VOL. 2. TFcxxf.—It la anaaying to all silicon/ .._ •.!.-» ...... .. I ..... I.I l/fiC. 1>MX>. Democrats that yoa should l#f p ton King in tin; Offitiu of Colhv :tqr it Now York, and Hannibal v Hninlm in the same oftWat Boston. ' President.—They must Hupport my Policy or walk tho plank! Florence.—Your Polioy has mado - King crauy, and HamHrris dead against it. The best thing you can do for both it and the Democratic t F*rty» ^ to ro- mbvc them from Office immediately. President.—Seward and Thurlow Weed would object to my doing that. Pendleton.—You should discard their < advieTand listen to Democrats of real courage; Such as were not airaid to Democrat in lail4 r If Lincoln should be eleotod President, some noble Bru- tus would piece his heart with daggor point, for the] PnWto Good. Lincoln was elected and his heart was pot pierced, out his brain, was, by a oistol ballfiredby an Agatnt' o f God: I am, therifbre, a Propfc*, «i ! wollaa your friend, Mr. Praside»t; .Jtottata&w-Yoa are * brave etaan.. i , ,i .... .. II. • yj**»e«»«*# thy l«a<l, I novcr bated tb.ee; I have seen thee fight, Wren I haV* varyled tbtf behAvlor 1 . 8 - 1 I PMrurov.—'Yew 1 ouetht tb< panion President, Da via.' t#:-.~r •.»i • r • .•/ . Woofk-r~., \ „ ,!,„: ..• i f: , I <;)1 :i "The, uclilust muxd he carries, ; ( • thatfcvergoverned man. ' VhltAndiffhain^Mto tru<rr ( fjatriot er<r HVIMI. '"» ' «V.w' ; - ,,A > " i,t Pendleton—Ilia D«moeraqy wa» ntrv er. douhtedv,, , ,,,„,, ., ..,, v., \. sbtoaldbc. Bui; all shall'be made ait. jHtaetory to inyi Dbmoeratm friend". I Myfi.rIiieomiuKMeasage will be ri«ht, itflatfljaaj*, ftu^ ^Tfoa^Sfre. vens hang their under jaws. Wood. I hope 'it wilt mate them >«»<-about ymi. That would lm an anapieiOua HI^H lor the Detuooraoy. President.—" I am even poor, m thank*t" bat, Xrtwknkd.yoniatn^rely for tho kindness you have manifested ,,pn, ,|bi*, l f)ooaaipn t , 1 ,I„wiU hWk ,.$»] "human nature is human, nature;" and ooran. ;rlll'jfll)S nv |Kxe.Vitt, &AME.•AOT. J .:v-.f.-.iuw ) ' & u.ft ,..i. t,. „( Sinter r*re«l<iont and a Colored Delegation, headed by Fred. Douglass and George T. Jlowjiiu*. ,,oii,l I i,..' •,-.>,'\ #tmn*M<rrW», ryaMOtftlly »nb»it that yon use your inlluemw in t'avm; ol •i \ tend tug tho Klevtive' I'VanehiHe to 'Colored'People here, :ffl^M£TOe«Hbt. and throughout tho land. They have fon*«M&PM, UWo« andfcVeworthy uf it: <d." 'I >'"i"' :;rtilui»d n'tli ' Douglass.—Mr. i Prasident 4 wo are Mot.here to enlighten ynw. I will only ].! deuce you are plaoed in a position where yWhavftfho potfor'to Wave or destroy us; to bless or blast us. I nn.nii tin. whole Golored Ua«:«\ " ,. i* /HI n-tthi.' .**"nti*fe»dw(ul,i ,., - lint an luy|slble Instinct should (ratnq tlieiu ro'uojTalty unteameA; nohoruntaugni 1 * tHvailtyakit seen from others (Valor, , KrrtmK^^ ,but ** c ^ Preaident.—Tho Colored Man wefnt Into tho Ke.bolli.m a Slave ; by the Ko bellioli lie, name out a l<Yi'i)iluiiiil, equal to a Pijecn^au iu any other portion of the country. . But. he shoula not vote, beeauso it wd'itld' breed a'War" of Ita- coin I have been the Colored Man's Moses, and lod him from Bondage to Kivi'diuu. , I h»vo owi>e<l $ia,ve*. JRv^ i.ha.Y.e periled for tlwe Colored Kaeo, my means, my time, and my all. I n^ust, tfoweveT, saytfroy oannot yote unless the People so determine J>ouoleu».—'Tbe 11-esideiU sends us to tho People and wo go to the Peo- ple ; "0, that mv tongue were in tho thunder's mouth ! Then, with a passion, would 1 shake the world I" Downing. «•» "Courage and comfort, all shall yet go well." # ^ THE CORTLAND COUNTY STANDARD.-TPESDAY. JULY 21, iessage ry II i s tost able document-. .It [Stausbury reads H.l will [Exeunt Colored Delegation.] Tne "'"' ay . care I They are becoming more odh l\eai<tent. [to himseif.J-r-The tfig- gera may go to the Devil, for all I OIIH lo mo than 'I'lciison I If 1 pos- sessed tho power Pd send them and the Ilopubhoau Party to Africa. [Exit. SAME ACT. v «re>w 8.—ikltne^km, Rib. 10, I860. Kiiti* President and Virginia Delegation of Keeoustructed Hqbels, headed bj John B- Italdwlu, who reads BesOlutlons pasted t.v Hie IteU-ls in IM Virginia LegUatore. lVt*ident.~-l anv gratified with your complimentary lloaolntions and patri- oticsoutiments! Thoy touch my heart. I tender you my thanks for tins visit Now that IM 'attempt to destroy this Uhion has failed, at one undo/the line, I trust we shall go oa determined to preserve.the Union.fin its ofiffatf pu- rity," against all opposera. •'.'./ Delegate. \ Aside. I I've killed over a dozen V in Iks; but give mo a oh'a'noe,Tll kill aa many mo¥e. v Me&ftMW.-^Mf. President, this Uyal I felei/ut ion of Ueeoustrimted Southern i (lent lemon eordially appro vo of your remarks to us. We think you ace a sound D e m o c r a t J •Jtf jHkdatJ. fAside.]—Her© are the implements, [showing- n Pistol and Hewio-knife,] that will bring tho Yanks , to terms when we get b»0>7D,tO Con- gress. 4th Delegate. [Aside 1—Here's an- other «VI»»« for SirmnterVnead. [show- ing a liiokory club. I Hut, we'll seem to'be deconstructed, till .WO. got into Congress; then we'll Reconstruct the Northi Of have another war!, 'Sin Dettgab'. [Aside.}—Northern Democrats gave us aid and com fort during the war, and they'll remain our friends; for they are more degraded than we are/and waM't our company. Beeidca. we've become (Honda of John- son, and thus prove that •AafJ^iery aoqualats a man wlUt Strang? bed- ' IWnident. -I thank you' gentlemen, for the compliineiit you've paid me; * and I respond most cordially to all ' that baa been said in yowr Resolutions and Address. I trust the time will soon come "when we can meet under more favorable auspices than, we do ,nqw, > ', I cannot now do as I would by you; for a Republican Congress la. in the wfcK ' Bnt; tfiit will Vfotoi be amtmg the' things that were. I again > thartk yOwimoat eordially fostheopm- ., pliiuont you havo, paid ««• Ifi^fl^*! 'sAHfiTA^' ^ V 1 Hceh*"l'-M»l« pforti, ftb. in,-Wwf. f»n. g p f Ih^Mlent likft'StateMM o/elhio.' Stanittmri/.—I have written a Mes- sage for you, Vetoing the Kroedmou's Bureau JiiiJ. I T is fiemocratlo to the „„()ore,„4'v)( put, in such hard blows against the Republican* they won't) dare attempt to paaa another bill on »' 'MWiabjeot. '-••". j «, i'.u. > >'TwlUaMAe,th«a) ,„f, 8tamp,.rave, and fret, and we^lO aftf net me right w^th the Deraoorati* Par- ty, [lfesi^ns it and sends• it trf the Innate by his Private Secretary.] Now Stansbury, "Thy charge Exaetly Is perfcrmed; bu»*ere^ more work:" I must haye more Veto Messages. Stansbury.—Goodt I'll prepare them. "Ami thunder to this Congress, fearful words." -,— [Kzeunt. ACT XV. Scene 1.—Steps of the President's euee, iwhO iiiadshCtomiu%fctpr;S<8olu* SrirStt ^rS»™ crowd, mostly Oopperbtads ami Rebels, in front..,. , . ,-.,..,,, I 1 Ptif^leni^-lifivim aa'i'k^ood, are alt lei 1 looa*!- i f f frtenday The! Resolutions^ aa I understand them, aro compbmentary,. of the Policy which has beep adopted and purenedby the Administration since it came into pow- er. I am free'to say to' you it"b''ex« troiuely gratifying to mo to know so r gfi Jh i portion of «»y felU)Wj9W«ens •ptrfcfflrf lW ^ WW<V 5*! NVho lias Hiifteml mote than I hate? 1 ask the. question.- [Laughter. I t There has been a great deal said about the Exorcise of the Pardoning Power by mo. 1 ' But, no one has labor, ed harder tbh.i I have to bring offlimb era to Justice and vindicate thWt IVea- w? |»- w .t^S 6 -, 2 t^ai^^'«>if- TLwhtfnWr \' ' '" " :J, •*••••»••« •! 1 / There are Northoru Men who are opposed to the Union. .-.»,, Wo o v t I T^IIUII JT.JJ T President. The Gentleman calls for three 1 names of men who are laboring Is -AWw*^ i P?i x e /swp> wk •** Tha'udeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania 1 1 say CharbM'Shmnor, of Mkskatilm- settit V say Wendell Phillip*,' of Boston!- They am Traitors t . jtnhh )»An<|, noflspafejtflf^artki: shall *aujd«j our . % great hates.!" ,, . . JjS» SiSpo^SSl • -A, JiebeL+~*H&\\£» thoee'TwdDors, ,.;4Wti*r M&TrMihr I ,.u ,HOIII .! , "O Inirii tliem, burn them, hanging Is tod ( -^eod/tf: -m.'v ;IM. •••i.i-"*;iJ[Gfceer»| •, ;...•! Jifpwblictm. [A»ldo.}m>u- <• I'le-.j f.Mohnsen's faewJilpjrtawf-like, uanhMurlng, Made Impudent with use of evil deeds.", ',^4' Copperhecut4-lf6w , about. For* . n »y_r-nr^TTJw. A<K, { ,...„ •President. 1 do not waale my fire Ctrl Dead Duoks! I Applause by tho DUipyai q~wd»^%n B >-4Wj.f»'r** Kle1fp3ra»S meht will prostrate ail'my enemies! niiii-u | Rebel voices: "That's so!" | I have occupied many positions in tho (iovernment, going through both bfanoheM'of tho Legislature f atarting byi being Aiderman of a Village; and DOW I i a » l > W«Wftpb !'••:• 10 -l.li-i i PrestdenU—Some gentleman says I wsi a Tan«f; Nbw'Wat" dOH^ r a8ebt trie in the least. When I was a Tailor I always made a close lit. |(liios i VRulby for you,"] „:, i , ,„, / ; ,i , President."Few know of life's benlnnlngar-jnen behold The gent achieved:'' A Rebel.*- < "They sec not Uie*ftUlAil dreams that crowd A bad niau's pillow." /Vmqfe»»fr—Accept my thanks for the indulgence you have given me in my extemporaneous remarks. | Immense cheering by Copperheads and Rebels.] Lewis V. i/ojry.--*[Copperhuad and robe).: from Missouri. | "Now 1* the whiter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this Preslumlt; And ail the clouds that lowcr'U upon our : "aW cause. In the deep bosOm of the ocean bufied." [Three choors and a tiger by'tbe traitors in the crowd.] 1st ltf,))iil>lie<in.—We're caught with another Fillmore, 2d Republican,—-Worse than tha,t; wo have a second Tyler. Johnson's digression'is'sd vile, so base, That It will IIvo engraven<in hte face: i Xd Republican.— I Lincoln I llioushimld'stlHillvbiKattltUlioiir; Tho country hath need of thee. *' [Exeunt ..(• SAME ACT., . . ... ' ' Scene ft— President's ffouse, Jlbrwt- **.*?>3m •-,... mji ,,.-• Rnter President, Bogy, Rebel Ocucnil Piclc- ' ett, Senators Oavis and Sanlsliury. ,: D«wis.-^Hr. President: ; Y«ur Bpeecb last night waadireetly |sj the purpose ami exceedingly able. , \„., " |a, better speech ^as nev«yr apok,e be^pre."' onHne^n&UcWfoS TheK ily congratulate you foMt. Thh coun- try is how sale in your hands. n. lloi/j/Arl iH-longtothe real Denioiv racv ol the.«>un^ry, l whoihave ) /i)wa i ys denied the right of the Federal C|ov- ornment to wage war against! a : Sover- eign State. Anrt I thank the Presi- dent for his return to tho ..Democratic fold. M ... . i ! . „ Pfpsjdefii.—I hav,°, ,fflW>red.,inuoh from misrepresentation ai well as ft* the Union. I tut I Mirtll go ahead until I have put down .Stevens and Humuer and. OYerj,, other I Udieal in. Congress. j[ shall liy, them out on tho ground, where governments in the Southern State* have been. ' ' . i /¥u*e«L--*fA»ldel] i While tho Ismp holds out to burn, it- The wowt reiuyadumay retiuu. . . [Enter a Mettaenger.] , IWsith-nt. . ..i !