.X THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. nieinbers of Parliament who think they know n little chciiiistry nre tho inovt dnngcroiis of nll. Tho tcn- dciicy of Iiiotlcrn legislntion is to prcvcnt iiosious gases cs~iping nt nny eslienre. 1f tlic iiinnufncturcrs aro clrivcii to iiioro fortunnto foreign couiitrlcs t h y do not cnrc-we iiiust bo fully prcprctl to iticct, iit niiy cost, tlic escnpo of nosioiis gnses. I fully coiiciir \\*it11 \\-lint has bcen snid nboiit tiglitiiig Iiublic botlics, hit I hnvo nercr Iiccirtl of nnyoiic who lins foiintl i t poy. The pent point in, thnt, if dcnling with iiieii of nny fitness for tlieir otlico of ins iectors, thc iiinnufnc- turcrs carry oiit tho best ~iorsib\c known iiietliodv of prercntion, I do iiot think they will hnvc ~iiucli difliciilty. Mr. 13. E. 11. NEWL.\SDS: I tliiiik it woiild Lo n very good thing if tlic iti:iiiiifnctiirer~ wcre to tnko n littlc niorc iiitercat in tlic locnl Koveriiiiieiit of tlieir dis- tricts. I used to be n iiiewbcr soiiio pars iigo of B district board, with tho object of seeing tlint the hrcl did not nct iiiipro ierly townrds tlic iiintiufnc- turcrs iii tlio district. A scicntific illspector is very glnd to Icxn, ns well NI to suggat, rvitlioiit brenclt of confitlence. If0 om girc very useful ndvicc. k'rc- quently iiictlicnl olliccrs of licnltk cnniiot, aiiiiply bccoilsc they nrc iiot cnliablc. I coiisitler tlint tvu nrc iiiust fortunntc Lccnusc ivc iiso cliciiiicn!s nt our works, which will ciiiisc iis to coin0 under the Act, and it will give 1110 Rn o;qiottiinity of sccing my frictid, Dr. hllbpd Stititli, nnd conferring with liiiii on siiiitlry iiiiportniit iiinttera. \\'it11 regrtl to tliu rivcr wnter, wo piitii1i iihout 4,000 KnIIoiiv 11 tiiiiiiito out of tho Tlinincu niiil seiitl it bnck nj.niii, niitl tliu oiily thing rei uirerl ia that iislicr shnll live iii the citliiciit. irr. ~irowiim : I niii n IicigIilaiir of tlio last sl)cnkcr, ntitl kiiow soiiietliing of tho tlitliciiltiw to which ke rcfcrs, niiil pnrticiiliwly with rcfcreiico to the coiidcn.utioii of hydro-fluoailicic ncitl. It is nll very well to 1)n.sq nii Act tvliicli uys that you shall coiidcnso totis of ens. I do not ktiow how fnr tlic rquircitients of tho Act csteiid to thig hns, or worild coiii icl ono to IIS~ \!i)+li in its coiircrsioii, but ccr. tninly it is n very ilhcult tliiiig to trcnt. Jly ow method liiu been to drirc tho gna froiii tlto trentiiicnt of colirolitca thou-li n lotig tubo iii wliicli steaiii is in- jectcd, but cvcn t?icii ivc fiiid very iiiiicli ilitliciilty, bccuiwc, nfter all, tlierc is n siiieII sliglitly of Iiyt~io. Huoric ncid, niirl I certniiily slinll bc vcry gh1 to got any iiifortiintioii froiii niiybotly Iiorc, or fruiii nriy iiirslicctor as to thc bcst iiietliods of gcttiiig rid of tliiit dctcvtnblc &p5. Ah. JIASWXLL LYTX: 'l'licrc iirc iiiniiy no\v iiictlioiln wliich liavc becii introtluccd for tho utilimtioii of tko gnw, niid nmoiigst otlicra that \\-liich tho rcatlcr rpoke of, viz, sulpliuroua ucitl but so Iittcly ua thc lnst few iiioiitlia n ticw iatont 113s liccii tnkcii oirt by a Gcriiiuii cliciiiist for tlio coiideiisatioii of sulpliiiroiir ncid gns einnnnting froin furnnccs. I iiiiglit ndd tIint tlie inctlind of coiidciisiition devised by Jlr. l'lctlgu (JIr. Hnsciiclavcr'ti cliciiiist) ia by iiicntis of liydrntu of mngiicsin placed iii trnp, nnd tho g~ses iiru itiailu to circulnto over tliovc It ]in3 becii foiititl iiioat cllicicnt, and IN he! lind it iii use iii his plncc. Ile is IL iiliiti of nuniciciit colobrity to iillow of our bclicviiig tlint it is a ??od iiicthod 1110 CIIAIRMAS : I nm surc wo all fccl vcry Iilucli intlobtcd to Mr. Tyrcr for liir roiiinrka iipoii tho now Alknli \Vork.u Act. .I iitysolf linvo lookcd with very great interest froin tiiiic to tiiiio to tho co~iiplctio~i of un Act which woiild fOl!Ow ul)oii tho HOiiiO\~~iaL nrtluoiia lnboura of tho coiniiiittec iipoii wliicli 1 HCrVed ionio yenrs nzo-Inbourd wliicli seatiird nt hit likely to bear 110 fruit at nll. llut with rcgnrd to tho irt- tOllllJk4 wliicli liovo from tiiiie to tiiiiu Imoii iiindo tu found uii Act ripoii tlio concliisiuiia nt wlticli tliis )loyal CoiiiiiiiHsioti wrivod, I tliiiik tlio qiiofitioii Hens __-_ - - not so envy nv it nt first sight nppcnred. Thero wns u iii11s.y of cvidcncc Lcforc tlint ~oiiiiiiixvioii-cvidciico sliowiitx 011 tlic oiiu liaiitl tlic rent betictits which l i d bccii derivctl frmi past IcgisYntion, :iiitl on tlic otlicr lintid sliowiti:: that the vtiriuiia works oug!it to 110 brought uiitler soiiio kiiitl of Iiatcriinl Icgislntioii. Tlic qiiestioti of dcnliii with such works so ns iiot to prcsa iipori tliciii Iinrshty, but so ns to 1.ct tlicrn raip tlie beticfit of siicli inspcctioii, wiia a dilliciilt 0110 to dcul with. Tho cvitlcncc givcii bcfuro tliu CotiiiiiissioiicrR by iiinniifnc~iitcrawna nhiiost unnniinoiis nw to tlic bcnctits derived froiti Govcriiinciit inspcctioii. It iiiiiy be tht tlioso beiiclitv tvcre owiiig to tliu selcetioii by tho iiispcctors of good suliordiiintcs. It very oftcii docs not occur to tlic iiinii most wrnlit iii liiv owl nIIiiirs, ns well ns to tho iiinn with tliu beat iiitcii- tioiis, that ccrtaiii Iirodiicts wliicli 110 linv nllo\vetl to escape iiitu tlto nir or miter may be tlcnlt with us0 fully. Ccrtaiiily that coiiclusioii cvna forced 11 ioii tlic cottiiiiissioii by t~ic cvitlciicc 1ieftiro tlieiii, niid it wns this coticlusim wliicli lctl tliciii to si!qgcst that legis- lation such 113 lint1 bccit npplicd !iigIit prubably liu cxtciictctl with grmt bciiefit iiot sirriply to tltu coiii- iiiiitiity at lnrgo but ulvo to tlic iiiaiiufncturers tliclii- sclvcs. I vciittire to tLiiik, tlcfcctive an tlint Act !iiitloiibtctlly is, it is it great iiiilirtivciiiciit on prcccd- iiig Icgislntion. It is ccrtniitly n grent itiiprowt!iciit oii tliu attciiiltt ~iiadc in tlic ;\vu itruvioiia aessrons, ntid iii tlic Iiniitlv of good iiis icctors, tho Act iiiny Lo iiinclc very Inrgcly beiictici:J to tlic iiiniiiifactitritig iiitcrwt. I kiiow froiii csliericiicc it is ditticiilt .to clenl with ocictitific iiinttelzt iii cotiiicctioii with Icgiv- Intion. It \\.as oiily tlic otlicr tlny it \vns riiy privilcgu to nttcntl tlic Siiioko Ahtciiiciit Esliibitioii nt South liuiisiiigtoii, niid I tlieii Iicnrtl clieiiiicil facts stntctl wliicli certiliiily would Iinvu iiiiit1u uityoiio nt 1111 ncqiiliititctl with cliuiiiistry olicii tlicir eye% iii n$o!iisli- IIlcIlt. It Its* liccll suyptcd tllRt t 10 llUblllc5a of iiislicctors slioiiltl siiiill?y ~c to itislicct-to sco tlint tlic iiiaiiufncturcr is coiiiplyiiig strictly with tlic lcttcr of tho Act, nntl to scu tlint Iio is piiiislictl if Iio does not do so, Init it itiniiufiicturcr woiilil tliiiik vcry linrtll of nti iiisltcctor if Iio were to do this siiiiply. I ~c el;oiiltl ccrtniiily prolit Iiiiiisclf iiiiil Ict ot~icrs profit by tho cslicriciice wliicli 110 ncyiiires in tliu iiisiicction of iiiniiufncturicr, nntl iii .clcnliiig with tliu iiimsiircs wliicli Iiu lins to ciiforcc, if I10 cnti do this \vithoiat iii any wwy ciitroiicliiitg iqton sccrccy (~vliiclt n iiianiifnctiircr cnii clnitii). It is ccrtniiily aoiiicwlint tlitliciilt iiu\v to know Iiowsoiiictiiiics to drnw tho litic. It is nliiio.it iiiipossiblu to liiy tlowii riilcv for hiiti ns to wlicii Iio is to givu iiiforiiiiitioii. It nliould Lo liiu duty niitiirnlly to :lo so if it bo in his lto!vcr, nnd 1 tliink it ia n fccliiig qii'itc iiiiniiiiiious niiioiigst tliu lociil tratlo tliitt ~hcy ull gain iidvniitngo by tliu siig- Kwtioiis which liiivc frtiiti tiiiio to tiiiic becti itindo Iiy tlic cliiof iiisjiector niid his siibortlitiiitm. I tliiiik ivu can look witli soiiiu tlcgrco of liopefii~iics+ to tliu workitig of this Act. 1 (lo tliiiik tlint whcrc xoiiiu kiiid of iiicciitivu is rcqiiirctl to lirevciit wtistu iii iiiaiiufnctorics, to ircvcii~ 1iollii;iuii of iiir niitl \vntcr, \vu iiiay look Lo IBu wise ciiforcciiicirt of suc~i lugia- lntioii ILY criats, nitd to tho iiiiprovuiticii t of ciiicli Icgislntioii ax bciiig iiltiiiiiitcly ot vury g e n t bciiefit to nll. _-__ ----- lJ.-SJIOICI~ S UISASCE AlM'~l~~Il~X'l'. ~IY T. wiitxi, F.c.B., Y.I.C. TiiAr lcgialntioii iii this tlirectioii wnn n iicccssity roiiltl bu ~*oncrnllyiitliiiittctl, but it linv not bccti oLtaiiicd w%iour oxpo+iiig tltu igit:irniicu of rciciiti[ic Iirocowca which cltnructurisos Iegialntion KcncmI!y, ntid eqiiiil igiiorniico iii tliosu wlio clnmoiir for IC~IS.

