DRESS REHEARSAL Your DREAM WARDROBE starts here! www.dress-rehearsal.co.uk A huge, exciting DRESS REHEARSAL welcome to you ! You’ll be pleased to know WARDROBE WORKOUT is for ALL women, of ALL shapes and sizes and with ALL budgets It’s for women at the very start of their personal style journey and for those who want to turn things up a notch or two or three – in my opinion there’s always room for improvement – myself included! This is a genuine offer to share FREE information with the opportunity to take things further should you choose to do so............... Now I’ve got that of my chest [of the small variety!] let’s get started! Jane x ©Copyright

If you’re like me many years ago, you may feel you WANT anddress-rehearsal.co.uk/.../2013/06/WARDROBE-WORKO…  · Web viewWhere’s that note book/word document.....? Describe

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Page 1: If you’re like me many years ago, you may feel you WANT anddress-rehearsal.co.uk/.../2013/06/WARDROBE-WORKO…  · Web viewWhere’s that note book/word document.....? Describe



A huge, exciting DRESS REHEARSAL welcome to you !

You’ll be pleased to know WARDROBE WORKOUT is for ALL women, of ALL shapes and sizes and with ALL budgets

It’s for women at the very start of their personal style journey and for those who want to turn things up a notch or two or three – in my opinion there’s always room for improvement – myself included!

This is a genuine offer to share FREE information with the opportunity to take things further should you choose to do so...............

Now I’ve got that of my chest [of the small variety!] let’s get started!

Jane x



Page 2: If you’re like me many years ago, you may feel you WANT anddress-rehearsal.co.uk/.../2013/06/WARDROBE-WORKO…  · Web viewWhere’s that note book/word document.....? Describe

You want to take your wardrobe to the next level, right?

To move forward with anything, knowing the starting point is always a good idea – so grab yourself a notebook and a cuppa, fling your wardrobe doors WIDE OPEN and enjoy the ride!


1. In order to make the most of this process, may I suggest you make a note of your musings by putting pen to paper? Or keyboard to screen?

2. Grab that notebook and describe your current wardrobe in THREE WORDS! Yes, just three words...........bear with me – there’s a good reason for this question!

3. How do you FEEL in your current selection of clothes?4. Ask yourself the questions below and mark yourself on a scale 1 to 5 [ where 1= very little

confidence and 5= totally confident ] 5. Knowing ‘where you’re at’ now is the starting point.


“I wear all of my clothes on a regular basis” “I mix and match my clothes to create a different outfit each time” “I feel I dress appropriately for all aspects of my lifestyle” “I am confident I wear colours which flatter my unique blend of hair, eye and skin colour” “I am confident the clothes I wear flatter my figure” “ I feel I dress to reflect my personality and have my own personal sense of style” “I am confident my make- up and accessories enhance my colouring and personal style” “Whilst shopping I feel confident I know what I’m looking for and know what suits me”



Page 3: If you’re like me many years ago, you may feel you WANT anddress-rehearsal.co.uk/.../2013/06/WARDROBE-WORKO…  · Web viewWhere’s that note book/word document.....? Describe

You’ve now self -assessed your wardrobe – some interesting findings, huh?

It’s likely to have highlighted aspects of your wardrobe that are working well..............

And, perhaps, areas that need attention – hooray, that’s why we’re all here!

In my opinion, a DREAM wardrobe is a selection of items that flatter your unique colouring and body shape yet also expresses your personality It’s not a formula, it’s not a list of ‘what every women needs’ as we often read about in magazines – it’s one which houses all you need, for where you go and what you do.

It’s as simple as that. It’s time to start dreaming..............................


Where’s that note book/word document..................? Describe your DREAM WARDROBE in THREE WORDS – remember this is a dream - you can have what you want - we wish!

How will you feel when wearing these clothes? Close your eyes and imagine. How do you WANT to feel?

Complete the ‘LIFESTYLE’ questions below. It’s such a shame to spend good money on clothes that rarely see the light of day – do learn from my mistakes and spend your hard earned cash on what you’ll wear regularly!


So what is lifestyle? Sounds very grand doesn’t it?!

Essentially, lifestyle is what we do and where we go! That’s all

List where you go and what do you do in a typical month? Add any special occasions that are likely to crop up throughout the year ie Christmas ‘do’,

holiday, wedding, party etc.

This will determine the types of clothing you need!Laying your lifestyle down like this is so simple - it then becomes very clear what you actually need!



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Now you’ve got to grips with where you need your wardrobe to take you, give yourself the gift of an hour or two to yourself. Mark it in your diary now – as with most things in life, this is all about action!