•. -I.-I.;.,i j "The business of this mail looks out Of Mexsmyer. I have an important tel- egram for the President President—[Takes th.e telegram and rcada]—.. . , { , " AsToa HOTISX N. Y... February to, Idea. To tho President : Your speech hut night was published in tho Times this morning.<' It 1 is' a complete vindioa . tton of your polioy. It is triumphant 1, We had » great moating, h$n lait night I demonstrated the wisdom of ' your polioy to the great chagrin of the Radicals. 1 1 showed wo hate H6 stars on tho tag, and SO States ia the Union, whether Congixw bo willing or not. ' ..iTIT,. i..TTTinilH.WWAIB|X. i Salisbury.- I>o you think Stiward ^m^l/. #u»narU ypnr policyt , Prestdent.—I do; he, has agreed with mo upon it from tho beginninir. > "He Is " ematani as the northern star." ,, • >• Davis.~l fear he is only laboring to retain thv office of Secretary of State. You should remember ho has always boon an Abolitionist. " President.—11e cannot cheat mo. < " I have eyes opon him, , Andbto affairs oomoto we on the wind." .. He must keep step to the must! policy, Of his official head will'gO Sauisbary.—Democrats will never W e him; ,JMe has rang his tittle bell too otten and sent too many of therh to J&rt Lafayette t *"". Davis.—I think he is a mean cuss I Stnd«bury.—l say the same of Stan- ton, Bogy.—T\vm is tho \$byl Hko and. tho company I'loSrel'-Wb shall now* haye the Constitution as it is, tho Un- ion as it was, and the niggers ag they were. Davis and Satdsbury.—[Speaking together.] That's the doctrine to D*s»aoa»ai*.i>«auM*tt. KINNEY, E.lltor. Cortland, Tuesday, July 21; 1868. . r=» OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY Bepublioau Union Nominations. ^Wi propose to'roove upeh your works Immediately." i FOR PKBSIOBNT, )r;\ iik you for the comi Wmfw* yHfir) Xtoi) pllmo.it, "\t rortilrte seryes me' I'll rcpiiU, this klml • ;i* tMsVlair : II.»0 fbnoiaJ Knum ' t | Exeunt Davis, Hautobury and Itogy. : ..f.>vel^^ r ;nW|klPWfXS"')/ eui. H ' Mrs, Secession:--1 heard, so many fa^orabte ropiirt* of jtA tbak I fleft the 1 and of Dix ie and am here to pay my roHpoetH to you.' I arrived lust Kight just in XmO'lA hoar, yQur,,mppt oloiju^t,, | flnd : adniirahh} epeeoh, I was more, ejatedby, it" ^hnn .1 6ver have beeiPby anything bis*Ih'Vhy life. This is saying a great deal for the world I renowned ofisprlng of John V. son's rresiaency. io'wW*"w1th tnfs'governmenti<*Md throe hundred thousand of thefalikaTe been slaiu. Hut I have enough, left t<» gnttifyhig: « you* will ti<* : Walght fiirward. with your most judicious.pol* icy, my children .(who.aTO, AII, Pq»,o» and 1 WV 'bbndreW •Si J ^*«HW»«ft»» theW niggert' ilndi'drrVe a*' Union tu. naticB.out Of tho Southern States, t nm.iwfb^,tojnd,, m<>tte,to> mm* Mm.' ; YoW'matfnaWmit'y'Wd'tKo'Wc^ collection of the' deeds of Tyler,. Fill- •.more, Piereu landi Rnohananfiapaennne od to destroy the.Union. . . , .. ii ;i~ ~>"> 7».ie Tb'^'ii an: lnv »Utt! »h»atiifchne , htitW4^TiwW«JBl i niir M Uusttpersbftbilt-tteeds.".., :I . • • ID.t , President.—1 am pleased to seo you. 11 have a<«i*ond«d oyer,»Jutw, J became IJf^WWfe^wfAa^iWft"^ toJ he tfmon.iuid.thnt all your children would 'rJoWl^'W'W WTVUMM paWlotl thentan'd restore them 4o now- en. .I*iuctu-oIy thank/you for.th.f.liigh lwmoiwv|p,u ) bavO)4wRfi me hyjea)i»g od sufficiently, by the war. tO make u$ w r a'r^ l frietias , n16wi' , ' •"*•»« w • 'vMft!'i8l*!iajfoMi'* 4 -We'«liall-ocrtaiidy bo tho best i of feieilds it iyo*k adheve to-ypux reajjpiratjpf 'Pjojioy, i , . ;() ,lS;mdent.-r~,l assure you I shall slst WWttio'nttt'-for^ huvcJ' "Amlhd nbi wWeh&giWf'by lilace or a. J; t l m t . " ' ->.n l O l s i l /(l.i'»i.l/»| l.l.w). : Jfrs. :Se*4sfion,rrri /thank, ypp ; for y^r franKv e ^nI%i R^PT,,' 9 th »t you may succeed. , '• *•"» •"••"'•"-•- -"- [Ejicrint. to' B^'tOJTttN'Uteb. : ' ••••• Oil , O f Onondaga. lper« Tbe domination. ' ThefcelePrtnWiIroBi' l FeW ¥ * f k W notinoing the* nomination Of Governor Seymour as tho Democratic *iul Con- servative candidate for tho next Pres- idency which,was spread before the tmbllo exclusively in an extra Repub- lican yesterday afternoon, created con- siderable oVoitoment, whilo a groat deal of surprise wA* oppressed in all p^rclefV,, T^e genera^ * » W W tl ? n of the public was that. the, bitter contest bad been narrowed down to Chase, Hancock and Hendricks. While it would be useless to doiiy that Pomllc ton was.by far themoat Mpuhvsoandi- ;da.to, with, the people, or CJoqrgAa, ; and in fact with those of tho entire South, yet by the sensible, fa'r'-seciiig, and dW creet portion of the'people, he was not regarded I as a safe or available candidate. No one felt willing insucli a momentous crisis as the present to risk defeat upon a candidate who could vbiit little actual's really shbw 1 strength. Still, men who realized that it. was of the 4V08tiyi,tal 1 imj^sWnW,(°Jt a « a »dt- dato to be chosen who, could weaken tho enemy,'were filled wlth'tfeeh dis- appointment at'tae l sole«tl6n''of Gov- ernor Seywonrv WhSe po fadlt could justly bo found w'th tho nomination of %. Seymo.ur^t.Jfeqpeeti^of avail- stronger. antPtegflY'lraTl mote friends In the- Sntfth 'than SoVmbdr.' •' ' „,a-,,.-, i*| •,•:* e i ' i n . . • ) * • : / . >.«! However, wo have no desire, to in dnlge.inidlv|la,fliontartpp*,i; ) ,W^ have M and that no other candidates will he'able to give * defeat to it Icntral ii raut and the *r«l«*» M^X- .-, v u., .no, «<,«,!,.,,, '^tt»'iidini.tfat«ii'of ttoAtUl Seyhidur etvtarls upbrlevery ''ConeerVAtrvel'eiti- seti in our! land unremitting lalumjuid tPaMeJeas, euergy, from. th»|, t«rofti "P>r- .HfH.wfflL" fin ^WmrS^i i™ over. Wo eon. musL and wif.ir. whip the tliiiverHal r Siin^igV ? oohdrt« ifa the oomlug contest. \Vith : Ohiwo and llaiieock, as loaders, tho task would hayp b^poomparatfyebjr ,an easy, ope. orgltHTOWr S,tvannah'Rep\tbman, Jutff'lOth. T Ybur race it was ohee 1 ao 1 billions and ULX.SS|SS 8..«WANT, Of linnets.. 'I J\ \ i* VlCR-PtOiSIDBNT, nMlU.u/.'i > ' '. J LriuM •Of.Ino'lttMai •..ilVi A<t.i irATS'SMKTOBJt: 1 . . ,' ")£ > G«c»gl W». burt^.. f Vl'nl:..wnil« m 0. : llm'wii. <ont. Brdar. 'hooler. /.«*ord« lauli. 18th T h o m u Oornell. 1411... I :li» t ic 11. AUaiiiB. JMIi ... .<lo». W. OuimitH. mmmm »jth.,lIIWtorIl.>' asth, .Samuel the cream and talent of tho** wp^uld be dominant party," deserves more than a passing notice by thoso claim- ing Republican sentiments. It is a rmroh easrerijipsk'to command than -to obey; also, to plan than to exooute; and 1 should the Democrats bo uiloceesfui ip obeying tho mandates set forth, or in executing the plans laid down in their ^gtform, tysY/Wi'tWfi , ^.,.Ka,»MiaL4fifeuP wlca Ja ^s^isUhiia late ConA?eiiMbn--tho dtvlsibns Oh the Inyilfl. •111". SSIhiiKiiirllill. w .Normau M. Allen. S9th.. Btoiiehfn I'eUlbons e»u ..... MiaMiwi«rtch. slat IDl MouH-Kcnt I'lail. iipi •; H,JM GOV WWP»,., ,„-;.„U ' J<»ll\ V <;itlSUOM>, .. • til /;.:•. J&tymtyf&H •:,./•-!-.-, ,, -. jpon" ,l4jfUT^S(A^rr>^v»Rif9B i; ,^ k (>f Tompkins. , FOB CLBBK OK Tity C° i , Or ,li,. 1 Ji.il JMUJMM ston. C ,•HHMil:,lr- The Harmonious Doriioor.1cy. 1 The resnIfof ! the frew YbrkCou- VeBteon"hV» " haWnonionH dWb6*d*''in th^^ifVoei^tm'hoUsHhoIri: THfe'ihbre ol'eariy r it 'cVnbes 1 ffc ^ht'Ary*'Pttror.h. ^,'HJMrrJo** « Co. were slalightbred ^ tnoiwn^iiWle^i'moTti fbr' tWpw\ i>6so Of gratifying the 'personal «(0l- fngk'OT WflrVldttals "fSlm'n f) «6' niecti 'rbe : WlsMWaf 'KWe'p a Ay; 'tiib' Ibuiler' W "1*4 hcfwlxl>f ihiyvibtims and toiefrfrleUds, '' 64'k1&K < ll PmitLBTciW'wa^beVorid ^^res'lwn'''the K fejpfesenVa^ivci'' mail' of Wyppi? f°Wi'; and'Wt. 1 ' Tins more"cipeoiatly on tho ground <S>t his financial ideas than from Ids position ' irpon^'tne'^eV' wn'ib^ have'divided tho copptry tjbi tHe"'past six years. Upbri the qiiestioiis'dir'cotly 'involved ip suppressing, the rebellion wh|l,o ip fbfee, and of placing unrepontaiiii reb- els tp/^bwer as soon Hs 1 tho arm's' Were stricken from their hands, iltbia'fio SKYMOUU differs not a whit ffoip Mr. PiCNDtwrOiir. ' Bo'tK 'opp'oscd tl>o gov- ernment in its'efforts' to uphold the imUV of the country. Ai>4 when the pbWer 1 bfceante folly' trium- phimt'.lheso rten with ono voice In- sisted that tho rebel General, fresh from tho field of blood aiid carnage, had a right to walk into the Senate Chamber and control the policy of the Government he had tried in vain to overthrow. Smooth words Will not wipe out this record, even were it desired so to do. It Is this Fact which constitutes the power of that party to-day. The old leaders of the South hold the doctrine promulgated by Governor VANCU 6n his rettrrn from the New York Con- vention, that in tho olection of SKY- rfoVR & BtAiu they would secure all they contended for in arms. Upon this question the leaders of the Demo- cratic party now are and always have been in harmony—circumstances plac- ed arms in tho hands of one and left |hc other, ap advisor of treason. ,, On tne main question the result would have peon the same whoever had been put in nomination, bat the manner of 1 designating "tho man" is the cause of irrit,atiou. It is as well for these modern patriots to spend their labors among their own factions. The i^nierican peoplo are satisfied with GRANT A COUTAX, and will call then} to guide tho nation to safety and peace. tar* Tho Alaslta appropriation bill passed the' House "ow-Tuesday^-lH yeas to 42 hays. Tfte Hohso previ- ously asserted tte. right 1 to be consult- ed Oh 1 treaty measures' requiring the : appropriation of money.' The Secre- ''tlafy Of Stttte 1 cannot do bettor than push hfcV Greenland negotiations whilo tho favorable weather continues. yellow, •w 1.1 I...I) li; 1- What wonderful doctor baa got. you . t toha^d;.? . »M«*i*i.i'i Such rare transformation' I don't un- derstand." : "' , " Three magical word's, and the secret said. Gold Medal .SaleratM*;! use in my lT'isferaethat 'w^'en* (iie' hygienic pronortlck of llfcrrick Allen's tlold Medsi Haleratns bocomo generally known, BO other rising,will find (favor 1 among disi'nminatiug hfuaewwea,for first inniiiiiliUoti nllndttfihialm wires by which HoVatio Seymour sprang his trap'-- wftdorS #n*Wi*wti»"ib>tlio final selection" of r ft* '(fai^didatd^ especially over Mr. Pondloioh. who stood almost wholly upon npudiatjioh'; such a stan-; dard would ftc diffiou'lt (o 'se^, at' rest that parfcof^hp, Domoeraoy.