• ■.1 fc ( r M i I I-' lasSBgflfl its ,Sa ilo rs m Ifim H a ts . WKw -.' W I f W Q. M. Carter’s Millinery Store and see the assortment of New Hats, trimmed and nntrimmed, and New Flowers, Chiffons, etc., which arrived yesterday. rders filled on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or work need not be accepted. M . C A R T E R , For GGOCEHS; NEF M TS sol VEGETABLES Soch as Strawberries, Pineapples, Oranges, Bananas, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Green Peas. Wax beans, etc. rfhe only up-to-date stock in town TOU Wp.1. FIND AT IVLain S t, Y o u n g s to w n , JNL* Y . AC0USTU8 MORRIS. :EY & MORRIS. Attorneys-at-L aw, ADKINS BLOCK. . LOCKPORT, N. V Levjbton am Youngstown Frontier Railway. Time Table—Mar, 22. Daily E xcept S unday. ODNOSTOWN. L ewiston. Lv. Af. Lv. 6 3 8 x 1 1 7 00 AM 7 00 am 745 8 15 835 980 10 00 10 26 1100 11 80 1180 13 80 pm 100PM 1 00 pm 146 315 215 346 400 400 445 616 680 M ichigan T entral “T b * Niagara F alls R out*.” Tha Shortest and Quickest Line be tween Niagara-on-the-Lake and Clifton, Niag. Falla & Buffalo, E a * t * rn S tandard T ib *. Lv Nlag.-on-the-Lake AM : PM PM 0.15! 1.86 7.00 .... Ar Clifton ..................... 0 45! 1.53 788 Ar NiagaraFalls .......... 9.51! 1 59 7 3# Ar Buffalo ..................... 10.45: 8 00 8,85 *• *r Lv Buffalo ..................... ! AM PM 7.00:il.l0 485 Lv NiagaraFalls...:.. 7.51 i12.04 6.30 - . Lv Clifton ..................... 7.57il310 588 Ar Niag. on-the Lake 8 85112.40 6 05 ---- AU train* daily except Sunday. O. W. R uoglbs, G. P. tc T. A , Chicago, Ilia. F. G bddbs, Agent, Niagara-oii the-Lske, Ont, W. H. Undbrwood, G. F.. P *A . Buffalo, N .V. P ic tu r e s q u e a n d P le a s a n t A Iso Convenient, Ireai Gorge Route, onnectlng at Lewiaton with the Lewiaton Youngatown Frontier R y.. and rt NI- r agara Kail* wltb New York Central, Erie, Buffalo & Niagara Falls Electric Ry (whoee cars run every 16 minutes). Oak* LMAVB LEWISTON 7.55 a in: 8.SO; 0.15; 1000; 11.30; 1315p m ; II; 1.46; 3.38; 8.15; 4.00; 4,45; 5.46; 8.46. LEAVE NIAGARA PALLS ’.00 am ; 7.46; 8.80; 9 lh; 10.00; 10.46; 11.80; lUMpm; 10ft; 1.48; 8 80; 816; 4.00; 6; 8 Commutation TlckeU--40 tripe $6.00; 80 1pa $3.60. Special rates to excursions. . ‘ ■ •■ S T S S T Z f Coal *W on Exchange; Buffalo, If. Y. falo am Niagara Falla Electric Railway, TIM* TABLE----- i Can leave Niagara and Main streets, Buf falo, for Niagara Falla and intermediate poluta: 5:86,8.06,8 85,7.05. 7 30am Every 16 miuutee thereafter until8.30 pm. Theu every half hour until 11.85 p m, which is tbe (nt car for Niagara Falla. Car* leave Niagara Falls for Buffalo: 6,80, 3 80, 8,8.15 a iu. Every 15 minutes there for until 7 pm . Then every half hour un til 11 pha, whioh 1* the last car out of the pidls for Buffalo. Bound trip between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, 50c- Notice to Creditors- By order of Hon. Charlee Hickey, Surro gate of Niagara County, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all person* hav ing "la*™ or demands against the estate of Sarah B. Clark late of the village of Younga -own, Niagara County, N. Y .. deceased, to exhibit tbe same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the exeoutrix of the last Will and testament of said deceased, at 8. . perk Baker’s law office in the village of 'Youngstown, In said County, on or before he 1st day of January next. Dated lfay 15th, 1897. Harriet A. C lark , Executrix. S, Park Baker. Atty. for Executrix Youngstown, N.Y. Notice to Creditors, order of Hon. Charles Hickey. Sunro of Niagara County, notice Is hereby cording to law, to all persons having r demands against the estate of Aar- heater, late of th* village of Youngs- Nlagara Jaunty, N. Y., deceased, to tfh A it tteiuuue. with the vouchers thereof, gyb sahacrlbar. the administratrix of said deosaeed, at ber residence in the village of town in said County, on or before the r of September next. March 8 th . 1897. LOBBBA M. WINCHXXTER, Administratrix, etc. Baker, attorney for Administratrix owe, N .Y . ________ Youngstown News. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 6.0. P. FRICK, Editor and Proprietor Office Stone Building WATER STREET. Y o u n g sto w n * N. Y . TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One vrar, 81.00 in advance; or, $ ’ .35 if not paid In advance Six months,50 cents In advance Three months, 36 cents in advance Single copies. Scents W Advertising rates will be furnished at the ofllce or by mail promptly on application Our rates ara uniform to all advertisers. _ Papers sent to any part of United States or Canada on receipt of subscription price. Sample copies sent free ou application Entered at tbe post-oflioe at Youngstown as second class mail matter. Yomiffstuwii, V ¥., July 16th 1807 00 to Creditors* Of B ob . Charlee Hickey, • County, notice ie 1 to iaw.to all person* ha’ stands against tbe estate of \ late of Ihecity of Niagara Falls, uty.N. Y., deceased, to exhibit Hi voucher* thereof, to the sub inietratrlx of said deceased, at S. Park Baker In the village . ia said County, on or ho of August next' 91k, 1887. E lla Y . New , Admix. M ali, Young* LOCALS. —Tbe month of July thus far bas been a roaster.” —The steam pleasnre yaclit Vesta, arrived In this port last Saturday. B obn.—On Wednesday, Ju ly 1.4th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A . Mention, a son. Good fishing at Fort Niagara fishing grounds is reported this week. Born.—To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelly, a daughter, Wednesday, Ju ly 14lh. Born.—On Sunday, July 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Enyart of Chicago, III.,a son. -There is an enormous crop of good bay safely gathered in Niagara county this sea son. —Do not forget the lienefit concert to lie given In the Eldorado Hall on Tuesdny even ing,July 2Uth. —A new lot of fine crash suits just In at Stllierbergs —An Alfred Benjnniin crash suit @ 88.97— higher grade @ 85 97. —The thermometer on Friday and Satur day last nearly reached tlie 100 mark. So far no heat prostrations have been reported. F or Pale .—F ive acres with grove, house and fruit. Near school house; on Lockport Street. Apply to Mrs, R. J. Greiner, Sta. A, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 171.21 —F or S ale .