? Uwia, and St»#i*f Newi TofKi J3th day of O^foiBber, iner*^ * dred and afty^io Jonalbnn E and one third in five years mortgage, together with the lawful intei computed from the 13th day of Deceml ; to-be ,18(50, containing iion-paymrnt of the 'said .-&E&i CouotV Clerk •( the County ol Lewis.on thr IJ day of December. IbfiO.at nineo'cle 1 - * —' Book L of Mingenas. paga^^, &c. ikin claimed to'be"di mo£lgage at th ibis notice,ihe dollars and, ten o'clock a; —,,... ,eVc. Add there and by virine o thne of the first publical »mol lour hundred and twenty ($4y0 10.) And default has made in the pay mftur thereof, and, no jtro-i 1! v due thereon n made in the pay meut thereof, and, no pro- dings at law have been hod w-dommenced for colleclion thereof, and the suWiiurrt is oqrtita- Tlie n ]n4«»ohu«dri?QWl*M, with intewst thereon 1 foliowa, vlis tr-In nine squtil annus) payments, HIIrst p-STm«.t tb be aiadeon the first.^aybf 4e 7 8iho^voT*\ii3ost,l^,a«d interest paya% ^Wally OTaJJ « m . »«.»«, mortg.ged awf cojp /eyed to sei4 Perknelia J. Wunn,. theT preuiiafes htreSlter d & r f t r ^ a a i d W t * * * * was g i v e A o secure pavment Mthe purchase money of*the premises th' reon described; The premises a|e ilisaciibed in' said mortgage "subst. ntiail; All that tract or, parcel of land situMe in ihe Town of Levdrn. i 1 the County of Lewis and State or New York, bein^a part ol Lot Number ninelv- eiohi(98) in lumari's Triangle, and bounded uud described as follows, to wit : Beginning at the north west corner of said No. ninety eight (9$Jr, thence south twenty— 1 Saetotrfll jgattrEjof. Ayer'^ Sarsapplli ompciujid remedy; iii which we bave Labored .roduce fli4 nwwt effoctunl ulteraive that can J - It ia a conieptratcd exrtact of Para s^itoieoiBbtTiWVltl ,n ' idVltbotb^r subs torn wm rs-sSff ,... heretofore conveyed t< ^.mipany bv Henry S|tanton and Margaret M. L.._ wife, bv two deeds, blearing date November tenth, eighteen hundred ttijid fi(ly-thrce. and both ac- knowledged on the twenty-eighth day of Deueni- her, in the same \ear, be'ore Edwin Commissioner of Deeds, in the citv, c Stale ol New York. , Also, ihe undivided one-lmlf of the undivided one third purl ol towtships numbered one, two, tin ee, four, as nloreeaid alwiys exceptim; and re- serving from saidtowiiship No. oiie.orjui'l t0 three whole lots in the soutlheBHteily pail thereof; also, excejiliug ana reserving fifteen hundred acres in towiteliip No. three, and liltnen hundred acres in lowufhij. No. four; being a part of llie same premise's conveyed , bv Henry Stanton and Maiguretftl.his wife, and Harvey R. Wilr.ox and Sarah A. hit wife, lo the said company, bv deed dated November tenth, eighteen" hund-ed and lifiy three, and ucknowledged on tho twenty eighth dav of December, in tho sumo year, bo- iiil Itni 'Tr«?r mm all tl ...wrioed in said mortgage as follows, it 'AH that certain niece of land situate in said town of Croghan, and is a nsrt, of the seventh and eighth west, eijrhleenth and nineteenth, norlh ranges of subdivisions of Ureal Lot No. 5 ofMacOmbs' pur-' eliaaet'and isbotinded asfol'ows, VIK. : Beginning at a hub in the centre of tho Stale Road, thirty- eight links south ol it hemlock post mnrked C- md is fifty.eight links west, 32 chai.is 11 links south 2} degrees west,and eleven chains 90 links north, filly degrees weal from Ihe corner of 7th, Kih west, 18lh. IJllh North Ranges; nnd runs thence north furty»six'eliains thirty links, (Back Sight S,2° W.,) to a hemlock Post marked I), S. I', eVA- ; C- thence south eighty-seven nnd one tmlfdegrees east, fourtHen chains forty-three links 10 n hemlock post marked S R. C , three links north, fifty-eight degrees east from an ash tree eorncrcd : lb-Mice south five degrees, west fiftv- liva chains filly links, (back sight .V 8° E.) to'a hub in said crntre, 50 links south, eight degrees west frem a hemlock past: thence along said centre north seventy-seven degrees,west onechain sixtv three links to a hub and angle: thence along suit! c.entrc, norlh fiftv degrees, west fourteen chains fifty-nine links (back sight S. 5! j° E to ihe plnceof beginning: containing 70 4-100 acres, be the same more or leas, saving exception and expressly reserving unto the parly ol the first part, anil hia legal representatives, their heirs and assigns, for. ever all mines whai ticulurly all the ore of iron, copp have been discovered, situated 011 any port _. parts nt said premises, with ihe right and privilege it nnv lime 0 times hereafter, of entering upo id premises, and ill ;ic njsies e and c making 0. anoih a dniv or mi ! described, i figlit hu of Curt 111 Jul huge. 1 ige as pos sible lo the said mable compensation thcre- irtgage on lib day of 1 and fifty- in said «tu the same )»rein- ed by the said t, hiswile, bear- Oecember, one le, to secure ihe the sooth west sixty IWOI and one half degrees east along :the joulh line ol said Lpt No 9S thirty seven 1 hains (37) lo the south w « t corner of fifty acres of land Conveyed by Johnson and JefseTulcott lo Dutiiel Kent- thence northerly along the west line of the said a/ly acres of iknd thirtv four (341 chains nnd fifty (SO) Iftiks to life north line of said lot, thence Ih sisety two d<jgrees west along said line M»» r - even (:571 chains and forty eight (48) links lo place of beginning, containing one hundred twenty seven and fifty four hundredths C 137,5-1) acres of iaod, surveyed by E. Spencer August 14, IF.V., be the same inore or less. Which Raid Moitgn^e wilh the power of sale therein contained, was duly recorded in theLewit Counlv Clerk's office on the 27th day of August 1855, OI4I o'clock P. M., in Liber P. o( Alotlgsge, on pages 867, &c. And whereas, default has been made in the pay- ment ol the money, secured to be paid by .said Mortgage, and th«lre is claimed to be unpaid on | ihe said MortgageJ including both principal and iiiterept to the datil of this notice, the BUin of one thousand njne hundred and rixty two dollars and sixty one cents, and ihe sum actually due and payable and still unpaid thereon, at the date of ihis notice it the stlm ol |9H4 83. And whereas nlsp the faid Nathaniel M.Sargent and Lydiu A. Harglent, his wile, by indenture ol Mortgage, bearing date the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight, lo se- cure life amount specified in the above described Mortgage, as the same became due and payable by the terms and Conditions thereof, mortgaged and conveyed to the suid Pertnelia J. Muii.l, the lands and premise^ in the lust mimed Mortgage, described >ts follows, vix : All that certain piece or parcel of land siluate. in the town ol ^eytJcn in Ihe Conuty ol Lewis and ofNcw York, being a part of lot No. W, iu nn's Triiiiiffla. thnt pa it of said lot hereby in- tended lo be conveyed'i» bounded and described topi be made. S.usnnanlla, i)< . of still greaMjr sdtorjatittt tower adto afford aa effective ontidf>to for* tho diseases Shisaparilla is Lrcputctf to curis. It is, believed tbai such a rcm- l *cdy is 'wanted! b y tho30 who saffetf from Stru- mous complaints, and that one wuich will se- ll complish their cure mu«t prwe of jbjmensc ser- vice to thisl^rge clasi of put afflicted fellow- citizens. . }Jp\f comjifctely this ,co|apoan.d will do it. has been proven I>y e^pcriradiit on many of tf«5 worst casca to bo found of she following complainta: J SCROFCL4. AXD PcHOTCLOCa CpMPLAIXTS, F.ncpTtor.-sVlxD EeinjTivu DisjuAsiis. U L - cnr.s, riMPifca, BLOTCHKS, TCMORS, SALT RITEUM, KcAtD IIEAB, SVPUILIS ixn SYPHI- LITIC ArvECTiONa, MiistconiAil DISEASE, DKOPST, NErjn.vjUii.i 0 3 T t c DodLOiriti-.Ar.x, DtniMTT, l|)Y8PEI«I\ A^D Ix|DlGESTtON, ERYSIPC'LAS, ROSE, CI'ST. 1 AVTII and indeed the who!e clsdfs of com'^)! f.o:n IartRiTY Oi- t«E|llixjOD. * T}iis/com-w>un:l wiU 'ba f j:m,l rj motcr rjf Inalth, whc:i t.ikc-.i i.i the s-J •y-1 the foul lm:nors which f.^tcr in 1 [lint sex 0:1 of t';e y^tr. By t'-.o ti •^ion of t':e:n ismiiy rankiiii^di-o.ik'i- ./etnedy, t^'avi i ! :':!:i>elvc* f o-.nj'ioc fun! c.u^tior;; nr.lu'iccvou; (Ort-, t'r ^osyjt.