II T 11 ESE V E N T Ii D A. Y 1ST HE S-A.·ll B A. THO F THE L 0 It D THY GOD.JJ VOLUME. XXI.-NO. 31. WEBTERLY, R. 1., . FIFTH-DAY, AUGUSTS, 18:65 . ..... at l ,,".' ....... give 'the outward conditions of an !lpect the body', it is' that only and stature' theBe ti th d'ffi It d hi.ch th ' ar 'II. orrlniBed church. Hence a blptized h ' . ny crea· e I cu y un er w ey ··m KIInm. OOtITID, by that act, .enters into at :eath id ll gathered to the tu r s es could so dlBarm hllD I ed. ,He told them he hll.d never IeeII T.'ae mi1rimUm otrn'ltlim , AtId FOr 1M Sabb.fIo Booio"'or. I t' • h h a en, an burie in the gravee of han we, then, becanee they I!O a pod of eotSon in hie life. Without b . h • Th .. re a lone WIt t e one baptiz. anceatore; and which a1eepa in tbe. pain and probe U!l, deplore the ne- giving them aoy promi-_, he w ollie I e ......... n 11' ... 0 i. , him, and with all be ofllcially reo duet, or is buried in the dust of the OIlIIlIity for tbeH peHy lIOuls, and solved to proclJre 80me raw cotton goln, to he..,en at tbe , . ..,.v rood be{oNtile So_Ih,dq Bap\\ll w...... presents. The minl'.ter baptizing a earth', the sleep of wbich stands op- .brink nervously from conOo-t -1'th r th I'th I d h • b Id d pOlliible. The Ohrfattan - , 110 b Rov JON ... W' ALLal< Ordered d b '- ...,.. lor w ,an !lee w a. e cou G < 11 r th '... "d II .' ::=. D, 1, . tCOnaittded,j P t ereon Gell' y t hact bind himself poeite' to the change that will pa88 them t That would be both coward· with it Searching a!mut lhe a to be e ....... , , S C 0 commune WIt t at person on bodies '!.f living uints. at the< Iy and. wrong-:-cowardly, as 000 of Savannah, he round, at III... ""m. j \I, ,The 8 upper. ommun· if, need be, diacipUpe him .. colI?lDg of Christ. !. Sleep IS only who cries out wltb fear at the prick some nnclean cottOD and wbo atllll. to "a.e as ........ iou, hke Baptl!llD. faseover, and atepll'laid down·by Christ for church of the body, apd ill a passion 'bat of the lauet that ill to do bim good' home a bundle of it bis kMIdl, he religion all he can Witham 1acldntit tbe Sabb.th, has II. com.memora.tiv" dieoipline. In other words, they are belongs to the sl!'qsitive part, a kiod wrong, inasmuch u we'do nol shut himself up- in a room in the altogether. or backward look. It hke.wise ml.'lmberll of tbe same church. To a band olnd immovableness of it, nize how much the Iittlenees of these basement, and set to work to inveut The , like tbem, a .forward oy t1plcald ·('xcomlDooioate a perllon, as tbe word tbat it cannot operate; it only souls is necessary to true and daily the machine reqnired. cburch ID the ana in i This symbollo nature Imbed e ID iuelf, from its etymology, aflirms, beloDgs to auimals that have a brain, life. We woald perha.pa @oar 80 AU the winter 00 labored in his al.o, <QUIeti It rainl, It the nature of that .whlch they, ie to withdraw the ,bread and wine, .or IIOmething analogoos to it; it is high above 1De'<commoa ,duties solitary cell. There were DO proper IS too warm, or too cold, or memorate. The object and not tbe band of fellowship as is defined, .. A cessat.iou of external !ife, thllt we wonld forget them, were' tools to be bad in Savanaah. He sleepy, or hili!. headache '"",,,.-" prototype passell over d . 'generallY' the cUlltom in a. senses. from operatIou, the. ""pore It not fOT these; they are the twine made his own 100111. There was DO too mueh at dlDner. He Ii t1type, 1I0d it beCOlI\es . hn ue Wit member. The very prevalent 1tl001l' the nerves and the sensory pae, that holds tbll' soaring kite to earth wire. He made his own wite. The to tbe ..... .. 'al tbe vjvific. power. of Its 'of voting to witbdraw'the hand of IIges, and 110 hilldering the inflox·of without whose steadying' infloence' children, the I!ervantll, the mltof!l ID prayer' aDd prall!'" He Tbia· i. most elpeCially fellowship ill either an unmeaning or tbe animal epirits.'1' Bot wbat is "all the impatient, ambitioall eonl might to the boUie, w{lndered wbat be the vel'Y. cally.lroe of Lord'/i Supper. The 6gurative expression, while tbe ,,;th. tbie to the BOol, immaterial and share the fate or that ldt. .. oald h<> iu the lIailemeD' an tnH h.mAAlt, 6f'te.... to .... dool'1D9 tbat .t Ilf commemo· drawal of 'be right of the Lord's incorporeal .lIb.tance, wbiob has DO which alone; but he !laid notbi_g, and e _goall to the weekly ,a\\'1e, and tbat Its mOu!lncell are .. bltt,.:l.WDid be a "'" _nc! gennine brain, nor uerves, nor sensory pas- "Veered' and lIuttered, IIWUIIg, and ,ave kept on tinkering, bammerigg caBlcua11y, more rarel, the .,mply moral or euggeehve, which tran"';'ctiou and bavA +\..0. very great . I "t 9 d th A. plunge, theD nnilllEi'd with \he W&ve." h' k' III rl . h meeting: u the 'Mter: 11 v- apI, w blls. obis.ioe. d eo. largely in the 1. eft o.r 'of pl':cl'ng" °ti"h"e sacramellt sagel, nor aD1ma. spIrl!! I <an ere· t fD IDg, t ,ea y In t e IIpring b .' .' . -J I f h P q .. q fore sleep h&8 no place in it, and, s. A. u. 1793, he bad completed hill work. e '''.. . rallona IstiC WIDg 0 ! e orltan1C in its true relations. This was, if C)annot be predicated of it. D. When Having set up tile mysterious m... .The IIlInlmum Cbn.tlan 111 It of lIIuch we not, the apostolic the body is asleep, the soul is awake THE DEATH or mAn's. chine in a llbed, he iJ1'l'ited a number frIendly to all worke. Hewllhell ud led to the ear!y of and active, as appears in abundance How peaceful they rest, of planters to come and witnelS itll the: well, but It is not in hill d catIOn. Agam, If our p081tlOn be of instances, iu dreams and visions Cross·folded there operation. Its success was complete, lIIuch for them. The Dfs if we <n t true, the proper m?de of receiving of the night, when deep sleep falls Upon hlsl1ttle The gentlemen saw, .. tth unbonnded 190b upon as an t.. .. _ , d . o! II. persons to membersblp by letter from opon men, and is capable of attend. hands, that ne'er were still be· delight, tllat one man, with this yoang e8peOlall':i'or tbe . larger Iln. more other churcbes, is not by the usnal iug to. what is suggested to it, and But ever sported with his mother's halr, Yankee engine, could cleau as much ed alld tgJltll'ant. !' .'1IiC)t OOIIvenI- , .,.. pelrto.... grounded 10,. &II'" sproutlnlJ loom" It I! mode of the band of fellowship, but of receiving inetrnction', it under- Or that on her breast she cotton in a da- as .. man could cl for him to take a oIUII. nature. Tbe event by mutnal participation io thesaerll' Her heart no more will beat b h d' J. ean buslDe8B engagementB are 10 comlD OD It wall an event mental Sopper. Still farther, when. stands and perceives, devises and To feel the touch of that soft palm, y an 10 a whole WlOteT. The. pressing during the week, tbat he la til. touched, lit tbelr mOlli pOInt, ever a person practices wbllt is term. contrives, reasons and discourses, That ever seemed a new surprise. ton Idgrbe°wn on lid Ifllrge plantation' Ileeds Sunday .8 a day of re8t .... oor thfe tb8prlngeldof the It . "rebaodt 1.lfe f0herces ed oooas'lonal commun'lon, o'r com. chooses and refnses, grieves and reo To blesa him with her holy, calm, < cou separate rom tbe seed b thO k h' If _ •. ,,-" to o em t hopes 1I0d fears, loves and Sweet thoughts, that left her oyes as sweet. a few days, which before required e ID IlDIe ql .. b__ au O. <0 W '. . les Ie munee with other cburches than lhe and the like; it can take in bands! tbe constant labor of' a handred act as • teacher. There are.o !D,ny prlDClples, 18 vl1Ujed by Let oue he is a permauent member of h' t d 't' d . d d' But that they do not rl.S· e hands ror months. persons better prepared for tb.i,' I\S note ijome of . h d b h b ' In s, a mODI IOnS, a Vices, an •• " c rt t d t th t h t "".. 1 Th '. Cb' t d e oes y t at act ecome a mem- rections from God or augels sent by With hla calm breathlog, I shculd think Thus was the cotton-gin invented. po c •n i!lI h e !flu d ,,:,{, ir o his ber b ,. for. the t!me being, of him; as in some' not good men, as Il"'\he wJ"e dropped weep, The principle Wll8 so simple, that ex Ii 8. I '. e r Wl Of t 1 t b' to" I I sn UectlDg himself to the dI8C\phna- Abimelech Laban Balaam etc and :: tbe wonder WQS, that no one had m?8 .• e 18 In 0 rae. riO <I: 'I a ry power oC that church, with all oJ other8 tro'I 1 good men Jacob Time scarce can number thought of it before. The cotton tribution,.Dd o! TlllitlDg the poor dl\Cpe:t:lla:, the accompanying Daniel, J08eph, etc., BOuls: The t e ..... ere wi!l •• was put iuto a large troogh, the bot- hb as nO f ?me to bodied and or uized In Ule " ,wheneyer a ohurch receIves to when their bodies were asleep, were He did but lIoat a UttJe way tom of wbich Wll8 formed of wires oSJ\:. ors f t ve :0 10. t l The life of Jhri8t; in generated io Its b ta.btleba Pherson capa.bl,e of attendT.f to. them, loud With play, placed io parallel rOW8, so close to· 1I0ci:i 11ll a I' b b'ld r G d 'k' 'h' . ano er cure, I, yt at act, lor recelvmg them auu acungaccord. Listenlngtotheirfalrychlme. getherthat Iheseeds.cooldnotpass ou .... t!t'he buno eae b 0 I r 0, lng '.I!II the time being, enters ioto coveuant iog to them.' < His slender sail throogh. UDder tIils 'roogb saws bl' ' f mem ar 0 . e ,ca or or membership relations with that Ne'er telt the gal., revolved, the teeth of which thruet pu IC prayer, or or mak!ng ohuroh, IIIcarnated In the individoal. The letter8 missive, or PETrY PEOPLE. He way. themselves between the wire8, and ea, be D?ust leave It to otberl. cburch org":'llc, by tb\1 letters commendatory and of com. While yet snatched the cotton thr"""'h, leavin I!e IS friendly t? home ',n,d for- fL'. __ memberebip <of God's.ohildren. His monion osed so extensivel in the You don't know who I mean by Went calmly on hi. way, tbe seed behind which-;.';.n out in! elgn '!1lsslonB, and glvell his thedivioqly,1IpPQintad mea us early of the chnrcb, Y and of the "petty people 1" Let me No no more. , He thlllb there are "too many wbereby 'he or mystl,:a' aDd which . it is sunp08ed by some able explalD. . No gr&tiDg on his vessel'. keel; stream at one end of the trough. peals" bot he ";VeB if not vital union and. member.h()oq' 18 ever com 'nt t "[h + 00 some gala·daY,1D nature, you J. Itrlp of silver mnd, The simpliCity of the cotton·gin '. .. .• ' vi,Ullld and invillorated It ie tbe 'I mre J a ho f8 , e ,wolIDllIor are in your happiest, most genial Mingled the waters with the land had two effects; one good, the otber to Ave hili repatati0?I, .... r '. , . . t·... es 0 ° n are exa.mp es were I d Y h b h Id I t Where he was seen no more. bad. The good effect WSB that, in ",::at all he It. I '8 ..... we mistake not, balled upoo' thie " 0gU e:teb c 0, stern word-nevor more I the courJle of a very few years, The mlDJmom 111 not 'ilear I" ·0 ·t.... , IVlne he 10 ltllorgaDic y, fact tb t membershl' . d't .. a nres rear, ave a Fullohortll1sjourneywu', no Quat on a number of pOints The t.be liburqb, embodied iu an outward q , II P .au I s prlvl- with her face to face, uotil your Of earth noto his sandals clav. ; was introduced all over the cottou .' . b I I tb d' t' leges followed como;'nnlon. . whole being is thrilled with II. still The weary weight that old mel>must, Stites, increased tbe value of the and danClllg, perhaptl the *tld orlD, or I.ym o. n p • er wor It, I In ehort, commuDlon carries mem.' . . He bore not to the I d card.nlayiog lind I .... e flll!ltnoDable Ie the dIYlne-JI,.",ao, SavlO\lr upurieh. b h' 'th <'t H . . h ad' happllle8s, almost perfect 10 Its \"8,p. He oeemed a obern" who h&d lost his way, cotton < au 8, doubled and trebled tbe .r.'. -.. . ad"".I;' ing hill' p.ga.uic body, erB WI I: erelD IS t e r ture. Your heart' is overflowing in And wanderedhlther; 00 his stay production of cotton, and raised the give him .trOIlble. He the eMI('lf. tb h d'< d . cal POlDt of dlffereuce of our argu- its child-like trost in God the crea. With usw&8short; and 'tw"", mO!!t meet Southern States from hopeless de- can tl8e the harm ID tilllI, or that, or .J roug an on.war . au orgaDlc aDd mOlt of theargoments for .,. Th&theshouldbenodelverinearth'8clod,· b the otberpopular amJUement There Ul I procellll, loll of graco, and power. AI Th tor, and 1lI Its 10VIDg tendelneBS to- Nor need to pause and cleanse hi. feot pression 10 t e greatest prosperIty.. th' . th B'bl 'r.in t 't ! the apoaUe-l Oor. 10: 16-al!lks commnDlon. gener· ward man the creature. It seems as To ltand berorehls God. The effect was III! lasting as it ndo Ing tID e b tIthe tag 1. a.a : 'tb db' Th d come, short .of the of if no cloud could obscnre this serene ' sudden. In n93, tae .bole ne oaa. no lee u. a mIn may' I WI eep "'IS, e cup an commuDlon the symbol of ELl· WHITlEY. of cotton fl'om the United States Willi be a ChJ1l!tlan, and dance, or go to< u,e bread, the commun· chQreh lDemberllbip, of continued eky. . . t th d b 1 U t opera .. He 00'11'11 lon-the plUUClpatll;1lI of the blood r. n h' h' t' I h' In thle stale of heatltude, you are BY l.l.llES PARTON. en .ouean a men acq?a.lU - leut people who do. Wh Iho,Jdll ...J1n« and Lody of Ohfiet-oot II. simple ows Ip. d .... s Slot Yt aVlll g t approached by IIOme member of the ed With the subJect are of Op1DlOn, ot be? y picturelque and/lltriking Bymbol to b I or t e wd!l't.yet Petty family. At that in One .1>" filII 1 that thi" h_ ..... - n In sbort, the minimnm Christian q uicken sentiment and nothing m'ore tho. 109 C em as. -rar: I&'I 'Sh. mo tbe la.rgenes8 of your soul, you have (jenera \ asbIDgton wss Pres en to t South one knowe that he cannot lerYe God .lId b b < I"'t I ..' IIlgs.. ommnnlon II Ie ows Ip- a tenderness even tor bim althongh of the United States, a company of !D llhon mueb did the Mammoll-he would if he coald4t&t t . ut ratf etrha IIpln ua fPuCthIC!Pt:'" fellowllhip or member.hip exprellBed YOlI feel a aligbt sbiver-' precursor Georgia planters bappened to be as· IIlventor gam. br It 1. Not dol· be will come jut as near to doht, Ion ,9.' e loO'pGWer 0 . r!8 s iu tbe only biblicall1ymbol, after the f be d k th' to f n '_ sembled at the honse, near Savau· lar 1 fllmself With as he CIII. He will rive to by (tJ h :h06 1 reCItPhleJltd' inHiat0ry one, baptil!lD. No church ;0: ::'Iy nah, of Mrs. Nathaniel Greene, wid· 1Il<\U of capItal. he weot to Connectl- and the world aU that hdmbailn,II,lInlldf' '"1"""'" d . oek vebr- h die n, :b -eflate b IIId has a rigbt,aooording to our argu- altitude towards his lerel ow of the flimous General Greene of ell t to set up a of cot- to God al!! little as he can, 'let de.,,,lrm rID ot t e v lie- nman el an t to . to 'Oft' . the Revolution. Several of the8e t II gine But the SimpliCIty of the blood hath eternal life men, recel.ve. I... co.m!D UDlon a Tbese petty people would make U - not lOBO his 80Ul. 110 etollO , ." '. It Ie not to good "sharp-shooters;" they are planters had beeo officers under the macblDt; wall luch, allY to the di.Iding line between the ;peo. ,.--, ..... -.,..,, .... ..... . 2 •• IIOclII nlture from ce!ve to Its I1?"mbenhlp, With hIS keen of eye, and unerring in aim. command of the general, and they mechaniC who "'1'1' It co!lld lIIake pie of God IIDd < ,be people of Tn !Lt! 4 1vIDe nltltl'!" AI Baptllm 11·U1e faIth and prachce ; nor, ?n the other They have ,an eye quick to detect had called, na<turally enough, to pay one; aDd long Wbitne,Y was world, tbat it i. \arel to .. y OD wb,iclt,1 nomber of bQob \Dltlatory or,&01801acr .. ent, wbere· a penon a rIght com- every little foible and frailty of your tbeit respects to his widow. readr to sopply machines of hiS 0w: n side of it he actually ill found. tDlll;lt 11 8J; New T •• tiI .. candidate. becomell an orlao. With a chorch. that he IS not na.ture. They take a merciless de- Tbe tnrned upon the tbere· were great numberslD Ah, my brotber, are yoo making tal, e8. Ob.pt:era, 10, hVlDg; melDber of chorch, 110 willing and ready to become a mem- light in directing tbeir entire Cllcul, depreseed coudition of the Southern all over the cottou States. this attempt r Beware 1et!1t yotl.lInd !l60 i total, 1189. T 'INIII. Oi_I.fl: tbe I. the where- b.er of, with its and prac- tiee to the development of an the States siuce the clolle of tho war. I!le proved to be no at last, 'hat in to ret to 1H! •• by Ihlll ofllalc memberlllllp I. per. tlcell, And .why? Simply beca.ose, little pettioolll which may be, nn- The plantere were generally in debt, tlon. to .hlm: If he brought a 'Illt en with all little .. poI_llIle, petnated. AI tbe d.clares, by he does become a known even to 101lrBelf; hid away in their lands were mortglLged, their for Its no you have milsed it 'I. (Gal,.S: a,) ':hIt bapt .. your loul, until, tbrougb their deter. producta 1Ifl'orded littlE' profit, and woufd give bun a He without gaining the "orid. that onenen, ID Obrillt whICh traOIL' If these positions be Talid, then mined efforts, it ill Buddeoly exposed many of the youoger aDd more en- stroggled 00 under adverlle Influeu· lose yout own BOut The trtle cbtldt IOODds na,ionalil,., or .Iavery, or HX, the di.easlion in reference to close to the full view of your torturers, terpriBing people 'Were moving .way for fifteen In 1808, when of God doee not la" .. How IIt£I",,'._l 10 the lIIiOraaMI1lt o.r the Supper per. and open communion is stripped and to your own annoyed gILze. The cause of this state of thing', hiS pateot expired, he gave up but;" How much ma, I do for peto .... aDd "lvISe. that organio mocb of itll "erbiage a.nd perplexity, . these planters IIgreed, WIIS the difll- conteet, And Withdrew from the bUSI- God 7" Tiley tb. judge,:t.ba\u;: 01Yl ..... Alain, as baptillm i. and become'l lIMed· upon its true In f";lm five to mlDotes, culty of raising cotton with profit, ness, a poorer man than. he .was on died for all, he died that they formal \DiUatlnl' covenant, whereby If,a< obureh, insbnce, fr\elld havlDg brought owing to the great bbor required in tbe dlly that be we.nt, With blsliand,' live shoold no more live Ihe individual hecomet!l • conlllerateil 00 brougbt to believe and act YPU- the regIOn i nd separating the fibres of the full of cotton.pods, Into Mrs. Greene. selve. bnt for Him thl'died member of the., outward body of out doctrine, w.ith a.'\l of its apos· eerene s y, y a ew from tbe- seeds. b.asement. Tbousan.ds. of me}! were the tbinrt tltat arlf belii .. j 0 i. tbe< ""eNe- tolic , that baptism created well-dllll-Cted and .apparently Many of (Jur readers, we prelume, rich, who bat for hiS and they reach forth. tow.rda tbOllQ .";'bl¥'8by, and commonion contino remarkl, which touch to. the ,qDlck, hive never seen cotton growiog, nor labor would b.ave remalDed poor to are .before, ever eulaiming, .. WIlla' eaob 'pa declares himBeIf a ued iI, carrying memherehip wber· aud PJobe the weak POllI;t of your even II boll, or pod, of cotton. This tbe end of their days. The levees IIha1l I render unto the Lord for.ll member '01' .blll body-an ever·re- ever the eam;ament went, tho ques- nature, lea,:es yoo, filled. With almost pod, which is about a8 large as a wore hie benefits r" .. llewiDg oonMOrltion to thll! brother- tion ,would be reduced, to simple and hlltred of hun, and loathlDg of your·, hen'lI egg, borsts when it is ripe, and high With cotton, which, bnt for him, hood, with all of 'he rightB,. ptivi. almost self-evident issues. self. . the cotton gushes out at tbe top in a would rre.er have been grCiWn. Fleets leges, ,nd of And the cloods do not as beantiful wbite flock. If yoo exam. of cotton·ships uiled the seas, which, OUR IIIBTAKE! J.1IOU'l'EAOJrOfDl. ,ber.hip. Tbe coneeeratlng, unify. OF',THE ,RIQlITEOUS DEAD. as 1'athered. It looked· hke a ine tbis flock closely, yoo discover but for him, would never have been Nol \lne man in ten tboulalld'lee' ing and biDding nattlro of an eaten .., contemptible. ·Pllwer that evoked that it contllins eight or ten lltrge hllilt. He, the· _ator 'Of !l0 much those with whom he allOciatea" 'alnong ,ancient and ocei- Upon thiS tOPIC, Dr. Gill, the SOh. yet it IS beyond your power?f lIeeds, much resembling, in size and wea.lth, retarned'to his Dative State, thel Teau,. are. If tlIe pftl,er dental peoplel, we modernl and oc· old commentator, IIpe.aks thua sensl' will to emerge. at once from shape, the seed8 of a lemon. The at the age of forty·two, to l;Iegin tbe Barpi were Faatedj aDd w:e ooeId cidbDlal. bot little appreciate-the bly : murky and malanoue darkuess. Time fibres of the cotton adhere so tight· world IInew. _ !lee ounelvel l1li otherll JMle . tbe and I proceed to take uotice of what alone can t!:lI thte , and not al· Iy to the seedp, that to get one poond Bot Eli Wbitney wae a thorough. aeTf-etltimatell woold, In aU iiI Conlleotlon With sacrifices, but urged in favor of the.ineensibility ways effec ,Y·. . of clean cotton, without wasting bred Yankee-one of thoae uncon· ty, be mtlcb mote erroneous aleo tbat' w1iJHpread, anoient. and eoul. upOn their departure. It seems as If, ID our mo· .ny, used to require a ...hole diy's qoerable men wbo, balked in one di· the, are now. , ii, Ui.,t"lre ligoi8elbt .. atiDI of the. COyenant of. All thOlle pueagesof Scripture are ments'th feel Influ; labor. It Wall this fact that render- reetion, try aaoUler, and keep tryin,. flllCh 'OtlIer .• wberefn.' bread 'lid salt .weM urged, whloh llpeak of pef!loal!l sleeP': ences 0 t eBe pe . 1 e . e mos ad the railing of oottOJl 10 liUle pro. Me " tbe II1lntiOlIl. 'It ·'1 charaoterized in iog when' they die' as or llleeping if from radl. !lanshlDe we fitahle, and kept the Southern States .... j1 ... tbe Bible ill the of the with their Cathers, of sleeping in lodden- e pee. from 8haring in the proswrity en- nant of : tb , G6d." (Lev. !I : 6.) A.dullt of the eartb, phl.es fre· th.y aUack you at ODe' jOYlld by the States of the Nortb, mutketo Having et!ItabUlbed amiill- 'ot ,.11 forever be(ore •• e . to' be 'met witb in· tbe Old poInt; at !mother ; alwaYI, after the close of thll ufactory of firearms at New HaMn, 18 : 19, i ; and of Obriet being the bowever With thlll.r characteristic war. - , he proepered in bllllineB',. aad ...... 13 r 6.l wbQ partook of th 1AI fruits of thOl!e that alept ; and ,h III yonr :lDost va}. Wlfen the gen tlemen had been con·, enabled at length to gratify' hIS do- sYlDbOi"ere bOund IU the most. Ileeping in Jeaus; alld of lome nerable.and defencelee8 POlDt that versinll < Bome time, the idea WIIIII mestic by inarryingthe cred bo#cfl, or brot1!erbood and ma· no's1eepinl{. whlcb aM used in the !he subject Q.f Sometimes It started, that perhaps this work could tElr of Judge E.dwardll, witb whom be tu,1 JlIaoll\ooh tbat thOll8 Teetament. But-I. By 18 yony approbatlveness be done by a machine. Mrs. Greene Ii,ed in happmeall the relit of lria·llfo.' .......... who' .. to all thetIfJ PlllHles deatb itllelf .your pet unHy, WhICh, then remarked: &me of improftllMllia .bicll·bt _killl' 'eaoh ,attier'1 IIVee before. mllant. \ It was a ·w.y of llpeaking hid away 10 the darkest .comer of "Gentlemen, IIPPIy to my young invented ale preaefTed in till SP'ing .'1!IIl. wou!d, < I'ai,tui.n,l of cove- ulled ita the· Eastern countries, 1'our beart, you ba.d cherished on- friend, Mr., Whitney; he can make field musket, with which our aoIdien ov,i!I'v'able llU&:, iife'm each' other'lI dMen@e. Of and ill expresllive of the death or the known, yon fancied. anything." iu the field were chiefly armed. h Will .<lib,oo ..... tillg and binding pow· body aDd·of that O1tly. I BO to sleep They have Boch AU ILir of friendly Few wordll have ever been spoken he who began the impro"f'ementB .ill er .u.e, laor_eatal Sapper beld ",Im" is to die all they caudor in you bow ill you are on this globe that have bad lIuch im· Sreanna whloh- Oolt MId m..,. oU1etl! In'i.t.lil io ,tile, earll Mell of tbe did aoo. to he buried with tbem ; and ; bow <tlnC .. hionable yonr portant alld memOrable COOBeqDetlceB have CODtioued, .nd whioh have Wherein tbQle p..,a. , ;leep.ln ib&.du&,r'ie,.being, dead, ; how awkward you at as this simple Qbservation of Mrs. the UDit;ed StAte. the beat the .plritaal brotheibQ'od'tq 'th., .. be laid in tbe Ir •• e, to be interred you fancied your8elf an Nathaniel Greene. < mUlketB, the beft pistole, the best family, or otpaie: 0", tbe dUll' of the earth; and to adept in ; how contemptuou!lly Bome Eli Whitney, of" whom ehe IIpoke, cannoa, iu the world. "'be I.pOIIUe..,.ilI Ii hi to the Lord. one in wbolll.eatimatioll YOlltbOllght wa. a yonng, YaDkee, " It Hi a enrioull fact, the sam. lIan" indi .... daJij "to ..... o.... u¥l otIml •• Id, oor friend Lan·. :you lto¢ hljl;hEllltt had llpoken of who had came t.o ,Georgu to teaclJ, IUD..-td baft npplied tile Soilll!,wllOle "bolo, uUltei'lait,. wbi!'h'*' ,a&eepeth, he .... ant he Will! yon ;.how ungracefulllOme pecnliar and, haviag \lcen lliel1:, had w.itb the "eaJtIl· \btt _pt.ed. partOlIk w .. ,1 i aDd· wbllll the, apOilUe ,Paul attifude "bich you thought the per-' been invited by 'thill bospitable lacty rebel, ,aad fobe Uaited Bt&t.ll1Iritb tOt IllAlmdilll 3. 1.. be we ,hall not all. epleep, .he. fection of grace, and the ouly one to reside io her house tin he slioul4 weapOnl with whiCh it enCorCed 1/' i6I nothing else bot we whioh perbaptl'101I bad eYe!' studied, lecOftl'. .lfa wu the IOU of a poer II11thorily. . rd .... "mlr: 'die i foythoae wbo are WIB, ,.\401.... -.11. little illinrl, which farmer, 'nd had worked hi. way Tbe ti_ i., IIHlaild' wh. 'YailbW Ie CHi.V. ooaIing will be your better i. uq.med,to· feel thro,agh ooUege witboutAlllliltau_ ,win be empt018d hi loa PNOIl wily deathi. angry pr burt aQQot. And ,., yOIl &8 boy. ·often dC!. ,Fropa vaal,-roea of i., beoltUII8 .IMp is do feel ,.ery much hurt and annoyed, early boyhood lie had exhibited W01l- ,'there ,are ; it locb op the. u endeavor to .mile noncb.- dedul skill in meebanice, . :1 W'be'n at relit.. to tbe weir,)! ,bOdy, 1a ia the face of your pelt)' tor- lap be ullld.1o repair tile, d and then' ,oa "" to mate ical,apparat1l8 'lriUi relMfkable _10 bMliDII. . it they prove t'eslIOra and stUdents. ..d, aew calfliM the, ' yourself a lort of residence with to .. prove tha' lIIOtal:90lltYerj and feel uhamed of .. .ae for ber In IDgentol2l ,lid thej . feeling 10 feUered"':by thele liHiplJlo frJm8., •• uew principle, l1li weUru ft!tiew tWir,oe'lh. 8001 ' dan tDulL Y OD tlrlnk lba bay. maay ,cario... to,. for 18 cbilckeD, ImI_ fde,a <00'11' of Iiow he mOlt have Hence < advice:· .. Apply ,to ,ID1 'II be la, prone to the eartb Whitney ike C.-n aero1 of: lila' tor-eaUitr lIttl, _kll alI)tIdni·· <. e.,alll'll.ln:wbat bi&Mr c:oateapt , '. J ... itCl8d.eed 'Ilr; WbitH'J. n mat. blYe held hil nude lIN .... ,jo _ ........ , rio lo'mtll ... ' .

