Igiugig News & Notes lglugig Tribal Village Council Volley Ball By Charley 9Lll Gwde, Igiugig School On November ?and f ne hsd Sad out they had to play against Pedro home game here in Igiugig. The a Bey. Tkn Tanya, one of the Igiugig were Pedro Bay, Kokhanok, d & home -'s players, hurt her leg, so there was team Igiugig. The team m e d e n wese ody Alex, Dawsey, and Jon. They had to Bobby Rickson, Brittany Jensglr, Jd play dl five games and Igiugig still won Sanner, Dave Sanner, and K i s h Shg& wi*6ut one of their players. from Pedro Bay. Fmm Kokhmok hem The next morning, after all the was Kyle Wilson, Andrew E m , Bob ksnks had a good night's rest for the next Hester, Anna May Wassillie, LoreSa Was- games, Dallia, the cook, made the teams sillie, Trefim Wassillie, and Elera Irb- Mfff which was eggs, toast, and ba- nook. From Igiugig there was cm. Tbe teaos sse, then had an hour to Salmon, Tanya Salmon, Chsr$r Apdrs sSk etrwa d vake up for the games to dak, and Jonathan Salmon. sht. TLe fint pe+k to play were Pedro After school, Kokhan0g.s fLst Bay ad Igiugig. The f& people to win plane arrived with only half the& twm wwe k&o Bay, thea we won three in a members. About forty-five W hler, raw. We beat Pedro Bay for the first time Pedro Bay showed up. At abovt h, the ever! k me h9d to play against Kok- rest of Kokhanok's team shod sp. The hepalr a a six- team, so Pedro Bay teams had time to run to the st= ad get & q with us. All three girls, Alex, munchies while Dallia was mahg he Tauya, d Brittany, had to stay in the teams dinner. At five in the aftsmoos it garnet tk wide time. The Kokhanok was time to set the tables and feat. lky team ras the winner of the six man teams. had about an hour to settle their $elks and After that, we all just sat around talking - start their warm ups before the w. thea hhk wss passing out bags for the Fi of all, Kokhanok POd ppbo t5mn.s lmdm. We all ate and waited for Bay started out the games. They the plPnes so the team could go and some for only three games and Pedro Bay roe kids pkqed volleyball for fun. At about three in a row. Akr they finished plq- one o'cleck all the teams were finally ing, the Igiugig team had to play gone. Kokhanok. Kokhanok lost to us m tk Our next game is going to be first game. Then Koklnanok won the see down at Chiiik Bay with six other teams ond and also the third. Igiugig won tk for the 'bee Man Tournament. We will fourth so we had to play against Kdrkpook be leaving on the twentieth of November, to fifteen instead of twenty-five aid they weather permitting. We will leave on won. The Igiugig team was so tked they Thursday and be back on Saturday. Wish felt like collapsing on the floor only to us all luck in the games! NC Meetieg 1 Hallowan Party 1 Doing Knights J i Hunting 3 MY Day 3 Battle o f the Books 3 LibraryIComputer Lab 4 Thoughts.. . 5 Student Government 5 poetry 6 The Girl Who Swam. . 8 Gardenen Goodies 9 Safety 1st 10 College Life I1 WTBF I2 Letter to the Editor 13 Weather Watch Recipe Comer Birthdays this month December 10 Charley Apkdc December 12 i Tatyana Zad;u Dave Hostc(ta I . December 16 Shayna N&m Willie NkMi !

Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

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Page 1: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Igiugig News & Notes lglugig Tribal Village Council

Volley Ball By Charley 9Lll Gwde, Igiugig School

On November ?and f ne hsd Sad out they had to play against Pedro home game here in Igiugig. The a Bey. Tkn Tanya, one of the Igiugig were Pedro Bay, Kokhanok, d & home -'s players, hurt her leg, so there was team Igiugig. The team m e d e n wese ody Alex, Dawsey, and Jon. They had to Bobby Rickson, Brittany Jensglr, J d play dl five games and Igiugig still won Sanner, Dave Sanner, and Kish Shg& wi*6ut one of their players. from Pedro Bay. Fmm Kokhmok hem The next morning, after all the was Kyle Wilson, Andrew E m , Bob ksnks had a good night's rest for the next Hester, Anna May Wassillie, LoreSa Was- games, Dallia, the cook, made the teams sillie, Trefim Wassillie, and Elera Irb- Mfff which was eggs, toast, and ba- nook. From Igiugig there was cm. Tbe teaos sse, then had an hour to Salmon, Tanya Salmon, Chsr$r Apdrs sSk etrwa d vake up for the games to dak, and Jonathan Salmon. s h t . TLe fint pe+k to play were Pedro

After school, Kokhan0g.s fLst Bay ad Igiugig. The f& people to win plane arrived with only half the& twm wwe k&o Bay, thea we won three in a members. About forty-five W hler, raw. We beat Pedro Bay for the first time Pedro Bay showed up. At abovt h, the ever! k m e h9d to play against Kok- rest of Kokhanok's team s h o d sp. The hepalr a a six- team, so Pedro Bay teams had time to run to the st= a d get & q with us. All three girls, Alex, munchies while Dallia was m a h g h e Tauya, d Brittany, had to stay in the teams dinner. At five in the aftsmoos it garnet tk wide time. The Kokhanok was time to set the tables and feat. lky team ras the winner of the six man teams. had about an hour to settle their $elks and After that, we all just sat around talking - start their warm ups before the w. thea h h k wss passing out bags for the

F i of all, Kokhanok POd ppbo t5mn.s l m d m . We all ate and waited for Bay started out the games. They the plPnes so the team could go and some for only three games and Pedro Bay roe kids pkqed volleyball for fun. At about three in a row. Akr they finished plq- one o'cleck all the teams were finally ing, the Igiugig team had to play gone. Kokhanok. Kokhanok lost to us m tk Our next game is going to be first game. Then Koklnanok won the see down at Chiiik Bay with six other teams ond and also the third. Igiugig won tk for the ' bee Man Tournament. We will fourth so we had to play against Kdrkpook be leaving on the twentieth of November, to fifteen instead of twenty-five aid they weather permitting. We will leave on won. The Igiugig team was so tked they Thursday and be back on Saturday. Wish felt like collapsing on the floor only to us all luck in the games!

N C Meetieg 1

Hallowan Party 1

Doing Knights J

i Hunting 3

MY Day 3

Battle o f the Books 3

LibraryIComputer Lab 4

Thoughts.. . 5

Student Government 5

poetry 6

The Girl Who Swam. . 8

Gardenen Goodies 9

Safety 1st 10

College Life I 1


Letter to the Editor 13

Weather Watch

Recipe Comer

Birthdays this month

December 10 Charley A p k d c

December 12 i Tatyana Zad;u

Dave Hostc(ta I . December 16 Shayna N&m

Willie NkMi


Page 2: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Igiugig Village Council Meeting A regular meeting of the Village Council was agement strategies, and predator control m-

held on October 30,2003 at 3:30 p.m. at the Council Of- plans. fice Building. The Village Council passed a number of rssslt,

Staff members provided the Council with finan- tions related to funding and capital improvement priodOl cia1 and program information, including Dan Salmon, Ad- listings. One additional resolution was discussed and is ministrator who reviewed activities and accomplishments pending regarding the relationship wih, and representa- of the summer construction season, local work projects tion of lgiugig by BBNA. done on the bulk fuel facility, the Big Mountain project Environmental Director, L y d k m i c also re and local hi that resulted. It was noted that a number of ported on recent travel and discus- i Vrbiegtae local individuals were able to continue on working with D.C. with various federal entities and s &b one ofthe companies both in King Salmon and Anchorage gation. It was noted that many of tee - LR i) well into the fall. (Good remarks were made by outside correct facts and misconceptions a B r l m d . s C companies this summer about the dedication and hard- lages to function as tribal entities ad C Q r l e Y workimg attitudes of the people from igiugig.) Also dis- own problems and needs. Hope* m1Lc cussed by Dan were plans and contracts for the coming that she and other tribal leaders --de) year for our consbuction company, the Iliamna Lake Con- vide a fresh perspective on the lewd - tractors. villages are capable of. I