II. — Smoke nuisance abstement

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nieinbers of Parliament who think they know n little chciiiistry nre tho inovt dnngcroiis of nll. Tho tcn- dciicy of Iiiotlcrn legislntion is t o prcvcnt iiosious gases c s ~ i p i n g nt nny eslienre. 1f tlic iiinnufncturcrs aro clrivcii to iiioro fortunnto foreign couiitrlcs t h y do not cnrc-we iiiust bo fully prcprctl to iticct, iit niiy cost, tlic escnpo of nosioiis gnses. I fully coiiciir \\*it11 \\-lint has bcen snid nboiit tiglitiiig Iiublic botlics, hit I hnvo nercr Iiccirtl of nnyoiic who lins foiintl i t poy. The p e n t point in, thnt, if dcnling with iiieii of nny fitness for tlieir otlico of ins iectors, thc iiinnufnc- turcrs carry oiit tho best ~iorsib\c known iiietliodv o f prercntion, I do iiot think they will hnvc ~iiucli difliciilty.

Mr. 13. E. 11. NEWL.\SDS: I tliiiik i t woiild Lo n very good thing if tlic iti:iiiiifnctiirer~ wcre to tnko n littlc niorc iiitercat in tlic locnl Koveriiiiieiit of tlieir dis- tricts. I used to be n iiiewbcr soiiio pars iigo of B district board, with tho object of seeing tlint the h r c l did not nct iiiipro ierly townrds tlic iiintiufnc- turcrs iii tlio district. A scicntific illspector is very glnd to Icxn, ns well NI to suggat, rvitlioiit brenclt of confitlence. I f 0 om girc very useful ndvicc. k'rc- quently iiictlicnl olliccrs of licnltk cnniiot, aiiiiply bccoilsc they nrc i iot cnliablc. I coiisitler tlint tvu nrc iiiust fortunntc Lccnusc ivc iiso cliciiiicn!s nt our works, which will ciiiisc i is to coin0 under the Act, and it will give 1110 Rn o;qiottiinity of sccing my frictid, Dr. hllbpd Stititli, nnd conferring with liiiii on siiiitlry iiiiportniit iiinttera. \\'it11 r eg r t l to tliu rivcr wnter, wo piitii1i iihout 4,000 KnIIoiiv 11 tiiiiiiito out of tho Tlinincu niiil seiitl it bnck nj.niii, niitl tliu oiily thing rei uirerl ia that iislicr shnll live iii the citliiciit. irr. ~ i r o w i i m : I niii n IicigIilaiir of tlio last sl)cnkcr, ntitl kiiow soiiietliing of tho tlitliciiltiw to which ke rcfcrs, niiil pnrticiiliwly with rcfcreiico to the coiidcn.utioii of hydro-fluoailicic ncitl. I t is nll very well to 1)n.sq nii Act tvliicli u y s that you shall coiidcnso totis of ens. I do not ktiow how fnr tlic rquircitients of tho Act csteiid to thig hns, or worild coiii icl ono to I I S ~ \!i)+li in its coiircrsioii, but ccr. tninly i t is n very ilhcult tliiiig to trcnt. Jly o w method l i i u been to drirc tho gna froiii tlto trentiiicnt of colirolitca thou-li n lotig tubo iii wliicli steaiii is in- jectcd, but cvcn t?icii ivc fiiid very iiiiicli ilitliciilty, bccuiwc, nfter all, tlierc is n siiieII sliglitly of I iyt~io. Huoric ncid, niirl I certniiily slinll bc vcry gh1 t o got any iiifortiintioii froiii niiybotly Iiorc, or fruiii nriy iiirslicctor as to thc bcst iiietliods of gcttiiig rid of tliiit dctcvtnblc &p5.