II - Amazon S3 · the nature of that .whlch they, ie to withdraw the ,bread and wine, .or IIOmething analogoos to it; it is high above 1De

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Page 1: II - Amazon S3 · the nature of that .whlch they, ie to withdraw the ,bread and wine, .or IIOmething analogoos to it; it is high above 1De



..... atl ,,".' ....... ,.~-....... give 'the outward conditions of an !lpect the body', it is' that only and stature' theBe ti th d'ffi It d hi.ch th ' r:~=~i::=u~e ".~ ar 'II. ".r~"Q~'" orrlniBed church. Hence a blptized h ' Sl~ce . ny crea· e I cu y un er w ey ··m KIInm. OOtITID, ::::::==::::~:::::' ===~===== I~:h~~~b' by that act, .enters into ~~c at :eath idll gathered to the turses could so dlBarm hllD I ed. ,He told them he hll.d never IeeII T.'ae mi1rimUm otrn'ltlim , AtId

FOr 1M Sabb.fIo Booio"'or. I t' • h h a en, an burie in the gravee of han we, then, becanee they I!O a pod of eotSon in hie life. Without b . h • Th Ob"'~"'')'':'" .. re a lone WIt t e one baptiz. anceatore; and which a1eepa in tbe. pain and probe U!l, deplore the ne- giving them aoy promi-_, he w ollie I e ......... n 11' ... 0 i.

, OO~IO.. him, and with all be ofllcially reo duet, or is buried in the dust of the OIlIIlIity for tbeH peHy lIOuls, and solved to proclJre 80me raw cotton goln, to he..,en at tbe ~~:~~~;;t!E~.: , . ..,.v rood be{oNtile So_Ih,dq Bap\\ll w...... presents. The minl'.ter baptizing a earth', the sleep of wbich stands op- .brink nervously from conOo-t -1'th r th I'th I d h • b Id d pOlliible. The Ohrfattan - , 110 b Rov JON ... W' ALLal< Ordered d b '- ...,.. lor w ,an !lee w a. e cou G < 11 r th '... "d II .' ::=. D, 1, . tCOnaittded,j P

t ereon Gell' y ~Uh. t hact bind himself poeite' to the change that will pa88 them t That would be both coward· with it Searching a!mut lhe a to be e ....... dl~r:.. d~

, , S C 0 commune WIt t at person on t~e bodies '!.f living uints. at the< Iy and. wrong-:-cowardly, as 000 of Savannah, he round, at wo~ III... ""m. j \I, ,The Lor~ 8 upper. ommun· if, need be, diacipUpe him .. taki~g colI?lDg of Christ. !. Sleep IS only who cries out wltb fear at the prick some nnclean cottOD and wbo atllll. to "a.e as ........ t'!~~!~!I~li!~~

iou, hke Baptl!llD. t~e faseover, and atepll'laid down·by Christ for church of the body, apd ill a passion 'bat of the lauet that ill to do bim good' home a bundle of it i~ bis kMIdl, he religion all he can Witham 1acldntit tbe Sabb.th, has II. com.memora.tiv" dieoipline. In other words, they are belongs to the sl!'qsitive part, a kiod wrong, inasmuch u we'do nol recog~ shut himself up- in a room in the altogether. or backward look. It hke.wise h&ol!~ ml.'lmberll of tbe same church. To a band olnd immovableness of it, nize how much the Iittlenees of these basement, and set to work to inveut The ~inlmom Ch~ltiall goee.Utol~~~~i~~~~~~~

, like tbem, a .forward oy t1plcald Ido~. ·('xcomlDooioate a perllon, as tbe word tbat it cannot operate; it only souls is necessary to true and daily the machine reqnired. cburch ID the mornlD~, ana in t~ i This symbollo nature I~ Imbed e ID iuelf, from its etymology, aflirms, beloDgs to auimals that have a brain, life. We woald perha.pa @oar 80 AU the winter 00 labored in his ~ternoqn al.o, <QUIeti It rainl, ~r It

the nature of that .whlch they, ie to withdraw the ,bread and wine, .or IIOmething analogoos to it; it is high above 1De'<commoa ,duties solitary cell. There were DO proper IS too warm, or too cold, or ~ qaldlfllRi,:<:I~ii'~~~' memorate. The object and not tbe band of fellowship as is defined, .. A cessat.iou of external !ife, thllt we wonld forget them, were' tools to be bad in Savanaah. He sleepy, or hili!. headache rrlro:m~:I:~:!1 ~~- '"",,,.-" t~e prototype passell over ~o. d . ~nb 'generallY' the cUlltom in exel~ding a. senses. from operatIou, the. ""pore It not fOT these; they are the twine made his own 100111. There was DO too mueh at dlDner. He Ii :~I~t~~~~~t~t1:~~~= t1type, 1I0d it beCOlI\es . hn ue Wit member. The very prevalent 1tl001l' the nerves and the sensory pae, that holds tbll' soaring kite to earth wire. He made his own wite. The ~lIpeotfully to tbe ~acber, ..... ~··"' .. 'al tbe vjvific. power. of Its 'of voting to witbdraw'the hand of IIges, and 110 hilldering the inflox·of without whose steadying' infloence' children, the I!ervantll, the mltof!l ID prayer' aDd prall!'" He Tbia· i. most elpeCially fellowship ill either an unmeaning or tbe animal epirits.'1' Bot wbat is "all the impatient, ambitioall eonl might to the boUie, w{lndered wbat be the ~rath vel'Y. Ien~lf' cally.lroe of t~e Lord'/i Supper. The 6gurative expression, while tbe ,,;th. tbie to the BOol, ~n immaterial and share the fate or that tfeasnr~ ldt. .. oald h<> doiu~ iu the lIailemeD' an tnH h.mAAlt, 6f'te .... ~ to .... ~ dool'1D9 tbat .t Ilf pnr~Jy commemo· drawal of 'be right of the Lord's incorporeal .lIb.tance, wbiob has DO which alone; but he !laid notbi_g, and e _goall to the weekly ,a\\'1e, and tbat Its mOu!lncell are .. bltt,.:l.WDid be a "'" _nc! gennine brain, nor uerves, nor sensory pas- "Veered' and lIuttered, IIWUIIg, and ,ave kept on tinkering, bammerigg caBlcua11y, more rarel, ~ the .,mply moral or euggeehve, which tran"';'ctiou and bavA +\..0. very great . I "t 9 d th A. plunge, theD nnilllEi'd with \he W&ve." h' k' III rl . h meeting: u the 'Mter: 11 v- apI, w blls. obis.ioe. d eo. largely in the 1. eft o.r ad-"'v~n"'t~gA 'of pl':cl'ng" °ti"h"e sacramellt sagel, nor aD1ma. spIrl!! I <an ere· t fD IDg, t ,ea y In t e IIpring b .' .' . -J

I f h P ~ q .. q fore sleep h&8 no place in it, and, s. A. u. 1793, he bad completed hill work. e tlnlnt~'!'tinr. '''.. . rallona IstiC WIDg 0 ! e orltan1C in its true relations. This was, if C)annot be predicated of it. D. When Having set up tile mysterious m... .The IIlInlmum Cbn.tlan 111 .v~1 it~Or~~:8~n~Up:~~ It of lIIuch we mist~k~ not, the apostolic an~' the body is asleep, the soul is awake THE DEATH or mAn's. chine in a llbed, he iJ1'l'ited a number frIendly to all g~ worke. Hewllhell

ud led to the ear!y Chnstla~ m~de of e:lc~'!1muD1 and active, as appears in abundance How peaceful they rest, of planters to come and witnelS itll the: well, but It is not in hill ~ d catIOn. Agam, If our p081tlOn be of instances, iu dreams and visions Cross·folded there operation. Its success was complete, lIIuch for them. The Bliilda~,. ~b~ra Dfs if we <n t true, the proper m?de of receiving of the night, when deep sleep falls Upon hlsl1ttle brea.~ The gentlemen saw, .. tth unbonnded ~c~l ~e 190b upon as an t.. .. _

, d . o! II. persons to membersblp by letter from opon men, and is capable of attend. Th'1~r~ny hands, that ne'er were still be· delight, tllat one man, with this yoang ID8<tltnt~oD, e8peOlall':i'or tbe • °bodrp~le'" . larger Iln. more pervlI~lve Impo~t, other churcbes, is not by the usnal iug to. what is suggested to it, and But ever sported with his mother's halr, Yankee engine, could cleau as much ed alld tgJltll'ant. !' .'1IiC)t OOIIvenI- , .,.. pelrto .... grounded 10,. &II'" sproutlnlJ loom" It I! mode of the band of fellowship, but of receiving inetrnction', it under- Or t!:r~lain.croS8 that on her breast she cotton in a da- as .. man could cl how~ver, for him to take a oIUII. ~ommemora.tlVoe nature. Tbe event by mutnal participation io thesaerll' Her heart no more will beat b h d' J. ean buslDe8B engagementB are 10 comlDOD

It com.memora.~11 wall an event t~at mental Sopper. Still farther, when. stands and perceives, devises and To feel the touch of that soft palm, y an 10 a whole WlOteT. The. pressing during the week, tbat he la til. touched, lit tbelr mOlli centr~l pOInt, ever a person practices wbllt is term. contrives, reasons and discourses, That ever seemed a new surprise. ton Idgrbe°wn on lid Ifllrge plantation' Ileeds Sunday .8 a day of re8t .... oor thfe tb8prlngeldof the It . "rebaodt 1.lfe f0herces ed oooas'lonal commun'lon, o'r com. chooses and refnses, grieves and reo To blesa him with her holy, calm, < cou separate rom tbe seed b thO k h' If _ •. ,,-" to o em t hopes 1I0d fears, loves and Sweet thoughts, that left her oyes as sweet. a few days, which before required e ID IlDIe ql .. b__ au O. <0 W ~ '. . les Ie munee with other cburches than lhe and the like; it can take in ¥i:~ ~~~e: ~~.}.b:l~:!~ bands! tbe constant labor of' a handred act as • teacher. There are.o !D,ny prlDClples, 18 vl1Ujed by th~m. Let oue he is a permauent member of h' t d 't' d . d d' But that they do not rl.S· e and~nk. hands ror ~everal months. persons better prepared for tb.i,' I\S note ijome of tll~. . h d b h b ' In s, a mODI IOnS, a Vices, an I· •• " c rt t d t th t h t "".. ~

1 Th '. ~t ~ Cb' t d e oes y t at act ecome a mem- rections from God or augels sent by With hla calm breathlog, I shculd think Thus was the cotton-gin invented. po c a~d • n i!lI h e !flud ,,:,{, iro his ~hnr~h U!~d tb~q:rh~at; ~~tha:n berb,. for. the t!me being, of th~t c?u~ch, him; as in some' not good men, as Il"'\he wJ"e dropped weep, The principle Wll8 so simple, that ex ~8 Ii 8. I '. er Wl Of t1 • t b' to" I I sn UectlDg himself to the dI8C\phna- Abimelech Laban Balaam etc and :: th~hi::fu;!b~~eep tbe wonder WQS, that no one had m?8 .• e 18 In I~VO~ 0 rae. riO m~~ er~ <I: ~t.4I'nmp 'I a l~or~ ry power oC that church, with all oJ other8 tro'I1 good men ~s Jacob Time scarce can number thought of it before. The cotton tribution,.Dd o! TlllitlDg the poor

~~e e~:lIe:te, an~ dl\Cpe:t:lla:, e~:! the accompanying reeponsib~litie8; Daniel, J08eph, etc., ~bo8e BOuls: The te ..... ere ~e wi!l w&~e ~oln. •• was put iuto a large troogh, the bot- ~:t ~ hbas nOf ?me to ia~b' 'br~t bodied and or uized In Ule " ~nd ,wheneyer a ohurch receIves to when their bodies were asleep, were He did but lIoat a UttJe way tom of wbich Wll8 formed of wires oSJ\:. ors f tve• :0 10. tl ~ IO:=:~ The life of Jhri8t; in generated io Its ~~mmuhlon b ta.btleba Pherson fr~m capa.bl,e of attendT.f to. them, loud With :r~= ~~e~;&~h:!gt~~IPples play, placed io parallel rOW8, so close to· gp~~~r.::!ti:r!l a~dein 1I0ci:i11ll a I' tQ.1~i'llIM.

b b'ld r G d 'k' 'h' . ano er cure, I, yt at act, lor recelvmg them auu acungaccord. Listenlngtotheirfalrychlme. getherthat Iheseeds.cooldnotpass ou .... ~irclet!l t!t'he buno eae b 0 I r t~ 0, .m~ lng '.I!II ~ the time being, enters ioto coveuant iog to them.' < His slender sail throogh. UDder tIils 'roogb saws bl' ' f mem ar 0 . e m~, ,ca or sp~rltua or membership relations with that Ne'er telt the gal., revolved, the teeth of which thruet pu IC prayer, or or mak!ng ~~::1::~~:e~~ ohuroh, _b~melO IIIcarnated In the individoal. The letter8 missive, or PETrY PEOPLE. He di'l~\ 1I0t~"little way. themselves between the wire8, and ea, ~nd be D?ust leave It to otberl. cburch org":'llc, by an,d.~h1'9~gb tb\1 letters commendatory and of com. While yet ~~ ~~;f/~;~ore, snatched the cotton thr"""'h, leavin I!e IS '.er~ friendly t? home ',n,d for- fL'. __

memberebip <of God's.ohildren. His monion osed so extensivel in the You don't know who I mean by Went calmly on hi. way, tbe seed behind which-;.';.n out in! elgn '!1lsslonB, and glvell his thedivioqly,1IpPQintad outwa~d mea us early ~ges of the chnrcb, Y and of the t~rm "petty people 1" Let me No J"'~Y~w.t'l~ ~I}:e':: no more. , He thlllb there are "too many wbereby 'he ~q"ard or mystl,:a' aDd which . it is sunp08ed by some able explalD. . No gr&tiDg on his vessel'. keel; stream at one end of the trough. peals" bot he ";VeB if not vital union and. member.h()oq' 18 ever com 'nt t "[h + • • 00 some gala·daY,1D nature, you J. Itrlp of silver mnd, The simpliCity of the cotton·gin '. .. .• ' vi,Ullld and invillorated It ie tbe 'I mre J ahof8, e ,wolIDllIor ep~f' are in your happiest, most genial Mingled the waters with the land had two effects; one good, the otber to Ave hili repatati0?I, prtlt~y .... r '. , . . t·... es 0 ° n are exa.mp es were I d Y h b h Id I t Where he was seen no more. bad. The good effect WSB that, in ",::at all ~v.entB, he ~.Im~ a~ It. I '8 ..... pefr~,~od':\ .\tvlll!~ !'81~-commo~lcbaodtloD we mistake not, balled upoo' thie v~ry ~o~ " 0gU e:teb ee~: c tOlll~~ 0, stern word-nevor more I the courJle of a very few years, The mlDJmom Chr~8tJ.n 111 not 'ilear I"

·0 ·t .... , IVlne he 10 ltllorgaDic y, fact tb t membershl' . d't .. a nres rear, ave a Fullohortll1sjourneywu', no Quat on a number of pOints The operI14h~Dc1iU t.be liburqb, embodied iu an outward q , II P .au I s prlvl- with her face to face, uotil your Of earth noto his sandals clav. ; was introduced all over the cottou .' . ~ b I I tb d' t' leges followed como;'nnlon. . whole being is thrilled with II. still The weary weight that old mel>must, Stites, increased tbe value of the and danClllg, perhaptl the 'thet.~re *tld orlD, or I.ym o. n p • er wor It, I In ehort, commuDlon carries mem.' . . He bore not to the ~ave. I d card.nlayiog lind I .... e flll!ltnoDable

Ie the dIYlne-JI,.",ao, SavlO\lr upurieh. b h' 'th <'t H . . h ad' happllle8s, almost perfect 10 Its \"8,p. He oeemed a obern" who h&d lost his way, cotton < au 8, doubled and trebled tbe .r.'. -.. . ad"".I;' ing hill' outwa~i p.ga.uic body, erB I~ WI I: erelD IS t e r I· ture. Your heart' is overflowing in And wanderedhlther; 00 his stay production of cotton, and raised the pa~lee, give him ~och .trOIlble. He the eMI('lf. tb h • d'< d . cal POlDt of dlffereuce of our argu- its child-like trost in God the crea. With usw&8short; and 'tw"", mO!!t meet Southern States from hopeless de- can tl8e the harm ID tilllI, or that, or .J

