WMm .;?--'£|pl .. - . - > •-& ' ' ' Sftot Th*on*& the 3SteaTt, •,-Aged.at. battle Teas, in rao'oTtes* # a e n afatge,"Shisiari'-irotlet. General Gary f^tte/.sea,;- '•$, wte-3&st;abbu-fc''. -to; signal, .•:•.*^fe^^&3^^up"JfoT^A'''m«fen.^s;^eStv : ;• > ^e. - ; In.aam}ni.ea€ everyfii&'Had-'®s-:-. ^~appe^ed-~ffi& : very : .crrtstaee'ans'.',..&£'. ''-' se'arrte.d; away -as '-feist- as Aev^cdflldv : -. I: I .-feat tbtmsSiwaataaift.-wfes-tfte .sk.adovr' : .':Vg fo\ „. : t© vfle&vfr^'.scaaeSMjig'il' 3hiew"n'at. - '^aat^'-'Ava^m'lidrr'exL. •s*emV#~g-r3Sjy* ; ';--.H^<&erme^snfsaas- .a -'elElld/faiBjieW • ; :jwfeeK"*feavmg" : dar&efied- rodm.\ By; •" tMs"tiaS<» the;.sbadb-w had. conre nearer' •- gIiffic^t6'sIife-Me tKat it -#a* : -a. ."inan^ '.-eater* "aa^d^ ffie-largesfc-size. •• Had I . Mgnafied tQ;be'3ra^.«fi.&en : i t WoaML V 'isvWtee'ii-'sertate deafis.- : -A1TT coald vdfo -wastoieiaiimpSll,'-xi:a'til'it..left. It" - lay Off iOT^aty-.o?"^i?'enfpfi^6.' * ee *»-•'.'• jftst. ' •"-.-" ©nMde.'tne-r^e;raj*'«£#m..slii]a*'xteiady"•• ---iTBatOTateoiiWitsgaik. -,-.-.- •-."••''•.'. >-.": -~ " v -' » K -to ,&shff&cftth& pressiisfe>£ wafer. ' ; -apoH-myieaa, •-j&.a&e spgo.ar. esyfiv •'".jouring" aaides-fewtt Its • eyesandmonfii.. '-." aaAeve^md/Ydm;e% ; c*S!Ss fins and tail' "' feet'wng; : aatj '.ise fteSr that J eaald.rs.ed.. •:3ts doable-ravf 4f 'vti&&. .tesjtfi^-InYol-- ••- /-rmitetj; I.siirtefc-jj&ser M A e Mde, of' : •V.'fcygdi^f : ,5ir3sAn@& < -vI=.saw thd'; sniffed. ';.' 'Jag evesifixed'CTOOpi; -kae;r-qESi^1i3S^;gn&r- Wffijafc ; slB^snK-eTo&ap to; tKe.-side-'Gi. •'. 'meata-.o;(jeHi.a2ad : faeaM^ ; ';'-Wit aatt-©d;% : aft-v tta^d.iirissed.me,,-.* ^ i o M V f b i * 8Htonis?nC. ".Trie -s^es>p'6f F~ "t .<*.-• ." '-.'._> .": - -' •&' flJe^tfinfS of a. Shswfe. ' - • A3le<fe,-.tEe -^-ajjislr^Sv-er* who-.. feaa ;"'feeeBa^%wrk otr^to'-wtcfck.-'oi tire".-At-- ri-fgjs^ „, r , „„„., „.._,_ feats,^W.Morsnead^itfats^'m^M:Si^^Z^^£^ r -m^&c^t^-Gm' t m*temmitks§,M itttt.-'* : -5ew d%s i-e^alTiiomas-.- M - dar tha tidte of battle r rAttfeATiias fm"&,*-t|c -bottom '|-ii^ti^^%^t-'ia-tav-oroI--tiie'-SoEfiS f aid-'t&oa-.of th.eSQntb« Senerai:liQiQas JoiiEt'ed tea-^&farfit pitsSj «ki s»id> "1 %aS6-JQtbi: men to- Hold- ttftt- '•'if they ;can do it-tictory .11 ores*"...: Thoy forta- ' ed- and tfctfro. they 3tood It&o anirnated .gr^iuta-:.. ITiiie and .'agate- the. rebels cam§.-at thess Mtt were vuiahte to break tht* I&a, At length .general Gary gave "fiie %dfa^ " t i p " audi..'at- .iheio,- bdysl". .-Aad • with . : a. shout"" the Union '.men chafed dwsn bTTthe flying rebels. By-' mg-fflea ke»Ed ; the shout ;of. yi&tory^aM". •waVed-theJi'-. feeble axasa.' Inr the eve-' 'flipg generals" were eoBgratulatiag each-'• otheSr ^BxtS. there, was a eall' for 'Gaiy, - whet-saved the day„ .-At l?ist be-was fQXmd sitting dejected to his tent, and .to-the jn«sseu*ei;%ho came to-suinmoii-. hint to.r'eeelfe.the Qohgratxilations' of- •iis general r .hfi said:. "Iamshotthi-pttgh /.the.ho4ft,yoa''miist.exense me." -'"Btttl 'tMaghtypn-ftscape'dwithoi^asoratch. 1 '' Without 9,.Ayord General.Gary drew "aside the nap-' of Ms- tetrtf.andfihei-Rlay tSebodyoi-his '.My,-- who--.,had . been- Jaef e'ed -thi'togh tiis haffirt^liile making. ^Jtat.-chai'g.&K—ijtitfll £--IfiV<zrmore. ; . ..Three girls;,, le^- than 9- y.eara of age, 4'fiiUght'exs of respec£atee 'parents," have' .heeii-.arrested in SqhtteGtruiy, sL "%., for; j^hbglfitog..; 'Kearly a dozen leading mCTchatits-liaye .been despoiled. The .p-a=rditts. : have-' restored', sufficient-" dry '^dd^-^d.trin : lSt3t'o,stoci;..a store; . ;'. -;- .-ttr&nj. pB'siiopn^q-^qo sqt -jstp' •B9!!4tiiiifp'Bq' os,j£^n«;nb3^'ea-E affiles} .•©1S3BAS>S CUBED -. .* wrnjbij* siEniciwis. •" ' . A Valuable Tiiscovwy S>r suMp.'y-toKM agaet-- ism to tne Hnoiaa Systf-W ElestrTel-ty anrt Magnetismutilizedasntverbefore for jaead- to'g fclieSick, : ?JEB MASSBTION. Ai-flOtaKOB CO.'S . - -• JFOKMENIS- •••••' A&RA-3SFTBBTOOTOE Or- Money- Be- . . fiindeft. the following' diseases without m*(He!ne£^-Pa4n in the Back. Hips, Head or l4lTub<3Serv0us rebHity., Lnrnteigo.- General Debility, RbeuiBEtism-, ParaIy3is,.J5reoraTgi»,. Soistiea., Biseases of the KUlti.eys, Spinal Pis^ easps, Torp.ul liver, Gout,Se]mi)ial EJmiiraiorts, Ipijioteti " - •** '"*"""" "" Bia, Coa Hernia or itajrt Wh«33 W deoUits- of. the. GESERAT1YJ3 OBGANS -oecm-s, Lost -Vital-tty, LacK of SS'erve Foree'and.' Vigor, Wasting WeafeWsa, a»dall 'those.Diseases of apersomtl.uatnre, •ftsota *rhatever cause, t-lie oontumons sstream of aiagaeUsiai perilieattng tbxougtrthe parts must restore fhem toft neaitiiy action. 'TiK>re is itbuii-rtabiiBaboatfbisappll'anee: , - rbo Tills. L&VlKti-.-^lf you are afflieted Jt- with Lame Sack, Weatiiess of tlie Bpiae, pn'ling of-tlie- Wcimb, Leocorrboea, -Olixohic Xuflammatidn aud tJiceration of the 'WoBib, Inci'dfiital Heoionhajje-or i'looding. Painful, Sjuppi-essed .and Irregular Jlen.s-truafilojs. -Bar- reuiiei.s, aad€£tange oi,l,ifa," this Is-the- iieat' Anipllanceana Uurative Agent known-. •• -For all fornas of Female CiMouities.it is nn- sni'passed by anything before invented, both. as'a<?ttr*tivo agent anUasaftoitresjofpower an d Vitallz'afioii.' • P'rlee-ol either Belt- wlth.^ilSgnetiBlnSoles, 816 s e n t by express 0.0.T3., and examine tiou aHowedi or by "mail on receipt of price. Jth- oi'derjasseQfi roeistirffof w a ' s t , i i w l si-zf>of shoes. .B.emttta»ees can b-e Jnade la currericy, sent to letter af tshrrlrti:. . The:aiagnet6n Garmsittts are-adapted t o a l l ages, are -worn aver the omler olotliihg,(iiot •n-est-to the body like the many Galvanlff an.d. jsUectric Humbugs advertised so uxtf-usivfiyl and Khrtnia-^e taken off at night.. They hold ttieir FO WER FOREVER, and-, are worn at all seasons of tb^ s-ca\ ''"•gnjvefed''•$£• ^^tsr^-.MYms. ngain., : : lltere- wasr"IPS.escape;; 'It.ttttissd oil" its teck ss iPisedopetl. 'S&%rikm.:-im Ifie : f>. "hawk^h^'spair?*-^' 'Sto;|:vwsopenc ; a;' ; : ':-aE-4tW;'.lo;6g; sh%iag;teeyt_'.gratei as; '•';aeyiloae^fia.my-metai-haimessi.-- |fe . "hiitme.'- 1. cbSdd r feel its'" teeth grih'diag. :.' oil my. copper'feieasi^Iate s$ : ft.'ttied to; :,':^fe'iflte. & twoi'-ioi-fortahatelyi- ft.had; / s-qa^gfittna jH5t."adr&ss&e;-mir|die^here". \.\i-TN$&-Tb&sb'~protected;,"-Ss^mg- s-fejged. : ' me;it;weicfc:tB.armg /'thiongh the wiijer. : -•Icduid.&el'it bottad -iorwatd at .dafeli; ,strd3ke:of i t sfcaEL;' H a d it.iioS. :,Bceil for;' .' in^ «dppe>r helmet M^'-hea&lwonld'bave. .T-.fegeS'^c^^&^.^&.^li^l^^i'-^Bfi.- : -water^: : '.I;w3S,-j>erfe'ctl|-- conaeionsV prrt\ . "sem:eho.W'''JfeJt- iw>: ferr.pt _ M -ail-';.-..,!-' : Isr^nideEed h q w . l o n g a t wonld-bebefote "-. thosd'teeth ydMdctench j tteeiigh and whetjief they wqifldstr^ei^tintdtay;- "-; .feaeS:^ or^iay/hrdssli ^ ^©alfbov^ht'of-: ".- I^aggie. : aiid.. thfe b^yi-ffiftd;l*aiider§d" . SFhd wduidtake^care df t]iem>ahd'i£'she.- ' wdnldi'evei iaaow%h»fc had. b§ddme hi. -'38$ ^am-'irt- Sit iHStari^' bttt'iii titattimo. -. lihd donaeetrng fir feb'e had- beem :sn4P !i •' $&& ^d^^y^head'.seemed. ready• to- ; .totrist: *i& piessuie^wbila the - mohv - 'sterns teeth.\kept . *^&hrng and; grjkd- - ftg-iB#ay bldi. : ^ ^ hatrtesSi ^ 33ien.-1 felt Sflje^cold-water%e0u .'to.-'i>.oQr .lik/and- . Jkestdi.^'-'&e--; : bTjbbiei : brfbb}e» bubble, - •#'-; : - the spx.. escaped: i'dntd ^-ffie-. Gtdatrire'g;; . motitiu - $ begait •|Q. : 'near:^fct'g3in.s. ahd~SeO fe^drte:--a&d:.T^hb"oji's;an4; •: simsihiaeaiid^pJBii,dof : pr^^things? t h e n . ! thdnghfc -1 wa^'fioati^^.away.-ojfc iiiosjf siHDmer;- dldnC.riifeamjng.'id.tlie, -" Bdtmdsof siweet.musloi '--Ebissx•_'jtftt- be^ •- -'.eame--bisa^. ••: -^e';Wsiik.mtgi$. .•.ha*e.- -e,atea r "fid- a^'hli. Ieisrir"&.;.and!never' ''.would h#efte.ea : fiid-.sWJSSR;ilin^iae 1 iay : astbnishmeat-thdji'wh.eh r=dpeMeay. '.m^.eyea-.ok-.hoaidl'it^s" boai .arid; sajw-'- : ydtt fellow ;arooiidviine;- ,-,^t^sf^ f i . -thotig6t:I^wa5. deSd'^iid ate ; up, snreit -.; ; '"'' A3fett6'w^"'lQ'ind by'T^,;.eoiia:aaes 3. 1 : •fe^'mteltfes.aiyi'the -.snapjhig.ofvihe" /.finei'.-: He-.^as . .^aoKedi'np msehsibie,.- *S& several poles' ptoched,iH; the me»- taS^e p s r t of the" ;diSSng sul%.^-Paj?atJK8. iSmm^:"•': ;;./-"'- ; -.-'"-"-.;- •'•'•'• '-':•• '-^'----- --•-•"..-".•" '.-'- -.,-1. iM'jr *••'.-;.- -. ."'..'--•-. S*emiwliS-.,3ter iiearirfiig-. Ip&i&aitug* ' " '^k'e^:.^^k^&'M^^§: ^t^sss ;;Ms bedn-feaftsacted iy a^e>.al3EBgKsh. • :'• fiimft Iftvaecian^.pjaceg for."y d a h g -men-. - to lea»tt"ftemMg Sit tSaaSada "aitd seiJeral . i ^ ^ e westerjt states.- -.iThfflE.plan is to. ; -«x*et .s-ddiSfideraMe -feez-fe'r.;^^obtaSnlit!;'; \~i&e IfcwsB.s sitwaetaoai. to "woriE-.'-i&t nto&r! -J":iS^'Wfee'iise^y.'HOifflfea-i' ^pigeej'oia-, " --ftiB^'tlis&'tiey, Mtiy-imm.''fh&/: ^ t e - p ^ t o q "has-Se^n ^arMd;' - : i»^i^t" these:, ageneiei^ >y';ae¥er-ai 'per--.. ..M0J&:yAxi.. hsve tet^4ed-te jgjjgjand^; -©ae df-&em'wfite3-.-as foBows to ^Eofi^' . doitJiapert -'£1- fenew sdve^^Whtt'Tiave v .. -gone-dnfi'paying'-a' jrerdftrai '»{;; ajojit:, ;: £76,'-arid- when, thdy .'hoye--'Srie'd;;the'. ; :; worfe^fo-imd; that their le^fi ? •^difld'4ot'.' .-stand>ffe. aad.tkese kwv-e 'prodjired; lesa;. ^iahorfdas.- dfienpalii'dhs;.-.bht. they have ;-'&ea.#i3e<5G'esstTii m-'..gdftaig; the-, ! pr'e-" Sdme..df.tlte'mTimmii3S"Hi, the . Brit- i§h;Miiaet!irji..r4ftve-i^se; te.et&-'da'-'"gqi;d olatesi •-'_•••. /- : '~ -.-", .'-•;•'"•" '• •-..-... " ' ... - *• '; •-•' ABan'^tomo ; m-a;it'lias.an:old- Mex- 'rd^ii-ddlla^ triahgalar--/hl..4hap.e, -.eoni-.- • "'posedJPI lead arid- sllvtsrv 'bwwlng ihe - dkte'sf "i708<"" it : w4?^fpntt.ft Ti'e f ar KSXB- - .do-feiTr : v.e:.!33.-aeo, .":' S/',..':-'...- •".. '. • Tilil M-A«Js KTIOX .V"P i,, I.I \f. ; C'E «„. •its stnr-! »tret;.t, Chicago, 111. • Nute.-Scrid on* dcilur ia postagesttua-ps or dcrreney : (la Istfe-v at our-risk) "With &.*zi»«f. shoe.u.Ruoiiy vrorn, and. try a pair oi pur Masneiic insoles, -and be convi«wd 'of th» pfsrf-r rt-&id!ag-ln onr fstber Mascetlc Appil- .-anc'oi!!" Jptislt-ivelv 110 enld feet %rhea they twa wow.. <?r ia.oafy refunded ,. -. ... -HJy-l - :on <S ' "Ki&gne-tit; Kldae,'- Belt's Soid by MoiMsoi ..Kp'MO, Eowville.N. Y.. '-.•-The;^oprfe'tfns-©'rti». Ko"£-C-.nU ; Jij' v, ' f * "fl.-: .p^lylrig-Tits' c#v$eU$£--to 'm--vrty.-t>ai-ldfin4-s' lh- &£i»>-Uhoiat BisonvilU-;. ?$~>iv\-ev~-<' Messrs.' .Elel&y '&;"Co. iiave:#o.<-s*i tri*> 'E'-iifjii.; -uas". glvea:.tlie Ijest'of «atiSTa<»H.Wi-.- •~.2r*&&;i.w<.--..\e#- mrjam. -retnTited. I-USi'aw; dae--y^nng-;. ( jt ia iitiss-,...;i : .: •. ••.:• / • ------ -•-.-.*;-•-;.•.•. •-. '. •;:- '.' mait whovjiaid, £l.Q t©^h.' agency ih'JfeMs '-.:.-eqmitryi: .-^Wihdri h§'ai*rlyddra#'h5s..deS- "" : iiMatJoii-in-Ameriea'-M-wos si<^ • sad *- "dodtof who''a^riaed;it^^ ';. -heiweitihi no_Kbe.'^le'to-stand Hie .worfe. ". i>f &|aihi v .- He.obt-aaaeddtfier•"fBaxplo^-..' \mieit e^^ely = T^hdut ; the; ageney?B«id' : saidl-aHhe dduldgefcretrnMed waSf^O... Sli'ere-isfiq.snch ; a'thlpgas^farni; pfe ; ,--p||.. m - AmerieaV ;ahd "thd' yottag matf'. -. who.goes* dpi. ^aro'ffgii-;osa'" di tlsese >^jeneies his to ^ d i i nmcfc'ha'Ederth^D,.. ..--'. s-edmiaop. Isidores'-m^th^'coTjntry,-. Sevr >eral.iaTmeis^vef"th0t§'iiave;iaime-.^ :...-iemarfc"to m ^ i ^ t ^ i i ^ fools fteseyotKig \ •jfnjflisBmm aire .fepriy. aiy'jHsney .to : . :;.fipns;in-iBiig;iaiid:to;«bmd^.tdtif.here:4p ; ..:,-lekrn -•^ar^^j'th.ey-, x?an- • 'alw-ayp. get" __ woifc^th'dittt.payj^ :a; ; pr.emiiim>- &&.: '-"•.»' better safery^ .tooi?*^ =-(E£e: ageheies : • "chkrge'ii-pm^aQlp:".£±$9* ''• 'Ihis'i'^ddes- -.not ijiclade. thf.paBsage --bii ..mny;-Qther- \; ets^enseSi-.-bnt.-is simply .thd..' :: p^e&inm- .. [..•^tfljS-ffle^^Ta'i'&.J&JriiaeJriAs'si xfil©,^ 'ohe-fonJr^hj.^aif^twa^emtB^pKe at the.': -:-PP^-M ; Amer4^o^'and'0ne''i.t the 7 desri- .-. itaxidii' df .the pnpfi-^itbout one^tettffc- •' between'.tStem.. "-JCh'e-remaHidei' they- ••''ieep^tKeras'elvdBi - : :lrt : .'iay 'opinion,-.'-it'. ; -wdnld'bdmwehherterfor-a ydtrhgjtian :• ip.gd : piffcoi£ hi&oiva^eed^fe-'and'takd"' -. abdat'^&^iSO: to MEP'.-pQdfcetianS:--l "am" donvfneeiS/by inairy gases I-fi^ve , : 'see3ii.;thaf ;h&" woxtld' obtain^ profitable . - emp^aymentJong.ere-tMaataonnt was : : ea^erid^fl'jj&rf, again,-there ; at«;'-ofteij' -'/gehtldmejr komg. ont .Vrno : fenow the : . sotiatry well,/ ^h.4 ..*£d.. wonld, .for- a vsma&-BBm.^^ t o ' - ^ c d y ^ ^ e ^ e n s e s j . ifaid-r chara&Jtjf yoitbg;:inan '.on the',-voyage : -.-SBfliO'arrj.ey,.'and-guard- trxeia agMnit.: . sharp.ers/75ptd^^areofte r nfomitfon.:<)ce^» :- fiteamers>id-AmdridBn^^^•raSway--ears, ;.;:*hd;-alga tell ^b%n,-th4; i>eW'•••pltifes -far'-- ' ©btainlng?dnipidyjsen.t in digerent.; o'c- . • Cnp'atloHs wheit ,they., are. ont, there. ; w^tifey^^^ttg%3tf ^-ent: i5Q "&a - •»-^' c aeednat,.dr..sfcn ; d'3^fa : ontwithsome. • ' ^eaiiSemittf -:s?ho ifeirot^a'.:'the.-•cdim'tri".: ." fiitt-to. i>'s&;& pr;enBrjM4d-ii.ft3jL..iii:Eh^:. -:giand»^hen.'the feimdr wMpaya;good-' -;. sa^--.."''w-MQnt' -reeeMBg' a .'peaay,Jss •-Sih4ply--'&.ow4hg-": money'" ^away--—pie. : ; ess wh.Bd;oes"rjay.,a.preminm';wiS : -;pid- ; - that.he}dQSs h.dt: : ^dtIflea-ify -so' mnch;- '""$BJF ;ss &e' one Vho^'ddes mitt .and.#4ae" : ;teney ^as', : ssnt ^ctn-fctd Mai'if ter^grdsi.. foVenJtbif hlni..to- stact. for : Mmself,",it-- WoW'h^-w^ Myekted!-aad hot thrpwJi •-ItW^ft?*-;---.:'- .'. ; - ":"-•'" ''•' - '"'~. : ""."• .y-',,; .... -...' m jf;_»m< •••.; , v - "-" - - ~; jaS^ ; tq' : lBiKe;'. .^ C^pa^riijen'cgsi, •; •iEhe Sat*^rd r jffe*£fS? UPS th'e'.aathdrt'" - %-/<tf % mernber oi--:ihe faculty' for^tfeei -.•" £f^|^lrig;Saieijc[4te«f J?i»Iessor''Sdph;oi' ' - v *Je#^-fe;adert3ia '^agg^ .soi<re= -tw-ehty '' years sgo^ tfeegfe were 1 two; sfttdeats'-- : of ; >t«e,39nie name^'p'naa yduihofieisiaie,- 'iend #i.e «the4 , .'a;.manof -s&dy. "Pt-ey. II j^felldeBy Side in .the- Gieek..-se,ctioa inhder ff^dfessor' Sdphdcles,- who. wag, " •;. 'fias. feadwoi,-a;bettersono&iifea"'io? ". .itetretofc;- -iZh'd'miirfe ijsfs-atjttot- tiihe, l ^ r e jtasde- pjrt Jmoathly, "JaWi.: Janes fiiesWdeat) was' ^prised uaa iaftrfc - iag'ttf find that' Jam' -Htarfes. -were -%oitf,-' Kmd the dtherm«ri'8:..^erc logri.' ;•' alto. • £>r'dfessdr-isad gtl.dently jstrsed' ap^ :the HSnieSr-aBd- Jones- ttmoifetr'ated* :• &a -'.jtdjnstmeat ,wss ' proiniSdd-j- ^et,.'it-act. fflon4h.«aiBe:-t«es.ktm©;-mi^3Ke.. I%-;. : , the &ird month:-the; mrrrfis-were' *jorH .. ieetf-ta&fdnrth timd"•-fersft^itt .ttfoim.>t- : iBjeasmee-ttorv'^'Sljen maihmffemon^, " .s«»ne&"waa.madd feofas'sdr, .Sophocl'et. 1 ". ifm 'rather;adttfedi "and- 'ttfrain^ - Sereer, .If «n JsaoS-S-^ds ^oar-^ante-isJones r -. .^r;. aariyoti iDanst abifte- ."by ttife'coasd'-- v^pBaCesw'*" /*;-:_'•..•:.••:•£' •. _ .... -.'-".- . -"- 6ep^;d-Sa'B, 3£ : 'rfch..banfcerdf Gait :Hito^-.^&'i:.^^^- a "f? 0 »O^S"S , ^"? l: 4' :;J^8^t&Siai«iiyv.-"':.- ';..' '-."•.'. : - ^U' : .lfot. i SUmxf& Bh8&i~ £i&M f: wiK?i ''^tgwi&vTi'is aesdrlbed as-, one of;: tn% pit tBctatesgae womdit;ia BdStpft.J>X . aaiffttie-b'est way tdad.thiS;"is1 by nsihg ^^OA^iKa "SUs-oMs:Reliable 3Protecjion 'ior'Pi'eseryi-ng : : ' ...;- ; ; ..thB'SblfigleBpofs.of 7- 1 ' .•••• !3!sBi?cfees,vtei.c=.,.'. ••• '.'-.; Is?superior;t,tT. A^Vtlilag i*i ^irse'fsr S?.ear«.*ad - ..., -•-." : ' Stopping-Mi Eeate";/. .--.--... ; .;: It;J;-r warrAat^A- iio-l.'-t.> Qrhai''-ti^M6?Af..i'-y. k: •B3C:P!tn»iS4s.3d Po"ai;rJsqi^-.;jy.SJ«(;j<i! ; i--Coi-'ii'' ms -,#ho tovo buHia'ngs.(!0V8>-e''. wttlr.ttTi-or sUin- Sle ra«Ks6att.iii'otfhwJf.-iyi.ji thep'ropritttiiis Qf.feeWpf eoa'f.ir;#i'.' •."•.;"•;.-';', ; ; . ;->' "•. lo-'tie'aeit'-.few Wae-ks..oper5«t&as-it'ntb«- commett^ed'.atlaowvrlte. ."'.Orders- pr<.m'«Sy .atfeaSed"to,i" ; -' .;:-• '• •:.•<•'-' 'Stw-l dnu^tdis." -'- csi : m : J e t it^e forey er. -±esi§flabej^d:that the' l£i-^XJEi^^5C'i .is ffiehest and shortestroateto-ttttd from Ctil- cagoar.d Om'heil .Bluffs {Omaha), and Ut-itlt- •is-preferred by all w«U pr«ttd- Ir.e v-eiers w h e n p.agstQgt'o6r--ftoin -"'••-..". :'•' ._ • : jt-.also otteraiesthe .best' rniite and tha short .-- "."•-"• • .-linebetween-"' '.'-• . • Milwautege, LaCros-s-a,Sparta, 3tlartt?'>n, Fort ..KiivPS,*!-, (Gre*sn. Bay,}'WW.-.. -WiiKiriJi, 0«a,t- ;rt»»;»-,.SI«&ki'tto,-Minn".; .{Jed-air- S-apids," Li>-s "Sloiueg. Webster C-ity ,il«oti;i,.Ctlnuni, ilnr. snaWiJwS; Iowa iSreeport,: Elgin, Rocfeford . m . a r e aittoag': tlie-atia local. stailoa^ o a -its •iimC'-' -. , -' ' . - - • • "".."- ' .- Aiaotig a feWof tho n!lfa,ei'ons poi ats of su-r perlorffy .enjoyed- t>-y-t'.ha patrons of thisTO:«1, .are-itt^AYiJBAOttEa- whi-oh awtb>iflne?t- ;thSt h.t5rjBarxa*j.aud:.iii«eiinfty caii c-pjute-; us ' PiAXAtPI&£ SLgEPJKG 6ARS-. which are rhQttels-sf-eo.nj£ortahd.'elegaude; its Pal^t'E 3*RAWl-SGRf)«JM OaLlf, 0 ?, whit-hare ure-Jir- ..passed by any; and its wideli. ee3«>raled - K»i|Fii-WiSTmtr ©lilN&'trias*; ; • tissfiSi' of-~v,'hieii Kre^-jiol'run h?.aBv other road, any where. In- fhort tl it is assf-rfed Ui,»l •I'CI-^'THBBKST-EQjTJIPi'lSll ROAD IN THIS -WORtdD; . .