Test Paper : II Test Subject : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code : K-1015 Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________ OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________ Roll No. (Figures as per admission card) Name & Signature of Invigilator/s Signature : _________________________________ Name : _________________________________ Paper : II Subject : MANAGEMENT Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 K-1015 1 ±Üâ.£.®æãà./P.T.O. Instructions for the Candidates 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of the cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker seal or open booklet. (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. 4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item. Example : A B C D where (C) is the correct response. 5. Your responses to the questions are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet kept inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Read the instructions given in OMR carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the OMR Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. You have to return the test OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must NOT carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 10. You can take away question booklet and carbon copy of OMR Answer Sheet soon after the examination. 11. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 12. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited. 13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. 14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada translation of a question booklet the question in English version shall be taken as final. A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá 1. D ±Üâo¨Ü ÊæáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉ J¨ÜXst ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ¯ÊÜá¾ ÃæãàÇ ®ÜíÃÜ®Üá° ÃæÀáÄ. 2. 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II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

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Page 1: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

Test Paper : II

Test Subject : MANAGEMENT

Test Subject Code : K-1015

Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________

OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________

Roll No. (Figures as per admission card)

Name & Signature of Invigilator/s

Signature : _________________________________Name : _________________________________

Paper : IISubject : MANAGEMENT

Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50

K-1015 1 ���������/P.T.O.

Instructions for the Candidates1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page.2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions.3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will

be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested toopen the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :

(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paperseal on the edge of the cover page. Do not accept abooklet without sticker seal or open booklet.

(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questionsin the booklet with the information printed on thecover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questionsmissing or duplicate or not in serial order or anyother discrepancy should be got replaced immediatelyby a correct booklet from the invigilator within theperiod of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the QuestionBooklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given.

4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C)and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on thecorrect response against each item.

Example : A B C D

where (C) is the correct response.

5. Your responses to the questions are to be indicated in the OMRSheet kept inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark at anyplace other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not beevaluated.

6. Read the instructions given in OMR carefully.7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the OMR

Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevantentries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourselfliable to disqualification.

9. You have to return the test OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilatorsat the end of the examination compulsorily and must NOTcarry it with you outside the Examination Hall.

10. You can take away question booklet and carbon copy of OMRAnswer Sheet soon after the examination.

11. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.12. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada

translation of a question booklet the question in Englishversion shall be taken as final.

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4. ��'&+� ������'1"2���(A)7�(B)7�(C)����0����(D)�C ����2�����&�����5 �,����DE��F0����2�G%��������'1"���C���������$�D���F0����������7�(��2�(5H��� 0< 85(�I&�����"��(��5J���B�(��%G&,E�7�0��H A B C D(C)���$�D���F0����5��5K2�%

5. ��'1"� ��&'(� I� ����� � (�L>����� OMR F0�����)5������ 7� ������� �������� I� "��#�����������������II�7�����67��"��������������;"��I��G#��7������������J��#���K&��L%�OMR F0����)5������< 85(�I&�� ���B����D����� ���������� �F0��������"� � 2�����&����7<������MN O�D������D8��52����� �%

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10. ��$�(4����� 0���7���$�(54���'1"���&'(�����"����0������(� ��OMR F0�����)5������"��� �2� 02���(� 8���)��2�!)�����%

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Page 2: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 2 K-1015

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(B) ���5��$������P�X��)P��X &���������

(C) F05J���#� ����!������*�5���P�X;, 0�


(D) (��9�>��P�X��F05J������'����0���)� 0��������


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ii. B�

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iv. 25')�(����

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(B) ii���0���� iii

(C) iii���0���� iv

(D) ii���0���� iv

3. ��"��2����� (A) [ �\��� ��� �( ��2�� ���D�� ���� ?������ �( ��2�� ��� �� ! W0�����(��2����B��)=X���0���B�3(�)P5X�� 0%

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(A) iii i iv ii

(B) ii i iv iii

(C) i ii iii iv

(D) ii iii iv i

Page 3: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K-1015 3 Paper II

1. In the long run, profit maximizing firm will

choose to exit a market when

(A) Fixed cost exceed sunk costs

(B) Average fixed cost is rising

(C) Revenue from production is less

than total costs

(D) Marginal cost exceeds marginal

revenue at the current level of


2. Demand is a function of

i. Income

ii. Price

iii. Advertising

iv. Consumers

Codes :

(A) i and ii

(B) ii and iii

(C) iii and iv

(D) ii and iv


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions. Each question carriestwo (2) marks. All questions are compulsory.

3. Assertion (A) : Giffen goods are

goods for whichdemand increases asprice of related goodsincreases.

Reasoning (R) : Goods for whichdemand increases asincome increases.