~ roug an on.war . au orgaDlc aDd mOlt of theargoments for .,. Th&theshouldbenodelverinearth'8clod,· b • the otberpopular amJUement There Ul I procellll, loll of graco, and power. AI • Th tor, and 1lI Its 10VIDg tendelneBS to- Nor need to pause and cleanse hi. feot pression 10 t e greatest prosperIty.. th' . th B'bl 'r.in t 't ! the apoaUe-l Oor. 10: 16-al!lks commnDlon. ~y gener· ward man the creature. It seems as To ltand berorehls God. The effect was III! lasting as it ~ ndo Ing tID eb tIthe tag • 1. a.a : 'tb db' Th d come, short .of the prlno~le of if no cloud could obscnre this serene ' sudden. In n93, tae .bole ne oaa. no lee u. a mIn may' I WI eep e~p "'IS, e cup an commuDlon the symbol of ELl· WHITlEY. of cotton fl'om the United States Willi be a ChJ1l!tlan, and dance, or go to< u,e

~be bread, are.t~y ~ot the commun· chQreh lDemberllbip, of continued eky. . . t th d b 1 U • t opera .. He 00'11'11 e'rerllh_IIlI-I~~;'~::~.~~ lon-the plUUClpatll;1lI of the blood r. n h' h' t' I h' In thle stale of heatltude, you are BY l.l.llES PARTON. en .ouean a ~s. men acq?a.lU - leut people who do. Wh Iho,Jdll ...J1n« and Lody of Ohfiet-oot II. simple t~ ows Ip. d .... s no~ Slot Yt aVlllgt approached by IIOme member of the ed With the subJect are of Op1DlOn, ot be? y picturelque and/lltriking Bymbol to b eld~ametchon I lon~ or te wd!l't.yet Petty family. At that mome~t.. in One ~aWin • .1>" filII ~r 1 'T!I~ ~":l that thi" ~"'I" i,.,~u,'v" h_ ..... - n In sbort, the minimnm Christian quicken sentiment and nothing m'ore tho. 109 C em as. -rar: I&'I 'Sh.mo tbe la.rgenes8 of your soul, you have (jenera \ asbIDgton wss Pres en w~r~b to t South one tb~n.and knowe that he cannot lerYe God .lId b b < I"'t I ..' IIlgs.. ommnnlon II Ie ows Ip- a tenderness even tor bim althongh of the United States, a company of !Dllhon doll~rs. ~ow mueb did the Mammoll-he would if he coald4t&t

t.ut ratf etrha rl~~' IIpln ua fPuCthIC!Pt:'" fellowllhip or member.hip exprellBed YOlI feel a aligbt sbiver-' precursor Georgia planters bappened to be as· IIlventor gam. br It 1. Not on~ dol· be will come jut as near to doht, Ion ,9.' e loO'pGWer 0 . r!8 s iu tbe only biblicall1ymbol, after the f be d k th' to f n '_ sembled at the honse, near Savau· lar 1 Ass~clatlDg fllmself With ~ as he CIII. He will rive to ~htb, by (tJh:h061 ~~)the reCItPhleJltd' inHiat0ry one, baptil!lD. No church ;0: swa:~ ::'Iy a~:wn f~O~Wyo:~ nah, of Mrs. Nathaniel Greene, wid· 1Il<\U of capItal. he weot to Connectl- and the world aU that hdmbailn,II,lInlldf' '"1"""'" d . oek vebr-

h die n, :b -eflateb IIId has a rigbt,aooording to our argu- altitude towards his lerel ow of the flimous General Greene of ell t to set up a man~fac~0!'Y of cot- to God al!! little as he can, a~d 'let de.,,,lrm

rID ot t e v lie- nman el an t to . to 'Oft' . the Revolution. Several of the8e t II gine But the SimpliCIty of the blood hath eternal life men, recel.ve. I ... co.m!DUDlon a Tbese petty people would make U - • • not lOBO his 80Ul. B~JBtandl 110 etollO , ." '. pe~lOn tb~t It Ie not ~I1IIU$' to r~. good "sharp-shooters;" they are planters had beeo officers under the macblDt; wall luch, ~hat allY g~ to the di.Iding line between the ;peo. ,.--,.....-.,..,,.... .....

. 2 •• I~II IIOclII nlture epfl~gl,. from ce!ve to Its I1?"mbenhlp, With hIS keen of eye, and unerring in aim. command of the general, and they mechaniC who "'1'1' It co!lld lIIake pie of God IIDd < ,be people of Tn BuI~ D!ot~IJ'I!I~tD~1 !Lt! 41vIDe nltltl'!" AI Baptllm 11·U1e faIth and prachce ; nor, ?n the other They have ,an eye quick to detect had called, na<turally enough, to pay one; aDd long befor~ Wbitne,Y was world, tbat it i. \arel to .. y OD wb,iclt,1 nomber of bQob \Dltlatory or,&01801acr .. ent, wbere· h~1I a penon a rIght t~ com- every little foible and frailty of your tbeit respects to his widow. readr to sopply machines of hiS 0w:n side of it he actually ill found. tDlll;lt 11 8J; New T •• tiI .. ~y ~b~ candidate. becomell an orlao. m~n.e With a chorch. that he IS not na.ture. They take a merciless de- Tbe conversaliOl~ tnrned upon the maklD~, tbere· were great numberslD Ah, my brotber, are yoo making tal, e8. Ob.pt:era, 10, hVlDg; melDber of t~ chorch, 110 willing and ready to become a mem- light in directing tbeir entire Cllcul, depreseed coudition of the Southern o~erahon all over the cottou States. this attempt r Beware 1et!1t yotl.lInd !l60 i total, 1189. T 'INIII. Oi_I.fl: tbe E~cburil' I. the l!aorame~t where- b.er of, with its doctr~nes and prac- tiee to the development of an the States siuce the clolle of tho war. I!le paten~ proved to be no prote~ at last, 'hat in to ret to 1H! •• V'I'Ur,~';O: by Ihlll ofllalc memberlllllp I. per. tlcell, And .why? Simply beca.ose, little pettioolll which may be, nn- The plantere were generally in debt, tlon. to .hlm: If he brought a 'Illt en with all little .. poI_llIle, '~~~~6~~~~Q petnated. AI tbe .~tle d.clares, by ~mmunlOn, he does become a known even to 101lrBelf; hid away in their lands were mortglLged, their for Its \Dfrll~gem~nt, no ~ut,hern you have milsed it al""ll:4~tb'er--J~"t, 'I. (Gal,.S: a,) ':hIt bapt .. m."odn~e your loul, until, tbrougb their deter. producta 1Ifl'orded littlE' profit, and woufd give bun a verdl~t. He without gaining the "orid. that onenen, ID Obrillt whICh traOIL' If these positions be Talid, then mined efforts, it ill Buddeoly exposed many of the youoger aDd more en- stroggled 00 under adverlle Influeu· lose yout own BOut The trtle cbtldt IOODds na,ionalil,., or .Iavery, or HX, the di.easlion in reference to close to the full view of your torturers, terpriBing people 'Were moving .way ~s for fifteen y~ars. In 1808, when of God doee not la" .. How IIt£I",,'._l 10 the lIIiOraaMI1lt o.r the Supper per. and open communion is stripped and to your own annoyed gILze. The cause of this state of thing', hiS pateot expired, he gave up t~ but;" How much ma, I do for ~:H;:~o:ldl~.~~~i~~ peto .... aDd "lvISe. that organio mocb of itll "erbiage a.nd perplexity, . these planters IIgreed, WIIS the difll- conteet, And Withdrew from the bUSI- God 7" Tiley tb. judge,:t.ba\u;: 01Yl..... Alain, as baptillm i. ~be and become'l lIMed· upon its true In f";lm five to fine~ mlDotes, culty of raising cotton with profit, ness, a poorer man than. he .was on died for all, he died that they .hj;;i~'i' formal \DiUatlnl' covenant, whereby If,a< obureh, fQ~ insbnce, fr\elld Pett~, havlDg brought owing to the great bbor required in tbe dlly that be we.nt, With blsliand,' live shoold no more live f!;r~~;~~1~=~~~~9i1~~ Ihe individual hecomet!l • conlllerateil 00 brougbt to believe and act YPU- fro~. the regIOn o~ CI~l\ds, ind separating the fibres of the full of cotton.pods, Into Mrs. Greene. selve. bnt for Him thl'died member of the., outward body of out doctrine, w.ith a.'\l of its apos· darke~!L-yoor eerene s y, y a ew from tbe- seeds. b.asement. Tbousan.ds. of me}! were Leavi~g the tbinrt tltat arlf belii .. ~. j Cbr~t. 0 OOI!I~o\lion i. tbe< ""eNe- tolic , that baptism created well-dllll-Cted and . apparently ran~om Many of (Jur readers, we prelume, rich, who bat for hiS I~genulty and they reach forth. tow.rda tbOllQ ~~nmid4.lIe~i~~; cn~fI9. ,!;lr~i: cov.na~~ .";'bl¥'8by, and commonion contino remarkl, which touch to. the ,qDlck, hive never seen cotton growiog, nor labor would b.ave remalDed poor to are .before, ever eulaiming, .. WIlla' eaob 'pa tl~fp&n' declares himBeIf a ued iI, carrying memherehip wber· aud PJobe the weak POllI;t of your even II boll, or pod, of cotton. This tbe end of their days. The levees IIha1l I render unto the Lord for.ll '.:ti~;,t=~I:e.,~ member '01' .blll body-an ever·re- ever the eam;ament went, tho ques- nature, lea,:es yoo, filled. With almost pod, which is about a8 large as a t~e So?the~n 8eapo~ts wore he~d hie benefits r" .. llewiDg oonMOrltion to thll! brother- tion ,would be reduced, to simple and hlltred of hun, and loathlDg of your·, hen'lI egg, borsts when it is ripe, and high With cotton, which, bnt for him, hood, with all of 'he rightB,. ptivi. almost self-evident issues. self. . the cotton gushes out at tbe top in a would rre.er have been grCiWn. Fleets leges, ,nd rClPOD.ibi1iti~s of m~m' And the cloods do not dlspe~8~ as beantiful wbite flock. If yoo exam. of cotton·ships uiled the seas, which, OUR IIIBTAKE! J.1IOU'l'EAOJrOfDl.

,ber.hip. Tbe coneeeratlng, unify. OF',THE ,RIQlITEOUS DEAD. as 1'athered. It looked· hke a ine tbis flock closely, yoo discover but for him, would never have been Nol \lne man in ten tboulalld'lee' ing and biDding nattlro of an eaten .., ~d contemptible. ·Pllwer that evoked that it contllins eight or ten lltrge hllilt. He, the· _ator 'Of !l0 much those with whom he allOciatea" co'~nant 'alnong ,ancient and ocei- Upon thiS tOPIC, Dr. Gill, the SOh. th~m, yet it IS beyond your power?f lIeeds, much resembling, in size and wea.lth, retarned'to his Dative State, thel Teau,. are. If tlIe pftl,er dental peoplel, we modernl and oc· old commentator, IIpe.aks thua sensl' will to emerge. at once from t~elr shape, the seed8 of a lemon. The at the age of forty·two, to l;Iegin tbe Barpi were Faatedj aDd w:e ooeId cidbDlal. bot little appreciate-the bly : murky and malanoue darkuess. Time fibres of the cotton adhere so tight· world IInew. _ !lee ounelvel l1li otherll JMle .T~~~~~~~=~~'l

. ~.tiol;~()t olltyl~ tbe P~ver, and I proceed to take uotice of what alone can t!:lIthte, and th~t not al· Iy to the seedp, that to get one poond Bot Eli Wbitney wae a thorough. aeTf-etltimatell woold, In aU pri:iD&16i1I~J,.oIi·.~~~ iiI Conlleotlon With sacrifices, but urged in favor of the.ineensibility ways effec ,Y·. . of clean cotton, without wasting bred Yankee-one of thoae uncon· ty, be mtlcb mote erroneous aleo tbat' w1iJHpread, anoient. and eoul. upOn their departure. It seems as If, ID our .happlell~ mo· .ny, used to require a ... hole diy's qoerable men wbo, balked in one di· the, are now. , Tbe'wli~b ii, Ui.,t"lre ligoi8elbt .. atiDI of the. COyenant of. All thOlle pueagesof Scripture are ments'th feel :~e bbg~tl~f Influ; labor. It Wall this fact that render- reetion, try aaoUler, and keep tryin,. r~d flllCh 'OtlIer ~ .• ~:~,Ifit;;~~,~~ ~'It. wberefn.' bread 'lid salt .weM urged, whloh llpeak of pef!loal!l sleeP': ences 0 t eBe pe . 1 ~op e . e mos ad the railing of oottOJl 10 liUle pro. Me " tbe II1lntiOlIl. 'It ·'1 charaoterized in iog when' they die' as or llleeping if from radl. !lanshlDe we fitahle, and kept the Southern States .... j1 ... iiIoIIi~ll11~toI.Mi tbe Bible ill .~' the '~'t of the e~y.,. with their Cathers, a~d of sleeping in pa~ ~ lodden- e pee. from 8haring in the proswrity en-nant of :tb, G6d." (Lev. !I : 6.) • A.dullt of the eartb, phl.es fre· ~lOOtlmlll!' th.y aUack you at ODe' jOYlld by the States of the Nortb, mutketo Having et!ItabUlbed amiill-OOV~Q."t 'ot ,.11 forever be(ore •• e . to' be 'met witb in· tbe Old poInt; BOms~tDN at !mother ; alwaYI, after the close of thll ufactory of firearms at New HaMn, Lo~d." (;N~!JIberll 18 : 19, i (Jhro~.. ; and of Obriet being the bowever With thlll.r characteristic war. - , he proepered in bllllineB',. aad ...... 13 r 6.l "~alll wbQ partook of th 1AI fruits of thOl!e that alept ; and ,h III yonr :lDost va}. Wlfen the gen tlemen had been con·, enabled at length to gratify' hIS do-sYlDbOi"ere bOund IU the most. Ileeping in Jeaus; alld of lome nerable.and defencelee8 POlDt that ~s versinll < Bome time, the idea WIIIII mestic tr,~tes by inarryingthe daug~ cred bo#cfl, or brot1!erbood and ma· no's1eepinl{. whlcb aM used in the !he subject Q.f at~ack. Sometimes It started, that perhaps this work could tElr of Judge E.dwardll, witb whom be tu,1 <'~re~. JlIaoll\ooh tbat thOll8 Teetament. But-I. By 18 yony approbatlveness t~ey t~h; be done by a machine. Mrs. Greene Ii,ed in happmeall the relit of lria·llfo.' .......... who' w~~,~,.,e_ .. ~:, to ~e exten~ all thetIfJ PlllHles deatb itllelf s~metlmell .your pet unHy, WhICh, then remarked: &me of ~ improftllMllia .bicll·bt _killl' 'eaoh ,attier'1 IIVee before. mllant. \ It was a ·w.y of llpeaking hid away 10 the darkest .comer of "Gentlemen, IIPPIy to my young invented ale preaefTed in till SP'ing ~ .'1!IIl. wou!d, '~r < I'ai,tui.n,l of t~e cove- ulled ita the· Eastern countries, 1'our beart, you ba.d cherished on- friend, Mr., Whitney; he can make field musket, with which our aoIdien ov,i!I'v'able llU&:, iife'm each' other'lI dMen@e. Of and ill expresllive of the death or the known, yon fancied. anything." iu the field were chiefly armed. h Will .<lib,oo ..... tillg and binding pow· body aDd·of that O1tly. I BO to sleep They have Boch AU ILir of friendly Few wordll have ever been spoken he who began the impro"f'ementB .ill er .u.e, laor_eatal Sapper beld ",Im" t_~,"herl, is to die all they caudor in ~1lillg you bow ill you are on this globe that have bad lIuch im· Sreanna whloh- Oolt MId m..,. oU1etl! In'i.t.lil io ,tile, earll Mell of tbe did aoo. to he buried with tbem ; and ; bow <tlnC .. hionable yonr portant alld memOrable COOBeqDetlceB have CODtioued, .nd whioh have Wherein tbQle par~aki~lt p..,a. , ;leep.ln ib&.du&,r'ie,.being, dead, ; how awkward you ~e at as this simple Qbservation of Mrs. the UDit;ed StAte. the beat the .plritaal brotheibQ'od'tq 'th., .. be laid in tbe Ir •• e, to be interred you fancied your8elf an Nathaniel Greene. < mUlketB, the beft pistole, the best family, or otpaie: broUleib~" 0", tbe dUll' of the earth; and to adept in ; how contemptuou!lly Bome Eli Whitney, of" whom ehe IIpoke, cannoa, iu the world. "'be I.pOIIUe..,.ilI Ii "'f'''d~!p· hi J~IIUIJ, ~I!I to diel~ the Lord. one in wbolll.eatimatioll YOlltbOllght wa. a yonng, lla88allhn~tts YaDkee, " It Hi a enrioull fact, t~&t the sam. lIan" indi .... daJij "to ..... o .... u¥l otIml •• Id, oor friend Lan·. :you lto¢ hljl;hEllltt had llpoken of who had came t.o ,Georgu to teaclJ, IUD..-td baft npplied tile Soilll!,wllOle "bolo, uUltei'lait,. wbi!'h'*' ,a&eepeth, he .... ant tha~ he Will! yon ;.how ungracefulllOme pecnliar and, haviag \lcen ~aken lliel1:, had w.itb the "eaJtIl· \btt _pt.ed. i~ ,6~4lroula":I_' partOlIk w .. 4llle~' ,1 i aDd· wbllll the, apOilUe ,Paul attifude "bich you thought the per-' been invited by 'thill bospitable lacty rebel, ,aad fobe Uaited Bt&t.ll1Iritb tOt IllAlmdilll

3. 1.. be we ,hall not all. epleep, .he. fection of grace, and the ouly one to reside io her house tin he slioul4 weapOnl with whiCh it enCorCed i~ 1/' i6I nothing else bot t~t we whioh perbaptl'101I bad eYe!' studied, lecOftl'. .lfa wu the IOU of a poer II11thorily. . rd .... "mlr:

'die i foythoae wbo are WIB, ,.\401....-.11. little illinrl, which farmer, 'nd had worked hi. way Tbe ti_ i., IIHlaild' wh. 'YailbW hil~ni.Hlr.tlk Ie CHi.V. ooaIing will be your better ~If i. uq.med,to· feel thro,agh ooUege witboutAlllliltau_ ,win ~aiD be empt018d hi loa PNOIl wily deathi. angry pr burt aQQot. And ,., yOIl &8 Ya~kt:e boy. ·often dC!. ,Fropa vaal,-roea of 1JI~

i., beoltUII8 .IMp is do feel ,.ery much hurt and annoyed, early boyhood lie had exhibited W01l- ,'there ,are Whi~ ; it locb op the. u endeavor to .mile noncb.- dedul skill in meebanice, . :1 W'be'n at Ie:f~

relit.. to tbe weir,)! ,bOdy, 1a ia the face of your pelt)' tor- lap be ullld.1o repair tile, ''IIb.lt·,~: d t.1~e. and then' aW~ElII ~qlh ,oa "" to mate ical,apparat1l8 'lriUi relMfkable _10 ..,cirktt"'~I-I" bMliDII.

. it they prove t'eslIOra and stUdents. ..d, aew calfliM ~~~!! the, pr~'f,e ' ima.g~ne, yourself a lort of residence with ~rs. • to .. ~~:~~~ prove tha' lIIOtal:90lltYerj and feel uhamed of .. .ae for ber In IDgentol2l ,lid tb~'l1i1~~f'dajtbt bo~Y. thej . feeling 10 feUered"':by thele liHiplJlo frJm8., •• uew principle, l1li weUru ft!tiew tWir,oe'lh.

8001 ~iet! ' dan tDulL Y OD tlrlnk lba bay. maay ,cario... to,. for 18 cbilckeD, ImI_ fde,a <00'11' of Iiow he mOlt have Hence < he~ advice:· .. Apply ,to ,ID1

~ii5iii~~;i~1~ 'II be la, prone to the eartb l'lrq,ung~~~iend.~; Whitney ike C.-n

r.~~~~~e~~. aero1 of: lila' tor-eaUitr lIttl, _kll alI)tIdni·· <. e;j~~~~~~~ e.,alll'll.ln:wbat bi&Mr c:oateapt ~ , '. J ... itCl8d.eed 'Ilr; WbitH'J. n mat. blYe held hil nude lIN .... ,jo _ ........ , rio ~ 1.~libad lo'mtll

... ' . •

Page 2: II - Amazon S3 · the nature of that .whlch they, ie to withdraw the ,bread and wine, .or IIOmething analogoos to it; it is high above 1De

: "

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" , '

" , , , ; I \


:1" ' ...... ,.mdn~ " } -. I . -iP ,

~1l. for ple .. u~e, .... rkete. "..., narrOw ~nd irregular foot patu for b.n.pl.ying, &0., occupied the re- The loor of the valilt w.. strewed • , ' thbit Irl"~" '; t.d the .Jew" ~ , chufeHI_, dancUlg,lUDeI,or 'pOrta home co'"Lvenience and stealDera are mainder of the day; .nd no accident. with faded .nd fre.h .rbor vitae foli- thQr T.pp.n, .boat a ,41larter ... t",l,, __ t., ....... 'reed, Je,

.urnL'f, II. I., rrm.DAT, AUG. 8, 1 .... wh.tlO8ver, upon pen.lty or" now a .. i1able fo; inl.nd tr.vel or nor anythiog of an unple ... o& ch.r..ge. On. pl.tform elevated about oentory .go .nd previou.ly noted .. eared ~_ hall.cJ~n teat.. . .hilling8 to e"ery one .bo"e four- . ' teen ye.ra of a~e. ,And if children conveyance to d.lst.nt porte .. Then acter, occurred to m.r its enjoyment two feet, relied two black·walnut the leading anti-ela"ery m.n in New are toan~ oftendllll'ln the. premilell; regalar seml·monthly· m.ds, are by .11. s. D. o. comne, containing the bodies York, died at New Hnen, Ct., . N!:;o.Jrlt"2Wbwj~" lI ... r""'M';~_';"1l\, . &eo. D. V'tter. B41tor.