1. Make a date in your diary with yourself 2. You’re about to create a vision of YOUR DREAM WARDROBE on paper!3. Take a piece of card [the back of a cornflakes packet will do the job] .......... errrrr, may

have done this myself before now.......????!!! 4. Take a selection of old clothing catalogues and/or women’s magazines. Cut out anything

that appeals to you – colour, style, shape etc and stick to the card/paper. 5. Now look at the vision board as a whole. What do you notice? Any themes, similarities

coming through? An overall look? 6. Write down your findings.



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Given you’re here, I’ m going to healthily assume that there’s some gap between YOUR WARDROBE TODAY and YOUR DREAM WARDROBE!

That’s good – now we know what we’re working towards...............so, let me ask you,

What needs to happen to move YOU and YOUR WARDROBE from A to B?

At this point there is usually a chorus yelling ‘MONEY’ – am I right? Or am I right?!!!!

Or ‘TIME’!!!!!!!!!!!


I’ve worked in this field long enough to know this AND remember, I’ve been there too!

Well, this may be a little uncomfortable for some but, having been there myself, it’s not always about the money or the time or even the weight issue!

The truth is, most women find the money for want they want

And the time for that matter. Really.........?

Yes, really! Think about the time and money we spend SO willingly on our children, our family, our pets.............

Let’s dig a bit deeper. Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!

So often, I hear from clients [ sometimes through the tears - been there too] it’s REALLY about not feeling worthy of spending the money on themselves. Or the time for that matter.

I think it’s a girl thing! In fact, I know it’s a girl thing!

Allow me to give you permission to “shake these thoughts up in a paper bag” – one of my Gran’s favourite sayings. Where on earth did that one come from?!



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1. Rule out time in your diary to sort out/re-assess your wardrobe, actually schedule it in - make an appointment with yourself! Tomorrow, we’ll be starting the Wardrobe Workout – no trainers required!

2. Write a list to the QUESTIONS below. 3. May I suggest you have a DISCUSSION with yourself and/or your partner and SET YOURSELF

A BUDGET for clothes!

Yes, however small, you deserve a slice of the household budget to keep yourself looking and feeling good. It doesn’t matter if your budget is £10.00 a month or less – PLEASE claim it, save it and use it for you

When you set a budget, know that money is for YOU and YOU ALONE - trust me, it’s guilt free spending – priceless.


What needs to happen to take my wardrobe from today to MY DREAM WARDROBE? What do I need to START doing?

What do I need to STOP doing?

STEP FIVE – this is a biggie!Wardrobe Workout! Lights, camera, .................and ACTION!


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Take and assess every item of clothing, pairs of shoes, bags, accessories and quickly and without hesitation divide into two piles:

PILE ‘A’ - Things you haven’t worn for at least a year

PILE ‘B’ - Things you have worn within the last year


Tackle PILE ‘A’ first.

With each item ask yourself “Why haven’t I worn it?”

Divide into THREE PILES:

A Needs cleaning/needs mending/needs altering

Try these items on – do you LOVE the item enough to clean it/ mend it/alter it?

Yes? Remember this is all about action SO make it happen!

No? Clear out the old to make room for the new Throw away/give to charity/sell on ebay? Decluttering is SO theraputic!

B No longer fits/dated/memories

Are you realistically ever going to wear these clothes again? Are they just a negative reminder of days gone by?

If you’re not wearing them anyway, is it best they come out of the wardrobe and raise some cash for new clothes from their sale or go to charity? Go towards your new budget plan?

If you’re not ready yet – place in black sacks and out of sight for, say, six months or a year – in the loft, under the bed, in the spare room etc


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If you haven’t missed them during this time perhaps you’re ready now...........?

Memories – think about saving a piece of the garment in a special scrapbook/keepsake box/deep picture frame rather than it taking up space in your wardrobe?

LOVE those deep picture frames

C Lovely item/loved it when you bought it but just don’t wear it

These are often the ‘guilty’ purchases – we KNOW we’ve wasted good money on something we know in our hearts was not a good buy.

I refer to these items as ‘The One Night Stands!!’

Enough said

If you’re not wearing it anyway, is it better to sell it or give to someone who could make use of it?

So you don’t end up with a rail of ‘one night stands’ ask yourself “Why EXACTLY haven’t I worn it?”

See Step 3..............

The plan with this is to REALLY understand what’s not working and to avoid similar purchases and wasted money from hereon in.

ACTION 3 – May I suggest you make notes as you go..............

Is it the colour that’s not right?

Some colours simply drain us and make us look and feel less than our best. Or ill! I often say to clients to keep one of these to wear to the surgery when you’re after a presciption!