-:i\V::iFr?i™tori.litK:fof f.veat pro- fii.i?, to cx- Ke-Uocxl at hicly c>;;>iti- karcr.ipi ;el k;:trjuice of V.u-h whie'.i or.uj.tioiu. rtgnge msz of tl : To« lulled, lands 'M second, one thousand eight hundred.aml f.lly-four p, Wns'die'i^ of ihe undi HiSii thousand eight liundrc ed December Ihe i lour. -..- toiknty ofLewi- nllnuidelcvenlheiistnndeigh of (he subdivisions ofCha.isnnit lulled Castor |,uiid or Great ' eteenlh norlh rnu^^^M) ihec: iid ol Ihe eleventh east range : .eseventeeHirnibrWm no as 10 include three hill ea.-t fourteentli ••the thirteer Hit ran Ii and * :•» three hu a...... in ihe colinty ot Lewis, part oi the triangle dt llie ensl end of the great lot No. tour, ot Macomb's purchase, in ihe counties of Lewis and Herkimer, bounded as follows,to wit : On llie south hy the south boundary of said triangle; on 1I13 north- east by the northeast boundary of said triangle ; and on the northwest bv u lino to run north, thiriv six degrees east, (rom the soulli boundary to the northeast boundary of said triangle, so as to in- clude five thousand acres ; being ths'land convev ed by Vincent Le Ra.i deChatftiiont, by hi vilte 0 the si panv bv two deeds, both dated Jui een hundred ami fifty four, and ,-ickm wledi-e t-e third dav ol Janeafoie-aid, by Pair ck So villo Stewart, A ttornrv, before Eli West Ju: for Jefferson County . the ri :al o . and ii of, it (lie thereof. iind till buildings, structures, and fixtures placed thereon, excepting and reserving from ail the land* above described so much and such parts ihereofas are included within the line or road- bed n( the railroad of Baid company, throughout its entire length nnd breadth, suclt liue or road- bed being described as follows: All thnt certain strip of land which has been lo- c<ite<J upon and n.li.ptad by (ho said comr>«"V as the line and road bed of iheir railroad, and si'tuut ed and described as follows: Beginning at n point in the town ol GirecufieU, in the county of Saratoga, known fie station number '.htee hundred and thitty, (No 330,) the same being within the limits ol the farm ol itme Sweeny, and. running thence near Scott's Corner tittd about a quarter ot a mile easterly of the village of South Corinth; and thence to and across the Counties of Warren, Essex, Hamilton. Herkimer, Lewis aud Jefferson, lo the shore of Lake Ontario, in the town of Sack-, en's Harbor, opposite' Horse Island, about one half mile westerly of the Navy Yard or Ship Yard thes.iid strip ol laud being of various widths in diff- erent parts, but nowhere le^B than six rods wide, and nowhere more than fifteen rods wide, and the same being boun led throughout npoi each side by sjake*,set by the said Company,in outside liues.one hundred feet apart.and;numbered consecutively ; and also the railroad thereon,nnd all and singular franchises of.ihe said Company. Duted March I6lh, 1860. EDWARD A. BROWN, Referee. TRACY, WAI T ifc OI.MSTEAD, Plaintiffs Attorneys. IS vV'illi,imSt.;New Yoi FDTKITURE CABINET WARE JOHN CONOVEE, DAT\S, STRKET. 11-refitted in fine style nco.niujJi now offering a choice lot of FURNITURE hi for Cash n-pay 111 said sum of money mcniioned therein with it, was dull recorded in the office of the v Clerk of the County of Lewis, on the 5th January, IH52,at 3J o'clock p. in., in Book llorigsges. page 2U5, &c. And the shid entioncd mortgage has been duly assigned aluable. consideration, bv the stiid George gun, ihe mortgagee named therein, to the 'onutha.ii Edwards, which assignment was led In the oflice of tho Counlv C'qrk ol the v of Lewis. January 4th. I8.'i3, at !) o'clock in Hook N of mortgages, page 234. And ed 1 It has been made i lad" (OM'IHM ollect Begi the North I md live lo-urov, for ' 10 blool I t.i tl v, 11. .; pai.u'iiiM a v:- ii North East fcorneP of land occupied bv Joseph Banning, and runs thence North fi2j dee. East •> I chains nnd%66 links, thence S o u t h s de.g. East alotis; Thayor's line 20 ch-iins and 80 links ; thence .South 73J deg. West 5 ch.iinsand 65 links, thence North i.»7 deg. West, lo fhe place ol beginning con- taining Eleven andfo.it> five (11. 45:100) liund- ledlhs acres of lair'.be the same more or less. Beinga portion OT t' !B s«ma premises conveyed to Hiram Lane by'Asa Francis and. Hannah,his wife, by indenture^! Deed, dated May 5th, 18f6, aud recorded In the Clerk'* Otfiee ofLewinCounty June 17th, 1856, at 10| o'clock. A. M., in Hook No. 15, of Deeds, at page 472 &c and hi Sargent by il his . - =n id Nulh. : said Hiram Lane and Mai Whii. offtlar :>rtg'fg! i on pagf and described, f sale contained —fHs IATIIA.N EDWARDS. oofCnrlt^Y.^ MORTGAGE SALE. W HEREAS—On the Uth day of March A. D. I.-S08, Henry O. Warren and Ma- ry Ann, his wife, of ihe town of Montague. County of Lewi,-, and Stale of New York, i-xetuied and delivered undcr-Uheir ha * and seals unto John N. Fairbanks, of town of Montague aforesaid, a certain m gage bearing date thai day u|jon certain U niij real otate siluate in the town of Mo gue aforesaid, hereinafter described and which said Mortgage is recorded with (lower of sale therein contained in the office? of the Clerk of the County of Lewis, in Li b-r S. of Mortgages, at page 376 £c, the •Jifth day of March, 1858 ; arid whereas, the s.itd Morlgage was duly assigned and (rans (erred by the said John N •Fairbanks to Ilin- man Selleck, on the 10Ui day of January 1-io!), whicu assignment was recorded ihse h Lewis County Cleric's Ollice on llie 31st day March, 18GU, in Book U. of Mortgagej ,a| pVge 2S9. And whereas the said Hinmnn Selleck U mill ihe owner and holder of aairf Mortgagei and default lias been made in the payment of the sum of one hundred seventy-nine d-illars and twenty-eight conls,(.$l 79, ad-100; which is claimed to be due ihereon at the d..te of Now the upurs efo e notice is hereby given thai e of a power of sale contained in tge and of the Statute in such case ises described K .^JiBfi£Kfifl.'K CABINEI: WARE, can be found at his-Rooms aud anv article of Office Furniture not usually manufactured, will be made to order on j Skori 'Notice, SOFAS.TETE A-TETES.OTTOMANS; LOUAGES, DIVANS,ITABLES, LEAF AND . MARBiETOPS, I STANDS, I V BUREAUS, 1 DRESSING I CASES CARD »7Ain>8, BRACKS,and CENTE^ T>»LE!Sl.ByR£A^S DESKS, BOGyCjCASES. And a extensive variety of id M ufade and pi in and covered by said Mortgage, to wit :-r- AH that tract or parcel of laud situate in the town of Montague aforesaid, in Township No. 3, Countyof Lewi- and State of New York, known and described as pari of Lot No. 15, and boundedas follow, to wit; Be- ginning on the South line ol said Lot at a point 1-2 chs. 53 Iks fiom the S. E. corner thereof, VUIIB thence N.2 deg, E. 25 ths. thence N. ti/J deg. W . l O c h s , thence S. •i deg W. 2-3 c-hs. lo the S. line of' said Lot, thence 10 chains to the place of beginning, containing twenty-five ar-res^jf latnd, mlore or less, will be sold at public auction at the Court House, in the village of Martinsburgh HI the Counly of Lewis on the fifth day of July next.nt 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of ihiitdtty. Dated at Mariinsburgb, Apiil 2d, I860. HINMAN SELLICK, Assignee. AB'JI. I MERKNtSS,-4rt't/. T1Y ORDER O F E D W A R D A. BHOWN •J County Judge of Lewis County- Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Gilbert Bramard, deceaasd, late -of llu town ofLeyden, that they are required to present thesame, with the vouchers there- of to the Administrator, James Brainard, al his dwelling house in Leyden, on or before tho 1st day -of June. 1860. Datfcd Nov. 20tii, 1859. JAMES BRAIN ARO, Administrator last nninedinorlgnge, including the pow- thcrem contained, wns|dulv rceordwl in 1 County Clerk's Oflice on the 15th day 1S5U. at 9o'clock A. M., in Book S. of ige 3$5, fie.. No suit at low has dlectthe amount secured bv smd mortgage or cpv part thereol, now therelore nolicc is hereby gliven that bv virtue of ihe said mortgages nnd the 1 sevenil aril respective powers of sale therein contained, and therewith tecorded us aforesaid, and of (he S(atuie in such case made and provided, the irurtgnged premisen above des- cribed will be sold at public Suction to the highest hiik'er »t the law office of Edward A. Brown, in Lowville in the County of Lewis on the 30 day 0! June next, at K- o'clock A . RL, of that dav. Duted April 4th. 1860. PERMELIAJ. MUNN,Mortgagee. EDWARD A. BmowN.A'torney, Lowville, N. Y. MORTGAGE SALE. \YHEREAS-Nathaniel M. Sargent, of the » Town of Leyden, iu the County of Lewis and Lydia A. Sargent, his wift, by a certain inden" - Mortgnge, beuribg dale the fifth day of Jui '"'" zvkrii the payment 1 " of fin ' ,, 1857', lunn, of the same ;pi villi : nteresl iheroln iftcr the date of saiii mortgage, 'Permelia J. hundred dollars, : : -Three years _-„., ith annual inter- fed and conveyed to said Per» menaj. miiuii,.