-• 'homing the precious bonds. Nevertheless, we view tho platform of tho present nominoe bearing points leading t'6' »'B "dahgerOus :: ap is'suo. Will ^epu^Ueaiis of t,p$ay Jot time go unimproved, opportunities ho lost, „to securetho,elcction;of men of.prin- ciple, honor and known integrity, in- stend of demagogues lacking the first f irlhoiplcs of c i v i l i z a t i o n ' a n d Vnimuni- y, and wno should bo foreigners tp -tli* Ptudtartlotiaee We have'only to remember the New York"nbt and the , aphar4Ht"rIhp ! ll6it^ otftM'tuift of Ifora.tio Seymour on thflt ono^ion , to impress indelibly upon our minds his, uiulopbted policy. VVu have only to refer to his activity and natural ambi- 'tibr/'Ih'nsHistftig" tdle 1 "rebfels 'and'' at- tempting to thwart th(ji' operations of H>- )jf) • i.Kr.HjiiiW'i i'!..v ..ILTif M-TIj-.ir V.mt W«,P r »ng fho, 0 I»^beMion; to read with unmistakable iieeuraey his future- iuUmtioiiH in regard to re- construction, suffrage, and equality of . i l r V H i ^ t p s 9iti»ops,,,jf e^cJicd,, If ,ie,vw,a 1 man^,prpmodit*tpd J PMvrago and dissension, anarchy and contusion, wiis • hold 'ttpnfor candidate toi'a high and responsible position; i t lsHlHo Dom- borai!lb' , ^b'D*pBeb!r H TOe , !fcn|Sw'!rftat6 fqr,,t,he otboe.of Presi^on^ flf.'^o .Uni- ted States. Undoubtedly lifti looks at the coming election as the place of his special aggrandizement, and if ho 'receives itj lotfthc Republicans' bf^Now York State and, all who jfought^ani} sacrificed thoir childron^s blood upon the altttr'Of J eqnalltyfi6 all'men; hide their faces ip disgust and immediately prepare'to pffiad'at' tlic bir of justice tUo 1> rj?,eritjs i 9^ I a r^p^ ( %tupe^,, . Tho tido ; of public, o vents loads us to believe that a man of corrupt print oiples, devoid of honor, of oxcOediftg r ly ccceOtrle : Views, !and rotten from the very core,.is now before us ? standing by \f}\d si^e'p^i^inau of ppfeigucd in- tegrity, morality, and. lofty, achieve- ments—the man, who, from a common position in life, rose to eminence by his own natural ambition, and upon, the merits of his own chivalrous deeds aud praiseworthy aots—and now, when standing up as nominee for President of'the United States, bases his platform upon the necessary wants of our country and the great will of its peoplo. [Contrast and compare such a platform with ono based upon repudiation, partial or in toto, founded and dependent upon whisky, copper* hcadism ' an'd repudiation for its suc- cess, and then choose which you will support—whether you will descend in the eyes of the other nations of the world to the scale of dishonor, discred- it and dishonesty, by forfeiting our good name and making null aud void our national obligations, ohoating and defrauding our own peoplo who made advances when the nation was nearly "bankrupt, atifl saved our country from ruin;,or supporting the platfoiup of tho inyincibTe U. S. Grant-—to pay what woo.wu when it is due, with in- terest, save disruption and anarchy by promptly meeting our Obligations, and thereby teHolTother 'nations t h a t "Hot •because "the* aricieht republics of Greece and'Rome, through fntoftial factions and'discord, lost their'primi- ! tive power, 'that'tfhis infant republic, seCOnd to n o ^ l i o r iratiori in maty 1 ro- *pectfl, shafrl sink irkcl' ^significance through the ;, lirjudftimts''ftranlig6ment 'of Its'-people, andlcaVo «n examplo to ;ftit*re genohlHoris that without a nion- areh to rule Over, or ahf Emporor to ex- ercise absolute'power; the human raoo cannot enjoytho blessings of civiliza- tion and j)rosperity. •••• Soi,oN: and energy:, but enrich ^Ihi with its Vital element, Iron, by taking tho Peruvian Syrup (a protoxido of irou,) and you will fool rich and "as good as anybody.^ TTX 1 -. -«—. The Telegraph Bill for taking pos Brit Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. _. P^ifspepsia Cure, fede'sT#3pepsia Oux^ €oe'» Dyspepsia Cure. .~jB^.9xMasasfkkGwMf Coc's Dyspepsia Cure, COX'S DYSPEPSIA CUl\k G0E % 8 DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE sespiqn 3ff,-aU;we'j'linc8 in Groat Brit- ain, proposes to mako a uniform charge of one shilling to each despatch up to twenty words, and not oxoeeding six- nonce for each additional ten words. Delivery by special foot messengers within a mile or within tho ordinary .., .... ,,.., ... . ,,,,., m-fryflftfl'. -wwitfm in r C^sPB P F " " " " " * 1 flITPn . ' There is'^-rbmfyH^vliig In Peru. Mass., containing three old maids, all ovoVfloJa|4 ( tJfeTrbro^H *f#lft ^' n - dy. These all occupy one house, but each one of the dames maintains her own domestic establishment in a sepa- rate room. They guard their apart- rttfcffeiiW (jbalousl?°that if pitfe stejis out for wood or water, she looks her door seourely^'that the dtherVrriayaiet peep in. Three or four years ago one ofnthemQtoolo a nationitot%*Arr.yybut after a trial of two or three weeks found it too expensive, and offered her husband $50 to leare"her fbreyef; whioh ho did, and she relapsed hope- lessly into herself, i inn: ih. 1 The fOreat iiiiiiL'll $m™ & SALE T T A S COMMENCED AT THE MAMMOTH STORK ' Jar ?m&f mim * Co CORTLAND, Wh W tt>oy. a a y n r j x i y M|| PJdUBS UPON PILES of GOODS Juat purchaaod at ttio rooent panic pricta la Now York. Cr^i^ aajsmsa -T.tnfflffflPTftfffT TIIEI^^A^X,W^VNTS SU.PP.mJfl i-l.l ••'' • 'Wlttk-tMi* *t prl«>» that Defy all Competition! ,-! ...' . - ) ,•.•> .... , • . > v . .-I ., .U •; - - Our Btock lliln Spiliiir Is I.AItOltRTirAl* KVftlt, comprlHlng almust uvory article lu iuUiiOilU j il • i •itKI 'ivil-VJH-. V'i I> » Y GOODS!| Dress Gloods, White Goods, , , Woolens, .':.):ii...J8»jr'.:. nil.. . Ji uii'.jnuM HOSIERY w<k $&9VES, \ Htutvf l's in a b u n d a n c e , ' Vf»m tit* IhifHh to On> toutf .ilhlfy. NKW STYLE, men DESWN. ELEGANT PATTBKNS, and the It y n.» ,w JU /oi-WJT.fttxMTY'. And wo ,w<?uld hurc nay .to our onatomor*. H>»ti w« hav* l\ew ( pr^attejpppj, Never Before. OfferedinM'i* County f •('- ; /,'. • ; Our,»t|OCk pf ( ,, Wall rtiid Window Paper •. i •- l» i.iiKini.»Hiii..l In Htyle ami auallty, aud lh« large*! uluKaliiiviit in town. HATS AND C A P S ! iii'lafjt* niiiiiH..).. iiii.l i.'iciii v.iti.Vy. in .CJ;i»r*'>.,ca Mjj^tDHDY ! M Wo make a Djiocfalty. InijiortlnK (t alrect from Staf- fordshlre, Kiuxlaud, ournolvoH, wo can give our cunto IIKTH hotter hnrgalne than fltty kouae weal ol tyew Vork city. Wo M v o a Wrgc aWck of -' I^ry^-Ijioutuiuiiit i leiieval Sliorinan, acee*ding <tp the Chicago '(Democrat- ic) Times, replied to a crowd in St. LOuis, on. Friday evening, when ask- ed what-he thought of tho nomination of:8ey*»our:»—".It ia a hud tiomiim tion, and will hi?, henten all to• pieces. Grant will be elected." Sherman evi- dently understands himself, as w«H as Grant and Seymour. 17 re-. cctverttom the 1 brbpAetort'if * W s Coug^Bklr^N*'ar«otn<brra«d that' th«y havo at last yielded tOithe.press- 1 ing demand, and in addition to the or- dinary sire «Mwt«e> long in market haver ooneerrUslto ftmiisn tbair (popu- lar remedy (Coe'a Cton|^J^l8|tm) li» equalled aaa sura and tfneedv dy for Coughs, Colds, Croupj.Wlhooi^" iug cough, and all throat and lung ^"Hi^Ttjiil^*) 1 ,frW rJrWiJJfi W f OUJ r' ' :W l: 'Af ^ie Vbry riioment whon Grtflt was" receiving the swOrd of Pbmberton, Horatio Seymour taunted the Urtfoh with'its defeats, 'and pre- dieted still further disasters. July, 18**, was the month'from which we dated'tybirm victories lit the field; un dor the leadershinof our Great Cap tabi' ^uly,'1808,'will be the month from which, under the leadership of 'tlte aaW^ Grekt'Oaptarn,'we ( shall dnto oih-grandest vietory sit the polls; be- cause the man who was so traitorous five years i'go' has dared -td» erOsa 'Bydrd«'with'Uly*.teaa' , Gra'htV' •'' ! .' [J il ••/... "' ' lmi iti'mmi i 11 "' The iVAve• of Russia haamade a pro-'' posal to the emperor Napoleon that ftu^sia and TJra%>& unite in an effort to iuiliteo all eivili/.ed nations to alum- i . irrrnjT TKV lifir. vn i.r - <i:;., » don the use of torpedoes and c«cplo- 'V -.11 fj' '*' ,,'* V'''*' .•.'.,.>. -. ' M l . i j h, Mve projectiles in time of ^war. The Monitix.i- slate;! that this huniano pro- position meets with tj^e, approval of wno, . approVa .ni.! • ft . ,'Ja , -. however thmkd thai., it.may still ho ndcessary to em-' plby torpedoes for dolonsiyp purposes, ' i,, .,, N,a^ya, JVIiapellany;. , John II. Trapp, lawyer, politician and ; claim agent, who was sent to Sing S^ihg for five years for defrauding the government, has boon pardoned by"the President, i ••• Mr. Allen'T. Thompson^ the olotrnent advooate of Aemperanoe, died tit I ting hainton on Friday ni/jht, of consump- tion, after an illness of three weeks. A ! ]Vlv lloncdict e){ Harleni is said to bo the v pos86ss8i• of a coin, of tho roigu of King Solomon. It htts been pronounced'». genuine Hebrew coin by a Ivabbi. Mr., r.eiie.liet has been of- fered *?50%. it. ,„.;,.., ... Tho CoJfltowUo, QU Methodists have a jyalttfth' 0 jinoney-saving minis tcr. Being himself a practical joiner, he superin'tomls the worlt of biiil'dlngr t h e i r n o w ehill eh; 'and t a k e s h o l d ldlli- golf of all thO hard jobs.,. . ,.'. •• • Wheny-lta' fictitious oxeitciueut which followed Horatio Seymour's nomination was at its laght in Now Yprk, ; J.phft^MpiTiseey.;, ^ p r i s e d a f #M»V^K Doniocratio fnond by saying in his 'T'vf" 5 ' (pilb'l: iiOnch'i|laht sort Of wdj^j—" 'All tWfl'iB'VeryiilcW, brtt/iher*isn'taghost of a cheaSbe fin* . Heynioiir .agiiinst , .Gfnnt,',', | Thja fn*n$, .i-idjcu^d, ^ h n ' s judgment. tf, tl W poUtwal, jUua^ion when John ottered to back it up with •6, bot'df"r4,W)0 ; to ^,u(W'thf.t^dJrant ^tfuld'•6e , »tfe''«e*t'' Presldbntiii 'This was a sliiitiiei' to theconiideut Hey mflnritojbwt,,after spmo hesitation,t,ho net was accepted and flic nion'er put \\j>. JftorH'saey Oflb'red 'to' irgpeat' thq wager, or ta'glVe'tlle Odda otrVbet of $iOO,uOO, bat. no>ene appeared willing to risk mQrqj|n,onoy against tho.judg- S ent of the i)enioorat,ic J^en'bof; of angross; SILVER-PLATED WARE and CUTLERY, And' In fact, B'vcrythlrli/ pertalrllnR to the CROt'K- KRY trade. > • re Orocerica of All Kind* ! i- ioi . •.'• . • ^,'..^.;;p Sf.-jC .iT NAiI,f,, W|NIH»W ULAS8, i| T^8(yjdr^INS, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY 8KKD, c'J 36 aJaafcOaET .Q .7/ A %wMwJ)i r balt ' At wholCHalu and retail, Ac., &o. OAU. MUlSKH UB. J AH. H. a oo. ing. f TP STAIRS, IN THKMK9SKNGKnilALL BIXK« lateat etyloe of Millinery and HBMB UjJpfKKYS, UIJBBONS, ly-ri'l ORNAMENTS, Ac., Ac., which haa juat been received l.y Mrs. C. S. DOWNE8, Who I.IIH a aplondid unmix li. lent vt »U uuvi» nvceJuuiiy to tho carrying on of .GW IT7T /< ' 1 I.» MILLINERY & DRE8S-MAKIN(l, and the ejtecuth^u of Cnstom Work '"-''' H uiltttti «fej*iHsitrt(t«. ;/ . Jin.. DOWNKS haa a full Btock of FROSTED LACES, , ,,,. , (Something; i<f*\) " '-'•' FLO WTffyfypf sryory variety, .TBIMMINGrS, All tlial can lie desired, ' I I / » .1 r. | &C., &C. kecpa Ladloa' 'CdfolAUS, '•' VUFfo,'" vkPH, Aad oxccuteH all work v. In the Messenger Hstjl, BJooK, ..iHmii CORTLAND M. Y. '{ . SOUTH OV T1IK MKSSKNtlKU ItBB, | ' V \ Coytturwl, M. Y., HAH ALL TltKVAdlMVlrM, and tho i fl BB6T OP WtntAMKK aArt MA'l'KKI.H,, for executing In a tuperior tttfintitrMi bMera In (the " D e o l . .1 . .. 