Randy Alvarez informed attendees of the recent Notice was given to and upcoming discussions for the Fish & Game Advisory coming things that wou Committee and the Board of Fish & Game. Things of par- community to give pres ticular note for local residents are proposed fisheries man- the village.

Halloween Party By Tanya Salmon, 1 l th Grade, Igiugig School

On October 31; the Igiqjg school students put on a Halloween Party at the gyae. The older class decked the gym arith paper cats, orange and black streamers, ghosts, and other spooky decoratim.

The party began at 12:30 with kids and adults playing pin the eyes on the ghost. Alicia and Sharolyn Zackar w m the contest and their prize was two miniature p u m p kins. A walk in the park, m w i d chairs, orange pass, and monster maze were also played. Everybody's favorite was probably a walk in the park, seeing as it @ the most laughs. All of the little Licls were excited to play monster maze, but the g%e

soon ended as kids kept knockkg down the mats and little ones sbr*d cry.

Everybody brought r e f r e s m ' cupcakes, a pie, cookies, a cake,& the preschoolers contributed by rt ing ghost candies on a popsick 1Y Everybody had a great time the games, joining in the fun, (of course), and socializing. m year, the Halloween Party ~34 b. better!

What a crew!

Volume 7, Issue 1

Page 3: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Doing Knights How TO Get R- for By Shaun Andrew, 1 st Grade, Igiugig School Hunting

First, I sharpen my pencil. By G x y Slh Gmb, M

I get my knights paper I R l r l p ~ L r n l r m dad. # I ~ e p % a c t . ~ dadcmbmkadhs t

Then1 writemy n a m e d A f L r B r p r t m w skipang. Thenweplltcn our-. A W r e r ~ p c r t ~

Next, Mark says go! owgbres. l k n w e p v t o n

r I go for three minutes.

Then Mark says st@

our kds . T h m we make sure the guns are dean a d we don't put in bullets. After that, we sW the Honda, and we go hunting. After we ge4 ow ~ ~ J O U , we bring it home. Then we eat it

- -1

MY Day By Tess Hostetter, 2nd Grade, Igiugig School

I get up in the morning, eat bfez&& then I get dressed. Then I get my coat on. Then I gei my ski panas on. Then I get my shoes on. Then I g o b sd-rod. Then I do ao tivities in school. Then I eat lunch, a f h h c h w e H do P.E.P. or technology. After that we haw P.E. Then we go home.

BaQtle of the Books By Jeremy S8hmn, 6th Grade, lgiugig School

Last week when we had the pby, we & had a little battle of the books co- between the kindergartners all the way to h@h &udem. The fifth-sixth and the third-fourth g d a s were out after the first ten rounds. It was Ihen a cpnegiilion between the junior high, high shad, and the kin- dergartners-second grade. A k the k& -, the eighth grader was out, sa it - a fight be- tween kindergartners-second d tk sd-roolers. The k-2nd grade missed ih& epesbn and gave the high school a charroe- *lin. The high schoolers got their question BlAB @hey won. I think that the third, fourth, fH3biW1 gadecs need to practice and read more so kqr rrouM get more questions right. Also, next nmdh ail b e tfie next practice competition so \R rrl 4 b work hard

so we can win the R&& in January.

Volume 7, Issue 1

Page 4: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Library/Computer Lab News 1 I

Merry Christmas, everyone and Happy New Year! Ttaaaaaaaa! The Alaska section is finished and ready Now I will be moving onto the video section that I will be working on until next year! b Here are some interesting books that are in our library:

A The Ni&t Before Chrktmas by Clement C. Moore

" 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not creature rr even a mouse."

