S i r cep- t q N rr u k t i t 1 IJ f h Id j- I j If Xpti 1 J I 1 t fl J j y 1 It ttrlitt r i dvortea a O s- t I A WEEKLY dOURNAL IDENTIGAL IN INTEREST WITH ITS OWN PEOPLE IrVOLUME XVII MT STERLING KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 71 1907 NUMBER 4 I HIS extra large quarter vJ sawed Solid Oak is an ideal piece for the library dull fin ¬ ish severe outlines and alladd to its attractiveness The the rock ¬ ers and height of the arms inviting and comfortable Wo have of chairs and rockers in golden ROCKERTO nglish or Flemish oakre G offer iii KRIS lTI T r T H K It t HN TRUST Is Busted In Lexington Man Cornered Blackberries License Inspector OKeilly has the credit of busting the black ¬ berry trust which extorted from Lexington wives from seventylive cents to one dollar a bucket The promoter M the trust brings blackberries regularly to Lexing- ton This Pierpont Morgan of the lulls went to all the blackberry wagons and engaging their cargoes atsixtylive cents a bucket boost ¬ ed the price from fifty cents t seventylive cents and one dollar Several wagon loads were disposed I of at this advanced figure Wednesday there were some- thing ¬ like twentylive or thirty wagon loads on the market and 1 when the magnate who was on the ground early started to corner the supply he was confronted by OKeilly and notified that if he bought the berries here with the view of selling them again h would be subject to huckster li ¬ cense Qllicer OKeilly served no ¬ tice on all the peddlers that the 1 were allowed to bring their borne here and sell them to local dealers or peddle them front house to house but if they attempted to buy and sell again he would arrest them and compel them to take out hucksters license which is 1250 wagonI I This caused the bottom to drop out of the blackberry trust and j the price dropped to fifty cents the usual price Express Companies Tell What They Earn Testimony of General Traffic Manager Bradley of the Adams and American Express Companies revealed that the express comp ¬ nies turn over 50 per cent of their gross earnings to the railroad com ¬ Ipanies whose lines they use j8t011S itching aptly Cures piles eczema salt rheum tetter + itch hives herpes scabies Doaris Ointment At any drug store i j 4lc Stable Business Conditions The New York Times presents a review of trade conditions which 1 amounts to an almost unanimous agreement by trade experts that the present era of prosperity here to slay Williams Kidney Pills i Illavo you I tI tedcourktIll uif llive you nun no von toptem Atilt iMiiVtM iOlIWIWkl1 NIMHI kidnovH mill liiiMtir 1 H I I J your limn II11tck rufus 1111111 U acijIorV lliv jun u Hubby niii Iliniiici uf I tLnl I J Pills will ante you jBainiile Hv lly 1111111 Sec I 1 bold by XIIIM lienueJy yolyr e e i < tirI t 1 z 4i 111 Y I MISSION TRUST Government Asks That the Du Pont Company Be Re- strained ¬ The United States began suit against the socall eel 1 Powder Trust in the U S Circuit Court at Wilmington Del July oO The government asks that the DtiPont Company of Delaware + be restrained from exercising cu trol over subsidiary companies Killedu Tallow Dick Combs of Man Chester Clay county one of the i important witnesses for the Com monwealth in the Caleb Powers case was killed near GeorgetownI bn passenger train while travel ing from Georgetown to Frank I fortc A Victory for Governor Glen The theo eState authorities of North Car linn the Federal courts and the railroads is a triumph for Gover I nor Glenn The new rate law is to be put into effect on August 8 nUll the procedure in the courts for the final adjudication are to be i accordance with Governor lent suggestion The question as to the right of a Federal court to in terfero with the enforcement of a State law by injunction and writ of habeas corpus is to be appealed I as speedily as possible to the Su prciuc Court + Dr Thomas I Kclectric Oil is the best remedy for that often 1 fa ¬ tal disease croup I Has been us withsuccess in our family for yearsHits L Whiteacre Buf falo N Y 44t Fourth of Seventeen Brothers toto Die by Shooting Charles Davida farmer aged 1 fifty years who committed suicide withn shotgun near Columbus Ind July 30 on account of fins n cial troubles is the fourth of sev enteen brothers to die from gun- shot wounds The dead man was a son of Ned David deceased and who was ti father of twentyseven ten daughters and seventeen son inS Fair Catalogues isCopies of the catalog of the big i Blue Grass hair which will bo hcld at Loxingtoi the week of t bhI l Cn i I n I l III i I II I HARGIS HANDS IN RESIGNATION As Member of Democratic State j Committee > LETTER TO THE