_, ~ I.'~ ' •• ' C <;01 •• ".. ~"'-"-' ~, • --

tbeir parenti or guardi.ns to forfeit luch a comfort to u. in onr exile at.te, D Abraham Lincoln .nd hi8 son. The Sund.y, JUly iSd, aged 80 ye .... 1 A.TtlTW· Awn ......... U Ol'~ ..... I • fti EYES WEST 10 3 ofreal ... te.toU4;'~ i"';Clit" ~"". >,~ .:::... ....- - ,we ve pence lor every 0 ence. for exil .. we cert.inly ~Te. But ·is - , , one on the left .. we looked io, WIo8 He w .. for many year. an acti .. e'

_.... all May·polel be pulled down, and ot tb . t t Id h C l' A DAY IN SPBINGFIELD, ILL. the one that' brought UII there. Tbe and mOl~ Iliccel.ful.merch.nt, and Park m.y oonrr.t,tate tlle'.,I," 'AII! D.-8I8rOaY, !) none othera erected. That if the n • e emlgran 0 ~ a or • I' 8nlB8PW.D, m., July 13,1865. B 'f th I tt t 'th had acquIred .t one tIme. I.rge for. upoo tbtl. valle of theIr prop.", .It

'" ~ m,CoMinn I Bever.1 finea .bove mentioned cannot fornl. equally so r Is It a gre.ter My friend and I came to thil oen' f ODd rdo ~ l' epa °drmB. was s rewO' n WI h tune, wbich he 100t in tbe wane, of • reee. ""'lDy be taken ' \ nJ; j.~1I~'1i' party were not at be levi~d, the oft'ending party .hall trial to leave all -for Cbrist'l sake . '. a e 10lage an owere. 0 eac life, wben he w .. unable to .... , ... , '.· .. "" .... fIiL Tbe advan",e be I8t I,a the .tooa. fbr t~ Ipace than for filthyluore'l eake r Read ~r,,1 city .nd cap~t.1 of tbe great com corner of the platform WII a large the etroggla for a oompetenoe. the 'R-U h.. boa bt the

. . the R I rt three houn. Th.t the KIDg'il decla- the triall Ind luft'eringa of adventur· State I .. t eveDing. We were de- vase containing a variety of faded bad retired from .U bOlin... for ki"";';;;' '1t .. _,.1 MOOd' lot '., ••••• ,to be wllb 07a .'" " r.uon cOooerniog I.wful S~orta ou era in the F.r Weat. Would they tained here one day on b~sine8s. It fiow~r.. On each comn al.o Ilood a le"eral ye~r~, ,He Will one, of tbe :.n:~;.e lam of .0&0,000: 't:.,tlle ",ifor ..... t.me aRer the OpeDID' tbe Lordi., day, be, called m,' IUp' hlo8 been to us one of, the gre.t days Imal"er -aGe -I'th laded "o-e-. early Abqhtlonl.tI, .nd oheerfuUy ",uoI'eI 60 leet 'Ih .IIA "'d 101 11 ..... ar. Ooacmaiog thl., aDd ita preMed and bomed. hue ~Il' harder to. bear, or more I. ._, w 11 II .... D took I b f th bl ' " .. Th' d' h 11 t '-nd deBervlng sympathy If endured on of our lives. Wb.tever may have Over tbe whole wall raised an arcb d a arge. I areh.i~' e 0 .~uy fee llimple "" III • W ,,~, o8"be qo.tlonbefofe"'UB ... e I~ ~r lOan.eo s a n.o ~"" . '.. . be b I Itt' f h . ,.n perllecation w oh w .. V .. lted "'ent, or S.wb ........ ' ....

, " i ~ N '_1' I l' to problblt. dreellDg meat In private der the n.me of MISSIonarIes of the , en t e. oca ~ tr.c Ions ° t e CIty, covered with black, and omamentlld upon tbat de.piled oJa .. in il. dark. :'hom'be "reb,!.:! • .,.,.e ~Ie'fi • ..... - • lram e .. e vo p.ge.. '1' II" t I' ad I t b be t w • p.. _ '"". ,'~'" ' ,., laml les, or ~ I~g VIC ua 8 ,.n a ~ - CroA r 'T'Io_. loil for ve&8ure-ao ID oca IOn, USIneS8, au y, or all a with faded evergreens. With un. ellt days, Wben Garrlaon "" i. I • 1 ' i '" • I / te IDn tu.hng ~""'II 8t' I 't h ' ed' B I ' ~ 'I 0 _w" ve yearl t me • . s", • '.' '. •• er., ,way, In a or VIC - do we, "There is gold in Cbina," ate capIta, I .as now one over- covered heads we bowedourselves pn8o~ ID atlmore 10ranar~lc.e ho"ev"r, had. Je.,e,

1,1< .,~ larUameiW. ,ft'.lrs belOg houllflll, for the UII6 of lIucb II c.n. • b " " shadowing attractIon It was the eel' In hl8 naper upon the DomMtJe t 1 ' i'i" n ... 'ti if ' 18 dl ided tho not otherwise be provided for; nor laid one,' ot we m08t dIg for It. r' d' b' d d h f before thi. v.ult, f 109 a Hcred Slave Tr~a. Mr. Tappin p.id the we ~e.~O.O\OOO·rO,a, IIIId "i .. J!~;UII" 'j, 'P' .. -':1'10118:e.''6''Y, by ~xtr! to the crY,ing of milk befo.ra nine in And wbich ia most precious, tbe gold IVIng, an IS now t e ea ome 0 demnity etealing over our spiritll. li did h' f j if d recel ill" or ~Il

IIVI VII .p InN h ft Ii th f. h h h h Abrabam Lincolu, oor beet·beloved We -ere I'n th~ presence of the hnl'se IInnamere efrlil880m thl.m, rtol'mem :or'-a·rnd the bWedhole valoe brr ~::~"'.i :r::~'i ordta." f .. U.,.' 'nd pr.yere, bot t e mornIng, or a er our In e a - th.t peria et , or t .t which a .n go P'd d" h"t '11 be" ~ , . 1'" , en. I him to n '1",~,;,Oii 't.I;or6n.ly with tbeir intel!"d- ternoon!' to make our crown of rejoicing in resl eDt, an lor t IS I WI mighty dead. The body of the saviour was aa notonous and almOllt .. mach equani " be '.,',ect,1tIfthia" ,."OD, They beg.n' with It waa thus, by the arm of the ihe Redeemer's kin,gc1om? One,d.y, known in the fulure, of bis country lay before UII, He b.ted at tbe Sooth ~ Garri.on'. o"n. aeum :1[. °q~~en'l~ , , ,· .. ·.a .

.. II,;;'; a_LL ... L ~ v h!lll 1 ' At alao dUrIng tbe I ' • 'fI' " ~·_~~w. an';l on .arc, civil law, that Sunday came to be Kr. Carpenter w.s walking into tbe PREilIDENT LINCOLN'S HOUSE. lay tbere, because he :"118 Msassi- on Ihia .ub;ect, ehaer !.A~X.' :Wan-et.., and iJlYe'~ IDlI'WJ_Ole'1I1l ' (, .... nd lhe.:tord Kayor olthe . I b d be" .. . . d be h Id d ~"- In~·"30 bODd. Til .ita I. l .. t'lmdoa to d •• ire, blm to pnt 1I~C1Ct y 0 serve, Ing al City, wIth. mOlt devoted missIOnary We visited first his former resi· nate, canlle e wou not lurren - man, and became verI ob- Ii' e 1'"',. III tdO~oa til •• iatnta. Cor the due ob- WIIB. part of th~ reform. tory "ork friend, Rev. Mr. Burns, when they dence, hia own bouse. Jt is situated er the principle of human freedom. to th~ wbo oppOlled hi. if su:" • o~ a i:::i1f.p~p.,r ~tie. b'."..\r' , of ·ihe' LOrd's day, Hil or the Parliament p.rty ; but nol as chanced to meet that world,renowned on tha corner of two IItreets, in a Hereafter this will be tbe weepiDg l~el8. At one tune a mob .\tacked proprietor :f a i~r It II

lorlllhlp accotdinl'y, i!ll, ued his pre- though it were worthy of especial Botani8t of China, Mr. Fortune, re- retl'red par' of the city. It is. plain pl.ce for the nation where tbe good hIli hou~, ~nd he w .. compelled to kno". from ex_fee -.. II to th ld '.'. Bee for bls life. . h e an -"d'tl l"'}rienll8 ., "--r- . ilh.Y:be~1 ~ . e a tr?I'i attilDtion beeaulle of any dlvtne tfomau exounliou. ,After h~o-8tory hOllse, -wilbout any .dorn' and the true Will shed their tear8 a8 IV , .... I ODa 'IID

ll~~~ the cburch ... a~~~:: a~d pointment or aelf08acredneA; for 811lotatioos, Mr. Bnrns re~arked, ments, of a .yello~i8h brown color, a libation for tbe martyr state.man'. .ABnI1BT&II'~A8A.MDCJlA.IIT,-Tb" ~~r ~:!ld~!~d~ilI ~=~,~~I ll~ 'wlthinUaeir ... eralw.rds, thay wera equally ze.looll and "Well, Mr. Fortune, yon are ID quest and looks JOllt hke the home of a Mount Vernon will IItill inepire the Hartford P08t 'giveasome .coollnt.of therefore, will be .1160,000.' .:,." henceforU. tbey do not est in reforming tbe modes .nd pos- of choice, but periah.ble flowera, common, plain man. The only thing veneration of men of all n.tions who "

It Ii pe the pecali.rities of Artbur Tapp.n, pe~... .. .uerd··u~ ,rlO~ or per· turesof worship, the U8e of pictures while we are .ying to gather nn· that took our attention specially was visit ils con8ecr.ted 8oil. Bot Oak among wbl'ch I't I"S 8tuted th.t -hen TBI Ow UJl fill Nz,.. AtLAlI!lo"',

IODI, In tIme of IVlne Benlce or at d d h f' (, b . , ' ~ " ~. '.. 1,. 'on· the ,Lord'. d.y' to be .n ~rOS8e8 as orname~ts, an ot er .dlDg ones or t e g.rden of oor that each wlDdow had tllack curtalDs Ridge Cemetery will inspire an ad- he established himself in bOliness pu..-A oorrespondellt of the Lobd"

I d~1fb' in any tavern, in, ~b.cQOo like peculiaritie8 of the Cburch. Lord." ,Tbe great Botanist replied, covering one h.lf of it. It will miratiop sa~J~tified with tears, be- with bis brother in New York, be Morning Star, .milo" o. bolrd.tbe :f.IIMp,f .t,boulli, or other victu.ling. • GUANER. .. I own, Mr. Borns, tbat yourII i. the teach to many who shall look upon cause it containll the dust of an hon- Bold his goode at C08t for cuh, de- Great ElI8tern, give. the fo\l6wiog , '1IbI .. ' ba&lQeyer; nor 8uft'er .ny higher employment!' II Yes, infinite- it, the republican simplicity of the est IIt.te.man aud President, wholle pending on tbe interelt for profit.particul.n re,a,rdin, tbe ,cable .of "'nllelll,: or' he'tlJ.women, ,to Btand OUR OllIlA lfiSBIOI-JO.2, Iy BO," added Mr. Burns, and ended greatest man of the age. fame was full, and whose blood He employed a large number 1868 and th.t ot 1815 I " "

":!':.:~ ~ ~~;s~~~~~eta:~:~:!s ~{. It will not .vail to ioquire,. at this the conversation with lIome fitly- THII: PRESIDENT LYING IN STATE. se.led tbe deed of tbe freedom of clerks, .od compelled t!!'em to ob- " Tbe dift'ere.llle between tbll : 1,,":1 a.y' other waY3 to put la~e ,day, w~etb.er Sbaoghal, as a Bpoken wordll of exhortation to!k Tbe Assembly Chamber of the humanity, and :the salvation of his serve e81ablished rules for busine ... nd the I ... t .ay be brieJly · ,tIIIl •• , .. le', .t .ny time of that ml8Sl00 st.tlon, 18 the best tb.\ could F., which were like apples of gold coontry. Here tbe devout will bow and morala. Tbey were obliged to The IlIIt b.d .... en wlrell, and tbla. : ."'01' • the eYellinlr Of. it i or IIony have been selected by ou, r p. eople.. I. t in piclnres of silver, to listening e,arl!. State HoU8e was fitted up for the re- themselves with tbanksgiving to be strictly tem~rate, to keep .way h .. levell ; bllt (t-here tbe relll ... blln", III" .. to ... 'l'lk t f. ception of bis dead body, where (or from bouseB of Ill·fame, ~ be home celo8el. The ,even "Iree in tbe one

• er" till d nor 0 IU - Beemed so to your mlSSlOnanes ID Wbat joy wben these plants whicb tbree days a constant stream of God for the practical virtnes of a at all early hour, to refralD from the cue weigbed lOT Ibl. per 11,,,,10" .=.~ 1'10,. o. ttOh un~ anYd yes· ISn·, .nd now, in the year of grace might otherwise h.ve been .:a atub· d H h I tb t t k t 0 actrelll! • .. "

0'" • 'of, 11 .,·or 0 er Avvul, an car- " f h visitors pissed by, and looked upon wiee an grEat man. ere t e over ea re, 0 now n0!lc orn r , mile j in thl.lDl:t.nce 800 Ibi.,"Tbe ,:"",tbeon .bore· or to' UI6 any uo- 1865, It eXists,. monoment ° t e ble cast out to be burned; shaU be of human freedom will abed tears to attend cburch t.Wlce each Sunday, iOlul.tlon in 1858 w .. by tbree \, •• i!~I' d bl' f God th h bl I . , hia corpse. The room il now as it ,.nd on the followlDg MondllY to re- ere' of ..... t·... perch. i bl "~l

,"Will lereille. or panimee j an el8IDg 0 upon e um e gathered, ike ears (uUy npe, IOto was tben, A I.rge platform was for the martyred emancIpator. On port the name of the oborch and IhI! "'k' t. th , ... er .Il'~. , ~:tI) ".....spreu cb .... ,., to .U but eafneat eft'orts of • denomination, the garner of tha Lord I It is with boilt, ahoot two feet high, occupying the granite threshhold of this hOD. clergyman, .nd the text of tbe I, inpefun:i.~ e '::;i rtn:~lto! ;'e!" .. ,'ta.erD~,' ooo.k.noPl, ale- whicb haa inscribed upon its b.nner, the hope of enlisting some heart i.n d k T ored vault, m.y the enemie,s of the mon, They we. re alllo. obliged to go The e .. teroa.,·""v· "ring tb,o, _',1 "" \' - j k wllhlll theIr w.rda not .., " Th ' tbe place of tbe Spe.ker's es. bis t k d A "" .. "' ..

• " .... ,. : ·~·In' .nW',uel·- to ' .. a distinctIVe badge, e com- snch a work, that tbese thoughts are . h I k noble dead shed tear. o(peDlteneo for to prayer-~eeling Wlce a wee , a~. 18 of the "tlr.I,.lrM n6" It -.. -""J ... platform wal co"ered Wit b ac beC e boslDe a as commenced 10 ' drl or' ta".' '~bacco m.ndmenta of God, and the faith of presented at this time. L K. C. IbN the t tood th their sympatbv.with tbe system tb.t h or . s h w bled ten loUd" rei of :~m:~,::e~=!t~;~

• , , Ii.., , C ot. ear cen er a e.. ". t e momlDg, t ey were a.lem each wire • IilrYed ' :'l~" ODIIle LOrd'. day, eXCI!pt Je.oa." I~ is possible that greatier BOLIN, N.Y., 21st July. , catafalqlle, on which the coffin reated. 1.ld him low. May the good .nd tbe aod prayers oftel'ed. Althongh bil t d'th '·"r--.\,.~o,may reoeiv. theIr IUCcelll might have crowned our ef· ed . b' k bad mingle their teare together here, religion and his 8vltem of 8ening at 'co·mrnp'o·uandu.rateTbew'UI ~~·~f'Tu.~:.t II'" -w'O t I h OHINA 1IIBBI0J. It waa rover Wltb. lac vel"et, " .. · ::''1: r._ .. r raye er~, w a forts somewhere eille ; yet certain it in honor of the g,reateet man oC tbe C08t w,as langhed at, he w •• 20 cwl,' per -lie,. thl. L. " fOr: til. ,diap.tch or their nece ... ry. h d . Cb ' t' I had intended to.have said lOme· and trimmed with rich lIilver·laced f t th W II . ItMiDil1 ; Ind If 1liiy peraoos oft'lind IS, t at tbe ear natlvC/-- rl8 lan8, borders. A canopy, SnB, tained by age. }I'or maDY, many ycar8, tbere or lIeven ee.n Ye,ars, . e Cwt. Tbe weight lu w.ter ...

,BIa. tbe, 'premilflll, the .. ' are 10 be whom we now 10 tb.nkfully number thing at this time, io connection witb will be no spot so houored, or visited of IS37 carrIed blm oft' hI" feat. cwt.ls: ID, i1e j n, Off It i,' U " th t' b 1 nl'ng the six columns, lined witb bloe, and bit I • 14 · 1IIu.r.' before the Lord Mayor, or in onr rinks, would not, under those e no Ice e ow, concer by so many .s the'grave of Abraham . . r~a or ill ra 0 ..... •

,000.,of bl. MajGl'y'lI.ju.iioetl of the other clroumstancea, h.ve belonged China Mission; but the appe.1 of sis· studded with silver ataisl, rested over Lincoln, iravelere (rom otber couD- THE HAlIVAllD MU?BUL.-Flve hun· It III ~h 8't t!0UI; aaa' t"IJlfbl'llt\'"'

peaGe,to be pII.i.hed •• the law di· to us." ter Carpenter, io the 1&11& issue, and the cataf.lque. Tbe co umDi were . h' . dred and twenty·nlDp. gradoatelof Itreng -,0 t NOta: jj '!'hi. order bad a .. ery con· the information given by her, pre- covered with black velvet. Over trie~ ~i11 hBolllen on In t elf Journ~y, Harvard went to tbe war, nearly timel tbe IItr<engtb .. ,,, ..... '"

. -U--:L1:;' i~1I 'h:' Other ports may be considered . ' to Vl81t the lIacred IIpot that contalDs ). . • deepelt water, "--""" : UlllIIII1ce upon • e Cloy, eludes the necessity of so doiug. I eacb of tbese rOlle black plumes, WIth h f b h 'd' I d one·fourth of the IVlDg alumm. 8tronger than I. H ....... be, .. &0 we.r a difteren' . more he.lthy tb.n this. Yet mission· b' Th t f th tbe as ea 0 t e m.n t ey n ICU e , N' t tb d' d' b ttl . b • " ."~!tII.!d.,bIt'la'ell ;, of aUgion &0 ·wb.t it. had rormerly ade.·sicken and die at each, Boll well cannot, bowever, forbear to .sk of w lte c:enteril. e eon er 0 e . d h h ed Ine y- ree Ie ID a e, ID oapl' neces.ary .. Fin.Uy, the lell,l'", JAioaa; : Kay 6, the book h I I'd all, the re,reading of that- article. canopy W&ll aillo crowned with a nnd then tdmlfed, an t e~ Io~orl tal, or in prison. A Committee ap' ped for 11!58 w"ln4.lIal;~.!!:l' A~"" upon the Lord'. d.y,\was ~te~~~:!:: S~!ng~~~or a :~:n~: The case is an urgeot one. Some- much larger plame of like char.cter. above .al onr great men. t la o· pointed to con8ider and advise .. \0 now it •• 1800 knots. To ; diNd:to be burned by the .~nd~ of of clim.te J'ust .. tbeygo from there body ooght to go. Tbe churcb tbere Back of the cat.falque stood a cat~ 10 the center .of our country, the best permanent memorial, to who have. gellial for fillrart!l,

.. di., • ....,o banlm.n, In Cbelap8lde, ' I'f . 'l'k f Wa hi ton 88 ItS occupant W.II In tbe center of those beroes, b&ll recommended the .t.temeDuwlll prob.bly '0011"1 I ," ..... o&ber Ulnal plMe. ; .olh,lllier- to other pll&c~s for the ~ame caule. needs the presence of foreign help, ~ e'81~e I e.~:ss b~ : og b't' an our hearts and our beshft'ectionl. ere.tion of a Poblic Hall, for the better notion ~f the c.ble tbN) , 10..... llaYiDg an"" copiee iD their haode, It wy boped that a deCIded adunt- and the upbuildiog of the troth must nape, WI lie an W I e F th h' d d fi h d d of the College in which .h.n be mere deecriptlUn." • -,., " I I . h . S bod sette a The b.ck-ground covering rom ree un rf to ve nD re I d . bl ~-bl ,. Tb "i ..... ,ftq~i~ \0 deliv~r tbem to one .ge woold be gained in thil respect, move s ow y WIt out It. ome y TO ., . 't't d'l All fiftee p ace IUlta e.. e... e expenlle ,'!'!.,!be,~erdr. of London to be burn- from the opening of the northern muat accept the toil-no, the prit,'i- the wall of tbe house was white, VIII I al y, many ~ n of a snitable building is estimated CUOLJ:IU. .&1(0.0 'flit PlLGlito.-A

',' , t'v .... , wuutle COla, U''''''U6 -0-_- '..,- ~, I"hn.lna +ho ...... nrl win';;n", with red nape drawn acr088 (rom hundred hue been tbere ID a day. at '150,000, a large part of which Trieate p.per gl"e. the tollcllrl~1 '" ,'1'll~t th~. arose not 110 muchlrom phe,re, it was believed, would be the crown due to 8uch labor. Who tbe top of tbe center in dift'erent di, Tb.,... b .... h_n no -pot in t.be coon· 110m ;8 already BubBcribed. . Mr. account of the r ... gee of\he claolet.

, ~ reg.id to the day .. 8&crlld, ,eYOD invigor.ting, .nd where· people IIhall it be? Tbat God will lloon in- rections. This was aurmounted in Iry IlO aacred as this. Tbere never S~mnel Bachelder of Cambridge h.. amon the ilgrlllll.t "ecca • ~ . .-..' h . th' te' h bl d '. h can be no other liberator of humani- gIven a parcel of land at the oorner g p • ,"'OIl1,an _or' to c.rry out t elf reo, could be a. healthy .. at home. ' Bot dicate who, ill answer to qnr prayer, e cen r Wit a ue groun , WIt . of Garden and M .. OD'8t1. under tlie "The .. u •• nl .... 11 lestl ... 1 101lD; and oouem.te the r.yor, the bracing air, ,even of Pekin, h811 i8 our hope. A.. H. 1. silver 8tare. Tbe fioor of this pl.t- ty, for hu~anlty b811 been redeemlld, shadow of the elm wher~ WUbing. Kllrb.n·Balr.m took place

L'JJ ..... i. lee. In the' fact that their' ita drawbacks. The winters .re form was strewn witb faded arbor never agaw to be degraded. Tbere too drew hill 8word aB General of ~he the Irlt t"ent, dll1' of , ', ... t:aa,. were' ~bae*,ed with Be"erely cold, bnt too dry, and the At tbe (ast meeting of the E1ecu- vitae brancheA. On one side of tbe can be another paviour of the coun· army of the Revolutioo, Mr. Chae.· alx hundred tbou •• nd to· . 1&IIIe' .trictne... The monthly fast BnmmerS .re fearful\"<' hot. Tbe hot tive Bo.rd of the Seventh-day Bap. platCrom. on the entablature of tbe try, for there can be no foe with Sanders of Cambridge, recently de· dred tho~ .. nd pilgrim. annually

....... " r t M" S' t h f 11 ., tr tb d d' ffi . . cea!ed, left a beq Dellt of between IU Mecca .aa .poll lIoanl .f ~OI\'I.ined in .iew olthe troubles .ummera of Shangbai .re longer, III 1IIIonary oCle y, teo ow· wall, was palDted 10 large letters, e. eng an .• n~~ an C1ent l? ral8e forty and firty tboulllnd doll.n, Ar.r.t, to oelebrate their pllcrllll'«' ',..-'~W:idt previous to' the breaking bui are relieved 'bY milder winters, ing preamble .nd resolution were .. Waahington the Father!' On the bls hand ag.lDlt It. Tbe helgh& of wbicb may be applied to thi, pur. with tbe lleua.l rellrio •• oel'e'lIlOnl""

- o,~t' ~(&he, w.t, To the' aboJe, Neale and the long .utumns and springs, Idopted, 811 expressive of the unani· other side, "Lincoln the Saviour." pure honored fame hili been reached pose. Abont a bundred thousand The mode of hfe, ntterl" 'opPOted 10 ,: ~~" . I, wbeu Ihe north,weat monsoon pre- mou. .nd eameat willhell of the The bar of tbe hoole il a lemi-circle. by one man only; and hi, brow muat dollar .. remain to be raised by tbe .ll rulee of dietetic pruden06,',ofll'