(A) (A) and (R) are correct

(B) (A) and (R) are not correct

(C) Only (A) is correct

(D) Only (R) is correct

4. Arrange the following steps involved incapital budgeting prices in the order inwhich they appear.

i. Calculating Net Present Value(NPV)

ii. Projecting Cash Flows

iii. Comparison of NPV and IRR

iv. Calculating Internal Rate of Return(IRR)

Codes :

(A) iii i iv ii

(B) ii i iv iii

(C) i ii iii iv

(D) ii iii iv i

Page 4: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 4 K-1015

5. )� ���!�#�$�[

��YZ��– I ��YZ��– II

a. B�������� 1. �DO(�'�<@�E15��`


b. ���>��P�X 2. /��(5A Y�a

c. �����P�X 3. ��bc(��*(�9�Ed

d. e%3%^% 4. F05J������(5��E

�� ��#�������H

a b c d

(A) 4 2 1 3

(B) 3 4 2 1

(C) 3 2 1 4

(D) 2 3 1 4

6. <0�O 0�� 2����5)�E� ��E)�d� (N1� O2������"


(A) 05 &'(�7��D������0����(� J�5

(B) 05 &'(�7��0�E������0����65��50��(�

(C) �D���7��(� J�5���0�����O���0�

(D) 05 &'(�7��D������0����05;E(�

7. 2� 'S(� � �� (� ������2 �� ���� � �D������� "

���2� 3���0����Z

I. *+�,�DS&�����"��*+�,��D8�������

II. �DS&�����"��<@�E�05����-�$��������

III. �DS&�����"���� fL��������

IV. �DS&�����"����'�5�����D8�������






8. ��.��5M����(A) [ �N(������ 0�I^��<����2����)=X��


�,7�Q�(R) H )�g(5����F0��c��2�����)=X��


(A) (A) ��0����(R) C��8�����$

(B) (A) ��0����(R) C��8���0����J

(C) (A) ��$���0����(R) 0����J

(D) (R) ���$���0����(A)�0����J

Page 5: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K-1015 5 Paper II

5. Match the following :

List – I List – II

a. Veblen 1. Macro-Economics


b. Total cost 2. Isoquants

c. Fixed cost 3. Snob appeal

d. G. D. P. 4. Production function

Codes :

a b c d

(A) 4 2 1 3

(B) 3 4 2 1

(C) 3 2 1 4

(D) 2 3 1 4

6. The most significant management skills


(A) Technical, Human and Conceptual

(B) Technical, Behavioral and


(C) Human, Conceptual and


(D) Technical, Human and Cognitive

7. Perception involves

I. Selecting information

II. Interpreting information

III. Organizing information

IV. Disseminating information

Option :





8. Assertion (A) : Employee satisfaction

leads to high


Reasoning (R) : Financial incentives

lead to high employee


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false

(D) (R) is true and (A) is false

Page 6: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 6 K-1015

9. ��;'���1�'�0�I2����� ���� 0���5�� ������ (�


i. <@�E�-���d

ii. �� ��

iii. ��'&;'#��

iv. �MN O�D����

�� ��#��������H

(A) ii iii iv i

(B) ii iv i iii

(C) i ii iii iv

(D) iv ii iii i

10. )� ���!�#�$�[

��YZ��– I ��YZ��– II

a.Q���\�� �\�� 1.)N0����E��0��� ��'+��2�)5O$�? 25'�M�

b.h%)P�%�D��� 2.Y5'iO���5O(�9�����-1��9�d

c.C$(��!�E 3.Q��)�$�- 8��

d.C >����D+� 4.B�(��2����1'�H��O�����5j 0�

�� ��#�������H

a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 2 3 4 1

(C) 3 4 2 1

(D) 4 1 3 2

11. (�������2�������D������ ������ ���DO��c��2���(5��E����"��2�����&�%(A) *8�G050��(��(5��E2����(B) �(�,��$1��.��(5��E2����(C) *����L��(5��E2����(D) �5�Ec�(���� ! .��(5��E2����

12. )P�%*��%��DO��c������c5B5K$2������D�����ZI. ��$�D��� � ( ��(,� ��$�D��� �O;������"

*+�,���D8�������II. ��$P�#���������7�0���B�&���0������$)5��

(�8�������III. F��O����I&�����E)�d�����"


�� ��#��������H

(A) I �D0�'(B) II �D0�'(C) ������C ��b�*2��0���(D) I ��0��� III �D0�'

13. ��.��5M���������(A) [ (� ���2�����)P��X���J.5E0��(�*2��0���%

�,7�Q�(R) H Q52�&�(���g7�05 &'(����0���<��� 0�'g2����(� ���2������ "� �� J.5E0� �( �*2� ���05�����3���0���%

(A) (A) ��$���0����(R) 0����J(B) (A) ��0���� (R) C��8�����$(C) (A) 0����J���0����(R) ��$(D) (A) ��0����(R)�0����J

Page 7: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K-1015 7 Paper II

9. Identify the sequence through which

‘Active Listeners’ constantly cyclethrough

i. Interpreting

ii. Sensing

iii. Responding

iv. Evaluating

Codes :

(A) ii iii iv i

(B) ii iv i iii

(C) i ii iii iv

(D) iv ii iii i

10. Match the following :

List – I List – II

a. Joseph Luft and 1. HawthorneHarry Ingram experiment

b. A. H. Maslow 2. Transactionalanalysis

c. Eric Berne 3. Johari Window

d. Elton Mayo 4. Need Hierarchy


Codes :

a b c d

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 2 3 4 1

(C) 3 4 2 1

(D) 4 1 3 2

11. Select the Human Resource Managersfunction from the following

(A) Administrative function

(B) Auditing function

(C) Operative function

(D) Public relations function

12. Responsibilities of a HR Manager are :

I. Identifying right person for right job

II. Orienting, Training andCompensating him

III. Impressing the employee jobperformance

Codes :

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) All of the above

(D) I and III only

13. Assertion (A) : Companies areincreasinglybecoming competitive.

Reasoning (R) : Globalization,


advances and

deregulation are

forcing them to

become competitive.