L 5 a@ Adult Fiction

&& The Song of* Ckkbnas Mouse by Shirley Rousseau Murphy .. 1

%' "Rick's e f f a at aptwing a beautiful wild mouse for a pet seem comtaatiy . a willful yaopr amsin who has come to stay for Christmas.'' .. 1 ip.3 \ 1

$$ Alaska Wion 4 ~ : .c c q I~

The Wrnr Wiater Comes by Sherry Simpson "" d * * ' , This b d bp6l true stories about Alaska. "The Way W i Comes is a book that maps an expansive landscape physied d 1

with unanwnma chity". . i :rtmT- by F,lizabeth HOUgh SeChriSt

"A book of C t i l O-on. of Many Lands."

-PIG WEB SITE OF THE MONTH www.christmasgifis.com

Wanting a special @ JWt b w where to look? This site has TONS and TONS of items & for everyone on lik- or nice, but make sure that you check your list twice!

Volume 7, lsruo I

Page 5: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden

I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books.

- by Dolly Ann Z h & uge 4

I am thankful for nmm std hi, my dog, my brothers. I am thank- ful for snow, n& md ABC's.

- by Camille Andrew, age 4

I am thankful for my mom a d W d my altrs. I am thankful for A me.

- by Fewnia Zharofi age 3

I am t h a i l for my mom, dad, my s&m and brothers. I am thankful for my books and toys and my teddy bear.

by Tatyana Zackar, age 3


CAMPBELLS LABELS a We have collected a total of


Campbells Labels!!!

Remember you can earn a prize by saving labels and turning them in at the Village Council office.

Student Government By Jonathan Salmon, 9th Grade, Igiugig School

Lately our school h been working hard to kids along with gym night. Concessions were also raise money. OnNovember 13 the school hosted a sold. play, a dinner, the Alaska State song wrts sung by K- Our school goal is to make four thousand &A- 4~ graders, and all the battle book teams of Igiugig lars this year. We have already made five hundred. held a competition against each other. At the home We want to raise money for a school trip this year or volleyball games concessions were sold. On the 15* next year. of November there was a movie night for the younger

Volume 7, lasue I

Page 6: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Poetry in Igiugig By Kristin Hathhorn

Included in this medb'r r = p e m s written by students studying readiig and ** levels V to VII. Students h b m p d i d d poetry while writing their own poems. poems may be a little diffkdt (, a Ir a little background, so here you go.. . For the fk&) s~gnrnent, Found Poems, s l m d s r P L , M w a article in a newspaper or magazine. They used words %r the article. then manivuh.4 fL& *rL J a their own to create a short. meaninrrful ooem.

For the Circle Poem - Sarted with a word, used word assoiiatibn techniques b add the next word, and costirmsa rl Lc pea^ made a circle back to the original word. The goal was in create clever word associations tkd cLe reader.

Hope you enjoy these pocv - =re piarming apoetry slam FOUND POEM (students will recite poetry) or 1p at ~JE school. See you there.. . by Mary Host&&

Volcano Lava Fire Heat Cold Snow

Warmth Hot


By Jeremy S a l m , 6th Grade,

Igrugig School -

4 hpil Hostetter,

Winter d Summer By Jeremy S a k m , 6(h w, Igiugig School

Winter is ~ a l d rd is very fun Inside i t h b a n d cozy

Nobody rmrm i r i de all day There is lots d r a b d e snow tunnels

Everyone lilces b gp and snow boarding Rabbits st rl gbod for hunting

-nre).wann Z k l r - a f k m e s

W L i J I l l I ~ a v i m m i n g *- J*do too E- bre ls jq off the barge

~ i b d k b w a m o n m y f e e t

8th Grade, I g q y g W Alaska G e o g r a p h c m '

Pg. 7s

&.AS .... W .... ec- Ahead

@ehmd) not until

he Rocketed (back,) to the

unhurried he "oafd

past the finish line with a

sheepish G N

R I On his fice

Page 7: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Circle Poem By J o n a t h .Mum.