-._.",-. . Alt.p'otots-of laterest-Worttt,-2f.orthwBSt-ar.d. .We.stof "Ghicago, husiaess eenfre;-:, saowaei' resorts sndi>nted-him£!tfg.aiid Ss"ins grotiiids •are.aceejE-jbfe by'the Varifltis branKltts o-X this •road;'.:: ' . -V'. •'••' ..••;'•'••'-'-- -•-• XtowjSSrtna'coitfj-olsovei-eflO&rarlgs ofrbj-d ".andhaaover 408 passenger oonduetofs cbntini .U»lIy'earlhfe-r6Eiti5'ih'il.I-io»s'6"f patrons. - . '.asfty^nrtlafet- agfeiit; .for" tickets, via this : rottte AHiB'EAKE KO&EQ fHa£fi.A.n learlins ; iackct'agenfc'se-l:-t'them;' "It eu>;t« u b Jii.ire t-o •trayel-Oirt»'fia rout*-',, thai jsi .-js-first-eLasfi. oe- t ebtrwBodafjon^jt-faaa it does' to go by the poor^ .'ly:MtarppecI.roads.'- .-= •;-... •' .-'-•. '; Porrmaps, despriptave circulars and snna- •mBrresfrf.t papers or. other information not .of^fciiimiblfeat'¥onrfocal ticket dffice f .wrlte to f en^l'lPass. 4g|ntj t?. ;'.'2J'.eos-;x4-' "•' - . & S.*W. Eatlway. qmcmo,ii,L. $:&o: O'N{0N"SQttAR&.NEW YORK.: ' 'jUu. ' ."'HRSS. . -• -T-A". "' "Gft. f-SR-.EALE H/. lafeliitt-] %«!» p0K-m«?« ttf : #£.3> T Y P E «dir •B'aflBfeitS-Mir^sl. f«r sale jj.ttSfe Fawners, Basteess .ijea. t>v any oae wisljinii ^fc S^ii^;-fesii3ea^tf 0,' •' "Ai'jargenrantoer'of tha best domjanisarep- resented,.-.-. . .:•••'.':.' -'..- .-' -- .- -v..-- I-... mmsmmimmM ---.,'• "•, *' V '^yjC^ ;' ~*'W' ' : ;.-'"'- *"">—• K'I ./ ^" ^-^* V'- . >.: ., -,^i..iJi^4s^-t-£-J^:--£.c^:..-aefc'-li-t.> .^^.-. .-. ^v,i. •*:t I'ClrCc'ic^^sV^KN'e-vji-ifKfco:: & Oi?,.i'-. i'.,i--d .riiy-ii .TfJiltfK ' vi5»-.j£i^2;fj^jl^'" i >K* Ea *- |,? " 5 *''!^*f''ra>«. p Parkcr'sHair Balsam and iflore/slofiGoloii -' .' . ;.Sotd-by- morrlsou •& Sio;"a*e,' -'.. . '£i6wVflio»,- Lewis ecm'ntyv.'Sv Y. • B fortne. working class. S e n d 10. cents-for jj'osfagp, and'we will mjsill yau free,. a'rOyal, valuably box of sam- pJe goods that'will phtyou ia tha w»v of reiair- Irtgia'oreiaoney/lrra few dKysth'an'yori ever thought possible-at any business, Capita)'not reotiiTed. We will-'starfeyouvYou can wdrK ail th.fftiiii-e'oi'in spaj'e time only. Jhe -work is- uhiveisal-Iy adapted-to hoth g-exes, youns and old, 'Jfoucaneasily. earnfroia. g6. cents tofs- every evedicg.; That all who" want work may teat the business, w.e make thjs Uri.p.-iral'1'el'etl offer 5 toaB who-ai;e not well satisfied.we will • send SI to. pay for the ti.-ottbi-eof writing us. Full" particulars:, directions, etc., sent free; Fortunes 'win be tti-ad» bv tho*p who 'fflve t h e i r - w h o l e t i m e t o ' t h e wwr-fc. - Great'success abBOluteiy sure. Don't.dcslaj-. -Start now,' Ad- • drea-sSTt^oN'&Gp.v'porttahd. Males.' E ilKanP notfTtrels fW^prng- by, go and' iilO.1 dare befora you di«. somfthiitg nlighty and.subjiare leav.- behind to conquer {Hue. £66 a week >n your own town, So outfit fj-ee, No risk^ Everything a*w.-..4iapitaj. nut r«>qui'red..:.W'e wi'H Jurm-ih. you-6y<;rythini:. Many are making fortunes,' Ladies make much as men, and boys and slris make .jraat piy all the time, write for particulars t o EI. Kallett<tOo„Portland. Maine, A B-Hssta&e. "Has any ons eneast" 1 * this seat?" - "•:•;• ' I asked her a.sshe sat al&ne. ' " ' • I Her answer eatne as low and sweet -' And pure as Eome fair angel's tones . Tho August sky steptln n>.r. eyes, - .- .Her hair Was amber Pwjs sip; •Whiloroseseanffht between her sighs, -. Were crushed to wine ttpan her lip, Iherb seated closely by her side,.-. Ijiondcrcd on my loneliness, - -^hv should sho not be'qomo my bride, ' My sad- and empty life to bless? ' So lair-as she must surely stir Beneath the power or love, divme; And Why not then make lore to hor. Arouse her love and call herniine? • ril'never khOw just what IE said,. My brain wn* chaos, fairly wi'd.;-- Shs started, blushed and drepped-hor headi And aslflnisbcil,fahuly smiled. - - . '^ thought you-asked about thR.spat," . - Si>i< said, bet aolormcmritiny high, •"•And so 1 Only can r';pfat. ; tfboseatisdisima'asoil—hot II , ' . . —-Undte's Ti-arskT's -Magazine, ' afiss'ilyor's >£o'no,v p-atl Prosses,' .'. ffiss Ayor posscs^esalorlimeof-ttO^- 000,000 a n d i s on© of the jrreatest-'heir- eases- in- New York City. iShe is a littld above the metlium' height, aid Jior • figure is.quite'gracfin!.. ilor skin, is eream white- anil, hor eyes an,;, gray, the eyebrows.. being- arched,-' . i.Iet* hair, which, jg.bf dai'k brown,, is- bff'u^ed.aii-d ooilofl afc.tho-hhok. The- hands."are ex- ceedingly " pretty. Her aocoiup-ash- mchts arc many. Alias Ay*-'r v s life is 'replete with romance' .iyJiite tntvel-^ Iii^r abroad PfiiH'c PliilHpt'j < f B'mrbon, formed her a'cfjinthfaDce and f*ill mad- iy in love.. He songhi.. hv:r hand in marriage, was rt'fu^ed, aiki'as a rqsnlt catered an insane . as/iiun, whvro.. he v.as coiiiiB.iiil .fi<r s-MtK! t;nrtj.' Anldng .miKcrau')' ollior- e-uut.-:, k-rd?,'' p.nd. d-ck'es" wild bav- 1 \n s;il.ii;-.=; . lor her kauil was Count i-Sf'tlin. & c r o n e ' c y e n i u p ; , jrr<i"!>u..-o ed, and shot -hiniMdf ia-tr ..hdv hoifse, Afli;r a.li.uru' oai iline.ss he rcsjiiv.^iv J nursing'hh attatlercd J?c Italy. •].!*=rtr«. , tirtrif-c -n.ui-T-y.-.-r li-Ii'r in V'O "iiu.- • • ^ • J!:-,.:'. A. ..•'-":- '"f.nj^'-'..vii H of Tjnnf-tuSV ia»rrai)i'-« n-i'r, :ho '• r .t , h.--v [..»ri»m-'f»f hei'- costamoo b; in;j di 1 ''" 1 "- -irO'-u W e r l l r a n d I-'inifui'. .K<mr.'oi' tlut >i-iti.:»leronM., littweVM - , BftP v.r.vU'- in t h i s <-i-ry • ( J n e dr«..-s, <Ic"3!^n<!d t''-r !!:t> '.-vi-nrnf;, is of ivory si lit, wi'h th« traia en bwtifi'aat. Thc'Whttcaw phut est tints to-lir; !;nil of the ti-aia, fiud is of w h i t o irivirn i^d vol* vet. , T h e fr«>Kt i.s of while, s'u'au, heav-i ily eaibroidered with seed' ptfitrls,.'and veiled-with-a fablier of old pn'int 'law' The corsajje is-cut .ecjnaro an-ij veJh-d. with point, lace* neetliabjn the folds of which i s a *^plawy of\ncar.;s. The sleeves extend to -the elbow a n d a r e edged with point lace. One of the dinner costumes is of ruby velvet, with the front ©f oaibo-ssed vel- vet a shndo (•U.fker. It is made en -priae-rsse,' w'th high corsage. About, the'edjji'ul'!li(> ;r:iin is'a full eofjujllo ' 'itlt tie soie. A gar-' '•a extends .froia the f the train, ending A tablier of Poiii-t ••s tho front. • :u.6 i s ' o i satin the i blush, v. ith • trim- rii iMAMiaa I i f t;h; >,-d 'Oil '. .va< rcj'Ct-' !•-V«.'SlJ.;)lit» Of '.iK i. vhiau.-1'T- i-.iid' is niw ir' ..i,i- Hinny . ^1S ARE' OlfeB" MORE ON" PECK. RBADi; FOR ACflON, .—WISH- A - MAMftQTE IEW. STOOE ' -.—OF- BO(>TS-..A:NI>.^NQ^, AXiWAYS,B.{JSr;'; ^;-i,SI3SP-B-^i ••.•••• 'e -AT- rriohe lined v land of eruslied ri wai-t t o t h e tab!'- ia.n *arge bou«j.u : d e V e a i f o l a e e c<« A reception.(?•••• color of a ji<:.M. r.: lace. Tho paaiurs, r.al, are draped, also min'j;s of di -h of tht's'sn-.o 1 j. s with sm.i.ier iat-i-. TJ10 costume i s e a prineett'c, with a Wat'toan ba^ck. • T h e sides are paneled with point lace. The front of this -m-sguiticeat dress- is. of sjik in upright plaits, vailed witrrducli-- esse laee, The tieck is' c u t i a a deep V edged with exqtti .-ite dtichosse laee. The sleeves are full length aad slashed with point laci% A walking tlress,„of -brown velvet, wilh fur t-rinuaings, i s o f exQ-eme beauty,—iV„ Y, World: . <$be -Fatore of. Ous? Ea^'tti, - I f t h e force..at the'baok or all giwvth».' •all complexity, and" (til eliaage oa earth is that whicli" thh s u n h a s steadily sap- plied to; it titrongh cpaatless ages, and .stalk supplies, it is plain that .when this force fails, as fail' it oiie day mast, there will be a. steadily, declining de? velepmeat and a rapidly increasing de- generation . of things, an undoing .by rsgressive deedrnpositioni of what has .been doae by progressive combinations through the succession .of. the ages.'. The disintegrating taivpss• may bo ex- pected to tafee eSSJft iii^t upi'^11 tit*j high-. 8?i.r>^odaot'*..pf..! : ;votoj,>i!; ,*i.l*d t*> •5tj;ieh. la rleepeDi'&j;-'r.ti-'. : :'. , --:'i.-ii tb.--'- w, low-er 0>id:!r>jr<yt c'rgaiv'KrtVh-ii , -3 .ami . org-im'.-- 'i30mp0and£v : The ..a'itldiis- That have fisen.-high.-ia.. comp'-e>&j of dcv^lop- .menf vrak deteriorate and'.bo brokea up,'to" 'haTd"..their plaice^ taken %_ less •OQiapies:. associations of inferior indi- vidiiaI?;'.theso'iii -ta.p'a T*S1 yield- place\ .to ^simpler- and'. feoWsr anions -. of .still : mere .degraded bniogs; Vspeeles. ftfter spseies df tim'mti-V; tiad-plants' will" first :ddi;cncrf'-.e ;.>a.i' ; t.r:;Ti b.deorae extme-t. ; : as -t.lte warseaia-;.<.-e', •• •Ji'.ip-ns-df life reader. it iiHp6sfii^s>.'/-;i : t,'j.-ta tp 'eontfetfi-e tlie" sfeuggle forx-xisic'tice; a.fswsaattered •fsvmJifcs- .of d'. ; -jraded 'human hdiagjs,. living. perliapii',.in^fcd'5v hats near the. etptatof-vfifj'*mjich..Rii Esqaim-au^:'- live jdaw'a.yar tho pole will, represent tlip': last wavi3 of. the roe'ediag ",.tMe di ha- •mfth' 'existoaeV before its 'final- es-Uric- tion; tmi-n id' h.i-t'a fri'zen' t'nrth, in- eapabld" .of. euitiv arion,' i; .left- wilhottt: energy to pra'due'o s -•liviiirj partijjie. "of 'any sort, and sd'death-iiieif is' dead."-. ^Dii.'M&u'lsfey in i'-'jcbjui-nd Wdh. ' -' •••Tbi\> JJi*;vL'i* Q u t w . l t t f s 3 , ' : S.LIPPJ&HH, ET€ W0n : W R SPE.H9I5 TftADE -. We rifc'^-€asifssir»S«- : ".*zg;-E.rc>-j |lfi« ^i'^W'iT'sisiSSri '•'•^••ii'-ii '©T;31lf.&'i«-f- N'O^ISSJASTAVBK'-OS:.-• -• |,-.«vi;i.-". K., > : THM LQWVTlLfS "'TTTF PAT^R' TIMES, ifoi mom SIM Far Y*x. •Sold; by Hofecff'Bush <JsSdii,"'-JJawiHe,' fe It ' faAr>ES-5tBK-WAJSTEB^TO -srfl jjurserj *.7.sto'ofe,.- F a l l tlsj-e'of n e w . f»nd wuia»>*e Speeiftitiesv' • .pei'Djatfent -'emnloytatmt '. f>«d- god5 salary -to suceessful-stglirit*, Addfess erringp%&tm$ -refArencfes; Th't" Geo, AVJ5rot> e -••iWrsery.'eovjJpchester, S. . X; ' ;.".-. ,'A--'Move '4itWke- M^i'"T-estfftao- -.''.ttl-als w l b l ^ l t Cfi-t*. Tpoojsaau: ; -.•'.' ; ; :.IiiasBS&ij«tT''e4.- ' ' "Ha^mg'nseft' Vtdoaian'a'. &X>m O'vt* Palii, "1 i'-i-j- .•i-xnc'o'it'an.'exceHientand superior ar- '.ficie,' .••-•"--;":•- :\ "XRTJ5IAJJ V&.V&1." - • ..';;.'-, '. '--Eowler,Si.Xawrehcf Od.,W. y... I Having'as.ed' "Vroomah^B-'.'Kxae''Ov«u Eaia •Mti'xfeconimend it as te good- medlcihe. for pain in the'sforriaclVf-Sklesad sore throats'.d many other fi Is too numerous to weirtloii, .."• •.. : A.O; MIDDLKTOS, .... '. '..' Black River, N..T.. Saekets HafhorVEf. X., l*eb', S d , ISf-1. • BaylnK'used the 3!lng Oiter'Riin tbinli. it : One of-.ifife hes+r'madteines hi use. Have flsed-it for footbaehe and aeural'gla. It is the ;ij«st we ever saw. '.' - " ' •;' '-'.:•.-• -. ... : ;3 : ,^y3EEIfflS.aaCTA(a«B.fI^T J BS, "Botigh on Rats" elears o u t R & t % Slice.'.Too'.'- . ' ; . • "Pt.-itigh oa- Coras," for ('orns, Bun- ions;. I5el.- Thin people, .'*Wells'. Health Re- .imwer" restdres..health aod Y'gor,cu-res dyspepsia, &e. $i< . "Bmlgh on Tootliaclie," iiistaut re- lief; 'l«e.' ' ..lidsiies Who would retain freshness and vivacity dda't, fail to try "Weils' Health-Be.a ewer." . . "Bttehd-'palba," great kidney' and urina't'y cure, Fli'es-. roaches, ants, hecl-bHg,4, rats,. micej cleared oat by "Bough oii Rats," lae. . . , ..'".. "Rougli on Coughs," troches," 15e.,* littuuli 5 5 e , . . . For duihJren, slow ia developraeut, - jpuay and delicate, use "Wells' Health Etaewer" •. • ..' . ... . t \r$ongh oa jpeutist" Tooth Power, 1>y it. JSh'. .' Nevvon* WeatviiP^-s.Dyfipefirtm.Sexaal Debility car^I by "Wells! Health'.Re-. wwi*" $1<. ' .- - -' . * M-tithiii* Swau's Worm Byrjjjf for fe- V<Jtifshiis'S4, worms, coiistipatrrlB"; tttfte-, lesa. 23. - . ' . Btinginji", ixrifation. all Kidney and Urinary coujphu&ts cured by "Buehu- paiba.'* .fi - Night sweats-, foyer, chills,'malaria, di:-HBC'pi'ta t eHred by "Weils' Healfh It'.-. newer," - - : iMy hasb'aod. (writ<"» a lady) is tht'pe th'H^ tiw niau since usiug il WeMn* Btafth lieiiew..<r." If you are ftiiiiitg, broken, warn out and. nervous-, use ''Wetls' Health Re- Bewer..." $1. . Prevalence of Kidney complaint iu Aaieiica; "Bachu-paiba''is a tjuick eornpletecure, fl. .: : A.stoyt'C-^rrsu'-u ^prsia^, o a . a one-- .horse car in Fouft-cath street -yosW- day, -and whilelo>jk:ug around him in a fiewildered-maaii' r for Uie- coad.netor- his eyes fell oh the sign, KPiease throw yQur."farean t!i<' box.". .Taking.a'.dimo ' from his pocket, the G-erm:ia threw it- in the lai'e-box-. and then held out his ha'ads as if to catch a bail, being evi^ dently ttndei" the impression that when his five .cents change would pimp out he would catch if; The driver lobk-ing- ardand saw bim-- "Xou blank fool, 1 ' he yelled, "what are-yoa'driving-at?"-'. :• "1'arow me.den cent's down in der pd^tmdivaid vormy ehaage," said the.German. . ' '*My eye, what a greeny,'' said the' .driver.. "Well, Datchy, yon will have to lose those'five cents." The German protested a n d t h o other passengers took his part, b.:t Hi" 'iriver was obdurate. Whiio discussing tho. matter nnotlir-r pas^engur sprang on. The trouble was explained t o h i m a n d h e p a i d hi.-i f a r e t o t h e German. Soon the driver bc«;an to rin£ the" bell. No one.noticed it. Becoming-impatient, the driver opened tho door and said: . "Say, if you-don't jav. your fare you will have-to g e t off this car." '•1 d i d p a y m y fare,"" said .the last pnssonger. -' " J o u d i d not," shrinked the driver. *d- d l d , , ' LOUI!>- £.11-v» 1 i\d tho pu->->on- ger. "This gentleman," pointing to the German, "paid my fare," a n d 1 gave- my 5 cent A to him." " ' '• '. The driver returned to h i s p o s t with a mattered curse. —N: ¥.- World'. How Canltloek Got J3ven. A few yoar» ago'there, was a well, known actor by the name pi' Mc-Kvan Buchanan, or "Old Uuck," as bv was. familiarly called. At a hotel-at Cairo, 111., "he met Charley Cmrldoek. Tho night \ya» disagrecal>h:;..tho niyt-tihg was a merry oho. After'partaking pi 'a few.glasses a game u'i po'.terwas pru- posed'. Few, Cuitlduck liked the sport, bat w a s n o t a n expert. Bieftanuh wets —not that he. was ever knovi n U> cheat, but be always won. Iu a. hltorfc.'Umo. Coaldock was "cleaned- <>>H,'? and the party went to bed.- Next laorninw .'•Buck:* met.Ch:a-ky'au.l .said, "f ara goiusc oat.West for>'lttiJe shooting "reereatio-n,"-but would lifcfip act white out there as well. I'o yutt know the manager at Cheyenne:?"' "1 du, n said the old mart: <*WeH,?'said "Fiuek," *4 wWhj^a-would.'.-;ive me a lit: J to him.' '-ft-l Cun!d<rel--., and he •••>*•'(, the hater. It-rend •tlVu «feA.rw, 1IL. lire. Df!..,-Sir: •I'll 1 '- •••' isb-wi, Mr.'.M. K- ..! Will '<:• v ' Hf <• !(•-• ;(ie-.tl 1-il-ii'..-'. el -11, Hum'. ',- K ; i--;;.-3!,r. Bifida—Jly I . 1,.» .1 j MH by ray U-in-Jefuau, an 80KV of •,-:ni xa y'-tur t'.i:wn-on pi'n- ilr- |»lru - V r^- iiluib, lili ti- bi pi .kr>r; he play's jielver bet. Vf.ui otiedu>ut serv-imt, C-A. t'. ; iil.lm-k. - .-D:iiccr UviiubUtuiir. Thi!. hi'dicsl P»JS!:;J:I> rritc"" fi'.m the United .Sl.V'-s is to Pa'abulia-'and the Inland oi 81. Helena—'21 cents per hal'f- outiee: A iiiconiottvo has made 'Mtd round trips from ypringlield to !.?• - t o n , 196 miles each, without ever going to the •,h<-p for repairs. Bootblacks are called "boot, bronz* etfl ,7 ;>nCftlgqEaia. - . : - - - : , ..... ,;.4 H&ESRIIBJBOI Are Nov/ Ready,. For The IlliW-- iil&lifi, . Xr^f- —nsr ALL GRAPKS QP-*- WIFIPR WSW^BXCSS-- fp AillOilSlLSSPS «!"* ©BJR iS-Etf? PilI©BSS AfeB.-£oO'W- '. Bii TIIAS.'Siy&Se'S^ES'^K.'Ki.. . •WE "Dn&Ft.". C'OBl'jPETSriOIVJ TMrnx S H A L L H A V K OTJR.B'ES'f ATTBWPIOTST. •• -josi" K; HA.ns'a>R: ;..ei>;tv.T,-B*r«3RERv. 'Gek*e.i?ai Busin^S'fj-'Jtf.ency>'' j?Oia: ki3t,ti. ©it p^ciiASe*!;'.. "WBX-^H&tfLcVEHQT.BgEraBY '" ?^™ ^t^lV^if ?* 1lu f& aress s"fc Krioet.; Lyons at SUfLWs- Tfa-ney.Obeck Summersilks ST« ' .^? 1 ' ta ,- M ;" : : ; - ^d Colored Gro. Grains SJIksaf7o awl fllleperyard ta«t have. Been St; Jl.25; -Surah mias^h.-beautifnl. shades at."8i| Satios-m- Pinks.. Bides, -.Creams; for "iancy work, 69c per yard. . - . ' .. ^ r HYSHdtTLT>Vl''.HK'0-l , Bl!BTjSY.., Whpn.wfi Rf-lisood.dr.nWe 'old..Cashmeres at 2ft Soc.j. sias-le fold at 10-snd 12c, Cotton dress goods S.. 6, S.. 10c.;- L a c e B a n t i n g s 15cV a l l w o o l Bantings ITc; ail wool Bebrges'Ste-NtmsVelS-- ing 30c; pismwls 23c: an V-on-1 C a s h m e r e s all oc-Tnrs ,W; fei'sey Cloths-43c; Of.fbmans Stic; Ch-m!<Tnhs75c; dcjuhle told. Lace-Bpii tings all yofil l".c, w.ero-(i-5i!;"VeivclsSi;«n; Velveteens Sites IfRl pi<=c»s PrBBs G<iort<; ia Is. 2flc: HiQft R e m - niiHsfi' - pfrr y a r d w o r t h 20 t<j~5c. W e ne-ver" bad a better stock 'ofthea"nerq.'naHtiei' ; atthe prices'wears offering now. .; '' , vki^sa'^ULB.