'Tlli>:> f?!Tf^^iK*>.^ htyhi, luMiity i'. bo excelled. I A T :: .PM^B^ITJUNJQI and ior he can not Jobbing promptly and antlafnctorll, COE'S vnmmw* smvt r AitfmwM EPSIA CURK .ITIT 'ill K <>T I! M Ibutil&iiS 'to iiooiJp T ms woiM-Mr owned >t«m»Ar ft* the nnfalllo ..... ' Of ;•: i> V^fei^iA; * EBMKKUOi^ HLOOK, 1 ii... Of Ihi. X be hapPX to rccolve Uic ladica of Cortland vtclnity, »ufl oxhlbtt to them a cholce;aelcg- Indigestion, Sick liedulaclie, Sartrneei or A^ftof^Stfwwfaflising of Mod, Flatulency, Lassitude, ,r'/)1. mbarteMv &*i<**tmu3 Liver Complaint,Jlnal- •' tftmmfaii; j „. .,.,,• :,:• ,1. il-4arArrlflh>.S9*t".i! « <"'U '/. , la uraed upon the attention and trial of aa«erer4 asffi ^^qhUISA1068 fact, all dlaordera of thTTSTOiBan a M WffteW With all their oomplabiU, aneh aa Hick Headache, Heart- burn. Deproealon, geaMMl aen.o of uneaalnefi. and feeling that yon are not weU. Food dlatreaaca iron rieea and aoura on your atomaeh; breath ta. bad dou't feel »H If yoi t of all, Indhiee thai n'lB ...11... know wnat'alU theto except are tarely dy (ton or Constipation, are. nothing mora or lew lyepenal*. Tnouaende upon Uweaanda auffe; dfo tWa wax 4 a«rt«ieltW tlemaelyea nor phyaiclan* naanda UIM.H thoaaanda auffer am uvltUor tliuniH i: Oyaneuala. Jf y n o a an eaylyvraTO, If yandatrangth, agala a'l lo ...>l>ili'>- hqj,»i.i..)*T1»rn.i') l.-.tbi ) ;..ia»iti« .(Mad yoaw ordere U ft M ler, we repeat It, tble la al! 11; would have proof of our alaten— • save youreelves and children froi vou would have health and a W f y wo beg you try «ni« liOfUft W' 1 aeyftoO Ooe's Dyspepsia Cure Vou will see how soon It will dtapel your bad reek Inge and gloomy foreboding*: | How soon It wilt chaa* away any specloa' 0? DMpVptW. How aoou It wtB 'vo you new life and vigor, and how soon It wlH o> Mill man or woman of you. For your own _. )7for tho sake of everybody suffering, we beg, we entreat you to try It. J! I V I 'JI For Liver ^arSr^MJt and BiUoua .... ii],«.-.»f r WW*V 8 ' ••rf Uavlm l J. IU /.A* 1,1.1/1 It la a Sovereign Koraedy, while for Fever and Ague, and all thoso diseases which are generated In a i.ilim 1U1 preventive and cure. < That iu w«MorluTmbMMnat virtues may not stand .one upon our statement, we append a few unsolici- ted tcstlmoulala from thoao whoso position In society " ,a,,CC "%\dVrWl^... alone upon our statoinent, we append a few unsollc! tlm...: . . . . . and conviction to the moat Incredulous. Mr. I.turra-H SEXTON, a wholesale merchant of IP years. In Milwaukee, one of the moat reliable and caroful men In the State, says, uudur date en- m roiH, offcts'th*mtt;' ,.'„inrf:>, , ..,•,!» , (u .:,.;/ m<mmn><>uBmmMtti(*fi**s* //. <n.A r/ 8ijiu:iIwW'.za»Ya>;j;orj'A "' ^a^yimAfiK^ ii'.-iiv, if i. i T/A.WK/na ,II :ti ..o-."--'.- miwn •!flmwWartoaa ,.«• ... 1.1. ...|iii.i.)i. •...' .... . << .. .JI YarMatflnlfri^rrcHWltO^lWX), MiSMta webrblng fr^t^t»|nx«rtw)ea. ' '• ,,"",.,J? ,MOWJJHOIM .M -. /Ah*, aeomprttn monrmUft/'u .;.'. i i x . w v i o MtLWAUKii. Wis., Jan. M, 1868. MEHIUV."^ 0. Ctiak * r»:,' Ni w llactn. (.(wm.: Doth myaelf and wife havo ueed Ooe'a Dyapepsla (Jure, and It lias provod l'KHFKCTI.Y satisfactory a> remedy. X have ^O hejIUUon Jn saying that we have received UIIBAT ItKNKriT from I Very respwelfillly, (Hlltned) use. l.KHTKlt SEXT01*. anooa [From Bm. L. V. WARD, Avon, Lorain Vo., 0.) • MKHHUH. MVWINd ft, AltMHTIUlMI, !..: Otnlttmen, It gtvoa nte great plow ore to state that my wife haa derived great benefit from the use of Coc'e Dytpepala Gore, HI... has been for a number of jrears gn (illy troubled with Dyapepala. aecompanlejd Wfli vli.ti.i.t paroxysms of constipation, which eo prostrated hor that she was all the while, for months, iinahlo to do anything. She took, at your lnetance, Oou'e Dmponala Cure, and has derived OKKAT BKlf- KKITFB0M1T, ' KKIT KltOH IT. and Is now comparatively well. She arnoofi uir-VV ovr-nuH Ki)\ \'\ )i'i \/. / it [From Her. ISAACA1KKN, AUeghany, To.) ' '*A*i*T%Jk»fi*d,'rJfngtlM, - I > t i l . I I I / No. 84 Market Street, Pltuburg. S m : - I take 1 gli-nt i*'i.»...i. in sUtlng that, after liavlng suffeicd TVoin dyspepsia for about nftceu yeals at some periods pinch wore /ban others. 1 have been entirely cured by the M, o f u o r t hy»t*#Hla Our... My friends know II...1 of late years my case haa been t suffering from eatlig I uadgrei any kind of food, and «... an average" would an extremo ono any kind of foe . about one-third of my meals, In a aonr tndigcaiil MSM. I IVJiun ttie Mvere attacka would come, I would InVftMl Hlnrnftlh* nn.l be utterly helpless. Some bf the attacks would be ao aevero that for days together I would not retain i.ny Il.lng on, my atomaeh, aave a Hill., dry t.iiwt and tea. For years 11.new not wufit It was to pass live consecutive tiouya without inter, pain. From the time I took the IMt dose of tl medicine I ceased vomiting,. eradUaly all aorem passed away, and flesh.aad..etrwnarth returned, aid over since Ihaxe been abb toaat any kind of foodakt upon tho table:' M i UokfM have now passed withoht any .ymptOmeoflth* relun. of tho disease. My cs was conaldaqscVby all, even physicians, ao marvoloi I hat for a lime if was feared it might bo flctltloui hut I am now ao well convinced, that I have been nbt niejrulv relieved, but ueriuanenUncured,,.|*»t I,. iscientiously recommend Coe's Dysneu IMAAI »usly l all vlctlraa of dyspepsia. Lato Pastor of the Heaver St., guatry. •,,•., M. V.. Church, Alio ruJiini/'J i. xi UJi T3 S C J « A H ,:i liepsla Cure for the opportunity to aay, satlnfactlon as a remed g»^Xd^K^ (JoiKslv^ivo Evidence. CORTLAND, May it, 18(8, Mrssae.X). 0r.Ct,»a*'*.C0i Vt*JI»v<... Conn.: ffmiHtrWt;- We have now been aclllng Coe'a Dra. npsla Cure for tho peat thirteen years, and take tale opJH.rtunlty to aay, that In all cases It haa given great • - and Is spoken of In the edUuel JnaanUEaUdhes tea a certain aad ipeody enre ol DvapepaU, ludlgostleu,' (.'0lrcTme?lio^U*itlFbW*i«giieT Slllous'eel rangementa, and In fact, all dlsoaaes arising from a ( ffi#ot?^Xft.^«^ it ' OUB,5r *»£• Yoor»,.-ve«yUMtyi. 'i • M •' i . , /fVlVVB L, l SglTU,Dr»adat, ' ,'•' .».- fy.n / < I \ .< ) > /••!< OntUaM.f .') > •• o*. IT. ,l/..i AW 'I'/ . Ill ..'111". Hi . *.M.'. •••'.•A;': Wilt eleo be fcund Imralaable la aU«a«aocJ>Ur. KChiii -nl 'J »"•*. !»'i 'nil , »..!)'• ,M '< Hold hy Iknt^glsU In city or country eVorywb«r« at OJQ. CLARK& CO., ;.IJW > NewlUTeD.O). - '.:J/.I: LATEST BTVLKS OF Bonnets, Ladies' Children's and ,: ' ' Misses 1 fetats and all tho novolllea of the season in Trlmmi nf 8 and OttWUfppp antranoe-«Ht door ndrth of MeeeetiKer Hank at Yil . i .'i •<>••• -ML*Will) <«IWf*Pm«>0-T- IJWfi40i''l i.no iotM.3 ,y©rt'«l>f .1? .1 •J... . ..lU^v.GOJMPA^^fie ***'?' OTJTD0N3E. '.„<teo,. ^jTBAgaail,;:, i ...'uiv ii ,t, v ^ i , ,«w<r«l i . IIOMKII, M. V., ..e,w« aiavllag aeriy«T»4iiTn«ngemeou wllb, o»o of'ttt'd h r i ^ , iMl'pRTIim WPSWtil* Dlroctlr from China and japan, ia sow teeeWa**"* .."';. •• -TT.iL. .' ,,«*-iv.«>iil.^w\ . IMreuared t«^ s e l l a . > .VI. .... ' •*» .«v.^..i%l Suptiriw Quality 3apaa T^tt W$1, ittJL •a*waMsieeMia*jaaB«aa«a»am«a^ai> / HUtui Twap Sytei* 1M M ftV Which he wlU v»*r«wt a* «ood « « ) that an be pur- ALL OTHBR 8S«t#TkeVA«rW*l IN f.\ .Wj.i tl. n\.%\W. tOO n X A -tWMyiVt* HQMaQb ..i ...... ^ rJL -4M- MTIM2 *^ A WftUo^ 'W ; lmSRr. AT MK88ENCER HALL BLOCK, 1V..1 ......II IVHllTI I, ..imKV ."t JsH NS, of all :; ' "cUTLKRYr YAN'KEB'' 1W* , TIONS^ iWW&ftbiVlW, Ac .... I..T i,ni,tf>)l -.». ••%, W I 'I •. « ' t a r RKPAIRINO«o4 »B«»»tAVIafO doate as hte bostatyle. and all »oS»«a»»iarteati 'r i ... ... < 8,600, 000 f»f*r/afJBB# ttt PO0B TBAS8. -ErAVWa'itaMitaaif^'-.eaplaU, aiteet eaperiencwl *A. bufera, aad eiitavneUe trade ot any oa«>oen. In the Dollar Hale bualness, we i ifl-yilavantglt Sftta^aahflaflaaai .. 1 JT*** l ."r?iFMrcr5'. ^fryTKWmw •» evorj lnatance,arai also toa^aaf sajea^v, pf,t^pds : o n t f i ) b i W ^ M £ i tfo other concern hat any thoio wherever our Aoentt are teUintk (Q*f, TAeMa. Jt Prompt ^asid Kellable." Male mid ri-niul.. agortts wmm-ii in city and country. The Ladles tZo^?Mf^' 1 9i n tV9^M tJooSev»nu twrruBNs, /ooarrow CASTOHH. Kli.VKII 1'I.A'i'Kli Ac. (Katabllahed J8M.) A patent pea daanuta and a ;kde '•' chec) cte lillllllH, NV at pen loan iilm club FANCY CLOTH, WATIIIIKH, deacrlMagaa arUote to be e*td for ai dollar, )U »ft fur »» i * ) for$4 ; 80 for t o ; iOOtor ieftl sent r»ai 40f.,r»4; 80 for $0; 100 tor $M) by mall Free preaenta to getter up, (u/orthfiO jxr cent, more than Uett tent tmanti other concern,) accor ding to the slue 6f clnfi. TtorfS us a trial club, or If not do not aoite send for aotrtular. >. ^ N. B.-nOuraale. should MOT lie eiaaaed with Now York dollar Mwelnraaleaor bogus " Tea Oompaalen," asltlsaothlngof the aort. . , .M 71 EASTMAN * KENDALL, U4»UK)-_ % BanoVer Btre^r&M.lftas. J**t iV^laArf, in a Healed Bnxsto*. Priori* etna. A LeeMM ea the *atu«, Treatment, and ladloal ^SSM&M as ''' ,] "" ; " ' i m "" K mm*** i • by which every r >ON TO 'I'll. BOON *J ..khii.*.. TUOVOAMJM AN«, THOU on the receipTof'alx cei '*t^^£^$&&±Sk ,.,, •• - ; •-•-.— •. ... —ipoetage sumps. t Also, D'B. OUt.VKWKLL'S "Marriage Oul.lc price iw centa. Address th,eyi^a^ak«r«i . -Q jaVB.rn.ry, New Yoii. I'osi ( AjijiiimtuH for Pliysical Traiiiiii)';. ratent flame Gymnasium. fJHE 0H1T OOMPLBTB ttmtABtB &T1I1IA BIUM antt.1 nrvnaBBv 3 1 «VBALUABUS TO TH08K OF oBDUNTAMY 000UFATI0«B. NO HONK SHOULD BR WITHOUT ONK. PUT VV IN AST ROOM, AND SSMOTBD IH A M1N UTi: beon UcklnSTn the necoaaary acober' '""••'"" Malch w c ^ o t e r c o a e Ihoie dWcnltleV, andtAngW ve not HOH. one lillshcd hyV apparatna—1 will • cheap, portable, and adapted to all ttrengh. wl.lcA OymnaaUca will n eiipftiittcil Vytwnrlr. m convoi . for the Inventl. j e l Price of the •boka ferewed > email Tho "ntt/l^&VWpfinam. handaomAy colored, aa«by ( aa fageklaAal Aevlee. tho rings anfl for the a awing OpAraamum, with four s. ..,,.-, .,.,., ( i- 1 « l einTJ( ' J * 1 A10 00 adjuathvem, ^ g H ^ t f w i ' i h V i - . adjustment...'; 'VJ!.'*.'!/...] '..' 1 w UalJjtator atMUl **•• 'i.."-.,i, *\ — ' — . . i '..j j| " .". i " •'— , • I . v AOKNtB WANT*!) BYKHYWUBrlB. matwmme.' BettamiWX. T. the Best Reajx* Kijife Grinder ( "JtrADK of FINK EMB'rtY M^.B^AlHzBD a> fast as tho Wndf|6ne, attdHvos a iVolgha b u t » pounds, la%lamp- thirmacblne;aplailk ortablo, runa rapidly by " et. Hi.. TBBMS gear, and turn easily: la the best and chc* It before you buy. For Clrculara aad B. O. bTOBKE, Auburn, N. Y. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