A h . JIASWXLL LYTX: 'l'licrc iirc iiiniiy no\v iiictlioiln wliich liavc becii introtluccd for tho utilimtioii of t k o gnw, niid nmoiigst otlicra that \\-liich tho rcatlcr rpoke of, viz, sulpliuroua ucitl but so Iittcly ua thc lnst few iiioiitlia n ticw iatont 113s liccii tnkcii oirt b y a Gcriiiuii cliciiiist for tlio coiideiisatioii of sulpliiiroiir ncid gns einnnnting froin furnnccs. I iiiiglit ndd tIint tlie inctlind of coiidciisiition devised by Jlr. l'lctlgu (JIr. Hnsciiclavcr'ti cliciiiist) ia by iiicntis of liydrntu of mngiicsin placed iii t rnp , nnd tho g ~ s e s iiru itiailu to circulnto over tliovc I t ]in3 becii foiititl iiioat cllicicnt, and IN he! lind i t iii use iii his plncc. Ile is IL iiliiti of nuniciciit colobrity to iillow of our bclicviiig tlint it is a ??od iiicthod

1110 CIIAIRMAS : I nm surc w o all fccl vcry Iilucli intlobtcd to Mr. Tyrcr for liir roiiinrka i ipoii tho now Alknli \Vork.u Act. . I iitysolf linvo lookcd with very great interest froin tiiiic to tiiiio to tho co~iiplctio~i of un Act which woiild fOl !Ow ul)oii tho H O i i i O \ ~ ~ i a L nrtluoiia lnboura of tho coiniiiittec iipoii wliicli 1 HCrVed ionio yenrs nzo-Inbourd wliicli seatiird nt h i t likely to bear 110 fruit at nll. llut with rcgnrd to tho irt- tOlll lJk4 wliicli liovo from tiiiie to tiiiiu Imoii iiindo t u found uii Act ripoii tlio concliisiuiia nt wlticli tliis )loyal CoiiiiiiiHsioti wrivod, I tliiiik tlio qiiofitioii Hens

__-_ - - not so envy nv i t nt first sight nppcnred. Thero wns u iii11s.y of cvidcncc Lcforc tlint ~oiiiiiiixvioii-cvidciico sliowiitx 011 tlic oiiu liaiitl tlic rent betictits which l i d bccii derivctl f r m i past IcgisYntion, :iiitl on tlic otlicr lintid sliowiti:: that the vtiriuiia works oug!it to 110

brought uiitler soiiio kiiitl of Iiatcriinl Icgislntioii. Tlic qiiestioti of dcnliii with such works so ns iiot to prcsa iipori tliciii Iinrshty, but so ns to 1.ct tlicrn raip tl ie beticfit of siicli inspcctioii, wiia a dilliciilt 0110 to dcul with. Tho cvitlcncc givcii bcfuro tliu CotiiiiiissioiicrR by iiinniifnc~iitcra wna nhiiost unnniinoiis nw t o tlic bcnctits derived froiti Govcriiinciit inspcctioii. I t iiiiiy be t h t tlioso beiiclitv tvcre owiiig to tliu selcetioii by tho iiispcctors of good suliordiiintcs. I t very oftcii docs not occur to tlic iiinii most wrnlit iii liiv o w l nIIiiirs, ns well ns to tho iiinn with tliu beat iiitcii- tioiis, that ccrtaiii Iirodiicts wliicli 110 linv nllo\vetl to escape iiitu tlto nir or miter may be tlcnlt with us0 fully. Ccrtaiiily that coiiclusioii cvna forced 11 ioii tlic cottiiiiissioii by t ~ i c cvitlciicc 1ieftiro tlieiii, niid i t wns this coticlusim wliicli lctl tliciii to si!qgcst that legis- lation such 113 lint1 bccit npplicd !iigIit prubably liu cxtciictctl with grmt bciiefit iiot sirriply to tltu coiii- iiiiitiity at lnrgo but ulvo to tlic iiiaiiufncturers tliclii- sclvcs. I vciittire to tLiiik, tlcfcctive an tlint Act !iiitloiibtctlly is, i t is it great iiiilirtivciiiciit on prcccd- iiig Icgislntion. It is ccrtniitly n grent itiiprowt!iciit oii tliu attciiiltt ~iiadc in tlic ;\vu itruvioiia aessrons, ntid iii tlic Iiniitlv of good iiis icctors, tho Act iiiny Lo iiinclc very Inrgcly beiictici:J to tlic iiiniiiifactitritig iiitcrwt. I kiiow froiii csliericiicc i t is ditticiilt .to clenl with ocictitific iiinttelzt iii cotiiicctioii with Icgiv- Intion. I t \\.as oiily tlic otlicr tlny it \vns riiy privilcgu to nttcntl tlic Siiioko Ahtc i i i c i i t Esliibitioii n t South liuiisiiigtoii, niid I tlieii Iicnrtl clieiiiicil facts stntctl wliicli certiliiily would Iinvu iiiiit1u uityoiio nt 1111 ncqiiliititctl with cliuiiiistry olicii tlicir eye% iii n$o!iisli- IIlcIlt. I t Its* liccll s u y p t c d t l l R t t 10 llUblllc5a of iiislicctors slioiiltl siiiill?y ~c to itislicct-to sco tlint tlic iiiaiiufncturcr is coiiiplyiiig strictly with tlic lcttcr of tho Act, nntl to scu tlint Iio is piiiislictl if Iio does not do so, Init it itiniiufiicturcr woiilil tliiiik vcry linrtll of nti iiisltcctor if Iio were to do this siiiiply. I ~c el;oiiltl ccrtniiily prolit Iiiiiisclf iiiiil Ict ot~icrs profit by tho cslicriciice wliicli 110 ncyiiires in t l i u iiisiicction of iiiniiufncturicr, nntl iii .clcnliiig with tliu iiimsiircs wliicli Iiu lins to ciiforcc, if I10 cnti do this \vithoiat iii any wwy ciitroiicliiitg iqton sccrccy (~vliiclt n iiianiifnctiircr cnii clnitii). I t is ccrtniiily aoiiicwlint tlitliciilt iiu\v to know Iiowsoiiictiiiics to drnw tho litic. It is nliiio.it iiiipossiblu to liiy tlowii riilcv for hiiti ns to wlicii Iio is to givu iiiforiiiiitioii. I t nliould Lo liiu duty niitiirnlly to :lo so if i t bo in his lto!vcr, nnd 1 tliink it ia n fccliiig qii'itc iiiiniiiiiious niiioiigst tliu lociil tratlo tliitt ~ h c y ull gain iidvniitngo by tliu siig- Kwtioiis which liiivc frtiiti tiiiio to tiiiic becti itindo Iiy tlic cliiof iiisjiector niid his siibortlitiiitm. I tliiiik ivu can look witli soiiiu tlcgrco of liopefii~iics+ to tliu workitig of this Act. 1 (lo tliiiik tlint whcrc xoiiiu kiiid of iiicciitivu is rcqiiirctl to lirevciit wtistu iii iiiaiiufnctorics, to ircvcii~ 1iollii;iuii of iiir niitl \vntcr, \vu iiiay look Lo IBu wise ciiforcciiicirt of suc~ i lugia- lntioii ILY criats, nitd to tho iiiiprovuiticii t of ciiicli Icgislntioii ax bciiig iiltiiiiiitcly ot vury g e n t bciiefit to nll. _-__ -----