(A) (A) is true and (R) is false

(B) (A) and (R) are true

(C) (A) is false and (R) is true

(D) (A) and (R) are false

Page 8: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 8 K-1015

14. (� ����� F��O�2�� �MN O�D����� -.5���O��������"��<���(�'�������Q��3��[

i. ��$)5$(��< 1�2����*+�,

ii. ��L 2���2��l3

iii. 1'�H�F��O�2�2����

iv. ( ������DS&���8���(����m�����

v. *+�,���0����2�� ����F��O�2�2����

�� ��#��������H

(A) v iv i ii iii

(B) iv v i iii ii

(C) iv iii v ii i

(D) ii i iii v iv

15. )� ���!�#�$�[

��YZ��– I ��YZ��– II

i. 360° -.5�� a. 0���B�&�-.5��ii. �I0�����"& b. �'���d���5j 0�iii. �>!�O��-.5�� c. �5.������MN O

�gE���0� 0�'iv. *.���(����5j 0� d. ����(5&���� 2����


�� ��#�������H

i ii iii iv

(A) b d a c

(B) c b d a

(C) d c a b

(D) c d a b

16. )�g(5���� ���E)�d���(�������D����� F�K�1�����"��)� ����0����Z(A) �56����2�$oU�(���g(B) �� ��������)�g(5����p����

�q=0���3��������(C) *��2�������0�����D�5��2�$oU�(���g(D) 9�����5������� ��&����2�$oU�(���g

17. )�0��L�<����50�2������D�����Zi. �;A3L�<����50�ii. �5 �?;AL�<����50�iii. ! 8�5���)��3(��������-(�<����50�iv. !3:5O^���<����50�

�� ��#�������H

(A) i, ii��C��8�����$(B) i, iii�C��8�����$(C) ii, iii�C��8�����$(D) ii, iv�C��8�����$

18. ��"��2�������(A) [ ���8��:� ����������MN O����")� ����0� ��%� ? �������5#�����MN O� �� 0����2��������5#�� 0� ��)P��X�MN O����"�)� ����0���%

#,X���� (R) H ? ���� � �Bn��� \b����B�2����� S ���� �9�E;, 0�&��'5��(�3��D����0���%

(A) (A) ���0����(R) C��8�����$

(B) (A) ��0���� (R) C��8���0����J

(C) (A) ��$�*����(R) 0����J

(D) (A) 0����J� �*�����(R)���$

Page 9: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K-1015 9 Paper II

14. Arrange the following job evaluationmethods in sequence

i. Select compensable factors

ii. Combine ratings

iii. Rank jobs

iv. Obtain job information

v. Select and group jobs

Codes :

(A) v iv i ii iii

(B) iv v i iii ii

(C) iv iii v ii i

(D) ii i iii v iv

15. Match the following :

List – I List – II

i. 360° method a. Training method

ii. Promotion b. Motivation theory

iii. Vestibule c. Performance

method appraisal technique

iv. Modern d. Source of

Theory X and Y recruitment

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) b d a c

(B) c b d a

(C) d c a b

(D) c d a b

16. The basic objective of FinancialManagement is

(A) Maximization of profits

(B) Ensuring financial discipline in theorganization

(C) Maximization of assets value andsales

(D) Maximization of share holderswealth

17. Which of the following are leverageratio’s ?

i. Liquidity ratio

ii. Debt equity ratio

iii. Return on capital employed ratio

iv. Interest coverage ratio

Codes :

(A) i, ii are true (B) i, iii are true

(C) ii, iii are true (D) ii, iv are true

18. Assertion (A) : Money has time value.A rupee today is morevalue than a rupee ayear hence.

Reasoning (R) : Mobile phone pricesdrastically come downover the time than ayester years.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

Page 10: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 10 K-1015

19. (��2�(�L>������� (�0�2������"�!���(� 8���-�1�'g(5��E-.5������)� 0�2������"�(�'�������Q��3��[

I. 9������Y2�G2���DS&�������������II. F�K�1��-W2������"���$�;4��������III. FP�r��5O�D ��(,��<eE��������������IV. (���8���-�1�'g���'�5��������"��� ! W���

�� 8�G2�G ���<�����������8���������� ��#��������H





20. )� ���!�#�$�[��YZ��– I ��YZ��– II

1.����������P�X I. s��JY��!���5�d*������!���52��FG���0���

2.<�(51��P�X II. C �������P�X2����� (� ��

3.�2��0��P�X III. <0��O0��������DE��)��3(�����2�G(2����

4.��'.5���P�X� IV. �252����P�X�*����0����S &������ ��5.�O- �

�� ��#�������H

1 2 3 4





21. t'(�����0����;�(��(� ���2����(A) *���n��� �DS&2���� Q�02

�5'�� 6�52��0���(B) �252����?�����*���n����DS&(C) *���n����DS&2����Q�02���'�5�^�� J�>

(� ���2����(D) -��p�(� ���2����Q�02�*���n����DS&

22. ��(�������2�������<��� O5�����5�D@�OE�� (�4g2�������D�����Z

I. ��JWE2����<���(���d�����(�9�>(���5�����KII. ?��2������'+��2��--.���D���(�Y>2������III. <&�(�3��)�g���B�3(IV. /Ls����0�����/L�es�2�����Q�02���$���0����� ��#�������H(A) I, III���C��8�����$(B) III, II�C��8�����$(C) I, II�C��8�����$(D) III, IV�C��8�����$

23. ��.��5M����(A) [ !)��0�(��c��$2� ���\b�����0���� �5�Y�E\b���2������"02���(���m �� ? ����Y���0����*���n��2�����<�(51��D3(�8��0���%

�,7�Q�(R) H c��$2� 15^ 2�� <@�5<�$2�?9�>5���2��g���>���� �� �2 �� �� �� " � q$������<�(51����� " � e� ^� C�� (�4g2�����)� ��%

(A) (A) ��0����(R) C��8���0����J(B) (A) ��0����(R) C��8�����$(C) (A) ��$�*�����(R) 0����J(D) (A) �0����J��*����(R)���$

Page 11: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K-1015 11 Paper II

19. Arrange the following steps ofamalgamation procedure in which theyappear. Use the codes given below :

I. Intimation to stock exchanges

II. Examination of object clauses

III. Application to the High Courts

IV. Approval of the draft amalgamationproposal by the respective boards

Codes :





20. Match the following :

List – I List – II

1. Sunk Cost I. Remain invariantwith changes inoutput

2. Opportunity II. Summation of allCost direct costs

3. Fixed Cost III. Can be earned onthe best alternativeinvestment

4. Prime Cost IV. Already incurredand cannot bereversed

Codes :

1 2 3 4





21. Brick-and-click companies are

(A) Start-ups with online site forinformation

(B) Existing ones with online site forinformation

(C) Proposed companies with onlinesite for information

(D) Foreign companies with online sitefor information

22. Which of the following are attributed forcore competency ?

I. Is difficult for competitors to imitateII. Has applications in a wide variety

of marketsIII. Requires very low capital outlayIV. Applicable well with only ITs and

ITesCodes :(A) I, III are true (B) III, II are true(C) I, II are true (D) III, IV are true

23. Assertion (A) : The wide spreadpenetration of cellphones and smartphones allowspeople to connect tothe internet and placeonline orders on themove.

Reason (R) : GPS type featurescan help identifyshopping or purchaseopportunities forconsumers for theirfavourite brands.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are false

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

Page 12: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 12 K-1015

24. !��(�5�������D���(�Y>���������2� 3���� 0�)�q$����.5E��2���������2�������(��(� 8� &�%<��2������$�D���)� 0�2������"��(�'��5��Q��3�

I. �DS&2����1��.��II. 0� ���2������"�2�����&��������III. q$���������.5E��IV. ���DE��2������$p� ��� ��#��������H(A) III IV I II




25. )� ���!�#�$�[��YZ��– I ��YZ��– II

1.< 0�2�E0��B�3( I.<��(�4H���� ����5�De(���$d5��2������")� ��������5@�E2����

2.<S0�(����B�3( II.!��(�5�����<S0�(������5@�E2����

3.<5���-(��B�3( III.���5@�E2������*��;�? ����������

4.��(5�50��(��B�3( IV.!��(�5��$2<&<�1�O(�0�?����?&��=�����5@�E2������"02���(���m ��0�I^�? ����������

�� ��#�������H1 2 3 4





26. 0� 0�'Q5u����� ��'+��2�� <@�5� �MN O����"���2� 8��� ���� ����$���&������ �(�P5r�����C ���(A) ���5@�E(B) F05J���(C) 0� 0�'Q5u������'+��2�(D) 0� 0�'Q5u������0������';'+��������>2��8��-(

27. F05J���� -652������ � �D3����� � C��8�����qO5����(5��E2����

I. < �5c���D8�������II. +��c�2����III. �O������(�'-��(���gIV. 0�� !������

�� ��#�������H

(A) I���0���� III(B) I ��0���� II(C) II ��0���� III(D) III ��0���� IV

28. ��.��5M����(A) [ ?G���q�B�� ��0���� �56�)=X����� ��v5�+��c�5��'+��2��0� 0�'����"!�����52��0���%

�,7�Q�(R) H ��v5� +��c�5� 0� 0� '��(���0����m� �� ������ ����"<0�O 0�� S0�5�� !���� �F��+�����������%

