TWIF' ! VOL. 4. . NO. 03 .. , • ■ ; - iifflir f PUTHTTOPDF . SIT E ’SUS! i . -------- u Congressional .Program in Up- J per House Tal<es Sliape in o Discussions'at Dinner Con- £ ference at White House >” -------- U IVlORE TIME DEM/\NDED ON ° PERMANENT TARIFF ACT ;____ PI '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer -Measaro as^ Bogola- _ ti^n of Pntoro Grain Trad- ^ ' ing to Be Oiven Prefierenoo gi ' WASHINQTON, D. 0., D . ttul agre«mcnt -vu uld t«<U7 to - . . ban ])tta mchttd at t diimer con- t, tho Whlto Honw. lu t iu ' sl^bt for 8«stt« eo^orUloa of • tix t#Tl«ioa leglaUWbn-tefur* tlio jt . permueiiK tu lff ju t 1« takes np bi •by tbat body.-'AaambBf of waa- •' a t«n- wen . Pmldent Hardliis'e >rt ,^ ta and ths legUUtire sltoatl/m {o waa *iia t« haT# been dlscumed [_ «xt«asl7el7. ' WhUo Houirc officials hail nothinj: to’ say about tbe eonforenco toilny. .Iliii former lajoclales in the *enlite worj »alJ to liavo adviied Iho prcsldrnl’tliof tho financo committeo woii1<] not hnvo the lioiiac tariff bill rendy for ronnl*!- , i-riitlon ahort of flvo or »lr week*. . Amcrlchn valuation provi/iloiiii In fhe tnriff Wll wero dkcuMCd and tliere \ were reports loday that the prp«idp'il •did not favor tho policy. ' BACCB8 In Prospect, De Preflldont Uardbiff told bis f^ueits ho hoped both branched of eonjrrcM eould reeesi horn tho mlddlo of Auguat I/) the Intter part of September or the first of Oolobcr, but ww represented ' ' ns opposed to a3y rcccM of eithtr body U until tho tax rovlilon bill .lias passed ^ Iho bouse, Uiavinff Ihc senato finance I* ntmmitteo to work on .boUi t*x and n larlff‘.nicasurca;4tltlng:tho recpis;, - ■" EepttbUctn leader* (Uld today • '" I tho smto-pit)p»a-« * nandng UU, the WUU»^ampbeU anU-beer WU and tho Cappw- bUl for gOTcmment regu- ot tatnn tixUiij on QXcbaiwea before adjoomme&t Tbe u lUled debt refond^ bill which B dccnpled about half of tbe confer- « enco lart- night, it waa said, and the ndlroad fnndlng^raeMtire, roc- v ommended yesterday by tbe ^ dent, w en to be altted for postponeinsst. Mr. Harding -was ' ]) Informed thatiboth of these.UUa ihn would bo dlfflcnlt to paaa and to eolh tako conaldorablo time and waa tpi* for. dentood to haro agreed to their - defonaent nntU after recess. n ’weiiMion of tho congrosalonal nro- tfiVim with lionro leadem nlso is plnn- “ . jiciL by tbo pre»ldont. ■pi.tTB, TO a iv E POLicnr on MEDICINAL BBBB BUOULATION WAflmNQTOK, yp)—Announe»-ment -J m •Jiv' Internal rovcnuo CommiMlnnrr Tllnir of hh policy on the- quMtlon of -ot nu-dielnal beer resiilfltionn •'*' w in the next •fotv dnyn. 01 Th.' enmmlmioner.nlrti Uworklne out . tin--finnl form tlie br<T ropilntions tni«hl inko which, il 1* untlerstood. ^ woiilfl rTOvlde in Rcneral for prencrip' p, lirni* of one enuo at one time. Init vrilh- <iiit limifaa-lA the number nf preiipri|)- linn*. AccordlRB to •Trfililliltlon Com- mi.'iloner Ilnynp*. bowover, the I'robn l.iiitv of the eventual issno of bppr rci;- iilnlionr is (.light. There wnf ni'pnr- ,.nllv littlo dwirp on flic pnrt of !>rpw ,.r!i.'hp itilld, to obtain Ihe rpRiilntinn* * in vii'tr of tho ppndinjf bostllp Willii- r>ini|>)>cll bill. * ~ _________ la 1 Todaifs Games ) ' ' • ' fo National Leagvo. - bt ft .Bforo: R. If. K. ji, NpW York ....................................•» i> •) I’itt/iburpb ......................- ......... I 'l n.-»ltprtes: Nehf nnd 8av«lpr; Cnnper nnd Bfhmldts ' = I’irnt Rarao: It. H. E riri H-.Mnn _____:................. ............. 0 0 0 “U • irinrlnnttl .... ' ...............!J 7 0 V Second (jnme:, > H. H. K. , lljHlrtn ........ ..I,.’ .- ......... .... ........ 3 * * „ .....------------ (End Cth)- itnt.tpricii: McQuillan, FiHingiin nnd Mfirquord and Winjio. 8cnr.': ' B. H.- E, i». firoo'tlvn ............................ 15 : I, f.hirntto............. ....................... — . 2 tt :■ l’liiliidclph!n-8t. Loui" pestiloned. Antriomlwa*..: '5;; . R. H. E. .(Irvelnnd ......................... .......... ^ « ■! IJnnlni ' 11 0 loiic 8 <'nrc: . R- f; Hro , tWrnll ........................................ 0 l'hiln<lel|diin ............................... I fi 2 7, •.'v'nfp end Oth: 1^- If- E- f(,)'n . • . iliicnRo ...... .......... ....... - ....... i ; * nliti Wn«hitifffnn .....r..., .1 j-imt nntferics: Kerr nnd Schnlk; Mo-' •CfidRC nnd Qliarxity. ' ‘ Inn-. :.Scorc end Sth: R. H. E. g|, -^ai. IjouIs .... — -- .....4 * * nt •{NVW York — i ..... - .....3 whei Bntlerics Shoekcr and. flcvcreid; been May* and SchaD(r,'Qolnn. in Ih VHE ONLY ASS N FAI ====^========== 7stE8PATHS.HEAR '1 CHANGE-IN GLAND I PROMPTS DIVORCE CLEVELAND, 0., (4 ^ D r. Br» neat £. Tucker of New'^oriE. 'speak- f lag ioday beforo tho twenty-fifth annual' c^restlon of tho American OstwpalUc. assodatloD, attributed to a change in function cf tis pit-, nlaiy body, ono of tie nnaUest of the so<alled'ductless gnlaildai';the I. Inqrensod preralen'coTof divorce In Op proportion to tho growing wealth of n tho country. He aald that thla or* gan la' about tho slae of a pea and '* Is bidden on tbo^ondsi aide of the brain. - .: Dc,' O.JV.-Yonng, of Grand Junc- tion, Colo., described his newly dla. coveted method of dmfiilng the PA larynx of abnonnal sectetlons. f By placing^bls fi;iger on the up- per surface of the luynx or bohlnd It, Dr. Toung said ho makes tbe pa- » tiont cough with a atwng expul- don effort which causes the larynx to drain. , Beiults’have been secured by this technlQue ifl br^schltls, ' astlmu. 5 goitre, ^lasa of- voice, who<^g cough, toberculosia. and..otber .a f- fections of tho Junga and throat, . V Dr. Young dalma. „,r, Dr. Jeanette H. Boles of Denver I „ ’ declared health ia tbe foun^tion of hoppintsa success. “ Aside from accidents and In- ihi> Jurios to the body, defdpnitles may j,,. be produced by bod -postov, which ' „ may result from w e a ;^ Ugh heels, Jftandlng on one foot or .roller skat- ing on one foot,” Dr. Boles said. Bln IlfilSlliiE ■ ; STiiiEis i -------- OJ De Valera and OoUeagues Still ^ 0 Looking for Basis for " J / Peace Conference a' IT -------- '11 1 LONDON. <JP)—A communlca- j-nv f tion baa beon received at the offi-' ilnti I dal rtiidence St Prime Miniater mui B Lloyd Oeorgo in Downing street ttn'ii 1 from Eamonn do 7alera,.the Irlah thp . lepnblicsa,leader, saya the Central turi . News today.' It la not a final an- (]|,'r swR and is considered leu favor- r.nn ■"•rtle'than'-had btfo anUcfpated: ‘ rnr - the OMitral Now* doclans, bnt tha pio* ' negotiations will continue, r tinn DUBLIN, (flV-A full mating of .li"" the Irish republican cabinet, ust- wok Ing all tUs aftomoon. discussed the - ni.ir British govomment'a peace propo- cnvi sala, but reached no deeisioa. at'in It ia undontood tho cabinet is I aw al^g a communication from ■ x ■_____; ,Inp: nurtLlN, Kniiumn .!.• Vnlprn, m'lp! thn Irish rcpublicnii Kkujpr, nnd' liii ,■ , 1 ], pdllc-ic'H'f havo not .vot f.miid n Imflik ,iisc fnr. tho proposed c.mforcniu' with Ihe (Continued on Porc Five) i' I FL A SH E S FR O ^ r DES MOINES, la., right of a r -off dty streets asd"i6 refuse to pormit tho ' will bo tried In the Iowa supremo court ill B City dtlien. ' SAN ANTONIO, Texas, (/P)—For the tho volcano of San Ulguol threateu aa « patch from Mexico Oity, roceived here tods tw bavo spouted from tho crater recently, ■occurrcd In-IMC when .two small towna WOI TORONTO, (5>>—Somo landlords here ; for the privil^e of looking at apaztmenta. today about It, one houso hunter aaid a.loi apply on the ront If ho should accept tbe : look at the pUco," said tho landlord. V lt: NBW YORK, (>P)—Oreenwlch vlUsge, is different In art, literatnn, music, danc I an innovation. TbU time It ia the street r adult villagers christened Ust nJght, with swimming pool In tho middle of West Tent fourteen feet long and five feot deep, wi but tho grown-ups lost no time in t r ^ g i ' aion after tbo klddios left at D p. m. -Co I regular bathing suits to whatever some of whon they sighted tbe pool. , dODY QF dr ! stone li - ■ NE I ; FOUND IN DEEP CREVICE ^ Bearchor* Loarn Fate of Missing to s- ident of Purduo trniverBity; Wlfo In Oritical Oondition ' llANKK. Alt..., l.yinj: it) n .Uf f':i'iilt j'nsiti.iti for ri'i'civpry nt tli.' hot' l.im .)f n diM'ii .Tpv'u'p. the btnl.v Dr. Avei \V. K. ,‘^tonp. prnfcMor nf I'urdiip uni- mot! vpmitv, Ijnfay.'lt.', linl.i who Ifiuellip* tt.rtt with hin wifp. hn.H hc.’U min’ini; nincr' c in ’i •July wn«' fouiul nu Hiindny Iiy a ther Bpnrphiuj; nnrt.v, iieonrdltij; to n briof "nnd lollpf t.T.'M'.'il Inip .In’it iiiiiht nt po- foro Hni iii-nd|junrtpr"'frnm uniitp* of-thp by .1 "(Jnrph imrly. , • - ' titloi Tlie 'llA'-dVpry of. .Dr.. S(ntip’> t body 11 f.d'nw.*4 Ihe. finding .if Mrs. Hfoiip, hi"' nlitp but Bufforinc ffoiii «lioi-k 'nt l|ic TI hiot (if ft 17,-fool ercviri-.' Her hin- piI t- iinnd'iliod.v wnt n i^ent dintniifo bp, Colo Inw. • • . mini Sho will recover, . i t , il undpn.tood, i;pi({ nt Cnrup' A*sinibolne hendqiinrter*, i".i.t where ^hejjins been taken. Nurne* hnvo been nent oul nnd everythin? <>oailbK> in Irflni: dnne for her. ■' '" •' ' ssbciA^EifpMmm LLS . / ... Twnt.T^aifl,.'nji^o, w il S H E OMIflBIS Secretary Hughes Announces Eastern Empire’s Conditional , -Accept^ce'- of ■'President Harding’s-lnvitation '■ ( CALLS FOr I^EEMENT ON AGENDA IN ADVANCE . Centers Concern ‘on Diagussiofl. ^ of Oriental Problems to Tako ^ Place-in Connection with the ^ Diaarmanient Parley . . - W,\8inN(W)NT'ir (!,. (/Ph^’ocro- tiiry I^iii<h.-s nnnnunced todny accept nn.-e by .Inijnn (if iirnjinaats for. h 'F n r Mnfllerii c'onferpnco In ronnpctioti with Ihp di:;nrmnment dinriisninnit lUigKCStPd hy Pre.ildent Ifnrdinf:, Tlie Jnpnneiin nccpptan'cp wtia bajnl (HI Ihp' iinderstnndin^' thot the United 8lnt<tn wnK not npimned to an agree- ® ment ii>. lo the ngcndn of Ihe Pnr En»t- prn c-oiif.irunce before It. convenes. The, Japanese government ex- pressed the opinion In Its noM that j, tbo agenda should be so arranged tbat the subjects discussed would c< be confined to those dlnctly In- K ' volved in tbe general .subject of' disarmament “ that iatroduc- tion therein of problems such as d! are of sole concern to certain par- ticulnr powers or snch matten as may be resai:Ued oj accomplished 0 facts duuld be .'sempTdoasIy avoided.’: 'It \v«K explnliipil Ibat tiie .Itipnilpn;- «' KdV.'r'inu'iit hnd tnken into Mnitiden'- ol lion, ill renchiiii; ilu decliiion, thp eom- muiii.';ition« nnd the published state- *> ' mi'iil«‘iif Ihe Atiiprifiin'Kovurnmput of *' Ihp (-nnvi;rtitlnni. Iiptvvcen tbe spcro- fiiry e f ’»lnt,o iind Barnn Phldhnrii in- di.-ntliij thnt the American covernmcnt nl proponed.to dl5ru«» the Pnciflc nnd thp r(ir'K.i!.rpriV libhlpinV biirniiiir nf tlw n' riose lipnriuu llipy hnve on the i|Ui'f' tinn .tf the liinitnlloii of iirmtimentii. Il n 'nnn tlu>-'ifndprntnudln;'..'thi-rpfnre, llml S dincUMion of fhe Fnr Kantern problemp U WOK inndp n [irelimirinxy lo dlsarnm- m.int I pi;ntlutuiiiii tlmt th.' ilapanexp cnvembiint bnn voin’onted In roniider- fll'inti. I . ' others May Bo Invited. ^ Th-- xllile depnrtiiipul mnde jiiiblie .Inpim’i- repiv nnd the iiiPmornndnm Hpnt l.y Ihe Uiiiled fitntPK to Iho .Inp aripi>p (-ot'priimpnl Ihroiich the Ameri- ........... . in Tokio,..liilv 2.1. It diHclnted thnt other iMiwem • benlde^ • Chijin hiivinc interpnt/ In Iho Fnr Fiiwt - (C<IniimK'd on Pbrc Fohr) {j| - , ------ --— ', -------! fr ------------------------------------------------- =— Cl m THE WIRE : of a d ty council te keep motor busses i thom to operate under any condition ^ ill September, on appeal from a Sloux •'•. •• dl tbe first time in soventy-flve years, • aa eroptlon, according to a newa dls- today, 'Vapor smoke and boiling wa- . ,tly. Tho last eruption of Ban Miguel _ J were destroyed, ' lere are asking prospective tenants %2 enta. Oomplatoing to tbe nevspapera a.landlord told him tho 12 would not tbo apartment. “ I charge you $2 to . o Vlt has nothing to do with the rent." Isge, local'center fbr dvsrytblng that dancing aad dress, has brought forth set swlimilag party. Several hundred__ go rith deUghted whoops and gurgles, a a ''_hr renth street. Tho pool, aix feet wide,__ ne I, was built by firemen for children,__ ml lag it out wltU the firemen's pcroiis-__ ni< -Costumes ranged all tha way from__ mi » of the bathers happened to have on _nn ; ________________dll ___ mi ----------------------------------------------------Itn NEW CLUES'DEVELOPED ^ IN SEARCH FOR BANKER ---- L f Daughter of Missing Chicago Financier Says He Took 1600,000 of InjUtu’- Uon’s Funds ’ CIIUJAGO, UFi - . Vivi.;,u .^imrcin. dnnjjhtor uf Wnrren TJ. h|'iitt:iii. "'i**'- mi itijf'prpnldout of thp rl.i«i'.l Mi.-im.'"" i.f, Avenno Trutl enmpanv, who. »i<'i I"''' fm mother, .fpturnpd In Chk-ii,:o frum I>|" tt.dt w hetfthey fled followiiit; Spur f,^> cin’», dihapwnrnnee, bclipvo' ln-f fn- ]<)i Iher tonk ni^e thnn five hiimlr'-d thou- |;p nniid .Inllnrn of the ImnkN miHicy I"- „f fore he fled, it wn» nnnmina-il t-d.-iy j,,, by .Innu's E. Mp.Shnne, nMWlmlt Jit-it'-'i 11di’velopccl, toilny thni Sinitiiiii imd \F: lli" wife bnd been entrnticcd.' , .The.M'nrch for 8pur«in hni dpvph)|- ed tvrii iipw clewa one lendlnK (o Our.i.v, I'olo^ where he ii niiiil lo h.ivr h;id nrminif Interesln, nnd tho other io Ihr i i;pi({hborhood of Mobile, Ala., wI htp >1 ' i".i.aid ho Ifcid manv friends. < 1 IDAHO WHATHEE I ' Tonight and T|fQr*aay fair.,' ,i W^PAPEk lN TWIN FA DAIL , .-I, ' . . ....... ^ E D N E ^ Y , JTJLY 27, J921 . Hughes Ct Release J (Conditions Relief to ; Sufferers on Coil r ; Dema GORKY INDICATES LIh REPLY TO HOOVEi WABHINOTON, (/Pj— Porma] . Am eticfln priBoners .in Bussia has , thorities by Secretary Hughes, T viflfd today that tbe conunnhlcatio ' viet representative at Roval'yestc imrais’i GifiliCLI __ Mnstaph^ £emal Paaba~Soti> \ cits Intervention of Oeh> , tral Opvernment un . iKfi LO.NDON, (/Pj-rMustJiphn Kcmnl 1’nnha, head of. Ihp Turkish nutioniillit ^ovprnmcnt, has seni a tulc^'rum to ('onst.intino]ile asking tiuit the eentrnl Kovermnent inlervmo with Ihu nlllps.in llll efiort to;,(ibloiii » .res.intion of “‘J* (Ireeco-Turk <iosti1itieitf according . to diKj'ntchp* from Con-lnntlnople In the KirhnuKP Tolegrnph .-ompnn.v. , OBEEES, CLAIM BESISTANOE , OP NATIONALISTS BEOKEN ATHENS, (A^-lnfnriiintioii from, nil Miircc* Indicate Ihnt Ilip renlKtnnee •; of ’. IIiP Turkish nntionnlists in Asia Uu Minor is com]ilptel,v broken, tbo Greek la, officinl nows agency declares in a ml ntulement itsued here Tnp"day. . TIiP Tiirkinh lown ‘in killed, wound- „r,, .‘<1 |iind prlnnnpr* lo dal.- iiip entiihutcd nt 00,000.. Tho.Oreekii, the Mtnt.cmenl .nnvn, arc eonnlnnlly I'r.-nsinK the Korn- . nlisti'.aln'ni{',thc"roB({ tO’Aiip>rnr-^ - SEJliilE E D[P0lim i8Pll0TEST- --------- . i Tokio Kewspapcr Attributes to < Cabinet Decision' to Make ' , Representations j -------- I TOlCiO. (iiP)-The‘M.-hi Nidii nnyn > todny thnt tbe cnbliipt hiw. (Ipi-idrd the * Kovernircnt should xpnd n prntest lo s thi; United Sinter K"V.>rnr’ieiit nj;ninBl ■] till' dpporlntinn nf .lupii'iene ivorkern ],fj| from Ihe linrvenl fieI.lK in Tiirlncic, (jnl. The*foreiun nffire, when iti- „,p| (juiries were iiindp there, snid it hnd Ho) nn ini’ormatloii corireriiint; Ihp reported derinion of the (.’nvernmentv . The cround •on which thr jirutoll ' w(mld lie bnsed, urmrdlng lo the NIpIii 1 Nichi, wns tfinl tin' ileportnlion eonsli- rcm tuled ni, euoronelimpnt o{ the richtn of " Ihe'Jnpnnr«p, ulm were' livlni; in oW vim dlpnce In the laws of Ihi- I'liited ti( Wnie-.. • Ihe The .liipiinpKr furoijtn offii-e nn- In ! iii^need on Momlny Ind lhat il wonlil neri tnkp ii'i-nction in rnnneelion with Ihe . ‘ Turlopk iiu-idprit llrynnd reqiu'-.tinj; nn eric inventijiition of it. n Tokio dinpntch VJO ' slated.'since i' wii" rp^nrded nn ;i bieii ers nffnir. - ' Is i - . » ■' ------- tiri. Senators Want Facts On Care of Soldiers WAHHlNfiTO.V. 1). C., (/P) - Sur- > K(»ii Qenernl (‘uiiiiiiim., of liir iJiihti'i hralth sprvier. wn-. unkp.l todny by n nin, nennte Invpstimilini' I'oiiiniittpe l.» nub- c;i' mit prompt repnrl’i on condltionn ii!- ni'vernl hiispitnli where former nrrviro ripi men nre briiij; tnnted. The plnrcf K- nniued ,-ire Ihe .Metiindin^ hos|)itaI, In , ' “fi dlnnapoiin, onr at .Mendocinn, near Tnl- riel madRi', fnlifoniln, lhi> Hpndricki. I^vws wor sniiHnruiMi, KI I’ill*". Texnn, nnd (h'f and Cenlr.il -Blm Muitnrium. Hutlan.i. tur. ^Mnsn. - Farmer is Selected Premier of Alberta CALQAItV, .\lln„ (J»)—ll. Orcen- a'„, .field, n farmer, lodny xvns .-Ireted pre- the mier of the prnvirire nf Alberln by Ihe fpji, 7'fovineial . le^'Wntiirr, in whirlr the furtiier* contrpl the Rnvrrnmcnt. ,io^, He wos born in Winr\|e«lpr, Kiii;l.ind, ___ fil’ yjiarj ORO.-niid.Piinie'lo (’nnadli in ISKL Reginninjj nn n fnrm laborer, l;e has risen to the nwnemhip of one . of Ihc fineO» pirren of nj.'ricultural ^ property In northern Allierln. ^ France Blocks Move For Council Session LONDON, ( ^ —The French gov- V ernment diema It'lmposslblo to de- nnb dde on <th* holding of a meeting of ths aUlfld supreme council until tha quesUoa nf sending reinforce' I'*’’'’ meats into Uppsr SUeals has been on(^ . d a d d e d .. • sitri ’ULSCQVNTY M m Mis On So American 1 to Russian Famine PI ompliance with “I land IKEllHOOD OF . ER COMMUNICATION mal demand for release of .the |y|jf as beon made on tho soviet an- i The stato department was ad- ) ition had been handed to tbe so- ^ isterday by Consul Albrecht. . f , The text of 'the curt communi- caUon despatched Jnly 25 haa nqt been made public. It is under- »wce stood, however, to bs a brief in- ing slstence that the Americans be re- ihiss leased before - then caa be any disni ^agbt ef better • nliUons be- been . tVeen the United autos' u d . Bus- The As. Tbe action was taken In ths but name of h u i^ ty and booause all - gido. '/effbris to secure the release of the ' Th “ ’Americans,' mado throu!h Dr. Nan-, helm mn of the Bed'Cross, havo failed.' Whll Whnt/ e.nirne will be taken by th& United .SiateK, if the soviet nuthorltles Icnofo .ll refuii«>-4o accede .to the 'de- iimn’dn, wrnj nnt Indicated. Augmeau Hoover's Dlotum. I Ll 'fhe-(Ifnpntrh of Ibu communic'ation LLI wiin timed t<y tl wnuld reach tbe Itiin- f] aiunn appruklinntply slBiultancouiIy - , | with Ihp niessniip Kent by Socretnry •' « ildov.'r ill response tn llio appeal.mnde liy Mnxim' Gorky. The statu depart- menl'i mpnjnBc is reunrdod officially \ ns Vvhnlly Independent of the Ilonvor- Gorky rorreepondenre. Belatively Few Prisoners. Thru- nro now held ns’ jlrUoncrs in Husnin eight or ten A;ncricnn«. A lV“® larger I'limber are believed lo bi> de- f mined within the bordori of Russia, "onie .if whnih nre restjipted to llmitpil ar,.M|| - mess . Ollb. I lom TEXT or HUGHES' DEMAND. gnni • > - -uAdb-pvsuo-a^-rioa -I* HIGA, ijitvin,-(/i>^An offiefcii'de- m j! tiinud by Socretnry of Btato IIuKhps for I.., Ihe rp'Ipnnp nf the Amcrirnn priioncrs ,, in Hn.4iia wos hnridpd liv Consul Al- ,„i„i brccht tf, I>>ould Slnrk,- the bolshevik miulnl.T lipfp hint niRht. Maxim Oorky, it w u learned t«- xot i day, haa telegraphed tb John Mill- <m s or, tbo Riga repreaentativo of the u<o» ' American relief adminiatratlon, mlnli saylnK that the commuclcatlon of of t Herbert Hbover as head of the re- thin lief admlalstiaUon. with regard t* American relief for tbe ill and era (tarring , of Russia, nay be an- swerel.ln de'tAil. The relAisi" uf the Amerii-uii-iirM I . priiiouprs. in Itui.slu wa.< laid, down hy Ooloi fleerctary Hoovpr in.Id* reeent eable qq mcwUK'p to Oorky an Ihe prime condi- tion upon whirh Ainpripaii relief meas- jirei for Kiissia wnuld he Inken up. gp Text of Demandl ■ Hill, The driiinnd o.f Hprretnry llu)ih.*i I “-i i ri-nib: Kno, “ Tlio Amcrirnn (.’uveriimenl Is nd dnugl vlnpd Ihnl di-4^iile thr rpppated offorh *‘1'^ ill I)r. y|iii«pii on im.lHibnjf to spcure o*" 8 Ihe relpnup of ihp Americnn. prisoners In Ruwln, they nre slill held in n mont serinun lilii>hl.' . . “ In the name of humnnity, the Am- ' ericvin pivernment demnnds'of the sn- viet authorities tbnt Amcrirnn jirison- ers he nl onee relenne/l. It innnifcsllv 9^ I’ Is impossible for Ihe Americnn'itulhori- nn n lies to riiiiiil.'rinnrr mennurPH for relief of the diilres. in Kiin-In while our eiti- '‘cr, ■ rrnn nrr detained," '"‘'f runn American Captives Named More Ihnn n s.-ore of Amerlcnns still Innt . arr lioirii; held pjisoner in soviet Rin- luid nin, aii-ordiuc lo the Intent news re- of Ir reived by the stnle department In Him* \Vnnliiri),:ton from Uwt pountfy. Prin- with ripnl ninouj; Uiem nro Mrs. Marguerite h. Hnrriffln of Bnllimore, n newspaper uni * f«»Tes|Hmdunt; Cnptnin Emmet Kilp.it- rick of Uirioiitowii. Aln., n Red Cross worker; Roynl C. Kcelpy, an enginppr HO nud Ur. Weston H. KHtes, a niofmn pie- Ihnt turo ’diolnprn]iher. ' LiffHi --------- foin]i ----------- of Ir OOBKY'S REPLY TO HOOVER COMES TO LONDON OFFICE fon'n Lo.vno.v. (;P)—Tlie reply of Maxim 'vn> Oorky to Ihp n!ceiit enble message sent by irerberl. Ilnnver ns head of the FIVI Aiiierii'nii relief ndniinislrntlon statin;; the .-onditi.inn npon wtlich Anicrlcmi relief for ItiifKin’n sick Jind stnrvini; •'I< >Vuld hin(;p, wnn received by tho Lon- do^i hpad<iiinrtprs of thp relief ?i(imin- "lant . J (Continued on PnRc Five) ' crash Coordination ofi Buying Orderec WAHHINtJTOX,'(/P)—An wetutlvo ] Direr order to eo^-nnllnnle purchasing for tbc o^igi' arm.v, navy nnd shijiplng board and to jiennit trnnsfer of surplus supplies frora ono government ngcnry lo another, wai each' sifrncd today by President Harding. Ing s EWS PBIOB FIVE CBNTI wiei to Prisoners lltttEI UitRFiOF iSpeUNS fline Sweeping Operations in White Sea are Suspended by Outbreak ol Hostilities Re- ported, from Vardoe . JlHRIilN, {/P)—rriio, Qerman mine- vecpiti/ flool, which has been operat- ig In fho Kola Bight on the northern ussiau coast is reported in a apceia! ispatrh from Vardoe, Norway, to havo son fited on by Rassian land forts, ho German fleet 'rotumod 'tho flro. Jt no damago la reported on either do. . . Tho German fleet, whleh left 'Wil- jlmshavcu ^ wook ago to clear tHc 'hlto sea of miocr under tbe ptovia- ns of the Veraaillet tniAty, hail ri- red ll. Vardoo to a'walt 'further de- jlopnteats, Iho dispatch tays. EiNSElSlTIGE flFCiPWFOBiiS eUrans'. Representative Tells , President .Drive "Cannot' ' Bobo^ed" WASIUNGTON, D. C., ~ The mcrican Legion served notice on resldcjit llbrdihg ,today'that tbe caa- ilgn ior adjusted componsation .for oterans “ cnnnot bo- downed,” tho essngo iieliig dolivered in porson by llburt.lkttmnn, cbairman oof the na- onnl leglslatlvii committeexf the. or- onUatien. . • ^ ,V ' ' ' ■Ittter.,.Mx,.Jl«'U a « n ^ O d t d r A r d » ^ ntion of similar import to Beeretarles Idloii and Hoovor, and Attorney Gen- rnl. Daughiuty. . " “ It-'is oiir pun>oiie 'to| shor iho.A^- linlstrallon,’' said ilr. Bcttman In a ntcmeni Inter,,’’, that tbo. demand'fdr n ndjuntment of compensation. wUl :it nnd cannot )>o downed. It'..is ^ased 1 simple JuKtic^, t:io /.marlcnn L^r ion urp-M iJie, president and his .'ad- InlHlmtioii noi to stand ln Iho. way tho early pns.5nRu by eoagrcss of, lln racarurc.” , , entiment runs Hiqn ' , AGAINST CHILD SLAVER )lorado Authozitlea BbUttaln- OUm ' Qnard Over Alleged Uniderar of 10. 'Year Old Stepdanghtor ' GRBFXEY, Colo, </p^VVlUlan’ Riley III, arrested yestorday in Sloux Oity, ., in .eonncction with tho murdor near 10, Colo., of 'his 10-year-old step- lUgblor, Helen Mhxlne Short, arrived rc early this morning Id the tnrtody Sheriff A. E. Gormley of Adnms unty nnd wns lodged' in the Weld unty Jail. Tho girl was slain In A’d- ns «-niuity,-but IIUI wns brought here r safe kqeping. Hill wns tnken f?yn the train n't irt Morgan, Colo., 7a miles northeast ' Denver nnd rushed t<( thla cUy in I nuimnoblle under heavy; guofil. He ns to' hnvo been taken in lo Doh- ■r, 1ni! plnns were changed when ru orn ivnrhnl here that feeling wa* mnln.; Iijgh there. The Indy nf Ihp girl, for whoso nrder Hill Is bidnj' held, was found nt S.-itiirdBy in' a ditch near Eno. She id lirrii weichlpd down with piMoa ' iron. Tim coroner naid she hnd .been rnwti into Ihp ditrh, which wm filjed 1th ^Ntiler, nlive.' NITED DRUG COMPANY ^ HEAD POTB •UP OWN ASSETS IlOSTON, (ff) — Tho announcement nt iho personal nssots of Loui* K. iggell, president oftho United Drug iiijmny, hns been placed In tho hands trustees.ns a result of the dcctlne 'common atock of the United Driig mp.nny in the last twenty-four hours i> madu today.. [VE KTTiTJ.D IN WBEOE OF CLEVELAND VIADUCT OAE in.MVKLAND, 0., (ff)-Fivc persons i-n- killed, four of them almost inr intly, whon n sliuttle enr on tho Ab- y avpiiug viaduct, and an automohlle ished 'licnd;on. early today. 'Government d by Harding ireclor Dawes’of the.bodget bnroiin, iginaled tho ordor which'dlvldrf (be Untry intd twnes eomipoadtag to ar- r sorps areas for supply pnrehaslng th,.o, genoral porcha^liij’ifeD t for ch area, all working oBdet a pnrthas- ; supervisor in. Washiagtos.

iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer

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Page 1: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer

TWIF'• ! VOL. 4. . NO. 03 .. , • ■ ‘ ;

- i i f f l i r fPUTHTTOPDF .