^'B-l?p•r.Efi^wsx -..'• • W h e n <v".>s>U^.>p.a"C/,T'l;.)*»'":;. 1 ii'ulJic- «,•„•(. Si..Hi' uc\.-,P<: .. :-•'.•-• ';,-",.! i". -,-t.'.ui. ? l-.li<l.»-<;ir.;>tif»i:i. <L T'm i H-.-;'^5l>.« >UK- S a t l ' d lCc; f'ptlon.-.fti s \n,m,S,andgtte: TickingsS, 10 iili.t ii'ie; l'liv.1"ire !'-iI-'-ri Sa-rjd-HlC; • BeaulJ- fttf CT'Ume** ]•_'%-.m,i(.OH T>-.!ish«s-i5,2iw;ljace C'nrt-nlv? "!:.v'e« tona, 91'i5 psr. r>ai? were ?2- te- thf vnirt'.i.f'lft, 13^, iSo up »:seriai' 20;'45c upi-Iiliu'k Walnut ti>r.r.i'e' > -Poles75c; Crochet i&*Its BSe. w e r e i«lC5 P"TK»--?1. Sl.il. also Marn- •seii« tip t.oS.i;.< r 're-!j,ni Ctmask'nil Linen ise' was2'c: Snei' at>d wide? gf» lo5"c;.BIenched 33ainask.aU Linen 50c„ worth. fiSc; finer and- w'der 6i\ffi tO.Sl.K0f equal Value % ttairiatsfc" Kapkins 75t\ were S!; flner and lm-i$pr $1 to SO: T-owKn'S'SeVn-P: Towels 10c; iTncftabaek Towels 1214c, Datn-'.^k Tow's*, fl-.i-na] paUerns 20^40.. 25e .wfrP'!''e' 'I'urker KPd Damask Sac; Kine Im-pnrfed.ni> vcr-ivirs'M-winttA Bar50cpe'.,; Cotton' aid Linen Diaper 7oc tip. - ". wMT-saoBhT>'xvEvtm^EBVfSTi:\- .- When we sell eood rn'f,^ « at 25f!.Kmbroidried at. 50e, worth 75c; nicu L:;ceand Embroidres cheaper than any. other honsa,- -mscnriaj Laces Chi Ids Sose and Glos-es 5c up; Ladies R If) IS and-JSc; Bafbrlgeah Fancv Stripe and iSMid f.olora. Bilk ?.roup<(.netar-e 8 but.-gl ves fitef M e n s Hooks If).. 15}^ vso, Ga-naa Vesos SO a n d 75c: J<=an T>> awers 6Hc: iSans, Folding and Japantse,.-!,?,:?fie;Parasols, an-immensetas- sorlmfnt'at fSe to ©:' Shawls at 5ft. 75C 81 uh: to the finest pew ern-.broidered novelt,ies;Rlb- bonK. Pirtrocnies. H&od.Bags 50, 7.5c a n d Si up; a'ravelihs Bass and Trunks. Soop Skirts,. Panicrsai.-Wamisne': Spot veiling iSe.;. Toilet .•soaps P'c; a Box-iSpooJ silft 6c; .Knitting silk Siik.Twist Zc; Pins 5e; Eubbos elrculai^ SIKio WHY RffOULT) WE NOT BR P,TJSV, Shoe department i* a ^rand SUCCPSK^ LadiPs Pebble Goat but,«.ii!ers 81.25; Kiel but. galtt-rs pl.oO; fetuniisi Seflse kid gaiters SI; Ladies ffne'i»Joj?ekid fop boots. f7i»raco- kid foxina 2. r 0-to3; F r e n c h . k l d b o o t s S.Rt) Ui 4; everybody falfcsa'b.iut.onr.Sl ]dd."VVa!kirig.ahQesSl, they : are solid-goods ho napfir. eoni.fers arid- sh^ep Fit'n uppers:; Ladies s'ippers75d to SI u p : a .ia-'-'je l o t of jsoft, wide, low shoes far elderly persons made for coisofort. Childs* shoes-306 to i; 5fisst>SiiJ,il.ei's 1,1 2S. 1.50; h b ^ a . a n d mens shoes 1.2S, T.-S0, 2 up: Mens fine and coarse b60fe, ; We Buy direct from manufaetarer. , wkyRHOTJLB-WE'NO'^BlSBTJSY- '-" Wh<>n we«?en Tapestry Brussels earpefc'at 7.%;' insr-raln 25+e sec; nil wool tograin (nto9'"o, flobr oil cloth SOenp; mats 75e,-Cocoa and Tap- estry; 1 -tea set 50 nieces best stone china $u 1 df"ne'-spt S'i.SO; aooii'tumblers 25e spt; aood sobipfis S5cset; glass s^nce--dishes i^e up: ^lass SPte-fS-pieees.flthnrtn.'3'le: dejMjraAed Tamps-, jir- •yan-dbdrners with shsi'dPsSt; looking siasses 200 to St: stone ware..pVafpd ware.-feniv-es.and. .foricn cheaper- Uian the-•cheapest: fruit Tars 81-to?I;;as-peM'doi5.'. , -..'• -•...'-;'..',.' .-..•-• • ...•'WlTyrRH.HtrLO-vV^^OT-lJIBB-TJgYV -.; •.5ft.bbl's, A/coaeB'snaav-75fe; goodhrowrtsuflar 6J^c; molftRW! Hi Act' sic: seipu^id'coffeelzt^e- .p"°r pounds. 15«n.-l '2^c r-oasted coffees.- Re- -rh-ember we lead the market on 50c ten; 'we' hnvp.atso 'pa* 5 a-tJ5and 20c V6rygn'cd.at25and S5c; t'rtey cirnjiofbR matched » 'ewery oriethat. lips-fhern' hVi*« Ihe'm -tftil along. R'oap-Se; B a b b i t s 7e; R',>»i?-';--R:,({Vlsti c u r r a n t s Ser'SaXs- ffla tn.a»d I2t;;e: PrnriPS ST, .Canned eoods 12'^Cc;starch.0; R, vie; stood eiievflri-e tobaneo 10c; Warui'ck *"BrdwnsIT"'- tsmoktng25cSi':;- Kerosente ISc; Brooms 'JWjbest'Sees'e'Feathfirfl .TOand.TSe p«?r pound; Gate,s matches 5c per box; and hundreds of. other .articles we have' not spacfifo.nr.t1rr.<s«lft , 'K:Pmerahrr j'6'u. xvHl always 6r«l tb>- tufKest st4<5te Ui# finest goods B.'^dtlrSlowp^t.TirtcPS'at - • -•• . -'• ' : WAT^BS '•& GO. -IS TO THE FROirT WITH • A - •%JJ^JSA ifi "Isllll OF AL-LfSEADES AS©' UESOPIPTIOA. JUT w.brst6d; DrngprnMBy 'm '.' ARE TJIE BEST THAT THE KEW YORK "MARKET-AFFORDS IN'O-UK FURNlSKmG DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A.-GRAND GOOD ... •-.• "." ;'. ; .'' '• •; •'.SHGWffla OF- ; -• •'.- ". ".•:'•• AND 'TI-ttrLAliGEST AN-D FINEST LINE OF EVER BROUGiir INTO LEW fS COUNTY OUH.0UBTOM ^ErAii'^M ICKT: . . Was never in a more .flourishing condition • Be sure and call' before purchasing alsewhere. - Lowville, Ap.il isf, 1881.'-. . . . . . \VH.'l.EXNOX. A coinbiaattQa.of tlie.Finest Materials endorsed"-by tbe'bcsi Cnemis-ts as being, not; oniy Harmless biit Benpfioial. It is Colorless, Odoiless, Tasteless. g . » H Wil"1*r."Sfflrt3J»CT,**W B0ES If B©.?•--• - : . It cans'Frart;.at a saving oi"50 per cent, in sugar, and 75 pei cent; in work'. ' . - . . - , It adds to tlie •keeping qttalities of milk. - It.malcesa.pressing salt for Butteiv .preveri-tin'g the forma- tion, of Btttrie Acid,and keeping the. btitte from htH-'otuiiig rancid. IUseeps-Cidar sweet, by tile addition of a box to each 4.5 T1 ""' Cask.- - .; - '•-..'- ' - . - ; l^^'ttimW-.SWl'W * CO.Bockeste,N,Y.^ CMpiso, mmm ."^&3B^- ; ; : 3ra3Bti'|^E8^ ^ S C ^ l ^ M ^ f c •'•', WSBB Aisrem. I represent the following' first-class, eom- pa«ieB5 .: •..-_.:.••.•-••• Lf^ISSPOOT,&LOHi)OH&<3-LQBB,- • 0KKMAHXA.LANOaRinB.li, - .. GSI0S,.4-GITiZ.l!;NCtiErBBS, ESli'JEiaiAL.eolSTiisBSlTAL, .." ' "' : ; LOJSFBOSf'A''LANGAS'EErB55. -'. -- - .'-'.-.-•.. ; .-••. QLB1I/S 3?ALLS (; P^.aEafriXv LOSBok ABSTJKAHOE.ASD- ' ' '• -TRAVELEKS, L%ffB & AOOIDBNT. . • • IHSTjaAJSOECOMPANX. BAlLJaOAD-. -^ICEJilTS. '•PoW td any part of the. .wBSTE]Rsrc;0iiffST«ir,'-. . /-WAMSHIP-flCKirS ~~' ' ,>5old to and from A? Otteiipasanvithey jTti*.-. : - •• Qflrr hi JnnrUu'l- >'. Jt't/julihcoii. jitovhi . - S. A. SIXBURY.'Lowvaie.,.N. if. - •'• : : - • ..mmm.TM.. - ':';• '•." S^eam Plaaxxtg JliiL LQWYII.LE, .idlWlS 'CO.. N . "Y, . The dabsorlbyrs would y,'6 aotic* to the people of Lewis cohnly, that they havs all the, apjurtdhance? s«t0. machhiery' for the nranufpeW'.'p of - ; . - •' ..-.•• BASS, 'iTLlSftS, DObKR, ' tJSA^rKl'H Aid can i'n"rlj-5 s jfTri T'thartfiK's.' In tXi'.r line o;i iKirmn 1-a cnT,>n«n -antH any othgi- ahop, . .- . .- , ; -..."- Bui}d«rBwill.aa'dthe mouidlrigs. finished' ni>i*.wst pa:anr!««.and at prlcns-thst will Give them from 25 to SO per cent, Oi?»v t b 0 ? 9 -WOY^J?'! by (fs-^^, ... Ss^irsg. .blading,-MatsMag,- at'l any other work in coauc:tloa' with th bnsinass perfotmnd to the! most, compiet sai,i*.;faet1on. -'.,- sH.>.. i -, sup tied *-i i> the S.-St e-^s-ss •>! p. icHne"*.',a'idt •» nioji vjwr^taht.ivots-- me-B. - - - - AH kinds of Panel and Clapboard gaw- Ihg,as w&il as Oiroaiar and Sorol-l gasping doneuaahbrJ notice, -. . Ta-rneJa-adFlaisJ tJaajslorS' aad Hewell Posts constaatly on hand, or ssiade to ofdSr. • Tnruihij of a-llkinds exo«a?ad t-n good, style ..." ~ ? :\ *M':'i TJA--/. *••>*. i. ' iHtHf/H ••-[._•'.-. i&y£tomf0w£g^ ;'-^ :>':>:•?.":: : ; ; - Of wwy feeseriptl0a.-E3titfI ztii^t^^f^.^n^bel'Qittiflia-anjrCJH^-:^. Is Fall to Pverfiowin^ Witrt''Wart;birt^y.'B&^-i^fiji^g"-<^^g^^"..-^^ffc-ii . ":.' ofaay S3nd t^'Eiadlt'to'Tafe .;,, BOSCOE EL0OK, . :'.,...,.'-' ..;.,%:..;.- ^ - ^ i ^ ^ T O t t . ^ G ^ V ^ K . m ^.;"^^- ^'1ftl, : %lm*m,w 1 The Xiareest.'a»<t:SId.-t TV\&Dtr&si-$>i«<» of ".Carpets '3Ever : -Seen -fa' •Tie-wis: Cdanty .-.'.: '-. ' .'- -,-. ;•_• . . wiit.pelfeuadat'tfio;Sb^dfr:' •••-..;-.'..••"•: "•:.•!'.' '.. : ~y-->-yr- A' if pQwih*ed for The. Lives ot l.i."a'l ih^.l'resi-lehts- of the. TJ. H. 1h« largest, handsomest, uestbook ever sold for lei-s llian (wlce our price. T-h« fastest selling book in America. Immeiisc profits to ageti ts Ali infelllgeht people want • it.. Any. one can beeome a sticepssful agent. Terras free. HALLETT Book Oo .Portland, Mains. P COOIil .. JSof.x pe.-jjlc are ns ansio'-ts to buy .goods cheajiaslhey'a.e to.KPep cool riowadevs, and it is'quite seasonable to mention the fact that we. keep a fall line of I^awtes'SrSt.' Cis'a-BHaeifers, . t-ibrary "aitd -. . '• • ^ n s a s i . i f l x t i i i y e ' S , ®sc»..'. sum. '$_.A^wi^.Ty$$;$.®B^^ -.At Prjfiei! tr>.Meet.any a«d aH:CdBd|>atiiio4:at;'Hame:dr.-^ ."'•; Ai? .N-eiv G-.iMd?;and Stylga,: and; ! -."'- Than for th? iiv*.20 yfm;*. . Parties Wfeh»gOar;--di:*^^thls Spridg'Shonld rtdt- Fail toExwiQitie ourStoafe 'atiA Mees,:S •••;G FsafdoAfli}*.#.watiari •- : - ^jtv-*&^ m As-any H<«!~e ia Town aad'tSuaraHfee td:j3ell'TkBm^£d.^.->aiiii-e.--" We briy tor Cash aitd Sell for-cksivand Cati/aai ^ill^^iVIafeBF^Sesr' : We will not paly Meet-any Competition', ftttt -wiij/fjhalletj.gdil,' :^-e;J0Eave : ;n.0 : PoorXlebts aad Have our ; Qash ; dr'oar^ddr', Cash B g y ^ '^f'fiii'il-%-ffiif-."V-' Their Interest-,to Give'as.a"-^!!.'^^^''-^!!!. Sav^'".Tfietaf'JS*5B'^: i .'''i0iar^' : - : -'' Stock Will beFdXTh.dGdmpie.te.In'all all its &anerids'aE3'©gmiV : '-"" ; : - .-.''. ' ; ' ' '" 'prises'a F u l l i l i i e of"- -•"•'.; : " ••"• - •-.-- -•"•-:' •": ::'. : /--^-:- ; ; . , - ..^A^U^FAOTtJl^E,^Gl?Elit:*,^.BSS^0-BS^^^ Tni3a5i3'.wrf-.-N"oTio SK ; - aLpVES; C0ESI2TS>©6MES^::- V-::+ •'•' Alid J^verything FertainiDg to a Firsfc'CIa^Dry Pcdds.Stork /Also a'Go'ua'pfete . -'•-- -triH-e-of. -";-. :':'.-"•;'';•-•"-.•'•"':'-.'-'•'-,:'•,. '. ;BEAPY :.:. xanp" -'; .^oaBtlB^^ •••'<tEEAs-BAKeAiss,'•."•-, ••';- \<:-- '::• : 'C '.••:••• ;.v' ; -j'"MfQ0&'mW&& : >- : .*-Ai .. ^-^WPpffer-fioiasestrabargainsin-^e- ;1.- ';;'..- ;.,;"'' ©ecoratea .laliPiaia. (jbina.- i)inaer, and : 'Tea Sets. Decorated Cli?,nil)er.Setev '&Q^i0B%'. ••'• &QBaeiGQ££&,y- LASPii 1SK. .& Br£VjE5t3,. First, door north of Keiiogg-Housei.'.. S ^f?aweek athdme.' S5 CO outfit iiiee. Pay \f\Jabsolutely sure. Norlsk» Capital-no required. SeadeTvlf yon'want, business..a' which persons, of cither seS-,.young and old, CanmakBgrfeat pa-y.;ali-t;he .time they .work, ' .with absolute certainly., write for particulars. toS.-HAia.Ed?r&'Co. Portland.Ittainxs.' '.;',. The actuOTx.nSTTfT-SASrERICAN CO'GS.H CfJ fits J-^ wixun the entire system, Btimiuatiripr ail the V.UMTI.. tjlitn.l--. to their ii'ona.d action, a tjlow' pf warmth sett/ns to pass through tlie chilled"cir, ,j t-ulation,. the pulse bac.oni'es 'natural ajiii regular," t die skin less lull iuul feverish, and tHu eough less, t iirsetrt. - - ' ' r -'. .:•'.- •-. ' ^T THIS .pole BLOOS:, ; ' His sfpqs; OF , is larger a»d more completetfo.n ever.before..! The^abliq ace'cordially invifea -', :• .,.: ' ; '.-:. ' to ; examiHe'his stocked:prices; .;;....;...."..-; -- .-•--'.';"---'..-- : '- --'-. fe«-sf ss ^z^^^&mm&kiM' '-Ma &,#.#.#® ; fti •''"'. ;'-." • • ' ; ' '•- '-••:.. "-.-'... '-.."[• >£M^%B.^^lpet,;L:owviae,ifc^ 'S^ ' ?% ~& (t^ 'fe'^'^F^ '?''t r - ^KiOt& ; e- '. .' --. :,Fberw>od's.j?o-Vs&^K^trir.Sarn<ss>t-. V,'" ;- . . '-:,". ... -.V, - ; - - . ' - -E^a'ai-niiiliorpfJurKeEf. -'. * :••:'•;-' -'-^/' --•'".--:'^[- - - - .... -'-'' ' -. ,-'^st*n-me,7S'o-ria:;at^- : ' •l^T-"^':'"'^- -s3«=S»of . V-^H ASS* til t .{ -_ .ii i 'Per'sens h.-ii-iag a trrtuhlc^o-mc coii^h which. -brcaUs^h<iir rest ai;rdeht, will find hytak-trtjjadose. of.PETTIT'S AMEHli-AK OOL'GIlCURE .up; on going to bt-d, tlity wrU have a sound unbroken, rest. -Furchildren itds invaUmblc. For sale by :ilt dmjr'^ists... If "i;u.kfin iii turi'e. it will, cnire Cgji-' • sun-miion.- " ' -P'ETf IT'S AMEPJCAK COUGH CUKE is .the finest made, .inti isecjnal in merit toPBTTrT'S K\"V. ^.\l.YVx, .'.huh i< conceded the.best in use.. Our taSad.se on Consumption frpc;-. AHdasss •. - HO'WARB BRpS.VFKEndViX, N : ,Y- WHO !S UriAeQUjftlKf EFJ. W T B TftE feSSSHA^H* 6F T^^H!S GOVHTttY, VHtS, ,;'. ;"-'.SM ; BY;eKfttS5MIKa"T>^.*APj;?sA5C THfe -. •..'_;-- -•.- , /',.'...".-." • 3oid"Ve If oace P.isii A-" Sosi.. Ldwvill.e. ]S,; Y MhlLArEAkL i thiiLK Wit&pL. ThOSel.Ul^U'ivl, t i : •' •"'!,..-;' !..'t ^.ll'e.USjy'.iui JJlg yOUtW !V---i Sf.-IL.-.•-'... :'.'•..: y.) be Otl^UUr . f e e t , t h a t . Cii:j.-it:-i:.i u.._,.i.:i:4 ij :(i i;j yr:v'njf- the bloom" a• .m."j eu.i 1 1:1 ,x - >,*."'-.hat-contin- ual strain.,on jdur. \ v}-: t•-.cts,. xepder-, i n g yo-u ii rilaule itn t.'ri •' it. .-.A- eas-ily re-! niovedby tisc'i.-l' thai nia-rvoJous remed-v, I'trrtTrs EUWD }\'i I'itt;. Im-usiV- itie.s.atidobsltUettoLM'.«,»' j u i r system tue .relieved at once, v,liUe rliL- t.pe la! e-.i-n.-.s . of periodicti p:tia i.nj j.e,!h;-.iK'!ii;y le-. aujved, iiotiy receive as HHi<-lj.l«uct;t, or arc' so prof'.1!nd'y .'-!-!'c-i'.i T in- i, .•• ij;:.i. b,L inj? 1'Krih's TLIM i) rt::n-'tEit afeWoii.Lii. UzMM i< ^ej^S^a^j: •^-T^J ,_^t: - pij-rrn-s .,,.,,.,,, i«(' t iii-:ir-.R u lf , i in merit to PETTifS Ej'K SAI.VK w l ^ h i s conceded best in tOir WeiJd. i-'lVIl S.V1.K BY Sold by Horace Bush<S Sou..Lowvjlle. N. \. E l \ TVTii Aaems wanted for ari- 1 -'. \ 1±^ iu thPtif-ic edition of hisfi-fP»tb'"-fi d a t Au.'iis'a itr> h o m e , tee-e-.. li-'ud-. ni. st.,. eh. •«. ••«'• and tn^t,. T5y the rt- ni-WBMii.sbi'-.i idid '.i: s'-:iihctv Col.rfisf- W. J 11,'TI ;.<-se I r.» of Oaif.ld.i'hiilish^dby ir o u t s o l d t h e t\Vej"J.y o t h e r s b.\ HO.OUtt. Orftsebs every bo-jk ever -ptjlilisbvd Irs this, world;, many agents an. M-llhif.' fifty daily,. Aaonls art'-makijig fonmu-s. All r»«r bpsljiiiprs suc- cessful; grand Hi::;u-e tor. them. '•"!:>',0 m a d r " by ft bidy agent i'hp first - db¥. Tci-iiis most li'lwrai. ParHcttln's d<-*>. B»tftr win! 25 cents for postage, c'c., on litre, oir-'flf, how rea.dy.inchidin.g-larK.' pryspwius book, and saVe-VaVua'bhV-ti'i.". . . • ..-. AI.I.KN * ! o-, A"iiusta, >I»tne, "T'CEnSK-KI-TFtCOM-PArcfOV." McalOs, •isTt'a.l-t-h & S.Sapptii?«s. Bow to .Sccuft (MM? Reftiit) Them. Itnies oii.i ,:.•.!•.'!-« s.r.nu ibn <-\ n«>i. ijce ot pl«*hf otu-infn.l-!'b)eictn.<, • nd -'•••en snccpR':- ful Unslne.s« men, A Iruns-ury oi tlie ni<>st Valaihip informaibnu Price oi) ceuxs.. A(«lied postpaid on receliit ofprice. PostageBtahlps, ! jaylor Bros,, Pubi, BodhesteriJ*. I, § P^diifticR^ Sei.ng the Qreat Central feine, affords to trnveJers, *y : reason of fts 7 uririvaleci ; ,gep-:. .graphical ptosiSoc,-the shortsat.ahd bbat r6ute-£iBt»(een.'the^as't. JidrtfiaasiiBno Southeasi, and theV/sst, feortlt)«est''ahiJ SouJtiMffi4t« ;. ...-"- - : . '-'j It isllteransL-and^sSfietly truej thai.fts.'fionaeetlQris'Sre alLoIiheprlndtp.ffi of foatt between theAtl^ntio-and ihaFacifla,-. --. •' - V " V " ; : .":";.: -: By fta «jai» ilnd artd • b'm'ndhes' it reaches -Ch'ldagd, JJoiiet,^ B^orja* Ot^wa* i.a Salle, SJerfeseo, Moliodancj Eoek isiand. In ininoi? r i?avenport t ;MuscW:lH^,' •VVaebliigtdrij'Ke.okuK, Knoxvlite, dskatoosa.'FalrfTeld.ipe's RJoIrifes, West L1b6r.ty,: Jlowa Gifyf Atlpnitof AVoca, A«dai5par HaWapi; :Cuthrter'toe.np3r'arid;Cb«ricll BtuffSjr .In Iowa j Gallattn'j Trenton^ Cameron and. XansasiCityVlw WIs'sour.iran<r : te £ » ve rl» woria and Atohison in Kansas? and the:fionare'd& or cities,:*!Hage8an^ toyiEne- jntertnediaie. The ' . ...'•- .. '-. '..'..:''.:' ' '""'"'"' 'm k'ess:'mms¥±-ffi¥*smrm:n' »rss e?a- ^§: As.- it Is familiarly eafed, -offers to .travelers all-.tbe-. adv'gntages and-cpmftart.; Incfdsnl- to E| ssviooth track, safe Xn-sitees, ^ritori; D'fepots a t a l t epn'riectinsE point*. Past EsfiresB trains, donip«6a- it e'O'i«SiQia0.US,.- TWEtti,- VJEKHPIUATED, WEtt HEATEB,, 'mH&Jf ISPHds.STgEfgD'- an«5 EfeEGAS^Dft? "CeAGHEg-j a linei Of fiVB . mb&r tnmmemmFi Kc*atora- SEGUS5«*C5 eHA}R'eAM-eyBr\buitt.j-;PV«rLi«A|i'S-, latest desi'sdod and handsomest.r%LAes &KeE?»IS!d CftR§, and DiMlNC-CAgS, that are adkriowie.dgect By prsss and people tofie'the FINEST BUM; -UPON .AWlr . JJQAt)! (M f HS eaUESTEYJand in whieMsuperior tMealsareServed:tottaueieM.a^.,- trieiovv-.mte or SEyE&TY^FWS CEHffS-E*S&. "". ." - 1 :.- :'-'-'";'.'• -•."*'.--•- -- THREE TRAILS eaeli way Jjetwwen CHICAGO add thelflll^StOUHl RIVER.- •_, TWO THAWiS-each way bet-^esn GKIOAGG and: .WSNMEftPSSJLISanajST. RftUtj: .. via the'famous ' ' -• " ' ; -'- ' - : • -"-*'"-.;'.•'• 5 .:,'-' -:- : ''-'•'• : -". r ' '.- January l, ISSB,13? nBwlit?4wilitosS bpehed, ria.Serieoaaod KanKakee,ietwo«ri ' SewportKews, Richmond, cancinaatT, SndiaMapoHg,ahd. ^a Faxette,.aad Co«n?M -• Btaffs.., St. Paul,lilinneapollsanrf InteKmedidtQ.poidtg, - . -.: :~ ..-^ All Through Pas.s'erjgers.fejrriecl on fast£*preSs.Trains. - -. " . ';'• 1*or rrjore cSetoiled info*rrid i ttort;8ee mapsahSFoldersi >yhitih may be obtained,a« : Well as Tickets, atall principaiTietetOsSdesin thB.UriitedStatesahasQkttada, print.: «- ft. CABLE, •; -''l.'ST,^Wili"i'--:; ; -;-:-'^. VlciS-P**^*&Cenl Manager-,.'. •' '-.'.lOeh'iT.'k^-.'Piwtpv^j^-..