CHAIRMAN James Hargis of Breathitt coun- t ¬ member of the Democratic State Central I Committee for the Tenth congressional district on June 30 addressed letter to Chai man Lewis McQuown of that com 1 1l mittee resuming from the com- mittee i Judge Hargis attended the meet L > ing of the committee at Frankfort but gave no intimation of his pur i pose He left for Lexington i from which place he addressed his letter of resignation WOULD NOT QUIT UNDKit 1IHK He says that he feels that he cnn now resign with credit to himself and to the Democratic party His letter is as follows ICTTKU TO 01 1 AI KM AN To the Hon Lewis McQuown + Chairman Mv Dear Sir I have held the position as member of the State Central Committee from the Tenth district without objection from any Democrat who has never bolted A few hostile newspapers resignationt i I not get my commission j from them nor was obligated to obey their orders I have for a j lung time however felt that should quit politics and give m V entire time to my personal busi i 11Hess and now that fortyseven of of fortyeight men have pronoun- Cd the innocence of the foul chu ges laid against me and no trim i i nal charge can be sprung in ml quarter I reel that the time has come when lean resign with creel to myself and to the party I have sllredwith faithfulness and devo tion therefore tender my resig nation as aforesaid promising to to labor for the party I 1 othersn do so I want to see our admi i ruble ticket elected from top to I bottom and all in my power WI I be dour to that end Let every I Democrat do likewise and we will i i return to the oldtime majority James 1 Hargis Mi11 nsFor some months leading Demo crats have been urging it upon the members of the committee that I he be deposed or no longer rocognir d i as n mcnibcr of the body Ilm was the first time he had attended l a meettog of time committee for 1 monthsa Guarantees Safe Return to diana c11tB Franklin Commonwealths Attorney prosecuting the murder charge against Caleb Powers says that he will guarantee a sale return Indiana for W S Taylor if I ho wants to come to Kentucky and testify in behalf of Caleb Powers Ho has been summoned as a wit L ness for the defense I Attorney Franklin says the Com > monwealth will bo ready for trial j whenever another judge shall have I been appointed The witnesses will have to bo summoned again MANin < I Found at Lexington Proves to 8eI I Charles W Orr I The man whose doad I1lI found in tile railroad yards at Lex iugton was identified h by liciiuii d I t Orr of Danville as that of hisJ I J I ItI I I t I J I GEORGIA WILL- SOON BE DRY State Prohibition Bill Passed By the House DRASTIC IN ITS EFFECT The HardmanCovington Prohi bition Bill passed by the Georgia Senate was adopted by the House Wednesday by a vote of 189 to 1Two amendments added to the bill l by Prohibitionists in the 110115 necessitated the bill going back the Senate for concurrence and then will go to Gov Hoke Soli for his signature which has be e 1 practically pledged and prohibi D t tion will become a law in Georgia Two amendments permit the sa of pure alcohol by retail druggists on the prescription of a reputable physician and also allow tt hol0su druggists to carry pure alcohol i in stock for sale to retailers only I IKOimilTS MAXUPACTtTIM The bill prohibits the manufac ¬ tore or keeping on hand in any j place of business for sale or gin j ing away to induce business with j in the State of any liquor that may produce intoxication The net law is to become effective lnnunr 1 1 1908 f Twentyone amendments were offered The antiprohibitionists made t then hardest light to secure the adoption of an amendment to post until I CI should become cf foctive This was lost I IJH tot J HyingC 1Jack Taylor Briar Hill Ky says Bonbon Poultry Cure is the 1nly I remedy 1 have ever used thlltI will cure turkey diseases I gave itmy turkeysNi few lures when they were dying and it speedily cured them Sold and guaranteed by 11I S Lloyd thlu e a single dose of I Doans j Uegulets is enough Treatment ticll a j your druggist for them 44t jIVES UP STACYS en Charged With Murder of r the Reeds in Fleming Must Return bothis of j Fleming county charged with tl murder of John iced and Samuel i Heed in Fleming county on tl- fternoon Ioe of July 1 13 are and lein j1 ll be brought back to Kentucky Feudist Secures Position With L N John Philpot last surviving male i member of the Philpot familof Clay county has located in Paris with the L N He is a son of the late Granville Philpot leader of his side in the celebrated feud l among the Philpots Whites Ba 1 kers and Eversoles of Clay and ad- joining counties