SITE’S US! i. -------- ■ u

C o n g r e s s io n a l . P r o g r a m in U p - J

p e r H o u s e T a l< e s S l i a p e in o

D i s c u s s i o n s ' a t D in n e r C o n - £

f e r e n c e a t W h i t e H o u s e >”

-------- UIVlORE T I M E D E M /\N D E D O N °

P E R M A N E N T T A R I F F A C T;____ ■ PI

'^ g r io o i tu ro l itoU of Bill, A ntU S

£ . ' B e e r - M e a s a r o a s ^ B o g o l a -

_ t i ^ n o f P n t o r o G r a i n T r a d - ^

' i n g t o B e O iv e n P r e f i e r e n o o gi

' WASHINQTON, D. 0 ., D. t t u l agre«mcnt - v u u l d t«<U7 to - . . b a n ])tta m c h ttd a t t d iim er con- t,

• tho W hlto H onw . l u t iu ' s l^ b t fo r 8« s tt« e o ^ o r U l o a of• t i x t#Tl«ioa leglaU W bn-tefur* tlio jt . perm ueiiK t u l f f j u t 1« ta k e s np bi

•by tb a t b o d y .- 'A aa m b B f o f w aa- •' a t« n - w e n . P m ld e n t H ard liis 'e >rt

, ^ t a and th s legU U tire sltoatl/m {o waa * i ia t« haT# been dlscumed [ _ «xt«asl7el7 . 'WhUo Houirc officials hail nothinj: to’

’ say about tbe eonforenco toilny. .I liii former la jo c la le s in the *enlite w orj »alJ to liavo adviied Iho p rcsld rn l’tliof tho financo committeo woii1<] not hnvo

• the lioiiac ta riff b ill rendy for ronnl*!- , i-riitlon ahort of flvo or » l r week*.. Amcrlchn valuation provi/iloiiii In fhe

tn r if f Wll wero dkcuMCd and tliere \ were reports loday th a t the prp«idp'il

•did no t favor tho policy.' BACCB8 I n Prospect, ’ D e

Preflldont Uardbiff told bis f^ueits ho hoped both branched of eonjrrcM eould reeesi horn tho mlddlo of Auguat I/) the In tte r p a rt o f September or the firs t o f Oolobcr, b u t w w represented

■' ' ns opposed to a3y rcccM of e ith tr body Uuntil tho tax rovlilon bill .lias passed ^Iho bouse, Uiavinff Ihc senato finance I*ntmm itteo to w ork on .boUi t*x and nla r l f f ‘.nicasurca;4tltlng:tho recpis;, - ■ "

EepttbU ctn leader* (Uld today • ' "I ■ tho s m t o - p i t ) p » a - « *

• nan d n g UU, th e WUU»^ampbeU anU-beer W U and tho Cappw-

bUl fo r gOTcmment regu-o t t a t n n tix U ii j on “

QXcbaiwea before adjoom m e& t Tbe ulU led deb t r e f o n d ^ b ill which Bdccnpled about h a lf of tb e confer- « enco la rt- night, i t waa said, andthe n d lroad fnndlng^raeMtire, roc- vommended yesterday by tbe ^ dent, w e n to be a ltte d fo rpostponeinsst. M r. H arding -w as ' ])Informed th a t ib o th o f these.U U a ihnwould bo d lfflcn lt to paaa and to eolhtako conaldorablo tim e and w aa tpi* for.den to o d to h a ro agreed to th e ir - de fonaent nntU a fte r recess. n ’weiiMion of tho congrosalonal nro-

tfiVim w ith lionro leadem nlso is plnn- “ . jiciL by tbo pre»ldont.


W AflmNQTOK, yp)—Announe»-ment -J m •Jiv ' In ternal rovcnuo CommiMlnnrr Tllnir of h h policy on the- quMtlon of -ot

• nu-dielnal beer resiilfltionn •'*' w in the nex t •fotv dnyn. 01

Th.' enmmlmioner.nlrti U worklne out . tin--finnl form tlie br<T ropilntions tni«hl inko which, i l 1* untlerstood. ^ woiilfl rTOvlde in Rcneral for prencrip' p, lirni* of one enuo at one tim e. Init vrilh- <iiit lim ifaa -lA the number nf preiipri|)- linn*. AccordlRB to •Trfililliltlon Com- mi.'iloner Ilnynp*. bowover, the I'robn l.iiitv of the eventual issno of bppr rci;- iilnlionr is (.light. There wnf ni'pnr-

‘ ,.nllv littlo dwirp on flic pnrt of !>rpw,.r!i.'hp itilld, to obtain Ihe rpRiilntinn* * in v ii'tr o f tho ppndinjf bostllp Willii-r>ini|>)>cll bill.

* ~ _________ la

1 T o d a i f s G a m e s ) “

' ' • ' foNational Leagvo. - bt

f t .Bforo: R. If. K. ji,NpW York ....................................•» i> •) „I’itt/iburpb ......................- ......... I ' l

n.-»ltprtes: Nehf nnd 8 av«lpr; Cnnpernnd Bfhmldts ’ • ' =

I’irnt Rarao: It. H. E r ir iH-.Mnn _____:.............................. 0 0 0 “ U

• irin rlnn ttl .... ' ...............!J 7 0 VSecond (jnme:, > H. H. K. ,

lljHlrtn ........ ..I,.’.-......... .... ........3 * * „.....------------

(End Cth)- itnt.tpricii: McQuillan, FiHingiin nnd

Mfirquord and Winjio.8cnr.': ' B. H.- E, i».

firoo'tlvn ............................ 15 : I,f.hirntto............. ....................... — . 2 tt :■

l’liiliidclph!n-8 t. Loui" pestiloned.

A n tr io m lw a * .. : ' 5 ; ; . R. H . E.

.(Irvelnnd ......................... .......... ^ « ■!IJnnlni ' 11 0 loiic■ 8<'nrc: . R- f ; Hro

, tW rnll ........................................ 0• l'hiln<lel|diin ............................... I fi 2 7 ,

•.'v'nfp end Oth: 1 - If- E- f(,)'n. • . iliicnRo ...... .......... ....... - ....... i ; * n liti

Wn«hitifffnn — .....— r..., .1 j-imtnntferics: K err nnd Schnlk; Mo-'

•CfidRC nnd Qliarxity. ' ‘ Inn-.:.Scorc end Sth: R. H. E. g|,

-^a i. IjouIs ....— --.....4 * * nt•{NVW York — i ..... - .....— 3 • • whei

Bntlerics Shoekcr a n d . flcvcreid; beenMay* and SchaD(r,'Qolnn. in Ih


N FAI= = = = ^ = = = = = = = = = =



neat £ . Tucker o f N ew'^oriE. 'speak-

f lag ioday beforo tho twenty-fifth annual' c^re stlo n of tho American OstwpalUc. assodatloD, attributed to a change in function c f t i s pit-, nlaiy body, ono of t ie nnaUest of the so<alled'ductless gnlaildai';the

I. Inqrensod preralen'coTof divorce In Op proportion to tho growing wealth of

n tho country. He aald tha t thla or* gan la' about tho slae of a pea and

'* Is bidden on tbo^ondsi aide of the brain. ’ ■ - .: •

Dc,' O.JV.-Yonng, of Grand Junc­tion, Colo., described his newly dla. coveted method of dmfiilng the PA larynx of abnonnal sectetlons.

f By placing^bls fi;iger on the up­per surface of the luynx or bohlnd It, Dr. Toung said ho makes tbe pa- »

• tiont cough with a atwng expul- don effort which causes the larynx

■ to drain. ,Beiults’have been secured by this

technlQue ifl br^schltls, ' astlmu.5 goitre, ^lasa o f- voice, w h o < ^ g

cough, toberculosia. and ..o tber . a f ­fections o f th o Ju nga and th roat, . V Dr. Young dalm a. • „ ,r,

Dr. Je an e tte H . Boles of D enver I „ ’ declared health ia tb e fo u n ^ tio n o f

hoppintsa success.“ Aside from accidents and In- ihi>

Jurios to the body, defdpnitles may j,,. be produced by bod -postov, which ' „ may result from w e a ;^ Ugh heels, Jftandlng on one foot or .roller skat- "» ing on one foot,” Dr. Boles said. Bln

I lf i lS l l i iE ■ ; S T i i iE i s i

-------- OJD e V a le ra a n d O oU eagues S til l ^

0 L o o k in g f o r B a s is fo r " J / P e a c e C o n fe re n c e a'IT -------- '111 LONDON. <JP)—A communlca- j-nv f tion baa beon received a t the offi-' ilnti I dal rtiidence St Prime Miniater mui B Lloyd Oeorgo in Downing street ttn'ii 1 from Eamonn do 7alera,.the Irlah thp

. lepnblicsa,leader, saya th e Central turi. New s today .' I t la n o t a final an- (]|,'r

sw R and is considered le u favor- r.nn■ " • r t l e 't h a n '- h a d b t f o anUcfpated: ‘ rn r

- th e OMitral Now* doclans, bn t th a pio*' negotiations will continue, r tinn

DUBLIN, (flV-A full m ating of .li""the Irish republican cabinet, ust- wokIng all tUs aftomoon. discussed the - ni.irBritish govomment'a peace propo- cnvisala, but reached no deeisioa. at'in

I t ia undontood tho cabinet is Ia w a l^ g a communication from ■ x

■_____; ,Inp:

■ nurtLlN, Kniiumn .!.• Vnlprn, m'lp!thn Irish rcpublicnii Kkujpr, nnd' liii ,■,1],pdllc-ic'H'f havo not .vot f.miid n Imflik ,iisc fnr. tho proposed c.mforcniu' with Ihe

(Continued on Porc Five) i'

I F L A S H E S F R O ^r DES MOINES, la., right of ar -off d ty streets asd"i6 refuse to pormit tho ' will bo tried In the Iowa supremo court ill B

City dtlien.

’ ' SAN ANTONIO, Texas, (/P)—For the tho volcano of San Ulguol threateu aa « patch from Mexico Oity, roceived here tods tw bavo spouted from tho crater recently, ■occurrcd In-IMC when .two small towna WOI

TORONTO, (5>>—Somo landlords here ; for the privil^e of looking a t apaztmenta. today about It, one houso hunter aaid a.loi apply on the ront If ho should accept tbe :

‘ look a t the pUco," said tho landlord. V l t :

NBW YORK, (>P)—Oreenwlch vlUsge, is different In art, literatnn, music, danc

I an innovation. TbU time It ia the street r adult villagers christened Ust nJght, with swimming pool In tho middle of West Tent fourteen feet long and five feot deep, wi but tho grown-ups lost no time in t r ^ g i

' aion after tbo klddios left a t D p. m. -Co I regular bathing suits to whatever some of

whon they sighted tbe pool.

, dODY QF d r ! s t o n e l i - ■ NE I ; FOUND IN DEEP CREVICE ^

Bearchor* Loarn Fate of Missing to s - ident of Purduo trniverBity; Wlfo

In Oritical Oondition '

llANKK. Alt..., l.yinj: it) n .Uf f':i'iilt j'nsiti.iti for ri'i'civpry nt tli.' hot'l.im .)f n diM'ii .Tpv'u'p. the btnl.v Dr. Avei\V. K. ,‘ tonp. prnfcMor nf I'urdiip uni- mot!vpmitv, Ijnfay.'lt.', linl.i who Ifiuellip* tt.rttwith hin wifp. hn.H hc.’U min’ini; nincr' c in’i•July wn«' fouiul nu Hiindny Iiy a therBpnrphiuj; nnrt.v, iieonrdltij; to n briof "nndlollpf t.T.'M'.'il Inip .In’it iiiiiht nt po- foroHni iii-nd|junrtpr"'frnm uniitp* of-thp by .1"(Jnrph imrly. , • - ' titloi

Tlie 'llA'-dVpry of. .Dr.. S(ntip’>t body 11f.d'nw.*4 Ihe. finding .if Mrs. Hfoiip, hi "'nlitp but Bufforinc ffoiii «lioi-k 'nt l|ic TIhiot (if ft 17,-fool ercviri-.' Her hin- piI t-iinnd'iliod.v wnt n i^ent dintniifo bp, ColoInw. • • . mini

Sho will recover, . i t , il undpn.tood, i;pi({nt Cnrup' A*sinibolne hendqiinrter*, i".i.t where ^hejjins been taken. Nurne* hnvo been nent oul nnd everythin? <>oailbK> in Irflni: dnne for her. ■' '" •' '

s s b c i A ^ E i f p M m m

LLS. / . . . T w n t .T ^ a i f l , . 'n j i^ o , w i l


Secretary Hughes Announces E astern Empire’s Conditional

, -A c c e p t^ c e '- of ■'President Harding’s-lnv ita tion '■ (


C e n te rs C o n cern ‘ on D iagussiofl. ^

o f O rie n ta l P ro b lem s to T a k o

P lace -in C on n ectio n w i th th e

D ia a rm a n ie n t P a r le y . . -

W ,\8 inN (W )N T 'ir (!,. (/P h ^’ocro- tiiry I iii<h.-s nnnnunced todny accept nn.-e by .Inijnn (if iirnjinaats for. h 'Fnr Mnfllerii c'onferpnco In ronnpctioti with Ihp di:;nrmnment dinriisninnit lUigKCStPd hy Pre.ildent Ifnrdinf:,

Tlie Jnpnneiin nccpptan'cp wtia bajnl (HI Ihp' iinderstnndin^' thot the United 8lnt<tn wnK not npimned to an agree- ® ment ii>. lo the ngcndn of Ihe Pnr En»t- prn c-oiif.irunce before It. convenes.

The, Japanese government ex­pressed the opinion In Its noM that j, tbo agenda should be so arranged tbat the subjects discussed would c< be confined to those dlnctly In- K' volved in tbe general .subject o f ' disarmament “ that iatroduc- • tion therein of problems such as d! are of sole concern to certain par- ticulnr powers or snch m atten as may be resai:Ued oj accomplished 0 facts duuld be .'sempTdoasIy avoided.’ :'It \v«K explnliipil Ibat tiie .Itipnilpn;- «'

KdV.'r'inu'iit hnd tnken into Mnitiden'- ol lion, ill renchiiii; ilu decliiion, thp eom- muiii.';ition« nnd the published state- *>' mi'iil«‘iif Ihe Atiiprifiin'Kovurnmput of *' Ihp (-nnvi;rtitlnni. Iiptvvcen tbe spcro- fiiry e f ’»lnt,o iind Barnn Phldhnrii in- di.-ntliij thnt the American covernmcnt nl proponed.to dl5ru«» the Pnciflc nnd thp r(ir'K.i!.rpriV libhlpinV biirniiiir nf tlw n' riose lipnriuu llipy hnve on the i|Ui'f' tinn .tf the liinitnlloii of iirmtimentii. Il n 'nnn tlu>-'ifndprntnudln;'..'thi-rpfnre, llml S dincUMion of fhe Fnr Kantern problemp U WOK inndp n [irelimirinxy lo dlsarnm- m.int I pi;ntlutuiiiii tlmt th.' ilapanexp cnvembiint bnn voin’onted In roniider- fll'inti.

I . ' others May Bo Invited. ^Th-- xllile depnrtiiipul mnde jiiiblie

.Inpim’i- repiv nnd the iiiPmornndnm Hpnt l.y Ihe Uiiiled fitntPK to Iho .Inp aripi>p (-ot'priimpnl Ihroiich the Ameri-............ in Tokio,..liilv 2.1. ItdiHclnted thnt other iMiwem • benlde^

• Chijin hiivinc interpnt/ In Iho Fnr Fiiwt

- (C<IniimK'd on Pbrc Fohr) {j|— - , ------ --— ', -------! fr------------------------------ -------------------=— Cl

m THE WIRE :of a d ty council te keep motor busses i thom to operate under any condition ^ ill September, on appeal from a Sloux

■ •'•. • • ■ dl tbe first time in soventy-flve years, •

aa eroptlon, according to a newa dls- today, 'Vapor smoke and boiling wa- .

,tly. Tho last eruption of Ban Miguel _J were destroyed, '

lere are asking prospective tenants %2 enta. Oomplatoing to tbe nevspapera a.landlord told him tho 12 would not tbo apartment. “ I charge you $2 to . o V lt has nothing to do with the rent."

Isge, local'center fbr dvsrytblng that dancing aad dress, has brought forth set swlimilag party. Several hundred__ go rith deUghted whoops and gurgles, a a ''_hr renth street. Tho pool, aix feet wide,__ ne I, was built by firemen for children,__ ml lag i t out wltU the firemen's pcroiis-__ ni<

-Costumes ranged all tha way from__ mi » of the bathers happened to have on •_nn

;________________dll ___ mi

----------------------------------------------------ItnNEW CLUES'DEVELOPED


Daughter of Missing Chicago Financier Says He Took 1600,000 of InjUtu’-

Uon’s Funds

’ CIIUJAGO, UFi - . Vivi.;,u . imrcin.dnnjjhtor uf Wnrren TJ. h|'iitt:iii. "'i**'- miitijf'prpnldout of thp rl.i«i'.l Mi.-im.'"" i.f,Avenno Trutl enmpanv, who. »i<'i I"''' fm mother, .fpturnpd In Chk-ii,:o frum I>|"tt.d t w hetfthey fled followiiit; Spur f, >c in’», dihapwnrnnee, bclipvo' ln-f fn- ]<)iIher tonk ni^e thnn five hiimlr'-d thou- |;pnniid .Inllnrn of the ImnkN miHicy I"- „ffore he fled, it wn» nnnmina-il t-d.-iy j,,, by .Innu's E. Mp.Shnne, nMWlmlt Jit-it'-'i

11 di’velopccl, toilny thni Sinitiiiii imd \F: lli" wife bnd been entrnticcd.', .The.M'nrch for 8pur«in hni dpvph)|- ed tvrii iipw clewa one lendlnK (o Our.i.v, I'olo^ where he ii niiiil lo h.ivr h;id nrminif Interesln, nnd tho other io Ihr i i;pi({hborhood of Mobile, Ala., wIhtp >1 ' i".i.aid ho Ifcid manv friends. <


' Tonight and T|fQr*aay fair.,' ,i

W ^P A P E k lN TW IN FA

DAIL, .-I, ■' . . .......

^ E D N E ^ Y , JTJLY 27, J921 “ .

Hughes Ct Release J

■ (Conditions Relief to ; Sufferers on Coil

r ; Dema


WABHINOTON, (/Pj— P orm a] . Am e t icfln priB oners .in B u s s ia h a s , th o r i t ie s b y S e c re ta ry H u g h es , T

v iflfd to d a y t h a t tb e co n u n n h lca tio ' v ie t re p re s e n ta t iv e a t R o v a l 'y e s tc

imrais’iG if i l iC L I

• __M n s ta p h ^ £ e m a l P aab a~ S o ti> \

c i ts In te rv e n t io n o f Oeh> , t r a l O p v e rn m en t un

. iKfiLO.NDON, (/Pj-rMustJiphn Kcmnl

1’nnha, head of. Ihp Turkish nutioniillit ^ovprnmcnt, has seni a tulc^'rum to ('onst.intino]ile asking tiuit the eentrnl Kovermnent inlervm o with Ihu nlllps.in llll e fio rt to;,(ibloiii » .res.intion of “‘J* (Ireeco-Turk <iosti1itieitf according . to diKj'ntchp* from Con-lnntlnople In the KirhnuKP Tolegrnph .-ompnn.v. ,


ATHENS, (A ^-lnfnriiintioii from, nil Miircc* Indicate Ihnt Ilip renlKtnnee •; of ’. IIiP Turkish nntionnlists in Asia Uu Minor is com]ilptel,v broken, tbo Greek la , officinl nows agency declares in a ml ntulement itsued here Tnp"day.. TIiP Tiirkinh lo w n ‘in killed, wound- „r,, .‘<1 |iind prlnnnpr* lo dal.- iiip entiihutcd n t 00,000.. Tho.Oreekii, the Mtnt.cmenl .nnvn, arc eonnlnnlly I'r.-nsinK the Korn-

. nlisti'.aln'ni{',thc"roB({ tO’ A iip>rnr-^ -

SEJliilE ED[P0limi8Pll0TEST-

--------- . iT ok io K e w sp a p c r A ttr ib u te s to <

C ab in e t D ecision ' to M ak e ' , R e p re se n ta tio n s j

-------- • ITOlCiO. ( iiP )-T h e ‘M.-hi Nidii nnyn >

todny thnt tbe cnbliipt hiw. (Ipi-idrd the *Kovernircnt should xpnd n prntest lo sthi; United Sinter K"V.>rnr’ieiit nj;ninBl ■]till' dpporlntinn nf .lupii'iene ivorkern ],fj| from Ihe linrvenl fieI.lK in Tiirlncic,(jnl. The*foreiun nffire, when iti- „,p|(juiries were iiindp there, snid it hnd Ho) nn ini’ormatloii corireriiint; Ihp reported derinion of the (.’nvernmentv .

The cround •on which thr jirutoll 'w(mld lie bnsed, urmrdlng lo the NIpIii 1Nichi, wns tfinl tin' ileportnlion eonsli- rcmtuled ni, euoronelimpnt o{ the richtn of "Ihe'Jnpnnr«p, ulm were' livlni; in oW vimdlpnce In the laws of Ihi- I'liited ti(Wnie-.. • Ihe

The .liipiinpKr furoijtn offii-e nn- In !iii^need on Momlny Ind lhat il wonlil neritnkp ii'i-nction in rnnneelion with Ihe . ‘Turlopk iiu-idprit llrynnd reqiu'-.tinj; nn ericinventijiition of it. n Tokio dinpntch VJO'slated.'since i' wii" rp^nrded nn ;i bieii ersnffnir. - ' Is i

- . » ■ '------- tiri.

Senators Want Facts On Care of Soldiers

WAHHlNfiTO.V. 1). C., (/P) - Sur- > K(»ii Qenernl (‘uiiiiiiim., of liir iJiihti'ih ralth sprvier. wn-. unkp.l todny by n nin,nennte Invpstimilini' I'oiiiniittpe l.» nub- c ;i ' m it prompt repnrl’i on condltionn ii!-ni'vernl hiispitnli where former nrrviro ripimen nre briiij; tnn ted . The plnrcf K-nniued ,-ire Ihe .Metiindin^ hos|)itaI, I n , ' “fidlnnapoiin, onr at .Mendocinn, near Tnl- rielmadRi', fnlifoniln , lhi> Hpndricki. I^vws worsniiHnruiMi, KI I’ill*". Texnn, nnd (h'f andCenlr.il -Blm Muitnrium. H utlan.i. tur. ^Mnsn. -

Farmer is Selected Premier of Alberta

CALQAItV, .\lln„ (J»)—ll. Orcen- a'„, .field, n farm er, lodny xvns .-Ireted pre- the mier of th e prnvirire nf Alberln by Ihe fpji, 7 'fovineial . le^'Wntiirr, in whirlr the furtiier* contrpl the Rnvrrnmcnt. ,io ,

He wos born in Winr\|e«lpr, Kiii;l.ind, ___fil’ y jiarj ORO.-niid.Piinie'lo (’nnadli in ISKL Reginninjj nn n fnrm laborer, l;e has risen to the nwnemhip of one . of Ihc fineO» pirren of nj.'ricultural ^ p roperty In northern Allierln. ^

France Blocks Move For Council Session

LONDON, ( ^ —The French gov- ‘ V ernment diema It'lmposslblo to de- nnb dde on <th* holding of a meeting of ths aUlfld supreme council untiltha quesUoa nf sending reinforce' I'*’’'’meats into Uppsr SUeals has been on(

. dadded.. • sitri

’U L S C Q V N T Y

M m

Mis On So American 1to Russian Famine PI ompliance with “I land


m al d e m a n d fo r re le a s e o f .th e |y|jf a s beon m a d e o n th o so v ie t a n - i

T he s ta to d e p a r tm e n t w a s a d - ) ition h a d b e e n h a n d e d to tb e so - is te rd a y b y C onsu l A lb rech t. . f

, The te x t o f 'the c u rt communi- caUon despatched J n ly 25 haa nq t been made public. I t is under- »wce stood, however, to b s a b rief in- ing slstence th a t th e Americans be re- ihiss leased before - th e n caa be any disni ^ a g b t e f b e tter • n liU o n s be- been

. tVeen the U nited a u to s ' u d . Bus- The As. Tbe action was ta k en In th s bu t name of h u i ^ t y and booause a ll - gido.

'/e ffb ris to secure the release o f th e ' Th “ ’Americans,' mado th ro u !h D r. Nan-, helm

mn of the Bed'C ross, havo failed.' Whll Whnt/ e.nirne will be taken by th&

United .SiateK, i f the soviet nuthorltles Icnofo .ll refuii«>-4o accede .to the 'de- iimn’dn, wrnj nnt Indicated.

A ugm eau H oover's Dlotum. I Ll'fhe-(Ifnpntrh of Ibu communic'ation LLI

wiin timed t<y t l wnuld reach tbe Itiin- f] aiunn appruklinntply slBiultancouiIy - , | with Ihp niessniip Kent by Socretnry • ' « ildov.'r ill response tn llio appeal.mnde liy Mnxim' Gorky. The sta tu depart- m e n l'i mpnjnBc is reunrdod officially \ ns Vvhnlly Independent of th e Ilonvor- Gorky rorreepondenre.

Belatively Few Prisoners.Thru- nro now held ns’ jlrUoncrs in

Husnin e igh t or ten A;ncricnn«. A lV“® la rger I'limber are believed lo bi> de- f mined w ithin the bordori of Russia,"onie .if whnih nre restjipted to llmitpil ar,.M|| - mess

— . Ollb.I lom

TEX T o r H U G H ES' DEMAND. gnni• > - - u A d b - p v s u o - a ^ - r i o a -I*

HIGA, iji tv in ,- ( / i> ^ A n offiefcii'de- m j! tiinud by Socretnry o f Btato IIuKhps for I . . , Ihe rp'Ipnnp nf the A mcrirnn priioncrs ,, in Hn.4iia wos hnridpd liv Consul Al- ,„i„i brccht tf, I>>ould Slnrk,- the bolshevik miulnl.T lipfp hint niRht. “

Maxim Oorky, i t w u learned t«- xot i day, haa te legraphed tb Jo h n Mill- <m s or, tbo R iga repreaentativo o f th e u<o»

' American relief adm iniatratlon, mlnli saylnK th a t th e commuclcatlon o f of t H erbert Hbover as head o f the re- thin lie f admlalstiaUon. w ith regard t* American relief fo r tbe ill and e r a ( ta r r in g , o f Russia, n a y be an- sw ere l.ln de'tAil.The relAisi" uf the Amerii-uii-iirM I .

priiiouprs. in Itui.slu wa.< laid, down hy Ooloi fleerctary Hoovpr in .Id* reeent eable q q mcwUK'p to Oorky an Ihe prime condi­tion upon whirh Ainpripaii relief meas- jirei for Kiissia wnuld he Inken up. g p

T ext o f Demandl ■ Hill,The driiinnd o.f Hprretnry llu)ih.*i I “-i i

ri-nib: Kno,“ Tlio Amcrirnn (.’uveriimenl Is nd dnugl

vlnpd Ihnl di-4^iile th r rpppated offo rh *‘1'^ ill I)r. y|iii«pii on im.lHibnjf to spcure o*" 8 Ihe relpnup of ihp Americnn. prisoners In Ruwln, they nre slill held in n mont serinun lilii>hl.' .. “ In the name of humnnity, the Am- ' ericvin pivernm ent dem nnds'o f the sn- viet authorities tbn t Am crirnn jirison- ers he nl onee relenne/l. I t innnifcsllv 9^ I’ Is impossible for Ihe Americnn'itulhori- nn n lies to riiiiiil.'rinnrr mennurPH for relief of the d iilres. in Kiin-In while our eiti- ' ‘cr, ■ rrnn nrr de ta ined ," '" ‘' f

— runn

American Captives N am edMore Ihnn n s.-ore of Amerlcnns still Innt .

a rr lioirii; held pjisoner in soviet Rin- luid nin, aii-ordiuc lo the Intent news re- of Ir reived by the s tn le departm ent In Him* \Vnnliiri),:ton from Uwt pountfy. Prin- with ripnl ninouj; Uiem nro Mrs. M arguerite h. Hnrriffln of Bnllimore, n newspaper u n i * f«»Tes|Hmdunt; Cnptnin Emmet Kilp.it- rick of Uirioiitowii. Aln., n Red Cross worker; Roynl C. Kcelpy, an enginppr HO nud Ur. Weston H. KHtes, a niofmn pie- Ihnt turo ’diolnprn]iher. ' LiffHi

--------- foin]i----------- o f Ir


L o .vno .v . (;P)—Tlie reply of Maxim 'vn> Oorky to Ihp n!ceiit enble message sent by irerberl. Ilnnver ns head of the FIV I Aiiierii'nii relief ndniinislrntlon statin;; the .-onditi.inn npon wtlich Anicrlcmi relief for ItiifKin’n sick Jind stnrvini; •'I< >Vuld hin(;p, wnn received by tho Lon- do^i hpad<iiinrtprs o f thp relief ?i(imin- " lant

. J(Continued on PnRc F ive) ' crash

Coordination ofi Buying Orderec

WAHHINtJTOX,'(/P)—A n w etu tlv o ] Direr order to eo^-nnllnnle purchasing for tbc o^igi' arm.v, navy nnd shijiplng board and to jiennit trnnsfer of surplus supplies frora ono government ngcnry lo another, w a i each ' sifrncd today by P resident H arding. Ing s


wiei to Prisonersl l t t t E IUitRFiOFiSpeUNS

fline Sw eeping Operations in W hite S ea a re Suspended by O utbreak o l Hostilities Re­p o rted , from Vardoe .

JlHRIilN, {/P)—rriio, Qerman mine- vecpiti/ flool, which has been operat- ig In fho Kola Bight on the northern ussiau coast is reported in a apceia! ispatrh from Vardoe, Norway, to havo son fited on by Rassian land forts, ho German fleet 'rotumod 'tho flro. Jt no damago la reported on either do. . .Tho German fleet, whleh left 'Wil- jlmshavcu ^ wook ago to clear tHc 'hlto sea of miocr under tbe ptovia- ns of the Veraaillet tniAty, hail ri- red ll. Vardoo to a'walt 'further de- jlopnteats, Iho dispatch tays.


e U r a n s '. R e p re se n ta tiv e T e lls , P re s id e n t .Drive " C a n n o t ' '

B o b o ^ e d "

WASIUNGTON, D. C., ~ The mcrican Legion served notice on resldcjit llbrdihg ,today'that tbe caa- ilgn ior adjusted componsation .for oterans “ cnnnot bo- downed,” tho essngo iieliig dolivered in porson by llburt.lkttmnn, cbairman oof the na- onnl leglslatlvii committeexf the. or- onUatien. . • ,V ' ' '■Ittter.,.Mx,.Jl«'U a « n ^ O d td rA rd » ^ ntion of similar import to Beeretarles Idloii and Hoovor, and Attorney Gen- rnl. Daughiuty. . "“ It-'is oiir pun>oiie 'to| shor iho.A^-

linlstrallon,’' said i l r . Bcttman In a ntcmeni Inter,,’ ’, that tbo. demand'fdr n ndjuntment of compensation. wUl :it nnd cannot )>o downed. It'..is ^ased 1 simple JuKtic^, t:io /.marlcnn L^r ion urp-M iJie, president and his .'ad- InlHlmtioii noi to stand ln Iho. way ■ tho early pns.5nRu by eoagrcss of, lln racarurc.” , ,

e n t i m e n t r u n s H iq n ', AG A IN ST CHILD SLA V ER

)lorado Authozitlea BbUttaln- OUm ' Qnard Over Alleged Uniderar of 10.