lJ.-SJIOICI~ S UISASCE A l M ' ~ l ~ ~ I l ~ X ' l ' . ~ I Y T . w i i t x i , F.c.B., Y.I.C.

TiiAr lcgialntioii iii this tlirectioii wnn n iicccssity roii l t l bu ~*oncrnlly iitliiiittctl, but it linv not bccti oLtaiiicd w%iour oxpo+iiig tltu igit:irniicu of rciciiti[ic Iirocowca which cltnructurisos Iegialntion KcncmI!y, ntid eqiiiil igiiorniico iii tliosu w l i o clnmoiir for I C ~ I S .


lativo interfcrcncc. TI10 belief ~VIM tlint nll tho il:n otc., nronc from tho siiiokc or 600t wliicli issiictl froii cvery cliiiiiiio,y, forgetful, or rntlicr igiioinnt, tlint t l i t ositlca of siilpliiir ~irotliicetl iii the coiiil)ustioii of co:d howcvcr consiiiiicd, wcrc ncitlifictl, niitl tlic tlcstructior \VIU rcnlly tloiio by tliis, niitl tlic p c t i c a l limit 01 cvil froiii niiiokc or soot wnn tho tlisc~iloiirntion niitl clirtiiicss of oiir biiiltlinpn, niid tlio occ~iaioiinl fog 01 tlic kiiitl ktiowi too well to 11s iii Loiitloii. Yroiii thi! rciiiiirk i t tiiny bo assunictl tlint, for tlic 1iiiriioses oi cnrryiiig oiit tlic h t s of 1653 niid 1851; tlic rcdiictioii of tlic eiiiissioii of viaiblc siiiokc to tlic lowest Iirnctic. nlilc h i i t \van tlic ohjcct. I wiis iintlcr tlic imprcssioii, till thc 0 t h thy, tlint tho ghas niitl pottery iiitliistricr wcrc erciiipt fl.lJlll tho oiierntioii of the Acts, biit tlint csciiiiitioii wns coiilinetl only to tlic Act of 1853. tlint of 183i rclicnlctl this csciii])tion :iiid cxtoiitlctl tlic oiicrntioii of tlio ~ c t to piib~ic Intlis niiti wnr~i-lioiiscs, Oiic iiiiglit liavc coiitiiiiictl to IJC iintlcr that iiiilircs sioii, for n l l tlic iiiilirovciiiciit i i i tlic stiiokc-lirotliiciiig cnpncity of tlic Iiottericx iii tlic S.W. district, nt IciLst, indicated to tliu coiitrnry, niitl I cuiifess to soiiic ~ilcnaiiro in tho tlioiigltt tlint iiitliintrics in ~vliich II siilliciciit ly high teiiilwxntiirc to consiiiiic soiiio of tlirso visible pnrticlcs is iiiniiitaiiietl, nn n iiecexsnry coiitlitioii of siicccssfiil workiiig, nru iiot I IOW oxcliitletl froiii tho opcrntioii uf tlic Act. This lcntls 1110 to thc general statciiieiit tlint tho contlitioii for tlic jirotliic- tion of iiivisiblciiiiiiuri tyorsiiiokelcsniicsn is, priiiinrilyl n siifticieiit supply of air, niitl nil tliu coiitrivniicc.+ (which hnvc i i i iuii iu cnscs becii Jbrcrd iiitu iioticc) for cffcctiiig this olijcct Iinvo gonc to siipj~lyiiig air, piiru niitl siiiiiilc, Iby npcrtiircs, giinrtlctl or not, 0 t h tliaii tho iisiinl fiirnncu doors. I n thc siiii~ilcat iiistniicc-tho dour is wrforntctl, niitl n bnrred slitle in lisccl iii front, by w h i tlic nlicrturcs iiiny bc closctl or tqiciictl, wliolly or Imrtidly, nt will o r t ~ i o t ~ e a t ~ ilntc ]ins bccii Iicrforntctl, i i i i t i n IiiiiRcd sliiitter iiJ to cflicct grntliintioii ni i t~ niipply. ‘r~ic o1,jcctioii to tlicjc siiii )It! niirl i iot nlways iiicllicctivc coiitrivniiccs is tlint tlic nir is co~ti , niitl, ns ii con- eciliiciicc, tlic tciiilicmtiirc of tlic fiiriiiicc i* lo\vcretl, inccliiiriic;illy, toti iiiiicli, biit certainly SO cliciiiicnlly, aiiicu tlic cnrbuiiic ncitl niitl cnrlJoiiic oxitlc caiiiiot be Iie~itctl to n siiftiriciitly Iiigli tlcgrcc to irotliico or pro- uiotc tiic retliictioii uf tlic furiiicr 11y tlic visible cnr- 1)oiinccoiin i i i d tiirry or sooty prticlcs, IirotluciiiF cnr1)oiiic ositlc, wliicli, biiriiiiig, gives i t iitlditiuiinl tlieriiinl cqiiivtiloiit of scrvico, i i i i t l coiiscqiiciit aiiviiig. 1 Iiavc iiot rcfcrrctl to tho iisunl niitl ortliiiiiry iiincticc of “~ltokcrs,” of qicniiig the tlnor, iiiorc or le*n (iiiurc riitlicr t l p less) nftcr cniiliiig-iip ; biit tlic iiicrc iiieiitioii i s ciioiigii to coiiticiiiii it na criidc niitl 1111- sciciitific to a tlcgrcu. h i t wlicrc no griidiintiiig iqqiliniicc exists, I iiiii lioiiiitl to ndiiiit tlint t l i i ~ roiigli- iiiid-reiitly iiictliotl i i i i ia t IJO rcmrtetl to. Xow, 1 vciitiirc to nay that 1111 tho coiitrivniiccs Iiitlicrtu duviwtl will iiot iitl’cct tlic visi1)lc iiiipiirity iiintcrinlly, iiiilras this oiicriition of coiilihg-iip I N t1tIiic ~ m ~ i c r l y ; niitl i t is t d y iicctlfiil to rcfor tu oiic qiicstioii, ciisiitilly tiicntioiictl, of coiirw, Iiy cvery pcrtioii wliu hriiigj 11 ‘I aiiioko c o ~ ~ s ~ i ~ ~ ~ c r ” illitlor yoiir iioticc. Iiow do yo11 dokc-thick or thin 1” Yoii iii~iy Lo iihkcd, ‘I I.ot 1110 aco your fiirnncu,” wliicli iiiny 110 froiii n bortd j ( / c dcsiru to ciiru tliu tlisciiso ; but I Iiiivu obscrvctl iiitli- cotioiia of n dcsiro to gct into tho atokcr’s cwifitlsiicc, by ti01110 tlelicnte ~~roccsn, \vIiicli iiiyaterioiisly ntliccty tho result. Tliia ‘ thick iiiitl tliiii” liriiig in n lliicstioii of vnst itiiiiortiiiicr, niitl 1 refer to i t bccniisu so IIIIIC~I clc~~ci1tln t i n it. ‘Thu qiie*tioii, “ \\’lint is n j i r e ? ” froill it iliiiiiiihctiiriiig htiiiid-lithit is nil iiiiiiii~\verctl OIIC, tiiid I tlo iiot auiil~ii~u tliiit iiip iicst rciiiiirk will nrsist tho iitinivcr, Aliiiost cvcry iiiniiiitiictiiru 1111s i ts wii tlicriiinl iicctl iin n coiitlitioii of ~i icce~n. SOIIIO ~ l W U t i O l l ~ iilay IJO IluYkCd, n1ld 111 8 l l C h CoSL’,Y 1 do