^Me~i premises hereinafter and in said mortgage dewibed substantially as follows, viz.—All flint tract or parcel of land, situate in the town of Leyden in the county of Lewis and Slate of A'ew York, being apart of lot number ninety eight (98) in Inman's Triangle, and bound- ed and described as follows to w t : Beginning at the north Jyvest corner of said lot No. ISinetv eight (93) thence-south twenty seven and one half degrees east thirty four chiins to the south we»t corner of said lot thence north sixty two and one half degrees east along the south line of said lot No. 98, thirty seven (37) chains, to the south west corner of fifty acres of land conveyed by Johnson and Jesse Talcott to Daniel Kent ; thence northerly along the west line of said fifty acres of land thirty four chains (34) andfifty(5tl) links lo the Norlh line of said lot, thence south sixty two degress west along said line thirtv sev- en (37) chains and forty eight (48) links 'to ihe place of beginning, containing one hundred twenty seven and filly four hundredths (127.54) acres ot land, as sui veyeTd by E. Spencer, August 14, 18"5, est ihereon, in e the si Which said mortgage with (he power of sale therein contained:>as duly recorded in Ihe-Lewis County Clerk's Office on the 14th day of January 1857 at 9 o'clock A|. M., in Book B. of mortgages on pages 348, Sec. . iSo proceedings at law have been instituted <(i collect the amount secured bv the suid .'mortgage, or any part"thereof,; 'Ihe amount'churned 10 bp due on said mortgage and unpaid at the date here* of, is $613,65, including principil and interest. And whereas alsi llie said Nathaniel M. Sar- gent and Lydia A. Sargent, his wife, lor the pi po.-e of securing payment of the moneys J — • '•'- in the mortgage above set forth and~lh thereon-, according to the terms lUereol as above tel forth, by a mortgage bearing da|ehhe first day ol January, 1858;mprtgaged and cutKeyed to stud Purtueiia J. Miiiin, (he lindsand pj^mises therein des»-rib'eflasfollowS,to wit : ""*>- A if'thiu certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the tu^VihiifLeyden, in ihe countyof Lewis and State ol'.&cw York; beiug 0 part of lot No, 97, in lim"4ii's.:Triangle; that purl of suid lot hereby in- tended to be cenveyied, is bounded and ilesci .bed Bcsinniug'on the north line of 1 ihe lot ut the north east corner of luliti-occupied by Joseph Itati* uing, and runs thence north G'iJ dee. eut.t5 chains and66 links; thence south 27 dig. east along Thnversline'JilclwinsnudtO links'; iheucefouiij 73J deg. west 5 chains ami 65 links: thence north 27 deg. west to the place of beginning containing eleveuond forty fivjj (11,45:100) hundredlliis acres ol laud, be the samel more or less—being it portion of (lie same premise^ conveyed to Hiram Luue by Asa Francisond Hannah,his wife,by indenture o'f deed dated Mav 5tl), 1856, and recorded in the Clerks office ofl ewisCountv June 17, |856at l(bj o'clock, A. M., in Book No.'15 ol deeds „l page 47a :, and being the same premises this day deeded the said Nathaniel M. Sargent by the suid Hi- 11 Lane uud Mirioi O., his wife. Which liisl named mortgage was duly recorded ... ihe Lewis Countvi Clerks office on tha 15th day of March; 1858.otsy»'ciock A. M , in Book S. qT mortgttg«a,page353J,eti And wbeieas-default has ditiuns ofthe said t»<fo mortgages respectively eieas-tlefa^lt has been made have been instituted to en' theri|fore by virtue 6f powers proceedings at law ce the same; Novr therijforL ofsnleUierefn contained awl therewith recorded, ( otititv, notice 1* hereby gwen to all personahav- ing clmuw a^mM^arrieon Bnrnf s, late of Mar- tmsburgh, Lewis County, deceased, that tbev Hre required 10 exhibit the same, wilb the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, o.rone of them, at il village ol Morrhisbiirgh, in said County; on i before the 28th day of July, I860. Dated?Jnnuarv24.i860. ' DAVID T. MARTIN, A.Iministrator- MARY BARNES, Administratrix. 0X4ftK>9 ftfWl, The food and habits of civilized jnan induce in , n great majority nn impure conditioh of the blood, 1 he. source ot^ a greeft variety of painful diseases, which disturb the happiness of almost everv fai ' Fo7 ra*i"by BARfie? & PARK, Wholesale Agents. Park Row,N. ¥. citv, and bv Druggist geuernH.y. i " ..'.•••»• O L A I I tid pursuant to ihe ptat»to iu such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said niortguge will be foreclosed nnd «bej>r«niiises therein recpec lively described and! above set forth, will besold at public tuc lion to the his heat bidder uftlie law ofriceo. Edward A.; BrdWn.in'Unwville in County ofLewison (he3ukh day dklunf next o'clock A. M. Doted April 4th. 1380. PEKMELIAJ. MUNN, EpwARt, A. BKOWIT, S,»orney, I r>n. jr. c. AY en Ay.r's G.c Avcr's Cathartic Pill-. Prlfa 25 cents rcr B02 ; Five Boscs far $1.C3. O.-if 'liumtJrrs of Clergymen, rhys1eian% -ratcsmen, nu-1 eminnit personages, have lent '.:.•> Mini's lu certify the unpAralleled ustl'ul- i' -s of l!n:-se lvuv.-dics, bttt our sptu-e here will it pr-ruit tho insertion of them. The-'Agcnts K io'.v n:i;ii"ri ftii-tiislj. gratis our AJIEIIICAN AL- ,tiv \c in which (hey arc piven; with al>p full of the npove roruplairits, and tho ,.u ,,,Mt should IK followed.for their c*ici< lot h<* put off by ttiiprineJ'piiVcd dealers her preparations they m«ke mojc profit - nd AYER'I, 'and take no others. Tim •i-ipti •ii k wuiit the best aid there is"- foe them, aud. h'-v Flmulil-liave it. . l . . r.'.l ourlfeniedies o^reifpr sale by. For Sale by Johrf tlo%,-LowirSle rtgagee. ! wlle.N.Y! MORTGAGE SALE. E D51U5D BROWN, Ifortgaj lingiMortgageje; Horace j 1 ee o( 1 he Mortgage ; date jbflhe] id, 1858; Mortgage recorded * Clerk's Oificfl, Augusi25th, A, "'wWoIoiwjk, 4. Jttj-iuUber lisgtSJf flwf. Assignment recoi on the wunedav at t&e same time uf day, iu Book T..OI MorUtages,, od page 40 &c. The amount claimej*to be due onlwiidinongTige ot ihe date and time of the first pubKi-ation of this notice, is one hundred and IhSrty dollars ami filly cents. The said «o^«a»r^ prwniae* aredescriW m follows fiy.r AII that p*sce o f land- situaft i » the ^ tewn 'nt Diana, County of Lewis,and State of New York. fceHi?i|i«it*f Ut*«a>. m & 670v pg Ureal f*i « . -11.^.-1., !th.e'g. W a&rU ilfick posf^ DR. ROANE'S \- CELEBhATfeD VERJWPIFUOE LIVER PILIiS. "IXT'E beg leave to qall the atten- ** tion of tht Trade,' arid more especially the Physicians <3f ^ tbe country, to two of the most pop- ular remedies now-before the pub-' lie. We refer to Dr, Clrfls-lt'Lanc's Celebrated Vermifuge ahd Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cureralls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VEBMIFUGE, For. expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis- factory results *to various. Animals subject to "Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cuife of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, <&C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory! to, or after taking Qui- nine, they almost invariably make a speedy arid permanent cure. As specificsforthe above men- tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad- ministered in accordance with the Jfcltdections. TMr unprecedented popularity has ip4 uce< f *fa c proprietors, feEMii^G BROTHERS, ? PITTSBURGH, PA. (