'Year Old Stepdanghtor '

GRBFXEY, Colo, </p^VVlUlan’ Riley III, arrested yestorday in Sloux Oity, ., in .eonncction with tho murdor near 10, Colo., of 'his 10-year-old step- lUgblor, Helen Mhxlne Short, arrived rc early this morning Id the tnrtody

Sheriff A. E. Gormley of Adnms unty nnd wns lodged' in the Weld unty Jail. Tho girl was slain In A’d- ns «-niuity,-but IIUI wns brought here r safe kqeping.Hill wns tnken f?yn the train n't irt Morgan, Colo., 7a miles northeast ' Denver nnd rushed t<( thla cUy in I nuimnoblle under heavy; guofil. He ns to' hnvo been taken in lo Doh- ■r, 1ni! plnns were changed when ru orn ivnrhnl here that feeling wa* mnln.; Iijgh there.The Indy nf Ihp girl, for whoso nrder Hill Is bidnj' held, was found nt S.-itiirdBy in' a ditch near Eno. She id lirrii weichlpd down with piMoa ' iron. Tim coroner naid she hnd .been rnwti into Ihp ditrh, which wm filjed 1th ^Ntiler, nlive.'


IlOSTON, (ff) — Tho announcement nt iho personal nssots of Loui* K. iggell, president o ftho United Drug iiijmny, hns been placed In tho hands

trustees.ns a result of the dcctlne 'common atock of the United Driig mp.nny in the last twenty-four hours i> madu today..


in.MVKLAND, 0., (ff)-F ivc persons i-n- killed, four of them almost inr intly, whon n sliuttle enr on tho Ab- y avpiiug viaduct, and an automohlle ished 'licnd;on. early today.

'Government d by Harding

ireclor Dawes’of the.bodget bnroiin, iginaled tho ordor which'dlvldrf (be Untry intd twnes eomipoadtag to ar- r sorps areas for supply pnrehaslng th,.o, genoral porcha^liij’ifeD t for ch area, all working oBdet a pnrthas- ; supervisor in. Washiagtos.

Page 2: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer

IWO • _ -Ji

@ B F "lE E iT iS l

* i P OPlOSITIi,citizen 's t a k '^ S ituation in Own

H a n d s ' w hen Government , Di5piays Seemingiy Benevo­

lent A ttitude to A gitalors ■ ■I10E.S-OS A llira , ■ (JP)-Llke lli« .

Flueisti, of H at/ Uii' ArconUiic I’niri' ollc li-iipie, a wmj-milltnfy'orpinba- Uofi, It'S'Xindortakcn tlip ttuk of put-

11 ting 'Inwii tho nnnreiiiatf, fommualstii ' I and tlio oxlrcmist olcmcnti K<™enilly ! of Ar^fi-niinn, pftrtlciilarlv ia Buonfi*

AJros.ITlii' IfflRuo'ft firrt attnmpt hoa ic-

ju ltcJ 111 what itji -Iciailcra dcrlnrc an tcDqualififtl auecm. TUo .Icojnio

. baekcd Iiv virtunlly the entire IiurIdcm ; htercHt of tbe popll;j) wJijfh Jiad )>e-

como tired of unpntriotlc mnnlf«t.T tioni ,hy commnuintff labor unlnnt, whnt tlioy eonsidcroi] to bo cnua'Im Htrikc5 ftnd iinbotogo, the fIniintinK i>f red •fldRii, bomb oulraRPii, nad moro pnrii.-

by Uir (IwHOrflHrnlioo of rnw pii'fco euiiMd by 'n strike of ti cbmaiun- i l t imioii nf utovrdori'i' wlilrh Imd tied

; up thu'iiort for two \vock«,QoVerainBat Trios Patle:\w, .

.The M'einJHj,’]y l)i'nnv(>l<'Hl attltuJo nrcJiinti of the j-ovcrnnicnt ttnvnrd 'wlmt they „ lie'.d toTTClhe jinwvirrnntod demnnds pf tlie nnldn hnit'tried tlirir imtienco and ,i._ they were ilcti’rinini-d |<i tako niattero n^oii in Ih .lr own hondu to the point of otir.'ci oniffti liitcrviintloo, i f nercMaty. ■ , '. Toilny nevcrnl score of tho ezfrcmUt Vicmcnt incliidinff iiumcroiia pftitntorn -_vtilrv of foreign birlli. aro Jn jail, aomo aro in tho liofpltftl, aovoral Hundred othera ' haro been under arreit, n Rcnornl atrJko • ‘ caHed a* a p«te«t sgainjl lho ttroue- . handed octlvltiia o f , tho Patriotic Ifaciie, has fallen tn plecci juid the *’ port t-QrvieoA have been rcloaacd from 5 , , thoro JiPrctofofe almost compleio con-

•trol of tho 8t«vp<lnrds> union. "'■ fTlio f^iiyemacnt't poJJcy of leaJoaey i* toward many 6 f Ihe aetivitira of radi- cal ryndicaliam ,to whirh thn interests behind tho lenifuo objected chanwil almoat nvornJcht to, ono ol flern aop- Ipreaalou o f any oitempt to deny tho .1®“,'

,rlght o f free labor lo m r k or to upiet ® ..the .jwacp o f the country. Whaf the Batriotie Icamo act out to'do, fho cov- m m cu t did Itaelf. ‘ . railroarl

— eiiiiileye' Oooiinds Wftrken* Pzotoetlon. Xow,

.The- coiifliet Centered upon tJic Jmuo incluilln, wheth.'r tho Rovcrmnont would givo ing al-lo protection tn. nnn-union tnickmen to era. Thi whom th),i membera of the aleveaorcj' for mor union rcfuHod to deliver the eoods they Muiuo;i )U)loadcd from tho ihlps. On thin point ’

tlio ArsenUhe P/tlrloUfUeoffuo wm l l f l l l ' l backed up by tho I.<ibor Piofoctlvo aa- {yrl|l| aoriation and the Centro do NavoKiieion I l L l i ' I an aasoeiation of steomahip amenta rop- n n n r ^ e n tin ; tho overseas Bt<!amghip lines 1,1 «*l oM oroif^ nation^ity. UU, U. .Tho' refuaal of the atevedoreii’ union

"o u tca il” union of truckmen.Ths vorioufl steps which led up. to

lho vistory of tho anti-radical flemenja ,liavo been provioual/reported by eablo fpOKlC jut it is only by eonaidonnf^ them to-(Other, that tholr sifrnlficaiico 18 appro [jydatad. . . 'vostok c

■Aatl.Badlcala Torca Im e . nnti-DnlalTho Aiiti-radienl orRouiutlons forced sVt<^nicii:

he {faoo-by sentUng non-union trucfc- goveriiinfnen to 'th o waterfront but found It fittest ]ioI:loaod by a cordon of police and ma- H'«-inca or.d tho atevcdores on atrike. For ond- in di;wo weeks it wna completely tied up In j>ropciffhilo tbe oodcnvored ,to Jbjinneat-.•oeoncilo tho dlfferent'ea of tho labor i h n<I<iniona. 'Thia failed. depends i. I t w a then nnnounced that tho rov- tho prjsci

srnmont would exclude all outcast or Japanesedon-union truckpion ,who; were not al- Ihc uovclied with tho atrikinK atovedorci but aolid bohl;fiia decreo wnr never Wacd far tfcp' foundatio:cntro do Navcjjacion aert ti atronRly newlv crivorded noto to the Kovcrnmont threat- mont. ..)ninj( til boycott the port of Buenoa “ AijuiiMrea by withdrnwinjf tlu-lr fililps if vostok nithe Stovodorea' union wn* jvemntlcd tion. He'0 dominate the altuation. ro^'ard

At the aomo timo the {'overnment n>> widl .coined f)lat Urillah nml Ameriran Tho Atnnneat l‘Rcklnj» plantu whi^h buy ninst actor anil)f Arp?ntlnn’a cattle were in Byiiiim- Imuu^i »i;by with tho rti'puuHhip companlea nnd chnrart.-irvcri' i)iannm(> tn closo. down. cnnsjiiruo

Fivo thouaand membera of tho Laii'ir jiline bul.*rotPctivi- nasocinllon sent n demand in(fly url0 government officials for tho rJRlit Mr. De0 employ free Inbor in lho portv In ernor ol mawiT tllll government—Runranteed rcplme. his riKlii.. Howovcr. wIi>-o non-union nirkmcn .roportcd for work nt the PBINCE licra next day they wore fired upon bv JOU nIon flevcdorca, the police naserled. .COPBN Tie 1-iboi- a-wociation tben demanded of Donniii olico j-roln-tipn. Daniah m

Sota Capital on Flro. AloznndrnThon came an event that almost «ct inorcanlilc

luenoft Aires on firo with patriotic in- jcnrs nnd Ignation. On May 23, Aigentina a ‘'f'o ^lu losf important national holiday, thoro AHlntic co ppearcd on LD) board.< nnd in radic.il ,Dwspapcra a mnnifesto signed by the ffirers of the clinuffeurs' union call- Ig a, strike in ' proltat njpilnRt wlini loy dojcribed nn n V'barhannl nf ninken bourgeois pattiotisi;i.”T}jl5 nroMod lho wrnlh of the pa- ^ iotic Icuimo and reaulted In tlie raid » H .1 the liendquartora of the rhauffonra' 1 lion iitteaded b y N h o o tin g in w h l r h l l , TO chnuffeura wore killed. Chauffeurs AS mnd there wrro compelled to aing thi>T^uathrr national nnlbriii.I'rom thal moment tlio iittitnde of to gnveroi^nt cbnngod., The police oaed tho iiTficca of the chau/foura'Uon nnd mrcstcd several himdrcd of B > r.mcinbers; Haunts of ogitalora, ao B •

W A N T E D ! . . . .'F ords in any cosiltlon. Cash [V fllWftiting lo r All modBla. . ’

C EN TRA L G A R A C r - Lt. si» siiMhOM jr. ‘ noB » *62 • _______


■" ■ ‘ u p m

Ha / NOTiO ao1 OFPICGU'.! ® , yjEie 5w> ■ '

-« u js ( jo e pfr THif



I . ^^9,OUTpOOR. SpOMT*

l i o u s i N 'O -

I ? O f l TVJO' \M H 0/N Q (l5eR T D eP i«W . IW€1. KW> T H ^ S H N I __________ A .fffZE^Tg? ♦

rehiaCa ond coiumunlata wero mtdvit AltirCt nd wholesale arreata mnde. When 'ork vaa resumed after tho hoUdny THI lio poit wns occupiod by militia^anU micd guards of tlio Argentine I’atrl- tir. !cug«o eacorted non-union laborers oaiiora ) work- hut tholr proleclion wna -not ' ooddd for it waa given by Argentine ivfalry. Tlio nou-imion men wero fre.- ^ j.work. OHR

. Follce ^ KGoetlogs. offlconTho (tcvedorca again deciarod a

;rlke, whcroui>on the pollcc closDii leir l.cadquartera nud nrrested aome popubr C tliem. Tho Argentine Maritime *" ’deration and tJie Argontino Labor idDrnliiin.oudoovoreiV'to atart a gon- vercly i -ol:atrik'c tb forco the suppression of lO Argoatino Pntrlotie losiguo nnd thn 'ileaso of nil laborer* who had be<‘ii KansM, Vested.Tho polieo raided tho joint ineotlni:« " ‘I!"' "' thoBo two orgonizntiona and arrert- ‘I their londera. Somo of tho com- t-'d.nevi' iinist unions wont on strlkft- but the *'“* Dvomont failed when the powerful jove to ilroad brotherhoods nnd tramway |*'E ipleyes refnaed to go out,Now, all bavo gone bbck to work, hti^gi'd Bluillng tho atovedorea who nro work- 0 '”‘ ' r aide by aide with non-union labor- mof'yrt », They oro tho aaino'HlovedorcE who elmrgi’V r moro than a month boycotted tlie tUO’Amc inaoii lioor, Martlm Washington. 'l ‘«

IM iO T fiK li.iS WlTESmillN —

_____ DETAOiponds U pon E m p ire 's A ssist*

an co to E e s to r e O rd o r in WASii

■OKIO, d. o,!go,hv, i S " , " '1 has arrived in Yokohama, author* Timi- im 1 by tho nowly cat*bllahed Vladi- ‘ 'i,,' ,J;“ tok ROvemmont to reproacnt tho , ■ ] i-Bolahovik interoats in Japan in a [emoiif to thu. prcfs aaid Ihot th.; „ cramfnt wJabliahod through the ist iiolitlcai coup d'otnt woll ropre- (,.,i,tnnri tfl Ihe will and wlaheaof tho peoplo j,,• in (iotormincd to put tho country » ,i ' ,y proper order with the aid of the

fo oiWcd; “ Tlio new govcrnmcjiJ ends on Japan for ovcrj-thing for present, nnd tho withdrawal of the m M M aneso troops from ^iherin befon-

government ia ^alablithed on a d bn^l^ will only undermino the very I ndation of tins wlatcnce of the ’\v created nntl-Dolahevik govern

'AiJUiiairBeminof# ia now at Vladi-.tok nnd ia in a very awkward posi-I. He arrived in tha}- city in din-ird to odvicca from (7jo .7opnne»cwi'll ni of-Commander Qonifcitli. AI Atnnian himtolf ia a mnn of char M'r and ability, but aoiuo of hia enl-'u^i Krein to bo of on ebjoetionnbler.vt.or. The Scminoff troo|>n nreK|iti‘uoiia (or tho absence of iHad-.0 bul thu Koppol force bi contrast- A Hy uril controlled.”Ir. De flrigoriev Iho laat 4;ov>r ol Snghnllen 'nnder thi^ Taarist ,me. W |


OPBNHAGEN, (yph-Prinec Ax'el lenmiirk, who ia n cnplnin in thr iah navy, kind n nephaw of Quec-i :nndrn of England, has joined the rantile marine for tho next ihrco » nnd haa just aallcd ns cnptain of big motor ship .Aain, of tho East itic compnny, for Snn pmnciaco. y


^ I

IwNibley-Channel • gL tJM Sm OOMPAMT

a / Y N E W & T W I N ' F A L I

. S .\ teii>

B WC>M m - : 5 5 S f f

H r ' v ' V ' - ^ P

G— ' B ■■xs

VIERICAN TARS PROVIDE ITAi THRILL-FOR NORWEGIANSilora of Battleship Squadroa on Visit to Oltriftjanis Oojse In lor Bomo '

Oritldaa ^

3HR18TIANIA. Norway, (fl^T lio ’ ficors of the Americiui 'l.nttleahl|t ind.'oh whlrh recently pnld O' two great eks' vieft to thi.' porf were verj- tfjdr lulnr 'nnd were.entertained privately ,, Nnrweginn lioniea, but the leading

iVH|«ipers ..f the: d ty rrlti.-iaed ae- •elv Ihe rondiirt. of anmc of Ihc aail- while oil. Hhore leave. , .

'he n<|umiron wna comixued of (hu nsna, Michigan, Oonhectirut, South ’"''['■'f ■niiiifi and Minneaoth. nnder eom- . n-1 (if Hear Admiral lliigher.'he (’hrnUonift newapnjK-ra publish- neveriil .nrticica proteating bocouse "li’f t American aailora made (oo violent

; to thp Norwegian girls whilo rid- ^ '“11'" about tJio city in taxjcaba, assert- that tho sailors .‘ 'sntifczed -and

1, 'd Iliem" in Tiubllr. • ‘•“'i r i'ne nf Norway^ prominent clerg.v- offeot I wrote n prnliat to Uie Afterpoaten rgi'-^ that the conduct, nf aomo fit REVI •American aaitnra wtui "nn in’liult to; ... ii citv’* and a dligroco lo tho Arocri- - V nation.' He urged AilmirnI Hughe«

lilt a atop tx> iu Somo parents aont Ofuiln ;ra to the nowapnpcrr urging the 'Moir wegian uutboriUi'n to protect the v nlinnifi girls from naaoeinting with American aailora. '


ASHINGTON, </P)-Plnns -for na- fl^a"'!co-operation in tho hunt for llquoi l>y CI<iIglcra along north Atlantic coait of P«1.Tcntiv havo been abandoned, pro- nieaaut ion officials declared Tueadny. if. (' had been dlatfuased tentatively of the

tbo-navy «dcpartmcnt, officials tiuti, pblit it waa found thu prohibition that Irwould hnvc to defray expenrea of organii&r^t uaed and Incka sufficient againats. They aro going ahead with' the in fnvctance of fho coaat guard, it wna lo prol;d, in an effort to aw*ep the aena curitieile rum-runner*. _ ' peal of


rHE, ORPKX m 5 A B \ 0

I f q cw on 'h c r (

H ‘s , ' ' *T*‘

P R i Sj c w e l :D<'i«clrd bj t


. L S , I D A H O , W E D N E S D i i

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■VJ®E?OW E 3 l. . . . ■,

L IFI WAf: ' 1 * 'M 0ut0




50k to Dominion for Bualnsas Lost Here aa B«sult of New Inunlgntlon i =

Law Opentlott I p

HO.MK, (/P)—Italian navigation linos III Itween Italy and Amoriea nro-havlng cat tiifficull-y in^flndlng bwinesa Yor clr liners nt tho preaont moment, due . I the cnactmont of the present Amer-

in liiiniigrntion law. To meet the rricultleH. (ho Navigaziono Ocnotul.';Uiaiii liuu liaa dir.octed pnrt of their l{« ijjlo a new Itfljlao-CanaJJon -vire.rhla il (ho first Italian lino tbat haa , fn CHlnhllHhed between Italy, and nad^ . Thu other stenmslilp compa- 1 ’f aro niao occupied on the problem I /in/J}).;; olhw fieWs lor Ibc aurp}as I

.Ilnn piipulation. I t ia exiwrted thnt I ’ or Iwo more I ta liaa comp.inics will I nnience aailings to Canndn, diverting I irprcKcnt Now York servieo (o that | Oct. I


liman. .Fordney Says OommlttM lomben Agreo N ot to ^ wIq Pro*

vision for Scheme In Ueamre '

/A^Hl.VOTON, i/P) — Agreement >ng mcmberB of tbo houan wnys'an-l in« commlttco'tbnt in ravlslon of iniie Inwa no provirion wili^bo mado a Bfllea.tax wa* announced Tuesday Chnirninn Fordney at tho ni>cning Ipublic hearings on the ,, propoaod Iisure. I. C. McKcntlo, t^ r rcpreaenfatlvo Ihe Amerienn Farm Burenu Fcdcra- I, put inlo tho record n atitoment I, !n a referendum, inembcrs of hit |iniiation had voted 87,305 (n 7,221 [ ? = inat n anlea tax. 78,2.'i0 to U,G21 I \ nvor of n constitutional-nmendmcnf. I X ■ irohibit-tho itsuing of Inx freo ae- lici. nnd 8n,'47.’5 to 0,121 ngainst ro- . of the excess profit* tax.



t o ' iI ) o u s o 5 ' t h i ' s . 'w a n ijo u 'll know r f n s la n l l i j b i) ,h e r 1 f

i c k q e u e ^

j n ^ r o n s s m i f e ; ,K j u i s i t e ^ o w f f P e n f u m b i e f i n g e r s ^

| t h hcf!» Moii“ .A.Thrii:

i B B ' -V-----------^ T h e oil s ta r

Chaney. W h .

^ ■ H l j V Lewis, E. A .

' and Melbotir.n

‘Two I


3 A Y ; J U L Y 2 ^ 1 9 2 1 ' ■.

oidnT \ I" - * 1 : . rm iu

H K * ''" - ' 5■ : ■ - ------ : sp

What if Diola* to yoa may b« Vai- ble to uthen adveztife It in the i^ ie d ._ _ |j_______ »

A Good !P n o f tb a t b u k Borrlce la In

unqaestlooad w hen tb e odTontage:

I year parsoiial Interest#.

. Snov for TOttnelf the Talae ef ■ Tirtn Falla Natlctnal Bank aad

to have the - co-operation of offli la your welfare. •

W hen you consider th a t th e ff tlU8>servlco I s 'r e n d e r ^ t o - n ts t

I cost. I t Is only .fa ir to y o o n e lf u . I .t«restA th a t you eajoy th e bene.

I beeomo more useful to 70a when J A L L your financia l b tu lsees here.

1 ■ -

I The Twin Falls NatioiCapital and Surplus


I ' H n



Sm ashing ^

-O-Reel \

iure Show! Jp- - - - - - - - - - - - - — - | f ^


i l l i n g s t o r y o f a ^

[1 F r a n c i s c o i f

t a r c o s t, in c lu d in g L o n • '

V h e e le r O n lc m n n . R o lp h f J ^ W ;

W o r r e n . W ilto n T a y l o r .

u rje MbcDowcII.

' i M g mDays Only J |||||||

Ito and Evening

. ' ' ' • • ' ■ \

A N S F E R S O rtE A L ^ S T fiT Eslihed by the Svtn

Abttrsct Ooaptoy ‘ > .

Iced: Roy Michaut to T. E. BtaadJoe 0, ]flt« IS, H , bloek 6, OoUea Bq]^ 'In -Kills.k »d :T . E 6 U n d l« - to J .;W . Kini; 'DO, lot 13, bloek 5, Goldcn'EoJo Add.In Falls.'atent: U. 8. to Jobn Uartoll south- t' quarter sontboast quarter ?1. . thweat niiarter soulhwott'quarter ' eojjt hali northeast quartor^north i qoarter eontheaat quarter 28, wctt r , northwest quartof, noHbwejt rter aouthweat quarter 27-15-17. ' j cod: Joseph Matt«U to Albert Mar-

SIO, southeast quarter coutheaat rtjr 28-10-17.wd: Iner Whtoler'to H. E. Rounda lot 12, block 53, Twin Falla.

. noted Chinego bortieuItuHat haa luced, on hia estate in Florida, a arkablo variety ot.ei^roue f ra lL a 'inncd grapefruits Tho fruit, w ^ n :ed in a room, permeates tbe nir I nn oHoT ualiko that of any eJtrona , t Only OUO 'tree of tho variety 'B at present. ,

i l l E i i i "We speclaliio in automobile re­

air work. Quaraatce fair tiisat-' lont. add tho highest claw-pf rorlunnnihlp. .We solicit a share of yoar bns- A

less. • • .

Special Ford Mechanics133 2nd ATo' H.-PHONE'66& ^

Test I .helpful becomes I I ,

iges are turned to [

of seyvlco a t the I « d what i t means I fflcers Interened' |

I greater part of jjostomers, wlthonl 1: and to yonr la- Iineflts. Wo can Ihen yon.transact Iro. U

' ..... I ^ional Baqk. I] l a s m m

______ .1___________

- s ta rring the heroinedf 'The Virgin o f '

B H B i i ^

Page 3: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer

< i l E S i l E ', I J I l l i

II,S,TOMJap anese S ta te sm an Says There

Will S e No Dif Acuity In Solv- infl Questions if F rank Views a re Exchanged '

TOKrO, ( / f ^ B v o a . Sakatnni,' vlro profliduni of tho Amorieon Jflpin so­ciety nad member of tho houso ot peirt, writing in Uio Aiohi, «nyt that a iTa praotieal p o litM question tlio vlewB of t i e Jiipone*c>nnd American Rovcmip'tnU.OD tho ImmlKfoUon qucJ tloh ’jr>:^(a decord sineo tho United Statce iloffl not dcsiro tlip Incrcnae of JapaacKu immijiianta, wliilo Japan, io eompllanee with tho'tcroBr of thu '

- VRtnUoiniui’e In^reemcnl,” is not I ■ aeodiD^ iomiffraQts to Amcrica. I

Aaalyxtt American Objection. ! ..He rxprceaed tho opinion tha t tho '

f principal reaaon why America doos not dealre on increaao of Japanese mm l' > granta U th&t* tho Japantio arc Indus- < Wou» workera M d' formidable eom: ]

. ' petitOM of. Americas aitd hot becailsc ' they MC an Ihferior rfleo. In other «

words, tbo American oppoaition to i Japaoriw immisratlon ia economic aa > well oa Koelal to’wlKch a BmolI percent- < aRc of racial prejudice mny bo added. <

• He bolieved tbat It Is hirdiyxoneoiv- ‘ ablo thAt dlscrlmlnatiqn In T o r ie s , t

_ .agtdnst ft comporotlroly email num­ber, of JapancM ibould'pQ: madft, a caaua belli between Japan and Amer­ica,. '• • t

j Ai to'tho'Yop.oueetlon..tiio baroo ' aaya no aane rlKbt-thitjkin^f people, will * ever think of, 'J^p becominj; n scrlouii r bone of 'nntenllon botwcon the two » countries and thero will be no difflcul- t tj- in finding a solution If Japan, ami tho United States,ezehan^ tlicir vicwi t folly and frankly. ' . *

' ' Eoreoa lu n a Oleara. [ I t is true that tho Korean (jiicstion C

» bofnj{ discusjod by curtain Amen- I cans with coosiderablo onihuxiagili but o after oil it being an intornni problem «' it is no t o f *uch i nature a» .Iv cal! h

' for.the Interforonc'o .of an outsider i'Cconi-ludrd. Sinco the outbreak of tho b rioti in Korea in 1019 Ihe Jnpoiieio r;

. Kovernmont^hu beon introducing ri.- b /crmV in tbo mlmfnlstrAtJon' ot tl>c C pfninsula bo ob ,to conform with tbc n

* Atiieiican idea# of good admlniBliOtlon. y Under thene dreumBtanccs,. hu orRUcd, li thercTs no fear of an apjicnl, to nntii o belug nmde-in.'regard to Ihc Korean n

' question.naron Snkatonl salJ tlist ^ jifin hnr n

Iwen, cxpreiilDg her.Teadinoi»~to rotnrn f< > Hhantung to China and no tWeru con bo b

uo fear .of tho quoiUon ever being p tiiade a-tauso of w nr.. Jnjmn will ad- ei here to tho policy of tho prciorVnlion f‘ of China's integrity and of the open « door'principlc. Tlio partition of Cliina ni ilf whnt the Japancso hnvo licen dreail pi Ing tbr many years but.ns ii result of Ihc .grctf war fftf* ap(irdioB*ior ba*. , bci'a Mniplctcly removed. If America

' pur.Huc» n poftccful pollfv toward China anil coiitrivca for the Improvement of *■' hnr lutorptUi ^'ftnlnUtmHon nnd tho I’’ ilcvolopment of> her natural rcinurccs in* concert wiih other countries thero I'on bo no rranon why Iho United Btatui to ■ihnuld fomp Into collision, with Japan.

Mutually Bisplcton#.' ‘ .Hu Mncludcs:. .-‘'Amerirnns suspcct

JapancM ^designs in Clilno while tho (j, iIa|f:Lncfc' e’nlertain almilar nusplrtunK |,p toward America and if thc»c RURpirlonx nn bot’t Bides ran be ri'inoved llicniij,, will llfl no reason why the. two coun- Lp trir* would lo wnr nu ni-rount of Chinn.’’


Ansten Chamberlain Tell* Commons Satisfjictoi7 PersJopmezitd Would Fi

. - l>em&nd E ar^ Attoatlon i

l/OKDON, (^-^Ausleii Chnnibcrlain.■ th l' govnmmimt lemler. mW in the

lioiHU* nf fommonB Tui'»day he hoped • , • parliament would be pronniged Anguxl ''/• ' SO, b a t he fQrMH.’iilowod the posnlbllily I nf Its li 'ln g Buinmo/unl ngiiin in Novem- 1 *'

her or Deccmlier to pass legislntinn ncc- enjrtfy to give effei't to nn Irish «el(lo' Kol ment. ' tin

Mr. lham berlain said , tha t if nego- tinllons resu lled .'as wns hoped. In nn

«■ honorable nnd iintisfactory settlement thi • betwi'on tho parlie* eonceroed, ond if. ■therefore, on Iriih pi’nee was in sluht, e'" very early conBideration hv parUanieet

i \ * n.lj};i 1,0 neccj.iarj-. J l 'Aa fnr Bf tho governmi'iit could see ■''*

in th a t happy eontingeney, however, ho ' ' adilod, ,the ngreement could nnt have

readied tlie point whore it conld be 'f, embndk'd in IcglBlatlon to l.o, submitted ii> thu house nt nn early date.


■ ' MKXlCO 'CITY, (/P)—President Ob Tt'gon'*. signature It oJl tbat Is re- j

nuired lo make cffpctlve nn order dia- pcnslng wilii the ticccsslty for pass- [lorls ill n forty milo. r.on-i along the fjiterTiatioijat bouBdary, accordiflg- t>i y |, an announcement by tho department of

'the interior. ,vnTlie order •tipuliiled thnt ' jwrsont

must, have lived within the zone for j,,,, niii> f-rar before benMuiUK eligible to tliV privilege. , _ , , •

.MHIkrM at pounds. o( pkric acid a«* _> rimiulnted for wnr pur|»05C!i and mado jj, lisck'M tn tbc war department by tho tn armistire, witl bo distributed to farm* n,,

— ITS for ngricultural purptiso*. This acid Joi in- a highly crystnllino' powder, letnoil j,m I'nlorcd, nnd eighteen per cent st.ronger r,ei Ihan forty per ccnt straight nllro-, e iw r h c tlynonilte. It is never h‘«otl ]

,lif bnlk but in jwrn/fitied paj^'r car- .,rriilgei, , ‘ flo

II Hofis, ir! B I S 1 5 - i M LllESvice PnbUo S o p p o ts d a m e B e s t w h e n

‘ . T eam s a r e CloBely H a tc h e d ®i,n( in G am ea

. By I. £ i*N B O IlNjucJ Major league dub ownor* and man- illed ORm arc wtorryin^ Ijbieir head* off0 of about uLnt they are going to do for1 in ball Dlaytr* next year and the year ) thu nfler.' The small army of icouta which 1 not baa been scouring tbo highwnya and al \

ley* of tho baaoball world thia eoaion < ruporta that there isn't oven a crop of "Iv o ry " lo bo hnrvested. I{'n *

the bono, plain overy day bono. . 'not onsequently tho promotcra of the <

uml- na tio n p astim e aro at thoir wita’ ond 1 dus- to;/iguio out how thoy aro goin^ to re a om- p lu o tbii wsnlDg'StbrB'Of tbelr teams, luse" with ho material in tight for replare- i Lher mont. Ouriadviee to tho-club owners t

to is to ru t out tbe worry ii^d let thlng-i / as run Ihcir eoursh You all havo heard t

(Dt- aboul tlio man who lived, to bo 80 ond dcd. on hU <ltnth bed confened aa follow*: s o iv “ I am OH old nloa. I bare had Jot* i>f rlea trouble. Moat of it never happened.” v

Snpport Always There nor- tThat's* Mimethlng for tbo promotcrr a

to rimember. Dnsoball rightiroo along nnd will contlnuo to live ptofes- t< vritl sionally as well as in tho amatour wav, h [out. a* long ns there is money enough in tbc ri two world lo support it. TKnt'a tho only ll cul- thing t» worry about, lack of sup|H>rt. iw and l^aek of alar players will not. hurt A ews tlm gni'ie, bccauie thoro al«rays wilt b'c

Otars in.tho mlndn'of tho"palronixing ni publie. There Isn't a town so small m hut that It hasn't an embryonic T>- K

;ion Cobb in the opinion of ila fans, or if ert- fhcro in such a town I /inron't h«tr«l / but of it. There la nlwoy* some plnyor who hi lem stands rut prominently at the head of cat! hia awociate* on any diamond. tlI'C Springfield, Mass., touted Cy Tjrom- H

tho bly so hard that tho White Sox cor* H CIO railed him.' Tlion Springfidd, 111,, t" n.- bonatod .Tack tVienoke ao high tha t tbe w tbc Chieng'> tram»gjtibbed him too. Tbov i!' the may'nhine aa majora, but Ihey h a v e n ■ on. yet, au-1 tboro may bc Walter Johnsons / ,cd. In Springfield, 0., ?r Sprlngfldd, Mo', ^ Ttis of whom,nil the'wnrld will btJlllking ;au next year. Never ran tell.