9th Grade, IgEugig &hod

K w Doors Access

Pa& c w

compoaas Ram - Wool Yam StriRa Piano

Water River

Crocodiie Hunter

Hat p e Trees Air

Clogde Weather


By April Hosfem, 6th Grade, Igiugig School

Snow Cold

Winter Ice

Skate wood Cabin

Mountains Sickness Pass Out

Share Greedy Money

Gift Christmas

By April Hmtettter, 6th Grade Igiugig School

Volume 7, Issue 4

Water By Charley Apokedat.

9th Grade, Igiugig S c W

People Cannibals Piranha

Eat Cheese burgers

McDonalds Fat

Animals Fur

Money Greed Evil Hell Devil Fire

Boats Water Fi - 5

J-Y- W m Oro3lrl I k S

AepLs - WM

Computer Internet

Shop 5" Avenue Corn Dogs

Ears Drum Beat Hurt

First Aid #1

Winner Game

&y Agd Hmtettff, 6tk GrQde,

&ii& Sdrwl

Avalanche Skiers Stuck

Rescue team Help

Hospital Injured

Cast Spell

Witch Broom Dirty Cabin


Page 8: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

The Girl Who Swam with the Fish written by Michelle Renner By Mary Hostetter, 8th Grade, Igiugig School

+ Dawsey and Jon work on the fish rack, while Kristin and Alicia work on the scenery.

April, the narrator, tells the story of The Girl Who Swam with the Fish. --t

1 The week before the play. all the school kids worked

I hard to tinish the fish heads, the sets, to get their play lines memorized, and to get din- ner ready for the guests. On Thursday, the day of the play, we prepared beef stew, as- sallaq (asalyuk), biscuits, agutak, and many more deserts before 5:30PM.

As students started to get ready for the play, people started to arrive. The bieachas started filling up as the students in the pla) started to get nervous, their blood pressure rising. And then, the time had come, the play started. Fish moved to and from on the blue mats that acted as a river; on the bank the family split fish, and worked on I the fish racks. Although the play was only

I about six minutes long, the audience still liked it.

Soon after, tables were set up aad f d was olaced on the tables for the rae, I

The Alaska Flag singers: (clockwise nity to help themselves to. Mast dtLe 4 from lower left) ~ i e ~ o i . Corey, people brought desserts d the ."d -- Sharolyn. Tess, and Shaun. play, in all, ran very Yooolhl./. m - - !

11- &-' ---

111 NEWS FLASH!!! NEWS FLASH!!! NEWS FLASH!!! 1 Ill Just before this newsletter went to print, Lydia S m m d Lc apd L.t r q p i m d y rn FUX~W a +ca d-

eauivment was at hand. A follow uo call to the FSWX d 0.aaia h IGlUGlG's crs I - - - cially the youth, are regular and respomibk aras db .Le art a d. A gre3t H L our community to be eligible f a this equipeest u Le lebLr - ofomaha we provide Ill - I I Walk To Be Fit, and other eq- pe *r). @ & lgprt t ~ a t we rae to be the recipient of a

BClW REX mamime::!

111 This is made possible through Ik W May thanks to Lydia for bringing it b a BBAHC, Lois Schumacher, a d te 11 d p rb rise our treadmill and weight room a d &hi- 1 vided sheets.

The bow flex should arrive in the s e r t h .IILr W d for more information to follow and get

Page 9: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books


Q G Early DECEMBER - ppepac p rieta & e n for the holidays. String power cords to the I$ trees that zve lg fm & e a d be sme to rnarlc where these cords are so after they cow

Q with snow they rm'f k r b pp* Iborelhg or plowing snow.