iHtHf/H Aisrem.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1884-09-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · -For all fornas of Female CiMouities.it is nn-sni'passed by anything before invented, both. as'a

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Page 1: iHtHf/H Aisrem.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1884-09-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · -For all fornas of Female CiMouities.it is nn-sni'passed by anything before invented, both. as'a

WMm .;?--'£|pl

.. - . - >

• - & ' ' ' Sftot Th*on*& the 3SteaTt,

•,-Aged.at. battle Teas, in rao'oTtes* # a e n afatge,"Shisiari'-irotlet. General Gary

f^tte/.sea,;- '•$, wte-3&st;abbu-fc''. -to; signal, .•:•.*^fe^^&3^^up"JfoT^A'''m«fen.^s;^eStv:;•

> ^ e . -;In.aam}ni.ea€ everyfii&'Had-'®s-:-. ^~appe^ed-~ffi& : very: .crrtstaee'ans'.',..&£'.

''-' se'arrte.d; away -as '-feist- as Aev^cdflldv: -. I :

I .-feat tbtmsSiwaataaift.-wfes-tfte .sk.adovr'



„. :t© vfle&vfr^'.scaaeSMjig'il' 3hiew"n'at. - '^aat^'-'Ava^m'lidrr'exL. •s*emV#~g-r3Sjy*; ';--.H^<&erme^snfsaas- .a -'elElld/faiBjieW • ; :jwfeeK"*feavmg":'» dar&efied- rodm.\ By;

•" tMs"tiaS<» the;.sbadb-w had. conre nearer'

•- gIiffic^t6'sIife-Me tKat it -#a*:-a. ."inan^ '.-eater* "aa^d^ ffie-largesfc-size. •• Had I . Mgnafied tQ;be'3ra^.«fi.&en : i t WoaML V 'isvWtee'ii-'sertate deafis.-: -A1TT coald vdfo -was to ieiaiimpSll,'-xi:a'til'it..left. I t" - lay Off iOT^aty-.o?"^i?'enfpfi^6.' *ee*»-•'.'• jftst. '•"-.-" ©nMde.'tne-r^e;raj*'«£#m..slii]a*'xteiady"••

---iTBatOTateoiiWitsgaik. -,-.-.- •-."••''•.'. >-.": -~ "v

-' » K -to ,&shff&cftth& pressiisfe>£ wafer. '; -apoH-myieaa, •-j&.a&e i¥ spgo.ar. esyfiv •'".jouring" aaides-fewtt Its • eyesandmonfii.. '-." aaAeve^md/Ydm;e%;c*S!Ss fins and tai l '

"' feet'wng; :aatj '.ise fteSr that J eaald.rs.ed.. •:3ts doable-ravf 4f 'vti&&. .tesjtfi^-InYol--

••- /-rmitetj; I.siirtefc-jj&ser M A e Mde, of'

: •V.'fcygdi^f:,5ir3sAn@&<-vI=.saw thd'; sniffed. ';.' 'Jag evesifixed'CTOOpi; -kae;r-qESi 1i3S ;gn&r-

Wffijafc; slB^snK-eTo&ap to; tKe.-side-'Gi.

•'. 'meata-.o;(jeHi.a2ad:faeaM^ ;

' ; ' -Wit aatt-©d;%: aft-v tta^d.iirissed.me,,-.* ^ ioMVfbi* 8Htonis?nC. ".Trie -s^es>p'6f

F~ "t .<*.-•

." '-.'._> .": - -' •&' flJe^tfinfS of a. Shswfe.