The point fnr the promoter* to re­link mcmbi’f is tluit it will not bn neccisary nrn for.tbts country (o develop a cro^ of bo ball playerc to eual (hose p f iKo' focont H

ing past. 'KTcellencii always li fixed by ad- eomparinnn, and when the great stars Ion fade out of Ihe picture the public wil'>cn *eo othor stars in their places and will Ina not 'i,> nble to judge a* to the coniv [ui pamtivi' mngiillude of the luminaries I.n

• Demand la ’for Competltloa tea In ntber words, there nre thousnndr no] na of finseball jihlrons who wilt'tell you ti of thnt lliey hnve,seen players on aeml- ta

pro teartiK who aro better than lots of ■cs major lengiiers, not knowing tlmt said tn .JO I "'‘'nl-prii.i havo had a Irynut nnd fniled t , [u, tn make good.in. The bifsdiall iiuhllr. demtmds only nn m,

eveiilv’.fpulesled game between evenly j,a ■ linlnneed teaihr. They would not go ii tin

soeond time to *ee nino Ty. Cobbn plnv in the Diytiin tigera; because there woiil.l md be ni>‘lfing nncortain about Ihe out- nn rnme. T.isf tliej- will go l» «i-« [lames flf

' ‘•lin which there'is nn elemeni of realjTh Uporl, Juk{ ns thev hnve, alwnvs. - in

• u,1


, 'SYSTEM OF PLAYaa ——-T till

P ro s id c flt H ordjng- H a s D if fe r , nk c n t S ty lo o f P lay in g Oolf— j’'; • In a n g n ra to d T o d ay ,,ir

ll- — , ',,i I 'r iT aH n n a ii, p «., yp)-.i. p.. By-xl em, vli'c president nf llie United fn;ly Stntv « Onljl aisoeinlion, nnd former luii|. Urpri-M'iilntlve .Inmes I-'r.ini'is Burke, roc

win intrndiire Presfdenl itarding's new0 . golf gnnie of “ I'ilts and I’u tts" nl '

the .\llegheny Country club course liiix ole

in Tlic cjime intrndueed recently by Jd[ the pri'iident nt the Coliinibln Country frp,

if, elub where tlu' United States open du, ,t, I'hanniioiiship wn* held. M'. Byers aud i],, if Mr. Uaniihe were paired /iiiaJnjt P. AI. p,-,

Kletrhnr of the state dfoartment nnd of V Hurke it, n foursnme. ' • -,0 Hefor-,'. the mrlteh ptnrl-fd, the presl- ,0 dent exiilnined thnt every time a pby- ,e cr drleps into n trnp or pit he l» pen- i(] alired._,

Tlie >core could not tm learned ni i„,* It.wns told that President Harding had jin unwritten Inw agninat publjeitv nf

K ' "toll BEABY rOB TANK.

ISDrANAl’OLIH; Iiul. f/pJ-U.ndiriK nwiniuierx from all jmrls of (ho counlry

”■ hnve entered the nationnl Jinilnr event'. {,.r J® 1(1 1m’ hidd li'ere.Thursilnv nfternoor. nrd •" y|x ,i-vi-tits nre arlicdufeil. Fncluded ^ t

nnioHu’ Die entries arc. Mitrle Koiio ]an walfof;’ nf Meattle. WVi h.: Kober: Pcnrson. from the Panama cnrinl /one,, aud n<'cinn Ueli. Indianaiioli-i. ,ln lli-

" dives, ■ ■

im aU A K ,00E8 HOME. uni'• .VK,»' Vfl«K' (/P)-ref*. ftc.rimin. wli.i ebu

is on Tlis wnt to N'ew Orlonu" lodav ^ '0 tn visit' Ills fjimily is richer by $i:2,n:i*i)'* r>s the result of his reeent fi^lil with ■

Joe L}neb in which he recovered tbc- \'■t liantam w elght boxing title. Lvndi r"- j’f c.eived a f la t guarantee of ».’l7,nn(). , £a- — II, > I .11— 1■d J f y e o r property is de*lMblf, j*»d J* fr- idvertlio.1 lo the c la u lf ie j — yoii’M A

find your buyer. • ’ , '

lAniYi M


T f i l i sI S i S l f

S J I l P i Ee n Q am bler S x p la ln s A rra n g e m e b t : -W h ereb y : 0 1 0 W o rld S o ries

W a s to b e T h ro w n

CHICAOO, (flV-Billy Uahorg of tn* PhiMclphla; pal of BlIl.Burna and Aliy >ff Attcll during tho'formation and com- for pU'llon' of 'Uio alleged conspiracy for :ar ilic_lhrowing of tho 1019 world aories, ieh today told h it story of the reported al 1100,000 sell-out of tho indicted Chi- on cago Whito Sox playcn. i of Mah'irg was the finnl witness for all tbc stato la tbo baacbull trial. Ho

wns hai) by Burns to have been pres- he ent ut sovoral meotingii of the gam. nd blors and players where plnns ft»r tbe re alleged game throwing w cv made. 'Qs, .Mahar^f'bcgan hit testimony by tell- •e- ing of the mcctfng'he witnessed bc tra twccQ Durn,s'nnd Kddle Cieotto at thi'. g< Ansonh hotel in New York in Sep- rd tember. lOltt. ' .nd "Chick” Otindil also wna there,”

said Maharg. i)f ” I heard (Cieotto said tM t if the Sox .” won thj ponnont! tho world SL*rics.could

be thrown for $100,000. Qandll aaid the plnycra would throw tho games in

tt any order desired.hi "After Cicotto and Oandil left BurniL ‘B- repeated the conversation to me or I V, had not heard all of it. H o 'i^d .C i- hc eotte und Qandll had agreed to.ace thnt ly tho rietie* was thrown for 1100,000. T ■t. iwent to Xew Vork with Bums'and saw rt ArhflM. Itotlistcin.JC "llitrus t<jld Rothsteln the Sox hnd ig ngn-ed to th»ow the series for • 1W),000 dl nitd asked Rothstcin to put it up, but y Kotlistein refut'ciL if " I went back tn I’hiladolpbln. Tlicn •<| 7 gilt u teiogrm from Burns to meet in him on la train for Cincinnati. . if " I went lo Cincinnati, getting there

the morning of the first gojue. I met V Hums at the Sinton hotol that evening r* Ho told'mo Abc Attdl got Rothatoln |„ tn put up the *100,ono and that 120,000 IC would be given iJie playors after, cad;


CONSOLIDATlfD \« BALL OUTFITS ;; SEEK GAMESIt H an sen a n d H ock O eek T e a m s y Oom bine to C lean U p All - p O th e rs in D is tr ic t ll -------- ,I ' An cxeoptional (i|i]iortunlty'for good

l<all games in Twin Falls is afforded In the cennnlidation of tho Hanten and Koek Lrn'k hxieh&U Icamr. Thh ron-

>. Holidation wns cffcrled Ihis week, the , 1' strongc.it men of cnch tenm being to-

taineil.ti, compose i« slnr hlngfe organ- f ixntiou. rriie now club challenges all ‘ 1 conieri, fS]ieeiaHy Ihe All-8tnrs of ' 1 Tu-in Kail?. ' '

During the pri-senl. scn«on Hnnscn n nnd Itoek Creek have hnd cxcoptiannl .. ' ball' teunih—tenms that hnve made nil • ' the nthcr* in this dislrict “ go somo”■ ill every fjime played. Tlin clubs tbem- 1 ludves itcre stout rjvnls of cnch other,- and played s<ime games nn •their home M fields thnt snincked of major calibre. liThe c.liibH g o t '^ n ly of supiwrt oarly

in the wnr, but later it wa* deemed nctvlHntili- to m.iki' one winning outfit ciut of Ihr two nggregaliotia, hcnee Uiu i-onsoUilation. Cluillongc.n inre directed agalnn*. the Twin Fall* All'Stnm nnd ■ the Buhl town_ tcrtms especiall.v.

A corps of confidential clcrk* opens the iiresident’* mail nnd such rommu- nlrntionn an the president ought to seo lire briefed and a written syiiui)Ms of , its content* and the writer’s nnme.nre pinned to each letter. 'Bi-qiii'slB foe rhiirity iire so numerous tbat n aiiecial “ fonti’ is uhiM in replying Letters^ from jierivons on the snme nubject nro , bunched and Ihc arguments pro and coo ure briefed.

Wimhington.gnmc wardens are using cleetrlclty to prevent fish from offcnd. ing the irrigation canals. An mitomo. bile mogneto driven by n wnter »vheel generales cloctric eurrent *whii'li is cnn. ducted to a aorie«*of terminals bcni'nth the wnter on both aldca of the-«1ream. Fish coming in contact wIfJi t?ie "/Ino of fire” recdve the current ;md hack off.

A Prcnrh inventor hn.* jierfci-lcd a tank which resembles the nrdiimry whippet tank except thnt ll i- propel­led frnm the' stern. It cross irem-he*, fJimlM wnJls, enlew water, ontho Mirface, dives nnd crnKl' r'iiore along the bottffm, accordini* to i'nnch nrmy officers who recently -,iin o^i'd the j>erfommncp, ;

With baggage consisliug ol i«i. let' ,ters denlWg with her father's «;it rec­ord, h thrce-yoiir old girl reeent!;. m ide ; a trip from her homo In ni;i!-«i"v. S. nt- land, to tho b'omo of her unde i'l >'"'>t I'lirrent. Saskatchewan, with ‘'Hb H.e kinaly directions of steamship nffirirvU •■md trninmca to g{iide her

"Wbftt il Tiwlea lA you mar l-r uablo t6 otben — advcrtifr it >n 'I,. eUMifiei. .



A I I l S , I D A H O , W E D N E S

r b a s e b a l l ^J . ‘ ’ Paeme-Oout Loaffw.

■ ^n-I'ranclseo,,12j Uilt Lake. 0 .' Vc?aott,'7i Portland, 4r^ 8 Angeles. 3; Saeramciilo,”:. . Onklnnd and Si^atllc Ir.ivcliiig.

’ American Leagne.Cloveland, 8; Boston, 2.

. Bhlladi'lpbia, n; .I>etrolt. 5, {Called in tenth, rain.)

.WiWfiinffton, S; Chicago, 0. mm .Vo (-thera scheduled.

• r ' — i ■ • • Kattlonil U s iu t.

• Brooklyn, 3; Chicago, 0.Now York. »; Pittsburgh, 8. Philadelphia. 8; &t. Ixmis, 7.

iQt Boiitiit-Cinclnnatl, game poslj^oncdtI ' -


of boxing promoter, and Frederick C.Qiiimbv, motion .picture exhibitor, to

w- dV pleaded guilty before Federal j for Judgo Sheppard to chargcJ of violatine “‘*1 tho inierstato commcrcp law Hiiougli , l'’d the tKinsportation n^roas ihe state lin'; i hi- from \ovr Jersey of the I)cmpse.v-CiiT' ■

pentiiT fight pictures, and were rmct , t o w o o fnciL________ ■ \ ,

fs- (Continned on Page 7.)

P NINTH MORMON TEMPLE 111 tO 'B E BUILT AT MEsA ‘« . • - - - ' b r Contor of Ofoat AmaricftoDMert Is 8*. 'P' lect«d u Sito for Pntmtlous i ,, Structure ' .

. . MKSA, Arlr., (;P)-()ui. here in the IIII center of (bo Great Amerlpon. de»cr(, { ,,l the .Mormons art' to build unuthcr tern- •IV pie. second only tn thdr'tnhfrnaele al :

Salt U ke City, IVesidcnt Ilcber J. • (irnnt of tho Mormon church, hn* an- j

J nouneed. JThe Mesa temiiio, when finiihed will :

1, III' the ninth the church has built. Tlie :r olJiet* nre Jut Kirtland, Ohio; Souvou, •

.. III.; St. Qeorgo, Logon and Halt Uk*' :Cily, Utah; Cardtlon, Alberto, Canada, Fand Lale, Hawaiian islnnus. . k

j(i Work im thu temple hore will ‘stari •in Heptumber, it wa* nnnounccd. Tho jbuilding will eost approximately $S00,- :000 and will bo comploted within’ a Sycnr. Many church dignitaries will hattend the gr^ndbrenking rercmo- ■

ri. oil-'"- :jij The tcmplu is to be built on a tract s- of forty acrcs In the eastern section :

o(,^Iosa. S

!}| In the famouii Soho district of Lon- ;dim there ia a restaurant whero guestq Cnre ftWo to sdcct. fhclr tlih /ram a 5gloss tank,in 'the center of the dining Rroum. QacBtSyOro furnished with fish* bing Inekl^ if they'desire nnd can bave -the pleasure of catching their own whit* E

S ing nj: tronli Through n'glass acroen 5sepsrallng thc-/ilning room from the pkitchen the /ish can Iw aeen cooking on h

_ a Tusrau spit, wbWb revolves over a gwood, and charcoal fire. :

Footprinta, believed to be one hun- £dred nnd thirty years old, of a Hn- IJ

I waiiati urmv thnt fled- from the wrath Q , of tho volcano Kllauoa, Hawaii,'have s

been found in tho Kau desert, noutb sof the great crater, by a professor in 5chargo of ihc volcano observatory, STIinus.-inds of trncks in the volcanlcash n

. all pointing in,.the one direction, deep bII at the toes nnd light at tW> heels, in- Z / dicate thnt tho Inhabitants had b6cn s

riinnlug at top siwcd. E

- READ/-HE DAILY NfcWB. 15.1 -....... —


' .



2 0 ^ 2 0 centsV ioM lr~ fig titp fitika i9 t. ■

■ Ai»o ebUJc*I>Io la rocmcfOaaefSO.rMeBttm-uthd.

J 0


. . . pP la n s to B e s tr lo t S e rm o n S ub- ti

j e c t s a n d P r e e e n t ‘E iv a l p A ttr a c t io n s , ”

lUOA, (yP)—Uus.iiiin Soviet govern* m ment dfficlnls have decided to taky bt stricter i-ontrol over Uio churchec ia oi Kuaaln, nemdJng t» Jloscou* nowsp«* pern iireived hore. A r-ccnt number of the Isvestin, 9uy* that aermons aro m to I f f allowed only on the condition th that they nre of n strictly rcllgioits churpoler • . . “

It appears that Ihe sciviui govcrif T ,] nient, whllo continuing to permit re-

ligiour worship, is In present rival nt tractimm iii the ehurdi buildings lu the khnpe .of lectures on communist doctrine*.

■;J. Indejicndent advices received in ' Ilign lecently itidlciilcd thnt in'aome '

0 villagcH in Kouth Hussia the womenal >nd ltd men of the peasantry^lad ac*- ■ 1C uatly eome lo blows with the younger i I'' snd <«mmit;il*llrn!l.r<-duc«ted goncra- 1'- tjon oil religlmjs _ Hubjoctt, Villages r- r-iTO tr.vided into Mvci camps ,and In.- t one rejMijted instance somo ensualtics \ occurred.


A B18MAHCK, N ..D ., Iffy-Covcrser L.vnu ..I. Prnxler of North Dakota will nddreii* meetingii. u l Yakima, Wash., Augwst i:;, nnd nt Spokano on August

11! ns jinrt of a tpcaklng tour in WasJi- , ingtnn atate, il. was announced todny. L

ll- Q iilllllilzD lllllllllllSJIIIIIIIIllH zlllllllll(, S .

^1' .T h e N t11 =

I I n B a t'i r s . • ■ *« = More’andmoreof 01■ s utilizing that newea■ y ■ ing deveiopment—b1 = Not only do they s ‘ p mail but withdrawa■ y same way.' S ' • ' ■. .

! ^ . Despite the growth ; s not one of our depi I g ~.]iad,aIossorsufferei

i Twin Fall I & Trust C

! g T W r X F A L L S

s “ Member pi federol


” : W iiki

o f a 4 c

-widi a me\

, THERE’S AH eU s u . H^CUI

J THEY USED to poD. . A R M l

) SOOLDUiatnisiradan. AND AI

PEOPLE TOINK ll’B now. *

ABOUT THE moo vbo had, **

S o s H O o i ^ d *

AND A i r i o n 'u n .• • • WILL E

"WAS tH E doc m » d r.............................. •. IB THE

Af*D THE O nt s v .. . ; VOUR F

8AY6.-W ELt^ he w w iX ^

a o OANQ waU pisaawt- ^

A N D A ^ U l d m , . : FORTH

THAT THIS tiescribed.

SOME SMOKES ho'd tried. ' . '

THEY DId'hT exactly.• • • V, . 'V O U ']

MAKE HIM mod. l i b e r• • • amootfaoc

B U T H E w M a^- .

8 0 VERY voll pleased. by coplec

OP COURSE that w a s ." ever? een

r ^ C lC A R B TIn joo irr I


. PJIINCETOK, N. J., (ffV-Tbo-Eng* Usb and Americ(an athletes wbo .will' eompoto In tbo latcrnatlonal colloaifttc meat between Oxford-Cambridge and Prihceton-Cornell, a t Traverj iilaod 'on Thundny, hnvo virtually cotnplotwl tjielr training and apcnl today ia T«t* . ioR aud light exercise. .

Tho aqtrads nro all rnported In good eondltion, Slallard-and Tatlmmi -the mcmbeni of tho Knglisli team wlio have- been nn tho injured list, having rolurn- ed to form.

Clutlfied advertlsiag ii tbe olieap* est thing you ean buy—neasurod by tbo proflrs it aay bring voa. .

p m i r EicD itlonbif Aulo S lagsFrom Joly 11 HU Anf, 1

E«tam Trip Oood Till Sept 1 via nound Trln

Twin Foils to Bols« .............. fU.OOOno wny ticket, resular fare.. tlO.IS

We coonoct with. No. » at ' Mounlntn Home.

T'rin Falla to Payette Lakes by autoexcursion, ‘ round trip ........... tU.MLniv# TwJn W l* liM A; M.Arrivo not.......................... ... P. M.LcaVe UoUe for Pnyette Lakes ( A.M. Arrive Puyrttn Lakes 4:10 P. U, The summer plnytrrounds o( I<laho. rccnlo wonders of (be state.Phone your Nsarvstloni to th t Roo«r son Hotel. Ml er Mr. Ptrssnlus. TM R

'^ 1 oil Rtlllbll l l lo S llt l Glipill)TBA8X BflOS, INC.

Twin FallspOrrics^R^ewn Hotal. -

RAY H, TRASK, Mpr.' . Bols« ome*. 112 N, IM St,

f e w e s t ' ■ I

n k i n g Iour depositors are g est phase in bank- g -bahking-by-mail. . § send deposits,by_ s

rals are made the §

th of this system Q positors has ever s red tncohve'ni'ence. s

Ils BanJl ICompany I: s . I D A H O aI R e s e r v e S y s t e m " g

i l l l H I I I I I l l B B U I u i l l H

ih aei»<mUdiwutUi 'o K. C. B.

o r a l

:UE to allp ^


A F T ^ V d t a lA

O D p o B o rtv a

• HIS eoutttstiae .

IRINNED tnd ttld.

; ONLY way tboM.

. EVER make too

IE ««7 ..


■V hope toq'Ts gOL

IIPLE o t pMka



(I’LL o n jo ; O h iite rfle lda . lero’i aocM & i^ ta ti» !r mild Imess tha t goes ta tba CbAce tobMOM, T c ^ aod ttic->ablesdthatnterall7 « cm t' i!ed~a epeclal ajcistiBrMrocf erforthoIreztnprotectieb-^B coont, O M t tv f l ^

r T s sT & M m i T omcoo O ls :

.."I■ ' • *^;.. ; ' ■


Page 4: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer


■ • 13ninC h a m b e r of D o p u liee V o te s vllCI

D o w n R e q n e s t E o la t ln j t o ' ''T*'’* p OU R e g u la tio n , '

— ’ , D tc m l.MENICX) CITV, {/Ph-Thn clmmbcr . Corn

of JcjmticA last night voioil Oown n Onts rc<]Ui'<it l>y I‘rf»l(lenl OltrvKon tliiit hr Unrlc

jlljo granted bxlrnorditinry pow 'rn to ad- j{yo : nrticic 27 of (Ju- coll^tilution, yim

which litvtionaUrcfi oil .Inpojltf.' Tho •MBnto almo»t »ium1tniicoiiiily vototl. to ' accede to the rc<iuo»t- : ^

YoaU-rilny morning, Prcsiaciit Obro- gon' called' ii joint cAnfcrencc of tho Jciidur* in both' liQuaos nnd oxphinod lho nsrcdsity of Immcdlnto action -on

'•nrtifle 1!7, m well ft/i pli'ntHnj: for per- Imlrnioii to jirocecd wltli ita mljiiHtmcnv in n innnnrr uicceptnblo to Uie nation nnd it.i intorcntfl. Hin own pnrty, thp lila-rni ronRtiliitionnlints, tloriilcd in n cftueud lo deny' tho president’s ro-

ArlicUt 27J im InnR befiil h Btiimlilin/; I’OH' ''block In till! reliitionii J)L-twccn Moxiro Blondyi •and *.!w United Btntcs, tbo latter rov Hoijtt

prnment cbnrnolcriilnp tbo iioetinn at Hln'q: ficonfiscntory, and (inningt tho (irlnci- ;plc« I'P American rights ond ^nto ell lloblalnc'l in Mcxico unilcr proper Inwn. _r,Qy.‘I Tlio ;irlion ot cQURrcK* Ifinl nlsht is !|viowod'b.v p»litlri4 obscrvem bero nn ^ t „ „ jmarklnjr a ilofinltc cplll bctwrpn I’rcf- 'Ident ObrcKon and his pnrly.I ■ ' Cnttle


(Continued from PnRC One) ' "enk;______________ ^ ^ 8troii(f '

/mighl I'll liivltflil to Ink'.' jtirt in tbo ntcndy.■ conftconco on Fnr Knslorn (^nestlflnn. 8U«cp i ---------- ' ■ a.-ic lo«LONDON HEASS JAPAN'S shccji 1■'"AOOEPTiWdB lS d o N p illO N A l lambs <

I LONDON, Jttpnii’s ncccptancuI o f tbe invitntion to a conferonco a t ‘ qiJIC'■which F a r E M tcrn prolilcm a 'w ill Ijo ooO; be<llaeii>ucd is conditioned, according to ycnrllnf;

I rellablo inform ation - here, npon thi- [)«5- .fa : Bffenda for tho conforcnce bcinjr de-cidod in advance. ' • jo 75 \o

a2S' t<kjJUSSIl&AND yJILL SETOSK ib.72; i

W ITH’rBBNOH DULEOATION atrong.1 NEW YORK, f/P)->ruIcf J. Ji««er- Hog 1

and,''Frnneh omUuiador to tbo United higheratatC8, and Mme. JuBsermid soiled to- ter grn*tiny for France on a loavo of abBtfflrc t l l .f )05asd said he would rctnm 'in 'O ctobnr ll.-W; bwith the IVench delegate-, to the dis- pi;rn V)armament confer^lco proposed by Pros- BhcopIdcnt Harding. tivo Inr■ ‘Uo said bo criloet^d MnrslAl Poeh hern; ni to bo ono ot,the delogatiou. "X ro |;ud city l)u him u - th o moet-well iAfonfled man oa (0,50; ! the eubject of disarmament in tbo loads gi wholo world," ho said. - 100 out

“ Franco ut heart la with,tho preol 'dont 'in world dlsarniamcnt,''. ho.add- ..fvu cd, “ nltbougb t a us il-m ijjt bo cjuall-fled. Wo have no Dover ;«trnlls be- -------

. twocn us hnil Gctmniiy and avo must ‘ be careful and protcct our^ntorcst&"

1 ■■ tn 1783.'The rcprcscutoilvo of Spain a t the

Part# couventloD In HKi. Count Ar­anda, wrote to bia luonarcb, In regard (0 Ainerlcn, nti foHowo: “Tills fed- eral n.'tiuliUc Is bom 0 vrsniy. Tho

. day wlir coiiie;tf)ii‘n It will be u glanL a CoIdssus. fonuldulilo cvcn'*1n tbc*e p | countries. Liberty .uf cousclcnw!. the |facility for estubllHlilog n nuw popu- £> lation OD Iranitnse lunds,-as well a« tbo atlraHingo} of a new government, will, draw, tliitber fonncra oud nrtlfr ftDB;from all tho nations."—Oonry L .Van D jka

Japaneie Sleeping Arranflement*.- Tbo Japanese bed. coniilsilnE.mcrc- Jy of a few thick comforters and .a pillow, can easily bo mode up In ony, room. It la*coti8ldered a raarW of ho»- -plmlUy to maVc Oie rucsVs bed In U\c ' M parlor and put the room nt bl* dls- ■Posal- I

T o d a y s M \ r k . e l : s

W H E A T P R I c ia ^ O E S HIGHER

CtoiAng . Q uoutiosa in Obiugo. P its . - 'Show 2-1-4 to 3 3-4c Advanco

CHICAOO, ( ffp F re ih strength de­veloped In tho wheat market today ow­ing more or less to assertions that tbo peaV of largo rccolpte had been paswd.Besides, new export buying wa* noted.Opinion also prevailed that recent Baler to Kuro{>o hod been far in oz’eess T ] of tho totals announced. Opening quo- -l-l tatlons, wbich varied from l-2e deelino to l-4c advance, with Scptembor 11.23 1-2 to 1.23 3-4 and Dcccmbcr $1-20 1>2 to 1.27, wero followed by a material up- ' tura all around. ” 1

Subsequenlly, bullish ospccts of the I govctameut weekly crop report loj to . I an ndditionai advance. Tho market ■ closcd nervous, 2 1-1 to 3 3-4c not high- or, with Scpltmber $1.27 lo 1.27 M nnd December «1.28 3-4 fo 1.2D.

Corn hardened with whrnt dosjiito news of ihoweiB oviir night. Alter slait-

■Jng l-8c off to 3-8c up, including Sep­tember at 01c, tho market scored sliglit general galas. ' ' ^ '

-Later, tho urgent need of ram in lowo} Indlnna and important statcB, hnd a linlllsh influence.; Prices dosed unsettled, 1-4 to lo net higher, wllh September ,CI 3-89

Onta wero steadied by the firmccBS of other cereals. Tho mnrket opened nnchanged to 3-.8c-lower, Scptembor 30 JA to 2i) l-2c; and then turned np grado. ^

JUgheV prices oB hogs gave, strength Ito provlsionB. , - . I

Oftsh Quotations > ICEIOAGO, (ffV-^\’jlcat No. 2 red I

12 to 1.28 1-2; No. 2 hard $1.20 ' ’ toJX fll-4.

Com No. 2 mixed 03 to 64 1-^c; No.2 yollow 03 1-2 to 63 3-4C. ' .

Oata No, 2 whito 36 to SC 1-4; No. 3 Khilo B8 1;3 to'89c. '

Hjo No. 2 1.2B 1-2; barley

wra Vi lo ftOc; timothy seed i i to 5; clover D J f^ fi,il $11 to 10. , ■ ■ - • 't* * 'I’ork nomlnol; lard $12.07 to 12.52; 1

lbs Jlft.CO ttf 11.25.Minneapolis Flonr and Orain. . I ..

MIN'NKAPOIiIS, lllnn;, (/P)-=-Flour t, :nchungi-d to 20o lower. In carload - m Itlj, fnniily pnlcnta quoted a t $8.50 to i.- .,90 ft barrel in D8'pound .cotton iacka.' H •13nin «15. ' Q IWheat ■ rccelplB ^02 caiB, coropnxcd , j '

•1th 237 cnra a year n}co. • .11Cash No. 1 Northern $l.-ll I-:! to 1.45 •

.1>{ July $1.33; September $1.31 1-2; hleccmber $1.32 3-4. ' JCorn No. 3 yollow C4 to 53c. / j 0 .its No, 3 whUo 33 3-8 to 34 3-8c.Barley 44 to 64c. ..»yo No. 2 $1.15 to 1.10. • ;Kliix No, 1 $2.07 1-2 tli 2.00 1-2. J

■ . OhlcsffO Prodnco ' • . ' |CJllCAGO, t/P) - ^ U u tte t WrUm ; ■: - j j

rcnnicry extras 4lc; atandards 38 3-4c; - SIirxla 35 1-2 to •JOc:-Bccoiids 30 ,to 34 jl

Kj;i;s unchnn(;i.'d; receipts 8,(570 cn»- J I

Poultry, alive unchnngcil. • ' •]. kanais'O ity Produce * J

KANBA8 ClTi',- llPi—i'HR*, ■ butler 3 Ild pimitry iinchnnged. ' 1 1

Portland Livestock • •!I’OItTLANI), Ori*., (/P) — Cattle J ] ondy; ri'ccipts 20. .Hoifit firm; no recrlptH.Hlii'qi w eak; roci'iptH 25.*>.

Omaha LivcBtock • . j OMAHA, Nob,, UP)-Huk icceipts «,•' i ti'iitifirv

JO; belter gradi H iictivc, 25 to 3jc iKher; bnIk $0.75 to 10.50; ,lop $1085; leking grnde* sion-, 25c JifgJ/or; ,f„| ilk"$t)l'> to 0 .5 0 .• - ,vholi’saCnttle receipta 5,000; -rbecf Bl cors end)' to 15a higher; top ycarnngi — 1.05; 8ho-atock ond graiiacrfl steady to n„j jnd t-nk; others strong; bulls and veols rong tO'higher; itockerB and fccdora ' cndy. ■ ' .HUecp rcfdiita .0,000; lambs moatly Hcvcre 1 lc lower; enrly top westorns $0.00; ooO aim iDcp firm; feeders slendy; feeding mbs $7.05. nlinres,

•Chicago LIvoBtock of 5 1-OUlCAGO. (/P>—Cattle roeolpl8 8.- decline10; beef tileers steady to atrong; top Ing fen:;nrllngs $10; bulk fnt slcers $7.50 to day's h25; fat lOio-alock steady; bulk $4.50 popular. fl.75; cunners nnd cu tte rs ' largely United,1.75 to 3.75; bhll**Bteady; bulk $5 to tial fra25; ialvea slendy; bulk vealera $U) to Amerlci1.75; slockera and feeders steady to Storesrong. 8lii<lebnHog rcccipls 14,000; m ostly 15 to 25e Inclinedgher than y esterday’B ivvorage; bet- liltlo alr grndea nctivcj, othera alow; top in the

balk better gradcB $10.50 to Lcii<l«1.40; bulk packing bowb $0,40 to 0.75; Inter, ap i V) to 15o higher. 1-2 perSheop receipts 13,000; sheep and nn- eludingvo inmbs nbout atendy; no woatcrns Cnr dOA?rn; native lambs, top to shipiH-rs and closing ty butchers $10; packers, top eariy 1,50; best native yearilngs $8; fourads t:ood Montano wutbers $0.50 wltJi ,10 oul; bulk fnt ewes $3.50 to 4,75. j '

New York Stock-Market ^ j y . 'HESV YORK, ,(/P>-UIkU giiulo t i i l i 1.4 $8

^ I SOftheGe

Be one of tl competing f

. est mercharI

H u n d r e d s o f s a t i s f i e c

LAST, A l l m e r c h a n d i i

T l

The oppoi

U N I\ . s ,


ioting Convicta Fire Tuit


iici'iidiary* fires, which destroyed n everI'll buildlpga of .th'e Weatern Peui- giuirc tifiry, wjjfo accompanied by rioting run-,ni'iirly all of the priadners. Four- huinn

n persons were injured in wbat at houraifnie iinmiJsed to bo the grcatjrt I'onv!

jli’salc jail delivery tho .country lias vlct i

I industrials were well supported in lury ny’a atock market on lower money ea but Bpocnlntlyo iasues sualaiood ere lossea. Sale* nj'prorhnuled 475,.I atinre*. • , Uui,aIruto wi'okni'ss iu United Drug for f .res, which opened nl a furtlicr losa 14,0( 5 1-4 pointB and aoon extended Us ment lino lo 7 1-4 pdintfl wna Ihe s)rik- Hn, ; fcnturo of the enrly denliiigs In to- j,t ,•'8 stuck mnrket. Among tho more lulur isBuei! ndvnnces iiredonilu'ated. c Ited.Stmeii Sleergnlned a ijubstan- I frnctioH and Baldwin Locomotlvo, „ra,n lerican Wooliin and United Ilotall ^ ,^ 5 .res wor<‘ firm. BclhlehenT' Steel, iilebaker nnd Ccntrnl Leather woro up ai lined tn ease, l^reign cxchango-wna lo altered, savO for.n nhnrp break j,, the Italian rate, ntio<]/iiidcrs fotfcUcd pw t of thcli gtilns gpjjin >r, althongh cal!-money cnsed to < Hu|

per cent, phscure sperlalties, .in- lling AmorfcOn Car nnd I’ronaed Steel ■ developed further weakness. Tho Jamii ling > 'nB irregular.