— Three desirable lots on Chestnut Street,Youngstown, N Y, covered with peaoh trees'. For Terms, etc., apply to S. P ark Ba * br , Youngstown, N. Y . —The recently appointed Street Commis sioner Michael McGowan is busily engaged in clearing up tbe different streets o f tbe village, and h.le work ls a marked impro that iST^ _________ Thom ga' formation In th if large tent, erected on tbe Cook property nh^'Main street, tbe fore pert of thia week. Those attending speak in high praise of the entertainments. —Young men should take warning from the story of tha watchful mother,who think ing that her daughter’s gallnut bad stayed long enough, walked out on the piazza and iuquired if the morning paper bad come. —Servis Sc Son have a gang of twenty five men at work on the large brick forage build ing now being erected at Fort Niagara. Tbe building is being rushed to completion end the contractors expect to have it finished by August 1st. —Tbe State law requires that stones In the pnblic highways be picked up once e month from May to October. It is tbe duty of path- masters to enforce this provision. It would be interesting to know how closely this rule 1* being observed In this portion of the 8tate. —It is said ths peach crop promises to be very large in this oonnty this year although there will be a abort crop in many placet elsewhere. Albert H. Dutton expects about 18.000 baskets from his orchards, and other growers expect to have thousands of baskets —The unparalleled bot tpeli of last week, wl en tbe thermometer was dancing around the'100 mark, was bronght to a close Sun day last when a heavy fall of rain was wel comed. Since then tbe weather has beeu most delightful and thoroughly appreciated —Tlie slump in bicycle prices, predicted In theae columns e few months ago, came to hand on scLeduled time, Ju ly 1. The deal era are tumbling over each otber In tbe race to unload. Good wheels can bepurcbased in Buffalo as low as $35, and many of the best for $50. —The members of the Sabbath School of Delaware Avenue M. B . Church of Buffalo, picnicked in Rumsey Park on Saturday last. About 350 enjoyed the day in this delightful gtove, making the trip via tbe N. Y.C.R. R. to Lewiston and then over the Old Fort Route to th* park. —The concert given In tbe Eldorado Hotel on Thursday evening last, under tbe auspices of the Y.P.8.C E of the Presbyterian Church was one of the finest entertainments tbat the people of thia vleinity have had th* pleasure ot Bearing for some time. Buffalo talent furnished the program which contain ed several excellent number*. Tbe young people netted abont $13 from the concert. blob 1* doing very nicely. —We do not voaeh for the following which w* And In an exchange, but it le well worth trying. “ Are yon bothered with files In your Heme! Get ten cents worth of laven - der at the drug store and mix it wltb an equal quantity-of water. Put the solution in a common glam atomiser and spray it around the rooms. Tbe odor Is so disagree able to flies that they immediately depart, while to moat people tbs email of the laven- Aw is grateful and refreshing. —Work will shortly he commenced on tbe contract for grading 1860 feet of bank on tbe government reservation. Michael Bennett, the contractor,was in this village a few days past overlooking tbe work to be done and be said that as soon as the necessary material could be brought here, a large gang of men wonld be set at work. —It Is reported that a new line of magni ficent boats is soon to be built to navigate Lake Ontario. They will run from Lewis- toqto the Gulf of St. Lawrence, will carry both merchandise and passengers end will bave first clan appartments. The backers of the project are said to be Col. Corbin and Mrs. Hetty Green ol New York city. —Take a dollar bill and fold It several times each way. Then unfold it and you see it increases. Keep the increase, but send the original bill to tbe printer who put you on to the scheme. Take a silver dollar and drop it en the counter. You will at once notice the ring it makes Send the ring to your best girl and the dollar to the printer,and they’ll both be happy. —On Thursday morning last John L. Hail of Blairville, had the misfortune to fall from a load of hay to the ground, and suf fered a painful strain on the muscles of tbe left forearm. Tbe accident was caused through the breaking of a rope, and his es cape from a more serious Injury was marvel rus. After being laid op for n few day, be is again at work. —It is surprising that so many farmers never plant trees along tbe roads passing their premises. Tlie cost would lie trifling, and tbe added beauty and grateful shade would enhance tlie value of tlieir farms. More attention should be given to the sub ject. When you plant a tree by tho high way you not only do a good act for this generation but for those which are to come. —The badly decomposed body of an un known man about 35 years old was found floating In tbe river opposite lewiaton on Sunday afternoon about 1 o’clock by Victor Scott, a lad 15 years old. The body was en tirely nude and had been in the water about two weeks. The ninn was about five feet teu inches in height and weighed 100' pounds. Dr. Tlioma8 A. Kerr made an examination and found the neck broken, left leg dislocated and left under jaw broken in two places. Several cuts and bruises were found on th6 head and body. The man liad a black mus tache and tbe top of tlie bead was devoid of hair, caused by decomposition. Coroner Walker empanelled a jury and viewed the re mains. , —The Board ot Dirrctors of the Niagara County Agricultural Society met at Lock port recently end held a very profitable meeting tn the way ot suggestions from the vioe-presidentsof tlie society throughout th* county as to what program would be tbe niost suTiffible for the fall fair. It was par- i Rally deetyed thaftbe following should be n all. Plowing matches and other exhibitions of practical farm work. Historical day, museum, ec quarium, live slock exhibit nnd entertain ments entirely new nnd novel. Many changes have been made in the premium list so as to bring it strlotly np to date. Another meeting will probably be held this week and more about the program will be announced1 —The Coroner’s jury met Friday evening last and closed the case of the finding of the body of a child in a well on the Onen pro perty. of which a complete account has been published in the News , After taking the testimony of tbe surgeon the jury rendered a verdict “ that tbe obild came to its death by wilful neglect, and by being hit on tbe bead with a blunt instrument in the hands of a person or persons unknown to this jury. The Coroner stated that be had several clews which would be thoroughly unraveled, and thnt tbe District Attorney bad charge of tbe oase. It Is not improbable that the mother of tbe child will be discovered and facts brought to light that will astound the inhab itants of this village. The guilty parties should suffer tbe extreme penalty ot tbe law. —Our popular merchant Edward G. Hail, has decided to open a coal yard in this vil lage and is now completing arrangements to this end. He has .leased from Mrs, Edgar Chaplin a piece of land 50x360 feet, near the oorner of Third and Church streets, where he will bave bis coal sheds built and yard located. 