- - - - - - . . - say tlierc is nccd for little, if niiy, emission of “pisible iiiipiirity.” 1ii otlicn, wiicn t l io joiiit of hi hmt rctpisito teiiilierntiirc 1s nttaincti, tire ol,jcct of. tho operlitioii is giiiiicd, nntl the licnt furnnce conditions for coiisiiniptiuii of siiiokc ccane. Again, (1 corii~nm- tivcly low tciiiiicixtiiro is oftcii reqiiisite-tlic lowest possiblc coiisiateiit with coiiibiibtioii nt nll, mid thin tlcgrcc of tcniliccitiirc i t iiiny I)c iicedfiil to iiinintain for n cuiiiparntively long tiiiic. I think this last con- clitioii in the niost tliflicult t o iiiake aiibservieiit t o tlic coiit1ition.i for iitlccliintc “ siiiokc consuiiiption,” iiiid so fiir nn I can see, tho Iio110 of the fiituru for iiiotlcrnte tciiiiicrntiires in gacoiiq fuel. Itut of tliis fiirt~icr on. .\loat if not nh br tilo contrivniicca for prcvciitiiig siiiokc nrc hnwctl on tlic siiiiply of a i r priiiciple, nntl they tliffcr really oiily ns to wlicrc, wlicn, nntl how to supply tlic ositliscr. Tliey iriny b; dividctl into tlircc clnsses. ( I ) l’lio “shut nntl open nir aiilqily, wlietlicr in froiit of tho furiiacc, n t tho tloor or tlcntl-pliitc, or nt tlic bnck of tlic fire n t tlic IJriilgc ciitl, niiti wliicli is npplicnblc to siiinll and iiiiicli-iisetl tircs cnllctl “ c o )iicr-fircs,” (2) The in- y m s c t ~ tiriiiiglit nystcni, eitIier 11y tlic fnn or steam- , .t nir iiijcctor. l i ia~i~il icnl~lo to tlic ubove, but to Euilers niid closc I iiriinces of coiisitlernble sixc) (3) Tlic iiicchnnical stoker, wliicli aiiiis at regiilurity of siipply of fiicl, iii coiiibiiiatioii with thc two previous clnsw or nloiic, nnd iipplicnhlc to boilers niitl a liiiiitctl clnas of furnnccj. We liuvc in- t l i~-~tctl that tlic first kind of npplinnco is ansto- lid, or, if not so, is n t tho iiiercy of the stoker, who iiiny, or iiiny iiot, Lo \*iiIful, iicgligent, or igno- rant, biit ivlio will I)o iiiiccrtain-iiiost eurely ti0 if liis boiler Iiinvcr is bclow the deiiinnd irindo up011 it. A s to thc necontl kiiitl, t h o iiiny bo no objection to tlic iiso of sncli iippliniices wlicii there is i i deficiency of cliiiiiiiey Iieiglit, or niitlirncitic fuel of tho hardest type in iii iise iii fiimnccr, constriictctl witlioiit rcbard to tho coiiibiistioii of tlint class of fiicl ; l ~ t tho s atcii i is both wnstcfiil niitl iiijiiriouw. As to the tl;irtI kiiitl, t~icru nrc iiiit~oubtcti ntlvnntnges wlieii tho stcaiii siipply is rct~uiretl nt tolcrnbly regular jircssiirc. hit i t in i iot su ntlv;inta(jcouy ~vlicrc, ns iii iiiiiiiy clisiiiiciil works, tlicro is iiitcriiiittciit o r irrcxiilnr rcrliiiroiiicnt, iiiitl cvlicrc, witlioiit iiidicaatioii to tho stoker, my, n tlozcii o1m jets, ,fy boiliiifi u p or utlicr usc, iiin be uliciietl t i t oiicc. llie cspericiice of tiiost lioro wil~ngrec ILY to tlio tlilliciilty of stoking cqiinbl iiiitler t h o coiitlitioiis. Iiciicc, for ordinary work t i 0 slitit nnti olicii supply is iiiont uuet~, and tlio skill of tlic stoh,coii icn into pluy. ‘The qiicstion of I‘ thick niid t l i i i i liring bccoiiies tlebatnblo prountl. Yet it siircly oiiglit not no to be. Either a thick wcll-biiriiiiig iiinsy is tho best siibstratuiii on wliicli tr, tliruw colt1 rue! to mpitlly licnt 1111 .tho milie, nnd to riiicli n point tlint tho ci~iiibustil~lc gases iiiny rcntlily burii into the iiiost coiiiiilctcly xoiioiiiicnl- tlint is, heating-coiii~iountla, iu i t l n t tlic intilo tiiiio thcro must bo uiicli a siipply of hot njr 11s ihnll oflicct thin oiid. Oiily it fow tlnyn nf!, 111 i i rcceiit iiiiiiiber of tho Jlj:cII.\Nic.tL WOIILD, t I N q u u - lioii of thick i i i i t l tliiii ” tiriiJg wnn diaciiwccl, niitl tlio opinioii of tho writer wns iii favoiir of t h o thick iictliod, providetl tlint u sulticient tliickties~ of briglit lot to any iiicniidescciit, fuel was Iireaeiit. ~u cliiiiiioti Ipriiicilinlly diimbility of tliu firo uiitl coiistniicy of Itciiiii-raiaiiig ~)o\vcr, .wyiiig that n tiro ti0 atuked :odd bu lcIt for throo Iiourj. I oiily W I ~ I 1 could sco :Iiu liossibility of n foiiItli of that renult for !iiyaclf. As to tho suplily of nir, tlicro nro iiiiiiry cuiitriviiiiccs iur licntiiig bcforo ctituriiig tliu furiiacu. 0110 ~vliicli 1ii1s ruill hoiiiu Iiiurit, i i i i t l ]ins bmiu trial fuirly ~ l l , i i i t l ia ncLi;tct~ to niiy kiiit~ of fiiriiiisg m n ~ or KrcRt, is Iwin 9 uxliibitod iii actioii iiiitlor roliublo ciiiitlitioiis i t soiihr Kciwingtoii. ~t is knowii uJ t ~ i o ~ ~ J l u c t i i i 11