Liberty Bondfl yuCKW YORK, — Liberty bonda receli ied:,-1 1-2'a $87,20; firat 4’a $87.50 5:40 1 ; second 4 ’s $87.40; (irst 4 1-4’b rol; J .50; second 4 1-4’s $S7.nO; third 4 Kaw 'a ♦Ol.fiO; Ijpurth 4 1-4 >8 $87.50; Vie- fornl

S THE ONBnuinenesthe hundreds of for the doubtfu

mdise—TfflS WE 1

i e d c u s t o m e r s h a v e g

s a l e i n T w i ;

GALld i s e s o l d ' a t t h e s e a s i

rhe Savings .are j To wail

fortunity is y 'om


. S , I D A B 0 ; W E D N ] ^ D A ^

eelve BuUdinga a t Piital

■ r w < '■■ B i K i >W S m y

' c r k n o w n .. Only the n l c r ln e s a o f t b o b io bnlards ill r e f u s i n g t o bo t r i c k e d by 'a burgh^e, p r e v e n t e d the c o r iv ir lB ’ p l o t s f r o m . l in g s u c c e s s fu l . For m o re than l-w» '>ura guards and pollco battled wllh thonvlcla. So far aa knotvn uot, a con- to alnrt cucnped. For aovcral weeks trou- iH.ar t

ry .n -1-4’s '$08.48; Victo‘ry"4 3-4-« poor <8 M .' V , E 50

• - .S u g t rNKW YOUK, (/PKTlio raw sugnr kk iirket was f , i ^ early loday. at 3c for iba'tf cost and freight, equal to $4.01 r centrifugnl. TlieiO woro bhIcs of . • ,0(10 bags of Cuba'a fer August *hlp- .L-nt lo .Vow Orieans.Iinw Hugnr futures wero steady und miililay showed advancea of 2 to 5

linlA on covering. Trading wns light. In'refincd prices woro ndvnnccd ten linu by a local refiner to Oc for fine .Furni nriiilnted. Others were uSic'hanged at Wheal .«5 to 5,U(I wUU tbo demand not quito acllve. Itcfiners are' pretty well sold Dnttoj

>.nnd few nto ablo to mnko prompt .Banch ilivery. Egga.In n'fined futures trading wna con­ned to tbe .March position, a fow lots Pui Hing 111 $:>.70.Hugar futures closed slendy; approx- Call inle snles 4,050 tons; September vonl C ;.10; October $3.01; December $2.85; ’ Hog inunry $2.78. sh „

1 Potatoes pouiCIIICAQO, ( ^ P o ta to e s unsettled; celpts 04’cars; bmndcd stock $525 to Fui 10 barrel; j/laln marks $5 to 5.25 bar- 1; Jersev Cobblers $3.10 to 3.15 ewt-; Stan SW Vnricy $1.25 to -1.50 cwt.; Call- euttlnj rnla $2.25 to 2.50 cwt. best stock; IS.OD;

LYPflSITIVs s i M -f satisfied custon ul honor of sellin

LEAVE t6~ Cg i v e n t h i s s a l e t h e v «

i n F a l l s , I d a h o , t h i s ;


s o n ’s l o w e s t p r i c e - - F

‘ greater NOW th; it means to re^e

m —Come and I


l Y , J U L Y 27,1921

labinpgh Penitentiary-1 ■ ,j . ,r ' ' - '''■ - ■ ' ' ' iloB r, 1

■ gugar, 1

? ^otatoB

' L ettuce R ' ' ■M -y . Butter’

......■ •■ I h BaeoD,

y ■K ' Mutton

Pork ro

glatq 11

; ' 80 bnd been browing botween the Pitts- ' Jirgh Punitontinry convicts and a batch A' convicts brought from' tbo Eastern V‘nitentiary, in Philadelphia. ThopljO- ' allows firemen fighting tho'flames

nr the mess bnll. Q _|__ o tn

or $1.50 to 2 ewt.; Illinois Missouri .50to'1 .75e.vt.

K dnsaa.O lty H ay 1,1,,^KANSAS, CITV. ( / l^ U a y unclioug- the 1

uml.•Copper foun

N^W YOHK, (/p>-Copper woak, dec-' .ilytlc siwt nnd nearby 12 1-4j lator. . n'n**, l -4 to l2 1-2c.. I regu


tirnlshed by Twin Falls Flour Mills I thoheat No. 1, e w t.--------------$1.10 I

Pw 4a»ittojfflt ____________________ 30e ■ ,,inch buttor --------- ----------------- 80e Vr p ------------------------- ---------- ~ - 8 0 e . 0 .

Livestock nndFurnished by In&cpoL«vnt Meat

Cattlch-CowB 4 0 4 l-2c; ateors 5c; ’ nl [email protected]»-Prime 7@7 l-£o 'i heep—‘Hutton 4e; lambs 0<>. | | f lPoultry—Hens ICe; fryer# 22c.

Furnished by. Twin Falls Couuiy qtFom Bnreaa

Standord.or better hay, in stack, flrai Itlog; $7.50; aome, poorer, as Inw s'..00; bolca. $12.00. - 11______

l i PROOFS nuffdin#•mers—for we ai ing the market’s c

OTHERSv e r d i c t o f b e i n g t h e

3 y e a r .

IRDAY, JUL ively Last Ss- F a U m e r c h a n d i s e i n c

h a n t o w a i t - “

• e t .

bring your Men


BOTTBBWIFB’8 ,OtJIDB*\, ^V .(^toU.Prleei) •

r, S8-lb. uek $3J!0@3JC •beetf, 100 lbs. — $9.0068.10

J, case, 100 Ibi. No quotatloo toBii new, lb. - — ,• -, 0@Vm OhBcse — -------------.J- 2O0i Cheese---------------------...SOog - , . ...._________ ____________e * ..uce, leaf, Ib.______ I—;__ lOod ___ --------------w*or (creamery) ___ 1._'42eer-(ranch) ■ , ’ 30cI (ranch), dot 80akena------------ :------------ - 80c■n_____ _____________ 85em, sUeod _______ :____2_._ -iOo.L....... 350 •

., . a l l e e d ^ _ 40*

on eh o p n _ .U ™ .- .^ M@30»roost______ :.____ „25@80ilausago_____ 28#

)ak—tilriolb 85e: T>bose 3Se; roundehoek 20e. • ’ .ef—Pot roast 20e: neek 17 l-2«:I 12 l-2o; brisket lOe. :i,\ 1

Aoc>PT0METR1ST ' ' ' '

niue to us' for'^a^ oxaminntiOn fhis eyes. Bight in tho le/t oyo-.I.umst completely gone', right In • r . lu rlK it oye about ono flfUi not* I ml. Upon examination It was 3uni| thero wna a constitutional I isturbanec, wq did not prescribe 1 InasoB, but sent tho cnao to a .’gulnr prnclltlonor. ‘‘ j

Aftor twa months constitution- I1 troublo cleared up and the jyes nro being helped without I10 nld of glnsees,, ' excopt for . r >nding. ■

We Don’t Sell G lasses'-Our busiueas is to holp sight I .

nd improve viaion.


lavis Optical Go. .OPTOMBTEIST OPKOUNs’

10 Malo An. N. P ^ ia 12550r

mI O U R

pin PRICESH ^1, >

y Saleire not cheap-

I o n l y g e n u i n e

,T f

LY 30th ale Day!i c l u d e d . ’

n d s . i


Page 5: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer

: i L S i S M t FlmOBEFlCIS T D C p p iE r I

Judge F riend, Presid ing iii tlie . i, Baseball T ria l, is :N o t Con- , I

vjnced by. Evldeniie A gainstW eaver, Felsch M d Zofk ' . | ;

CHIOAdO, yp>-Ju(lBO Hugo Friend j toJiiy infonnca tlio stnto nttornoyB ia ^ 1 I tlic bitscbnll trial tlmt bo would dircit j j the jury to roturn a verdlet of n<)t fjuil-' I j ty In tlii'-coRCB of “ Buck'.'- Weaver nnd | ‘' l l n ^ y " Fotacli, former Wiite Box

'lilnyeta; nnd Carl Zork of-St. IjOuIb, unlc«!) fiirthor ovhlenco whH introduced I at-uinst thoiHj nion.,

Tlio-8toto7drorpcd It* caHe Kcil nnd J^ouls I^v i of Kokomo, Ind. I

MoUodb. to dismias tliu cliargc!) ' I apiiiiat Joe J^ackidi,.David Zelcvr^of I Dm MoinoB were overruled. ‘ I

Stota Bflfusca to Dismiss , ' i’ I 'T lic-stnto refused to dIstnleB tho eases ' ]

dcBiiito Jud(;o Friond'* Htalenient. I•'Zork, Wenvor and Felsch mn>' not |

n bo deeply Implicated by tlio oridenco I * wo havo presented," said Ocor^ Oor- 3J

man, assJslnnJ sfnto's attorney, "tid t ^ tliey havo beou brought loto it.

''Wo havo never dofinltcly-Identified • tlio'incn named ni Brown and Sullivan who conferred wilh tho players' in n Threi botel. .conference hero and who pave inarried

. CicottoJlO.OOO. Xdrk may bo one of gtcooRr them nhd may bo Identified by odo of

. tho players'present.MWo nolle tho cases of tho two Low- tfrc

is, having been unablo to connect them for a 1 vritli tlio conspiracy*’. prominc

Defosse 0«ts Ijmlngs candldnTlio defcoBO began ils prosontation of

ovidenco in tho aftorncfn session. I t wo ba' announced tbat Faber, Bchalk and olh- Mnybo er.Wbito Sox aUrs had beea ordered to return from (iio cost, thus serlounly T]n,..- crlppliBR Iho teaffl. • "UW

Mahara OorroboratM B u m ,Tho slato today rested its eas'o> tbe ■«*5’«6t

baseball trial after Billy Maharg of Pbiladclphia had girca testimony cor- 'roborntlng much of Bill Bornfl’ storj* of tho nlleged conspiracy for* tbo Chicago Not < Wilto Sox players to throw tbo 1019 cnjoya world's Bcries.' • . goes by

JIabarg, wbo wna inlfmato with ever co Burns and Abo Altell during tbo al- ngnop Icgc'd sell-out, told of meetings between »,p.uHfi Burna, Eddlo Cicotte and Chick Oan- , ,, , dll in New York, of'further roeotinga in ' J Cintinniili and Chicago nnd of how At- '•toll sent ♦10,000 to the playora in Cin- “P®" cinnnti by Burn? when »40,00(3 waf duo , thom. • • .

Like Burns, Maharg idcntificd'David n baroi Zelcrr of Des Moines,. lown, na n mai> Inhcritc who bo know.in tbo nllcgcdjionBplracy. ants afi as Bennott. . •• '. ' ' ' Tbo j

Malittrg denic'a thnt ho was "Pcach- jn jo q, ca''--Qraham, former major league Uio her cntcbor, as the dofonso has •claimed. to Hcdb

"M y nnmo'isBillyMahnrg,''bo said.“ I wa* raised'on a-fnrm and was n , priro fighter from 18D7 to 1007.’ ' ,

l E i r a OOOTrat® STDBV. “ ”" 2

(c.mliiutil ttom r .|!0 Qae) _ ' '“ “' J ”

Brhish gDvetliment on tho Irish qa«- ,Bcen tim tion in London, bnt are continuing lo of a n search for a common ground on which j,]um, jltho contending parties cnn moot, it wa< ,nsfatpd in a well Informed,qimrlor heri-today. , ____ _ Gage piFOUE LEQISLATOTD8 TOR Otbcra, I

IBBLAND AJIE BtlOaESTED °■ LONDON,- (;JVTl>o_poB3ibility that Science fonr loglalatMrcs may iTo established In Iro^nd—ono each in tho provinces of gjUIsturr'Munrlcr, Connaught and Lein- jtc r undor a eontral notional parlla- ment, Ib hinlod at' this morning by ™Skctcb, wbleh aaya:. . " I t need n,ol bo nssiimod, n* Is dono in somo quarters, Uiat nndcr unlfica- empty ticin thero would bo only two govern- tbc mar ing authorities under n federnl lrj.ih chnnt \ parliament. I t haa been almost over- wblsky. lookeJl^thnt thoro aro four groat-prov- clottSl bi inccf.in Irclnnd, each with an bistori- tio waa cal individunlity." , Ibc king

la relation to Sketch's infortnalion, tbo stalemoDt Is mado, somowhat dis­connectedly, that subject to a satlsfas- tary aolutlon of tho Irlah nnification The c problem. Eamonn do Valcra^haa inti- by Ncbt mated lhal ho. will not renew tho cam- tbo grcol pnlgn' for nn independent Irlsb republic world hi and abio that ho witl not scok to rairo torlana c an armv or navy, or claim tho 'right to yjg enter iu(o relations with foreign now-' gp,5ndi<j orr, M ce« to tho snmo extent as theao privileges nro enjoyed by tho aolf-gov- Sr.init aon,li.lm. o t Ih. Brlllil, cm-" Btractnre



ilan bandit* appeared flunday In Kara- jgQo Doglin, on tho Sen of Mnrmorn, H5 miles , , 7 innt (.f aalllpnll, raided tho town nnd tilled the Tnrkisli governof nnd com- nno nnnder of tho gendarmario.

A British detachment n.nlated tho Broughro rnrklsh gcndanne* In pursuing tho der their iiandi's. Ar a rrjull of this ificldent pcrlodjen jie British are rilnforelng tho Danin- rnQgo ai lelle* gnnlaon. ________ • any o f ti


SIOUX CITY, In., (/P}-Chlcf of Po- In th Iro Earl E. Morgan woa removed from Arabia, e >fficc by n volo of Uio cltv eouncil to- and prcci lay.. Hi* re'moval Li tho result of of peopii iHarge* nfyorruption'In tho polleo de- from tho iartment,^rcf(Trcd by Mnyor W. M. jn color. Jhnrt, who ' prcaentcd the reaolution i.ikinii >[organ’a dl^iarnl. PcrBlno t'Sovon officers have hcen removed ^

'rom tho foreo within the past twoveeks. . _ . ^ ..

Probably Not . _ ' BessieWith all Ibo plethora of book* to b pnoct

chooBO froiD, It la-'dmbtfol if peo- from echpie now read any better books' than Oo brothIhcir ^aodfntbcrs and-grnndmoihert ood a aaid.—Boston. Transcript ; spro\]ie(l.

TW IN F A L T .S D A i L y -

Muck Married Bride is Wel

' ■ H H

V I -


Three timo* divorced and four times soincwh larried, Mrs. Hichard if. Long, fonner noiv-. I ;eDOgrnpher in her mlllionairo lius- sluy pg and'H Boston office, is not dialurbed "or greatly conconicd regarding plans >r a honcymuon. Tho* bride of thu rominent mnimfacturcr, who wns twice ti> Irn indidnto for governor,of Mossachu- Blie wai ills, said: "Plana for a hono>nnoont li. Bru\ 'o havo no plan* for a honoymonn. married, nybo iifU'r a llmo wo *hall go off May, li! = : ^ ^ = = s ^ ^ = ^ ^ ^ ^ = i = = ^ =

lOW GREElil GAGE GST NAME g | | ^ |

IlSIectfur'G ardener Responslbla for ..Succulent Fruit Having It* Now II

Woll.Known Appallation. IINot ono person In n tboimnnd ivhn T h r e o

ijoya Ihc smnll, green plum which g j ^ ->cs by (he nnme of (he green gnce. q■cr conncc(8 ilic fru it w ith an old ° anor house In Suffolk, Unglnnd, A-lau tlful, old hoDHP.lt Ih. Hengrnve . ! Ill, vh lch in the tline of Charles II- aa BCKlcd by the C ountess’ lUvcrapon her dnuRhtcr Penelope; who Vcrnoninrrled S ir John Qngc. H er third throughm,- Edwnrd Ongb. who was crcnted jiotcl ntbaronet by King Charlea lr\. ICOj, ghorif

herltcd Hcngravc. and his dcsccnd> ^reru adits n flc r him. . . . ty whlclTbo gardens ;vcrc on o tnagnldcent wife of«)o and everything that wos new In smugglei0 horticultural world fonnd Ita wny hotel tcncngravc. In th is wny, among oth- out o f t

• plaplfl nnd. fru it trees, d Hmnll’ SoIIentlr um tree w ns sent to tbo gardener,-tio pinnlL'il K w ithout much cnre or P*" lought,' nnd wllliout noticing (Iini0 label which'ought to have been ‘ tncbwl. wns mlsslngi When the lit- ‘ *‘’“I J tree hegan to bonr fnilt U was * j q,m en tlmt It wns soinctblng In the wny {J^jj y

« novdu. D m ilt.l rotoil, cm'r. um, that wns not known to anylini* aro hein

Suffolk nnd unlU’ somc nccount tict. uld bo oblalned of It tha nnme, the igc plum, or to dlBUQgDlab it from BUBO hers, tho green gogo plum, wns nned d becnmo general. — Clirlmlmi conditior Icncc Monitor. ' tho need

_: ___ , creaalng,

Europe Short of tJO«ie». can'^RollThere Is o scarcity of bottles in Bo* n,,,pe witb the result tbnt tbo demand torn cour secoqd-band bottles Is 'unprcco- children,nted. In the pro-war days tbo er winicipty “bnbbly" boKlo woa a drug.on Croia aniJ marjict.' Tho mg-nnd-bono ^le^ ieo comr ant -woQld give small sums (orilsky, port, _ sherry, burgundy and !it«S( bo(tlcs, out iho champngno.bot- “i1 wns on tbo block llsL Today It la ..........f king of tlie empty bottio trada

* WhBlWonderful Batiylon. cf Nortl

fbe city of Bobjion; when bollt «go JnNebucbadnemr. formed one ot ated bclgreatest and, most magnlflcent tbo the casi

rid has ever seen. ADClent hl»- Caacndo Ians cnn Ood no worda to dcscrlbo. prlaes r

grandeur of tho paloccs,»tbB of Ulnhendid cdlQcct. largo gardens aod nln, no<oBuro grounds, especially tho bang- 210,000

gardens, n sort of lofty tcrracetT a grndeiactnre aupporting earth enough to tbo clo>w trees. eea, ton

V* - ' ed plot!Marked Era Iff Joumallam. •nfci

:ho Edlnburgli Review, cstohllsbcd ®. 11802, waa tlio flnit hlgh-class crlil- journal to Hnd a pennnnent foot- Meai and achlcvo succtAa. (ts found- ' To see wore JcCTrey. Scotu Onmer. and a fj

tugbmnn and Sydney Smftb and un* ono Ily t “them II developed a oew em In pace den lodlcnl crlUcIatn. having a wider ,tjndertak go and morv .elevated tono than upon no ' o f Its prcdecossor*. • danger.

--------- , bead It :

Ancestry Probably Persian. , gimmM n tbc mountains of southern ibla. a region of tremendous cmgi ^ .I prcclplcen. lives n myHlerlous trlbo , people who ore entirely different - m tho Arabs. Thi>y arc fnr lighter Mlor. ond live InVlllnges, not lents.}j nro said lo -bo n relic of thu ■Blnn nrmy which Invaded iho coun- Those nearly 1.000 years oga Indlcnto

’ ' ■ , show a n-s . - and a d

Clear Definition. ^rupUy.lessle bad tnkca her Orst lesaon n,cir’ ow poocltiatlon. On "ber return homo sex. bnt m school she explained lo her lit- |q consti brother tbnt a period was a dot, .

1 a comma, was n period ibnt hod Fifty-«i o\]ied.—Boslon TmofcrlpL. woek. I<1

l Y - N E W S , T W I N F A L I

Ve'ary of. Honeymoons f

o s u m ^ m i a a a x t a L m w m c i^ ‘“

: Wach , Bt. 1 l l BosU

If"; riti'ili

I Bost ' ' Brou]

ChicaV WX > '^-Cinrii

' ' ' Clu:. d a | n n i : . H m i-- .. Bm-rn

■- < Cnkla- s^'iitti


r* c i^ ^ r w f w < r v ^ P I

, . -larin,. . • . ' tinn >

icwlicre tn bo by our8olvc|—but not V-. l-’or the present we nro going to >; riglitjioro. Thero is so much to bo

mi much for mu to Icnrn." .Mrs.Ig, who is thlrly-five, gave this ni . . third marriage on Ihe llconsc issue. •

■ was wedded first in Octobor, 1004,Irn St. James, a French-Canadia]}. ' was later divorccd and marrUd N- — Bruwn, whom sho divorced and ro- ried, thu Inal dacrec heing grantwl luy>

O M O H i INElEniFPT (

r e o O u t o f F o u r P a r t i o i p a n t a ^ H op B u l l e t s w h e n f im n g g le r

S u s p o c ta G iv o B a t t l c \

VliRL'Tl’, W’ash., (/p)-John 'Uig- 4 1 o^Donver, was Jllled,. Jamea J :rlen uf S)>ol<nno was'^iot through m nucl(, iind Al Bolk-tiline of Mount

non, a dejiuty sheriff, waa ahot lugh tho juw in a platol fight in a ;1 at Mount Vcrnoii'today.Iioriff Qcorgo Beny and Sollentlne , , I) ndvlscd that Higgins and his pat- IQ rhleh also included K.iT. Wolfo and J of LV/‘rctl,.wero posalblo drug ' o-. gglcra and went to thclr room in a rl to invostlgato. Reay stopped . i of tho room' and when ho roturnod t l l entino had been disarmed nnd both [{ins nnd O ’Brien wore pointing r plBtoIa at him.,^ny began firing and Uig'glna ro- ed tho -firo nnd wna shot. Solloa- finl leaped for O'Brien who fired nnd |,iu:

turcd tho dojiuly 'a jaw. Keay stop- O'Brlon with ii bullet through-tho :. Wolfo nnd his wifo nnd an au- jblla roportcd to-bavo boon stolen heing held by tho county* aulliori- JJ.'Ic


7B0PBANB BTUL IN EAOaAtilllNaTO.V, D. C’.-W hilo food • litions In Euro]>o a rj Impro^-^ng . , need of adoljuato .clot/iing Ib in- ling, according to the latest review 1*'“'110 aituatlon abroad b y th o Ameri- All Relief administratioo.' To protcct hclplcfla Inhabitantj o f tho war- countrics, iind pnvtleubi^ly Uio f.

Iron, ogainat tho mennco of nnoth- rinlcr iu mgs the’ Amcncan Rod a nnd tho American Friends' Serv- erci committeo (Quakora) nro conduct- gpo ii rnlion-wido collection of gar- ‘IH for distribution in tlio most y districts.

_________- 45

“(Jreat, 8aalr»" Raglon. J ”rhBt Ib known oa the Great Bsaln N'ortb AiQcrIca la sn Inlnnd drilln-

Jn weatero United SintcB, situ- j^ 'j 1 between iVohanlch uiuuntalns on - cast ond^tbo Slerre Nevada nnd

cndo ranges on the weat. Ii com- ies, most of Neyndn and porllnns y«i Ulnh. OregoD. Idaho and Califor-

nnd hns a total nrca of nboui000 8f|unre miles. Tho bnsln hnsrnded slope from tba north, wliure clu<]clovntlon Is 4.000 feet above ihe maltoward the souUi. forming u till- , ingi

plateau whoso surface la tiro'a'n Interrupted groupa of mouniiilii?* a general nopih and souih ireiid gjiii

Meaning of, Draam of Eaglo.> see ouc furulcIlH succcss In luvs a fprtuae lu commerce. To it-o fly througb tho air nt a furi»iia denoles succeas In your pn-.-nt

rtaklng. To drc&m tbnt yon riiU , an eagle’s buck, your life Is la ^ « t r . If-an-tiiiglo lights upon'^"|'l‘ IngB

It foretcllB death to a nenr rol-1 or friend. To see a dead en loflea th ^ e a tb of soiuo proiuUi' iit Wo 3n and tbb success of a poor nmn. id tt111 ono denotes linpplness'of short , lion. To sefi ono carry off pr.‘y ells loss by tbcft

Flno«r*Nall. Secrets. Nolosc who' believe nbat flnger-nnlls ^ ■nto cbnractcr aay tlmt red niiiln■ a nnturo tlmt likca to rule others a disposition tbat Is IncllnMl to Ity. White nalla denote ihnt •’ owner Is fond of the opposlicbnt ho or sbo Js'.not strong either . jnstltutlon or Id character. ' *'

'ty-eoat cleaning apeeial nil thn . Idaho Cneaaers nad Dyora.—aiv

[ . S y l D A H O ^ W E D N E g i D A '^


C lub*-' W. L. f t /ovi<lnnd ................ .... 58 33 /;037 [ X " 'MV \ork ..................65 35 .till * '

......... 51 •, -JB .515. Ixmis ........ _ /43 . 42 .r,Od)slo« ---------- 4-4 4H .17S 1 ! : ,“!trolt ....................... i i 60. ,474

illadoll.hiny------35 55 ; ..ISO

IJATIONAL lEAQOT OUBAClubs-r;' . W. L. Pel. }tt«bui(ili ............ .....«,■! 35- \Q5ii

York ............. .15 3;i, .(l-j,-! 2 ^ , :.....:.........5t( ;i« .con V ,

ooWyn-..,_.........— 40 JO .53i m. ' ,,,, . Louis ................... 42 45 .4M " ,licni^ ...................... jo 4S .45',

............. i l 51 ,1 0 0 2 ? * ,liladolphin _________27 M ,310

TAOIFiO 'OOABT lEAQDB Jay^^Clohir- . . i r . I/. Pauli I'rancisco -..... '74 / 11 .044 am BDirn:ru'njc| .....CO 43 .579 p gH .Augck's 47 — iso.i •NIna-l ................... . 02 48 .501little ...........-10> n ,,„ ..................... . . . i r n ,50(]1It iJrikc .................. 30 70 .35Srtlaiid .................. 24 83 .224 I ”""®'

.:---------- ------------- rnny ]

hipping Board Head per rel

Asks for More MoneyWAHlIlNT.TO.'Tir a . (yP)-Chair. m Lv.ker of tho ahipp'mg hoard to- f y ;i»ki'd the house ap|iro|irlntiom, . mmilti'C for an imiiwilljrto fl£S,000,- ) appropriation to meet espcutot 1',' ’”“' ring tho next fivo monthK. Xo'nc- n wns taken. i’ -^ ' '

Sulla cleaned and pressed, 60 cents.Iho acanerB and Dyers. Phone 210W. Speelal idv. ' ■ , Cleane:

[f your prtipirty Is desirable, and is Cl'asi vertised in tho elanifled — you'll « t 'th l ;d your buyer. the pn

- - - - - 'WS> A 0 (SpecialforMorn

If y o u w o u l d r e d l i z e h (

i d e a o f m o r n i n g s a l e s , c o i r

a v e r a g e h o u s e w i f e c a n s a i

t h a n h e r h u s b a n d m a k e s i;

S W I S S O E O A N D y ■,$l.l!5- Swiss Organdy, pbrmancnt ^[akc finish, 45 inchcs wide, the kind thnt scouri launders. Qood nssortmont. Yard Inl, 3

____ ______ ______________ 05c

PES0ALES‘i5c ■ I’crfalea, light aad dark, iu splendid heavy weight, full 30 inch- _ aervle .'s-wido. Spcclal, tho yard-— ^lOc

ZEPHYE amOHAM S\ big nssortmout of 32 ineh ging- inms, lu plaids, stripes and checks, _Ml colors, tho yard ............ 10c .

LATJNDEY BAGS3ood size Innndrj- bags, all finlsh- !d wilh draw, atrings and cmbroid- ’red with tho, word "Lflundry."Jpocin! ......- ................. 70C « “'■>>'-

PILLOW TUBING .15 inch Wearwoll PilloW Tubing. ^ 80«Very excellent quality tubing at a30w'low pricc. Tho y a rd - -------30c T '® ”’

INDIAN HEAD54 inchoa wide. Is used extensively for tablo cloUis nnd napkins. I t An ex. washes and wears liko Ilaon. .The boao,

..7................... .......________ 30c Moral:

PACKAGES^oyal Society Packages, which in- Slockiludo floss and filll instructions lo of thlinake. A number of nrticlos. Morn- poundingB only ...........— 1-3 LESS jy, 3 [

SHOE POLISHIhinola rolislics,''in black, 'brown, an, ox blood and white. Spcclal jwr trimmi

------------ - ...... - ......................"tjlpesSPOET O^fFORDS

Vhito Ncbuck sport oxford, trun- •led witb browa c-ilf. hns low heol.L. elovor model, $3.75 vnlue, morn- igBonly__---------- r .- , . . - ...... W.95

APEONS »t'o atill havo a few of thoao cuto itchon aprons, $l values. You , ')®* iny havo your cholco of them, ‘ lorninga only ----------------------- 70c

M, J . B. OOPFEE:o danger of it losing its flavor. A aol < t comcs packed in vncuuai tins with !’“"*• Ura'lid. Flvo pounds for.....51-BO prie'*-

OEEME o n . SOAPno of the le s t toilet soaps 6n tlio One la inrkot today. Large, well milled hed,^) ars, dalntjjj^ 'scentod. Tho dozen Vnluea' ------------------------------- _ TOe ., ...............— ,

AY, JULy 27,1921I W ^ C<mAN EATES OK i AinJALVBSrON QEAIN SHIPMENTS7ALVE8T0N,,TcJjas, (JP)-A reduc n of two and'obc-half conis in occoa ;ea tu ,grain now loading for Ai t* rp, Ilotterdam and Havre, were put0 i-ffcct todny by Btciimshlp ngentsrp anil nl other Gulf .porta.^ Tho or- For t ■al of liicteased occiiii tonnage nl hi Loud If ports i* r6potlcd tu hnvo been tho biirli l>i ,iic of Uio rrduction. Ratee were j|„ry „ n’idusly quoted- ut 20 1-2 ct'Uts. '

rBA{ C0N8IDBES KEDUOINO '3,“W p n o D u o n o N o p s u o a e ",

l^AVANA, Cuba (^^P tovialous for * 'luciiii; the production of sugar, aiul J■ sending a commercml ;nlssion lo uihltfgloii to scfuro a revision of thn ,^be mnl iprocity tronty betwuen thu United which ' »fcs nnd Cuba, inro included mnong had pn in measures constituting nn urgent ilini pu lislV.lvo iirugrnm drafted'‘ycaterdny |iy iiic <congrenslonnl leaders and Presiilciit 'I'ln,

y“ - _ _ _ _ ■' '''n.ncc.


is'KW YOUK, ~ The American ri„^ ans company today di'clurcd a quar- t.xtotiilli ly dividend of two per cont, a ru- ction of one iwr cent from tho laat . irtcr. Prior to thnt llmo tho com- '* ly pnid regular dlvjilend* of 1 1-2• ovnt und un extra dividend of 1-2 '• cent. UBCd I

.............. ... much llJW JERSEY OOLLECTS na to n

ITS TAX ON nST lO BOUT- ball wnrill’INTON, N. J., (/PHStato Treaa-, ^ d in n -r Head' lodny received from Te'x cknnl n cheek for $144 80(1,7/) in yment of thu slate tnx on ifiumpuey-Carpcntier fight. Thl* ia len ■_•.cent of .the gnisn receipts. ____

Islratiiiurake advantage of our Big Cleaaicg /orw.udinelal. SQita eleaned, 60 eeaia. Idalio „■anem and D y e f .-d > . , 0 ,

31'asalflcd ftdvortbing 1* 'the cheap- m adf fn■ thing ycu ean bny-mewnred by nnn lm1 profiiB It may b ring you. jce, Lc^

oooDVfugfc ro n u nIriducert n ing Sho,how k ind ly customers are jme down tomorrow and see save more in an hour a t the 3 in the w hole forenoon.