'The Lewiston & Youngstown R.R. intend to place a 300 feet switch for tbe ac commodation of Mr. Hall, and be In turn will build a large platform from which fruit, etc., can be loaded onto freight cars. The sheds will be about 80 feet long and a large amount of coal will always be kept on hand- Work on the sheds platform, switch, etc., will be commenced as soon as possible. A coal yard Is what Youngstown bas needed for years, and Mr. Hall is to be congratulat ed upon bis enterprise and he deserve* tbe patronage of our residents. —Before tbe next issue of this paper will appear the fifth annual excursion given by Youngstown Legion, No. 18. Select Knights, will have taken place, This excursion bee become very papular with our people, who eagerly await Its approach in anticipation of n first class time. This year tbe excursion will be held oa Thursday, July 22nd, via th* Niagarn Navigation Company’s beautiful steamer Corona, whieh will leave Lewiston nt if.50 a. m„ Youngstown at 8.16 a.m., and Niagara nt 8.80 a. m., returning th* Corona will Isnvs Toronto at 4.46 p. m., giving ex cursionists six hours In Toronto. In addl tion to tbe usual custom Youngstown Legion has secured the 13tb U. 8. Infantry Band of Fort Niagnra, to accompany them. This band is the finest In the army, and tbelr mu sic will be a pleasure to listenvto. Tickete 80c..children 30c..and they oan be purchased at the various wharfs on the morning ot th* excursion from the following committee— E . S. Carter, H .B. Bench, W. E. Robinson and E. G. HalL —Last Friday Wm. Cotnerford. proprietor of the Bellevue Hotel, was arrested on tbe charge of •• unlawfully, wilfully and mali- cionsiy discharging a firearm, towir, a revol ver,and thereby endangering life.” Tbe ac tion was bronght in behalf of the people. The ease came np before Justice Sweet Friday af ternoon, District Attorney Hopkins nf Lock port. representing the People, while Wm. Lockner of Lockport appeared for Convr- ford. The defendant asked for a jury trial and the case was adjourned until Wednesday morning at ten o’clock, at which time the following jury was secured : Almeron Bar ker, Wm. King, Jared Trneedale, Wm. Wilkeson, A. J . Eaton and Charles Rlpson. The testimony occupied nearly the entire day and was finally given to the jury about nine o’clock, who brought in a verdict of not guilty. ^ PERSONAL. —Miss Clara Parker la the guest of her uncle, Mr. L P. Gillette of River Avenue —Mr. Newton B. Hall has returned home after spending several months in Rat Portage Ont. —Mr. Thomas Hoey and son of Niagara Falls, spent Monday in town the guests of his parents. —Rev. Mr. Allen and wife,and Miss Curtiss of Buffalo, were the guests of friends in this village last week. —District Attorney Hopkins and K m . E. Lockner of Lockport, were in this village a few days this week. —Mr. Frank Trevor and family of Lock port, are occupying their cottnge in this vil lage, on the bank of the Niagara. —Mr. H. E. Pokey of Marblehead, Ohio, was the guest of Capt. Griesser and family of Fort Ningara, several days last week. —Miss Amelia Wagner of Detroit, Mich., is spending a few wieks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Geo, Wagner of tlie I.ake Road- —Mrs. George Simpson and son Dwight, of Minneapolis, Minn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Swain and otber relatives in this village. Dentistry.—Dr. D.F Rently of 2100 Main St. Niagara Falls, will be at tlie Ontario Honse every FRID A Y prepared to prnetlce dentistry in all its branches. —Mr. Charles Kruskeof New York city, was in town a few dnys past calling on num erous friends. He Is spending his vacation with his parents in Wileon. —Mr. U. N. Owen, proprietor of Hotel Im perial, Niagara Falis.wlf* and son Paul.were the guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, J . F. Taylor of Fort Niagara last week. Dentistry . —Dr. G. C. Bowles of Niagara Falls, Is at the Eldorado Hotel every Tnes day prepared to practice dentistry in all its branchee. Teeth extracted without pain J * . Chester and wife, Mr. W. A, leonaud family, Mrs Bessie Tower. Mfe. G. P. Tower and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bai mer, attended th* Believer’s Meetings at Niagara on-tba-Lake the past week. —We are In reoelpt of n copy of tbe an nual report of tbe Cincinnati. O-. Union Bethel, one of tbe largest undenominational Sunday Schools in the world. Onr former townsman. Mr. E. E Timothy, has been generalisecretary of this Sunday School for tbe past six years, during which time Mr. Timothy bas held the position of Department Manager for tbe John Shilllto Co.,the largest dry goods firm of the Queen city. Death of an Old Resident. Mr. Wm Steele died at tbe residence of his son, Frank C Steele, proprietor of the Hotel Eldorado, on Tuesday nmrning about 11 o’clock, July 13tb, 1897, aged 73 years and ten months. * Deceased was born in Renssalear county, this State, in the year 1885 and came to Ni agara county in 1845, wben he settled In tbe town of Porter. In his youth be learned tbe blacksmith trade, wbicb business he conduct ed in this village until his retirement there from about 15 years ago. In the year 1848, during the month of April, he was united in marriage to Miss Amende C^ierk, a popular Voting lady of this village, and witb the ex ception of a few years residence in Rochester he has always lived In Youngstown. Several years ago Mr Steele’s eyesight began to fail which eventually resulted in total blindness For some time past be bad been rnpidiv failing and death finally cam* and relieved him from nil earthly suffering. During bis life time he gained many firm friends by bis just and righteous treatment of bis fellowmen, and old nnd young will ever remember bis many kindnesses, Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a widow one daughter, Mrs. James Day of Rochester, and one son, Frank C. Steele of this village. The funeral services were held from the hotel cottage on Thursday afternoon at 8 o’clock, Rev. Nelson B Chester of tbe Presbyterian church officiated. Tbe singing for tbe occa sion was furnished by Mrs. Edgar Chaplin and Mrs. N. D. Heikeil. Ths remains were interred In the Oakwood Rural Cemetery, and many sympathetic tears were shed as th* loving husband nnd father wa* lowered in tbe silent tomb. Benefit Concert. One of the finest entertainments ever giv en in this village Is promised for Tuesday evening. Ju ly 20th, when a benefit concert will be given in the Eldorado Hall. The concert has been arranged for the benefit of the Episcopal and Methodist Socie ties of this village, and the price of the ad mission hns been kept at the popular price of 36c. and 85c , at which figure it ia expected that nearly everyone will purchase at least one ticket and assist in increasing tbe dona tion to them two worthy churches. The soloists for this concert will be Miss Agnes Millar of Lockport, Bliss Edith John son of Buffalo. Miss I<oul*e Wilkeson and Mr. Adam Turner of Youngstown, and Mr. William Phtlp. who is the first tenor mem ber of the Bostonians, the finest opera com pany now travelling. Mr. Phllp’s voice is marvelously sweet nnd has a wonderful range, nnd only to hear him is worth much more than the price of admission asked. This rare opportunity of hearing such magnificent talent will undoubtedly be eag erly accepted by onr residents and the hall should be crowded. Remember the date — Tuesday, Ju ly 30th. Tiokets 35 and 85 cents, for the nid of tbe Episcopal and Methodist Churches. For Over Fifty Years. mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, witli perfect success. It soothes the child, softens thn gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is tbe best remedy for Diar rhoea. Is pleasing to the taste. Sold by Druggii ts in every part of the World. 25c a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for mri. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. A flare Thin* for Yon. A transaction in which youcaunot lose Isa sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, fur red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, tiio won derful now liver stimulant nnd iutestinal touio aro by all druggists guaranteed to cum or money refunded. C. C. C. are n sum thing. Try a box to-dny; 10c., 85c., 60c. Batnplo mid booklet free Bee our big nd. IC E - ...... C R E A M Yon may hunt the world over aad yon will not find another medicine equal to Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel oomptaints. It Is pleasant, safe and reliable. F«r sale hy Youngstown Phar macy, Barry tc Ross Ransomville, C. C, Whitney Lewiston. N iagara Club pure Rye Whiskey, guarnn teed five yean old. Put .up in full quart bot tles. Every bottle bears our signature on registered label, cap dud cork. Price 91. Ask your Druggists and Dsoisrs for it--Jno. 7. McDonald tc Co. IM * Proprietor* Suspeo- tam Bridge. N-Y Fort Niagara. I,a*t Saturday’s edition of the Illustrated Buffalo Express contained a most excellent article from the pen of Lieut. Paul B. Ma lone,18th Infantry of Fort Niagara,on “ Mil itary Signaling.” This interesting conrae has for some time been conducted at FortNI agars, under the supervision of First-Lleut. Monroe McFarland, Adjutant 18th Infantry. The course includes instructions in helio- graphing, flagging and the use of tbe torch at night. Telegraphy i* not ordinarily made part of the education of the soldier, as good telegraphers can be obtained by the Govern ment at a moment’s notice In case they are needed. For the rough, impromptu work of tbe field, the heliograph replaces the key board . The avticle also contains several fine illustrations of tbe Signal class in the act of sending signals from Lewiston Heights to Fort Niagara, and altogether is a very inter eating article on Arm y workings and we i *- gret very much the inability to publish the oomplete article. In the same edition of this paper also appears a leugthy article upon tbe target practice, the new targets and the de partment Competition which will take place at Fort Niagara this year. Tbiaarticle isal- so too long to appear tn tbe NlWB but below will be found extracts from it;— “ Companies E, H, C, fie A of the 18th U S, Infantry opened the target season at Fort NI agara, N. Y ., on Tuesday, July 6th, under the provisions of the new Firing Regulations. Company A, from Foit Porter, are camped In the grove off the Rifle Range. So soon as Company A has finished its practice it will be marched bqok to Fort Ptorter and Com pany G will procecedto Fort N iagara.**** A grout' disadvantage was f*l* by some, due to the new sight whioh was placed on tn* magazine rifle last winter. No correction was made for drift,and tbe elevations are by no means accurate. The marksman Is there by forced to aim sometimes as much as two feet away from hi* figure to make a hit. Good scores were spoiled before tbe point of aim oonld be found. Thia experimental work will be used by the Government as data for tbe correction of the sight. The shells bave been* previously need and have been reloaded- As a result, nearly 60 per cent, of them crack during the discharge under the tremendous pressure developed by tbe new smokeless powder. This pressure ranges from 35,000 to 80,000 pounds per square Inch. The heads have been blown from a few catridgee and tbe fouling blown back into the face of the man firing. It is supposed that the cartridge detonates rather then explodes when this recurs. Tbe Infor mation compiled by the Government In this actual teat praotice will be of immense im portance in perfecting machines of war. No Government bas a better weapon, bnt 11 is still in the experimental stage in many re spects.* * * * * Much interest is felt in tbe target work this season, as it Is to be f< llowed by a depart ment competition, which means that all the cracks in the Department of the East will be assembled at Fort Niagara to compete for honors. The Department of the East is tbe largest in tlie Army and the talent is the best. Those who desire it may see some of the brat rifle shots in the world try their skill on the target range at Fort Niagara this summer. The Department will awnrd medals to the first ten, as follows: To tbe winner, a gold medal; to tbe next three In order of merit, a silver medal, to tbe remaining six, a bronze medal; aud the ten «oselected will constitute the Department teem to compete in tbe A r my competition at Chloagq. In these oom - petition*, Fort Niagara nnd Fort Porter, oaglit to be well represented, judging from tbe past record. Sergt. Otto H. Sydow of . Company C holds a world’s rsoord for one i day’s skirmishing,having nn average of 1771, out of a possible 300. He ha* won many medals, was graded a distinguished marks man In 1801, and is probably one of the beet ail round shot* In tbe world, First-Sergeant Laskowski ot Company C is also n distin guished marksman, having throe times com peted on Department teams, sod follows a close second toBergt. Sydow Jn all competi tions. Sergt. Wralgbt of Fort Porter asks no discount from either of those and the soorss of those thro* rival experts will be most Interesting to watch. In addition to tb* rifle practice, there will be n revolver competition for officer* nt tb* time and place fixed for tbe Regular Army competition. There will also be nn infantry and cavnlry officer’s competition. Among the local talent liable to represent the regi ment in these events are Capt. William All- inan. Lieuta. Tlirelkeld, Parker and Paine. All these record-breakers will bold their first preliminary shoot at Fort Niagara. The revolver competition I" a new feature, in tended to develop a greater familiarity with tbe weapon which wtll famish the officer's only safeguard ’ ------- ' - ~ For the accommodation of the people Youngstown and vicinity. I will of DELIVER Ice Cream in pint or quart molds, or any quantity desired. Please leave orders at my store at least 5 hours before deliyering Also Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda and Milk Shake served in my parlors during the c. Main Street, HENNEN, Youngstown, N. Y -FOR Fine M IL L IN ER Y ------ GO M rs 0110 Main Streat, NIAGARA FALLS Formerly Suap. Rridgo. Of Niagara. Niagara Falls, N .Y CHy aud County Depository. Interest A I M on Time Deposits J. BINGENHEiMER. Prest. Im. S. FIERCE, Pastier. llaiiHOinvllle’s New ire S to re .' FURNITURE Of the LATEST STYLES, consisting of PARLOR AND REDROOMSUITS Dining Room Outfits, Sideboards, Tables, Couches, Cots, Wood Folding Camp Chairs, Foldingjfcblss, Ironing Boards, Coihblna-' tion Cm i * end Stop Lqdler, High Chairs Screens and Brooms, Combination Secretary and Book Case, etc.; together wltb a full bua o f ------- Hair End Wool Mattresses, lletl Npriugs W a will be pleased to have;rou call and examine our stock. B AT- ___ ISFACTION GUARANTEED. Qualityoort- Sergt. Wralgbt of Fort Porter asks shared, our Prices are Rock Bottom. Brass and Iron Beds. Baby Carriage*. Pic ture, in irrors, H rw al rad Ingrain Carpets Bymlrna Rugs, Clientlle Curtains. In ootinaction witli tbe Karnftura Buainesa have a oomplete stock of svsrythihg In ths U N D E R T A K I N G L I N E ! L Goods delivered fie* of char ge to those whs ' have lio bones of tbvuTowu. VStgl ALBERT B. THOMPSON :rM w m