P Early DECEWER - lock at pr r;rrd t k q h 'winter eyes'. Decide where it would be nice to have evergreea trees that add b M for the season and put a note on your calendar for April or May so you w d be rt f- aa to those sites. DECEMBER - Deck out your i.lea kmepkds with miniature decorations or lights for a @ DECEMBER - When puOritlg ap p . be sure to make a fresh cut on the bottom

@ just before ptting into the shd mo it d= 1~ take UP Water and Stay fresh longer. or$r b t e DECEMBER - rf you am a 1i.k o - a

C tree be sure to ease it outdoors gently after @

P the season --chill for several &pi a d p b e t%n xveral days in a cold windbreak b e h 0 putting it out doors. Also be swe trr hxp it iu r e area (near a wall, out of the wind) and

mulch around the pot and mot b d te re$a @

rrd a Lit& warmth so it will still be alive to plant in the spring. P

Q@ Late DECEMBER - Be. your and tt-g for mxt summa's gardening projects. Many trees and bushes have ind-ezg lmk a that look nice in winter after the @ leaves all fall oB. Consider puttkg i llr d b nsrt spring, for winter variety in the & years to come. 00 F

Q G 'Q Q%

Reduce - Re- - Reuse - Renew - Recycle a Q@ Use household things h - (IC - -, ghtter, and craft supplies to make orna-

ments that are not only - hi may become family keepsakes in years to go~ec.

Q@ !ce candleholdem can be gl)D k& decoration by allowing water to freeze in a bd& 4 ~ t ' s about 2" thick (Le ir. T k a &p open the ice at the top, dump the water out d C middle, set the bucket Wjlt d it gxlles loose h m the sides and take out your rp*-

I$ dleholder. Lacate oukkm Y1. pa h or wakway and bum a votive candle inil; ' cheery and inviting kdkhy b.t i ~ p e of decorations often happen naturally *hLI Q ? 0 person out forgets to 6) beclrets!)

Take in your outdoor C h r i m Eigk when the season is over and allow them to dry out well b e fore storage so they will last I-.

Volume 7, Issue 4

Page 10: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books


kgditive motion problem,

Many of the things we do caa cwae pbkm for us if proper precautions are not taken to avoid it. For for long periods of time can culss probieRls with nerves in a person's wrists called carpal tunnel syndro long periods of time can - c h d & h problems in legs. Following are some tips to help avoid some of the most common problems.

I 4 Type a let? Be sure your desk 4 chak are adjusted to allow you to sit in a comfortable position. Take frequent breaks to reposition your hands sod arms and stretch tense muscles. I

4 l it a lot? Take a moment to stand up and stretch out at least each hour or maybe stand whenever you talk on the phone. This helps keep up good blood circulation and relaxes muscles.

4 Stare at a computer meen lor long hour87 Make a point to look away and focus on something distant. This relaxes and exercises the eye end can help avoid eyestrain and headaches.

4 lift heavy rluff? Bend your knees and use leg muscles to do most of the work. Avoid twisting around with a heavy load, which strains the back and spine.

4 Stand Amund on conomb? Invest in shoes that have soft soles and are well cushioned. If yau i t*le qmk most of the time invest in a cushioned rubber mat.

Prevention Anytime you maintain the same position for long periods of time it can cause stmm b I d - volved, so changing position frequently can avoid damage that could result m c d y -&*&

physical therapy.


Mary and Camille. the

Stauie of Liberty

The Primary Class: (clockwise from bottom right) Greg- ory, Shaun, Corey, Tess, and Sharolyn.

Volume 7. Issue 1

rir do Jonathan!