J Securing Right of Way For Rail- road ¬ Tile KaufYman Engineering Company is pushing ahead with the work on the Olympian Springs and Carlisle railroad Most of the right of way from Salt Lick hi been secured Green Trotter Sells For 10000 Perfection a wonderful green trotter brought I East by Charles DoKyder was sold in New York to George Estabrool of Deaver for 10000 Perfection worked a milo in 2Mk It HAZELRIGG SON Dry Goods Carpets Etc Look at their French Voiles in exquisite color- ings ¬ splendid quality and the best value ever offered 36inch JWear like Buckskin Fine Table Linens and Napkins for fine func ¬ i sebons a specialty f toSol agents for Black Cat Hosiery for both wo ¬ ti itmen and children The best hosiery on the conti ¬ thvent at the price atD 1ii i ImperialMattings Son departmenTtsThey lcno kick coming should you buy goods of HAZELRIGG SON t t I I i < I tl I LIQUOR Traffic Doomed All Over th Countryr Every State in the Union will at a comparatively early date be free from the legalized liquor traffic The above statement was made by Chas IL 1 Jones J of Chicago chairman of the National Prohibi ¬ L ion Committee Mr 1 I Jones bases his optimistic prediction on the action of Georgia enrolling itself I oolong the dry States H Winning I the I 1 battle I t for plO 1 11 ¬ bition in Georgia is the opening gun of the final assault on the lire ¬ Suitnorfir ¬ I suIt of the persistent and intelli ¬ gent educational c amp a i g l n 1 throughout the nation The first effect of the Georgia I victory Mr Jones thinks will be felt in the other Southern States 1TIll prohibition leader is sure that the Republicans and Demo ¬ oats will be lighting over tin liquor question as their main issue at an early date giving a back seat to tariff and other matters ru WHY IT SUCCEEDS Because Its For One Thing Only 1eand Mt Sterling People Ap ¬ preciate This rNothing can bo good for every ¬ thingDoing one thing well brings suc cessDoans Kidney Pills do one thing only They cure sick kidneys whey cure backache every kid ¬ Hey ill- James II Phelps of French 1 1 usel I Kidney Pills procured at F C Duersons drug store at Mt Sterling and I they have done me a great deal of f good When I first began using them I could hardly get about but t now I can go anywhere have good use of my limbs and my get ¬ cral health is better in every wily I can recommend this remedy to others suffering from kidney trou ¬ lSblC of any kind Doans Kidney Piils have done me more good than any other medicine I hav ever taken For sale ball dealers Price 5t 0 cents FosturMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States- KemiMiiber the name Doan s and take no other 4t j JUDGE ROBBiNS BNCUIaIe Will Not Preside in the Caleb Powers Case and Asks Circuit Clerk to so Notify Governor Beckham By lengthy written oliI ion which he read Special Judge J J J E Hobbins vacated the bench in tilt Caleb Powers trial at Georgetown Wednesday morning following n personalllflidnvit of Powers tiled in support of motion that he leave the bench The decision came ns a bombshell in the camp of the prosecution and was a complete surprise to the defense After reading his decision Judge J Kobbins left the bench TIll charges contained in the sworn aflidavit of Powers are with ¬ out a doubt the gravest ever made against a presiding judge in this state Somerset to Have Trolly Line The Commercial Club at Somer ¬ set Ky has taken hold of the- m alter of building a trolley line from Somerset to connect with Jiimherland er antI it wasde cided o incorporate a company to build lie line A committee will iceiire the right of way and sub ¬ scription of stuck The line will ixtend a distance of seven mils This will give Somerset water transportation to Nashville arid will be a most beneficial enterprise Ilie road can be built for about 31 108000 Ballot Boxes in Possession of County The Columbia Trust Company of Louisville returned to the Coun- ty Clerk 150 ballot boxes which contained the ballots of the elec tion of 1005 annulled by the Court of Appeals The boxes have been storedwith the Company as re ceiver during litigation Clerk Thompson refused to ro ccive some boxes over which the contest was the hottest lie pro fors to get direct instructions from the court At Winchester Ky on July 30 Judge W 11 Bcckner sintered a slight attack of vertigo In front of the Brown Proctoriu Hotel ho was seen as if about to falland homee Heavy impure blood makes it muddy pimplv complexion head itches nausea i indigestion Tluh blood makes you weak pills sick ¬ ly Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich red pure restores perfect heulth 44t