D DTOH O L EA H SEB . T!akc* kitchen work easier. For A good ouring pota nnd pans. Very spec- tooth bi 1, 3 for - ____ ____________ 25c inga onl;

P IL L O W O A SES }x3fl Oneida Pillow Casca aro of , ccllent quality and/will givo good rvlec. MomlngS'tnly, ^ho-palr •--------- ------------------------------75c L. :

TOM ATOES1010 good Utah tomntocs,_^standard weight.10, woll filled with carefully ao- :tod tomatooaJ 3 f o r -------- • 26c

Tlie morrTA BLB D A M A SK medium:

iod hmvy inlght, Ilnl.l.oa tilth l» t"™ ! w linonlied process, permanent jilih, looks liko llnon Tbo yard BOc xho rcgn

O A E P E T W A K P ’ ' 'good supply of Carpot Warp in

ick, orange, whlto and rod. 13*-. ' XB Meat (juality.' Mornings only 3 Xnj,, ^ j_________________________ 00c camping

BIzo 12xS IL K H O S E —

1 cxcollent quality puro thread tilkBO, la black'' only. 12 value*. ^jj.jralags on ly---------------- fl-30 fj^rcd b>

OEISOOBck nlwaya fresh. Three’ pounds NUthla perfect cooking fat, limit 0 , This Nal

unds to a cuatomar, mornlniffl on- Jfuj,3 pounds fot — ___ ____ '.J_ 60c uy^ ],j|g ,

A IL O V E E S ...........ido of good woiglit-.bluo denim, mmcd In red. Somo of them plain Ipe*. Ages two to e ig h t----- 70c i

, D Y A S S H n n l ,0 perfccl shoo polish. I t dyca aa shines. 'I t covers all scuff spot* (];tv 1 -makea tho shoo wear longer.■rnlngs otfly,.;--------------------48c- COlirsC

TUMBLEES clioo.si:I8S tumblers of good heavy weight rh o s o t will give' lotB of sorvico. Bog- r prico 15c. CJhoico--------- ;.,10c Slip-01

SAUOE P A H S co ld iu)0t of three puro tUumbum sauco 19. Any.ono of 'them is wortli'tho ee. 'A ll three-for--------------06c gJindy

PUMPS ' paten te tablo of'-la'diea.’, ono strop, low c lcv o r f lu m p s . In 'block aad brown. lliesc lucB to'. $4.60. MornlngB only~ ___________ _— :-----------$aoB

n ro .; ,


ou* London Street Had its Begin*,' > rtlng-ln the Whim of Monarch' '

fer New Sport ', i', '',

■r the origin of^thai famous Mri'i't :>uduu known n» I’afl Mall, wc nm

hiiek und inku n peep liilo the ' ■ i' ofhlint reinarknbk-, man, Sum- .'epys. Ull April 2, ICCl, lie Miyn. , b'l. .Innies pnrk, whero I kuw Hit!■ of York plnylng ul I’fleuiele. the tlnu! Ihnt I ever Baw the upon."

iC dulie'B brulliur. King Charles, recently foniicd wbnt la culled

nnll for the playing of thla giinii'. h wns new In Ungldnd, na lliero prrvlonijly existed, n wnlk for IiuruDst' on,tliu ground occupied'

II' Ntrvi-t now. knpw'n u» Pall Mall. ' . lo jiili’in; wns" liitroiluced from ICC. hut Ui‘? nnme appeared to bo f Iho llnllui? “palnniugllo" ond ' ; jiiayt-il ivlih n bull and n mallet s n',iinilHht-nlle.v find throngh n elevnicd ulioiu 12 fiitT on nn nnn iillin;'from n Hinndard. Tlio gnmo 'nhiit n'seinhlrs golf, as tho win-

he who errecls this object In Hrnnllcsl numln'r of Htrokes. Tho Ul Is soniewlint Kluillnr to tbo-ono

In croiinci. Uie hnndlo helng- :i lonKcr nnd tin; face so Inclined ) mlsu tho bull when Htmi'k. This ' was obout 3 Incho.H In dlnmeter.— ' lange.

vonza CALLS, on ^ v z s r(Continued from Pago Ono)

Iii'i Into this afternoon and was irdrd to Washington.Q.irky, i t ia loarnod, expresacd'',

:s for tho Atneriean offer, but I lhat the detailed reply w'culd bo from Moscow by tho head of tho .

on csntral famine relief oommil; vc Kameneff. ' . "

s •

| _ _ -------------------

mentstppers:e tak ing to ■ th is " ee the crowds.’The lese m orning sales,

T O O T H B E U S H E Sed qunlily, Jeavlly brisUod brush. Regular 25c. ^orn-

jnly ...................________ 15c

H A IE B R U S H E S . -;a’ Ideal Water Proof Hair cs, Puro brifiUea aot in nib- liegular $1 value .............. BOe

I. D . S . O A E M E N T Svod garmoats, mndo of bloaeh- ombcd eotton, light flnmmer 1. Moralnga only — :— 08c

O O E S E T Sornliig ihoppors may have this m J)uat, baek lace whito cou- '■Ki f o r ----- ---------- _ . . i *1,10 ,

H U O K T O W E L S icgular'20e Buck Towels, slio .

Oood weight cotton hnek. sholee ___________ 16c

T U R K IS H T O W E L Sa half doren of thom on youl* ' ; - ng trip.' An excellent <]UiUity.12x24. A t a spcclal .prieo, 2 ______________________ 25c

Mn.TTmilk. Standard tall size, pre- by somo to real eroam. Ten

0 a customer. Tlic can... lOo

T O B U O K O X F O R D Sl^obuck Brogue Oxford hos- olling regularly a t $9.~ I t la a ful h tter and cxcoltont qual^IS Cuban heel. Mornings oa- ... ....... - ---------------------I7.0B

$ 3 :4 5I lls s n l c w i l l b o f o r a l l

to m o r r o w , b n t o f •

•HC tJ io ro w i l l b o b e d o r

w in g in t i i c i i i o r n i i ig .

so u t t r a c t i v o L ir ie o n

-o n D ro s se .s m n d e i n a l l

ra. T h o s e a r e s lo e v e -

m o d e ls w i t h w h i t o o r -

l y g u i in p c a n d b l a c k

l i l t l e n t l i e r b o l t . S o

o r a n d a p p r o p r i a t e f o r ,

e h o t d a y s a n d o n ly . 1,

.................................... $3 .45

Page 6: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer


U iutd-aY «ty-*nen»oon 't i c e p t Bwd^r ,jja

Twin Falla Nawi PubUiblnc Co., u e . rice' (Ctiai>uit)o<i m o I jr.• .. .......... . ................—•! >— — loK

ROT A. HEAD......................;...P r* tia»n tJOHN g . ttAItVBI*................. T r t t jw r mn:

• ' VntVr^l M * ^ n ’<r a i u mall m«tt«Afirll i. IBll. « t Uio pottofrica a t Twin (»

' ralt«. Idaho, under tbe Act o( Mareh I,1171. , ___________ _ <"'c

' fiUBSCmFTION RATfllOp# year ..........................................IJ.W ,vhiI. month! .........................................t l#I inonthi .......................................... . LI9 Inc • • • • • - • I - ! ....... lin.MEilDBR OF ASSOCIATED PIIE8S Tne Auoclated P re n U exduiU ety tan

UHed JO Ih* uw to t Mpublloatleo of «U . j tieva <lljp«tebei or«(U(»d to 1C. or ao( 0Ui«n»U« Cfedltod, In tbi* p a ^ r , u d kIm Doi tbe local newi WblUbed bertln. AU .. r i g b u ^ r e p u b l la t lo n of ipoclal dla« wil w ucheigc re tn ar» bIw rewnred.

No retponflbUlD’ U astumed 'for tbe von caro ' or UMOlldied tnonuaerlpt, photo* ^

■ trapha or oiber oontrlbuted matlor.- A r. nroi (teles tubm iued for pubt(oi((on wfU be lUcd o rn o t a t tbe dbKrollon of tho edllo<uii] no maauetrlpt will be relum ed tin- two le«e accompanied by necessary postw e.

BAaTERN RBFitSSBNTATIVES Goorte D. nav ld C3o., m a . iT l Modlsoo

Ave.. New Tork: A. R. k«a to r. 1<U Hart*' ford Buuaiuf. Cblcaco.

Uember Audit uureau or ^Clnulatloni i»u<~ - ■ nicn

, , OaraO ISM THAT OOONT8 , Woj

(^gctncu with whloh pcr»on» on- whitruetod witb rcaponwbillty for tho auc- *1*®

cost or }lailuro uf the county fair si'izo (I’i-' upon Butgcitiomi mnUc wllli a view fn.

' bcttiiriDg-till- Inslltution (ir fnhancl:i(fJts.va lue and nttrnntivclicsk'is iforlmi'B I'®®*

- 'no t so Kcftcrally njii'rcciatcd os it ^ ehouldn>e. ' - -' .• Thb fair ia not tho privalo property *

of any . poup of perwns who may ho l'C®» (Inilgnatcd an its hoard of, manajcra, “Ijly jior J# it BO regarded by It/lathe coDtnoa p^opflrty at fho county’* Mci dtitenihip and i t is or should ho a tiiat- in <1 tor of pride to mako the fair meaaurc tip lo itf opportubltlos to tlio fullest "hall

' 'extent. ' ‘•‘o *■ Th« njaniior in whirli e ffective aislat- oncc may bu rendered In tlila rujfard I* i

. a p tly 'ind ica ted in nn editorial ri'cent* ly appearing 'in llib ItfaJio Farmer. I t i i deservinff of careful eonlidiiration by uvury one who h u an in le r c t t 'in the thoir county fn ir -^ n d th a t ahould ineludo w " p re tty nearly every’hndy., <rb» is the I'foeJ ,su(fKestioD: '■ c '*'111 1

' Every, year, ju s t about the close “ ceor■ o f |fa lr limB, aomobody comes fo r. Thi

w ard with a rousing criticism o f . some of thn ootertainm ent fca tu re i ^of some foir somowhcro'. O fioa this Rtitieiim la ju stified by the charae- noccs tu r -Vf the on tettainm ont or some ,, o{ thu cftnccsalDns op the Rrounda. ' ' lJu t crltlciliin iiflor a tiling has hap- w‘l ' > penod is valuable only in so fa^ as cimfo i t m ay lend to prevent recurroneo o f the o ffense.- I f thoro waa Mme-th io ifln youryour loral, d is tric t o r sta to ‘f a ir , to . kIkh which you wtiro opposed, you prob- ably did woll to e tpreas your die- f

' • approval a t liho <Hom of the event*. "^hicl; D ut you would do b e tte r to ro t o . awny the m anager o f lh a t f a ir rfRht now,If you have no t a lready done « ,and »6e to it th a t yqur point o f “ “ V-

• vJow is thoroughly im pressed upon past hbn before tbo Rates o f tlio present

' y ear’s fa ir aro opened. I I you have been offended in the p a s t and do no t do this , you dlaqualify youraelf fo r c ritid im a fte r tlils season’ f a i t mutil doses. % niiidp-

Affain, rem em ber,tha l yonr fa ir m ust have revenue* on which to "K f. oporate. Some of tlieso moro or plcxio

; tuM qaeatioaalilD fea tures have »Mcn real rcvenuo-produeors.- To bo tsure, they should n o t bo- kep t, If lliey are offensive, merely beeauso 1 “• they producc rcvenups, b u t i f you lii.fC t require your mauaKcr to cUmlnato [i,,, „ thi'oi you mniit help liliii pu t in , wholcaomo fcnlurns tfint wOI tie r(lvenu^produccrs in tlielr stead.Hero 'is a plaeo whero every citixen I t ‘ cnn co-opfiratn with the fn ir man- Hmt ]

. _ ' ,lii|> 1

. OAEBJEEa* IH N IN aS '""K '' Noci'iuity fo r individunl pa>'iu';nl of •. deb t in mnintrnanco of lu'uHliy finim- "

c w „ , n , . a r withpqunl force (<» lho federal Buvornmont; and I’rM ldcnt iiardiiiB normK lo havehnd th is ickn in view in niaiiing his ..........riMjucKt upon ennRroaa for acei'ptanee of h is ri-iiii'dy fur “ early adjuatqient and relief of tli<- ra ilroad '' problem . ABOI

Till) plain f a d s in tho a ituation axo '' ' n i l '(h a t th ftO orcfnm ciii oivM th i'ra ilro a d s

tnimcy which il h;is nu t h i'n 'tofore beon nunalc* in Ignition In jKiy. Tlic I’ri'sldent pro- Haniei

pow* n raellioil l>y which t l i w claimH

con bt' se ttle^ ^^^'i “ >'0 mlded invest- tcranc m ont I'O the im n 'o f llip Bovcrnment a t Bn• • • und no adilcd tiix h u rden ." “

There l i ample reason lo holiove th a t patodthe Prfsidenl ’« sch m o will work and tlnnah th a l Iho nccOk!iary nutliorizHtlon from g jjy £ C<lnKrc^s will he noon forlheominj;. o

■ Tlie rniltDft*H:i'epm Hkcly lo j>or an -.<5//? r.-vrly M ttlem cnl o f the ir clainn, nnd ^

* the (’■'I'ofoi public will looli forw ard d u b ’a w ilh a nflod deal o f intercut lo aubso- «|ueiit dcvclopmcnlR hcarinj; upon tho

, fre ich l rntc-'i issue., fr a f<

A DEADLT HABIT ' ' 'Old and kx-n obaervDrs remark lh a t TWO

one hahll of the buddini; iim loriali. i f TA •fairly cMnhlished, never leav ri its vie-

, tim until . Yti- finally Jaml.H in • the i,f I'n i• itibrH:iic. Tlmt U the hah ii of paw ing or RogeM

trj-ing to w hatever ears hnppen to bo'ikSeaii'oa tb a opon.rosd- .. ... . h u n t ..M e n . fam liiar w ith tho payoJioloay of ' m o to r 'ea r’driving w ilt te ll you*<&«t i t f

J U the worst of all tho mean bad habit's -the now ^ iyer ean pick up- Othe^ un-

y lieairnhlfl pmctleeB may bo outgrown, e. according to tho old-timors-and psycho-- loKical reaearchers. Ono by ono road

mannerlflins may ho drilled out of tho' offendiDK driver. D;it tiio. m_nd deslro n to pass everything on the roa* gots

everyone who pielts up tho habit, ,TIio driver who wnnts_ to get |^end,

who "pulla a/ound” , is urged 1$ ll ineurablo Impulao against which '|>ld-'. timers, warn all now pilots. Tho oaly I, way.to safety M far.as that-ia^oncorn.^ cd is to resUais tho first promptiogs. .« Don't mako a start a t it. Koop ia lino I. wilti thu /(roffie and toko yohr tu n

witb all tho oli>ers. Why endanger0 yoiii' own life and the lives nf others at . nround you for the momontnry satls- • fnctinn of passing tho ear uhead, or- two or threo ears nlicadJI. _ ..■■.■■■. ------- —

• 'VETERAira’ flELTBP 2JBAB'I’uaingu by tho scnatu of the (^reet

bill hrini;!!' almost l u realirjitiou tho .1 -oiui'h dMired conmllilallon of govern- > mental agencies for Ihe relief of Wo'rld

War vi'terani. The veterans’ burea^. whieh tho bill nutiiorUua, will take over . tho untivitiea now distributed among

the war risk bureau, tho rchabllitatian division of tho hoard for voeatioQoJ training, and tho part of tho public •— health Rorriee commiaslonod to treat sick and dimhled oz-aorvlce ineo.

I t is (ieaiguod to eo-ordlmito n group - > of aerviren whieh never ahould have beon separate and the effect unquestion­ably will bo to facilitate diapoaltion of easca that In ths jiast have beon buf­feted about frojn ooe poat to anolher In decidedly inhumane manner. Wilh thu, vetoraua’ bureau functioning wo shall hnvo estahllilied machinerj* for tho tender rare of. our 'neeeaidtlouB sof- dlcr hoys who ha( •o jual clalmB- upon the (-nveriiment for relief and uaaist- anee. Il ^ill awlftly reniflvu'a condi- ’ tion whlcli haa grown Into a national scnndal. Then Ajner|rnns ran hold up thoir, heads when they face ono of tho men wfio fronted tlui''Oennan^ for our lienerti andrsaJvatien, for tho country will be diBchargiag n'sacred obligation neeording ,to_ promise.

Tho amendments which. tho senate wmlo into lha blH lhat was sent over from thu' hODSo are nol of a chnrncter noecssarlly to occasion Inug duhalo !n the conforente (?)mmitlee whose duty it F will bu til rosol,w tho differenccB. Tlio nmforiTii nhould amemble with deter- _ niinutiiui to i'X]H.'dit»lMnnniltarof the hill lo tho president, who la certain to sign it nnd promptly take tho ateps neetymiiry fo earry pul it* provUioiis. which make for a wholesale awcoping awny of r^l tnpc which haa interfered with the [KTformanco of a nntionnl The duty, lie never can inake amcnda for pnBt neglects but/we rnn avoid such cijjj,. fnulls iu the future.

' - Mo:A Chirago acvesa nnnoiincos Ihnt nhe on th

r.iuhl never many a mun who woro a miide-up nerktie. But men aSi mnrry- ing jjirls-every dny with innde-up nmi- pany plexions. . ^

,A tobacco companw nnnouncea it will puy off $20,000,0(H) In notes thnt inn- ' liirc this yenr. Il was .a hnrd pull for yeatei the umiikers. hut tho>‘ «l‘IH.'ar to have j '’■“'I'’ i ‘- ________________ Twio

It BcemB to havo been demonstratod -piie Hint bomhfnj; planes ean aink a war- of th< ^liip that rnn 't-h it baek if they tryhing ('ndiigh. • • , ,j,pn,'

■ ’ • th r hiliiving kept KuBsia in hot Walor for might

llie liiat fow years, liCnlne now ».iystl'..... niiitry’a grcat need Is soup, pum,,

■ I ward - Y lulll ymi rail that a single Inx— vi-atm

ll..... lie tlmt h'rance propnaea to impoBUii{K.n haHieloril '

.. and eA fiO BN m re BENyCTOE WILL for H

STAND TBIAI. FOE SEDITION will I nUKNOS A llira, Argeiitlnn, <;py-

After .1 delate Inaling Bcveral dnya theaonato Inst evening withdrew the par- llnmenlarj- iramunily of Senator E. DelValle llierliicen, aocialisl, permitting Car:Ilia trial on the ehnrge of seditious ul rnmpiileranciv. widrli il ia elnin,ied were made on prnt Bahi.a Ulancn during thn holding of bakerI rornUBf rongrcM aoin'' time njo. generi

Tho senator Is alleged to have advc from icatod adhesion to thn third inlemn- roniUllonnlo nl Moscow. fnilt,

— , t atock.BHVENTT-Ora YACHTS 8TAET those

ON CLUB'S TEN-DAY CEUIBE n lop.^.ObKSCOVK. y . . V.. (/Fl—3cvcnty ■ nno j«.irl'lH nf thr .jKew -York 'i'neht rliih Miilcd today for Nov.-jiort on tho' thcr irlub’a iinniial ten-day criiice, revived turneinflrr » KUipmxinn sinre lOlG. on nc- rd t«rounl.-of the wnr. eltinip

Th.‘ fleet, led by Commodore .T. 1'.■/. fl/igship, C'/>raflir, irn.'» to cov- Tiv)

[•r a eoiir«e bf .10 nnutlrnl miles In Mor- of BurU Cove, N'eir Haven harbnr, lodny. SlHrd I

.--I » . — lev nilrw o AMERICAN .AVIATORS Onkl'.'.

FALL TO DEATH AT COBLENZ -J, UoIeOBI.KNZ,.(>!?)—Twn American nvi- pnlnls

itorji, J/iculrnniil Onrl Derby'Ounlher, Jine-ujif I'raiikforl, Ind., nnd .Corpofal L. .0. Me'vlOgeM of Hillnliorn, Texns, were killed Iimo;•pfltcrdny when Ihrir nifplnne cra-'ihed short*!\t Wcissealli/ini}. field, ne.ir hero.'and stop-1lurst fnto flames. ntilae,

.» --------' WilfotBEAD THB DAILY NBWB. ^ -TJie



. Honeyed Lu. By a S . KlflER

The truth, tho wholo t ru t l i^ o truth— ' . , ■

When one must occupy tbo witn . But sharper than tho wbll'knewn i

The, truth too often is, when t ilny hlrsslngs rw t upon the tn: . \Vho ieiiea bittemcBS with;hon

, ' . Our amillleit ploaauros would'ho i . ■ And smilea wonld rarely bright

If livery man spoke freely what ' And truth woro not.coneealrd :

• Tlie world would be a waste,' ond If nothing but the truth ,'wcre'o'

If what*I think of Soiggs, tho pr Or Flubb, tho. littlo saob, who ii

Woro siioken in plain worda or pi Vd be tho Wetlm of a silly (rici

— — ... I.am-ln-dsbt-tO-flftlg^ for much, Could rauaoVe to go begging'

- , • llcar lovely iUn. A. jell Mr»/ Q.How glad sho is that thoy havo

As both well know—Is for from I ) thich lady thinks the other la a

Tho.world is better fo r the fact I And womnu lio a little now nnd


“ You pay a dollar for n cover waiter ezplaiaed.• “ I can’t blame you for wishing i you put on tho lablo here,*' the ; “ but darned if I c^n seo wby 1 ou{ tho lid.”

= s s s s s s s : ^ = s a s s ^ = s g s s s s i ^ s s s s ' ■ ....... ■ " ■ ■ vln


TiUiSlrsaliairMnillmtBHlkb^iU i" t Ur«irllOI c“t1

*____________ _________.. nnd

A. iv. Illltbruner and fnmily have ar- A ived from Heattle, and will make tholr eial omo in Twin Fall*. . ' ' mit

I ' — matTho firnl rnajiting earr on tho local Twi

jarkot were sold to Ihe Twl-i ond 'alia Ment Co. by T..W. Snodgrass .of <‘»n; llebr Lake*. Thev went liko hoi cakc-i. n p

' . IheMorgan JJcap^jrho hna been vJsJtiii" '"if

a thu Aatlantic coaat, tho past- twn I’"" lontlw, returned honio yealerday. " '

Tho 'Iwin Fnlla Mnnufacturing com- ^ any I|,.,k to ir to K H. Smith lan.l .I.'IV. ing ^raveu n twelve horae pnwer threshing utflt ini whJrh haiics will ho used.’ ors’

_____ croeA eiihle gang of the Ilocky Moun-

lln Boll Tolephone company arrived eaterdav and la engaged in putting up 450 feet of aeHnl rablo. Tho compnny ow hns ISO tolephone* in service in 'wjo n ih .

Till' lampnign for tho rxtermltmtinn f tho IliiHsian thlallo wns Btnrled tliia has idrniii;; by I. B. I’errlne, who pliii-ked Dvorni lioncla' of Ihistle .and duplaycd wall liem cm tlio aidewnlka nnd in front nf and ir Iniiinean houaea in order (lint nlf (ion light Ireome familiar with the ap- goth enraii.'.' nf tJio evil weed. At lii^'owii tiipn *pcniv Mr. I’errinu act tnen to work ulling tliiallo along Blue l.akes houlv- 'v n . •aid mill vicinity. The Twin I’nlis In- oatmeii: runipany imniedlnloly I'ligng-I a iiniiilior of men tp ricli' over fhe »».. met iiiiij enll the nllentinn uf the irnier. i>. the preaencv of ihe Iliiillo ^ j nd et]jliiin tho need of prompt netion3r lU extermination. Kvery effort I*; 'ill In' made lo induce fariiu-rH and of tIhvra ii. pulL the thistles liefori' tliey ____;e<l. 'n.i<v readi- In seedow aii.l ijiilck work la demanded- ^

Carl O. Melgt nf . the Hliulehakei' impjinv ha* offered to the enmiiiiltec-II pri?.ea nl the county fair n Htudo- i akur riitulioul, valuo tlOU for the boat ' cneral follection. a t fnrm product*•om niiy farm,on Ihe fpwhi FMN tract, )niialing of Any anil all kinds of j mil, xcgelnblea, grniris, gr;i«<p» live-, ock. iHKillrj-, etf. (A runntKnTl , of lose d:iVB wnr a Huhi Iuil’O' without top.'; ■ ;

I I , ,{j7'lie 'rWin FnlN 1>um'Ii:iI1 iinm under

lOr ni.inagemcnl of T. .1. Woods n; irned fiom Ou.ikley. wln-re tln-y piny- I two games whii'h i;ave iKem thi- ^nipioii!.hlp of thi' i-<iiiiilv.

Tiviij Fnll* di'ff’aleij ;i i,„)n nmtpoiieii ' Burley nnd Ifeylnirn [i;;jvcr/i on the Ird by a acore of iv t„ c, ,viiii Rwee- / y mill llayex n> hnilirv. On llui 24tli, nkl'.'y wll!. dimn liy a ,.,lrl• nf 20 lo

Holohnn and llii.vi- nurkiiig-lu the lints Jor T.'vin Fall-. T)i" T»vin Fall'* ne-uji wns; , jMe'v'han, firat base; Dunn, aeeond tan; Klcrated, ihirti lia../; Sweoley, lortslnp and pitrlu'r; Huloli.m, short- on-and pltchrr; llnyei, eSteher: tilae, center fiold; Towtur. left field;''ilfon, right field ‘ ;•Die Jrrigitora jilayni witb greai


Truth Thari Pq

r i e s ' W hyBeW c;n ‘ Ey 8

>■ '• -Noltherla worried aiitnesB choir, By tbo work bo hifB aerpcnt'a tooth Both nro happy, bo

D bula »«a bm .; . .. , . Forward to tho raiojM y w i» ■ I « « o o ; y m r k . l lonoyed lica.


gbton any face Thm n „ „ ohat ho thoDght He is nover bothered•d fji any'caso; Profits chat the g

’Vtver lold., ^ ^' ' Wnnamakor’a eightyprofiteer, collector over

0 m ukt. m J dek, " ' j ? ■, . , , Malcinif troabletocprlnwa taio , \ v ™ . j i ( , i „ i i a i i ' t ,

rJck; Wliat they chatgtth, nnd Hubb it cornea to tl„g/lo, n y emb. " " ,"»l

There is, mighty littli , iJitldon for the rail

vo mot, and that, I muat savo and akii

' “ ' “‘S Of tho pleoaurca n:t Ihot men And I'm glad that Imd thon. Elghty-^our or elgli

1 ^ ’ J l i H

We have chain eign INJURY ehnin ahirt atdrea, chai

eandy stores. The eo■cr fh .rp . ," the

IK 10 fovcr what j^^E U O Ai« ju i . t ttpii.a,

. . . , y /T o writ6 Ireijwa..B bt lo p .y forfio often to cr<

vim, Kafling like fiends. In tfii* last JudI'ame Kiersted and Meehan made home ih |runa nnd-eve^body got a hit. jati

' ' -------- • in :The Buhl park la now.fonceiL .Thia. covi

is a good thing, tui it w ill’prnvent the of s?attle from Irnmpllag down' the graaH' Hillmd injuring tho trees. Xxn

------ ------------------------- thrcAt lho meeling of the Buhl Cimimer-

•ial eluii Inst njght tho executivo ctiRi- " irilttee wns direrted to. tako u|V tho natlor of roads nnd iiridgea with the rwin Fr.Hr Ijind & Water compnny aud•ndeavor lo indneo it lo bridge fho *““ 2■nnals sr. tltat tho mods may bo jnii in "B"1 pn'tanlilo conditiun. It is hoped that ;®y he eiimmitlee will lose uo tlmo in deal-ng wi'll IRla mntter, and that the com- innv will do Ihe right thing nnd do il aO it dnre. ■ - of

------------ TlLarge s i g n s in blaek nnd wblto bear- I)

ng the I n a c r ip t lo n , ' ‘Private ccmetefy _ leroKs tlic bridge for rcckleas driv- ‘r s " and decoratoil wilh akull and Toasbonea havo boon erected on bolh Jdes of tho Otterkill bridge oa tho italc road between Q o B h en and Chea- er, New York. Many accident# hovo iccurtod o n tho bridge in the pa»t .and {■, 5 hey wore pul op as a warning to tho ? ■arelpHs driver*. '

A ahopkoepcr in Orient, Long Island, = las Rilvertiacd hi* placc by placing luffnlo nickels In tho l-onerete sldo- valk in front. Tho Indian head Is up md ooch bead facca in the same direc- ion. ' The' <*nin» are plaeed eloso to- ;other and spoil out “ Wigwnm,” the ipnc of hia plnce of buaine**,


larry B. Cowling, Pblntiff,•y*.

I. 0 . Hill, Defendant.By vlrluc of an execution isaued oul

f tho Dislrle__l Court of the Eleventh

L Y O N ’S


138 2nd ATO. w . Phono 058


. ,Wo oro 0 Bow firm in town—.bat'old hands at the auto repoir > work.

We Specialize In

B u ic k a n d D o d g e I .R e p a ir W o rk ’

ALL WOEK QUAEANTBED—o iv e .ub a t r ia l


OHAS. B. BOWOLHTB k 00.Phon# 81G-W

Isa ShoihTO* 81. W en -- Pf«Bcl» Dry Cleaslng

' •^*P»trtng--Dytini

^ ^ J U L ' Y 2 7 / 1 9 2 1 ' : ; ;

•' •■•Q- , '. ' nmn

*oetru , sS. r ■- “« r• ■ ■ Dl

Worried by Work? ii. ty k K K i a E B ^ :^ry /o « r , , o( iighty.two;- ' ,d ony more • JudI0 has to do; ^ ' .. ih gBO they any,' date

look with droad , • in -1ainy day— orodk ahead. — . . . o t a.

• • Lanihty-two, , ! anUis afraid, . .it'cornea due,'cmain unpaid: ^ored byle grocer* claim;;aa ia high, ' ' ' M , |

"y. ■ ■ . Si’',!hlyIo«r| . . ‘ver stands. ;y at hls door, eiomo dcw'aodi; n’t catc >ergo for shirts or ahoosf .0 thlngB to w ear, Tl nd ho mny choose. ‘

iittlo I 'v e ' .rainy day; , « iaklmp ond strive, « •timo for play; ' . Jo

t « l o t ' , : <1?ea men pursue, , ' J®‘at I am not - *7 elghty-two. .