Board, and the 8IImc were ordered 0 th' "I II' continne to wear ita crown Go ye children of the oollege-. trifiing ed by theBe crowded m ..... for.td ::.!.!~(.es' to the ~rd'lI day, they h.d nils, whioh in mid·winter seems ~er IS 118mHlIrC e a ga ery 18 sus· . . . , sum when their number .nd wealth to fifteen day •• t the hoi; ~::: r .W~.lar retf&rd to their montbly very cold and' bleak, although the pabli.hed in the RlI:cORDER: talDed by large columns. 0.11 tbe who c.n, to Oak Rld~ Cemetery. is conlidered. But tbe .ppeal to yelrly ent.ila a nam"'r 01 d '.1JIiit:, : It, ,all~ conltab!es, thermometer seldom f.Us m.ny de- Where.s, the field 80 10Dg occu· ent.blature, BDat.ined by these col· Shed yonr tear. befote It~ .hono~ their gene~OIity. Ie nct yet made, for to whicb m.,are' • .cl'iloelJ. Tbil l'·cWt' ' were' ordered to reo b If' , d pied by the missionaries of tbis 80- omns is painted in large letters the occnpaDt, confe8s your pohtlcalaln8 the AlumnI heslt_ted 10 .ccept the yeat dle.obolera.' or,utbe gofera" ,.Ir,to ' within their reo ~ees e ow reezlDg pOlDt, a~, ne"er ciety at ShaDgbae, Cbina, bas lately mem~rabla aod almost prophetic tbere, and then return to lIustain recommepd.tion of itl C~mmittee, prefarl to call ' .. It;,,cbOlerial, :<.,.,tfri ,the d.y. before very near to zero, East wlDds are been made vacaut by the failiog rd" S h d with all your energiell the freedom and referred the whole subJect to added to tbe 0"-.r1 11"11, : ' and charge all ~- mo.t unf8lvorable, and m.t prevail he.lth, and consequent resignation, wo 8, oooer t an surren er theee . .. ' other CommiUee of fifty. and it .,id to ha .. e,oartltd oIt ... 11

it, according .t .nl.time. Arainst these, al well of brother and, aister Carpenter j priDciples, I would be assassinated which has been Bealed With the hfe- thou •• nd people .t ,KlICCa end lIpcl11 .... '·1d. .. '0·., .. 104 "tcfin:a1l(leI. And .;_ th d • h' t • therefore- on the spot." Tbe capitols of the blood of. President who dared do A DONA-ON TO ..... Gov.ftv.--,_ Gebel Alarat within Uae lhor&l,.ce

U _ e amp DIg t air .t eor alO se.. R 1 J Th 'th" B d' d ' h' n..... ...... _., ft b ' tbe public f .. t, they were • . ellO 00.., a. IS oar II e81f- columns had drops and festoons of rig t. J. BJ.ILEY a wo mont •• ' willr: through tbeir 8aid we must cautIOusly ~uard?n ous or immedi.tely lapplying said The following letter, received 'by _~_~~ __ M&rch for periODS who, . one hand, aod the glarlDg mid- field, and that we hereby invite pro- black, with black 'rosettea, with FIRE AT LEO]I'ABDBVILLE~ McCulloch, iunotheupeci. ' THI UmJIICIl ....... W .. II1IfIl1'O'

follo"rDJIl the work-of their d.y lun on the other, I("e would poeall from any who m.y desire to whitt> centers. On tbe colamus at , of ~e way Gerrit Smith hili of oRlmPJ:l).-The' N~ 1!1Hlltg:m.. tay.rol; vlctu.l· . agoee fevere .nd the other 10- enter upon tbat work. the lower ed"e of the gallery were Lecnardaville, Madilon Co., N. Y., IUultratlDg how • true man can be cer lay. the Poblck Ohurch "beN

in .oy other 1 d' 'f Sh' h' All thO Communicationl ahould be addre@s, evergreen wre.ths of arbor vitae .nd was viBited by qoite a severe fire on I' H' th " ob.len'e the C. Ise8lleB 0 .ng al. . \I ed to E. G. Cbamplin, CDr. Sec'y, a rea prlD~. e gIvel • lion to e W .. hingtoa wotlblped.'tiU the cl~

're·tdtll'their n.mel to one soon learns to do, and I slDcere- Westerly, R. I. A. H. LEWIS, pine foliage. 00 the breastwork ofthe Wednesday night, Joly 26th. The army, and hiS @al.ry to the Govero, of tbe Re"ollition 'illlbW • IIH!lt '~:':~:~~~~~:~ that Iy ~lIbt wbether we .hould have Rec. SecOY. g.Uerylayalsofadedeverg~eens. The barn .nd storebouse of Capt. Cbarles ment-both for the Union: .hell. not • wfnd~w: nor t~ P 1IIIInl.1; been healthier at any otber port tban panels between the' eleven columns R. M~xson, of the firm of Maxson·& , G.....,.A, ... Y., July 8th, 1886. Imall;.t (ragmant of'

there. 1'10110 AT ALFBED OEITEB, in front of tbe gaUery were lined Hardl~, Fork a?d Hoe Kanufactur- Hotl,H",hJl~ooh,8ec'1otlb.T~url': pit, nor floor" '.re to' Then: for locial privileges, we baYe On Tburlld.y, July 6th, tbe Sab, with black, witb white oli"e braoches ers, WIth all of Its contents, waa en. Dear 8.r,-I entered the army on lut dilcoorlle 'In'" w ..

perhap •• U that i. nece8811ry for milt- bath-Scbools of the First and Second crossing e.ch other io tbe middle of tirely conBDmed, about 11 o'clock in th.e 29tb Of. July l ... t a •• Second ODS dieunioll h.ra~g.Qe h, th I Tb ' I' • . tb ' Th 'h b 'Id LIeutenant In tbe l"h New York ant Methodiat preacb~r

!lioli'ries,.. that is not the 8peci.1 Seventh-day Baptist Clturche8 of AI· e pane. IS InlDg waa tnmmed e evenlDg. ere was ID t e UI . Heavy Artillery and WII diacllarg tb I 'L.~ . h '1 I d b·1 • • 25 SO f fi " - ne.r e open og .De al~::7~:'lobjllcl for which we gO' out j still, no fred. met in. beautiful Grove near Wit Sl ver· ace oruerlDg and 109 to tons 0 ax,tow,.n ex· ed on the 12tb of Kay followlOg, on after hoetilitie o~.DlD.nilB4.

I de.... friendahip,a need ever be Alfred Center, .nd apent the day in fringe. A large clock in front of the cellent let of fiax·drel!sing machi?e- .ccount of ill he~ltb re.nlting from DIed by the •. .peIIWII~,'IIIIIU., 10nDed, th .. thoae "hich unite Chrlat. a manner 10 pleannt that it will platform, in tbe center of the g~llery, ry, a .... Iu.ble span of horllell, With • 80n .. trok~ rece~ved the da,. .fter l.ter w .. ' turned :~.-'­

million.riee in a heathen I.Dd. long be remembered as, one of those w .. draped with black, interlaced with wagonll, slei" harnell8ef, feed, &c, my IIlU.teNu, durlOg the fi~ht before :~nO~!I~en;~t~~:ID!~ki~;:': ,'Iif.'".' "V •• tlDiD.teJ~." the "lOlemn .. ~.. bel . .~ ~- v h I Peter8burg, after the explOllon of the HI" " ' . P.rty ,nam81 .nd creeds, although bright, sunny SpOtl th.t border on laued .rbor vitae, and. decked with . ongmg IN ar ..... axsoo, w 0118 0111 mine. .rClOn,lI.

, • ~,lIpnllion dittinctly. 'defined,' and will UDder, lirete too often clouded pathw.y, white rOll6tte8. Tbe clock WIIB atop- II from, ,'000 to ,,500, on which he Upon entering the eervice, my.U .&d4M!t'~. ~~~o!: "fill" __ I ,.ayer-book, of' the ,toad do not preclude sweet f.llow- when the throbbing heart of,child. ped at the precile moment of tbe baa illeurance for "500, in the Col- father, Gerrii Smith, of Peterboro', Thill oburch .":':~trl:;~i:; ::'.~"'''1I1 .Ob~~b, ... ~' t!~' lotro- ' iD the one .b.~rbing theme hood boundl witb ~ keenest delight, Presideot's deatb. The cal~ndar of lowing companiee: Merc.ntile o( N. Y., reqoeeted me to reC...., pay W .. binl'ton: ..... ttae '~.'" ",.~'i""' . .nl~ty, ~ tbe anitel .n, the I&I .. tion of youth's rOIlY cheek lahes with inno- the clock bad on one side of it. cen. New York ,1000, Brevort of New (or myaervioetl, .. be deeIDed it tbe tor hi ttl erectloll. · . 'A .,""1 .. , ID the Parliament . lah" I A I' too d ;... ter the -ord' "S t d ." th y: k '500" h' ,daty. of all men of mean., to, take w.. • Oon.t.nt .. ~~~~~~!= '\ . , • ,,",,,, , ", ' r' • pet In, .00 I.. S .. C Boll'" ,cent ple .. ure,.n e"en toe heart of ", a ur ay, on e or , _erc ante of Hartfbrd ndthlDg from the Go"emment}n the lOme Be ...... 1:1 ... t: ·& ..... at .~ t ... IIpalalOB. of ra7·1 pre- there will' ieneraUy be fooDd a p.ral- old .ge thrlIl. with emotiOI18 that other," April," with ite hand point· '1000. i hour of her Deed. But, be,ing 10 and be alll,o~'~~ml~~ol~~t&.~ ~:~"!~MIIl, *. UlliTeraltiel, &0., , of mental power •• sympathy wre.th the wrinkled face with smiles, ing to the nomber8 fifteen. Under Mesarl. Maxson & Hardin alao loet need of ready money on ~:r w.y him from tI :;~,~,:~,p, .. ~ to lb, nll& enact- of thollrht .nd purpose, which i. OD- and make the dim eye 8bine with the front edge of the ~.lIery Will a IlIrge qu.ntity of fork .nd from the froDt, I drew '4.0g 14.-. • --:-'--~~-,r"

, .' ' ... , CICIiiGIi·J·r Samy, lDail. b7 derstood to be the grand cbarm of tbe Iirbt of childhood's days. stretched black and white cloth. In handlell, and other property in the ~~ for "hich I therefore now en- am"lou, •• Inrl.:!, .!Jlf.lIIc ...... . 1; .... , ""'Ii ..... t,. April. 8Ua, 104.4., lOCi.1 int.ercour.e.. YOII Ind. Belect The day w .. 18 fine as could be the cenler between the columnl the building; valued at ten or ,welve I .m, .ir, yoar very obedient teT- -XD addl\io,,:to WIt, ... ber ~ .. ,' ..... ' ... , ,ncordl With reference aOciet,y ready to your h.nd, which deeired. The Alfred Br ... · Band were black cloth w .. held up with black bondred doll.tw. In.ured iD the nut, GaUlf SJm'B. DeW,""" ., , .hi".*'" ., .. !~rOl .... ~", rot 1, ~ • ~ ,'" yon h~"e, after .n, had no b.nd in preseot, and by thei\- lOol,.tlrriog .nd roseUee, from "hich depended drops Park Oompany in New York for '500. there b~'jfe.II'I"':'IM ... ·~'~iI~

tbe 'ullon of the .. Iectlng. reaUy well-executed music, cODtrib. the I.me color. The combustible nature of the Rmcuous Lnrnrr tlf EIfGLA.l!D.- new ... eekl_~ litPr.PJ!ieIlUi." Shanghai, it Ut "ell known, h .. uted mOlt generod.ly to the pleasure THE l'IIEIIJl)INT'S GBA.VJ:. lelial was .uch; th.t tbe fire .pread The Britiilh P.rli.ment haa I.tely of the Qbl~l.tjiltlid!tl'O~.llIllI&lj~1

~ow itl nati"e ~d ita ,Europe.D of 'he entertainment •. The exercisee From thit room we followed in the over the entire building, in botb .to- Ibown. disposition to repe.l lome. The ~ 061~~, M •• jld~\ ,The fir.' i. eucloledwitiain of the .chooll, UDder the directional line of hill Cuneral cortege, .bout riee,lIo quiok, that all eft'ortl to ' .. e oC the prOlcnp'iv8 I.". ....1.' P .... b1_i.D,:~, :~~., ¥t."'I'i!~,\

r .... ·-· membera of . the I '&lie '.~ high It ,aile, w.n,.of three, mil. their worthy Sapenntendellta, (Bro. twomilea north to Oak Ridge Oeme- anything were un.v.i1ing,.ndltw.. 014 School ~~~~~:~.~=~i,:

oharohee, ID thl. r.-, ; __ ~ , and 1tpwa~ in estent,aDd It Ia with- Silas C, Burdick of t.he Firat Church, tery. 00. entering the Cemetery, we with the m08t heroic eft'orta of Uae , bebi-JI f het'""v., be _ i ·,··, 'f ·.L f .L._ d . J b T G f the Seco' d " I ~ f '.: ho .ar .... moet 0 t ot r by o I .. CirCum ereace Wlat mOlt 0 """.n on. reen 0 n recorded our namee m a RegISter arge .oree a Cl .. zen." tarned tri f E It " "'

Obrl~'ian obAlI"l •. are built.., The Chllrcb,) though brief, were credit.. kept for thit P1Ifl'OI8 for .. illitor., and out, with gre.t promptnell, th.t the 18:: ~h t °rz· 0 ~7-" IIot ~~~~I.~~i~~I~~ forei,.' towu bu all pown up .iDee bIe to the children, andia harmony took'a card which would .dmlt III adjoining d"elliDg houll8, belonging titu ~ bon a 101, 18'1, .nd 1D00t or II .ince with tbe OCCI.ion. Brief addr..- of tbe enelol1lre or the vault. to Mr. Daoiel H.rdiD, 'IIod tile ~ tlDg I·' t ~0IJft" of quaintallct there, aud i. at tbill time were made by Rev. N. V, Hall, O. D. Following up a ravine a few rods, ia joining .hOpI, were .aved. They enK.Igdre popu .tl~~ ,~ the UDiited '1 'd '11' • '". cn,.: d P f T R W'll' ,,' I.C .L_ h' fi 1 t' "- ID om, were ... mltted to the ~!~l=~::' a ar",. IU .Ili Incre"~D' Cl.,. IiJlICrm~,.n ro.. . I 1I11III. .roDt u ' .... eDtrance, we came to cau, • re Ifl"~r~ lmes, Ullt. were Hoallel of Parllaanent,' Itw" DI

,'Aelre.,aad ilt eonntry locatio .... OIIt- A bouatifal .uppl, of eat.blN had the couecrated.pot where now liN .... ed •. The orIgin of, the a.. hi. • lew yellfl aco &b.ttbe --...... ~~""r' .. :>.\i, aide tbe ,.Dati ... oity ".n., are tile been proYided, whieb lloon diMppear- body of Abr.h.m Lincoln. A known .. yet, but it Ia leu.all'.IIp' tile Hall. of COlD""

T1u,tl _.ion 'reildeDoeII lcatteredabo ... ed woder the determined ebarge. of briok nalt is bont iD the .ide of • posed to be the work ,01 .u Inoelldl .. r to ~e 'bll"".dlll." proxlml'7 to ci,i1illed Ufe. nee4 , lit1~ ''''a.7tlry, .upporied h7 de' bId: ,The front i8 of granite, with ry. A. B. gP.lVUU.. eera .tIll... "df:llp"~~!IlIiI"'.'~M~