' - • A3le<fe,-.tEe -^-ajjislr^Sv-er* who-.. feaa ;"'feeeBa^%wrk otr^to'-wtcfck.-'oi tire".-At-- ri-fgjs^ „ , r , „ „ „ . , „.._,_

feats,^W.Morsnead^itfats^'m^M:Si^^Z^^£^r-m^&c^t^-Gm't m*temmitks§,M itttt.-'*:-5ew d%s i-e^alTiiomas-.- M - dar tha tidte of battle r

rAttfeATiias f m " & , * - t | c -bottom ' |-ii^ti^^%^t-'ia-tav-oroI--tiie'-SoEfiS f

aid-'t&oa-.of th.eSQntb« Senerai:liQiQas JoiiEt'ed tea-^&farfit pitsSj «ki s»id> " 1 %aS6-JQtbi: men to- Hold- ttftt- '•'if they ;can do it-tictory .11 ores*"...: Thoy forta-' ed- and tfctfro. they 3tood It&o anirnated .gr^iuta-:.. ITiiie and .'agate- the. rebels cam§.-at thess Mtt were vuiahte to break tht* I&a, At length .general Gary gave "fiie %dfa^ " t i p " audi..'at- .iheio,- bdysl". .-Aad • with . :a. shout"" the Union '.men c h a f e d dwsn bTTthe flying rebels. By-' mg-fflea ke»Ed; the shout ;of. yi&tory^aM". •waVed-theJi'-. feeble axasa.' Inr the eve-' 'flipg generals" were eoBgratulatiag each-'• otheSr ^BxtS. there, was a eall ' for 'Gaiy,

- whet-saved the day„ .-At l?ist be-was fQXmd sitting dejected to his tent, and

.to-the jn«sseu*ei;%ho came to-suinmoii-. hint to.r'eeelfe.the Qohgratxilations' of-•iis generalr.hfi said:. "Iamshotthi-pttgh /.the.ho4ft,yoa''miist.exense me." -'"Btttl 'tMaghtypn-ftscape'dwithoi^asoratch.1'' Without 9,.Ayord General.Gary drew "aside the nap-' of Ms- tetrtf.and fihei-R lay tSebodyoi-his '.My,-- who--.,had . been-Jaef e'ed -thi'togh tiis haffirt^liile making. ^Jtat.-chai'g.&K—ijtitfll £--IfiV<zrmore. ; .

..Three girls;,, le^- than 9- y.eara of age, 4'fiiUght'exs of respec£atee 'parents," have' .heeii-.arrested in SqhtteGtruiy, sL "%., for; j^hbglfitog..; 'Kearly a dozen leading mCTchatits-liaye .been despoiled. The .p-a=rditts.: have-' restored', sufficient-" dry '^dd^-^d.trin :lSt3t'o,stoci;..a store; . ;'.

-;- .-ttr&nj. pB'siiopn^q-^qo sqt -jstp' •B9!!4tiiiifp'Bq' os,j£^n«;nb3^'ea-E affiles}

. • © 1 S 3 B A S > S C U B E D

-. .* w r n j b i j * s iEniciwis . •" ' .

A V a l u a b l e Tiiscovwy S>r suMp.'y-toKM agaet--ism to t n e H n o i a a Systf-W ElestrTel-ty anrt M a g n e t i s m u t i l i z e d a s n t v e r b e f o r e for j a e a d -to'g fclieSick, •


. - -• J F O K M E N I S - • • • • • ' A&RA-3SFTBB TO O T O E Or- Money- B e -

. . fiindeft. t h e following' d iseases w i t h o u t m*(He!ne£^-Pa4n i n t h e Back . H i p s , H e a d o r l4lTub<3Serv0us rebHi ty . , Lnrnteigo.- G e n e r a l Debi l i ty , RbeuiBEtism-, ParaIy3is,.J5reoraTgi»,. Soistiea., Biseases of t h e KUlti.eys, S p i n a l P i s^ easps, Torp.ul l i v e r , Gout,Se]mi)ial EJmiiraiorts, Ipijioteti " - •** ' " * " " " " "" Bia, Coa H e r n i a o r i ta j r t

Wh«33 W deoUits- of. the. G E S E R A T 1 Y J 3 O B G A N S -oecm-s, Los t -Vital-tty, LacK of SS'erve Foree'and.' Vigor , W a s t i n g WeafeWsa, a » d a l l ' those .Diseases of a p e r s o m t l . u a t n r e ,

•ftsota *rhatever cause , t-lie o o n t u m o n s sstream of aiagaeUsiai pe r i l i ea t tng tbxoug t r the p a r t s m u s t restore fhem to f t nea i t i iy ac t ion . 'TiK>re is i tbui i-r tabi iBaboatfbisappll 'anee: , -r b o Tills. L&VlKti-.-^lf you a r e afflieted Jt- w i t h L a m e S a c k , W e a t i i e s s of t l i e Bpiae,

p n ' l i n g of-tlie- Wcimb, Leocorrboea , -Olixohic Xuf lammat idn a u d t J i ce ra t ion of t h e 'WoBib, Inci 'dfii tal Heoionhaj je-or i ' l ood ing . Pa in fu l , Sjuppi-essed .and I r r e g u l a r Jlen.s-truafilojs. -Bar-reuiiei.s, a a d € £ t a n g e oi,l,ifa," t h i s Is-the- iieat ' An ip l l anceana Uura t ive Agent known-. ••

-For a l l fornas of F e m a l e CiMouit ies . i t i s n n -sni 'passed b y a n y t h i n g before i n v e n t e d , bo th . as'a<?ttr*tivo a g e n t a n U a s a f t o i t r e s j o f p o w e r an d Vitallz'afioii.' • P'rlee-ol e i ther Belt- wl th .^ i lSgnet iBlnSoles , 816 s e n t by e x p r e s s 0 . 0 . T 3 . , a n d e x a m i n e tiou aHowedi o r b y "mai l o n rece ip t of pr ice . Jth-o i 'de r j asseQf i roeistirffof w a ' s t , i iwl si-zf>of shoes . .B.emtt ta»ees can b-e Jnade l a currericy, s e n t to le t t e r af tshrrlrti: . .

The : a i agne t6n Garmsittts a re-adapted t o a l l ages, a r e -worn a v e r the omle r olotl i ihg,( i iot •n-est-to t h e b o d y l ike t h e m a n y Galvanlff an.d. jsUectric H u m b u g s adver t i sed so uxtf-usivfiyl a n d Khrtnia-^e t a k e n off a t night. . T h e y hold t t ieir FO W E R F O R E V E R , and-, a r e w o r n a t a l l seasons of t b ^ s -ca \

''"•gnjvefed''•$£• ^^tsr^-.MYms. ngain., : : lltere- wasr"IPS.escape;; 'It.ttttissd oil" i ts

teck s s iPisedopetl. 'S&%rikm.:-im Ifie :f>. "hawk^h^'spair?*-^' 'Sto;|:vwsopenc;a;';

:':-aE-4tW;'.lo;6g; sh%iag;teeyt_'.gratei as; '•';aeyiloae^fia.my-metai-haimessi.-- |fe . "hiitme.'-1. cbSddr feel its'" teeth grih'diag. :.' oil my. copper'feieasi^Iate s$:ft.'ttied to; :,':^fe'iflte. & twoi'-ioi-fortahatelyi- ft.had; / s-qa^gfittna jH5t."adr&ss&e;-mir|die^here". \.\i-TN$&-Tb&sb'~protected;,"-Ss^mg- s-fejged. : ' me;it;weicfc:tB.armg /'thiongh the wiijer.: -•Icduid.&el'it bottad -iorwatd at .dafeli;

,strd3ke:of i ts fcaEL; 'Had it.iioS. :,Bceil for;' .' in^ «dppe>r helmet M^'-hea&lwonld'bave. .T- . fegeS '^c^^&^.^&.^ l i^ l^^ i ' -^Bf i . -

:-water^::'.I;w3S,-j>erfe'ctl|-- conaeionsV prrt\ . "sem:eho.W'''JfeJt- iw>: ferr.pt _ M -ail-';.-..,!-' : Isr^nideEed hqw.longat wonld-bebefote "-. thosd'teeth ydMdc tench j tteeiigh and

whetjief they wq i f ld s t r ^e i^ t i n td t ay ; -"-; .feaeS: or^iay/hrdssli ^ ^©alfbov^ht 'of - : ".- I^aggie.: aiid.. thfe b^yi-ffiftd;l*aiider§d"

. SFhd wduidtake^care df t]iem>ahd'i£'she.-' wdnldi'evei iaaow%h»fc had. b§ddme hi.

-'38$ ^am-'irt- Sit iHStari^' bttt'iii titattimo. -. lihd donaeetrng f i r feb'e had- beem :sn4P!i

• '$&&^d^^y^head ' .seemed. ready• to-;

.totrist: * i & piessuie^wbila the- mohv - 'sterns teeth.\kept. * ^ & h r n g and; grjkd-- ftg-iB#ay bldi. : ^ ^ hatrtesSi ^ 33ien.-1 felt Sflje^cold-water%e0u .'to.-'i>.oQr .lik/and-

. Jkestdi.^'-'&e--;:bTjbbiei :brfbb}e» bubble,-•#'-; : - the spx.. escaped: i'dntd -ffie-. Gtdatrire'g;; . motitiu - $ begait •|Q. : 'near:^fct'g3in.s.

ahd~SeO fe^drte:--a&d:.T^hb"oji's;an4; •: s imsihiaeaiid^pJBii ,dof :pr^^things?

t h e n . ! thdnghfc -1 wa^'fioati^^.away.-ojfc iiiosjf siHDmer;- dldnC.riifeamjng.'id.tlie,

-" Bdtmdsof siweet.musloi '--Ebissx•_'jtftt- be^ •- -'.eame--bisa^. ••: -^e';Wsiik.mtgi$. .•.ha*e.-

-e,atear"fid- a ^ ' h l i . Ieisrir"&.;.and!never' ''.would h#efte.ea : fiid-.sWJSSR;ilin^iae 1 iay:astbnishmeat-thdji'wh.eh r=dpeMeay.

'.m^.eyea-.ok-.hoaidl'it^s" boai .arid; sajw-'-: ydtt fellow ;arooiidviine;-,-,^t^sf^f i . -thotig6t:I^wa5. deSd'^iid ate ;up, snreit -.;; '"'' A3fett6'w^"'lQ'ind by'T^,;.eoiia:aaes 3.1

: •fe^'mteltfes.aiyi'the -.snapjhig.ofvihe" /.finei'.-: He-.^as . .^aoKedi'np msehsibie,.-

*S& several poles' ptoched,iH; the me»-taS^e ps r t of the" ;diSSng sul%.^-Paj?atJK8.

iSmm^:"•': ; ; . / - " ' - ; -.-'"-"-.;-•'•'•'• '-':•• ' - ^ ' - - - - ---•-•"..-".•" ' . - ' - - . , -1 . iM'jr *••'.-;.- -. ."'..'--•-. S * e m i w l i S - . , 3 t e r i i e a r i r f i i g - . I p & i & a i t u g *

' " '^k'e^:.^^k^&'M^^§: ^t^sss ;;Ms bedn-feaftsacted i y a^e>.al3EBgKsh.

• :'• fiimft Iftvaecian^.pjaceg for." ydahg -men-. - to lea»tt"ftemMg Sit tSaaSada "aitd seiJeral

. i ^ ^ e westerjt states.- -.iThfflE.plan is to.;

-«x*et .s-ddiSfideraMe -feez-fe'r.; ^obtaSnlit!;'; \~i&e IfcwsB.s sitwaetaoai. to "woriE-.'-i&t nto&r! -J":iS^'Wfee'iise^y.'HOifflfea-i' ^pigeej'oia-,

" --ftiB^'tlis&'tiey,Mtiy-imm.''fh&/: ^ te -p^ toq "has-Se^n ^arMd;'

- : i » ^ i ^ t " these:, ageneiei^ >y';ae¥er-ai 'per--.. ..M0J&:yAxi.. hsve t e t ^ 4 e d - t e jgjjgjand^; -©ae df-&em'wfite3-.-as foBows to ^Eofi^'

. doitJiapert -'£1- fenew sdve^^Whtt'Tiave v .. -gone-dnfi'paying'-a' jrerdftrai '»{;; ajojit:, ;: £76,'-arid- when, thdy .'hoye--'Srie'd;;the'.;

:; worfe fo-imd; tha t their le^fi?•^difld'4ot'.' .-stand>ffe. aad.tkese kwv-e 'prodjired; lesa;.

^iahorfdas.- dfienpalii'dhs;.-.bht. they have ;-'&ea.#i3e<5G'esstTii m-'..gdftaig; the-,!pr'e-"

Sdme..df.tlte'mTimmii3S"Hi, the . Brit-i§h;Miiaet!irji..r4ftve-i^se; te.et&-'da'-'"gqi;d olatesi •-'_•••. /-:'~ -.-", .'-•;•'"•" '• •-..-... " ' ... - *• '; •-•' ABan'^tomo ;m-a;it'lias.an:old- Mex-

'rd^ii-ddlla^ triahgalar--/hl..4hap.e, -.eoni-.- • "'posedJPI lead arid- sllvtsrv 'bwwlng ihe -dkte'sf "i708<"" it:w4?^fpntt.ft Ti'efar KSXB- -.do-feiTr :v.e:.!33.-aeo, .":' S/',..':-'...- •".. '. •

T i l i l M-A«Js KTIOX .V"Pi,,I.I \f. ;C'E « „ . •its stnr-! »tret;.t, Chicago, 111.

• Nute.-Scrid on* dcilur ia postagesttua-ps or dcr reney : ( l a Istfe-v a t our- r i sk) "With &.*zi»«f. shoe.u.Ruoiiy vrorn, a n d . t r y a pa i r oi p u r M a s n e i i c insoles , -and be c o n v i « w d 'of th» pfsrf-r rt-&id!ag-ln o n r fstber M a s c e t l c Appi l -

.-anc'oi!!" Jptislt-ivelv 110 enld feet %rhea t h e y twa w o w . . <?r ia .oafy refunded , . -. . . . -HJy-l -

:on <S ' "Ki&gne-tit; Kldae, '- Belt's Soid by MoiMsoi ..Kp'MO, E o w v i l l e . N . Y. . •

'-.•-The;^oprfe'tfns-©'rti». Ko"£-C-.nU;Jij'v,'f* "fl.-: .p^lylrig-Tits' c#v$eU$£--to 'm--vrty.-t>ai-ldfin4-s' l h -&£i»>-Uhoiat BisonvilU-;. ?$~>iv\-ev~-<' Messrs . '

.Elel&y '&;"Co. i iave:#o.<-s*i tri*> 'E'-iifjii.; -uas". glvea:.tlie Ijest'of «atiSTa<»H.Wi-.- •~.2r*&&;i.w<.--..\e#-

mrjam. -retnTited. • I-USi'aw; dae--y^nng-;.(jtiaiitiss-,...;i:.: •. ••.:• / • ------ -•-.-.*;-•-;.•.•. •-. '. •;:-'.' mait whovjiaid, £l.Q t©^h.' agency ih'JfeMs '-.:.-eqmitryi: .- Wihdri h§'ai*rlyddra#'h5s..deS-"": iiMatJoii-in-Ameriea'-M-wos s i<^ • sad *-• "dodtof who' 'a^riaed; i t^^

';. -heiweitihi no_Kbe.'^le'to-stand Hie .worfe. ". i>f &|aihiv.- He.obt-aaaeddtfier•"fBaxplo^-..' \miei t e^^ely=T^hdut ; the; ageney?B«id' :saidl-aHhe dduldgefcretrnMed waSf^O... Sli'ere-isfiq.snch ;a'thlpgas^farni; p f e

; ,--p||.. m - AmerieaV ;ahd "thd' yottag matf'. -. who.goes* dpi. ^aro'ffgii-;osa'" di tlsese >^jeneies h i s to d i i nmcfc'ha'Ederth^D,..

..--'. s-edmiaop. Isidores'-m^th^'coTjntry,-. Sevr >eral.iaTmeis^vef"th0t§'iiave;iaime-.^

:...-iemarfc"to m ^ i ^ t ^ i i ^ fools fteseyotKig \ •jfnjflisBmm aire .fepriy. a iy ' jHsney .to:. :;.fipns;in-iBiig;iaiid:to;«bmd^.tdtif.here:4p ;

..:,-lekrn -•^ar^^j'th.ey-, x?an- • 'alw-ayp. get" __ woifc^th'dittt.payj^ :a;; pr.emiiim>- &&.: '-"•.»' better safery^ .tooi?* =-(E£e: ageheies : • "chkrge'ii-pm^aQlp:".£±$9* ''• 'Ihis'i'^ddes--.not ijiclade. thf.paBsage --bii ..mny;-Qther-\; ets^enseSi-.-bnt.-is simply .thd..'::p^e&inm- .. [..•^tfljS-ffle^^Ta'i'&.J&JriiaeJriAs'si xfil©,

'ohe-fonJr^hj.^aif^twa^emtB^pKe a t the.': -:-PP^-M;Amer4^o^'and'0ne''i.t the7desri-

.-. itaxidii' df . the pnpfi-^itbout one^tettffc-•' between'.tStem.. "-JCh'e-remaHidei' they-••''ieep^tKeras'elvdBi -::lrt:.'iay 'opinion,-.'-it'. ; -wdnld'bdmwehherterfor-a ydtrhgjtian :• ip.gd :piffcoi£ hi&oiva^eed^fe-'and'takd"' -. a b d a t ' ^ & ^ i S O : to MEP'.-pQdfcetianS:--l

"am" donvfneeiS/by inairy gases I-fi^ve ,:'see3ii.;thaf ;h&" woxtld' obtain^ profitable . - emp^aymentJong.ere-tMaataonnt was

: : ea^erid^fl'jj&rf, again,-there;at«;'-ofteij' -'/gehtldmejr komg. ont .Vrno:fenow the :

. sotiatry well,/ ^h.4 ..*£d.. wonld, .for- a vsma&-BBm. ^ to'-^cdy^^e^ensesj. ifaid-r

chara&Jtjf yoitbg;:inan '.on the',-voyage:

-.-SBfliO'arrj.ey,.'and-guard- trxeia agMnit.: . sharp.ers/75ptd^^areofternfomitfon.:<)ce^» :- fiteamers>id-AmdridBn^^^•raSway--ears, ;.;:*hd;-alga tell ^b%n,-th4; i>eW '••• pltifes -far'--' ©btainlng?dnipidyjsen.t in digerent.; o'c- . • Cnp'atloHs wheit ,they., are. ont, there. ; w ^ t i f e y ^ ^ ^ t t g % 3 t f ^ - e n t : i5Q "&a -

•»-^'caeednat,.dr..sfcn;d'3^fa:ontwithsome. • ' ^eaiiSemittf -:s?ho i feirot^a'.: 'the. -• cdim'tri".: ." fiitt-to. i>'s&;& pr;enBrjM4d-ii. ft3jL..iii: Eh^:. -:giand»^hen.'the feimdr wMpaya;good-' -;. sa^--.."''w-MQnt' -reeeMBg' a .'peaay,Jss •-Sih4ply--'&.ow4hg-": money'" ^away--—pie.: ; ess wh.Bd;oes"rjay.,a.preminm';wiS:-;pid-

;- that.he}dQSs h.dt::^dtIflea-ify -so' mnch;-''""$BJF ;ss &e' one Vho^'ddes mitt .and.#4ae" : ; t e n e y ^as',:ssnt ctn-fctd Mai ' i f ter^grdsi..

foVenJtbif hlni..to- stact. for : Mmself,",it--W o W ' h ^ - w ^ Myekted!-aad hot thrpwJi

•-I tW^ft?*-;--- . : ' - . ' . ; - ":"-•'" ''•' - • '"'~.: ""."• . y - ' , , ; . . . . - . . . ' m jf;_»m< •••.; , v - "-"

- - ~; jaS^;tq':lBiKe;'. . ^ C^pa^riijen'cgsi, •;

•iEhe Sat*^rdrjffe*£fS? UPS th'e'.aathdrt'" - %-/<tf % mernber oi--:ihe faculty' for^tfeei

-.•" £f^|^lrig;Saieijc[4te«f J?i»Iessor''Sdph;oi' ' -v*Je#^-fe;adert3ia '^agg^ .soi<re= -tw-ehty '' years sgo^ tfeegfe were1 two; sfttdeats'-- :of

; >t«e,39nie name^'p'naa yduihofieisiaie,-'iend #i.e «the4 ,.'a;.manof -s&dy. "Pt-ey.

II j^felldeBy Side in .the- Gieek..-se,ctioa inhder ff^dfessor' Sdphdcles,- who. wag, "

•;. 'fias. feadwoi,-a;bettersono&iifea"'io? ". .itetretofc;- -iZh'd'miirfe ijsfs-atjttot- tiihe,

l ^ r e jtasde- pjrt Jmoathly, "JaWi.: Janes fiiesWdeat) was' ^ p r i s e d uaa iaftrfc

- iag'ttf find that ' Jam' -Htarfes. -were -%oitf,-' Kmd the dtherm«ri '8: . .^erc logri.' ;•' a l to .

