1 I.E.S. THADER (Orihuela) Name: _____________________ Group: _______

I.E.S. THADER (Orihuela) · 2 Unit 1. Activities 1. Read the text. Then complete the sentences. Hundreds of students in Australia live a long way from towns and they haven’t got

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I.E.S. THADER (Orihuela)

Name: _____________________

Group: _______


Unit 1. Activities

1. Read the text. Then complete the sentences.

Hundreds of students in Australia live a long way from towns and they haven’t got schools near them. Where

do they study? At home, with their telephone and computer. Their teachers send schoolwork to them on the

Internet. Then the students work at home and e-mail the work to their teachers at school. Teachers sometimes

talk to their students on the telephone, too. Students learn maths, English, science, history, geography and

many other subjects. They’ve got a special “home teacher” to help them. This teacher is often their mother or


Students rarely meet their teachers and other students. They travel to their school two or three times a year

for special programmes and exams. At Charleville School, for example, students usually go to school twice a

year. There’s a sports day and there’s an exam week at the end of the school year. During exam week,

students study together, and they eat and sleep at school. For these students, exam time is fun because they’re

with their friends.

1. Some students in Australia don’t go to school because _________________________________________

2. Students get their lessons on _____________________________________________________________

3. A parent is often _______________________________________________________________________

4. Students are at school ___________________________________________________________________

5. Many students like the end of the year because ______________________________________________

2. Answer the questions.

1. How do students give their work to their teachers? ____________________________________________

2. How do students speak to their teachers? ___________________________________________________

3. What subjects do the students learn at home? _______________________________________________

4. Why do students come to the school at the end of the year? ____________________________________

5. What is special about exam week? ________________________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. There are more words than you need.

ride a bike • calculators • plays volleyball • textbooks • good-looking • onions • paints browses the web • French • in front of • short • computer technology

1. I speak English, but I don’t speak ……………………………….

2. Janie sits ……………………………… me in the classroom.

3. We never write in our ………………………………. We write in notebooks.

4. Rafael has got new ……………………………… for his art lessons.

5. Roy doesn’t ……………………………… to school. He always walks.


6. Linda learns about the Internet in her ……………………………… lessons.

7. Mike is tall and very ……………………………….

8. Grace loves sport. She ……………………………… in the school team.

9. I like ……………………………… on my pizza.

10. Ben loves the Internet. He ……………………………… every day.

4. Complete the sentences.

1. A d … … … … … … … … … is a book with words and definitions.

2. A p … … … … … … repairs sinks and toilets.

3. An e … … … … … … … is a big animal with a long nose.

4. T … … … … … … … are sports shoes.

5. An a … … … … … … … … plans buildings.

6. An a … … … … is a book for geography lessons.

7. Rabbits have got long e … … … .

8. A s … … … … is a long thin animal without feet.

9. Steak and c … … … … … … are two types of meat.

10. In s … … … … … … we study plants and animals.

5. Choose the correct answers.

1. Beths / Beth’s / Beths’ sisters have got blue eyes.

2. John never / usually / sometimes has breakfast on Sunday morning because he sleeps until 12.00.

3. There are three women / woman / woman’s in the shop.

4. Alec is / have got / has got a new laptop computer.

5. The cats are white but its / their / my ears are black.

6. Jane gets good marks because she always / rarely / sometimes studies for tests.

7. The fox’s / foxes / foxes’ tails are brown and white.

8. My brother and I like / don’t like / doesn’t like broccoli. It’s disgusting!

9. Lee walks to school because he has got / isn’t / hasn’t got a bike.

6. Circle the missing capital letters and add the missing punctuation. There are ten missing items.

it’s mike’s birthday next tuesday. We want to go to the italian restaurant, roma, to celebrate We always

havea g ood time there. They’ve got pizza spaghetti and antipasti. do you want to come with us It’s a

great place


7. Choose the correct answers.

The Culinary Arts Academy 1 is / are / have got a school in Paso Robles, California. 2 He / She / It is an

unusual school because the students 3 learns / learn / doesn’t learn about food and cooking. They 4

are / have got / haven’t got a special classroom. 5 My / His / Their classroom is a big kitchen!

Debbie, a student at the Culinary Arts Academy, 6 love / loves / don’t love her school. She 7 has got /

haven’t got / is lessons in all of the usual subjects – maths, geography and English. But she and her

friends 8 doesn’t study / studies / study cooking, too. They 9 have got / are / is happy at the Culinary

Arts Academy. Lessons 10 are / have got / aren’t boring, and at the end of the two-year programme,

students often 11 gets / get / don’t get jobs in restaurants or hotels.