po~ ",cia QODC8rD the milllo..", 0:. tacb_DY or ~ old ~' Swl... mlllive granite dOOfl. Our card. ~.D,:,jiJJ • N ..... WI, •• beIi .... m had beeD ereeted-in varioUl part. of lIudedto, Cbe IIOldier who.toad Tn de.th of Bilbop Potier i.

~~~~;;g ... fa • iM& ~toYe, .nd cIIi~n, oIlarpr admitted' UI tuia the rape 10 h."e beea calliled bl P..... ~~~~t=~i~J~i;;;:~;~ ~ , '*!» ' '; .. ~e; ,~wUa~;,feJ'1 fafront of.u.. .. .,..t. TIae ver,' ~traete4 by apead.!. a .'P;;I'EF.~~ii~

~l~;~~~~ :~"b~.,. ~.~~ .. U~-; :~ w.,. ,_:CUlilil t.1 .... _, ..... -' :, .,."', " .,'

Page 3: II - Amazon S3 · the nature of that .whlch they, ie to withdraw the ,bread and wine, .or IIOmething analogoos to it; it is high above 1De

uLl610ua 111'BLLIGDOB.

"_~ ___ "~ ~_r _~_ .... _-._, ___________ ~ __ _ - ~~ -,-.---~ - - -


tbi. week, for .tarving the prieonen placed in his hands. The following officers eOftRtitute tbe Military Com­mi~8ioa by wbich he is to be tried:

On the 13th Jane, two companiea or the 18th low. c.nlry fougbt 500 Sioux Indi.ns, aDd e.pttired foar of them. Tbe Iadian los~ W&8 onknown, but wu thougbt to be be.vy.

Tbe term8 upon whicb tbe War Department has rea ted Ford's Theatre are '1,500 per month ontil the 1st February nexl, with privilege of por~hll!ling at '100,000.

by memben of tbe churcb, wbo had Near Greea'i CornMa, Oil the New The New York lire CommtaioMn been appointed for that ~urpoae, but York Central Road, a tr.ckmu b.ye procured •• t.m Ire ellp 6n.ny luceeeded in. m.klng their e. named Edwin J. CI.rk wu rnn oYer whicb will tbrow aimaltaneoaalJ c.pe. After they had been out 80me .nd intt.ntly killed by. r.Jlidly fonr It~e.mt of w.ter upon. 8re. days, one of Young'a bilhopl onr· pUling tr.in, toe baYing unwittingly Pantherl baYe been diloo"- I. took tbem, and told tbem tbey mUlt ltepped in front of the lame to noid Obaataaqaa 00. N. Y • ..,.er.I""ID, mo'te immedi.tely, ?r they would.U .!l0t~r tr.in moying in G oppoaite been lateb' _,; illl ai&rnt I~i&iee. I?e murdered by In~lauI. . Reluctant- dIrection on tbe nortb track. It il tboocbt 'that the popdl.&foo Iy tbey followed hll adV1~e, and he Paaline. the youngetlt d.agbter or Ricbmond hal decreased oal~.1f !~d them tOI wh~t bThe pro~lsed &8 a Ilr. P. T. Baraam. tbe .bowmao, W&l .ioce it wu c.plured by ollr

Becure p ace. at olght, how· lIerioully injared in F.irfield Coao

• , ItOv. Oarl 8ylylu8 Volkner, a mi ,ionar, in New Zealllo~, W8S r~cent­I, eelzed b, tbe nati'l'CS, WIthout oaoe~ and bung. After. while, hi8 ,~od1 rae. taileD down aad decapi­tated. The brainl' were e:xtraoted, tbe e,oll torn oat and eaten, aad the blood licked up by an eager Cfn'Wd of me~, womeu .ud obildren. Nl!ar· 11 all tbe foreiga rettident. were allo !mprl,oned. '

The alumni of nartmoatb College have yoted to andertake to raise, witbin the CIOmlor year, IIOt lel& than 6fty tboo~and dollar., whlc~ shall be .ppropriale~ to the erection of a 80itable monament to her sons wbo blYo fallen ill ballle for their conn­lry duriog tbc war, a~d to' the con· Itroction of an Alomnl HaU.

Brig. Gen. A. B. Underwood, Prell­ident, Brig. Gen. R. S. Bragg, Breyet Brig. Gen. John T. BaUier, Lietlt. Col. T.· Alick, 'th N. Y. Artillery, Lieat. 001. J. A. Stibbtl, Uth low. Regiment, .nd Col. Obipm.D, addi­tional Aid-d.,.C.mp, Jndge Advocate.


Tbe Knoxville Whig say8, tbat the State of TennelBee is still ander mar­tialla'll'. The military aathority in Tennesllee, and tbe whole power of tbe go.eroment at Washington, will snstain the State gO'l'ernmeat in car­rying out the policy 'of the State and General Governmentl .Il long all tbe troop8 remain on daty in the State and tbey will remain tbere as long as rebels and rebel sympatbizera 8how signs of rebellioa.

It is now anderstood that Brazil withdrew her recognition of tbe rebels &I belligerents &I long ago &I the Sht of May.

Gen. Merritt's Ca.,.lry Expedition W&l, at last acconntl, progressing favorably on its way to San Antonio, Texas.

ever tbey were surprised by. nam· ~ d b be' ' tb ., The K.rqllil of Hertford epent • ber ~f men disguised u Iodiaoll and IIfr eWb .Yb

s ago'BYt I'tlatl

g b ro~o million of doll.ra .t a recent .1e ~~~~~~~~~~~!!I,~ , omerorae. nleopellb' If 'P'

six of tbe, eirbt mardere~ in eo~d entertaiued of ber recoyery. The c °AI~ Pl· n .IDI~ IHn ani. N T blood. the other two maklDg tbelr old adage is yeri6ed in Ilr. Baroam'l hit "glr ID omer, • ., w .. escape. case : II Misfortunes come not lingly.- recently eaten tip by. pet be.r.

Yale College tIIlnt seYl'D hundred aad tbirtY'8eyen pupill!l to ~hc war, of wbom o.e buodred and In~t,.ftv.e were gradaates. Tbe remalDder IS made np mainly 01 those who we~e in collegll daring tbe war, and left It for tbe alke of the war.

Wm Robin80n, lalo of Augullta, 'Georgia, I~ft wr the founding of Female Se,mlnary at Exeter, N H., ,150,000, oa coaditio?, that t~e ~own of Exeter procure SUitable bUlldlDgB, .ad a certain uumber of orphans be admitted eyery year.

J!jllorts 81" being made to raise '60,000 for the pstabUehment in Ver­mont of an Aoademy to be nDaer the control of tbe U niversaliat denomi· nfltion. The plan il working 8UC' ces8fully, and gentlemen In BOl!lton have agreed tn gi'l'e .5000 whenever tbe "dd $'5.000 shall h&'l'e been 8e· cured.

Tbe ~v. Ricbard S. $torrs, D. D., (fathflf of tbe diatinraiihed clergy. mBn of tbo sams aame at Brooklyn,) preached his IIfty-f<lurtb anniversary sermon 10 his oongregation, lit Brain· tree, Mass., on Sunday. Joly lid.

The theulogical Institute oC Oon· oootiont is to be remoyed from Ellst Windsor Hill to Hartford. and the DCXt 8ellion will Olllln in the last· nHmed place oa or about Oct. bt.

Tbe Second Presbyteriau' Oburcb io 5t. Lonis recently exco'nmunicat­ed oDe of itl lIembers bec.use he refused to .ollnowl~ge that he had 81uned io }Iinlng n.,' rebol army.

Tbe Episcop,'l c"ugregations of BalFalo ha'l'e lIub~cribed .20,000 ror a re.ldeoce for Bishop Ooxe, which bas already been purch.sed.

The mustering ont of a large por. tion of Sberman's army is goiog for­ward l!lteadily in tbe oamps lying around Loni8'l'iIIe, Ky. Scarcely a day passes that doea DOt witness tbe departure of one or more regiments for their homes. Tbeir tents are pitched in a couatry teeming' with rich harvests, but stern military rale restrainR even Sberman's bum­mert from maraudinlit ..

Capt. Walk, of the U. S. steamer Sacrameato, in a dispatch to the Navy Department, at Kingstou, Ire­land, ou tbe 10th of Jaly, gi'l'es an account of his receut pursait of the rehel pirate Rappahannock. ou her trip from Soothampton to Li'l'erpool. She managed to keep I!IO cl08e to shore, that he conld not interfere with ber without "iolatin g international law. .

Five women were trampled ou aud killed withio a few days at Atlanta Ga., in the rush to get at tbe plac~ where the tickets for rations are dis­tributed. Tbe crowd of starving Be­

cesh applicants for Federal bounty is terrible. Tbirty thousand ration8 per day are lIaid to be issoed in that diatrict.

A Hartford paper says, that a Rhode Island soldier gave a New Haven hack driver $'00 to deposit in the uvings bank, which the dri'l'er failed to do, bo t gave tbe sold!er a bogu. pass book, which porported to show tbat tbe OI011ey was all aafe ; but it proves to be false, and the driver is onder arrest.

In five weeks, ',210,329 r.tionl were served to Richmond familie8.

TAX ON Daus MAltING.-The Depaty Commissioner of Internal Revenae h&l writteu a letter in reply to an inquiry made of him in relation to tbe daty on drell-making, in whicb

BOERS OF VIOLEIOE. be eaY8 that apoa tbis point the law Scenes of 'I'ioleace and bl003shed is explicit, that if the material' is

are becoming common. We-sCllfCf!lvl farnished by oae party and manu· factared by .nother, tbe party 80

take np a newspaper wbicb does not manufacturing is liable to the duty describe one or more. Tbe following, apon the full ,..lue of tbe farniahed from a Bingle paper, will serve as article. He addl.: II Tbis law may samples: be oppressive to 80me, but the relief

is, io addiog the tu to the price of At IndiaUlipolis, Iadiana, an Irish- the manufactare, and by tbis means

man, named Logan. shot a retorned the person for wbom tbe goods are soldier, named Hives. killing him in· manufactnred indirectly pay" the stantly. Hives b.d previously stab- dnty." , bed Log.n. The same night. print­er fearfolly cut and sla8bed a mau named Kachler, au officer in a Mi8-80ari colored regiment.

At Cbicago, III., wbile a seemingly good·natured Bcuflie W&l going on between two sailors, in a saloon. one stabbed tbe other ia Ihree different places in the region of the heart, and then Hed. . The cbances are that tbe victim will die from bis wonnds.

At N &lbville, Tenn., a 80ldier named Marvin was stabbed, proba· bly fali'lly, by his brother in·law, Charles Mitcbell, also a ,soldier of the ~ame regiment. The tronble grew ont of Marvin's causing Mitch. ell's arrest, while in the army. '

At Mempbis, Tenn., a colored sol­dier 'who had been on picket was going into camp, whea. mau named (]Ieveland callie quietly out of a house. and, without provocation, shot him.

P.lRDONING REBB:LS - whether ra-

SUl(IURY OF ows. A magnificent bald eagle 11'&1 cap·

tured • few days since near Rochell­ter, N. Y., doriag a violent storm of wind and rain. Tbe . bird boldly dllsbed forward as the 8torm arosl', and attempted to face it. He waa overpowered, and carried down beels over head to the ground. A man who saw bim fall, seiz.d a pole, ran to the spot, aud laid it over the eagle's neck in such a way as to bold him till he was secured. The prisoner measorel!l six reet from tip to tip of wings, and is a line sllCcimen 01 a uoble bird.

A soldier's wife, named Henriettli Cammerford, aged aboot twenty· eigbt years, recently committed aai· cide in Brooklyn, by swallowing two dracbms of laudanom. She had been dPjected in spirits for some time past, on accoant of the death of her busband. who Wall killed in one of tbe batt les in front of Richmoud,

before tbe aorrender cf that city.

Twel .. e bundred milell of tbe new line of telegr.ph to California is der coatract to be completed before the cl086 oCthe prellen t BeallOn. The whole line from Cbica"o to Saa Francisco will be completed .nd ia operation in one year.

There 11'&1 a special commemora. tion .nd celebration at Yale Oollege, New Haven, I .. t weet, in honor of .bout seven handred stadents from the nniversity who took part in ~he military and nual Bervice of the na­tiOD daring the recent war.

Retams of tbe New York St.te CCilSUIl are not satisfactory. In 00. lumbi. county, ele .. eu of the eighteen to .. nll .ho .. II deere ..... Erota the pop­alation·ten yean .go. In ,Chantan' qae county, nineteen towns IIbow • falling olF of fourteen buadred.


_ .. Loa.: 011 RII P10Tll", .um _ 011


Here you behold the 1Dftrm lItep, The ptJUd OhHk, _1Uua: form, UntMted food, .... d a 1O~1a1 atmoe pller. Polloned II'lth the talee of .... h .. ,opatDl,· S1eep_ nf,htl. IIIId mental delPODdenoy. There, Ianghloi her.ltb, Ipark Hua: IYH, ELutio IlIAD&. ."alli... "Pp.tl... _ .. <It_

cares, \ Genlr.l thonght .... d am bltlou rBlolv. 8holl'the oon_t and mark the pIcture. And here the .oret ne" that UnknOll'D to Qu"okenbou, the Dqptor, 8mIth had tal<en bottlel three

A Boston back dri'l'er, the other day, strnck a foor rear old boy witb his whip, the lasb of wbich wonnd OC DaUll'1 PLdT"'1"lOa Bnt6I.

; , " ,

aroond the boy's neck, and throwing him down, the wheels of the hack pasaed oyer him, injarin~ bim '0 that be survived bat a few moments.

Tbe Union Commission in New York have relieved nearly a thousand Southern refugees and provided them witb bomes in Lbe West, daring the past tbree months, most of wbom were Crom Soutb Carolina and Georgia. .

An employee in a factory at Port­land, Me., was carried ninety timel ronnd a rapidly re .. olving 8haft. tbe other. day, by getting his clotbel on it, yet, strauge to say, eacaped withoa t a broken bone or any serioas injnry.

_ OLD Ens IllllllN .... ~A. pamphle~ dl· reoting bell' to Ipeedlly reotore IlIbt and give up ope'OtAOle8, w1tbout .. Id of dootor or mediolne. Bent by mail, free. on reoeipt of 10 cents. Addre.... E. B. FoOl'8. )(. D.,

1130 Broadll"y, Nell' York.

_ To OoIl\lVIIl'TUa.-I!Ull'ererl w1th Oon. Iwnption, Altbma, Bronohltla, or any dll­eaae of tbe Tbroat or Lunp. wilt he obeer· fully Curallhed. w1thont ch.....,. with the remedy by the nlll/ ot II'hloh the Bel'. Edll'ard A. Wl18on. of Wllllallllburgh. Nell' York, 11'. completely r8ltored to health, after hanna: adered M veral year. w1th that dread dl. e&le,Oonoumption. To oODSt1mptiv. nll'er· en. this remedv Is worthy of an Immediate trial. Jt 11'111 coot nothing. ..nd DillY be the meaua of theIr perfeot r .. toratlon. Th08ll dell ring the aame wilt please addrelll! Be ... EDwUII A. WILBON, 165 80uth Beoond 8treet, Wlllliomaburgh, JOngs 00 •• N. Y.

IElf YOU: JU.RI:E'l'8-JULY 31,1865-Peaches begin to arrive in New Ashes-PotlI760@7 62. Pearll7 75.

YOlk in large qnantitie8, though a8 FliYur aM Neal-Flonr, 1000115 foJ' 10' yet the qoality is inferior. The deal. N. Y. state,e 85@7 U 10reXtrllh 7 30 era expect a large supply, bat a Bhort so for I&noy. 715@7 ~ for the lo"'cr .. d•

A little boy 11 yeara old was re- seuon. Ordinary fruit iQ selling a' Western extra, 8 00l1li8 20 for lbipplua: I d lb ' D' 8 25@926toJ'8t.:Lam.mll. By.

centy sentence by an A any JUS- .1 25 a basket; the be~t qualitiel 6600600. Corn ller.l,600 for Jeney, tice to two montbs in tbe peniten. at $3 50. Brandywine. tiary for stoning a 'urkey. After Grain - Whe .. t. 1 600160 for Chicago

. There was a great flood at Leaven· 8prlng. 1 6O@1 59 for llil1raotl. Club, 1 60 A 10lenti60 academy haa been ea­tabliBhed in New Haven, fur the edo· tlOlI . <If ohildron of Israelitisb pa· r"ota.

The Government hfll!l forwarded in· strnctions to the Commander of the Department of Virgiaia to red ace tbe 'I'olunteer cavalry under hi8 com­mand to two regiments. Similar or­ders have also been sent to the com­mandinl!," Generals of the Middle aad North Oarolina Departmeats, direct· ing them to discbarge, with the ex· ception of one, a\l volonteer cavalry regiments attached to tbeir respec· tive commaad s.

pentant or norppentant, we can not not ~ay-appears to be an important item of basine" at Washington. ~very day tbe President is overrnn witb applicantp, and nearly every day a list i8 printed of those who bave been pardoned. Some of them are men who have occopied promi­nent positions iu the Confederacy.

being Imprisoned nearly a fortnight, wortb, Kansas, on Sonday night, Cor Amber, 1 8O@1 93 tor red W •• tem. Bar· tbe matter was brought to the at- J I 23d. Ab t 20 I ley Ila1t 1 65@1 68. Rye 960. for Weet8rn. t t" f G F h d u Y ou persons. most y Oats 620. tor Wootera. Oora 880910. for en IOU 0 ov. enton, 11' 0 par on· colored, were drowned. The 1088 of mixed. Ann'IUBo"

ed him QjJt. It tarns Ont that tbe

Tax&I la 'the only point in our hori· zon where anything like a war cloud can ,be seen. Our troops have taken

'their po@ition on tbe Rio Grande,

property is not great, as it 11'&1 coa- BIJlI-Gli@750. 11100 Ills. tor Dell', 8Ii@UOo. tarkey was not liit at all, aad that it 6ned mostly to small tenement for old.

FIGHTING with IndianB, at Platte was another boy who threw the hoases Hop3--10@250. for Inf.rlor .... d oommon, Bridge Statioa, is repo.rteel, in which stones. . [email protected]&!rtooholce,36/iUOO.forf .. noy

Thc new ateamboat Dean Rich- lots. the whites lost a Lieut. Collins and In the BulFalo Police Conrt, it .... mond bailt to rnn between Ne.. l'roI!Vion&-Pork,:U OOO:U 60 for.p'rIm •• au enlisted man of the 11th Ohio held recently, that ladies are legally York' and Albany, h .. commenced ;!/~\~!2..:!~10000~"oO ~e;Jr..~l!...O:

I k 'll . f entitled to no more privileges in pub· mnuin"', and gi'l'el complete aatiafae- 17@2ic. Butter. 200270. for Wutero. 25@ cava ry I ed, and thIrty- oar men lie conveyances than gentlemen, aud t' "'It t ,700000 d· 300. for fr.lr to good N. Y. &at •• [email protected]

d d h h h I fi Ion. COB ., an 18 pro- ItrlCtl:r line tubl. Obe_, IlMl......... w.. H. can make thea to

Poet ottce .... dNIIIr,

where abaadant.sopplies are reacb· ing them. and reinforcements are coming np. They watch ololely tbe movements of the French troops, and tbere i8 a possibility of conll.lct. Still, it is dilBcalt to see how eitber party oail gaia anytbing by 6ghdng, and it ill hoped thllt notbing of the kind will occor.

Sergeant BOllton Corbett, whose sore aim pat Booth beyoud the pale of a military court, and BUed him tbe mortific.tion of stretching hemp, is lying' Bick in a ·W .. biugton hos­pital, with a recorriug attack of tbe di\leaBe which oame so near killinr him at Aadersonville.

woun e . t at w en t e atter payor seats noanced to be tbe fioest steamboat in to good Ill. Y., 14811l0. for obolce dalrl." tbey hue a perfect right to occapy the world 1'i01*. for "",wry·made. -;~~m~~;:~;;;;~a;.,.

BURNING OFTHlI: Wn.LUll NlI:L80N- them so long as tbey condnct them·' /Ieeds-Nothln' doilli In Gra. lleedl. 11=1>1ilNJ>.UrrclNlf$' Among the episodes of tbe cataatro· selves In a proper manner. A con- Three letten were recently receiv· Bough Flax 2 ~@2 52.

A dispatoh from Cairo states that Matamoros is to be occupied by 35,-000 Imperial troop!' all an arllly of obeerntion to watch the movements of oor for088 on thil!l aide or the Rio Gr.ude.

Tbe batterr of g,one lold to the Impariall.y by 'he rebel. W&l reo turned to the U. S. commander, on tbe 10tb, by order of Maximilian.

phe is mentioned that. of.. young ductor waa accordiugly fined $600 ed at the post office ia Woodatock, 2bl/o!b-lll@120. woman only a few month. married, for ejecting .. man from a car be. Vt., from Irasburg, which h&'l'e heen ============== and expecting Ibortly to be a mother, cause be refased to give his Beat to a twenty,one ye.n in trueling the VARRIE'D. who, "in tbe confosion which prevail, woman. bnndred mile. between the two In Hopklnton. June 6tll., '1866, by Ed. C. ed wbile in the w.ter, clang to a Speaking of cotton, tbe Savannah places. Chester. J(r. 1 .... .1.0 A.. N.OJ:oLl and A&IBN ...

D.GlluJIK. In GeDellee, N. Y •• Jllly '8th. 1866, by Ed.

Geo. J. Crandall. )(r. Bn • .u G. BIIIID.cll .... d )(lulU.llm.l. A. Iawl, aU of Genellee.

The Memphis Argu8 learnB that a bitter animollity 6xistl!l betweea the people ap the Arkansaa. Frequent altercations occnr between those who fl8rved iu tbe rebel army and otbera from the Uniou army, who regard eacb other with malicious hatred, Some days l!Iince, at Spadea, a party of discharged Union 80ldiers met a number of paroled rebels, aud, after an angry discossioo, a fight en8ued, in wbich fire-arms were freely ased, resalting in killing foar men.

seaman whom sbe mistook for her Herald Si,yS there are no fean of al> During a tempest .t Hartford, has band. The sailor swam away cidents to the crop of the State from C 'nn., tbe Iigbtning .plit the yoke with bis barden to the boat, and they any cause, now that dangers from "If tbe necks 1lf a pair of oxen with· were botb picked up ; batthe young droutb seem to havl' passed.. It is out injaring either of the cattle. A wife's 8tupefa~ion ou discovering said that there are at least 100,000 man standing near by was knocked

July 22d, 1866~ hy Ed. H. P. Burdick, )(r. KILO G ... ana)(t. 8u .... : ,,_, botb of _,H&V!!1C Wellavflle, Ill. Y.

ber error WllS painfal to witness. bales of cutton along the line 01 the down by tbe sbock. There are, however, still bopes that railroad betweea Charleston and Sa. Mrs. Walter, furmerly of Winlted, the bas baud may have been saved in vannah. awaiting the completioa of Conn .• hall received lIix tboasand dol· tbe-other boat. An emigrant was so tbe line to be forwarded to market. lars and expeulles from tbe H.rtford fortunate as to eave his four children and New H.ven railroad, for injari ..

At Utlo ... 11'11., July 2~h, 1866, by Bel'. A. B. Prentloe, Ilr. HOlI'.um E.IlnIiia, of "ortb 8toDinlton. OODD., and )(1. JOIRJII1fII L. HVTCDlIO, adopted danghter oC Ilr. Geo. W. Buten. of Utica. Will.

from both fire and w.ter. aud got In conBeq uence of the beat on tbe receiYed in tbe accident .t Berlia them on board one of the boats. Hil! 'th of Jaly. the saloon railroad car I .. t IItlmmer. In Dakota, WII.,July 6th, 1865, of drop,y, Wife was, however, still oa board of in· .which Qaeen Victoria r~e. from A.loD J .. youngellt daulfhter of BUza and AI-


Windsor to London to VISit the A man in BulFalo attempted to len Prentioe. In the 20tb year of ber .,.e. the burning ship. He swam back to ' Iigbt a match by Rcratching it upoa Herlllneull'lIlong.andlh8lall'ered 8Iuob the Wm. Nelson, got on board, Queen of ~he ~etberl~nds, bad to be b· I d' d' b' for the lut fell' dare: yet during It .. lIahe

Preliminary meassres are in prolt- threw his wife into the sea, J·ump. cooled With ICC, whICh w:as atrew? IS coat I eeve, an 1B oIRg so· 'I ..... never heard to murmur. 8he 1'111\." t r tb tri I r Ca I Wirtz for th f f th e I calF caugbt the b.mmer of a revolver had for many yearl failed to Ane the S ... pee or e a 0 p . , , • ed in after her, and again reached over e roo.o , e carriage pro v - . h h d' h' 'I'Iollr wbom In ohlldhood Ibe loved: yet dor·

merly in charge of the Anderson'l'iIIe the boat with her, thns aaviag his oas to Her Ml\jcety 8 retnrn to Wmd· whlc be a In IS pocket. dilch.rg- Ing her lIInell abe g .. ve to her Menda .. tIe· Military Prisou. A large number of entl're faml·ly. 80r. ing its contents into his arm. factory e'l'ldence that He had 1aken her . . hId b Into hi. lovlua: preMnce. 8be OOD·

wItnesses aYe a rea y een som- A man named Jobn Hill, wbo WIIS Tile wire suspension bridge now w1lh her yonng UIOOlate., olllmly en· moued, and letten are constantly ro- FE:lLl.LES WANTEn IN WASIDNGTON under arrest at Sedalia, Mo., for as· constructing acrO~8 the Obio at Cin. themlollveforOhrllt. Andthoulh

• d f th h -sa kn ' Menda mlllt eft. mfu her celve rom ose w 0 P08g~ g ow... TERBIToRY.-Tbere are eigbt thousand sieting in the murder of. family reo cinnati is of fifteen bnndred·.nd lifty· here, tbey bave the III'Htoon.

G A Browlll.,itIe letter of the 13th,

to ~he New Orleans 7\71168, Itates that Gen. Kirby Smith and hil entire party were captured, July 40th, at Pedr.s Negr .. , by the GoYernor of Salt!llo. tO$'ether wltb four pieces or artillery, olDe hondred new rifle8, .nd seventr.6'fe wa., laden with 10m' monl'ion and p'flitviaionl!l. The olli, 4:!8rS and. men were paroled.


edge of the crueltiel!l practiced on single men to less than a bandred siding in Benton county, was ,.ken se'l'en feet span, longer than any her OIl'D ... orda. when oonvertln, Uniou prisoners by thill rebel com· single ,""omen in Washingtoa Terri- oat of the hands of the authorities other wire IInepeasion bridge in the ..::~~t;.dr{.e~,!Iyt,~;:~ :::r:e;. 0 III II mander. tory, in con8eq neace of which the by a party of horsemen, about forty world. ouly w1lhed to Uve for her de,r ".' .. h .....

'The pttpefS have had Gen. Grant .,ieitiDr oearly all part8 of the co un try during the past week-at· tbe White Kouoealns, at Newport, and a~ Saratog.. 'rhe following tele· ,rapblcdllpMOb from Saratoga, Joly Inb, prob.bly lell.! tbu truth 'aa to hi. whereaboo til :

.. Lie.t. Gea.' Grant and IItaff ar· rlYed bere thil e .. ening, and attend­ed Ute Leland Opera Hoalle. After· wardl be ,.ye • receptioa at the I.rge and magni6ceat parlor, of the UniOn Hotel, where a large number or the elite and r .. bion of tbe place caU4ld apon him and warmly and en­'bailllltlo.lIy greewd bim."

Qea. Graot bit liaOl! been at Bo .. troll, wbln bl spen~ lut Saaday.

A private letter fr·om Matamotos males feel very lone80me. The Gover- in nomber, carried across tbe river, Tbe young mau who reoei'tCd the v:::e::~~;'Il;T~h!ullI'enlout"\lfedeartoIllllDY, U,!~'"u~ h I b f bel d h H b dearer, brighter .. bove. -:. ... -.~'":':"

states t at arge nom ers 0 re nor baa recently sent an agent to aa sot. is body w&lsubBequent- first priz~ for Commencemeut-day or· IL" n;;..""i\;;n .. officer8 and men, lately beloaglng to New England to induce some of oar Iy foond by the Sbe:ilF with no less atory,.t Rochester University. W&I In Ad&Dl8, N. Y •• Joly 19th, 186&J Deaoon the commands of Dick Taylor and females to emigrate, .. nd be has been than forty ballet holes io it. nine yearl ago a cOln.1 driver, parent- Dnw IbDOlf, In tbe 77th rear or hll.,.. K· b S 'th • .. th C ce f ~ .• De .. oon )(&>:80n 11''' bora in W,aterlr, B. J., Ir y ml , are JOlDlng e .or s in CODsult.tion witb Gov. Andrew 0 The British Oolonist, pablished at less, unable to rea.d. ignorant even Sept. 21th.UB8, beIng tbe .. oond 80n of ...... of Mruimilian in Mexico. Thill ae- Massachosetts. The agent anuouuccll Vict{)ria, Vaucou'l'er's, I81and printed of the tillle of bil!l birth. )(ulon. He r.lllo.84. II'hen a lad. w1th hi' tion seems to be indaced by the bigh tbat he will trion sport from New a long di~p.tch receatly, datP.d Capt. Ca..h, of the bark Islander, ~~~r:t;!~~=.n:I're~~-:I::l~~~ gold bonn ties offered by the Imperial York to Washington Territory, free Washington, June 8, gi"ing minute Iateiy in from a whaling crniee, w1th tbe Bennth .... y BaptilltChurob cf'Pe­Government. of ail charge except the fare across particnlars of the trial and execation broaght to New Bedford II sperm :a~~I~~: ult~ut~:e~:~rI8a~1 ~olare~be;!O~f~J:I~aer~

All the rebel prifl()uell at Fort tbe isthmn~, 300 widows and orphans of Jefferson Dayis and John C. Breck- whale's jaw, U feet loug. 6 feet wide ..-Ilh hI. flLmlly to "'lfred.,~ Warren, 'excepting Vice.President of Uniou soldiers who have fallen inridge, for high treason. Just ae at the bll$e, aud farnished with '6 Y., where he united with Stephens and Poetmal!lter Reagan, during the war. Tbey will be go.r· the prisoners had reached the pl. solid teeth. ~~J;:,fll~:~ ~:-~a~bOl8=n~tll:1tg-were releaeed l&lt week, oa talting ranteed respecta~l" employment lot low., the telegraph broke, and hence A hone in LaFayette, lad., bitten r:.;;;Uln'lt~ ~;:I'th:I'e~I1IO~~n~~5~~~i~

oath. They nambered many die· a good 8alary of it least $' a wlICk the readers of the Oolonist mast wllit by a dog BDppoaed to be m.a, eJ:- Obnrch of Adami. of rt; tinguiahed officer. of tbe late Confed· from their arrival, &8 long &8 they Cor further details. hibited all tbe .ylJI,Ptoma of hydro- faithful member to crate army. choose to avail themselves of it. The Qoite a large number of Soathern- phobi., sach u biting "nother borae :~!~.:~a::;,~ lI'alll

A large roll of honor, embracing party will sail from New York oa en, recently Berving al officers in and a man, foaming at the moatb, denomInational prInCI:l .. , tbe name of almost every meritoriou8 the 22d of Aagast. the"rebel army, have arri'l'ed iu New &c. It had to be shot. :o~\~d~~:::"~i1~DI an officer wbo served daring tbe w.r, York, prep.ratory to,their departare .. Good.byp, boys," exclaimed a A. ... Cbrll!tl .. n,h.lI' .. and who are being breveted for tbeir THlI: WISCONSIN TOBN~. - The for Brazil in the steamer on tbe 13th I.rge, fine-looking man on a Iteamer ~~r.:,o~n:h~~O"Y~,~ ;f;'~~~~~'~~;!~~~J;] aervices, is being prepared, .ad wben Viroqaa (Wis.) 7\mes giye8 lome in proximo. They propose to start a 8et- at St. Louis, Suoday morning, and HII 1_ w1ll be ~J completed will be pablished. Tbe8e teresting addilional details of the tlemenl somewbere iJi the Amazoa then leaped overboard .nd dilap- church, and the

~TlI J.!,wau:. bonorary diatinctions are conferred terrible tornado there, confi~ing 'l'&11ey, provided the Emperor of Bra· pe.red beneath the maddy w.terl. ~~:1iV::U~Uf~e~~ lnform.tion haa been recel.ed, that ml)8tly on officers of.1I ranb who ipns aecounts. The office of zil has no objections. In W,., York City, on rOt'rth,d~a:r,

tllCl OonCederate pirate.ship Shenan. served in the volunteer 8er'l'ice. Over pa.per ws:s carried from its There will be a re-union of tbe de- There Wal a Waterloo festiya' at Uth. 1866, CATJIUIU rauo., 3,000 have been breveted daring the fonud.tlon bodIly,. and. pre~ty well Icendants of the late Holaod Weeks, Brunswiok, Germany, on the 18th of :rn::~ :crtt~w1.: .. ",:d':'C.ar:r

doab fa engaged in chuin, uaarmed p .. t mouth. smasbed up. ShlDgles, ple~8 oC at the residence of E. H. Weeks, ia Jnne la8t. Nine hnndred veteranl w1ler. Ihe made a prof_Ion J'!!I&lIMm. ye.lel' l that she ia committiDg The Tredegar Irou Worke,.t Rich- boar?" doc.umentl, &6.: were p.lcked Salisbury, VI., September Tth, 1866. were present who cl.imed to b .... e ~n~rx of m:.r:~ wbol •• le deltraction anioll, tbe mond, haYe beeu leased b1 the Uaited ap I!lxty mllel from Vlroqaa, 1D ~be Tbil!l Camily tracc their aacestry di- foaght againlt N.poleou. To :~~l;~~~~J~!ll.~ Arctic' fiN' of wbalen; ~b.t tbe States to the ownerB, Joaeph R. An- track of the 8torm.. Of one C.mIly, rect to Joha Alden, tbe "I!tripliog Tbe Attica Atlaa lays the oil bor. wbaler. Rdw.1! O ... y, N~tor.,Aba- deraou and hia partne", who have ~ve penoaa were .kIlled •• Tbere Wlol who ilnt leaped upon Plymooth er8 in that locality are doing toler· yOllDgllr