Page 10 T

Page 11: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

College Life By AlexAnna Salmon, 12th Grade. @t& Schod


I am so excited to be the Class of 2004. The only problem is I don't know where I am going after graduation. I am the worst decision- 1:

I i

maker alive, so choosing the right college for me was proving impossible, nearly life- threatening. Then one day I received an appli- cation for Dartmouth's Native American Fly-In Program. Free transportation. Free lodging. 1

I Free food. Perfect, I thought, and sent my pa-1 pers ASAP. A week later I was filling out appli- cations for the same programs at Stanford and) Cornell University. (M to right) a Dartmouth student from Dillingham, Sarah

One later am in a at a d AkxAnna (two prospective students) and a Dartmouth Dartmouth's Native American House, attending alumni from Kotzebue. college classes, getting campus tours and an interview at admissions in Hanover, New Hampshire. I lived real college life for four days, got a true feel for this Ivy League institution and all it had to offer. I loved Dartmouth, a college I had never even considered before. Also, after coincidentally running in to other Alaskans, some I knew, I learned that it is a small world, but an even smaller world for Alaskans.

As a pit stop between college visitation programs, I was dropped off at my other hometown in Pen- field, NY. I stayed a few days with my family, visited my old high school, and hung out with old friends. The next weekend I was driven to Cornell University in lthaca, NY. The campus in fall time was beauti- ful. It was also the size of downtown Anchorage! I had the opportunity to attend a psychology lecture hall with 750 students discussing what is wrong with men these days. I also got to dance with Iro- quois Indians, attend a Gates Millennium Scholarship presentation, and explore an even larger Ivy League university composed of seven different odlegesl Comell was actually a college I highly consid-

ere& however. after getting a '~review' I realized it isn't " " . really my type.

Now I am back in lgiugig, Alaska. I am still the only senior in a class where my brothers and sister make up ha# the students. I still have a pile of scholarship and cdlege applications the size of Big Mountain to fill out.

I But, I was granted the chance to fly to the other side of the country to learn about these colleges I am reading about, and for free. Now I have a better idea of what type of colleges I am looking for. These experiences have made my decision making extremely easier. I know what to look for, what questions to ask, and who to go to. I feel more confident in mv long search for the - - right place to pursue my goals. ~ ~ s d v i c e for all juniors

Dartmouth prospective students (left to right) An- reading this article is to apply for these programs next

drea from Anchorage, Jeremy from Fairbanks, Alex- year. They are worth it!

Anna, and Sarah from Anchorage.

Page 12: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

A WAXY TO BE FIT Tssl v m Mileage through October is 37,153


Jk Lifespan is the the nw& dks used when we talk about living a long t h but "healthqm" L r. belkr term to consider when we talk about how long we will be aWe is kad a M f h y and active life. (See Prevention Maga- zine's Juoe 2003 bse, gage 140 article entitled "Eat Now, Live Longer")

erd food choices could make a big difference in a

Consider tk ddec people you have known and you will realize thrt some of them spmt the br twenty years of their life in pain and w m t a d y

A dealing with ha*b probkms, while others of them lived healthy active h-

W right to the end. WJmt makes the difference? Researchers note that some d this relates to tkir geeetic make up, but a large part of health relates to per- m sonal habits, food c b o ' i and activity levels.


Past articles have talked a lot about keeping your activity levels up: t&ing time to walk, tun, OI play at something active everyday. This is ex-

W tremely import& in helping you stay physically fit and able to do the eve- ryday things you enjoy.

ga; :>.

W Diet is the other factor in how well you live and how long. On

twelve of this newsletter is a list from the Prevention Magazine article ttrst ' ::. gives twelve foods that, when added to your regular good eating habits a & used in place of less healthy choices, will help to increase your

Consider this when you shop, when you wok, and when you a just looking for a quick snack. Stock your cupboards, refrigerator 4

R freezer with these healthy foods today and look f o m d to y w m a q hD . healthy days.

Keep on Walking on your way to

..:. a long healthy & ->- - & & active life!

W A A A A A & & A R m ..

Volume 7, Issue 1 -

Page 12 I

Page 13: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

Letter to the Editor The October 2003 issue of 'Igiugig News & Notes'

arrived. It is always fun to fmd it in the mailbox and read what is happening with the folks in Igiugig. l l i s issue caused some comment among the relatives of the writer. We were surprised to read such a negative account of our part of the world.