8. Complete the fact file about a real or imaginary friend. Then write a paragraph about your friend.

Fact File




Languages he / she speaks:

Favourite subjects:

Favourite activities:

Favourite day:







9. Match the school items in A to their subjects in B.


1. Calculator ....... a. English

2. Paints ....... b. sport

3. Laptop computer …… . c. geography

4. Tennis racket ....... d. maths

5. Dictionary ....... e. computer technology

6. Atlas ....... f. art

10. Complete the sentences with the words below.

textbooks • sport • notebooks • an atlas • a dictionary • literature

1. …………………… is a book of maps.

2. In …………………… lessons, we read books and poems by famous writers.

An atlas


3. Students write in their …………………… .

4. We use …………………… when we don’t know a word.

5. Students use …………………… in most school subjects.

6. We sometimes play football and basketball in …………………… .

11. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple affirmative.

1. Connie …………………… (buy) a new schoolbag every year.

2. My father …………………… (wash) the dishes every evening.

3. Len and Dan …………………… (play) football in the park after school.

4. She …………………… (take) her dictionary to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

5. I …………………… (use) a calculator to do my maths homework.

12. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple.

Glen 1…………………… (go) to an alternative school. He 2…………………… (not get) marks and his teachers

3…………………… (not choose) his lessons. Students at Glen’s school 4…………………… (decide) which subjects to

study. They 5………………… (find) professionals to teach them. Also, students sometimes 6…………………… (visit)

professionals at work and they 7…………………… (learn) about their jobs. Some students 8………………… (work),

but they 9…………….………… (not receive) money. It’s a learning experience.

13. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple.

not see • feed • do • know • not have • put • not like • not watch • go

1. We …………………… usually …………………… lunch at school because we …………………… the food.

2. Jack always …………………… the dog before he …………………… to school.

3. …………………… you …………………… the name of our new history teacher?

4. Where …………………… Graham usually …………………… the keys? I …………………… them on the table.

5. Linda always …………………… her homework after school. She …………………… TV in the afternoon.

14. What do Jane and Marian do in their free time? Complete the texts with the activities below. Then look

at the pictures and write the name of the correct girl.

going dancing • practises the piano • rides a bike • chatting with friends • browses the web

goes to parties • plays the guitar • plays volleyball • sending text messages • goes ice skating

In the morning, Jane always 1……………………………… to read the news. Every afternoon, Jane

2……………………………… for an hour. She loves music and she’s got a new guitar. She also likes

3……………………………… on her computer in the afternoon. In the evening, she always does her

homework. At the weekend, Jane often 4……………………………… at friends’ houses. She doesn’t usually

write e-mails. She prefers 5……………………………… on her mobile phone.





browses the web


Marian’s parents haven’t got a car, so she 6……………………………… to school. She loves sport! She

7……………………………… at school every day. In the winter, she also 8……………………………… . Once a week

she’s got music lessons. She 9……………………………… for an hour every day. At the weekend, she likes

10……………………………… at the disco.

15. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple.

1. when / you / get up / in the morning

2. you / study / English / every day _________________________________________________________

3. your teacher / give / homework / every lesson _____________________________________________

4. what / you / do / after school ___________________________________________________________

5. where / your best friend / live ___________________________________________________________

16. Answer the questions in exercise 15. Make the answers true for you.

1. ...................................................................................................................................................

2. ...................................................................................................................................................

3. ...................................................................................................................................................

4. ...................................................................................................................................................

5. ...................................................................................................................................................

When do you get up in the morning?






17. Choose the correct adverbs of frequency. Don’t change the meaning of the sentence.

1. We don’t play football in bad weather.We never / often play football in bad weather.

2. Heather watches the news on TV twice a week. Heather sometimes / always watches the news on TV.

3. My uncle plays golf once a year. My uncle rarely / usually plays golf.

4. Janine and Doris go shopping three or four times a week. Janine and Doris rarely / often go shopping.

5. Kelly and her sister go to bed late every night. Kelly and her sister sometimes / always go to bed late.

18. Complete the description: write ONE word for each space.

a and are at don’t have in is lots my of

My name (1) ............. Amanda Higgins and I’m thirteen years old. I live (2) ............. Manchester, a city in the

north (3) .............. England. I (4) ..............have any brothers or sisters, but I have two pets – a cat

(5) .............. a dog. My cat’s name is Antonio. He is big, fat and black. My dog’s name is Maggie. She is a tiny

white Pekingese. Antonio and Maggie (6) .............. good friends.