• £>r'dfessdr-isad gtl.dently jstrsed' ap^ :the HSnieSr-aBd- Jones- ttmoifetr'ated* :• &a

-'.jtdjnstmeat ,wss ' proiniSdd-j- ^et,.'it-act. fflon4h.«aiBe:-t«es.ktm©;-mi^3Ke.. I%-;.:

, t he &i rd month:-the; mrrrfis-were' *jorH .. ieetf-ta&fdnrth timd"•-fersft^itt .ttfoim.>t-: iBjeasmee-ttorv'^'Sljenmaihmffemon^, " .s«»ne&"waa.madd feofas'sdr, .Sophocl'et. 1". ifm 'rather;adttfedi "and- 'ttfrain^ - Sereer, . I f «n JsaoS-S-^ds ^oar-^ante-isJones r-. .^r;. aariyoti iDanst abifte- ."by ttife'coasd'--v^pBaCesw'*" /*;-:_'•..•:.••:•£' •. _ .... -.'-".- .

-"- 6ep^;d-Sa'B, 3£:'rfch..banfcerdf Gait

:Hito^-.^&'i:.^^^-a"f?0»O^S"S,^"?l:4' :;J^8^t&Siai«iiyv.-"':.- ';..' '-."•.'. • : -^U':.lfot. iSUmxf& Bh8&i~ £i&Mf:wiK?i ''^tgwi&vTi'is aesdrlbed as-, one of;: tn%

pit tBctatesgae womdit;ia BdStpft.J>X

. aaiffttie-b'est w a y tdad.thiS;"is1 b y n s i h g

^^OA^iKa "SUs-oMs:Reliable 3Protecjion 'ior'Pi'eseryi-ng

:: ' ...;- ; ; ..thB'SblfigleBpofs.of

7-1' .•••• !3!sBi?cfees,vtei.c=.,.'. ••• '.'-.;

Is?superior;t,tT. A^Vt l i l ag i*i ^irse'fsr S?.ear«.*ad - ..., -•-.":' Stopping-Mi E e a t e " ; / . .--.--... ;

.;: It;J;-r warrAat^A- iio-l.'-t.> Qrhai''-ti^M6?Af..i'-y. k : •B3C:P!tn»iS4s.3d Po"ai;rJsqi^-.;jy.SJ«(;j<i!;i--Coi-'ii''

ms -,#ho tovo buHia'ngs.(!0V8>-e''. wttlr.ttTi-or sUin-Sle ra«Ks6att.iii 'otfhwJf.-iyi.ji thep ' ropr i t t t i i i s Q f . f e e W p f eoa'f.ir;#i'.' •."•.;"•;.-';', ; ; . ;->' •

"•. l o - ' t i e ' a e i t ' - . f ew Wae-ks..oper5«t&as-it 'ntb«-c o m m e t t ^ e d ' . a t l a o w v r l t e . ."'.Orders- pr<.m'«Sy .atfeaSed"to,i" ;-' .;:-• '• •:.•<•'-' 'Stw-l dnu^tdis ." -'-

csi :


J e t i t ^ e forey er. -±esi§flabej^d:that t h e '


. i s ffiehest a n d shor t e s t roa te to - t t t t d f rom Ctil-cagoa r .d Om'hei l .Bluffs {Omaha) , a n d Ut-itlt-•is-preferred by a l l w«U pr«ttd- Ir.e v-eiers w h e n p.agstQgt'o6r--ftoin - " ' • • - . . " . :'•' • ._ •

: j t - . a l so o t t e r a i e s t h e .best' rniite a n d t h a sho r t .-- "."•-"• • . - l i nebe tween-" ' ' . ' -• . •

Milwautege, LaCros-s-a,Sparta, 3tlartt?'>n, For t ..KiivPS,*!-, (Gre*sn. Bay,}'WW.-.. -WiiKiriJi, 0 « a , t -;rt»»;»-,.SI«&ki'tto,-Minn".; .{Jed-air- S-apids," Li>-s "Sloiueg. Webs te r C-ity , i l«oti ; i , .Ctlnuni, i l n r . s n a W i J w S ; I o w a iSreeport,: E lg in , Rocfeford . m . a r e aittoag': tlie-atia l oca l . s t a i l o a ^ o a -its •iimC'-' -. , -' ' . - - • • "".."- ' • .-

Aiao t ig a feWof t h o n!lfa,ei'ons poi a t s of su-r perlorffy .enjoyed- t>-y-t'.ha p a t r o n s of t h i s TO:«1 ,

. a r e - i t t ^ A Y i J B A O t t E a - whi-oh a w t b > i f l n e ? t -; thS t h.t5rjBarxa*j.aud:.iii«eiinfty cai i c-pjute-; us ' PiAXAtPI&£ S L g E P J K G 6ARS-. which a r e rhQttels-sf-eo.nj£ortahd.'elegaude; i t s P a l ^ t ' E 3*RAWl-SGRf)«JM OaLlf,0?, w h i t - h a r e ure-Jir-..passed by a n y ; a n d i t s wideli . ee3«>raled -

K»i|Fii-WiSTmtr ©lilN&'trias*; ; • t i s s f i S i ' of-~v,'hieii Kre^-jiol 'run h?.aBv o ther

road, a n y where . In- fhort t l it is assf-rfed Ui,»l •I'CI-^'THBBKST-EQjTJIPi'lSll ROAD IN THIS -WORtdD; • . . - . _ . " , - . . Alt.p'otots-of laterest-Worttt,-2f.orthwBSt-ar.d.

.We.stof "Ghicago, hus i ae s s eenfre;-:, saowaei ' resor t s sndi>nted-him£!tfg.aiid S s " i n s grotiiids •are.aceejE-jbfe b y ' t h e Varifltis branKltts o-X th i s • road ; ' . : : ' . - V ' . •'••' ..••;'•'••'-'-- • -•-• XtowjSSrtna'coitfj-olsovei-eflO&rarlgs ofrbj-d " . a n d h a a o v e r 408 passenger oonduetofs c b n t i n i .U»lIy'earlhfe-r6Eiti5'ih'il.I-io»s'6"f pa t rons . -

. ' . a s f t y ^ n r t l a f e t - agfeiit; .for" t icke ts , v i a t h i s : r o t t t e AHiB 'EAKE KO&EQ fHa£fi.A.n learlins ;iackct'agenfc'se-l:-t'them;' " I t eu>;t« u b Jii.ire t-o •trayel-Oirt»'fia rout*-',, t h a i jsi .-js-first-eLasfi. oe- t ebtrwBodafjon^jt-faaa i t does' to g o by t h e poor^

.'ly:MtarppecI.roads.'- .-= •;-... •' . - ' - • . '; P o r r m a p s , despriptave c i r cu l a r s a n d snna-•mBrresfrf.t pape r s o r . o t h e r i n fo rma t ion n o t .of^fciiimiblfeat'¥onrfocal t i cke t dffice f .wrlte to

f en^l'lPass. 4g |n t j t?. ;'.'2J'.eos-;x4-' "•' - .

& S.*W. Eatlway.


$:&o: O'N{0N"SQttAR&.NEW YORK.: '

' jUu . ' . " ' H R S S . . -• -T-A". " ' "Gft. f - S R - . E A L E H/ .

lafeliitt-] %«!» p0K-m«?« ttf:#£.3> T Y P E «dir

•B'aflBfeitS-Mir^sl. f « r s a l e jj . t tSfe

F a w n e r s , Bas teess . i j e a . t>v a n y o a e wisljinii

^fc S^ii^;-fesii3ea^tf 0,'

•' "Ai'jargenrantoer'of t h a bes t d o m j a n i s a r e p -resented,.-.-. . .:•••'.':.' -'..- .-' -- .- -v..-- I-...

mmsmmimmM ---.,'• "•, *' V '^yjC^ ; ' ~*'W' ':;.-'"'- *"">—• K'I ./ " - * V'- . >.: ., -, i..iJi 4s -t-£-J :--£.c :..-aefc'-li-t.> .^^.-. .-. ^ v , i .

•*:t I'ClrCc'ic^^sV^KN'e-vji-ifKfco:: & Oi?,.i'-. i'.,i--d .riiy-ii .TfJiltfK ' vi5»-.j£i^2;fj^jl^'"i>K*Ea*-|,?"5*''!^*f''ra>«. p

P a r k c r ' s H a i r Ba l s am a n d iflore/slofiGoloii -' .' . ;.Sotd-by- mor r l sou •& Sio;"a*e,'

-'.. . '£i6wVflio»,- Lewis ecm'ntyv.'Sv Y . •

Bfor tne . w o r k i n g c lass . • Send 10. cen t s - fo r jj'osfagp, a n d ' w e wi l l

mjsill y a u free,. a 'rOyal, va luab ly box of s a m -pJe goods t ha t 'w i l l p h t y o u i a t h a w » v of reiair-I r t g i a ' o r e i a o n e y / l r r a few dKysth 'an 'yor i ever t h o u g h t possible-at a n y bus iness , Cap i t a ) ' no t reotiiTed. W e will-'starfeyouvYou c a n wdrK a i l th.fftiiii-e'oi'in spaj'e t i m e on ly . J h e -work is-uhiveisal-Iy adapted- to ho th g-exes, y o u n s a n d old, ' J foucaneas i ly . e a r n f r o i a . g 6 . c e n t s t o f s -every evedicg. ; T h a t a l l who" w a n t w o r k m a y teat t h e bus iness , w.e m a k e t h j s Uri.p.-iral'1'el'etl offer 5 t o a B who-ai;e n o t well satisfied.we wi l l • send SI to. p a y for t h e ti.-ottbi-eof w r i t i n g us . Ful l" par t iculars : , d i rec t ions , e tc . , s e n t free; F o r t u n e s 'win be tti-ad» bv tho*p who 'fflve the i r -whole t i m e t o ' t h e wwr-fc. - Great ' success abBOluteiy su re . Don't.dcslaj-. -Star t now, ' Ad- • drea-sSTt^oN'&Gp.v 'por t tahd. Males. '

E i l K a n P notfTtre ls fW^prng- by , go a n d ' i i l O . 1 d a r e befora y o u di«. somf th i i tg

n l i gh ty and . sub j i a r e leav.- b e h i n d to conquer {Hue. £66 a week >n y o u r o w n t o w n , So outfi t fj-ee, N o r isk^ E v e r y t h i n g a*w.-..4iapitaj. nu t r«>qui'red..:.W'e wi'H Jurm-ih. you-6y<;rythini:. Many a r e m a k i n g fo r tunes , ' Ladies m a k e a» m u c h as m e n , a n d boys a n d s l r i s m a k e .jraat p i y al l t h e t i m e , w r i t e for pa r t i cu l a r s to EI. K a l l e t t < t O o „ P o r t l a n d . Ma ine ,

A B-Hssta&e.

" H a s a n y o n s eneast"1* this sea t?" - "•:•;• ' I asked h e r a.sshe sa t al&ne. ' " ' • I H e r answer ea tne a s low a n d swee t - '

And p u r e as Eome fair angel ' s tones . Tho Augus t sky s t e p t l n n>.r. eyes, - .-

.Her ha i r Was a m b e r P w j s s ip ; •Whiloroseseanffht be tween he r s ighs, -.

Were crushed to wine ttpan h e r lip,

I h e r b sea ted closely by h e r side,.- . I j i ondcrcd o n m y loneliness, •

- - ^ h v should sho n o t be'qomo my br ide , ' My sad- a n d e m p t y life to bless?

' So la i r -as she m u s t surely s t i r Benea th t h e power o r love, d i v m e ;

A n d Why not then m a k e lo re to hor. Arouse h e r love a n d call h e r n i i n e ?

• r i l ' n e v e r khOw j u s t w h a t IE said,. My b ra in wn* chaos , fairly wi'd.;--

Shs s ta r ted , blushed and drepped-hor headi And a s l f l n i s b c i l , f a h u l y smiled. - - .

' ^ t h o u g h t you-asked a b o u t thR.spat," . -Si>i< said, bet aolormcmri t iny high,

•"•And so 1 Only can r ' ;pfat . ; • tfboseatisdisima'asoil—hot I I , ' . .

—-Undte's Ti-arskT's -Magazine, '

a f i s s ' i l y o r ' s >£o'no,v p-atl P r o s s e s , '

.'. ffiss A y o r p o s s c s ^ e s a l o r l i m e o f - t t O ^ -000 ,000 a n d i s on© of t h e j r r e a t e s t - ' h e i r -eases- in- N e w Y o r k C i t y . iShe i s a l i t t l d a b o v e t h e m e t l i u m ' h e i g h t , a i d Jior • figure i s . q u i t e ' g r a c f i n ! . . i l o r s k i n , i s e r e a m whi t e - an i l , h o r e y e s an,;, g r a y , t h e e y e b r o w s . . being- a r c h e d , - ' . i.Iet* h a i r , which, jg.bf dai'k brown,, is- bff'u^ed.aii-d ooilofl afc.tho-hhok. The- hands."are ex­ceedingly " pretty. Her aocoiup-ash-mchts arc many. Alias Ay*-'rvs life is 'replete with romance' .iyJiite tntvel-^ Iii r abroad PfiiH'c PliilHpt'j < f B'mrbon, formed her a'cfjinthfaDce and f*ill mad-iy in love.. He songhi.. hv:r hand in marriage, was rt'fu^ed, aiki'as a rqsnlt catered an insane . as/iiun, whvro.. he v.as coiiiiB.iiil .fi<r s-MtK! t;nrtj.' Anldng .miKcrau')' ollior- e-uut.-:, k-rd?,'' p.nd. d-ck'es" wild bav- 1 • \n s;il.ii;-.=; . lor her kauil was Count i-Sf'tlin. &cr o n e ' c y e n i u p ; , jrr<i"!>u..-o e d , a n d s h o t -hiniMdf i a - t r

..hdv hoi fse , Af l i ; r a.li.uru' o a i i l ine .ss h e rcsjiiv.^iv J n u r s i n g ' h h a t t a t l e r c d J?c I t a l y .

•].!*=rtr«.,tirtrif-c -n.ui-T-y.-.-r

li-Ii'r in V'O "i iu.- • • ^ • J!:-,.:'. A . ..•'-":- '"f.nj^'-'..vii H o f Tjnnf-tuSV

ia»rrai)i'-« n-i'r, : h o '• r . t,h.--v [..»ri»m-'f»f

hei'- c o s t a m o o b ; i n ; j di1''"1"- -irO'-u W e r l l r a n d I-'inifui'. .K<mr.'oi' tlut >i-iti.:»leronM., littweVM -, B f t P v.r.vU'- i n t h i s <-i-ry • ( J n e dr«..-s, <Ic"3!^n<!d t''-r !!:t> '.-vi-nrnf;, i s of ivo ry si lit, w i ' h t h « t r a i a e n bwtifi 'aat. T h c ' W h t t c a w p h u t e s t t i n t s t o - l i r ; !;nil of t h e t i -a ia , f i u d i s of w h i t o irivirn i^d vol* v e t . , T h e fr«>Kt i.s of w h i l e , s'u'au, heav- i i ly e a i b r o i d e r e d w i t h s e e d ' p t f i t r l s , . ' and v e i l e d - w i t h - a f a b l i e r of o ld pn ' in t ' l a w ' T h e c o r s a j j e i s - c u t .ecjnaro an-ij veJh-d . w i t h po in t , lace* n e e t l i a b j n t h e f o l d s of w h i c h i s a * ^ p l a w y o f \ n c a r . ; s . T h e s l e e v e s e x t e n d t o - t he e l b o w a n d a r e e d g e d w i t h p o i n t l a c e .

O n e of t h e d i n n e r c o s t u m e s is of r u b y v e l v e t , w i t h t h e f r o n t ©f oa ibo-ssed v e l ­v e t a s h n d o (•U.fker. I t i s m a d e e n -priae-rsse, ' w ' t h h i g h c o r s a g e . A b o u t , t h e ' e d j j i ' u l ' ! l i ( > ; r : i i n i s ' a ful l eofjujl lo

' ' i t l t t ie so i e . A g a r - ' '•a e x t e n d s . f r o i a t h e f t h e t r a i n , e n d i n g

A t a b l i e r of Poiii-t ••s t h o f r o n t . • :u.6 i s ' o i s a t i n t h e i b l u s h , v. i t h • t r i m -

rii iMAMiaa

I i f t;h; >,-d 'Oil '. .va< r c j ' C t - ' !•-V«.'SlJ.;)lit» Of '.iK i. vhiau.-1'T-i-.iid' i s n i w

i r ' ..i,i- Hinny

. ^1S ARE' OlfeB" M O R E ON" P E C K .

R B A D i ; FOR A C f l O N ,

.—WISH- A-


' -.—OF-


AXiWAYS,B.{JSr;'; ^;-i,SI3SP-B-^i ••.•••• 'e


r r i o h e l i n e d v l a n d of e r u s l i e d r i w a i - t t o t h e t a b ! ' -i a . n * a r g e bou«j.u : d e V e a i f o l a e e c<«

A recept ion. (?•••• c o l o r of a ji<:.M. r.:

l a c e . T h o p a a i u r s , r . a l , a r e d r a p e d , a l s o

min ' j ; s of d i -h of tht ' s ' sn- .o 1 j . s w i t h s m . i . i e r iat-i-. TJ10 c o s t u m e is e a p r i n e e t t ' c , w i t h a W a t ' t o a n ba^ck. • T h e s i d e s a r e p a n e l e d w i t h p o i n t l a c e . T h e f r o n t of t h i s - m - s g u i t i c e a t d re s s - i s . of s j i k i n u p r i g h t p l a i t s , v a i l e d w i t r r d u c l i - -e s s e l a e e , T h e t i e c k is ' c u t i a a d e e p V e d g e d w i t h exq t t i .-ite d t i c h o s s e l a e e . T h e s l e e v e s a r e ful l l e n g t h a a d s l a s h e d w i t h p o i n t laci% A w a l k i n g t l ress ,„of - b r o w n v e l v e t , w i l h f u r t - r i n u a i n g s , i s of e x Q - e m e b e a u t y , — i V „ Y, World:

. • <$be - F a t o r e of. Ous? E a ^ ' t t i ,

- I f t h e force . .a t t h e ' b a o k o r a l l g iwvth» . ' •all c o m p l e x i t y , and" ( t i l e l i a a g e o a e a r t h i s t h a t whic l i" t h h s u n h a s s t e a d i l y s a p -p l i e d t o ; i t t i t r o n g h c p a a t l e s s a g e s , a n d .stalk s u p p l i e s , i t i s p l a i n t h a t .when t h i s force fails, as fail' it oiie day mast, • there will be a. steadily, declining de? velepmeat and a rapidly increasing de­generation . of things, an undoing .by rsgressive deedrnpositioni of what has .been doae by progressive combinations through the succession .of. the ages.'. The disintegrating taivpss• may bo ex­pected to tafee eSSJft iii^t upi' 11 tit*j high-. 8?i.r>^odaot'*..pf..!:;votoj,>i!; ,*i.l*d t*> •5tj;ieh. la rleepeDi'&j;-'r.ti-'.::'.,--:'i.-ii tb.--'- w, low-er 0>id:!r>jr<yt c'rgaiv'KrtVh-ii,-3 .ami . org-im'.--

'i30mp0and£v : The ..a'itldiis- That have fisen.-high.-ia.. comp'-e>&j of dcv^lop-.menf vrak deteriorate and'.bo brokea up,'to" 'haTd"..their plaice^ taken %_ less •OQiapies:. associations of inferior indi-vidiiaI?;'.theso'iii -ta.p'a T*S1 yield- place\ .to simpler- and'. feoWsr anions -. of .still:

mere .degraded bniogs; Vspeeles. ftfter spseies df tim'mti-V; tiad-plants' will" first :ddi;cncrf'-.e ;.>a.i';t.r:;Ti b.deorae extme-t.;

:as -t.lte warseaia-;.<.-e', •• •Ji'.ip-ns-df life reader. it iiHp6sfii^s>.'/-;i :t,'j.-ta tp 'eontfetfi-e tlie" sfeuggle forx-xisic'tice; a.fswsaattered •fsvmJifcs- .of d'.;-jraded 'human hdiagjs,. living. perliapii',.in^fcd'5v hats near the. etptatof-vfifj'*mjich..Rii Esqaim-au^:'- live jdaw'a.yar tho pole will, represent tlip': last wavi3 of. the roe'ediag ",.tMe di ha-•mfth' 'existoaeV before its 'final- es-Uric-tion; tmi-n id' h.i-t'a fri'zen' t'nrth, in-eapabld" .of. euitiv arion,' i ; .left- wilhottt: energy to pra'due'o s -•liviiirj partijjie. "of 'any sort, and sd'death-iiieif is' dead."-. ^Dii.'M&u'lsfey in i'-'jcbjui-nd Wdh. '

-' •••Tbi\> JJi*;vL'i* Q u t w . l t t f s 3 , ' :


W0n : W R SPE.H9I5 TftADE

-. W e rifc'^-€asifssir»S«-:".*zg;-E.rc>-j

| l f i « ^ i ' ^W' iT ' s i s iSSr i '•'•^••ii'-ii '©T;31lf.&'i«-f-

N ' O ^ I S S J A S T A V B K ' - O S : . - • -• |,-.«vi;i.-". K., > :


• • "'TTTF P A T ^ R '


ifoi mom SIM Far Y*x.