If I fl It - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76125q9515/data/0670.pdfS i r cep- t q N rr u k t i t 1 IJ f h Id j-I j If Xpti 1 J fl 1 t J j y 1 It ttrlittr i dvortea a O s-tI

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Page 1: If I fl It - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76125q9515/data/0670.pdfS i r cep- t q N rr u k t i t 1 IJ f h Id j-I j If Xpti 1 J fl 1 t J j y 1 It ttrlittr i dvortea a O s-tI

S i r cep-


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t 1 IJf

h Id j-


jIf Xpti 1 JI 1 t

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1 It ttrlitt ri dvorteaa




HIS extra large quartervJ sawed Solid Oak is an

ideal piece for the library dull fin ¬

ish severe outlines and alladdto its attractiveness The the rock ¬

ers and height of the arms invitingand comfortable Wo have of chairsand rockers in golden ROCKERTOnglish orFlemish oakre


iii KRIS lTI Tr T H K It t H N


Is Busted In Lexington Man

Cornered Blackberries

License Inspector OKeilly hasthe credit of busting the black ¬

berry trust which extorted fromLexington wives from seventylivecents to one dollar a bucket

The promoter M the trust bringsblackberries regularly to Lexing-ton This Pierpont Morgan of thelulls went to all the blackberrywagons and engaging their cargoesatsixtylive cents a bucket boost¬

ed the price from fifty cents tseventylive cents and one dollarSeveral wagon loads were disposed I

of at this advanced figureWednesday there were some-


like twentylive or thirtywagon loads on the market and1

when the magnate who was on theground early started to corner thesupply he was confronted byOKeilly and notified that if hebought the berries here with theview of selling them again h

would be subject to huckster li ¬

cense Qllicer OKeilly served no ¬

tice on all the peddlers that the 1

were allowed to bring their bornehere and sell them to local dealersor peddle them front house tohouse but if they attempted tobuy and sell again he would arrestthem and compel them to take outhucksters license which is 1250


This caused the bottom to dropout of the blackberry trust andjthe price dropped to fifty centsthe usual price

Express Companies Tell What

They Earn

Testimony of General TrafficManager Bradley of the Adamsand American Express Companiesrevealed that the express comp ¬

nies turn over 50 per cent of theirgross earnings to the railroad com ¬

Ipanies whose lines they use

j8t011S itching aptly Curespiles eczema salt rheum tetter

+ itch hives herpes scabies DoarisOintment At any drug store

i j 4lc

Stable Business Conditions

The New York Times presents areview of trade conditions which

1amounts to an almost unanimousagreement by trade experts thatthe present era of prosperityhere to slay

Williams Kidney Pillsi Illavo you I

tItedcourktIll uif llive you

nun no von toptem Atilt iMiiVtM

iOlIWIWkl1 NIMHI kidnovH mill liiiMtir 1HI


J your limn II11tck rufus 1111111U acijIorV lliv jun u Hubby niii Iliniiici uf ItLnlI


Pills will ante you jBainiile Hv lly 1111111 SecI1

bold by XIIIM lienueJy yolyr e


i <tirIt 1

z 4i 111Y




Government Asks That the Du

Pont Company Be Re-



The United Statesbegan suit against the socall eel1

Powder Trust in the U S CircuitCourt at Wilmington Del JulyoO The government asks that theDtiPont Company of Delaware +

be restrained from exercising cutrol over subsidiary companies

KilleduTallow Dick Combs of ManChester Clay county one of theiimportant witnesses for the Commonwealth in the Caleb Powerscase was killed near GeorgetownI

bn passenger train while traveling from Georgetown to FrankIfortcA Victory for Governor Glen

The theoeState authorities of North Carlinn the Federal courts and therailroads is a triumph for GoverInor Glenn The new rate law isto be put into effect on August 8nUll the procedure in the courts forthe final adjudication are to be i

accordance with Governor lentsuggestion The question as tothe right of a Federal court to interfero with the enforcement of aState law by injunction and writof habeas corpus is to be appealedI

as speedily as possible to the Suprciuc Court


Dr Thomas IKclectric Oil isthe best remedy for that often 1fa ¬

tal disease croup IHas been uswithsuccess in our family foryearsHits L Whiteacre Buffalo N Y 44t

Fourth of Seventeen Brothers totoDie by Shooting

Charles Davida farmer aged1

fifty years who committed suicidewithn shotgun near ColumbusInd July 30 on account of fins ncial troubles is the fourth of seventeen brothers to die from gun-shot wounds