It’s (7) .............. of fun having pets, and the three of us often play together. It’s also a lot of work. I

(8) .............. to feed them twice a day – in the morning and (9) .............. night. I also have to take Maggie on

walks (10) .............. few times every day. Luckily, (11) .............. parents sometimes help me!

19. Translate the text into Spanish.

Shopping at School __________________________

Moreton Hall School in Shropshire, England, is the only school in England with a shopping centre – the

Moreton Enterprises Shopping Mall. The shopping centre has got seven shops: a clothes shop, a shop for

sweets and drinks, a sports shop, a bookshop, a chemist’s, a coffee shop and a shop for school items. It has

also got a bank.







There are 360 students at the school and 230 of the girls sleep there. The shopping centre is fantastic for

them because they can’t go shopping outside the school. About 60 girls from Year 12 are responsible for

everything at the shopping centre. They buy items for the shops and decide how much money to spend. The

girls usually work in the shops after their lessons.








These hard-working girls always use their time well. They plan their days so there is time to go to lessons,

study, work at the shopping centre and also to play music and do sport. For the girls at Moreton Hall, school

isn’t just a place to learn maths, English and other subjects. It’s a place to learn about life.






20. Complete the dialogue. Listen to the audio. http://goo.gl/ope7i4

Katie: Hi, Leo!

Leo: Hi, Katie. What’s 1________?

Katie: Do you want to study for the 2______________ test with me?

Leo: Sure! When do you want to meet?

Katie: Is tomorrow 3_______________ OK for you?

Leo: What day is it tomorrow? Mmmmm. Tomorrow’s 4_______________. That’s a problem.

Katie: Why?

Leo: I play volleyball on Tuesdays.

Katie: Oh, really? How 5____________ do you play volleyball?

Leo: I play twice a 6_______________ on Tuesdays and on Thursdays.

Katie: So can we meet today or on Wednesday afternoon?

Leo: I’m busy today. I go ice 7 ________________ with Andrew on Mondays.

Katie: Ice skating? Where do you go ice skating?

Leo: In Bayswater. We usually ride our bikes there. Do you want to 8___________ with us today, Katie?

Katie: No, I don’t go ice skating. I’m very bad at it! So Leo, when can we 9______________ to study for

the geography test?

Leo: Mmmm. Let’s meet on Wednesday afternoon. Where do you want to meet – at your house or at

my house?

Katie: My brother usually plays the guitar in the afternoon. So I 10____________ your house is quieter

than my house.

Leo: OK, then. My house on Wednesday after school. Bye, Katie.

Katie: See you, Leo!


Unit 2. Activities

1 . Read the text. Then complete the sentences below.

Imagine a long queue at a market and you are standing at the end. The queue is moving very, very slowly.

How do you feel? Richard Larson, a psychology professor, studies the feelings of people in queues. Then, he

helps companies make their queues better. According to Larson, queues can make people feel very angry and

frustrated. But some queues are fun to wait in. One theme park has got computer games and video cameras

for people in the queue. There, waiting is enjoyable!

Larson says something else interesting: Information helps. Some places – banks or chemists, for example –

give numbers so clients know how many people are in front of them. Disneyland has got signs with the

waiting time for rides so people can choose to wait or leave. Sometimes a sign says there’s a 40-minute wait,

but the queue moves quickly and it’s only 30 minutes. The people in the queue feel lucky, not angry!

1. Larson studies _____________________________________________________________________

2. People in queues sometimes feel ______________________________________________________

3. Computer games make waiting _______________________________________________________

4. People know how many people are in front of them when they have got a ____________________

5. The _________________ at Disneyland help people decide to go or wait.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What is Richard Larson’s job? _______________________________________________________________

2. Why do some companies get help from Larson? ________________________________________________

3. What example does the text give of a fun queue? _______________________________________________

4. Why does the text mention a chemist’s? ______________________________________________________

5. Why do some people in long queues at Disneyland feel lucky? _____________________________________

3. Match the words. There are more words than you need.

1. chicken ....... a. a book for geography

2. chemist’s ....... b. a place to play ball games

3. zoo ....... c. a worker in a café

4. history ....... d. the language of France

5. builder ....... e. volleyball or ice skating

6. football field ....... f. a place to buy medicine

7. market ....... g. a clothes item for the beach

8. waiter ....... h. a school subject about the past

9. sport ....... i. a place to see animals

10. swimsuit ....... j. a place to buy food and other items

11. atlas

12. French


4. Complete the words in the sentences.

1.We go ice s … … … … … … at the ice rink.