•Sold; b y Hofecff 'Bush <JsSdii,"'-JJawiHe,' fe It '

f a A r > E S - 5 t B K - W A J S T E B ^ T O -srfl j j u r s e r j *.7.sto'ofe,.- F a l l tlsj-e'of new. f»nd wuia»>*e Speeiftitiesv' • .pei'Djatfent - 'emnloytatmt ' . f>«d-god5 s a l a r y -to suceessful-stglirit*, A d d f e s s erringp%&tm$ -refArencfes; Th't" Geo, AVJ5rot> e -••iWrsery.'eovjJpchester, S . . X; ' ; . " . - .

,'A--'Move '4it• Wke- M^i'"T-estfftao--.''.ttl-als w l b l ^ l t Cfi-t*. Tpoojsaau: ; - . • ' . ' ;; : . I i i a s B S & i j « t T ' ' e 4 . -

' ' "Ha^mg'nseft ' Vtdoaian 'a ' . &X>m O'vt* Pa l i i , "1 i'-i-j- .•i-xnc'o'it 'an.'exceHientand supe r io r ar-'.ficie,' . • • - •" - - ; " : • - : \ "XRTJ5IAJJ V&.V&1." - • • .. ' ;; . '- , ' . ' - - E o w l e r , S i . X a w r e h c f Od.,W. y...

I Hav ing ' a s . ed ' "Vroomah^B-'.'Kxae''Ov«u E a i a •Mti'xfeconimend i t a s te good- med lc ihe . for p a i n i n the'sforriaclVf-Sklesad sore t h r o a t s ' . d m a n y o the r fi Is t o o n u m e r o u s t o weirt loi i , . . " • •.. : A . O ; M I D D L K T O S ,

. . . . '. ' . . ' Black R ive r , N . . T . .

S a e k e t s HafhorVEf. X., l*eb', S d , ISf-1. • B a y l n K ' u s e d t h e 3 ! lng Oi te r 'R i in t b in l i . i t

: One of-.ifife hes+r 'madte ines h i use . H a v e flsed-it for f o o t b a e h e a n d aeura l ' g l a . I t is t h e

;ij«st w e ever s a w . '.' - " ' •;' ' - ' . : • . - • - . . . . : ; 3 : , ^ y 3 E E I f f l S . a a C T A ( a « B . f I ^ T J B S ,

• " B o t i g h o n R a t s " e l e a r s o u t R & t % Slice.'.Too'.'- . ' ;. • "Pt.-itigh oa- Coras," for ('orns, Bun­ions;. I5el.-

Thin people, . '*Wells ' . Health Re-.imwer" restdres..health aod Y'gor,cu-res dyspepsia, &e. $i< .

"Bmlgh on Tootliaclie," iiistaut re­lief; 'l«e.' '

..lidsiies Who would retain freshness and vivacity dda't, fail to try "Weils ' Health-Be.a ewer." . .

"Bttehd-'palba," great k idney ' and urina't'y cure,

Fli'es-. roaches, ants, hecl-bHg,4, rats,. micej cleared oat by "Bough oii Rats ," lae. . . , . . ' " . .

"Rougli on Coughs," troches," 15e.,* littuuli 5 5 e , . . .

For duihJren, slow ia developraeut, -jpuay and delicate, use "Wells ' Health E t a e w e r " •. • ..'. ... .

t\r$ongh oa jpeutist" Tooth Power, 1>y it. JSh'. . '

Nevvon* WeatviiP^-s.Dyfipefirtm.Sexaal Debility car^I by "Wells! Health'.Re-. w w i * " $1<. ' • .- - -' .

* M-tithiii* Swau's Worm Byrjjjf for fe-V<Jtifshiis'S4, worms, coiistipatrrlB"; tttfte-, lesa. 23. - . ' .

Btinginji", ixrifation. all Kidney and Urinary coujphu&ts cured by "Buehu-paiba.'* .fi - Night sweats-, foyer, chills,'malaria, di:-HBC'pi'tateHred by "Weils ' Healfh It'.-. newer," - - : •

iMy hasb'aod. (writ<"» a lady) is tht'pe th'H^ tiw niau since usiug ilWeMn* Btafth lieiiew..<r."

If you are ftiiiiitg, broken, warn out and. nervous-, use ' 'Wetls ' Health Re-Bewer..." $1. • . Prevalence of Kidney complaint iu

Aaie i ica ; "Bachu-paiba ' ' i s a tjuick eornpletecure, f l .

.:: A.stoyt'C-^rrsu'-u ^prsia^, o a . a one--.horse car in Fouft-cath street -yosW-day, -and whilelo>jk:ug around him in a fiewildered-maaii' r for Uie- coad.netor-his eyes fell oh the sign, KPiease throw yQur."farean t!i<' box.". .Taking.a'.dimo ' from his pocket, the G-erm:ia threw it- in the lai'e-box-. and then held out his ha'ads as if to catch a bail, being evi^ d e n t l y t tnde i " t h e i m p r e s s i o n t h a t w h e n h i s five . c e n t s c h a n g e w o u l d p i m p o u t h e w o u l d c a t c h if; T h e d r i v e r lobk- ing-a r d a n d s a w bim--

" X o u b l a n k f o o l , 1 ' h e y e l l e d , " w h a t a r e - y o a ' d r i v i n g - a t ? " - ' . :•

" 1 ' a r o w m e . d e n cen t ' s d o w n i n d e r p d ^ t m d i v a i d v o r m y e h a a g e , " s a i d t h e . G e r m a n . . '

'*My e y e , w h a t a g r e e n y , ' ' s a i d t h e ' . d r i v e r . . " W e l l , D a t c h y , y o n w i l l h a v e t o l o s e t h o s e ' f i v e c e n t s . "

T h e G e r m a n p r o t e s t e d a n d t h o o t h e r p a s s e n g e r s t o o k h i s p a r t , b . : t Hi" ' i r i v e r w a s o b d u r a t e . W h i i o d i s c u s s i n g tho . m a t t e r nnot l i r - r p a s ^ e n g u r s p r a n g o n . T h e t r o u b l e w a s e x p l a i n e d t o h i m a n d h e p a i d hi.-i f a r e t o t h e G e r m a n . S o o n t h e d r i v e r bc« ;an t o r i n £ t h e " b e l l . N o o n e . n o t i c e d i t . B e c o m i n g - i m p a t i e n t , t h e d r i v e r o p e n e d t h o d o o r a n d s a i d :

. " S a y , if y o u - d o n ' t j a v . y o u r f a r e y o u w i l l h a v e - t o g e t off t h i s c a r . "

' •1 d i d p a y m y fare ,"" s a i d . t h e l a s t p n s s o n g e r . -' " J o u d i d n o t , " s h r i n k e d t h e d r i v e r .

*d- d l d , , ' LOUI!>- £.11-v» 1 i\d t h o pu->->on-g e r . " T h i s g e n t l e m a n , " p o i n t i n g t o t h e G e r m a n , " p a i d m y fare," a n d 1 g a v e -m y 5 c e n t A t o h i m . " " ' '• ' . T h e d r i v e r r e t u r n e d t o h i s p o s t w i t h a m a t t e r e d c u r s e . —N: ¥.- World'.

H o w C a n l t l o e k G o t J 3 v e n .

A f e w y o a r » a g o ' t h e r e , w a s a w e l l , k n o w n a c t o r b y t h e n a m e pi' Mc-Kvan B u c h a n a n , o r " O l d U u c k , " a s bv was . f a m i l i a r l y c a l l e d . A t a h o t e l - a t C a i r o , 111., "he m e t C h a r l e y C m r l d o e k . T h o n i g h t \ya» d i s a g r e c a l > h : ; . . t h o n i y t - t i h g w a s a m e r r y o h o . A f t e r ' p a r t a k i n g pi ' a f e w . g l a s s e s a g a m e u'i p o ' . t e r w a s p r u -p o s e d ' . F e w , C u i t l d u c k l i k e d t h e s p o r t , b a t w a s n o t a n e x p e r t . B i e f t a n u h wets — n o t t h a t he. w a s e v e r knov i n U> c h e a t , but be always won. Iu a. hltorfc.'Umo. Coaldock was "cleaned- <>>H,'? and the party went to bed.- Next laorninw .'•Buck:* met.Ch:a-ky'au.l .said, "f ara goiusc oat .West fo r> ' l t t i Je shooting "reereatio-n,"-but would lifcfip act white out there as well. I'o yutt know the manager at Cheyenne:?"' "1 du, n said the old mart: <*WeH,?'said "Fiuek," *4 wWhj^a-would.'.-;ive me a lit: J to him.'

'-ft-l Cun!d<rel--., and he •••>*•'(, the hater. It-rend

•tlVu «feA.rw, 1IL. l i re . Df!..,-Sir: •I'll1'- •••' isb-wi, Mr.'.M. K- ..! W i l l '<:• v ' Hf <• !(•-• ;(ie-.tl 1-il-ii'..-'. el -11, Hum'. ',- K

; i--;;.-3!,r. B i f ida—Jly I . 1,.» • .1 j MH by ray

U-in-Jefuau, an 80KV of •,-:ni xa y'-tur t'.i:wn-on pi'n-

ilr- |»lru - V r - iiluib, lili ti-

bi pi .kr>r; h e play's jielver b e t . Vf.ui otiedu>ut serv-imt, C-A. t'. ;iil.lm-k.

- .-D:iiccr UviiubUtuiir.

Thi!. hi'dicsl P»JS!:;J:I> rritc"" fi'.m the U n i t e d .Sl.V'-s is t o P a ' a b u l i a - ' a n d t h e I n l a n d o i 8 1 . H e l e n a — ' 2 1 c e n t s p e r hal'f-

o u t i e e : A i i i con io t t vo h a s m a d e 'Mtd r o u n d

t r i p s f r o m y p r i n g l i e l d t o !.?• - t o n , 196 m i l e s e a c h , w i t h o u t e v e r g o i n g t o t h e •,h<-p f o r r e p a i r s . •

Bootblacks are called "boot, bronz* etfl,7;>nCftlgqEaia. - •. :- - - : , .....,;.4

H&ESRIIBJBOI Are Nov/ Ready,. For The

IlliW-- iil&lifi,

. Xr^f-

—nsr A L L G R A P K S QP-*-


WSW^BXCSS--f p AillOilSlLSSPS « ! " *

©BJR iS-Etf? PilI©BSS AfeB.-£oO'W-'. B i i TIIAS.'Siy&Se'S^ES'^K.'Ki.. .

• W E • "Dn&Ft.". C'OBl'jPETSriOIVJ


•• -josi" K; HA.ns'a>R: ;..ei>;tv.T,-B*r«3RERv.

'Gek*e.i?ai Busin^S'fj- 'Jtf.ency>' '

j?Oia: ki3t,ti. © i t p ^ c i i A S e * ! ; ' . .

" W B X - ^ H & t f L c V E H Q T . B g E r a B Y '" ? ^ ™ ^ t ^ l V ^ i f ?*1luf& a r e s s s"fc Krioet. ; L y o n s a t SUfLWs- Tfa-ney.Obeck S u m m e r s i l k s S T « ' . ^? 1 ' t a , - M ; " : : ; - ^ d Colored Gro . G r a i n s SJ Iksa f7o a w l fllleperyard t a « t h a v e . Been St; Jl.25; -Surah mia s^h . -beau t i fn l . s h a d e s at."8i| S a t i o s - m - P inks . . Bides , -.Creams; for "iancy work , 69c p e r y a r d . . - . '

.. ^ r HYSHdtTLT>Vl ' ' .HK'0- l , Bl!BTjSY. . , Whpn.wfi Rf-lisood.dr.nWe 'old. .Cashmeres a t 2ft Soc.j. sias-le fold a t 10-snd 12c, Co t ton dress goods S.. 6, S.. 10c.;- Lace B a n t i n g s 15cV a l l wool B a n t i n g s ITc; a i l wool Bebrges 'Ste-NtmsVelS--i n g 30c; p i s m w l s 23c: a n V-on-1 Cash meres a l l oc-Tnrs ,W; fei'sey Cloths-43c; Of.fbmans Stic; Ch-m!<Tnhs75c; dcjuhle told. Lace-Bpii t i ngs all yofil l".c, w.ero-(i-5i!;"VeivclsSi;«n; Ve lve teens Sites IfRl pi<=c»s PrBBs G<iort<; ia Is. 2flc: HiQft R e m -n i i H s fi'- pfrr ya rd wor th 20 t<j~5c. W e ne-ver" bad a be t t e r s tock 'o f thea"nerq . 'naHt ie i ' ; a t the p r i c e s ' w e a r s offering n o w .

.; '',vki^sa'^ULB.^'B-l?p•r.Efi^wsx -..'• • W h e n <v".>s>U^.>p.a"C/,T'l;.)*»'":;. 1 ii'ulJic- «,•„•(. Si . .H i 'uc \ . - ,P<: .. :-•'.•-• ';,-",.! i " . - , - t . ' .u i . ? l-.li<l.»-<;ir.;>tif»i:i. <L T 'm i H-.-;' 5l>.« >UK- Satl 'd lCc; f'ptlon.-.fti s \n,m,S,andgtte: T i ck ingsS , 10 iili.t i i ' i e ; l ' l iv .1" i re !'-iI-'-ri Sa-rjd-HlC; • BeaulJ-fttf CT'Ume** ]•_'%-.m,i(.OH T>-.!ish«s-i5,2iw;ljace C'nrt-nlv? "!: .v 'e« tona, 91'i5 psr. r>ai? w e r e ?2-te- t h f vnirt'.i.f'lft, 13^ , iSo u p »:ser iai ' 20;'45c upi-Iiliu'k W a l n u t ti>r.r.i'e'>-Poles75c; Croche t i&*Its BSe. were i«lC5 P"TK»--?1. Sl . i l . a lso Marn-•seii« tip t.oS.i;.<r're-!j,ni Ctmask'nil Linen ise' w a s 2 ' c : Snei ' at>d w i d e ? gf» lo5"c;.BIenched 33ainask.aU L i n e n 50c„ w o r t h . fiSc; f iner and -w 'de r 6i\ffi tO.Sl.K0f equa l Value % ttairiatsfc" K a p k i n s 75t\ were S!; flner a n d lm-i$pr $1 t o SO: T-owKn'S'SeVn-P: Towels 10c; iTncftabaek Towels 1214c, Datn-'.^k Tow's* , fl-.i-na] p a U e r n s 20^40.. 25e .wfrP'!' 'e' ' I ' u rke r KPd Damask Sac; Kine Im-pnrfed.ni> vcr-ivirs 'M-winttA Bar50cpe ' . , ; Cotton' a i d Linen Diaper 7oc t i p . -

". wMT-saoBhT>'xvEvtm^EBVfSTi:\- .-When we sell eood rn'f,^ « a t 25f!.Kmbroidried at. 50e, wor th 75c; nicu L: ;ceand E m b r o i d r e s c h e a p e r t h a n a n y . o the r honsa , - -mscnriaj Laces Chi Ids S o s e a n d Glos-es 5c u p ; L a d i e s R If) IS and-JSc; Bafbr lgeah F a n c v S t r i p e a n d iSMid f.olora. Bilk ?.roup<(.netar-e 8 but.-gl ves fitef M e n s Hooks If).. 15}^ vso, Ga-naa Vesos SO a n d 75c: J<=an T>> a w e r s 6Hc: iSans, Fo ld ing a n d Japantse, .-! ,?, :? fie; Paraso l s , a n - i m m e n s e t a s -s o r l m f n t ' a t fSe to ©:' S h a w l s a t 5ft. 75C 81 u h : to t h e finest pew ern-.broidered novelt , ies;Rlb-bonK. P i r t r o c n i e s . H&od.Bags 50, 7.5c a n d Si up; a ' r ave l ihs Bass and T r u n k s . S o o p S k i r t s , . Pan ic rsa i . -Wamisne ' : Spot ve i l ing iSe.;. Toi le t .•soaps P'c; a Box-iSpooJ silft 6c; . K n i t t i n g s i lk Si ik .Twis t Zc; P i n s 5e; E u b b o s e l r cu la i^ SIKio

W H Y RffOULT) W E NOT BR P,TJSV, Shoe d e p a r t m e n t i* a ^ r a n d SUCCPSK^ LadiPs

Pebble Goat but,«.i i!ers 81.25; Kiel but . galtt-rs pl.oO; f e t u n i i s i Seflse k id ga i te r s SI; Ladies ffne'i»Joj?ekid fop boo ts . f7i»raco- k i d fox ina 2. r0-to3; F r e n c h . k l d boots S.Rt) Ui 4; e v e r y b o d y falfcsa'b.iut.onr.Sl ]dd."VVa!kirig.ahQesSl, t h e y

: a re solid-goods h o napfir. eoni . fers arid- sh^ep Fit 'n uppers : ; Lad ies s ' ippers75d t o SI u p : a

.ia-'-'je lo t of jsoft, wide , low shoes far e lder ly persons m a d e for coisofort. Childs* shoes-306 t o i; 5fisst>SiiJ,il.ei's 1,1 2S. 1.50; hb^a. a n d m e n s shoes 1.2S, T.-S0, 2 up : Mens fine a n d coarse b60fe, ; W e Buy d i rec t f rom m a n u f a e t a r e r . ,

w k y R H O T J L B - W E ' N O ' ^ B l S B T J S Y - '-" Wh<>n we«?en T a p e s t r y Brussels earpefc'at 7.%;' insr-raln 25+e sec; nil wool t og ra in (n to9 ' "o , flobr oil cloth SOenp; m a t s 75e,-Cocoa a n d Tap ­es t ry ; 1 -tea set 50 nieces best s t o n e c h i n a $u 1 df"ne ' - sp t S'i.SO; a o o i i ' t u m b l e r s 25e spt; aood sobipfis S5cset; g lass s^nce--dishes i^e u p : ^ l a s s SPte-fS-pieees.flthnrtn.'3'le: dejMjraAed Tamps-, jir-•yan-dbdrners w i t h shsi'dPsSt; l o o k i n g s i asses 200 t o St: s t o n e ware..pVafpd ware.-feniv-es.and.

.foricn cheaper- Uian the-•cheapest: f ru i t Tars 81-to?I;;as-peM'doi5.'. , -..'• -• . . . ' - ; ' . . ' , . ' • . - . . • - •

• ...•'WlTyrRH.HtrLO-vV^^OT-lJIBB-TJgYV -.; •.5ft.bbl's, A/coaeB'snaav-75fe; g o o d h r o w r t s u f l a r 6J^c; molftRW! Hi Act' s i c : se ipu^ id ' cof fee lz t^e -.p"°r p o u n d s . 15«n.-l '2^c r-oasted coffees.- R e --rh-ember w e lead t h e m a r k e t on 50c ten; ' w e ' hnvp.atso 'pa*5 a - t J5and 20c V6rygn 'cd.a t25and S5c; t'rtey cirnjiofbR m a t c h e d » 'ewery o r i e t h a t . l ips-fhern' hVi*« Ihe'm -tftil a l o n g . R'oap-Se; Babb i t s 7e; R',>»i?-';--R:,({Vlsti c u r r a n t s Ser'SaXs-ffla tn.a»d I2t;;e: PrnriPS ST, .Canned eoods 12'^Cc;starch.0; R, vie; stood eiievflri-e tobaneo 10c; Warui 'ck *"BrdwnsIT"'- tsmoktng25cSi ' : ; -Kerosente ISc; B r o o m s 'JWjbest'Sees'e'Feathfirfl .TOand.TSe p«?r pound ; Gate,s m a t c h e s 5c pe r box; a n d h u n d r e d s of. o the r .a r t ic les w e h a v e ' no t spacfifo.nr.t1rr.<s«lft, 'K:Pmerahrr j'6'u. xvHl a l w a y s 6r«l tb>- tufKest st4<5te Ui# finest g o o d s B.'^dtlrSlowp^t.TirtcPS'at - •

-•• . -'• ' : W A T ^ B S '•& GO.



ifi "Isllll


J U T w.brst6d; DrngprnMBy 'm


IN'O-UK FURNlSKmG DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A.-GRAND GOOD . . . •-.• "." ; ' . ; . ' ' '• •; •'.SHGWffla O F - ; -• •'.- ". " . • : ' • • •



OUH.0UBTOM ^ErAii'^M ICKT: . • . Was never in a more .flourishing condition • Be sure and call' before purchasing alsewhere. -

Lowville, Ap.il isf, 1881.'-. . . . . . \VH.'l.EXNOX.