'tb commenced bU8inetls .again &I iron lI!lm~u8e destroctlOn of tImber. The Rock," aad afterwards courted Pri. ably well, but they h.d not yet \I8"lle'~1~~~~~'~~~;~~~j~~~~i5 !Sli;:~~rt.~~i=~ gan, Eaphr.tN, ,WRlI.. omp1l?n, manafactnrer8, these works being dlBtrlct IIW~pt by tbe tomado extend- cilia Mallinz by proxy for Capt.i~ pumped ont q aite a8 much a, they ;i Sopbi. ',TlKIratoD, Jirela Swift, and held by Goyernment agents al con6s- e~ three mdel eaat ~nd four west of Mile. Standi.b and t.hen married had poured iD I tbe. Sa',M! .Il" Ablfail: were cap- cable property. VIroqua, along whlcn the caantry ber bimlelr. The groand heretofore occopied by tar"" -~" t~ _t,o tlaem barned. Tb 'd Id f' te C looks .. if tbe curre~t of tlK Ili. 8 I . ' bt' d • A' • Baraum'a Ua-Aam and the barat dl'~ At ~Qate ., wu, e~ted ,tba' e . gran 0 rIga ongre" 'il8ippi h.d beea ie' loose for hoarl! a t II 0 IlDe In fllona In ... ~ ~

.. ,-...,.~. A.. W.III r.IFcd to, the l!Iarface by lubm ... through I't. beantifal tranlp.reut crystalll, .ad trict in New York, baa been parch .. -In. .oal .. IIQ()I1 .ttack •• 0 ............ t d b J G d Be tt f .L. , rIDe operator8, Jaly 201h. Her rlba in lar"'e qaanlities. Tbe aalt moun\- e . 1 amea Dr ou ane., 0 ... e of lOme listy n_ll, nODe of'wllieh • Herold will .,. .br. to m.ke aal .feQtual are honey-oombed by tbe terredo, . A F AllILY IlURDDID BY IlORJ(ONS _ ainB .re located aome aidy milt!l •. re.I,...... . Tbe SbenudOU t. man- and' iaYe for the great .moant of An Iowa paper pabli.hea • letter abo'l'e EI Dorado ~aDOn, up the 001· Tbw Committee Oil the Condact of ~~~~~:~!I Mel bJ _ .. 11th all~lJrfab •• nota, and Illetal- tbe wreck contains, it i, U88- from. gentlem.n in Utah, whom it or~o,. and are .ald to be a gre~t the W.r hu made.. n:port. on tbe j; IklIDe ot UIi oapUl~ *~'ll!lMn. It il I.... . youcbe8 fOr u reliable wbich gi'l'e8 canOilty .a~ !,oader to all trayelerl aae of heny ord.anee. In which ~beJ nid, baye DOW joined bt'r. ,Ber Mr. Trenbollll, the rebel Secretary tbe det.i11 of • horribl~ murder of a who baYe YJSlted them. The p.ck· recommend the UI6 of wrought-iron comm.nder, When, inCorm,ed or Lee'. of tbe Treaaar1, W&l remanded to family of lix per,oDI!, by perlOnl en chop the aalt oat of the m ... with orda.noe. lorre .... r, .lid tbl coli.,... or lbe Fort Palaaki oa the Uth of J 01,. .aid to be Mormon.. The yictims axes. Johann. CotlRr, .bout l6yeu yeara rebsllioll, Illhe, did aot, or prof'e_d Be-h.d been permitted to via it ~iltoD .11 been membe" of Brigballl Tbe Bolton ~pt aayl that of age, w .. drowaed .t DigbtoD, bOt to tienetll the itot;" ,bal' when Head and Cbarleaton under hll pa- Young" cbarch, ia bigb atanding, there .re apwarda of eig1&t toni of It .... , on Thamia1, aad Bridget Ke­told, 0' ~ ...... in.tiQa of Pr.ideal role and witboat a gnard. aad f.miliar with ~he inside workings Iilver pl.te in U!e foar,th di.trict of Neill, who attempwd to telCne her, Liacoh',," be, .llal.CIIII~Y ..... rlred, The New Y III k HeraJA ba. i_Qed of Brigbami~m. ReoeDtly tbey hue MlMIIaCbufl8tts. 1'l1e largeat .moaat met with U!e ..... f.te. tba ... bad e,,,"&eeI til." " ' .. /Wtice to itsla&e war corre,poDdenti been la.pected of heing dil!lloyal 'to retarned b1 .ny one DIan wal I,OIlO Tbe lletof inCOlH ret.l1II, pllbIilh-. "m •• IIIUO.f1LLi' I~" ,I to write out immedia&ely faD ud Uie cblJrcb, aid were I.Ppoted to he 01lDCe1. eel in CbiC&fo, aboWII that thml are

" , ' , iml~ar' tI.1 biographiel of .11 tile ,en- m.lrilll arrugemen~ to get Olt of l'i.8 IbUII of mininlr Itock were i. tb., cii1 n perllOlll wlroM In-,lV_lit:. Alldtnoo.llij "*, II, •• , •.• wftll whom tbey were UIOCia" &be Tirriwry, wllic:h wu &hi 1014 1& tile BolIto. Brokere' DQard, 00IIleI ezoeed t6C),OOO, and toO • .,.

~~!- ~,~ ,Web')', ~~i ..... w, ,d.au. tbe,ar~" _ ' They were clOllly the otW day. for lea centl .. bare. iDOOIDfJII esoeecUb .. alll of 110,000. -----------;-' ------'- .--~,~"....:-..--'----~,

.-----~- ~- ~

Page 4: II - Amazon S3 · the nature of that .whlch they, ie to withdraw the ,bread and wine, .or IIOmething analogoos to it; it is high above 1De

• •

. -. l-o~4t_-"

dsrr" . _-::.- . .-.~ ... :;===::::=====::::::::==::::::::::::c::::::::::::-, · ..... n.fIIII..... .nearth ainoonamedaf~rthe and inthatai~gle A LmNG DIW'H.-DeI!cribingDry By the lut1Boropean mail we N"'TIONAL 1ft!OOMJiANl' ~ .. -. r !WOn "h~ _ it. Tlii!J Roman lilt· if Lil!cOllti of the throng. Tortogu, to .. hicla place Q;is under- ,bear of a .tartlUa~ baUoou &ookJe~t ....... -:w£Jl1lD' ' • • , . • ' 181'1: ;rho .... !led of e~u.1. fleLllht . A tinA'·"' •• n wOPdaman, as etood the government haa sent lIudd, which bad happened in Ireland. Mr. ...:..' I

'(t', "'lIMk~I~ .. ~' trade aDd the manlier be de1~rllDiiled nature i yet he, had been' entertained contemporary oys, in view of tbe cended from Belfa8t WIth t~n ~ople '~~ti '~,,,/'" .. i '.' ~ " 'of nO little ' If im;Wi\,'tll.,~M he . a genuine aon at Spangler, Arnold, aud"O'Laughlin, a Ooawell'. balloon, af~r hayIng .. ~~'fh~'~ij~~~~~~$~~~ ' . ,,,,, ... ,e. IfMleiY_ ~L~,qrt- iDg i~ 00, ~re regulated Iclale, the war of iodependence hard· .ith di8tioction at the table of prin- magnitude of their crime, that a in tbe car, efl'eoted a perdoH de-

, fill )(oDl'Qe,.,dariDl t"o 'WM ,'bne inCh as the Lta!JleltU4. It admit. or compamon with that ces; learned societies, to which the more suita~le place of pu~jlhm'Dt I~t, o:wiDg to 'Ille .. lYe. at tbe ,t~p bllDclred liil~Id*,,, iron IUDI, .. U ooe ,i_ follei'e earth (Iaand of whIch 'hal jOlt ·ter.minated. Tbe like of,Cavier belonged. bowed down for these conspiratorll cOllld qat have no~ actlDg prQperly. EIght of ilie

~\J:.a;r~·;~;ot'. ,\be ~.' I yerl euperior qUNitl in Staft'ord· forcel; collected on eitber 8ide, the to welcome his pr6Jence i kinga had be~n selected. The aolemn roll, of &eronanlA succeeded in «atting 011' \", .. ~ • .: .. a,~.""'O& Peter.. .hire, Bedfordthire, and oUiet' ED" dietaaeee traftrlled, the lists of killed been cd'lhplimeuted when htl spoke waves of the Gull; the .i1ent and (alime ,of them, leierel{ injatea,) ~~~~!':lh"~t,i~l~O-vl'~T.ete I~ conntie.), ".. conaidered aud wounded, and the ruin Wrougbt to them'; in short, he was one wbose even gbostly. air, dr rather want Of w~en the balloon, -cain. asceniled .. ' .• 0 ..... 0& lute,. indiepeDHble for the dre88ing of in the former, are u nothing by the fa'!le wilt be growing brighter when air, 00 thelle hfeless coral reefs; tbe With two genilelj'len }tlll In the oar,

'l .. 100IDO'. The l().lDch 'otatb. ~lIa~~ to pt:event foreiinera from aide of the recorda of the late civil the fllllhionables who laugh at him, absence of every living thing sue and not~,i.og had I!n~ !Jeen heard of riYaling ED,Ush fabrica, it wu made war." and many' much greater than they. the albatross and the shirk i .. the it. , a contraband commodity, and it.. shall be utterly perished. From blue above and bloe below," in one The long talked of international

j:~::::ll~e~xpbrtation made equally criminal OUIIOlfS OOIIOIDEIOE. every hill-top and deep, shady grove, onvarin~. monotony, sav.e the un~re. bridge at Bnffalo ~ms abont to be • witli ~he heinoull and wioked eXJlO!t ~he Roc~e8~r Ezpreu rel~te!J this the birds, thOBe blo880mB of the air, qnene VISit or tbe hurncane, whIch realized. Two mllhon be hnn-tred 'trto.11C1~~;. ~oot. HOw· ~m~tely pllblic curlOUB cOI,!c~eDce respectIng the will Bing his name. only adds te!ror t? desolation-aU thoosand doJlara has been pledged

~=t;=tl oplDlda hal mau,ei I, ' No weather- recent burnIng of the ship William The little wren will pipe it with these may falDtly pIcture tbe far sea- for tbe work, which will conaiat of a :,; ~"L ... 1r- oouht'1II1III:e a more -perfect Nelson: his matin bymn Ibout our honse ward home of t~08e 10 wbom !be durable and elegant iron brid,e to ~~~~1~~~~~~~~F~r.~~;i

gyration from north .to. so~th! from .. Tbe ship lIailed from Antwerp the oriole carol it from the slender law and the testImony haye denied apan the Niagara at that point" la -<1"-•• to west. What.'s It crImmal to on the 4th of JDne, and it 80 hap- grasses of the meadows i the tdhle the boon of death. well 1108 for tbe constrnction of a qualit1.

export now r ConvIcts and cont~ ... pened tbat a gentleman of this oity dove roll it through the secret foreste j grand onion depot building, .nd the and fOrt1Ht .. _'n~ band of war, perhaps i bot certam- wa, expectiog his WIfe's fatber and the many·voiced mocking bird pour How TO HJ.NG J.N An.-A. Mimple lIeven miles of railway around tbe ~~.::ur;'1I'be~ft;:~~;:~~~~~! Iy not harmles8 earth and woo\.- mother to start abont the same time. it along the air i and the imperial rnl~ fbr even Ii simple thing will often ci!y to co~nect the eutern linell tB IndIapeDlab'le, Di.cken's" Allthe Year Round." The day of thedil!l&ster, his wife had eagle, the bird of Washingtou. as he save much time. A tool tbat is u.ed WIth the bndge. The contract ball rOOmB anddBotllla.

k bl d b • B sits far up on the blae mountains, be I t It JIBe • 110 reoolUllnd,Jor whe" It III a remar a e ream.. ou. ve so mnch a8 au axe should be proper- en e. onoelLHd It1l'lll bt tlle~r. , A SOUTHER" unol GTDT o'clock in the morning, in whicb IIhe will scream it to the tempest and the ly adJ'osted, as every blow will tell An old building iu Taonton, Maal .• teW8.a,1Ieoportet.&roreed ~ ~~!!,0!l.i.U1'tUO~1e ,J..~ • I h be J...,' star8. He was the late John J. Ao· rm DO." w_ -t MIler JIIk

The following .tory, from Albert distlDOt y lIaw er mot r'J lDg very of the ease or hardship of the hang- Irnowu as tbe .. Wilmarth" houee, no~wlth.tandiJl, 11I •• flllr £A1llT; IIIId" RichardllOU'B ,narrative )of hi. lIid- pale and white. with all the appear· dabon ornithologist. ing. Tbe rule is very simple. It has an authentic record or one hun. an exm Indllo.mem~ 1I'e wlll Nfltt ...

=5~~~=~~5~i~~;~:J~E~ IVI.at;tJrI~lIIdiD Southern prison.; wiltJ be ance of death. When ahe a woke, was given DIe by two persons, each dred and twenty·three years, and ill ~o o~= t:=':11 ~~\fI df x. .. la tead "hili inteNM ~ . .,: sbe wall very much troubled, and Half &.I.TS KAY BE EXPII:LLKD.-A of whom is mncb accustomed toed"e memorable as having been tbe relli. rahaU be Plea.d to fei,,; ~QU_D III .... ·W'.iaRti~ along at Dan'8118ual told her husband ~he knew ber moth· gentleman, whose booBe was literally tools. Put the hebe. loosely into the den~ of Robert Treat Pai~e, one of t:~ib:O~~~~t.!d'hablt.U,. ....

h .. own ae~,' Wilh the most .mblillle'i'tu!lft'er- er wa.s dead. A t~w days after: an· overrun with vermin, adopted a novel axe at first, so that It can be moved the IlIgners of the DeclaratIon of IJI· It Ihall "n.Ii"."IIItiW/;~q~rft;'alw.··'t1iI1'I.1'I ~iiCEl tcr· ru,ds-up -and -dowD =ok1 atlu!r pereon, a BIster we heh~ve, but IItrictly philosophical method to to the proper polition i now let the dependence. 8lthlbll m~~~~,~~r~~~]I'fe'cl. of South- h'll acrOBB 8treams throngh the hoose, aod began crymg, dislodge them. Opening tbe floor at centre of tbe edge of the blade of The London Morning Star B.,S i!"': ::"r~.;~:~:J!~

!1i Frehab gunl I S, lls over feucel~ve~ywhere Bayiog that sbe had a very bad dream sever.af plaeet!l in the upper stories the axe and ~he butt of the belve (or that while tbe Rossian lerfll, before til iii •• llJ G<?l!ern~ b::~po~ the p~bUc, u;.~aui!i1l.f-N:e.. on the Brllt of J oly, in whlcb she eaw his hoose, he placed there vessels part taken hold of) be brought down emancip&tion. were calculated to Will •• 1', and I SUppOI!le we hfod t.ra~61ed ·three her m?tber dead, and sbe W&I! a~ured containillg a mixtnre of snlphuric to a horizontal line, which. mly be have coosnmed about eighteen Ibi!- ;;;;;;;;,~,' the hard miles; when Mr. Dav~ fell b"ck frolll that It was rea!ly so. Of course acid, black oxyd of manganese, and done by simply placing them on the liog8' worth of cotton goode per

ttl," gun~,are the front."ntillaid to me: mutual expl~natlon took pl~, ~.nd common salt, and closed dowu the floor, and the axe is ready for wedge· he.d, that amount ba8 already risen in the 'Tbat youolr htdy ridell very well; the extraordIDary fact ~f th? I~entlty hoarda, The result was a slow iog.-Country Gentleman. to one ponnd Beven shillings per

mat doe, ilbe not f' of the ~reams, and their co\~cldeoce chemical decomposition and recom· bead over the 22,000,000 of emanci. ~,'tHiI, 'Wbat young lady?' as to time,' was ~hown. SlDC~ the bining of elements, in tbe progress SELLING NEW'lIl'J.PERS ON CARs,-For pt,ted peasantry.

~"IHKI" qt'dlilUl08l II .. DOt t~ baeD • The young lady who is piloting report of the bnr!lIDg of the ShIp, on of wbicb tbe heavy, stifling ~:' the privilege of selling books alJd The town of Exeter, N. H., has J:;"ijIjj~' .".a, to: &be gan YAl'd ,eo- u/l.' th? s~me day wltb the .dreams, tbe chlorine, was diselJgaged. IS newspapers on the Hodson River r('ceived information that W m. Rob-

'" ," 1 had thooght Dan Ellis wall pilot- cOIDCldence becomes. s~111 more reo ~na:e di~~:aro al~h! !:lia~:en i a;:; Railroad, no les! tban $6,000 a year inson, Esq., a native of that place, ::"Miie haye allO been lenl dOWD /ng< '1l1l and rode rorwa~ to Bell about markable. Of coorse It IS not known h is paid. For tbe same privilege on who died m Angusta, Ga., in 186',

; Immen.· pilea of .ammunition. Ex- y~ng ladf· 'that. the father and moth~r of. these ~!~:!~8 ~t t~~n~i~:no~:e at:::p th~~ the Oentral Railroad the tax is $5,- left property amounting to about .... '~ojec,ne. of e.ert patteru Tbere she Will, sorely enough. I partIes were on the ShIP, thoogh 500 per year. Thia 8eems a large '150,000 for tbe purpose of fonnding

·'.ita,Po, rqdely boxed, an~ mar~ed could Dot 8cl'tltiniz(\ her tare in the tbe1 were. expected t~ start about danger was at hand. Seizing what 8nm, and "et it is said tbat a larg!! a female ~cbool for the ulleof Exeter, lU n_rr,erate. S··tea of America, RIch· darknells bot it waa Mid to be come- tbe same tIme. Even If not on the of tbeir plunder they coold, they . "d . d f tb t' iirs~=;:,,~~~~;~AJQI WOJO.aTPDAILJ,

' ,'UU ......r . ...._ b f vessel I't I'S POB81'ble that the mother bastened to abandoo the premises, income 18 erlve rom e opera lOn, Thirteen porpoiles were taken at at 60'01-." P ••• , "'. ' •• u ..... " ....... &aDd ibont 1m vast ' I could aoo' ..... t er Ofl'Di was '.. 0 b H d R' R d th I "-~:- ,~ d J. "may have dIed as seen 'tbough In weeping as they went. from having rr t e u son IYer oa e sa .es one tide la.t week at Aluny Bay, of V"",," ""', pi';"., .D' d .. olle glzeB upon them, and the' eue an nrmneS8, -100 t h tb h t .. me I t 'ble manner The inhaled the noxions chlorine. Maoy average.. 0 elc roog. raID. Canada, bot one esc7eed, The larg· i§~~ti~~~~~~5ffi~~s' ,._'JI ~'iiame ..... lI. lI'nlil of br .. e and ,he.at· u'-'oo her horse 80 .. ess errl '. 0 h Oe t I tb e IS <10150

... ~.... <v""'" .. f 1 ..: f th rehenslon months passed be~ore one of their n t e. n ra e averag ~ e~t wa" 'ourteen eet long, and :::J".P..... .1A....i,',the cou:,tctiO'll , have been a lesilon for a ridlog amI les .souer rOil! e app. I' Tb b k d aper a e Q ""

- ........ -~ f th d t Imost as much as If number ventured to retorno An per tram. e 00 a an p ~ r weighed about 2,000 poonda. Tbe :: " Ula' it .• tailll, ,wu Itot a master. . ? e Isas'fierd' a h 'not sold by tbe owners of the right, a~erage produce was between ':';~:~~:: "clM,' 'bt'·"e maitiWlllBof wat UIat She rellidetl at the Union hoose, It w.as v~rl e , as we ve~y mu~ Irmy of ants, moths, bogs, roaches, b b b 1 db th The. t,

~ WI f t II b Th c C IS ooe In and other pestilent insecta, perished nt y !lls_emp oye y em. and three blrrels of oil, wortb aboot !~~~~~~~~~~~!:~. OOIIIpe led the lurrender of Lee. AIL where Dan had gone for news. The ear.1 WI e. e a..8 • r h f boys receIve 15 per cent. on al\ sales, '24 per barrel. ~ :'_.t ":0 s lA~""""d btl 1I!\ed, she volvo lUg .mocb speculatl,o,o for the rom teo meso d k I w es

,'I 1."....., IUDI,_,lPUIII .. n. _.U" h tte an ma e arge ag . At B 1\'\1 N Y M J ' ,I la~&ollll ttofaae eyes In lIi\Qt him out of that OUrIOUS In soc mil. rs. n VI e,. . ., as r. ames ~ : 'kil~ tW. "here guos and where sbe walt born WHAT Boys C ... N DO,-The Norwich C. Gowdy was running a mowing

!fiOD, whether oar 01 k)1ew everl acre. The FEMALE EDUOATIOB IB GEB1U.lfY. Bulle/in 8ays: U. A. Thompson, END OJ' A LIFE OF FBJ.UD,-The Ha. machine, be failed to see his dlughter,

:~;i~~'~r!~,~fo=r~:l~~I~~~:~~~~~~li~~]! 'horst) (.one belonging A French traveler in Germany one of the graduating' cllWI at the vana correspondent of the World five ;rears of age. who wa. picking .u,'".· ...... ". b t t tb k t Free Academy thi8 year, haa been a has a brief notice of the deatb of berfle!! jnst ahead of bim. and tbe

a i U JQe 1:Q e~ says: .. Tbe culinary art forma a carrier for the Bulletin for the last W. H. Gardener, whose brother was machine cut oft' both her feet a shortli~~~~~~~~~~~j~. ber- (atber II barn) was roug t part of tbe educatiou of the women ~ fi Dig tbis time h .. t f th I b ted dl'stance above tbe ankle. saddled. S,he m. oouted, came of Germany. The well.ta-do trades- lour or ve years, ur 0 t e orlglOa or 0 e ce e ra tb 1 .. Oln~'IlU .tid ht d he has laid by money out of his earn· Mexican mine claims, and who com· Tbe Postmaster General bas ar-

II'lIergealit. . to OIl. m mg , l)n . ~u man, like the mechanic, takes a pride in~s at this business suflicient to pay . t d "d' W h' t . b ga ..... 'would .. folldlatber h~ Jlar- ue, .YOldmg in 8eeing his danghters good bouse- a arge p'ortl'on of the expense of a omnl.t eItBwuII.cIII bee mreamemabes rlendgtohnatptrhlB-e ranl~e~ th~ co~pen8atio.o1 ahnd ot er f,~~ .. ~.,"~ ., lb' bt - • b " rebels were T t< t th' b' t th pre ImInarIell ,or resomlog tetraDS' • CD ar •. , rl~ ,P!llOIOaa oy. • . . keepers. 0 euec IS 0 ~ec. e collegiate edncation, and recently he papers on which these claims were of b So b '1 Fire\iht .' ~~~d, ,1,l'i,apQle(IIII't" bearmg quar~red, ~OID~ roond tbelr ~p!.1, girl, on leaving school, which she went on to Cambrl'dge a'nd passed a based were d--n up w\'th 80 much portati1on t e ut ern md al sd~t BI!Vo8Jme~linn!'~!~~~~~~~ --- S - ...... d L._ 'h d ng the r pIckets, b ~ t f m ,m" the ear iest practicable perio ,an IS U D

" __ J 4 lj ---:-:-J:'~'. I~"" e eva I I '. does when a out lour een years 0 socce8sful examinatlou for admission skill &8 ~o deoeive even Tom Corwin. d II . h .• Iteamera, or at ,,~!~~;p!~e ForWJi~,.re,·th8' object ~he led ns f~r sev~n miles. Then. age, goes throngh the ceremony of to Harvard College. At the closing They were prepared in Mexico, by t1::':St!te:~8torlUg t e serYlce In oello advanoe. , ,~qllSV-":Welc&' .. mOBUendlr ad· wblle we remaIDed lD the wood, she confirmatiou, and is tben placed by eXDml'nall'on at the Academy. hl's Ch I G d tb b th f

~ • ... -' d j) d h Ibid m m ar es at ener, ano er ro er 0 Th I t" b t th U ·ted " .::. ,," .\:rbey' ,.te(~' 'elumed ro ~ ot:war over t e ong r. ge her parents with a cO.nntry clergy. sbeets of mathematics were returned tLe Doctor. William H. died in a ere a Ions e ween e Dl :"' ilia" ph!!1' wIIte lOlit ana wblohs'paHed theNolech~~lty fIrer. man. or in a large family, where she by the examiner clean not one error wretched garret in Havana, in cir- States and Enrope have become 10 _ouMiIe·m., 'fhel iJiUer like to liee'If ,t!lete wereany.guaMs u,Pon remains one or two years, filling having been found in 'them. cumstancell of extreme poverty, on extensive in late years, that the dif-III Ute, .~Ihlne. ';.t:~~ ~tted to tile Umou houle be- may almost ~ termed tbe poet Cornelios Driscoll, tbe valedictorian the 9th of J one. ferent lines of steamships, though ~~.hed tbem; Ib t~e sbape , athnde rto°id~::~ of serva~t,.al1d dOIng the work of at the Academy. went through the doobled in number within a short

· ... rJl~ ud Hannel, , , h rod b" ODe .. ThIll. IS looked up?n as au ap- foor years conrse in three yeare, and time, are completely inaumcient to - -- coast was clear. II e e y &rentlcesblp to domestic economy. k d' h I f tl How TO SERVE A Doo.-A COrrell' meet prellent demands. . " "II~~ 81T11TRWJtIt1tillaE"11 our long line toward her home. We he differs from a sernnt however, wor ~ Nln t. eh emlP, oYh °t' a g,enh e- pondent 8ays this is the way: The cbolera i8 oflinially announced -...... !':r:r;',; Y- ...... h Id h . h th· . ' , man ID orWlO ate Ime w en h

....... _,. :1_ ... ',:,,:,::~,:,._ .un1.en vea- 8 ou ave given er ree rousing in this thflt she receIves no wage8 I . b I .. When attacked by a blood ound. in Alexandria, Egypt, aDd tbedeathB ..... "',- UIt ,r_ID5" cheers, had it been aafe to cheer. I OD the' contrary her parents often nORt !nhs~rd°~r 'CI d hid or any other dog, raiee your left arm h d be 260' d

'1 "'Ii MY practioed{'bt the' Bay State hop'e thiftime is not,far distant when pay for the care 'taken of her as well dlc !lth hlUe 00 t' wt 0d a fSO gra u- and let him seize it., then instantly a en u }Dany all lD alloy. 'W"dklilg OoIQP.ny. il u follows: h be d btl U' • .. ' ate WI ooorS,8 ar e a ew years .. Thirty thousand people fled from the

D_ •• -I.. er name may ma e pu C. n- as tor herclothtng Tbl8 IS her first B .. JJ-I·· th grasp hiB windpipe with your right city. Later datell report fewer ' t ._IIit. .. ,·.Ot 0"_1 ~ebe" -rilu..· .. - a-I'Ten nut· : f h k ago as a """,.tn carrIer, en as an h d d 't 'th II ~~.I'. , "n.t ' ~ i r gll:-'w'" ~""t .. '" ,~'., hW Btep lD her educatIOn 0 00116 Il?per. independent neW8 dealer and for the an, an squeeze I WI a your deaths.

i.1fIlfljJi1iUe pnll·" in tue r I 109 P acell neal'. er She next pall86l on tbe IlAme con· I h d ' t" 't' might; that will disable him in two

Der bomel it will no' be pru' . b' k't b r . h ast two years as con oc eu a sore , h' h The piers of the SWipension Bridge are ,:1 'd I, ." ,I ". lDt? t e .1 c en 0 a rIC on Water street in his own name, at- seconds. He "pens IS mout to acro88 the Ohio River, at Cincinri.ti,

prIvate famIly, or tnto that of some tending school aU the time. gasp, loses all power, and faU. help- are nearly completed, aDd the wires hotel of good repnte. Here she has less .. If you wish. to kill him, keep will be suspended in a Ihort time. control of the expenditure. and of A SToRY OF THill W J.R.-Wheo yonr hold for a minute or two-he is The spao of the bridge is 1,05'7 feet, the servants employed in it, and as- James Hendrick, of WiscOnsin, went done I You are ready for another. the longest in this country. lIiats personally in the cooking, bnt One at a time is all yon need. I

- , lIB objeot Ia to proollre and olronlatB lb.

faithful "enloDB or the 8aoted Sorlp. III aIIlangugel thtolllbOllt the world.

ENGLISH NEW TIlSUIlIUl'T. BftUIII> raox !'IIII PD/AL ..........

i'hili groat 1I'on t. oow oOIllPI.~d. II II prln~ on fair, 0yen type, and mak .. a dllo declmo volume 0 TIl6 page.. ' ,

rueM. Plain Clotb Binding" Buled Border Linel, ,I_ Bheept., Btfon. Blnoln«, ., .. 116 Roan,J68ClEdgU, .. .. U' Roan, Gilt Edgell,," .., ... Turkey moroooo, GIlt... "100 Turltey 111010000, Gilt, 1I'Ith Claipi aDd '

Banda,. 6 Of (]heap ..-uition, Plain Cloth, wlthOut

Ruled Botdet Linea, 15 On tile re~elpt of tbe prloe fQr ellbtr or

the above styles, a oopy wID be .. nt. by mall, to &111 part of the Unltlld Btate.. oIIl

Coplea may alto he obtained at the 0' 01 the 8 ........ '1'11 BIoOIIDJL ia always addressed as Fraulein, or to the war, in 1861, fair EIIen Good- speak from experience with big Adispatcbfrom Mohile, of the nth

Mi8S, 'and is treated by tbe family rich could not stay away. Her ric~ dogs." Joly, states that two train8 had col· ERIE RAILW AY.-TRAINS LEAVE with deference Bnd consideration. parents turned her out of her home, Iided on the Mobile and Montgomery Depot foot of Obut"' ........ ew ),ork, v any daughters of rl'ch famili- reo forbiddin~ her return, IUId she fonnd ODDS AID ENDS. Railtoad. Tbree car8 were wrecked, via Pavonta F.~; Dl ~ • bI It' th At f d fi d 7 A ••• , 1M)' IiDrell!or OaDaIIdatpa.lo· ceive a similar training, with tbis sUIts e emp oymen ID e 001 0 Fractional notes are redeemed, if an v~ negroes an ~veral passeJl- cheater, Bu6lollraI_ ..... ;!Ib ...... Con. d'ff, h th t th the Potomac, wbere sl:ie coold be mutl'lated, by any A88'ls'~nt ger8 kIlled. n8CUI at &11&10 1I'Ith Lake ilhll~ .. d Gra" I erence, owever, a ey re- ... __ .... "U ~ • "... , ... th At near her soldier· lover, who was ad- uun ....... wa~, aD .. a ....... Il1&0'08 .,. • ceive it in a princely mansion or roy- vanced to a commission. After f61_ITI:ealmr,er or Designated Deposil,9ry The colored schools of Sav"lnl,h lan~ ~~'ti~w=1a~~~:;: alllly, to

·h- c .. t ill IIOOn "ith B..AEltq'It;)~8Jle' al residence. There is a reigning 10wI'ng all the vI'cI'ssitud- of that of the United Statea, or a Natiol!al have lIucceeded so well, that OttBvtlle. , ' , • "l 'T qoeen in Germany. at the prellent ~D B k' d • . ted D 't f add't' 1 to be ellt;abllirJllled, 10 A. inltead, 9f.,'.w.teJP.' As soot:" . d' noble army from Antietam to Rich. an eSlgna as a eposlory 0 Ilona ones are 10 .11., Kj~lIIIhl(tJlB!lf B\lII"aIo, COlI'

oneaalldrit,&lJed .. *bJ,ume operation moment, who was trame In mond, on the day of Lee's surrender, the United States, in sums not JeBs and the operations or the sclf)(xIlsl n,:~?'.r.!~ay ;~~:'for CJ'S,n-,ulIlI . 'r.:6-.. _11. .,,- Duke until an way. Conseqoently, the women her heart's l'dol w~s strl'cken wI'th than three doll are. Defaced notes, now in existence are to be enlarged Newhnr"'b. II .p ""..,.. -, , Germany are perfect models of order q f h I ide d • ~ h't • I b ,,_ I _ •• _-'u are & led,' whelHbe 't'eBIe1 comee np. d disease, and conveyed to a Wash- i woe, are not cons re IS mnll- lor w I es. 6l'. II., III. t _pre., .or 0 ........ ,ua,

and economy The richest la y as . 'd tl 'd t Roohester DuJaIo, SalalUllol,lInd 11"". HJlfIliolW 'a .sf)tID'IIOiD8,oni .0'.' to ., ington hospital, where she attended j nor IS an eVI en y 8C.CI en - Measnres have boon taken in Oon- 6 1'".L, Li.:j,\~inc Espr_, d&1I1 f~r 0 •• • ~ _}ii, ... lJ· ....... t of those on .. ell as thil poorest women, is well hl'm wI'th tbe tendereat devotl'on, and al injury, not reducing' tbe no~ by nectl'cot to r'DI'a4 00 • b n.ndalgua~h .. tft. DII .... O, ~.m.no •• In..,"e .. -,~, ,~'.1"1) "\'Iva •• I··' ~f:~~i~~~t~~~I: acquainted with the market price of more than one-tenth its original size, -.,., a onulDeo.. Y Dnnklrk, and We.t. OonneetB a~ 1.,,10

aUblll'lllatltll,..,tbu119'er .18 1,'1 'bl~ooih thll:wor.I,d. d" I last week, with a broken heart, closed pUblic subscription, to the memory with Lake Shore and Grand TrnnkBanwaya, and' what.' work he hu al· t''D't'Ovisi()Ds; an It gIves one rea his eyes in death, having been mar. regarded 8S a m~tilation. of the late Mrs. Lydia A. Sigourney, and at 8aJamalloa Wltb .Uantlo and Or.al

---pt:"'''-1.,1-lIIabJ.·1U1di~ satisfaction to see her bustling about . d b' b t Ii h b l' T' ..• k' tb I . WeBternRaUway. ' , --.-"~ ... ,. _..d t. from one part of the hoose to an- rIC to 1m u a ew oors Clore, , here is great actIvIty lD ta lUg e poetess. t 18 proposed to make 8 P. 11./ Emlgrlllt Train, d&IIYJ for Bdlto,

, ~J!!Y'I'i~l\~' .. ~~~ other., now peeping into the uorsery and then committed to the grave the up lands for actoal settlement in the it one worthy of ber great fame. BaIamBliC!, Dunkirk, and Wilt. v r ' {, .,~ .. '.rmuauueur ID h th t bad b d h th ou h th t t f th I d HuGH BlDDLJ:, Qeo'! 8up'I,... ,

'llI..,r.,Mir1 "~JN...~"';;';M. 0' th& an; the to Bee hew the ehildrim are going on, ope. a ooye er up r g nor -W3S ern par 0 e an reser- A little girl in Bos toll feU from a W •• B. B~. Ge!,'~ P-.A.P,~h~ew Yorl!;. "t.i..~'mtiJr' ,1" ared to then looking into the kitchen. to see dangers and trials and embarrasB' \"Qtion in Michigan aud the eaatern third story window. fracturing -'!er i'raiDB lea"" ,the follotri., • .,0. aUbe "~~~r~:~~'.!M~f!~P& com- "Uirl'ortu- that the cook is doing her duty, .and mendts soch.asthhave rare!>' been pic· part of

h Ndebrdaska'

d Six thousand skull, which'so shocked .. relative time. 'ndioated: ' . ~ .. h,·'.lildrl'liiitic;e;,r time. !" ,!~r~d of that everything is perfectly clean, ture even In e pages m'. I;Qmance. seven nn re an seventy-seven named Taver, that she began to bleed BOBHIILL8~ _ .....

Going East. ....,..,. . ,.0 .. 'hq a, .-inCUbi thing and everybody, and keeping PllUNIli THE ORclLtBD.-That is, ex- Traverse City, MichigaD, while 5276 utes. 2.05...... 9.60 ......

we pity all well up to their work. In short, amine every tree, especially in your acres were taken for the same pur· The" oldest inhabitaot" of ~:!~ p:'". ~fo r.,:" effect she is the very sool of the boose." orchards, aod with a sharp pruning- pose Nin that ~on!b, in Nebrask~ Pa., was found the other day im,beld-I 10.65 .. ~~; '.:'

~~:~:ij:!~ni:t:~.~~ knife cut out the twigs aod ·uew City, ebraska ernto~y. ded in ,a, piece of bitQminoll8 co.l iliaD DOI'T JUDGE BY APPEABABOEB ~hdtB '" hic~ the eye and a ,little The theatrical wardrobe of J. W. that had" been broke. for bllrniog. 1.Ohnd 8.18 P. ::~'1,05, '-10. UO r.lI.

wOIDld: be more- li~e1, to del'l(lun~ S h' , d' JU gmen' pomt out as likely to cl88h Booth, the aSSa88~IJ, which w,a8 pick. It ~¥ a live frQg, that, was rOIl884l 0 __ .' " >

t,hank ns ah(!uld"we'-p,hllali' ome years ago t ere arrIve at with each other in fntnre years if edupfromtbewreek of the schoon- fromanapofmanythopsaB.d yeal'll. 1.03J.... 10M ...... ~ropi\lally ofi'er'to ' eaSe him of· part hotel erected near the Niagara allowed to grow. Keep the he~s Marie' Victoria, has been sold b1. 7 .s~ .. ~~ rl'