2.You can get a h … … … … … … at the hairdresser’s.

3.I’m tired. I want to t … … … a n … … .

4.An e … … … … is a big bird. It hunts mice.

5.Those boys sing and p … … … the g … … … … … in a band.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

not live • study • be • not help • get • have got

1. Ted’s cousin ……………………………… a shop in Leeds.

2. I ……………………………… my mother now. She isn’t at home.

3. This ……………………………… the only department store on this street.

4. The men ……………………………… a haircut at the moment.

5. …………………… you …………………… at the library every day?

6. Mrs Jones ……………………………… here. Her house is on the corner.

6. Write questions with the words below. Use to be, have got, the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Linda / a red pencil ________________________________________________________________________

2. what / your / favourite / theme park _________________________________________________________

3. how / tigers / wash / their / babies ___________________________________________________________

4. you / take / photos / at the zoo / right now ____________________________________________________

5. where / your father / work _________________________________________________________________

6. Adam and Belle / at / the chemist’s __________________________________________________________

7. Choose the correct answers.

Rod 1 love / loves / is loving rugby and he watches every rugby game on TV. He 2 want / wants / don’t

want to visit a rugby stadium, so he often 3 browses / browse / is browsing

the web for a place to visit. At the moment, he 4 is reading / doesn’t read / reads about the Millenium

Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. The Millenium Stadium 5 has got / is / are seats for 74,500 people. On some

days, there aren’t any games and visitors 6 often / right now / every day tour the stadium. 7 Their /

They’re / They walk around the 8 players / player / players’ showers

and run onto the field. There is a special place for the Queen and 9 she / her / his family to sit. 10 It’s /

Its / This the royal box. The 11 visitor’s / visitors’ / visitors can sit there on the tour. Ron is very

excited. He 12 has got / is / isn’t at the stadium today, but he hopes to visit soon.


8. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. at the ice rink / Sandra / is skating / beautifully


2. eat / they / slowly / very / usually / their dinner


3. she / buys / clothes / new / always / at this shop


4. dark / has got / the / girl / hair


5. am watching / I / interesting / programme / very / a


9. Unscramble the places and write them under the correct pictures.

1. rresdarsieh’s 5. scretolneci posh

2. cei krin 6. rac prak

3. logbiwn yelal 7. meeth karp

4. facé 8. bloatolf lefid

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

10. Complete the sentences.

1. We are at the a … … … … … … … . There are amazing fish here.

2. My father likes meeting his friends at the p … … for a drink.

3. My mother buys fruit and vegetables at the local m … … … … … .

4. I want to see the lions at the z … … .

5. You buy medicine at the c … … … … … … ’ … .

6. On holiday, people often sleep in a h … … … … .

7. You can buy many different things at a d … … … … … … … … … s … … … … .

football field

a b c d

e f g h


11. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous.

1. The football player ………..……………… (run) with the ball.

2. The children ……..……………… (not watch) TV right now. They ……………..……… (take) a nap.

3. Amanda ………………………… (wait) in a queue with her friends at the moment.

4. We ……..………………… (not have) a meal at the café. We …………………… (drink) lemonade.

5. I …………………….…… (not play) computer games now. I …………………… (write) an e-mail.

6. Phil ………………………… (not ride) his bike to the supermarket right now.

12. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Continuous.

1. you / watch / TV / right now

2. what / Dan / do / at the moment _____________________________________________________

3. why / you / order / a pizza ___________________________________________________________

4. it / rain / outside / now ______________________________________________________________

5. where / you and your father / go ______________________________________________________

13. Complete the answers with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous. Then match the

answers to the questions in Exercise 4.

…… a. No, it isn’t. The sun ……………………… (shine).

…… b. Because we ………………………… (have) pizza for dinner.

…… c. He ……………..………… (take) a photo of our family.

…… d. No, I’m not. I ………………………… (practise) the piano at the moment.

…… e. We …………….………… (walk) to the zoo now.