II.»0 IJWfi40i''l mmmm 21/Cortland NY... · 2013-08-24 · to'be deconstructed, till .WO. got into Congress; then we'll Reconstruct the Northi Of have another war!, 'Sin Dettgab

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Page 1: II.»0 IJWfi40i''l mmmm 21/Cortland NY... · 2013-08-24 · to'be deconstructed, till .WO. got into Congress; then we'll Reconstruct the Northi Of have another war!, 'Sin Dettgab

VOL. 2.

TFcxxf.—It la anaaying to all silicon/ . ._ • . ! . - » . . . . . . . . I . . . . . I . I l / f i C . 1>MX>. Democrats that yoa should l#f p

ton King in tin; Offitiu of Colhv : t q r i t

Now York, and HannibalvHninlm in the same oftWat Boston. '

President.—They must Hupport my Policy or walk tho plank!

Florence.—Your Polioy has mado - King crauy, and HamHrris dead against

it. The best thing you can do for both it and the DemocratictF*rty» ^ to ro-mbvc them from Office immediately.

President.—Seward and Thurlow Weed would object to my doing that.

Pendleton.—You should discard their < advieTand listen to Democrats of real

courage; Such as were not airaid to

Democrat in lail4r If Lincoln should be eleotod President, some noble Bru­tus would piece his heart with daggor point, for the] PnWto Good. Lincoln was elected and his heart was pot pierced, out his brain, was, by a oistol ball fired by an Agatnt' of God: I am, therifbre, a Propfc*, «i ! wollaa your friend, Mr. Praside»t;

.Jtottata&w-Yoa are * brave etaan.. i , ,i .... .. II. • yj**»e«»«*# thy l«a<l, I novcr bated tb.ee; I have seen thee fight, Wren I haV* varyled tbtf behAvlor1.8-1

I PMrurov.—'Yew1 ouetht tb< panion President, Da via.' t#:-.~r •.»i • r • .•/ .

Woofk-r~., \ „ ,!,„: ..• if:, I <;)1:i "The, uclilust muxd he carries, ;(

• that fcver governed man. ' VhltAndiffhain^Mto tru<rr( fjatriot er<r HVIMI. '"» ' «V.w';- , , A >"i,t

Pendleton—Ilia D«moeraqy wa» ntrv er. douhtedv,, , ,,,„,, ., ..,, v. , \ .

sbtoaldbc. Bui; all shall'be made ait. jHtaetory to inyi Dbmoeratm friend".

I My fi.rIiieomiuK Measage will be ri«ht, itflatfljaaj*, ftu^ ^ T f o a ^ S f r e . vens hang their under jaws.

Wood. I hope 'it wilt mate them >«»<-about ymi. That would • lm an anapieiOua HI H lor the Detuooraoy.

President.—" I am even poor, m thank*t" b a t , Xrtwknkd.yoniatn^rely for tho kindness you have manifested

,,pn, ,|bi*,lf)ooaaipnt,1 ,I„wiU hWk , .$»] "human nature is human, nature;" and





• &AME.•AOT.J.:v-.f.-.iuw ) '

& u.ft , . . i . t,. „ ( Sinter r*re«l<iont and a Colored Delegation,

headed by Fred. Douglass and George T. J l o w j i i u * . , , o i i , l I i , . . ' • , - . > , ' \

#tmn*M<rrW», ryaMOtftlly »nb»it that yon use your inlluemw in t'avm; ol •i \ tend tug tho Klevtive' I'VanehiHe to

'Colored'People here, :ffl M£TOe«Hbt. and throughout tho land. They have fon*«M&PM, UWo« and fcVe worthy uf it: <d." ' I > ' " i " ' : ; r t i l u i » d n't l i

' Douglass.—Mr. i Prasident4 wo are Mot.here to enlighten ynw. I will only

] . ! deuce you are plaoed in a position where yWhavftfho potfor'to Wave or destroy us; to bless or blast us. I nn.nii tin. whole Golored Ua«:«\ "

,. i* /HI n-tthi.' .**"nti*fe»dw(ul,i ,., -lint an luy|slble Instinct should (ratnq tlieiu ro'uojTalty unteameA; nohoruntaugni1*

tHvailtyakit seen from others (Valor, ,

Krr tmK^^ , b u t ** c ^ Preaident.—Tho Colored Man wefnt

Into tho Ke.bolli.m a Slave ; by the Ko bellioli lie, name out a l<Yi'i)iluiiiil, equal to a Pijecn^au iu any other portion of the country. . But. he shoula not vote, beeauso it wd'itld' breed a'War" of Ita-coin I have been the Colored Man's Moses, and lod him from Bondage to Kivi'diuu. , I h»vo owi>e<l $ia,ve*. JRv^ i.ha.Y.e periled for tlwe Colored Kaeo, my means, my time, and my all. I n^ust, tfoweveT, saytfroy oannot yote unless the People so determine

J>ouoleu».—'Tbe 11-esideiU sends us to tho People and wo g o to the Peo­ple ; "0, that mv tongue were in tho thunder's

mouth ! Then, with a passion, would 1 shake the

world I" Downing. «•»

"Courage and comfort, all shall yet go well."


iessage ry

II i s t o s t a b l e d o c u m e n t - . . I t

[Stausbury reads H.l will

[Exeunt Colored Delegation.] Tne "'"'

ay . care I They are becoming more odh

l\eai<tent. [to himseif.J-r-The tfig-gera may go to the Devil, for all I

OIIH lo mo than 'I'lciison I If 1 pos­sessed tho power Pd send them and the Ilopubhoau Party to Africa.

— [Exit. SAME ACT. v

«re>w 8.—ikltne^km, Rib. 10, I860. Kiiti* President and Virginia Delegation of

Keeoustructed Hqbels, headed bj John B-Italdwlu, who reads BesOlutlons pasted t.v Hie IteU-ls in IM Virginia LegUatore. lVt*ident.~-l anv gratified with your

complimentary lloaolntions and patri-oticsoutiments! Thoy touch my heart. I tender you my thanks for tins visit Now that IM 'attempt to destroy this Uhion has failed, at one undo/the line, I trust we shall go oa determined to preserve.the Union.fin its ofiffatf pu­rity," against all opposera.

•'.'./ Delegate. \ Aside. I I've killed over a dozen V in Iks; but give mo a oh'a'noe,Tll kill aa many mo¥e. v

Me&ftMW.- Mf. President, this Uyal I felei/ut ion of Ueeoustrimted Southern

i ( lent lemon eordially appro vo of your remarks to us. We think you ace a s o u n d D e m o c r a t J

•Jtf jHkdatJ. f Aside.]—Her© are the implements, [showing- n Pistol and Hewio-knife,] that will bring tho Yanks

, to terms when we get b»0>7D,tO Con­gress.

4th Delegate. [ A s i d e 1—Here's an­other «VI»»« for SirmnterVnead. [show­ing a liiokory club. I Hut, we'll seem to'be deconstructed, till .WO. got into Congress; then we'll Reconstruct the Northi Of have another war!,

'Sin Dettgab'. [Aside.}—Northern Democrats gave us aid and com fort during the war, and they'll remain our friends; for they are more degraded than we are/and waM't our company. Beeidca. we've become (Honda of John­son, and thus prove that •AafJ iery aoqualats a man wlUt Strang? bed-

' IWnident. -I thank you' gentlemen, for the compliineiit you've paid me;

* and I respond most cordially to all ' that baa been said in yowr Resolutions and Address. I trust the time will soon come "when we can meet under more favorable auspices than, we do

,nqw,>', I cannot now do as I would by you; for a Republican Congress la. in the wfcK ' Bnt; tfiit will Vfotoi be amtmg the' things that were. I again

> thartk yOwimoat eordially fostheopm-., pliiuont you havo, paid ««• Ifi^fl^*!

'sAHfiTA^' ^ V 1 Hceh*"l'-M»l« pforti, ftb. in,-Wwf. f»n. g p f Ih^Mlent likft'StateMM o/elhio.'

Stanittmri/.—I have written a Mes-sage for you, Vetoing the Kroedmou's Bureau JiiiJ. IT is fiemocratlo to the

„„()ore,„4'v)( put, in such hard blows against the Republican* they won't) dare attempt to paaa another bill on

»' 'MWiabjeot. '-••". j «, • i'.u. > >'TwlUaMAe,th«a) ,„f,

8tamp,.rave, and fret, and we^lO aftf

net me right w th the Deraoorati* Par­ty, [lfesi^ns it and sends• it trf the Innate by his Private Secretary.] Now Stansbury,

"Thy charge Exaetly Is perfcrmed; bu»*ere^ more work:" I must haye more Veto Messages.

Stansbury.—Goodt I'll prepare them. "Ami thunder to this Congress, fearful

words." - , — [Kzeunt.

ACT XV. Scene 1.—Steps of the President's

euee, iwhO iiiadshCtomiu%fctpr;S<8olu*

SrirStt ^ r S » ™ crowd, mostly Oopperbtads ami Rebels, in front..,. , . , - . , . . , , , I

1 Ptif^leni^-lifivim aa'i'k^ood, are alt lei1 looa*!- i f f frtenday The! Resolutions^ aa I understand them, aro compbmentary,. of the Policy which has beep adopted and purenedby the Administration since it came into pow­er. I am free'to say to' you it"b''ex« troiuely gratifying to mo to know so '»rgfiJh i portion of «»y felU)Wj9W«ens

•ptrfcfflrflW^ WW<V 5*! NVho lias Hiifteml mote than I hate?

1 ask the. question.- [Laughter. I • t There has been a great deal said

about the Exorcise of the Pardoning Power by mo.1' But, no one has labor, ed harder tbh.i I have to bring offlimb era to Justice and vindicate thWt IVea-w? |»- w .t^S6-, 2 t^ai^^'«>if-

TLwhtfnWr \' ' ' " ":J, •*••••»••« •! 1 / • There are Northoru Men who are opposed to the Union. . - .», , Wo o v t I


President. The Gentleman calls for three1 names of men who are laboring

Is -AWw*^ i P?ix e/swp> wk •** Tha'udeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania 1 1 say CharbM'Shmnor, of Mkskatilm-settit V say Wendell Phillip*,' of Boston!- They am Traitors t . jtnhh )»An<|, noflspafejtflf artki: shall *aujd«j our

.% great hates.!" ,, . .

JjS» SiSpo^SSl • -A, JiebeL+~*H&\\£» thoee'TwdDors, ,.;4Wti*r M&TrMihr I ,.u ,HOIII .! , "O Inirii tliem, burn them, hanging Is tod

( -^eod/tf: -m.'v ;IM. •••i.i-"*;iJ[Gfceer»| •, ;...•! Jifpwblictm. [A»ldo.}m>u- <• I'le-.j f.Mohnsen's faewJilpjrtawf-like, uanhMurlng, Made Impudent with use of evil deeds.",

',^4' Copperhecut4-lf6w , about. For*

.n»y_r-nr^TTJw. A<K,{,...„ •President. 1 do not waale my fire

Ctrl Dead Duoks! I Applause by tho

DUipyai q~wd»^%nB >-4Wj.f»'r** Kle1fp3ra»S meht will prostrate ail'my enemies! ni i i i -u | Rebel voices: "That's s o ! " | I have occupied many positions in tho (iovernment, going through both bfanoheM'of tho Legislature f atarting byi being Aiderman of a Vi l lage ; and DOW I i a » l>W«Wftpb !'••:• 10 -l.li-i i

PrestdenU—Some gentleman says I w s i a Tan«f; Nbw'Wat" dOH^ ra8ebt trie in the least. When I was a Tailor I always made a close lit. | ( l i ios i VRulby for you,"] „:, i , ,„, / ;,i ,

President.— "Few know of life's benlnnlngar-jnen behold The gent achieved:''

A Rebel.*- < "They sec not Uie*ftUlAil dreams that crowd

A bad niau's pillow." /Vmqfe»»fr—Accept my thanks for

the indulgence you have given me in my extemporaneous remarks.

| Immense cheering by Copperheads and Rebels .]

Lewis V. i/ojry.--*[Copperhuad and robe).: from Missouri. | "Now 1* the whiter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this Preslumlt; And ail the clouds that lowcr'U upon our

: " a W

cause. In the deep bosOm of the ocean bufied."

[Three choors and a t iger by' tbe traitors in the crowd.]

1st ltf,))iil>lie<in.—We're c a u g h t with another Fillmore,

2d Republican,—-Worse than tha,t; wo have a second Tyler.

Johnson's digression'is'sd vile, so base, That It will IIvo engraven<in hte face: i Xd Republican.— I

L i n c o l n I l l i o u s h i m l d ' s t l H i l l v b i K a t t l t U l i o i i r ; Tho country hath need of thee.

*' [Exeunt

..(• SAME ACT., . . ...' ' Scene ft— President's ffouse, Jlbrwt-

**.*?>3m • - , . . . m j i , , . - • Rnter President, Bogy, Rebel Ocucnil Piclc-' ett, Senators Oavis and Sanlsliury.,:

D«wis.-^Hr. President: ;Y«ur Bpeecb last night waadireetly |sj the purpose ami exceedingly able. , \ „ . , " |a, better speech ^as nev«yr apok,e be pre."'

o n H n e ^ n & U c W f o S T h e K ily congratulate you foMt. Thh coun­try is how sale in your hands. n.

lloi/j/Arl iH-longtothe real Denioiv racv ol the.«>un^ry,lwhoihave)/i)waiys denied the right of the Federal C|ov-ornment to wage war against! a: Sover­eign State. Anrt I thank the Presi­dent for his return to tho ..Democratic fold. M ... .i ! . „

Pfpsjdefii.—I hav,°, ,fflW>red.,inuoh from misrepresentation ai well as ft* the Union. I tut I Mirtll go ahead until I have put down .Stevens and Humuer and. OYerj,, other I Udieal in. Congress. j[ shall l iy , them out on tho ground, where governments in the Southern State* have been. ' ' . i /¥u*e«L--*fA»ldel] i

While tho Ismp holds out to burn, it- The wowt reiuyadumay retiuu. .