Is the fabric one that could be dyed to a better colour?

If not, it goes onto the MOVING ON pile!

Is it the shape or style that’s simply not flattering?

The truth is not all clothing shapes work for us!

What EXACTLY is not right with this item?


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The neckline/the length/the fabric?

Could you have the item altered to make it work and do you love it enough to make that happen? If not – onto the MOVING ON pile

Is the item simply not YOU?

By this I mean, it’s just not your personality.......these are often the pieces that we see on the rail or on others, love them and are tempted!

Looking fab on the hanger or on someone else does not always equate to looking fab on you! I speak from experience........

What is it that’s not you? Add to your notes

Is it patterned/too plain/too much ‘frills and froth’ as I call it?

How do you FEEL in it? Boring? OTT?

Is it time for it to MOVE ON?!

It’s perfect but you don’t go anywhere to wear that particular item!

Another typical purchase – we fall in love with something that IS perfect for us BUT we have no occasion to wear it.

We’ve spent money, and often quite a lot of money on something we hardly/rarely/never wear and that money would have been better spent on something that you need and would wear regularly.

Acknowledging this is important so as not to fall into this trap again!

Would spending money on what we’re going to wear week in week out be a better investment than having something beautifully dressy, for example, looking gorgeous in the wardrobe..............?


IT WILL HELP to now look at the items you are wearing regularly!

Let’s look at PILE ‘B’ now...........as a whole first!


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These are the items you wear most of the time!

Looking at them en masse what strikes you?

All patterned? No pattern? All similar colours? Fabrics?

What’s the common theme?

Now take each item in turn

REALLY think about WHY you wear this and what EXACTLY is working?

It’s likely to be:

a colour you like wearing – or if you’ve been colour analysed you know it’s a great colour for you.

Could this be a colour to buy in another item – if you are happy wearing this colour perhaps it’s worth adding another piece in this colour?

This way you can start to build outfits – ie you have a long sleeved top in turquoise, you love it, others compliment you when you wear it – would a turquoise cardigan be a great investment or a necklace?

Then – which colours work well with turquoise? Navy – ok, a navy pair of trousers would work with the top and new cardi and a navy dress would also work with the cardi.

Or – are you playing it safe with a lot of black, grey and jeans...............?

a great fit/comfortable and possibly a great shape for you

what is it EXACTLY that’s working shape or style wise?the length, the neckline, the fabric, flatters your figure?

How can you recreate this look – with other items?

Your next skirt to be this shape, this length?

Stick to this shape trouser – forget the rest?

This fabric works for me – what else might work in this fabric?

simply YOU! And your personality!

What IS simply YOU? Exactly?

Pattern? Solid colours? Simplicity? Detail? Sophisticalted? Fun? Vintage?


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something that’s appropriate for your lifestyle!

These are the pieces you NEED!

Do you need to look for similar pieces but ring the changes with colour and fabric. Are these your keeper pieces?!

make you feel great!

More of the same? But different! Or do you feel stuck in a rut and want to experiment with new colours/ shapes/ styles?


Only put back in your wardrobe what you wear and enjoy wearing – less can be more!

Most women wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time – the other 80% is very often simply unflatteringcolours/shapes/styles – or simply not ‘us’.


Grab a calculator and tot up the value of the items you are discarding.




Grab that notebook/keyboard:

What do YOU need for your LIFESTYLE? Which colours work for YOU? Which clothing shapes work for YOU? What is your personal style? Your accessory style? Your shoe style? Your budget?


The truth is TRANSFORMATION does not just happen, we have to MAKE IT HAPPEN!


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Transformation will remain a dream unless we take ACTION. So, do use this information and

guidance to make the changes you desire!

If you’re like me many years ago, you may feel you WANT and NEED more help and guidance?

I remember longing for a wardrobe that made me feel effortlessly stylish, vibrant, co-ordinated,

‘together’ and happy in my own skin.

TODAY I have that wardrobe.

I asked for HELP because I couldn’t do it myself back then. I had to learn and you can learn it too!

My wardrobe is not vast.

It’s not ‘designer’.

It’s not expensive.

It IS perfect for me and it’s been FUN!

These days I have the knowledge and experience to help OTHERS…….

I work with your dreams – not mine. I can show you a straight forward, easy to follow, attainable

process to bring about YOUR TRANSFORMATION.If this sounds like music to your ears a session with Jane at DRESS REHEARSAL could be the start of a WHOLE NEW YOU.

Ready to get started? Contact Jane on 01329 667308 or Email [email protected]

Or connect on




This is it! Live life in COLOUR and STYLE and start living the dream