14. Look at the pictures of Carol and Tom. What are they doing? Complete the sentences with the activities


taking a nap • taking photos • ordering a pizza • hanging out • buy tickets • getting a haircut

stay at home • going on a ride • go bowling • waiting in a queue

1. It’s Monday. Carol and Tom are ……………………………………. They want to ……………………………………. for a film.

is running

Are you watching TV right now?

is shining


waiting in a queue

buy tickets

Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5


2. It’s Tuesday. Carol and Tom are at the hairdresser’s. Carol is ………………………… and Tom is …………….……………

3. It’s Wednesday. Carol and Tom are at the theme park. Carol is …………..…………. of Tom. He is


4. It’s Thursday. Carol and Tom are at the bowling alley, but Tom doesn’t want to ………………………. He is

hungry, so he is ………………………………. .

5. It’s Friday. Carol isn’t going out tonight. She wants to ………………..………… . Tom is at Carol’s house and they are ………………………………. .

15. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Harry …………………… (eat) a hamburger now.

2. Dean usually ………………….… (go) to the bowling alley on Saturday.

3. My friends …………………………………….…… (watch) the football game right now.

4. My father never ……………………… (drive) to work. He often ……………………… (take) the train.

5. I’m at the hairdresser’s. I ………………………..… (get) a haircut at the moment.

16. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Betty and I are at the concert hall right now. We 1…………………… (wait) in a long queue to see Beyoncé.

Betty 2…………………… usually …………………… (not go) to concerts with me, but she 3…………………… (love)

Beyoncé. There are thousands of teenagers here and many of them 4…………………… (sing) Beyoncé’s

songs. I 5…………………… (not sing) because I 6…………………… (not know) the words to the songs. Betty

7…………………… (talk) on her mobile phone with our friend, Lisa. Lisa 8…………………… (come) to the

concert, too. I 9…………………… (hope) we can find her!

17. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

wait • not want • go • skate • hate • not listen • wear

1. John ………………………… to take the dog for a walk because he’s tired.

2. All the children …………………… at the ice rink now.

3. Janet …………………… to the football game on the radio because she …………………… football.

4. …………………… you …………………… in the queue at the moment?

5. I …………………… my new sweater today.

6. …………………… Danny often …………..………… to the zoo?

is eating

are waiting

doesn’t want


18. Translate the text into Spanish.

The Dubai Mall

The Dubai Mall in the United Arab Emirates is the largest shopping and entertainment destination in the

world. It’s got more than 1,200 shops including over 160 cafés and restaurants. But that’s just the beginning.

Have a look at these other places at The Dubai Mall.





A Many people come to Dubai Ice Rink for an ice skating session. At the moment, the people at the ice rink

are skating on the ice and they are having fun.




B These teenagers are having a great time at Sega Republic – an exciting indoor theme park. Choose from

fantastic attractions like the “Storm–G” and have fun with some of the 250 interactive video games.




C Is that a shark? Yes, it is. People of all ages are visiting Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo. They are

watching fish and other aquatic animals.




D A very special place for kids is KidZania, the kids’ nation. Here, kids from ages 4 to 16 “work” at 70

different jobs. KidZania has got its own money – the KidZo. In the photo, some “workers” are getting

their money. Now they can spend it in KidZania.






18. Read the article about a woman who works as a clown.


I was eighteen when I left school and I knew exactly what I wanted to do: become a clown. So I moved to the

city and after some time started lessons at a clown school. At the same time, I worked as a waitress. Five

years have passed since I finished my clown classes. At first, I worked as a clown in the city where I was living.

I wasn’t a circus clown but a birthday clown. That’s a clown who goes to children’s birthday parties and makes

sure everyone has a good time. I didn’t earn much money but I enjoyed my work a lot. After a year I decided

to move back to the town I came from because I missed my mother, father and two sisters. There are no

other birthday clowns in my town so I am very busy. When I go to a party, I do magic tricks and make things

from balloons. The children love my balloon dogs and elephants. They are so excited when they see me

coming in my orange wig and big red nose. I think I have one of the best jobs in the world.

Are sentences 1-7 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information, choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).


Rose was eighteen when she went to clown school.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

1 Rose comes from a city.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2 Rose had a job when she was learning to be a clown.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

3 Rose’s first job was as a circus clown.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

4 All clowns earn very little money.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

5 Rose lives with her parents.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

6 Rose can make animals out of balloons.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

7 A lot of people ask Rose to go to their children’s birthday parties.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say



20. Complete the dialogue. Listen to the audio. http://goo.gl/l2oaAR

Dave: Hi Stacy! It’s me, Dave.

Stacy: Hi Dave!

Dave: Where are you?