. [Enter a Mettaenger.] , IWsith-nt. • . . . i ! • . - I . - I . ; . , i j

"The business of this mail looks out Of

Mexsmyer. I have an important tel­egram for the President

President—[Takes th.e telegram and rcada]—.. . , { ,

" AsToa HOTISX N. Y... February to, Idea. To tho President : Your speech hut

night was published in tho Times this morning.<' It 1 is' a complete vindioa . tton of your polioy. It is triumphant 1, We had » great moating, h$n lait night I demonstrated the wisdom of ' your polioy to the great chagrin of the Radicals. 11 showed wo hate H6 stars on tho tag, and SO States ia the Union, whether Congixw bo willing or not.

' • ..iTIT,. i..TTTinilH.WWAIB|X. • i Salisbury.- I>o you think Stiward ^ m ^ l / . #u»narU ypnr policyt ,

Prestdent.—I do; he, has agreed with mo upon it from tho beginninir. >

"He Is " ematani as the northern star." ,, • >• Davis.~l fear he is only laboring to retain thv office of Secretary of State. You should remember ho has always boon an Abolitionist. "

President.—11e cannot cheat mo. < " I have eyes opon him, ,

Andbto affairs oomoto we on the wind." ..

He must keep step to the must! policy, Of his official head will'gO

Sauisbary.—Democrats will never W e him; ,JMe has rang his tittle bell too otten and sent too many of therh to J&rt Lafayette t *"".

Davis.—I think he is a mean cuss I Stnd«bury.—l say the same of Stan­

ton, Bogy.—T\vm is tho \$byl Hko and.

tho company I'loSrel'-Wb shall now* haye the Constitution as it is, tho Un­ion as it was, and the niggers ag they were.

Davis and Satdsbury.—[Speaking together.] That's the doctrine to


K I N N E Y , E . l l t o r .

Cortland, Tuesday, July 21; 1868. . r = »


Bepublioau Union Nominations.

^Wi propose to'roove upeh your works Immediately."

i F O R P K B S I O B N T ,


iik you for the comi Wmfw* yHfir) Xtoi) pl lmo. i t ,

"\t rortilrte seryes me' I'll rcpiiU, this klml • ;i* tMsVlair : I I . » 0 fbnoiaJ Knum ' t | Exeunt Davis, Hautobury and Itogy. : ..f.>vel^^r;nW|klPWfXS"')/ eui. H '

Mrs, Secession:--1 heard, so many fa^orabte ropiirt* of jtA tbak I f l e f t the 1 and of Dix ie and am here to pay my roHpoetH to you.' I arrived lust Kight just in XmO'lA hoar, yQur,,mppt oloiju^t,, | flnd : adniirahh} epeeoh, I was more, ejatedby, it" hnn .1 6ver have beeiPby anything bis*Ih'Vhy life. This is saying a great deal for the world I renowned ofisprlng of John V.

son's rresiaency. io'wW*"w1th tnfs'governmenti<*Md throe hundred thousand of thefalikaTe been slaiu. Hut I have enough, left t<»

gnttifyhig: « you* will ti<*: Walght fiirward. with your most judicious.pol* icy, my children .(who.aTO, AII, Pq»,o»

and1 WV 'bbndreW •SiJ^*«HW»«ft»» theW niggert' ilndi'drrVe a*' Union tu. naticB.out Of tho Southern States, t nm.iwfb ,tojnd,,m<>tte,to> mm*

Mm.'; YoW'matfnaWmit'y'Wd'tKo'Wc^ collection of the' deeds of Tyler,. Fill-

•.more, Piereu landi Rnohananfiapaennne

od to destroy the.Union. . . , .. ii ;i~ ~>"> 7».ie Tb' 'ii an: lnv »Utt!

»h»atiifchne,htitW4^TiwW«JBliniir M Uusttpersbftbilt-tteeds.".., :I . • • ID.t ,

President.—1 am pleased to seo you. 11 have a<«i*ond«d oyer,»Jutw, J became IJf^WWfe^wfAa^iWft"^ toJhe

tfmon.iuid.thnt all your children would ' r J o W l ^ ' W ' W WTVUMM paWlotl thentan'd restore them 4o now-en. .I*iuctu-oIy thank/you for.th.f.liigh lwmoiwv|p,u)bavO)4wRfi me h y j e a ) i » g od sufficiently, by the war. tO make u$ wra'r^lfrietias,n16wi',' • " * • » « w • 'vMft!'i8l*!iajfoMi'*4-We'«liall-ocrtaiidy bo tho best i of feieilds it iyo*k adheve to-ypux reajjpiratjpf 'Pjojioy, i , . ;()

,lS;mdent.-r~,l assure you I shall slst WWttio'nttt'-for^ huvcJ' "Amlhd nbi wWeh&giWf'by lilace or a . J; t l m t . " ' ->.n l O l s i l / ( l . i ' » i . l / » | l . l . w ) .

: Jfrs. :Se*4sfion,rrri /thank, ypp; for y^r franKve^nI%i R^PT,,'9 th»t you may succeed. , '• *•"» •"••"'•"-•- -"- [Ejicrint.

to ' B^'tOJTttN'Uteb. : ' ••••• O i l

, O f O n o n d a g a .


Tbe domination. ' The fcelePrtnWi IroBi'lFeW ¥ * f k W

notinoing the* nomination Of Governor Seymour as tho Democratic *iul Con­servative candidate for tho next Pres­idency which,was spread before the tmbllo exclusively in an extra Repub­lican yesterday afternoon, created con­siderable oVoitoment, whilo a groat deal of surprise wA* oppressed in all p rclefV,, T^e genera^ *»WW t l?n o f

the public was that. the, bitter contest bad been narrowed down to Chase, Hancock and Hendricks. While it would be useless to doiiy that Pomllc ton was.by far themoat Mpuhvsoandi-;da.to, with, the people, or CJoqrgAa, ;and in fact with those o f tho entire South, yet by the sensible, fa'r'-seciiig, and dW creet portion of the'people , he was not regarded I as a safe or available candidate. No one felt willing insucli a momentous crisis as the present to risk defeat upon a candidate who could

vbi i t little actual's really shbw 1 strength.

Still, men who realized that it. was of the 4V08tiyi,tal1imj^sWnW,(°Jta «a»dt-dato to be chosen who, could weaken tho enemy,'were filled wlth'tfeeh dis­appointment at'taelsole«tl6n''of Gov­ernor Seywonrv WhSe po fadlt could justly bo found w'th tho nomination of %. Seymo.ur^t.Jfeqpeeti^of avail-

stronger. antPtegflY'lraTl mote friends In the- Sntfth 'than SoVmbdr.' •' '

„ , a - , , . - , i * | •,•:* e i ' i n . . • ) * • : / . > . « !

However, wo have no desire, to in dnlge.inidlv|la,fliontartpp*,i;),W^ have

M and that

no other candidates will he'able to give * defeat to it Icntral ii raut and the *r«l«*» M^X- .-, vu., .no, «<,«,!,.,,, '^tt»'iidini.tfat«ii'of ttoAtUl Seyhidur

etvtarls upbrlevery ''ConeerVAtrvel'eiti-seti in our! land unremitting lalumjuid tPaMeJeas, euergy, from. th»|, t«rofti "P>r-

.HfH.wfflL" fin WmrS^i i™ over. Wo eon. musL and wif.ir. whip the tliiiverHalrSiin^igV?oohdrt« ifa the oomlug contest. \Vith : Ohiwo and llaiieock, as loaders, tho task would hayp b^poomparatfyebjr ,an easy, ope. orgltHTOWr S,tvannah'Rep\tbman, Jutff'lOth. T

Ybur race it was ohee1 ao1 billions and

ULX.SS|SS 8..«WANT, Of linnets.. 'I J\ \ i *


n M l U . u / . ' i > '

'. J

LriuM •Of.Ino'lttMai

• . . i lV i A<t.i irATS'SMKTOBJt: 1 . . ,'

" ) £ > G « c » g l W » . burt^.. f Vl 'nl: . .wni l«m 0. :llm'wii.

<ont. Brdar.

'hooler. / .«*ord« lau l i .

18th T h o m u Oornell. 1411... I :li» t i c 11. AUaiiiB. JMIi... .<lo». W. OuimitH.

mmmm »jth. , lIIWtorIl .>' asth, .Samuel

the cream and talent of tho** wp uld be dominant party," deserves more than a passing notice by thoso claim­ing Republican sentiments. It is a rmroh easrerijipsk'to command than -to obey; also, to plan than to exooute; and

1 should the Democrats bo uiloceesfui ip obeying tho mandates set forth, or in executing the plans laid down in their

^gtform, tysY/Wi'tWfi

, .,.Ka,»MiaL4fifeuPwlcaJa s isUhiia late ConA?eiiMbn--tho dtvlsibns Oh the

Inyilf l .

• 1 1 1 " . SSIhiiKiiirllill.

w .Normau M. Allen.

S9th.. Btoiiehfn I'eUlbons

e»u.....MiaMiwi«rtch. slat

IDl MouH-Kcnt I'lail.

iipi •; H,JM G O VWWP»,. , ,„-;.„U ' J < » l l \ V < ; i t l S U O M > ,

.. • til /;.:•. J&tymtyf&H • •:,./•-!-.-, ,, -. jpon" ,l4jfUT^S(A^rr>^v»Rif9Bi; ,^k

(>f T o m p k i n s . ,


i , • O r

,li,. 1 Ji. i l JMUJMM ston. C ,•HHMil:,lr-

The Harmonious Doriioor.1cy. 1 The resnIfof!the frew YbrkCou-VeBteon"hV» " haWnonionH dWb6*d*''in th^ ifVoei tm'hoUsHhoIri: THfe'ihbre ol'eariyrit 'cVnbes1 ffc ^ht'Ary*'Pttror.h. ^,'HJMrrJo** « Co. were slalightbred ^ tnoiwn^iiWle^i'moTti fbr' tWpw\ i>6so Of gratifying the 'personal «(0l-fngk'OT WflrVldttals "fSlm'nf) «6' niecti 'rbe : WlsMWaf 'KWe'p a Ay; 'tiib' Ibuiler' W "1*4 hcfwlxl>f ihiyvibtims and toiefrfrleUds, '' 64'k1&K<ll PmitLBTciW'wa^beVorid

^^res'lwn'''theK fejpfesenVa ivci'' mail' of Wyppi? f°Wi'; and'Wt.1' Tins more"cipeoiatly on tho ground <S>t his financial ideas than from Ids position

' i rpon^' tne '^eV' wn'ib^ have'div ided tho copptry tjbi tHe"'past six years. Upbri the qiiestioiis'dir'cotly 'involved ip suppressing, the rebellion wh|l,o ip fbfee, and of placing unrepontaiiii reb­els tp/^bwer as soon Hs1 tho arm's' Were stricken from their hands, iltbia'fio SKYMOUU differs not a whit ffoip Mr. PiCNDtwrOiir. ' Bo'tK 'opp'oscd tl>o gov­ernment in its'efforts' to uphold the imUV of the country. Ai>4 when the

pbWer1 bfceante folly' trium-phimt'.lheso rten with ono voice In-sisted that tho rebel General, fresh from tho field of blood aiid carnage, had a right to walk into the Senate Chamber and control the policy of the Government he had tried in vain to overthrow.

Smooth words Will not wipe out this record, even were it desired so to do. It Is this Fact which constitutes the power of that party to-day. The old leaders of the South hold the doctrine promulgated by Governor V A N C U 6n his rettrrn from the N e w York Con­vention, that in tho olection of SKY-rfoVR & BtAiu they would secure all they contended for in arms. Upon this question the leaders of the Demo­cratic party now are and always have been in harmony—circumstances plac­ed arms in tho hands of one and left | h c other, ap advisor of treason. ,, On tne main question the result would have peon the same whoever had been put in nomination, bat the manner of1 designating "tho m a n " is the cause of irrit,atiou. It is as well for these modern patriots to spend their labors among their own factions. The i^nierican peoplo are satisfied with G R A N T A COUTAX, and will call then} to guide tho nation to safety and peace.

t a r * Tho Alaslta appropriation bill passed the' House "ow-Tuesday^- lH yeas t o 42 hays. Tfte Hohso previ­ously asserted tte. right1 to be consult­ed Oh1 treaty measures' requiring the :

appropriation of money.' The Secre-''tlafy Of Stttte1 cannot do bettor than

push hfcV Greenland negotiations whilo tho favorable weather continues.

yellow, •w 1.1 I...I) l i ; 1-

What wonderful doctor baa got. you . t toha^d;.? . »M«*i*i.i'i

Such rare transformation' I don't un­derstand." : " ' ,

" Three magical word's, and the secret i » said.

Gold Medal .SaleratM*;! use in my

lT'is ferae that 'w 'en* (iie' hygienic pronortlck of llfcrrick Allen's tlold Medsi Haleratns bocomo generally known, BO other rising,will find (favor1

among disi'nminatiug hfuaewwea,for

first inniiiiiliUoti nllndttfihialm wires by which HoVatio Seymour sprang his trap'-- wftdorS #n*Wi*wti»"ib>tlio final selection" of rft* '(fai didatd especially over Mr. Pondloioh. who stood almost wholly upon npudiatjioh'; such a stan-; dard would ftc diffiou'lt (o 'se , at' rest that parfcof^hp, Domoeraoy.-• 'homing the precious bonds.