iiS£nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031789/1860-04-25/ed-1/seq-4.pdfLaws of !iew Iork-By lithority. | Every Uw.'unltaa a. itu5cr.orit lt>no shall ba prescrib (Uv 01 i? fiiMppfr&ujte,

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Laws of !iew Iork-By lithority.

| Every Uw.'unltaa a. itu5cr.orit lt>no shall ba prescrib

(Uv 01 i? fiiMppfr&ujte, as certified by this Secrwtarjr ol Side Sec. -1.2, tiilo 4, cliup. 7. pari 1, Revised Slat

(.lisery la ^ o published in iliaIstatc Paper, may he read in cviditicc Trom t:ir>pnpcr inHwhich It atiafl be contained, In all courid ofjusiiee InUhls State, and. In all iirocec-lmas before any officer, (io.ly or Board, In umil ihree monllis alter Hie cloio of the session in wb'eh ii hceuia..- a law. Sec. 8,u!le 7, cliap. 8, parti, Revised S.atuiea.aad laws oyW»*eap. ^80 J

CHAPTER 103., AN ACT to prevent frauds in the sale of linked

upon steamboats, stenmships and other vessels, Passed March 23, IBt». ilircehTilia being present. Tne People of the Slate of New York,reureten

ted in Senate and Amemblij do enact rtsfuUom :

>>i : i' Ii coiupniiv or line ; and nn person nrinJi sell iji' issue, -.-• iihin ihis state itny ticket ur iiiHirninen 1 in ntion'ed in section uvo of this «el, for or upon nnv \i\ic,i/up or steamship, mentioned in said

signers'of such line, "ship, or st«trmship ; and nn person shall be deemed an «g/nt .of ai.y such coinpinv, orof ihe owners or Consignees of «u\

thetirapector ol gas meters bjr chapter thnae ho a dred and eleven of the lnw« of eighteen hundred and fiftvnine and "hull be suoject to Ihn provisions afraid ac t ; such denude* lo be paid b« |th" In-

siector out of his salary, hereinafter mentioned at Ifcer rate of two dollars per day while actually en'

. . . L_ ^ u , _.._.. . , „ . . „ __j , 0 ^ o | j

shall receive an annual saiary of twenty nvehun" dre<l dollarsto be paid in the manner (a* P^otMed by said act of Aprilfourteenlh eghteau hhndred, and fifty nine. . j

« 3. All acts and parts of aef , «0 fares «K v , f r e

incon«iflient with this act, are hureby repealed. ihull take effect immediately.


JM. &IGE^ Co.*

K-'pManufacturera and Wly.lesale Dealers In


r a m & 33usiiuis (Earis. Lewis Couniy.official i>Ireclory.

COUNTY .11 I K M ' . - ^

AW£2 ;|;f if̂ ;;;i!l *"•

::;gsi?. Tlimi.i, K.-trer^ Port Leyden.

• l!:J:tt.»v:r.V::. N. B. SYLVESTER' ,

iTTOKNF.V A M ) C ( M : , \ S K I , ( l l ! AT l.AW.

Lowville S. V. !!)-!

S. W. H A Z E N . " " ~ ~

'iKirnrj and Cuunsdur at Law


Adornry and Coiinsc lor at. Law, Martuishiirgb. L e u i s C , N Y.

N. B — A l l b u s i n g s enlru-U-d to l i n e a r . vill be iitlen.lei! lo u i i h |)ioi> plt . tss .

January 1, Infill.


John M, Miiseon. A t t o r n e y & C o u n s e l o r a t L a w ,

ri nix, A. r . ' j -


ili'i -Piece- Goods and Talfor's TrJmmiflg*,-

No, 63 Geneves dtnet, Btica. /*"

J. M. RICE, U. N E W L E T O N , U . K . HEATH.

JUIIICA, March I860. fZI ENTLEMEN,.—Wo would respectfully in-v X vim your atienlimi to. our expensive and well we lee led Mock of tho obovo goods, manufac-tuied b.v* us, and especially adojiled lo lite wanli »' the ir̂ ude lor the coming aeanoo, nhich for taa-ty demc'ti and aupeiior workiiiiinBhi|). can not he HurpnuBod, Our lonp rxperitsnon in ihia biioinesa. toRflhi-r with unusual Tacilltiea for purclmair)^ mid uiuimlactrtrlng our,Good«, enoble« u« looflhi idem lit piioea that » ill do(v com|iciili«n.

N. II.—I'nnicnlar ni.oniinn piven lo ordcra-<i'ooda raicriilly oeletited, and forwnrdod with proiuplneHH and dispateb.

[ M . n f i ] J. M.UICK & C o .

FOOT & W H I T E ,

Groceries. . F/om: P„rk, Lard and t.^-o-visioiis.ito Alcohol, tfamphenc

Sail. Naila, \ f . t e r Lime, &«., W i n d o - <Jlaa, at FnrtJrv l'ric«H.

Un l iVuilH. I^T and all sold at Lowoal P r i c e

N<iw Paint Shop

' ir^ihti^neii:;:;^::^;;^^!;;:;^"; , 1 1 „ e d , o , l o t , 1 | k i n d V ) , w o , U iiiihoir Hue,

SaafeTaA^s ••*' "-'"" L^to

Af/nrnrt/'fi/id Counselor at Law,

L O W V I L L E . L E W I S COUNTY, N. Y. r.lr- Ofllrr ,:, ./. O'th,,,,,, IIS .\\;r lirirk Store.

A15M. I. M.EREi>f£SS.

Attorney and Counsi-llorh* Law, .ii \HTi\^l!! !iit;ir.N. Y \

(!•: H'k )

0 . T . A T WOOD,

Attorney & Counsellor at Law C A H T H A G K , N . Y ,

IT?' Office in Oallager's Block.

•Sffilierd &. S t u r d e v a n t , Wholfsal-

-.'rocers and Commission Mcrclianls,

<>0 Vesev Street. fBetween Asfor Flotise nnd

J ^ . ' 2 . S I L W A ' M ' . ! nr.vl NFAV-VOKK.


Manuf.ittures and Wholesale Dealers i»

ilais, Caps, Straw and Fur Goods, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS,

i n n n o .v 5f, MILLINER GOOD S, \C

Xo. ;ii r o n r i l n u r t S l i c c t , iVo« - V o r k .

• Mey,h„„U Hotel. Oppa

d". > l )

D ^ An̂ ;;:!:1^ P ^ a , " *

'• l , o v C \ 1 i l e . . h . i i i i n i \ U l W i H .


^ i i ^ i v ^ ^ A






lili <;'ian be puni'^'eV l>v " »ot exeeeding t.vc

ctliouaaud dol-"i "nUeranv o aa for the'eMo',^ru n r

et instrumentcertific ,i« " , o r ' .ee-ned bad on theg.ound that nt certificate order or reCei1Jt lutaccord.og to tlm require.

K. Collins Kellogg, DEALER IN

DRY G O O D S , G R O C E R I E S ,


Lowv.ille, N . Y.

M A N C H E S T E R , BASS. & C 0 . , . • lOI.KdALK A M ) I t l i T A l L D E A L E R S !

'), iiu'.-.CIicmk-iils. P dais, Oil:: tad Groceries,

\ - cn t . - lo i - MiMimrd .V W r i g h t ' * S o n p n ,

K1RBY HOUSE, rt street, Watertoirn; N. J


;,fc • ihe fubsc

s£i I r s

nord "sbip, ' used j ~ . / denomination of »-••-He-dinauip," shall ii

'is act shall | ? vesaelx uud

- . . . ' E u ™ ' r i »iiuu inciuac ssermuosts „1 W .I'P e U t f .r s>a iV1 fvery kmdof vessel propel ed » .« .olcoriiipnrt.byaietttn. '

4 13. roe term -company" whenever used in

the^ law, o UUTH « ' ' y °\ ' " ^ N r a w d „ n j e r , nation. l u s a l a U ! o r o f »ny othe, state or

p e U u J ^ r t - B W l n ° t b « -OcoaMro-J. . ' o J

^ " " l ^ n p 0 ^ ! * " * * fo'°'°»&-of T l

<• ' ' t H s u c t - B O i U i f t k e e f f e c t i w n w d f a t e | y


^^ZS^^tJT^^^rr panaofthis Slate. , ?

0 8 , 0 d'8ere»t

^.aK.fflisasjrfiiat3Er'. ^'••^i^'i'prSaS

- •'^.lySV.S.'tS u " ° l ' M '"'•"•qniredof


F i r e l a s n r a n e e A g e n c y . /ETNA INSURANCE COMPA^Y. ,


New York Citv. CAPITAL—|l.0UI)',000.





"• ̂ ^mm^^ CAMTAI^fcHHMW)..


y A N K E E N O T I O N S - F a n c y 4, To i l e t a>-••1 l ictes unil IVrfnuiery in grent-supply/— Puckcl Cutlery, Razors , ViJl.n and Gu7ta,

rings, nnd 'Poys for the Hol idays , in endles-ari^ty for sale by

H O L D E N &• D E W E Y . Turin , Dec; 13. Iti50.

Jewelry, Clocks iind Watches,


And alco a complele assortment ol"

L A D I E S ' P I N S and EAR-RINGS,

C H A I N S , B R A C E L E T S ,


RINGS, CAMEO-PINS. While, Blue ami Brown pe

o. most Fashionable Siy'cs, and ut prices to dr



The MHropoIilan Gift-Book Store Perfect Success , and a Permanent Inslitulion, nl

' C A S H D R U G S T O R E of

L. B. Richardson, WHKRK

ftl.iy at all times be found a full an.! com plete assortment o f 'Schoo i , Mi sce l iaueoi i s l iel igious and Standard work*.

Together with a large asi-orlm ent of slo n .ry . Al l o f which will be sold as cheap the cheapest . Persons not forgetting

they rece ive a gift wi ld every book at the " 1111 of sale, worth from 5(lcts tc 860.

P. S . - S a t i s f a c t i o n guaranteed in e inWction. L B. R I C H A R D S O N

A g e

S, 1

i' CheapVor Cash, at the New Cu^li




To Housekeepers.