(A) (A) ��0����(R) C��8�����$(B) (A) �D0�'���$���0���� (R) 0����J(C) (R) �D0�'���$�*�����(A) 0����J(D) (A) ���0���� (R)�C��8���0����J

Page 13: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K-1015 13 Paper II

24. Arrange the steps involved in buyingdecision process in consumer marketsin which they appear. Use the codesgiven below :

I. Information search

II. Problem recognition

III. Purchase decision

IV. Evaluation of alternatives

Codes :





25. Match the following :

List – I List – II

1. Latent demand I. Products that haveundesirable socialconsequences

2. Unwholesome II. Consumer dislikedemand products

3. Non-existent III. Uninterested indemand product

4. Negative IV. Consumers maydemand share a strong

need that can’t besatisfied by existingproduct

Codes :

1 2 3 4





26. Application of technology or process to

the raw material to add value in

known as

(A) Product

(B) Production

(C) Application of Technology

(D) Combination of Technology andProcess

27. Two important functions that are to bedone by the production department are :

I. Forecasting

II. Planning

III. Scheduling

IV. Loading

Codes :

(A) I and III (B) I and II

(C) II and III (D) III and IV

28. Assertion (A) : Linear programmingtechnique is used forminimizing cost andmaximizing profit.

Reasoning (R) : Linear programmingtechnique is used tooptimize the scarceresources.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true

(B) Only (A) is true and (R) is false

(C) Only (R) is true and (A) is false

(D) Both (A) and (R) are false

Page 14: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 14 K-1015

29. (��2� � (�L>����� � �� (�0�2������"� �!���(� 8��(�'��!��j5�w<���(�'��5��Q��3�

��';'+������5 �2������"�����2� 3�%

I. F0�J��"��(5��E2�')�2�����(�'��

II. �5 �2��������j&

III. �5 ��p����

IV. �D &'(���(N1� ���

�� ��#�������H





30. )� ���!�#�$�[

��YZ��– I ��YZ��– II

a.-�5O�� 1. ��v5�+��c�b.< �5c��B�3( 2. 2��g���>����)� 0�2����c.�D(��E� 3. -.5��-1��9�d

d.C���(��O�� 4. 8�x�0� 0�'Q5u��(SQC)

�� ��#�������H

a b c d

(A) 3 4 1 2

(B) 3 1 2 4

(C) 4 1 2 3

(D) 2 1 3 4

31. C��8����5��2������"�F���G��52��!������(������������J���-1�9��\��05 1�2������D�����Z(A) ���>��5 < (�2�������0����� �����5������� 5(B) ���>��7 < (�2�������0����C��8����5��2�����

������ vO(C) ���>� � 8 < (�2�������0���� 2 �5��2�����

B���� vO(D) ���>� � 10 < (�2 �� ��� ��0 �� � � � ���

�5������� 4

32. � �����A������-0���d7��5#������-0���d���< �5c���D8�!)���5����� ��#�������H

i. C�����0����^���8�:���'�Dg�����ii. C���=(�,�5����K�^���8�:�5��iii. C�����0����^�=(�,�5�

(A) i ���0���� iii(B) i ��0���� ii(C) ii ��0���� iii(D) i, ii ��0���� iii

33. Y = 5 – 2x C !�< �5c����-��(���g����"� �����DS&��Y�2�<���3�����;4i��(�$������(�������2�����������O�����$��&�������D�������0�O�Z

i. Y ���v� 2 ��0�����'0O�;��������ii. ?GQ5�5���������v�y�d50��(�5��iii. ��v�-�������� ! .����'&t t���0����� ��#�������H

(A) i ��0���� ii (B) i ��0���� iii(C) ii ��0���� iii (D) i, ii ��0���� iii

Page 15: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

K-1015 15 Paper II

29. Arrange the following in the order in

which they occur. Use the codes given

below :

The queuing process includes

I. Input Sequence

II. Queuing System

III. Queue Discipline

IV. Service Mechanism

Codes :





30. Match the following :

List – I List – II

a. Layout 1. Linear


b. Demand 2. Quality levels


c. Markov analysis 3. Process

d. S Q C 4. Delphi technique

Codes :

a b c d

(A) 3 4 1 2

(B) 3 1 2 4

(C) 4 1 2 3

(D) 2 1 3 4

31. Which of the following are mutually

exclusive outcomes in the rolling of twodice ?