~~~::~~ ", " , 'Faile. ao odd 'looking man, whose ap- moderately low, and 'whUe cutting in Canad1l. Though most of Edmond Ramo h~ an emu,lat?r. 1~1: P~:,. 9.28 II , ODmmodore Vanderbilt 'seems to pearance and deportment were quite to a too crowded top, avoid the articles were greatly damaged ~. B. Hargrove, I rabId 8ecesslo~llst 11.J8 .. ~~~~=~~~~;,~ more bllCkbotwtban' MI'. 'Aator in contrast with tbe crowds of well· o( a too open ·one. by salt water, t~ey relllized high In Lynchburg. Va., .shot himaelf

~I~~~i~~~i~i;l~~ 'Ind '~ars his('forty 'millions with dressed and poli8hed figures which that. ours is a hot SUD, prices. A dressing cue. nearly in throngh the heild With a reyol,ver :rorter·like pluck." We lIay forty mil· adorned the celebrated resort. He and. a partIal shade for jboth pieces, brooght flfteen dpllars, and lut week. He felt badly because j~~~i~~~~;I~~~ liona, beC&UI!e"l{r. parto.n his seemed to have IIprung from 'the branches and fruit is desirable. By spoiled costumes ~e~ k~ocked~o"p Lee surrendered. gl'aplier, appraises his I te"l ~na per- woods j his dreBS! w~ich wa,~ ma~e removing the limbs which aptually at twenty-five dollars each. : At the Cape of Good Hope the~ lOoal' at that 8um. We faMy Mr. bf leather, stood dreadfully lD Ileed need cutting away, the growth is A medical contributor to the col- was a fearfol barricane on the atlt I ~~~:~:i.~

~;~~Oi~~r'( P.'s'lIg*es a little, over tlie biarl' ilf repair, apparently not baving direct wllere It ill wanted" and the uml¥l of the New York Eveni.ng P08t, ,~ .. y, in which the" Engliah -: maUl1 but thft Commodore, is the touch of • needlewoman for many greater labor and iojury of the tree predicts the appearance of the cholli. atea,mer Athens was lost totally, lor

\ " , very 'Bolid man;' and ~ll a long month. A worn·out blanket, by cutting oft' larger branches at ra on this cootinent next year. 'He ot~er Vell~'11 wrecked. aud '70 lh}ea Ii. de~et- ", 'Cu' up baude-Olq(l:' • , th.t clpight have Barved for a be~, SOme future time is avoided. Re· his the.ory is founded Ob the cir- loet, ' , ,

L1ke, 'Ate;s:ander rr-.'!Stewart who is we was 'buckled to his shoulders i 1l member, that .the knife ill the that the cholera retllrns On the 8th July a San Francisco com- preaume. about as' far ~dvauced' in )it.~ge knife 'huQg on ~ne side, b~. implement 'needea to 'prune etery lIevent~rl years. The Post T(}Wd~,' named Biily Mu1ligan~ ahot

seem. to the ,millionll ail tbe ~l- anced by a long. rBsty' tin box on tt'e\is. . 'saY8, editorial,ly, that this idea is fa- 'and killed tlfo men while' laboring I fact for a can- way. appears to us to be the other i and hiB beard, uncropped, A I P W M 'Vored by many, eminent physicians uoder an' attack of delir.iurD tremenl! it was turned out, com~IiOl;ted IlOms ill tangled, aDd coar'se,'~el1 down upon N NGENlOUS IEOE or °Bii·- r. of'difFerent periods. ' "and was himself immeiiiately shot ~~~r~;ii~~~~~~~~~'! '~~=~;',~ interest aB. he walks the streetll:' AI· bis bosom, its· if to coonterpoise the 'f. Woodworth. of Roxbury, who I" Q be I d d Ii b r . " ~IIaP,qr~j _I,_"... though, a '~irlltniDg' calcnlatot, he is weight of the thick, d~rk 'loc~8J t~at wall a memMr of the 218t MlWlachii-, A .croe pa!en~ at ae cocke ea y a po IcePlaD.

(In PQblio at le8llt) the moe' nnd~ supported "themselvElB' on hl~ back setts regiment at th& time that com. up bls nndntIful daugbter beoa~~e: A cute Yank\*! in' ](aQ488 eeUi "\II\laIO~IIltI~.tilYe of . are and 8houlders.· "mand assisted in the c&p~ure of Ro. ~he w~nted ro I!l~rry a."young tJ!.'Y' liquor io a gun.barrel;.ill,,(.EI.d,oli;all

IDle that'm.king to'" Thill I!trange being. tQ the speot\l- anoke Island, 00 the 8th of February, ye~. Tbe ~oung man, bo,!-~v~r, gll,'.88, t~a~ he ma, IlvJlI.de Beda'iv6j and 100& aD torll,' aeemingly, bllf: civilized; half 1862, haa in8cribed the fact oli a th,ough p,oor In pn;rse. W&!l f?rt\le In ~uil ml~~ It appear be·jo~ld dillpa\8 we mistaken in 1ia ~ bad' a niek": laiC' g of white cedlir cut on the spot resource, and sue~ out a W~lt of h.· that he, 111' selling by the ba~l.,

elerk"th.1Il he would, no doubt, win its wly thTooth letters were made with a ~n·knife, :!.~ 01 a~e Jl e;~ll';t' o.r ''''~~' 't e .. nd mulell by in ~i::~I['~~=~]~~~:~ -'ohaj:-'./),e the',brlkee • bOth "of tlie twililenJess anQ extend from the 'top Of the !lane :q,P e we~~ ~~rrll:...., ,an" ~e~ on is ~till eontinned on TDead.fa

and of lJOCiety. 'Hel'ushed bilj;ritepe to the ~m. winding round ita BUr- , elr wa~ ~eJo,clDg. Fridays of each week and abODI~ . .j~1O into the BiUing roo.m. uDatrapped hia face, 'and ~ng interwoven wit~ l~e .Tb~ BrltlBh army 10Bt 21 DQn·CC?m- are ,dill oBed oht .e.:m I Ie.' ., Betlhllli.ii' Iliriili,6II:;j little b1ll'den, qaickly looked rouud Dames' oli LlOooln, Grant, Sheridan. mls810n~d oBicefB and men ~6flDg ,," "p, ", .. ~ , ~~~;~~~;~iii~: for the laodlord, and then modestly Thorn ... · MMde. Bttrnsidp, and the 186', sl.{Dply be~auae, they did.not· ~ra Oba~lI. whO l~tel1 41ed .t .. ked .for breakf8llt. The bOBt\ at words." All our brave Boldiers, to know ho,!, to aw}.. Thei r01a1 bu· New LO!l~on, - Oolin., 'b!'q?f!a~~~ ~a!~~~~~~!~~I~. ~rllt,drew with evident repug. wbom '.peA'. honoi'; is due." Mr. !Dane a~lety, whlcb hal.beeD·organ- $10,000 to,the po~r of.~t ~lt1.'.tt~ nan08 at thlil W~JVOl'~ Was at the battle of Roo I~ea 91 yean, ~I8Bl'ved .0fer·SS,OOD left $100.000 to ~I~ ~~" ,

:=~!;I,~iWii~~ii!~~i p,op~ to Qnooath 10m .noke IIIland, and allo at the captnre rhVeB• py ~cuJpg dr~1r.llll1g penon.. The Rallroad~ .ootw"en Wluhi\\Ig-among the of NewberD, wherifhe.as woundel. t ¥ved3i last »Iar, and f .. l~d:in,8 to. and RiCilmotld II nOw

Im!~~st~~~~~~~~~ IIJl,if nQW, ,howeftl',' in gOoa cond~, ~ " J • " .a; ['T1f.O bl!'runil::III':.'I:.;.l. tion. The caning of the oaner wi,h ,Thirteen; Cl~ildren of DlJanill BooDe, < l' , . ' ,

li~~~~$=~~:le~t:.~~i.g, of Wa1ke .. ri1~ ltd., TeOeIldl'dleil " h~r.l;li ",~~~~~!!el h~al8,~gll7 of wilhili· .... r .. da,. ''''-1'G1dei& -* OoD .. :tlOQ·b( -_.- .~' ~,~ot·ap;""f "c'T .', ':i ..... i.··~