- __- P - - -.. door. Tho priiicilrlc of this door is tlint its shopo is acoop-like, opoiiing iiiwardu, niid ra t ing nt niiy angle. By sclf-ndjiistiiig weights a current of nir is tiintlo t o iiiipingo oii tho vcry Iirst ritlgo of fuel. Tlic uir thus kcoiiiev Iicitctl iit once, uiitl n good thugl i t is nt tho 6aiiia tiiiie crcntcd, niid fnvournbla cuiiclitioiis for nil cxccllciit, nliiiost nbvolutc, tlcyrco of siiioko coiisuinp- tioii is nttniiictl. Tlic Iirnctico of filliiig n sort of bos on tho froiit of tho fiiriincc door with wires of vnrious nicshcs, froiii coarso oatwnrtlly t o fiiic inwnrtlly, lina

.\- - 3

FIG. I.’

not provctl n succcss. Tlicro nrc foriiis of nir supply which nrc npplicd, with or witlioiit iiiccliniiiod stok- ing, the ~iriiicililc of wliicli nplicnrv to he to idlow hcntctl nir to coiiio Iioliiiitl tho firc tliroiigli n prforntctl Lridgc, thc air Lcing licntctl liy 1 1 n ~ ing uiitlcr tho firc, nncl cvcn tliroiigli I I I ~ C S licntctl by i t , but iiltiiiintqly coiivcycd l!iruugIi tho Iiollow, or Iicrftiintctl hiit 1ii~lily-licritctl Lritlgc. OIIC of tlicsc csists iii tho SouLli Kensingtoil IMiIiitit~ii,

Flu. ?.

nnd nplicnrn worthy of iiiciitioii Iicrc, ns liciiig cllipli. rnblu to orrliiinry boilcrs of iiiiy coiihtriictitiii, iiiid tittctl with niiy btirs ‘I’hc nppliiiiicc npliuir~ to 110 n cwtiiiK of irtiti3 hnllov;, tlritctl, !lrittciictl pips, h t ii! riglit ~iiglca, i i i i t l tcriiiiiintiii~ nt its Iiorizuiitiil uppci riirfncu with n tolurnbly liiiu giiitiiiK. Tho purpimli. cular portion ia corricd bulow tho barn, ant1 tcriiiiiiatot in n iiunibcr of opciiings corrcqioiidiiiy to tho Ilutcd

iipcs or bciids forming tlic bridge. Tho advantnges tplicnr to bc tlint thc nir rcnlly ir lrcntccl to n very :oiisitlcrnblc clcgrec, closely np irosiriinting tlint of ~ i c furiincc gnscu, niiti, instenti ol retnrt~ing t~ icnct jo l i if ~ l i c fiiriincc, nssists it, niitl proiiiotcs tho coiiiliiistioii )I tlic risible i r i t p t d i m niitl cnrboiiic osidc. A !lot lissiiiiilnr iiiotlc 1% Inrgcly iisctl I niii toltl, iii Aiiicricn. .t consists of n firc plntc A , n Lack or bnsc plnto 11, iiitl n clispcrsing Iilntc C. ‘l’lic plnto A is corriigntctl 11 ortlcr to give i t incrcnacd strciigtli, aiid nllow for rspniisioii niitl coiitrnctioii iiiitlcr cliniiEo of tcinpcm- ,tire, nntl is provitlctl with n liclit httoii i flniige, vliicli rcstu iilron tho bridge wnll, niid tlioiico r i m xrticnlly aboiit t-v;a-thirds of i t s Iiciglit. nt wliicli ioint it is iiicliiicd t i t nti nnylo of 45’. TI10 11ottiiiii ilnto U zoiiforiiis iii tlic rclntivc positiuii of tlirco of

l ’ l t l . 3.

ts sitlev to tlic pfrfto A nntl tcriiiiiintw bclow in n iorizontnl foot. 11io pIntc.s A niitl 1: nrc coiincctctl ,y bolts pnssiiig tlirougli i i i i~, so ns to foriii n Iiollow :nsc. Tlia Iicrfowtctl tlitfiisioii Iilnto C is inscrtcd iii ;roovrs foriiicd in tho otlisr Iilntcv. A scricu of nir- qqilyiiig o~iciiiiigs 1) nro foriiictl in tho Irlntc 18, iicnr :Iio bnse, niitl nbovc thciii iiitcriinlly is n dcllcctiiiK ilnngc I<. ‘I’lic Iritlgc is so sct tlint tho firc-plnto A is bclow tlic lcvcl of tlic Lnrs, tliu ciirlv boiiig :losctl, citlicr by tlic Loilcr scttiiig or by bos plntcs sct tlicrciii. which lnttcr nllow of tliu rciiiovnl of tlic IJritljic wnll i i i cnsc of iiccd. Now, 1% to tlic ‘6iiii:rwsctl tlrnii&” sy~t~?iiis, tlicro is iiot wry iiiiicli to Lo mid, aiiico tlic vcry iiiiliortniit qiics- Liciii of fiiriincc coiistriictioii lina n clircct bcnriiig oil thctti ; yct i t ouglit to La snitl, tlint in n badly-