The dead man was a son of NedDavid deceased and who was tifather of twentyseventen daughters and seventeen soninS

Fair CataloguesisCopies of the catalog of the bigi

Blue Grass hair which will bohcld at Loxingtoi the week oftbhIl Cn i

I nI





As Member of Democratic Statej



James Hargis of Breathitt coun-t


member of the DemocraticState CentralI Committee for theTenth congressional district onJune 30 addressed letter to Chaiman Lewis McQuown of that com11lmittee resuming from the com-


Judge Hargis attended the meetL>ing of the committee at Frankfortbut gave no intimation of his puripose He left for Lexington i

from which place he addressed hisletter of resignation


He says that he feels that he cnnnow resign with credit to himselfand to the Democratic party Hisletter is as follows


To the Hon Lewis McQuown +

Chairman Mv Dear Sir I haveheld the position as member of theState Central Committee from theTenth district without objectionfrom any Democrat who has neverbolted A few hostile newspapers

resignationti I

not get my commissionjfrom them nor was obligated toobey their orders I have for ajlung time however felt thatshould quit politics and give m V

entire time to my personal busii

11Hess and now that fortyseven ofof fortyeight men have pronoun-Cd the innocence of the foul chuges laid against me and no trimi

inal charge can be sprung in mlquarter I reel that the time hascome when lean resign with creelto myself and to the party I havesllredwith faithfulness and devotion therefore tender my resignation as aforesaid promising to

to labor for the party I

1othersndo so I want to see our admiiruble ticket elected from top toIbottom and all in my power WIIbe dour to that end Let everyIDemocrat do likewise and we willi

ireturn to the oldtime majorityJames 1HargisMi11nsFor some months leading Demo

crats have been urging it upon themembers of the committee that Ihebe deposed or no longer rocognir dias n mcnibcr of the body Ilm

was the first time he had attendedl

a meettog of time committee for1

monthsaGuarantees Safe Return to


c11tB Franklin CommonwealthsAttorney prosecuting the murdercharge against Caleb Powers saysthat he will guarantee a sale return

Indiana for W S Taylor if Ihowants to come to Kentucky andtestify in behalf of Caleb PowersHo has been summoned as a witLness for the defense I

Attorney Franklin says the Com>monwealth will bo ready for trial jwhenever another judge shall haveIbeen appointed The witnesseswill have to bo summoned again

MANin <


Found at Lexington Proves to 8eII

Charles W Orr I

The man whose doad I1lIfound in tile railroad yards at Lexiugton was identified hby liciiuii d I


Orr of Danville as that of hisJI J



t IJ




State Prohibition Bill Passed By

the House


The HardmanCovington Prohibition Bill passed by the GeorgiaSenate was adopted by the HouseWednesday by a vote of 189 to

1Two amendments added to the billlby Prohibitionists in the 110115

necessitated the bill going backthe Senate for concurrence andthen will go to Gov Hoke Solifor his signature which has be e1practically pledged and prohibiDttion will become a law in Georgia

Two amendments permit the saof pure alcohol by retail druggistson the prescription of a reputablephysician and also allow tt hol0sudruggists to carry pure alcohol iinstock for sale to retailers onlyI


The bill prohibits the manufac ¬

tore or keeping on hand in anyjplace of business for sale or ginjing away to induce business withjin the State of any liquor that mayproduce intoxication The netlaw is to become effective lnnunr1 11908f Twentyone amendmentswere offered

The antiprohibitionists madetthen hardest light to secure theadoption of an amendment to post

until ICIshould become cffoctive This was lost IIJH tot J

HyingC1Jack Taylor Briar Hill Ky

says Bonbon Poultry Cure is the1nlyI remedy 1 have ever used thlltI

will cure turkey diseases I gave

itmy turkeysNi few lures when theywere dying and it speedily curedthem

Sold and guaranteed by 11ISLloydthlu e

a single dose of IDoansjUegulets is enough Treatmentticll aj your druggist for them



en Charged With Murder ofr

the Reeds in Fleming MustReturn

bothis ofjFleming county charged with tlmurder of John iced and SamueliHeed in Fleming county on tl-

fternoon Ioeof July 113 are andleinj1ll

be brought back to Kentucky

Feudist Secures Position With


John Philpot last surviving maleimember of the Philpot familofClay county has located in Pariswith the L N He is a son ofthe late Granville Philpot leaderof his side in the celebrated feudlamong the Philpots Whites Ba1kers and Eversoles of Clay and ad-

joining counties

JSecuring Right of Way For Rail-


Tile KaufYman EngineeringCompany is pushing ahead withthe work on the Olympian Springsand Carlisle railroad Most of theright of way from Salt Lick hi

been secured

Green Trotter Sells For 10000Perfection a wonderful green

trotter brought IEast by CharlesDoKyder was sold in New Yorkto George Estabrool of Deaverfor 10000 Perfection worked amilo in 2Mk