I * f e ) -

S '--------------, " '“ ™ of Tm OHAZKB publieignr stores, ehain drug store*, ' «Wh*chain grocery alorea, and chain all tl ' consumer iB.mpidlr being all

of th___________ . thonjICATE QUESnON ..average roan who' itchesipWB dogs cannot bn.eats; _S^en, iMjrmit hia whiehs1 crowd out his tlialst

' • By s

Judicial District of tho Btate'of Idoho,Ih and for thd County of Twin Palla, c a«tea f te o n a«y o( July, H21, whoro- in Harr^^ B. Cowling,- as {dointUf, to- eoverod judgment In tho Frob&te-Conrt of said County and State, against L. 0 n iil, defendant, on tho ISth doy of N Xxnaary, IflBl, for tbo aum of Eighty- N throe nnd 20-100 (<83.20) Dollorr aad tho furthor aum of Thuty-tbreo and [ m 05-100 (♦33.05) Dollan, oolU and and w, disburMmonts, together ,with interest Ihereon a t tho rato of 7 per'MDt per " E annum from tho said ISth day of Janu- uary, 1021, 1 have levied upoa all the « right, titlo, intcRst and claim of tbo ' defondanl, L. 0. Hill, of, In and to thn following described real esKate, to-wit* N<

Tho northwest quartor of tho • southworft jnatlor (NW 1-4 e w 1-4)

• of Rcution , Twenty-eight (28),Township Nine (0) South, Range Foiirtcea (W) E. B. U., in Twin Pallr County, State of rdaho. •^ b l l c notice la hereby given thnt I •

wUl on t bo Oth day of iugiist, 1021, , . at the hour of 2:46 o'clock p. m. (Mountain tlmo), of aaid doy, ot tbc ®P Dost front door of tha Courthouao of tho County of Twin Enlia, BUto of “ IM o , aell at public ouetlon to the P.® hlghMt b dder for eoih, lawful monoy »f tho United SUtcs, all the right, title, intereat ond claim of the obovc

TIieFirstNatii of TwinTW INFALLS,

0•» '

" , T h e F E D E R A L . . th is d is t r ic t b a s an o o o n o o

r e d a c t io n ia i t s d iso o m it r i in r a t e s a lw a y s prooodoa

, p ro v o m o n t in th o m o n e y s i j ' . ^ c c t s o f th is m tf70 w in n o t •V 'so m o tim o , n n tll b a n k do

w a rd a g a in . T h is ad jq sl d ra w in g to a- c lose a ltbong] □ eo d ed ch a n g e s to ta k e p

, ' b i l i ty c a n bo a s s u re d . Th w ill te n d to h a s te n th is im]

The Oldest Bank in


Member of Federal Ri

ftfflod'defondont'lfcb.'HiU, of. iJiM d V J the real estate, above described, to

Ju d ^en t together ffith all eofta thot havo oMTned or bot •<«rue. ; . ‘ *■Dated th fs'llt/i ifcy of Jnly^ 1B2J. ' •

B. R. 8 HEBUAN,'■ Sheriff. .

y BE>f'J. BROWN, Deputy. • •" •


'■ ,• i" » ■L a Cowling,. , . .' Plal<i(i(f,

' V I .:. C. U inon'apd Antbooy- Loraon,

. DeftndoatB.By Tlrtae of an exocntlon lasaed out

t the SlatrietPCbort of tbo EIoreDtb

udleial DUtrlet of tbe Stoto of Idubo,1 and for the'County .of Twin IVlla, atod the 8th day of .Jnlr, 1021, w herr-, *I -H. ?. Cowling, as puiintiff, recov. rod Indgmeist in the Probate Ooort f eali'Connty ond Stoto, ogolaat B. C. arson ond Anthony Lanon, dtfeftd-.. ntf, on tho I8 th d»r «< ®21.3t the aum of Sevealy-oix and 25*100 m .£ j> Dolbiro ond the further anaf Forty-four and 20-100 (#44.20) Dol- . irs, costs and-dlaburBements,. together •ith Interest thereon at tho r a U o f 7.B* cent per jinnum'ftom the soid 18th ay Qf.Ulay, J921, I hove levied tipooII tho •rlght,*-title,-Interest »n4> elaim ( the above naned defendant, B. C. arson and Anthony Lanon, of, tn ad to the following deseribed real roporty, to*w!t: ^

Tbe north holt e’f tbe southwest quarter (N 1*2 BW 1-4) of Section • V Thirteen (13). Township Tea (10) 7 South, Bon«_ Ponrteea (14) E. B.U., ozeept therefrom fopr ond three-ioartba (4 3-4) ociob hereto* foro coaver^d to J. E. Owabe/ and &(. A. Ownbey. Sold propor^'as above deicrlbed is hereby ndver tlsed for sole and wlU be sold n b - je'et to the aole In tho euo of Hor­ry & Cowlbg VI Anthony. LioraoD, advertiied to be held ot 2:15 | o ’clock p. m. on the 9th day of Angual, 1021, and covering the some real property oa above de­scribed. tPublle notice if hereby given thot -I ill on the Oth doy of Angoat, 1081; ot e hour of 2:30 o'c lock?. M. (Meun- In :imo) of aoid day, a t the oaat front- or of lho Conrthouao of thb Oounty Twin Falla, Stoto of Idoho, soil a t '

bile Ruction toi tho higheft. bidder for uh. lawful money of tbo United Statbi 1 the right, title, Intcreatrond oloim, der the eonOitlon oa above aet forth, tbo dofendonts, R, C. Larson ,&nd Aa-

ony, Laraon, of, in and (o the above- seabed rooi estotei to satisfy plain*'f 'f Judgment' together with i l l coaU nt hnvo accrued-or mav aecne.Dated this n th day of July, i021.


• BEN J. BROWN, Deputy.

RAILROAD T IM E TA BLB (City er MounUl.b T i»e) ,

Bajitbmmd - V

No. 16B_____ Depart 7:80 #. a . \No. 84 ____-Jep o rt 0:10 p. m.

W attbom id -No. 83-----------Dfparl 1:10 p. nNo. 106__ u..J)«port 4:4S p. a .

'EOOEB80N BRAKOE TXACn Bottthbonnd ’

No. 330_.l_Depart'. 12:20 p- a .. Honhbonod

No- 340--------- -Arrivs 4:20 p. as.

MAZLUAXSU?No. 156 ot e 0. m'No. 83 at nooD.No. 159 a t 4 p. B. 'No. 84 o t S p. (a.Kogerwo braneh at aeoD.

' T ie foitgi^B moil aokstip U

X rotlTo ood effeeliv# nadar o»* try coodltions] if * 'P M t

ooonnt of moll should be oiop- ' ped a t abont tba ;egalor ekitl^* tim e-it wonld be Inpoulble te dispatch the aoll en the preciie hoar. ,

ional Bank . falls .

SJD AffO' 1

&VE B A D E se rv in g cod a 1 -3 p e r c e a t r a t e . A red c o tlo n

los a g o n o ra l I s ^ s i tu a t io n ^ T h e e f - ' -w

) t b e f e l t lo ca lly fo r d e p o s its s t a r t np- Q stm ont p e r io d , (9 .Ig h th o ro aro . m a n y '

p la c o bo fo ro 'stfi- f h o . c h a n g e .in r a to m p ro v e m e h t . . •

■ ■ . ' v .

M the County

Reserve System

Page 7: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer


SPQRTSFi- , {Continued frTjm ‘8.) Sox

. Brief B its of Sport ' \,JlPolo llennii^ ha# forever given thn Tu

lie to Ibo oid-tlmo ouortion of aport (Kad export* H ut " thoy never como back.’ ' dub.

, — — mate' ' By/slehnliiK np Joe l^>'nfh, Poto won

back the tiUo lie loit some Umb nso ,and lookji (tood tc keep U'a-vhile.

NoiJ^lf Miko Olbbons cnn whip John-' ny Wilson and win tho middlonroight crowii TTo'li beliovo that tho irorld is) .

* nbtolutely turned top-eido down.

But M to tho IftUer por/oriiianco wc <r„ hftvo our doubts. I t to'>k Miko II rounds to boat Al Beramorft o'trJiilx.4,

■ ■ and flor«Ton-McKdy-l-'(jnvc 'Al a good "- boating In Lagoon, Utnli, hliiro then, '

• Porhapt what Mike'did to tho former Pocatollin pftv\)d tho way for ifcKay, •and Mike may bo nbl? tii dcraonstfato ■\y

U r moro wnros against Wilson wheli 'Uio mptn w , cJiflDirioir bout fflmes o ff.,.v ' . ' -------- ' . shoul^ i'reddio Welsh, former ilghtwoighj ilcclli

ehamj>ion, tliinki the old ones can eomu urginback, nnd ho hns shied h u coster Into to fn tho rin^ of'fistip endeavor after alongnlisoneo slnco ho lokt tho diadem of the Bu!

• division to Benny Le(n|ard. ' ' ' Ing i • _ ' , lowed

Anil trom his ]>olnt of's'Ccluslon Ben­ny Leonard issues a statement' that . 'CIp

; in a w ek or two ho will bo f i t to moot Bosto any and nil the bA t llglitwoights 'ifip Hryn: country or tho world portcssM. , j lonigl

Meanwhile tho Blaek Sox probe ie Ck-on and'scemH all lo tho advantage of ndolp:tho prosecuting sldo of tho argument, ney i

— — decbiiBan Johnson, president of tho Araer-

icnn longue, has started n scandal Oilwithin a srandal. Uo averb iuatily that who Iho has eyldenco of the theft by a for- social

YouTl get SOB wth a

• . S t a r tp i p e ! — i

i ' , ' ■ . spI r , u t . A a m t i , b r im f u l


P u t itO flgU e (t p m f > «ncr


p i p e ! ^ o f y o u r :

Gas Buggies—Variety is the( GEE W H/lt ^ I . IF -m EVtC105E iHflVE- BEEN « 0 I

' ------j----- -------- ^ [ OVEK TgN

i -

t t l p ^

: T W I N - P A L L S D A I L Y——— — I ;---

Newsts under this he

mer employe of the Illinois state pror- Ociitor’? department of nil tho Impor-1 taut ronfessions-'mailo Iiy the'BlaeV:j f j i Sox to Ihp former primecti'tor.

Thing’s are gi'tting inlcrmling,in tliijt (II1I7, hty! X . •• \2

Tonight tliii Legion club will do “ dtadly Imttle ajjilnst tho Mobso lodgo club. Tlie latter hns.been strengthened materially of lato and is shomng to “ ndvnuliiKo ngniRft opponents.., .

Trban''{■’alcr lost his gnmo agninst thl' Wnnliington rlnb ycsterftiy.

I t ’s so iong sineo this sterling Whitn j Box flinger lost a game thrrt tho break 'ijm,,, romcN IIS 0 sort of relief from teuHlon. ^

Tomorrow night’s gnui-j a t Llnctili.. park rtart* promptly-o^O o'clock, snjh Ilmplre Oolrlwator. '

I t wilt if sonicboily con iujert soiiii' niajtir U-agui notions of operation into the Buhl flub. •'!'

____ • , . GcirriWe roitill IhntlotriVt-ek 'th o .Biilil'iat tl

cnplnlti kept, his men on the prnrti,?© ' dny. fJeM fur iHfo fhe (Ime when f/ic «(,should Imvo heen working out, nnd ho tlvcllne l to listen to tho promptings, jjund urglngs nnd JHoadlngs of tho offirinfi * to follow the rnli'K of tlic game. uuiiilt

Buhl shouldn’t fenuire nny more tun-,Ing ui> thnu oupoiilng li'amn nre nl- lowed.- . " ' '" '" J

. •Cleveland, 0.—.iolinny Wilfon o f •Bosloti, ..lyliliileweight fhsmpion, nnrt Bryn.T bowuey of Cleveland, meet hurt-tonight iu 11 i2-round no-doclsion bout, ““yj'

*' I- tendsCImland, 0.—Eddie Wngund, I'lill-

adolphin lightweight, meets Cnl Dela- Thinoy Ilf Cleveland in n lO'nnind lui- ton, idecbiioti semi-final. • r.e|im

-------- - . . ■ it' wnOil City, i ’a.—“ Bunny” l'nltri<nu-. stcpe

who left tho Kansas City. Americnn As- proeusociatlon team h s t season, to play wilh them.

iomewhere a pipe and P. AJ

( t a r t f r e s h a l l o v e r a g a m a t t h e t e I— a n d f p r g e t e v e r y s m o k e e x p e r i t s p i l f e d t h e b e a n s ! F o r a j i n u m fu l w i t h P r i n c e A l b e r t , w i l l t r i i k e jo y y o n e v e r r e g i s t e r e d I I t ’s a

’n t a p i n i n h e r e l P r i n c e A l b e r g u e o r p a r c h y o u r t h r o a t B o t h a lu s iv e p a t e n t e d p r o c e s s . S o , j u s t 1 y o u m a y h a v e s t o r e d a w a y t h a t y e l W e t e l l y o u t h a t y o u c a n — a n d ; o u r l i f e o n e v e r y f l r e - u p —i f y o u p i p a c k in g !

n i a t P . A . h a n d s y o u i n a p i j e i t v le - m a d e c i g a r e t t e l G e e — b u t y o u

r o l l i n g ’e m w i t h P r i n c e A l b e r t ; lu s e P . A . i s : c r i m p c u t a n d s t a y s

rinceAlthe n a tiona l J o y sm ol

the spice of life 'H E V ^ l ~~\\ TEN? - THEY' < S O m WERE 6 0 \U &

T f N - J m /E N T Y FIVE-


L Y J ) J E W S , ' i r W I N F A L L I

s Clagxead, One pentBy actual count, four o ii these people what you ha es for sale or rent, the.pc

110 Oil City Independents, left hero resterday for Califomin'lo join a ellubn tho Ban Joaquin Valley lelnguc. L .

AMSTERDAM bl'l----------------------------1---------------------------- Ar

AMHTKKDAM, Idnhfr-^nck Wll- ta! liamg, t\h<> has 'been on tho sick list lill for como lime Is Improving. gi(

ChfirV'H Trueman and family and his H" iiiotJii-r, Mrs. J. B. Truomnn and Mrs. n ' OilbiTl Hull motored to Filer on Wod- nei nrndiiv, hai

Mm. C. A. Human and children.yere Hngernon visitors on Monday.

.\Ir. .‘•irt'ima iinil fnmily nnd Mrs. Gcirret I'lilors and .family wore callers at the Hdward Postoor ranch on Sue- J v . 0 '

Ole iVugciit, formofJy a rcsldont o l . AmxIi'rdiiM but now of Filer, tpenl- ' Sunday In Uils vieinity. {|“J

Mrs, C'hiirk'K Trueman spent Wed* iu»day lit the L. V. Dean home*

Mr't, (iilliurt Hull and grandson, Billy yen )cnn, vifileil at the Chailcs Trncman ni lome ini Huiniay. . 1

Clifirk’s Cnldwell and Kdword 6uo<l . . vorc Twin Palls .visitors on Saturday. ■, iTIiP ehmitauriua hns l.ccn h d l ^ - J ”

'orth nt Ilollislor for the patl four lays, aud i t has been quilo-well at- ended. ' . ^

Thi' hi-iit was so intense ih Washing- pi on, D. C., ^(‘cently, Miat a Kentucky ___ i'|ires/ntntive won a bot wbon ho said t wna hot enough to fry eggs on tho tope ef tho eapi^l. Tho eggs wore rocured nnd th o \ : a t slowly friodhem. __


{II H 1’°'*111 ■ ' ' sna Wt m Mai

H I '^ B l ! l II11II111 aut'^ ■ l l l i l l i l l E Ft"’

X M J . T

l l a ^ ^ ^ P '

H ill IKfflH ~p■ P W ^ l E t i ™ Hou

~ Frooiquli

W ■ ■W Call

. ' Pgroi

■■ wooI ■ ■ . -5HOJU

■ " ' ‘ . Dox

le b e g i n n i n g ! G e t a I F le r ie n c e y o u e v e r h a di in u n y p i p e , p a c k e d p

t r i m a n y d e g r e e o f ■ J J J’s a r e v e l a t i o n ! ^

b e r t c a n ’t b i t e y o u r ' i l ' h a r e c u t o u t b y o u r — u s t ' p a s s u p a n y o ld ~ a f y o u c a n ’t s m o k e a , u d J u s t h a v e t h e t i m e couII p l a y P r i n c e A l b e r t


i t w i l l d u p l i c a t e i n a ' y o u ’l l h a v e 'a l o t ' o f — r t ; a n d , i t ’s a c in c h j y s p u t ! 2^

LBERT Im o fta Palii

Y I OHNO, E P - ? 1 ■ r' THEY V/£f?e (

_ I.

L S , I D A H O , W E D N E S D A '

______ __________.• ' .

t per word peri,it of every five homes in T lave to sell, trade, barter 6 position you want or the h

ARTESIAN CITY. I !?: 1--------^ ' i

Tho Artcslon Sunday school hold u picnic in the beautiful grovo at Arte- slnn, Monday evening, Mias Ifny IfiUl, v being Ihc gucat of honor., Mn. C. B. i,„,. ArtcHi.iii escorted JDsr Hall to the -r, table! nuil underneath hor plato was u ,,0 , lllllc purse containing ten dolldrs ns a * gifi frcin tho Sunday sohooL Uoro .• Ihnn 4U people were gathered around n fuH Lidcn table, a fried chicken din- ! i , , ner. For nenri* four years Miss. Hail _ han l.iUKht Ihe odult Mhic class in r this Sunday school whlcK'hac resulted ti„, in* Hiinie blewcd friendships boing formijfl.' t^he leaves this week for Los F Angefi'ii, Cnl. bits


HAVANA, (/PHMnnuel Dia* Mor gado Is convinced thnt nl frenfo slum­ber, I'speciolly 'wilh tho mouth ojwn, is 0 liod habit., Morf^ido took n nop F yeslcfdny In tlen'tral pnrk. Upon nwak- pric yeKli'rd.iy for.Californin to join ii rlub Poll m Ihc' Hnn Joaquin Valley league.' poy:

■ , to '■ Mexico is claiming' sovernl groups of islands off.lho Colifornin- coast among p, them being fttnta Caralina, owned by Willinm .Wrigley, tho chewing gum mnnufiicturor. Fi


FOR S A L E -r-R E A L E S T A T E »i!!_________ ________ _________ :---------- Ft

POlt SALE—By owner, two-room nortmodurn house: good location; snap If “taltrn immediately; smoll.cash pay- P*rhcnt; tirms. Call 402. ._________ ^

1 k)II 8ALB OB TBADB—Two room it. I ploatcred oad kolnominod house, two l)ig cIoBcta,, front aad bock/sleeplng PJnorch;'bwn, bam and two extra lots n R«“ ‘snap, Phone^nsa- or coll at 111 East P““

_______'_____________ _ RFOB S^L& -O r trace, now five- tons

room podera hoose, wltn .garage, for <78»uto, Ibt or good paper. 145 Jefferson, —^Phone 103M. : .________________ _j.g*,

FOR RENT ?!!!:______ - - _____ ______________E.

POil RENT—Six-room, houso, portly mor'[urnlsitcd; cno-half block from .high mate i^hool, on Sixth ^ 0. .Phono 7J2J, . 7S4.

“ pO b 'bE N T , S A I^” OB TB A D E - "“bX 3ouso with lights and water on Van ^g> 3uren li. Apply 740 So. 'Wftshington. £ .

” roB” 'B EN T-O fflccs- and- living F< rooms above lEodd Bhoo store." In and julro T-wln Polls Amnsomeat Co, I

POn BENT—Two bed rwma, clow Pt n; strictly nodomj ono ilw ^g .po rch , UnB M l lOUJ. . ^ ^

POB BENT—Hooaekoopinff roU«», ' FQiround floor, fomiahsd complete. B r - ___rook ot month. -428 N. Main.

liALP Iif store, best riae Moln st.; loar " Booths. Address. 0 . Alexander, F y Jox 408, Oity; ^

FOB BeTiT—Pour bom hoase. WS ^:hlrd ove. W. Phone B19B4. W j ,

FOR BBNT-^Him-rooTj fomlshsd Phon.portasent, newly decorated, clean. |86. ——ipply Apartment No. 1, Seeond ave. *'■Jd Pifth St. E._______________

FOB BENT—81«*piag ‘ rooms. U t zor-IIih At*. E. PhOBS 7<B-& Phon

POSITION WANTED / jWANTED — Girl ^anta ' general wjll

ousowork. Lena WcllhooBcn, Phone 380^

_____________ L :_____________ mI f yonr property Is desuable, and la .

dvertlsel In the classified — /op lJ lad yonr lo jp t, ' " •

HELP W ANTED ^WANTED—Woman or gltl for gen-

ral housework In small family. Phont' __2188. W.

WE HAVE an opening for a good 2!ll_vo man; apiendid monoy for tho right w .arty; previous oipcrienec profernblo nijiuIthouph not ahsolntoly ' neccjsary; j^ yrrito nr oneo as thi-i offer will nnt -----cmciln open long; full partlcularr on , W. :quest. Northern Woolen Co.-Fergus prico'alls, Hlnn. a t.J i

- (Cobjrlght.lMO,

? L W/IY O F F ' (‘ I V e ffE MAKING A )I V < 00 TO'RT'^-J

A Y , J t f t Y 2 7 , 1 9 2 1

d Ad’ insertion, and 1I T V i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h 3 N e ’

r o r e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y p u r r o

i h e l p y o u n e e d — O n e C’e i i t P i

= O R 'S A U -M IS C E L LANEOUS 'POB SALE-Dccrlng binder; prac DR

tically new; ruaaonably priced. Ad on. drcse D. B., caro Nows. —

FOB SALE—Two J)ccring-«oUa rnkcs ladicJ bough*. 1020; fSi). .wu-h; good lermr. mere Xioyd-Craven Co., IW Main E. I’hono 8, Ox

--------------------- :------------------------- “ l ePOR SALE—Ono team, wagon nnd 8®itl

hnrness; cheap. See 1). P. Moon, 430 ' Third 60 . or phone K, A. Moon.

POB.SALB-Electri.- waslipr.- 3.15 H nrritonst.

FOB SALE—New Zlaland Red rab- ,------bits. 2C0 Blue Lakes blvd. No. m------------------------------- ^

POR SALB—Sevorol tbousond used ------opple boxes iu good condition. J^arl PA Pniit Co.------------------------------------------------- 4

WILL SAOBinCB PIANO. ------For quick turnover Trill sacrifice '

price; piano in onr possesion in Twin -------Foils tnd must bo moved a t oneo; easy LOI paymonts; wrl^o quick for partleiilan taonal lo Tho Denver Musio Company, Den- da ti ver, Colorado. noon.---------------------;----------------:------------ News'.

F 0 3 8AIJ}-Chlcken fries. Phone DUOK. - MS Blith W (.t, • . .,K lf— . . tiro, I

FOR SALE—Early llleamond char- Creek, rles. S. K: l^osblt jn a e h . .Slghway ler, i | Dpen. —

FOR S A L M o re n aaad#. • 419 Sixth | ji

________________________IFOR SALE—Butt proof'met*! grain —

l)las; all sixes; everytliing for thelalry. Andexion & Day, 22fl Sbosbona ____

Bo. • • _ WAQI

FOB BALE-Frtali eow, good milker, tentle; termi If dealrei Inquire Zeek Plano store, .

W B SALB^Rve Bijff Leghorn loas; tloronghbreds; will sell 'elioup. — ......78 Sixth ttvo. R ^ BHATJ_________________ _______________:— iiaoi

FOB SALB—Clover h*j la the shock ____[•2 mile north Wuhlagton school. In- juiro J. L. Hodges. ■___

E. D. HELLOGG; Tgent for L itl- WINI ner's Dry Arseaste of Lead for spray inet nateritl. Call Phone 050B P. 0. Bot — r 'S4.

“ POJI B A L E -0 . A. C. Baned Bock iggs, •l.SO per sflttlag, 798 Sixth are.3. Phone.878W._____________ ' 154

FOB BALE—B ^e lss , trieyelea, tijea lad accessories. Wemer’i.Bepair Shop.124 Seeoad st. E. . - -------

FOR BALE—Flrat u d seeond cul- p in Ing hiy, looae or baled a t atore. Quny. nen i :d»ho. Phone 8^631. . ; . f|„ ktlsos

F iR SA LE-A UTOM O BILES f f "F^)R SALB—lig h t . trailer, Pord

vheols and tires; universal hitch for lay car; con bo scon nt 327,'Seventh •vo, E. I^lday after 10 n. m.

FOB BALB-Bnlck sertn-passenger worl ar; gsod tires; new top; perfect en ;Ibo} e tn be seea a t 2SS tiixth av«. N<’hoae 487. . - - ~ —--- -------------------------------------- OEOZ]FOB SALE—Three trand aew..flvV Phoi

Asseagor ChOTTOlet touricg ears; jost = aloaded; to close oat WBO each. Pro- _ or-Roblnson-Peaee Co,, Jerome, Idaho,'hone No. 80. . ' ;

FOB BALt; OR TRA D M tudebak r roadster tn extra good eoadltion: rill Mcept Pord la trade. Phone 80W. ____________________


oom house with gbago. No chlldroa. *RWB

........................a a sWANTED—To do Voor graia eut —

lag. Phoao 0I3OR.' 355 Sixth West. SWEB-------------------------------------------------- at 1(WANTED—Secoad-hand piano box. Falh

'all at 854 Seventh avo. E. --------.. B. M.

WANTED—Four or n?o roon fu- 6, ot Ishod house; modern. ' Phono I61W, rallioy Beo Clork. ----------------------------------------------------------J. H. 'WANTED-Fords. Hlgbost cash colic

rleo paid for' old eara. See Wilson. Host t_Jay-Bee Clork store.' * T;

>20, by New Era Features)

• OVEf? T W E ^Jm T E N , ' F IV E -^^___ / ' ------- j-— ^

' l l


'ews, Daily. Tell all ! :0 0 ms for rent, hous- Per Word—Phone 32

' M ISCELU NEO US ' ,pHEEaUAKING, U n. B U Cmnr.'.. Phoiie 6B8W.

PIR8T CLASS' dressmaking asd lies’ tailoring; special prices swa- T sewing. Miss E.;A. Kellogg, B « » Oxford. ,

LEAVE orders ac T. J. Lloyd's for lith'a Hot Springs Mlaeral waters.

What is.jiseless to you moy be tal- ble to libers — adv«PUre It la the issifiod.

^ MONEY TO LOANll/iOO to 12200 "pri'vnto monr>y" to in. Arthur I* Swim & Co.

?ABM LOANS and nonthiy pay ' oc dwelling (uans. Arii.ur L. Swim Co.. Trust Bldg.

LO ST *-OST — Fisk red top tire, 31 by 4. untfid cn rim, between ShothoA Bs-

u l Twin Falls on dunday &ft«r. in. Leave a t office of Twin JU I.,M. Beward. .

X58T-Ono Goodyear Diamond tread •I, betweoa Terrill'i raaeh-and Bock ‘ ok. Finder please notify B. H. Mil- M n ^ g h , 1^ 0. .Reward. *

l iiisseiBii.'B A K E E Y

NBB'8 BEH Whole. wheaU rahiin. rye, aut, milk and VIenM read. Cakes and pastry. 21« Ifa ii ve. N. , Phono 64. ' *

b e a u t y PA ELO E

ATIX7 PABLOB—Bear BUey’s Mil Jiory. Phone 670J.


NDOW" QLAB^W lnd ab le id a ,'^ - jet work. Uoon's Shop. Phoae I.

. H A T JU N q

UCS-H^tTL 'bOHPANT — Eatilp- icd to haadle aay kiad of banJlaj.54 Se^ad Ave. jr. .Phono 87L

p A f f l m a

. Q U O 'in t class work by -akliled werk- 1 in painting, papering, uUsti* unlaiflg u d geaoral deeoratisg} uuteedK at reasoaahle prieea by I t Grinstead. Phoaea 8G4M and

SH O E B E P A ffiiK a

BEFAIBVo!32 Shoahoae W. Phone 808. A ll ' ork gaaraat«od. A. Chlpoorii, Prop.

, . ' x to A H S iB B

5 z S E '”‘H S ^ S ' ' T M 5 j S n f .hoaa 848. , ' >

profe*«s j i o n d l

ATTO EN EY B : . . ’

ifl? A 'N O EO T-U w yer, " t o l h iee BnUdlag. • - •

IN W. Q&iBAU-Lawysr, B u T i ra it Bldg. Phoaa 985-B.

IBB B. WZLMN—Uwyar. ' .

brUliiL Boyd 'Em LBFiTffW H kaT - Atteraays . t law. Praetiee In all sosrta. alls, Idaho.

a . WOLFB — Lawysr, Bo«b * I ao4 , over Idaho Departmsat Store, Twla alll, Idabo.

i. WME—Lawyer. Fully orguls»< Olcetlon . departaoat. • Office* - oems (I u d 7,over Twin Falls Baak Trnai Co.. Twin Falls, Idaho.

b y B eok

. T f ' F I F T Y ^ v ^ - '• j >MOaE LIKE '

I T - VOU'flC e>OJ)i O F F y

Page 8: iifflir f S H E Hughes CtMis On Sowiei to PUTHTTOPDF . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · '^griooiturol itoUof Bill, AntU S £. ' Beer



P u n / TboGH o a )-A ? t’J t • AFTER All I h e r ^ - i

.......... ‘ ^ A i - ’S O I S ' < ^ '1' . ; " b l o o m s " H t ' s V - '

SOOgriTCHA* f ^

----- f tr rn t j»i, >T

i l lE iS M S Jm m m

. • ■ i i m n i sD ire o fo r o f F e d e ra l E e o la m a - ^

t lo n S e rv ic e T ells o f P ro p o s . vO J ‘ . od L a n d O pening S

, f |a .1 (otti/r a.l4ri(*ro(t 'to U o F. ' ^ Jiroekcn, its departmont rotnmandrr of

• Twin fn lli poaii No. "t Amprican Lo­tion, ^lorrifl lilon, acting director oi € Uio United Stntoi mliinintioii lorvier. Ddviset tbat on September 0, thin year, two hiiadrcd tVTonty-lwo-farms will lie

' opened to' tiomcitoad entry by loldibrr , of tlio World Wnr, on tJio Nortb Platte i , ; / '

•irrlBntion projcct, W.vomlnff, and ono week hiter, Soplcmbnr lOth, 57 farm* iWII lie thrown open’ under-tlic 8 ho- ,iniii sljonc jirdject.in tbe aam« rlato. About

ri-r<-jj)fSfliia nrcinclii<lod;in.the " “ ' , two opl'mnR*. I'oT ■Ixty flnya no- ono „ T'a

Mlilltrn of tbe World War will bo ponnltt«<I /to make filin|;ii on' tbcao.

S '" ',North TltAit Project .1*1^1

A 'lecado o{^ thn laodi iiew'iiiMudcil Qroaii in tho North Platte project w m a chapo vm#t range orcupied.by nomidlc lioril* sbortl of entile, Lut national rce'a,inatlon hH* ti] la «Touj;lit a marvebuf fhnuVe in that ^ ]i Mctiun. Tbe 1nnd*cnpe ik now dotted jp,

. with liunilrod*' o f ' pto«|ierou» form „a | homci, nnd a 'bnnditil thousand aerch , are prndiicint; valuable rrops nf alfalfa,

,. «u{fiir. I'fi'ts. corn.'ftn'd'jMtntoc*s Numi'r- {i ujTtomiH luivo bcoh cntnbllrbed and (|,2t railrouds have oxtended tlielr brnnchen -harii to couneet ,tbo valley wl'h tbo coun- ta ;< .err»t .» W i'U . ,M tj- in |{ hni , buome A profitnbln industry. Iforo tj>)u» $4,500,000 worth' of crop* were ^iindi prodiicotl on'tlio^p'rojort in 1020.