(A) A total of 5 points and a 5 on onedie

(B) A total of 7 points and an evennumber of points on both dice

(C) A total of 8 points and an oddnumber of points on both dice

(D) A total of 10 points and a 4 on onedie

32. A binomial distribution may beapproximated by a Poisson distribution if

i. n is large and p is large

ii. n is small and p is large

iii. n is small and p is small

Codes :

(A) i and iii (B) i and ii

(C) ii and iii (D) i, ii and iii

33. Suppose the estimating equationY = 5 – 2x has been calculated for a setof data. Which of the following is truefor this situation ?

i. The Y-intercept of the line is 2

ii. The slope of the line is negative

iii. The line represents an inverserelationship

Codes :

(A) i and ii (B) i and iii

(C) ii and iii (D) i, ii and iii

Page 16: II Test Booklet Serial No. : MANAGEMENT Test Subject Code

������� Total Number of Pages : 24

Paper II 16 K-1015

34. �O05O�����-1��9�d�)������0���� _____ Q�0_______ ��8�� ���_______ �� vO%

(A) (5 2�������k�5"k�5'��7�(5 2������8��k�5"k�5'��7�C\�

(B) c���� vO������5��$7��D��$����5��$7�L

(C) c���� vO������5��$7�-P� �7� ��z�8�

(D) C\�7���z�8�7����>

35. )� ���!�#�$�[

��YZ�� – 1 �����YZ�� – 2

a.�(�,��DS&��O��� 1.<�1�O(�0�-1��9�d

b.�� 6������0��D��$ 2. (5��E(5$���b�Y�E����>�M�a

c.�DS&��O��� 3.1'�H(�I0���D��$

d.�O�����-1��9�d 4.<���(�'�����';'+�

�� ��#�������H

a b c d

(A) 2 1 4 3

(B) 2 4 3 1

(C) 4 2 3 1

(D) 4 3 2 1

36. ������� ���(4�0�'�<@�5��D���(�Y>�����������5������� "� ���8���� 0� 0� '� ( � ������2������D������Z

(A) ��'&��JWE�-1��9�d

(B) F��O���-1��9�d

(C) *��(�L>���2�� ^�����(5415��`(,

(D) ��J.5E0��(��<���(�� �0� 0�'

37. ��(������ (5��g2������ � k��"0� 0� 0�'� *.5$0�(� �������5��@�OE��D��2�������Z

I. nQ5u�(���� 1��.�����'���q���$(

II. 2��g���>� � ��0���� �5-���O0� ���2� 8�(5�b�E��Y��v5O&

III. F05J���5� �� ';'+�� F�� "0 �� ���>��C e���$ 2����$g&

IV. F0�J��"�<��b�E0������0�����MN O��I�jV. ! 8�5��� � �$(2 � B�(5��� )��3(

0� 0�'Q5u��� ���P�X�(�3��*2��������� ��#�������H

(A) I, II ��0����V (B) I, III ��0���� IV

(C) I, IV ��0��� V (D) I, II ��0����IV

38. (������)�G(2������ {<��a�\�a�2�'�@��(�>��� |��'(5�����$�D�Z

A. �D���(�Y>��<k�I�j����0����F0�J��"�<k�I�j2)�������� �D���( �Y >2 � � ��2�� l��� ';'+����� <&(�3�� <�5������ ")� ��� ��0�� �� �� 0� 0� '� ���5�^���5������F0� J� � "2 �� ���� "� <@�5��2������"��5�^0��25')�(�$2��D8����2��$%

B. ?0���� ������� 0� 0� '2�G2� )�������n-WO�(���g�<0�OW(��<�5��(5$�D����0������0� 0�'���)����2��$��D���(�Y>�����5�^���5������F0� J� � "2 �� ���� "� <@�5��2������"�)P5X���D�5���D8�������%

(A) A ��0���� B C��8�����$

(B) A �D0�'���$

(C) B �D0�'���$

(D) A ��0���� B C��8����0����J

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K-1015 17 Paper II

34. Analysis of variance compares the_____ with the _______ to get _______statistic.

(A) Within-column variance, between-column variance, F

(B) Population mean, sample mean, T

(C) Population mean, standarddeviation, Z

(D) F, Z, total

35. Match the following :

List – 1 List – 2

a. Accounting 1. Requirementinformation system Analysis

b. Probability 2. Executivesampling Support


c. Information 3. Stratifiedsystem Sampling

d. System Analysis 4. OrderProcessing

Codes :a b c d

(A) 2 1 4 3(B) 2 4 3 1(C) 4 2 3 1(D) 4 3 2 1

36. Which among the following is atechnique for looking at your position inyour sector, field or market ?

(A) Competitor Analysis

(B) Industry Analysis

(C) Strategic Group Mapping

(D) Competitive Advantage Technique

37. Which among the following reasons arethe strengths of a differentiation strategy- oriented company ?

I. Access to leading scientificresearch

II. Corporate reputation for quality andinnovation

III. High level of expertise inmanufacturing process engineering

IV. Product uniqueness and valueaddition

V. Access to the capital needed toinvest in technology that will bringcosts down

Codes :

(A) I, II and V (B) I, III and IV

(C) I, IV and V (D) I, II and IV

38. Which among the following statementsare correct according to ‘Ansoff’s GrowthVector ?

A. Market penetration has the lowestrisk when compared to marketdevelopment and productdevelopment and this strategy aimsin selling more of the establishedproducts or services to establishedcustomers.

B. Diversification has got the highestrisk when compared to other threestrategies and this strategy aims inselling more of the establishedproducts or services in new market.