Nevertheless, we view tho platform of tho present nominoe bearing points leading t'6' »'B "dahgerOus:: ap is'suo. Will ^epu^Ueaiis of t,p$ay Jot time go unimproved, opportunities ho lost,

„to securetho,elcction;of men of.prin­ciple, honor and known integrity, in-stend of demagogues lacking the first

f i r l h o i p l c s o f c i v i l i z a t i o n ' a n d V n i m u n i -

y, and wno should bo foreigners tp -tli* Ptudtartlotiaee ?» We have'only to remember the New York"nbt and the,aphar4Ht"rIhp!ll6it^ otftM'tuift of Ifora.tio Seymour on thflt ono^ion , to impress indelibly upon our minds his, uiulopbted policy. VVu have only to refer to his activity and natural ambi-'tibr/'Ih'nsHistftig" tdle1 "rebfels 'and'' at­tempting to thwart th(ji' operations of H>- )jf) • i . K r . H j i i i W ' i i'!..v ..ILTif M-TIj - . i r

V.mt W « , P r » n g fho,0I»^beMion; to read with unmistakable iieeuraey his future- iuUmtioiiH in regard to re­construction, suffrage, and equality of

. i l r V H i ^ t p s 9iti»ops,,,jf e^cJicd,, If ,ie,vw,a 1man^,prpmodit*tpdJPMvrago and dissension, anarchy and contusion, wiis • hold 'ttpnfor candidate toi'a high and responsible position; i t lsHlHo Dom-borai!lb',^b'D*pBeb!rHTOe,!fcn|Sw'!rftat6 fqr,,t,he otboe.of Presi^on^ flf.'^o .Uni­ted States. Undoubtedly lifti looks at the coming election as the place of his special aggrandizement, and if ho

'receives itj lotfthc Republicans' bf^Now York State and, all who jfought^ani} sacrificed thoir childron^s blood upon the altttr'Of Jeqnalltyfi6 all'men; hide their faces ip disgust and immediately prepare'to pffiad'at' tlic bir of justice tUo1>rj?,eritjsi9 Ia r^p^ (%tupe^,, .

Tho tido; o f public, o vents loads us to believe that a man of corrupt print oiples, devoid of honor, of oxcOediftgr

l y ccceOtrle: Views, !and rotten from the very core,.is now before us? standing by \f}\d si^e'p^i^inau of ppfeigucd in­tegrity, morality, and. lofty, achieve­ments—the man, who, from a common position in life, rose to eminence by his own natural ambition, and upon, the merits of his own chivalrous deeds aud praiseworthy aots—and now, when standing up as nominee for President of ' the United States, bases his platform upon the necessary wants of our country and the great will of its peoplo. [Contrast and compare such a platform with ono based upon repudiation, partial or in toto, founded and dependent upon whisky, copper* hcadism ' an'd repudiation for its suc­cess, and then choose which you will support—whether you will descend in the eyes of the other nations of the world to the scale of dishonor, discred­it and dishonesty, by forfeiting our good name and making null aud void our national obligations, ohoating and defrauding our own peoplo who made advances when the nation was nearly "bankrupt, atifl saved our country from ruin;,or supporting the platfoiup of tho inyincibTe U. S. Grant-—to pay what woo.wu when it is due, with in­terest, save disruption and anarchy by promptly meeting our Obligations, and thereby teHolTother 'nations that "Hot

•because "the* aricieht republics of Greece and'Rome, through fntoftial factions and'discord, lost their'primi-

!t ive power, 'that'tfhis infant republic, seCOnd to n o ^ l i o r iratiori in maty 1 ro-*pectfl, shafrl sink irkcl' ^significance through the;,lirjudftimts''ftranlig6ment 'of Its'-people, andlcaVo «n examplo to ;ftit*re genohlHoris that without a nion-areh to rule Over, or ahf Emporor to ex­ercise absolute'power; the human raoo cannot en joy tho blessings of civiliza­tion and j)rosperity. •••• Soi,oN:

and energy:, but enrich ^Ihi with its Vital element, Iron, by taking tho Peruvian Syrup (a protoxido of irou,) and you will fool rich and "as good as anybody.^ T T X 1 - . -«—.

The Telegraph Bill for taking pos Brit

Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. _. P ^ i f s p e p s i a Cure, fede'sT#3pepsia Oux^

€oe'» Dyspepsia Cure.

.~jB^.9xMasasfkkGwMf Coc's Dyspepsia Cure,




sespiqn 3ff,-aU;we'j'linc8 in Groat Brit­ain, proposes to mako a uniform charge of one shilling to each despatch up to twenty words, and not oxoeeding six-nonce for each additional ten words. Delivery by special foot messengers within a mile or within tho ordinary . . , . . . . , , . . , . . . . , , , , . ,

m-fryflftfl'. -wwitfm in r C^sPB PF"""""* 1 f l I T P n . '

There is'^-rbmfyH^vliig In Peru. Mass., containing three old maids, all ovoV floJa|4(tJfeTr bro^H *f#lft ^'n-dy. These all occupy one house, but each one of the dames maintains her own domestic establishment in a sepa­rate room. They guard their apart-

rttfcffeiiW (jbalousl?°that if pitfe stejis out for wood or water, she looks her door seourely^'that the dtherVrriayaiet peep in. Three or four years ago one ofnthemQtoolo a nationitot%*Arr.yybut after a trial of two or three weeks found it too expensive, and offered her husband $50 to leare"her fbreyef; whioh ho did, and she relapsed hope­lessly into herself, i

i n n : ih . 1 T h e f O r e a t iiiiiiL'll


'Jar?m&f mim * Co-» C O R T L A N D ,

WhWtt>oy. aaynrjx iy M | |


Juat purchaaod at ttio rooent panic pricta la Now York.


aajsmsa -T.tnfflffflPTftfffT TIIEI ^A^X,W^VNTS SU.PP.mJfl i-l.l • ••'' • 'Wlttk-tMi* *t prl«>» that

Defy all Competition!

,-! ...' . - ) , • . • > . . . . , • . > v . . -I ., .U •; - -

Our Btock lliln Spiliiir Is I.AItOltRTirAl* KVftlt, comprlHlng almust uvory article lu i u U i i O i l U j il • i •itKI ' i v i l - V J H - . V' i

I> » Y G O O D S ! | Dress Gloods,

White Goods, , , Woolens,

.':.):ii...J8»jr'.:. nil.. . Ji uii'.jnuM

HOSIERY w<k $&9VES, \

Htutvf l's in abundance,

' Vf»m tit* IhifHh to On> t o u t f .ilhlfy.



It y n . » ,w JU /oi-WJT.fttxMTY'. And wo ,w<?uld hurc nay .to our onatomor*. H>»ti w« hav*

l \ e w ( pr^attejpppj, Never Before. OfferedinM'i* County f

• ( ' - ; / , ' . • ; Our,»t|OCk pf ( , ,

Wall rtiid Window Paper • . • i •-

l» i.iiKini.»Hiii..l In Htyle ami auallty, aud lh« large*! uluKaliiiviit in town.

H A T S A N D C A P S !

iii'lafjt* niiiiiH..).. iiii.l i.'iciii v.iti.Vy. in

.CJ;i»r*'>.,ca Mjj^tDHDY !


Wo make a Djiocfalty. InijiortlnK (t alrect from Staf-fordshlre, Kiuxlaud, ournolvoH, wo can give our cunto IIKTH hotter hnrgalne than fltty kouae weal ol tyew Vork city. Wo M v o a Wrgc aWck of

-' I^ry^-Ijioutuiuiiitileiieval Sliorinan, acee*ding <tp the Chicago • '(Democrat­ic) Times, replied to a crowd in St. LOuis, on. Friday evening, when ask­ed what-he thought of tho nomination of:8ey*»our:»—".It ia a hud tiomiim tion, and will hi?, henten all to• pieces. Grant will be elected." Sherman evi­dently understands himself, as w«H as Grant and Seymour.


re-. cctverttom the1 brbpAetort'if * W s Coug^Bklr^N*'ar«otn<brra«d that' th«y havo at last yielded tOithe.press-1

ing demand, and in addition to the or­dinary sire «Mwt«e> long in market haver ooneerrUslto ftmiisn tbair (popu­lar remedy (Coe'a Cton|^J^l8|tm) li»

equalled aaa sura and tfneedv dy for Coughs, Colds, Croupj.Wlhooi " iug cough, and all throat and lung ^"Hi^Ttjiil^*)1 ,frW rJrWiJJfi W fOUJr'

' :W l :

'Af ^ie Vbry riioment whon Grtflt was" receiving the swOrd of Pbmberton, Horatio Seymour taunted the Urtfoh with'its defeats, 'and pre-dieted still further disasters. July, 18**, was the month'from which we dated'tybirm victories lit the field; un dor the leadershinof our Great Cap tabi' ^uly,'1808,'will be the month from which, under the leadership of

'tlte aaW^ Grekt'Oaptarn,'we( shall dnto oih-grandest vietory sit the polls; be-cause the man who was so traitorous five years i'go' has dared -td» erOsa

'Bydrd«'with'Uly*.teaa',Gra'htV' •'' ! .' [J il • • / . . . " ' ' l m i iti'mmi i 11"' The iVAve• of Russia haamade a pro-'' posal to the emperor Napoleon that ftu^sia and TJra%>& unite in an effort to iuiliteo all eivili/.ed nations to alum-i . irrrnjT TKV lifir. vn i.r - <i:;., » don the use of torpedoes and c«cplo-' V -.11 fj' '*' ,,'* V ' ' ' * ' . • . ' . , . > . -. ' M l . i j h,

Mve projectiles in time of war. The Monitix.i- slate;! that this huniano pro­position meets with tj e, approval of


. approVa . n i . ! • ft . ,'Ja , -. however thmkd

thai., it.may still ho ndcessary to em-' plby torpedoes for dolonsiyp purposes, '

i,, .,, N,a^ya, JVIiapellany;. , John II. Trapp, lawyer, politician

and; claim agent, who was sent to Sing S ihg for five years for defrauding the government, has boon pardoned by"the President, i ••• • Mr. Allen'T. Thompson^ the olotrnent

advooate of Aemperanoe, died tit I t ing hainton on Friday ni/jht, of consump­tion, after an illness of three weeks.

A!]Vlv lloncdict e){ Harleni is said to bo the vpos86ss8i• of a coin, o f tho roigu of King Solomon. It htts been pronounced'». genuine Hebrew coin by a Ivabbi. Mr., r.eiie.liet has been of­fered * ? 5 0 % . it. , „ . ; , . . , ...

Tho CoJfltowUo, QU Methodists have a jyalttfth'0 jinoney-saving minis tcr. Being himself a practical joiner, he superin'tomls the worlt of biiil'dlngr t h e i r n o w e h i l l e h ; ' a n d t a k e s h o l d l d l l i -

golf of all thO hard jobs. , . . ,.'. •• •

Wheny-lta' fictitious oxeitciueut which followed Horatio Seymour's nomination was at its laght in N o w Yprk, ; J.phft^MpiTiseey.;, ^ p r i s e d a f # M » V ^ K Doniocratio fnond by saying in his . « 'T'vf"5' (pilb'l: iiOnch'i|laht sort Of wdj^j—" 'All tWfl'iB'VeryiilcW, brtt / iher*isn'taghost of a cheaSbe fin* . Heynioiir .agiiinst

, .Gfnnt,',', | Thja fn*n$, .i-idjcu^d, ^ h n ' s judgment . tf, t l W poUtwal, jUua^ion when John ottered to back it up with

•6, bot'df"r4,W)0; to ,u(W'thf.t^dJrant ^tfuld'•6e,»tfe''«e*t'' Presldbntiii 'This was a sliiitiiei' to theconiideut Hey mflnritojbwt,,after spmo hesitation,t,ho net was accepted and flic nion'er put \\j>. JftorH'saey Oflb'red 'to' irgpeat' thq wager, or ta'glVe'tlle Odda otrVbet of $iOO,uOO, bat. no>ene appeared willing to risk mQrqj|n,onoy against tho.judg-

Sent of the i)enioorat,ic J en'bof; of angross;


And' In fact, B'vcrythlrli/ pertalrllnR to the CROt'K-KRY trade. > • re

Orocerica of All Kind* ! i- i o i . • . ' • . • ^ , ' . . ^ . ; ; p Sf.-jC • . i T NAiI,f,, W|NIH»W U L A S 8 , i | T ^ 8 ( y j d r ^ I N S ,


c'J 36 aJaafcOaET .Q . 7 / A % w M w J ) i r balt' At wholCHalu and retail, Ac. , &o. • O A U . MUlSKH UB.

J AH. H. a oo.


lateat etyloe of

Millinery and



ly-ri'l ORNAMENTS, Ac., Ac., which haa juat been received l.y

Mrs. C. S. DOWNE8, Who I.IIH a aplondid unmix li. lent vt »U uuvi» nvceJuuiiy to tho carrying on of . G W IT7T /< ' 1 I . »

M I L L I N E R Y & D R E 8 S - M A K I N ( l , and the ejtecuth^u of

C n s t o m W o r k '"-'''H uiltttti «fej*iHsitrt(t«.;/

. Jin.. DOWNKS haa a full Btock of

FROSTED LACES, , ,,,. , (Something; i<f*\) " '-'•'

FLO WTffyfypf sryory variety, .TBIMMINGrS,

All tlial can lie desired,

' I I / » .1 r . | & C . , & C . kecpa Ladloa'

'CdfolAUS, '•' VUFfo,'" vkPH, Aad oxccuteH all work

v. In the Messenger Hstjl, BJooK,

..iHmii CORTLAND M. Y.

'{ .


' V \ C o y t t u r w l , M . Y . ,

HAH ALL T l t K V A d l M V l r M , and tho i fl

BB6T OP WtntAMKK aArt MA'l'KKI.H,,

for executing In a tuperior tttfintitrMi bMera In (the " D e o l . .1 . ..



htyhi , luMii ty i'. bo excelled.

I A T :: . P M ^ B ^ I T J U N J Q I

and ior he can not

Jobbing promptly and antlafnctorll,

COE'S vnmmw* smvt r AitfmwMEPSIA CURK

.ITIT ' i l l K <>T I! M

Ibutil&iiS 'to i iooiJp

Tm s woiM-Mr owned >t«m»Ar ft* the nnfalllo . . . . . ' Of

;•: i> V ^ f e i ^ i A ; *


1 ii... Of Ihi.