Ifim Hats. For GGOCEHS; NEF M T S sol VEGETABLESnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057579/1897-07-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · toqto the Gulf of St. Lawrence, will carry both merchandise

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Page 1: Ifim Hats. For GGOCEHS; NEF M T S sol VEGETABLESnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057579/1897-07-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · toqto the Gulf of St. Lawrence, will carry both merchandise

• ■ .1 fc

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M i I I -' lasSBgflflits, Sailors m Ifim Hats.W K w -.' W I f W ’

Q. M. Carter’s Millinery Store and see the assortment of New Hats, trimmed and nntrimmed, and New Flowers, Chiffons, etc., which arrived yesterday.

rders filled on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or work need not be accepted.

M . C A R T E R ,

F o r G G O C E H S; N E F M T S s o l VEGETABLESSoch as Strawberries, Pineapples, Oranges, Bananas, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Green Peas. Wax

beans, etc. rfhe only up-to-date stock in townTOU W p .1. FIN D AT

I V L a i n S t , Y o u n g s t o w n , JN L * Y .AC0USTU8 MORRIS.

:EY & MORRIS.A tto rn e y s -a t-L a w ,


Levjbton am YoungstownF r o n t i e r R a i l w a y .

Time Table—Mar, 22.Da il y E x cept S unday.

ODNOSTOWN. L ewiston.Lv. Af . Lv.

6 3 8 x 1 1 7 00 AM 7 00 a m745 8 15 8 35980 10 00 10 26

110 0 1 1 80 118 013 80 p m 10 0 P M 1 00p m14 6 3 1 5 2 1 5346 400 400445 6 16 680

M ic h ig a n T e n t r a l“ Tb * Nia g a ra F a l l s Rout* . ”

T h a S h o r t e s t a n d Q u ic k e s t L i n e b e ­t w e e n N i a g a r a - o n - t h e - L a k e a n d

C l i f t o n , N i a g . F a l l a & B u f f a lo ,

E a*t* rn Standard T i b *.

L v N lag.-on-the-LakeAM : PM PM0.15! 1.86 7.00 . . . .

A r C lifton..................... 0 45! 1.53 788A r N iagaraFalls.......... 9.51! 1 59 7 3#A r Buffalo..................... 10.45: 8 00 8,85 * • *r

L v Buffalo.....................! AM PM

7.00:il.l0 485Lv N ia g a ra F a lls ...: .. 7.51 i 12.04 6.30 - .L v C lifton ..................... 7 .57il310 588A r Niag. on-the Lake 8 85112.40 6 05 ----

AU train* daily except Sunday.O. W . Ruoglbs,

G . P. tc T. A ,Chicago, Ilia.

F. Gbddbs, Agent,Niagara-oii the-Lske, Ont,

W. H. Undbrwood, G. F.. P *A .

Buffalo, N .V .

P i c t u r e s q u e a n d P l e a s a n t A Iso C o n v e n i e n t ,

Irea i G orge R oute,onnectlng at Lewiaton with the Lewiaton

Youngatown Frontier R y .. and r t NI- r agara Kail* wltb New Y ork Central,

E rie, Buffalo & Niagara Falls Electric R y (whoee cars run

every 16 minutes).Oak* LMAVB LEWISTON

7.55 a in: 8.SO; 0 .15; 1000; 11.30 ; 1 3 1 5 p m ; II; 1.46; 3.38; 8.15; 4.00; 4,45; 5.46; 8.46.

LEAVE NIAGARA PALLS’.00 a m ; 7.46; 8.80; 9 lh; 10.00; 10.46; 11.80;

l U M p m ; 10 ft; 1.48; 8 80; 8 16 ; 4.00; 6; 8Commutation T lck eU --4 0 tripe $6.00; 80 1pa $3.60. Special rates to excursions.

. ‘ ■ •■ S T S S T Z fCoal * W o n Exchange; Buffalo, If. Y .

falo am Niagara FallaE le c tr ic R a ilw a y,

■ TIM* TABLE-----

i C an leave Niagara and Main streets, Buf­falo, for Niagara Falla and intermediate poluta: 5:86,8.06,8 85,7.05. 7 30 am Every 16 miuutee thereafter u n til8.30 p m . Theu every half hour until 11.85 p m, which is tbe (n t car for Niagara Falla.

Car* leave Niagara Falls for Buffalo: 6,80, 3 80, 8 ,8 .15 a iu. E very 15 minutes there­for until 7 p m . Then every half hour un

til 1 1 pha, whioh 1* the last car out of the pidls for Buffalo.

Bound trip between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, 50c-

N o tice to C re d ito rs-B y order of Hon. Charlee Hickey, Surro­

gate of Niagara County, notice is hereby given, according to law , to all person* hav­ing " la * ™ or demands against the estate of Sarah B . Clark late of the village of Younga -own, Niagara County, N. Y .. deceased, to exhibit tbe same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the exeoutrix of the last Will and testament of said deceased, a t 8.

. perk Baker’s law office in the village of 'Youngstow n, In said County, on or before

he 1st day of Jan u ary next.Dated lfa y 15th, 1897.

Ha r r ie t A. Cl a r k , Executrix.S , Park Baker.

A tty. for Executrix Youngstown, N .Y .

N o tice to C re d ito rs , order of Hon. Charles Hickey. Sunro­o f Niagara County, notice Is hereby

cording to law, to all persons having r demands against the estate of Aar- heater, late of th* village of Youngs-

Nlagara Jaun ty, N. Y ., deceased, to t fh A it tteiuuue. with the vouchers thereof, g y b sahacrlbar. the administratrix of said deosaeed, at ber residence in the village of

town in said County, on or before the r o f September next.March 8th . 1897.

LOBBBA M. WINCHXXTER,Administratrix, etc.

Baker, attorney for Administratrix owe, N . Y . ________

Youngstown News.ISSU ED E V E R Y F R ID A Y

6 . 0 . P . F R I C K , E d i t o r a n d P r o p r ie t o r

Office Stone BuildingW A TER ST R EET.

Y o u n g s t o w n * N . Y .T E R M S O P SU B SC R IP T IO N .

One vrar, 81.00 in advance; or, $ ’ .35 if not paid In advance S ix months,50 cents In

advance Three months, 36 cents in advance Single copies. Scents

W Advertising rates will be furnished at the ofllce or by mail promptly on application Our rates ara uniform to all advertisers.

_ Papers sent to any part of United States or Canada on receipt o f subscription price. Sample copies sent free ou application

Entered at tbe post-oflioe at Youngstown as second class mail matter.

Y o m i f f s t u w i i , V ¥ . , J u l y 1 6 t h 1 8 0 7

00 to C red ito rs*Of B o b . Charlee Hickey,

• County, notice ie 1 to iaw.to a ll person* ha’

stands against tbe estate o f \ late o f Ihecity o f Niagara Falls, u ty .N . Y ., deceased, to exhibit Hi voucher* thereof, to the sub

inietratrlx o f said deceased, at S . Park Baker In the village . ia said County, on or ho­

o f August next'91k, 1887.El l a Y . Ne w , A d m ix .

M a l i , Young*

L O C A L S .—Tbe month of Ju ly thus fa r bas been aroaster.”—The steam pleasnre yaclit Vesta, arrived

In this port last Saturday.Bobn.—On Wednesday, Ju ly 1.4th, to Mr.

and Mrs. C. A . Mention, a son.Good fishing at Fort N iagara fishing

grounds is reported this week.Born.—To Mr. and Mrs. Henry K elly, a

daughter, Wednesday, Ju ly 14lh.Born.—On Sunday, Ju ly 11th , to Mr. and

Mrs. E . S . Enyart of Chicago, III.,a son.-There is an enormous crop of good bay

safely gathered in Niagara county this sea­son.

—Do not forget the lienefit concert to lie given In the Eldorado Hall on Tuesdny even in g,Ju ly 2Uth.

—A new lot o f fine crash suits just In at Stllierbergs — An Alfred Benjnniin crash suit @ 88.97— higher grade @ 85 97.

—The thermometer on Friday and Satur­day last nearly reached tlie 100 mark. So far no heat prostrations have been reported.

For Pa l e . —F ive acres with grove, house and fruit. Near school house; on Lockport Street. Apply to Mrs, R. J . Greiner, Sta. A, Niagara Falls, N. Y . 171.21

—F or S a l e .— Three desirable lots on Chestnut Street,Youngstown, N Y , covered with peaoh trees'. For Terms, etc., apply to S . Pa r k Ba * b r , Youngstown, N. Y .