Stacy: I’m 1___________ Luigi’s – You know, the Italian restaurant, next to the bowling alley.

Dave: Who’s with you?

Stacy: 2______________: Lee, Matthew, Abbie, Jacob, Sue and Connor.

Dave: Wow! So many people! What are you all 3______________?

Stacy: We’re waiting in the 4______________ to go inside the restaurant.

Dave: Why? Are there many people there?

Stacy: Sure. Everybody hangs out at Luigi’s. That’s 5____________ I love it.

Dave: Mmmmm. You’re making me 6_________________.

Stacy: Ha, ha. Where are you, Dave?

Dave: I’m at the 7_____________________ in the shopping centre.

Stacy: What are you doing?

Dave: What do you think I’m doing? I’m getting a 8___________. But I’m also chatting with the

hairdresser, Steve. He’s telling me about his trip to Japan. Anyway, I’m just 9_____________ now.

Stacy: Do you want to come over to Luigi’s and have lunch with us?

Dave: I don’t think so. I can eat 10_____________ here at the shopping centre. They’ve got a great

Chinese fast food restaurant here.

Stacy: But...

Dave: Do you want to meet after lunch?

Stacy: Come over here. We can go bowling at the bowling alley. It’s right next to Luigi’s.

Dave: What? With Lee, Matthew, Abbie, Jacob, Sue and Connor?

Stacy: No, don’t worry! They want to go to the cinema in the afternoon. Connor’s 11 ____________

is buying them tickets right now.

Dave: So it’s just me and you – 12__________! Is three o’clock OK for you? In front of the bowling alley?

Stacy: Yeah ... Perfect!

Dave: Cool! Bye, Stacy.

Stacy: Bye, Dave. See you soon!


Unit 3. Activities

1. Read the text.

Do you know the films Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Charlie’s Angels or Whip It? They are all films with the actress Drew Barrymore.

Drew was born in California, USA in 1975. She comes from a family of famous actors, including her grandfather John Barrymore and his wife Dolores Costello. Her parents were actors and some of her aunts and uncles were actors, too! With that family history, it was very natural for Drew to become an actress.

Drew’s first acting job was in 1976. She was 11 months old. At the age of four, Drew was in her first film, but she became famous at age seven. She was the young daughter Gertie in Steven Spielberg’s famous film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

It wasn’t easy being a famous child, and Drew’s teen years were quite difficult. At 19, she fell in love and got married, but she got divorced the next month.

But that is all in the past. Today, Drew is an actress, a director and a producer. She’s got a Golden Globe Award and MTV Movie Awards. She’s got a film company, too. Drew Barrymore is happy.

Tick ( ) the sentences T (true), F (false) or DK (don’t know).


1. All of Drew’s family was born in California. …… …… ……

2. John Barrymore was also a director. …… …… ……

3. Drew was E.T. in a film. …… …… ……

4. Drew is also a director. …… …… ……

5. Drew has got more than one award. …… …… ……

Answer the questions

1. What was Drew’s grandmother’s name? ______________________________________________________

2. What was special about Drew’s family? _______________________________________________________

3. Which film was Drew in at age seven? ________________________________________________________

4. Why does the text mention Steven Spielberg? __________________________________________________

5. What example does the text give of Drew’s difficult life? _________________________________________

2. Complete the sentences with the phrases below. There are more answers than you need.

buy tickets • stay at home • play volleyball • get married • get a job • order a pizza• was born • send text messages • take photos

1. I don’t want to cook dinner. Let’s ………………………………… from Luigi’s.

2. Janet has got a new camera. She can ………………………………… on the class trip.

3. Greta is German. She ………………………………… in Berlin on 7th June 1997.

4. Many students have got mobile phones, but they never ………………………………… during the lesson.

5. The girls love sport. They often ………………………………… or go ice skating.

6. This café needs waiters. You can ………………………………… here for the summer.


3. Complete the sentences.

1. You can buy shampoo and medicine at a … … … … … … … ’ … .

2. There are fish and sharks at an … … … … … … … … .

3. An … … … … … is a book of maps.

4. I wear a warm … … … … and hat in winter.

5. David is my uncle and his daughter is my … … … … … … .

6. A … … … … … … is a small animal with long ears.

7. My sister’s son is my … … … … … … .

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be, have got or the Present Simple, Present

Continuous or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Tess usually …………………… (wash) the dishes after dinner.