Dry Goods Carpets EtcLook at their French Voiles in exquisite color-


splendid quality and the best value ever offered36inchJWear like BuckskinFine Table Linens and Napkins for fine func ¬ i

sebons a specialty f

toSol agents for Black Cat Hosiery for both wo ¬ ti

itmen and children The best hosiery on the conti ¬

thvent at the priceatD1iiiImperialMattings Son

departmenTtsTheylcno kick coming should you buy goods of




Traffic Doomed All Over th

CountryrEvery State in the Union will

at a comparatively early date befree from the legalized liquortraffic

The above statement was madeby Chas IL1 JonesJ of Chicagochairman of the National Prohibi ¬

L ion Committee Mr1 I Jones baseshis optimistic prediction on theaction of Georgia enrolling itselfIoolong the dry States

H WinningI theI 1battleI tfor plO1 11 ¬

bition in Georgia is the openinggun of the final assault on the lire ¬

Suitnorfir ¬


suIt of the persistent and intelli ¬

gent educational c amp a i g ln1

throughout the nationThe first effect of the GeorgiaI

victory Mr Jones thinks will befelt in the other Southern States

1TIll prohibition leader is surethat the Republicans and Demo ¬

oats will be lighting over tinliquor question as their main issueat an early date giving a backseat to tariff and other mattersruWHY IT SUCCEEDS

Because Its For One Thing Only

1eand Mt Sterling People Ap ¬

preciate This

rNothing can bo good for every ¬

thingDoingone thing well brings suc

cessDoans Kidney Pills do onething only

They cure sick kidneyswhey cure backache every kid ¬

Hey ill-

James II Phelps of French11uselIKidney

Pills procured at F C Duersonsdrug store at Mt Sterling andI

they have done me a great deal offgood When I first began usingthem I could hardly get about buttnow I can go anywhere havegood use of my limbs and my get ¬

cral health is better in every wilyI can recommend this remedy toothers suffering from kidney trou ¬

lSblC of any kind Doans KidneyPiils have done me more goodthan any other medicine I havever taken

For sale ball dealers Price5t0 cents FosturMilburn CoBuffalo New York sole agents forthe United States-

KemiMiiber the name Doan sand take no other 4t



BNCUIaIeWill Not Preside in the Caleb

Powers Case and Asks CircuitClerk to so Notify GovernorBeckham

By lengthy written oliI ionwhich he read Special JudgeJ JJ EHobbins vacated the bench in tiltCaleb Powers trial at GeorgetownWednesday morning following npersonalllflidnvit of Powers tiledin support of motion that he leavethe bench The decision came nsa bombshell in the camp of theprosecution and was a completesurprise to the defense

After reading his decision JudgeJ

Kobbins left the benchTIll charges contained in the

sworn aflidavit of Powers are with ¬

out a doubt the gravest ever madeagainst a presiding judge in thisstate

Somerset to Have Trolly Line

The Commercial Club at Somer ¬

set Ky has taken hold of the-m alter of building a trolleyline from Somerset to connect withJiimherland er antI it wasde

cided o incorporate a company tobuild lie line A committee williceiire the right of way and sub ¬

scription of stuck The line willixtend a distance of seven mils

This will give Somerset watertransportation to Nashville aridwill be a most beneficial enterpriseIlie road can be built for about31108000

Ballot Boxes in Possession ofCounty

The Columbia Trust Companyof Louisville returned to the Coun-ty Clerk 150 ballot boxes whichcontained the ballots of the election of 1005 annulled by the Courtof Appeals The boxes have beenstoredwith the Company as receiver during litigation

Clerk Thompson refused to roccive some boxes over which thecontest was the hottest lie profors to get direct instructions fromthe court

At Winchester Ky on July 30Judge W 11 Bcckner sintered aslight attack of vertigo In frontof the Brown Proctoriu Hotel howas seen as if about to fallandhomeeHeavy impure blood makes itmuddy pimplv complexion headitches nausea iindigestion Tluhblood makes you weak pills sick¬ly Burdock Blood Bitters makesthe blood rich red pure restoresperfect heulth 44t