X be hapPX to rccolve Uic ladica of Cortland vtclnity, »ufl oxhlbtt to them a cholce;aelcg-

Indigestion, Sick liedulaclie, Sartrneei

or A^ftof^Stfwwfaflising of

Mod, Flatulency, Lassitude, ,r'/)1. mbarteMv &*i<**tmu3

Liver Complaint,Jlnal-

•' tftmmfaii;j

„ . .,.,,• :,:• ,1. il-4arArrlflh>.S9*t".i! « <"'U '/. ,

la uraed upon the attention and trial of aa«erer4

asffi ^^qhUISA1068 fact, all dlaordera of thTTSTOiBan a M WffteW W i t h all their oomplabiU, aneh aa Hick Headache, Heart­burn. Deproealon, geaMMl aen.o of uneaalnefi. and feeling that yon are not weU. Food dlatreaaca iron rieea and aoura on your atomaeh; breath ta. bad dou't feel »H If yoi

t of all, Indhiee thai

n'lB . . . 1 1 . . .

know wnat'alU theto except are tarely d y

(ton or Constipation, are. nothing mora or l e w lyepenal*. Tnouaende upon Uweaanda auffe;

dfo tWa wax 4 a«rt« ie l tW tlemaelyea nor phyaiclan* naanda UIM.H thoaaanda auffer am uvltUor tliuniH

i: Oyaneuala. Jf y n

o a an eaylyvraTO, If yandatrangth, agala

a'l lo ...>l>ili'>- hqj,»i.i..)*T1»rn.i') l.-.tbi) ; . . i a» i t i« . ( M a d yoaw ordere U ft


ler, we repeat It, tble la al! 11; would have proof of our alaten— • save youreelves and children froi vou would have health and a W f y wo beg you try «ni« liOfUft W'1


Ooe's Dyspepsia Cure

Vou will see how soon It will dtapel your bad reek Inge and gloomy foreboding*: | How soon It wilt chaa* away any specloa' 0? DMpVptW. How aoou It wtB

'vo you new life and vigor, and how soon It wlH o > Mill man or woman of you. For your own

_. )7for tho sake of everybody suffering, we beg, we entreat you to try It.

J ! I V I ' J I

For Liver arSr MJt and BiUoua . . . . i i ] ,« .- .»f rWW*V8 '

• • r f Uavlm


J. IU /.A* 1 , 1 . 1 / 1 It la a Sovereign Koraedy, while for Fever and Ague, and all thoso diseases which are generated In a i.ilim

1U1 preventive and cure. < That i u w«MorluTmbMMnat virtues may not stand

.one upon our statement, we append a few unsolici­ted tcstlmoulala from thoao whoso position In society

",a,,CC"%\dVrWl^... alone upon our statoinent, we append a few unsollc!

t lm. . . : . . . . .

and conviction to the moat Incredulous. Mr. I.turra-H SEXTON, a wholesale merchant of IP

years. In Milwaukee, one of the moat reliable and caroful men In the State, says, uudur date


roiH, offcts'th*mtt;' ,.'„inrf:>, , ..,•,!» , ( u . : , . ; /

m<mmn><>uBmmMtti(*fi**s* "» //. <n.A r/ 8ijiu:iIwW'.za»Ya>;j;orj'A "' • ^ a ^ y i m A f i K ^

i i ' . - i iv , if i. i T / A . W K / n a ,II :ti

..o-."--'.- miwn •!flmwWartoaa , . « • . . . 1 . 1 . . . . | i i i . i . ) i . • . . . ' . . . . . < < .. . J I

YarMatf lnl fr i^rrcHWltO^lWX), MiSMta webrblng f r ^ t ^ t » | n x « r t w ) e a . ' '• , , " " , . , J ?

, M O W J J H O I M .M

-. /Ah* , a e o m p r t t n m o n r m U f t / ' u .;.'. i i x . w vio

MtLWAUKii. Wis . , Jan. M, 1868.

MEHIUV."^ 0 . C t i a k * r»:,' Ni w llactn. (.(wm.:

Doth myaelf and wife havo ueed Ooe'a Dyapepsla (Jure, and It lias provod l'KHFKCTI.Y satisfactory a>

remedy. X have ^ O hejIUUon J n saying that we have received UIIBAT ItKNKriT from I

Very respwelfillly, (Hlltned)


l.KHTKlt SEXT01*.


[From Bm. L. V. WARD, Avon, Lorain Vo., 0.) •

MKHHUH. MVWINd ft, AltMHTIUlMI, ! . . :

Otnlttmen, It gtvoa nte great plow ore to state that my wife haa derived great benefit from the use of Coc'e Dytpepala Gore, HI... has been for a number of jrears g n (illy troubled with Dyapepala. aecompanlejd Wfli vli.ti.i.t paroxysms of constipation, which eo prostrated hor that she was all the while, for months, iinahlo to do anything. She took, at your lnetance, Oou'e Dmponala Cure, and has derived OKKAT BKlf-K K I T F B 0 M 1 T , ' KKIT KltOH IT. and Is now comparatively well. She

arnoofi uir-VV o v r - n u H

Ki)\ \'\ )i'i \/. / it [From Her. ISAACA1KKN, AUeghany, To.)

' '*A*i*T%Jk»fi*d,'rJfngtlM, - I > t i l . I I I /

No. 84 Market Street, Pltuburg. S m : - I take1 gli-nt i*'i.»...i. in sUtlng that, after

liavlng suffeicd TVoin dyspepsia for about nftceu yeals at some periods pinch wore / b a n others. 1 have been entirely cured by the M, o f u o r t hy»t*#Hla Our... My friends know II...1 of late years my case haa been

t suffering from eat l ig I uadgrei any kind of food, and «... an average" would an extremo ono any kind of foe . about one-third of my meals, In a aonr tndigcaiil MSM. I IVJiun ttie Mvere attacka would come, I would InVftMl Hlnrnftlh* nn.l be utterly helpless. Some bf the attacks would be ao aevero that for days together I would not retain i.ny Il.lng on, my atomaeh, aave a Hill., dry t.iiwt and tea. For years 11.new not wufit It was to pass live consecutive tiouya without inter, pain. From the time I took the IMt dose of tl medicine I ceased vomiting,. eradUaly all aorem passed away, and flesh.aad..etrwnarth returned, a i d over since I h a x e been a b b toaat any kind o f foodakt upon tho table:' M i UokfM have now passed withoht any .ymptOmeoflth* re lun. of tho disease. My cs was conaldaqscVby all, even physicians, ao marvoloi I hat for a lime i f was feared it might bo flctltloui hut I am now ao well convinced, that I have been nbt niejrulv relieved, but ueriuanenUncured,,. |*»t I,.

iscientiously recommend Coe's Dysneu IMAAI

»usly l all vlctlraa of dyspepsia.

Lato Pastor of the Heaver St., guatry. • , , • . ,

M. V.. Church, Alio

r u J i i n i / ' J i. xi UJi

T 3 S C J « A H


liepsla Cure for the opportunity to aay, satlnfactlon as a remed

g » ^ X d ^ K ^

(JoiKslv ivo Evidence. CORTLAND, May i t , 18(8,

Mrssae.X). 0r .Ct ,»a* '* .C0i Vt*JI»v<... Conn. :

ffmiHtrWt;- We have now been aclllng Coe'a Dra. npsla Cure for tho peat thirteen years, and take tale

opJH.rtunlty to aay, that In all cases It haa given great • - and Is spoken of In the

e d U u e l J n a a n U E a U d h e s t e a a certain aad ipeody enre ol DvapepaU, ludlgostleu,'

( . ' 0 l r c T m e ? l i o ^ U * i t l F b W * i « g i i e T Sl l lous 'ee l rangementa, and In fact, all dlsoaaes arising from a

(ffi#ot?^Xft.^«^ i t'OUB,5r *»£• Yoor»,.-ve«yUMtyi. 'i • M •' i

. , /fVlVVB L , l S g l T U , D r » a d a t , ' ,'•' . » . - fy.n /

< I \ .< ) > / • • ! <

O n t U a M . f

.') > •• o * .


, l / . . i

AW ' I ' /

. Ill . .'111". Hi . *.M.'.


Wilt eleo b e fcund Imralaable la a U « a « a o c J > U r .

KChiii -n l 'J »"•*. !»'i ' n i l , » . . ! ) ' • ,M '< Hold hy Iknt^glsU In city or country eVorywb«r« at

OJQ. C L A R K & CO.,

;.IJW > N e w l U T e D . O ) . - ' . : J / . I :


Bonnets, Ladies' Children's and

,:' ' Misses1 fetats and all tho novolllea of the season in

Trlmmi nf 8 and OttWUfppp

a n t r a n o e - « H t door ndrth of MeeeetiKer Hank a t Yil . i .'i •<>••• -ML*Will) <«IWf*Pm«>0-T-

IJWfi40i' ' l i.no io tM.3 ,y©rt'«l>f .1? . 1

•J... . ..lU^v.GOJMPA^^fie ***'?'

OTJTD0N3E. '.„<teo,. ^jTBAgaail,;:,

• i . . . 'uiv i i ,t, • v ^ i , ,«w<r«l i . I IOMKII , M . V . , . . e , w «

aiavllag aeriy«T»4iiTn«ngemeou wllb, o»o of'ttt'd hri^

, iMl'pRTIim WPSWtil* Dlroctlr from China and japan, ia s o w t e e e W a * * " * . . " ' ; . •• -TT.iL. . ' , , « * - i v . « > i i l . ^ w \

. IMreuared t« sell a . > .VI. . . . . ' •*» .«v.^..i%l

Suptiriw Quality 3apaa T tt W$1, ittJL •a*waMsieeMia*jaaB«aa«a»am«a^ai>

/ HUtui Twap Sytei* 1 M M ftV

Which he wlU v»*r«wt a* «ood « « ) that an be pur-


8 S « t # T k e V A « r W * l I N

f.\ . W j . i tl. n\.%\W. tOO n X A -tWMyiVt*


• . . i . . . . . . ^


-4M-M T I M 2 * A


1 V . . 1 ......II

I V H l l T I I, . . imKV ."t


NS, of all

:;' "cUTLKRYr YAN'KEB'' 1W* , TIONS iWW&ftbiVlW, Ac

. . . . I . . T i,ni,tf>)l -.». ••%, W I 'I •. « ' t a r R K P A I R I N O « o 4 »B«»»tAVIafO doate a s hte

bostatyle. and all »oS»«a»»iarteati ' r i . . . ... <

8 ,600, 0 0 0 f»f*r/afJBB# ttt P O 0 B T B A S 8 .

-ErAVWa'i taMitaai f^' - .eaplaU, aiteet eaperiencwl * A . bufera, aad eiitavneUe trade o t any oa«>oen. In the Dollar Hale bualness, we

i i f l - y i l a v a n t g l t Sftta^aahflaflaaai . . 1 JT***l."r?iFMrcr5'. ^fryTKWmw

•» evorj lnatance,arai also toa^aaf s a j e a ^ v , p f , t ^ p d s : ontf i ) b i W ^ M £ i tfo other concern hat any thoio wherever our Aoentt

are teUintk (Q*f, TAeMa. Jt Prompt ^asid Kellable." Male mid ri-niul.. agortts wmm-ii in city and country.

The Ladles tZo^?Mf^'19intV9^M tJooSev»nu twrruBNs, /ooarrow CASTOHH. Kli.VKII 1'I.A'i'Kli Ac . (Katabllahed J8M.) A patent p e a da a nuta and a

;kde '• ' chec) cte

l i l l l l l l H , NV at pen loan

iilm club FANCY


deacrlMagaa arUote to be e*td for ai dollar, )U »ft fur »» i * ) for$4 ; 80 for t o ; iOOtor i e f t l sent r » a i 4 0 f . , r » 4 ; 80 for $ 0 ; 100 tor $ M )

by mall Free preaenta to getter up, (u/orthfiO jxr cent, more than Uett tent tmanti other concern,) accor ding to the slue 6f clnfi. TtorfS us a trial club, or If not do not a o i t e send for aotrtular. >. ^ N. B.-nOuraale. should MOT lie eiaaaed with Now York dollar Mwelnraaleaor bogus " Tea Oompaalen," a s l t l s a o t h l n g o f the aort. . , .M 71

• E A S T M A N * K E N D A L L , U 4 » U K ) - _ % BanoVer B t r e ^ r & M . l f t a s .

J**t iV^laArf , in a Healed Bnxsto*. Priori* etna.

A LeeMM ea the * a t u « , Treatment, and lad loa l

^SSM&Mas''',] "";"'im"" K mm*** i •

by which every r

>ON TO 'I'll. BOON *J . .kh i i .* . .


on the receipTof'a lx cei '*t^^£^$&&±Sk , . , , •• - ; • - • - . — •. ... — i p o e t a g e s u m p s .

t Also, D ' B . O U t . V K W K L L ' S "Marriage • Oul.lc price iw centa.

Address th,eyi^a^ak«r«i . - Q

jaVB.rn .ry , New Y o i i . I'osi (

AjijiiimtuH for P l iys ica l Traiiiiii)';.

ratent flame Gymnasium. fJHE 0H1T OOMPLBTB ttmtABtB &T1I1IA



beon UcklnSTn the necoaaary a c o b e r ' '""••'""

Malch w c ^ o t e r c o a e Ihoie dWcnltleV,


ve not

HOH. one

lillshcd hyV apparatna—1

will • cheap, portable, and adapted to all

ttrengh. wl.lcA OymnaaUca will

n eiipftiittcil V y t w n r l r .


convoi . for the Inventl. j e l Price of the

•boka ferewed

> email

Tho "ntt/l^&VWpfinam. h andaomAy colored, a a « b y ( a a fageklaAal Aevlee. tho rings anfl

for the a awing

OpAraamum, w i th four

s. . . , , . - , . , . , . , ( i - 1 « l e i n T J ( 'J*1 A 1 0 0 0

adjuathvem, ^gH^tfwi'ihVi- . adjustment...'; 'VJ!.'*.'!/...] '..' 1 w


atMUl * * • • ' i . . " - . , i , —* \—'—. . i '..j j | " .". i " • ' — , • I .

v A O K N t B W A N T * ! ) BYKHYWUBrlB.

matwmme.' BettamiWX. T.

the Best Reajx* Kijife Grinder ( "JtrADK of FINK EMB'rtY M ^ . B ^ A l H z B D

a> fast as tho W n d f | 6 n e , attdHvos a iVolgha b u t » pounds, la%lamp-

thirmacblne;aplai lk ortablo, runa rapidly by " et. Hi..

TBBMS gear, and turn easily: la the best and chc* It before you buy. For Clrculara aad

B. O. bTOBKE, Auburn, N. Y.

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