A coinbiaattQa.of tlie.Finest Materials endorsed"-by tbe'bcsi Cnemis-ts as being, not; oniy Harmless biit Benpfioial.

It is Colorless, Odoiless, Tasteless. g.»H Wil"1*r."Sfflrt3J»CT,**W

B0ES I f B©.?•--• -: . It cans'Frart;.at a saving oi"50 per cent, in sugar, and 75 pei

cent; in work'. ' . - . . - , I t adds to tlie •keeping qttalities of milk. -It .malcesa.pressing salt for Butteiv .preveri-tin'g the forma­

tion, of Btttrie Acid,and keeping the. bt i t te from htH-'otuiiig rancid. IUseeps-Cidar sweet, by tile addition of a box to each 4.5 T 1 " " ' C a s k . - • - . ; - '•-.. '- • ' - . - ;

l ^ ^ ' t t i m W - . S W l ' W * CO.Bockeste,N,Y. CMpiso,

mmm . " ^ & 3 B ^ - ;

; : 3 r a 3 B t i ' | ^ E 8 ^ ^ S C ^ l ^ M ^ f c •'•',

WSBB Aisrem. I r ep resen t t h e fol lowing' first-class, e o m -

pa«ieB5 .: • . . - _ . : . • • . • - • • •

Lf^ISSPOOT,&LOHi)OH&<3-LQBB,-• 0 K K M A H X A . L A N O a R i n B . l i , -

.. GSI0S , .4 -GITiZ . l ! ;NCt iErBBS,

ESl i ' JEia iAL.eolSTi isBSlTAL, .." ' "': ; LOJSFBOSf'A''LANGAS'EErB55. -'. --

- .'-'.-.-•.. ; .-••. QLB1I/S 3?ALLS ( ;P^.aEafriXv

L O S B o k ABSTJKAHOE.ASD- ' ' '• - T R A V E L E K S , L%ffB & AOOIDBNT.

. • • I H S T j a A J S O E C O M P A N X .

BAlLJaOAD-. -^ICEJilTS. '•PoW td a n y p a r t of t h e .

.wBSTE]Rsrc;0iiffST«ir,'-. .

/-WAMSHIP-flCKirS • ~~' ' ,>5old t o a n d from

A? O t t e i i p a s a n v i t h e y jTti*.-.:- ••

Qflrr hi JnnrUu'l- >'. Jt't/julihcoii. jitovhi . - S. A. S I X B U R Y . ' L o w v a i e . , . N . if. -

•'• : : - • . . m m m . T M . . - ':';• ' • . "

S eam Plaaxxtg JliiL L Q W Y I I . L E , . i d l W l S 'CO.. N . "Y,

. T h e dabso r lby r s would y , ' 6 a o t i c * t o t h e people of L e w i s c o h n l y , t h a t t h e y h a v s a l l the, a p j u r t d h a n c e ? s«t0. machh ie ry ' for t h e nranufpeW'.'p of - ; . - •' . . - . • •

B A S S , ' i T L l S f t S , DObKR, ' t J S A ^ r K l ' H

A i d can i'n"rlj-5sjfTri T ' t h a r t f i K ' s . ' In tXi'.r l i n e o;i iKirmn 1-a cnT,>n«n -antH a n y othgi-ahop , . .- . .- , ; - . . . " -

B u i } d « r B w i l l . a a ' d t h e mouid l r igs . finished' n i > i * . w s t pa:anr!««.and a t p r l c n s - t h s t w i l l

Give them from 25 to SO per cent,

Oi?»v tb0?9 -WOY^J?'! b y (fs-^^,

... Ss^irsg. .blading,-MatsMag,-

a t ' l a n y o t h e r w o r k i n c o a u c : t l o a ' w i t h t h b n s i n a s s p e r f o t m n d to the! most, c o m p i e t sai,i*.;faet1on.

- ' . , - sH.>.. i -, s u p tied *-i i> the S.-St e-^s-ss •>! p. i cHne"* . ' , a ' i d t •» n io j i v j w r ^ t a h t . i v o t s - -me-B. - - - -

AH k i n d s of P a n e l a n d C l a p b o a r d g a w -I h g , a s w&il a s O i roa i a r a n d Sorol-l ga sp ing d o n e u a a h b r J n o t i c e , - . . T a - r n e J a - a d F l a i s J tJaajs lorS ' a a d H e w e l l Pos ts c o n s t a a t l y o n h a n d , o r ssiade t o ofdSr . • T n r u i h i j of a - l l k inds exo«a?ad t-n good, s t y l e

. . . " ~ ? : \ *M':'i T J A - - / . *••>*. i . '


• ••-[._•'.-. i&y£tomf0w£g^ ; ' - ^ :> ' :>:•? ." : : : ; ; -

Of wwy feeseriptl0a.-E3titfI ztii^t^^f^.^n^bel'Qittiflia-anjrCJH^-:^.

I s F a l l to Pverfiowin^ Witr t ' 'Wart ;bir t^y. 'B&^-i^f i j i^g"-<^^g^^". . -^^ffc- i i . " : . ' o f a a y S3nd t ^ ' E i a d l t ' t o ' T a f e .;,,

BOSCOE EL0OK, . :'.,...,.'-' ..;.,%:..;.- ^ - ^ i ^ ^ T O t t . ^ G ^ V ^ K . m ^ . ; " ^ ^ -

^'1 ftl, :%lm*m,w 1 The Xiareest.'a»<t:SId.-t TV\&Dtr&si-$>i«<» of ".Carpets '3Ever:-Seen -fa' •Tie-wis: Cdanty . - . ' . : '-. ' .'- -,-. ;•_• . . wi i t .pe l feuada t ' t f io ;Sb^df r : ' •••-..;-.'..••"•: "•:.•!'.' '..:~y-->-yr-

A' i f p Q w i h * e d for The . L ives ot l . i . " a ' l ih^. l ' resi- lehts- of t h e .

TJ. H. 1 h « largest , h a n d s o m e s t , u e s t b o o k ever sold for lei-s l l ian (wlce o u r p r i ce . T-h« fastest se l l ing b o o k i n Amer i ca . I m m e i i s c profi ts t o ageti ts Ali infe l l lgeht people w a n t • i t . . Any. o n e can beeome a sticepssful a g e n t . T e r r a s free. H A L L E T T Book Oo . P o r t l a n d , M a i n s .


.. JSof.x pe.-jjlc a r e ns ansio ' - ts t o b u y .goods c h e a j i a s l h e y ' a . e to.KPep cool riowadevs, a n d i t i s ' q u i t e s e a s o n a b l e t o m e n t i o n t h e fact t h a t w e . k e e p a fa l l l i n e of

I^awtes'SrSt.' Cis'a-BHaeifers,

. t - i b r a r y "aitd -. . '•

•^nsasi . if lxti i iye 'S, ®sc»..'.

sum. '$_.A^wi^.Ty$$;$.®B^^ - . A t Prjfiei! t r > . M e e t . a n y a « d a H : C d B d | > a t i i i o 4 : a t ; ' H a m e : d r . - ^ ."'•;

Ai? .N-eiv G-.iMd?;and Stylga,: and; ! -."''-

T h a n for th? iiv*.20 yfm;*. . Par t ies Wfeh»gOar;--di:*^^thls Spridg'Shonld rtdt-Fa i l toExwiQitie ourStoafe'atiA M e e s , : S •••;G FsafdoAfli}*.#.watiari •- • :-


m As-any H<«!~e ia Town aad'tSuaraHfee td:j3ell'TkBm^£d.^.->aiiii-e.--"

We briy tor Cash aitd Sell for-cksivand Cat i /aa i ^ill^^iVIafeBF^Sesr' :We will not pa ly Meet-any Competition', ftttt -wiij/fjhalletj.gdil,' :^-e;J0Eave:;n.0:

PoorXlebts aad Have our ;Qash ; d r ' o a r ^ d d r ' , Cash B g y ^ '^f'fiii'il-%-ffiif-."V-' Their Interest-,to Give 'as .a"-^! ! . ' ^^^ ' ' -^ ! ! ! . Sav^'".Tfietaf'JS*5B'^:i.'''i0iar^':-:-''

Stock Will beFdXTh.dGdmpie.te.In'all all its &anerids'aE3'©gmiV :'-"" ; :-. - . ' ' . ' ; ' ' ' " 'prises'a Ful l i l i i e of"- -•"•'.; : " ••"• - •-.-- -•"•-:' •": ::'.:/--^-:- ;;

. , - ..^A^U^FAOTtJl^E,^Gl?Elit:*,^.BSS^0-BS^^^ Tni3a5i3'.wrf-.-N"oTio SK;- aLpVES; C0ESI2TS>©6MES^::- V-::+ •'•'

Alid J^verything FertainiDg to a Firsfc'CIa^Dry Pcdds.Stork /Also a'Go'ua'pfete . -'•-- - t r i H - e - o f . -" ; - . : ' : ' . - " • ; ' ' ; • - • " - . • ' • " ' : ' - . ' - ' • ' - , : ' • , .

'. ;BEAPY :.:. xanp" -'; .^oaBtlB^^ •••'<tEEAs-BAKeAiss,'•."•-, ••';- • \<:-- '::• :'C '.••:••• ;.v';-j'"MfQ0&'mW&&:>-:

• .*-Ai

.. ^ - ^ W P p f f e r - f i o i a s e s t r a b a r g a i n s i n - ^ e - ;1.- ';; '..- ; . , ; " ' '

©ecoratea .laliPiaia. (jbina.- i)inaer, and : 'Tea Sets. Decorated Cli?,nil)er.Setev

'&Q^i0B%'. ••'• &QBaeiGQ££&,y-

L A S P i i 1SK. .& Br£VjE5t3, . First , door n o r t h of Kei iogg-Housei . ' . .

S^ f ? a w e e k a t h d m e . ' S5 CO outfi t iiiee. P a y \f\Jabsolutely s u r e . N o r l s k » C a p i t a l - n o

r e q u i r e d . SeadeTvlf y o n ' w a n t , bus ine s s . . a ' wh ich persons , of c i the r seS-,.young a n d old, CanmakBgr fea t pa-y.;ali-t;he . t ime t h e y .work, ' .with abso lu t e certainly. , w r i t e for p a r t i c u l a r s . t oS . -HAia .Ed? r& 'Co . Port land.I t ta inxs. ' '.;',.

The actuOTx.nSTTfT-SASrERICAN CO'GS.H CfJ fits J- wixun the entire system, Btimiuatiripr ail the V.UMTI.. tjlitn.l--. to their ii'ona.d action, a tjlow' pf warmth sett/ns to pass through tlie chilled"cir, ,j t-ulation,. the pulse bac.oni'es 'natural ajiii regular," t die skin less lull iuul feverish, and tHu eough less, t iirsetrt. - - ' ' r -'. . : • ' . - • •-. '

^T THIS .pole BLOOS:, ;' His sf pqs; OF ,

i s l a r g e r a » d m o r e comple t e t fo .n ever.before..! T h e ^ a b l i q ace 'cordial ly i n v i f e a -', :• .,.: ' ; ' . - : . ' to ; examiHe 'h i s s t o c k e d : p r i c e s ; .;;....;...."..-; -- .-•--'.';"---'..--: '- --'-.

fe«-sf ss ^z^^^&mm&kiM' '-Ma &,#.#.#® ;fti

• ' ' " ' . ; ' - ." • • ' ; ' '•- '-••:.. "-.-'... '-.."[• • > £ M ^ % B . ^ ^ l p e t , ; L : o w v i a e , i f c ^

'S^ '?% ~& (t^ 'fe'^'^F^ '?''t r- ^KiOt&;e-

'. . ' --. : ,Fberw>od's. j?o-Vs&^K^trir .Sarn<ss>t-. • V,'" ;- . . '-:,". ... -.V, - ; - - . ' -

-E^a'ai-niiiliorpfJurKeEf. - ' . * : • • : ' • ; - ' -'-^/' --•'".--:'^[-

- - - . . . . - ' - ' ' ' -. ,-'^st*n-me,7S'o-ria:;at^-:'

•l^T-"^':'"'^--s3«=S»of . V - ^ H ASS*

til t .{

-_ .ii i

'Per'sens h.-ii-iag a trrtuhlc^o-mc coii^h which. -brcaUs^h<iir rest ai;rdeht, will find hytak-trtjjadose. of .PETTIT'S AMEHli -AK O O L ' G I l C U R E .up; on going to bt-d, tlity wrU have a sound unbroken, rest. -Furchildren i tds invaUmblc. For sale by :ilt dmjr'^ists... If "i;u.kfin iii turi'e. it will, cnire Cgji-' • sun-miion.- " '

-P'ETf IT'S A M E P J C A K COUGH CUKE is .the finest made, .inti isecjnal in merit t o P B T T r T ' S K\"V. ^.\l.YVx, . '.huh i< conceded the.best in use.. Our taSad.se on Consumption frpc;-. AHdasss •. -


W H O ! S UriAeQUjftlKf EFJ. W T B TftE feSSSHA^H* 6 F T^ H!S GOVHTttY, VHtS, , ; ' . ; " - ' . S M ; B Y ; e K f t t S 5 M I K a " T > ^ . * A P j ; ? s A 5 C THfe -. •..'_;-- -•.-,/',.'...".-." •

3oid"Ve If o a c e P.isii A-" Sosi.. Ldwvill.e. ]S,; Y

MhlLArEAkL i thiiLK Wit&pL. ThOSel.Ul^U'ivl, t i : •' •"'!,..-;' !..'t ^ . l l 'e .USjy' . iui JJlg yOUtW !V---i Sf.-IL.-.•-'... :'.'•..: y.) be Otl^UUr

. fee t , tha t . Cii:j.-it:-i:.i u.._,.i.:i:4 ij :(i i;j yr:v'njf-t h e bloom" a • .m."j eu.i11:1 ,x - >,*."'-.hat-contin­u a l s t r a i n . , o n j d u r . \ v}-: t•-.cts,. xepder- , i n g yo-u ii rilaule itn t . ' r i •' i t . .-.A- eas-ily re-! n i o v e d b y tisc'i.-l' t h a i nia-rvoJous remed-v, I ' t r r t T r s E U W D } \ ' i I ' i t t ; . I m - u s i V -itie.s.atidobsltUettoLM'.«,»' j u i r s y s t e m t u e . re l ieved a t once , v,liUe rliL- t.pe l a ! e-.i-n.-.s

. of p e r i o d i c t i p:t ia i.nj j.e,!h;-.iK'!ii;y l e - . aujved , i iotiy r ece ive a s HHi<-lj.l«uct;t, o r arc' so prof ' .1!nd 'y .'-!-!'c-i'.iT in- i , .•• ij;:.i. b,L inj? 1 ' K r i h ' s T L I M i) r t : : n - ' t E i t afeWoii.Lii.

UzMM i<

^e j^S^a^ j : • ^ - T ^ J , _ ^ t :

- pij-rrn-s .,,.,,.,,, i«('tiii-:ir-.R u l f , i in merit to P E T T i f S E j ' K SAI.VK w l ^ h is conceded best in tOir WeiJd. i-'lVIl S.V1.K BY

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P^diif t icR^ Sei.ng the Qreat Central feine, affords to trnveJers, *y: reason of fts7uririvaleci;,gep-:. . g raph ica l p tos iSoc , - the s h o r t s a t . a h d b b a t r 6u t e -£ iB t» (een . ' t he^as ' t . J id r t f i aas i iBno S o u t h e a s i , a n d t h e V / s s t , feortlt)«est''ahiJ SouJtiMffi4t« ; . . . . -"- -: . '-'j

I t isllteransL-and^sSfietly t r u e j tha i . f t s . ' f ionaee t lQr i s 'S re a lLoI ihepr lnd tp . f f i o f foa t t b e t w e e n t h e A t l ^ n t i o - a n d i h a F a c i f l a , - . - - . • ' - V " V " ; : .":";.: - :

By fta « j a i » i lnd ar td • b 'm 'ndhes ' i t r e a c h e s -Ch'ldagd, JJoiiet,^ B^orja* O t ^ w a * i .a S a l l e , SJerfeseo, M o l i o d a n c j E o e k i s i a n d . In in ino i ? r i ? a v e n p o r t t ;MuscW:lH^,' •VVaebliigtdrij'Ke.okuK, Knoxvlite, d s k a t o o s a . ' F a l r f T e l d . i p e ' s RJoIrifes, W e s t L1b6r.ty,: Jlowa Gifyf Atlpnitof AVoca, A«dai5par HaWapi; :Cuthrter'toe.np3r'arid;Cb«ricll BtuffSjr .In I o w a j Gallattn' j T r e n t o n ^ C a m e r o n a n d . XansasiCityVlw WIs'sour.iran<r : te£»v erl» w o r i a a n d A t o h i s o n in K a n s a s ? a n d the : f ionare 'd& o r c i t i e s , : * ! H a g e 8 a n ^ toyiEne-j n t e r t n e d i a i e . T h e ' . . . . ' • - . . '-. ' . . ' . . : ' ' . : ' ' ' " " ' " ' " '

'm k'ess:'mms¥±-ffi¥*smrm:n' » r s s e?a-^ § :

As.- it Is familiarly eafed, -offers to .travelers all-.tbe-. adv'gntages and-cpmftart.; Incfdsnl- t o E| ssviooth t r a c k , s a f e Xn-sitees, ^r i tor i ; D'fepots a t a l t epn'riectinsE p o i n t * . P a s t EsfiresB t r a i n s , d o n i p « 6 a - it e'O'i«SiQia0.US,.- TWEtti,- VJEKHPIUATED, W E t t HEATEB,, 'mH&Jf ISPHds.STgEfgD'- an«5 E f e E G A S ^ D f t ? "CeAGHEg-j a linei Of fiVB . mb&r tnmmemmFi Kc*atora- SEGUS5«*C5 eHA}R'eAM-eyBr\buitt.j-;PV«rLi«A|i'S-, l a t e s t des i ' sdod a n d h a n d s o m e s t . r % L A e s &KeE?»IS!d Cf tR§ , a n d DiMlNC-CAgS, t h a t a r e adkriowie.dgect By p r s s s a n d p e o p l e t o fie' t h e F I N E S T BUM; -UPON .AWlr . JJQAt)! (M f H S e a U E S T E Y J a n d in wh ieMsupe r io r t M e a l s a r e S e r v e d : t o t t a u e i e M . a ^ . , -t r ie iovv- .mte o r SEyE&TY^FWS CEHffS-E*S&. "". ." -1:.- :'-'-'";'.'• -•."*'.--•- - -

THREE TRAILS eae l i way Jjetwwen CHICAGO a d d thelfll l^StOUHl RIVER.- •_, T W O THAWiS-each way be t -^esn GKIOAGG and: .WSNMEftPSSJLISanajST. RftUtj: ..

via t h e ' f a m o u s ' ' -• " ' ;-'- ' - : • - " -* ' " - . ; ' . • ' • 5 . : , ' - ' -:-:''-'•'• : - " . r ' '.-

J a n u a r y l , ISSB,13? nBwlit?4wilitosS b p e h e d , r i a . S e r i e o a a o d K a n K a k e e , i e t w o « r i ' S e w p o r t K e w s , R i c h m o n d , canc inaa tT, SndiaMapoHg,ahd. ^ a F a x e t t e , . a a d Co«n?M -• Btaffs.., S t . P a u l , l i l i n n e a p o l l s a n r f InteKmedidtQ.poidtg, - . -.: :~ ..-^

All T h r o u g h Pas.s'erjgers.fejrriecl o n f a s t £ * p r e S s . T r a i n s . - • -. " . ';'• 1*or rrjore cSetoiled info*rrid ittort;8ee m a p s a h S F o l d e r s i >yhitih m a y b e o b t a i n e d , a « :

Well a s T i c k e t s , a t a l l p r i n c i p a i T i e t e t O s S d e s i n t h B . U r i i t e d S t a t e s a h a s Q k t t a d a , print.:

« - ft. C A B L E , •; - ' ' l . ' S T , ^ W i l i " i ' - - : ; ; - ; - : - ' ^ . VlciS-P**^*&Cenl Manager-,.'. •' '-.'.lOeh'iT.'k^-.'Piwtpv^j^-..