IP inanufacliii'pd from conimon sni! .& ,is prepared entirely diflcrent from other

gTSaterulus . All the" deleterious matter, f.xlracted iu such a manner as lo liroduce I ii rend, Biscuit, and all kinds of Cake. [without containing a particle of Salerutus j when the Bread or Cake is baked : there J by produCfing w holesome results. Every

o« j particle of Salerutus is turned togaR.nnd OCTpasses through the Bread and biscuit

'while "baking, caiigeqiidiilv, nothing re-! mains but common Salt,W„ter,and Flour, il'ou will readily perceive bv Hie lasle. ol ;ihis Saleniius. that it is emm.lv different ilrom oilier Saleratus.

/JO; It is |i;icked'in one pound papers, each ""Iwiappci branded " B . T . Babbitt's BBOI

AledicfnalSnlernltis :"also, pi •wre,twis-ed loaf of bread, ivitli attbias ofeflervese

iin» water on the top.—When you pur­chase one paper you should preserve the

_ wrapper, amlbe particular lo get the nexl 70'axaci ly l>Ueiberi.st.-brarid,1s..bove ,

I Full directions for making Bread with lilifs fiulerat-is and Sour Milk or Cream

I'aitnr. will accompany each |>iickag'e; alsoT direcvions for ran king, nil kind* of PUKII-V ; also, lor making Soda Water

- 0 ' i ind Seidlitz Powders. I _ , IV MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, with . 7 Z


I Warranted double the. s:rehgtli of 01-p |iUnaiy Potash :' put up in cans—1 II,. 2

& 111,.=.., 3 lbs., C lbs., and 12 lbs :—withfull 'directions lor making Hard and Soft j.Siiip. Consumers will find ihis the

rticle in market.


B.T. BABBITT, ,u),GG, G8. 70. 72 & 74 Washington s I New York, and No3a Indk Bt., Bo*to



^ Q - R E A . T

S T A N D A R D of the present age, have acquired then; great popnlarHy

only through years of trial. UnboujjdBd catiaSwUoa is rendered by then ia all ewe*


Infill fMlftUBY'S AlptBlAN

H E A V E R E M E D Y , or Ihe'eur* ^ | l e B « e a , Tbjlck *9& 8fWi«B. Wind, Cold^C«i^r», and .11 d M a w i r W c h affect

( T H E W I N © IN HOKSEJJ. ™ » tireparallon i« in com radio. „se With the ratrt, who bed it to their* horeei two or thVee

* bout_• week nt urtroe,mhichno uot ihdr iema|kab!e speed, and

nfailiug. It was introduced • remarkable s'p iced inlo Bngla;

Arabian^liieV e recipe from an J in he p u r c h a s e d 1 r

1 Syria And which he ailtdrwai orwarila infnorl-LH 0I Epglnnil and known as the D A R L B Y T S B V

i ng land

" wlidppa.

orcthir; "wiioVhe Jiurehated • h o w ; dnrfn';"!,1;-r0!*"

B",*h" "^^^felE^SSi&SSsS io»i splendid fcorsea.«r«r iiupwij. ir prevent but ctfectuiilly c j re the above named oiiijjlaint; itcleanseg, the breathing apnaiatus. j iSmovinc from the air cells the lyinpv or ae-retiin, which'in Iwiitet^c oga them, causing a iffieiilty ofriieiiUiing by its action on the discos-

•d part, causes the mtictums meinbrance to re-inii^ita natural i luneniods, thus equalizing the

• irnolation of the blood, and restores fho vessel? 10 their natural size.

I l ihaybeused at al! times with perfect safe v.aiioSniav likewise bo given to Homed Cattle, at

,well ashoraes. •Price i!5 eta. CAUTION.—Every pacaage oC the genuine

'Darloy's Arabian Ileum Remodv," bears the written signature of Hurll ii Co- All other is i>uiiou», and Hbould'bo avoided as so much poi­

son. Remember this. D . W. HURI) Sole Proprietor, (>? SlaWeii Lane. New York.

Fdiraale by John Doig. L Richardson. Lo^-villet Jnmes Peden,- Miiriinsbnrtr ; Holden A Deyey, Turin; Ruymon & AngleCopenhaeen.

^ •13u>6

What Everybody WanU.


Simple Remedies, Easily Obtained, for the Cure of Disease in all forms.

DY '

Professor HENRY 8. TAYLOR, M. D.

It Tells You How to attend upon the sick, and how o'cook t o r t h e n i ; how t o | i r e -piue DriiiKs, Poultices, fee, and now to guard aeuinst inleclioii from Contagious Pisenses.

ft Tells You Of tho various diseases of Chil-, dien, and gives ihe heal and aim-' plosl mode of treatment inl ine

Teeiliiiii', Convulsions, Vaccino-Whooping cough,'Measles, &c.

The ympii

:st;=£ isofCroup.Cholerii '- " ' ' it, Ring-


>, Whiilows, Boil-

/ / Tell* you Of lire

J^te^ll^^tt:^.-^' $1000 A Y15 \ K S;;,'i'",;rtliv,'

iiS£ What Everybody Wants,


It TellS Yo« How t - . T ^ i p P„,-toen-hip Pupe,

It Tells Yon; "1 olfSfef* g a s e s , AJSdi


It Tells You The La

I t T e U s Y o u The legal

Powers ol A . ...id Bil ls of ;E

Receipts and fijeierisi for (he ColMiioii

it li the S tut tne A>f Lit ud amount uiiaykitid Exeinpi from Bjk*>outii

lake 1

It Tells "»u W|, Teuun't""

1 'Assieiimcnt pror hirms.forCoinjiosiiiotl toiv.and thelusolvi

ilior.sexisliiiE between' md Wnrd, Master and 1, and Landlord and

iitcsLUie! and Slander

Dower. Ihe Wife's Right in F10 pertv. Divorce and Alimony.

I t Tells You The KUWB for Mechanic' Leins in every Slate, and the Naluraiiza-lion Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same.

It Tells You 'I he Laws concerning J'ejsiousam how to obtain ore. and the Pre Emplion Laws to Public Lanes

It Tells You The Laws for Patents, wiih modi of procedure in obtaining one with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees.

1 your Will and how tcron an Estate, witi ud the requireuietUi

It Tells You How

ther I tTrf l sYou Them,

I t Tells You axd State Gove


_ . . keep out of Lai

gaily, thus saving a vnstuiuounl of property, and vexatious litiga­tion by its timely consultation.

Single copiec will be sent by moil, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Fvery Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody in the State, on rec'~" of 11 00, or in law style of binding for $1 25.

t y $1,000 a Year can be made by enterprising men everywhere,in selling the above work^asour inducements are very liberal. ,

For single copies of the Book, or for teVini A gents, with other iii<ormtilion,npplv to or address

JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Sansom St., Philadetph

1 fonts o f

PR I N T I N G T ^ P E S , A N D A L L Q T H E R priming materia Is, are kept on hand in

large quantiuen, and sold at the l owes t pit i <-es, for six months ' notes or cash,at Bruce'1 N. w York T y p e Foundry.'1 Roman funts o f the modern s t y l e s are a l w a y s > n the s h e l v e s ready for immedrate deI1v*ry, from 56 to 1«,WI0 lbs.

ISine.cfljtto nf.tU, prepay Jihe postage paui$bteto'r " P r i c e d Spec imen* o f F^u , and othei shee t s , wUlch Witi be mai led to all printing ofiice«s*iidt»s» their address.

A n y pablisber o f a newspaper win , < b o o sea to pabliab this advertiaettt*nt» inciudwg th-s wsC*t tbMe.titBM befcee the ifiwt day^of;

J Jn ly ,486t t , and forward me o n e o f tae p a w s * c o i i U i n i D g it , wi l l b e alWwe«l b i t b i l l , a t 1: the time of m a k i n g * pweJraws ftom «ie*if'j * * - - - o w n n»nwfa«ttir«t, o f five t imes the

)GEOBCffi \$$ffi:*j:] , j ^ Iui|ioir|er dm! Wbolesolc l»e»ler in ,-|^

Teas, Sugar, Molasaes, Coflee, 8fc»ce&> j Oil, Soap, Candles, Etrii&sj-**' '•£• Segars, Tobacco,

' - sfglpUMWW -OTLWWPy," alts?,; ' ^ ^ M M ^ * ? ^ * A$**fr W.T Y'« ^&fr" A L L W A K T I N 0 F A R M S I K A D E - I

lightfol cJtn,.^, M^ZSZmn^knmTin^. I see - j-:~2ya»*>5*B* WikPPS)mam»mm> froata, l w e naveniswMtir 01 HkfnTtnoMo* LMMIS m an* 1 other column. --- "*m™7*. • * ? ? • ™ <nW 1

^r-wirjt-^^sS^^ r . _ „ ibksb Isaid company,, *ad twelfth dav of September, one thoasnnd eight hundred ahd filly loikr, or tho twenty] fourth day of Januarv, one ihouVand eight hundkd and flftv six, or the eloventhdkyof February], cjne thousand eight hundred nnd filtTlseven, nny right, title, or Interest, legal or e>|(ntnblo, simatjdTin the said County of Lewis, and particularly nil Hndsim-nediutrly adjoining title liue of said road, nnilda. jlgned and intended to be used in operating tho said rai4roaH,orin parrying on the busiiiass of said Company, or land for depota. eiiirine, cat or freighl-houses, orthejlike and al«o flI buildings

ndalructures placed 00 ihe line ol nhid railroad irany such binds, as aforesaid, and all fixtures jpon any of'aid lands; and also the following pieces, loin, parcels, pint tracts of land, ray ely :