—The recently appointed Street Commis­sioner Michael McGowan is busily engaged in clearing up tbe different streets o f tbe village, and h.le work ls a marked improthat iST^ _________

Thom ga'formation In th if large tent, erected on tbe Cook property nh^'Main street, tbe fore pert o f thia week. Those attending speak in high praise of the entertainments.

—Young men should take warning from the story of tha watchful mother,who think­ing that her daughter’s gallnut bad stayed long enough, walked out on the piazza and iuquired i f the morning paper bad come.

—Servis Sc Son have a gang of twenty five men at work on the large brick forage build­ing now being erected at Fort Niagara. Tbe building is being rushed to completion end the contractors expect to have it finished by August 1st.

—Tbe State law requires that stones In the pnblic highways be picked up once e month from May to October. It is tbe duty of path- masters to enforce this provision. It would be interesting to know how closely this rule 1* being observed In this portion of the 8tate.

—It is said ths peach crop promises to be very large in this oonnty this year although there w ill be a abort crop in m any placet elsewhere. Albert H. Dutton expects about 18.000 baskets from his orchards, and other growers expect to have thousands of baskets

—The unparalleled bot tpeli of last week, wl en tbe thermometer was dancing around the'100 mark, was bronght to a close Sun­day last when a heavy fa ll o f rain was wel­comed. Since then tbe weather has beeu most delightful and thoroughly appreciated

—Tlie slump in bicycle prices, predicted In theae columns e few months ago, came to hand on scLeduled time, Ju ly 1 . The deal era are tumbling over each otber In tbe race to unload. Good wheels can bepurcbased in Buffalo as low as $35, and m any of the best for $50.

—The members of the Sabbath School o f Delaware Avenue M. B . Church of Buffalo, picnicked in Rumsey Park on Saturday last. About 350 enjoyed the day in this delightful gtove, making the trip via tbe N. Y .C .R . R . to Lewiston and then over the Old Fort Route to th* park.

—The concert given In tbe Eldorado Hotel on Thursday evening last, under tbe auspices of the Y .P .8 .C E of the Presbyterian Church was one o f the finest entertainments tbat the people of thia vleinity have had th* pleasure ot Bearing for some time. Buffalo talent furnished the program which contain­ed several excellent number*. Tbe young people netted abont $ 13 from the concert.

blob 1* doing ve ry nicely.—We do not voaeh for the following which

w * And In an exchange, but it le well worth try in g . “ Are yon bothered with files In your Heme! Get ten cents worth o f laven - der at the drug store and m ix it wltb an equal quantity-of water. Put the solution in a common glam atomiser and spray it around the rooms. Tbe odor Is so disagree­able to flies that they immediately depart, while to moat people tbs email o f the laven- A w is grateful and refreshing.

—Work will shortly he commenced on tbe contract for grading 1860 feet of bank on tbe government reservation. Michael Bennett, the contractor,was in this village a few days past overlooking tbe work to be done and be said that as soon as the necessary material could be brought here, a large gang of men wonld be set at work.

—It Is reported that a new line of magni­ficent boats is soon to be built to navigate Lake Ontario. They will run from Lewis- toqto the G ulf of St. Lawrence, will carry both merchandise and passengers end w ill bave first c lan appartments. The backers of the project are said to be Col. Corbin and Mrs. Hetty Green ol New Y ork city.

—Take a dollar bill and fold It several times each w ay. Then unfold it and you see it increases. Keep the increase, but send the original bill to tbe printer who put you on to the scheme. Take a silver dollar and drop it en the counter. Y ou w ill a t once notice the ring it makes Send the ring to your best girl and the dollar to the printer,and they’ ll both be happy.

—On Thursday morning last John L . Hail of B lairville , had the misfortune to fall from a load of hay to the ground, and suf­fered a painful strain on the muscles of tbe left forearm. Tbe accident was caused through the breaking of a rope, and his es­cape from a more serious Injury was marvel rus. A fter being laid op for n few d ay , be is again at work.

—It is surprising that so many farmers never plant trees along tbe roads passing their premises. Tlie cost would lie trifling, and tbe added beauty and grateful shade would enhance tlie value of tlieir farms. More attention should be given to the sub­ject. When you plant a tree by tho high­w ay you not only do a good act for this generation but for those which are to come.

—The badly decomposed body of an un­known man about 35 years old was found floating In tbe river opposite lew iaton on Sunday afternoon about 1 o’clock by Victor Scott, a lad 15 years old. The body was en­tirely nude and had been in the water about two weeks. The ninn was about five feet teu inches in height and weighed 100' pounds. Dr. Tlioma8 A. K err made an examination and found the neck broken, left leg dislocated and left under jaw broken in two places. Several cuts and bruises were found on th6 head and body. The man liad a black mus­tache and tbe top of tlie bead was devoid of hair, caused by decomposition. Coroner Walker empanelled a ju ry and viewed the re m ains. ,

—The Board ot Dirrctors of the Niagara County A gricultural Society met at Lock­port recently end held a very profitable meeting tn the w ay ot suggestions from the vioe-presidentsof tlie society throughout th* county as to what program would be tbe niost suTiffible for the fall fair. I t was par-

i R a lly deetyed th a ftb e following should be

n a ll. Plowing matches and other exhibitions of practical farm work. Historical day, museum, ec quarium, live slock exhibit nnd entertain­ments entirely new nnd novel. Many changes have been made in the premium list so as to bring it strlotly np to date. Another meeting w ill probably be held this week and more about the program w ill be announced1

—The Coroner’s ju ry met Friday evening last and closed the case of the finding of the body of a child in a well on the Onen pro­perty. o f which a complete account has been published in the Ne w s , A fter taking the testimony of tbe surgeon the ju ry rendered a verdict “ that tbe obild came to its death by wilful neglect, and by being hit on tbe bead with a blunt instrument in the hands of a person or persons unknown to this jury. The Coroner stated that be had several clews which would be thoroughly unraveled, and thnt tbe District Attorney bad charge of tbe oase. I t Is not improbable that the mother o f tbe child w ill be discovered and facts brought to light that will astound the inhab­itants of this village. The guilty parties should suffer tbe extreme penalty ot tbe law.

—Our popular merchant Edward G. Hail, has decided to open a coal yard in this vil­lage and is now completing arrangements to this end. He has .leased from Mrs, Edgar Chaplin a piece of land 50x360 feet, near the oorner of Third and Church streets, where he w ill bave bis coal sheds built and yard located. 'The Lewiston & Youngstown R .R . intend to place a 300 feet switch for tbe ac­commodation o f Mr. Hall, and be In turn will build a large platform from which fruit, etc., can be loaded onto freight cars. The sheds w ill be about 80 feet long and a large amount of coal w ill alw ays be kept on hand- Work on the sheds platform , switch, etc., w ill be commenced as soon as possible. A coal yard Is what Youngstown bas needed for years, and Mr. H all is to be congratulat ed upon bis enterprise and he deserve* tbe patronage of our residents.