2. Jen and Tom are from a big family. They …………………… 21 cousins!

3. Nigel …………………… (have) breakfast at the moment. He’s in the shower.

4. I …………………… (wear) my red coat yesterday because it was a hot day.

5. …………………… you …………………… (go) bowling last week?

6. Mum …………………… in Paris yesterday – at the Eiffel Tower!

7. I …………………… (plan) a party. It’s for my sister’s birthday.

8. We’re vegetarians. We …………………… (eat) meat.

9. …………………… those your pets? The cat is bigger than the dog!

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of There was or There were.

1. ………………….……… a queue at the bank an hour ago, but there aren’t any people now.

2. ………………….……… many people at the hairdresser’s yesterday?

3. ………………………… some milk in the fridge this morning. Who drank it?

6. Choose the correct answers.

Will Smith is 1 a / an / the actor, film producer and rap singer. Some of his famous films 2 is / was / are Men

in Black, I Am Legend and Hancock. 3 Wills / Wills’ / Will’s son is a famous actor, too. 4 Their / His / He’s

name is Jaden Smith. Jaden 5 is / was / are in The Pursuit of Happyness with Will in 2006. 6 It / He / They

was eight years old. In 2008, Jaden 7 starred /

is starring / is going to star with Keanu Reeves in The Day the Earth Stood Still. Then, Jaden played Dre

Parker in The Karate Kid with Jackie Chan in 2010. 8 Were there / There weren’t / There are many young

actors in competition for 9 that / those / these film because Will Smith chose his son to be Dre.


7. Complete the text with connectors of sequence. There may be more than one correct answer. Use each

connector once.

Ben Stiller was born into an entertainment family, so it isn’t surprising he became an actor.

1…………………… , he appeared in a drama called Kate McShane with his mother. 2…………………… , he

went to Calhoun School in New York. 3…………………… , he went to study at the University of California.

4……………………………, he got parts in different plays and TV shows. 5…………………… , he appeared in

films like Meet the Parents. Today, he’s an international star.

8. Write the family members under the correct category.

son • grandmother • granddaughter • uncle • niece • husband

Male Female


9. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with the words below.

cousin • grandson • nephew • grandparents • wife • daughter • grandfather • aunt

1.Rose is Ken’s …………………… .

2.Ken is Will’s …………………… .

3.Will is Lucy’s …………………… .

4.Ken is Ben’s …………………… .

5.Tina is Dan’s …………………… .

6.Ben is Will’s …………………… .

7.Rose is Dan’s …………………… .

8.Jane and Ben are Tina’s …………………… .





Lucy Dan Rose





10. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below.

1. stop …………………… 5. lose ……………………

2. cry …………………… 6. make ……………………

3. travel …………………… 7. eat ……………………

4. swim …………………… 8. sit ……………………

11. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.

Elvis Presley was the King of Rock and Roll. He 1…………………… (die) more than 30 years ago, but his

music is still popular today. When he was ten, Elvis 2…………………… (win) a singing competition. But his

singing career 3…………………… (not begin) until he was 18. In 1958, when the US military 4……………………

(want) him, he 5…………………… (not stay) at home. He 6…………………… (become) a soldier and 7…………………… (go) to Europe. While he was away, he 8…………………… (meet) his future wife, Priscilla.

Priscilla and Elvis 9…………………… (not have) an easy life because Elvis was often away on tours. Elvis

was only 42 when he died. During his life, he 10…………………… (sing) hundreds of songs and 11…………………… (act) in more than 31 films.

12. Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Simple.

1. when / Elvis / die

2. where / he / meet / Priscilla ____________________________________________________________

3. why / Elvis and Priscilla / have / problems _________________________________________________

4. Elvis / perform / in films ________________________________________________________________

13. Answer the questions in Exercise 5 according to the text in Exercise 4.

1. ...................................................................................................................................................

2. ...................................................................................................................................................

3. ...................................................................................................................................................

4. ...................................................................................................................................................

14. Complete the text with the words below.

got a job • had a child • moved • got married • met • study • got divorced • become

fell in love • born

Antonio Banderas was 1…………………… in Málaga in 1960. He wanted to 2…………………… an actor, so he

went to the Málaga School of Dramatic Art to 3…………………… drama. After his studies, Banderas

4…………………… as an actor at the National Theatre of Spain. He later 5…………………… a beautiful actress

called Ana Leza. He 6…………………… with her and they 7…………………… . Banderas 8…………………… to

Hollywood to appear in American films. While in Hollywood, Banderas became unhappy in his

marriage. So, he and Leza 9…………………… . He met his second wife, actress Melanie Griffith, while

working on a film. Banderas and Griffith 10…………………… , a daughter, and they are still married today.