All the umhVded ilhree filths of two thirds ol those parts of cerlkiin townships 111 "Brown's Tract." so collet , in !tlie county nt IJewis, which said townships are located in the canities of Lew-Is and Herkimer, as designated on a nap and sur­vey, made bv Nathaniel Smith in A il). 1796 us township No. one, containing 22,689 ij^res; town­ship No. two,containing !J5.40O a g r 4 ; township No. three, cont«mingJJ5.536 ac.reB; IJwuship No,

« Part of the to the said

^"ll6aTOAjO»;»AJt.'T»S." ~

Am%G8&&9 v m, of the towjT of CrvdlaK , ? Uwia, and St»#i*f Newi T o f K i J3th day of O f̂oiBber, iner*^ * dred and afty^io Jonalbnn E

and one third in five years mortgage, together with the lawful intei computed from the 13th day of Deceml

; to-be ,18(50,

containing iion-paymrnt of the 'said .-&E&i CouotV Clerk •( the County ol Lewis.on thr IJ day of December. IbfiO.at n ineo 'c le 1 - * —' Book L of Mingenas . p a g a ^ ^ , &c.


claimed to'be"di mo£lgage at th ibis notice,ihe dollars and, ten

o'clock a; —,,... ,eVc. Add there

and by virine o thne of the first publical »mol lour hundred and twenty

($4y0 10.) And default has made in the pay mftur thereof, and, no jtro-i

1! v due thereon

n made in the pay meut thereof, and, no pro-dings at law have been hod w-dommenced for colleclion thereof, and the suWiiurrt is oqrtita-

T l i e n

]n4«»ohu«dri?QWl*M, with intewst thereon 1 foliowa, vlis tr-In nine squtil annus) payments, HIIrst p-STm«.t tb be aiadeon the first.^aybf

4 e 7 8 i h o ^ v o T * \ i i 3 o s t , l ^ , a « d interest p a y a % ^ W a l l y OTaJJ « m . » « . » « , mortg.ged awf cojp /eyed to sei4 Perknelia J. Wunn,. theT preuiiafes htreSlter d & r f t r ^ a a i d W t * * * * was g iveAo secure pavment Mthe purchase money of*the premises th' reon described; The premises a|e ilisaciibed in' said mortgage "subst. ntiail;

All that tract or, parcel of land situMe in ihe Town of Levdrn. i 1 the County of Lewis and State or New York, bein^a part ol Lot Number ninelv-eiohi(98) in lumari's Triangle, and bounded uud described as follows, to wit :

Beginning at the north west corner of said No. ninety eight (9$Jr, thence south twenty—1

Saetotrfll jgattrEjof.

Ayer'̂ Sarsapplli ompciujid remedy; iii which we bave Labored .roduce fli4 nwwt effoctunl ulteraive that can — J - I t ia a conieptratcd exrtact of Para

s^itoieoiBbtTiWVltl , n ' idVltbotb^r subs torn


rs-sSff , . . . heretofore conveyed t<

^.mipany bv Henry S|tanton and Margaret M. L.._ wife, bv two deeds, blearing date November tenth, eighteen hundred ttijid fi(ly-thrce. and both ac­knowledged on the twenty-eighth day of Deueni-her, in the same \ear, be'ore Edwin Commissioner of Deeds, in the citv, c Stale ol New York. ,

Also, ihe undivided one-lmlf of the undivided one third purl ol towtships numbered one, two, tin ee, four, as nloreeaid alwiys exceptim; and re­serving from saidtowiiship No. oiie.orjui'l t0 three whole lots in the soutlheBHteily pail thereof; also, excejiliug ana reserving fifteen hundred acres in towiteliip No. three, and liltnen hundred acres in lowufhij. No. four; being a part of llie same premise's conveyed , bv Henry Stanton and Maiguret ftl. his wife, and Harvey R. Wilr.ox and Sarah A. hit wife, lo the said company, bv deed dated November tenth, eighteen" hund-ed and lifiy three, and ucknowledged on tho twenty eighth dav of December, in tho sumo year, bo-

iiil I t n i 'Tr«?r

mm all tl

...wrioed in said mortgage as follows, it 'AH that certain niece of land situate in said town of Croghan, and is a nsrt, of the seventh and eighth west, eijrhleenth and nineteenth, norlh ranges of subdivisions of Ureal Lot No. 5 ofMacOmbs' pur-' eliaaet'and isbotinded asfol'ows, VIK. : Beginning at a hub in the centre of tho Stale Road, thirty-eight links south ol it hemlock post mnrked C-md is fifty.eight links west, 32 chai.is 11 links south 2} degrees west,and eleven chains 90 links north, filly degrees weal from Ihe corner of 7th, Kih west, 18lh. IJllh North Ranges; nnd runs thence north furty»six'eliains thirty links, (Back Sight S , 2 ° W.,) to a hemlock Post marked I), S . I', e V A - ; C - thence south eighty-seven nnd one tmlfdegrees east, fourtHen chains forty-three links 10 n hemlock post marked S R. C , three links north, fifty-eight degrees east from an ash tree eorncrcd : lb-Mice south five degrees, west fiftv-liva chains filly links, (back sight .V 8° E.) to'a hub in said crntre, 50 links south, eight degrees west frem a hemlock past: thence along said centre north seventy-seven degrees,west onechain sixtv three links to a hub and angle: thence along suit! c.entrc, norlh fiftv degrees, west fourteen chains fifty-nine links (back sight S. 5! j° E to ihe plnceof beginning: containing 70 4-100 acres, be the same more or leas, saving exception and expressly reserving unto the parly ol the first part, anil hia legal representatives, their heirs and assigns, for. ever all mines whai ticulurly all the ore of iron, copp have been discovered, situated 011 any port _. parts nt said premises, with ihe right and privilege it nnv lime 0 times hereafter, of entering upo

id premises, and ill ;ic


e and c


0. anoih

a dniv

or mi ! described, i

figlit hu of Curt

111 Jul


1 ige as pos sible lo the said mable compensation thcre-

irtgage on

lib day of 1 and fifty-in said «tu

the same )»rein­ed by the said t, hiswile, bear-

Oecember, one

le, to secure ihe

the sooth west sixty IWOI and one half degrees east along :the joulh line ol said Lpt No 9S thirty seven 1 hains (37) lo the south w « t corner of fifty acres of land Conveyed by Johnson and JefseTulcott lo Dutiiel Kent- thence northerly along the west line of the said a/ly acres of iknd thirtv four (341 chains nnd fifty (SO) Iftiks to life north line of said lot, thence

Ih sisety two d<jgrees west along said line M»»r-even (:571 chains and forty eight (48) links lo place of beginning, containing one hundred

twenty seven and fifty four hundredths C 137,5-1) acres of iaod, surveyed by E. Spencer August 14, IF.V., be the same inore or less.

Which Raid Moitgn^e wilh the power of sale therein contained, was duly recorded in theLewit Counlv Clerk's office on the 27th day of August 1855, OI4I o'clock P. M., in Liber P. o( Alotlgsge, on pages 867, &c.

And whereas, default has been made in the pay­ment ol the money, secured to be paid by .said Mortgage, and th«lre is claimed to be unpaid on | ihe said MortgageJ including both principal and iiiterept to the datil of this notice, the BUin of one thousand njne hundred and rixty two dollars and sixty one cents, and ihe sum actually due and payable and still unpaid thereon, at the date of ihis notice it the stlm ol |9H4 83.

And whereas nlsp the faid Nathaniel M.Sargent and Lydiu A. Harglent, his wile, by indenture ol Mortgage, bearing date the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight, lo se­cure life amount specified in the above described Mortgage, as the same became due and payable by the terms and Conditions thereof, mortgaged and conveyed to the suid Pertnelia J. Muii.l, the lands and premise^ in the lust mimed Mortgage, described >ts follows, vix :

All that certain piece or parcel of land siluate. in the town ol ^eytJcn in Ihe Conuty ol Lewis and

ofNcw York, being a part of lot No. W, iu nn's Triiiiiffla. thnt pa it of said lot hereby in­

tended lo be conveyed'i» bounded and described

t o p i be made. S.usnnanlla, i)< . of still greaMjr sdtorjatittt tower adto afford aa effective ontidf>to for* tho diseases Shisaparilla is

Lrcputctf to curis. I t is, believed tbai such a rcm-l*cdy is 'wanted! b y tho30 who saffetf from Stru­

mous complaints, and that one wuich will se­ll complish their cure mu«t p r w e of jbjmensc ser­

vice to thisl^rge clasi of put afflicted fellow-citizens. . }Jp\f comjifctely this ,co|apoan.d will do it. has been proven I>y e^pcriradiit on many of tf«5 worst casca to bo found of she following complainta: J

SCROFCL4. AXD PcHOTCLOCa CpMPLAIXTS, F.ncpTtor.-sVlxD EeinjTivu DisjuAsiis. U L -cnr.s, riMPifca, B L O T C H K S , T C M O R S , S A L T RITEUM, KcAtD I I E A B , S V P U I L I S ixn S Y P H I ­LITIC ArvECTiONa, MiistconiAil D I S E A S E , D K O P S T , NErjn.vjUii.i 0 3 T t c DodLOiriti-.Ar.x, DtniMTT, l|)Y8PEI«I\ A^D Ix|DlGESTtON, ERYSIPC'LAS, R O S E , C I ' S T . 1 AVTII and indeed the who!e clsdfs of com'̂ )! f.o:n IartRiTY Oi- t«E|llixjOD. *