—Before tbe next issue of this paper will appear the fifth annual excursion given by Youngstown Legion, No. 18. Select Knights, w ill have taken place, This excursion bee become very papular with our people, who eagerly aw ait Its approach in anticipation of n first class time. This year tbe excursion will be held oa Thursday, Ju ly 22nd, v ia th* Niagarn Navigation Company’s beautiful steamer Corona, whieh w ill leave Lewiston nt if.50 a . m „ Youngstown at 8 .16 a.m ., and Niagara nt 8.80 a. m ., returning th* Corona w ill Isnvs Toronto at 4.46 p . m ., giving ex­cursionists s ix hours In Toronto. In addl tion to tbe usual custom Youngstown Legion has secured the 13tb U. 8 . In fantry Band of Fort Niagnra, to accompany them. This band is the finest In the arm y, and tbelr mu­sic w ill be a pleasure to listenvto. Tickete 80c..children 30c..and they oan be purchased at the various wharfs on the morning ot th* excursion from the following committee— E . S . C arter, H .B . Bench, W. E . Robinson and E. G. H alL

—Last Friday Wm. Cotnerford. proprietor of the Bellevue Hotel, was arrested on tbe charge of •• unlaw fully, wilfully and mali- cionsiy discharging a firearm, towir, a revol­ver,and thereby endangering life.” Tbe ac­tion was bronght in behalf of the people. The ease came np before Justice Sweet Friday af­ternoon, District Attorney Hopkins nf Lock­port. representing the People, while Wm. Lockner of Lockport appeared for Convr- ford. The defendant asked for a ju ry trial and the case was adjourned until Wednesday morning at ten o’clock, at which time the following ju ry w as secured : Almeron Bar­ker, Wm. K ing, Jared Trneedale, Wm. Wilkeson, A. J . Eaton and Charles Rlpson. The testimony occupied nearly the entire day and was finally given to the jury about nine o’clock, who brought in a verdict o f not gu ilty. ^

P E R S O N A L .—Miss Clara Parker la the guest of her

uncle, Mr. L P. Gillette of River Avenue —M r. Newton B. Hall has returned home

after spending several months in Rat Portage Ont.

—Mr. Thomas Hoey and son of Niagara Falls, spent Monday in town the guests of his parents.

—Rev. Mr. Allen and wife,and Miss Curtiss of Buffalo, were the guests of friends in this village last week.

—District Attorney Hopkins and K m . E. Lockner of Lockport, were in this village a few days this week.

—Mr. Frank Trevor and fam ily of Lock­port, are occupying their cottnge in this vil lage, on the bank of the Niagara.

—Mr. H. E . Pokey of Marblehead, Ohio, was the guest of Capt. Griesser and fam ily of Fort Ningara, several days last week.

—Miss Amelia Wagner of Detroit, Mich., is spending a few wieks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Geo, Wagner of tlie I.ake Road-

—Mrs. George Simpson and son Dwight, of Minneapolis, M inn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Swain and otber relatives in this village.

Den tistry .—Dr. D.F Rently of 2100 Main St. Niagara Falls, will be at tlie Ontario Honse every F R ID A Y prepared to prnetlce dentistry in all its branches.

—Mr. Charles K ruskeof New Y ork city , was in town a few dnys past calling on num­erous friends. He Is spending his vacation with his parents in Wileon.

—Mr. U. N. Owen, proprietor of Hotel Im perial, Niagara Fa lis .w lf* and son Paul.were the guests o f their cousins, M r. and Mrs, J . F . Taylor o f F ort Niagara last week.

De n tist r y . —D r. G. C. Bowles of Niagara Falls, Is at the Eldorado Hotel every Tnes day prepared to practice dentistry in all its branchee. Teeth extracted without pain

„ J *. Chester and wife, Mr. W. A, leonaud fam ily, Mrs Bessie Tower.

Mfe. G. P . Tower and Mr. and Mrs. A . J . Bai mer, attended th* Believer’s Meetings at Niagara on-tba-Lake the past week.

—We are In reoelpt of n copy of tbe an nual report o f tbe Cincinnati. O-. Union Bethel, one of tbe largest undenominational Sunday Schools in the world. Onr former townsman. Mr. E . E Timothy, has been generalisecretary of this Sunday School for tbe past s ix years, during which time Mr. Timothy bas held the position of Department Manager for tbe John Shilllto Co.,the largest dry goods firm of the Queen city.

D e a th o f an O ld R esid en t.Mr. Wm Steele died at tbe residence of

his son, Frank C Steele, proprietor o f the Hotel Eldorado, on Tuesday nmrning about 1 1 o’clock, Ju ly 13tb, 1897, aged 73 years and ten months. *

Deceased was born in Renssalear county, this State, in the year 1885 and came to Ni­agara county in 1845, wben he settled In tbe town of Porter. In his youth be learned tbe blacksmith trade, wbicb business he conduct­ed in this village until his retirement there­from about 15 years ago. In the year 1848, during the month of April, he was united in marriage to Miss Amende C^ierk, a popular Voting lady of this village, and witb the e x ­ception of a few years residence in Rochester he has alw ays lived In Youngstown.

Several years ago Mr Steele’s eyesight began to fail which eventually resulted in total blindness For some time past be bad been rnpidiv failing and death finally cam* and relieved him from nil earthly suffering. During bis life time he gained many firm friends by bis just and righteous treatment of bis fellowmen, and old nnd young will ever remember bis many kindnesses,

Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a widow one daughter, Mrs. Jam es Day of Rochester, and one son, Frank C. Steele of this village. The funeral services were held from the hotel cottage on Thursday afternoon at 8 o’clock, Rev. Nelson B Chester of tbe Presbyterian church officiated. Tbe singing for tbe occa­sion was furnished by Mrs. Edgar Chaplin and Mrs. N. D. Heikeil.

Ths remains were interred In the Oakwood Rural Cemetery, and many sympathetic tears were shed as th* loving husband nnd father wa* lowered in tbe silent tomb.

B e n e fit C o n c e rt.One of the finest entertainments ever g iv­

en in this village Is promised for Tuesday evening. Ju ly 20th, when a benefit concert will be given in the Eldorado Hall.

The concert has been arranged for the benefit of the Episcopal and Methodist Socie­ties of this village, and the price of the ad ­mission hns been kept at the popular price of 36c. and 85c , at which figure it ia expected that nearly everyone w ill purchase at least one ticket and assist in increasing tbe dona­tion to them two worthy churches.

The soloists for this concert w ill be Miss Agnes Millar of Lockport, Bliss Edith John­son of Buffalo. Miss I<oul*e Wilkeson and Mr. Adam Turner of Youngstown, and Mr. William Phtlp. who is the first tenor mem­ber of the Bostonians, the finest opera com­pany now travelling. Mr. Phllp’s voice is marvelously sweet nnd has a wonderful range, nnd only to hear him is worth much more than the price of admission asked.

This rare opportunity of hearing such magnificent talent will undoubtedly be eag­erly accepted by onr residents and the hall should be crowded. Remember the date — Tuesday, Ju ly 30th. Tiokets 35 and 85 cents, for the nid of tbe Episcopal and Methodist Churches.

F o r O v e r F ifty Y e a r s .mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, witli perfect success. It soothes the child, softens thn gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is tbe best remedy for Diar­rhoea. Is pleasing to the taste. Sold by Druggii ts in every part of the World. 25c a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for m ri. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup and take no other kind.