Fia. I . toiratriictctl fiirrinco no cptciii of firing will bceiitirclp sntiufnctory. 1)rnii:Iit iiiny Iru iiitliicctl Ig n iinturnl cliiiiiiicy t l in i i~ l~ t ; liy tlir w c of n btsnll\ ,)at Llowiiig iiito tho cliiiiiiicy tliroii:li ii iinrrowctl orificc ; !iy it forcetltlrniiglit~~rot~iicctl Iyr i fnii I,Io\vcr. TIio ncctiuiinl i i r w of cliiiiiiicys Iinr n rclntioii to tIiu nrcn of tho w t u tiiirfncc, niitl vnrfis prnctitally lroiii h to <n of tho Krntc. h i t tho Iiciglit of tho slinft tlctoriiiiiica tlic tlriiiiglit qiiiia na iiiiicli nw niiy nrcn rclntioii, niitl, ns n riilc, tho Iiiglicr n rlinft tho lrcttcr ; nirtl, fiirtlicr, ilsiinlly slinfts iirc Iiiiilt with n view iiot to Iircsciit I L ~ C I I rcliitiotis Imt to proliiiblc fiitiiro rcqiiirctiiciitn, Slltllrnl tlrllugllt n~’~1cllra 111 be tliic to tho llnbnlllllcctl I i rcsmu of 11 c o l ~ i i n ~ ~ of licntctl gnticr, wliidi m y bo iiiodilictl by circuinatnnccs. An n riilo tliia in cniiacd Iiy tho diffcrciico in woiglit or provaiira of tliu coltiiiin


of cold nir outsitlc tlic aliaft, nntl tlic weight of tho coliiiiiii of Iicitctl kqscs iiiritlc. Air niitl g a c a , wlicii Iicntctl, csliniid, niitl Lccoiiic less tlciinc tlinii for cqiinl voliiiiica nt lower or iioriiinl tciii icrtitiirca. l’liia c~iircrciicc is tlio ciiiso of tlic tlrnuglit. 111 t ~ i c cslii- ltitioii tlicrc nrc iio rcnl iiovclties in tlic wny of iiijcctors ur fniis, nut! with oiiu obscrvatiuii tlichc iiiny be tlisiiiissctl. viz., thnt n iiiotlcrntc clrniiglit tliroii 41 tlic fiicl, of wlintcvcr kiiitl, np icnm to be best sriitctbto tlic ccuiioiiiiml fiilfiliiiciit of n\l rcquirciiiciits, niitl tlint ~vlicrc fiicl rich iii 11 tIrocnrl~oiiw, niitl tlicrc- forc siiioky, ia iii iwc, n aiipp$ of nir nbovc tlic fiicl npiienrs iicctlfiil, but t Iic t l c~ rcc of siipply niitl tho Iiusitioii of ciitry nro jioiiits of iiiil~ortniicu tlc~ieiitliiig uii tlic iintiiriil or otlicrtlrniiplit n i d fiiriincc coiirtriic- tioii. Ntnv, na to iiicclitiiiicnl stokers tlicrc is this to IJC tsiitl, t h y c;riiiiut lie rcadily or cnsily nliplictl to siiinII fircs,’iior cnii t h y Lo iisccl iiiitil btcniii is 1111. As clfcctivc 11 uiicnw I ever SRW \vna nt hiiclicster, uii tlic occnsioii of tlic liililic triiil of n siiiokc niitl fiiiiic \viixIicr (tlio iiiotlcl o! wliicli I obscrvctl iii tlic cslii- liitiuii). Tlic workirig of tho nlipnintiis wnu this : Tho fricl (n siiin11 niitl rcry iiifcrior kind) wns eiqqrIictl to tlic Iio~i~icr, wliicli lint1 witliiii i t i i icii is for criisliiiig tiiiy Inrgc picccs of fiicl froiii t h e criislicrs. ’l’lic fiicl was tlrop~ictl niitoiiint ically into n tiiiinll bos, wliicli IJ n cniii ww nt stiitcrl iiitcrvnls tilted oii to n rnisctl 1iLtc. ‘l*lii~tloiicl n je t ofstc:iiii wns tlircctctl iiiioii it IJY iiiccliniiiwl ntljustiiiciit, niitl tlic \vliolc qiiniitity blowii with n tlislicrsivc nctioii uii to tlie iiicniitlcscciit firo. ‘l’liu iitiiiust rcgiiltirity niitl irccisioii wcro obscrvetl iii tliis httikcr, niiti I ivnsgrcatly struck wit11 tlio qiiniitity of work gut out of tlic vcry ioorcst fiicl I ever taw. ~ i i tlir ~ i i ioko ,\batciiiciit Eshibitioii nrc scveml ct~*ec- tivu iiiccliniiicnl stokers Lilt 0110 tlcservcs iiiciitioii, IJCCflliSC i t iiivolvcw iiriiiciplw nt tlic root of tlic wliolo iiiiittcr of siiiokc coiihuiii~~tioii. Tliis iiivciitioii con- h i n t s of tlic iiicvitnblc Iitqqicr, biit tlic fiicl (siiiall conl) is convcyctl liy tlircc or iiiorc scrcwi, tnlicriiig tov;nr+ tliu briclgu ciicl of tlic furtiocc, ~ t r t l rcvnkiirg 111 troughs. Tliew ticre\vs nro bclow tlic bnrs, wliicli arc with ciiougli npnrt to nllow tho fiicl to Iinsq iipvnrtls fruiii bclu\r, by the gnitliinl tlitililncciiiciit nctioii of tho pvolviiig scruwa. It is obvioiis tlint, if tliu fii-c IJC iii good coiitlitioii oii tlic toli, niitl tho hiipply of frcsli fiicl Lc froiii bclow, niitl tlint yrntliinlly, tlicro clioiiltl be coiiiplctc coiiibiistiun of tliu ~irotliicts of tlcstriictivu tlistillntioii, ns they bccoiiio coiiiplctcly voIiitiIi.ictI niitl coiisiiiiictl ns t h y reach tlic siirfnco of tlic tire niitl coiiic into coiitnct with it tliily-rcgulntctl ~iipply of nir. Tlic ciiitlcrs niitl nslica nrc, it slioiiltl be rid, cnrried forcvnrtl oii to n gintiiig, wliich n t yiy tiiiic, iiin Lea tiltctl i i i i t l clcniicil. I iiiny p i s t rciiitirk tL i t tliir; priiici ~c of iiiit~cr-aiipii~y i s nlqi~icd ta iiiniiy of tliu \ io i isc~iol t~ gmtcs so i i i i i i i~ r~~ i s ly csliil~itctl. Xo\v,nll tliroiigli this portioii of my J Y I ~ C L ’ I linvu rcfcrrctl oiily to tho “visiblrt iiiiliiiritics,)) rcgiirtllc~s of tho iiiost iiiillortniit fnct tlint tlic iiivisiblu iiiiliiirit *-biilpliiiroiis ncicl-in t l iu ciiiiso of nll tlions$t..snblu t!itiii&u ; i i i i t l 1 tnkcit tlint tliu nttciitioii of sniiitnriiuis will IJC iiiiicli iiiuro tlcvotctl to this puiiit tlinii cvcii to t l iu 0 t h . I iicctl not tlwcribc tho siiioku iiiitl fiiiiio workcr, to wliicli 1 j i i k t iiow rcturrcd, iiioru tliiiii to tiny tlint nlthoiigh iiot ir coiiil~lctcly siiccc.ssfiil t i p iartitiis, yct it ccrtniiily tluc,i go n ~ u i i g wiy i i i tliu clircctioii of clcniiniiig tho Iirtdiicts of con1 coiiibiislioii froiii Iiutli virjiblu niitl iii- viniLIu iiiil~iiritirr. 1 ~icrlinps Oiiglit iiot to any no but I t ~ o riot feel tlint niiy of tlio nlilinrntua csliibitcd clhcta tliu i d d i i t u lircvciitioii of tiiiiuku. I h t w c l i 1iiin Lccii t h e l niitl iiiniiy vtiliinblc hiiqcstioiia occiir diiriii ii viaib to the S o ~ t l i liciisiiigtoii ciIiow. tidy rclnLett to tliis riinttcr is tliiit of gnscuiirc fuul, \viiicIr 1 t l i h k s w a t Lccoino tliu litel of tilo future. i iiccil iiioiitioii tho iiivciitioiiti of Ur. fjiciucua,