(A) Both A and B are correct

(B) Only A is correct

(C) Only B is correct

(D) Both A and B are incorrect

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Paper II 18 K-1015

39. *�x}8��P5 8����� {��P��� (5��E-.5��2������"<�����$���0����|�(������<���(�'������"���'�5�^���K

i. )���� *8�G050� �( � � � ���� O2 �� �� �� ")���)����������

ii. )����0� 0�'�����=�� JL>�iii. )�������(�����P�������"���Io>���5��iv. *~E(�����&2����(���0�v. �56��<�����S �������>(,��S ����2�������

�� ��#��������H(A) ii i iv iii v(B) iv i iii ii v(C) ii iii i v iv(D) iv i ii iii v

40. )� ���!�#�$�:��YZ� – I ��YZ� – II

i. Porters �5�Ec�(� a. (�3��B��k��"0���J.5E0��(��0� 0�'2����

ii. ��)�(5$�0� 0�'2���� b. 0� 0�'���0���(5��E0� 0�'���n&'2����

iii. �(��,��0� 0�'2���� c. B���H27�����0��0���( ��25�������"02����)5(�������

iv. ! 8�5���-1��9�d d. t�e�B���H2�5 ���L'(�a

�� ��#��������Hi ii iii iv

(A) a c b d(B) a d b c(C) a b d c(D) a b c d

41. 5H�Q�O���O-����-p9�>��2��g2��������D�������$ ���Z

(A) ;'+��L-L�];'�Dp� _(B) ?����9���(C) *(�'��g(5$(D) *0��-15A��

42. )=X���-��������5G�<�W2�������<�����$���&���K(�'��2�����?%�<��2������"�(�'��������Q��3�%

i. �5��(����*+�,ii. ��(�����"��-�E��������iii. �����O�����"�<@nE��������iv. 652��S����������"�*+�,��D8�������

������������ ��#��������H(A) i iii ii iv

(B) iii iv i ii

(C) ii iii iv i

(D) iv ii iii i

43. ��"��2����� (A) : ��g�� � ��'�Dg��� ( n25$(* 0�$(�5����0����B5)�O5�<��(�� (5��g2�G ��<�5���2�O(,�t����0���%

� #,X���� (R) : F��O����� � ��!��&��'0#� �5�� �<�5���2�OF Y52��0���%

(A) (A) ��0����(R) C��8�����$

(B) (A) ��$�*���� (R)0����J

(C) (A) 0����J��*�����(R) ��$

(D) (A) ��0����(R) C��8���0����J

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K-1015 19 Paper II

39. Alfred Chandler proposed the followingsequence in ‘structure follows strategy :

i. New administrative problemsemerge

ii. New strategy is created

iii. New appropriate structure isinvented

iv. Economic performance declines

v. Profit returns to its previous level

Codes :

(A) ii i iv iii v

(B) iv i iii ii v

(C) ii iii i v iv

(D) iv i ii iii v

40. Match the following :

List – I List – II

i. Porters generic a. lower cost andcompetitive differentiationstrategies

ii. Co-operative b. Collusion andstrategies strategic


iii. Directional c. Growth,strategies stability and


iv. Portfolio d. BCG growth-analysis share matrix

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) a c b d

(B) a d b c

(C) a b d c

(D) a b c d

41. Which one of the following is not acharacteristic of an entrepreneur ?

(A) Creativity

(B) Innovation

(C) Aggressive

(D) Self-confidence

42. There are well defined steps followedin most brainstorming sessions.Arrange these as they appear in orderusing the code given below :

i. Select a leader

ii. Set the stage

iii. Define the problem

iv. Select the participants

Codes :

(A) i iii ii iv

(B) iii iv i ii

(C) ii iii iv i

(D) iv ii iii i

43. Assertion (A) : Small scale industryfalls sick due to manylacunas internallyand externally.

Reasoning (R) : Labour intensivenature of industrymakes it sick.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true

(B) (A) is true but (R) is false

(C) (A) is false but (R) is true

(D) Both (A) and (R) are false

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Paper II 20 K-1015

44. 5O�5��� q$��2� � ���� �� 65�O� 2��$2�����&�� J�>��� 0���7���� ����05;E(��)Q�2������ ��bgE5��5O�5������"�0��v��D8�������%*��K$ ���(� 8���!��������� ���������';'+����)� 0��)� 0�5��5O�5����� 0��v�D2��0���%<��2����)� 0�2������"����$�D���(�'�������Q��3�%

I. �nY��6�LII. ���D���P��III. �.�E$���-(IV. )P��X�$��DS&��� 2�')�V. ��$�0�E�VI. �5'@�-�(���DS&��� 2�')��� ��#�������H(A) II IV VI III I V(B) VI I III IV II V(C) III IV V II VI I(D) I III II VI V IV

45. ________ F�K��! 8�5���5����� ��0���F��O-�2�� �� � �8��� ��� �� � J� �� �S5L����'�5���2�����)��3(�!2l�����2� 3���0���%(A) ��b�E65-�0��5��d(B) 3����*�� k((C) �� 0������)��3(�P����L(2����(D) 9���0�����5

46. {��� � �� (� J��� ��5j 0���� -P5��2�� �����&�� S0�|�C !�����2��P�r����<@�E�����Z(A) �5O�����0����0������'�DH(�� ;'�Dp�

! � �gE��� �D8� �� ?����� "!�����52��0���

(B) ;'�Dp� 0#� ��� �D0� '� <������$d5��2������� (��&��DE���!)�����

(C) n��;�(���O;����2��g (�4g2����<k�I�j(D) �n&(�0�����'���q�F�K�1���5A0� 0�'iO����"


47. (�������2�������D�������5�D��O5����&2����� S0���F�K�1�� ��Z

i. �n&(��(5��E����������"���=��������

ii. �N(������F�K�p0�� (�'��2������n&(��< 1�2����MN O�D����

iii. �5�Ec�(������ � (� ��������'&������")=X��������

iv. ��� 0�� �5�� F��O��2�� �� �56����� ")=X��������

�� ��#�������H

(A) i, ii ���0���� iv

(B) i, ii ���0���� iii

(C) iv ��D0�'

(D) i ���0���� ii ��D0�'

48. �{{)������0�����-(�||�< ���

(A) F0�J��"2������"�)P��X� � �n&(�5����$�0�E��D8�������

(B) F0�J�� "���� "� �c;, 0�� )P��X� � �n&(�5�(� 8��!���� 0��D8�������

(C) F05J���5�-.5��2������"� (� ������)�����-.5��2�G2���$�&E��������

(D) 25')�( �$2� � n&(�5�� q$���� �����b���������

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K-1015 21 Paper II

44. Once a potential target for purchase ofbusiness has been identified, the nextlogical step is to throughly investigatethe business. So there appears astep-by-step process to investigate abusiness. Use the code given belowand arrange in sequence.

I. Site visitII. NegotiationIII. AssessmentIV. Additional information collectionV. TransitionVI. Preliminary information collectionCodes :(A) II IV VI III I V(B) VI I III IV II V(C) III IV V II VI I(D) I III II VI V IV

45. ________ involves interaction betweenventure capitalists and entrepreneursregarding investment in businessproposals .

(A) Preliminary screening

(B) Deal initiation

(C) Post investment activities

(D) Conditional loans

46. What is meant by the phrase‘teleological ethics’ ?

(A) It is used to judge is an action right,fair and honest

(B) An action can only be judged by itsconsequences

(C) Developing the individual personalcharacteristics

(D) The key purpose of ethics is toincrease freedom

47. Which of the following is not usually the

objective of a code of ethics ?

i. to create an ethical workplace

ii. to evaluate the ethical components

of the proposed actions of the


iii. to improve the public image of the


iv. to enhance the profits of the

business continuously

Codes :

(A) i, ii and iv

(B) i, ii and iii

(C) iv only

(D) i and ii only

48. “Green washing” means

(A) Transforming products to be more


(B) Making a product appear more

ethical than it really is

(C) Converting the company to green

production methods

(D) Convincing customers to buy


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Paper II 22 K-1015


49. �)� ���!�#�$�[��YZ�� – I ���YZ�� – II

i. ���'+��c��5� a. ��n&(�0�< ����-.5�� ����25����0���������

������5��2������n&(���MN O2������"B���������

ii. ��5�D��O�F0���� b. �{{�D�����C��8��-.5�� (�'��2�������� �����n&(�

<�5��2���������'+��c��2������"��)5�������0�� ��F05J����0����||

iii. ��2�����-.5�� c.c�������8����n&(�5��� ! W0��O05O��2�G ����K�<������"�� ���$�&���3

iv. �����lg�-.5�� d.��'&+�!����������5��������0������A 0���G&25�F0����0#� ��0�^J�(���m�� 0���0����$����52��0���

�� ��#�������Hi ii iii iv

(A) c a d b

(B) b d c a

(C) b c d a

(D) a b c d

50. �MN�5O.5$0���� �����(�������50�'2������8���D������Z

i. ������5���F05a)�

ii. ���(�����0�����5'�DH(���� �)���

iii. �MN O2�������J ��

iv. ��A0����� ��

�� ��#�������H

(A) i, ii ��0���� iii

(B) i, ii ��0����iv

(C) i ��0���� ii �D0�'

(D) i, ii, iii ��0����iv

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K-1015 23 Paper II


49. Match the following :

List – I List – II

i. The utilitarian a. Ethical is what

approach develops moral

values in

ourselves and

our communities

ii. The common b. “of any twogood approach actions, the most

ethical one willproduce thegreatest balanceof benefits overharms”

iii. The fairness c. Treat people theapproach same unless there

are morallyrelevantdifferencesbetween them

iv. The virtue d. The community isapproach comprised of

individuals whoseown good isinextricablybound to the goodof the whole

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) c a d b

(B) b d c a

(C) b c d a

(D) a b c d

50. Which among the following are the

characters of the value-based

organization ?

i. Community spirit

ii. Open and honest communication

iii. Values agreement

iv. Self organization

Codes :

(A) i, ii and iii

(B) i, ii and iv

(C) i and ii only

(D) i, ii, iii and iv

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Paper II 24 K-1015


Space for Rough Work