A flare T h in * fo r Yon.A transaction in which youcaunot lose Isa

sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, fur­red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, tiio won­derful now liver stimulant nnd iutestinal touio aro by all druggists guaranteed to cum or money refunded. C. C. C. are n sum thing. Try a box to-dny; 10c., 85c., 60c. Batnplo mid booklet free Bee our big nd.

I C E - ......


Yon m ay hunt the world over aad yon w ill not find another medicine equal to Chamber­lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel oomptaints. It Is pleasant, safe and reliable. F«r sa le hy Youngstown Phar­macy, Barry tc Ross Ransomville, C. C , Whitney Lewiston.

N ia g a ra Club pure Rye Whiskey, guarnn teed five yean old. Put .up in full quart bot­tles. Every bottle bears our signature on registered label, cap dud cork. Price 91. Ask your Druggists and Dsoisrs for it - - Jn o . 7 . M cD onald tc Co. IM * Proprietor* Suspeo- tam Bridge. N -Y

F o rt N ia g a ra .I,a*t Saturday’s edition of the Illustrated

Buffalo Express contained a most excellent article from the pen of Lieut. Paul B . Ma­lone,18th Infantry of Fort Niagara,on “ Mil­itary Signaling.” This interesting conrae has for some time been conducted at FortNI agars, under the supervision of First-Lleut. Monroe McFarland, Adjutant 18th Infantry. The course includes instructions in helio- graphing, flagging and the use o f tbe torch at night. Telegraphy i* not ordinarily made part of the education of the soldier, as good telegraphers can be obtained by the Govern­ment at a moment’s notice In case they are needed. For the rough, impromptu work of tbe field, the heliograph replaces the k ey­board . The avticle also contains several fine illustrations of tbe Signal class in the act of sending signals from Lewiston Heights to Fort Niagara, and altogether is a very inter eating article on A rm y workings and we i *- gret very much the inability to publish the oomplete article. In the same edition of this paper also appears a leugthy article upon tbe target practice, the new targets and the de­partment Competition which will take place at Fort Niagara this year. Tbiaarticle isa l- so too long to appear tn tbe NlWB but below will be found extracts from it ;—

“ Companies E , H, C, fie A of the 18th U S , Infantry opened the target season a t Fort NI agara, N. Y . , on Tuesday, Ju ly 6th, under the provisions of the new Firing Regulations. Company A, from F o it Porter, are camped In the grove off the Rifle Range. So soon as Company A has finished its practice it w ill be marched bqok to Fort Ptorter and Com­pany G w ill procecedto Fort N ia g a r a .* * * *

A grout' disadvantage w as f* l* by some, due to the new sight whioh was placed on tn* magazine rifle last winter. No correction was made for drift,and tbe elevations are by no means accurate. The marksman Is there by forced to aim sometimes as much as two feet aw ay from hi* figure to make a hit. Good scores were spoiled before tbe point of aim oonld be found. Thia experimental work will be used by the Government as data for tbe correction of the sight.

The shells bave been* previously need and have been reloaded- A s a result, nearly 60 per cent, o f them crack during the discharge under the tremendous pressure developed by tbe new smokeless powder. This pressure ranges from 35,000 to 80,000 pounds per square Inch. The heads have been blown from a few catridgee and tbe fouling blown back into the face o f the man firing. It is supposed that the cartridge detonates rather then explodes when this recurs. Tbe Infor ­mation compiled by the Government In this actual teat praotice w ill be of immense im ­portance in perfecting machines of war. No Government bas a better weapon, bnt 1 1 is still in the experimental stage in m any re­spects.* * * * *

Much interest is felt in tbe target work this season, as it Is to be f< llowed by a depart­ment competition, which means that all the cracks in the Department of the East will be assembled at Fort Niagara to compete for honors. The Department of the East is tbe largest in tlie Arm y and the talent is the best. Those who desire it may see some of the brat rifle shots in the world try their skill on the target range a t Fort Niagara this summer. The Department will awnrd medals to the first ten, as follows: To tbe winner, a gold medal; to tbe next three In order of merit, a silver medal, to tbe remaining six, a bronze medal; aud the ten «oselected will constitute the Department teem to compete in tbe A r ­my competition a t Chloagq. In these oom - petition*, Fort N iagara nnd Fort Porter, oaglit to be well represented, judging from tbe past record. Sergt. Otto H . Sydow of

. Company C holds a world’s rsoord for one i day’s skirmishing,having nn average of 1771,

out of a possible 300. He ha* won many medals, w as graded a distinguished marks­man In 1801, and is probably one of the beet ail round shot* In tbe world, First-Sergeant Laskowski ot Company C is also n distin­guished marksman, having throe times com­peted on Department teams, sod follows a close second toBergt. Sydow Jn all competi­tions. Sergt. W ralgbt of F ort Porter asks no discount from either of those and the soorss of those thro* rival experts will be most Interesting to watch.

In addition to tb* rifle practice, there will be n revolver competition for officer* nt tb* time and place fixed for tbe Regular A rm y competition. There will also be nn infantry and cavnlry officer’s competition. Among the local talent liable to represent the regi­ment in these events are Capt. William A ll- in an. Lieuta. Tlirelkeld, Parker and Paine. A ll these record-breakers w ill bold their first preliminary shoot a t Fort Niagara. The revolver competition I" a new feature, in­tended to develop a greater fam iliarity with tbe weapon which wtll fam ish the officer's only safeguard ’ ------- ' - ~

For the accommodation of the people Youngstown and vicinity. I will


DELIVERIce Cream in pint or quart molds, or any

quantity desired.

Please leave orders at my store at least 5 hours before deliyering

Also Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda and Milk Shake served in m y parlors during the

c.Main Street,

H E N N E N ,Youngstown, N. Y


F i n e



M r s0110 Main Streat,

N IAG ARA FALLS Formerly Suap. Rridgo.

Of Niagara.N ia g a ra F a lls , N . Y

C H y a u d C o u n t y D e p o s i t o r y .I n t e r e s t A I M o n T i m e D e p o s i t s


Im. S. FIERCE, Pastier.llaiiHOinvllle’s Newire Store. '

F U R N IT U R EOf the LA T E ST S T Y L E S , consisting of

PARLOR AND RED ROOM SUITSDining Room Outfits, Sideboards, Tables, Couches, Cots, Wood Folding Camp Chairs, Foldingjfcblss, Ironing Boards, Coihblna-' tion Cm i * end Stop Lqd ler, High Chairs Screens and Brooms, Combination Secretary and Book Case, etc.; together wltb a fu ll

bua o f -------Hair End Wool Mattresses, lletl Npriugs

W a will be pleased to h a ve ; rou call and examine our stock. B AT-

„ „ ___ ISFACTION GU ARANTEED . Qualityoort-Sergt. W ralgbt of Fort Porter asks shared, our Prices are Rock Bottom.

Brass and Iron Beds. Baby Carriage*. Pic ture, in irrors, H r w a l ra d Ingrain Carpets Bym lrna Rugs, Clientlle Curtains.In ootinaction witli tbe Karnftura Buainesa

have a oomplete stock o f svsrythihg In ths

U N D E R T A K I N G L I N E ! LGoods delivered fie* of char ge to those whs '

have lio bones of tbvuTowu. V S t g lA LB E R T B . THOMPSON

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