When did Elvis die?

He died more than 30 years ago.



15. Write the events from the life of Niccoli under the pictures. Use the words below.

had children • fell in love • died • got married • was born • met his wife

Niccoli ...

…………………… …………………… ……………………

…………………… …………………… ……………………

16. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.

1.Last year, Jay …………………… (move) to Scotland.

2.…………………… your parents …………………… (give) you money?

3.We …………………… (not go) to the zoo last week.

4.…………………… Shelly …………………… (visit) her uncle yesterday?

5.I …………………… (not know) my grandparents.

17. Look at the picture of a kitchen 70 years ago. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative

form of There was or There were.

1. …………………………… a TV.

2. ………………………… an oven.

3. ……………………….… some cupboards.

4. ……………………..…… two sinks.

was born

1 2 3

4 5 6


There wasn’t


18. Translate the text into Spanish.

Teen Freedom ______________________

Teenagers’ lives today are very different from teenagers’ lives in the past. To find out about those differences,

we talked to one of our readers, Steve, aged 14, and his father Joe, aged 45, about their childhoods.






Steve: My school is near my house, but I don’t ride my bike there. My parents drive me to school. After

school, my friends sometimes visit me and we play video games. I also play football at the park with my

cousins at weekends, but only when my uncle can come with us. I sometimes go out to the shopping centre

on Saturday evening, but Mum and Dad ring me every hour on my mobile phone. They worry about me all the









Joe: My childhood was different from Steve’s childhood today. We didn’t have a car, so I walked or took a bus

to school. In the afternoon, my friends and I played football in the street. All my family lived in the same town,

so at weekends, I often rode my bike to my grandmother’s house. There weren’t any mobile phones then, so

my parents didn’t contact me at all. But when I didn’t come home in time for dinner, my father shouted at









19. Complete these letters. Write ONE word for each space.

am and for go have lots some to to too What

Dear Anna,

I (1).............. having a party next Saturday. Do you want (2).............. come? I (3).............. already invited all

my friends from school (4) .............. most of my relatives will be there.

I hope you can come (5).............. . I know it's going to be (6).............. of fun!



Dear Sasha,

Thanks (7).............. the invitation to your party. Yesterday,

Mum drove me to town. I wanted to (8).............. shopping.

I bought (9).............. new trousers (10) .............. wear on Saturday. (11).............. are you going to wear?

See you soon.



20. Complete the dialogue. Listen to the audio. http://goo.gl/nZJnXa

Jamie: Hey Michelle, did you finish your 1_________________ project for history?

Michelle: Oh, hi Jamie. Yes, I finished it 2___________ night.

Jamie: Who did you 3_____________ about?

Michelle: Michael Douglas.

Jamie: The famous actor?

Michelle: That’s right. Michael Douglas the actor.

Jamie: So, what did you find out about him? When was he 4____________?

Michelle: Well, he was born in 1944.

Jamie: OK, he was born in 1944, but where?

Michelle: He was born in New Jersey. Anyway, his dad didn’t want him to 5___________ an actor.

Jamie: Well, it’s lucky Michael didn’t 6__________ to his father. Michael Douglas won an Oscar didn’t


Michelle: That’s right. He 7___________ an Oscar in 1987 for his performance in Wall Street.

Jamie: Wall Street is from 1987? I saw it on TV last week. What else do you know about him?

Michelle: He met Catherine Zeta-Jones in 1998 and they got 8_____________ in 2000 and they’ve both

got the same birthday – they were born on 25th September.

Jamie: Really? That’s cool.


Michelle: What about you Jamie, Who is your project about?

Jamie: I didn’t write about a famous person. I wrote about my 9__________________, Marie.

Michelle: Your grandmother? Why did you write about her?

Jamie: I think she’s a special person. She was born in Montreal, Canada. She’s 62 years old today, but

she met my grandfather at a 10_____________ when she was 20 years old.

Michelle: So she met him 42 years ago.

Jamie: That’s right. They got married a year after the party and she 11___________ to Ontario to live

on my grandfather’s farm.

Michelle: OK, but why is she special?

Jamie: She learned to milk the cows and she 12___________ to study farming at agricultural college.

She became a farmer!

Michelle: That is special for a woman.

Jamie: My grandfather died five years ago. Today, she manages the farm alone. I think she’s amazing.