nnd tlroso of Continental nnd British rivals--l\L Pinwnrd, Jlr. Wilsoii, ant1 Jfr. Sutlicrlnnd-all .of wliosc nppnrntiis Iiave aliccid nntl indivitlunl iiicritk With rC@rtI to tlic iiso of gnsc01i.u fuel froni nny form of itrotlucer, I fccl Louiitl to sny tlint L tliiiik r t ~ 1 1 1 insolyo the reeorrstrriction of iilost of o w fnctoricp, niitl the g e n t itcni of cost nlilicnra to bc the contliiit 1iipc.u in tlicir various rniiiificntionw, and tho vnlvcs wliicli will bc en riuiiicroiisly niitl absolutely !ieedful. Such producers, Iiowcver, nro nctunlly in us0 i i i inany nlknli works. and i i i tiiiiallcr o11ci-ntioii.s~ tiucli ax the mniiiifnctiirc of pliosplioriis tlic tlistillntioii of zinc, nntl tho niiiicnliiig of stecl !or ciitlery, ctc., arid with tlio iiiost grntifying rcsiiltw. Tlint pscous fncl is P liooii iicctls iio dciiioiiatrntioii to cliciiiistu, t o \~lioiii tlio iiivciitioiia of lliiiiacii, Iiofiiiniin, Grifliii, ail$ Flctclicr nru iii~lis~icii.wIilc. 111 coiiclusioii, tliero 1s no doubt tlint wc iiiunt snoii entirely consiiiiic our siiiokc. \\‘o h l l iiot I fenr, bo nlloivecl to coiitiiiuo oii tlic icriiiissivc priiic‘ip~c,niit~ i t ~c~iove?c US to slicnt~ soiiio tioug1it nnd iiivciitivc faculty oil ttic qiicstion. As it, Iio\vcvcr (tho Act) enys, wc nrc iiot n!iiciiablo if wu tisc tlic teutltrncticntic iiimiiu of IJrc\*ciitiii6c!iio~c. ‘riigc will not lierniit iiic to rcfcr to the other points or Icgislntioii Iitl’Cctiiifi iiiniiiifnctiirem,)) such as tho Eiiil,loyers’I,inbility Acts nnd tho I’ntciit Lnwr. With rcgnrrl to the foriiicr, I coiiceivo i t to bo n iiioro iiiil~ortnnt qucstioii tlinii noinc Iinvc giveii tlienisclven tiiiic to tliiiik nboiit, niitl i t would Lc wcll to caiisidcr it. I\S to the l’nteiit Law, i t \roultl bo nupcrfluoua i i i 1110 to ntld to tho controversy niitl dirciissioii SO fully bciiig carrictloii nt this tiiiic,biit i t liiny iiitefcut you to kiiow that n titroiig coiiiiiiittcc of tliis Socicty is cnrcfully coiisitlcririK tlio tliicstioii,nutl iii due time its, !ldibcrntioiis will Iiu iiiblislicd.

I Iic Cic.\iiiii.\s mic1 tho subjcct or tlia ecoiioiiricnl iisc of fuel is of tiiicli grcnt iiiiportnrico tlint I Iropo to derive very great Lciiefit froiii n careful iiislicctioii of tlic csliibitioii wliicli Iin.3 recciitl bccii olieiiecl, niitl 1 lrnoe iio tloiibt it wilt coiiio i i i r h i , t i ic nttcntion of tho Society iit noiiic fiitiiro pcriotl. Tliera is 110 doillit tlint tlic nrcn scciiis ~~i0iil i ig 11 i beforo 11% fur tho bcttcr usu of fiicl. ]:or iiiyscd, I lind cslicricnco soiiio zti ycnrs ngo of tlic very rciiinrknbly ecoiioiiiicnl iiiniiiicr oii tho Coiitiiieiit iii wliicli inferior fuel, wns iisctl to tliu fiillcst liorsiblo cxteiit. III 18bs 1 ex- niiiiiictl n furiincu used in S i h i n for ~iiotnllnrgicnl l~uqioscs, niitl 1 ivno tutoiiiu1icd to ICO I I O \ ~ , 1 ~ 1 t h tlic coiiipnmtivcly siiinll kiiowledgo tlint then ex- ihtcd! n fiicl ivliicli would i iot linvo beeii nt nll wed iii t h i n couiitry, wns npliliecl to tho lirotlitction of iron of t i high qunlity-iii fnct, i t ivna tlicii iisetl iii the foriii of gna. \\‘c lind iiot tlicii tlic sciciitific riictliods iiitrotluccd by Siciiiciia. It oiil slions tlinq w h o pcop~c nrc ctiriiliol\etl to den1 w i d iiifcrior nrtictw, an 11 riccwsity, yootl rcsiilts nro obtaiiiccl. As I mid Lcfoote this is n ii ioct importniit S U ~ ~ C C ~ , niicl 1 think i t wcll to nsk tliu ficcrctairy to rciiiiiirl urn nt botiiu fiituro licriotl thnt i t is u eutjcct tor cliacussion, sceiiig tlint our cvciiiiig is iiow 60 fnr ntlvniicetl tlint I caii linrtlly cnll iiiioii JIr. ‘l’yrer, for Iris 1 n l ~ 011 “Tlio Ihipluyers’ Liiibility I\ct,’’ iior iipoii you for thu clis- cu.ssloII.

-MMww+w+- ~fotictiiy 9th Jttuttctry, ISC.

OX SONI< 1115C13ST lMIiIIO\’I:JII~S’~S IN 1s1)usr l~ I d \ L c1115a1 ICAL 1JIIOCESSES.


1IY W,\l,TMt W):LlIOS, F.1l.fi.Y-

object tliiti cvciiiiig wiII IN t i 1 ~ j v c n m iid iiccpurit of soiiiu rccciit iiii irovcnicnts 111 riiniiulkac- turiiig pruccJucs, nil iiiorc or \css coiiiieetcri >vitli t ~ r t oiio of tliu cliciiiicnl iiitliiatrics with \ v h ~ l r I niii