T}iis/com-w>un:l wiU 'ba f j:m,l rj motcr rjf Inalth, whc:i t.ikc-.i i.i the s-J •y-1 the foul lm:nors which f.^tcr in 1 [lint sex 0:1 of t';e y^tr. By t'-.o ti •̂ ion of t':e:n ismiiy rankiiii^di-o.ik'i-

./etnedy, t^'avi i!:':!:i>elvc* f o-.nj'ioc fun! c.u^tior;; nr.lu'iccvou; (Ort-, t'r ^osyjt . - : i \V:: iFr?i™tori . l i tK:fof

f.veat pro-fii.i?, to cx-Ke-Uocxl at hicly c>;;>iti-karcr.ipi ;el

k;:trjuice of V.u-h whie'.i



msz of tl : T o «

lulled, lands

'M second, one thousand eight hundred.aml f.lly-four

p, W n s ' d i e ' i ^ of ihe undi

HiSii thousand eight liundrc ed December Ihe i

lour. -..- toiknty ofLewi-

nllnuidelcvenlheiistnndeigh • of (he subdivisions ofCha.isnnit lulled Castor |,uiid or Great

' eteenlh norlh rnu^^^M) ihec: iid ol Ihe eleventh east range : .eseventeeHirnibrWm

no as 10 include three

hill ea.-t fourteentli

••the thirteer Hit ran Ii and *

: • » three hu a...... in ihe colinty ot Lewis, part oi the triangle dt llie ensl end of the great lot No. tour, ot Macomb's purchase, in ihe counties of Lewis and Herkimer, bounded as follows,to wit : On llie south hy the south boundary of said triangle; on 1I13 north­east by the northeast boundary of said triangle ; and on the northwest bv u lino to run north, thiriv six degrees east, (rom the soulli boundary to the northeast boundary of said triangle, so as to in­clude five thousand acres ; being ths'land convev ed by Vincent Le Ra.i deChatftiiont, by hi

vilte 0 the si panv bv two deeds, both dated Jui een hundred ami fifty four, and ,-ickm wledi-e t-e third dav ol Janeafoie-aid, by Pair ck So villo Stewart, A ttornrv, before Eli West Ju:

for Jefferson County . the ri

:al o . and ii

of, it (lie thereof.

iind till buildings, structures, and fixtures placed thereon, excepting and reserving from ail the land* above described so much and such parts ihereofas are included within the line or road­bed n( the railroad of Baid company, throughout its entire length nnd breadth, suclt liue or road­bed being described as follows:

All thnt certain strip of land which has been lo-c<ite<J upon and n.li.ptad by (ho said comr>«"V as the line and road bed of iheir railroad, and si'tuut ed and described as follows: Beginning at n point in the town ol GirecufieU, in the county of Saratoga, known fie station number '.htee hundred and thitty, (No 330,) the same being within the limits ol the farm ol itme Sweeny, and. running thence near Scott's Corner tittd about a quarter ot a mile easterly of the village of South Corinth; and thence to and across the Counties of Warren, Essex, Hamilton. Herkimer, Lewis aud Jefferson, lo the shore of Lake Ontario, in the town of Sack-, en's Harbor, opposite' Horse Island, about one half mile westerly of the Navy Yard or Ship Yard thes.iid strip ol laud being of various widths in diff­erent parts, but nowhere le^B than six rods wide, and nowhere more than fifteen rods wide, and the same being boun led throughout npoi each side by sjake*,set by the said Company,in outside liues.one hundred feet apart.and;numbered consecutively ; and also the railroad thereon,nnd all and singular franchises of.ihe said Company.

Duted March I6lh, 1860. EDWARD A. BROWN, Referee.

T R A C Y , WAI T ifc OI.MSTEAD, Plaintiffs Attorneys.

IS vV'illi,imSt.;New Yoi



J O H N C O N O V E E ,

DAT\S, STRKET. 11-refitted in fine style nco.niujJi now offering a choice lot of


hi for Cash

n-pay 111 said sum of money mcniioned therein with

it, was dull recorded in the office of the v Clerk of the County of Lewis, on the 5th January, IH52,at 3J o'clock p. in., in Book

llorigsges. page 2U5, &c. And the shid entioncd mortgage has been duly assigned aluable. consideration, bv the stiid George gun, ihe mortgagee named therein, to the 'onutha.ii Edwards, which assignment was led In the oflice of tho Counlv C'qrk ol the v of Lewis. January 4th. I8.'i3, at !) o'clock in Hook N of mortgages, page 234. And

ed 1

It has been made i

lad" (OM'IHM ollect

Begi the North I

md live lo-urov, for ' 10 blool I t.i tl v, 11. .; pai.u'iiiM a v:- ii

North East fcorneP of land occupied bv Joseph Banning, and runs thence North fi2j dee. East •> I chains nnd%66 links, thence S o u t h s de.g. East alotis; Thayor's line 20 ch-iins and 80 links ; thence .South 73J deg. West 5 ch.iinsand 65 links, thence North i.»7 deg. West, lo fhe place ol beginning con­taining Eleven andfo.it> five (11. 45:100) liund-ledlhs acres of lair'.be the same more or less.

Beinga portion OT t'!B s«ma premises conveyed to Hiram Lane by'Asa Francis and. Hannah,his wife, by indenture^! Deed, dated May 5th, 18f6, aud recorded In the Clerk'* Otfiee ofLewinCounty June 17th, 1856, at 10 | o'clock. A. M., in Hook No. 15, of Deeds, at page 472 &c and hi

Sargent by il his . -

=n id Nulh. : said Hiram Lane and Mai

W h i i .

offtlar :>rtg'fg! i on pagf

and described, f sale contained


o o f C n r l t ^ Y . ^

M O R T G A G E S A L E .

W H E R E A S — O n the U t h day of March A. D. I.-S08, Henry O. Warren and Ma­

ry A n n , his wife, of ihe town of Montague. County of Lewi,-, and Sta le of N e w York, i-xetuied and del ivered undcr-Uheir ha * and seals unto John N. Fairbanks, of town of Montague aforesaid, a certain m gage bearing date thai day u|jon certain U niij real o t a t e siluate in the town of Mo gue a f o r e s a i d , hereinafter described and which said Mortgage is recorded with (lower of sale therein contained in the office? o f the Clerk of the County of L e w i s , in Li b-r S. of Mortgages, at page 376 £ c , the •Jifth day of March, 1858 ; arid whereas , the s.itd Morlgage was duly assigned and (rans (erred by the said John N •Fairbanks to Ilin-man Se l l eck , on the 10Ui day of January 1-io!), whicu assignment was recorded ihse h Lewis County Cleric's Ollice on llie 31st day March, 18GU, in Book U. of Mortgagej , a | pVge 2S9.

A n d whereas the said Hinmnn Se l leck U mill ihe owner and holder o f aairf Mortgagei and default lias been made in the payment of the sum of one hundred seventy-nine d-illars and twenty-e ight conls,(.$l 79, ad-100; which is claimed to be due ihereon at the d..te of

N o w the upurs

efo e notice is hereby given thai e of a power of sale contained in tge and o f the Statute in such case

ises described


CABINEI: WARE, can be found at his-Rooms aud anv article of Office Furniture not usually manufactured, will be made to order on j

S k o r i ' N o t i c e , S O F A S . T E T E A-TETES.OTTOMANS;



C A R D » 7 A i n > 8 , BRACKS,and C E N T E ^ T > » L E ! S l . B y R £ A ^ S

DESKS, BOGyCjCASES. And a extensive variety of

id M ufade and pi in and covered by said Mortgage, to wit :-r-AH that tract or parcel of laud situate in the town of Montague aforesaid, in T o w n s h i p No . 3 , C o u n t y o f L e w i - and State o f N e w York, known and described as pari of Lot No. 15, and boundedas f o l l o w , to w i t ; Be­g inning on the South l ine ol said Lot at a point 1-2 chs. 5 3 Iks fiom the S. E. corner thereof, VUIIB thence N . 2 deg, E. 25 ths . thence N. ti/J deg. W . l O c h s , thence S. •i deg W. 2-3 c-hs. lo the S. l ine of' said Lot, thence 10 chains to the place of beginning, containing twenty-five ar-res^jf latnd, mlore or less , wil l be sold at public auction at the Court House , in the vi l lage of Martinsburgh HI the Counly of Lewis on the fifth day of July n e x t . n t 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of ihiitdtty. Dated at Mariinsburgb, Api i l 2d, I860. H I N M A N S E L L I C K , Assignee.

A B ' J I . I MERKNtSS,-4rt't/.

T1Y O R D E R O F E D W A R D A. B H O W N • J County Judge of L e w i s County- Not ice is hereby g iven to all persons having claims against Gilbert Bramard, deceaasd, late -of l l u town o f L e y d e n , that they are required to present t h e s a m e , with the vouchers there­of to the Administrator, James Brainard, al his dwe l l ing house in L e y d e n , on or before tho 1st day -of J u n e . 1860.