In the article 'Small Town Blues' IAe writer stated that she "Would rather live in Igiugig (mkstmdable since it is where she was born and brought up) &an in a big city like New York because here I have the -to do what I want. 1 can drive the truck without a license er a pcnnif pass the speed limit, and run around l i e my head is chopped off if I want to." She cannot really mean New York City, which is the greatest city in the world. I'm Esirly sure sk seva visited Ibae. So, she must be referring to the area sbe did visiG-&akld, New Yak.

Penfield is a tmn, not a city sad, m, you can- not drive anything om 1Be road - a Licarsp a pennit, or exceed the speed l i I've aka s ~ ~ l r r sea q ca m m h g around without a heabnor do I rs8 to. In of this

location we can offer some %.Ib minute walk from where I lire, B p s - ,

drug stores, restaurants, beauty p l q m - ~ lor, etc.

If that is too limiting, a perar 4- J and board a bus to the nearby city &-- five minutes you would have avai- mi em Planetarium, 4 star restaurants, hisieric -L- great architecture, concerts and shops g a l e

Right now we are in autumn of the yeer. Bg pumpkins dot a large field up the road, it is and fresh apple cider is on tap. The foliage is b- beautiful with the trees arrayed in their red, gold, a d .pea leaves. When I take my walk every day, I look at the seenay and think to myself, what a wonderful, wonderful place to live. It's home. It's New York.


Tanya's Grandmother

Lomgevity Shopping List h i tLar I2 top foods in your shopping basket

(pick one: beans, pe

hick one: blnebemiw, s f r e -

Volume 7, luue 1

Page 14: Igiugig News & Notes December 2003 Volume 7 Issue 1 · Thoughts of Thankfulness by the Igiugig Preschoden I am thankful for my IIKUU and dad and my Alla, and for my toys and books

PO Box 4008

Igiugig, AK 99613 a Weather Watch '

- k

Phone: 907.533.3211 * November 1-28,2003 Fax: 907.533.3217 www.igiugig.com

Highest Wind Speed . . . 53 mph

Email: [email protected] Average Wind Speed . . . 10.1 mph %

Michael Andrew, Jr., President 4b Dominant Wind Direction . . . SSW Dallia Andrew, Vice-F'resident

6 Randy Alvarez, Member % Highest Temperature . . . 49.g°F 6 Greg Zackar, Sr., Member Lydia Olympic, Member & %

Lowest Temperature . . . -6.8OF Environmental program Manager Below Freezing . . . 15 days

Dan Salmon, Tribal Administrator Sandy Alvarez, Administrative Assistrof Below Zero . . . 2 days Bernadette Andrew, Editor & Soeial

Services Director % Precipitation . . . 2.81 inches a * Betsy Hostetter, Tribal Clerk & L i M Kevin Olympic, Administrative Traiaee AlexAnna Salmon, Clerk Trainee &

Assistant Editor Tanya Salmon, Libmy Intern


Coconut-Cranberry Cookies 3 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups butter

1 3/4 cups sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Grated zest of one orange

1 1/2 cups dried cranberries

1 1/2 cups sweetened shredded cocawt

1. Preheat oven to 350*. Line two bekiclg beets with

parchment paper; set a s k In a r r L Ld, whisk together flour, b o h g gerbr. rrt d t sel


2. I n the bowl of an electric niwtrs, W the butter

sugar, vanilla, and orange &d ammy and

light. Add flour mixture; best cr A - l o w until

mixture comes together. lhd is amberries and


3. Shape dough into 1 1/4 kch balls: place 2 inches

apart on prepared baking sheets. Flatten each ball

slightly. Bake, rotating sheets halfway through,

until edges begin to brow, 15 to 17 minutes total.

Let cool on baking sheets 5 minutes, then transfer

to wire racks; cool completely.