. Sbosliono Project Laads portiiTlio 8 hpahone project,'in tbe-north-

western pari of the ntate; lies in n r«Kidn of great rconlc beauty, and ‘boa a doll^btful nnd liealtbfuUcllmato and fertile soil. Likd the North Plattd poi projer:t it bo« traniiformod t io doaert. to],i ,

■into a thickly populated ond highly producttvo of^icultural Acetlpo. It- is or Hi a fino ( ^ ry country, ban a croamery

■ and alfalfa mcnl tnllll. Tt la dovoted t-.i ,,„it (, )!oncral farming. '

Boldiern who aro intorejtod In the in,me. land nro invited lo invenlipito thd op* pioyir portunitien offered by tbc«c opcninjr^. , •Dotallod Infonnntioii conccrnintf .the „olnt. farms nnd Ibe method of obUinlntf ' thom mav be weurcd'by writinR tn tj«* „„nn

■project Miinncer. 0. 8 ,'R. 8 .. Mitchell, f " NobiVurkn. almtit the North I’latte pro- ject, to-th.- ly'iiii'Pl MnnaRcr. Powell, V I W)-ominK. c-niu-erninu the Bhoshone 'j j opening, or tn the’ lf. 8 . nec'amallon Service. Wnxhlni.'loi., If). C. .

OHILD DEVELOPS MENINGITIS ,Hertba. MorKnti.Jlif ,10-ycar-old Rirl n,„i „

who Ava« injured when throTm from ‘i u,pn liorsi^ iilioiit- len dftvn oi'ii, in Inainc- tlmt' ' irround, ill thr opinl<iti of Dr. W. h\ ,.,i -• Pike ami ronNiiltliii; phyi.icii.nH. Shft i,,’. ,,, Itui nt ti«. time rcrnveri'd ronndouSnpia' j nml diiriiii; tlic pant i;i 'murn bns de-

• velopci HvmptoiiiH of mcninRills, Tbere i„ u„, —"wail nn frnctiire of the-skiill, Imt a ne-

verc <onrii».ii>u „ml nu .iprratinn i« ,i,„( | not imUi'ateil.

Como for rimeral-M r*; W. H. Kicer' and P. li, IN'ttygnivc of Oxford, Noli, arrivi'il on iho trniii toilny in reii»nse ,vniuh to thr lU’Ms of thi' di'nlH of liny .C. iipH, Cole >vhii wnn fli'i-trociited Sunday cvu- Duenj lling. They iirc tin- mother and broth- ,he l,( cr-in-lm.- of.tho .liTcnucd. iiiennt

COMPLETEB OASE TEANBOBIPT.Clarenco 1„ H.uvn., .l.'inily clerk of „f ,|,

the dlnlrii't fmirt. Imn i>rcpnred h'com- vising plots tmnsrripl. i . f the-proceedines in tendn actlom brouiilit . by K. F. Walton nrrldr tgain^i, fonner' mi'iiilHTu' n f the Tivin

• FallK bigliway dintricl. The trnnscript • will be fonvarde.1 imm.-dialely to the

Bupromt' court of Ibe ntnle. Tho action I’'®*"' alleges mltcondiirt in'office-apd wns

.'■•won nil district cipirl diTlslim bv the "pinintlff recently,

SniT OK NOTES. ["i' ”Failure to complete j<iyment - o f

promiMory noles,_the «ri(;i»al vnlne'of . wbieh'Was #2000; is made thr bnsis .,f • a -lawnult inntlti^ed in dlstricj j ’ conrt today'hy II. S. Ilenlr ntiiinst'.l.R Mnntpomcry nnd Murean N. Mont . •• gonierv. The nmounl sued fur is 11000, ,, the remainder having l.ocn ndcnowlcdg- ed-DN paid., , ■

. CAPlTAilZATION XNOBBASED.' The W, ir. \yright A Sons conipany

jcsterdny filod*amended articles of in-corporation with the Tounty rocordcr ]„*hnwln,i an increase of capital atoclt mls«l

, from J.-500,000 to $750,000. ' 'rjln■- »— ------- nnd-1

Ladlea' and mea'a wit*, u d Udler’ panelplain wool eoata ta d d m i « , cleiaed, nhovi

• sde. Idaho Clcftiiari U i Pye r» .-^ T . dc«J

jRBAD THE O L A B am ro^A M ; ‘ Powe



'] I j l K f j LCTCH• ifa M A R R y A I , x ilft

P I:-^^JIL |iS S / If 3 „

■“ »^JpeA ,,PA ^ ] I / j? T .

juRfsincira: BESPiSlilUff

n mCoroner’s Panel Finds Tra

suits from Contact with, sion Wire of Iflaho Powei man Provides Illuminatii eral' Services Thursday 1

Fixing resiwnnibllity up'-n' no one n tonsli jury, impanelled to hoar testimony of lino 1 witnesses in the matter of Uie acciden shone tnl doiilh of Huy C. Cole-on Sunday Fu) evening. Iftst night returned a finding bo co “ that. lieccHspil came to birdoath hy Daird means of an electrical shitck." consli■ ■ T|.e''uT.lict wn* agreed lo by K. II, /"K " HtoVonson, foreman', M. D. Corcoran Oforgo Ayres, W. C.-Illff, L. C. troUH- Twin dile, Willlnm H.'Htnuicy, .!. fl. Stewarl, ' IL I/. DlnKelacker, nnd followed n coroner’s hei»ring romliirtei} by P. J. ^ T J Orossmnn n l the Orossman niortuar;* chapol veatorday. The hearing started . Jf shortly before noon and .'jntlnucd im lil lato in tlio kifternoon.

Although five witaestun were called to tes:\fv mtlc new evldei.ee of mat*' nJ,n, rial worth was adduced nl tho hearing.Tlie only testimony of vulye added to • HJ thu information nlrendy ' yielded - through tho medium of newspnpi'rs wai that given by 0. A. IUien>;, foreman In chargi' of the small compnny of work- , ers of wliieh decedent wns n member at , tlio tim.' of Bimdny’s nrcidenL Colo “ "‘’“I dL'd suddenly shortly after 7 o'clock f®"’ * Kunday evening while preparing lo re- plnce at insulator broken from, a sup- portinjf. jKilf on a high ,transmiisioi. line o:i the southside of Uie Snokc ’ river.. llr i« s an emplove of tbe Itliho Power compnny. ' Tli<

Kndi Eloctrlc Ourront. ' Forenmn Huenx, under examination, ,,

told of prccantlons thnl had'bcei. tak- ‘‘" '“I en to divest the wire t i be repaired f , of electric cuncnt. lie explained thnt "1" orders hnd been’issued to open tlie clr- "J cnit at both ends, nnd wi nn added pre- I'f"** * caution n “ ground" wns formel ’ immediiitely south of Ihe lircak by en- plovment of a chain, thrown over the wire nnd nKached to Ihe Rround nl thnt point. , , , Thi

The foremnil lold of hearing Cole

r an, ns he seir.ed tho broken wire i!)"" Inks up jlaek. He called to B. IT. ^ Pollard, nnother worker in Ihn gang, ' hnd told him' tltot Cole hnd beon In- '"7 "

jured, nuen* ellmbed the pole and f found thnt'ono of Cole’s feet had eome in conlncl nnd was resting on n guy Ton wire. “ 1 nttenipt«d to’ push the foot off the guy wire with uyr- owni foot, -betwc nnd as 1 did sn'T felt n shock. I knew end t Ibcn thnl the wire was (barged and ''“H ' Hint' Cole must have Been •electrociit. keen ed,” IJucn* testified.. Ilo told of go- eut ol Ing down the pole nnd of assisting Po’- ' Vrd in. making the ‘.'ground.” rircuil ^ 9'j « positive. The men drove an iron stake ' >"• in the i:rourid and to this attached tbe »'<>«>■ . “ ground” chain. Ruenz nlfo leslificd thiii be re-cllmhed Ihe polo nnd placed ''®''‘l’' iiCro;.,. nnder tho dead man’s nrmplls, caXling -the rope over the wire to give l'»“.v''' I ’lillnrd- b'vvrnge sufficient to ralse-tbe' weight of tlie victim from the safety belt. When this weight wtis removed Iluenr. cut the l.ell Vltb his knife nnd fhe liodv wns lowered to tbe-ground bv luenns of Ihe rojie. ’

Further U-»tlmnny by Buenr. toM of , iittempl* lo get phvsicians to tbe scene , , ‘ of the trngcdy. .11.^ told nlrn of nd- " 'Z ; vising Moyd- N’orinan,’ siib.stntion nl- , ‘1 tendnnt of tlie power compnnr. nf lh'< • ' ncrldent. ’ ■ .

Olbtr Testimony..Dr. II. N'. I.eele, anotjier wilnen, ex-

plalnM tlmt he had liecn'Vnllcd lo ni- le.iM Oole, but ha.1 found life cxllm't when he nrrivud.; Llnemmi Pollard "■nnl gave (ehtimofty relating lo prccaiitior.- ’J''''*''' nrv mensurcs taken, by the men worl:- ing wU'i Cole, explaining thatMbe vie- •‘“' ‘'r lim ..f Ihe shock haa nssiucd in flxin" the ‘‘inound” chain. Chnrles'Neel.’ " dlntrict -nmnager of the power com [liiny, was on thij itand briefly, and * lolil i)f trouble reported on tbe ciirreni svstein nnd of hnving loented tbe place — of tbe trouble He snld he hnd left Ihe mat-ler in the hnnds of employes fnr 'repnirff ,nnd knew nothing of thi* occldent' to Cole nntil he relumed from IDAI a Irlp to Uie country. Hnyd Normhn-, j,o> of the Third fts’enuf* cnst snb-station, ' XI' lold tb.’ Jury of being cnilcd lo mnko tests during the period «f lim/’ devoted ' to looating the (rouble on ,the lrnn.r mission line. • / • *'*'•

rnie verdift nsNivritlen by the jury nnd-fubKcrlbed to by all nn-mberj Im- No' panel.’.l,Te.ids: We, the jury, In the ing 1 nbove case ftnd deceiwed came to hls, —adi death by'mceos of an electric shocV received .while employed b y ‘the.Idaho DO Power' company in repairing o high phon«



D im e. \ I ( - w a /J T jBROI<E.,) ] Q R B A re t '. y -

m : »ffFORMH-:-..m u M i i .

cou---------- - thii

’ragic .Occurrence Re- th. Charged High Ten,- "J TCr.Ccmpany — Fore- i"' iting Testimony—Fun- IT Morning_ _ L — *. ■ ‘

flnslon insulator in Ihc transmission millao between Twin Falls and tbe Sbo iff, ihono'Fnlls power.plant.” 1

Funerol services for Itay'C. Colo will Ufc>0 conducted by Uic Itev. Charlcc Olenft fnv3aird, rector of tho Church,of 4he A»- nl 1lonslon, at 10 o ’clock tomorrow morn- inng nl tho family residence, 140 Secon.l L.ivcnue iiortlu Burial will bo made In Urnrwin Fnlls ccmotery w ith'P. J.'Oross- nnllinn directing. . ean

— WOl


WEST END TEAM 1:„-------- . liil

JhangoB W in Bo M ado in L ino - ihi' u p w lion B ail O u H it M o o ts I

A ll .S ta rs A gn in J,?-------- «i'i

Tlmt Mwinjiw Jneiil.y cf thp Buhl n f ' latoball club inlenda In strengthen the ineup of bU l«am for tho bout tomor- ■ow night hero wilh the loeal All:8 tnr i earn is indicated In nn nccount of nr- angements n^de for n scries of gamen ^ letween these two teams contained in his wcek'it issue of lho Ruhl nepubli- '

Tlio pajwr. following nnnouneement >: ■fJ«morrow’«'contest, sa>-r: ^on

‘‘Tberejwlll be chnnges mnde in th'i Mel Ineup for. Bubl in an nttempt tn over- gall ome seme of'the weak points. CoojHir last s simply asking to get nnotJier chanrc reti ,t the All-Btnrs, ns ho dcmomtfrated his the ibllity to eleon up>on them on July nnd

when be held them In Ihreo hits nnil W.v luhl wou. 3 to 1. Twin Palls’ only )ver core coming In ou an error ancra wild Hn> brow.” >• , Sim;TTiero hos not yet beon nu offielnl

nnnuncement mado by cither of tho 1' ' “! luhl pnjters that Ihe gnme of lait • 'hursdny wns one of larceny bv the J he locals, but iJie RepubliMn in tl-p ’'|‘' lates tbnt Ibo umpire erred in enlling;"'’'" . bnll foul, this decision sjnrllng tbal^*^" nciils on a runnfng rnmpnge.'Tomorrow nlglit•^ eontesi in tb e - f i r r t ', ' '

i . a series o t l iv e gnmes In be. plave.l .etwee.i Ihe Twin F’nlln nn.V the, weit-v?** nd triinis lo decide tbe dist rift bns-- all eh.•^mpinnshl^ Bubl fans take IVs :een delight In the’ fnet thnl iu two:'^'-' lit of llire'e gnmes plnyed betivren lhi<i air of lorslng'nggregntlons the west; / nd oiiilit hns copiH'd Iwo Idts. one bv.j''^ < m -1 n.unt and Ibe other n-I. On-'^''''' oth (ipeajiinnii Twin I'all!' wn« repre-■ I' i” snted 1.U-II10 field bv n plrkc'd-iii. le.im ‘“th.i omi.o^.-.Uof men wbo hod ,ir;ietlced 'v‘tl iltie. liici-lher. Even Hn- oiilfii Ihntl-^es* lived Huhl lost Tlinrsdny l,iic| not il>' 1 ft^eil more thnn twipc hk uhnle,'ing nd w.'iit into Ihe eonle*t. ivilhrmi llieiimd rtnfld.'iicc ac(|ulreil through exin-rirnce ' a pf 1 teaiii piny. I IngMnr"Iey is exjiecled lo be in llic box I Tlie,

oiunrniiv night wilh Hib’n <ir I'alton .junc nek o( the log.-^Coo|HT. Uuhl'. tlnr.nnd wirier, will oppose Ihe ln' iil ftinger, j furr .-Ilh •' inipson e^teblng. ItmrtTlie poiitesl storls nt fi r,V t,„ k ' nml [mat

Ine innings of play will b.. air, m]i|pd. 1 nnt > ' ' . I wen

BUILDINO PERMITS. | DonPermits In build have b.vo ...... . br.jl'*’'*'

he rilyeletk .lo the folhi.vin- P a lh w !;'" tlemi 8 Koyier. pa-t<.. nf St, Kd-j'^"!fonl'H (Jathollc church, i.viriug re-^. ’ nodding of Ihc seeond flm.r r.i' a resi-' lenre nt W i fV-’enn'l ^ ''" ''i'' ■■.'i-it.; to ' T lulependent School dlMri.-!, \n , ], fnr'i"H onFlniclinn of n H'> bv (h: |-„„i |,nrni->2A m the .Lincoln nthlrti,- Th? ed 1'orracNpermit U fur J l : ’.’, an .i Hi,- In:-1 meeer $10.10. Ithe

.. > — ',!e.l 1 • L ‘ Mni

• A M D S E K re N T S . . S i ,________________________________ ^' tn (:DAUO-‘‘Tlie Llm.- h'„„p’ f,nm tho

' aVriJ;.... »‘i'3m ’IIKr.M->‘,()iii-ir!,. Dn I,a«-” ,n 'l0 .

reel feature, n m,,,.- „f VrancU- Mril co; all-star cast. „nt

I —----- . JosINow’s Ihe ehnnre tn i,vi real elean Chn

ng valnei for sri rcnl«, i'hone 216W In ( -adv. > ' • o f

--------------------------: . . • CoKDO ^OU.need # ta iit Csli Bob. The

ihone 74.—idr. - . .-v- -r-.

[ i s ; . I D A H O ' . - W E D N E g D A I

I PALSC h e e r Up ARTl i l y ' s P L £ ^ tv J . C Ie

,M i» £ F i s h r / s S ^ g ,

' - r .' Ill I '

E isim iB - nlOIROi'SDOlFIILL

B u b l F a r m H a n d S p e n d s U o re T h a n In c o m e — Ibbqos : ■ W orthloBB C h eck s . \

Xollowing confession irt tbo probnto | court Luther Brown, a farm hand, waa , this morning bound ovor to tho dis­trict court for trial on chnrgo of having 1 uttered A' iictltloua check. Ho was ar­rested .veaterday a t Buhl.

Brown, /ollowing n aeit, admitted to • .ludge 0. P. Duvall of the ptobajio court. , Hint ho hod lasuod tho check, and add- ^ eil Ihnl on a fannlinnd’a salary of 150 s : per monUi ho could not mnko coda ^(<0 meet. Ills bonda wore fixed a t $1,000, fMi nnd when ho failed lo furnish tbo torn omnunt the eouVt remaDded tho defend- oro nnl lo tho custody of tho county sher* rent iff, K. B. Shorman. '

The check >tblch cauMd arieat of 1q t Brown wna written rccontly a t Buhl in |,o;i fnvor nf tho Idaho MorcanUlo compnny nl Huhl nnd wna for $50. I t wna drawn in fnvor of H. W. Wiley nnd signed .L. A. Mnrtin. Claiming to bo Wiloy,' _ Brown cashed tho check, nnd In expla- f Z niilion lold Manager Laird of the Mer- - I ennllle company that he had been X working for Martin, wbo wns n farmer ^ ne.ir Cnstleford.

Yesterday Judge Duvall transacted ‘flj buKlness connoetod with tho juvcnil? j|rs, iliymrtmcnl of',Ida court in Buhl, wbile (|on he was av '^Ulog arriva lof hia car to ’ briug bim.liaek to Twin Falla Maaagor Yt bilril provided information concerning of 1 the check, thia infonnalion reauUing Twii in Brown's arrest. On tho way to Twin Pnlls Brown is repeated to have explain- Oc [>d tbnt bo liked to “ rido with the Oon! jlrls considerable, itnd that It took a lot Palb nf m»»ey for ta il, hire.”

, Bl

3.ocial.]^{oie5| Z^ -------------------------- :___ _ " ) -'aff-

Phone 82■ - . 0 ]

Members and former m ejibertof the i>„t, lonng Men’s bifite class of the First „i,|, (ifethailii,l church lo tho number of 30 lathered iji tho parlors of Ibe church :nst evening nt a rounioit banqnel. Tho H returned member* were welcomed b^ \V. Ihe president of the claim, Krie .Tones, letu md the response was mndo by Elmer weel lV.vla*jl. Interspersed belween course* ivere sl.iTt Inlks by Mrs. Marshall Uri.wiie, leiiMer of the c la« ; Hiul'Corl- K. I um; Ibj Bev. E, U While, E. L. Ash- jo''" :on and ns a closing number a class iroph'-n- by Earl Jones. Mimic for Fnll; :he evening eonslslcd of i|narlct celec- •Inna bv Karl Ludwig, tV d Beer, Lvall Doll.in and Frank Beer, nUo a clorinet W"! icdo Ijv Lyall Bolton neeompanled i.v ‘'"X

Kteannr Finch. Those present conn vere Krle Jnnes, Lynll Bollon. I'rnuk ninl leer, Klmer Van Oildcr, Wllnier Os'•orn, I’lml Carlson, Fred Beer, Oeorge » Inker. iCorvln Cnrlsnn, Kuner Wylnnd,•;iirl Ludwig,'Alfred Herron. Clifford lice, Mr. nnd Mrs..Marshnll K. Browne.

.\»bton nud tbe Rev. K. L, White, .''ear _____ .Peal

The True Blue club met on tbo lawn „ if the II. C. Hehado home nl 4.’>R Tliird , „ ivenue east on Mondny ovenlng, com- .f ' ilimcnling> ono of their number. Dor- . j. ilhv Jeasee who expects to leave soon vltb her parents, Mt. nnd Mrs. J . W. lessee, for California, whoro tho fam- • ly home ■will be eatabllBhcd. Tlio oven- £, ng wns delightfully spent lu games ,,,, 1 nd the honor guest was presented wilh i paeknge of letters, each mcmbpr mnk- i-_ |. ng n contribution to the collection. • riiey were, neeompanled with tbe in- unction lhat each waa to bo opened nml lUd road on tho. dnle indlented. Ibus t„ | urnishing n daily reminder,to tho de- fi„i„ lartcd mernlier of tho regard of ber natos^ Hefrephniems closed the plons- M ,nt a ffa lrr ' Tho .wcmbers attending "‘'O rero ALimedn Avant, Dalin) Bockwitr,, ^orir )orotby Bnrger, Horenco Cfor.ler, Dor- Fall: .thv Jcsse^ Oraco Scha<lc, Mlblred .earner, Kvdvn Bolst, Elimbetb Miller, md their Sundnv school .teacher, Mrs,

• I’"' -*- , ■ ! S

Tlie Pan-liellcnlc met Mondnv' even- ng nt the home of Mrs. L'K. Joslyn nl oi ■20 ?:ighth avenue cist. In what prov- d fu be onn t f tho most Intcrenllng rieetingji of the loclety. A sumninr)- of he work nf cach sororily was'present- d by individual.members. Mrs. J . F. dnrlin spoko of the Kn]ipa Kappa i.immn; Mn. Alle© Crozler of Ihe Tri pj^j, )elln| Miiis Marjorie flmilh of lho Del- e ... a Onmma'; Mrs. Frederick E. Snook, be president, spoko for' thoso- j»ho«e •eptiwnlatlves were abBcnt, tho Pi 3 . tela Ph!,-Phcln Omlcron Pl. and Phi (,„ti )megn: Mrs. Plko, Oftmma Phi Betrt; 1 klrs.,Wnvne Johnson, . Phi .Mu; Mrs. tiril. Wnyne Johnson, Phi Mu; Mrs. M. rrt, Jntley. Hlgmn Alpb^ Iota: Mf*- L ^ jour loslvn. Phi Beta Kappa; Miss Gladys (hoj 'hnnnel. spoko of “ The Pan-Hellenic jm n roJlctP'^'.nnd .MiH Maxine. BUllngs Mra if "Co-operation Between Alumnae and ing 'oKega SOroritfes in Pan Hellunie.’’ rite Pan Hellenic haa not snspeodNl its H ■egubir meeting* dortng.' itl»a^.-wam W. •

AY. JULY 27,1921 'B 7 O U F? 5 IBBBBIT

, ' Copyright, 1021 by Newfpaper


S' '

jq y -2 t-

---------------------------- — --------- —• norlb

'Daifs Weatherh Marked B y {S

VpwardMovea j;”,;' sign*.

REHSION upward ‘marked plungIhe lenduucy of tho mer- n poViry yesterday, with the By a

tup two degrees af-.ead of that whenIhe day before, and tho low laat rond

night seven dogrooj ,abovf fhflt (hfovi of Monday nighL

Tucsilay't high ww 84, w|iUo SOOI the nocturnal ' further point wns 50. '

The weather mun auppoica WA wc '11 hnvo fair weather tonight «and IHiursday. er wn

------------------ ---------- i Presic_ - ■ ■ --------resenlweather as .moat organltationa Iiavo, poHtiifaeliog thot it i i noeem ry to keep in eludcctouch with the younger membeni who Basilaro home for vacations and to |>o in Inborreadincs) to welcomo tho many who preildcome ns membors of tho toaehinff staff tionIn,the public schools in tho fall. The amnei hoilcss served refrcsbmenlB nt the closi' of tbe meeting. About 24 mem* pLj bort were prcsenL

' ~ " .....~ of n.j! ] here jJ o c a l R r e v i i i o j

to la‘Birth—Born on July 20 to>Mr. ami' ""ll I

Mrs. Ii<mis Knocke of South Park nddl- , lion, a boy!

VudaipM l CoUs—Bay Vanderpoul i_ , )f H.insen wns a busine'as visitor iu rwin FiJls Tuesday. . •

Coma from Ha*elton-Mr. and Mrs.!?iirdi)n .Alien of Hazolton wero Twin falls vultors yestarday.

•, ' • flo foBirtii—Born to Mr. and Mr*. 0..B ,

llelfrecht of Ninth avenue nortb, a c-b s ion, \yediiesdny, July 27. ■ y—

Stockilagenr Calla—Judge C. 0 . 'Stock- |ilager of Shoshono was a visitor at Ihc Voral probate department yesterday.^ ■

' (K joOn 'BuBlDesa—Thomas B. Hoskot of

llolse ir in town on bualn'’ss eonnocted FO)with Ihe nf&ir* of a company ho rep- houaD lesenU.

HfTO Bmd In Park-M r. and ^trs. C :_LW. H. Prlehe of Seventh avenue (twl. \T0]leturneil Monday .evening, from a Sprio;iveek’-i sojniirn in Yellowstone park. Soptei

For Medical Oaro-Mr. nnd Mrs. A.K. Pettygrove of Hansen were in town m loday vllh their soo, Allred, who is linvlng iiii'dleal treatment al Ihe Twin Wo Fnlls fliiiic.' , nny fl

Viiltor from South-Miss Helen Iu VVntls Ilf Citmdon, Ark., nrrlved Sun- nrofll Isy foe an extended vlrit with her •oiiniii, Mrs.*Wn1ler (Jascy of Ihc Colo- "cl tiinl .inarlmenls. . jiyj,

Ho no trom O o 'u t-M i.. Mllilrcl J KnnwK’t. has returned from Vancouver, „ rtnfh.. whoro she haa been, nttending jesigi I'rovMeiiri’ academy for tbn lost two jj(^ wars, nnd is Ihe guest of Mrs. Peter KJmbi [>enyio-i. , . _

Mrs. LaBar in Eoaplt&I—Mrs. Burr f ----IjiBar of Shoshone F a lk is a flallent :in tbe eountv gencitil hnspitnl. Mr. TLuUar « engaged by the Phoenix IHil | .ties enmpnnv In tbe eonstruetion Work)i>w piluu forward al Shoshone' fnllx. - _

Enioylng Visit—Mr. and Mrs. Hob- U •rt >l.-Biide of 72(1 Beeond nveuuo wef/. - ire enji.ying a visit of Mr. nnd Mrs. = r. K. hiiinlley nnd twn sons, of Bound-1)’. Mont. They mnde tb3 trip by "auto h. rnftilnu' by wny of •YollowsUine park ind expert .lo return'homo by tbe Pnrk jjj 'o r«r*c highway, visiting fJliiHer.N'n- k,.lioual pnrk. • f,!.

Making Short C ^ M . W. Bennett. -'J' -on of Ihe Rev. nnd Mr?. A. 0 . Bennetl, " rormerh* located here, reochcd rPwip H" Pa|i»'l.)(lnv from Moscowiwbore ho hns J-n lieeii' tnking a course oY sjiecial voc? , l>" llonnl inslnictlon since .January. -Tli" uiung mym will n-maln here several lavs vMling, nnd will then gn to Great 0 Pnllf, Mont.. for n visit with his pnr i-nts. . ' ‘ ,

On Fiahln* Trip-Jam cs 8 . Bussell, nf the Twin Falls Rank 4 Trust coni- pnnv. with his brother, -J. L. Bussell, PE and T. D. J'iiber of Seymour. Texas, 0 left .this morning for Ihc Shoshone Ra- sin'where they will spend severnl dnys fishing. Messrs. J . L. Bussell and Fisher reached Twin Fnlls bv automo- . • bile Mondny for a short slop. Tliey nr'f motoring to California. . '

Ban into Slona—Mr. and Mrs. A. ■ nulhert of Third avenue nsrlb -ri’luru- eil Mondav from n Uiree weeks’’ visit „,i with Mr*. W. Williams, nec Lena » k - crl, nt flrnnd Junction, Colorado. The- ;= journey was mado hy nutomoblle and _ thoy enconnlercd a eloudburat in south- v l em Iltah^on tho roturn tri^. .Jfr. nnd Mra Donald MeLcan were tholr trax-el- lug coapanlona. . ^

Had Exdtin* Trijv-Mr. ’and Mrt W .-0 .^ ^ ith of n o -Second’ arennu

. -. K .■ ' ■ -

ar F o a t^ ’',to rlca , '■ ^


I M / BAl-TM

c/A — •

rth and Mrs. J . E. Hiil-of .135 Sefc- d avenue norll| returned lost evening im Yollowstorie park, whoro they vo upent thb past week. They ro- . rt having been held up !n ji traffic ~ n on one of Ihe park ronds duo lo n relcjs driver trj'ing lo read rond :nv wbile driving, and as n result inglng over . Ihe edge of <ho grade ti. point ..auveral hundrdd Xecl bobw.■ a mlrnelo no ono wiyi injured, nndI'en tho car l*d been restored lo thu W id ngnin it wna foand to havo'eoms ▼/ 'bu/'h without rerlaut result*. /


\VASHINaT0N, (ff>) - Another plea■ release of E ^ n o V. Dcbs'and oth- war timo priionora ^ 'ai presented to '. esident Harding by a dolegatlon rop- «ntlng tho .Boeialist 'party, and tho litical nmnosty committee, whieh in* ded a M. CaaUrton, Deba’ attorney, * sll Mnnly, former,head o£,lli6 war ior board, and William’ H. Johnston', ’ildent of tho International Auoela-n of Mnchinistr, repreaenUng tho nesly BO,mmlltce.

?LAYOE6 uND8 w in e o b o p e .i‘AHIS^As the result ot tha succes* n demonstration playground sot up •e ft jea r ago by tho Ameriean Ju- ir Red Cross, France hns now n half • r/in playgrounds of the ■ American , le nnd Iho Red Crost hna been nsked laiinrb Uio-movement in Belgium

1 Itnly, which it will do at Cliarleroi I riorence, the 'centers to bo taken 'r bv native ngonrics as soon as thov > in- s,atl84actory o]ieraiion.

^prlcota nre coming in. An^ grade 1 want, lOe io ISe per pound. Rasp- Ties abotit gone, a fow at $3.50 per ite. Ed Vaaeo, Publie Market.—odv

:oU 816W u d haTo your auit eleaa* for GO eeata. Idaho Cleanera and

Q l d j j i f i e d : ,

0 0 LATE FOB o i j w s i n o A r o i n

?QJl ' BENT—F iv e / room modom jaD with gnrnge', tfft'o blocks from,^ and three from 8 l)^ono . Phono

?0R .'ItENT-Cottiafli! j?* WnrnI rings cYock from AugusnjO. until itember 1. Address Mra. C. J. iroeder, Fijer, Idnho,


iVo.bavo cut (lur prices lowor,than r firm in the Pncifie Northwcal.' And oro giving our customers tho bene- of .ill dtiilers nnd rommlsslon men’s

ifll. 'Our' slock is 05 .per cent home - iwn, fresh dug in spring (not, stored cellnra during winter, losing vltol- ). Do not dti general planting In 1, a; wo KNOW It tn be a failure in - s ollltude. Wo Invjlc you.to vlsll '- nuracrles. Profesglonal .laodscaiw ligner nt your command, n free scrv- . Catalogue, romly September 1st, tnboTly Nuracrics, .Kimberly, Idnho.

THURSDAY’S Drug S pedals T♦••i.no uillellc Razor .....__ UeOH. H. K.;............ ........ 11.00, IL7B . ^Hloan’s Liniment.... 30c.,60c, IL20 Hill’s Liverelts,... 2fic, 60c, $1.00 Anii-I.’rir nheumntismJ{cm,81J50Llipild Veneer..... iZBc. 60c, $L0() •.Mariuello Lctture (;rcnm..r., -60C Ilnlr Nets Ifie; " for ZScllnrrict Hubbard Xycr's 'Creams......1.................76c, $LMllnrden’s Malted Milk ....... ........ -......... 120, B3C, »3.1B


\ fnll line of-Purity Brand Bpiccs.



A full lino of all siren. Fin-. - Ishing by experts..

With each r.ic enlnrjemenl Qnc free.

' •'Mnirorders dnTed .luly 2.S fill­ed nl sale prices.


Phoaa 60 IS5 Main Ara. B.

■ . M