Datfcd Nov . 20t i i , 1859. J A M E S B R A I N A R O , Administrator

last nninedinorlgnge, including the pow-thcrem contained, wns|dulv rceordwl in

1 County Clerk's Oflice on the 15th day 1S5U. at 9o'clock A. M., in Book S. of

ige 3$5, fie.. No suit at low has dlectthe amount secured bv

smd mortgage or cpv part thereol, now therelore nolicc is hereby gliven that bv virtue of ihe said mortgages nnd the1 sevenil aril respective powers of sale therein contained, and therewith tecorded us aforesaid, and of (he S(atuie in such case made and provided, the irurtgnged premisen above des­cribed will be sold at public Suction to the highest hiik'er »t the law office of Edward A. Brown, in Lowville in the County of Lewis on the 30 day 0! June next, at K- o'clock A . RL, of that dav.

Duted April 4th. 1860. PERMELIAJ. MUNN,Mortgagee.

EDWARD A. BmowN.A'torney, Lowville, N. Y.

M O R T G A G E S A L E . \ Y H E R E A S - N a t h a n i e l M. Sargent, of the » Town of Leyden, iu the County of Lewis and Lydia A. Sargent, his wift, by a certain inden" -

Mortgnge, beuribg dale the fifth day of Jui '"'" zvkrii the payment 1 "

of fin ' , , 1857', lunn, of the same ;pi villi :nteresl iheroln iftcr the date of saiii mortgage,

'Permelia J. hundred dollars, : : -Three years

_ - „ . , ith annual inter-fed and conveyed to said Per»

m e n a j . miiuii,.^Me~i premises hereinafter and in said mortgage dewibed substantially as follows, viz.—All flint tract or parcel of land, situate in the town of Leyden in the county of Lewis and Slate of A'ew York, being apart of lot number ninety eight (98) in Inman's Triangle, and bound­ed and described as follows to w t :

Beginning at the north Jyvest corner of said lot No. ISinetv eight (93) thence-south twenty seven and one half degrees east thirty four chiins to the south we»t corner of said lot • thence north sixty two and one half degrees east along the south line of said lot No. 98, thirty seven (37) chains, to the south west corner of fifty acres of land conveyed by Johnson and Jesse Talcott to Daniel Kent ; thence northerly along the west line of said fifty acres of land thirty four chains (34) and fifty (5tl) links lo the Norlh line of said lot, thence south sixty two degress west along said line thirtv sev­en (37) chains and forty eight (48) links 'to ihe place of beginning, containing one hundred twenty seven and filly four hundredths (127.54) acres ot land, as sui veyeTd by E. Spencer, August 14, 18"5,

est ihereon, in

e the si Which said mortgage with (he power of sale

therein contained:>as duly recorded in Ihe-Lewis County Clerk's Office on the 14th day of January 1857 at 9 o'clock A|. M., in Book B . of mortgages on pages 348, Sec. .

iSo proceedings at law have been instituted <(i collect the amount secured bv the suid .'mortgage, or any part"thereof,; 'Ihe amount'churned 10 bp due on said mortgage and unpaid at the date here* of, is $613,65, including principil and interest.

And whereas alsi llie said Nathaniel M. Sar­gent and Lydia A. Sargent, his wife, lor the pi po.-e of securing payment of the moneys J — • '•'-in the mortgage above set forth and~lh thereon-, according to the terms lUereol as above tel forth, by a mortgage bearing da|ehhe first day ol January, 1858;mprtgaged and cutKeyed to stud Purtueiia J . Miiiin, (he l indsand pj^mises therein des»-rib'eflasfollowS,to wit : ""*>-

A if'thiu certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the tu^VihiifLeyden, in ihe countyof Lewis and State ol'.&cw York; beiug 0 part of lot No, 97, in lim"4ii's.:Triangle; that purl of suid lot hereby in­tended to be cenveyied, is bounded and ilesci .bed

Bcsinniug'on the north line of1 ihe lot ut the north east corner of luliti-occupied by Joseph Itati* uing, and runs thence north G'iJ dee. eut.t5 chains and66 links; thence south 27 d ig . east along Thnversline'JilclwinsnudtO links'; iheucefouiij 73J deg. west 5 chains ami 65 links: thence north 27 deg. west to the place of beginning containing eleveuond forty fivjj (11,45:100) hundredlliis acres ol laud, be the samel more or less—being it portion of (lie same premise^ conveyed to Hiram Luue by Asa Francisond Hannah,his wife,by indenture o'f deed dated Mav 5tl), 1856, and recorded in the Clerks office o f l ewisCountv June 17, |856at l(bj o'clock, A. M., in Book No.'15 ol deeds „l page 47a

:, and being the same premises this day deeded the said Nathaniel M. Sargent by the suid Hi-11 Lane uud Mirioi O., his wife. Which liisl named mortgage was duly recorded

... ihe Lewis Countvi Clerks office on tha 15th day of March; 1858.otsy»'ciock A . M , in Book S . qT mortgttg«a,page353J,eti

And wbeieas-default has ditiuns ofthe said t»<fo mortgages respectively

eieas-tlefa^lt has been made

have been instituted to en' theri|fore by virtue 6f powers

proceedings at law ce the same; Novr therijforL

ofsnleUierefn contained awl therewith recorded,

( otititv, notice 1* hereby gwen to all personahav-ing clmuw a^mM^arr i eon Bnrnf s, late of Mar-tmsburgh, Lewis County, deceased, that tbev Hre required 10 exhibit the same, wilb the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, o.rone of them, at il village ol Morrhisbiirgh, in said County; on i before the 28th day of July, I860.

Dated?Jnnuarv24.i860. ' DAVID T. MARTIN, A.Iministrator-MARY BARNES, Administratrix.

0X4ftK>9 ftfWl, The food and habits of civilized jnan induce in ,

n great majority nn impure conditioh of the blood, 1 he. source ot̂ a greeft variety of painful diseases, which disturb the happiness of almost everv fai

' Fo7 ra*i"by B A R f i e ? & PARK, Wholesale Agents. Park R o w , N . ¥ . c i tv , and bv Druggist geuernH.y. i " . . ' . • • • » •


tid pursuant to ihe ptat»to iu such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said niortguge will be foreclosed nnd «bej>r«niiises therein recpec lively described and! above set forth, will besold at public tuc lion to the his heat bidder uftlie law ofriceo. Edward A.; BrdWn.in'Unwville in County ofLewison (he3ukh day dklunf next o'clock A. M. Doted April 4th. 1380.


r>n. jr. c . AY e n

Ay.r's G.c

Avcr's Cathartic Pill-.

Prlfa 25 cents rcr B02 ; Five Boscs far $1.C3.

O.-if 'liumtJrrs of Clergymen, rhys1eian% -ratcsmen, nu-1 eminnit personages, have lent '.:.•> Mini's lu certify the unpAralleled ustl'ul-i' -s of l!n:-se lvuv.-dics, bttt our sptu-e here will • it pr-ruit tho insertion of them. The-'Agcnts

K io'.v n:i;ii"ri ftii-tiislj. gratis our AJIEIIICAN A L -,tiv \c in which (hey arc piven; with al>p full

of the npove roruplairits, and tho ,.u ,,,Mt should IK followed.for their c*ici<

lot h<* put off by ttiiprineJ'piiVcd dealers her preparations they m«ke mojc profit

- nd A Y E R ' I , 'and take no others. Tim


•ii k wuiit the best aid there is"- foe them, aud. h'-v Flmulil-liave it. . l . .

r.'.l ourlfeniedies o^reifpr sale by.

For Sale by Johrf tlo%,-LowirSle

rtgagee. !



ED51U5D BROWN, Ifortgaj lingiMortgageje; Horace j 1

ee o( 1 he Mortgage ; date jbflhe] id, 1858; Mortgage recorded * Clerk's Oificfl, Augusi25th, A, "'wWoIoiwjk, 4 . Jttj-iuUber lisgtSJf flwf. Assignment recoi on the wunedav at t&e same time uf day, iu Book T..OI MorUtages,, od page 40 &c. The amount claimej*to be due onlwiidinongTige ot ihe date and time of the first pubKi-ation of this notice, is one hundred and IhSrty dollars ami filly cents. The said « o ^ « a » r ^ prwniae* aredescr iW m follows fiy.r AII that p*sce o f land- situaft i » the ^ tewn 'nt Diana, County of Lewis,and State of New York. fceHi?i|i«it*f U t * « a > . m & 670v pg Ureal f * i « . - 1 1 . ^ . - 1 . , !th.e'g. W

a&rU ilfick pos f^



"IXT'E beg leave to qall the atten-** tion of tht Trade,' arid more

especially the Physicians <3f ̂ tbe country, to two of the most pop­ular remedies now-before the pub-' lie. W e refer to

Dr, Clrfls-lt'Lanc's Celebrated

Vermifuge ahd Liver Pills. W e do not recommend them as

universal Cureralls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.:

T H E V E B M I F U G E , For . expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis­factory results *to various. Animals subject to "Worms.


FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory! to, or after taking Qui­nine, they almost invariably make a speedy arid permanent cure.

As specifics for the above men­tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad­ministered in accordance with the

Jfcltdections. T M r unprecedented popularity

has ip4uce<f *fac proprietors,

feEMii^G B R O T H E R S ,

